Member State report / Art9 / 2018 / D11 / Ireland / NE Atlantic: Celtic Seas

Report type Member State report to Commission
MSFD Article Art. 9 Determination of GES (and Art. 17 updates)
Report due 2018-10-15
GES Descriptor D11 Energy, incl. underwater noise
Member State Ireland
Region/subregion NE Atlantic: Celtic Seas
Reported by Department of Housing, Planning and Local Government
Report date 2020-08-31
Report access msfd2018-ART9_GES_IE_Updated_24July.xml

GES component
Marine reporting units
  • ACS-IE-AA-001
  • Input of anthropogenic sound (impulsive, continuous)
GES description
Ireland has achieved Good Environmental Status within its maritime area for Criteria D11C1 - the spatial distribution, temporal extent, and levels of anthropogenic impulsive sound sources.
Determination date
Update type
New determination
Justification for non-use of criterion
There are no agreed methodologies for the assessment of continuous noise and its impact on marine mammals, thus there is no assessment under Criteria D11C2 (i.e. the spatial distribution, temporal extent and levels of anthropogenic continuous low-frequency sound do not exceed levels that adversely affect populations of marine animals). Work is ongoing at a European level to develop methodologies for the assessment of continuous noise and its impact on marine animals.
Justification for delay in setting EU/regional requirements
There are currently no threshold values associated with Anthropogenic impulsive sound. The development of regional and sub-regional threshold values is under way through the MSFD Common Implementation Strategy Technical Group on Underwater Noise (TG-Noise).