Member State report / Art8 / 2018 / D1-M / France / Mediterranean: Western Mediterranean Sea

Report type Member State report to Commission
MSFD Article Art. 8 Initial assessment (and Art. 17 updates)
Report due 2018-10-15
GES Descriptor D1 Mammals
Member State France
Region/subregion Mediterranean: Western Mediterranean Sea
Reported by Ministère de la transition Ecologique et Solidaire
Report date 2020-02-19
Report access ART8_GES_FR_2020-02-17.xml


GES component
Small toothed cetaceans
Small toothed cetaceans
Small toothed cetaceans
Small toothed cetaceans
Small toothed cetaceans
Stenella coeruleoalba
Stenella coeruleoalba
Stenella coeruleoalba
Stenella coeruleoalba
Stenella coeruleoalba
Element code
Element code source
Species (D1)
Species (D1)
Species (D1)
Species (D1)
Species (D1)
Element 2
Element 2 code
Element 2 code source
Element source
Parameter other
Number of extreme strandings
Threshold value upper
Threshold value lower
Threshold qualitative
The number of strandings actually observed over 3 days does not exceed, over more than one month for two years of the current cycle, the upper limit of the 95% confidence interval of the monthly threshold (predicted from the previous cycle).
Threshold value source
Other (specify)
Threshold value source other
Value achieved upper
Value achieved lower
Value unit
Value unit other
Proportion threshold value
Proportion value achieved
Proportion threshold value unit
Parameter achieved
Description parameter
This parameter, relative to criterion D1C3, allows changes in the occurrence of extreme mortality events to be detected. The results of this parameter do not show any exceedance of the monthly threshold over the 2011-2016 period for blue and white dolphins. In the Western Sea marine sub-region, the evaluation of the indicator on extreme mortality events (MM_EME) shows that the conditions of reaching the parameter are respected with regard to the extreme mortality events of blue and white dolphins.
Related indicator
Criteria status
Not assessed
Not assessed
Not assessed
Not assessed
Description criteria
Criterion D1C3 is in good condition with regard to the blue and white dolphin in this MRU because the parameter "Number of extreme strandings" is reached for this species.
Element status
Description element
In the Western Mediterranean marine sub-region, the lack of data makes it impossible to calculate an indicator and therefore to assess the status of marine mammals. Furthermore, no operational common indicator is currently available within the framework of the Barcelona Convention. Thus, for this assessment, only the indicator on extreme mortality events (MM_EME - criterion D1C3) is quantitatively filled in for the blue and white dolphin, which is very insufficient to quantitatively assess the global status of this species in the Western Mediterranean marine sub-region. Consequently, the status of the blue and white dolphin is considered "Unknown".
In the Western Mediterranean marine sub-region, the lack of data makes it impossible to calculate an indicator and therefore to assess the status of marine mammals. Furthermore, no operational common indicator is currently available within the framework of the Barcelona Convention. Thus, for this assessment, only the indicator on extreme mortality events (MM_EME - criterion D1C3) is quantitatively filled in for the blue and white dolphin, which is very insufficient to quantitatively assess the global status of this species in the Western Mediterranean marine sub-region. Consequently, the status of the blue and white dolphin is considered "Unknown".
In the Western Mediterranean marine sub-region, the lack of data makes it impossible to calculate an indicator and therefore to assess the status of marine mammals. Furthermore, no operational common indicator is currently available within the framework of the Barcelona Convention. Thus, for this assessment, only the indicator on extreme mortality events (MM_EME - criterion D1C3) is quantitatively filled in for the blue and white dolphin, which is very insufficient to quantitatively assess the global status of this species in the Western Mediterranean marine sub-region. Consequently, the status of the blue and white dolphin is considered "Unknown".
In the Western Mediterranean marine sub-region, the lack of data makes it impossible to calculate an indicator and therefore to assess the status of marine mammals. Furthermore, no operational common indicator is currently available within the framework of the Barcelona Convention. Thus, for this assessment, only the indicator on extreme mortality events (MM_EME - criterion D1C3) is quantitatively filled in for the blue and white dolphin, which is very insufficient to quantitatively assess the global status of this species in the Western Mediterranean marine sub-region. Consequently, the status of the blue and white dolphin is considered "Unknown".
In the Western Mediterranean marine sub-region, the lack of data makes it impossible to calculate an indicator and therefore to assess the status of marine mammals. Furthermore, no operational common indicator is currently available within the framework of the Barcelona Convention. Thus, for this assessment, only the indicator on extreme mortality events (MM_EME - criterion D1C3) is quantitatively filled in for the blue and white dolphin, which is very insufficient to quantitatively assess the global status of this species in the Western Mediterranean marine sub-region. Consequently, the status of the blue and white dolphin is considered "Unknown".
Integration rule type parameter
Not relevant
Not relevant
Not relevant
Not relevant
Not relevant
Integration rule description parameter
The assessment obtained by calculating the parameter directly informs the corresponding criterion, for a given marine mammal species, without an integration rule.
The assessment obtained by calculating the parameter directly informs the corresponding criterion, for a given marine mammal species, without an integration rule.
The assessment obtained by calculating the parameter directly informs the corresponding criterion, for a given marine mammal species, without an integration rule.
The assessment obtained by calculating the parameter directly informs the corresponding criterion, for a given marine mammal species, without an integration rule.
The assessment obtained by calculating the parameter directly informs the corresponding criterion, for a given marine mammal species, without an integration rule.
Integration rule type criteria
Not relevant
Not relevant
Not relevant
Not relevant
Not relevant
Integration rule description criteria
No integration rule was used as the status of the species could not be assessed. Indeed, only criterion D1C3 could be filled in, which is very insufficient to quantitatively assess the overall status of the species.
No integration rule was used as the status of the species could not be assessed. Indeed, only criterion D1C3 could be filled in, which is very insufficient to quantitatively assess the overall status of the species.
No integration rule was used as the status of the species could not be assessed. Indeed, only criterion D1C3 could be filled in, which is very insufficient to quantitatively assess the overall status of the species.
No integration rule was used as the status of the species could not be assessed. Indeed, only criterion D1C3 could be filled in, which is very insufficient to quantitatively assess the overall status of the species.
No integration rule was used as the status of the species could not be assessed. Indeed, only criterion D1C3 could be filled in, which is very insufficient to quantitatively assess the overall status of the species.
GES extent threshold
GES extent achieved
GES extent unit
GES achieved
Description overall status
Two species, namely the blue and white dolphin (Stenella coeruleoalba) and the bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus), have been identified as representative of the group of species of small odontocetes for the Western Sea marine sub-region. In the Western Sea marine sub-region, the too low number of elements calculated does not allow to quantitatively assess the achievement of the GES for any group of marine mammal species. The lack of standardised long-term data collected at a scale consistent with species distribution is the main limitation to implementing a quantitative assessment through the use of indicators that inform the GES criteria as defined by the Directive. The lack of a quantitative assessment of GES achievement for the Marine Mammal component in the Western Sea sub-region should not obscure the pressures on these populations. Indeed, the IUCN has classified bottlenose, fin and blue/white dolphins as vulnerable, and sperm and common dolphins as endangered (IUCN, 2012). In addition, data from the National Stranding Network indicate worrisome rates of additional deaths due to accidental capture for bottlenose and blue and white dolphins and collisions for fin whales.
Two species, namely the blue and white dolphin (Stenella coeruleoalba) and the bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus), have been identified as representative of the group of species of small odontocetes for the Western Sea marine sub-region. In the Western Sea marine sub-region, the too low number of elements calculated does not allow to quantitatively assess the achievement of the GES for any group of marine mammal species. The lack of standardised long-term data collected at a scale consistent with species distribution is the main limitation to implementing a quantitative assessment through the use of indicators that inform the GES criteria as defined by the Directive. The lack of a quantitative assessment of GES achievement for the Marine Mammal component in the Western Sea sub-region should not obscure the pressures on these populations. Indeed, the IUCN has classified bottlenose, fin and blue/white dolphins as vulnerable, and sperm and common dolphins as endangered (IUCN, 2012). In addition, data from the National Stranding Network indicate worrisome rates of additional deaths due to accidental capture for bottlenose and blue and white dolphins and collisions for fin whales.
Two species, namely the blue and white dolphin (Stenella coeruleoalba) and the bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus), have been identified as representative of the group of species of small odontocetes for the Western Sea marine sub-region. In the Western Sea marine sub-region, the too low number of elements calculated does not allow to quantitatively assess the achievement of the GES for any group of marine mammal species. The lack of standardised long-term data collected at a scale consistent with species distribution is the main limitation to implementing a quantitative assessment through the use of indicators that inform the GES criteria as defined by the Directive. The lack of a quantitative assessment of GES achievement for the Marine Mammal component in the Western Sea sub-region should not obscure the pressures on these populations. Indeed, the IUCN has classified bottlenose, fin and blue/white dolphins as vulnerable, and sperm and common dolphins as endangered (IUCN, 2012). In addition, data from the National Stranding Network indicate worrisome rates of additional deaths due to accidental capture for bottlenose and blue and white dolphins and collisions for fin whales.
Two species, namely the blue and white dolphin (Stenella coeruleoalba) and the bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus), have been identified as representative of the group of species of small odontocetes for the Western Sea marine sub-region. In the Western Sea marine sub-region, the too low number of elements calculated does not allow to quantitatively assess the achievement of the GES for any group of marine mammal species. The lack of standardised long-term data collected at a scale consistent with species distribution is the main limitation to implementing a quantitative assessment through the use of indicators that inform the GES criteria as defined by the Directive. The lack of a quantitative assessment of GES achievement for the Marine Mammal component in the Western Sea sub-region should not obscure the pressures on these populations. Indeed, the IUCN has classified bottlenose, fin and blue/white dolphins as vulnerable, and sperm and common dolphins as endangered (IUCN, 2012). In addition, data from the National Stranding Network indicate worrisome rates of additional deaths due to accidental capture for bottlenose and blue and white dolphins and collisions for fin whales.
Two species, namely the blue and white dolphin (Stenella coeruleoalba) and the bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus), have been identified as representative of the group of species of small odontocetes for the Western Sea marine sub-region. In the Western Sea marine sub-region, the too low number of elements calculated does not allow to quantitatively assess the achievement of the GES for any group of marine mammal species. The lack of standardised long-term data collected at a scale consistent with species distribution is the main limitation to implementing a quantitative assessment through the use of indicators that inform the GES criteria as defined by the Directive. The lack of a quantitative assessment of GES achievement for the Marine Mammal component in the Western Sea sub-region should not obscure the pressures on these populations. Indeed, the IUCN has classified bottlenose, fin and blue/white dolphins as vulnerable, and sperm and common dolphins as endangered (IUCN, 2012). In addition, data from the National Stranding Network indicate worrisome rates of additional deaths due to accidental capture for bottlenose and blue and white dolphins and collisions for fin whales.
Assessments period
Related pressures
Related targets