Member State report / Art9 / 2018 / D10 / Croatia / Mediterranean: Adriatic Sea

Report type Member State report to Commission
MSFD Article Art. 9 Determination of GES (and Art. 17 updates)
Report due 2018-10-15
GES Descriptor D10 Litter
Member State Croatia
Region/subregion Mediterranean: Adriatic Sea
Reported by Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries
Report date 2019-10-31
Report access msfd2018-ART9_GES_HR.xml

GES component
Marine reporting units
GES description
Determination date
Update type
Justification for non-use of criterion
Since the knowledge of the state, quantities and properties, and litter impacts on the marine environment at the current level are insufficient, it was not possible to determine the GES and trends of this criteria in the Croatian part of the Adriatic Sea.
Since the knowledge of the state, quantities and properties, and litter impacts on the marine environment at the current level are insufficient, it was not possible to determine the GES and trends of this criteria in the Croatian part of the Adriatic Sea.
Justification for delay in setting EU/regional requirements
Since the knowledge of the state, quantities and properties, and litter impacts on the marine environment at the current level are insufficient, it was not possible to determine the current status and trends of this descriptor in the Croatian part of the Adriatic Sea.
Since the knowledge of the state, quantities and properties, and litter impacts on the marine environment at the current level are insufficient, it was not possible to determine the GES and trends of this criteria in the Croatian part of the Adriatic Sea.
Since the knowledge of the state, quantities and properties, and litter impacts on the marine environment at the current level are insufficient, it was not possible to determine the GES and trends of this criteria in the Croatian part of the Adriatic Sea.