Member State report / Art13 / 2022 / D7 / Belgium / NE Atlantic: Greater North Sea
Report type | Member State report to Commission |
MSFD Article | Art. 13 Programme of measures (and Art. 17 updates) |
Report due | 2022-10-15 |
GES Descriptor | D7 Hydrographical changes |
Member State | Belgium |
Region/subregion | NE Atlantic: Greater North Sea |
Reported by | FPS Health, Food Chain Safety and Environment |
Report date | 2022-03-21 |
Report access | 363 |
Marine reporting units |
RegionSubregion |
NEA Greater North Sea |
Measure code |
1 |
ANSBE-M053 |
Measure old code |
1 |
Measure name |
Report on Environmental Impacts (REI) and Adapted Evaluation (AE) |
Preparation of the cumulative impact assessment methodology
Measure description |
Developing a standard methodology for and carrying out a cumulative impact assessment of activities taking place within BNZ (holistic approach)
Update type |
Measure same as in 2015 PoM |
Measure new in 2021 PoM |
Measure category |
Category 1.a |
Category 2.b |
Policy conventions |
Policy national |
Responsible competent authority |
Federale Overheidsdienst Volksgezondheid, Veiligheid van de Voedselketen en Leefmilieu, Dienst Marien Milieu |
Responsible organisation |
Coordination level |
Regional cooperation countries |
Yes |
CEA reference |
see supporting documents |
Yes |
CBA reference |
see supporting documents |
Financing |
Spatial scope |
Measure purpose |
Indirectly prevent further inputs of a pressure (e.g. by governance mechanisms, financial incentives, awareness campaigns) |
Pressures |
Relevant KTMs |
Relevant targets |
Related indicator |
GEScomponent |
Feature |
Element |
Temporal scope |
Implementation status |
Measure implemented |
Implementation not started |
Implementation delay |
0 |
Implementation reason |
Progress description |
Reason description |