Member State report / Art9 / 2012 / D2 / Belgium / NE Atlantic: Greater North Sea
Report type | Member State report to Commission |
MSFD Article | Art. 9 Determination of GES (and Art. 17 updates) |
Report due | 2012-10-15 |
GES Descriptor | D2 Non-indigenous species |
Member State | Belgium |
Region/subregion | NE Atlantic: Greater North Sea |
Reported by | FPS Health, Food Chain safety and Environment - Service Marine environment |
Report date | 2012-08-16 |
Report access | ANSBE_MSFD9GES_20130314.xml |
GES component |
2.1 Abundance and state characterisation of non-indigenous species, in particular invasive species |
2.1.1 Trends in abundance of NIS |
2.2 Environmental impact of invasive non-indigenous species |
2.2.1 Ratio invasive to native species |
2.2.2 Impacts of NIS |
Method used |
ANS-BE-MS-1: Conform the Directive, GES and the environmental targets for the Belgian marine waters are defined on the basis of the eleven qualitative descriptors listed in Annex I of the Directive. The definition of GES is expressed in a qualitative description of what GES would look like when achieved for each of the descriptors. This is then underpinned by a set of more detailed quantitative environmental targets based on established environmental thresholds/limits for state, pressure or impact (Art. 10). Where quantitative environmental thresholds could not be set, trend-based or qualitative thresholds were used. The complete package of GES and environmental targets needs to give a complete and balanced overview. |
Marine reporting units |
Feature |
Criterion/indicator |
D2 |
2.1 |
2.1.1 |
2.2 |
2.2.1 |
2.2.2 |
GES description |
Non-indigenous species introduced by human activities are at levels that do not adversely alter the ecosystem. |
No significant increase in the relative abundance of non-indigenous species in relation to the 2012 baseline should occur. Species for which there are taxonomic disputes and for which the changes of permanent introduction, including reproduction are negligible are not taken into consideration. |
Threshold values |
Threshold value unit |
Proportion of area to achieve threshold value |
Reference point type |
Baseline |
Initial Assessment 2012
Assessment method |
Development status |