Good Environmental Status (GES) assessments of EU marine waters by features

The Marine Strategy Framework Directive (Directive 2008/56/EC) requires Member States to report every six years on the environmental status of their marine waters (Article 8(1a, b)). These assessments are made in relation to the Member State’s determination of good environmental status (GES) (Article 9(1)), which itself is structured according to the criteria and methodological standards laid down in Commission Decision (EU) 2017/848.

This ‘GES’ dashboard presents the data reported on the extent to which GES had been achieved by 2018 for a set of ‘Features’ within each MSFD Annex I descriptor (for example, the Feature ‘eutrophication’ for Descriptor 5, and the Features ‘Grazing birds’ and ‘Wading birds’ for Descriptor 1).

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