Member State report / Art11 / 2014 / D3 / Belgium / NE Atlantic: Greater North Sea

Report type Member State report to Commission
MSFD Article Art. 11 Monitoring programmes (and Art. 17 updates)
Report due 2014-10-15
GES Descriptor D3 Commercial fish and shellfish
Member State Belgium
Region/subregion NE Atlantic: Greater North Sea
Reported by Reporter not found
Report date Date not found
Report access
Monitoring programme Monitoring programme name
Monitoring programme Reference existing programme
Monitoring programme Marine Unit ID
Q4e - Programme ID
ANSBE-D3 Commercial fish/and shellfish
Q4f - Programme description
The Belgian MSFD monitoring programme ‘Commercial fish and shellfish’ aims at assessing the following ETs: • ET19 – All commercial fish stocks managed through the CFP are being managed in a way that minimally meets the maximum sustainable yield. This assessment should be performed on the basis of regional fish stocks, and not on a national level • ET20 – All commercial fish and shellfish stocks are within safe biological limits, with an age (when available) or size (if ages not available) distribution indicative for a healthy stock, and the stocks should be exploited on a stable, long term, with full reproductive capacity • ET21 – Shellfish stocks are being managed sustainably • ET22 – All commercial fish and shellfish stocks have complete reproductive capacity • ET23 – Fishing mortality values and spawning stock biomasses are within safe biological limits (F below or egual to reference points for fishery mortality; SSB above or equal to reference points for spawning stock biomass) or show positive of stable trends in survey abundance and negative or stable trends in survey CPU • ET24 – Stocks that are not within safe biological limits yet should at least show trends of movement in the direction of the reference points • ET25 – When data on a stock are even insufficient to evaluate trends in survey CPUE and abundance, these stocks will be placed in the category of data deficient stocks and discussions will be initiated regarding alternative evaluation methods. This category will be revised after each 6 years One sub-programme can be discerned: • ANSBE-D3 Commercial fish-SP13 (delivering data to assess ET19 to 25), targeting the fish stock assessment through the BTS and the DYFS surveys
Q5e - Natural variability
  • Quantiative
Q5d - Adequacy for assessment of GES Q5d - Adequate data
Q5d - Adequacy for assessment of GES Q5d - Established methods
Q5d - Adequacy for assessment of GES Q5d - Adequate understanding of GES
Q5d - Adequacy for assessment of GES Q5d - Adequate capacity
Q5f - Description of programme for GES assessment
Q5g - Gap-filling date for GES assessment
Q5h - Plans to implement monitoring for GES assessment
Q6a -Relevant targets Q6a - Environmental target
Target 19 Target 20 Target 21 Target 22 Target 23 Target 24 Target 25
Q6a -Relevant targets Q6a - Associated indicator
Target 19 Target 20 Target 21 Target 22 Target 23 Target 24
Q6b - Adequacy for assessment of targets Q6b_SuitableData
Q6b - Adequacy for assessment of targets Q6b_EstablishedMethods
Q6b - Adequacy for assessment of targets Q6d_AdequateCapacity
Q6c - Target updating
Q6d - Description of programme for targets assessment
Q6e - Gap-filling date for targets assessment
Q6f - Plans to implement monitoring for targets assessment
Q7a - Relevant activities
Q7b - Description of monitoring of activities
Q7c - Relevant measures
Q7e - Adequacy for assessment of measures Q7d - Adequate data
Q7e - Adequacy for assessment of measures Q7d - Established methods
Q7e - Adequacy for assessment of measures Q7d - Adequate understanding of GES
Q7e - Adequacy for assessment of measures Q7d - Adequate capacity
Q7e - Adequacy for assessment of measures Q7d - Addresses activities and pressures
Q7e - Adequacy for assessment of measures Q7d - Addresses effectiveness of measures
Q7d - Description of monitoring for measures
Q7f - Gap-filling date for activities and measures
Q8a - Links to existing Monitoring Programmes
Reference sub-programme Sub-programme ID
Reference sub-programme Sub-programme name
Mobile species - population characteristics
Q4g - Sub-programmes Sub-programme ID
Q4g - Sub-programmes Sub-programme name
Mobile species - population characteristics
Q4k - Monitoring purpose
Q4l - Links of monitoring programmes of other Directives and Conventions
Q5c - Features Q5c - Habitats
Q5c - Features Q5c - Species list
  • FishAll
Q5c - Features Q5c - Physical/Chemical features
Q5c - Features Q5c - Pressures
  • ExtractSpeciesFishShellfish
Q9a - Elements
Q5a - GES criteria Relevant GES criteria
  • 3.1
  • 3.2
  • 3.3
Q5b - GES indicators Relevant GES indicators
Q9b - Parameters monitored (state/impact) Species distribution
Q9b - Parameters monitored (state/impact) Species population size
Q9b - Parameters monitored (state/impact) Species population characteristics
Q9b - Parameters monitored (state/impact) Species impacts
Q9b - Parameters monitored (state/impact) Habitat distribution
Q9b - Parameters monitored (state/impact) Habitat extent
Q9b - Parameters monitored (state/impact) Habitat condition (physical-chemical)
Q9b - Parameters monitored (state/impact) Habitat condition (biological)
Q9b - Parameters monitored (state/impact) Habitat impacts
Q9b - Parameters monitored (pressures) Pressure input
Q9b - Parameters monitored (pressures) Pressure output
Q9b - Parameters monitored (activity) Activity
Q9b Parameters monitored (other) Other
Q41 Spatial scope
Q4j - Description of spatial scope
Marine Unit IDs
  • ANS-BE-MS-1
Q4h - Temporal scope Start date- End date
Q9h - Temporal resolution of sampling
Q9c - Monitoring method
Q9d - Description of alteration to method
Q9e - Quality assurance
Q9f - Quality control
Q9g - Spatial resolution of sampling Q9g - Proportion of area covered %
Q9g - Spatial resolution of sampling Q9g - No. of samples
Q9i - Description of sample representivity
Q10a - Scale for aggregation of data
Q10b - Other scale for aggregation of data
Q10c - Access to monitoring data Q10c - Data type
Q10c - Access to monitoring data Q10c - Data access mechanism
Q10c - Access to monitoring data Q10c - Data access rights
Q10c - Access to monitoring data Q10c - INSPIRE standard
Q10c - Access to monitoring data Q10c Date data are available
Q10c - Access to monitoring data Q10c - Data update frequency
Q10d - Description of data access