Member State report / Art8 / 2018 / D11 / Belgium / NE Atlantic: Greater North Sea
Report type | Member State report to Commission |
MSFD Article | Art. 8 Initial assessment (and Art. 17 updates) |
Report due | 2018-10-15 |
GES Descriptor | D11 Energy, incl. underwater noise |
Member State | Belgium |
Region/subregion | NE Atlantic: Greater North Sea |
Reported by | RBINS - Scientific Service MUMM |
Report date | 2020-01-14 |
Report access | ART8_GES_BE_20200110.xml |
Belgian Part of the North Sea (ANS-BE-MS-1)
GES component |
Feature |
Impulsive sound in water
Continuous low frequency sound
Element |
Element code |
Element code source |
Element 2 |
Element 2 code |
Element 2 code source |
Element source |
Criterion |
Parameter |
Level of noise
Underwater sound level
Parameter other |
Threshold value upper |
185.0 |
Threshold value lower |
Threshold qualitative |
Geen positieve trend in jaargemiddelde
Threshold value source |
Other (specify)
Other (specify)
Threshold value source other |
Value achieved upper |
198.0 |
Value achieved lower |
172.0 |
Value unit |
Decibels reference 1 microPascal squared second
Value unit other |
Proportion threshold value |
Proportion value achieved |
Proportion threshold value unit |
Trend |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Parameter achieved |
No |
Unknown |
Description parameter |
Sound level expressed as zero to peak level (Lz-p) normalized to the level at 750 m from the source. Results of measurements of underwater noise during pile-driving.
Sound pressure within the 1/3 octave bands 63 and 125 Hz
Related indicator |
Criteria status |
Not good |
Unknown |
Description criteria |
Element status |
Description element |
Integration rule type parameter |
Not relevant
Not relevant
Integration rule description parameter |
Integration rule type criteria |
Not relevant
Not relevant
Integration rule description criteria |
GES extent threshold |
GES extent achieved |
GES extent unit |
GES achieved |
GES expected to be achieved later than 2020, no Article 14 exception reported |
Not assessed |
Description overall status |
A temporary displacement of porpoises was observed by pile driving for offshore wind turbines, but it is not known what effects this has on a population level. Given the measured and modelled noise levels, the assessment of the disturbance distance for porpoises during pile driving and their seasonal density (see Descriptor 1), a number of measures were taken to limit exposure and consequences for porpoises: 1) If the underwater noise level (Lz-p ) during pile driving is higher than 185 dB re 1μPa at 750 m from the source, noise mitigation measures must be applied, such as bubble curtains or an alternative technique that produces less noise. 2) Piling may not take place between January 1 and April 30, the period with the highest density of porpoises in Belgian waters (this measure took effect from 2014). 3) To prevent exposure, preventive measures such as acoustic deterrents and a procedure for gradually increasing the energy of the hammer must be applied. 4) Piling cannot be started or continued if marine mammals are observed in the vicinity of the sanctuary (200 - 500 m, depending on visibility and the type of marine mammals).
Door de momenteel beperkte dataset kan geen trend in omgevingslawaai niveaus bepaald worden.
Assessments period |
2011-2016 |
2011-2016 |
Related pressures |
Related targets |