Member State report / Art8 / 2012 / D10 / Denmark / NE Atlantic: Greater North Sea

Report type Member State report to Commission
MSFD Article Art. 8 Initial assessment (and Art. 17 updates)
Report due 2012-10-15
GES Descriptor D10 Litter
Member State Denmark
Region/subregion NE Atlantic: Greater North Sea
Reported by Danish Nature Agency
Report date 2013-04-29
Report access ANSDK_MSFD8bPressures_20130430.xml

Greater North Sea including the Kattegat

GES component
D10C1 Litter (excluding micro-litter) (10.1, 10.1.1, 10.1.2)
D10C1 Litter (excluding micro-litter) (10.1, 10.1.1, 10.1.2)
D10C3 Litter ingested (10.1, 10.2.1)
Assessment Topic
MarineCoast, MarineShelf
Element 2
All seabed habitats may be impacted. Specific knowledge not available.
To be established by 2015
To be established by 2015
To be established by 2015
Threshold value/Value unit
To be established by 2015
To be established by 2015
To be established by 2015
Proportion threshold value
Status of criteria/indicator
Status trend
Status confidence
Description (status of criteria/indicator)
Monitoring may not be representative. Impact not assessed.
No systematic assessment available
Assessment uncertain. Surveys indicate that litter is concentrated in specific areas and therefore is limited.
No systematic assessment available. Investigations of the stomac content in Northern Fulmars indicate an impact
Assessment uncertain. Surveys indicate that litter is concentrated in specific areas and therefore has a limited impact. The HOLAS and HARMONY cumulative impact assessments show litter to be a less significant problem.
Assessment period
There is presently systematic monitoring and registration of marine beach litter from one Danish North Sea coast beach. In general existing data comes from beach cleaning initiatives organized by coastal municipalities or NGO's. The highest density of litter on investigated North Sea beaches in the period 2007-2009 is 2 tons of litter pr km. This amount is at the same level as for the period 2002-2004. The litter consists of both litter from the sea and litter from beach guests. Approximately half the registred litter consisted of plastic, mostly with a land based source. This distribution pattern is similar to patterns from other areas.
Data from the water column and surface are not available.
One investigation of the amount of marine litter at the seabed has been carried out in 1998 in the North Sea. The investigation was based on trawl hauls and showed an average of 156 items of litter per km2, with an accumulation area 200 km west of the Danish west coast. The Danish National Institute of Aquatic Ressources, DTU Aqua, conducts bottom trawl surveys for research and management purposes. In 2010 DTU Aqua initiated experimental monitoring of marine litter bycatch from such hauls in the Danish parts of the Baltic Sea around Bornholm. Data from three surveys has been collected. Observed litter includes remains of nets, oil cans and oil rags, other types of marine litter from commercial marine activities. This type of monitoring will be further integrated in future fishery surveys in the North Sea. Assessment of video surveys placed in a 15kmx15km grid from large scale marine habitat surveys conducted in the Danish North Sea and Kattegat in 2010, 2011 and 2012 show that visible marine litter is only rarely present. An exception to this trend was ghost nets, lines and other fishing gear attached to wrecks. Fishing for litter initiatives in 2004 has shown a total tonnage of 1600 to 2000 tons from the 8 participating harbours.
Not assessed
Not assessed
Not assessed
Input load
Load unit
items per km2
Non related GES component
Non related GES component
Non related GES component
Non related GES component
Trends (recent)
Trends (future)
Description (activities)
Specific knowledge of sources of marine litter in Danish marine waters was not available for the initial assessment.
Specific knowledge of sources of marine litter in Danish marine waters was not available for the initial assessment.
Specific knowledge of sources of marine litter in Danish marine waters was not available for the initial assessment.
Specific knowledge of sources of marine litter in Danish marine waters was not available for the initial assessment.
Specific knowledge of sources of marine litter in Danish marine waters was not available for the initial assessment.
Specific knowledge of sources of marine litter in Danish marine waters was not available for the initial assessment.
Activity type
  • NotReported
  • NotReported
  • NotReported
  • NotReported
  • NotReported
  • NotReported
Information gaps
The possibilities of conducting systematic investigations of presence, sources and impacts of marine litter at the coast, on the surface, in the water column and at the seabed are being looked into at present. Existing initiatives and possible new initiatives will be build into the 2014 monitoring programme.
The possibilities of conducting systematic investigations of presence, sources and impacts of marine litter at the coast, on the surface, in the water column and at the seabed are being looked into at present. Existing initiatives and possible new initiatives will be build into the 2014 monitoring programme.
The possibilities of conducting systematic investigations of presence, sources and impacts of marine litter at the coast, on the surface, in the water column and at the seabed are being looked into at present. Existing initiatives and possible new initiatives will be build into the 2014 monitoring programme.
The possibilities of conducting systematic investigations of presence, sources and impacts of marine litter at the coast, on the surface, in the water column and at the seabed are being looked into at present. Existing initiatives and possible new initiatives will be build into the 2014 monitoring programme.
The possibilities of conducting systematic investigations of presence, sources and impacts of marine litter at the coast, on the surface, in the water column and at the seabed are being looked into at present. Existing initiatives and possible new initiatives will be build into the 2014 monitoring programme.
The possibilities of conducting systematic investigations of presence, sources and impacts of marine litter at the coast, on the surface, in the water column and at the seabed are being looked into at present. Existing initiatives and possible new initiatives will be build into the 2014 monitoring programme.