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The natural flow and physical features of a water body are important to enable good ecological status. For example, fast flowing rivers with gravel provide a different habitat to slower moving ones with muddy sediments. These features are commonly altered, and their assessment of changes to the natural flow rate and shape of the water are an important support to the assessment of overall ecological status. In rivers, the assessment also includes river continuity, where for example, barriers can impede the passage of migratory fish.
In the WFD, the term “hydromorphology” is used to mean the natural flow and physical features of a water body.
Status of quality elements for natural flow and physical features, all surface water body categories
The chart shows the status of quality elements for natural flow and physical features in surface waters, by number of surface water bodies. With a large proportion not being in good or high status, it shows that such issues affect a large proportion of Europe’s surface waters.
It is possible to select between the different river basin management plans (RBMPs) through the drop down menu. More detail on the issues was gathered in the 2nd and 3rd RBMPs than in the first.

Status of quality elements for natural flow and physical features, by surface water body category
The chart shows the status of quality elements for natural flow and physical features in rivers, lakes, transitional and coastal waters, by number of surface water bodies. It is possible to select between the different river basin management plans (RBMPs) through the drop down menus.

Coastal waters


Transitional waters