Member State report / Art11 / 2014-2020 / D1-M / Belgium / NE Atlantic: Greater North Sea
Report type | Member State report to Commission |
MSFD Article | Art. 11 Monitoring programmes (and Art. 17 updates) |
Report due | 2014-10-15; 2020-10-15 |
GES Descriptor | D1 Mammals |
Member State | Belgium |
Region/subregion | NE Atlantic: Greater North Sea |
Reported by | Reporter not found |
Report date | Date not found; 2020-10-29 |
Report access |
2014 data
2020 data
Monitoring programme | Monitoring programme name | MP_D1_4_6_Birds |
MP_D1_4_6_Birds |
MP_D1_4_6_Fish |
MP_D1_4_6_Mammals |
MP_D1_4_6_SeabedHabitats |
Monitoring programme | Reference existing programme | |||||
Monitoring programme | Marine Unit ID | |||||
Q4e - Programme ID | ANSBE-D1, 4 Birds |
ANSBE-D1, 4 Birds |
ANSBE-D1, 4 Fish/Cephalopods |
ANSBE-D1, 4 Mammals/Reptiles |
ANSBE-D1, 4, 6 Seabed habitats |
Q4f - Programme description | The Belgian MSFD monitoring programme ‘Biodiversity – Birds’ aims at assessing the following ETs:
• ET1 : Changes in breeding seabird abundance remain within target limits for 75% of the species monitored;
• ET2: The 5 year running mean species density is not below the long-term mean annual population size for 5 consecutive years for minimally half of the non-scavenging seabird species;
• ET3: The 5 year running mean species density is not above the long-term mean annual population size for 5 consecutive years for minimally two of the scavenging seabird species;
• ET4: For each of the scavenging seabirds species, are the mean densities over 5 consecutive years not below the minimum defined by the Birds Directive favourable conservation status
Two sub-programmes can be discerned:
• ANSBE-D1, 4 Birds-SP1 (delivering data to assess ET1), targeting the number of nesting gulls and terns in the port of Zeebrugge and other coastal breeding sites;
• ANSBE-D1, 4 Birds-SP2 (delivering data to assess ET2 to 4), targeting ship-based seabird counts
covering the Eastern part of the Belgian North Sea with at least 1 count per month |
The Belgian MSFD monitoring programme ‘Biodiversity – Birds’ aims at assessing the following ETs:
• ET1 : Changes in breeding seabird abundance remain within target limits for 75% of the species monitored;
• ET2: The 5 year running mean species density is not below the long-term mean annual population size for 5 consecutive years for minimally half of the non-scavenging seabird species;
• ET3: The 5 year running mean species density is not above the long-term mean annual population size for 5 consecutive years for minimally two of the scavenging seabird species;
• ET4: For each of the scavenging seabirds species, are the mean densities over 5 consecutive years not below the minimum defined by the Birds Directive favourable conservation status
Two sub-programmes can be discerned:
• ANSBE-D1, 4 Birds-SP1 (delivering data to assess ET1), targeting the number of nesting gulls and terns in the port of Zeebrugge and other coastal breeding sites;
• ANSBE-D1, 4 Birds-SP2 (delivering data to assess ET2 to 4), targeting ship-based seabird counts
covering the Eastern part of the Belgian North Sea with at least 1 count per month |
The Belgian MSFD monitoring programme ‘Biodiversity - Fish and cephalopods’ aims at assessing the following ET:
• ET 6: Positive trend in the number of individuals of thornback ray Raja clavata
One sub-programmes can be discerned:
• ANSBE- D1,4 Fish-SP3 (delivering data to assess ET6), targeting the quantification of the number of thornback rays through the BTS and the DYFS surveys |
The Belgian MSFD monitoring programme ‘Biodiversity - mammals and reptiles’ aims at assessing the following ET:
• ET 5: The yearly number of incidentally bycaught harbour porpoises Phocoena phocoena is less than 1,7 % of the best estimate of the population size
One sub-programmes can be discerned:
• ANSBE-D1, 4 Mammals-SP4 (delivering data to assess ET5), targeting different data sources to estimate the rate of incidentally caught harbour porpoises in Belgium vs. the average population size in Belgian waters. |
The Belgian MSFD monitoring programme ‘Biodiversity - seabed habitats’ aims at assessing the following ETs:
• ET7 : The spatial extent and distribution of the EUNIS level 3 habitats (sandy mud to mud, muddy sands to sands and coarse grained sediments), as well as that of gravel beds fluctuate - relative to the reference state as described in Initial Assessment - within a margin limited to the accuracy of the current distribution maps
• ET10: The Ecological Quality Ratio as determined by BEQI, indicative for benthic ecosystem structure and quality, has a minimum value of 0,60 in each of the habitat types
• ET11: Positive trend in median adult density (or frequency of occurrence) of at least one species within the long-lived and/or slowly reproducing and key engineering benthic species groups in both mud to muddy sands and pure fine to coarse sands
• ET12: Spring median benthic bioturbation potential (BPc) in the Abra alba habitat type is higher than 100
• ET13: Positive trend in median colony/body size of the sessile, long-lived and/or larger benthic species Buccinum undatum, Mytilus edulis, Flustra foliacea, Haliclona oculata and Alcyonium digitatum
• ET14 – Positive trend in frequency of occurrence and median adult density of at least half of the key and long-lived species Ostrea edulis, Sabellaria spinulosa, Mytilus edulis, Buccinum undatum, Haliclona oculata, Alcyonium digitatum and Alcyonidium spp
• ET15 – No loss or positive trend in species richness within all key hard substrate taxa, i.e. Porifera, Cnidaria, Bryozoa, Polychaeta, Malacostraca, Maxillopoda, Gastropoda, Bivalvia, Echinodermata and Ascidiacea
• ET16 – Decreasing relative frequency of occurrence of damaged Asterias rubens (2+ cm arm length) and tube clusters of Pomatoceros triqueter, indicative for physical disturbance of the bottom (= pressure indicator), as to enhance natural development of the gravel bed ecosystem (= desired state)
• ET17: For each of the scavenging seabirds species, are the mean densities over 5 consecutive years not below the minimum defined by the Birds Directive favourable conservation status
Six sub-programmes can be discerned:
• ANSBE-D1, 4, 6 Seabed-SP5 (delivering data to assess ET7), targeting a full-coverage seabed and transect seabed mapping of selected areas at EUNIS level 3;
• ANSBE-D1, 4, 6 Seabed-SP6 (delivering data to assess ET10), targeting the quantification of a composite index based on density, biomass, species richness and species composition of the macrobenthos at selected stations in the BPNS;
• ANSBE-D1, 4, 6 Seabed-SP7 (delivering data to assess ET11), targeting the quantification of long-lived and key engineering benthic species density at selected stations in the BPNS;
• ANSBE-D1, 4, 6 Seabed-SP8 (delivering data to assess ET12), targeting the quantification of the macrobenthic community bioturbation potential at selected stations in the BPNS;
• ANSBE-D1, 4, 6 Seabed-SP9 (delivering data to assess ET13 to 16), targeting body/colony size of characteristic hard substrate species, frequency of occurrence and densities in a non-bottom fisheries-impacted, a low impacted and regular fisheries-impacted area;
• ANSBE-D1, 4, 6 Seabed-SP10 (delivering data to assess ET17), targeting multibeam bathymetry and backscatter measurements in combination with visual observations and seabed sampling in a gravel bed in the Hinder Banks region and a gravel bed in the Flemish Banks region |
Q5e - Natural variability |
Q5d - Adequacy for assessment of GES | Q5d - Adequate data | Y |
Y |
Y |
Y |
N |
Q5d - Adequacy for assessment of GES | Q5d - Established methods | Y |
Y |
Y |
N |
Y |
Q5d - Adequacy for assessment of GES | Q5d - Adequate understanding of GES | Y |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Q5d - Adequacy for assessment of GES | Q5d - Adequate capacity | Y |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Q5f - Description of programme for GES assessment | ||||||
Q5g - Gap-filling date for GES assessment | By2014 |
By2014 |
By2014 |
By2018 |
By2018 |
Q5h - Plans to implement monitoring for GES assessment |
The link between bycatch rate in stranded porpoises and porpoises at sea will be investigated through national scientific projects. |
A research proposal has been submitted to the Belgian Science Policy Office to strengthen capacity to develop improved methods and strategies for the acoustic mapping of seabed/habitat types in a monitoring context, hence emphasising on quantifying uncertainties in the mapping process needed for accurate change detection |
Q6a -Relevant targets | Q6a - Environmental target | Target 1 Target 2 Target 3 Target 4 |
Target 1 Target 2 Target 3 Target 4 |
Target 6 |
Target 5 |
Target 7 Target 10 Target 11 Target 12 Target 13 Target 14 Target 15 Target 16 Target 17 |
Q6a -Relevant targets | Q6a - Associated indicator | Target 1 Target 2 Target 3 Target 4 |
Target 1 Target 2 Target 3 Target 4 |
Target 6 |
Target 5 |
Target 7 Target 10 Target 11 Target 12 Target 13 Target 14 Target 15 Target 16 Target 17 |
Q6b - Adequacy for assessment of targets | Q6b_SuitableData | Y |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Q6b - Adequacy for assessment of targets | Q6b_EstablishedMethods | Y |
Y |
Y |
N |
N |
Q6b - Adequacy for assessment of targets | Q6d_AdequateCapacity | Y |
Y |
Y |
Y |
N |
Q6c - Target updating | N |
N |
N |
N |
N |
Q6d - Description of programme for targets assessment |
Q6e - Gap-filling date for targets assessment | By2014 |
By2014 |
By2014 |
By2018 |
By2018 |
Q6f - Plans to implement monitoring for targets assessment |
The link between bycatch rate in stranded porpoises and porpoises at sea will be investigated through national scientific projects |
A research proposal has been submitted to the Belgian Science Policy Office to strengthen capacity to develop improved methods and strategies for the acoustic mapping of seabed/habitat types in a monitoring context, hence emphasising on quantifying uncertainties in the mapping process needed for accurate change detection |
Q7a - Relevant activities | ||||||
Q7b - Description of monitoring of activities | ||||||
Q7c - Relevant measures | ||||||
Q7e - Adequacy for assessment of measures | Q7d - Adequate data | |||||
Q7e - Adequacy for assessment of measures | Q7d - Established methods | |||||
Q7e - Adequacy for assessment of measures | Q7d - Adequate understanding of GES | |||||
Q7e - Adequacy for assessment of measures | Q7d - Adequate capacity | |||||
Q7e - Adequacy for assessment of measures | Q7d - Addresses activities and pressures | |||||
Q7e - Adequacy for assessment of measures | Q7d - Addresses effectiveness of measures | |||||
Q7d - Description of monitoring for measures | ||||||
Q7f - Gap-filling date for activities and measures | By2014 |
By2014 |
By2014 |
By2014 |
By2014 |
Q8a - Links to existing Monitoring Programmes |
Reference sub-programme | Sub-programme ID | |||||
Reference sub-programme | Sub-programme name | Mobile species - abundance and/or biomass |
Mobile species - abundance and/or biomass |
Mobile species - population characteristics |
Mobile species - mortality/injury rates from fisheries (targeted and/or incidental) |
Seabed habitats - distribution and extent |
Q4g - Sub-programmes | Sub-programme ID | |||||
Q4g - Sub-programmes | Sub-programme name | Mobile species - abundance and/or biomass |
Mobile species - abundance and/or biomass |
Mobile species - population characteristics |
Mobile species - mortality/injury rates from fisheries (targeted and/or incidental) |
Seabed habitats - distribution and extent |
Q4k - Monitoring purpose | ||||||
Q4l - Links of monitoring programmes of other Directives and Conventions | ||||||
Q5c - Features | Q5c - Habitats | |||||
Q5c - Features | Q5c - Species list |
Q5c - Features | Q5c - Physical/Chemical features |
Q5c - Features | Q5c - Pressures |
Q9a - Elements | ||||||
Q5a - GES criteria | Relevant GES criteria |
Q5b - GES indicators | Relevant GES indicators |
Q9b - Parameters monitored (state/impact) | Species distribution | |||||
Q9b - Parameters monitored (state/impact) | Species population size | |||||
Q9b - Parameters monitored (state/impact) | Species population characteristics | |||||
Q9b - Parameters monitored (state/impact) | Species impacts | |||||
Q9b - Parameters monitored (state/impact) | Habitat distribution | |||||
Q9b - Parameters monitored (state/impact) | Habitat extent | |||||
Q9b - Parameters monitored (state/impact) | Habitat condition (physical-chemical) | |||||
Q9b - Parameters monitored (state/impact) | Habitat condition (biological) | |||||
Q9b - Parameters monitored (state/impact) | Habitat impacts | |||||
Q9b - Parameters monitored (pressures) | Pressure input | |||||
Q9b - Parameters monitored (pressures) | Pressure output | |||||
Q9b - Parameters monitored (activity) | Activity | |||||
Q9b Parameters monitored (other) | Other | |||||
Q41 Spatial scope | ||||||
Q4j - Description of spatial scope | ||||||
Marine Unit IDs |
Q4h - Temporal scope | Start date- End date | - |
- |
- |
- |
- |
Q9h - Temporal resolution of sampling | ||||||
Q9c - Monitoring method | ||||||
Q9d - Description of alteration to method | ||||||
Q9e - Quality assurance | ||||||
Q9f - Quality control | ||||||
Q9g - Spatial resolution of sampling | Q9g - Proportion of area covered % | |||||
Q9g - Spatial resolution of sampling | Q9g - No. of samples | |||||
Q9i - Description of sample representivity | ||||||
Q10a - Scale for aggregation of data | ||||||
Q10b - Other scale for aggregation of data | ||||||
Q10c - Access to monitoring data | Q10c - Data type | |||||
Q10c - Access to monitoring data | Q10c - Data access mechanism | |||||
Q10c - Access to monitoring data | Q10c - Data access rights | |||||
Q10c - Access to monitoring data | Q10c - INSPIRE standard | |||||
Q10c - Access to monitoring data | Q10c Date data are available | |||||
Q10c - Access to monitoring data | Q10c - Data update frequency | |||||
Q10d - Description of data access | ||||||
Descriptor |
D1.2 |
D1.2 |
D1.2 |
Monitoring strategy description |
The abundance and distribution of harbour porpoises is monitored using an internationally standardised methodology. Distribution feeds into information on possible effects of offshore construction and where needed and feasible, appropriate preventive or mitigative measures are taken.
The cause of death of stranded marine mammals (including bycatch) is being investigated. There are only few Belgian fishing vessels using static gear, the types of net where bycatch mainly occurs, so on-board monitoring does not contribute significantly to the estimation of bycatch at population level (CFP – DCF). Fishermen are encouraged to report bycatch.
Abundance of harbour seals at the more or less permanently used haul-out sites is monitored since 2019. Since no colonies are present in Belgian waters, this monitoring is not relevant for population size estimation but gives an indication of occurrence and suitability of resting places.
Regional cooperation exists for the assessment of abundance and distribution of harbour porpoise (SCANS projects and SCANS-type national surveys) and seals (ICES database). |
The abundance and distribution of harbour porpoises is monitored using an internationally standardised methodology. Distribution feeds into information on possible effects of offshore construction and where needed and feasible, appropriate preventive or mitigative measures are taken.
The cause of death of stranded marine mammals (including bycatch) is being investigated. There are only few Belgian fishing vessels using static gear, the types of net where bycatch mainly occurs, so on-board monitoring does not contribute significantly to the estimation of bycatch at population level (CFP – DCF). Fishermen are encouraged to report bycatch.
Abundance of harbour seals at the more or less permanently used haul-out sites is monitored since 2019. Since no colonies are present in Belgian waters, this monitoring is not relevant for population size estimation but gives an indication of occurrence and suitability of resting places.
Regional cooperation exists for the assessment of abundance and distribution of harbour porpoise (SCANS projects and SCANS-type national surveys) and seals (ICES database). |
The abundance and distribution of harbour porpoises is monitored using an internationally standardised methodology. Distribution feeds into information on possible effects of offshore construction and where needed and feasible, appropriate preventive or mitigative measures are taken.
The cause of death of stranded marine mammals (including bycatch) is being investigated. There are only few Belgian fishing vessels using static gear, the types of net where bycatch mainly occurs, so on-board monitoring does not contribute significantly to the estimation of bycatch at population level (CFP – DCF). Fishermen are encouraged to report bycatch.
Abundance of harbour seals at the more or less permanently used haul-out sites is monitored since 2019. Since no colonies are present in Belgian waters, this monitoring is not relevant for population size estimation but gives an indication of occurrence and suitability of resting places.
Regional cooperation exists for the assessment of abundance and distribution of harbour porpoise (SCANS projects and SCANS-type national surveys) and seals (ICES database). |
Coverage of GES criteria |
Adequate monitoring was in place in 2014 |
Adequate monitoring was in place in 2014 |
Adequate monitoring was in place in 2014 |
Gaps and plans |
International coordination is required to fully implement bycatch and abundance targets, given the mobility of marine mammals, their area of distribution and the surface of Belgian waters. Due to the very low number of Belgian vessels using static gear and/or logistic limitations for additional observers, bycatch monitoring onboard for this type of fisheries is not possible. |
International coordination is required to fully implement bycatch and abundance targets, given the mobility of marine mammals, their area of distribution and the surface of Belgian waters. Due to the very low number of Belgian vessels using static gear and/or logistic limitations for additional observers, bycatch monitoring onboard for this type of fisheries is not possible. |
International coordination is required to fully implement bycatch and abundance targets, given the mobility of marine mammals, their area of distribution and the surface of Belgian waters. Due to the very low number of Belgian vessels using static gear and/or logistic limitations for additional observers, bycatch monitoring onboard for this type of fisheries is not possible. |
Related targets |
Coverage of targets |
Adequate monitoring was in place in 2014 |
Adequate monitoring was in place in 2014 |
Adequate monitoring was in place in 2014 |
Related measures |
Coverage of measures |
Adequate monitoring was in place in 2014 |
Adequate monitoring was in place in 2014 |
Adequate monitoring was in place in 2014 |
Related monitoring programmes |
Programme code |
ANSBE-P4-Mammals |
ANSBE-P4-Mammals |
ANSBE-P4-Mammals |
Programme name |
Mammals – population abundance & strandings |
Mammals – population abundance & strandings |
Mammals – population abundance & strandings |
Update type |
Modified from 2014 |
Modified from 2014 |
Modified from 2014 |
Old programme codes |
Programme description |
The programme combines data from different sources to estimate trends in bycatch. It uses data from:
- The assessment of the cause of death of stranded animals (seals and cetaceans);
- Reported incidental catches;
- Average number of harbour porpoises present in Belgian waters throughout the year estimated on the basis of aerial surveys;
- Use of rest areas along the coast by seals.
This programme contributes to environmental targets D1.1 and D1.2. (Former programme ANSBE-D1-4-Mammals-SP4) |
The programme combines data from different sources to estimate trends in bycatch. It uses data from:
- The assessment of the cause of death of stranded animals (seals and cetaceans);
- Reported incidental catches;
- Average number of harbour porpoises present in Belgian waters throughout the year estimated on the basis of aerial surveys;
- Use of rest areas along the coast by seals.
This programme contributes to environmental targets D1.1 and D1.2. (Former programme ANSBE-D1-4-Mammals-SP4) |
The programme combines data from different sources to estimate trends in bycatch. It uses data from:
- The assessment of the cause of death of stranded animals (seals and cetaceans);
- Reported incidental catches;
- Average number of harbour porpoises present in Belgian waters throughout the year estimated on the basis of aerial surveys;
- Use of rest areas along the coast by seals.
This programme contributes to environmental targets D1.1 and D1.2. (Former programme ANSBE-D1-4-Mammals-SP4) |
Monitoring purpose |
Other policies and conventions |
Regional cooperation - coordinating body |
Regional cooperation - countries involved |
Regional cooperation - implementation level |
Joint data collection |
Joint data collection |
Joint data collection |
Monitoring details |
Marine mammal general:
- Strandings investigation (a.o. for cause of death)
(cooperation in the preparation of an international database on strandings in the North Sea basin)
Harbour porpoise:
- Aerial surveys for the determination of distribution, abundance and effects of human activities (since 2008)
(cooperation to collate data with those of other countries for an assessment on a wider scale; this is possible as the same methodology is used)
- Decadal survey to determine the distribution and numbers in a wider area (SCANS I – II - III)
- Abundance estimate at only regularly used haul-out site – contribution to ICES seal database
Frequency: weekly till 6-monthly.
Note: the list of species below is not exhaustive. |
Marine mammal general:
- Strandings investigation (a.o. for cause of death)
(cooperation in the preparation of an international database on strandings in the North Sea basin)
Harbour porpoise:
- Aerial surveys for the determination of distribution, abundance and effects of human activities (since 2008)
(cooperation to collate data with those of other countries for an assessment on a wider scale; this is possible as the same methodology is used)
- Decadal survey to determine the distribution and numbers in a wider area (SCANS I – II - III)
- Abundance estimate at only regularly used haul-out site – contribution to ICES seal database
Frequency: weekly till 6-monthly.
Note: the list of species below is not exhaustive. |
Marine mammal general:
- Strandings investigation (a.o. for cause of death)
(cooperation in the preparation of an international database on strandings in the North Sea basin)
Harbour porpoise:
- Aerial surveys for the determination of distribution, abundance and effects of human activities (since 2008)
(cooperation to collate data with those of other countries for an assessment on a wider scale; this is possible as the same methodology is used)
- Decadal survey to determine the distribution and numbers in a wider area (SCANS I – II - III)
- Abundance estimate at only regularly used haul-out site – contribution to ICES seal database
Frequency: weekly till 6-monthly.
Note: the list of species below is not exhaustive. |
Features |
Small toothed cetaceans
Small toothed cetaceans
Small toothed cetaceans
Small toothed cetaceans
Small toothed cetaceans
Small toothed cetaceans
Small toothed cetaceans
Small toothed cetaceans
Elements |
GES criteria |
D1C1 |
D1C2 |
D1C2 |
Parameters |
Parameter Other |
Spatial scope |
Marine reporting units |
Temporal scope (start date - end date) |
1995-9999 |
1995-9999 |
1995-9999 |
Monitoring frequency |
Weekly |
Weekly |
Weekly |
Monitoring type |
Monitoring method |
Monitoring method other |
- Aerial surveys: line transect distance methodology (cfr. SCANS)
- Necropsies performed using well established protocols |
- Aerial surveys: line transect distance methodology (cfr. SCANS)
- Necropsies performed using well established protocols |
- Aerial surveys: line transect distance methodology (cfr. SCANS)
- Necropsies performed using well established protocols |
Quality control |
Data management |
The data is registered in ICES' seal database and transmitted annually via BMDC's Data Tracking System, which makes it publicly accessible via RBINS' metadata catalogue ( |
The data is registered in ICES' seal database and transmitted annually via BMDC's Data Tracking System, which makes it publicly accessible via RBINS' metadata catalogue ( |
The data is registered in ICES' seal database and transmitted annually via BMDC's Data Tracking System, which makes it publicly accessible via RBINS' metadata catalogue ( |
Data access |
Related indicator/name |
Contact |
Jan Haelters, Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Science (RBINS) |
Jan Haelters, Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Science (RBINS) |
Jan Haelters, Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Science (RBINS) |
References |