Member State report / Art10 / 2012 / D11 / France / NE Atlantic: Celtic Seas
Report type | Member State report to Commission |
MSFD Article | Art. 10 Environmental targets (and Art. 17 updates) |
Report due | 2012-10-15 |
GES Descriptor | D11 Energy, incl. underwater noise |
Member State | France |
Region/subregion | NE Atlantic: Celtic Seas |
Reported by | Agence des aires marines protégées |
Report date | 2013-04-15 |
Report access | ACSFR_MSFD10TI_20130405.xml |
Feature [Target or Indicator code] |
D11 |
GES descriptor, criterion or indicator [GEScomponent] |
MarineUnitID |
Method used |
The environmental objectives are developed in association with the stakeholders concerned within the maritime frontier councils. They respond to the environmental challenges identified on the basis of the initial assessment of the marine environment, with regard to the objective of good environmental status. Environmental issues were identified to take into account the absence in 2012 of an assessment of whether good environmental status has been achieved in the initial assessment, linked to the simulated timetable for the development of the first three elements of the Marine Action Plans. Environmental issues were identified based on the following criteria: - the presence of species, groups of species or habitats that have a particular role in ecosystem functioning, either through their abundance or their key role in the food web (spawning grounds, nursery, etc.). ), habitats with high biodiversity (engineering species), habitats with high endemism (ex: shellfish sand); - and/or presence of sensitive or vulnerable species, groups of species or habitats; - and/or presence of vulnerable species, groups of species or habitats under high pressure to which they are sensitive ; - and/or presence of species, groups of species or habitats of heritage importance (notion of common heritage, symbolic value, cultural value, emblematic species or habitat); - and/or presence of species, or groups of species, intended for human consumption; - and/or existence of strong pressures and strong ecological impacts, whether proven or anticipated. The development of environmental objectives shall take into account existing or planned environmental regulations and objectives already contributing to the maintenance or achievement of good environmental status in the marine environment. They are included as environmental objectives in the Marine Action Plan where they are relevant. Economic and social considerations, identified on the basis of the information available in the initial assessment and through the association (in particular socio-professional representatives, local authorities), are also taken into account. Finally, coherence is more particularly sought with the environmental objectives of the neighbouring marine sub-regions, Bay of Biscay, North Channel and the Member States bordering the Celtic Marine Sub-Region. Taking into account the evolving nature of the available data and knowledge, but also the need to further integrate economic and social considerations in the development of measures by 2015, the environmental objectives set for 2012 are mainly qualitative. They will be specified and supplemented by 2015 by operational environmental objectives (development of the programme of measures). Environmental objectives include : - general environmental objectives referring to an environmental issue identified on the basis of the initial assessment of the marine environment, - specific environmental objectives, which specify the general objectives by providing, where the level of knowledge allows, additional information (pressure, source of pressure, ecosystem component or geographical area concerned).
Description [Targets] |
Maintain or achieve the good conservation status of species and habitats of community interest
Threshold value [TargetValue] |
Reference point type |
unknown |
Baseline |
Proportion |
-7777 |
Assessment method |
Development status |
Type of target/indicator |
State |
Timescale |
2020-12 |
Interim or GES target |
Compatibility with existing targets/indicators |
Physical/chemical features |
Predominant habitats |
Functional group |
Pressures |