Member State report / Art8 / 2018 / D4 / Italy / Mediterranean: Adriatic Sea
Report type | Member State report to Commission |
MSFD Article | Art. 8 Initial assessment (and Art. 17 updates) |
Report due | 2018-10-15 |
GES Descriptor | D4 Food webs/D1 Ecosystems |
Member State | Italy |
Region/subregion | Mediterranean: Adriatic Sea |
Reported by | ISPRA - Italian National Institute for Environmental Protection and Research |
Report date | 2020-10-01 |
Report access | MSFD_2018_ART8_GES_IT_2020-07-31.xml |
Mediterranean Sea: Adriatic Sea (IT-AS-0001)
GES component |
Feature |
Ecosystems, including food webs
Element |
Apex predators |
Primary producers |
Sub-apex demersal predators |
All trophic guilds |
Element code |
TrophicGuildsPredApex |
TrophicGuildsPrimProd |
TrophicGuildsPredSApexDem |
TrophicGuildsAll |
Element code source |
Link to other vocabulary or code lists that may be relevant
Link to other vocabulary or code lists that may be relevant
Link to other vocabulary or code lists that may be relevant
Link to other vocabulary or code lists that may be relevant
Element 2 |
Element 2 code |
Element 2 code source |
Element source |
Other |
Other |
Other |
Other |
Criterion |
Parameter |
Parameter other |
Species composition & relative abundance
Species composition & relative abundance
Species composition & relative abundance
Abundance across guilds
Threshold value upper |
Threshold value lower |
Threshold qualitative |
Threshold value source |
Threshold value source other |
Value achieved upper |
Value achieved lower |
Value unit |
Value unit other |
Proportion threshold value |
Proportion value achieved |
Proportion threshold value unit |
Trend |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Parameter achieved |
Unknown |
Not assessed |
Not assessed |
Unknown |
Description parameter |
Guild specific composition and metric to be agreed at subregional/regional level also taking into account the outcome of current monitoring. |
Application of biodiveristy indices combining abundance and taxonomic data on Phytoplankton. Metric and appropriate taxonomic level to be agreed at subregional/regional level, also in the light of the outcomes of monitoring put in place. |
Application of biodiveristy indices combining abundance and taxonomic data on demersal fish meso-predators based on trawl survey data. Metric and appropriate guild composition to be agreed at subregional/regional level, also considering evindences from stable isotopes (in conjunction with literature data) on diet composition to identify species' trophic level and guild. Stable isotope analyses have been tested on few species and their application is being expanded on a larger number of species. |
Appropriate metric and methodological approach for assessment to be agreed at subregional/regional level also taking into account the outcome of current monitoring |
Related indicator |
Criteria status |
Unknown |
Not assessed |
Not assessed |
Unknown |
Description criteria |
Element status |
Unknown |
Not assessed |
Not assessed |
Unknown |
Description element |
Integration rule type parameter |
Integration rule description parameter |
Integration rule type criteria |
Integration rule description criteria |
GES extent threshold |
GES extent achieved |
GES extent unit |
GES achieved |
Not assessed |
Description overall status |
Assessments period |
2012-2017 |
Related pressures |
Related targets |