Member State report / Art9 / 2012 / D2 / Ireland / NE Atlantic: Celtic Seas

Report type Member State report to Commission
MSFD Article Art. 9 Determination of GES (and Art. 17 updates)
Report due 2012-10-15
GES Descriptor D2 Non-indigenous species
Member State Ireland
Region/subregion NE Atlantic: Celtic Seas
Reported by Department of the Environment, Community and Local Government
Report date 15/04/2013
Report access ACSIE_MSFD9GES_20130415.xml
GES component
2.1 Abundance and state characterisation of non-indigenous species, in particular invasive species
2.1.1 Trends in abundance of NIS
2.2 Environmental impact of invasive non-indigenous species
2.2.1 Ratio invasive to native species
2.2.2 Impacts of NIS
Method used
Ireland has utilised the information sharing facilitated by OSPAR on existing methodologies and future developments for determining GES and environmental targets and indicators. The non-binding OSPAR ‘Advice Documents’ use the benefit of OSPAR expertise to set out common approaches for expressing GES and potential methodologies for developing targets and indicators. The OSPAR countries implementing the MSFD have collectively analysed and shared their emerging GES determinations and associated targets and indicators through the creation of an inventory of emerging national proposals. For the biodiversity Descriptors (including 1, 2, 4 and 6) OSPAR countries are sharing expertise on common approaches. An intensive programme of work is still continuing to coordinate national approaches to biodiversity targets and indicators, including the ongoing development of a proposed set of common OSPAR biodiversity indicators for MSFD. Ireland has also participated in EU coordination through the EU CIS process.
Marine reporting units
  • Irish Assesment Area
  • Irish Assesment Area
  • Irish Assesment Area
  • Irish Assesment Area
  • Irish Assesment Area
  • Irish Assesment Area
  • IntroNIS
GES description
Good status is achieved when the risks and pathways from vectors which facilitate the introduction and spread of NIS as a result of human activities is significantly reduced by way of appropriate measures ; and should they arrive, by applying, where feasible, practical and cost-effective means ,to control or reduce their further spread.
Threshold values
  • Irish Assesment Area = Not relevant – no threshold values set for this Descriptor
Threshold value unit
Proportion of area to achieve threshold value
GES has not been quantitatively defined/agreed
Reference point type
Not relevant – no baseline values set for this Descriptor
Assessment method
GES assessment methods are not yet defined at a European level. Further development of GES assessment under Descriptor 2 is required, and discussions are on-going at a European level. The Irish approach is primarily an operational approach that follows the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) framework goal relevant to NIS which is: • To identify and prioritise the pathways for invasive alien species • To reduce the risk of introduction and spread of new species by managing the pathways for major potential invasive alien species; • To develop action plans for major alien species which threaten important ecosystems, habitats or species.
Development status
Further development needed (expected to be operational by 2018 if adopted). GES assessment methods are not yet defined at a European level. Further development of GES assessment under Descriptor 2 is required, and discussions are on-going at a European level.