Member State report / Art11 / 2020 / D5 / Belgium / NE Atlantic: Greater North Sea

Report type Member State report to Commission
MSFD Article Art. 11 Monitoring programmes (and Art. 17 updates)
Report due 2020-10-15
GES Descriptor D5 Eutrophication
Member State Belgium
Region/subregion NE Atlantic: Greater North Sea
Reported by FPS Science Policy, Management Unit of the North Sea Mathematical Models (Scientific Service MUMM, R
Report date 2020-10-29
Report access

Monitoring strategy description
The monitoring focuses on the pressure, nutrient enrichment, and the biomass of phytoplankton supported by satellite data providing an increased temporal and spatial frequency of chlorophyll a compared to in situ data. Trends in nutrients as well as % of area with high chlorophyll a maxima allow to monitor progress and to compare the actual situation with projected model results. Due to strong tidal currents in the Belgian marine waters and a relatively small depth on average, the water column is considered permanently well-mixed, which induces a high turbidity in the water column and a constant re-aeration at the air-sea interface (see Belgische Staat, 2018). Therefore, contrary to other coastal systems, some criteria are not relevant for the evaluation of the eutrophication status in the Belgian marine waters. Methodology to produce satellite chlorophyll a-products was further developed and the quality has been assessed in a regional context during the project JMP-EUNOSAT.
The monitoring focuses on the pressure, nutrient enrichment, and the biomass of phytoplankton supported by satellite data providing an increased temporal and spatial frequency of chlorophyll a compared to in situ data. Trends in nutrients as well as % of area with high chlorophyll a maxima allow to monitor progress and to compare the actual situation with projected model results. Due to strong tidal currents in the Belgian marine waters and a relatively small depth on average, the water column is considered permanently well-mixed, which induces a high turbidity in the water column and a constant re-aeration at the air-sea interface (see Belgische Staat, 2018). Therefore, contrary to other coastal systems, some criteria are not relevant for the evaluation of the eutrophication status in the Belgian marine waters. Methodology to produce satellite chlorophyll a-products was further developed and the quality has been assessed in a regional context during the project JMP-EUNOSAT.
Coverage of GES criteria
Adequate monitoring was in place in 2014
Adequate monitoring was in place in 2014
Gaps and plans
No gaps.
No gaps.
Related targets
  • D5.T1
  • D5.T2
  • D5.T3
  • D5.T1
  • D5.T2
  • D5.T3
Coverage of targets
Adequate monitoring was in place in 2014
Adequate monitoring was in place in 2014
Related measures
  • 1 - 'Report on Environmental Impacts (REI) and Adapted Evaluation (AE)'
  • 15 - 'Measures associated with the land (policies and Directives): Waste Directive, Water Framework Directive, Urban Wastewater Directive, Packaging Framework Directive, policy plan of the Flemish region, policy on waste from coastal municipalities'
  • 17 - 'Follow-up of the marine environment quality � national obligations within the scope of OSPAR (JAMP)'
  • 23B - 'Supporting relevant Belgian authorities for better implementation of the existing land-based measures (cf Fiche 15)'
  • 1 - 'Report on Environmental Impacts (REI) and Adapted Evaluation (AE)'
  • 15 - 'Measures associated with the land (policies and Directives): Waste Directive, Water Framework Directive, Urban Wastewater Directive, Packaging Framework Directive, policy plan of the Flemish region, policy on waste from coastal municipalities'
  • 17 - 'Follow-up of the marine environment quality � national obligations within the scope of OSPAR (JAMP)'
  • 23B - 'Supporting relevant Belgian authorities for better implementation of the existing land-based measures (cf Fiche 15)'
Coverage of measures
Adequate monitoring was in place in 2014
Adequate monitoring was in place in 2014
Related monitoring programmes
  • ANSBE-P12-Plankton-1-chla
  • ANSBE-P15-Nutrients
  • ANSBE-P12-Plankton-1-chla
  • ANSBE-P15-Nutrients
Programme code
Programme name
Chlorophyll a
Nutrients and physico-chemical characteristics in the water column
Update type
Modified from 2014
Modified from 2014
Old programme codes
  • ANSBE-D5-Eutrophication-SP14
  • ANSBE-D5-Eutrophication-SP15
Programme description
This programme includes monitoring based on satellite detection (EODataBee) and in-situ data. The purpose of the EODataBee Water Quality Monitoring service is to provide satellite-based support for the water quality assessment of chlorophyll a concentration in the framework of Belgium's obligations in the context of the Eutrophication Strategy of the Oslo and Paris Commissions for the Prevention of Marine Pollution (OSPAR-EUC) and the eutrophication-related elements of the European Water Framework Directive (WFD) and the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD). In-situ chlorophyll a measurements are taken simultaneously with the water samples for nutrients (ANSBE-P15- Nutrients), allowing long-term monitoring of processes in the water column. This programme covers the environmental target D5.3.
Monitoring, in the form of repeated measurements of key aspects of the state of the marine environment at key locations, provides the basis for assessing progress towards good environmental status and the evaluation of the effectiveness of actions being taken to protect the sea. The core marine environmental monitoring activity under the JAMP is the OSPAR CEMP. The CEMP is focused on monitoring of the concentrations and effects of selected contaminants and nutrients in the marine environment. The Eutrophication Monitoring Programme is a self-standing component of the CEMP focusing on nutrients and eutrophication effects. Monitoring by Contracting Parties under the CEMP is coordinated through adherence to jointly agreed guidance on monitoring and quality assurance procedures, which provides a basis for the collection of comparable and quality-assured data throughout the OSPAR maritime area. This programme covers the environmental targets D5.1 and D5.2.
Monitoring purpose
  • Environmental state and impacts
  • Pressures in the marine environment
  • Effectiveness of measures
  • Pressures in the marine environment
Other policies and conventions
  • OSPAR Coordinated Environmental Monitoring Programme
  • Water Framework Directive
  • OSPAR Coordinated Environmental Monitoring Programme
  • Water Framework Directive
Regional cooperation - coordinating body
Regional cooperation - countries involved
Regional cooperation - implementation level
Agreed data collection methods
Agreed data collection methods
Monitoring details
1) Satellite based chlorofyl a: - Frequency of sampling: daily, provided that cloud cover and quality flagging allow measurements. - Geographic scope: 100% satellite coverage (e.g. SeaWifs, MERIS, MODIS, Sentinel-3). - Approximate number of samples: number of samples varies per region and is dependent on cloud cover, quality flagging, etc. For the Belgian coastal zone, there are between 25 and 50 samples per growing season (March-October). Methodology based on satellite data as elaborated in regional context in the frame of JMP Eunosat ( ) and in review by OSPAR. Joint data collection, satellite and in-situ, with the Netherlands. 2) Chlorophyll a monitoring based on in situ data: monthly sampling at fixed measuring stations, simultaneously with the nutrients (ANSBE-P15- Nutrients). Additional sampling at time of satellite overpass.
Other parameters measured include a.o. salinity as covariable, pH, organic carbon and dissolved oxygen.
  • Chlorophyll-a
  • Remote sensing (chlorophyll a)
  • Nutrients (integrated)
  • WFD assessment nutrients - WFD assessment nutrients
GES criteria
  • Concentration in water
  • Concentration in water
Parameter Other
Spatial scope
  • Beyond MS Marine Waters
  • Coastal waters (WFD)
  • EEZ (or similar)
  • Territorial waters
  • Coastal waters (WFD)
  • EEZ (or similar)
  • Territorial waters
Marine reporting units
  • ANS-BE-MS-1
  • ANS-BE-MS-1
Temporal scope (start date - end date)
Monitoring frequency
Monitoring type
  • In-situ sampling coastal
  • In-situ sampling offshore
  • Remote satellite imagery
  • In-situ sampling coastal
  • In-situ sampling offshore
Monitoring method
  • Other monitoring method
  • Other monitoring method
Monitoring method other
Chlorophyll a concentration is generated from daily Ocean Colour data provided by the SeaWifs (1998-2003), the MERIS (2003 to 2011), the MODIS (2003 to 2017) and Sentinel-3 (2017 to current) satellite sensors. The algorithms used to derive data from the satellite sensors correspond to the best available algorithms given a water type and satellite sensor. Data is supplied at approximately 1 km resolution for the period 1998-2017 and 300m for the period 2017-current on a geographical equidistant grid covering the described region. The quality control and algorithm merging procedure applied was developed during the JMP-EUNOSAT project. The suitability of the satellite-based Chlorophyll a product for eutrophication assessment was evaluated by a comparison analysis with in-situ datasets for all assessment areas in the Greater North Sea. A validation of the yearly mean and P90 chlorophyll a products using the national monitoring chlorophyll a data obtained using different analytical techniques (i.e. HPLC, spectrophotometry, fluorometry) yielded a median error of 35.19% and 39.05% respectively. This shows a good general agreement between in-situ and satellite observations. More details are available in: Van der Zande, D., Lavigne, H., Blauw, A., Prins, T., Desmit, X., Eleveld, M., Gohin, F., Pardo, S, Tilstone, G., Cardoso Dos Santos, J. (2019). Coherence in assessment framework of chlorophyll a and nutrients as part of the EU project ‘Joint monitoring programme of the eutrophication of the North Sea with satellite data’ (Ref: DG ENV/MSFD Second Cycle/2016). Activity 2 Report. 106 pp.
Sampling by Niskin bottles on board RV Belgica. Laboratory analyses according to accredited method (ISO 17025) on the basis of SKALAR (RBINS, Ostend).
Quality control
Data for calibration of the sensors are ground-truthed by grab sample analysis, coinciding with satellite overpass, and subsequent analysis in the ISO17025:2017 certified lab ECOCHEM.
ISO 17025
Data management
The in-situ data are registered in LIMS (Ecochem) and transferred to BMDC, which centralises them and makes them publicly accessible via the RBINS metadata catalogue ( The data are reported to ICES (DOME) in the frame of OSPAR and transferred to Emodnet Chemistry.
The in-situ data are registered in LIMS (Ecochem) and transferred to BMDC, which centralises them and makes them publicly accessible via the RBINS metadata catalogue ( The data are reported to ICES (DOME) in the frame of OSPAR and transferred to Emodnet Chemistry.
Data access
Related indicator/name
Dimitry Van der Zande, Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Science (RBINS)
Koen Parmentier, Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Science (RBINS)