Member State report / Art11 / 2014 / Belgium / NE Atlantic: Greater North Sea
Report type | Member State report to Commission |
MSFD Article | Art. 11 Monitoring programmes (and Art. 17 updates) |
Report due | 2014-10-15 |
Member State | Belgium |
Reported by | Reporter not found |
Report date | Date not found |
Report access |
Q4a - Responsible Competent Authority | L’Unité de Gestion du Modèle Mathématique de la mer du Nord et de l'estuaire de l'Escaut (UGMM), Service scientifique de l’Institut Royal des Sciences Naturelles de Belgique, Direction opérationnelle Milieux naturels |
Q4b - Responsible organisations | ||
Q4c - Relationship to CA |
UGMM is the CA for monitoring
Q2a - Public consultation dates |
Q2b - Public consultation description | ||
Q3a - Regional cooperation | Belgium established iis own monitoring programme for the Belgian part of the North Sea. Belgium is however participating in various international initiatives (eg: EU WG GES and JMP NSCS), as to explore the development of cross border monitoring programmes during the first cycle of the MSFD. In addition, the provisions of the OSPAR convention lead also to a convergence of the monitoring programmes. |
Q1a - Overall adequacy | Y |
Q1b - Coverage of GES Descriptor/Criteria: date addressed by programme | GESDescriptorCriteria_D1 | By2014 |
GESDescriptorCriteria_1_1 | NotRelevant |
GESDescriptorCriteria_1_2 | NotRelevant |
GESDescriptorCriteria_1_3 | NotRelevant |
GESDescriptorCriteria_1_4 | NotRelevant |
GESDescriptorCriteria_1_5 | NotRelevant |
GESDescriptorCriteria_1_6 | NotRelevant |
GESDescriptorCriteria_1_7 | NotRelevant |
GESDescriptorCriteria_D2 | By2014 |
GESDescriptorCriteria_2_1 | NotRelevant |
GESDescriptorCriteria_2_2 | NotRelevant |
GESDescriptorCriteria_D3 | By2014 |
GESDescriptorCriteria_3_1 | NotRelevant |
GESDescriptorCriteria_3_2 | NotRelevant |
GESDescriptorCriteria_3_3 | NotRelevant |
GESDescriptorCriteria_D4 | By2014 |
GESDescriptorCriteria_4_1 | NotRelevant |
GESDescriptorCriteria_4_2 | NotRelevant |
GESDescriptorCriteria_4_3 | NotRelevant |
GESDescriptorCriteria_D5 | By2014 |
GESDescriptorCriteria_5_1 | NotRelevant |
GESDescriptorCriteria_5_2 | NotRelevant |
GESDescriptorCriteria_5_3 | NotRelevant |
GESDescriptorCriteria_D6 | By2018 |
GESDescriptorCriteria_6_1 | NotRelevant |
GESDescriptorCriteria_6_2 | NotRelevant |
GESDescriptorCriteria_D7 | By2014 |
GESDescriptorCriteria_7_1 | NotRelevant |
GESDescriptorCriteria_7_2 | NotRelevant |
GESDescriptorCriteria_D8 | By2014 |
GESDescriptorCriteria_8_1 | NotRelevant |
GESDescriptorCriteria_8_2 | NotRelevant |
GESDescriptorCriteria_D9 | By2014 |
GESDescriptorCriteria_9_1 | NotRelevant |
GESDescriptorCriteria_D10 | By2014 |
GESDescriptorCriteria_10_1 | NotRelevant |
GESDescriptorCriteria_10_2 | NotRelevant |
GESDescriptorCriteria_D11 | By2018 |
GESDescriptorCriteria_11_1 | NotRelevant |
GESDescriptorCriteria_11_2 | NotRelevant |
Q1c - Coverge of targets | Q1c_EnvironmentalTarget | Target 5 Target 7 Target 10 Target 11 Target 12 Target 42 Target 43 Target 49 Target 50 |
Q1c_AssociatedIndicator | Target 5 Target 7 Target 10 Target 11 Target 12 Target 42 Target 43 Target 49 Target 50 |
TargetsIndicator | 5,7,10-12,42,43,49,50 |
AddressedByProgramme | By2018 |
Q1d - Coverage Annex III Habitats: date addressed by programme | Habitats_SeabedHabitatsAll | NotRelevant |
Habitats_LitRock | NotRelevant |
Habitats_LitSed | NotRelevant |
Habitats_ShallRock | By2014 |
Habitats_ShallSed | By2014 |
Habitats_ShelfRock | NotRelevant |
Habitats_ShelfSed | NotRelevant |
Habitats_BathAbys | NotRelevant |
Habitats_WaterColumnHabitatsAll | After2020 |
Habitats_IceHabitat | NotRelevant |
Habitats_HabitatsDirectiveAnnexI | By2014 |
Habitats_HabitatsOther | NotRelevant |
Q1d - Coverage Annex III Species/Functional groups: date addressed by programme | SpeciesFG_BirdsAll | By2014 |
SpeciesFG_MammalsAll | By2018 |
SpeciesFG_ReptilesAll | NotRelevant |
SpeciesFG_FishAll | By2014 |
SpeciesFG_CephalopodsAll | NotRelevant |
SpeciesFG_BirdsIntertidalBenthic | NotRelevant |
SpeciesFG_BirdsInshoreSurface | NotRelevant |
SpeciesFG_BirdsInshorePelagic | NotRelevant |
SpeciesFG_BirdsInshoreBenthic | NotRelevant |
SpeciesFG_BirdsInshoreHerbiv | NotRelevant |
SpeciesFG_BirdsOffshoreSurface | NotRelevant |
SpeciesFG_BirdsOffshorePelagic | NotRelevant |
SpeciesFG_BirdsIce | NotRelevant |
SpeciesFG_MammalsToothedWhales | NotRelevant |
SpeciesFG_MammalsBaleenWhales | NotRelevant |
SpeciesFG_MammalsSeals | NotRelevant |
SpeciesFG_MammalsIce | NotRelevant |
SpeciesFG_ReptilesTurtles | NotRelevant |
SpeciesFG_FishDiadromous | NotRelevant |
SpeciesFG_FishCoastal | NotRelevant |
SpeciesFG_FishPelagic | NotRelevant |
SpeciesFG_FishPelagicElasmobranchs | NotRelevant |
SpeciesFG_FishDemersal | NotRelevant |
SpeciesFG_FishDemersalElasmobranchs | NotRelevant |
SpeciesFG_FishDeep_sea | NotRelevant |
SpeciesFG_FishDeep_seaElasmobranchs | NotRelevant |
SpeciesFG_FishIce | NotRelevant |
SpeciesFG_CephalopodsCoastShelf | NotRelevant |
SpeciesFG_CephalopodsDeep_sea | NotRelevant |
SpeciesFG_AnnexII_IV_V_Species | NotRelevant |
SpeciesFG_WildBirdSpecies | NotRelevant |
SpeciesFG_FunctionalGroupOther | NotRelevant |
Q1d - Coverage Annex III Physical/Chemical features: date addressed by programme | PhysChem_TopographyBathymetry | By2018 |
PhysChem_SeaSurfaceTemperature | NotRelevant |
PhysChem_SeaBottomTemperature | NotRelevant |
PhysChem_IceCover | NotRelevant |
PhysChem_Salinity | NotRelevant |
PhysChem_CurrentVelocity | By2014 |
PhysChem_WaveExposure | NotRelevant |
PhysChem_Upwelling | NotRelevant |
PhysChem_Mixing | NotRelevant |
PhysChem_Turbidity | NotRelevant |
PhysChem_Transparency | NotRelevant |
PhysChem_ResidenceTime | NotRelevant |
PhysChem_NutrientLevels | By2014 |
PhysChem_OxygenLevels | NotRelevant |
PhysChem_pH | NotRelevant |
PhysChem_PhysicalChemicalOther | NotRelevant |
Q1d - Coverage Annex III Pressures: date addressed by programme | Pressures_PhysLoss_Smother | NotRelevant |
Pressures_PhysLoss_Seal | NotRelevant |
Pressures_PhysLoss | NotRelevant |
Pressures_PhysDam_silt | NotRelevant |
Pressures_PhysDam_abrasion | NotRelevant |
Pressures_PhysDam_extraction | NotRelevant |
Pressures_PhysDam | NotRelevant |
Pressures_PhysDisturbance | By2014 |
Pressures_ChangeHydrology | NotRelevant |
Pressures_IntroHazSubstOther | By2014 |
Pressures_SystematicReleaseSubst | NotRelevant |
Pressures_NutrientOrgEnrich | By2014 |
Pressures_InputN_Psubst | NotRelevant |
Pressures_InputOrganics | NotRelevant |
Pressures_BioDisturb_other | NotRelevant |
Pressures_IntroMicroPath | NotRelevant |
Pressures_IntroNIS | By2014 |
Pressures_ExtractSpeciesAll | NotRelevant |
Pressures_Acidification | NotRelevant |
Pressures_Noise | By2018 |
Pressures_Litter | By2014 |
Pressures_ChangeThermal | NotRelevant |
Pressures_ChangeSalinity | NotRelevant |
Pressures_IntroSynthComp | NotRelevant |
Pressures_IntroNonSynthSubst | NotRelevant |
Pressures_IntroRadioNuclides | NotRelevant |
Pressures_AcutePollutionEvents | By2018 |
Pressures_ExtractSpeciesFishShellfish | By2014 |
Pressures_ExtractSpeciesMaerl | NotRelevant |
Pressures_ExtractSpeciesSeaweed | NotRelevant |
Pressures_ExtractSpeciesOther | NotRelevant |
Pressures_PressureOther | NotRelevant |
Q1d - Coverage Annex III Activities: date addressed by programme | Activities_RenewableEnergy | NotRelevant |
Activities_OilGas | NotRelevant |
Activities_SeaweedOtherSeafood | NotRelevant |
Activities_GeneticBioprospectMaerl | NotRelevant |
Activities_Fisheries | NotRelevant |
Activities_MiningSandGravel | NotRelevant |
Activities_Dredging | NotRelevant |
Activities_Desalination | NotRelevant |
Activities_Aquaculture | NotRelevant |
Activities_LandClaimDefence | NotRelevant |
Activities_Ports | NotRelevant |
Activities_CablesPipelines | NotRelevant |
Activities_OffshoreStructures | NotRelevant |
Activities_Defence | NotRelevant |
Activities_DumpingMunitions | NotRelevant |
Activities_TourismRecreation | NotRelevant |
Activities_ResearchSurvey | NotRelevant |
Activities_Shipping | NotRelevant |
Activities_SolidWasteDisposal | NotRelevant |
Activities_StorageGases | NotRelevant |
Activities_Industry | NotRelevant |
Activities_AgricultForestry | NotRelevant |
Activities_Urban | NotRelevant |
Activities_ActivitiesUsesAll | NotRelevant |
Activities_UsesActivitiesOther | NotRelevant |
Q1e - Gaps and plans | ||
Q3b - Transboundary impacts on features |
Q3c - Environmental changes | Unknown |
Q3d - Source of contaminants in seafood | Sub-programme for Descriptor 9: ANSBE_D9 Cont. seafood-SP25 |
Q3e - Access and use rights |
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