Member State report / Art8 / 2018 / D2 / France / Mediterranean: Western Mediterranean Sea

Report type Member State report to Commission
MSFD Article Art. 8 Initial assessment (and Art. 17 updates)
Report due 2018-10-15
GES Descriptor D2 Non-indigenous species
Member State France
Region/subregion Mediterranean: Western Mediterranean Sea
Reported by Ministère de la transition Ecologique et Solidaire
Report date 2020-02-19
Report access ART8_GES_FR_2020-02-17.xml


GES component
Newly-introduced non-indigenous species
Newly-introduced non-indigenous species
Newly-introduced non-indigenous species
Newly-introduced non-indigenous species
Newly-introduced non-indigenous species
Newly-introduced non-indigenous species
Newly-introduced non-indigenous species
Newly-introduced non-indigenous species
Newly-introduced non-indigenous species
Newly-introduced non-indigenous species
Newly-introduced non-indigenous species
Amathia verticillata
Ampithoe valida
Aoroides longimerus
Celleporaria brunnea
Chaetozone corona
Haminoea japonica
Ianiropsis serricaudis
Oulastrea crispata
Paranthura japonica
Penaeus aztecus
Stenothoe georgiana
Element code
Element code source
Species (D1)
Species (D1)
Species (D1)
Species (D1)
Species (D1)
Species (D1)
Species (D1)
Species (D1)
Species (D1)
Species (D1)
Species (D1)
Element 2
Element 2 code
Element 2 code source
Element source
Parameter other
Threshold value upper
Threshold value lower
Threshold qualitative
Not available yet
Not available yet
Not available yet
Not available yet
Not available yet
Not available yet
Not available yet
Not available yet
Not available yet
Not available yet
Not available yet
Threshold value source
Threshold value source other
Value achieved upper
Value achieved lower
Value unit
(number of) species
(number of) species
(number of) species
(number of) species
(number of) species
(number of) species
(number of) species
(number of) species
(number of) species
(number of) species
(number of) species
Value unit other
Proportion threshold value
Proportion value achieved
Proportion threshold value unit
Parameter achieved
Description parameter
This parameter consists of a census of new sightings/observations of non-native species over the 6-year period under consideration. Thus, this is the first signalling of this species at the scale of all the French coasts (all marine subregions taken together). (Bibliographic reference: Marchini, A., Ferrario, J., Minchin, D., 2015. Marinas may act as hubs for the spread of the pseudoindigenous bryozoan Amathia verticillata (Delle Chiaje, 1822) and its associates. Scientia Marina. 79(3): 355-365. doi: of first reporting (corresponding scientific publication): of first corresponding observation (date of sampling of each new NIS in the field): threshold is currently available to assess whether or not the parameter has been reached.
This parameter consists of a census of new sightings/observations of non-native species over the 6-year period under consideration. Thus, this is the first signalling of this species at the scale of all the French coasts (all marine subregions taken together).(Bibliographic reference: Faasse, M., 2015. New records of the non-native amphipod Ampithoe valida in Europe. Marine Biodiversity Records. 8: e87. doi: 10.1017/S1755267215000706)Date of first reporting (corresponding scientific publication): 2015 Date of first corresponding observation (date of sampling of each new NIS in the field): 2000 No threshold is currently available to assess whether the parameter has been reached.
This parameter consists of a census of new sightings/observations of non-native species over the 6-year period under consideration. Thus, this species is newly reported in the marine subregion Wstern Mediterranean, but had previously been reported from the southern part of the marine subregion Bay of Biscay (Bibliographic reference: Ulman, A., Ferrario, J., Occhipinti-Ambrogi, A., Arvanitidis, C., Bandi, A., Bertolino, M., Bogi, C., Chatzigeorgiou, G., Ali Çiçek, B., Deidun, A., Ramos-Esplá, A., Koçak, C., Lorenti, M., Martinez-Laiz, G., Merlo, G., Princisgh, E., Scribano, G., Marchini, A., 2017. A massive update of non-indigenous species records in Mediterranean marinas. PeerJ e3954 - DOI 10.7717/peerj.3954)Date of first reporting (corresponding scientific publication): 2017 Date of first corresponding observation (date of sampling of each new NIS in the field): 2015 No threshold is currently available to assess whether the parameter has been reached.
This parameter consists of a census of new sightings/observations of non-native species over the 6-year period under consideration. Thus, this species is newly reported in the marine subregion Western Mediterranean, but had previously been reported from the southern part of the marine subregion Bay of Biscay (Bibliographic reference: Ulman, A., Ferrario, J., Occhipinti-Ambrogi, A., Arvanitidis, C., Bandi, A., Bertolino, M., Bogi, C., Chatzigeorgiou, G., Ali Çiçek, B., Deidun, A., Ramos-Esplá, A., Koçak, C., Lorenti, M., Martinez-Laiz, G., Merlo, G., Princisgh, E., Scribano, G., Marchini, A., 2017. A massive update of non-indigenous species records in Mediterranean marinas. PeerJ e3954 - DOI 10.7717/peerj.3954 )Date of first reporting (corresponding scientific publication): 2017 Date of first corresponding observation (date of sampling of each new NIS in the field): 2015 No threshold is currently available to assess whether the parameter has been reached.
This parameter consists of a census of new sightings/observations of non-native species over the 6-year period under consideration. Thus, this species is newly reported in the marine subregion Western Mediterranean, but had previously been reported in the Celtic Seas and in the northern part of the marine subregion Bay of Biscay (Bibliographic reference: Le Garrec, pers. comm.)Date of first record (corresponding scientific publication): 2017.Date of first corresponding observation (sampling date of each new NIS in the field): 2012.No threshold is currently available to assess whether the parameter is being met.
This parameter consists of a census of new sightings/observations of non-native species over the 6-year period under consideration. Thus, this species is newly reported in the marine subregion Western Mediterranean (Bibliographic reference: Hanson, D., Cooke, S., Hirano, Y., Malaquias, M.A., Crocetta, F., Valdés, A., 2013b. Slipping through the Cracks: the taxonomic impediment conceals the origin and dispersal of Haminoea japonica, an invasive species with impacts to human health. PLoS ONE 8(10): e77457. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0077457)Date first reported (corresponding scientific publication): of first corresponding observation (date of sampling of each new NIS in the field): threshold is currently available to assess whether the parameter is being met.
This parameter consists in listing the new sightings/observations of non-native species over the 6-year period under consideration, making this the first sighting of this species on the scale of all French coasts (all marine subregions combined) (Bibliographic reference: Ulman, A., Ferrario, J., Occhipinti-Ambrogi, A., Arvanitidis, C., Bandi, A., Bertolino, M., Bogi, C., Chatzigeorgiou, G., Ali Çiçek, B., Deidun, A., Ramos-Esplá, A., Koçak, C., Lorenti, M., Martinez-Laiz, G., Merlo, G., Princisgh, E., Scribano, G., Marchini, A., 2017. A massive update of non-indigenous species records in Mediterranean marinas. PeerJ e3954 - DOI 10.7717/peerj.3954)Date of first reporting (corresponding scientific publication): 2017 Date of first corresponding observation (date of sampling of each new NIS in the field): 2015 No threshold is currently available to assess whether the parameter has been reached.
This parameter consists of a census of new sightings/observations of non-native species over the 6-year period under consideration. Thus, this is the first signalling of this species at the scale of all the French coasts (all marine subregions taken together). (Bibliographic reference: Hoeksema, B.W., Oceaña Vicente, O., 2014. First record of the Central Indo-Pacific reef coral Oulastrea crispate in the Mediterranean Sea. Mediterr. Mar. Sci. 15(2): 429-436. DOI: of first reporting (corresponding scientific publication): 2014 Date of first corresponding observation (date of sampling of each new NIS in the field): 2012 No threshold is currently available to assess whether the parameter has been reached.
This parameter consists of a census of new sightings/observations of non-native species over the 6-year period under consideration.Thus, this species is newly reported in the marine subregion Western Mediterranean, but had previously been reported from the southern part of the marine subregion Bay of Biscay (Bibliographic reference: Marchini, A., Ferrario, J., Minchin, D., 2015. Marinas may act as hubs for the spread of the pseudoindigenous bryozoan Amathia verticillata (Delle Chiaje, 1822) and its associates. Scientia Marina. 79(3): 355-365. doi: of first reporting (corresponding scientific publication): of first corresponding observation (date of sampling of each new NIS in the field): threshold is currently available to assess whether or not the parameter has been reached.
This parameter consists of a census of new sightings/observations of non-native species over the 6-year period under consideration, making this the first sighting of this species on the scale of all French coasts (all marine subregions combined) (Bibliographic reference: Galil, B.S., Innocenti, G., Douek, J., Paz, G., Rinkevich, B., 2017. Foul play? On the rapid spread of the brown shrimp Penaeus aztecus Ives, 1891 (Crustacea, Decapoda, Penaeidae) in the Mediterranean, with new records from the Gulf of Lion and the southern Levant. Mar. Biodiv. 47: 979-985. doi: 10.1007/s12526-016-0518-x)Date of first reporting (corresponding scientific publication): 2016 Date of first corresponding observation (date of sampling of each new NIS in the field): 2015 No threshold is currently available to assess whether the parameter has been reached.
This parameter consists in listing the new sightings/observations of non-native species over the 6-year period under consideration, making this the first sighting of this species on the scale of all French coasts (all marine subregions combined) (Bibliographic reference: Ulman, A., Ferrario, J., Occhipinti-Ambrogi, A., Arvanitidis, C., Bandi, A., Bertolino, M., Bogi, C., Chatzigeorgiou, G., Ali Çiçek, B., Deidun, A., Ramos-Esplá, A., Koçak, C., Lorenti, M., Martinez-Laiz, G., Merlo, G., Princisgh, E., Scribano, G., Marchini, A., 2017. A massive update of non-indigenous species records in Mediterranean marinas. PeerJ e3954 - DOI 10.7717/peerj.3954)Date of first reporting (corresponding scientific publication): 2017 Date of first corresponding observation (date of sampling of each new NIS in the field): 2015 No threshold is currently available to assess whether the parameter has been reached.
Related indicator
Criteria status
Description criteria
Due to biases and uncertainties in the available data, it is not currently possible to assess the status of criterion D2C1 with respect to this species. However, the fact that several species have been newly and recently introduced shows that measures are needed to limit this risk in the future.
Due to biases and uncertainties in the available data, it is not currently possible to assess the status of criterion D2C1 with respect to this species. However, the fact that several species have been newly and recently introduced shows that measures are needed to limit this risk in the future.
Due to biases and uncertainties in the available data, it is not currently possible to assess the status of criterion D2C1 with respect to this species. However, the fact that several species have been newly and recently introduced shows that measures are needed to limit this risk in the future.
Due to biases and uncertainties in the available data, it is not currently possible to assess the status of criterion D2C1 with respect to this species. However, the fact that several species have been newly and recently introduced shows that measures are needed to limit this risk in the future.
Due to biases and uncertainties in the available data, it is not currently possible to assess the status of criterion D2C1 with respect to this species. However, the fact that several species have been newly and recently introduced shows that measures are needed to limit this risk in the future.
Due to biases and uncertainties in the available data, it is not currently possible to assess the status of criterion D2C1 with respect to this species. However, the fact that several species have been newly and recently introduced shows that measures are needed to limit this risk in the future.
Due to biases and uncertainties in the available data, it is not currently possible to assess the status of criterion D2C1 with respect to this species. However, the fact that several species have been newly and recently introduced shows that measures are needed to limit this risk in the future.
Due to biases and uncertainties in the available data, it is not currently possible to assess the status of criterion D2C1 with respect to this species. However, the fact that several species have been newly and recently introduced shows that measures are needed to limit this risk in the future.
Due to biases and uncertainties in the available data, it is not currently possible to assess the status of criterion D2C1 with respect to this species. However, the fact that several species have been newly and recently introduced shows that measures are needed to limit this risk in the future.
Due to biases and uncertainties in the available data, it is not currently possible to assess the status of criterion D2C1 with respect to this species. However, the fact that several species have been newly and recently introduced shows that measures are needed to limit this risk in the future.
Due to biases and uncertainties in the available data, it is not currently possible to assess the status of criterion D2C1 with respect to this species. However, the fact that several species have been newly and recently introduced shows that measures are needed to limit this risk in the future.
Element status
Description element
The status of criterion D2C1 with respect to this species directly informs the status of the element. However, the low confidence in the data used and the absence of a threshold do not allow for a conclusion on the status of criterion D2C1 and thus the element.
The status of criterion D2C1 with respect to this species directly informs the status of the element. However, the low confidence in the data used and the absence of a threshold do not allow for a conclusion on the status of criterion D2C1 and thus the element.
The status of criterion D2C1 with respect to this species directly informs the status of the element. However, the low confidence in the data used and the absence of a threshold do not allow for a conclusion on the status of criterion D2C1 and thus the element.
The status of criterion D2C1 with respect to this species directly informs the status of the element. However, the low confidence in the data used and the absence of a threshold do not allow for a conclusion on the status of criterion D2C1 and thus the element.
The status of criterion D2C1 with respect to this species directly informs the status of the element. However, the low confidence in the data used and the absence of a threshold do not allow for a conclusion on the status of criterion D2C1 and thus the element.
The status of criterion D2C1 with respect to this species directly informs the status of the element. However, the low confidence in the data used and the absence of a threshold do not allow for a conclusion on the status of criterion D2C1 and thus the element.
The status of criterion D2C1 with respect to this species directly informs the status of the element. However, the low confidence in the data used and the absence of a threshold do not allow for a conclusion on the status of criterion D2C1 and thus the element.
The status of criterion D2C1 with respect to this species directly informs the status of the element. However, the low confidence in the data used and the absence of a threshold do not allow for a conclusion on the status of criterion D2C1 and thus the element.
The status of criterion D2C1 with respect to this species directly informs the status of the element. However, the low confidence in the data used and the absence of a threshold do not allow for a conclusion on the status of criterion D2C1 and thus the element.
The status of criterion D2C1 with respect to this species directly informs the status of the element. However, the low confidence in the data used and the absence of a threshold do not allow for a conclusion on the status of criterion D2C1 and thus the element.
The status of criterion D2C1 with respect to this species directly informs the status of the element. However, the low confidence in the data used and the absence of a threshold do not allow for a conclusion on the status of criterion D2C1 and thus the element.
Integration rule type parameter
Not relevant
Not relevant
Not relevant
Not relevant
Not relevant
Not relevant
Not relevant
Not relevant
Not relevant
Not relevant
Not relevant
Integration rule description parameter
Integration rule type criteria
Not relevant
Not relevant
Not relevant
Not relevant
Not relevant
Not relevant
Not relevant
Not relevant
Not relevant
Not relevant
Not relevant
Integration rule description criteria
No integration rule is necessary, the criterion status directly informs the element status.
No integration rule is necessary, the criterion status directly informs the element status.
No integration rule is necessary, the criterion status directly informs the element status.
No integration rule is necessary, the criterion status directly informs the element status.
No integration rule is necessary, the criterion status directly informs the element status.
No integration rule is necessary, the criterion status directly informs the element status.
No integration rule is necessary, the criterion status directly informs the element status.
No integration rule is necessary, the criterion status directly informs the element status.
No integration rule is necessary, the criterion status directly informs the element status.
No integration rule is necessary, the criterion status directly informs the element status.
No integration rule is necessary, the criterion status directly informs the element status.
GES extent threshold
GES extent achieved
GES extent unit
Number of newly-introduced species
Number of newly-introduced species
Number of newly-introduced species
Number of newly-introduced species
Number of newly-introduced species
Number of newly-introduced species
Number of newly-introduced species
Number of newly-introduced species
Number of newly-introduced species
Number of newly-introduced species
Number of newly-introduced species
GES achieved
Description overall status
Since 2012, a total of 11 new non-native species have been reported in the WMR Marine Sub-Region. As no threshold defining the 'maximum level' of non-native species introduction compatible with GES is currently defined, it is not possible to assess GES achievement under D2C1 for the WMR Marine Sub-Region. However, the fact that several species have been newly and recently introduced shows that measures are needed to limit this risk in the future, and the information on D2C2 and D2C3 criteria identified in the literature is too limited to make a real assessment of these two criteria at the scale of the Marine Sub-Region.
Since 2012, a total of 11 new non-native species have been reported in the WMR Marine Sub-Region. As no threshold defining the 'maximum level' of non-native species introduction compatible with GES is currently defined, it is not possible to assess GES achievement under D2C1 for the WMR Marine Sub-Region. However, the fact that several species have been newly and recently introduced shows that measures are needed to limit this risk in the future, and the information on D2C2 and D2C3 criteria identified in the literature is too limited to make a real assessment of these two criteria at the scale of the Marine Sub-Region.
Since 2012, a total of 11 new non-native species have been reported in the WMR Marine Sub-Region. As no threshold defining the 'maximum level' of non-native species introduction compatible with GES is currently defined, it is not possible to assess GES achievement under D2C1 for the WMR Marine Sub-Region. However, the fact that several species have been newly and recently introduced shows that measures are needed to limit this risk in the future, and the information on D2C2 and D2C3 criteria identified in the literature is too limited to make a real assessment of these two criteria at the scale of the Marine Sub-Region.
Since 2012, a total of 11 new non-native species have been reported in the WMR Marine Sub-Region. As no threshold defining the 'maximum level' of non-native species introduction compatible with GES is currently defined, it is not possible to assess GES achievement under D2C1 for the WMR Marine Sub-Region. However, the fact that several species have been newly and recently introduced shows that measures are needed to limit this risk in the future, and the information on D2C2 and D2C3 criteria identified in the literature is too limited to make a real assessment of these two criteria at the scale of the Marine Sub-Region.
Since 2012, a total of 11 new non-native species have been reported in the WMR Marine Sub-Region. As no threshold defining the 'maximum level' of non-native species introduction compatible with GES is currently defined, it is not possible to assess GES achievement under D2C1 for the WMR Marine Sub-Region. However, the fact that several species have been newly and recently introduced shows that measures are needed to limit this risk in the future, and the information on D2C2 and D2C3 criteria identified in the literature is too limited to make a real assessment of these two criteria at the scale of the Marine Sub-Region.
Since 2012, a total of 11 new non-native species have been reported in the WMR Marine Sub-Region. As no threshold defining the 'maximum level' of non-native species introduction compatible with GES is currently defined, it is not possible to assess GES achievement under D2C1 for the WMR Marine Sub-Region. However, the fact that several species have been newly and recently introduced shows that measures are needed to limit this risk in the future, and the information on D2C2 and D2C3 criteria identified in the literature is too limited to make a real assessment of these two criteria at the scale of the Marine Sub-Region.
Since 2012, a total of 11 new non-native species have been reported in the WMR Marine Sub-Region. As no threshold defining the 'maximum level' of non-native species introduction compatible with GES is currently defined, it is not possible to assess GES achievement under D2C1 for the WMR Marine Sub-Region. However, the fact that several species have been newly and recently introduced shows that measures are needed to limit this risk in the future, and the information on D2C2 and D2C3 criteria identified in the literature is too limited to make a real assessment of these two criteria at the scale of the Marine Sub-Region.
Since 2012, a total of 11 new non-native species have been reported in the WMR Marine Sub-Region. As no threshold defining the 'maximum level' of non-native species introduction compatible with GES is currently defined, it is not possible to assess GES achievement under D2C1 for the WMR Marine Sub-Region. However, the fact that several species have been newly and recently introduced shows that measures are needed to limit this risk in the future, and the information on D2C2 and D2C3 criteria identified in the literature is too limited to make a real assessment of these two criteria at the scale of the Marine Sub-Region.
Since 2012, a total of 11 new non-native species have been reported in the WMR Marine Sub-Region. As no threshold defining the 'maximum level' of non-native species introduction compatible with GES is currently defined, it is not possible to assess GES achievement under D2C1 for the WMR Marine Sub-Region. However, the fact that several species have been newly and recently introduced shows that measures are needed to limit this risk in the future, and the information on D2C2 and D2C3 criteria identified in the literature is too limited to make a real assessment of these two criteria at the scale of the Marine Sub-Region.
Since 2012, a total of 11 new non-native species have been reported in the WMR Marine Sub-Region. As no threshold defining the 'maximum level' of non-native species introduction compatible with GES is currently defined, it is not possible to assess GES achievement under D2C1 for the WMR Marine Sub-Region. However, the fact that several species have been newly and recently introduced shows that measures are needed to limit this risk in the future, and the information on D2C2 and D2C3 criteria identified in the literature is too limited to make a real assessment of these two criteria at the scale of the Marine Sub-Region.
Since 2012, a total of 11 new non-native species have been reported in the WMR Marine Sub-Region. As no threshold defining the 'maximum level' of non-native species introduction compatible with GES is currently defined, it is not possible to assess GES achievement under D2C1 for the WMR Marine Sub-Region. However, the fact that several species have been newly and recently introduced shows that measures are needed to limit this risk in the future, and the information on D2C2 and D2C3 criteria identified in the literature is too limited to make a real assessment of these two criteria at the scale of the Marine Sub-Region.
Assessments period
Related pressures
Related targets