Member State report / Art11 / 2020 / D1-P / Italy / Mediterranean: Adriatic Sea

Report type Member State report to Commission
MSFD Article Art. 11 Monitoring programmes (and Art. 17 updates)
Report due 2020-10-15
GES Descriptor D1 Pelagic habitats
Member State Italy
Region/subregion Mediterranean: Adriatic Sea
Reported by ISPRA - Italian National Institute for Environmental Protection and Research
Report date 2020-10-13
Report access

Monitoring strategy description
Il D.1 “Biodiversità” è un descrittore di stato: il suo obiettivo è il raggiungimento o il mantenimento di un buon stato ambientale, nel quale non vi sia perdita di biodiversità, siano ripristinate le caratteristiche della biodiversità sottoposte ad eventuali alterazioni, e gli usi dell’ambiente marino siano sostenibili. Il Descrittore 1 è perciò diverso da tutti gli altri che sono descrittori di pressione, ad eccezione del D4 e del D6, quest’ultimo caratterizzato da una condizione mista. Quindi nel quadro di un approccio ecosistemico, il conseguimento dei traguardi del D1 è subordinato, a diverso grado e in modo diretto o indiretto, a quello dei traguardi ambientali definiti per i descrittori di pressione. La Decisione della Commissione 2017/848/UE indica le componenti dell’ecosistema (gruppi di specie e tipi di habitat), su cui basarsi per effettuare la valutazione dello stato dell’ambiente. A questo proposito l’Italia ha individuato le componenti rilevanti dell’ecosistema basandosi sui seguenti criteri: 1) rappresentatività in chiave di struttura e funzionamento degli ecosistemi marini; 2) corrispondenza alle definizioni dei GES; 3) connessione ai programmi di monitoraggio stabiliti nell’ambito di altre politiche comunitarie; 4) pertinenza ai fini della valutazione delle principali pressioni antropiche (Direttiva 2017/845/UE) e dell’efficacia delle misure gestionali adottate nell’ambito del Programma di misure nazionale della Strategia marina (DPCM del 10 ottobre 2017). Nella individuazione di tali componenti dell’ecosistema sono stati altresì tenuti in considerazione dei criteri pratici di fattibilità, sia in senso logistico-organizzativo, sia economico. Il Programma di monitoraggio relativo al Descrittore 1 (2021-2026) si articola nei gruppi di specie e tipi di habitat di seguito riportati. HABITAT PELAGICI: Costieri (Fitoplancton, Mesozooplancton, Macrozooplancton gelatinoso)
Il D.1 “Biodiversità” è un descrittore di stato: il suo obiettivo è il raggiungimento o il mantenimento di un buon stato ambientale, nel quale non vi sia perdita di biodiversità, siano ripristinate le caratteristiche della biodiversità sottoposte ad eventuali alterazioni, e gli usi dell’ambiente marino siano sostenibili. Il Descrittore 1 è perciò diverso da tutti gli altri che sono descrittori di pressione, ad eccezione del D4 e del D6, quest’ultimo caratterizzato da una condizione mista. Quindi nel quadro di un approccio ecosistemico, il conseguimento dei traguardi del D1 è subordinato, a diverso grado e in modo diretto o indiretto, a quello dei traguardi ambientali definiti per i descrittori di pressione. La Decisione della Commissione 2017/848/UE indica le componenti dell’ecosistema (gruppi di specie e tipi di habitat), su cui basarsi per effettuare la valutazione dello stato dell’ambiente. A questo proposito l’Italia ha individuato le componenti rilevanti dell’ecosistema basandosi sui seguenti criteri: 1) rappresentatività in chiave di struttura e funzionamento degli ecosistemi marini; 2) corrispondenza alle definizioni dei GES; 3) connessione ai programmi di monitoraggio stabiliti nell’ambito di altre politiche comunitarie; 4) pertinenza ai fini della valutazione delle principali pressioni antropiche (Direttiva 2017/845/UE) e dell’efficacia delle misure gestionali adottate nell’ambito del Programma di misure nazionale della Strategia marina (DPCM del 10 ottobre 2017). Nella individuazione di tali componenti dell’ecosistema sono stati altresì tenuti in considerazione dei criteri pratici di fattibilità, sia in senso logistico-organizzativo, sia economico. Il Programma di monitoraggio relativo al Descrittore 1 (2021-2026) si articola nei gruppi di specie e tipi di habitat di seguito riportati. HABITAT PELAGICI: Costieri (Fitoplancton, Mesozooplancton, Macrozooplancton gelatinoso)
Il D.1 “Biodiversità” è un descrittore di stato: il suo obiettivo è il raggiungimento o il mantenimento di un buon stato ambientale, nel quale non vi sia perdita di biodiversità, siano ripristinate le caratteristiche della biodiversità sottoposte ad eventuali alterazioni, e gli usi dell’ambiente marino siano sostenibili. Il Descrittore 1 è perciò diverso da tutti gli altri che sono descrittori di pressione, ad eccezione del D4 e del D6, quest’ultimo caratterizzato da una condizione mista. Quindi nel quadro di un approccio ecosistemico, il conseguimento dei traguardi del D1 è subordinato, a diverso grado e in modo diretto o indiretto, a quello dei traguardi ambientali definiti per i descrittori di pressione. La Decisione della Commissione 2017/848/UE indica le componenti dell’ecosistema (gruppi di specie e tipi di habitat), su cui basarsi per effettuare la valutazione dello stato dell’ambiente. A questo proposito l’Italia ha individuato le componenti rilevanti dell’ecosistema basandosi sui seguenti criteri: 1) rappresentatività in chiave di struttura e funzionamento degli ecosistemi marini; 2) corrispondenza alle definizioni dei GES; 3) connessione ai programmi di monitoraggio stabiliti nell’ambito di altre politiche comunitarie; 4) pertinenza ai fini della valutazione delle principali pressioni antropiche (Direttiva 2017/845/UE) e dell’efficacia delle misure gestionali adottate nell’ambito del Programma di misure nazionale della Strategia marina (DPCM del 10 ottobre 2017). Nella individuazione di tali componenti dell’ecosistema sono stati altresì tenuti in considerazione dei criteri pratici di fattibilità, sia in senso logistico-organizzativo, sia economico. Il Programma di monitoraggio relativo al Descrittore 1 (2021-2026) si articola nei gruppi di specie e tipi di habitat di seguito riportati. HABITAT PELAGICI: Costieri (Fitoplancton, Mesozooplancton, Macrozooplancton gelatinoso)
Il D.1 “Biodiversità” è un descrittore di stato: il suo obiettivo è il raggiungimento o il mantenimento di un buon stato ambientale, nel quale non vi sia perdita di biodiversità, siano ripristinate le caratteristiche della biodiversità sottoposte ad eventuali alterazioni, e gli usi dell’ambiente marino siano sostenibili. Il Descrittore 1 è perciò diverso da tutti gli altri che sono descrittori di pressione, ad eccezione del D4 e del D6, quest’ultimo caratterizzato da una condizione mista. Quindi nel quadro di un approccio ecosistemico, il conseguimento dei traguardi del D1 è subordinato, a diverso grado e in modo diretto o indiretto, a quello dei traguardi ambientali definiti per i descrittori di pressione. La Decisione della Commissione 2017/848/UE indica le componenti dell’ecosistema (gruppi di specie e tipi di habitat), su cui basarsi per effettuare la valutazione dello stato dell’ambiente. A questo proposito l’Italia ha individuato le componenti rilevanti dell’ecosistema basandosi sui seguenti criteri: 1) rappresentatività in chiave di struttura e funzionamento degli ecosistemi marini; 2) corrispondenza alle definizioni dei GES; 3) connessione ai programmi di monitoraggio stabiliti nell’ambito di altre politiche comunitarie; 4) pertinenza ai fini della valutazione delle principali pressioni antropiche (Direttiva 2017/845/UE) e dell’efficacia delle misure gestionali adottate nell’ambito del Programma di misure nazionale della Strategia marina (DPCM del 10 ottobre 2017). Nella individuazione di tali componenti dell’ecosistema sono stati altresì tenuti in considerazione dei criteri pratici di fattibilità, sia in senso logistico-organizzativo, sia economico. Il Programma di monitoraggio relativo al Descrittore 1 (2021-2026) si articola nei gruppi di specie e tipi di habitat di seguito riportati. HABITAT PELAGICI: Costieri (Fitoplancton, Mesozooplancton, Macrozooplancton gelatinoso)
Il D.1 “Biodiversità” è un descrittore di stato: il suo obiettivo è il raggiungimento o il mantenimento di un buon stato ambientale, nel quale non vi sia perdita di biodiversità, siano ripristinate le caratteristiche della biodiversità sottoposte ad eventuali alterazioni, e gli usi dell’ambiente marino siano sostenibili. Il Descrittore 1 è perciò diverso da tutti gli altri che sono descrittori di pressione, ad eccezione del D4 e del D6, quest’ultimo caratterizzato da una condizione mista. Quindi nel quadro di un approccio ecosistemico, il conseguimento dei traguardi del D1 è subordinato, a diverso grado e in modo diretto o indiretto, a quello dei traguardi ambientali definiti per i descrittori di pressione. La Decisione della Commissione 2017/848/UE indica le componenti dell’ecosistema (gruppi di specie e tipi di habitat), su cui basarsi per effettuare la valutazione dello stato dell’ambiente. A questo proposito l’Italia ha individuato le componenti rilevanti dell’ecosistema basandosi sui seguenti criteri: 1) rappresentatività in chiave di struttura e funzionamento degli ecosistemi marini; 2) corrispondenza alle definizioni dei GES; 3) connessione ai programmi di monitoraggio stabiliti nell’ambito di altre politiche comunitarie; 4) pertinenza ai fini della valutazione delle principali pressioni antropiche (Direttiva 2017/845/UE) e dell’efficacia delle misure gestionali adottate nell’ambito del Programma di misure nazionale della Strategia marina (DPCM del 10 ottobre 2017). Nella individuazione di tali componenti dell’ecosistema sono stati altresì tenuti in considerazione dei criteri pratici di fattibilità, sia in senso logistico-organizzativo, sia economico. Il Programma di monitoraggio relativo al Descrittore 1 (2021-2026) si articola nei gruppi di specie e tipi di habitat di seguito riportati. HABITAT PELAGICI: Costieri (Fitoplancton, Mesozooplancton, Macrozooplancton gelatinoso)
Il D.1 “Biodiversità” è un descrittore di stato: il suo obiettivo è il raggiungimento o il mantenimento di un buon stato ambientale, nel quale non vi sia perdita di biodiversità, siano ripristinate le caratteristiche della biodiversità sottoposte ad eventuali alterazioni, e gli usi dell’ambiente marino siano sostenibili. Il Descrittore 1 è perciò diverso da tutti gli altri che sono descrittori di pressione, ad eccezione del D4 e del D6, quest’ultimo caratterizzato da una condizione mista. Quindi nel quadro di un approccio ecosistemico, il conseguimento dei traguardi del D1 è subordinato, a diverso grado e in modo diretto o indiretto, a quello dei traguardi ambientali definiti per i descrittori di pressione. La Decisione della Commissione 2017/848/UE indica le componenti dell’ecosistema (gruppi di specie e tipi di habitat), su cui basarsi per effettuare la valutazione dello stato dell’ambiente. A questo proposito l’Italia ha individuato le componenti rilevanti dell’ecosistema basandosi sui seguenti criteri: 1) rappresentatività in chiave di struttura e funzionamento degli ecosistemi marini; 2) corrispondenza alle definizioni dei GES; 3) connessione ai programmi di monitoraggio stabiliti nell’ambito di altre politiche comunitarie; 4) pertinenza ai fini della valutazione delle principali pressioni antropiche (Direttiva 2017/845/UE) e dell’efficacia delle misure gestionali adottate nell’ambito del Programma di misure nazionale della Strategia marina (DPCM del 10 ottobre 2017). Nella individuazione di tali componenti dell’ecosistema sono stati altresì tenuti in considerazione dei criteri pratici di fattibilità, sia in senso logistico-organizzativo, sia economico. Il Programma di monitoraggio relativo al Descrittore 1 (2021-2026) si articola nei gruppi di specie e tipi di habitat di seguito riportati. HABITAT PELAGICI: Costieri (Fitoplancton, Mesozooplancton, Macrozooplancton gelatinoso)
Il D.1 “Biodiversità” è un descrittore di stato: il suo obiettivo è il raggiungimento o il mantenimento di un buon stato ambientale, nel quale non vi sia perdita di biodiversità, siano ripristinate le caratteristiche della biodiversità sottoposte ad eventuali alterazioni, e gli usi dell’ambiente marino siano sostenibili. Il Descrittore 1 è perciò diverso da tutti gli altri che sono descrittori di pressione, ad eccezione del D4 e del D6, quest’ultimo caratterizzato da una condizione mista. Quindi nel quadro di un approccio ecosistemico, il conseguimento dei traguardi del D1 è subordinato, a diverso grado e in modo diretto o indiretto, a quello dei traguardi ambientali definiti per i descrittori di pressione. La Decisione della Commissione 2017/848/UE indica le componenti dell’ecosistema (gruppi di specie e tipi di habitat), su cui basarsi per effettuare la valutazione dello stato dell’ambiente. A questo proposito l’Italia ha individuato le componenti rilevanti dell’ecosistema basandosi sui seguenti criteri: 1) rappresentatività in chiave di struttura e funzionamento degli ecosistemi marini; 2) corrispondenza alle definizioni dei GES; 3) connessione ai programmi di monitoraggio stabiliti nell’ambito di altre politiche comunitarie; 4) pertinenza ai fini della valutazione delle principali pressioni antropiche (Direttiva 2017/845/UE) e dell’efficacia delle misure gestionali adottate nell’ambito del Programma di misure nazionale della Strategia marina (DPCM del 10 ottobre 2017). Nella individuazione di tali componenti dell’ecosistema sono stati altresì tenuti in considerazione dei criteri pratici di fattibilità, sia in senso logistico-organizzativo, sia economico. Il Programma di monitoraggio relativo al Descrittore 1 (2021-2026) si articola nei gruppi di specie e tipi di habitat di seguito riportati. HABITAT PELAGICI: Costieri (Fitoplancton, Mesozooplancton, Macrozooplancton gelatinoso)
Il D.1 “Biodiversità” è un descrittore di stato: il suo obiettivo è il raggiungimento o il mantenimento di un buon stato ambientale, nel quale non vi sia perdita di biodiversità, siano ripristinate le caratteristiche della biodiversità sottoposte ad eventuali alterazioni, e gli usi dell’ambiente marino siano sostenibili. Il Descrittore 1 è perciò diverso da tutti gli altri che sono descrittori di pressione, ad eccezione del D4 e del D6, quest’ultimo caratterizzato da una condizione mista. Quindi nel quadro di un approccio ecosistemico, il conseguimento dei traguardi del D1 è subordinato, a diverso grado e in modo diretto o indiretto, a quello dei traguardi ambientali definiti per i descrittori di pressione. La Decisione della Commissione 2017/848/UE indica le componenti dell’ecosistema (gruppi di specie e tipi di habitat), su cui basarsi per effettuare la valutazione dello stato dell’ambiente. A questo proposito l’Italia ha individuato le componenti rilevanti dell’ecosistema basandosi sui seguenti criteri: 1) rappresentatività in chiave di struttura e funzionamento degli ecosistemi marini; 2) corrispondenza alle definizioni dei GES; 3) connessione ai programmi di monitoraggio stabiliti nell’ambito di altre politiche comunitarie; 4) pertinenza ai fini della valutazione delle principali pressioni antropiche (Direttiva 2017/845/UE) e dell’efficacia delle misure gestionali adottate nell’ambito del Programma di misure nazionale della Strategia marina (DPCM del 10 ottobre 2017). Nella individuazione di tali componenti dell’ecosistema sono stati altresì tenuti in considerazione dei criteri pratici di fattibilità, sia in senso logistico-organizzativo, sia economico. Il Programma di monitoraggio relativo al Descrittore 1 (2021-2026) si articola nei gruppi di specie e tipi di habitat di seguito riportati. HABITAT PELAGICI: Costieri (Fitoplancton, Mesozooplancton, Macrozooplancton gelatinoso)
Il D.1 “Biodiversità” è un descrittore di stato: il suo obiettivo è il raggiungimento o il mantenimento di un buon stato ambientale, nel quale non vi sia perdita di biodiversità, siano ripristinate le caratteristiche della biodiversità sottoposte ad eventuali alterazioni, e gli usi dell’ambiente marino siano sostenibili. Il Descrittore 1 è perciò diverso da tutti gli altri che sono descrittori di pressione, ad eccezione del D4 e del D6, quest’ultimo caratterizzato da una condizione mista. Quindi nel quadro di un approccio ecosistemico, il conseguimento dei traguardi del D1 è subordinato, a diverso grado e in modo diretto o indiretto, a quello dei traguardi ambientali definiti per i descrittori di pressione. La Decisione della Commissione 2017/848/UE indica le componenti dell’ecosistema (gruppi di specie e tipi di habitat), su cui basarsi per effettuare la valutazione dello stato dell’ambiente. A questo proposito l’Italia ha individuato le componenti rilevanti dell’ecosistema basandosi sui seguenti criteri: 1) rappresentatività in chiave di struttura e funzionamento degli ecosistemi marini; 2) corrispondenza alle definizioni dei GES; 3) connessione ai programmi di monitoraggio stabiliti nell’ambito di altre politiche comunitarie; 4) pertinenza ai fini della valutazione delle principali pressioni antropiche (Direttiva 2017/845/UE) e dell’efficacia delle misure gestionali adottate nell’ambito del Programma di misure nazionale della Strategia marina (DPCM del 10 ottobre 2017). Nella individuazione di tali componenti dell’ecosistema sono stati altresì tenuti in considerazione dei criteri pratici di fattibilità, sia in senso logistico-organizzativo, sia economico. Il Programma di monitoraggio relativo al Descrittore 1 (2021-2026) si articola nei gruppi di specie e tipi di habitat di seguito riportati. HABITAT PELAGICI: Costieri (Fitoplancton, Mesozooplancton, Macrozooplancton gelatinoso)
Coverage of GES criteria
Adequate monitoring is in place by July 2020
Adequate monitoring is in place by July 2020
Adequate monitoring is in place by July 2020
Adequate monitoring is in place by July 2020
Adequate monitoring is in place by July 2020
Adequate monitoring is in place by July 2020
Adequate monitoring is in place by July 2020
Adequate monitoring is in place by July 2020
Adequate monitoring is in place by July 2020
Gaps and plans
Non è stata ancora predisposta una definizione di GES e Traguardo ambientale per questa componente.
Non è stata ancora predisposta una definizione di GES e Traguardo ambientale per questa componente.
Non è stata ancora predisposta una definizione di GES e Traguardo ambientale per questa componente.
Non è stata ancora predisposta una definizione di GES e Traguardo ambientale per questa componente.
Non è stata ancora predisposta una definizione di GES e Traguardo ambientale per questa componente.
Non è stata ancora predisposta una definizione di GES e Traguardo ambientale per questa componente.
Non è stata ancora predisposta una definizione di GES e Traguardo ambientale per questa componente.
Non è stata ancora predisposta una definizione di GES e Traguardo ambientale per questa componente.
Non è stata ancora predisposta una definizione di GES e Traguardo ambientale per questa componente.
Related targets
Coverage of targets
Adequate monitoring is in place by July 2020
Adequate monitoring is in place by July 2020
Adequate monitoring is in place by July 2020
Adequate monitoring is in place by July 2020
Adequate monitoring is in place by July 2020
Adequate monitoring is in place by July 2020
Adequate monitoring is in place by July 2020
Adequate monitoring is in place by July 2020
Adequate monitoring is in place by July 2020
Related measures
  • MADIT-M001 - 'Measures related to the management of the Natura 2000 Network sites'
  • MADIT-M002 - 'Planned measures to designate SACs in Natura 2000 sites'
  • MADIT-M003 - 'Measures to protect target species and targeted habitats through the MPAs'
  • MADIT-M004 - 'Planned measures to increase MPAs'
  • MADIT-M005 - 'Measures to protect target habitats through other protected areas'
  • MADIT-M006 - 'Management measures for benthic habitats in the Mediterranean and identification of protected species and habitats'
  • MADIT-M007 - 'Measures to protect fish stocks through other protected areas (wildlife protection areas)'
  • MADIT-M008 - 'Measures to reduce the impact of fishing and protection of pelagic habitats'
  • MADIT-M009 - 'Protective measures for the taking and selling of endangered species through international agreements'
  • MADIT-M010 - 'Measures for incidental catches of cetaceans in fisheries'
  • MADIT-M011 - 'Measures for the conservation of cetaceans in the Mediterranean, under international agreements'
  • MADIT-M012 - 'Directorial Decree of Ministry of Environment, in cooperation with the Ministry of Health, for the establishment of the coordination of the marine mammal stranding national network (ReNaSMM)'
  • MADIT-M013 - 'Measures for the conservation of wild flora and fauna and natural habitats, and the promotion of cooperation between Member States'
  • MADIT-M014 - 'Bird protection measures through the Birds Directive (2009/147/ EC)'
  • MADIT-M015 - 'National and Community measures for the protection of birds'
  • MADIT-M016 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MADIT-M017 - 'Protective measures for benthic habitats associated with the European legislation (planning, impact assessment, river basin management plans)'
  • MADIT-M018 - 'Measures to protect habitats and associated target species under international conventions'
  • MADIT-M019 - 'Measures for the conservation of migratory species of wild animals'
  • MADIT-M020 - 'Regulatory measures for international trade in endangered species'
  • MADIT-M021 - 'International cetacean protection measures'
  • MADIT-M022 - 'Measures to protect biodiversity through European policies'
  • MADIT-M023 - 'Community and international measures for elasmobranch'
  • MADIT-M024 - 'Measures regulating catches of cetaceans, tortoises and common sturgeon'
  • MADIT-M025 - 'National measures for the protection of biodiversity'
  • MADIT-M026 - 'National measures for recovery, rescue custody and management of marine reptiles'
  • MADIT-M027 - 'Measures for coastal land planning'
  • MADIT-M028 - 'Regulatory measures for commercial fishing and the sustainable exploitation of fish stocks'
  • MADIT-M030-NEW1 - 'Complete the network of Natura 2000 sites at sea and subsequent identification of conservation measures'
  • MADIT-M031-NEW2 - 'Implementation of technical solutions (methodological and instrumental) for the reduction of the phenomenon of collision with cetaceans'
  • MADIT-M032-NEW3 - 'Acquisition, systematisation and standardisation, as well as consistent recognition, with data from monitoring activities implemented, with particular reference to EIA procedures'
  • MADIT-M033-NEW4 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of elasmobranchs from by-catch'
  • MADIT-M034-NEW5 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of cetaceans and sea turtles from by-catch'
  • MADIT-M035-NEW6 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of seabirds from by-catch'
  • MADIT-M036-NEW7 - 'Implementation of awareness-raising and information measures to prevent removal activities and damage to the benthic species and habitats protected'
  • MICIT-M001 - 'Measures related to the management of the Natura 2000 Network sites'
  • MICIT-M002 - 'Planned measures to designate SACs in Natura 2000 sites'
  • MICIT-M003 - 'Measures to protect target species and targeted habitats through the MPAs'
  • MICIT-M004 - 'Planned measures to increase MPAs'
  • MICIT-M005 - 'Measures to protect target habitats through other protected areas'
  • MICIT-M006 - 'Management measures for benthic habitats in the Mediterranean and identification of protected species and habitats'
  • MICIT-M007 - 'Measures to protect fish stocks through other protected areas (wildlife protection areas)'
  • MICIT-M008 - 'Measures to reduce the impact of fishing and protection of pelagic habitats'
  • MICIT-M009 - 'Protective measures for the taking and selling of endangered species through international agreements'
  • MICIT-M010 - 'Measures for incidental catches of cetaceans in fisheries'
  • MICIT-M011 - 'Measures for the conservation of cetaceans in the Mediterranean, under international agreements'
  • MICIT-M012 - 'Directorial Decree of Ministry of Environment, in cooperation with the Ministry of Health, for the establishment of the coordination of the marine mammal stranding national network (ReNaSMM)'
  • MICIT-M013 - 'Measures for the conservation of wild flora and fauna and natural habitats, and the promotion of cooperation between Member States'
  • MICIT-M014 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MICIT-M015 - 'National and Community measures for the protection of birds'
  • MICIT-M016 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MICIT-M017 - 'Protective measures for benthic habitats associated with the European legislation (planning, impact assessment, river basin management plans)'
  • MICIT-M018 - 'Measures to protect habitats and associated target species under international conventions'
  • MICIT-M019 - 'Measures for the conservation of migratory species of wild animals'
  • MICIT-M020 - 'Regulatory measures for international trade in endangered species'
  • MICIT-M021 - 'International cetacean protection measures'
  • MICIT-M022 - 'Measures to protect biodiversity through European policies'
  • MICIT-M023 - 'Community and international measures for elasmobranch'
  • MICIT-M024 - 'Measures regulating catches of cetaceans, tortoises and common sturgeon'
  • MICIT-M025 - 'National measures for the protection of biodiversity'
  • MICIT-M026 - 'National measures for recovery, rescue custody and management of marine reptiles'
  • MICIT-M027 - 'Measures for coastal land planning'
  • MICIT-M028 - 'Regulatory measures for commercial fishing and the sustainable exploitation of fish stocks'
  • MICIT-M030-NEW1 - 'Complete the network of Natura 2000 sites at sea and subsequent identification of conservation measures'
  • MICIT-M031-NEW2 - 'Implementation of technical solutions (methodological and instrumental) for the reduction of the phenomenon of collision with cetaceans'
  • MICIT-M032-NEW3 - 'Acquisition, systematisation and standardisation, as well as consistent recognition, with data from monitoring activities implemented, with particular reference to EIA procedures'
  • MICIT-M033-NEW4 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of elasmobranchs from by-catch'
  • MICIT-M034-NEW5 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of cetaceans and sea turtles from by-catch'
  • MICIT-M035-NEW6 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of seabirds from by-catch'
  • MICIT-M036-NEW7 - 'Implementation of awareness-raising and information measures to prevent removal activities and damage to the benthic species and habitats protected'
  • MWEIT-M001 - 'Measures related to the management of the Natura 2000 Network sites'
  • MWEIT-M002 - 'Planned measures to designate SACs in Natura 2000 sites'
  • MWEIT-M003 - 'Measures to protect target species and targeted habitats through the MPAs'
  • MWEIT-M004 - 'Planned measures to increase MPAs'
  • MWEIT-M005 - 'Measures to protect target habitats through other protected areas'
  • MWEIT-M006 - 'Management measures for benthic habitats in the Mediterranean and identification of protected species and habitats'
  • MWEIT-M007 - 'Measures to protect fish stocks through other protected areas (wildlife protection areas)'
  • MWEIT-M008 - 'Measures to reduce the impact of fishing and protection of pelagic habitats'
  • MWEIT-M009 - 'Ecological protection measures'
  • MWEIT-M010 - 'Protective measures for the taking and selling of endangered species through international agreements'
  • MWEIT-M011 - 'Measures for incidental catches of cetaceans in fisheries'
  • MWEIT-M012 - 'Measures for the conservation of cetaceans in the Mediterranean, under international agreements'
  • MWEIT-M013 - 'Directorial Decree of Ministry of Environment, in cooperation with the Ministry of Health, for the establishment of the coordination of the marine mammal stranding national network (ReNaSMM)'
  • MWEIT-M014 - 'Measures for the conservation of wild flora and fauna and natural habitats, and the promotion of cooperation between Member States'
  • MWEIT-M015 - 'Bird protection measures through the Birds Directive (2009/147/ EC)'
  • MWEIT-M016 - 'National and Community measures for the protection of birds'
  • MWEIT-M017 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MWEIT-M018 - 'Protective measures for benthic habitats associated with the European legislation (planning, impact assessment, river basin management plans)'
  • MWEIT-M019 - 'Measures to protect habitats and associated target species under international conventions'
  • MWEIT-M020 - 'Measures for the conservation of migratory species of wild animals'
  • MWEIT-M021 - 'Regulatory measures for international trade in endangered species'
  • MWEIT-M022 - 'Measures to promote a pilot area for the control of marine pollution along the coastline stretching from Marseille to La Spezia'
  • MWEIT-M023 - 'International cetacean protection measures'
  • MWEIT-M024 - 'Measures to protect biodiversity through European policies'
  • MWEIT-M025 - 'Community and international measures for elasmobranch'
  • MWEIT-M026 - 'Measures regulating catches of cetaceans, tortoises and common sturgeon'
  • MWEIT-M027 - 'Establishment of measures for the International Whale Sanctuary'
  • MWEIT-M028 - 'National measures for the protection of biodiversity'
  • MWEIT-M029 - 'National measures for recovery, rescue custody and management of marine reptiles'
  • MWEIT-M030 - 'Measures for coastal land planning'
  • MWEIT-M031 - 'Regulatory measures for commercial fishing and the sustainable exploitation of fish stocks'
  • MWEIT-M033-NEW1 - 'Complete the network of Natura 2000 sites at sea and subsequent identification of conservation measures'
  • MWEIT-M034-NEW2 - 'Implementation of technical solutions (methodological and instrumental) for the reduction of the phenomenon of collision with cetaceans'
  • MWEIT-M035-NEW3 - 'Acquisition, systematisation and standardisation, as well as consistent recognition, with data from monitoring activities implemented, with particular reference to EIA procedures'
  • MWEIT-M036-NEW4 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of elasmobranchs from by-catch'
  • MWEIT-M037-NEW5 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of cetaceans and sea turtles from by-catch'
  • MWEIT-M038-NEW6 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of seabirds from by-catch'
  • MWEIT-M039-NEW7 - 'Implementation of awareness-raising and information measures to prevent removal activities and damage to the benthic species and habitats protected'
  • MADIT-M001 - 'Measures related to the management of the Natura 2000 Network sites'
  • MADIT-M002 - 'Planned measures to designate SACs in Natura 2000 sites'
  • MADIT-M003 - 'Measures to protect target species and targeted habitats through the MPAs'
  • MADIT-M004 - 'Planned measures to increase MPAs'
  • MADIT-M005 - 'Measures to protect target habitats through other protected areas'
  • MADIT-M006 - 'Management measures for benthic habitats in the Mediterranean and identification of protected species and habitats'
  • MADIT-M007 - 'Measures to protect fish stocks through other protected areas (wildlife protection areas)'
  • MADIT-M008 - 'Measures to reduce the impact of fishing and protection of pelagic habitats'
  • MADIT-M009 - 'Protective measures for the taking and selling of endangered species through international agreements'
  • MADIT-M010 - 'Measures for incidental catches of cetaceans in fisheries'
  • MADIT-M011 - 'Measures for the conservation of cetaceans in the Mediterranean, under international agreements'
  • MADIT-M012 - 'Directorial Decree of Ministry of Environment, in cooperation with the Ministry of Health, for the establishment of the coordination of the marine mammal stranding national network (ReNaSMM)'
  • MADIT-M013 - 'Measures for the conservation of wild flora and fauna and natural habitats, and the promotion of cooperation between Member States'
  • MADIT-M014 - 'Bird protection measures through the Birds Directive (2009/147/ EC)'
  • MADIT-M015 - 'National and Community measures for the protection of birds'
  • MADIT-M016 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MADIT-M017 - 'Protective measures for benthic habitats associated with the European legislation (planning, impact assessment, river basin management plans)'
  • MADIT-M018 - 'Measures to protect habitats and associated target species under international conventions'
  • MADIT-M019 - 'Measures for the conservation of migratory species of wild animals'
  • MADIT-M020 - 'Regulatory measures for international trade in endangered species'
  • MADIT-M021 - 'International cetacean protection measures'
  • MADIT-M022 - 'Measures to protect biodiversity through European policies'
  • MADIT-M023 - 'Community and international measures for elasmobranch'
  • MADIT-M024 - 'Measures regulating catches of cetaceans, tortoises and common sturgeon'
  • MADIT-M025 - 'National measures for the protection of biodiversity'
  • MADIT-M026 - 'National measures for recovery, rescue custody and management of marine reptiles'
  • MADIT-M027 - 'Measures for coastal land planning'
  • MADIT-M028 - 'Regulatory measures for commercial fishing and the sustainable exploitation of fish stocks'
  • MADIT-M030-NEW1 - 'Complete the network of Natura 2000 sites at sea and subsequent identification of conservation measures'
  • MADIT-M031-NEW2 - 'Implementation of technical solutions (methodological and instrumental) for the reduction of the phenomenon of collision with cetaceans'
  • MADIT-M032-NEW3 - 'Acquisition, systematisation and standardisation, as well as consistent recognition, with data from monitoring activities implemented, with particular reference to EIA procedures'
  • MADIT-M033-NEW4 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of elasmobranchs from by-catch'
  • MADIT-M034-NEW5 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of cetaceans and sea turtles from by-catch'
  • MADIT-M035-NEW6 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of seabirds from by-catch'
  • MADIT-M036-NEW7 - 'Implementation of awareness-raising and information measures to prevent removal activities and damage to the benthic species and habitats protected'
  • MICIT-M001 - 'Measures related to the management of the Natura 2000 Network sites'
  • MICIT-M002 - 'Planned measures to designate SACs in Natura 2000 sites'
  • MICIT-M003 - 'Measures to protect target species and targeted habitats through the MPAs'
  • MICIT-M004 - 'Planned measures to increase MPAs'
  • MICIT-M005 - 'Measures to protect target habitats through other protected areas'
  • MICIT-M006 - 'Management measures for benthic habitats in the Mediterranean and identification of protected species and habitats'
  • MICIT-M007 - 'Measures to protect fish stocks through other protected areas (wildlife protection areas)'
  • MICIT-M008 - 'Measures to reduce the impact of fishing and protection of pelagic habitats'
  • MICIT-M009 - 'Protective measures for the taking and selling of endangered species through international agreements'
  • MICIT-M010 - 'Measures for incidental catches of cetaceans in fisheries'
  • MICIT-M011 - 'Measures for the conservation of cetaceans in the Mediterranean, under international agreements'
  • MICIT-M012 - 'Directorial Decree of Ministry of Environment, in cooperation with the Ministry of Health, for the establishment of the coordination of the marine mammal stranding national network (ReNaSMM)'
  • MICIT-M013 - 'Measures for the conservation of wild flora and fauna and natural habitats, and the promotion of cooperation between Member States'
  • MICIT-M014 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MICIT-M015 - 'National and Community measures for the protection of birds'
  • MICIT-M016 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MICIT-M017 - 'Protective measures for benthic habitats associated with the European legislation (planning, impact assessment, river basin management plans)'
  • MICIT-M018 - 'Measures to protect habitats and associated target species under international conventions'
  • MICIT-M019 - 'Measures for the conservation of migratory species of wild animals'
  • MICIT-M020 - 'Regulatory measures for international trade in endangered species'
  • MICIT-M021 - 'International cetacean protection measures'
  • MICIT-M022 - 'Measures to protect biodiversity through European policies'
  • MICIT-M023 - 'Community and international measures for elasmobranch'
  • MICIT-M024 - 'Measures regulating catches of cetaceans, tortoises and common sturgeon'
  • MICIT-M025 - 'National measures for the protection of biodiversity'
  • MICIT-M026 - 'National measures for recovery, rescue custody and management of marine reptiles'
  • MICIT-M027 - 'Measures for coastal land planning'
  • MICIT-M028 - 'Regulatory measures for commercial fishing and the sustainable exploitation of fish stocks'
  • MICIT-M030-NEW1 - 'Complete the network of Natura 2000 sites at sea and subsequent identification of conservation measures'
  • MICIT-M031-NEW2 - 'Implementation of technical solutions (methodological and instrumental) for the reduction of the phenomenon of collision with cetaceans'
  • MICIT-M032-NEW3 - 'Acquisition, systematisation and standardisation, as well as consistent recognition, with data from monitoring activities implemented, with particular reference to EIA procedures'
  • MICIT-M033-NEW4 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of elasmobranchs from by-catch'
  • MICIT-M034-NEW5 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of cetaceans and sea turtles from by-catch'
  • MICIT-M035-NEW6 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of seabirds from by-catch'
  • MICIT-M036-NEW7 - 'Implementation of awareness-raising and information measures to prevent removal activities and damage to the benthic species and habitats protected'
  • MWEIT-M001 - 'Measures related to the management of the Natura 2000 Network sites'
  • MWEIT-M002 - 'Planned measures to designate SACs in Natura 2000 sites'
  • MWEIT-M003 - 'Measures to protect target species and targeted habitats through the MPAs'
  • MWEIT-M004 - 'Planned measures to increase MPAs'
  • MWEIT-M005 - 'Measures to protect target habitats through other protected areas'
  • MWEIT-M006 - 'Management measures for benthic habitats in the Mediterranean and identification of protected species and habitats'
  • MWEIT-M007 - 'Measures to protect fish stocks through other protected areas (wildlife protection areas)'
  • MWEIT-M008 - 'Measures to reduce the impact of fishing and protection of pelagic habitats'
  • MWEIT-M009 - 'Ecological protection measures'
  • MWEIT-M010 - 'Protective measures for the taking and selling of endangered species through international agreements'
  • MWEIT-M011 - 'Measures for incidental catches of cetaceans in fisheries'
  • MWEIT-M012 - 'Measures for the conservation of cetaceans in the Mediterranean, under international agreements'
  • MWEIT-M013 - 'Directorial Decree of Ministry of Environment, in cooperation with the Ministry of Health, for the establishment of the coordination of the marine mammal stranding national network (ReNaSMM)'
  • MWEIT-M014 - 'Measures for the conservation of wild flora and fauna and natural habitats, and the promotion of cooperation between Member States'
  • MWEIT-M015 - 'Bird protection measures through the Birds Directive (2009/147/ EC)'
  • MWEIT-M016 - 'National and Community measures for the protection of birds'
  • MWEIT-M017 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MWEIT-M018 - 'Protective measures for benthic habitats associated with the European legislation (planning, impact assessment, river basin management plans)'
  • MWEIT-M019 - 'Measures to protect habitats and associated target species under international conventions'
  • MWEIT-M020 - 'Measures for the conservation of migratory species of wild animals'
  • MWEIT-M021 - 'Regulatory measures for international trade in endangered species'
  • MWEIT-M022 - 'Measures to promote a pilot area for the control of marine pollution along the coastline stretching from Marseille to La Spezia'
  • MWEIT-M023 - 'International cetacean protection measures'
  • MWEIT-M024 - 'Measures to protect biodiversity through European policies'
  • MWEIT-M025 - 'Community and international measures for elasmobranch'
  • MWEIT-M026 - 'Measures regulating catches of cetaceans, tortoises and common sturgeon'
  • MWEIT-M027 - 'Establishment of measures for the International Whale Sanctuary'
  • MWEIT-M028 - 'National measures for the protection of biodiversity'
  • MWEIT-M029 - 'National measures for recovery, rescue custody and management of marine reptiles'
  • MWEIT-M030 - 'Measures for coastal land planning'
  • MWEIT-M031 - 'Regulatory measures for commercial fishing and the sustainable exploitation of fish stocks'
  • MWEIT-M033-NEW1 - 'Complete the network of Natura 2000 sites at sea and subsequent identification of conservation measures'
  • MWEIT-M034-NEW2 - 'Implementation of technical solutions (methodological and instrumental) for the reduction of the phenomenon of collision with cetaceans'
  • MWEIT-M035-NEW3 - 'Acquisition, systematisation and standardisation, as well as consistent recognition, with data from monitoring activities implemented, with particular reference to EIA procedures'
  • MWEIT-M036-NEW4 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of elasmobranchs from by-catch'
  • MWEIT-M037-NEW5 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of cetaceans and sea turtles from by-catch'
  • MWEIT-M038-NEW6 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of seabirds from by-catch'
  • MWEIT-M039-NEW7 - 'Implementation of awareness-raising and information measures to prevent removal activities and damage to the benthic species and habitats protected'
  • MADIT-M001 - 'Measures related to the management of the Natura 2000 Network sites'
  • MADIT-M002 - 'Planned measures to designate SACs in Natura 2000 sites'
  • MADIT-M003 - 'Measures to protect target species and targeted habitats through the MPAs'
  • MADIT-M004 - 'Planned measures to increase MPAs'
  • MADIT-M005 - 'Measures to protect target habitats through other protected areas'
  • MADIT-M006 - 'Management measures for benthic habitats in the Mediterranean and identification of protected species and habitats'
  • MADIT-M007 - 'Measures to protect fish stocks through other protected areas (wildlife protection areas)'
  • MADIT-M008 - 'Measures to reduce the impact of fishing and protection of pelagic habitats'
  • MADIT-M009 - 'Protective measures for the taking and selling of endangered species through international agreements'
  • MADIT-M010 - 'Measures for incidental catches of cetaceans in fisheries'
  • MADIT-M011 - 'Measures for the conservation of cetaceans in the Mediterranean, under international agreements'
  • MADIT-M012 - 'Directorial Decree of Ministry of Environment, in cooperation with the Ministry of Health, for the establishment of the coordination of the marine mammal stranding national network (ReNaSMM)'
  • MADIT-M013 - 'Measures for the conservation of wild flora and fauna and natural habitats, and the promotion of cooperation between Member States'
  • MADIT-M014 - 'Bird protection measures through the Birds Directive (2009/147/ EC)'
  • MADIT-M015 - 'National and Community measures for the protection of birds'
  • MADIT-M016 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MADIT-M017 - 'Protective measures for benthic habitats associated with the European legislation (planning, impact assessment, river basin management plans)'
  • MADIT-M018 - 'Measures to protect habitats and associated target species under international conventions'
  • MADIT-M019 - 'Measures for the conservation of migratory species of wild animals'
  • MADIT-M020 - 'Regulatory measures for international trade in endangered species'
  • MADIT-M021 - 'International cetacean protection measures'
  • MADIT-M022 - 'Measures to protect biodiversity through European policies'
  • MADIT-M023 - 'Community and international measures for elasmobranch'
  • MADIT-M024 - 'Measures regulating catches of cetaceans, tortoises and common sturgeon'
  • MADIT-M025 - 'National measures for the protection of biodiversity'
  • MADIT-M026 - 'National measures for recovery, rescue custody and management of marine reptiles'
  • MADIT-M027 - 'Measures for coastal land planning'
  • MADIT-M028 - 'Regulatory measures for commercial fishing and the sustainable exploitation of fish stocks'
  • MADIT-M030-NEW1 - 'Complete the network of Natura 2000 sites at sea and subsequent identification of conservation measures'
  • MADIT-M031-NEW2 - 'Implementation of technical solutions (methodological and instrumental) for the reduction of the phenomenon of collision with cetaceans'
  • MADIT-M032-NEW3 - 'Acquisition, systematisation and standardisation, as well as consistent recognition, with data from monitoring activities implemented, with particular reference to EIA procedures'
  • MADIT-M033-NEW4 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of elasmobranchs from by-catch'
  • MADIT-M034-NEW5 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of cetaceans and sea turtles from by-catch'
  • MADIT-M035-NEW6 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of seabirds from by-catch'
  • MADIT-M036-NEW7 - 'Implementation of awareness-raising and information measures to prevent removal activities and damage to the benthic species and habitats protected'
  • MICIT-M001 - 'Measures related to the management of the Natura 2000 Network sites'
  • MICIT-M002 - 'Planned measures to designate SACs in Natura 2000 sites'
  • MICIT-M003 - 'Measures to protect target species and targeted habitats through the MPAs'
  • MICIT-M004 - 'Planned measures to increase MPAs'
  • MICIT-M005 - 'Measures to protect target habitats through other protected areas'
  • MICIT-M006 - 'Management measures for benthic habitats in the Mediterranean and identification of protected species and habitats'
  • MICIT-M007 - 'Measures to protect fish stocks through other protected areas (wildlife protection areas)'
  • MICIT-M008 - 'Measures to reduce the impact of fishing and protection of pelagic habitats'
  • MICIT-M009 - 'Protective measures for the taking and selling of endangered species through international agreements'
  • MICIT-M010 - 'Measures for incidental catches of cetaceans in fisheries'
  • MICIT-M011 - 'Measures for the conservation of cetaceans in the Mediterranean, under international agreements'
  • MICIT-M012 - 'Directorial Decree of Ministry of Environment, in cooperation with the Ministry of Health, for the establishment of the coordination of the marine mammal stranding national network (ReNaSMM)'
  • MICIT-M013 - 'Measures for the conservation of wild flora and fauna and natural habitats, and the promotion of cooperation between Member States'
  • MICIT-M014 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MICIT-M015 - 'National and Community measures for the protection of birds'
  • MICIT-M016 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MICIT-M017 - 'Protective measures for benthic habitats associated with the European legislation (planning, impact assessment, river basin management plans)'
  • MICIT-M018 - 'Measures to protect habitats and associated target species under international conventions'
  • MICIT-M019 - 'Measures for the conservation of migratory species of wild animals'
  • MICIT-M020 - 'Regulatory measures for international trade in endangered species'
  • MICIT-M021 - 'International cetacean protection measures'
  • MICIT-M022 - 'Measures to protect biodiversity through European policies'
  • MICIT-M023 - 'Community and international measures for elasmobranch'
  • MICIT-M024 - 'Measures regulating catches of cetaceans, tortoises and common sturgeon'
  • MICIT-M025 - 'National measures for the protection of biodiversity'
  • MICIT-M026 - 'National measures for recovery, rescue custody and management of marine reptiles'
  • MICIT-M027 - 'Measures for coastal land planning'
  • MICIT-M028 - 'Regulatory measures for commercial fishing and the sustainable exploitation of fish stocks'
  • MICIT-M030-NEW1 - 'Complete the network of Natura 2000 sites at sea and subsequent identification of conservation measures'
  • MICIT-M031-NEW2 - 'Implementation of technical solutions (methodological and instrumental) for the reduction of the phenomenon of collision with cetaceans'
  • MICIT-M032-NEW3 - 'Acquisition, systematisation and standardisation, as well as consistent recognition, with data from monitoring activities implemented, with particular reference to EIA procedures'
  • MICIT-M033-NEW4 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of elasmobranchs from by-catch'
  • MICIT-M034-NEW5 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of cetaceans and sea turtles from by-catch'
  • MICIT-M035-NEW6 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of seabirds from by-catch'
  • MICIT-M036-NEW7 - 'Implementation of awareness-raising and information measures to prevent removal activities and damage to the benthic species and habitats protected'
  • MWEIT-M001 - 'Measures related to the management of the Natura 2000 Network sites'
  • MWEIT-M002 - 'Planned measures to designate SACs in Natura 2000 sites'
  • MWEIT-M003 - 'Measures to protect target species and targeted habitats through the MPAs'
  • MWEIT-M004 - 'Planned measures to increase MPAs'
  • MWEIT-M005 - 'Measures to protect target habitats through other protected areas'
  • MWEIT-M006 - 'Management measures for benthic habitats in the Mediterranean and identification of protected species and habitats'
  • MWEIT-M007 - 'Measures to protect fish stocks through other protected areas (wildlife protection areas)'
  • MWEIT-M008 - 'Measures to reduce the impact of fishing and protection of pelagic habitats'
  • MWEIT-M009 - 'Ecological protection measures'
  • MWEIT-M010 - 'Protective measures for the taking and selling of endangered species through international agreements'
  • MWEIT-M011 - 'Measures for incidental catches of cetaceans in fisheries'
  • MWEIT-M012 - 'Measures for the conservation of cetaceans in the Mediterranean, under international agreements'
  • MWEIT-M013 - 'Directorial Decree of Ministry of Environment, in cooperation with the Ministry of Health, for the establishment of the coordination of the marine mammal stranding national network (ReNaSMM)'
  • MWEIT-M014 - 'Measures for the conservation of wild flora and fauna and natural habitats, and the promotion of cooperation between Member States'
  • MWEIT-M015 - 'Bird protection measures through the Birds Directive (2009/147/ EC)'
  • MWEIT-M016 - 'National and Community measures for the protection of birds'
  • MWEIT-M017 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MWEIT-M018 - 'Protective measures for benthic habitats associated with the European legislation (planning, impact assessment, river basin management plans)'
  • MWEIT-M019 - 'Measures to protect habitats and associated target species under international conventions'
  • MWEIT-M020 - 'Measures for the conservation of migratory species of wild animals'
  • MWEIT-M021 - 'Regulatory measures for international trade in endangered species'
  • MWEIT-M022 - 'Measures to promote a pilot area for the control of marine pollution along the coastline stretching from Marseille to La Spezia'
  • MWEIT-M023 - 'International cetacean protection measures'
  • MWEIT-M024 - 'Measures to protect biodiversity through European policies'
  • MWEIT-M025 - 'Community and international measures for elasmobranch'
  • MWEIT-M026 - 'Measures regulating catches of cetaceans, tortoises and common sturgeon'
  • MWEIT-M027 - 'Establishment of measures for the International Whale Sanctuary'
  • MWEIT-M028 - 'National measures for the protection of biodiversity'
  • MWEIT-M029 - 'National measures for recovery, rescue custody and management of marine reptiles'
  • MWEIT-M030 - 'Measures for coastal land planning'
  • MWEIT-M031 - 'Regulatory measures for commercial fishing and the sustainable exploitation of fish stocks'
  • MWEIT-M033-NEW1 - 'Complete the network of Natura 2000 sites at sea and subsequent identification of conservation measures'
  • MWEIT-M034-NEW2 - 'Implementation of technical solutions (methodological and instrumental) for the reduction of the phenomenon of collision with cetaceans'
  • MWEIT-M035-NEW3 - 'Acquisition, systematisation and standardisation, as well as consistent recognition, with data from monitoring activities implemented, with particular reference to EIA procedures'
  • MWEIT-M036-NEW4 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of elasmobranchs from by-catch'
  • MWEIT-M037-NEW5 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of cetaceans and sea turtles from by-catch'
  • MWEIT-M038-NEW6 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of seabirds from by-catch'
  • MWEIT-M039-NEW7 - 'Implementation of awareness-raising and information measures to prevent removal activities and damage to the benthic species and habitats protected'
  • MADIT-M001 - 'Measures related to the management of the Natura 2000 Network sites'
  • MADIT-M002 - 'Planned measures to designate SACs in Natura 2000 sites'
  • MADIT-M003 - 'Measures to protect target species and targeted habitats through the MPAs'
  • MADIT-M004 - 'Planned measures to increase MPAs'
  • MADIT-M005 - 'Measures to protect target habitats through other protected areas'
  • MADIT-M006 - 'Management measures for benthic habitats in the Mediterranean and identification of protected species and habitats'
  • MADIT-M007 - 'Measures to protect fish stocks through other protected areas (wildlife protection areas)'
  • MADIT-M008 - 'Measures to reduce the impact of fishing and protection of pelagic habitats'
  • MADIT-M009 - 'Protective measures for the taking and selling of endangered species through international agreements'
  • MADIT-M010 - 'Measures for incidental catches of cetaceans in fisheries'
  • MADIT-M011 - 'Measures for the conservation of cetaceans in the Mediterranean, under international agreements'
  • MADIT-M012 - 'Directorial Decree of Ministry of Environment, in cooperation with the Ministry of Health, for the establishment of the coordination of the marine mammal stranding national network (ReNaSMM)'
  • MADIT-M013 - 'Measures for the conservation of wild flora and fauna and natural habitats, and the promotion of cooperation between Member States'
  • MADIT-M014 - 'Bird protection measures through the Birds Directive (2009/147/ EC)'
  • MADIT-M015 - 'National and Community measures for the protection of birds'
  • MADIT-M016 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MADIT-M017 - 'Protective measures for benthic habitats associated with the European legislation (planning, impact assessment, river basin management plans)'
  • MADIT-M018 - 'Measures to protect habitats and associated target species under international conventions'
  • MADIT-M019 - 'Measures for the conservation of migratory species of wild animals'
  • MADIT-M020 - 'Regulatory measures for international trade in endangered species'
  • MADIT-M021 - 'International cetacean protection measures'
  • MADIT-M022 - 'Measures to protect biodiversity through European policies'
  • MADIT-M023 - 'Community and international measures for elasmobranch'
  • MADIT-M024 - 'Measures regulating catches of cetaceans, tortoises and common sturgeon'
  • MADIT-M025 - 'National measures for the protection of biodiversity'
  • MADIT-M026 - 'National measures for recovery, rescue custody and management of marine reptiles'
  • MADIT-M027 - 'Measures for coastal land planning'
  • MADIT-M028 - 'Regulatory measures for commercial fishing and the sustainable exploitation of fish stocks'
  • MADIT-M030-NEW1 - 'Complete the network of Natura 2000 sites at sea and subsequent identification of conservation measures'
  • MADIT-M031-NEW2 - 'Implementation of technical solutions (methodological and instrumental) for the reduction of the phenomenon of collision with cetaceans'
  • MADIT-M032-NEW3 - 'Acquisition, systematisation and standardisation, as well as consistent recognition, with data from monitoring activities implemented, with particular reference to EIA procedures'
  • MADIT-M033-NEW4 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of elasmobranchs from by-catch'
  • MADIT-M034-NEW5 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of cetaceans and sea turtles from by-catch'
  • MADIT-M035-NEW6 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of seabirds from by-catch'
  • MADIT-M036-NEW7 - 'Implementation of awareness-raising and information measures to prevent removal activities and damage to the benthic species and habitats protected'
  • MICIT-M001 - 'Measures related to the management of the Natura 2000 Network sites'
  • MICIT-M002 - 'Planned measures to designate SACs in Natura 2000 sites'
  • MICIT-M003 - 'Measures to protect target species and targeted habitats through the MPAs'
  • MICIT-M004 - 'Planned measures to increase MPAs'
  • MICIT-M005 - 'Measures to protect target habitats through other protected areas'
  • MICIT-M006 - 'Management measures for benthic habitats in the Mediterranean and identification of protected species and habitats'
  • MICIT-M007 - 'Measures to protect fish stocks through other protected areas (wildlife protection areas)'
  • MICIT-M008 - 'Measures to reduce the impact of fishing and protection of pelagic habitats'
  • MICIT-M009 - 'Protective measures for the taking and selling of endangered species through international agreements'
  • MICIT-M010 - 'Measures for incidental catches of cetaceans in fisheries'
  • MICIT-M011 - 'Measures for the conservation of cetaceans in the Mediterranean, under international agreements'
  • MICIT-M012 - 'Directorial Decree of Ministry of Environment, in cooperation with the Ministry of Health, for the establishment of the coordination of the marine mammal stranding national network (ReNaSMM)'
  • MICIT-M013 - 'Measures for the conservation of wild flora and fauna and natural habitats, and the promotion of cooperation between Member States'
  • MICIT-M014 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MICIT-M015 - 'National and Community measures for the protection of birds'
  • MICIT-M016 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MICIT-M017 - 'Protective measures for benthic habitats associated with the European legislation (planning, impact assessment, river basin management plans)'
  • MICIT-M018 - 'Measures to protect habitats and associated target species under international conventions'
  • MICIT-M019 - 'Measures for the conservation of migratory species of wild animals'
  • MICIT-M020 - 'Regulatory measures for international trade in endangered species'
  • MICIT-M021 - 'International cetacean protection measures'
  • MICIT-M022 - 'Measures to protect biodiversity through European policies'
  • MICIT-M023 - 'Community and international measures for elasmobranch'
  • MICIT-M024 - 'Measures regulating catches of cetaceans, tortoises and common sturgeon'
  • MICIT-M025 - 'National measures for the protection of biodiversity'
  • MICIT-M026 - 'National measures for recovery, rescue custody and management of marine reptiles'
  • MICIT-M027 - 'Measures for coastal land planning'
  • MICIT-M028 - 'Regulatory measures for commercial fishing and the sustainable exploitation of fish stocks'
  • MICIT-M030-NEW1 - 'Complete the network of Natura 2000 sites at sea and subsequent identification of conservation measures'
  • MICIT-M031-NEW2 - 'Implementation of technical solutions (methodological and instrumental) for the reduction of the phenomenon of collision with cetaceans'
  • MICIT-M032-NEW3 - 'Acquisition, systematisation and standardisation, as well as consistent recognition, with data from monitoring activities implemented, with particular reference to EIA procedures'
  • MICIT-M033-NEW4 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of elasmobranchs from by-catch'
  • MICIT-M034-NEW5 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of cetaceans and sea turtles from by-catch'
  • MICIT-M035-NEW6 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of seabirds from by-catch'
  • MICIT-M036-NEW7 - 'Implementation of awareness-raising and information measures to prevent removal activities and damage to the benthic species and habitats protected'
  • MWEIT-M001 - 'Measures related to the management of the Natura 2000 Network sites'
  • MWEIT-M002 - 'Planned measures to designate SACs in Natura 2000 sites'
  • MWEIT-M003 - 'Measures to protect target species and targeted habitats through the MPAs'
  • MWEIT-M004 - 'Planned measures to increase MPAs'
  • MWEIT-M005 - 'Measures to protect target habitats through other protected areas'
  • MWEIT-M006 - 'Management measures for benthic habitats in the Mediterranean and identification of protected species and habitats'
  • MWEIT-M007 - 'Measures to protect fish stocks through other protected areas (wildlife protection areas)'
  • MWEIT-M008 - 'Measures to reduce the impact of fishing and protection of pelagic habitats'
  • MWEIT-M009 - 'Ecological protection measures'
  • MWEIT-M010 - 'Protective measures for the taking and selling of endangered species through international agreements'
  • MWEIT-M011 - 'Measures for incidental catches of cetaceans in fisheries'
  • MWEIT-M012 - 'Measures for the conservation of cetaceans in the Mediterranean, under international agreements'
  • MWEIT-M013 - 'Directorial Decree of Ministry of Environment, in cooperation with the Ministry of Health, for the establishment of the coordination of the marine mammal stranding national network (ReNaSMM)'
  • MWEIT-M014 - 'Measures for the conservation of wild flora and fauna and natural habitats, and the promotion of cooperation between Member States'
  • MWEIT-M015 - 'Bird protection measures through the Birds Directive (2009/147/ EC)'
  • MWEIT-M016 - 'National and Community measures for the protection of birds'
  • MWEIT-M017 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MWEIT-M018 - 'Protective measures for benthic habitats associated with the European legislation (planning, impact assessment, river basin management plans)'
  • MWEIT-M019 - 'Measures to protect habitats and associated target species under international conventions'
  • MWEIT-M020 - 'Measures for the conservation of migratory species of wild animals'
  • MWEIT-M021 - 'Regulatory measures for international trade in endangered species'
  • MWEIT-M022 - 'Measures to promote a pilot area for the control of marine pollution along the coastline stretching from Marseille to La Spezia'
  • MWEIT-M023 - 'International cetacean protection measures'
  • MWEIT-M024 - 'Measures to protect biodiversity through European policies'
  • MWEIT-M025 - 'Community and international measures for elasmobranch'
  • MWEIT-M026 - 'Measures regulating catches of cetaceans, tortoises and common sturgeon'
  • MWEIT-M027 - 'Establishment of measures for the International Whale Sanctuary'
  • MWEIT-M028 - 'National measures for the protection of biodiversity'
  • MWEIT-M029 - 'National measures for recovery, rescue custody and management of marine reptiles'
  • MWEIT-M030 - 'Measures for coastal land planning'
  • MWEIT-M031 - 'Regulatory measures for commercial fishing and the sustainable exploitation of fish stocks'
  • MWEIT-M033-NEW1 - 'Complete the network of Natura 2000 sites at sea and subsequent identification of conservation measures'
  • MWEIT-M034-NEW2 - 'Implementation of technical solutions (methodological and instrumental) for the reduction of the phenomenon of collision with cetaceans'
  • MWEIT-M035-NEW3 - 'Acquisition, systematisation and standardisation, as well as consistent recognition, with data from monitoring activities implemented, with particular reference to EIA procedures'
  • MWEIT-M036-NEW4 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of elasmobranchs from by-catch'
  • MWEIT-M037-NEW5 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of cetaceans and sea turtles from by-catch'
  • MWEIT-M038-NEW6 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of seabirds from by-catch'
  • MWEIT-M039-NEW7 - 'Implementation of awareness-raising and information measures to prevent removal activities and damage to the benthic species and habitats protected'
  • MADIT-M001 - 'Measures related to the management of the Natura 2000 Network sites'
  • MADIT-M002 - 'Planned measures to designate SACs in Natura 2000 sites'
  • MADIT-M003 - 'Measures to protect target species and targeted habitats through the MPAs'
  • MADIT-M004 - 'Planned measures to increase MPAs'
  • MADIT-M005 - 'Measures to protect target habitats through other protected areas'
  • MADIT-M006 - 'Management measures for benthic habitats in the Mediterranean and identification of protected species and habitats'
  • MADIT-M007 - 'Measures to protect fish stocks through other protected areas (wildlife protection areas)'
  • MADIT-M008 - 'Measures to reduce the impact of fishing and protection of pelagic habitats'
  • MADIT-M009 - 'Protective measures for the taking and selling of endangered species through international agreements'
  • MADIT-M010 - 'Measures for incidental catches of cetaceans in fisheries'
  • MADIT-M011 - 'Measures for the conservation of cetaceans in the Mediterranean, under international agreements'
  • MADIT-M012 - 'Directorial Decree of Ministry of Environment, in cooperation with the Ministry of Health, for the establishment of the coordination of the marine mammal stranding national network (ReNaSMM)'
  • MADIT-M013 - 'Measures for the conservation of wild flora and fauna and natural habitats, and the promotion of cooperation between Member States'
  • MADIT-M014 - 'Bird protection measures through the Birds Directive (2009/147/ EC)'
  • MADIT-M015 - 'National and Community measures for the protection of birds'
  • MADIT-M016 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MADIT-M017 - 'Protective measures for benthic habitats associated with the European legislation (planning, impact assessment, river basin management plans)'
  • MADIT-M018 - 'Measures to protect habitats and associated target species under international conventions'
  • MADIT-M019 - 'Measures for the conservation of migratory species of wild animals'
  • MADIT-M020 - 'Regulatory measures for international trade in endangered species'
  • MADIT-M021 - 'International cetacean protection measures'
  • MADIT-M022 - 'Measures to protect biodiversity through European policies'
  • MADIT-M023 - 'Community and international measures for elasmobranch'
  • MADIT-M024 - 'Measures regulating catches of cetaceans, tortoises and common sturgeon'
  • MADIT-M025 - 'National measures for the protection of biodiversity'
  • MADIT-M026 - 'National measures for recovery, rescue custody and management of marine reptiles'
  • MADIT-M027 - 'Measures for coastal land planning'
  • MADIT-M028 - 'Regulatory measures for commercial fishing and the sustainable exploitation of fish stocks'
  • MADIT-M030-NEW1 - 'Complete the network of Natura 2000 sites at sea and subsequent identification of conservation measures'
  • MADIT-M031-NEW2 - 'Implementation of technical solutions (methodological and instrumental) for the reduction of the phenomenon of collision with cetaceans'
  • MADIT-M032-NEW3 - 'Acquisition, systematisation and standardisation, as well as consistent recognition, with data from monitoring activities implemented, with particular reference to EIA procedures'
  • MADIT-M033-NEW4 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of elasmobranchs from by-catch'
  • MADIT-M034-NEW5 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of cetaceans and sea turtles from by-catch'
  • MADIT-M035-NEW6 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of seabirds from by-catch'
  • MADIT-M036-NEW7 - 'Implementation of awareness-raising and information measures to prevent removal activities and damage to the benthic species and habitats protected'
  • MICIT-M001 - 'Measures related to the management of the Natura 2000 Network sites'
  • MICIT-M002 - 'Planned measures to designate SACs in Natura 2000 sites'
  • MICIT-M003 - 'Measures to protect target species and targeted habitats through the MPAs'
  • MICIT-M004 - 'Planned measures to increase MPAs'
  • MICIT-M005 - 'Measures to protect target habitats through other protected areas'
  • MICIT-M006 - 'Management measures for benthic habitats in the Mediterranean and identification of protected species and habitats'
  • MICIT-M007 - 'Measures to protect fish stocks through other protected areas (wildlife protection areas)'
  • MICIT-M008 - 'Measures to reduce the impact of fishing and protection of pelagic habitats'
  • MICIT-M009 - 'Protective measures for the taking and selling of endangered species through international agreements'
  • MICIT-M010 - 'Measures for incidental catches of cetaceans in fisheries'
  • MICIT-M011 - 'Measures for the conservation of cetaceans in the Mediterranean, under international agreements'
  • MICIT-M012 - 'Directorial Decree of Ministry of Environment, in cooperation with the Ministry of Health, for the establishment of the coordination of the marine mammal stranding national network (ReNaSMM)'
  • MICIT-M013 - 'Measures for the conservation of wild flora and fauna and natural habitats, and the promotion of cooperation between Member States'
  • MICIT-M014 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MICIT-M015 - 'National and Community measures for the protection of birds'
  • MICIT-M016 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MICIT-M017 - 'Protective measures for benthic habitats associated with the European legislation (planning, impact assessment, river basin management plans)'
  • MICIT-M018 - 'Measures to protect habitats and associated target species under international conventions'
  • MICIT-M019 - 'Measures for the conservation of migratory species of wild animals'
  • MICIT-M020 - 'Regulatory measures for international trade in endangered species'
  • MICIT-M021 - 'International cetacean protection measures'
  • MICIT-M022 - 'Measures to protect biodiversity through European policies'
  • MICIT-M023 - 'Community and international measures for elasmobranch'
  • MICIT-M024 - 'Measures regulating catches of cetaceans, tortoises and common sturgeon'
  • MICIT-M025 - 'National measures for the protection of biodiversity'
  • MICIT-M026 - 'National measures for recovery, rescue custody and management of marine reptiles'
  • MICIT-M027 - 'Measures for coastal land planning'
  • MICIT-M028 - 'Regulatory measures for commercial fishing and the sustainable exploitation of fish stocks'
  • MICIT-M030-NEW1 - 'Complete the network of Natura 2000 sites at sea and subsequent identification of conservation measures'
  • MICIT-M031-NEW2 - 'Implementation of technical solutions (methodological and instrumental) for the reduction of the phenomenon of collision with cetaceans'
  • MICIT-M032-NEW3 - 'Acquisition, systematisation and standardisation, as well as consistent recognition, with data from monitoring activities implemented, with particular reference to EIA procedures'
  • MICIT-M033-NEW4 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of elasmobranchs from by-catch'
  • MICIT-M034-NEW5 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of cetaceans and sea turtles from by-catch'
  • MICIT-M035-NEW6 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of seabirds from by-catch'
  • MICIT-M036-NEW7 - 'Implementation of awareness-raising and information measures to prevent removal activities and damage to the benthic species and habitats protected'
  • MWEIT-M001 - 'Measures related to the management of the Natura 2000 Network sites'
  • MWEIT-M002 - 'Planned measures to designate SACs in Natura 2000 sites'
  • MWEIT-M003 - 'Measures to protect target species and targeted habitats through the MPAs'
  • MWEIT-M004 - 'Planned measures to increase MPAs'
  • MWEIT-M005 - 'Measures to protect target habitats through other protected areas'
  • MWEIT-M006 - 'Management measures for benthic habitats in the Mediterranean and identification of protected species and habitats'
  • MWEIT-M007 - 'Measures to protect fish stocks through other protected areas (wildlife protection areas)'
  • MWEIT-M008 - 'Measures to reduce the impact of fishing and protection of pelagic habitats'
  • MWEIT-M009 - 'Ecological protection measures'
  • MWEIT-M010 - 'Protective measures for the taking and selling of endangered species through international agreements'
  • MWEIT-M011 - 'Measures for incidental catches of cetaceans in fisheries'
  • MWEIT-M012 - 'Measures for the conservation of cetaceans in the Mediterranean, under international agreements'
  • MWEIT-M013 - 'Directorial Decree of Ministry of Environment, in cooperation with the Ministry of Health, for the establishment of the coordination of the marine mammal stranding national network (ReNaSMM)'
  • MWEIT-M014 - 'Measures for the conservation of wild flora and fauna and natural habitats, and the promotion of cooperation between Member States'
  • MWEIT-M015 - 'Bird protection measures through the Birds Directive (2009/147/ EC)'
  • MWEIT-M016 - 'National and Community measures for the protection of birds'
  • MWEIT-M017 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MWEIT-M018 - 'Protective measures for benthic habitats associated with the European legislation (planning, impact assessment, river basin management plans)'
  • MWEIT-M019 - 'Measures to protect habitats and associated target species under international conventions'
  • MWEIT-M020 - 'Measures for the conservation of migratory species of wild animals'
  • MWEIT-M021 - 'Regulatory measures for international trade in endangered species'
  • MWEIT-M022 - 'Measures to promote a pilot area for the control of marine pollution along the coastline stretching from Marseille to La Spezia'
  • MWEIT-M023 - 'International cetacean protection measures'
  • MWEIT-M024 - 'Measures to protect biodiversity through European policies'
  • MWEIT-M025 - 'Community and international measures for elasmobranch'
  • MWEIT-M026 - 'Measures regulating catches of cetaceans, tortoises and common sturgeon'
  • MWEIT-M027 - 'Establishment of measures for the International Whale Sanctuary'
  • MWEIT-M028 - 'National measures for the protection of biodiversity'
  • MWEIT-M029 - 'National measures for recovery, rescue custody and management of marine reptiles'
  • MWEIT-M030 - 'Measures for coastal land planning'
  • MWEIT-M031 - 'Regulatory measures for commercial fishing and the sustainable exploitation of fish stocks'
  • MWEIT-M033-NEW1 - 'Complete the network of Natura 2000 sites at sea and subsequent identification of conservation measures'
  • MWEIT-M034-NEW2 - 'Implementation of technical solutions (methodological and instrumental) for the reduction of the phenomenon of collision with cetaceans'
  • MWEIT-M035-NEW3 - 'Acquisition, systematisation and standardisation, as well as consistent recognition, with data from monitoring activities implemented, with particular reference to EIA procedures'
  • MWEIT-M036-NEW4 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of elasmobranchs from by-catch'
  • MWEIT-M037-NEW5 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of cetaceans and sea turtles from by-catch'
  • MWEIT-M038-NEW6 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of seabirds from by-catch'
  • MWEIT-M039-NEW7 - 'Implementation of awareness-raising and information measures to prevent removal activities and damage to the benthic species and habitats protected'
  • MADIT-M001 - 'Measures related to the management of the Natura 2000 Network sites'
  • MADIT-M002 - 'Planned measures to designate SACs in Natura 2000 sites'
  • MADIT-M003 - 'Measures to protect target species and targeted habitats through the MPAs'
  • MADIT-M004 - 'Planned measures to increase MPAs'
  • MADIT-M005 - 'Measures to protect target habitats through other protected areas'
  • MADIT-M006 - 'Management measures for benthic habitats in the Mediterranean and identification of protected species and habitats'
  • MADIT-M007 - 'Measures to protect fish stocks through other protected areas (wildlife protection areas)'
  • MADIT-M008 - 'Measures to reduce the impact of fishing and protection of pelagic habitats'
  • MADIT-M009 - 'Protective measures for the taking and selling of endangered species through international agreements'
  • MADIT-M010 - 'Measures for incidental catches of cetaceans in fisheries'
  • MADIT-M011 - 'Measures for the conservation of cetaceans in the Mediterranean, under international agreements'
  • MADIT-M012 - 'Directorial Decree of Ministry of Environment, in cooperation with the Ministry of Health, for the establishment of the coordination of the marine mammal stranding national network (ReNaSMM)'
  • MADIT-M013 - 'Measures for the conservation of wild flora and fauna and natural habitats, and the promotion of cooperation between Member States'
  • MADIT-M014 - 'Bird protection measures through the Birds Directive (2009/147/ EC)'
  • MADIT-M015 - 'National and Community measures for the protection of birds'
  • MADIT-M016 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MADIT-M017 - 'Protective measures for benthic habitats associated with the European legislation (planning, impact assessment, river basin management plans)'
  • MADIT-M018 - 'Measures to protect habitats and associated target species under international conventions'
  • MADIT-M019 - 'Measures for the conservation of migratory species of wild animals'
  • MADIT-M020 - 'Regulatory measures for international trade in endangered species'
  • MADIT-M021 - 'International cetacean protection measures'
  • MADIT-M022 - 'Measures to protect biodiversity through European policies'
  • MADIT-M023 - 'Community and international measures for elasmobranch'
  • MADIT-M024 - 'Measures regulating catches of cetaceans, tortoises and common sturgeon'
  • MADIT-M025 - 'National measures for the protection of biodiversity'
  • MADIT-M026 - 'National measures for recovery, rescue custody and management of marine reptiles'
  • MADIT-M027 - 'Measures for coastal land planning'
  • MADIT-M028 - 'Regulatory measures for commercial fishing and the sustainable exploitation of fish stocks'
  • MADIT-M030-NEW1 - 'Complete the network of Natura 2000 sites at sea and subsequent identification of conservation measures'
  • MADIT-M031-NEW2 - 'Implementation of technical solutions (methodological and instrumental) for the reduction of the phenomenon of collision with cetaceans'
  • MADIT-M032-NEW3 - 'Acquisition, systematisation and standardisation, as well as consistent recognition, with data from monitoring activities implemented, with particular reference to EIA procedures'
  • MADIT-M033-NEW4 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of elasmobranchs from by-catch'
  • MADIT-M034-NEW5 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of cetaceans and sea turtles from by-catch'
  • MADIT-M035-NEW6 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of seabirds from by-catch'
  • MADIT-M036-NEW7 - 'Implementation of awareness-raising and information measures to prevent removal activities and damage to the benthic species and habitats protected'
  • MICIT-M001 - 'Measures related to the management of the Natura 2000 Network sites'
  • MICIT-M002 - 'Planned measures to designate SACs in Natura 2000 sites'
  • MICIT-M003 - 'Measures to protect target species and targeted habitats through the MPAs'
  • MICIT-M004 - 'Planned measures to increase MPAs'
  • MICIT-M005 - 'Measures to protect target habitats through other protected areas'
  • MICIT-M006 - 'Management measures for benthic habitats in the Mediterranean and identification of protected species and habitats'
  • MICIT-M007 - 'Measures to protect fish stocks through other protected areas (wildlife protection areas)'
  • MICIT-M008 - 'Measures to reduce the impact of fishing and protection of pelagic habitats'
  • MICIT-M009 - 'Protective measures for the taking and selling of endangered species through international agreements'
  • MICIT-M010 - 'Measures for incidental catches of cetaceans in fisheries'
  • MICIT-M011 - 'Measures for the conservation of cetaceans in the Mediterranean, under international agreements'
  • MICIT-M012 - 'Directorial Decree of Ministry of Environment, in cooperation with the Ministry of Health, for the establishment of the coordination of the marine mammal stranding national network (ReNaSMM)'
  • MICIT-M013 - 'Measures for the conservation of wild flora and fauna and natural habitats, and the promotion of cooperation between Member States'
  • MICIT-M014 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MICIT-M015 - 'National and Community measures for the protection of birds'
  • MICIT-M016 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MICIT-M017 - 'Protective measures for benthic habitats associated with the European legislation (planning, impact assessment, river basin management plans)'
  • MICIT-M018 - 'Measures to protect habitats and associated target species under international conventions'
  • MICIT-M019 - 'Measures for the conservation of migratory species of wild animals'
  • MICIT-M020 - 'Regulatory measures for international trade in endangered species'
  • MICIT-M021 - 'International cetacean protection measures'
  • MICIT-M022 - 'Measures to protect biodiversity through European policies'
  • MICIT-M023 - 'Community and international measures for elasmobranch'
  • MICIT-M024 - 'Measures regulating catches of cetaceans, tortoises and common sturgeon'
  • MICIT-M025 - 'National measures for the protection of biodiversity'
  • MICIT-M026 - 'National measures for recovery, rescue custody and management of marine reptiles'
  • MICIT-M027 - 'Measures for coastal land planning'
  • MICIT-M028 - 'Regulatory measures for commercial fishing and the sustainable exploitation of fish stocks'
  • MICIT-M030-NEW1 - 'Complete the network of Natura 2000 sites at sea and subsequent identification of conservation measures'
  • MICIT-M031-NEW2 - 'Implementation of technical solutions (methodological and instrumental) for the reduction of the phenomenon of collision with cetaceans'
  • MICIT-M032-NEW3 - 'Acquisition, systematisation and standardisation, as well as consistent recognition, with data from monitoring activities implemented, with particular reference to EIA procedures'
  • MICIT-M033-NEW4 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of elasmobranchs from by-catch'
  • MICIT-M034-NEW5 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of cetaceans and sea turtles from by-catch'
  • MICIT-M035-NEW6 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of seabirds from by-catch'
  • MICIT-M036-NEW7 - 'Implementation of awareness-raising and information measures to prevent removal activities and damage to the benthic species and habitats protected'
  • MWEIT-M001 - 'Measures related to the management of the Natura 2000 Network sites'
  • MWEIT-M002 - 'Planned measures to designate SACs in Natura 2000 sites'
  • MWEIT-M003 - 'Measures to protect target species and targeted habitats through the MPAs'
  • MWEIT-M004 - 'Planned measures to increase MPAs'
  • MWEIT-M005 - 'Measures to protect target habitats through other protected areas'
  • MWEIT-M006 - 'Management measures for benthic habitats in the Mediterranean and identification of protected species and habitats'
  • MWEIT-M007 - 'Measures to protect fish stocks through other protected areas (wildlife protection areas)'
  • MWEIT-M008 - 'Measures to reduce the impact of fishing and protection of pelagic habitats'
  • MWEIT-M009 - 'Ecological protection measures'
  • MWEIT-M010 - 'Protective measures for the taking and selling of endangered species through international agreements'
  • MWEIT-M011 - 'Measures for incidental catches of cetaceans in fisheries'
  • MWEIT-M012 - 'Measures for the conservation of cetaceans in the Mediterranean, under international agreements'
  • MWEIT-M013 - 'Directorial Decree of Ministry of Environment, in cooperation with the Ministry of Health, for the establishment of the coordination of the marine mammal stranding national network (ReNaSMM)'
  • MWEIT-M014 - 'Measures for the conservation of wild flora and fauna and natural habitats, and the promotion of cooperation between Member States'
  • MWEIT-M015 - 'Bird protection measures through the Birds Directive (2009/147/ EC)'
  • MWEIT-M016 - 'National and Community measures for the protection of birds'
  • MWEIT-M017 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MWEIT-M018 - 'Protective measures for benthic habitats associated with the European legislation (planning, impact assessment, river basin management plans)'
  • MWEIT-M019 - 'Measures to protect habitats and associated target species under international conventions'
  • MWEIT-M020 - 'Measures for the conservation of migratory species of wild animals'
  • MWEIT-M021 - 'Regulatory measures for international trade in endangered species'
  • MWEIT-M022 - 'Measures to promote a pilot area for the control of marine pollution along the coastline stretching from Marseille to La Spezia'
  • MWEIT-M023 - 'International cetacean protection measures'
  • MWEIT-M024 - 'Measures to protect biodiversity through European policies'
  • MWEIT-M025 - 'Community and international measures for elasmobranch'
  • MWEIT-M026 - 'Measures regulating catches of cetaceans, tortoises and common sturgeon'
  • MWEIT-M027 - 'Establishment of measures for the International Whale Sanctuary'
  • MWEIT-M028 - 'National measures for the protection of biodiversity'
  • MWEIT-M029 - 'National measures for recovery, rescue custody and management of marine reptiles'
  • MWEIT-M030 - 'Measures for coastal land planning'
  • MWEIT-M031 - 'Regulatory measures for commercial fishing and the sustainable exploitation of fish stocks'
  • MWEIT-M033-NEW1 - 'Complete the network of Natura 2000 sites at sea and subsequent identification of conservation measures'
  • MWEIT-M034-NEW2 - 'Implementation of technical solutions (methodological and instrumental) for the reduction of the phenomenon of collision with cetaceans'
  • MWEIT-M035-NEW3 - 'Acquisition, systematisation and standardisation, as well as consistent recognition, with data from monitoring activities implemented, with particular reference to EIA procedures'
  • MWEIT-M036-NEW4 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of elasmobranchs from by-catch'
  • MWEIT-M037-NEW5 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of cetaceans and sea turtles from by-catch'
  • MWEIT-M038-NEW6 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of seabirds from by-catch'
  • MWEIT-M039-NEW7 - 'Implementation of awareness-raising and information measures to prevent removal activities and damage to the benthic species and habitats protected'
  • MADIT-M001 - 'Measures related to the management of the Natura 2000 Network sites'
  • MADIT-M002 - 'Planned measures to designate SACs in Natura 2000 sites'
  • MADIT-M003 - 'Measures to protect target species and targeted habitats through the MPAs'
  • MADIT-M004 - 'Planned measures to increase MPAs'
  • MADIT-M005 - 'Measures to protect target habitats through other protected areas'
  • MADIT-M006 - 'Management measures for benthic habitats in the Mediterranean and identification of protected species and habitats'
  • MADIT-M007 - 'Measures to protect fish stocks through other protected areas (wildlife protection areas)'
  • MADIT-M008 - 'Measures to reduce the impact of fishing and protection of pelagic habitats'
  • MADIT-M009 - 'Protective measures for the taking and selling of endangered species through international agreements'
  • MADIT-M010 - 'Measures for incidental catches of cetaceans in fisheries'
  • MADIT-M011 - 'Measures for the conservation of cetaceans in the Mediterranean, under international agreements'
  • MADIT-M012 - 'Directorial Decree of Ministry of Environment, in cooperation with the Ministry of Health, for the establishment of the coordination of the marine mammal stranding national network (ReNaSMM)'
  • MADIT-M013 - 'Measures for the conservation of wild flora and fauna and natural habitats, and the promotion of cooperation between Member States'
  • MADIT-M014 - 'Bird protection measures through the Birds Directive (2009/147/ EC)'
  • MADIT-M015 - 'National and Community measures for the protection of birds'
  • MADIT-M016 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MADIT-M017 - 'Protective measures for benthic habitats associated with the European legislation (planning, impact assessment, river basin management plans)'
  • MADIT-M018 - 'Measures to protect habitats and associated target species under international conventions'
  • MADIT-M019 - 'Measures for the conservation of migratory species of wild animals'
  • MADIT-M020 - 'Regulatory measures for international trade in endangered species'
  • MADIT-M021 - 'International cetacean protection measures'
  • MADIT-M022 - 'Measures to protect biodiversity through European policies'
  • MADIT-M023 - 'Community and international measures for elasmobranch'
  • MADIT-M024 - 'Measures regulating catches of cetaceans, tortoises and common sturgeon'
  • MADIT-M025 - 'National measures for the protection of biodiversity'
  • MADIT-M026 - 'National measures for recovery, rescue custody and management of marine reptiles'
  • MADIT-M027 - 'Measures for coastal land planning'
  • MADIT-M028 - 'Regulatory measures for commercial fishing and the sustainable exploitation of fish stocks'
  • MADIT-M030-NEW1 - 'Complete the network of Natura 2000 sites at sea and subsequent identification of conservation measures'
  • MADIT-M031-NEW2 - 'Implementation of technical solutions (methodological and instrumental) for the reduction of the phenomenon of collision with cetaceans'
  • MADIT-M032-NEW3 - 'Acquisition, systematisation and standardisation, as well as consistent recognition, with data from monitoring activities implemented, with particular reference to EIA procedures'
  • MADIT-M033-NEW4 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of elasmobranchs from by-catch'
  • MADIT-M034-NEW5 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of cetaceans and sea turtles from by-catch'
  • MADIT-M035-NEW6 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of seabirds from by-catch'
  • MADIT-M036-NEW7 - 'Implementation of awareness-raising and information measures to prevent removal activities and damage to the benthic species and habitats protected'
  • MICIT-M001 - 'Measures related to the management of the Natura 2000 Network sites'
  • MICIT-M002 - 'Planned measures to designate SACs in Natura 2000 sites'
  • MICIT-M003 - 'Measures to protect target species and targeted habitats through the MPAs'
  • MICIT-M004 - 'Planned measures to increase MPAs'
  • MICIT-M005 - 'Measures to protect target habitats through other protected areas'
  • MICIT-M006 - 'Management measures for benthic habitats in the Mediterranean and identification of protected species and habitats'
  • MICIT-M007 - 'Measures to protect fish stocks through other protected areas (wildlife protection areas)'
  • MICIT-M008 - 'Measures to reduce the impact of fishing and protection of pelagic habitats'
  • MICIT-M009 - 'Protective measures for the taking and selling of endangered species through international agreements'
  • MICIT-M010 - 'Measures for incidental catches of cetaceans in fisheries'
  • MICIT-M011 - 'Measures for the conservation of cetaceans in the Mediterranean, under international agreements'
  • MICIT-M012 - 'Directorial Decree of Ministry of Environment, in cooperation with the Ministry of Health, for the establishment of the coordination of the marine mammal stranding national network (ReNaSMM)'
  • MICIT-M013 - 'Measures for the conservation of wild flora and fauna and natural habitats, and the promotion of cooperation between Member States'
  • MICIT-M014 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MICIT-M015 - 'National and Community measures for the protection of birds'
  • MICIT-M016 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MICIT-M017 - 'Protective measures for benthic habitats associated with the European legislation (planning, impact assessment, river basin management plans)'
  • MICIT-M018 - 'Measures to protect habitats and associated target species under international conventions'
  • MICIT-M019 - 'Measures for the conservation of migratory species of wild animals'
  • MICIT-M020 - 'Regulatory measures for international trade in endangered species'
  • MICIT-M021 - 'International cetacean protection measures'
  • MICIT-M022 - 'Measures to protect biodiversity through European policies'
  • MICIT-M023 - 'Community and international measures for elasmobranch'
  • MICIT-M024 - 'Measures regulating catches of cetaceans, tortoises and common sturgeon'
  • MICIT-M025 - 'National measures for the protection of biodiversity'
  • MICIT-M026 - 'National measures for recovery, rescue custody and management of marine reptiles'
  • MICIT-M027 - 'Measures for coastal land planning'
  • MICIT-M028 - 'Regulatory measures for commercial fishing and the sustainable exploitation of fish stocks'
  • MICIT-M030-NEW1 - 'Complete the network of Natura 2000 sites at sea and subsequent identification of conservation measures'
  • MICIT-M031-NEW2 - 'Implementation of technical solutions (methodological and instrumental) for the reduction of the phenomenon of collision with cetaceans'
  • MICIT-M032-NEW3 - 'Acquisition, systematisation and standardisation, as well as consistent recognition, with data from monitoring activities implemented, with particular reference to EIA procedures'
  • MICIT-M033-NEW4 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of elasmobranchs from by-catch'
  • MICIT-M034-NEW5 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of cetaceans and sea turtles from by-catch'
  • MICIT-M035-NEW6 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of seabirds from by-catch'
  • MICIT-M036-NEW7 - 'Implementation of awareness-raising and information measures to prevent removal activities and damage to the benthic species and habitats protected'
  • MWEIT-M001 - 'Measures related to the management of the Natura 2000 Network sites'
  • MWEIT-M002 - 'Planned measures to designate SACs in Natura 2000 sites'
  • MWEIT-M003 - 'Measures to protect target species and targeted habitats through the MPAs'
  • MWEIT-M004 - 'Planned measures to increase MPAs'
  • MWEIT-M005 - 'Measures to protect target habitats through other protected areas'
  • MWEIT-M006 - 'Management measures for benthic habitats in the Mediterranean and identification of protected species and habitats'
  • MWEIT-M007 - 'Measures to protect fish stocks through other protected areas (wildlife protection areas)'
  • MWEIT-M008 - 'Measures to reduce the impact of fishing and protection of pelagic habitats'
  • MWEIT-M009 - 'Ecological protection measures'
  • MWEIT-M010 - 'Protective measures for the taking and selling of endangered species through international agreements'
  • MWEIT-M011 - 'Measures for incidental catches of cetaceans in fisheries'
  • MWEIT-M012 - 'Measures for the conservation of cetaceans in the Mediterranean, under international agreements'
  • MWEIT-M013 - 'Directorial Decree of Ministry of Environment, in cooperation with the Ministry of Health, for the establishment of the coordination of the marine mammal stranding national network (ReNaSMM)'
  • MWEIT-M014 - 'Measures for the conservation of wild flora and fauna and natural habitats, and the promotion of cooperation between Member States'
  • MWEIT-M015 - 'Bird protection measures through the Birds Directive (2009/147/ EC)'
  • MWEIT-M016 - 'National and Community measures for the protection of birds'
  • MWEIT-M017 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MWEIT-M018 - 'Protective measures for benthic habitats associated with the European legislation (planning, impact assessment, river basin management plans)'
  • MWEIT-M019 - 'Measures to protect habitats and associated target species under international conventions'
  • MWEIT-M020 - 'Measures for the conservation of migratory species of wild animals'
  • MWEIT-M021 - 'Regulatory measures for international trade in endangered species'
  • MWEIT-M022 - 'Measures to promote a pilot area for the control of marine pollution along the coastline stretching from Marseille to La Spezia'
  • MWEIT-M023 - 'International cetacean protection measures'
  • MWEIT-M024 - 'Measures to protect biodiversity through European policies'
  • MWEIT-M025 - 'Community and international measures for elasmobranch'
  • MWEIT-M026 - 'Measures regulating catches of cetaceans, tortoises and common sturgeon'
  • MWEIT-M027 - 'Establishment of measures for the International Whale Sanctuary'
  • MWEIT-M028 - 'National measures for the protection of biodiversity'
  • MWEIT-M029 - 'National measures for recovery, rescue custody and management of marine reptiles'
  • MWEIT-M030 - 'Measures for coastal land planning'
  • MWEIT-M031 - 'Regulatory measures for commercial fishing and the sustainable exploitation of fish stocks'
  • MWEIT-M033-NEW1 - 'Complete the network of Natura 2000 sites at sea and subsequent identification of conservation measures'
  • MWEIT-M034-NEW2 - 'Implementation of technical solutions (methodological and instrumental) for the reduction of the phenomenon of collision with cetaceans'
  • MWEIT-M035-NEW3 - 'Acquisition, systematisation and standardisation, as well as consistent recognition, with data from monitoring activities implemented, with particular reference to EIA procedures'
  • MWEIT-M036-NEW4 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of elasmobranchs from by-catch'
  • MWEIT-M037-NEW5 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of cetaceans and sea turtles from by-catch'
  • MWEIT-M038-NEW6 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of seabirds from by-catch'
  • MWEIT-M039-NEW7 - 'Implementation of awareness-raising and information measures to prevent removal activities and damage to the benthic species and habitats protected'
  • MADIT-M001 - 'Measures related to the management of the Natura 2000 Network sites'
  • MADIT-M002 - 'Planned measures to designate SACs in Natura 2000 sites'
  • MADIT-M003 - 'Measures to protect target species and targeted habitats through the MPAs'
  • MADIT-M004 - 'Planned measures to increase MPAs'
  • MADIT-M005 - 'Measures to protect target habitats through other protected areas'
  • MADIT-M006 - 'Management measures for benthic habitats in the Mediterranean and identification of protected species and habitats'
  • MADIT-M007 - 'Measures to protect fish stocks through other protected areas (wildlife protection areas)'
  • MADIT-M008 - 'Measures to reduce the impact of fishing and protection of pelagic habitats'
  • MADIT-M009 - 'Protective measures for the taking and selling of endangered species through international agreements'
  • MADIT-M010 - 'Measures for incidental catches of cetaceans in fisheries'
  • MADIT-M011 - 'Measures for the conservation of cetaceans in the Mediterranean, under international agreements'
  • MADIT-M012 - 'Directorial Decree of Ministry of Environment, in cooperation with the Ministry of Health, for the establishment of the coordination of the marine mammal stranding national network (ReNaSMM)'
  • MADIT-M013 - 'Measures for the conservation of wild flora and fauna and natural habitats, and the promotion of cooperation between Member States'
  • MADIT-M014 - 'Bird protection measures through the Birds Directive (2009/147/ EC)'
  • MADIT-M015 - 'National and Community measures for the protection of birds'
  • MADIT-M016 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MADIT-M017 - 'Protective measures for benthic habitats associated with the European legislation (planning, impact assessment, river basin management plans)'
  • MADIT-M018 - 'Measures to protect habitats and associated target species under international conventions'
  • MADIT-M019 - 'Measures for the conservation of migratory species of wild animals'
  • MADIT-M020 - 'Regulatory measures for international trade in endangered species'
  • MADIT-M021 - 'International cetacean protection measures'
  • MADIT-M022 - 'Measures to protect biodiversity through European policies'
  • MADIT-M023 - 'Community and international measures for elasmobranch'
  • MADIT-M024 - 'Measures regulating catches of cetaceans, tortoises and common sturgeon'
  • MADIT-M025 - 'National measures for the protection of biodiversity'
  • MADIT-M026 - 'National measures for recovery, rescue custody and management of marine reptiles'
  • MADIT-M027 - 'Measures for coastal land planning'
  • MADIT-M028 - 'Regulatory measures for commercial fishing and the sustainable exploitation of fish stocks'
  • MADIT-M030-NEW1 - 'Complete the network of Natura 2000 sites at sea and subsequent identification of conservation measures'
  • MADIT-M031-NEW2 - 'Implementation of technical solutions (methodological and instrumental) for the reduction of the phenomenon of collision with cetaceans'
  • MADIT-M032-NEW3 - 'Acquisition, systematisation and standardisation, as well as consistent recognition, with data from monitoring activities implemented, with particular reference to EIA procedures'
  • MADIT-M033-NEW4 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of elasmobranchs from by-catch'
  • MADIT-M034-NEW5 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of cetaceans and sea turtles from by-catch'
  • MADIT-M035-NEW6 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of seabirds from by-catch'
  • MADIT-M036-NEW7 - 'Implementation of awareness-raising and information measures to prevent removal activities and damage to the benthic species and habitats protected'
  • MICIT-M001 - 'Measures related to the management of the Natura 2000 Network sites'
  • MICIT-M002 - 'Planned measures to designate SACs in Natura 2000 sites'
  • MICIT-M003 - 'Measures to protect target species and targeted habitats through the MPAs'
  • MICIT-M004 - 'Planned measures to increase MPAs'
  • MICIT-M005 - 'Measures to protect target habitats through other protected areas'
  • MICIT-M006 - 'Management measures for benthic habitats in the Mediterranean and identification of protected species and habitats'
  • MICIT-M007 - 'Measures to protect fish stocks through other protected areas (wildlife protection areas)'
  • MICIT-M008 - 'Measures to reduce the impact of fishing and protection of pelagic habitats'
  • MICIT-M009 - 'Protective measures for the taking and selling of endangered species through international agreements'
  • MICIT-M010 - 'Measures for incidental catches of cetaceans in fisheries'
  • MICIT-M011 - 'Measures for the conservation of cetaceans in the Mediterranean, under international agreements'
  • MICIT-M012 - 'Directorial Decree of Ministry of Environment, in cooperation with the Ministry of Health, for the establishment of the coordination of the marine mammal stranding national network (ReNaSMM)'
  • MICIT-M013 - 'Measures for the conservation of wild flora and fauna and natural habitats, and the promotion of cooperation between Member States'
  • MICIT-M014 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MICIT-M015 - 'National and Community measures for the protection of birds'
  • MICIT-M016 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MICIT-M017 - 'Protective measures for benthic habitats associated with the European legislation (planning, impact assessment, river basin management plans)'
  • MICIT-M018 - 'Measures to protect habitats and associated target species under international conventions'
  • MICIT-M019 - 'Measures for the conservation of migratory species of wild animals'
  • MICIT-M020 - 'Regulatory measures for international trade in endangered species'
  • MICIT-M021 - 'International cetacean protection measures'
  • MICIT-M022 - 'Measures to protect biodiversity through European policies'
  • MICIT-M023 - 'Community and international measures for elasmobranch'
  • MICIT-M024 - 'Measures regulating catches of cetaceans, tortoises and common sturgeon'
  • MICIT-M025 - 'National measures for the protection of biodiversity'
  • MICIT-M026 - 'National measures for recovery, rescue custody and management of marine reptiles'
  • MICIT-M027 - 'Measures for coastal land planning'
  • MICIT-M028 - 'Regulatory measures for commercial fishing and the sustainable exploitation of fish stocks'
  • MICIT-M030-NEW1 - 'Complete the network of Natura 2000 sites at sea and subsequent identification of conservation measures'
  • MICIT-M031-NEW2 - 'Implementation of technical solutions (methodological and instrumental) for the reduction of the phenomenon of collision with cetaceans'
  • MICIT-M032-NEW3 - 'Acquisition, systematisation and standardisation, as well as consistent recognition, with data from monitoring activities implemented, with particular reference to EIA procedures'
  • MICIT-M033-NEW4 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of elasmobranchs from by-catch'
  • MICIT-M034-NEW5 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of cetaceans and sea turtles from by-catch'
  • MICIT-M035-NEW6 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of seabirds from by-catch'
  • MICIT-M036-NEW7 - 'Implementation of awareness-raising and information measures to prevent removal activities and damage to the benthic species and habitats protected'
  • MWEIT-M001 - 'Measures related to the management of the Natura 2000 Network sites'
  • MWEIT-M002 - 'Planned measures to designate SACs in Natura 2000 sites'
  • MWEIT-M003 - 'Measures to protect target species and targeted habitats through the MPAs'
  • MWEIT-M004 - 'Planned measures to increase MPAs'
  • MWEIT-M005 - 'Measures to protect target habitats through other protected areas'
  • MWEIT-M006 - 'Management measures for benthic habitats in the Mediterranean and identification of protected species and habitats'
  • MWEIT-M007 - 'Measures to protect fish stocks through other protected areas (wildlife protection areas)'
  • MWEIT-M008 - 'Measures to reduce the impact of fishing and protection of pelagic habitats'
  • MWEIT-M009 - 'Ecological protection measures'
  • MWEIT-M010 - 'Protective measures for the taking and selling of endangered species through international agreements'
  • MWEIT-M011 - 'Measures for incidental catches of cetaceans in fisheries'
  • MWEIT-M012 - 'Measures for the conservation of cetaceans in the Mediterranean, under international agreements'
  • MWEIT-M013 - 'Directorial Decree of Ministry of Environment, in cooperation with the Ministry of Health, for the establishment of the coordination of the marine mammal stranding national network (ReNaSMM)'
  • MWEIT-M014 - 'Measures for the conservation of wild flora and fauna and natural habitats, and the promotion of cooperation between Member States'
  • MWEIT-M015 - 'Bird protection measures through the Birds Directive (2009/147/ EC)'
  • MWEIT-M016 - 'National and Community measures for the protection of birds'
  • MWEIT-M017 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MWEIT-M018 - 'Protective measures for benthic habitats associated with the European legislation (planning, impact assessment, river basin management plans)'
  • MWEIT-M019 - 'Measures to protect habitats and associated target species under international conventions'
  • MWEIT-M020 - 'Measures for the conservation of migratory species of wild animals'
  • MWEIT-M021 - 'Regulatory measures for international trade in endangered species'
  • MWEIT-M022 - 'Measures to promote a pilot area for the control of marine pollution along the coastline stretching from Marseille to La Spezia'
  • MWEIT-M023 - 'International cetacean protection measures'
  • MWEIT-M024 - 'Measures to protect biodiversity through European policies'
  • MWEIT-M025 - 'Community and international measures for elasmobranch'
  • MWEIT-M026 - 'Measures regulating catches of cetaceans, tortoises and common sturgeon'
  • MWEIT-M027 - 'Establishment of measures for the International Whale Sanctuary'
  • MWEIT-M028 - 'National measures for the protection of biodiversity'
  • MWEIT-M029 - 'National measures for recovery, rescue custody and management of marine reptiles'
  • MWEIT-M030 - 'Measures for coastal land planning'
  • MWEIT-M031 - 'Regulatory measures for commercial fishing and the sustainable exploitation of fish stocks'
  • MWEIT-M033-NEW1 - 'Complete the network of Natura 2000 sites at sea and subsequent identification of conservation measures'
  • MWEIT-M034-NEW2 - 'Implementation of technical solutions (methodological and instrumental) for the reduction of the phenomenon of collision with cetaceans'
  • MWEIT-M035-NEW3 - 'Acquisition, systematisation and standardisation, as well as consistent recognition, with data from monitoring activities implemented, with particular reference to EIA procedures'
  • MWEIT-M036-NEW4 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of elasmobranchs from by-catch'
  • MWEIT-M037-NEW5 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of cetaceans and sea turtles from by-catch'
  • MWEIT-M038-NEW6 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of seabirds from by-catch'
  • MWEIT-M039-NEW7 - 'Implementation of awareness-raising and information measures to prevent removal activities and damage to the benthic species and habitats protected'
  • MADIT-M001 - 'Measures related to the management of the Natura 2000 Network sites'
  • MADIT-M002 - 'Planned measures to designate SACs in Natura 2000 sites'
  • MADIT-M003 - 'Measures to protect target species and targeted habitats through the MPAs'
  • MADIT-M004 - 'Planned measures to increase MPAs'
  • MADIT-M005 - 'Measures to protect target habitats through other protected areas'
  • MADIT-M006 - 'Management measures for benthic habitats in the Mediterranean and identification of protected species and habitats'
  • MADIT-M007 - 'Measures to protect fish stocks through other protected areas (wildlife protection areas)'
  • MADIT-M008 - 'Measures to reduce the impact of fishing and protection of pelagic habitats'
  • MADIT-M009 - 'Protective measures for the taking and selling of endangered species through international agreements'
  • MADIT-M010 - 'Measures for incidental catches of cetaceans in fisheries'
  • MADIT-M011 - 'Measures for the conservation of cetaceans in the Mediterranean, under international agreements'
  • MADIT-M012 - 'Directorial Decree of Ministry of Environment, in cooperation with the Ministry of Health, for the establishment of the coordination of the marine mammal stranding national network (ReNaSMM)'
  • MADIT-M013 - 'Measures for the conservation of wild flora and fauna and natural habitats, and the promotion of cooperation between Member States'
  • MADIT-M014 - 'Bird protection measures through the Birds Directive (2009/147/ EC)'
  • MADIT-M015 - 'National and Community measures for the protection of birds'
  • MADIT-M016 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MADIT-M017 - 'Protective measures for benthic habitats associated with the European legislation (planning, impact assessment, river basin management plans)'
  • MADIT-M018 - 'Measures to protect habitats and associated target species under international conventions'
  • MADIT-M019 - 'Measures for the conservation of migratory species of wild animals'
  • MADIT-M020 - 'Regulatory measures for international trade in endangered species'
  • MADIT-M021 - 'International cetacean protection measures'
  • MADIT-M022 - 'Measures to protect biodiversity through European policies'
  • MADIT-M023 - 'Community and international measures for elasmobranch'
  • MADIT-M024 - 'Measures regulating catches of cetaceans, tortoises and common sturgeon'
  • MADIT-M025 - 'National measures for the protection of biodiversity'
  • MADIT-M026 - 'National measures for recovery, rescue custody and management of marine reptiles'
  • MADIT-M027 - 'Measures for coastal land planning'
  • MADIT-M028 - 'Regulatory measures for commercial fishing and the sustainable exploitation of fish stocks'
  • MADIT-M030-NEW1 - 'Complete the network of Natura 2000 sites at sea and subsequent identification of conservation measures'
  • MADIT-M031-NEW2 - 'Implementation of technical solutions (methodological and instrumental) for the reduction of the phenomenon of collision with cetaceans'
  • MADIT-M032-NEW3 - 'Acquisition, systematisation and standardisation, as well as consistent recognition, with data from monitoring activities implemented, with particular reference to EIA procedures'
  • MADIT-M033-NEW4 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of elasmobranchs from by-catch'
  • MADIT-M034-NEW5 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of cetaceans and sea turtles from by-catch'
  • MADIT-M035-NEW6 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of seabirds from by-catch'
  • MADIT-M036-NEW7 - 'Implementation of awareness-raising and information measures to prevent removal activities and damage to the benthic species and habitats protected'
  • MICIT-M001 - 'Measures related to the management of the Natura 2000 Network sites'
  • MICIT-M002 - 'Planned measures to designate SACs in Natura 2000 sites'
  • MICIT-M003 - 'Measures to protect target species and targeted habitats through the MPAs'
  • MICIT-M004 - 'Planned measures to increase MPAs'
  • MICIT-M005 - 'Measures to protect target habitats through other protected areas'
  • MICIT-M006 - 'Management measures for benthic habitats in the Mediterranean and identification of protected species and habitats'
  • MICIT-M007 - 'Measures to protect fish stocks through other protected areas (wildlife protection areas)'
  • MICIT-M008 - 'Measures to reduce the impact of fishing and protection of pelagic habitats'
  • MICIT-M009 - 'Protective measures for the taking and selling of endangered species through international agreements'
  • MICIT-M010 - 'Measures for incidental catches of cetaceans in fisheries'
  • MICIT-M011 - 'Measures for the conservation of cetaceans in the Mediterranean, under international agreements'
  • MICIT-M012 - 'Directorial Decree of Ministry of Environment, in cooperation with the Ministry of Health, for the establishment of the coordination of the marine mammal stranding national network (ReNaSMM)'
  • MICIT-M013 - 'Measures for the conservation of wild flora and fauna and natural habitats, and the promotion of cooperation between Member States'
  • MICIT-M014 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MICIT-M015 - 'National and Community measures for the protection of birds'
  • MICIT-M016 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MICIT-M017 - 'Protective measures for benthic habitats associated with the European legislation (planning, impact assessment, river basin management plans)'
  • MICIT-M018 - 'Measures to protect habitats and associated target species under international conventions'
  • MICIT-M019 - 'Measures for the conservation of migratory species of wild animals'
  • MICIT-M020 - 'Regulatory measures for international trade in endangered species'
  • MICIT-M021 - 'International cetacean protection measures'
  • MICIT-M022 - 'Measures to protect biodiversity through European policies'
  • MICIT-M023 - 'Community and international measures for elasmobranch'
  • MICIT-M024 - 'Measures regulating catches of cetaceans, tortoises and common sturgeon'
  • MICIT-M025 - 'National measures for the protection of biodiversity'
  • MICIT-M026 - 'National measures for recovery, rescue custody and management of marine reptiles'
  • MICIT-M027 - 'Measures for coastal land planning'
  • MICIT-M028 - 'Regulatory measures for commercial fishing and the sustainable exploitation of fish stocks'
  • MICIT-M030-NEW1 - 'Complete the network of Natura 2000 sites at sea and subsequent identification of conservation measures'
  • MICIT-M031-NEW2 - 'Implementation of technical solutions (methodological and instrumental) for the reduction of the phenomenon of collision with cetaceans'
  • MICIT-M032-NEW3 - 'Acquisition, systematisation and standardisation, as well as consistent recognition, with data from monitoring activities implemented, with particular reference to EIA procedures'
  • MICIT-M033-NEW4 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of elasmobranchs from by-catch'
  • MICIT-M034-NEW5 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of cetaceans and sea turtles from by-catch'
  • MICIT-M035-NEW6 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of seabirds from by-catch'
  • MICIT-M036-NEW7 - 'Implementation of awareness-raising and information measures to prevent removal activities and damage to the benthic species and habitats protected'
  • MWEIT-M001 - 'Measures related to the management of the Natura 2000 Network sites'
  • MWEIT-M002 - 'Planned measures to designate SACs in Natura 2000 sites'
  • MWEIT-M003 - 'Measures to protect target species and targeted habitats through the MPAs'
  • MWEIT-M004 - 'Planned measures to increase MPAs'
  • MWEIT-M005 - 'Measures to protect target habitats through other protected areas'
  • MWEIT-M006 - 'Management measures for benthic habitats in the Mediterranean and identification of protected species and habitats'
  • MWEIT-M007 - 'Measures to protect fish stocks through other protected areas (wildlife protection areas)'
  • MWEIT-M008 - 'Measures to reduce the impact of fishing and protection of pelagic habitats'
  • MWEIT-M009 - 'Ecological protection measures'
  • MWEIT-M010 - 'Protective measures for the taking and selling of endangered species through international agreements'
  • MWEIT-M011 - 'Measures for incidental catches of cetaceans in fisheries'
  • MWEIT-M012 - 'Measures for the conservation of cetaceans in the Mediterranean, under international agreements'
  • MWEIT-M013 - 'Directorial Decree of Ministry of Environment, in cooperation with the Ministry of Health, for the establishment of the coordination of the marine mammal stranding national network (ReNaSMM)'
  • MWEIT-M014 - 'Measures for the conservation of wild flora and fauna and natural habitats, and the promotion of cooperation between Member States'
  • MWEIT-M015 - 'Bird protection measures through the Birds Directive (2009/147/ EC)'
  • MWEIT-M016 - 'National and Community measures for the protection of birds'
  • MWEIT-M017 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MWEIT-M018 - 'Protective measures for benthic habitats associated with the European legislation (planning, impact assessment, river basin management plans)'
  • MWEIT-M019 - 'Measures to protect habitats and associated target species under international conventions'
  • MWEIT-M020 - 'Measures for the conservation of migratory species of wild animals'
  • MWEIT-M021 - 'Regulatory measures for international trade in endangered species'
  • MWEIT-M022 - 'Measures to promote a pilot area for the control of marine pollution along the coastline stretching from Marseille to La Spezia'
  • MWEIT-M023 - 'International cetacean protection measures'
  • MWEIT-M024 - 'Measures to protect biodiversity through European policies'
  • MWEIT-M025 - 'Community and international measures for elasmobranch'
  • MWEIT-M026 - 'Measures regulating catches of cetaceans, tortoises and common sturgeon'
  • MWEIT-M027 - 'Establishment of measures for the International Whale Sanctuary'
  • MWEIT-M028 - 'National measures for the protection of biodiversity'
  • MWEIT-M029 - 'National measures for recovery, rescue custody and management of marine reptiles'
  • MWEIT-M030 - 'Measures for coastal land planning'
  • MWEIT-M031 - 'Regulatory measures for commercial fishing and the sustainable exploitation of fish stocks'
  • MWEIT-M033-NEW1 - 'Complete the network of Natura 2000 sites at sea and subsequent identification of conservation measures'
  • MWEIT-M034-NEW2 - 'Implementation of technical solutions (methodological and instrumental) for the reduction of the phenomenon of collision with cetaceans'
  • MWEIT-M035-NEW3 - 'Acquisition, systematisation and standardisation, as well as consistent recognition, with data from monitoring activities implemented, with particular reference to EIA procedures'
  • MWEIT-M036-NEW4 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of elasmobranchs from by-catch'
  • MWEIT-M037-NEW5 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of cetaceans and sea turtles from by-catch'
  • MWEIT-M038-NEW6 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of seabirds from by-catch'
  • MWEIT-M039-NEW7 - 'Implementation of awareness-raising and information measures to prevent removal activities and damage to the benthic species and habitats protected'
Coverage of measures
Adequate monitoring is in place by July 2020
Adequate monitoring is in place by July 2020
Adequate monitoring is in place by July 2020
Adequate monitoring is in place by July 2020
Adequate monitoring is in place by July 2020
Adequate monitoring is in place by July 2020
Adequate monitoring is in place by July 2020
Adequate monitoring is in place by July 2020
Adequate monitoring is in place by July 2020
Related monitoring programmes
  • MADIT-D01-09
  • MADIT-D01-10
  • MADIT-D01-11
  • MICIT-D01-09
  • MICIT-D01-10
  • MICIT-D01-11
  • MWEIT-D01-09
  • MWEIT-D01-10
  • MWEIT-D01-11
  • MADIT-D01-09
  • MADIT-D01-10
  • MADIT-D01-11
  • MICIT-D01-09
  • MICIT-D01-10
  • MICIT-D01-11
  • MWEIT-D01-09
  • MWEIT-D01-10
  • MWEIT-D01-11
  • MADIT-D01-09
  • MADIT-D01-10
  • MADIT-D01-11
  • MICIT-D01-09
  • MICIT-D01-10
  • MICIT-D01-11
  • MWEIT-D01-09
  • MWEIT-D01-10
  • MWEIT-D01-11
  • MADIT-D01-09
  • MADIT-D01-10
  • MADIT-D01-11
  • MICIT-D01-09
  • MICIT-D01-10
  • MICIT-D01-11
  • MWEIT-D01-09
  • MWEIT-D01-10
  • MWEIT-D01-11
  • MADIT-D01-09
  • MADIT-D01-10
  • MADIT-D01-11
  • MICIT-D01-09
  • MICIT-D01-10
  • MICIT-D01-11
  • MWEIT-D01-09
  • MWEIT-D01-10
  • MWEIT-D01-11
  • MADIT-D01-09
  • MADIT-D01-10
  • MADIT-D01-11
  • MICIT-D01-09
  • MICIT-D01-10
  • MICIT-D01-11
  • MWEIT-D01-09
  • MWEIT-D01-10
  • MWEIT-D01-11
  • MADIT-D01-09
  • MADIT-D01-10
  • MADIT-D01-11
  • MICIT-D01-09
  • MICIT-D01-10
  • MICIT-D01-11
  • MWEIT-D01-09
  • MWEIT-D01-10
  • MWEIT-D01-11
  • MADIT-D01-09
  • MADIT-D01-10
  • MADIT-D01-11
  • MICIT-D01-09
  • MICIT-D01-10
  • MICIT-D01-11
  • MWEIT-D01-09
  • MWEIT-D01-10
  • MWEIT-D01-11
  • MADIT-D01-09
  • MADIT-D01-10
  • MADIT-D01-11
  • MICIT-D01-09
  • MICIT-D01-10
  • MICIT-D01-11
  • MWEIT-D01-09
  • MWEIT-D01-10
  • MWEIT-D01-11
Programme code
Programme name
Update type
New programme
New programme
New programme
New programme
New programme
New programme
New programme
New programme
New programme
Old programme codes
Programme description
Gli habitat pelagici, costituiti dalle componenti biotiche ed abiotiche della colonna d’acqua, rivestono un ruolo fondamentale nell’ecosistema marino; la componente biotica è costituita da organismi genericamente definiti con il nome di plancton, che costituisce il legame tra produzione primaria e secondaria degli oceani e supporta le comunità pelagiche e bentoniche in tutti gli ecosistemi marini. Ogni variazione della comunità pelagica influisce su tutto il comparto trofico ed è in stretta relazione con altri descrittori (D2, D3, D4, D5, D8). L’attività di campionamento, relativa al programma di monitoraggio per gli habitat pelagici, verrà effettuata tenendo conto il più possibile delle attività svolte nel precedente ciclo di monitoraggio. L’attuale programma di monitoraggio è in linea con quanto indicato nella nuova Decisione (UE 2017/848) per l’attuazione del criterio di valutazione (D1C6) indicato, considerando i seguenti obiettivi specifici: - valutazione, definizione ed applicazione di appropriati indici di biodiversità per il plancton; - definizione di nuovi piani di monitoraggio da integrare con i precedenti dati di monitoraggio - parametri di validazione e qualità dei dati. Sulla base di quanto sopra detto, i campionamenti saranno effettuati in stazioni poste a 3, 6, 12 Mn dalla linea di costa. La frequenza di campionamento varierà in funzione dello stato trofico delle acque: mensile in acque eutrofiche o bimestrale in acque mesotrofiche o oligotrofiche. I parametri da rilevare/analizzare saranno quelli che tradizionalmente vengono considerati nelle attività di monitoraggio. Inoltre saranno da effettuare, adottando i metodi in uso, le seguenti determinazioni: - Analisi quali-quantitativa del fitoplancton; - Analisi quali-quantitativa dello zooplancton; - Biomassa dello zooplancton
Gli habitat pelagici, costituiti dalle componenti biotiche ed abiotiche della colonna d’acqua, rivestono un ruolo fondamentale nell’ecosistema marino; la componente biotica è costituita da organismi genericamente definiti con il nome di plancton, che costituisce il legame tra produzione primaria e secondaria degli oceani e supporta le comunità pelagiche e bentoniche in tutti gli ecosistemi marini. Ogni variazione della comunità pelagica influisce su tutto il comparto trofico ed è in stretta relazione con altri descrittori (D2, D3, D4, D5, D8). L’attività di campionamento, relativa al programma di monitoraggio per gli habitat pelagici, verrà effettuata tenendo conto il più possibile delle attività svolte nel precedente ciclo di monitoraggio. L’attuale programma di monitoraggio è in linea con quanto indicato nella nuova Decisione (UE 2017/848) per l’attuazione del criterio di valutazione (D1C6) indicato, considerando i seguenti obiettivi specifici: - valutazione, definizione ed applicazione di appropriati indici di biodiversità per il plancton; - definizione di nuovi piani di monitoraggio da integrare con i precedenti dati di monitoraggio - parametri di validazione e qualità dei dati. Sulla base di quanto sopra detto, i campionamenti saranno effettuati in stazioni poste a 3, 6, 12 Mn dalla linea di costa. La frequenza di campionamento varierà in funzione dello stato trofico delle acque: mensile in acque eutrofiche o bimestrale in acque mesotrofiche o oligotrofiche. I parametri da rilevare/analizzare saranno quelli che tradizionalmente vengono considerati nelle attività di monitoraggio. Inoltre saranno da effettuare, adottando i metodi in uso, le seguenti determinazioni: - Analisi quali-quantitativa del fitoplancton; - Analisi quali-quantitativa dello zooplancton; - Biomassa dello zooplancton
Gli habitat pelagici, costituiti dalle componenti biotiche ed abiotiche della colonna d’acqua, rivestono un ruolo fondamentale nell’ecosistema marino; la componente biotica è costituita da organismi genericamente definiti con il nome di plancton, che costituisce il legame tra produzione primaria e secondaria degli oceani e supporta le comunità pelagiche e bentoniche in tutti gli ecosistemi marini. Ogni variazione della comunità pelagica influisce su tutto il comparto trofico ed è in stretta relazione con altri descrittori (D2, D3, D4, D5, D8). L’attività di campionamento, relativa al programma di monitoraggio per gli habitat pelagici, verrà effettuata tenendo conto il più possibile delle attività svolte nel precedente ciclo di monitoraggio. L’attuale programma di monitoraggio è in linea con quanto indicato nella nuova Decisione (UE 2017/848) per l’attuazione del criterio di valutazione (D1C6) indicato, considerando i seguenti obiettivi specifici: - valutazione, definizione ed applicazione di appropriati indici di biodiversità per il plancton; - definizione di nuovi piani di monitoraggio da integrare con i precedenti dati di monitoraggio - parametri di validazione e qualità dei dati. Sulla base di quanto sopra detto, i campionamenti saranno effettuati in stazioni poste a 3, 6, 12 Mn dalla linea di costa. La frequenza di campionamento varierà in funzione dello stato trofico delle acque: mensile in acque eutrofiche o bimestrale in acque mesotrofiche o oligotrofiche. I parametri da rilevare/analizzare saranno quelli che tradizionalmente vengono considerati nelle attività di monitoraggio. Inoltre saranno da effettuare, adottando i metodi in uso, le seguenti determinazioni: - Analisi quali-quantitativa del fitoplancton; - Analisi quali-quantitativa dello zooplancton; - Biomassa dello zooplancton
Gli habitat pelagici, costituiti dalle componenti biotiche ed abiotiche della colonna d’acqua, rivestono un ruolo fondamentale nell’ecosistema marino; la componente biotica è costituita da organismi genericamente definiti con il nome di plancton, che costituisce il legame tra produzione primaria e secondaria degli oceani e supporta le comunità pelagiche e bentoniche in tutti gli ecosistemi marini. Ogni variazione della comunità pelagica influisce su tutto il comparto trofico ed è in stretta relazione con altri descrittori (D2, D3, D4, D5, D8). L’attività di campionamento, relativa al programma di monitoraggio per gli habitat pelagici, verrà effettuata tenendo conto il più possibile delle attività svolte nel precedente ciclo di monitoraggio. L’attuale programma di monitoraggio è in linea con quanto indicato nella nuova Decisione (UE 2017/848) per l’attuazione del criterio di valutazione (D1C6) indicato, considerando i seguenti obiettivi specifici: - valutazione, definizione ed applicazione di appropriati indici di biodiversità per il plancton; - definizione di nuovi piani di monitoraggio da integrare con i precedenti dati di monitoraggio - parametri di validazione e qualità dei dati. Sulla base di quanto sopra detto, i campionamenti saranno effettuati in stazioni poste a 3, 6, 12 Mn dalla linea di costa. La frequenza di campionamento varierà in funzione dello stato trofico delle acque: mensile in acque eutrofiche o bimestrale in acque mesotrofiche o oligotrofiche. I parametri da rilevare/analizzare saranno quelli che tradizionalmente vengono considerati nelle attività di monitoraggio. Inoltre saranno da effettuare, adottando i metodi in uso, le seguenti determinazioni: - Analisi quali-quantitativa del fitoplancton; - Analisi quali-quantitativa dello zooplancton; - Biomassa dello zooplancton
Gli habitat pelagici, costituiti dalle componenti biotiche ed abiotiche della colonna d’acqua, rivestono un ruolo fondamentale nell’ecosistema marino; la componente biotica è costituita da organismi genericamente definiti con il nome di plancton, che costituisce il legame tra produzione primaria e secondaria degli oceani e supporta le comunità pelagiche e bentoniche in tutti gli ecosistemi marini. Ogni variazione della comunità pelagica influisce su tutto il comparto trofico ed è in stretta relazione con altri descrittori (D2, D3, D4, D5, D8). L’attività di campionamento, relativa al programma di monitoraggio per gli habitat pelagici, verrà effettuata tenendo conto il più possibile delle attività svolte nel precedente ciclo di monitoraggio. L’attuale programma di monitoraggio è in linea con quanto indicato nella nuova Decisione (UE 2017/848) per l’attuazione del criterio di valutazione (D1C6) indicato, considerando i seguenti obiettivi specifici: - valutazione, definizione ed applicazione di appropriati indici di biodiversità per il plancton; - definizione di nuovi piani di monitoraggio da integrare con i precedenti dati di monitoraggio - parametri di validazione e qualità dei dati. Sulla base di quanto sopra detto, i campionamenti saranno effettuati in stazioni poste a 3, 6, 12 Mn dalla linea di costa. La frequenza di campionamento varierà in funzione dello stato trofico delle acque: mensile in acque eutrofiche o bimestrale in acque mesotrofiche o oligotrofiche. I parametri da rilevare/analizzare saranno quelli che tradizionalmente vengono considerati nelle attività di monitoraggio. Inoltre saranno da effettuare, adottando i metodi in uso, le seguenti determinazioni: - Analisi quali-quantitativa del fitoplancton; - Analisi quali-quantitativa dello zooplancton; - Biomassa dello zooplancton
Gli habitat pelagici, costituiti dalle componenti biotiche ed abiotiche della colonna d’acqua, rivestono un ruolo fondamentale nell’ecosistema marino; la componente biotica è costituita da organismi genericamente definiti con il nome di plancton, che costituisce il legame tra produzione primaria e secondaria degli oceani e supporta le comunità pelagiche e bentoniche in tutti gli ecosistemi marini. Ogni variazione della comunità pelagica influisce su tutto il comparto trofico ed è in stretta relazione con altri descrittori (D2, D3, D4, D5, D8). L’attività di campionamento, relativa al programma di monitoraggio per gli habitat pelagici, verrà effettuata tenendo conto il più possibile delle attività svolte nel precedente ciclo di monitoraggio. L’attuale programma di monitoraggio è in linea con quanto indicato nella nuova Decisione (UE 2017/848) per l’attuazione del criterio di valutazione (D1C6) indicato, considerando i seguenti obiettivi specifici: - valutazione, definizione ed applicazione di appropriati indici di biodiversità per il plancton; - definizione di nuovi piani di monitoraggio da integrare con i precedenti dati di monitoraggio - parametri di validazione e qualità dei dati. Sulla base di quanto sopra detto, i campionamenti saranno effettuati in stazioni poste a 3, 6, 12 Mn dalla linea di costa. La frequenza di campionamento varierà in funzione dello stato trofico delle acque: mensile in acque eutrofiche o bimestrale in acque mesotrofiche o oligotrofiche. I parametri da rilevare/analizzare saranno quelli che tradizionalmente vengono considerati nelle attività di monitoraggio. Inoltre saranno da effettuare, adottando i metodi in uso, le seguenti determinazioni: - Analisi quali-quantitativa del fitoplancton; - Analisi quali-quantitativa dello zooplancton; - Biomassa dello zooplancton
Gli habitat pelagici, costituiti dalle componenti biotiche ed abiotiche della colonna d’acqua, rivestono un ruolo fondamentale nell’ecosistema marino; la componente biotica è costituita da organismi genericamente definiti con il nome di plancton, che costituisce il legame tra produzione primaria e secondaria degli oceani e supporta le comunità pelagiche e bentoniche in tutti gli ecosistemi marini. Ogni variazione della comunità pelagica influisce su tutto il comparto trofico ed è in stretta relazione con altri descrittori (D2, D3, D4, D5, D8). L’attività di campionamento, relativa al programma di monitoraggio per gli habitat pelagici, verrà effettuata tenendo conto il più possibile delle attività svolte nel precedente ciclo di monitoraggio. L’attuale programma di monitoraggio è in linea con quanto indicato nella nuova Decisione (UE 2017/848) per l’attuazione del criterio di valutazione (D1C6) indicato, considerando i seguenti obiettivi specifici: - valutazione, definizione ed applicazione di appropriati indici di biodiversità per il plancton; - definizione di nuovi piani di monitoraggio da integrare con i precedenti dati di monitoraggio - parametri di validazione e qualità dei dati. Sulla base di quanto sopra detto, i campionamenti saranno effettuati in stazioni poste a 3, 6, 12 Mn dalla linea di costa. La frequenza di campionamento varierà in funzione dello stato trofico delle acque: mensile in acque eutrofiche o bimestrale in acque mesotrofiche o oligotrofiche. I parametri da rilevare/analizzare saranno quelli che tradizionalmente vengono considerati nelle attività di monitoraggio. Inoltre saranno da effettuare, adottando i metodi in uso, le seguenti determinazioni: - Analisi quali-quantitativa del fitoplancton; - Analisi quali-quantitativa dello zooplancton; - Biomassa dello zooplancton
Gli habitat pelagici, costituiti dalle componenti biotiche ed abiotiche della colonna d’acqua, rivestono un ruolo fondamentale nell’ecosistema marino; la componente biotica è costituita da organismi genericamente definiti con il nome di plancton, che costituisce il legame tra produzione primaria e secondaria degli oceani e supporta le comunità pelagiche e bentoniche in tutti gli ecosistemi marini. Ogni variazione della comunità pelagica influisce su tutto il comparto trofico ed è in stretta relazione con altri descrittori (D2, D3, D4, D5, D8). L’attività di campionamento, relativa al programma di monitoraggio per gli habitat pelagici, verrà effettuata tenendo conto il più possibile delle attività svolte nel precedente ciclo di monitoraggio. L’attuale programma di monitoraggio è in linea con quanto indicato nella nuova Decisione (UE 2017/848) per l’attuazione del criterio di valutazione (D1C6) indicato, considerando i seguenti obiettivi specifici: - valutazione, definizione ed applicazione di appropriati indici di biodiversità per il plancton; - definizione di nuovi piani di monitoraggio da integrare con i precedenti dati di monitoraggio - parametri di validazione e qualità dei dati. Sulla base di quanto sopra detto, i campionamenti saranno effettuati in stazioni poste a 3, 6, 12 Mn dalla linea di costa. La frequenza di campionamento varierà in funzione dello stato trofico delle acque: mensile in acque eutrofiche o bimestrale in acque mesotrofiche o oligotrofiche. I parametri da rilevare/analizzare saranno quelli che tradizionalmente vengono considerati nelle attività di monitoraggio. Inoltre saranno da effettuare, adottando i metodi in uso, le seguenti determinazioni: - Analisi quali-quantitativa del fitoplancton; - Analisi quali-quantitativa dello zooplancton; - Biomassa dello zooplancton
Gli habitat pelagici, costituiti dalle componenti biotiche ed abiotiche della colonna d’acqua, rivestono un ruolo fondamentale nell’ecosistema marino; la componente biotica è costituita da organismi genericamente definiti con il nome di plancton, che costituisce il legame tra produzione primaria e secondaria degli oceani e supporta le comunità pelagiche e bentoniche in tutti gli ecosistemi marini. Ogni variazione della comunità pelagica influisce su tutto il comparto trofico ed è in stretta relazione con altri descrittori (D2, D3, D4, D5, D8). L’attività di campionamento, relativa al programma di monitoraggio per gli habitat pelagici, verrà effettuata tenendo conto il più possibile delle attività svolte nel precedente ciclo di monitoraggio. L’attuale programma di monitoraggio è in linea con quanto indicato nella nuova Decisione (UE 2017/848) per l’attuazione del criterio di valutazione (D1C6) indicato, considerando i seguenti obiettivi specifici: - valutazione, definizione ed applicazione di appropriati indici di biodiversità per il plancton; - definizione di nuovi piani di monitoraggio da integrare con i precedenti dati di monitoraggio - parametri di validazione e qualità dei dati. Sulla base di quanto sopra detto, i campionamenti saranno effettuati in stazioni poste a 3, 6, 12 Mn dalla linea di costa. La frequenza di campionamento varierà in funzione dello stato trofico delle acque: mensile in acque eutrofiche o bimestrale in acque mesotrofiche o oligotrofiche. I parametri da rilevare/analizzare saranno quelli che tradizionalmente vengono considerati nelle attività di monitoraggio. Inoltre saranno da effettuare, adottando i metodi in uso, le seguenti determinazioni: - Analisi quali-quantitativa del fitoplancton; - Analisi quali-quantitativa dello zooplancton; - Biomassa dello zooplancton
Monitoring purpose
  • Environmental state and impacts
  • Environmental state and impacts
  • Environmental state and impacts
  • Environmental state and impacts
  • Environmental state and impacts
  • Environmental state and impacts
  • Environmental state and impacts
  • Environmental state and impacts
  • Environmental state and impacts
Other policies and conventions
  • Water Framework Directive
  • Water Framework Directive
  • Water Framework Directive
  • Water Framework Directive
  • Water Framework Directive
  • Water Framework Directive
  • Water Framework Directive
  • Water Framework Directive
  • Water Framework Directive
Regional cooperation - coordinating body
  • Other
  • Other
  • Other
  • Other
  • Other
  • Other
  • Other
  • Other
  • Other
Regional cooperation - countries involved
Regional cooperation - implementation level
Monitoring details
Elemento monitorato: Habitat (D1C6) Parametri monitorati - Composizione tassonomica - Abbondanza numerica - Biomassa Protocollo di monitoraggio: - Sistema a Rosette e bottiglie Niskin - Retinata verticale WP2 per mesozooplancton Visual census per macrozooplancton gelatinoso Frequenza di monitoraggio: Stagionale/bimensile/mensile.
Elemento monitorato: Habitat (D1C6) Parametri monitorati - Composizione tassonomica - Abbondanza numerica - Biomassa Protocollo di monitoraggio: - Sistema a Rosette e bottiglie Niskin - Retinata verticale WP2 per mesozooplancton Visual census per macrozooplancton gelatinoso Frequenza di monitoraggio: Stagionale/bimensile/mensile.
Elemento monitorato: Habitat (D1C6) Parametri monitorati - Composizione tassonomica - Abbondanza numerica - Biomassa Protocollo di monitoraggio: - Sistema a Rosette e bottiglie Niskin - Retinata verticale WP2 per mesozooplancton Visual census per macrozooplancton gelatinoso Frequenza di monitoraggio: Stagionale/bimensile/mensile.
Elemento monitorato: Habitat (D1C6) Parametri monitorati - Composizione tassonomica - Abbondanza numerica - Biomassa Protocollo di monitoraggio: - Sistema a Rosette e bottiglie Niskin - Retinata verticale WP2 per mesozooplancton Visual census per macrozooplancton gelatinoso Frequenza di monitoraggio: Stagionale/bimensile/mensile.
Elemento monitorato: Habitat (D1C6) Parametri monitorati - Composizione tassonomica - Abbondanza numerica - Biomassa Protocollo di monitoraggio: - Sistema a Rosette e bottiglie Niskin - Retinata verticale WP2 per mesozooplancton Visual census per macrozooplancton gelatinoso Frequenza di monitoraggio: Stagionale/bimensile/mensile.
Elemento monitorato: Habitat (D1C6) Parametri monitorati - Composizione tassonomica - Abbondanza numerica - Biomassa Protocollo di monitoraggio: - Sistema a Rosette e bottiglie Niskin - Retinata verticale WP2 per mesozooplancton Visual census per macrozooplancton gelatinoso Frequenza di monitoraggio: Stagionale/bimensile/mensile.
Elemento monitorato: Habitat (D1C6) Parametri monitorati - Composizione tassonomica - Abbondanza numerica - Biomassa Protocollo di monitoraggio: - Sistema a Rosette e bottiglie Niskin - Retinata verticale WP2 per mesozooplancton Visual census per macrozooplancton gelatinoso Frequenza di monitoraggio: Stagionale/bimensile/mensile.
Elemento monitorato: Habitat (D1C6) Parametri monitorati - Composizione tassonomica - Abbondanza numerica - Biomassa Protocollo di monitoraggio: - Sistema a Rosette e bottiglie Niskin - Retinata verticale WP2 per mesozooplancton Visual census per macrozooplancton gelatinoso Frequenza di monitoraggio: Stagionale/bimensile/mensile.
Elemento monitorato: Habitat (D1C6) Parametri monitorati - Composizione tassonomica - Abbondanza numerica - Biomassa Protocollo di monitoraggio: - Sistema a Rosette e bottiglie Niskin - Retinata verticale WP2 per mesozooplancton Visual census per macrozooplancton gelatinoso Frequenza di monitoraggio: Stagionale/bimensile/mensile.
Other pelagic habitats
Other pelagic habitats
Other pelagic habitats
Other pelagic habitats
Other pelagic habitats
Other pelagic habitats
Other pelagic habitats
Other pelagic habitats
Other pelagic habitats
  • Phytoplankton communities
  • Zooplankton communities
  • Zooplankton communities
  • Phytoplankton communities
  • Zooplankton communities
  • Zooplankton communities
  • Phytoplankton communities
  • Zooplankton communities
  • Zooplankton communities
GES criteria
  • Other
  • Extent
  • Primary production
  • Size distribution
  • Other
  • Other
  • Other
  • Other
  • Other
  • Other
  • Other
Parameter Other
Composizione tassonomica, Abbondanza numerica, Bio
Composizione tassonomica, Abbondanza numerica, Bio
Composizione tassonomica, Abbondanza numerica, Bio
Composizione tassonomica, Abbondanza numerica, Bio
Composizione tassonomica, Abbondanza numerica, Bio
Composizione tassonomica, Abbondanza numerica, Bio
Composizione tassonomica, Abbondanza numerica, Bio
Composizione tassonomica, Abbondanza numerica, Bio
Spatial scope
  • Coastal waters (WFD)
  • Territorial waters
  • Coastal waters (WFD)
  • Territorial waters
  • Coastal waters (WFD)
  • Territorial waters
  • Coastal waters (WFD)
  • Territorial waters
  • Coastal waters (WFD)
  • Territorial waters
  • Coastal waters (WFD)
  • Territorial waters
  • Coastal waters (WFD)
  • Territorial waters
  • Coastal waters (WFD)
  • Territorial waters
  • Coastal waters (WFD)
  • Territorial waters
Marine reporting units
  • IT-AS-0001
  • IT-AS-0001
  • IT-AS-0001
  • IT-ISCMS-0001
  • IT-ISCMS-0001
  • IT-ISCMS-0001
  • IT-WMS-0001
  • IT-WMS-0001
  • IT-WMS-0001
Temporal scope (start date - end date)
Monitoring frequency
Monitoring type
  • In-situ sampling coastal
  • In-situ sampling coastal
  • In-situ sampling coastal
  • In-situ sampling coastal
  • In-situ sampling coastal
  • In-situ sampling coastal
  • In-situ sampling coastal
  • In-situ sampling coastal
  • In-situ sampling coastal
Monitoring method
  • Other monitoring method
  • Other monitoring method
  • Other monitoring method
  • Other monitoring method
  • Other monitoring method
  • Other monitoring method
  • Other monitoring method
  • Other monitoring method
  • Other monitoring method
Monitoring method other
- Sistema a Rosette e bottiglie Niskin - Retinata verticale WP2 per mesozooplancton Visual census per macrozooplancton gelatinoso
- Sistema a Rosette e bottiglie Niskin - Retinata verticale WP2 per mesozooplancton Visual census per macrozooplancton gelatinoso
- Sistema a Rosette e bottiglie Niskin - Retinata verticale WP2 per mesozooplancton Visual census per macrozooplancton gelatinoso
- Sistema a Rosette e bottiglie Niskin - Retinata verticale WP2 per mesozooplancton Visual census per macrozooplancton gelatinoso
- Sistema a Rosette e bottiglie Niskin - Retinata verticale WP2 per mesozooplancton Visual census per macrozooplancton gelatinoso
- Sistema a Rosette e bottiglie Niskin - Retinata verticale WP2 per mesozooplancton Visual census per macrozooplancton gelatinoso
- Sistema a Rosette e bottiglie Niskin - Retinata verticale WP2 per mesozooplancton Visual census per macrozooplancton gelatinoso
- Sistema a Rosette e bottiglie Niskin - Retinata verticale WP2 per mesozooplancton Visual census per macrozooplancton gelatinoso
- Sistema a Rosette e bottiglie Niskin - Retinata verticale WP2 per mesozooplancton Visual census per macrozooplancton gelatinoso
Quality control
I dati di monitoraggio sono raccolti secondo standard informativi elaborati e condivisi con i soggetti attuatori che definiscono le informazioni da trasmettere in termini di formato (testo, numerico, data, etc.), valori ammissibili secondo liste predefinite (liste di contaminanti, specie, habitat, etc.), univocità dei codici utilizzati e relazione tra oggetti (stazioni/campioni, area/sito/transetto, etc.). Un primo livello di controllo formale della qualità del dato viene effettuato in automatico sul SIC – Sistema Informativo Centralizzato rispetto alla conformità dei dati forniti e rispetto a quanto richiesto dallo standard informativo. Un secondo livello di controllo della qualità si avvale di strumenti di analisi statistica volti ad identificare eventuali valori anomali o fuori scala, rimettendo al giudizio esperto il controllo di qualità complessivo del dato. Nel secondo livello ci si avvale di criteri di valutazione condivisi con i soggetti attuatori.
I dati di monitoraggio sono raccolti secondo standard informativi elaborati e condivisi con i soggetti attuatori che definiscono le informazioni da trasmettere in termini di formato (testo, numerico, data, etc.), valori ammissibili secondo liste predefinite (liste di contaminanti, specie, habitat, etc.), univocità dei codici utilizzati e relazione tra oggetti (stazioni/campioni, area/sito/transetto, etc.). Un primo livello di controllo formale della qualità del dato viene effettuato in automatico sul SIC – Sistema Informativo Centralizzato rispetto alla conformità dei dati forniti e rispetto a quanto richiesto dallo standard informativo. Un secondo livello di controllo della qualità si avvale di strumenti di analisi statistica volti ad identificare eventuali valori anomali o fuori scala, rimettendo al giudizio esperto il controllo di qualità complessivo del dato. Nel secondo livello ci si avvale di criteri di valutazione condivisi con i soggetti attuatori.
I dati di monitoraggio sono raccolti secondo standard informativi elaborati e condivisi con i soggetti attuatori che definiscono le informazioni da trasmettere in termini di formato (testo, numerico, data, etc.), valori ammissibili secondo liste predefinite (liste di contaminanti, specie, habitat, etc.), univocità dei codici utilizzati e relazione tra oggetti (stazioni/campioni, area/sito/transetto, etc.). Un primo livello di controllo formale della qualità del dato viene effettuato in automatico sul SIC – Sistema Informativo Centralizzato rispetto alla conformità dei dati forniti e rispetto a quanto richiesto dallo standard informativo. Un secondo livello di controllo della qualità si avvale di strumenti di analisi statistica volti ad identificare eventuali valori anomali o fuori scala, rimettendo al giudizio esperto il controllo di qualità complessivo del dato. Nel secondo livello ci si avvale di criteri di valutazione condivisi con i soggetti attuatori.
I dati di monitoraggio sono raccolti secondo standard informativi elaborati e condivisi con i soggetti attuatori che definiscono le informazioni da trasmettere in termini di formato (testo, numerico, data, etc.), valori ammissibili secondo liste predefinite (liste di contaminanti, specie, habitat, etc.), univocità dei codici utilizzati e relazione tra oggetti (stazioni/campioni, area/sito/transetto, etc.). Un primo livello di controllo formale della qualità del dato viene effettuato in automatico sul SIC – Sistema Informativo Centralizzato rispetto alla conformità dei dati forniti e rispetto a quanto richiesto dallo standard informativo. Un secondo livello di controllo della qualità si avvale di strumenti di analisi statistica volti ad identificare eventuali valori anomali o fuori scala, rimettendo al giudizio esperto il controllo di qualità complessivo del dato. Nel secondo livello ci si avvale di criteri di valutazione condivisi con i soggetti attuatori.
I dati di monitoraggio sono raccolti secondo standard informativi elaborati e condivisi con i soggetti attuatori che definiscono le informazioni da trasmettere in termini di formato (testo, numerico, data, etc.), valori ammissibili secondo liste predefinite (liste di contaminanti, specie, habitat, etc.), univocità dei codici utilizzati e relazione tra oggetti (stazioni/campioni, area/sito/transetto, etc.). Un primo livello di controllo formale della qualità del dato viene effettuato in automatico sul SIC – Sistema Informativo Centralizzato rispetto alla conformità dei dati forniti e rispetto a quanto richiesto dallo standard informativo. Un secondo livello di controllo della qualità si avvale di strumenti di analisi statistica volti ad identificare eventuali valori anomali o fuori scala, rimettendo al giudizio esperto il controllo di qualità complessivo del dato. Nel secondo livello ci si avvale di criteri di valutazione condivisi con i soggetti attuatori.
I dati di monitoraggio sono raccolti secondo standard informativi elaborati e condivisi con i soggetti attuatori che definiscono le informazioni da trasmettere in termini di formato (testo, numerico, data, etc.), valori ammissibili secondo liste predefinite (liste di contaminanti, specie, habitat, etc.), univocità dei codici utilizzati e relazione tra oggetti (stazioni/campioni, area/sito/transetto, etc.). Un primo livello di controllo formale della qualità del dato viene effettuato in automatico sul SIC – Sistema Informativo Centralizzato rispetto alla conformità dei dati forniti e rispetto a quanto richiesto dallo standard informativo. Un secondo livello di controllo della qualità si avvale di strumenti di analisi statistica volti ad identificare eventuali valori anomali o fuori scala, rimettendo al giudizio esperto il controllo di qualità complessivo del dato. Nel secondo livello ci si avvale di criteri di valutazione condivisi con i soggetti attuatori.
I dati di monitoraggio sono raccolti secondo standard informativi elaborati e condivisi con i soggetti attuatori che definiscono le informazioni da trasmettere in termini di formato (testo, numerico, data, etc.), valori ammissibili secondo liste predefinite (liste di contaminanti, specie, habitat, etc.), univocità dei codici utilizzati e relazione tra oggetti (stazioni/campioni, area/sito/transetto, etc.). Un primo livello di controllo formale della qualità del dato viene effettuato in automatico sul SIC – Sistema Informativo Centralizzato rispetto alla conformità dei dati forniti e rispetto a quanto richiesto dallo standard informativo. Un secondo livello di controllo della qualità si avvale di strumenti di analisi statistica volti ad identificare eventuali valori anomali o fuori scala, rimettendo al giudizio esperto il controllo di qualità complessivo del dato. Nel secondo livello ci si avvale di criteri di valutazione condivisi con i soggetti attuatori.
I dati di monitoraggio sono raccolti secondo standard informativi elaborati e condivisi con i soggetti attuatori che definiscono le informazioni da trasmettere in termini di formato (testo, numerico, data, etc.), valori ammissibili secondo liste predefinite (liste di contaminanti, specie, habitat, etc.), univocità dei codici utilizzati e relazione tra oggetti (stazioni/campioni, area/sito/transetto, etc.). Un primo livello di controllo formale della qualità del dato viene effettuato in automatico sul SIC – Sistema Informativo Centralizzato rispetto alla conformità dei dati forniti e rispetto a quanto richiesto dallo standard informativo. Un secondo livello di controllo della qualità si avvale di strumenti di analisi statistica volti ad identificare eventuali valori anomali o fuori scala, rimettendo al giudizio esperto il controllo di qualità complessivo del dato. Nel secondo livello ci si avvale di criteri di valutazione condivisi con i soggetti attuatori.
I dati di monitoraggio sono raccolti secondo standard informativi elaborati e condivisi con i soggetti attuatori che definiscono le informazioni da trasmettere in termini di formato (testo, numerico, data, etc.), valori ammissibili secondo liste predefinite (liste di contaminanti, specie, habitat, etc.), univocità dei codici utilizzati e relazione tra oggetti (stazioni/campioni, area/sito/transetto, etc.). Un primo livello di controllo formale della qualità del dato viene effettuato in automatico sul SIC – Sistema Informativo Centralizzato rispetto alla conformità dei dati forniti e rispetto a quanto richiesto dallo standard informativo. Un secondo livello di controllo della qualità si avvale di strumenti di analisi statistica volti ad identificare eventuali valori anomali o fuori scala, rimettendo al giudizio esperto il controllo di qualità complessivo del dato. Nel secondo livello ci si avvale di criteri di valutazione condivisi con i soggetti attuatori.
Data management
Data access
Related indicator/name