Member States have delineated groundwater bodies in the river basin districts and reported different data to characterize water bodies such as area, aquifer type and productivity. The dashboards below provide an overview of different results related to delineation of groundwater bodies.

In this page:

1. Groundwater bodies: Number and size [table]

2. Groundwater bodies: Number and size, by geological formation [table]

3. Change in the delineation of groundwater bodies in the 2nd and 1st RBMPs: country comparison [chart]

4. Change in the delineation of groundwater bodies in the 2nd and 1st RBMP, by geological formation [chart]

Caution is advised when comparing Member States and when comparing the first and second RBMPs, as the results are affected by the methods Member States have used to collect data and often cannot be compared directly.


Further information is provided in a Draft guide to dashboards on delineation of water bodies, in chapter 1 of the EEA report European waters – assessment of status and pressures 2018, and section 2.2 Characterisation of surface waters of the WFD 2016 reporting guidance.