Member State report / Art8 / 2018 / D6 / Ireland / NE Atlantic: Celtic Seas

Report type Member State report to Commission
MSFD Article Art. 8 Initial assessment (and Art. 17 updates)
Report due 2018-10-15
GES Descriptor D6 Sea-floor integrity/D1 Benthic habitats
Member State Ireland
Region/subregion NE Atlantic: Celtic Seas
Reported by Department of Housing, Planning and Local Government
Report date 2020-08-31
Report access msfd2018-ART8_GES_IE_Updated_24_July.xml

Irish Assesment Area (ACS-IE-AA-001)

GES component
Benthic broad habitats
Benthic broad habitats
Physical disturbance to seabed
Physical loss of the seabed
Benthic Broad Habitats
Benthic Broad Habitats
Element code
Element code source
Link to other vocabulary or code lists that may be relevant
Link to other vocabulary or code lists that may be relevant
Element 2
Element 2 code
Element 2 code source
Element source
Parameter other
Threshold value upper
Threshold value lower
Threshold qualitative
Based on expert judgement.
Based on expert judgement.
Threshold value source
Threshold value source other
Value achieved upper
Value achieved lower
Value unit
square kilometre
square kilometre
square kilometre
square kilometre
Value unit other
Proportion threshold value
Proportion value achieved
Proportion threshold value unit
Parameter achieved
Description parameter
There are currently no threshold values proposed for sea-floor integrity. The development of regional and sub-regional threshold values has not been undertaken at this time but is a work in progress at a European member state level. Assessed physical loss of seabed habitat in Irish MSFD waters is lower than any potential threshold value, with overall loss calculated to be less than 2,440km2 or 0.5% of the total area. Based on expert judgement.
There are currently no threshold values proposed for sea-floor integrity. The development of regional and sub-regional threshold values has not been undertaken at this time but is a work in progress at a European member state level. The analysis of physical disturbance to seabed habitats, from international fishing-driven pressures quantifiable for the years 2010-2015, showed such disturbance to be widespread. It occurred in approximately 64,865 km2 of the Irish portion of OSPAR Region III or at least 13% of the overall maritime area.
There are currently no threshold values proposed for sea-floor integrity. The development of regional and sub-regional threshold values has not been undertaken at this time but is a work in progress at a European member state level. The analysis of physical disturbance to seabed habitats, from international fishing-driven pressures quantifiable for the years 2010-2015, showed such disturbance to be widespread. It occurred in approximately 64,865 km2 of the Irish portion of OSPAR Region III or at least 13% of the overall maritime area.
There are currently no threshold values proposed for sea-floor integrity. The development of regional and sub-regional threshold values has not been undertaken at this time but is a work in progress at a European member state level. Assessed physical loss of seabed habitat in Irish MSFD waters is lower than any potential threshold value, with overall loss calculated to be less than 2,440 km2 or 0.5% of the total area. Based on expert judgement.
Related indicator
Criteria status
Description criteria
There are currently no threshold values proposed for sea-floor integrity. The development of regional and sub-regional threshold values has not been undertaken at this time but is a work in progress at a European member state level. Assessed physical loss of seabed habitat in Irish MSFD waters is lower than any potential threshold value, with overall loss calculated to be less than 2,440km2 or 0.5% of the total area. Based on expert judgement.
There are currently no threshold values proposed for sea-floor integrity. The development of regional and sub-regional threshold values has not been undertaken at this time but is a work in progress at a European member state level. The analysis of physical disturbance to seabed habitats, from international fishing-driven pressures quantifiable for the years 2010-2015, showed such disturbance to be widespread. It occurred in approximately 64,865 km2 of the Irish portion of OSPAR Region III or at least 13% of the overall maritime area.
There are currently no threshold values proposed for sea-floor integrity. The development of regional and sub-regional threshold values has not been undertaken at this time but is a work in progress at a European member state level. Assessed physical loss of seabed habitat in Irish MSFD waters is lower than any potential threshold value, with overall loss calculated to be less than 2,440 km2 or 0.5% of the total area. Based on expert judgement.
Element status
Description element
There are currently no threshold values proposed for sea-floor integrity. The development of regional and sub-regional threshold values has not been undertaken at this time but is a work in progress at a European member state level. Assessed physical loss of seabed habitat in Irish MSFD waters is lower than any potential threshold value, with overall loss calculated to be less than 2,440km2 or 0.5% of the total area. Based on expert judgement. The analysis of physical disturbance to seabed habitats, from international fishing-driven pressures quantifiable for the years 2010-2015, showed such disturbance to be widespread. It occurred in approximately 64,865 km2 of the Irish portion of OSPAR Region III or at least 13% of the overall maritime area.
There are currently no threshold values proposed for sea-floor integrity. The development of regional and sub-regional threshold values has not been undertaken at this time but is a work in progress at a European member state level. Assessed physical loss of seabed habitat in Irish MSFD waters is lower than any potential threshold value, with overall loss calculated to be less than 2,440km2 or 0.5% of the total area. Based on expert judgement. The analysis of physical disturbance to seabed habitats, from international fishing-driven pressures quantifiable for the years 2010-2015, showed such disturbance to be widespread. It occurred in approximately 64,865 km2 of the Irish portion of OSPAR Region III or at least 13% of the overall maritime area.
Integration rule type parameter
Not relevant
Not relevant
Not relevant
Not relevant
Integration rule description parameter
Integration rule type criteria
Integration rule description criteria
GES extent threshold
GES extent achieved
GES extent unit
GES achieved
GES achieved
GES achieved
GES achieved
Description overall status
There are currently no threshold values proposed for sea-floor integrity. The development of regional and sub-regional threshold values has not been undertaken at this time but is a work in progress at a European member state level. Assessed physical loss of seabed habitat in Irish MSFD waters is lower than any potential threshold value, with overall loss calculated to be less than 2,440km2 or 0.5% of the total area. Based on expert judgement.
There are currently no threshold values proposed for sea-floor integrity. The development of regional and sub-regional threshold values has not been undertaken at this time but is a work in progress at a European member state level. Assessed physical loss of seabed habitat in Irish MSFD waters is lower than any potential threshold value, with overall loss calculated to be less than 2,440km2 or 0.5% of the total area. Based on expert judgement.
There are currently no threshold values proposed for sea-floor integrity. The development of regional and sub-regional threshold values has not been undertaken at this time but is a work in progress at a European member state level. The analysis of physical disturbance to seabed habitats, from international fishing-driven pressures quantifiable for the years 2010-2015, showed such disturbance to be widespread. It occurred in approximately 64,865 km2 of the Irish portion of OSPAR Region III or at least 13% of the overall maritime area.
There are currently no threshold values proposed for sea-floor integrity. The development of regional and sub-regional threshold values has not been undertaken at this time but is a work in progress at a European member state level. Assessed physical loss of seabed habitat in Irish MSFD waters is lower than any potential threshold value, with overall loss calculated to be less than 2,440km2 or 0.5% of the total area. Based on expert judgement.
Assessments period
Related pressures
  • Extraction of, or mortality/injury to, wild species (by commercial and recreational fishing and other activities)
  • Physical disturbance to seabed
  • Physical loss of the seabed
  • Extraction of, or mortality/injury to, wild species (by commercial and recreational fishing and other activities)
  • Physical disturbance to seabed
  • Physical loss of the seabed
  • Extraction of, or mortality/injury to, wild species (by commercial and recreational fishing and other activities)
  • Physical disturbance to seabed
  • Physical loss of the seabed
Related targets
  • D6T4
  • D6T5
  • D6T4
  • D6T5
  • D6T2
  • D6T1