Member State report / Art9 / 2018 / D9 / Spain / Mediterranean: Western Mediterranean Sea

Report type Member State report to Commission
MSFD Article Art. 9 Determination of GES (and Art. 17 updates)
Report due 2018-10-15
GES Descriptor D9 Contaminants in seafood
Member State Spain
Region/subregion Mediterranean: Western Mediterranean Sea
Reported by Subdirección General para la protección del mar. D.G. Sostenibilidad de la Costa y del Mar. Minister
Report date 2020-02-03
Report access msfd2018-ART9_GES.xml

GES component
Marine reporting units
  • Contaminants - in seafood
GES description
LEVEL OF INTEGRATION 1: Pollutant vs species * 1a: Ratios of indicators (number of individuals of one species and site) that should be below threshold value to decide whether the BEA is/are met. Threshold value (V-1a): 95 % (frequency of individuals of a species/site presenting concentrations for each standard pollutant under the CMP). * 1b: Total contaminants vs. species Proportions of indicators (no. of contaminants/species) that meet the EAB at integration level 1a to decide whether or not the EAB is met at integration level 1b. Threshold value (VU-1b) of n < 2, where n is the number of legislated pollutants not complying with the EAB for a given species. A species that exceeds the CMP for two pollutants would not comply with the BEA. BEA: >66.6% of the legislated contaminants do not exceed their respective CMP in fish, crustaceans, cephalopods and algae: proposed VU-1b = 70%. >75% of the legislated contaminants do not exceed their respective PMC in bivalve mollusks: proposed VU-1b = 80%. *INTEGRATION LEVEL 2: Total species vs. category (taxonomic group(s) legislated). Proportion of indicators (no. of species/taxonomic group legislated) complying with the BEA at integration level 1b, to decide whether or not the BEA is complied with at integration level 2. Threshold value (VU-2): 95% (frequency of species/taxonomic group legislated complying with the BEA). In each MD, the number of species per taxonomic group legislated for human consumption differs. OAB: >95% of the % of fish species comply with the OAB according to integration level 1b. >95% of the % of crustacean species comply with the OAB according to integration level 1b. >95% of the % of bivalve species comply with the OAB according to integration level 1b. >95% of the % of cephalopod species comply with the OAB according to integration level 1b. >95% of the % of algae species comply with the OAB according to integration level 1b. INTEGRATION LEVEL 3: Total species by categories vs. demarcation. Proportions of indicators (total of species integrated by categories taxonomic group) in the demarcation), which comply with the BEA at integration level 2, to decide whether or not the BEA is complied with at integration level 3. Threshold value (VU-3): 95%. Each one of the five categories evaluated at integration level 2 contributes 20% to the determination of the EAB for all the demarcations. Same weighting for each category, under review.
Determination date
Update type
Same as last reported determination
Justification for non-use of criterion
Justification for delay in setting EU/regional requirements