Member State report: Ireland / Art7

Report type Member State report to Commission
MSFD Article Art. 7 Competent authorities
Member State Ireland
Reported by generated from the database provided by the Commission
Report date 2011-05-25
Report access Competent_Authority.xml
CA code (EU, national)
Acronym, Name (national)
Department of Environment, Community and Local Government ()
Newtown Road, Wexford/, Ireland,
Legal status
The Competent Authority is a Department of the Irish Government
The Department of the Environment, Community and Local Government‘s mission is ―” to pursue sustainable development”. It has a broad range of responsibilities such as sustainable regional and community development and support, improving and protection the environment, effect national climate change response, effective local government and the protection and improvement of our water resource. In relation to our marine waters the competent authority is responsible for ensuring Completion of Initial Assessment of Irish marine waters; establishment of environmental targets and indicators: July 2012 Establishment of a Monitoring Programme: July 2014 Establishment of a Programme of Measures to achieve GES: 2015 Implementation of these measure by: 2016 The Competent Authority will coordinate the efforts of other government Departments and Agencies in pursuance of these objectives.
Directive 2008/56/EC
The Department of Community, Environment and Local Government is the competent authority for the implementation of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive and coordinates the interaction of the following key Government Departments and their Agencies; . Department of Agriculture, Marine and Food Department of Transport, Tourism and Sport Department of Arts, Heritage and Gaeltacht Affairs Department of Communications, Energy and Natural Resources The above Departments of State are required to provide the competent authority with information and such assistance as is required by the competent authority for the purposes of developing a marine strategy, cooperation with other Member States, preparation of initial assessment and associated targets and indicators, determination of GES, establishment of monitoring programme and a programme of measures.
Regional coordination
Regional and sub regional coordination will be achieved via the work of the regional seas convention for the North East Atlantic, OSPAR. The Competent Authority is the Head of the Irish Delegation to OSPAR and it coordinates attendance at the various committees by representatives from our Membership group above.