Member State report / Art11 / 2020 / D6 / Italy / Mediterranean: Adriatic Sea

Report type Member State report to Commission
MSFD Article Art. 11 Monitoring programmes (and Art. 17 updates)
Report due 2020-10-15
GES Descriptor D6 Sea-floor integrity/D1 Benthic habitats
Member State Italy
Region/subregion Mediterranean: Adriatic Sea
Reported by ISPRA - Italian National Institute for Environmental Protection and Research
Report date 2020-10-13
Report access

Monitoring strategy description
Il Programma di monitoraggio relativo al Descrittore 6 (2021-2026) si articola per ciascuna sotto-regione in 3 specifici sottomonitoraggi D6-01, D6-02 e D6-03, e consentirà di valutare l’impatto generato da perdita fisica e da perturbazione fisica sul fondo marino (determinata da attività di pesca, risultata essere la maggior pressione di “perturbazione fisica” sul fondo marino), e lo stato delle comunità epimegabentoniche di fondo mobile attraverso opportuni indici/indicatori. Tale monitoraggio consentirà di verificare il raggiungimento del GES (è assente ogni pressione significativa dovuta ad abrasione determinata dalle attività di pesca che operano sul fondo marino e a sigillatura su substrati biogenici connessa alla realizzazione e/o posa di opere antropiche). Il D.1 “Biodiversità” è un descrittore di stato: il suo obiettivo è il raggiungimento o il mantenimento di un buon stato ambientale, nel quale non vi sia perdita di biodiversità, siano ripristinate le caratteristiche della biodiversità sottoposte ad eventuali alterazioni, e gli usi dell’ambiente marino siano sostenibili. Il Descrittore 1 è perciò diverso da tutti gli altri che sono descrittori di pressione, ad eccezione del D4 e del D6, quest’ultimo caratterizzato da una condizione mista. Quindi nel quadro di un approccio ecosistemico, il conseguimento dei traguardi del D1 è subordinato, a diverso grado e in modo diretto o indiretto, a quello dei traguardi ambientali definiti per i descrittori di pressione. La Decisione della Commissione 2017/848/UE indica le componenti dell’ecosistema (gruppi di specie e tipi di habitat), su cui basarsi per effettuare la valutazione dello stato dell’ambiente. A questo proposito l’Italia ha individuato le componenti rilevanti dell’ecosistema basandosi sui seguenti criteri: 1) rappresentatività in chiave di struttura e funzionamento degli ecosistemi marini; 2) corrispondenza alle definizioni dei GES; 3) connessione ai programmi di monitoraggio stabiliti nell’ambito di altre politiche comunitarie; 4) pertinenza ai fini della valutazione delle principali pressioni antropiche (Direttiva 2017/845/UE) e dell’efficacia delle misure gestionali adottate nell’ambito del Programma di misure nazionale della Strategia marina (DPCM del 10 ottobre 2017). Nella individuazione di tali componenti dell’ecosistema sono stati altresì tenuti in considerazione dei criteri pratici di fattibilità, sia in senso logistico-organizzativo, sia economico. Il Programma di monitoraggio relativo
Il Programma di monitoraggio relativo al Descrittore 6 (2021-2026) si articola per ciascuna sotto-regione in 3 specifici sottomonitoraggi D6-01, D6-02 e D6-03, e consentirà di valutare l’impatto generato da perdita fisica e da perturbazione fisica sul fondo marino (determinata da attività di pesca, risultata essere la maggior pressione di “perturbazione fisica” sul fondo marino), e lo stato delle comunità epimegabentoniche di fondo mobile attraverso opportuni indici/indicatori. Tale monitoraggio consentirà di verificare il raggiungimento del GES (è assente ogni pressione significativa dovuta ad abrasione determinata dalle attività di pesca che operano sul fondo marino e a sigillatura su substrati biogenici connessa alla realizzazione e/o posa di opere antropiche). Il D.1 “Biodiversità” è un descrittore di stato: il suo obiettivo è il raggiungimento o il mantenimento di un buon stato ambientale, nel quale non vi sia perdita di biodiversità, siano ripristinate le caratteristiche della biodiversità sottoposte ad eventuali alterazioni, e gli usi dell’ambiente marino siano sostenibili. Il Descrittore 1 è perciò diverso da tutti gli altri che sono descrittori di pressione, ad eccezione del D4 e del D6, quest’ultimo caratterizzato da una condizione mista. Quindi nel quadro di un approccio ecosistemico, il conseguimento dei traguardi del D1 è subordinato, a diverso grado e in modo diretto o indiretto, a quello dei traguardi ambientali definiti per i descrittori di pressione. La Decisione della Commissione 2017/848/UE indica le componenti dell’ecosistema (gruppi di specie e tipi di habitat), su cui basarsi per effettuare la valutazione dello stato dell’ambiente. A questo proposito l’Italia ha individuato le componenti rilevanti dell’ecosistema basandosi sui seguenti criteri: 1) rappresentatività in chiave di struttura e funzionamento degli ecosistemi marini; 2) corrispondenza alle definizioni dei GES; 3) connessione ai programmi di monitoraggio stabiliti nell’ambito di altre politiche comunitarie; 4) pertinenza ai fini della valutazione delle principali pressioni antropiche (Direttiva 2017/845/UE) e dell’efficacia delle misure gestionali adottate nell’ambito del Programma di misure nazionale della Strategia marina (DPCM del 10 ottobre 2017). Nella individuazione di tali componenti dell’ecosistema sono stati altresì tenuti in considerazione dei criteri pratici di fattibilità, sia in senso logistico-organizzativo, sia economico. Il Programma di monitoraggio relativo
Il Programma di monitoraggio relativo al Descrittore 6 (2021-2026) si articola per ciascuna sotto-regione in 3 specifici sottomonitoraggi D6-01, D6-02 e D6-03, e consentirà di valutare l’impatto generato da perdita fisica e da perturbazione fisica sul fondo marino (determinata da attività di pesca, risultata essere la maggior pressione di “perturbazione fisica” sul fondo marino), e lo stato delle comunità epimegabentoniche di fondo mobile attraverso opportuni indici/indicatori. Tale monitoraggio consentirà di verificare il raggiungimento del GES (è assente ogni pressione significativa dovuta ad abrasione determinata dalle attività di pesca che operano sul fondo marino e a sigillatura su substrati biogenici connessa alla realizzazione e/o posa di opere antropiche). Il D.1 “Biodiversità” è un descrittore di stato: il suo obiettivo è il raggiungimento o il mantenimento di un buon stato ambientale, nel quale non vi sia perdita di biodiversità, siano ripristinate le caratteristiche della biodiversità sottoposte ad eventuali alterazioni, e gli usi dell’ambiente marino siano sostenibili. Il Descrittore 1 è perciò diverso da tutti gli altri che sono descrittori di pressione, ad eccezione del D4 e del D6, quest’ultimo caratterizzato da una condizione mista. Quindi nel quadro di un approccio ecosistemico, il conseguimento dei traguardi del D1 è subordinato, a diverso grado e in modo diretto o indiretto, a quello dei traguardi ambientali definiti per i descrittori di pressione. La Decisione della Commissione 2017/848/UE indica le componenti dell’ecosistema (gruppi di specie e tipi di habitat), su cui basarsi per effettuare la valutazione dello stato dell’ambiente. A questo proposito l’Italia ha individuato le componenti rilevanti dell’ecosistema basandosi sui seguenti criteri: 1) rappresentatività in chiave di struttura e funzionamento degli ecosistemi marini; 2) corrispondenza alle definizioni dei GES; 3) connessione ai programmi di monitoraggio stabiliti nell’ambito di altre politiche comunitarie; 4) pertinenza ai fini della valutazione delle principali pressioni antropiche (Direttiva 2017/845/UE) e dell’efficacia delle misure gestionali adottate nell’ambito del Programma di misure nazionale della Strategia marina (DPCM del 10 ottobre 2017). Nella individuazione di tali componenti dell’ecosistema sono stati altresì tenuti in considerazione dei criteri pratici di fattibilità, sia in senso logistico-organizzativo, sia economico. Il Programma di monitoraggio relativo
Il Programma di monitoraggio relativo al Descrittore 6 (2021-2026) si articola per ciascuna sotto-regione in 3 specifici sottomonitoraggi D6-01, D6-02 e D6-03, e consentirà di valutare l’impatto generato da perdita fisica e da perturbazione fisica sul fondo marino (determinata da attività di pesca, risultata essere la maggior pressione di “perturbazione fisica” sul fondo marino), e lo stato delle comunità epimegabentoniche di fondo mobile attraverso opportuni indici/indicatori. Tale monitoraggio consentirà di verificare il raggiungimento del GES (è assente ogni pressione significativa dovuta ad abrasione determinata dalle attività di pesca che operano sul fondo marino e a sigillatura su substrati biogenici connessa alla realizzazione e/o posa di opere antropiche). Il D.1 “Biodiversità” è un descrittore di stato: il suo obiettivo è il raggiungimento o il mantenimento di un buon stato ambientale, nel quale non vi sia perdita di biodiversità, siano ripristinate le caratteristiche della biodiversità sottoposte ad eventuali alterazioni, e gli usi dell’ambiente marino siano sostenibili. Il Descrittore 1 è perciò diverso da tutti gli altri che sono descrittori di pressione, ad eccezione del D4 e del D6, quest’ultimo caratterizzato da una condizione mista. Quindi nel quadro di un approccio ecosistemico, il conseguimento dei traguardi del D1 è subordinato, a diverso grado e in modo diretto o indiretto, a quello dei traguardi ambientali definiti per i descrittori di pressione. La Decisione della Commissione 2017/848/UE indica le componenti dell’ecosistema (gruppi di specie e tipi di habitat), su cui basarsi per effettuare la valutazione dello stato dell’ambiente. A questo proposito l’Italia ha individuato le componenti rilevanti dell’ecosistema basandosi sui seguenti criteri: 1) rappresentatività in chiave di struttura e funzionamento degli ecosistemi marini; 2) corrispondenza alle definizioni dei GES; 3) connessione ai programmi di monitoraggio stabiliti nell’ambito di altre politiche comunitarie; 4) pertinenza ai fini della valutazione delle principali pressioni antropiche (Direttiva 2017/845/UE) e dell’efficacia delle misure gestionali adottate nell’ambito del Programma di misure nazionale della Strategia marina (DPCM del 10 ottobre 2017). Nella individuazione di tali componenti dell’ecosistema sono stati altresì tenuti in considerazione dei criteri pratici di fattibilità, sia in senso logistico-organizzativo, sia economico. Il Programma di monitoraggio relativo
Il Programma di monitoraggio relativo al Descrittore 6 (2021-2026) si articola per ciascuna sotto-regione in 3 specifici sottomonitoraggi D6-01, D6-02 e D6-03, e consentirà di valutare l’impatto generato da perdita fisica e da perturbazione fisica sul fondo marino (determinata da attività di pesca, risultata essere la maggior pressione di “perturbazione fisica” sul fondo marino), e lo stato delle comunità epimegabentoniche di fondo mobile attraverso opportuni indici/indicatori. Tale monitoraggio consentirà di verificare il raggiungimento del GES (è assente ogni pressione significativa dovuta ad abrasione determinata dalle attività di pesca che operano sul fondo marino e a sigillatura su substrati biogenici connessa alla realizzazione e/o posa di opere antropiche). Il D.1 “Biodiversità” è un descrittore di stato: il suo obiettivo è il raggiungimento o il mantenimento di un buon stato ambientale, nel quale non vi sia perdita di biodiversità, siano ripristinate le caratteristiche della biodiversità sottoposte ad eventuali alterazioni, e gli usi dell’ambiente marino siano sostenibili. Il Descrittore 1 è perciò diverso da tutti gli altri che sono descrittori di pressione, ad eccezione del D4 e del D6, quest’ultimo caratterizzato da una condizione mista. Quindi nel quadro di un approccio ecosistemico, il conseguimento dei traguardi del D1 è subordinato, a diverso grado e in modo diretto o indiretto, a quello dei traguardi ambientali definiti per i descrittori di pressione. La Decisione della Commissione 2017/848/UE indica le componenti dell’ecosistema (gruppi di specie e tipi di habitat), su cui basarsi per effettuare la valutazione dello stato dell’ambiente. A questo proposito l’Italia ha individuato le componenti rilevanti dell’ecosistema basandosi sui seguenti criteri: 1) rappresentatività in chiave di struttura e funzionamento degli ecosistemi marini; 2) corrispondenza alle definizioni dei GES; 3) connessione ai programmi di monitoraggio stabiliti nell’ambito di altre politiche comunitarie; 4) pertinenza ai fini della valutazione delle principali pressioni antropiche (Direttiva 2017/845/UE) e dell’efficacia delle misure gestionali adottate nell’ambito del Programma di misure nazionale della Strategia marina (DPCM del 10 ottobre 2017). Nella individuazione di tali componenti dell’ecosistema sono stati altresì tenuti in considerazione dei criteri pratici di fattibilità, sia in senso logistico-organizzativo, sia economico. Il Programma di monitoraggio relativo
Il Programma di monitoraggio relativo al Descrittore 6 (2021-2026) si articola per ciascuna sotto-regione in 3 specifici sottomonitoraggi D6-01, D6-02 e D6-03, e consentirà di valutare l’impatto generato da perdita fisica e da perturbazione fisica sul fondo marino (determinata da attività di pesca, risultata essere la maggior pressione di “perturbazione fisica” sul fondo marino), e lo stato delle comunità epimegabentoniche di fondo mobile attraverso opportuni indici/indicatori. Tale monitoraggio consentirà di verificare il raggiungimento del GES (è assente ogni pressione significativa dovuta ad abrasione determinata dalle attività di pesca che operano sul fondo marino e a sigillatura su substrati biogenici connessa alla realizzazione e/o posa di opere antropiche). Il D.1 “Biodiversità” è un descrittore di stato: il suo obiettivo è il raggiungimento o il mantenimento di un buon stato ambientale, nel quale non vi sia perdita di biodiversità, siano ripristinate le caratteristiche della biodiversità sottoposte ad eventuali alterazioni, e gli usi dell’ambiente marino siano sostenibili. Il Descrittore 1 è perciò diverso da tutti gli altri che sono descrittori di pressione, ad eccezione del D4 e del D6, quest’ultimo caratterizzato da una condizione mista. Quindi nel quadro di un approccio ecosistemico, il conseguimento dei traguardi del D1 è subordinato, a diverso grado e in modo diretto o indiretto, a quello dei traguardi ambientali definiti per i descrittori di pressione. La Decisione della Commissione 2017/848/UE indica le componenti dell’ecosistema (gruppi di specie e tipi di habitat), su cui basarsi per effettuare la valutazione dello stato dell’ambiente. A questo proposito l’Italia ha individuato le componenti rilevanti dell’ecosistema basandosi sui seguenti criteri: 1) rappresentatività in chiave di struttura e funzionamento degli ecosistemi marini; 2) corrispondenza alle definizioni dei GES; 3) connessione ai programmi di monitoraggio stabiliti nell’ambito di altre politiche comunitarie; 4) pertinenza ai fini della valutazione delle principali pressioni antropiche (Direttiva 2017/845/UE) e dell’efficacia delle misure gestionali adottate nell’ambito del Programma di misure nazionale della Strategia marina (DPCM del 10 ottobre 2017). Nella individuazione di tali componenti dell’ecosistema sono stati altresì tenuti in considerazione dei criteri pratici di fattibilità, sia in senso logistico-organizzativo, sia economico. Il Programma di monitoraggio relativo
Il Programma di monitoraggio relativo al Descrittore 6 (2021-2026) si articola per ciascuna sotto-regione in 3 specifici sottomonitoraggi D6-01, D6-02 e D6-03, e consentirà di valutare l’impatto generato da perdita fisica e da perturbazione fisica sul fondo marino (determinata da attività di pesca, risultata essere la maggior pressione di “perturbazione fisica” sul fondo marino), e lo stato delle comunità epimegabentoniche di fondo mobile attraverso opportuni indici/indicatori. Tale monitoraggio consentirà di verificare il raggiungimento del GES (è assente ogni pressione significativa dovuta ad abrasione determinata dalle attività di pesca che operano sul fondo marino e a sigillatura su substrati biogenici connessa alla realizzazione e/o posa di opere antropiche). Il D.1 “Biodiversità” è un descrittore di stato: il suo obiettivo è il raggiungimento o il mantenimento di un buon stato ambientale, nel quale non vi sia perdita di biodiversità, siano ripristinate le caratteristiche della biodiversità sottoposte ad eventuali alterazioni, e gli usi dell’ambiente marino siano sostenibili. Il Descrittore 1 è perciò diverso da tutti gli altri che sono descrittori di pressione, ad eccezione del D4 e del D6, quest’ultimo caratterizzato da una condizione mista. Quindi nel quadro di un approccio ecosistemico, il conseguimento dei traguardi del D1 è subordinato, a diverso grado e in modo diretto o indiretto, a quello dei traguardi ambientali definiti per i descrittori di pressione. La Decisione della Commissione 2017/848/UE indica le componenti dell’ecosistema (gruppi di specie e tipi di habitat), su cui basarsi per effettuare la valutazione dello stato dell’ambiente. A questo proposito l’Italia ha individuato le componenti rilevanti dell’ecosistema basandosi sui seguenti criteri: 1) rappresentatività in chiave di struttura e funzionamento degli ecosistemi marini; 2) corrispondenza alle definizioni dei GES; 3) connessione ai programmi di monitoraggio stabiliti nell’ambito di altre politiche comunitarie; 4) pertinenza ai fini della valutazione delle principali pressioni antropiche (Direttiva 2017/845/UE) e dell’efficacia delle misure gestionali adottate nell’ambito del Programma di misure nazionale della Strategia marina (DPCM del 10 ottobre 2017). Nella individuazione di tali componenti dell’ecosistema sono stati altresì tenuti in considerazione dei criteri pratici di fattibilità, sia in senso logistico-organizzativo, sia economico. Il Programma di monitoraggio relativo
Il Programma di monitoraggio relativo al Descrittore 6 (2021-2026) si articola per ciascuna sotto-regione in 3 specifici sottomonitoraggi D6-01, D6-02 e D6-03, e consentirà di valutare l’impatto generato da perdita fisica e da perturbazione fisica sul fondo marino (determinata da attività di pesca, risultata essere la maggior pressione di “perturbazione fisica” sul fondo marino), e lo stato delle comunità epimegabentoniche di fondo mobile attraverso opportuni indici/indicatori. Tale monitoraggio consentirà di verificare il raggiungimento del GES (è assente ogni pressione significativa dovuta ad abrasione determinata dalle attività di pesca che operano sul fondo marino e a sigillatura su substrati biogenici connessa alla realizzazione e/o posa di opere antropiche). Il D.1 “Biodiversità” è un descrittore di stato: il suo obiettivo è il raggiungimento o il mantenimento di un buon stato ambientale, nel quale non vi sia perdita di biodiversità, siano ripristinate le caratteristiche della biodiversità sottoposte ad eventuali alterazioni, e gli usi dell’ambiente marino siano sostenibili. Il Descrittore 1 è perciò diverso da tutti gli altri che sono descrittori di pressione, ad eccezione del D4 e del D6, quest’ultimo caratterizzato da una condizione mista. Quindi nel quadro di un approccio ecosistemico, il conseguimento dei traguardi del D1 è subordinato, a diverso grado e in modo diretto o indiretto, a quello dei traguardi ambientali definiti per i descrittori di pressione. La Decisione della Commissione 2017/848/UE indica le componenti dell’ecosistema (gruppi di specie e tipi di habitat), su cui basarsi per effettuare la valutazione dello stato dell’ambiente. A questo proposito l’Italia ha individuato le componenti rilevanti dell’ecosistema basandosi sui seguenti criteri: 1) rappresentatività in chiave di struttura e funzionamento degli ecosistemi marini; 2) corrispondenza alle definizioni dei GES; 3) connessione ai programmi di monitoraggio stabiliti nell’ambito di altre politiche comunitarie; 4) pertinenza ai fini della valutazione delle principali pressioni antropiche (Direttiva 2017/845/UE) e dell’efficacia delle misure gestionali adottate nell’ambito del Programma di misure nazionale della Strategia marina (DPCM del 10 ottobre 2017). Nella individuazione di tali componenti dell’ecosistema sono stati altresì tenuti in considerazione dei criteri pratici di fattibilità, sia in senso logistico-organizzativo, sia economico. Il Programma di monitoraggio relativo
Il Programma di monitoraggio relativo al Descrittore 6 (2021-2026) si articola per ciascuna sotto-regione in 3 specifici sottomonitoraggi D6-01, D6-02 e D6-03, e consentirà di valutare l’impatto generato da perdita fisica e da perturbazione fisica sul fondo marino (determinata da attività di pesca, risultata essere la maggior pressione di “perturbazione fisica” sul fondo marino), e lo stato delle comunità epimegabentoniche di fondo mobile attraverso opportuni indici/indicatori. Tale monitoraggio consentirà di verificare il raggiungimento del GES (è assente ogni pressione significativa dovuta ad abrasione determinata dalle attività di pesca che operano sul fondo marino e a sigillatura su substrati biogenici connessa alla realizzazione e/o posa di opere antropiche). Il D.1 “Biodiversità” è un descrittore di stato: il suo obiettivo è il raggiungimento o il mantenimento di un buon stato ambientale, nel quale non vi sia perdita di biodiversità, siano ripristinate le caratteristiche della biodiversità sottoposte ad eventuali alterazioni, e gli usi dell’ambiente marino siano sostenibili. Il Descrittore 1 è perciò diverso da tutti gli altri che sono descrittori di pressione, ad eccezione del D4 e del D6, quest’ultimo caratterizzato da una condizione mista. Quindi nel quadro di un approccio ecosistemico, il conseguimento dei traguardi del D1 è subordinato, a diverso grado e in modo diretto o indiretto, a quello dei traguardi ambientali definiti per i descrittori di pressione. La Decisione della Commissione 2017/848/UE indica le componenti dell’ecosistema (gruppi di specie e tipi di habitat), su cui basarsi per effettuare la valutazione dello stato dell’ambiente. A questo proposito l’Italia ha individuato le componenti rilevanti dell’ecosistema basandosi sui seguenti criteri: 1) rappresentatività in chiave di struttura e funzionamento degli ecosistemi marini; 2) corrispondenza alle definizioni dei GES; 3) connessione ai programmi di monitoraggio stabiliti nell’ambito di altre politiche comunitarie; 4) pertinenza ai fini della valutazione delle principali pressioni antropiche (Direttiva 2017/845/UE) e dell’efficacia delle misure gestionali adottate nell’ambito del Programma di misure nazionale della Strategia marina (DPCM del 10 ottobre 2017). Nella individuazione di tali componenti dell’ecosistema sono stati altresì tenuti in considerazione dei criteri pratici di fattibilità, sia in senso logistico-organizzativo, sia economico. Il Programma di monitoraggio relativo
Il Programma di monitoraggio relativo al Descrittore 6 (2021-2026) si articola per ciascuna sotto-regione in 3 specifici sottomonitoraggi D6-01, D6-02 e D6-03, e consentirà di valutare l’impatto generato da perdita fisica e da perturbazione fisica sul fondo marino (determinata da attività di pesca, risultata essere la maggior pressione di “perturbazione fisica” sul fondo marino), e lo stato delle comunità epimegabentoniche di fondo mobile attraverso opportuni indici/indicatori. Tale monitoraggio consentirà di verificare il raggiungimento del GES (è assente ogni pressione significativa dovuta ad abrasione determinata dalle attività di pesca che operano sul fondo marino e a sigillatura su substrati biogenici connessa alla realizzazione e/o posa di opere antropiche). Il D.1 “Biodiversità” è un descrittore di stato: il suo obiettivo è il raggiungimento o il mantenimento di un buon stato ambientale, nel quale non vi sia perdita di biodiversità, siano ripristinate le caratteristiche della biodiversità sottoposte ad eventuali alterazioni, e gli usi dell’ambiente marino siano sostenibili. Il Descrittore 1 è perciò diverso da tutti gli altri che sono descrittori di pressione, ad eccezione del D4 e del D6, quest’ultimo caratterizzato da una condizione mista. Quindi nel quadro di un approccio ecosistemico, il conseguimento dei traguardi del D1 è subordinato, a diverso grado e in modo diretto o indiretto, a quello dei traguardi ambientali definiti per i descrittori di pressione. La Decisione della Commissione 2017/848/UE indica le componenti dell’ecosistema (gruppi di specie e tipi di habitat), su cui basarsi per effettuare la valutazione dello stato dell’ambiente. A questo proposito l’Italia ha individuato le componenti rilevanti dell’ecosistema basandosi sui seguenti criteri: 1) rappresentatività in chiave di struttura e funzionamento degli ecosistemi marini; 2) corrispondenza alle definizioni dei GES; 3) connessione ai programmi di monitoraggio stabiliti nell’ambito di altre politiche comunitarie; 4) pertinenza ai fini della valutazione delle principali pressioni antropiche (Direttiva 2017/845/UE) e dell’efficacia delle misure gestionali adottate nell’ambito del Programma di misure nazionale della Strategia marina (DPCM del 10 ottobre 2017). Nella individuazione di tali componenti dell’ecosistema sono stati altresì tenuti in considerazione dei criteri pratici di fattibilità, sia in senso logistico-organizzativo, sia economico. Il Programma di monitoraggio relativo
Il Programma di monitoraggio relativo al Descrittore 6 (2021-2026) si articola per ciascuna sotto-regione in 3 specifici sottomonitoraggi D6-01, D6-02 e D6-03, e consentirà di valutare l’impatto generato da perdita fisica e da perturbazione fisica sul fondo marino (determinata da attività di pesca, risultata essere la maggior pressione di “perturbazione fisica” sul fondo marino), e lo stato delle comunità epimegabentoniche di fondo mobile attraverso opportuni indici/indicatori. Tale monitoraggio consentirà di verificare il raggiungimento del GES (è assente ogni pressione significativa dovuta ad abrasione determinata dalle attività di pesca che operano sul fondo marino e a sigillatura su substrati biogenici connessa alla realizzazione e/o posa di opere antropiche). Il D.1 “Biodiversità” è un descrittore di stato: il suo obiettivo è il raggiungimento o il mantenimento di un buon stato ambientale, nel quale non vi sia perdita di biodiversità, siano ripristinate le caratteristiche della biodiversità sottoposte ad eventuali alterazioni, e gli usi dell’ambiente marino siano sostenibili. Il Descrittore 1 è perciò diverso da tutti gli altri che sono descrittori di pressione, ad eccezione del D4 e del D6, quest’ultimo caratterizzato da una condizione mista. Quindi nel quadro di un approccio ecosistemico, il conseguimento dei traguardi del D1 è subordinato, a diverso grado e in modo diretto o indiretto, a quello dei traguardi ambientali definiti per i descrittori di pressione. La Decisione della Commissione 2017/848/UE indica le componenti dell’ecosistema (gruppi di specie e tipi di habitat), su cui basarsi per effettuare la valutazione dello stato dell’ambiente. A questo proposito l’Italia ha individuato le componenti rilevanti dell’ecosistema basandosi sui seguenti criteri: 1) rappresentatività in chiave di struttura e funzionamento degli ecosistemi marini; 2) corrispondenza alle definizioni dei GES; 3) connessione ai programmi di monitoraggio stabiliti nell’ambito di altre politiche comunitarie; 4) pertinenza ai fini della valutazione delle principali pressioni antropiche (Direttiva 2017/845/UE) e dell’efficacia delle misure gestionali adottate nell’ambito del Programma di misure nazionale della Strategia marina (DPCM del 10 ottobre 2017). Nella individuazione di tali componenti dell’ecosistema sono stati altresì tenuti in considerazione dei criteri pratici di fattibilità, sia in senso logistico-organizzativo, sia economico. Il Programma di monitoraggio relativo
Il Programma di monitoraggio relativo al Descrittore 6 (2021-2026) si articola per ciascuna sotto-regione in 3 specifici sottomonitoraggi D6-01, D6-02 e D6-03, e consentirà di valutare l’impatto generato da perdita fisica e da perturbazione fisica sul fondo marino (determinata da attività di pesca, risultata essere la maggior pressione di “perturbazione fisica” sul fondo marino), e lo stato delle comunità epimegabentoniche di fondo mobile attraverso opportuni indici/indicatori. Tale monitoraggio consentirà di verificare il raggiungimento del GES (è assente ogni pressione significativa dovuta ad abrasione determinata dalle attività di pesca che operano sul fondo marino e a sigillatura su substrati biogenici connessa alla realizzazione e/o posa di opere antropiche). Il D.1 “Biodiversità” è un descrittore di stato: il suo obiettivo è il raggiungimento o il mantenimento di un buon stato ambientale, nel quale non vi sia perdita di biodiversità, siano ripristinate le caratteristiche della biodiversità sottoposte ad eventuali alterazioni, e gli usi dell’ambiente marino siano sostenibili. Il Descrittore 1 è perciò diverso da tutti gli altri che sono descrittori di pressione, ad eccezione del D4 e del D6, quest’ultimo caratterizzato da una condizione mista. Quindi nel quadro di un approccio ecosistemico, il conseguimento dei traguardi del D1 è subordinato, a diverso grado e in modo diretto o indiretto, a quello dei traguardi ambientali definiti per i descrittori di pressione. La Decisione della Commissione 2017/848/UE indica le componenti dell’ecosistema (gruppi di specie e tipi di habitat), su cui basarsi per effettuare la valutazione dello stato dell’ambiente. A questo proposito l’Italia ha individuato le componenti rilevanti dell’ecosistema basandosi sui seguenti criteri: 1) rappresentatività in chiave di struttura e funzionamento degli ecosistemi marini; 2) corrispondenza alle definizioni dei GES; 3) connessione ai programmi di monitoraggio stabiliti nell’ambito di altre politiche comunitarie; 4) pertinenza ai fini della valutazione delle principali pressioni antropiche (Direttiva 2017/845/UE) e dell’efficacia delle misure gestionali adottate nell’ambito del Programma di misure nazionale della Strategia marina (DPCM del 10 ottobre 2017). Nella individuazione di tali componenti dell’ecosistema sono stati altresì tenuti in considerazione dei criteri pratici di fattibilità, sia in senso logistico-organizzativo, sia economico. Il Programma di monitoraggio relativo
Il Programma di monitoraggio relativo al Descrittore 6 (2021-2026) si articola per ciascuna sotto-regione in 3 specifici sottomonitoraggi D6-01, D6-02 e D6-03, e consentirà di valutare l’impatto generato da perdita fisica e da perturbazione fisica sul fondo marino (determinata da attività di pesca, risultata essere la maggior pressione di “perturbazione fisica” sul fondo marino), e lo stato delle comunità epimegabentoniche di fondo mobile attraverso opportuni indici/indicatori. Tale monitoraggio consentirà di verificare il raggiungimento del GES (è assente ogni pressione significativa dovuta ad abrasione determinata dalle attività di pesca che operano sul fondo marino e a sigillatura su substrati biogenici connessa alla realizzazione e/o posa di opere antropiche). Il D.1 “Biodiversità” è un descrittore di stato: il suo obiettivo è il raggiungimento o il mantenimento di un buon stato ambientale, nel quale non vi sia perdita di biodiversità, siano ripristinate le caratteristiche della biodiversità sottoposte ad eventuali alterazioni, e gli usi dell’ambiente marino siano sostenibili. Il Descrittore 1 è perciò diverso da tutti gli altri che sono descrittori di pressione, ad eccezione del D4 e del D6, quest’ultimo caratterizzato da una condizione mista. Quindi nel quadro di un approccio ecosistemico, il conseguimento dei traguardi del D1 è subordinato, a diverso grado e in modo diretto o indiretto, a quello dei traguardi ambientali definiti per i descrittori di pressione. La Decisione della Commissione 2017/848/UE indica le componenti dell’ecosistema (gruppi di specie e tipi di habitat), su cui basarsi per effettuare la valutazione dello stato dell’ambiente. A questo proposito l’Italia ha individuato le componenti rilevanti dell’ecosistema basandosi sui seguenti criteri: 1) rappresentatività in chiave di struttura e funzionamento degli ecosistemi marini; 2) corrispondenza alle definizioni dei GES; 3) connessione ai programmi di monitoraggio stabiliti nell’ambito di altre politiche comunitarie; 4) pertinenza ai fini della valutazione delle principali pressioni antropiche (Direttiva 2017/845/UE) e dell’efficacia delle misure gestionali adottate nell’ambito del Programma di misure nazionale della Strategia marina (DPCM del 10 ottobre 2017). Nella individuazione di tali componenti dell’ecosistema sono stati altresì tenuti in considerazione dei criteri pratici di fattibilità, sia in senso logistico-organizzativo, sia economico. Il Programma di monitoraggio relativo
Il Programma di monitoraggio relativo al Descrittore 6 (2021-2026) si articola per ciascuna sotto-regione in 3 specifici sottomonitoraggi D6-01, D6-02 e D6-03, e consentirà di valutare l’impatto generato da perdita fisica e da perturbazione fisica sul fondo marino (determinata da attività di pesca, risultata essere la maggior pressione di “perturbazione fisica” sul fondo marino), e lo stato delle comunità epimegabentoniche di fondo mobile attraverso opportuni indici/indicatori. Tale monitoraggio consentirà di verificare il raggiungimento del GES (è assente ogni pressione significativa dovuta ad abrasione determinata dalle attività di pesca che operano sul fondo marino e a sigillatura su substrati biogenici connessa alla realizzazione e/o posa di opere antropiche). Il D.1 “Biodiversità” è un descrittore di stato: il suo obiettivo è il raggiungimento o il mantenimento di un buon stato ambientale, nel quale non vi sia perdita di biodiversità, siano ripristinate le caratteristiche della biodiversità sottoposte ad eventuali alterazioni, e gli usi dell’ambiente marino siano sostenibili. Il Descrittore 1 è perciò diverso da tutti gli altri che sono descrittori di pressione, ad eccezione del D4 e del D6, quest’ultimo caratterizzato da una condizione mista. Quindi nel quadro di un approccio ecosistemico, il conseguimento dei traguardi del D1 è subordinato, a diverso grado e in modo diretto o indiretto, a quello dei traguardi ambientali definiti per i descrittori di pressione. La Decisione della Commissione 2017/848/UE indica le componenti dell’ecosistema (gruppi di specie e tipi di habitat), su cui basarsi per effettuare la valutazione dello stato dell’ambiente. A questo proposito l’Italia ha individuato le componenti rilevanti dell’ecosistema basandosi sui seguenti criteri: 1) rappresentatività in chiave di struttura e funzionamento degli ecosistemi marini; 2) corrispondenza alle definizioni dei GES; 3) connessione ai programmi di monitoraggio stabiliti nell’ambito di altre politiche comunitarie; 4) pertinenza ai fini della valutazione delle principali pressioni antropiche (Direttiva 2017/845/UE) e dell’efficacia delle misure gestionali adottate nell’ambito del Programma di misure nazionale della Strategia marina (DPCM del 10 ottobre 2017). Nella individuazione di tali componenti dell’ecosistema sono stati altresì tenuti in considerazione dei criteri pratici di fattibilità, sia in senso logistico-organizzativo, sia economico. Il Programma di monitoraggio relativo
Il Programma di monitoraggio relativo al Descrittore 6 (2021-2026) si articola per ciascuna sotto-regione in 3 specifici sottomonitoraggi D6-01, D6-02 e D6-03, e consentirà di valutare l’impatto generato da perdita fisica e da perturbazione fisica sul fondo marino (determinata da attività di pesca, risultata essere la maggior pressione di “perturbazione fisica” sul fondo marino), e lo stato delle comunità epimegabentoniche di fondo mobile attraverso opportuni indici/indicatori. Tale monitoraggio consentirà di verificare il raggiungimento del GES (è assente ogni pressione significativa dovuta ad abrasione determinata dalle attività di pesca che operano sul fondo marino e a sigillatura su substrati biogenici connessa alla realizzazione e/o posa di opere antropiche). Il D.1 “Biodiversità” è un descrittore di stato: il suo obiettivo è il raggiungimento o il mantenimento di un buon stato ambientale, nel quale non vi sia perdita di biodiversità, siano ripristinate le caratteristiche della biodiversità sottoposte ad eventuali alterazioni, e gli usi dell’ambiente marino siano sostenibili. Il Descrittore 1 è perciò diverso da tutti gli altri che sono descrittori di pressione, ad eccezione del D4 e del D6, quest’ultimo caratterizzato da una condizione mista. Quindi nel quadro di un approccio ecosistemico, il conseguimento dei traguardi del D1 è subordinato, a diverso grado e in modo diretto o indiretto, a quello dei traguardi ambientali definiti per i descrittori di pressione. La Decisione della Commissione 2017/848/UE indica le componenti dell’ecosistema (gruppi di specie e tipi di habitat), su cui basarsi per effettuare la valutazione dello stato dell’ambiente. A questo proposito l’Italia ha individuato le componenti rilevanti dell’ecosistema basandosi sui seguenti criteri: 1) rappresentatività in chiave di struttura e funzionamento degli ecosistemi marini; 2) corrispondenza alle definizioni dei GES; 3) connessione ai programmi di monitoraggio stabiliti nell’ambito di altre politiche comunitarie; 4) pertinenza ai fini della valutazione delle principali pressioni antropiche (Direttiva 2017/845/UE) e dell’efficacia delle misure gestionali adottate nell’ambito del Programma di misure nazionale della Strategia marina (DPCM del 10 ottobre 2017). Nella individuazione di tali componenti dell’ecosistema sono stati altresì tenuti in considerazione dei criteri pratici di fattibilità, sia in senso logistico-organizzativo, sia economico. Il Programma di monitoraggio relativo
Il Programma di monitoraggio relativo al Descrittore 6 (2021-2026) si articola per ciascuna sotto-regione in 3 specifici sottomonitoraggi D6-01, D6-02 e D6-03, e consentirà di valutare l’impatto generato da perdita fisica e da perturbazione fisica sul fondo marino (determinata da attività di pesca, risultata essere la maggior pressione di “perturbazione fisica” sul fondo marino), e lo stato delle comunità epimegabentoniche di fondo mobile attraverso opportuni indici/indicatori. Tale monitoraggio consentirà di verificare il raggiungimento del GES (è assente ogni pressione significativa dovuta ad abrasione determinata dalle attività di pesca che operano sul fondo marino e a sigillatura su substrati biogenici connessa alla realizzazione e/o posa di opere antropiche). Il D.1 “Biodiversità” è un descrittore di stato: il suo obiettivo è il raggiungimento o il mantenimento di un buon stato ambientale, nel quale non vi sia perdita di biodiversità, siano ripristinate le caratteristiche della biodiversità sottoposte ad eventuali alterazioni, e gli usi dell’ambiente marino siano sostenibili. Il Descrittore 1 è perciò diverso da tutti gli altri che sono descrittori di pressione, ad eccezione del D4 e del D6, quest’ultimo caratterizzato da una condizione mista. Quindi nel quadro di un approccio ecosistemico, il conseguimento dei traguardi del D1 è subordinato, a diverso grado e in modo diretto o indiretto, a quello dei traguardi ambientali definiti per i descrittori di pressione. La Decisione della Commissione 2017/848/UE indica le componenti dell’ecosistema (gruppi di specie e tipi di habitat), su cui basarsi per effettuare la valutazione dello stato dell’ambiente. A questo proposito l’Italia ha individuato le componenti rilevanti dell’ecosistema basandosi sui seguenti criteri: 1) rappresentatività in chiave di struttura e funzionamento degli ecosistemi marini; 2) corrispondenza alle definizioni dei GES; 3) connessione ai programmi di monitoraggio stabiliti nell’ambito di altre politiche comunitarie; 4) pertinenza ai fini della valutazione delle principali pressioni antropiche (Direttiva 2017/845/UE) e dell’efficacia delle misure gestionali adottate nell’ambito del Programma di misure nazionale della Strategia marina (DPCM del 10 ottobre 2017). Nella individuazione di tali componenti dell’ecosistema sono stati altresì tenuti in considerazione dei criteri pratici di fattibilità, sia in senso logistico-organizzativo, sia economico. Il Programma di monitoraggio relativo
Il Programma di monitoraggio relativo al Descrittore 6 (2021-2026) si articola per ciascuna sotto-regione in 3 specifici sottomonitoraggi D6-01, D6-02 e D6-03, e consentirà di valutare l’impatto generato da perdita fisica e da perturbazione fisica sul fondo marino (determinata da attività di pesca, risultata essere la maggior pressione di “perturbazione fisica” sul fondo marino), e lo stato delle comunità epimegabentoniche di fondo mobile attraverso opportuni indici/indicatori. Tale monitoraggio consentirà di verificare il raggiungimento del GES (è assente ogni pressione significativa dovuta ad abrasione determinata dalle attività di pesca che operano sul fondo marino e a sigillatura su substrati biogenici connessa alla realizzazione e/o posa di opere antropiche). Il D.1 “Biodiversità” è un descrittore di stato: il suo obiettivo è il raggiungimento o il mantenimento di un buon stato ambientale, nel quale non vi sia perdita di biodiversità, siano ripristinate le caratteristiche della biodiversità sottoposte ad eventuali alterazioni, e gli usi dell’ambiente marino siano sostenibili. Il Descrittore 1 è perciò diverso da tutti gli altri che sono descrittori di pressione, ad eccezione del D4 e del D6, quest’ultimo caratterizzato da una condizione mista. Quindi nel quadro di un approccio ecosistemico, il conseguimento dei traguardi del D1 è subordinato, a diverso grado e in modo diretto o indiretto, a quello dei traguardi ambientali definiti per i descrittori di pressione. La Decisione della Commissione 2017/848/UE indica le componenti dell’ecosistema (gruppi di specie e tipi di habitat), su cui basarsi per effettuare la valutazione dello stato dell’ambiente. A questo proposito l’Italia ha individuato le componenti rilevanti dell’ecosistema basandosi sui seguenti criteri: 1) rappresentatività in chiave di struttura e funzionamento degli ecosistemi marini; 2) corrispondenza alle definizioni dei GES; 3) connessione ai programmi di monitoraggio stabiliti nell’ambito di altre politiche comunitarie; 4) pertinenza ai fini della valutazione delle principali pressioni antropiche (Direttiva 2017/845/UE) e dell’efficacia delle misure gestionali adottate nell’ambito del Programma di misure nazionale della Strategia marina (DPCM del 10 ottobre 2017). Nella individuazione di tali componenti dell’ecosistema sono stati altresì tenuti in considerazione dei criteri pratici di fattibilità, sia in senso logistico-organizzativo, sia economico. Il Programma di monitoraggio relativo
Il Programma di monitoraggio relativo al Descrittore 6 (2021-2026) si articola per ciascuna sotto-regione in 3 specifici sottomonitoraggi D6-01, D6-02 e D6-03, e consentirà di valutare l’impatto generato da perdita fisica e da perturbazione fisica sul fondo marino (determinata da attività di pesca, risultata essere la maggior pressione di “perturbazione fisica” sul fondo marino), e lo stato delle comunità epimegabentoniche di fondo mobile attraverso opportuni indici/indicatori. Tale monitoraggio consentirà di verificare il raggiungimento del GES (è assente ogni pressione significativa dovuta ad abrasione determinata dalle attività di pesca che operano sul fondo marino e a sigillatura su substrati biogenici connessa alla realizzazione e/o posa di opere antropiche). Il D.1 “Biodiversità” è un descrittore di stato: il suo obiettivo è il raggiungimento o il mantenimento di un buon stato ambientale, nel quale non vi sia perdita di biodiversità, siano ripristinate le caratteristiche della biodiversità sottoposte ad eventuali alterazioni, e gli usi dell’ambiente marino siano sostenibili. Il Descrittore 1 è perciò diverso da tutti gli altri che sono descrittori di pressione, ad eccezione del D4 e del D6, quest’ultimo caratterizzato da una condizione mista. Quindi nel quadro di un approccio ecosistemico, il conseguimento dei traguardi del D1 è subordinato, a diverso grado e in modo diretto o indiretto, a quello dei traguardi ambientali definiti per i descrittori di pressione. La Decisione della Commissione 2017/848/UE indica le componenti dell’ecosistema (gruppi di specie e tipi di habitat), su cui basarsi per effettuare la valutazione dello stato dell’ambiente. A questo proposito l’Italia ha individuato le componenti rilevanti dell’ecosistema basandosi sui seguenti criteri: 1) rappresentatività in chiave di struttura e funzionamento degli ecosistemi marini; 2) corrispondenza alle definizioni dei GES; 3) connessione ai programmi di monitoraggio stabiliti nell’ambito di altre politiche comunitarie; 4) pertinenza ai fini della valutazione delle principali pressioni antropiche (Direttiva 2017/845/UE) e dell’efficacia delle misure gestionali adottate nell’ambito del Programma di misure nazionale della Strategia marina (DPCM del 10 ottobre 2017). Nella individuazione di tali componenti dell’ecosistema sono stati altresì tenuti in considerazione dei criteri pratici di fattibilità, sia in senso logistico-organizzativo, sia economico. Il Programma di monitoraggio relativo
Il Programma di monitoraggio relativo al Descrittore 6 (2021-2026) si articola per ciascuna sotto-regione in 3 specifici sottomonitoraggi D6-01, D6-02 e D6-03, e consentirà di valutare l’impatto generato da perdita fisica e da perturbazione fisica sul fondo marino (determinata da attività di pesca, risultata essere la maggior pressione di “perturbazione fisica” sul fondo marino), e lo stato delle comunità epimegabentoniche di fondo mobile attraverso opportuni indici/indicatori. Tale monitoraggio consentirà di verificare il raggiungimento del GES (è assente ogni pressione significativa dovuta ad abrasione determinata dalle attività di pesca che operano sul fondo marino e a sigillatura su substrati biogenici connessa alla realizzazione e/o posa di opere antropiche). Il D.1 “Biodiversità” è un descrittore di stato: il suo obiettivo è il raggiungimento o il mantenimento di un buon stato ambientale, nel quale non vi sia perdita di biodiversità, siano ripristinate le caratteristiche della biodiversità sottoposte ad eventuali alterazioni, e gli usi dell’ambiente marino siano sostenibili. Il Descrittore 1 è perciò diverso da tutti gli altri che sono descrittori di pressione, ad eccezione del D4 e del D6, quest’ultimo caratterizzato da una condizione mista. Quindi nel quadro di un approccio ecosistemico, il conseguimento dei traguardi del D1 è subordinato, a diverso grado e in modo diretto o indiretto, a quello dei traguardi ambientali definiti per i descrittori di pressione. La Decisione della Commissione 2017/848/UE indica le componenti dell’ecosistema (gruppi di specie e tipi di habitat), su cui basarsi per effettuare la valutazione dello stato dell’ambiente. A questo proposito l’Italia ha individuato le componenti rilevanti dell’ecosistema basandosi sui seguenti criteri: 1) rappresentatività in chiave di struttura e funzionamento degli ecosistemi marini; 2) corrispondenza alle definizioni dei GES; 3) connessione ai programmi di monitoraggio stabiliti nell’ambito di altre politiche comunitarie; 4) pertinenza ai fini della valutazione delle principali pressioni antropiche (Direttiva 2017/845/UE) e dell’efficacia delle misure gestionali adottate nell’ambito del Programma di misure nazionale della Strategia marina (DPCM del 10 ottobre 2017). Nella individuazione di tali componenti dell’ecosistema sono stati altresì tenuti in considerazione dei criteri pratici di fattibilità, sia in senso logistico-organizzativo, sia economico. Il Programma di monitoraggio relativo
Il Programma di monitoraggio relativo al Descrittore 6 (2021-2026) si articola per ciascuna sotto-regione in 3 specifici sottomonitoraggi D6-01, D6-02 e D6-03, e consentirà di valutare l’impatto generato da perdita fisica e da perturbazione fisica sul fondo marino (determinata da attività di pesca, risultata essere la maggior pressione di “perturbazione fisica” sul fondo marino), e lo stato delle comunità epimegabentoniche di fondo mobile attraverso opportuni indici/indicatori. Tale monitoraggio consentirà di verificare il raggiungimento del GES (è assente ogni pressione significativa dovuta ad abrasione determinata dalle attività di pesca che operano sul fondo marino e a sigillatura su substrati biogenici connessa alla realizzazione e/o posa di opere antropiche). Il D.1 “Biodiversità” è un descrittore di stato: il suo obiettivo è il raggiungimento o il mantenimento di un buon stato ambientale, nel quale non vi sia perdita di biodiversità, siano ripristinate le caratteristiche della biodiversità sottoposte ad eventuali alterazioni, e gli usi dell’ambiente marino siano sostenibili. Il Descrittore 1 è perciò diverso da tutti gli altri che sono descrittori di pressione, ad eccezione del D4 e del D6, quest’ultimo caratterizzato da una condizione mista. Quindi nel quadro di un approccio ecosistemico, il conseguimento dei traguardi del D1 è subordinato, a diverso grado e in modo diretto o indiretto, a quello dei traguardi ambientali definiti per i descrittori di pressione. La Decisione della Commissione 2017/848/UE indica le componenti dell’ecosistema (gruppi di specie e tipi di habitat), su cui basarsi per effettuare la valutazione dello stato dell’ambiente. A questo proposito l’Italia ha individuato le componenti rilevanti dell’ecosistema basandosi sui seguenti criteri: 1) rappresentatività in chiave di struttura e funzionamento degli ecosistemi marini; 2) corrispondenza alle definizioni dei GES; 3) connessione ai programmi di monitoraggio stabiliti nell’ambito di altre politiche comunitarie; 4) pertinenza ai fini della valutazione delle principali pressioni antropiche (Direttiva 2017/845/UE) e dell’efficacia delle misure gestionali adottate nell’ambito del Programma di misure nazionale della Strategia marina (DPCM del 10 ottobre 2017). Nella individuazione di tali componenti dell’ecosistema sono stati altresì tenuti in considerazione dei criteri pratici di fattibilità, sia in senso logistico-organizzativo, sia economico. Il Programma di monitoraggio relativo
Il Programma di monitoraggio relativo al Descrittore 6 (2021-2026) si articola per ciascuna sotto-regione in 3 specifici sottomonitoraggi D6-01, D6-02 e D6-03, e consentirà di valutare l’impatto generato da perdita fisica e da perturbazione fisica sul fondo marino (determinata da attività di pesca, risultata essere la maggior pressione di “perturbazione fisica” sul fondo marino), e lo stato delle comunità epimegabentoniche di fondo mobile attraverso opportuni indici/indicatori. Tale monitoraggio consentirà di verificare il raggiungimento del GES (è assente ogni pressione significativa dovuta ad abrasione determinata dalle attività di pesca che operano sul fondo marino e a sigillatura su substrati biogenici connessa alla realizzazione e/o posa di opere antropiche). Il D.1 “Biodiversità” è un descrittore di stato: il suo obiettivo è il raggiungimento o il mantenimento di un buon stato ambientale, nel quale non vi sia perdita di biodiversità, siano ripristinate le caratteristiche della biodiversità sottoposte ad eventuali alterazioni, e gli usi dell’ambiente marino siano sostenibili. Il Descrittore 1 è perciò diverso da tutti gli altri che sono descrittori di pressione, ad eccezione del D4 e del D6, quest’ultimo caratterizzato da una condizione mista. Quindi nel quadro di un approccio ecosistemico, il conseguimento dei traguardi del D1 è subordinato, a diverso grado e in modo diretto o indiretto, a quello dei traguardi ambientali definiti per i descrittori di pressione. La Decisione della Commissione 2017/848/UE indica le componenti dell’ecosistema (gruppi di specie e tipi di habitat), su cui basarsi per effettuare la valutazione dello stato dell’ambiente. A questo proposito l’Italia ha individuato le componenti rilevanti dell’ecosistema basandosi sui seguenti criteri: 1) rappresentatività in chiave di struttura e funzionamento degli ecosistemi marini; 2) corrispondenza alle definizioni dei GES; 3) connessione ai programmi di monitoraggio stabiliti nell’ambito di altre politiche comunitarie; 4) pertinenza ai fini della valutazione delle principali pressioni antropiche (Direttiva 2017/845/UE) e dell’efficacia delle misure gestionali adottate nell’ambito del Programma di misure nazionale della Strategia marina (DPCM del 10 ottobre 2017). Nella individuazione di tali componenti dell’ecosistema sono stati altresì tenuti in considerazione dei criteri pratici di fattibilità, sia in senso logistico-organizzativo, sia economico. Il Programma di monitoraggio relativo
Il Programma di monitoraggio relativo al Descrittore 6 (2021-2026) si articola per ciascuna sotto-regione in 3 specifici sottomonitoraggi D6-01, D6-02 e D6-03, e consentirà di valutare l’impatto generato da perdita fisica e da perturbazione fisica sul fondo marino (determinata da attività di pesca, risultata essere la maggior pressione di “perturbazione fisica” sul fondo marino), e lo stato delle comunità epimegabentoniche di fondo mobile attraverso opportuni indici/indicatori. Tale monitoraggio consentirà di verificare il raggiungimento del GES (è assente ogni pressione significativa dovuta ad abrasione determinata dalle attività di pesca che operano sul fondo marino e a sigillatura su substrati biogenici connessa alla realizzazione e/o posa di opere antropiche). Il D.1 “Biodiversità” è un descrittore di stato: il suo obiettivo è il raggiungimento o il mantenimento di un buon stato ambientale, nel quale non vi sia perdita di biodiversità, siano ripristinate le caratteristiche della biodiversità sottoposte ad eventuali alterazioni, e gli usi dell’ambiente marino siano sostenibili. Il Descrittore 1 è perciò diverso da tutti gli altri che sono descrittori di pressione, ad eccezione del D4 e del D6, quest’ultimo caratterizzato da una condizione mista. Quindi nel quadro di un approccio ecosistemico, il conseguimento dei traguardi del D1 è subordinato, a diverso grado e in modo diretto o indiretto, a quello dei traguardi ambientali definiti per i descrittori di pressione. La Decisione della Commissione 2017/848/UE indica le componenti dell’ecosistema (gruppi di specie e tipi di habitat), su cui basarsi per effettuare la valutazione dello stato dell’ambiente. A questo proposito l’Italia ha individuato le componenti rilevanti dell’ecosistema basandosi sui seguenti criteri: 1) rappresentatività in chiave di struttura e funzionamento degli ecosistemi marini; 2) corrispondenza alle definizioni dei GES; 3) connessione ai programmi di monitoraggio stabiliti nell’ambito di altre politiche comunitarie; 4) pertinenza ai fini della valutazione delle principali pressioni antropiche (Direttiva 2017/845/UE) e dell’efficacia delle misure gestionali adottate nell’ambito del Programma di misure nazionale della Strategia marina (DPCM del 10 ottobre 2017). Nella individuazione di tali componenti dell’ecosistema sono stati altresì tenuti in considerazione dei criteri pratici di fattibilità, sia in senso logistico-organizzativo, sia economico. Il Programma di monitoraggio relativo
Il Programma di monitoraggio relativo al Descrittore 6 (2021-2026) si articola per ciascuna sotto-regione in 3 specifici sottomonitoraggi D6-01, D6-02 e D6-03, e consentirà di valutare l’impatto generato da perdita fisica e da perturbazione fisica sul fondo marino (determinata da attività di pesca, risultata essere la maggior pressione di “perturbazione fisica” sul fondo marino), e lo stato delle comunità epimegabentoniche di fondo mobile attraverso opportuni indici/indicatori. Tale monitoraggio consentirà di verificare il raggiungimento del GES (è assente ogni pressione significativa dovuta ad abrasione determinata dalle attività di pesca che operano sul fondo marino e a sigillatura su substrati biogenici connessa alla realizzazione e/o posa di opere antropiche). Il D.1 “Biodiversità” è un descrittore di stato: il suo obiettivo è il raggiungimento o il mantenimento di un buon stato ambientale, nel quale non vi sia perdita di biodiversità, siano ripristinate le caratteristiche della biodiversità sottoposte ad eventuali alterazioni, e gli usi dell’ambiente marino siano sostenibili. Il Descrittore 1 è perciò diverso da tutti gli altri che sono descrittori di pressione, ad eccezione del D4 e del D6, quest’ultimo caratterizzato da una condizione mista. Quindi nel quadro di un approccio ecosistemico, il conseguimento dei traguardi del D1 è subordinato, a diverso grado e in modo diretto o indiretto, a quello dei traguardi ambientali definiti per i descrittori di pressione. La Decisione della Commissione 2017/848/UE indica le componenti dell’ecosistema (gruppi di specie e tipi di habitat), su cui basarsi per effettuare la valutazione dello stato dell’ambiente. A questo proposito l’Italia ha individuato le componenti rilevanti dell’ecosistema basandosi sui seguenti criteri: 1) rappresentatività in chiave di struttura e funzionamento degli ecosistemi marini; 2) corrispondenza alle definizioni dei GES; 3) connessione ai programmi di monitoraggio stabiliti nell’ambito di altre politiche comunitarie; 4) pertinenza ai fini della valutazione delle principali pressioni antropiche (Direttiva 2017/845/UE) e dell’efficacia delle misure gestionali adottate nell’ambito del Programma di misure nazionale della Strategia marina (DPCM del 10 ottobre 2017). Nella individuazione di tali componenti dell’ecosistema sono stati altresì tenuti in considerazione dei criteri pratici di fattibilità, sia in senso logistico-organizzativo, sia economico. Il Programma di monitoraggio relativo
Il Programma di monitoraggio relativo al Descrittore 6 (2021-2026) si articola per ciascuna sotto-regione in 3 specifici sottomonitoraggi D6-01, D6-02 e D6-03, e consentirà di valutare l’impatto generato da perdita fisica e da perturbazione fisica sul fondo marino (determinata da attività di pesca, risultata essere la maggior pressione di “perturbazione fisica” sul fondo marino), e lo stato delle comunità epimegabentoniche di fondo mobile attraverso opportuni indici/indicatori. Tale monitoraggio consentirà di verificare il raggiungimento del GES (è assente ogni pressione significativa dovuta ad abrasione determinata dalle attività di pesca che operano sul fondo marino e a sigillatura su substrati biogenici connessa alla realizzazione e/o posa di opere antropiche). Il D.1 “Biodiversità” è un descrittore di stato: il suo obiettivo è il raggiungimento o il mantenimento di un buon stato ambientale, nel quale non vi sia perdita di biodiversità, siano ripristinate le caratteristiche della biodiversità sottoposte ad eventuali alterazioni, e gli usi dell’ambiente marino siano sostenibili. Il Descrittore 1 è perciò diverso da tutti gli altri che sono descrittori di pressione, ad eccezione del D4 e del D6, quest’ultimo caratterizzato da una condizione mista. Quindi nel quadro di un approccio ecosistemico, il conseguimento dei traguardi del D1 è subordinato, a diverso grado e in modo diretto o indiretto, a quello dei traguardi ambientali definiti per i descrittori di pressione. La Decisione della Commissione 2017/848/UE indica le componenti dell’ecosistema (gruppi di specie e tipi di habitat), su cui basarsi per effettuare la valutazione dello stato dell’ambiente. A questo proposito l’Italia ha individuato le componenti rilevanti dell’ecosistema basandosi sui seguenti criteri: 1) rappresentatività in chiave di struttura e funzionamento degli ecosistemi marini; 2) corrispondenza alle definizioni dei GES; 3) connessione ai programmi di monitoraggio stabiliti nell’ambito di altre politiche comunitarie; 4) pertinenza ai fini della valutazione delle principali pressioni antropiche (Direttiva 2017/845/UE) e dell’efficacia delle misure gestionali adottate nell’ambito del Programma di misure nazionale della Strategia marina (DPCM del 10 ottobre 2017). Nella individuazione di tali componenti dell’ecosistema sono stati altresì tenuti in considerazione dei criteri pratici di fattibilità, sia in senso logistico-organizzativo, sia economico. Il Programma di monitoraggio relativo
Il Programma di monitoraggio relativo al Descrittore 6 (2021-2026) si articola per ciascuna sotto-regione in 3 specifici sottomonitoraggi D6-01, D6-02 e D6-03, e consentirà di valutare l’impatto generato da perdita fisica e da perturbazione fisica sul fondo marino (determinata da attività di pesca, risultata essere la maggior pressione di “perturbazione fisica” sul fondo marino), e lo stato delle comunità epimegabentoniche di fondo mobile attraverso opportuni indici/indicatori. Tale monitoraggio consentirà di verificare il raggiungimento del GES (è assente ogni pressione significativa dovuta ad abrasione determinata dalle attività di pesca che operano sul fondo marino e a sigillatura su substrati biogenici connessa alla realizzazione e/o posa di opere antropiche). Il D.1 “Biodiversità” è un descrittore di stato: il suo obiettivo è il raggiungimento o il mantenimento di un buon stato ambientale, nel quale non vi sia perdita di biodiversità, siano ripristinate le caratteristiche della biodiversità sottoposte ad eventuali alterazioni, e gli usi dell’ambiente marino siano sostenibili. Il Descrittore 1 è perciò diverso da tutti gli altri che sono descrittori di pressione, ad eccezione del D4 e del D6, quest’ultimo caratterizzato da una condizione mista. Quindi nel quadro di un approccio ecosistemico, il conseguimento dei traguardi del D1 è subordinato, a diverso grado e in modo diretto o indiretto, a quello dei traguardi ambientali definiti per i descrittori di pressione. La Decisione della Commissione 2017/848/UE indica le componenti dell’ecosistema (gruppi di specie e tipi di habitat), su cui basarsi per effettuare la valutazione dello stato dell’ambiente. A questo proposito l’Italia ha individuato le componenti rilevanti dell’ecosistema basandosi sui seguenti criteri: 1) rappresentatività in chiave di struttura e funzionamento degli ecosistemi marini; 2) corrispondenza alle definizioni dei GES; 3) connessione ai programmi di monitoraggio stabiliti nell’ambito di altre politiche comunitarie; 4) pertinenza ai fini della valutazione delle principali pressioni antropiche (Direttiva 2017/845/UE) e dell’efficacia delle misure gestionali adottate nell’ambito del Programma di misure nazionale della Strategia marina (DPCM del 10 ottobre 2017). Nella individuazione di tali componenti dell’ecosistema sono stati altresì tenuti in considerazione dei criteri pratici di fattibilità, sia in senso logistico-organizzativo, sia economico. Il Programma di monitoraggio relativo
Il Programma di monitoraggio relativo al Descrittore 6 (2021-2026) si articola per ciascuna sotto-regione in 3 specifici sottomonitoraggi D6-01, D6-02 e D6-03, e consentirà di valutare l’impatto generato da perdita fisica e da perturbazione fisica sul fondo marino (determinata da attività di pesca, risultata essere la maggior pressione di “perturbazione fisica” sul fondo marino), e lo stato delle comunità epimegabentoniche di fondo mobile attraverso opportuni indici/indicatori. Tale monitoraggio consentirà di verificare il raggiungimento del GES (è assente ogni pressione significativa dovuta ad abrasione determinata dalle attività di pesca che operano sul fondo marino e a sigillatura su substrati biogenici connessa alla realizzazione e/o posa di opere antropiche). Il D.1 “Biodiversità” è un descrittore di stato: il suo obiettivo è il raggiungimento o il mantenimento di un buon stato ambientale, nel quale non vi sia perdita di biodiversità, siano ripristinate le caratteristiche della biodiversità sottoposte ad eventuali alterazioni, e gli usi dell’ambiente marino siano sostenibili. Il Descrittore 1 è perciò diverso da tutti gli altri che sono descrittori di pressione, ad eccezione del D4 e del D6, quest’ultimo caratterizzato da una condizione mista. Quindi nel quadro di un approccio ecosistemico, il conseguimento dei traguardi del D1 è subordinato, a diverso grado e in modo diretto o indiretto, a quello dei traguardi ambientali definiti per i descrittori di pressione. La Decisione della Commissione 2017/848/UE indica le componenti dell’ecosistema (gruppi di specie e tipi di habitat), su cui basarsi per effettuare la valutazione dello stato dell’ambiente. A questo proposito l’Italia ha individuato le componenti rilevanti dell’ecosistema basandosi sui seguenti criteri: 1) rappresentatività in chiave di struttura e funzionamento degli ecosistemi marini; 2) corrispondenza alle definizioni dei GES; 3) connessione ai programmi di monitoraggio stabiliti nell’ambito di altre politiche comunitarie; 4) pertinenza ai fini della valutazione delle principali pressioni antropiche (Direttiva 2017/845/UE) e dell’efficacia delle misure gestionali adottate nell’ambito del Programma di misure nazionale della Strategia marina (DPCM del 10 ottobre 2017). Nella individuazione di tali componenti dell’ecosistema sono stati altresì tenuti in considerazione dei criteri pratici di fattibilità, sia in senso logistico-organizzativo, sia economico. Il Programma di monitoraggio relativo
Il Programma di monitoraggio relativo al Descrittore 6 (2021-2026) si articola per ciascuna sotto-regione in 3 specifici sottomonitoraggi D6-01, D6-02 e D6-03, e consentirà di valutare l’impatto generato da perdita fisica e da perturbazione fisica sul fondo marino (determinata da attività di pesca, risultata essere la maggior pressione di “perturbazione fisica” sul fondo marino), e lo stato delle comunità epimegabentoniche di fondo mobile attraverso opportuni indici/indicatori. Tale monitoraggio consentirà di verificare il raggiungimento del GES (è assente ogni pressione significativa dovuta ad abrasione determinata dalle attività di pesca che operano sul fondo marino e a sigillatura su substrati biogenici connessa alla realizzazione e/o posa di opere antropiche). Il D.1 “Biodiversità” è un descrittore di stato: il suo obiettivo è il raggiungimento o il mantenimento di un buon stato ambientale, nel quale non vi sia perdita di biodiversità, siano ripristinate le caratteristiche della biodiversità sottoposte ad eventuali alterazioni, e gli usi dell’ambiente marino siano sostenibili. Il Descrittore 1 è perciò diverso da tutti gli altri che sono descrittori di pressione, ad eccezione del D4 e del D6, quest’ultimo caratterizzato da una condizione mista. Quindi nel quadro di un approccio ecosistemico, il conseguimento dei traguardi del D1 è subordinato, a diverso grado e in modo diretto o indiretto, a quello dei traguardi ambientali definiti per i descrittori di pressione. La Decisione della Commissione 2017/848/UE indica le componenti dell’ecosistema (gruppi di specie e tipi di habitat), su cui basarsi per effettuare la valutazione dello stato dell’ambiente. A questo proposito l’Italia ha individuato le componenti rilevanti dell’ecosistema basandosi sui seguenti criteri: 1) rappresentatività in chiave di struttura e funzionamento degli ecosistemi marini; 2) corrispondenza alle definizioni dei GES; 3) connessione ai programmi di monitoraggio stabiliti nell’ambito di altre politiche comunitarie; 4) pertinenza ai fini della valutazione delle principali pressioni antropiche (Direttiva 2017/845/UE) e dell’efficacia delle misure gestionali adottate nell’ambito del Programma di misure nazionale della Strategia marina (DPCM del 10 ottobre 2017). Nella individuazione di tali componenti dell’ecosistema sono stati altresì tenuti in considerazione dei criteri pratici di fattibilità, sia in senso logistico-organizzativo, sia economico. Il Programma di monitoraggio relativo
Il Programma di monitoraggio relativo al Descrittore 6 (2021-2026) si articola per ciascuna sotto-regione in 3 specifici sottomonitoraggi D6-01, D6-02 e D6-03, e consentirà di valutare l’impatto generato da perdita fisica e da perturbazione fisica sul fondo marino (determinata da attività di pesca, risultata essere la maggior pressione di “perturbazione fisica” sul fondo marino), e lo stato delle comunità epimegabentoniche di fondo mobile attraverso opportuni indici/indicatori. Tale monitoraggio consentirà di verificare il raggiungimento del GES (è assente ogni pressione significativa dovuta ad abrasione determinata dalle attività di pesca che operano sul fondo marino e a sigillatura su substrati biogenici connessa alla realizzazione e/o posa di opere antropiche). Il D.1 “Biodiversità” è un descrittore di stato: il suo obiettivo è il raggiungimento o il mantenimento di un buon stato ambientale, nel quale non vi sia perdita di biodiversità, siano ripristinate le caratteristiche della biodiversità sottoposte ad eventuali alterazioni, e gli usi dell’ambiente marino siano sostenibili. Il Descrittore 1 è perciò diverso da tutti gli altri che sono descrittori di pressione, ad eccezione del D4 e del D6, quest’ultimo caratterizzato da una condizione mista. Quindi nel quadro di un approccio ecosistemico, il conseguimento dei traguardi del D1 è subordinato, a diverso grado e in modo diretto o indiretto, a quello dei traguardi ambientali definiti per i descrittori di pressione. La Decisione della Commissione 2017/848/UE indica le componenti dell’ecosistema (gruppi di specie e tipi di habitat), su cui basarsi per effettuare la valutazione dello stato dell’ambiente. A questo proposito l’Italia ha individuato le componenti rilevanti dell’ecosistema basandosi sui seguenti criteri: 1) rappresentatività in chiave di struttura e funzionamento degli ecosistemi marini; 2) corrispondenza alle definizioni dei GES; 3) connessione ai programmi di monitoraggio stabiliti nell’ambito di altre politiche comunitarie; 4) pertinenza ai fini della valutazione delle principali pressioni antropiche (Direttiva 2017/845/UE) e dell’efficacia delle misure gestionali adottate nell’ambito del Programma di misure nazionale della Strategia marina (DPCM del 10 ottobre 2017). Nella individuazione di tali componenti dell’ecosistema sono stati altresì tenuti in considerazione dei criteri pratici di fattibilità, sia in senso logistico-organizzativo, sia economico. Il Programma di monitoraggio relativo
Il Programma di monitoraggio relativo al Descrittore 6 (2021-2026) si articola per ciascuna sotto-regione in 3 specifici sottomonitoraggi D6-01, D6-02 e D6-03, e consentirà di valutare l’impatto generato da perdita fisica e da perturbazione fisica sul fondo marino (determinata da attività di pesca, risultata essere la maggior pressione di “perturbazione fisica” sul fondo marino), e lo stato delle comunità epimegabentoniche di fondo mobile attraverso opportuni indici/indicatori. Tale monitoraggio consentirà di verificare il raggiungimento del GES (è assente ogni pressione significativa dovuta ad abrasione determinata dalle attività di pesca che operano sul fondo marino e a sigillatura su substrati biogenici connessa alla realizzazione e/o posa di opere antropiche). Il D.1 “Biodiversità” è un descrittore di stato: il suo obiettivo è il raggiungimento o il mantenimento di un buon stato ambientale, nel quale non vi sia perdita di biodiversità, siano ripristinate le caratteristiche della biodiversità sottoposte ad eventuali alterazioni, e gli usi dell’ambiente marino siano sostenibili. Il Descrittore 1 è perciò diverso da tutti gli altri che sono descrittori di pressione, ad eccezione del D4 e del D6, quest’ultimo caratterizzato da una condizione mista. Quindi nel quadro di un approccio ecosistemico, il conseguimento dei traguardi del D1 è subordinato, a diverso grado e in modo diretto o indiretto, a quello dei traguardi ambientali definiti per i descrittori di pressione. La Decisione della Commissione 2017/848/UE indica le componenti dell’ecosistema (gruppi di specie e tipi di habitat), su cui basarsi per effettuare la valutazione dello stato dell’ambiente. A questo proposito l’Italia ha individuato le componenti rilevanti dell’ecosistema basandosi sui seguenti criteri: 1) rappresentatività in chiave di struttura e funzionamento degli ecosistemi marini; 2) corrispondenza alle definizioni dei GES; 3) connessione ai programmi di monitoraggio stabiliti nell’ambito di altre politiche comunitarie; 4) pertinenza ai fini della valutazione delle principali pressioni antropiche (Direttiva 2017/845/UE) e dell’efficacia delle misure gestionali adottate nell’ambito del Programma di misure nazionale della Strategia marina (DPCM del 10 ottobre 2017). Nella individuazione di tali componenti dell’ecosistema sono stati altresì tenuti in considerazione dei criteri pratici di fattibilità, sia in senso logistico-organizzativo, sia economico. Il Programma di monitoraggio relativo
Il Programma di monitoraggio relativo al Descrittore 6 (2021-2026) si articola per ciascuna sotto-regione in 3 specifici sottomonitoraggi D6-01, D6-02 e D6-03, e consentirà di valutare l’impatto generato da perdita fisica e da perturbazione fisica sul fondo marino (determinata da attività di pesca, risultata essere la maggior pressione di “perturbazione fisica” sul fondo marino), e lo stato delle comunità epimegabentoniche di fondo mobile attraverso opportuni indici/indicatori. Tale monitoraggio consentirà di verificare il raggiungimento del GES (è assente ogni pressione significativa dovuta ad abrasione determinata dalle attività di pesca che operano sul fondo marino e a sigillatura su substrati biogenici connessa alla realizzazione e/o posa di opere antropiche). Il D.1 “Biodiversità” è un descrittore di stato: il suo obiettivo è il raggiungimento o il mantenimento di un buon stato ambientale, nel quale non vi sia perdita di biodiversità, siano ripristinate le caratteristiche della biodiversità sottoposte ad eventuali alterazioni, e gli usi dell’ambiente marino siano sostenibili. Il Descrittore 1 è perciò diverso da tutti gli altri che sono descrittori di pressione, ad eccezione del D4 e del D6, quest’ultimo caratterizzato da una condizione mista. Quindi nel quadro di un approccio ecosistemico, il conseguimento dei traguardi del D1 è subordinato, a diverso grado e in modo diretto o indiretto, a quello dei traguardi ambientali definiti per i descrittori di pressione. La Decisione della Commissione 2017/848/UE indica le componenti dell’ecosistema (gruppi di specie e tipi di habitat), su cui basarsi per effettuare la valutazione dello stato dell’ambiente. A questo proposito l’Italia ha individuato le componenti rilevanti dell’ecosistema basandosi sui seguenti criteri: 1) rappresentatività in chiave di struttura e funzionamento degli ecosistemi marini; 2) corrispondenza alle definizioni dei GES; 3) connessione ai programmi di monitoraggio stabiliti nell’ambito di altre politiche comunitarie; 4) pertinenza ai fini della valutazione delle principali pressioni antropiche (Direttiva 2017/845/UE) e dell’efficacia delle misure gestionali adottate nell’ambito del Programma di misure nazionale della Strategia marina (DPCM del 10 ottobre 2017). Nella individuazione di tali componenti dell’ecosistema sono stati altresì tenuti in considerazione dei criteri pratici di fattibilità, sia in senso logistico-organizzativo, sia economico. Il Programma di monitoraggio relativo
Il Programma di monitoraggio relativo al Descrittore 6 (2021-2026) si articola per ciascuna sotto-regione in 3 specifici sottomonitoraggi D6-01, D6-02 e D6-03, e consentirà di valutare l’impatto generato da perdita fisica e da perturbazione fisica sul fondo marino (determinata da attività di pesca, risultata essere la maggior pressione di “perturbazione fisica” sul fondo marino), e lo stato delle comunità epimegabentoniche di fondo mobile attraverso opportuni indici/indicatori. Tale monitoraggio consentirà di verificare il raggiungimento del GES (è assente ogni pressione significativa dovuta ad abrasione determinata dalle attività di pesca che operano sul fondo marino e a sigillatura su substrati biogenici connessa alla realizzazione e/o posa di opere antropiche). Il D.1 “Biodiversità” è un descrittore di stato: il suo obiettivo è il raggiungimento o il mantenimento di un buon stato ambientale, nel quale non vi sia perdita di biodiversità, siano ripristinate le caratteristiche della biodiversità sottoposte ad eventuali alterazioni, e gli usi dell’ambiente marino siano sostenibili. Il Descrittore 1 è perciò diverso da tutti gli altri che sono descrittori di pressione, ad eccezione del D4 e del D6, quest’ultimo caratterizzato da una condizione mista. Quindi nel quadro di un approccio ecosistemico, il conseguimento dei traguardi del D1 è subordinato, a diverso grado e in modo diretto o indiretto, a quello dei traguardi ambientali definiti per i descrittori di pressione. La Decisione della Commissione 2017/848/UE indica le componenti dell’ecosistema (gruppi di specie e tipi di habitat), su cui basarsi per effettuare la valutazione dello stato dell’ambiente. A questo proposito l’Italia ha individuato le componenti rilevanti dell’ecosistema basandosi sui seguenti criteri: 1) rappresentatività in chiave di struttura e funzionamento degli ecosistemi marini; 2) corrispondenza alle definizioni dei GES; 3) connessione ai programmi di monitoraggio stabiliti nell’ambito di altre politiche comunitarie; 4) pertinenza ai fini della valutazione delle principali pressioni antropiche (Direttiva 2017/845/UE) e dell’efficacia delle misure gestionali adottate nell’ambito del Programma di misure nazionale della Strategia marina (DPCM del 10 ottobre 2017). Nella individuazione di tali componenti dell’ecosistema sono stati altresì tenuti in considerazione dei criteri pratici di fattibilità, sia in senso logistico-organizzativo, sia economico. Il Programma di monitoraggio relativo
Il Programma di monitoraggio relativo al Descrittore 6 (2021-2026) si articola per ciascuna sotto-regione in 3 specifici sottomonitoraggi D6-01, D6-02 e D6-03, e consentirà di valutare l’impatto generato da perdita fisica e da perturbazione fisica sul fondo marino (determinata da attività di pesca, risultata essere la maggior pressione di “perturbazione fisica” sul fondo marino), e lo stato delle comunità epimegabentoniche di fondo mobile attraverso opportuni indici/indicatori. Tale monitoraggio consentirà di verificare il raggiungimento del GES (è assente ogni pressione significativa dovuta ad abrasione determinata dalle attività di pesca che operano sul fondo marino e a sigillatura su substrati biogenici connessa alla realizzazione e/o posa di opere antropiche). Il D.1 “Biodiversità” è un descrittore di stato: il suo obiettivo è il raggiungimento o il mantenimento di un buon stato ambientale, nel quale non vi sia perdita di biodiversità, siano ripristinate le caratteristiche della biodiversità sottoposte ad eventuali alterazioni, e gli usi dell’ambiente marino siano sostenibili. Il Descrittore 1 è perciò diverso da tutti gli altri che sono descrittori di pressione, ad eccezione del D4 e del D6, quest’ultimo caratterizzato da una condizione mista. Quindi nel quadro di un approccio ecosistemico, il conseguimento dei traguardi del D1 è subordinato, a diverso grado e in modo diretto o indiretto, a quello dei traguardi ambientali definiti per i descrittori di pressione. La Decisione della Commissione 2017/848/UE indica le componenti dell’ecosistema (gruppi di specie e tipi di habitat), su cui basarsi per effettuare la valutazione dello stato dell’ambiente. A questo proposito l’Italia ha individuato le componenti rilevanti dell’ecosistema basandosi sui seguenti criteri: 1) rappresentatività in chiave di struttura e funzionamento degli ecosistemi marini; 2) corrispondenza alle definizioni dei GES; 3) connessione ai programmi di monitoraggio stabiliti nell’ambito di altre politiche comunitarie; 4) pertinenza ai fini della valutazione delle principali pressioni antropiche (Direttiva 2017/845/UE) e dell’efficacia delle misure gestionali adottate nell’ambito del Programma di misure nazionale della Strategia marina (DPCM del 10 ottobre 2017). Nella individuazione di tali componenti dell’ecosistema sono stati altresì tenuti in considerazione dei criteri pratici di fattibilità, sia in senso logistico-organizzativo, sia economico. Il Programma di monitoraggio relativo
Il Programma di monitoraggio relativo al Descrittore 6 (2021-2026) si articola per ciascuna sotto-regione in 3 specifici sottomonitoraggi D6-01, D6-02 e D6-03, e consentirà di valutare l’impatto generato da perdita fisica e da perturbazione fisica sul fondo marino (determinata da attività di pesca, risultata essere la maggior pressione di “perturbazione fisica” sul fondo marino), e lo stato delle comunità epimegabentoniche di fondo mobile attraverso opportuni indici/indicatori. Tale monitoraggio consentirà di verificare il raggiungimento del GES (è assente ogni pressione significativa dovuta ad abrasione determinata dalle attività di pesca che operano sul fondo marino e a sigillatura su substrati biogenici connessa alla realizzazione e/o posa di opere antropiche). Il D.1 “Biodiversità” è un descrittore di stato: il suo obiettivo è il raggiungimento o il mantenimento di un buon stato ambientale, nel quale non vi sia perdita di biodiversità, siano ripristinate le caratteristiche della biodiversità sottoposte ad eventuali alterazioni, e gli usi dell’ambiente marino siano sostenibili. Il Descrittore 1 è perciò diverso da tutti gli altri che sono descrittori di pressione, ad eccezione del D4 e del D6, quest’ultimo caratterizzato da una condizione mista. Quindi nel quadro di un approccio ecosistemico, il conseguimento dei traguardi del D1 è subordinato, a diverso grado e in modo diretto o indiretto, a quello dei traguardi ambientali definiti per i descrittori di pressione. La Decisione della Commissione 2017/848/UE indica le componenti dell’ecosistema (gruppi di specie e tipi di habitat), su cui basarsi per effettuare la valutazione dello stato dell’ambiente. A questo proposito l’Italia ha individuato le componenti rilevanti dell’ecosistema basandosi sui seguenti criteri: 1) rappresentatività in chiave di struttura e funzionamento degli ecosistemi marini; 2) corrispondenza alle definizioni dei GES; 3) connessione ai programmi di monitoraggio stabiliti nell’ambito di altre politiche comunitarie; 4) pertinenza ai fini della valutazione delle principali pressioni antropiche (Direttiva 2017/845/UE) e dell’efficacia delle misure gestionali adottate nell’ambito del Programma di misure nazionale della Strategia marina (DPCM del 10 ottobre 2017). Nella individuazione di tali componenti dell’ecosistema sono stati altresì tenuti in considerazione dei criteri pratici di fattibilità, sia in senso logistico-organizzativo, sia economico. Il Programma di monitoraggio relativo
Il Programma di monitoraggio relativo al Descrittore 6 (2021-2026) si articola per ciascuna sotto-regione in 3 specifici sottomonitoraggi D6-01, D6-02 e D6-03, e consentirà di valutare l’impatto generato da perdita fisica e da perturbazione fisica sul fondo marino (determinata da attività di pesca, risultata essere la maggior pressione di “perturbazione fisica” sul fondo marino), e lo stato delle comunità epimegabentoniche di fondo mobile attraverso opportuni indici/indicatori. Tale monitoraggio consentirà di verificare il raggiungimento del GES (è assente ogni pressione significativa dovuta ad abrasione determinata dalle attività di pesca che operano sul fondo marino e a sigillatura su substrati biogenici connessa alla realizzazione e/o posa di opere antropiche). Il D.1 “Biodiversità” è un descrittore di stato: il suo obiettivo è il raggiungimento o il mantenimento di un buon stato ambientale, nel quale non vi sia perdita di biodiversità, siano ripristinate le caratteristiche della biodiversità sottoposte ad eventuali alterazioni, e gli usi dell’ambiente marino siano sostenibili. Il Descrittore 1 è perciò diverso da tutti gli altri che sono descrittori di pressione, ad eccezione del D4 e del D6, quest’ultimo caratterizzato da una condizione mista. Quindi nel quadro di un approccio ecosistemico, il conseguimento dei traguardi del D1 è subordinato, a diverso grado e in modo diretto o indiretto, a quello dei traguardi ambientali definiti per i descrittori di pressione. La Decisione della Commissione 2017/848/UE indica le componenti dell’ecosistema (gruppi di specie e tipi di habitat), su cui basarsi per effettuare la valutazione dello stato dell’ambiente. A questo proposito l’Italia ha individuato le componenti rilevanti dell’ecosistema basandosi sui seguenti criteri: 1) rappresentatività in chiave di struttura e funzionamento degli ecosistemi marini; 2) corrispondenza alle definizioni dei GES; 3) connessione ai programmi di monitoraggio stabiliti nell’ambito di altre politiche comunitarie; 4) pertinenza ai fini della valutazione delle principali pressioni antropiche (Direttiva 2017/845/UE) e dell’efficacia delle misure gestionali adottate nell’ambito del Programma di misure nazionale della Strategia marina (DPCM del 10 ottobre 2017). Nella individuazione di tali componenti dell’ecosistema sono stati altresì tenuti in considerazione dei criteri pratici di fattibilità, sia in senso logistico-organizzativo, sia economico. Il Programma di monitoraggio relativo
Il Programma di monitoraggio relativo al Descrittore 6 (2021-2026) si articola per ciascuna sotto-regione in 3 specifici sottomonitoraggi D6-01, D6-02 e D6-03, e consentirà di valutare l’impatto generato da perdita fisica e da perturbazione fisica sul fondo marino (determinata da attività di pesca, risultata essere la maggior pressione di “perturbazione fisica” sul fondo marino), e lo stato delle comunità epimegabentoniche di fondo mobile attraverso opportuni indici/indicatori. Tale monitoraggio consentirà di verificare il raggiungimento del GES (è assente ogni pressione significativa dovuta ad abrasione determinata dalle attività di pesca che operano sul fondo marino e a sigillatura su substrati biogenici connessa alla realizzazione e/o posa di opere antropiche). Il D.1 “Biodiversità” è un descrittore di stato: il suo obiettivo è il raggiungimento o il mantenimento di un buon stato ambientale, nel quale non vi sia perdita di biodiversità, siano ripristinate le caratteristiche della biodiversità sottoposte ad eventuali alterazioni, e gli usi dell’ambiente marino siano sostenibili. Il Descrittore 1 è perciò diverso da tutti gli altri che sono descrittori di pressione, ad eccezione del D4 e del D6, quest’ultimo caratterizzato da una condizione mista. Quindi nel quadro di un approccio ecosistemico, il conseguimento dei traguardi del D1 è subordinato, a diverso grado e in modo diretto o indiretto, a quello dei traguardi ambientali definiti per i descrittori di pressione. La Decisione della Commissione 2017/848/UE indica le componenti dell’ecosistema (gruppi di specie e tipi di habitat), su cui basarsi per effettuare la valutazione dello stato dell’ambiente. A questo proposito l’Italia ha individuato le componenti rilevanti dell’ecosistema basandosi sui seguenti criteri: 1) rappresentatività in chiave di struttura e funzionamento degli ecosistemi marini; 2) corrispondenza alle definizioni dei GES; 3) connessione ai programmi di monitoraggio stabiliti nell’ambito di altre politiche comunitarie; 4) pertinenza ai fini della valutazione delle principali pressioni antropiche (Direttiva 2017/845/UE) e dell’efficacia delle misure gestionali adottate nell’ambito del Programma di misure nazionale della Strategia marina (DPCM del 10 ottobre 2017). Nella individuazione di tali componenti dell’ecosistema sono stati altresì tenuti in considerazione dei criteri pratici di fattibilità, sia in senso logistico-organizzativo, sia economico. Il Programma di monitoraggio relativo
Il Programma di monitoraggio relativo al Descrittore 6 (2021-2026) si articola per ciascuna sotto-regione in 3 specifici sottomonitoraggi D6-01, D6-02 e D6-03, e consentirà di valutare l’impatto generato da perdita fisica e da perturbazione fisica sul fondo marino (determinata da attività di pesca, risultata essere la maggior pressione di “perturbazione fisica” sul fondo marino), e lo stato delle comunità epimegabentoniche di fondo mobile attraverso opportuni indici/indicatori. Tale monitoraggio consentirà di verificare il raggiungimento del GES (è assente ogni pressione significativa dovuta ad abrasione determinata dalle attività di pesca che operano sul fondo marino e a sigillatura su substrati biogenici connessa alla realizzazione e/o posa di opere antropiche). Il D.1 “Biodiversità” è un descrittore di stato: il suo obiettivo è il raggiungimento o il mantenimento di un buon stato ambientale, nel quale non vi sia perdita di biodiversità, siano ripristinate le caratteristiche della biodiversità sottoposte ad eventuali alterazioni, e gli usi dell’ambiente marino siano sostenibili. Il Descrittore 1 è perciò diverso da tutti gli altri che sono descrittori di pressione, ad eccezione del D4 e del D6, quest’ultimo caratterizzato da una condizione mista. Quindi nel quadro di un approccio ecosistemico, il conseguimento dei traguardi del D1 è subordinato, a diverso grado e in modo diretto o indiretto, a quello dei traguardi ambientali definiti per i descrittori di pressione. La Decisione della Commissione 2017/848/UE indica le componenti dell’ecosistema (gruppi di specie e tipi di habitat), su cui basarsi per effettuare la valutazione dello stato dell’ambiente. A questo proposito l’Italia ha individuato le componenti rilevanti dell’ecosistema basandosi sui seguenti criteri: 1) rappresentatività in chiave di struttura e funzionamento degli ecosistemi marini; 2) corrispondenza alle definizioni dei GES; 3) connessione ai programmi di monitoraggio stabiliti nell’ambito di altre politiche comunitarie; 4) pertinenza ai fini della valutazione delle principali pressioni antropiche (Direttiva 2017/845/UE) e dell’efficacia delle misure gestionali adottate nell’ambito del Programma di misure nazionale della Strategia marina (DPCM del 10 ottobre 2017). Nella individuazione di tali componenti dell’ecosistema sono stati altresì tenuti in considerazione dei criteri pratici di fattibilità, sia in senso logistico-organizzativo, sia economico. Il Programma di monitoraggio relativo
Il Programma di monitoraggio relativo al Descrittore 6 (2021-2026) si articola per ciascuna sotto-regione in 3 specifici sottomonitoraggi D6-01, D6-02 e D6-03, e consentirà di valutare l’impatto generato da perdita fisica e da perturbazione fisica sul fondo marino (determinata da attività di pesca, risultata essere la maggior pressione di “perturbazione fisica” sul fondo marino), e lo stato delle comunità epimegabentoniche di fondo mobile attraverso opportuni indici/indicatori. Tale monitoraggio consentirà di verificare il raggiungimento del GES (è assente ogni pressione significativa dovuta ad abrasione determinata dalle attività di pesca che operano sul fondo marino e a sigillatura su substrati biogenici connessa alla realizzazione e/o posa di opere antropiche). Il D.1 “Biodiversità” è un descrittore di stato: il suo obiettivo è il raggiungimento o il mantenimento di un buon stato ambientale, nel quale non vi sia perdita di biodiversità, siano ripristinate le caratteristiche della biodiversità sottoposte ad eventuali alterazioni, e gli usi dell’ambiente marino siano sostenibili. Il Descrittore 1 è perciò diverso da tutti gli altri che sono descrittori di pressione, ad eccezione del D4 e del D6, quest’ultimo caratterizzato da una condizione mista. Quindi nel quadro di un approccio ecosistemico, il conseguimento dei traguardi del D1 è subordinato, a diverso grado e in modo diretto o indiretto, a quello dei traguardi ambientali definiti per i descrittori di pressione. La Decisione della Commissione 2017/848/UE indica le componenti dell’ecosistema (gruppi di specie e tipi di habitat), su cui basarsi per effettuare la valutazione dello stato dell’ambiente. A questo proposito l’Italia ha individuato le componenti rilevanti dell’ecosistema basandosi sui seguenti criteri: 1) rappresentatività in chiave di struttura e funzionamento degli ecosistemi marini; 2) corrispondenza alle definizioni dei GES; 3) connessione ai programmi di monitoraggio stabiliti nell’ambito di altre politiche comunitarie; 4) pertinenza ai fini della valutazione delle principali pressioni antropiche (Direttiva 2017/845/UE) e dell’efficacia delle misure gestionali adottate nell’ambito del Programma di misure nazionale della Strategia marina (DPCM del 10 ottobre 2017). Nella individuazione di tali componenti dell’ecosistema sono stati altresì tenuti in considerazione dei criteri pratici di fattibilità, sia in senso logistico-organizzativo, sia economico. Il Programma di monitoraggio relativo
Il Programma di monitoraggio relativo al Descrittore 6 (2021-2026) si articola per ciascuna sotto-regione in 3 specifici sottomonitoraggi D6-01, D6-02 e D6-03, e consentirà di valutare l’impatto generato da perdita fisica e da perturbazione fisica sul fondo marino (determinata da attività di pesca, risultata essere la maggior pressione di “perturbazione fisica” sul fondo marino), e lo stato delle comunità epimegabentoniche di fondo mobile attraverso opportuni indici/indicatori. Tale monitoraggio consentirà di verificare il raggiungimento del GES (è assente ogni pressione significativa dovuta ad abrasione determinata dalle attività di pesca che operano sul fondo marino e a sigillatura su substrati biogenici connessa alla realizzazione e/o posa di opere antropiche). Il D.1 “Biodiversità” è un descrittore di stato: il suo obiettivo è il raggiungimento o il mantenimento di un buon stato ambientale, nel quale non vi sia perdita di biodiversità, siano ripristinate le caratteristiche della biodiversità sottoposte ad eventuali alterazioni, e gli usi dell’ambiente marino siano sostenibili. Il Descrittore 1 è perciò diverso da tutti gli altri che sono descrittori di pressione, ad eccezione del D4 e del D6, quest’ultimo caratterizzato da una condizione mista. Quindi nel quadro di un approccio ecosistemico, il conseguimento dei traguardi del D1 è subordinato, a diverso grado e in modo diretto o indiretto, a quello dei traguardi ambientali definiti per i descrittori di pressione. La Decisione della Commissione 2017/848/UE indica le componenti dell’ecosistema (gruppi di specie e tipi di habitat), su cui basarsi per effettuare la valutazione dello stato dell’ambiente. A questo proposito l’Italia ha individuato le componenti rilevanti dell’ecosistema basandosi sui seguenti criteri: 1) rappresentatività in chiave di struttura e funzionamento degli ecosistemi marini; 2) corrispondenza alle definizioni dei GES; 3) connessione ai programmi di monitoraggio stabiliti nell’ambito di altre politiche comunitarie; 4) pertinenza ai fini della valutazione delle principali pressioni antropiche (Direttiva 2017/845/UE) e dell’efficacia delle misure gestionali adottate nell’ambito del Programma di misure nazionale della Strategia marina (DPCM del 10 ottobre 2017). Nella individuazione di tali componenti dell’ecosistema sono stati altresì tenuti in considerazione dei criteri pratici di fattibilità, sia in senso logistico-organizzativo, sia economico. Il Programma di monitoraggio relativo
Il Programma di monitoraggio relativo al Descrittore 6 (2021-2026) si articola per ciascuna sotto-regione in 3 specifici sottomonitoraggi D6-01, D6-02 e D6-03, e consentirà di valutare l’impatto generato da perdita fisica e da perturbazione fisica sul fondo marino (determinata da attività di pesca, risultata essere la maggior pressione di “perturbazione fisica” sul fondo marino), e lo stato delle comunità epimegabentoniche di fondo mobile attraverso opportuni indici/indicatori. Tale monitoraggio consentirà di verificare il raggiungimento del GES (è assente ogni pressione significativa dovuta ad abrasione determinata dalle attività di pesca che operano sul fondo marino e a sigillatura su substrati biogenici connessa alla realizzazione e/o posa di opere antropiche). Il D.1 “Biodiversità” è un descrittore di stato: il suo obiettivo è il raggiungimento o il mantenimento di un buon stato ambientale, nel quale non vi sia perdita di biodiversità, siano ripristinate le caratteristiche della biodiversità sottoposte ad eventuali alterazioni, e gli usi dell’ambiente marino siano sostenibili. Il Descrittore 1 è perciò diverso da tutti gli altri che sono descrittori di pressione, ad eccezione del D4 e del D6, quest’ultimo caratterizzato da una condizione mista. Quindi nel quadro di un approccio ecosistemico, il conseguimento dei traguardi del D1 è subordinato, a diverso grado e in modo diretto o indiretto, a quello dei traguardi ambientali definiti per i descrittori di pressione. La Decisione della Commissione 2017/848/UE indica le componenti dell’ecosistema (gruppi di specie e tipi di habitat), su cui basarsi per effettuare la valutazione dello stato dell’ambiente. A questo proposito l’Italia ha individuato le componenti rilevanti dell’ecosistema basandosi sui seguenti criteri: 1) rappresentatività in chiave di struttura e funzionamento degli ecosistemi marini; 2) corrispondenza alle definizioni dei GES; 3) connessione ai programmi di monitoraggio stabiliti nell’ambito di altre politiche comunitarie; 4) pertinenza ai fini della valutazione delle principali pressioni antropiche (Direttiva 2017/845/UE) e dell’efficacia delle misure gestionali adottate nell’ambito del Programma di misure nazionale della Strategia marina (DPCM del 10 ottobre 2017). Nella individuazione di tali componenti dell’ecosistema sono stati altresì tenuti in considerazione dei criteri pratici di fattibilità, sia in senso logistico-organizzativo, sia economico. Il Programma di monitoraggio relativo
Il Programma di monitoraggio relativo al Descrittore 6 (2021-2026) si articola per ciascuna sotto-regione in 3 specifici sottomonitoraggi D6-01, D6-02 e D6-03, e consentirà di valutare l’impatto generato da perdita fisica e da perturbazione fisica sul fondo marino (determinata da attività di pesca, risultata essere la maggior pressione di “perturbazione fisica” sul fondo marino), e lo stato delle comunità epimegabentoniche di fondo mobile attraverso opportuni indici/indicatori. Tale monitoraggio consentirà di verificare il raggiungimento del GES (è assente ogni pressione significativa dovuta ad abrasione determinata dalle attività di pesca che operano sul fondo marino e a sigillatura su substrati biogenici connessa alla realizzazione e/o posa di opere antropiche). Il D.1 “Biodiversità” è un descrittore di stato: il suo obiettivo è il raggiungimento o il mantenimento di un buon stato ambientale, nel quale non vi sia perdita di biodiversità, siano ripristinate le caratteristiche della biodiversità sottoposte ad eventuali alterazioni, e gli usi dell’ambiente marino siano sostenibili. Il Descrittore 1 è perciò diverso da tutti gli altri che sono descrittori di pressione, ad eccezione del D4 e del D6, quest’ultimo caratterizzato da una condizione mista. Quindi nel quadro di un approccio ecosistemico, il conseguimento dei traguardi del D1 è subordinato, a diverso grado e in modo diretto o indiretto, a quello dei traguardi ambientali definiti per i descrittori di pressione. La Decisione della Commissione 2017/848/UE indica le componenti dell’ecosistema (gruppi di specie e tipi di habitat), su cui basarsi per effettuare la valutazione dello stato dell’ambiente. A questo proposito l’Italia ha individuato le componenti rilevanti dell’ecosistema basandosi sui seguenti criteri: 1) rappresentatività in chiave di struttura e funzionamento degli ecosistemi marini; 2) corrispondenza alle definizioni dei GES; 3) connessione ai programmi di monitoraggio stabiliti nell’ambito di altre politiche comunitarie; 4) pertinenza ai fini della valutazione delle principali pressioni antropiche (Direttiva 2017/845/UE) e dell’efficacia delle misure gestionali adottate nell’ambito del Programma di misure nazionale della Strategia marina (DPCM del 10 ottobre 2017). Nella individuazione di tali componenti dell’ecosistema sono stati altresì tenuti in considerazione dei criteri pratici di fattibilità, sia in senso logistico-organizzativo, sia economico. Il Programma di monitoraggio relativo
Il Programma di monitoraggio relativo al Descrittore 6 (2021-2026) si articola per ciascuna sotto-regione in 3 specifici sottomonitoraggi D6-01, D6-02 e D6-03, e consentirà di valutare l’impatto generato da perdita fisica e da perturbazione fisica sul fondo marino (determinata da attività di pesca, risultata essere la maggior pressione di “perturbazione fisica” sul fondo marino), e lo stato delle comunità epimegabentoniche di fondo mobile attraverso opportuni indici/indicatori. Tale monitoraggio consentirà di verificare il raggiungimento del GES (è assente ogni pressione significativa dovuta ad abrasione determinata dalle attività di pesca che operano sul fondo marino e a sigillatura su substrati biogenici connessa alla realizzazione e/o posa di opere antropiche). Il D.1 “Biodiversità” è un descrittore di stato: il suo obiettivo è il raggiungimento o il mantenimento di un buon stato ambientale, nel quale non vi sia perdita di biodiversità, siano ripristinate le caratteristiche della biodiversità sottoposte ad eventuali alterazioni, e gli usi dell’ambiente marino siano sostenibili. Il Descrittore 1 è perciò diverso da tutti gli altri che sono descrittori di pressione, ad eccezione del D4 e del D6, quest’ultimo caratterizzato da una condizione mista. Quindi nel quadro di un approccio ecosistemico, il conseguimento dei traguardi del D1 è subordinato, a diverso grado e in modo diretto o indiretto, a quello dei traguardi ambientali definiti per i descrittori di pressione. La Decisione della Commissione 2017/848/UE indica le componenti dell’ecosistema (gruppi di specie e tipi di habitat), su cui basarsi per effettuare la valutazione dello stato dell’ambiente. A questo proposito l’Italia ha individuato le componenti rilevanti dell’ecosistema basandosi sui seguenti criteri: 1) rappresentatività in chiave di struttura e funzionamento degli ecosistemi marini; 2) corrispondenza alle definizioni dei GES; 3) connessione ai programmi di monitoraggio stabiliti nell’ambito di altre politiche comunitarie; 4) pertinenza ai fini della valutazione delle principali pressioni antropiche (Direttiva 2017/845/UE) e dell’efficacia delle misure gestionali adottate nell’ambito del Programma di misure nazionale della Strategia marina (DPCM del 10 ottobre 2017). Nella individuazione di tali componenti dell’ecosistema sono stati altresì tenuti in considerazione dei criteri pratici di fattibilità, sia in senso logistico-organizzativo, sia economico. Il Programma di monitoraggio relativo
Il Programma di monitoraggio relativo al Descrittore 6 (2021-2026) si articola per ciascuna sotto-regione in 3 specifici sottomonitoraggi D6-01, D6-02 e D6-03, e consentirà di valutare l’impatto generato da perdita fisica e da perturbazione fisica sul fondo marino (determinata da attività di pesca, risultata essere la maggior pressione di “perturbazione fisica” sul fondo marino), e lo stato delle comunità epimegabentoniche di fondo mobile attraverso opportuni indici/indicatori. Tale monitoraggio consentirà di verificare il raggiungimento del GES (è assente ogni pressione significativa dovuta ad abrasione determinata dalle attività di pesca che operano sul fondo marino e a sigillatura su substrati biogenici connessa alla realizzazione e/o posa di opere antropiche). Il D.1 “Biodiversità” è un descrittore di stato: il suo obiettivo è il raggiungimento o il mantenimento di un buon stato ambientale, nel quale non vi sia perdita di biodiversità, siano ripristinate le caratteristiche della biodiversità sottoposte ad eventuali alterazioni, e gli usi dell’ambiente marino siano sostenibili. Il Descrittore 1 è perciò diverso da tutti gli altri che sono descrittori di pressione, ad eccezione del D4 e del D6, quest’ultimo caratterizzato da una condizione mista. Quindi nel quadro di un approccio ecosistemico, il conseguimento dei traguardi del D1 è subordinato, a diverso grado e in modo diretto o indiretto, a quello dei traguardi ambientali definiti per i descrittori di pressione. La Decisione della Commissione 2017/848/UE indica le componenti dell’ecosistema (gruppi di specie e tipi di habitat), su cui basarsi per effettuare la valutazione dello stato dell’ambiente. A questo proposito l’Italia ha individuato le componenti rilevanti dell’ecosistema basandosi sui seguenti criteri: 1) rappresentatività in chiave di struttura e funzionamento degli ecosistemi marini; 2) corrispondenza alle definizioni dei GES; 3) connessione ai programmi di monitoraggio stabiliti nell’ambito di altre politiche comunitarie; 4) pertinenza ai fini della valutazione delle principali pressioni antropiche (Direttiva 2017/845/UE) e dell’efficacia delle misure gestionali adottate nell’ambito del Programma di misure nazionale della Strategia marina (DPCM del 10 ottobre 2017). Nella individuazione di tali componenti dell’ecosistema sono stati altresì tenuti in considerazione dei criteri pratici di fattibilità, sia in senso logistico-organizzativo, sia economico. Il Programma di monitoraggio relativo
Il Programma di monitoraggio relativo al Descrittore 6 (2021-2026) si articola per ciascuna sotto-regione in 3 specifici sottomonitoraggi D6-01, D6-02 e D6-03, e consentirà di valutare l’impatto generato da perdita fisica e da perturbazione fisica sul fondo marino (determinata da attività di pesca, risultata essere la maggior pressione di “perturbazione fisica” sul fondo marino), e lo stato delle comunità epimegabentoniche di fondo mobile attraverso opportuni indici/indicatori. Tale monitoraggio consentirà di verificare il raggiungimento del GES (è assente ogni pressione significativa dovuta ad abrasione determinata dalle attività di pesca che operano sul fondo marino e a sigillatura su substrati biogenici connessa alla realizzazione e/o posa di opere antropiche). Il D.1 “Biodiversità” è un descrittore di stato: il suo obiettivo è il raggiungimento o il mantenimento di un buon stato ambientale, nel quale non vi sia perdita di biodiversità, siano ripristinate le caratteristiche della biodiversità sottoposte ad eventuali alterazioni, e gli usi dell’ambiente marino siano sostenibili. Il Descrittore 1 è perciò diverso da tutti gli altri che sono descrittori di pressione, ad eccezione del D4 e del D6, quest’ultimo caratterizzato da una condizione mista. Quindi nel quadro di un approccio ecosistemico, il conseguimento dei traguardi del D1 è subordinato, a diverso grado e in modo diretto o indiretto, a quello dei traguardi ambientali definiti per i descrittori di pressione. La Decisione della Commissione 2017/848/UE indica le componenti dell’ecosistema (gruppi di specie e tipi di habitat), su cui basarsi per effettuare la valutazione dello stato dell’ambiente. A questo proposito l’Italia ha individuato le componenti rilevanti dell’ecosistema basandosi sui seguenti criteri: 1) rappresentatività in chiave di struttura e funzionamento degli ecosistemi marini; 2) corrispondenza alle definizioni dei GES; 3) connessione ai programmi di monitoraggio stabiliti nell’ambito di altre politiche comunitarie; 4) pertinenza ai fini della valutazione delle principali pressioni antropiche (Direttiva 2017/845/UE) e dell’efficacia delle misure gestionali adottate nell’ambito del Programma di misure nazionale della Strategia marina (DPCM del 10 ottobre 2017). Nella individuazione di tali componenti dell’ecosistema sono stati altresì tenuti in considerazione dei criteri pratici di fattibilità, sia in senso logistico-organizzativo, sia economico. Il Programma di monitoraggio relativo
Il Programma di monitoraggio relativo al Descrittore 6 (2021-2026) si articola per ciascuna sotto-regione in 3 specifici sottomonitoraggi D6-01, D6-02 e D6-03, e consentirà di valutare l’impatto generato da perdita fisica e da perturbazione fisica sul fondo marino (determinata da attività di pesca, risultata essere la maggior pressione di “perturbazione fisica” sul fondo marino), e lo stato delle comunità epimegabentoniche di fondo mobile attraverso opportuni indici/indicatori. Tale monitoraggio consentirà di verificare il raggiungimento del GES (è assente ogni pressione significativa dovuta ad abrasione determinata dalle attività di pesca che operano sul fondo marino e a sigillatura su substrati biogenici connessa alla realizzazione e/o posa di opere antropiche). Il D.1 “Biodiversità” è un descrittore di stato: il suo obiettivo è il raggiungimento o il mantenimento di un buon stato ambientale, nel quale non vi sia perdita di biodiversità, siano ripristinate le caratteristiche della biodiversità sottoposte ad eventuali alterazioni, e gli usi dell’ambiente marino siano sostenibili. Il Descrittore 1 è perciò diverso da tutti gli altri che sono descrittori di pressione, ad eccezione del D4 e del D6, quest’ultimo caratterizzato da una condizione mista. Quindi nel quadro di un approccio ecosistemico, il conseguimento dei traguardi del D1 è subordinato, a diverso grado e in modo diretto o indiretto, a quello dei traguardi ambientali definiti per i descrittori di pressione. La Decisione della Commissione 2017/848/UE indica le componenti dell’ecosistema (gruppi di specie e tipi di habitat), su cui basarsi per effettuare la valutazione dello stato dell’ambiente. A questo proposito l’Italia ha individuato le componenti rilevanti dell’ecosistema basandosi sui seguenti criteri: 1) rappresentatività in chiave di struttura e funzionamento degli ecosistemi marini; 2) corrispondenza alle definizioni dei GES; 3) connessione ai programmi di monitoraggio stabiliti nell’ambito di altre politiche comunitarie; 4) pertinenza ai fini della valutazione delle principali pressioni antropiche (Direttiva 2017/845/UE) e dell’efficacia delle misure gestionali adottate nell’ambito del Programma di misure nazionale della Strategia marina (DPCM del 10 ottobre 2017). Nella individuazione di tali componenti dell’ecosistema sono stati altresì tenuti in considerazione dei criteri pratici di fattibilità, sia in senso logistico-organizzativo, sia economico. Il Programma di monitoraggio relativo
Il Programma di monitoraggio relativo al Descrittore 6 (2021-2026) si articola per ciascuna sotto-regione in 3 specifici sottomonitoraggi D6-01, D6-02 e D6-03, e consentirà di valutare l’impatto generato da perdita fisica e da perturbazione fisica sul fondo marino (determinata da attività di pesca, risultata essere la maggior pressione di “perturbazione fisica” sul fondo marino), e lo stato delle comunità epimegabentoniche di fondo mobile attraverso opportuni indici/indicatori. Tale monitoraggio consentirà di verificare il raggiungimento del GES (è assente ogni pressione significativa dovuta ad abrasione determinata dalle attività di pesca che operano sul fondo marino e a sigillatura su substrati biogenici connessa alla realizzazione e/o posa di opere antropiche). Il D.1 “Biodiversità” è un descrittore di stato: il suo obiettivo è il raggiungimento o il mantenimento di un buon stato ambientale, nel quale non vi sia perdita di biodiversità, siano ripristinate le caratteristiche della biodiversità sottoposte ad eventuali alterazioni, e gli usi dell’ambiente marino siano sostenibili. Il Descrittore 1 è perciò diverso da tutti gli altri che sono descrittori di pressione, ad eccezione del D4 e del D6, quest’ultimo caratterizzato da una condizione mista. Quindi nel quadro di un approccio ecosistemico, il conseguimento dei traguardi del D1 è subordinato, a diverso grado e in modo diretto o indiretto, a quello dei traguardi ambientali definiti per i descrittori di pressione. La Decisione della Commissione 2017/848/UE indica le componenti dell’ecosistema (gruppi di specie e tipi di habitat), su cui basarsi per effettuare la valutazione dello stato dell’ambiente. A questo proposito l’Italia ha individuato le componenti rilevanti dell’ecosistema basandosi sui seguenti criteri: 1) rappresentatività in chiave di struttura e funzionamento degli ecosistemi marini; 2) corrispondenza alle definizioni dei GES; 3) connessione ai programmi di monitoraggio stabiliti nell’ambito di altre politiche comunitarie; 4) pertinenza ai fini della valutazione delle principali pressioni antropiche (Direttiva 2017/845/UE) e dell’efficacia delle misure gestionali adottate nell’ambito del Programma di misure nazionale della Strategia marina (DPCM del 10 ottobre 2017). Nella individuazione di tali componenti dell’ecosistema sono stati altresì tenuti in considerazione dei criteri pratici di fattibilità, sia in senso logistico-organizzativo, sia economico. Il Programma di monitoraggio relativo
Il Programma di monitoraggio relativo al Descrittore 6 (2021-2026) si articola per ciascuna sotto-regione in 3 specifici sottomonitoraggi D6-01, D6-02 e D6-03, e consentirà di valutare l’impatto generato da perdita fisica e da perturbazione fisica sul fondo marino (determinata da attività di pesca, risultata essere la maggior pressione di “perturbazione fisica” sul fondo marino), e lo stato delle comunità epimegabentoniche di fondo mobile attraverso opportuni indici/indicatori. Tale monitoraggio consentirà di verificare il raggiungimento del GES (è assente ogni pressione significativa dovuta ad abrasione determinata dalle attività di pesca che operano sul fondo marino e a sigillatura su substrati biogenici connessa alla realizzazione e/o posa di opere antropiche). Il D.1 “Biodiversità” è un descrittore di stato: il suo obiettivo è il raggiungimento o il mantenimento di un buon stato ambientale, nel quale non vi sia perdita di biodiversità, siano ripristinate le caratteristiche della biodiversità sottoposte ad eventuali alterazioni, e gli usi dell’ambiente marino siano sostenibili. Il Descrittore 1 è perciò diverso da tutti gli altri che sono descrittori di pressione, ad eccezione del D4 e del D6, quest’ultimo caratterizzato da una condizione mista. Quindi nel quadro di un approccio ecosistemico, il conseguimento dei traguardi del D1 è subordinato, a diverso grado e in modo diretto o indiretto, a quello dei traguardi ambientali definiti per i descrittori di pressione. La Decisione della Commissione 2017/848/UE indica le componenti dell’ecosistema (gruppi di specie e tipi di habitat), su cui basarsi per effettuare la valutazione dello stato dell’ambiente. A questo proposito l’Italia ha individuato le componenti rilevanti dell’ecosistema basandosi sui seguenti criteri: 1) rappresentatività in chiave di struttura e funzionamento degli ecosistemi marini; 2) corrispondenza alle definizioni dei GES; 3) connessione ai programmi di monitoraggio stabiliti nell’ambito di altre politiche comunitarie; 4) pertinenza ai fini della valutazione delle principali pressioni antropiche (Direttiva 2017/845/UE) e dell’efficacia delle misure gestionali adottate nell’ambito del Programma di misure nazionale della Strategia marina (DPCM del 10 ottobre 2017). Nella individuazione di tali componenti dell’ecosistema sono stati altresì tenuti in considerazione dei criteri pratici di fattibilità, sia in senso logistico-organizzativo, sia economico. Il Programma di monitoraggio relativo
Il Programma di monitoraggio relativo al Descrittore 6 (2021-2026) si articola per ciascuna sotto-regione in 3 specifici sottomonitoraggi D6-01, D6-02 e D6-03, e consentirà di valutare l’impatto generato da perdita fisica e da perturbazione fisica sul fondo marino (determinata da attività di pesca, risultata essere la maggior pressione di “perturbazione fisica” sul fondo marino), e lo stato delle comunità epimegabentoniche di fondo mobile attraverso opportuni indici/indicatori. Tale monitoraggio consentirà di verificare il raggiungimento del GES (è assente ogni pressione significativa dovuta ad abrasione determinata dalle attività di pesca che operano sul fondo marino e a sigillatura su substrati biogenici connessa alla realizzazione e/o posa di opere antropiche). Il D.1 “Biodiversità” è un descrittore di stato: il suo obiettivo è il raggiungimento o il mantenimento di un buon stato ambientale, nel quale non vi sia perdita di biodiversità, siano ripristinate le caratteristiche della biodiversità sottoposte ad eventuali alterazioni, e gli usi dell’ambiente marino siano sostenibili. Il Descrittore 1 è perciò diverso da tutti gli altri che sono descrittori di pressione, ad eccezione del D4 e del D6, quest’ultimo caratterizzato da una condizione mista. Quindi nel quadro di un approccio ecosistemico, il conseguimento dei traguardi del D1 è subordinato, a diverso grado e in modo diretto o indiretto, a quello dei traguardi ambientali definiti per i descrittori di pressione. La Decisione della Commissione 2017/848/UE indica le componenti dell’ecosistema (gruppi di specie e tipi di habitat), su cui basarsi per effettuare la valutazione dello stato dell’ambiente. A questo proposito l’Italia ha individuato le componenti rilevanti dell’ecosistema basandosi sui seguenti criteri: 1) rappresentatività in chiave di struttura e funzionamento degli ecosistemi marini; 2) corrispondenza alle definizioni dei GES; 3) connessione ai programmi di monitoraggio stabiliti nell’ambito di altre politiche comunitarie; 4) pertinenza ai fini della valutazione delle principali pressioni antropiche (Direttiva 2017/845/UE) e dell’efficacia delle misure gestionali adottate nell’ambito del Programma di misure nazionale della Strategia marina (DPCM del 10 ottobre 2017). Nella individuazione di tali componenti dell’ecosistema sono stati altresì tenuti in considerazione dei criteri pratici di fattibilità, sia in senso logistico-organizzativo, sia economico. Il Programma di monitoraggio relativo
Il Programma di monitoraggio relativo al Descrittore 6 (2021-2026) si articola per ciascuna sotto-regione in 3 specifici sottomonitoraggi D6-01, D6-02 e D6-03, e consentirà di valutare l’impatto generato da perdita fisica e da perturbazione fisica sul fondo marino (determinata da attività di pesca, risultata essere la maggior pressione di “perturbazione fisica” sul fondo marino), e lo stato delle comunità epimegabentoniche di fondo mobile attraverso opportuni indici/indicatori. Tale monitoraggio consentirà di verificare il raggiungimento del GES (è assente ogni pressione significativa dovuta ad abrasione determinata dalle attività di pesca che operano sul fondo marino e a sigillatura su substrati biogenici connessa alla realizzazione e/o posa di opere antropiche). Il D.1 “Biodiversità” è un descrittore di stato: il suo obiettivo è il raggiungimento o il mantenimento di un buon stato ambientale, nel quale non vi sia perdita di biodiversità, siano ripristinate le caratteristiche della biodiversità sottoposte ad eventuali alterazioni, e gli usi dell’ambiente marino siano sostenibili. Il Descrittore 1 è perciò diverso da tutti gli altri che sono descrittori di pressione, ad eccezione del D4 e del D6, quest’ultimo caratterizzato da una condizione mista. Quindi nel quadro di un approccio ecosistemico, il conseguimento dei traguardi del D1 è subordinato, a diverso grado e in modo diretto o indiretto, a quello dei traguardi ambientali definiti per i descrittori di pressione. La Decisione della Commissione 2017/848/UE indica le componenti dell’ecosistema (gruppi di specie e tipi di habitat), su cui basarsi per effettuare la valutazione dello stato dell’ambiente. A questo proposito l’Italia ha individuato le componenti rilevanti dell’ecosistema basandosi sui seguenti criteri: 1) rappresentatività in chiave di struttura e funzionamento degli ecosistemi marini; 2) corrispondenza alle definizioni dei GES; 3) connessione ai programmi di monitoraggio stabiliti nell’ambito di altre politiche comunitarie; 4) pertinenza ai fini della valutazione delle principali pressioni antropiche (Direttiva 2017/845/UE) e dell’efficacia delle misure gestionali adottate nell’ambito del Programma di misure nazionale della Strategia marina (DPCM del 10 ottobre 2017). Nella individuazione di tali componenti dell’ecosistema sono stati altresì tenuti in considerazione dei criteri pratici di fattibilità, sia in senso logistico-organizzativo, sia economico. Il Programma di monitoraggio relativo
Il Programma di monitoraggio relativo al Descrittore 6 (2021-2026) si articola per ciascuna sotto-regione in 3 specifici sottomonitoraggi D6-01, D6-02 e D6-03, e consentirà di valutare l’impatto generato da perdita fisica e da perturbazione fisica sul fondo marino (determinata da attività di pesca, risultata essere la maggior pressione di “perturbazione fisica” sul fondo marino), e lo stato delle comunità epimegabentoniche di fondo mobile attraverso opportuni indici/indicatori. Tale monitoraggio consentirà di verificare il raggiungimento del GES (è assente ogni pressione significativa dovuta ad abrasione determinata dalle attività di pesca che operano sul fondo marino e a sigillatura su substrati biogenici connessa alla realizzazione e/o posa di opere antropiche). Il D.1 “Biodiversità” è un descrittore di stato: il suo obiettivo è il raggiungimento o il mantenimento di un buon stato ambientale, nel quale non vi sia perdita di biodiversità, siano ripristinate le caratteristiche della biodiversità sottoposte ad eventuali alterazioni, e gli usi dell’ambiente marino siano sostenibili. Il Descrittore 1 è perciò diverso da tutti gli altri che sono descrittori di pressione, ad eccezione del D4 e del D6, quest’ultimo caratterizzato da una condizione mista. Quindi nel quadro di un approccio ecosistemico, il conseguimento dei traguardi del D1 è subordinato, a diverso grado e in modo diretto o indiretto, a quello dei traguardi ambientali definiti per i descrittori di pressione. La Decisione della Commissione 2017/848/UE indica le componenti dell’ecosistema (gruppi di specie e tipi di habitat), su cui basarsi per effettuare la valutazione dello stato dell’ambiente. A questo proposito l’Italia ha individuato le componenti rilevanti dell’ecosistema basandosi sui seguenti criteri: 1) rappresentatività in chiave di struttura e funzionamento degli ecosistemi marini; 2) corrispondenza alle definizioni dei GES; 3) connessione ai programmi di monitoraggio stabiliti nell’ambito di altre politiche comunitarie; 4) pertinenza ai fini della valutazione delle principali pressioni antropiche (Direttiva 2017/845/UE) e dell’efficacia delle misure gestionali adottate nell’ambito del Programma di misure nazionale della Strategia marina (DPCM del 10 ottobre 2017). Nella individuazione di tali componenti dell’ecosistema sono stati altresì tenuti in considerazione dei criteri pratici di fattibilità, sia in senso logistico-organizzativo, sia economico. Il Programma di monitoraggio relativo
Il Programma di monitoraggio relativo al Descrittore 6 (2021-2026) si articola per ciascuna sotto-regione in 3 specifici sottomonitoraggi D6-01, D6-02 e D6-03, e consentirà di valutare l’impatto generato da perdita fisica e da perturbazione fisica sul fondo marino (determinata da attività di pesca, risultata essere la maggior pressione di “perturbazione fisica” sul fondo marino), e lo stato delle comunità epimegabentoniche di fondo mobile attraverso opportuni indici/indicatori. Tale monitoraggio consentirà di verificare il raggiungimento del GES (è assente ogni pressione significativa dovuta ad abrasione determinata dalle attività di pesca che operano sul fondo marino e a sigillatura su substrati biogenici connessa alla realizzazione e/o posa di opere antropiche). Il D.1 “Biodiversità” è un descrittore di stato: il suo obiettivo è il raggiungimento o il mantenimento di un buon stato ambientale, nel quale non vi sia perdita di biodiversità, siano ripristinate le caratteristiche della biodiversità sottoposte ad eventuali alterazioni, e gli usi dell’ambiente marino siano sostenibili. Il Descrittore 1 è perciò diverso da tutti gli altri che sono descrittori di pressione, ad eccezione del D4 e del D6, quest’ultimo caratterizzato da una condizione mista. Quindi nel quadro di un approccio ecosistemico, il conseguimento dei traguardi del D1 è subordinato, a diverso grado e in modo diretto o indiretto, a quello dei traguardi ambientali definiti per i descrittori di pressione. La Decisione della Commissione 2017/848/UE indica le componenti dell’ecosistema (gruppi di specie e tipi di habitat), su cui basarsi per effettuare la valutazione dello stato dell’ambiente. A questo proposito l’Italia ha individuato le componenti rilevanti dell’ecosistema basandosi sui seguenti criteri: 1) rappresentatività in chiave di struttura e funzionamento degli ecosistemi marini; 2) corrispondenza alle definizioni dei GES; 3) connessione ai programmi di monitoraggio stabiliti nell’ambito di altre politiche comunitarie; 4) pertinenza ai fini della valutazione delle principali pressioni antropiche (Direttiva 2017/845/UE) e dell’efficacia delle misure gestionali adottate nell’ambito del Programma di misure nazionale della Strategia marina (DPCM del 10 ottobre 2017). Nella individuazione di tali componenti dell’ecosistema sono stati altresì tenuti in considerazione dei criteri pratici di fattibilità, sia in senso logistico-organizzativo, sia economico. Il Programma di monitoraggio relativo
Il Programma di monitoraggio relativo al Descrittore 6 (2021-2026) si articola per ciascuna sotto-regione in 3 specifici sottomonitoraggi D6-01, D6-02 e D6-03, e consentirà di valutare l’impatto generato da perdita fisica e da perturbazione fisica sul fondo marino (determinata da attività di pesca, risultata essere la maggior pressione di “perturbazione fisica” sul fondo marino), e lo stato delle comunità epimegabentoniche di fondo mobile attraverso opportuni indici/indicatori. Tale monitoraggio consentirà di verificare il raggiungimento del GES (è assente ogni pressione significativa dovuta ad abrasione determinata dalle attività di pesca che operano sul fondo marino e a sigillatura su substrati biogenici connessa alla realizzazione e/o posa di opere antropiche). Il D.1 “Biodiversità” è un descrittore di stato: il suo obiettivo è il raggiungimento o il mantenimento di un buon stato ambientale, nel quale non vi sia perdita di biodiversità, siano ripristinate le caratteristiche della biodiversità sottoposte ad eventuali alterazioni, e gli usi dell’ambiente marino siano sostenibili. Il Descrittore 1 è perciò diverso da tutti gli altri che sono descrittori di pressione, ad eccezione del D4 e del D6, quest’ultimo caratterizzato da una condizione mista. Quindi nel quadro di un approccio ecosistemico, il conseguimento dei traguardi del D1 è subordinato, a diverso grado e in modo diretto o indiretto, a quello dei traguardi ambientali definiti per i descrittori di pressione. La Decisione della Commissione 2017/848/UE indica le componenti dell’ecosistema (gruppi di specie e tipi di habitat), su cui basarsi per effettuare la valutazione dello stato dell’ambiente. A questo proposito l’Italia ha individuato le componenti rilevanti dell’ecosistema basandosi sui seguenti criteri: 1) rappresentatività in chiave di struttura e funzionamento degli ecosistemi marini; 2) corrispondenza alle definizioni dei GES; 3) connessione ai programmi di monitoraggio stabiliti nell’ambito di altre politiche comunitarie; 4) pertinenza ai fini della valutazione delle principali pressioni antropiche (Direttiva 2017/845/UE) e dell’efficacia delle misure gestionali adottate nell’ambito del Programma di misure nazionale della Strategia marina (DPCM del 10 ottobre 2017). Nella individuazione di tali componenti dell’ecosistema sono stati altresì tenuti in considerazione dei criteri pratici di fattibilità, sia in senso logistico-organizzativo, sia economico. Il Programma di monitoraggio relativo
Il Programma di monitoraggio relativo al Descrittore 6 (2021-2026) si articola per ciascuna sotto-regione in 3 specifici sottomonitoraggi D6-01, D6-02 e D6-03, e consentirà di valutare l’impatto generato da perdita fisica e da perturbazione fisica sul fondo marino (determinata da attività di pesca, risultata essere la maggior pressione di “perturbazione fisica” sul fondo marino), e lo stato delle comunità epimegabentoniche di fondo mobile attraverso opportuni indici/indicatori. Tale monitoraggio consentirà di verificare il raggiungimento del GES (è assente ogni pressione significativa dovuta ad abrasione determinata dalle attività di pesca che operano sul fondo marino e a sigillatura su substrati biogenici connessa alla realizzazione e/o posa di opere antropiche). Il D.1 “Biodiversità” è un descrittore di stato: il suo obiettivo è il raggiungimento o il mantenimento di un buon stato ambientale, nel quale non vi sia perdita di biodiversità, siano ripristinate le caratteristiche della biodiversità sottoposte ad eventuali alterazioni, e gli usi dell’ambiente marino siano sostenibili. Il Descrittore 1 è perciò diverso da tutti gli altri che sono descrittori di pressione, ad eccezione del D4 e del D6, quest’ultimo caratterizzato da una condizione mista. Quindi nel quadro di un approccio ecosistemico, il conseguimento dei traguardi del D1 è subordinato, a diverso grado e in modo diretto o indiretto, a quello dei traguardi ambientali definiti per i descrittori di pressione. La Decisione della Commissione 2017/848/UE indica le componenti dell’ecosistema (gruppi di specie e tipi di habitat), su cui basarsi per effettuare la valutazione dello stato dell’ambiente. A questo proposito l’Italia ha individuato le componenti rilevanti dell’ecosistema basandosi sui seguenti criteri: 1) rappresentatività in chiave di struttura e funzionamento degli ecosistemi marini; 2) corrispondenza alle definizioni dei GES; 3) connessione ai programmi di monitoraggio stabiliti nell’ambito di altre politiche comunitarie; 4) pertinenza ai fini della valutazione delle principali pressioni antropiche (Direttiva 2017/845/UE) e dell’efficacia delle misure gestionali adottate nell’ambito del Programma di misure nazionale della Strategia marina (DPCM del 10 ottobre 2017). Nella individuazione di tali componenti dell’ecosistema sono stati altresì tenuti in considerazione dei criteri pratici di fattibilità, sia in senso logistico-organizzativo, sia economico. Il Programma di monitoraggio relativo
Il Programma di monitoraggio relativo al Descrittore 6 (2021-2026) si articola per ciascuna sotto-regione in 3 specifici sottomonitoraggi D6-01, D6-02 e D6-03, e consentirà di valutare l’impatto generato da perdita fisica e da perturbazione fisica sul fondo marino (determinata da attività di pesca, risultata essere la maggior pressione di “perturbazione fisica” sul fondo marino), e lo stato delle comunità epimegabentoniche di fondo mobile attraverso opportuni indici/indicatori. Tale monitoraggio consentirà di verificare il raggiungimento del GES (è assente ogni pressione significativa dovuta ad abrasione determinata dalle attività di pesca che operano sul fondo marino e a sigillatura su substrati biogenici connessa alla realizzazione e/o posa di opere antropiche). Il D.1 “Biodiversità” è un descrittore di stato: il suo obiettivo è il raggiungimento o il mantenimento di un buon stato ambientale, nel quale non vi sia perdita di biodiversità, siano ripristinate le caratteristiche della biodiversità sottoposte ad eventuali alterazioni, e gli usi dell’ambiente marino siano sostenibili. Il Descrittore 1 è perciò diverso da tutti gli altri che sono descrittori di pressione, ad eccezione del D4 e del D6, quest’ultimo caratterizzato da una condizione mista. Quindi nel quadro di un approccio ecosistemico, il conseguimento dei traguardi del D1 è subordinato, a diverso grado e in modo diretto o indiretto, a quello dei traguardi ambientali definiti per i descrittori di pressione. La Decisione della Commissione 2017/848/UE indica le componenti dell’ecosistema (gruppi di specie e tipi di habitat), su cui basarsi per effettuare la valutazione dello stato dell’ambiente. A questo proposito l’Italia ha individuato le componenti rilevanti dell’ecosistema basandosi sui seguenti criteri: 1) rappresentatività in chiave di struttura e funzionamento degli ecosistemi marini; 2) corrispondenza alle definizioni dei GES; 3) connessione ai programmi di monitoraggio stabiliti nell’ambito di altre politiche comunitarie; 4) pertinenza ai fini della valutazione delle principali pressioni antropiche (Direttiva 2017/845/UE) e dell’efficacia delle misure gestionali adottate nell’ambito del Programma di misure nazionale della Strategia marina (DPCM del 10 ottobre 2017). Nella individuazione di tali componenti dell’ecosistema sono stati altresì tenuti in considerazione dei criteri pratici di fattibilità, sia in senso logistico-organizzativo, sia economico. Il Programma di monitoraggio relativo
Il Programma di monitoraggio relativo al Descrittore 6 (2021-2026) si articola per ciascuna sotto-regione in 3 specifici sottomonitoraggi D6-01, D6-02 e D6-03, e consentirà di valutare l’impatto generato da perdita fisica e da perturbazione fisica sul fondo marino (determinata da attività di pesca, risultata essere la maggior pressione di “perturbazione fisica” sul fondo marino), e lo stato delle comunità epimegabentoniche di fondo mobile attraverso opportuni indici/indicatori. Tale monitoraggio consentirà di verificare il raggiungimento del GES (è assente ogni pressione significativa dovuta ad abrasione determinata dalle attività di pesca che operano sul fondo marino e a sigillatura su substrati biogenici connessa alla realizzazione e/o posa di opere antropiche). Il D.1 “Biodiversità” è un descrittore di stato: il suo obiettivo è il raggiungimento o il mantenimento di un buon stato ambientale, nel quale non vi sia perdita di biodiversità, siano ripristinate le caratteristiche della biodiversità sottoposte ad eventuali alterazioni, e gli usi dell’ambiente marino siano sostenibili. Il Descrittore 1 è perciò diverso da tutti gli altri che sono descrittori di pressione, ad eccezione del D4 e del D6, quest’ultimo caratterizzato da una condizione mista. Quindi nel quadro di un approccio ecosistemico, il conseguimento dei traguardi del D1 è subordinato, a diverso grado e in modo diretto o indiretto, a quello dei traguardi ambientali definiti per i descrittori di pressione. La Decisione della Commissione 2017/848/UE indica le componenti dell’ecosistema (gruppi di specie e tipi di habitat), su cui basarsi per effettuare la valutazione dello stato dell’ambiente. A questo proposito l’Italia ha individuato le componenti rilevanti dell’ecosistema basandosi sui seguenti criteri: 1) rappresentatività in chiave di struttura e funzionamento degli ecosistemi marini; 2) corrispondenza alle definizioni dei GES; 3) connessione ai programmi di monitoraggio stabiliti nell’ambito di altre politiche comunitarie; 4) pertinenza ai fini della valutazione delle principali pressioni antropiche (Direttiva 2017/845/UE) e dell’efficacia delle misure gestionali adottate nell’ambito del Programma di misure nazionale della Strategia marina (DPCM del 10 ottobre 2017). Nella individuazione di tali componenti dell’ecosistema sono stati altresì tenuti in considerazione dei criteri pratici di fattibilità, sia in senso logistico-organizzativo, sia economico. Il Programma di monitoraggio relativo
Il Programma di monitoraggio relativo al Descrittore 6 (2021-2026) si articola per ciascuna sotto-regione in 3 specifici sottomonitoraggi D6-01, D6-02 e D6-03, e consentirà di valutare l’impatto generato da perdita fisica e da perturbazione fisica sul fondo marino (determinata da attività di pesca, risultata essere la maggior pressione di “perturbazione fisica” sul fondo marino), e lo stato delle comunità epimegabentoniche di fondo mobile attraverso opportuni indici/indicatori. Tale monitoraggio consentirà di verificare il raggiungimento del GES (è assente ogni pressione significativa dovuta ad abrasione determinata dalle attività di pesca che operano sul fondo marino e a sigillatura su substrati biogenici connessa alla realizzazione e/o posa di opere antropiche). Il D.1 “Biodiversità” è un descrittore di stato: il suo obiettivo è il raggiungimento o il mantenimento di un buon stato ambientale, nel quale non vi sia perdita di biodiversità, siano ripristinate le caratteristiche della biodiversità sottoposte ad eventuali alterazioni, e gli usi dell’ambiente marino siano sostenibili. Il Descrittore 1 è perciò diverso da tutti gli altri che sono descrittori di pressione, ad eccezione del D4 e del D6, quest’ultimo caratterizzato da una condizione mista. Quindi nel quadro di un approccio ecosistemico, il conseguimento dei traguardi del D1 è subordinato, a diverso grado e in modo diretto o indiretto, a quello dei traguardi ambientali definiti per i descrittori di pressione. La Decisione della Commissione 2017/848/UE indica le componenti dell’ecosistema (gruppi di specie e tipi di habitat), su cui basarsi per effettuare la valutazione dello stato dell’ambiente. A questo proposito l’Italia ha individuato le componenti rilevanti dell’ecosistema basandosi sui seguenti criteri: 1) rappresentatività in chiave di struttura e funzionamento degli ecosistemi marini; 2) corrispondenza alle definizioni dei GES; 3) connessione ai programmi di monitoraggio stabiliti nell’ambito di altre politiche comunitarie; 4) pertinenza ai fini della valutazione delle principali pressioni antropiche (Direttiva 2017/845/UE) e dell’efficacia delle misure gestionali adottate nell’ambito del Programma di misure nazionale della Strategia marina (DPCM del 10 ottobre 2017). Nella individuazione di tali componenti dell’ecosistema sono stati altresì tenuti in considerazione dei criteri pratici di fattibilità, sia in senso logistico-organizzativo, sia economico. Il Programma di monitoraggio relativo
Il Programma di monitoraggio relativo al Descrittore 6 (2021-2026) si articola per ciascuna sotto-regione in 3 specifici sottomonitoraggi D6-01, D6-02 e D6-03, e consentirà di valutare l’impatto generato da perdita fisica e da perturbazione fisica sul fondo marino (determinata da attività di pesca, risultata essere la maggior pressione di “perturbazione fisica” sul fondo marino), e lo stato delle comunità epimegabentoniche di fondo mobile attraverso opportuni indici/indicatori. Tale monitoraggio consentirà di verificare il raggiungimento del GES (è assente ogni pressione significativa dovuta ad abrasione determinata dalle attività di pesca che operano sul fondo marino e a sigillatura su substrati biogenici connessa alla realizzazione e/o posa di opere antropiche). Il D.1 “Biodiversità” è un descrittore di stato: il suo obiettivo è il raggiungimento o il mantenimento di un buon stato ambientale, nel quale non vi sia perdita di biodiversità, siano ripristinate le caratteristiche della biodiversità sottoposte ad eventuali alterazioni, e gli usi dell’ambiente marino siano sostenibili. Il Descrittore 1 è perciò diverso da tutti gli altri che sono descrittori di pressione, ad eccezione del D4 e del D6, quest’ultimo caratterizzato da una condizione mista. Quindi nel quadro di un approccio ecosistemico, il conseguimento dei traguardi del D1 è subordinato, a diverso grado e in modo diretto o indiretto, a quello dei traguardi ambientali definiti per i descrittori di pressione. La Decisione della Commissione 2017/848/UE indica le componenti dell’ecosistema (gruppi di specie e tipi di habitat), su cui basarsi per effettuare la valutazione dello stato dell’ambiente. A questo proposito l’Italia ha individuato le componenti rilevanti dell’ecosistema basandosi sui seguenti criteri: 1) rappresentatività in chiave di struttura e funzionamento degli ecosistemi marini; 2) corrispondenza alle definizioni dei GES; 3) connessione ai programmi di monitoraggio stabiliti nell’ambito di altre politiche comunitarie; 4) pertinenza ai fini della valutazione delle principali pressioni antropiche (Direttiva 2017/845/UE) e dell’efficacia delle misure gestionali adottate nell’ambito del Programma di misure nazionale della Strategia marina (DPCM del 10 ottobre 2017). Nella individuazione di tali componenti dell’ecosistema sono stati altresì tenuti in considerazione dei criteri pratici di fattibilità, sia in senso logistico-organizzativo, sia economico. Il Programma di monitoraggio relativo
Il Programma di monitoraggio relativo al Descrittore 6 (2021-2026) si articola per ciascuna sotto-regione in 3 specifici sottomonitoraggi D6-01, D6-02 e D6-03, e consentirà di valutare l’impatto generato da perdita fisica e da perturbazione fisica sul fondo marino (determinata da attività di pesca, risultata essere la maggior pressione di “perturbazione fisica” sul fondo marino), e lo stato delle comunità epimegabentoniche di fondo mobile attraverso opportuni indici/indicatori. Tale monitoraggio consentirà di verificare il raggiungimento del GES (è assente ogni pressione significativa dovuta ad abrasione determinata dalle attività di pesca che operano sul fondo marino e a sigillatura su substrati biogenici connessa alla realizzazione e/o posa di opere antropiche). Il D.1 “Biodiversità” è un descrittore di stato: il suo obiettivo è il raggiungimento o il mantenimento di un buon stato ambientale, nel quale non vi sia perdita di biodiversità, siano ripristinate le caratteristiche della biodiversità sottoposte ad eventuali alterazioni, e gli usi dell’ambiente marino siano sostenibili. Il Descrittore 1 è perciò diverso da tutti gli altri che sono descrittori di pressione, ad eccezione del D4 e del D6, quest’ultimo caratterizzato da una condizione mista. Quindi nel quadro di un approccio ecosistemico, il conseguimento dei traguardi del D1 è subordinato, a diverso grado e in modo diretto o indiretto, a quello dei traguardi ambientali definiti per i descrittori di pressione. La Decisione della Commissione 2017/848/UE indica le componenti dell’ecosistema (gruppi di specie e tipi di habitat), su cui basarsi per effettuare la valutazione dello stato dell’ambiente. A questo proposito l’Italia ha individuato le componenti rilevanti dell’ecosistema basandosi sui seguenti criteri: 1) rappresentatività in chiave di struttura e funzionamento degli ecosistemi marini; 2) corrispondenza alle definizioni dei GES; 3) connessione ai programmi di monitoraggio stabiliti nell’ambito di altre politiche comunitarie; 4) pertinenza ai fini della valutazione delle principali pressioni antropiche (Direttiva 2017/845/UE) e dell’efficacia delle misure gestionali adottate nell’ambito del Programma di misure nazionale della Strategia marina (DPCM del 10 ottobre 2017). Nella individuazione di tali componenti dell’ecosistema sono stati altresì tenuti in considerazione dei criteri pratici di fattibilità, sia in senso logistico-organizzativo, sia economico. Il Programma di monitoraggio relativo
Il Programma di monitoraggio relativo al Descrittore 6 (2021-2026) si articola per ciascuna sotto-regione in 3 specifici sottomonitoraggi D6-01, D6-02 e D6-03, e consentirà di valutare l’impatto generato da perdita fisica e da perturbazione fisica sul fondo marino (determinata da attività di pesca, risultata essere la maggior pressione di “perturbazione fisica” sul fondo marino), e lo stato delle comunità epimegabentoniche di fondo mobile attraverso opportuni indici/indicatori. Tale monitoraggio consentirà di verificare il raggiungimento del GES (è assente ogni pressione significativa dovuta ad abrasione determinata dalle attività di pesca che operano sul fondo marino e a sigillatura su substrati biogenici connessa alla realizzazione e/o posa di opere antropiche). Il D.1 “Biodiversità” è un descrittore di stato: il suo obiettivo è il raggiungimento o il mantenimento di un buon stato ambientale, nel quale non vi sia perdita di biodiversità, siano ripristinate le caratteristiche della biodiversità sottoposte ad eventuali alterazioni, e gli usi dell’ambiente marino siano sostenibili. Il Descrittore 1 è perciò diverso da tutti gli altri che sono descrittori di pressione, ad eccezione del D4 e del D6, quest’ultimo caratterizzato da una condizione mista. Quindi nel quadro di un approccio ecosistemico, il conseguimento dei traguardi del D1 è subordinato, a diverso grado e in modo diretto o indiretto, a quello dei traguardi ambientali definiti per i descrittori di pressione. La Decisione della Commissione 2017/848/UE indica le componenti dell’ecosistema (gruppi di specie e tipi di habitat), su cui basarsi per effettuare la valutazione dello stato dell’ambiente. A questo proposito l’Italia ha individuato le componenti rilevanti dell’ecosistema basandosi sui seguenti criteri: 1) rappresentatività in chiave di struttura e funzionamento degli ecosistemi marini; 2) corrispondenza alle definizioni dei GES; 3) connessione ai programmi di monitoraggio stabiliti nell’ambito di altre politiche comunitarie; 4) pertinenza ai fini della valutazione delle principali pressioni antropiche (Direttiva 2017/845/UE) e dell’efficacia delle misure gestionali adottate nell’ambito del Programma di misure nazionale della Strategia marina (DPCM del 10 ottobre 2017). Nella individuazione di tali componenti dell’ecosistema sono stati altresì tenuti in considerazione dei criteri pratici di fattibilità, sia in senso logistico-organizzativo, sia economico. Il Programma di monitoraggio relativo
Il Programma di monitoraggio relativo al Descrittore 6 (2021-2026) si articola per ciascuna sotto-regione in 3 specifici sottomonitoraggi D6-01, D6-02 e D6-03, e consentirà di valutare l’impatto generato da perdita fisica e da perturbazione fisica sul fondo marino (determinata da attività di pesca, risultata essere la maggior pressione di “perturbazione fisica” sul fondo marino), e lo stato delle comunità epimegabentoniche di fondo mobile attraverso opportuni indici/indicatori. Tale monitoraggio consentirà di verificare il raggiungimento del GES (è assente ogni pressione significativa dovuta ad abrasione determinata dalle attività di pesca che operano sul fondo marino e a sigillatura su substrati biogenici connessa alla realizzazione e/o posa di opere antropiche). Il D.1 “Biodiversità” è un descrittore di stato: il suo obiettivo è il raggiungimento o il mantenimento di un buon stato ambientale, nel quale non vi sia perdita di biodiversità, siano ripristinate le caratteristiche della biodiversità sottoposte ad eventuali alterazioni, e gli usi dell’ambiente marino siano sostenibili. Il Descrittore 1 è perciò diverso da tutti gli altri che sono descrittori di pressione, ad eccezione del D4 e del D6, quest’ultimo caratterizzato da una condizione mista. Quindi nel quadro di un approccio ecosistemico, il conseguimento dei traguardi del D1 è subordinato, a diverso grado e in modo diretto o indiretto, a quello dei traguardi ambientali definiti per i descrittori di pressione. La Decisione della Commissione 2017/848/UE indica le componenti dell’ecosistema (gruppi di specie e tipi di habitat), su cui basarsi per effettuare la valutazione dello stato dell’ambiente. A questo proposito l’Italia ha individuato le componenti rilevanti dell’ecosistema basandosi sui seguenti criteri: 1) rappresentatività in chiave di struttura e funzionamento degli ecosistemi marini; 2) corrispondenza alle definizioni dei GES; 3) connessione ai programmi di monitoraggio stabiliti nell’ambito di altre politiche comunitarie; 4) pertinenza ai fini della valutazione delle principali pressioni antropiche (Direttiva 2017/845/UE) e dell’efficacia delle misure gestionali adottate nell’ambito del Programma di misure nazionale della Strategia marina (DPCM del 10 ottobre 2017). Nella individuazione di tali componenti dell’ecosistema sono stati altresì tenuti in considerazione dei criteri pratici di fattibilità, sia in senso logistico-organizzativo, sia economico. Il Programma di monitoraggio relativo
Il Programma di monitoraggio relativo al Descrittore 6 (2021-2026) si articola per ciascuna sotto-regione in 3 specifici sottomonitoraggi D6-01, D6-02 e D6-03, e consentirà di valutare l’impatto generato da perdita fisica e da perturbazione fisica sul fondo marino (determinata da attività di pesca, risultata essere la maggior pressione di “perturbazione fisica” sul fondo marino), e lo stato delle comunità epimegabentoniche di fondo mobile attraverso opportuni indici/indicatori. Tale monitoraggio consentirà di verificare il raggiungimento del GES (è assente ogni pressione significativa dovuta ad abrasione determinata dalle attività di pesca che operano sul fondo marino e a sigillatura su substrati biogenici connessa alla realizzazione e/o posa di opere antropiche). Il D.1 “Biodiversità” è un descrittore di stato: il suo obiettivo è il raggiungimento o il mantenimento di un buon stato ambientale, nel quale non vi sia perdita di biodiversità, siano ripristinate le caratteristiche della biodiversità sottoposte ad eventuali alterazioni, e gli usi dell’ambiente marino siano sostenibili. Il Descrittore 1 è perciò diverso da tutti gli altri che sono descrittori di pressione, ad eccezione del D4 e del D6, quest’ultimo caratterizzato da una condizione mista. Quindi nel quadro di un approccio ecosistemico, il conseguimento dei traguardi del D1 è subordinato, a diverso grado e in modo diretto o indiretto, a quello dei traguardi ambientali definiti per i descrittori di pressione. La Decisione della Commissione 2017/848/UE indica le componenti dell’ecosistema (gruppi di specie e tipi di habitat), su cui basarsi per effettuare la valutazione dello stato dell’ambiente. A questo proposito l’Italia ha individuato le componenti rilevanti dell’ecosistema basandosi sui seguenti criteri: 1) rappresentatività in chiave di struttura e funzionamento degli ecosistemi marini; 2) corrispondenza alle definizioni dei GES; 3) connessione ai programmi di monitoraggio stabiliti nell’ambito di altre politiche comunitarie; 4) pertinenza ai fini della valutazione delle principali pressioni antropiche (Direttiva 2017/845/UE) e dell’efficacia delle misure gestionali adottate nell’ambito del Programma di misure nazionale della Strategia marina (DPCM del 10 ottobre 2017). Nella individuazione di tali componenti dell’ecosistema sono stati altresì tenuti in considerazione dei criteri pratici di fattibilità, sia in senso logistico-organizzativo, sia economico. Il Programma di monitoraggio relativo
Il Programma di monitoraggio relativo al Descrittore 6 (2021-2026) si articola per ciascuna sotto-regione in 3 specifici sottomonitoraggi D6-01, D6-02 e D6-03, e consentirà di valutare l’impatto generato da perdita fisica e da perturbazione fisica sul fondo marino (determinata da attività di pesca, risultata essere la maggior pressione di “perturbazione fisica” sul fondo marino), e lo stato delle comunità epimegabentoniche di fondo mobile attraverso opportuni indici/indicatori. Tale monitoraggio consentirà di verificare il raggiungimento del GES (è assente ogni pressione significativa dovuta ad abrasione determinata dalle attività di pesca che operano sul fondo marino e a sigillatura su substrati biogenici connessa alla realizzazione e/o posa di opere antropiche). Il D.1 “Biodiversità” è un descrittore di stato: il suo obiettivo è il raggiungimento o il mantenimento di un buon stato ambientale, nel quale non vi sia perdita di biodiversità, siano ripristinate le caratteristiche della biodiversità sottoposte ad eventuali alterazioni, e gli usi dell’ambiente marino siano sostenibili. Il Descrittore 1 è perciò diverso da tutti gli altri che sono descrittori di pressione, ad eccezione del D4 e del D6, quest’ultimo caratterizzato da una condizione mista. Quindi nel quadro di un approccio ecosistemico, il conseguimento dei traguardi del D1 è subordinato, a diverso grado e in modo diretto o indiretto, a quello dei traguardi ambientali definiti per i descrittori di pressione. La Decisione della Commissione 2017/848/UE indica le componenti dell’ecosistema (gruppi di specie e tipi di habitat), su cui basarsi per effettuare la valutazione dello stato dell’ambiente. A questo proposito l’Italia ha individuato le componenti rilevanti dell’ecosistema basandosi sui seguenti criteri: 1) rappresentatività in chiave di struttura e funzionamento degli ecosistemi marini; 2) corrispondenza alle definizioni dei GES; 3) connessione ai programmi di monitoraggio stabiliti nell’ambito di altre politiche comunitarie; 4) pertinenza ai fini della valutazione delle principali pressioni antropiche (Direttiva 2017/845/UE) e dell’efficacia delle misure gestionali adottate nell’ambito del Programma di misure nazionale della Strategia marina (DPCM del 10 ottobre 2017). Nella individuazione di tali componenti dell’ecosistema sono stati altresì tenuti in considerazione dei criteri pratici di fattibilità, sia in senso logistico-organizzativo, sia economico. Il Programma di monitoraggio relativo
Il Programma di monitoraggio relativo al Descrittore 6 (2021-2026) si articola per ciascuna sotto-regione in 3 specifici sottomonitoraggi D6-01, D6-02 e D6-03, e consentirà di valutare l’impatto generato da perdita fisica e da perturbazione fisica sul fondo marino (determinata da attività di pesca, risultata essere la maggior pressione di “perturbazione fisica” sul fondo marino), e lo stato delle comunità epimegabentoniche di fondo mobile attraverso opportuni indici/indicatori. Tale monitoraggio consentirà di verificare il raggiungimento del GES (è assente ogni pressione significativa dovuta ad abrasione determinata dalle attività di pesca che operano sul fondo marino e a sigillatura su substrati biogenici connessa alla realizzazione e/o posa di opere antropiche). Il D.1 “Biodiversità” è un descrittore di stato: il suo obiettivo è il raggiungimento o il mantenimento di un buon stato ambientale, nel quale non vi sia perdita di biodiversità, siano ripristinate le caratteristiche della biodiversità sottoposte ad eventuali alterazioni, e gli usi dell’ambiente marino siano sostenibili. Il Descrittore 1 è perciò diverso da tutti gli altri che sono descrittori di pressione, ad eccezione del D4 e del D6, quest’ultimo caratterizzato da una condizione mista. Quindi nel quadro di un approccio ecosistemico, il conseguimento dei traguardi del D1 è subordinato, a diverso grado e in modo diretto o indiretto, a quello dei traguardi ambientali definiti per i descrittori di pressione. La Decisione della Commissione 2017/848/UE indica le componenti dell’ecosistema (gruppi di specie e tipi di habitat), su cui basarsi per effettuare la valutazione dello stato dell’ambiente. A questo proposito l’Italia ha individuato le componenti rilevanti dell’ecosistema basandosi sui seguenti criteri: 1) rappresentatività in chiave di struttura e funzionamento degli ecosistemi marini; 2) corrispondenza alle definizioni dei GES; 3) connessione ai programmi di monitoraggio stabiliti nell’ambito di altre politiche comunitarie; 4) pertinenza ai fini della valutazione delle principali pressioni antropiche (Direttiva 2017/845/UE) e dell’efficacia delle misure gestionali adottate nell’ambito del Programma di misure nazionale della Strategia marina (DPCM del 10 ottobre 2017). Nella individuazione di tali componenti dell’ecosistema sono stati altresì tenuti in considerazione dei criteri pratici di fattibilità, sia in senso logistico-organizzativo, sia economico. Il Programma di monitoraggio relativo
Il Programma di monitoraggio relativo al Descrittore 6 (2021-2026) si articola per ciascuna sotto-regione in 3 specifici sottomonitoraggi D6-01, D6-02 e D6-03, e consentirà di valutare l’impatto generato da perdita fisica e da perturbazione fisica sul fondo marino (determinata da attività di pesca, risultata essere la maggior pressione di “perturbazione fisica” sul fondo marino), e lo stato delle comunità epimegabentoniche di fondo mobile attraverso opportuni indici/indicatori. Tale monitoraggio consentirà di verificare il raggiungimento del GES (è assente ogni pressione significativa dovuta ad abrasione determinata dalle attività di pesca che operano sul fondo marino e a sigillatura su substrati biogenici connessa alla realizzazione e/o posa di opere antropiche). Il D.1 “Biodiversità” è un descrittore di stato: il suo obiettivo è il raggiungimento o il mantenimento di un buon stato ambientale, nel quale non vi sia perdita di biodiversità, siano ripristinate le caratteristiche della biodiversità sottoposte ad eventuali alterazioni, e gli usi dell’ambiente marino siano sostenibili. Il Descrittore 1 è perciò diverso da tutti gli altri che sono descrittori di pressione, ad eccezione del D4 e del D6, quest’ultimo caratterizzato da una condizione mista. Quindi nel quadro di un approccio ecosistemico, il conseguimento dei traguardi del D1 è subordinato, a diverso grado e in modo diretto o indiretto, a quello dei traguardi ambientali definiti per i descrittori di pressione. La Decisione della Commissione 2017/848/UE indica le componenti dell’ecosistema (gruppi di specie e tipi di habitat), su cui basarsi per effettuare la valutazione dello stato dell’ambiente. A questo proposito l’Italia ha individuato le componenti rilevanti dell’ecosistema basandosi sui seguenti criteri: 1) rappresentatività in chiave di struttura e funzionamento degli ecosistemi marini; 2) corrispondenza alle definizioni dei GES; 3) connessione ai programmi di monitoraggio stabiliti nell’ambito di altre politiche comunitarie; 4) pertinenza ai fini della valutazione delle principali pressioni antropiche (Direttiva 2017/845/UE) e dell’efficacia delle misure gestionali adottate nell’ambito del Programma di misure nazionale della Strategia marina (DPCM del 10 ottobre 2017). Nella individuazione di tali componenti dell’ecosistema sono stati altresì tenuti in considerazione dei criteri pratici di fattibilità, sia in senso logistico-organizzativo, sia economico. Il Programma di monitoraggio relativo
Il Programma di monitoraggio relativo al Descrittore 6 (2021-2026) si articola per ciascuna sotto-regione in 3 specifici sottomonitoraggi D6-01, D6-02 e D6-03, e consentirà di valutare l’impatto generato da perdita fisica e da perturbazione fisica sul fondo marino (determinata da attività di pesca, risultata essere la maggior pressione di “perturbazione fisica” sul fondo marino), e lo stato delle comunità epimegabentoniche di fondo mobile attraverso opportuni indici/indicatori. Tale monitoraggio consentirà di verificare il raggiungimento del GES (è assente ogni pressione significativa dovuta ad abrasione determinata dalle attività di pesca che operano sul fondo marino e a sigillatura su substrati biogenici connessa alla realizzazione e/o posa di opere antropiche). Il D.1 “Biodiversità” è un descrittore di stato: il suo obiettivo è il raggiungimento o il mantenimento di un buon stato ambientale, nel quale non vi sia perdita di biodiversità, siano ripristinate le caratteristiche della biodiversità sottoposte ad eventuali alterazioni, e gli usi dell’ambiente marino siano sostenibili. Il Descrittore 1 è perciò diverso da tutti gli altri che sono descrittori di pressione, ad eccezione del D4 e del D6, quest’ultimo caratterizzato da una condizione mista. Quindi nel quadro di un approccio ecosistemico, il conseguimento dei traguardi del D1 è subordinato, a diverso grado e in modo diretto o indiretto, a quello dei traguardi ambientali definiti per i descrittori di pressione. La Decisione della Commissione 2017/848/UE indica le componenti dell’ecosistema (gruppi di specie e tipi di habitat), su cui basarsi per effettuare la valutazione dello stato dell’ambiente. A questo proposito l’Italia ha individuato le componenti rilevanti dell’ecosistema basandosi sui seguenti criteri: 1) rappresentatività in chiave di struttura e funzionamento degli ecosistemi marini; 2) corrispondenza alle definizioni dei GES; 3) connessione ai programmi di monitoraggio stabiliti nell’ambito di altre politiche comunitarie; 4) pertinenza ai fini della valutazione delle principali pressioni antropiche (Direttiva 2017/845/UE) e dell’efficacia delle misure gestionali adottate nell’ambito del Programma di misure nazionale della Strategia marina (DPCM del 10 ottobre 2017). Nella individuazione di tali componenti dell’ecosistema sono stati altresì tenuti in considerazione dei criteri pratici di fattibilità, sia in senso logistico-organizzativo, sia economico. Il Programma di monitoraggio relativo
Il Programma di monitoraggio relativo al Descrittore 6 (2021-2026) si articola per ciascuna sotto-regione in 3 specifici sottomonitoraggi D6-01, D6-02 e D6-03, e consentirà di valutare l’impatto generato da perdita fisica e da perturbazione fisica sul fondo marino (determinata da attività di pesca, risultata essere la maggior pressione di “perturbazione fisica” sul fondo marino), e lo stato delle comunità epimegabentoniche di fondo mobile attraverso opportuni indici/indicatori. Tale monitoraggio consentirà di verificare il raggiungimento del GES (è assente ogni pressione significativa dovuta ad abrasione determinata dalle attività di pesca che operano sul fondo marino e a sigillatura su substrati biogenici connessa alla realizzazione e/o posa di opere antropiche). Il D.1 “Biodiversità” è un descrittore di stato: il suo obiettivo è il raggiungimento o il mantenimento di un buon stato ambientale, nel quale non vi sia perdita di biodiversità, siano ripristinate le caratteristiche della biodiversità sottoposte ad eventuali alterazioni, e gli usi dell’ambiente marino siano sostenibili. Il Descrittore 1 è perciò diverso da tutti gli altri che sono descrittori di pressione, ad eccezione del D4 e del D6, quest’ultimo caratterizzato da una condizione mista. Quindi nel quadro di un approccio ecosistemico, il conseguimento dei traguardi del D1 è subordinato, a diverso grado e in modo diretto o indiretto, a quello dei traguardi ambientali definiti per i descrittori di pressione. La Decisione della Commissione 2017/848/UE indica le componenti dell’ecosistema (gruppi di specie e tipi di habitat), su cui basarsi per effettuare la valutazione dello stato dell’ambiente. A questo proposito l’Italia ha individuato le componenti rilevanti dell’ecosistema basandosi sui seguenti criteri: 1) rappresentatività in chiave di struttura e funzionamento degli ecosistemi marini; 2) corrispondenza alle definizioni dei GES; 3) connessione ai programmi di monitoraggio stabiliti nell’ambito di altre politiche comunitarie; 4) pertinenza ai fini della valutazione delle principali pressioni antropiche (Direttiva 2017/845/UE) e dell’efficacia delle misure gestionali adottate nell’ambito del Programma di misure nazionale della Strategia marina (DPCM del 10 ottobre 2017). Nella individuazione di tali componenti dell’ecosistema sono stati altresì tenuti in considerazione dei criteri pratici di fattibilità, sia in senso logistico-organizzativo, sia economico. Il Programma di monitoraggio relativo
Il Programma di monitoraggio relativo al Descrittore 6 (2021-2026) si articola per ciascuna sotto-regione in 3 specifici sottomonitoraggi D6-01, D6-02 e D6-03, e consentirà di valutare l’impatto generato da perdita fisica e da perturbazione fisica sul fondo marino (determinata da attività di pesca, risultata essere la maggior pressione di “perturbazione fisica” sul fondo marino), e lo stato delle comunità epimegabentoniche di fondo mobile attraverso opportuni indici/indicatori. Tale monitoraggio consentirà di verificare il raggiungimento del GES (è assente ogni pressione significativa dovuta ad abrasione determinata dalle attività di pesca che operano sul fondo marino e a sigillatura su substrati biogenici connessa alla realizzazione e/o posa di opere antropiche). Il D.1 “Biodiversità” è un descrittore di stato: il suo obiettivo è il raggiungimento o il mantenimento di un buon stato ambientale, nel quale non vi sia perdita di biodiversità, siano ripristinate le caratteristiche della biodiversità sottoposte ad eventuali alterazioni, e gli usi dell’ambiente marino siano sostenibili. Il Descrittore 1 è perciò diverso da tutti gli altri che sono descrittori di pressione, ad eccezione del D4 e del D6, quest’ultimo caratterizzato da una condizione mista. Quindi nel quadro di un approccio ecosistemico, il conseguimento dei traguardi del D1 è subordinato, a diverso grado e in modo diretto o indiretto, a quello dei traguardi ambientali definiti per i descrittori di pressione. La Decisione della Commissione 2017/848/UE indica le componenti dell’ecosistema (gruppi di specie e tipi di habitat), su cui basarsi per effettuare la valutazione dello stato dell’ambiente. A questo proposito l’Italia ha individuato le componenti rilevanti dell’ecosistema basandosi sui seguenti criteri: 1) rappresentatività in chiave di struttura e funzionamento degli ecosistemi marini; 2) corrispondenza alle definizioni dei GES; 3) connessione ai programmi di monitoraggio stabiliti nell’ambito di altre politiche comunitarie; 4) pertinenza ai fini della valutazione delle principali pressioni antropiche (Direttiva 2017/845/UE) e dell’efficacia delle misure gestionali adottate nell’ambito del Programma di misure nazionale della Strategia marina (DPCM del 10 ottobre 2017). Nella individuazione di tali componenti dell’ecosistema sono stati altresì tenuti in considerazione dei criteri pratici di fattibilità, sia in senso logistico-organizzativo, sia economico. Il Programma di monitoraggio relativo
Coverage of GES criteria
Adequate monitoring is in place by July 2020
Adequate monitoring is in place by July 2020
Adequate monitoring is in place by July 2020
Adequate monitoring is in place by July 2020
Adequate monitoring is in place by July 2020
Adequate monitoring is in place by July 2020
Adequate monitoring is in place by July 2020
Adequate monitoring is in place by July 2020
Adequate monitoring is in place by July 2020
Adequate monitoring is in place by July 2020
Adequate monitoring is in place by July 2020
Adequate monitoring is in place by July 2020
Adequate monitoring is in place by July 2020
Adequate monitoring is in place by July 2020
Adequate monitoring is in place by July 2020
Adequate monitoring is in place by July 2020
Adequate monitoring is in place by July 2020
Adequate monitoring is in place by July 2020
Adequate monitoring is in place by July 2020
Adequate monitoring is in place by July 2020
Adequate monitoring is in place by July 2020
Adequate monitoring is in place by July 2020
Adequate monitoring is in place by July 2020
Adequate monitoring is in place by July 2020
Adequate monitoring is in place by July 2020
Adequate monitoring is in place by July 2020
Adequate monitoring is in place by July 2020
Adequate monitoring is in place by July 2020
Adequate monitoring is in place by July 2020
Adequate monitoring is in place by July 2020
Adequate monitoring is in place by July 2020
Adequate monitoring is in place by July 2020
Adequate monitoring is in place by July 2020
Adequate monitoring is in place by July 2020
Adequate monitoring is in place by July 2020
Adequate monitoring is in place by July 2020
Adequate monitoring is in place by July 2020
Adequate monitoring is in place by July 2020
Adequate monitoring is in place by July 2020
Adequate monitoring is in place by July 2020
Adequate monitoring is in place by July 2020
Adequate monitoring is in place by July 2020
Adequate monitoring is in place by July 2020
Adequate monitoring is in place by July 2020
Adequate monitoring is in place by July 2020
Adequate monitoring is in place by July 2020
Adequate monitoring is in place by July 2020
Adequate monitoring is in place by July 2020
Adequate monitoring is in place by July 2020
Adequate monitoring is in place by July 2020
Adequate monitoring is in place by July 2020
Adequate monitoring is in place by July 2020
Adequate monitoring is in place by July 2020
Adequate monitoring is in place by July 2020
Adequate monitoring is in place by July 2020
Adequate monitoring is in place by July 2020
Adequate monitoring is in place by July 2020
Adequate monitoring is in place by July 2020
Adequate monitoring is in place by July 2020
Adequate monitoring is in place by July 2020
Adequate monitoring is in place by July 2020
Adequate monitoring is in place by July 2020
Adequate monitoring is in place by July 2020
Adequate monitoring is in place by July 2020
Adequate monitoring is in place by July 2020
Adequate monitoring is in place by July 2020
Gaps and plans
T6.1 - Adequate monitoring will be in place by 2024 T6.2 - Adequate monitoring will be in place by 2024 T6.3 - Adequate monitoring will be in place by 2024 T1.2 - Adequate monitoring is in place by July 2020
T6.1 - Adequate monitoring will be in place by 2024 T6.2 - Adequate monitoring will be in place by 2024 T6.3 - Adequate monitoring will be in place by 2024 T1.2 - Adequate monitoring is in place by July 2020
T6.1 - Adequate monitoring will be in place by 2024 T6.2 - Adequate monitoring will be in place by 2024 T6.3 - Adequate monitoring will be in place by 2024 T1.2 - Adequate monitoring is in place by July 2020
T6.1 - Adequate monitoring will be in place by 2024 T6.2 - Adequate monitoring will be in place by 2024 T6.3 - Adequate monitoring will be in place by 2024 T1.2 - Adequate monitoring is in place by July 2020
T6.1 - Adequate monitoring will be in place by 2024 T6.2 - Adequate monitoring will be in place by 2024 T6.3 - Adequate monitoring will be in place by 2024 T1.2 - Adequate monitoring is in place by July 2020
T6.1 - Adequate monitoring will be in place by 2024 T6.2 - Adequate monitoring will be in place by 2024 T6.3 - Adequate monitoring will be in place by 2024 T1.2 - Adequate monitoring is in place by July 2020
T6.1 - Adequate monitoring will be in place by 2024 T6.2 - Adequate monitoring will be in place by 2024 T6.3 - Adequate monitoring will be in place by 2024 T1.2 - Adequate monitoring is in place by July 2020
T6.1 - Adequate monitoring will be in place by 2024 T6.2 - Adequate monitoring will be in place by 2024 T6.3 - Adequate monitoring will be in place by 2024 T1.2 - Adequate monitoring is in place by July 2020
T6.1 - Adequate monitoring will be in place by 2024 T6.2 - Adequate monitoring will be in place by 2024 T6.3 - Adequate monitoring will be in place by 2024 T1.2 - Adequate monitoring is in place by July 2020
T6.1 - Adequate monitoring will be in place by 2024 T6.2 - Adequate monitoring will be in place by 2024 T6.3 - Adequate monitoring will be in place by 2024 T1.2 - Adequate monitoring is in place by July 2020
T6.1 - Adequate monitoring will be in place by 2024 T6.2 - Adequate monitoring will be in place by 2024 T6.3 - Adequate monitoring will be in place by 2024 T1.2 - Adequate monitoring is in place by July 2020
T6.1 - Adequate monitoring will be in place by 2024 T6.2 - Adequate monitoring will be in place by 2024 T6.3 - Adequate monitoring will be in place by 2024 T1.2 - Adequate monitoring is in place by July 2020
T6.1 - Adequate monitoring will be in place by 2024 T6.2 - Adequate monitoring will be in place by 2024 T6.3 - Adequate monitoring will be in place by 2024 T1.2 - Adequate monitoring is in place by July 2020
T6.1 - Adequate monitoring will be in place by 2024 T6.2 - Adequate monitoring will be in place by 2024 T6.3 - Adequate monitoring will be in place by 2024 T1.2 - Adequate monitoring is in place by July 2020
T6.1 - Adequate monitoring will be in place by 2024 T6.2 - Adequate monitoring will be in place by 2024 T6.3 - Adequate monitoring will be in place by 2024 T1.2 - Adequate monitoring is in place by July 2020
T6.1 - Adequate monitoring will be in place by 2024 T6.2 - Adequate monitoring will be in place by 2024 T6.3 - Adequate monitoring will be in place by 2024 T1.2 - Adequate monitoring is in place by July 2020
T6.1 - Adequate monitoring will be in place by 2024 T6.2 - Adequate monitoring will be in place by 2024 T6.3 - Adequate monitoring will be in place by 2024 T1.2 - Adequate monitoring is in place by July 2020
T6.1 - Adequate monitoring will be in place by 2024 T6.2 - Adequate monitoring will be in place by 2024 T6.3 - Adequate monitoring will be in place by 2024 T1.2 - Adequate monitoring is in place by July 2020
T6.1 - Adequate monitoring will be in place by 2024 T6.2 - Adequate monitoring will be in place by 2024 T6.3 - Adequate monitoring will be in place by 2024 T1.2 - Adequate monitoring is in place by July 2020
T6.1 - Adequate monitoring will be in place by 2024 T6.2 - Adequate monitoring will be in place by 2024 T6.3 - Adequate monitoring will be in place by 2024 T1.2 - Adequate monitoring is in place by July 2020
T6.1 - Adequate monitoring will be in place by 2024 T6.2 - Adequate monitoring will be in place by 2024 T6.3 - Adequate monitoring will be in place by 2024 T1.2 - Adequate monitoring is in place by July 2020
T6.1 - Adequate monitoring will be in place by 2024 T6.2 - Adequate monitoring will be in place by 2024 T6.3 - Adequate monitoring will be in place by 2024 T1.2 - Adequate monitoring is in place by July 2020
T6.1 - Adequate monitoring will be in place by 2024 T6.2 - Adequate monitoring will be in place by 2024 T6.3 - Adequate monitoring will be in place by 2024 T1.2 - Adequate monitoring is in place by July 2020
T6.1 - Adequate monitoring will be in place by 2024 T6.2 - Adequate monitoring will be in place by 2024 T6.3 - Adequate monitoring will be in place by 2024 T1.2 - Adequate monitoring is in place by July 2020
T6.1 - Adequate monitoring will be in place by 2024 T6.2 - Adequate monitoring will be in place by 2024 T6.3 - Adequate monitoring will be in place by 2024 T1.2 - Adequate monitoring is in place by July 2020
T6.1 - Adequate monitoring will be in place by 2024 T6.2 - Adequate monitoring will be in place by 2024 T6.3 - Adequate monitoring will be in place by 2024 T1.2 - Adequate monitoring is in place by July 2020
T6.1 - Adequate monitoring will be in place by 2024 T6.2 - Adequate monitoring will be in place by 2024 T6.3 - Adequate monitoring will be in place by 2024 T1.2 - Adequate monitoring is in place by July 2020
T6.1 - Adequate monitoring will be in place by 2024 T6.2 - Adequate monitoring will be in place by 2024 T6.3 - Adequate monitoring will be in place by 2024 T1.2 - Adequate monitoring is in place by July 2020
T6.1 - Adequate monitoring will be in place by 2024 T6.2 - Adequate monitoring will be in place by 2024 T6.3 - Adequate monitoring will be in place by 2024 T1.2 - Adequate monitoring is in place by July 2020
T6.1 - Adequate monitoring will be in place by 2024 T6.2 - Adequate monitoring will be in place by 2024 T6.3 - Adequate monitoring will be in place by 2024 T1.2 - Adequate monitoring is in place by July 2020
T6.1 - Adequate monitoring will be in place by 2024 T6.2 - Adequate monitoring will be in place by 2024 T6.3 - Adequate monitoring will be in place by 2024 T1.2 - Adequate monitoring is in place by July 2020
T6.1 - Adequate monitoring will be in place by 2024 T6.2 - Adequate monitoring will be in place by 2024 T6.3 - Adequate monitoring will be in place by 2024 T1.2 - Adequate monitoring is in place by July 2020
T6.1 - Adequate monitoring will be in place by 2024 T6.2 - Adequate monitoring will be in place by 2024 T6.3 - Adequate monitoring will be in place by 2024 T1.2 - Adequate monitoring is in place by July 2020
T6.1 - Adequate monitoring will be in place by 2024 T6.2 - Adequate monitoring will be in place by 2024 T6.3 - Adequate monitoring will be in place by 2024 T1.2 - Adequate monitoring is in place by July 2020
T6.1 - Adequate monitoring will be in place by 2024 T6.2 - Adequate monitoring will be in place by 2024 T6.3 - Adequate monitoring will be in place by 2024 T1.2 - Adequate monitoring is in place by July 2020
T6.1 - Adequate monitoring will be in place by 2024 T6.2 - Adequate monitoring will be in place by 2024 T6.3 - Adequate monitoring will be in place by 2024 T1.2 - Adequate monitoring is in place by July 2020
T6.1 - Adequate monitoring will be in place by 2024 T6.2 - Adequate monitoring will be in place by 2024 T6.3 - Adequate monitoring will be in place by 2024 T1.2 - Adequate monitoring is in place by July 2020
T6.1 - Adequate monitoring will be in place by 2024 T6.2 - Adequate monitoring will be in place by 2024 T6.3 - Adequate monitoring will be in place by 2024 T1.2 - Adequate monitoring is in place by July 2020
T6.1 - Adequate monitoring will be in place by 2024 T6.2 - Adequate monitoring will be in place by 2024 T6.3 - Adequate monitoring will be in place by 2024 T1.2 - Adequate monitoring is in place by July 2020
T6.1 - Adequate monitoring will be in place by 2024 T6.2 - Adequate monitoring will be in place by 2024 T6.3 - Adequate monitoring will be in place by 2024 T1.2 - Adequate monitoring is in place by July 2020
T6.1 - Adequate monitoring will be in place by 2024 T6.2 - Adequate monitoring will be in place by 2024 T6.3 - Adequate monitoring will be in place by 2024 T1.2 - Adequate monitoring is in place by July 2020
T6.1 - Adequate monitoring will be in place by 2024 T6.2 - Adequate monitoring will be in place by 2024 T6.3 - Adequate monitoring will be in place by 2024 T1.2 - Adequate monitoring is in place by July 2020
T6.1 - Adequate monitoring will be in place by 2024 T6.2 - Adequate monitoring will be in place by 2024 T6.3 - Adequate monitoring will be in place by 2024 T1.2 - Adequate monitoring is in place by July 2020
T6.1 - Adequate monitoring will be in place by 2024 T6.2 - Adequate monitoring will be in place by 2024 T6.3 - Adequate monitoring will be in place by 2024 T1.2 - Adequate monitoring is in place by July 2020
T6.1 - Adequate monitoring will be in place by 2024 T6.2 - Adequate monitoring will be in place by 2024 T6.3 - Adequate monitoring will be in place by 2024 T1.2 - Adequate monitoring is in place by July 2020
T6.1 - Adequate monitoring will be in place by 2024 T6.2 - Adequate monitoring will be in place by 2024 T6.3 - Adequate monitoring will be in place by 2024 T1.2 - Adequate monitoring is in place by July 2020
T6.1 - Adequate monitoring will be in place by 2024 T6.2 - Adequate monitoring will be in place by 2024 T6.3 - Adequate monitoring will be in place by 2024 T1.2 - Adequate monitoring is in place by July 2020
T6.1 - Adequate monitoring will be in place by 2024 T6.2 - Adequate monitoring will be in place by 2024 T6.3 - Adequate monitoring will be in place by 2024 T1.2 - Adequate monitoring is in place by July 2020
T6.1 - Adequate monitoring will be in place by 2024 T6.2 - Adequate monitoring will be in place by 2024 T6.3 - Adequate monitoring will be in place by 2024 T1.2 - Adequate monitoring is in place by July 2020
T6.1 - Adequate monitoring will be in place by 2024 T6.2 - Adequate monitoring will be in place by 2024 T6.3 - Adequate monitoring will be in place by 2024 T1.2 - Adequate monitoring is in place by July 2020
T6.1 - Adequate monitoring will be in place by 2024 T6.2 - Adequate monitoring will be in place by 2024 T6.3 - Adequate monitoring will be in place by 2024 T1.2 - Adequate monitoring is in place by July 2020
T6.1 - Adequate monitoring will be in place by 2024 T6.2 - Adequate monitoring will be in place by 2024 T6.3 - Adequate monitoring will be in place by 2024 T1.2 - Adequate monitoring is in place by July 2020
T6.1 - Adequate monitoring will be in place by 2024 T6.2 - Adequate monitoring will be in place by 2024 T6.3 - Adequate monitoring will be in place by 2024 T1.2 - Adequate monitoring is in place by July 2020
T6.1 - Adequate monitoring will be in place by 2024 T6.2 - Adequate monitoring will be in place by 2024 T6.3 - Adequate monitoring will be in place by 2024 T1.2 - Adequate monitoring is in place by July 2020
T6.1 - Adequate monitoring will be in place by 2024 T6.2 - Adequate monitoring will be in place by 2024 T6.3 - Adequate monitoring will be in place by 2024 T1.2 - Adequate monitoring is in place by July 2020
T6.1 - Adequate monitoring will be in place by 2024 T6.2 - Adequate monitoring will be in place by 2024 T6.3 - Adequate monitoring will be in place by 2024 T1.2 - Adequate monitoring is in place by July 2020
T6.1 - Adequate monitoring will be in place by 2024 T6.2 - Adequate monitoring will be in place by 2024 T6.3 - Adequate monitoring will be in place by 2024 T1.2 - Adequate monitoring is in place by July 2020
T6.1 - Adequate monitoring will be in place by 2024 T6.2 - Adequate monitoring will be in place by 2024 T6.3 - Adequate monitoring will be in place by 2024 T1.2 - Adequate monitoring is in place by July 2020
T6.1 - Adequate monitoring will be in place by 2024 T6.2 - Adequate monitoring will be in place by 2024 T6.3 - Adequate monitoring will be in place by 2024 T1.2 - Adequate monitoring is in place by July 2020
T6.1 - Adequate monitoring will be in place by 2024 T6.2 - Adequate monitoring will be in place by 2024 T6.3 - Adequate monitoring will be in place by 2024 T1.2 - Adequate monitoring is in place by July 2020
T6.1 - Adequate monitoring will be in place by 2024 T6.2 - Adequate monitoring will be in place by 2024 T6.3 - Adequate monitoring will be in place by 2024 T1.2 - Adequate monitoring is in place by July 2020
T6.1 - Adequate monitoring will be in place by 2024 T6.2 - Adequate monitoring will be in place by 2024 T6.3 - Adequate monitoring will be in place by 2024 T1.2 - Adequate monitoring is in place by July 2020
T6.1 - Adequate monitoring will be in place by 2024 T6.2 - Adequate monitoring will be in place by 2024 T6.3 - Adequate monitoring will be in place by 2024 T1.2 - Adequate monitoring is in place by July 2020
T6.1 - Adequate monitoring will be in place by 2024 T6.2 - Adequate monitoring will be in place by 2024 T6.3 - Adequate monitoring will be in place by 2024 T1.2 - Adequate monitoring is in place by July 2020
T6.1 - Adequate monitoring will be in place by 2024 T6.2 - Adequate monitoring will be in place by 2024 T6.3 - Adequate monitoring will be in place by 2024 T1.2 - Adequate monitoring is in place by July 2020
T6.1 - Adequate monitoring will be in place by 2024 T6.2 - Adequate monitoring will be in place by 2024 T6.3 - Adequate monitoring will be in place by 2024 T1.2 - Adequate monitoring is in place by July 2020
Related targets
  • T 1.2
  • T 6.1
  • T 6.2
  • T 6.3
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Coverage of targets
Adequate monitoring will be in place by 2024
Adequate monitoring will be in place by 2024
Adequate monitoring will be in place by 2024
Adequate monitoring will be in place by 2024
Adequate monitoring will be in place by 2024
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Adequate monitoring will be in place by 2024
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Adequate monitoring will be in place by 2024
Adequate monitoring will be in place by 2024
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Adequate monitoring will be in place by 2024
Adequate monitoring will be in place by 2024
Adequate monitoring will be in place by 2024
Adequate monitoring will be in place by 2024
Adequate monitoring will be in place by 2024
Adequate monitoring will be in place by 2024
Adequate monitoring will be in place by 2024
Adequate monitoring will be in place by 2024
Adequate monitoring will be in place by 2024
Related measures
  • MADIT-M001 - 'Measures related to the management of the Natura 2000 Network sites'
  • MADIT-M002 - 'Planned measures to designate SACs in Natura 2000 sites'
  • MADIT-M003 - 'Measures to protect target species and targeted habitats through the MPAs'
  • MADIT-M004 - 'Planned measures to increase MPAs'
  • MADIT-M005 - 'Measures to protect target habitats through other protected areas'
  • MADIT-M006 - 'Management measures for benthic habitats in the Mediterranean and identification of protected species and habitats'
  • MADIT-M007 - 'Measures to protect fish stocks through other protected areas (wildlife protection areas)'
  • MADIT-M008 - 'Measures to reduce the impact of fishing and protection of pelagic habitats'
  • MADIT-M009 - 'Protective measures for the taking and selling of endangered species through international agreements'
  • MADIT-M010 - 'Measures for incidental catches of cetaceans in fisheries'
  • MADIT-M011 - 'Measures for the conservation of cetaceans in the Mediterranean, under international agreements'
  • MADIT-M012 - 'Directorial Decree of Ministry of Environment, in cooperation with the Ministry of Health, for the establishment of the coordination of the marine mammal stranding national network (ReNaSMM)'
  • MADIT-M013 - 'Measures for the conservation of wild flora and fauna and natural habitats, and the promotion of cooperation between Member States'
  • MADIT-M014 - 'Bird protection measures through the Birds Directive (2009/147/ EC)'
  • MADIT-M015 - 'National and Community measures for the protection of birds'
  • MADIT-M016 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MADIT-M017 - 'Protective measures for benthic habitats associated with the European legislation (planning, impact assessment, river basin management plans)'
  • MADIT-M018 - 'Measures to protect habitats and associated target species under international conventions'
  • MADIT-M019 - 'Measures for the conservation of migratory species of wild animals'
  • MADIT-M020 - 'Regulatory measures for international trade in endangered species'
  • MADIT-M021 - 'International cetacean protection measures'
  • MADIT-M022 - 'Measures to protect biodiversity through European policies'
  • MADIT-M023 - 'Community and international measures for elasmobranch'
  • MADIT-M024 - 'Measures regulating catches of cetaceans, tortoises and common sturgeon'
  • MADIT-M025 - 'National measures for the protection of biodiversity'
  • MADIT-M026 - 'National measures for recovery, rescue custody and management of marine reptiles'
  • MADIT-M027 - 'Measures for coastal land planning'
  • MADIT-M028 - 'Regulatory measures for commercial fishing and the sustainable exploitation of fish stocks'
  • MADIT-M029 - 'Adoption of National Plans of Fleet Management'
  • MADIT-M030-NEW1 - 'Complete the network of Natura 2000 sites at sea and subsequent identification of conservation measures'
  • MADIT-M031-NEW2 - 'Implementation of technical solutions (methodological and instrumental) for the reduction of the phenomenon of collision with cetaceans'
  • MADIT-M032-NEW3 - 'Acquisition, systematisation and standardisation, as well as consistent recognition, with data from monitoring activities implemented, with particular reference to EIA procedures'
  • MADIT-M033-NEW4 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of elasmobranchs from by-catch'
  • MADIT-M034-NEW5 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of cetaceans and sea turtles from by-catch'
  • MADIT-M035-NEW6 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of seabirds from by-catch'
  • MADIT-M036-NEW7 - 'Implementation of awareness-raising and information measures to prevent removal activities and damage to the benthic species and habitats protected'
  • MADIT-M046 - 'Measures related to the monitoring of fishing vessels'
  • MADIT-M047 - 'Combat IUU fishing'
  • MADIT-M048 - 'Implementation of the new CFP, the EMFF and the triennial plan'
  • MADIT-M049 - 'Fisheries management of bivalve molluscs'
  • MADIT-M059 - 'Implementation of the National Energy Plan'
  • MADIT-M060 - 'Use of the maritime domain and the territorial sea areas'
  • MADIT-M061 - 'Minimum requirements to prevent major accidents in offshore operations and limiting the consequences of such accidents in the hydrocarbon sector'
  • MADIT-M062 - 'Measures concerning the spill of materials from port dredging'
  • MADIT-M063 - 'Related measures and EIA'
  • MADIT-M064 - 'Register of vessels authorised to fish under the GFCM Agreement'
  • MADIT-M087 - 'Measures related to the regulation of approval for the immersion in the sea of excavation seabed materials and dredging'
  • MICIT-M001 - 'Measures related to the management of the Natura 2000 Network sites'
  • MICIT-M002 - 'Planned measures to designate SACs in Natura 2000 sites'
  • MICIT-M003 - 'Measures to protect target species and targeted habitats through the MPAs'
  • MICIT-M004 - 'Planned measures to increase MPAs'
  • MICIT-M005 - 'Measures to protect target habitats through other protected areas'
  • MICIT-M006 - 'Management measures for benthic habitats in the Mediterranean and identification of protected species and habitats'
  • MICIT-M007 - 'Measures to protect fish stocks through other protected areas (wildlife protection areas)'
  • MICIT-M008 - 'Measures to reduce the impact of fishing and protection of pelagic habitats'
  • MICIT-M009 - 'Protective measures for the taking and selling of endangered species through international agreements'
  • MICIT-M010 - 'Measures for incidental catches of cetaceans in fisheries'
  • MICIT-M011 - 'Measures for the conservation of cetaceans in the Mediterranean, under international agreements'
  • MICIT-M012 - 'Directorial Decree of Ministry of Environment, in cooperation with the Ministry of Health, for the establishment of the coordination of the marine mammal stranding national network (ReNaSMM)'
  • MICIT-M013 - 'Measures for the conservation of wild flora and fauna and natural habitats, and the promotion of cooperation between Member States'
  • MICIT-M014 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MICIT-M015 - 'National and Community measures for the protection of birds'
  • MICIT-M016 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MICIT-M017 - 'Protective measures for benthic habitats associated with the European legislation (planning, impact assessment, river basin management plans)'
  • MICIT-M018 - 'Measures to protect habitats and associated target species under international conventions'
  • MICIT-M019 - 'Measures for the conservation of migratory species of wild animals'
  • MICIT-M020 - 'Regulatory measures for international trade in endangered species'
  • MICIT-M021 - 'International cetacean protection measures'
  • MICIT-M022 - 'Measures to protect biodiversity through European policies'
  • MICIT-M023 - 'Community and international measures for elasmobranch'
  • MICIT-M024 - 'Measures regulating catches of cetaceans, tortoises and common sturgeon'
  • MICIT-M025 - 'National measures for the protection of biodiversity'
  • MICIT-M026 - 'National measures for recovery, rescue custody and management of marine reptiles'
  • MICIT-M027 - 'Measures for coastal land planning'
  • MICIT-M028 - 'Regulatory measures for commercial fishing and the sustainable exploitation of fish stocks'
  • MICIT-M029 - 'Adoption of National Plans of Fleet Management'
  • MICIT-M030-NEW1 - 'Complete the network of Natura 2000 sites at sea and subsequent identification of conservation measures'
  • MICIT-M031-NEW2 - 'Implementation of technical solutions (methodological and instrumental) for the reduction of the phenomenon of collision with cetaceans'
  • MICIT-M032-NEW3 - 'Acquisition, systematisation and standardisation, as well as consistent recognition, with data from monitoring activities implemented, with particular reference to EIA procedures'
  • MICIT-M033-NEW4 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of elasmobranchs from by-catch'
  • MICIT-M034-NEW5 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of cetaceans and sea turtles from by-catch'
  • MICIT-M035-NEW6 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of seabirds from by-catch'
  • MICIT-M036-NEW7 - 'Implementation of awareness-raising and information measures to prevent removal activities and damage to the benthic species and habitats protected'
  • MICIT-M044 - 'Measures related to the monitoring of fishing vessels'
  • MICIT-M045 - 'Combat IUU fishing'
  • MICIT-M046 - 'Local management plans for management units'
  • MICIT-M047 - 'Implementation of the new CFP, the EMFF and the triennial plan'
  • MICIT-M048 - 'Fisheries management of bivalve molluscs'
  • MICIT-M058 - 'Implementation of the National Energy Plan'
  • MICIT-M059 - 'Use of the maritime domain and the territorial sea areas'
  • MICIT-M060 - 'Minimum requirements to prevent major accidents in offshore operations and limiting the consequences of such accidents in the hydrocarbon sector'
  • MICIT-M061 - 'Measures concerning the spill of materials from port dredging'
  • MICIT-M062 - 'Related measures and EIA'
  • MICIT-M063 - 'Register of vessels authorised to fish under the GFCM Agreement'
  • MWEIT-M001 - 'Measures related to the management of the Natura 2000 Network sites'
  • MWEIT-M002 - 'Planned measures to designate SACs in Natura 2000 sites'
  • MWEIT-M003 - 'Measures to protect target species and targeted habitats through the MPAs'
  • MWEIT-M004 - 'Planned measures to increase MPAs'
  • MWEIT-M005 - 'Measures to protect target habitats through other protected areas'
  • MWEIT-M006 - 'Management measures for benthic habitats in the Mediterranean and identification of protected species and habitats'
  • MWEIT-M007 - 'Measures to protect fish stocks through other protected areas (wildlife protection areas)'
  • MWEIT-M008 - 'Measures to reduce the impact of fishing and protection of pelagic habitats'
  • MWEIT-M009 - 'Ecological protection measures'
  • MWEIT-M010 - 'Protective measures for the taking and selling of endangered species through international agreements'
  • MWEIT-M011 - 'Measures for incidental catches of cetaceans in fisheries'
  • MWEIT-M012 - 'Measures for the conservation of cetaceans in the Mediterranean, under international agreements'
  • MWEIT-M013 - 'Directorial Decree of Ministry of Environment, in cooperation with the Ministry of Health, for the establishment of the coordination of the marine mammal stranding national network (ReNaSMM)'
  • MWEIT-M014 - 'Measures for the conservation of wild flora and fauna and natural habitats, and the promotion of cooperation between Member States'
  • MWEIT-M015 - 'Bird protection measures through the Birds Directive (2009/147/ EC)'
  • MWEIT-M016 - 'National and Community measures for the protection of birds'
  • MWEIT-M017 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MWEIT-M018 - 'Protective measures for benthic habitats associated with the European legislation (planning, impact assessment, river basin management plans)'
  • MWEIT-M019 - 'Measures to protect habitats and associated target species under international conventions'
  • MWEIT-M020 - 'Measures for the conservation of migratory species of wild animals'
  • MWEIT-M021 - 'Regulatory measures for international trade in endangered species'
  • MWEIT-M022 - 'Measures to promote a pilot area for the control of marine pollution along the coastline stretching from Marseille to La Spezia'
  • MWEIT-M023 - 'International cetacean protection measures'
  • MWEIT-M024 - 'Measures to protect biodiversity through European policies'
  • MWEIT-M025 - 'Community and international measures for elasmobranch'
  • MWEIT-M026 - 'Measures regulating catches of cetaceans, tortoises and common sturgeon'
  • MWEIT-M027 - 'Establishment of measures for the International Whale Sanctuary'
  • MWEIT-M028 - 'National measures for the protection of biodiversity'
  • MWEIT-M029 - 'National measures for recovery, rescue custody and management of marine reptiles'
  • MWEIT-M030 - 'Measures for coastal land planning'
  • MWEIT-M031 - 'Regulatory measures for commercial fishing and the sustainable exploitation of fish stocks'
  • MWEIT-M032 - 'Adoption of National Plans of Fleet Management'
  • MWEIT-M033-NEW1 - 'Complete the network of Natura 2000 sites at sea and subsequent identification of conservation measures'
  • MWEIT-M034-NEW2 - 'Implementation of technical solutions (methodological and instrumental) for the reduction of the phenomenon of collision with cetaceans'
  • MWEIT-M035-NEW3 - 'Acquisition, systematisation and standardisation, as well as consistent recognition, with data from monitoring activities implemented, with particular reference to EIA procedures'
  • MWEIT-M036-NEW4 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of elasmobranchs from by-catch'
  • MWEIT-M037-NEW5 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of cetaceans and sea turtles from by-catch'
  • MWEIT-M038-NEW6 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of seabirds from by-catch'
  • MWEIT-M039-NEW7 - 'Implementation of awareness-raising and information measures to prevent removal activities and damage to the benthic species and habitats protected'
  • MWEIT-M047 - 'Measures related to the monitoring of fishing vessels'
  • MWEIT-M048 - 'Combat IUU fishing'
  • MWEIT-M049 - 'Local management plans for management units'
  • MWEIT-M050 - 'Implementation of the new CFP, the EMFF and the triennial plan'
  • MWEIT-M051 - 'Fisheries management of bivalve molluscs'
  • MWEIT-M061 - 'Implementation of the National Energy Plan'
  • MWEIT-M062 - 'Use of the maritime domain and the territorial sea areas'
  • MWEIT-M063 - 'Minimum requirements to prevent major accidents in offshore operations and limiting the consequences of such accidents in the hydrocarbon sector'
  • MWEIT-M064 - 'Measures concerning the spill of materials from port dredging'
  • MWEIT-M065 - 'Related measures and EIA'
  • MWEIT-M066 - 'Register of vessels authorised to fish under the GFCM Agreement'
  • MWEIT-M089 - 'Measures related to the regulation of approval for the immersion in the sea of excavation seabed materials and dredging'
  • MADIT-M001 - 'Measures related to the management of the Natura 2000 Network sites'
  • MADIT-M002 - 'Planned measures to designate SACs in Natura 2000 sites'
  • MADIT-M003 - 'Measures to protect target species and targeted habitats through the MPAs'
  • MADIT-M004 - 'Planned measures to increase MPAs'
  • MADIT-M005 - 'Measures to protect target habitats through other protected areas'
  • MADIT-M006 - 'Management measures for benthic habitats in the Mediterranean and identification of protected species and habitats'
  • MADIT-M007 - 'Measures to protect fish stocks through other protected areas (wildlife protection areas)'
  • MADIT-M008 - 'Measures to reduce the impact of fishing and protection of pelagic habitats'
  • MADIT-M009 - 'Protective measures for the taking and selling of endangered species through international agreements'
  • MADIT-M010 - 'Measures for incidental catches of cetaceans in fisheries'
  • MADIT-M011 - 'Measures for the conservation of cetaceans in the Mediterranean, under international agreements'
  • MADIT-M012 - 'Directorial Decree of Ministry of Environment, in cooperation with the Ministry of Health, for the establishment of the coordination of the marine mammal stranding national network (ReNaSMM)'
  • MADIT-M013 - 'Measures for the conservation of wild flora and fauna and natural habitats, and the promotion of cooperation between Member States'
  • MADIT-M014 - 'Bird protection measures through the Birds Directive (2009/147/ EC)'
  • MADIT-M015 - 'National and Community measures for the protection of birds'
  • MADIT-M016 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MADIT-M017 - 'Protective measures for benthic habitats associated with the European legislation (planning, impact assessment, river basin management plans)'
  • MADIT-M018 - 'Measures to protect habitats and associated target species under international conventions'
  • MADIT-M019 - 'Measures for the conservation of migratory species of wild animals'
  • MADIT-M020 - 'Regulatory measures for international trade in endangered species'
  • MADIT-M021 - 'International cetacean protection measures'
  • MADIT-M022 - 'Measures to protect biodiversity through European policies'
  • MADIT-M023 - 'Community and international measures for elasmobranch'
  • MADIT-M024 - 'Measures regulating catches of cetaceans, tortoises and common sturgeon'
  • MADIT-M025 - 'National measures for the protection of biodiversity'
  • MADIT-M026 - 'National measures for recovery, rescue custody and management of marine reptiles'
  • MADIT-M027 - 'Measures for coastal land planning'
  • MADIT-M028 - 'Regulatory measures for commercial fishing and the sustainable exploitation of fish stocks'
  • MADIT-M029 - 'Adoption of National Plans of Fleet Management'
  • MADIT-M030-NEW1 - 'Complete the network of Natura 2000 sites at sea and subsequent identification of conservation measures'
  • MADIT-M031-NEW2 - 'Implementation of technical solutions (methodological and instrumental) for the reduction of the phenomenon of collision with cetaceans'
  • MADIT-M032-NEW3 - 'Acquisition, systematisation and standardisation, as well as consistent recognition, with data from monitoring activities implemented, with particular reference to EIA procedures'
  • MADIT-M033-NEW4 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of elasmobranchs from by-catch'
  • MADIT-M034-NEW5 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of cetaceans and sea turtles from by-catch'
  • MADIT-M035-NEW6 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of seabirds from by-catch'
  • MADIT-M036-NEW7 - 'Implementation of awareness-raising and information measures to prevent removal activities and damage to the benthic species and habitats protected'
  • MADIT-M046 - 'Measures related to the monitoring of fishing vessels'
  • MADIT-M047 - 'Combat IUU fishing'
  • MADIT-M048 - 'Implementation of the new CFP, the EMFF and the triennial plan'
  • MADIT-M049 - 'Fisheries management of bivalve molluscs'
  • MADIT-M059 - 'Implementation of the National Energy Plan'
  • MADIT-M060 - 'Use of the maritime domain and the territorial sea areas'
  • MADIT-M061 - 'Minimum requirements to prevent major accidents in offshore operations and limiting the consequences of such accidents in the hydrocarbon sector'
  • MADIT-M062 - 'Measures concerning the spill of materials from port dredging'
  • MADIT-M063 - 'Related measures and EIA'
  • MADIT-M064 - 'Register of vessels authorised to fish under the GFCM Agreement'
  • MADIT-M087 - 'Measures related to the regulation of approval for the immersion in the sea of excavation seabed materials and dredging'
  • MICIT-M001 - 'Measures related to the management of the Natura 2000 Network sites'
  • MICIT-M002 - 'Planned measures to designate SACs in Natura 2000 sites'
  • MICIT-M003 - 'Measures to protect target species and targeted habitats through the MPAs'
  • MICIT-M004 - 'Planned measures to increase MPAs'
  • MICIT-M005 - 'Measures to protect target habitats through other protected areas'
  • MICIT-M006 - 'Management measures for benthic habitats in the Mediterranean and identification of protected species and habitats'
  • MICIT-M007 - 'Measures to protect fish stocks through other protected areas (wildlife protection areas)'
  • MICIT-M008 - 'Measures to reduce the impact of fishing and protection of pelagic habitats'
  • MICIT-M009 - 'Protective measures for the taking and selling of endangered species through international agreements'
  • MICIT-M010 - 'Measures for incidental catches of cetaceans in fisheries'
  • MICIT-M011 - 'Measures for the conservation of cetaceans in the Mediterranean, under international agreements'
  • MICIT-M012 - 'Directorial Decree of Ministry of Environment, in cooperation with the Ministry of Health, for the establishment of the coordination of the marine mammal stranding national network (ReNaSMM)'
  • MICIT-M013 - 'Measures for the conservation of wild flora and fauna and natural habitats, and the promotion of cooperation between Member States'
  • MICIT-M014 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MICIT-M015 - 'National and Community measures for the protection of birds'
  • MICIT-M016 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MICIT-M017 - 'Protective measures for benthic habitats associated with the European legislation (planning, impact assessment, river basin management plans)'
  • MICIT-M018 - 'Measures to protect habitats and associated target species under international conventions'
  • MICIT-M019 - 'Measures for the conservation of migratory species of wild animals'
  • MICIT-M020 - 'Regulatory measures for international trade in endangered species'
  • MICIT-M021 - 'International cetacean protection measures'
  • MICIT-M022 - 'Measures to protect biodiversity through European policies'
  • MICIT-M023 - 'Community and international measures for elasmobranch'
  • MICIT-M024 - 'Measures regulating catches of cetaceans, tortoises and common sturgeon'
  • MICIT-M025 - 'National measures for the protection of biodiversity'
  • MICIT-M026 - 'National measures for recovery, rescue custody and management of marine reptiles'
  • MICIT-M027 - 'Measures for coastal land planning'
  • MICIT-M028 - 'Regulatory measures for commercial fishing and the sustainable exploitation of fish stocks'
  • MICIT-M029 - 'Adoption of National Plans of Fleet Management'
  • MICIT-M030-NEW1 - 'Complete the network of Natura 2000 sites at sea and subsequent identification of conservation measures'
  • MICIT-M031-NEW2 - 'Implementation of technical solutions (methodological and instrumental) for the reduction of the phenomenon of collision with cetaceans'
  • MICIT-M032-NEW3 - 'Acquisition, systematisation and standardisation, as well as consistent recognition, with data from monitoring activities implemented, with particular reference to EIA procedures'
  • MICIT-M033-NEW4 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of elasmobranchs from by-catch'
  • MICIT-M034-NEW5 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of cetaceans and sea turtles from by-catch'
  • MICIT-M035-NEW6 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of seabirds from by-catch'
  • MICIT-M036-NEW7 - 'Implementation of awareness-raising and information measures to prevent removal activities and damage to the benthic species and habitats protected'
  • MICIT-M044 - 'Measures related to the monitoring of fishing vessels'
  • MICIT-M045 - 'Combat IUU fishing'
  • MICIT-M046 - 'Local management plans for management units'
  • MICIT-M047 - 'Implementation of the new CFP, the EMFF and the triennial plan'
  • MICIT-M048 - 'Fisheries management of bivalve molluscs'
  • MICIT-M058 - 'Implementation of the National Energy Plan'
  • MICIT-M059 - 'Use of the maritime domain and the territorial sea areas'
  • MICIT-M060 - 'Minimum requirements to prevent major accidents in offshore operations and limiting the consequences of such accidents in the hydrocarbon sector'
  • MICIT-M061 - 'Measures concerning the spill of materials from port dredging'
  • MICIT-M062 - 'Related measures and EIA'
  • MICIT-M063 - 'Register of vessels authorised to fish under the GFCM Agreement'
  • MWEIT-M001 - 'Measures related to the management of the Natura 2000 Network sites'
  • MWEIT-M002 - 'Planned measures to designate SACs in Natura 2000 sites'
  • MWEIT-M003 - 'Measures to protect target species and targeted habitats through the MPAs'
  • MWEIT-M004 - 'Planned measures to increase MPAs'
  • MWEIT-M005 - 'Measures to protect target habitats through other protected areas'
  • MWEIT-M006 - 'Management measures for benthic habitats in the Mediterranean and identification of protected species and habitats'
  • MWEIT-M007 - 'Measures to protect fish stocks through other protected areas (wildlife protection areas)'
  • MWEIT-M008 - 'Measures to reduce the impact of fishing and protection of pelagic habitats'
  • MWEIT-M009 - 'Ecological protection measures'
  • MWEIT-M010 - 'Protective measures for the taking and selling of endangered species through international agreements'
  • MWEIT-M011 - 'Measures for incidental catches of cetaceans in fisheries'
  • MWEIT-M012 - 'Measures for the conservation of cetaceans in the Mediterranean, under international agreements'
  • MWEIT-M013 - 'Directorial Decree of Ministry of Environment, in cooperation with the Ministry of Health, for the establishment of the coordination of the marine mammal stranding national network (ReNaSMM)'
  • MWEIT-M014 - 'Measures for the conservation of wild flora and fauna and natural habitats, and the promotion of cooperation between Member States'
  • MWEIT-M015 - 'Bird protection measures through the Birds Directive (2009/147/ EC)'
  • MWEIT-M016 - 'National and Community measures for the protection of birds'
  • MWEIT-M017 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MWEIT-M018 - 'Protective measures for benthic habitats associated with the European legislation (planning, impact assessment, river basin management plans)'
  • MWEIT-M019 - 'Measures to protect habitats and associated target species under international conventions'
  • MWEIT-M020 - 'Measures for the conservation of migratory species of wild animals'
  • MWEIT-M021 - 'Regulatory measures for international trade in endangered species'
  • MWEIT-M022 - 'Measures to promote a pilot area for the control of marine pollution along the coastline stretching from Marseille to La Spezia'
  • MWEIT-M023 - 'International cetacean protection measures'
  • MWEIT-M024 - 'Measures to protect biodiversity through European policies'
  • MWEIT-M025 - 'Community and international measures for elasmobranch'
  • MWEIT-M026 - 'Measures regulating catches of cetaceans, tortoises and common sturgeon'
  • MWEIT-M027 - 'Establishment of measures for the International Whale Sanctuary'
  • MWEIT-M028 - 'National measures for the protection of biodiversity'
  • MWEIT-M029 - 'National measures for recovery, rescue custody and management of marine reptiles'
  • MWEIT-M030 - 'Measures for coastal land planning'
  • MWEIT-M031 - 'Regulatory measures for commercial fishing and the sustainable exploitation of fish stocks'
  • MWEIT-M032 - 'Adoption of National Plans of Fleet Management'
  • MWEIT-M033-NEW1 - 'Complete the network of Natura 2000 sites at sea and subsequent identification of conservation measures'
  • MWEIT-M034-NEW2 - 'Implementation of technical solutions (methodological and instrumental) for the reduction of the phenomenon of collision with cetaceans'
  • MWEIT-M035-NEW3 - 'Acquisition, systematisation and standardisation, as well as consistent recognition, with data from monitoring activities implemented, with particular reference to EIA procedures'
  • MWEIT-M036-NEW4 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of elasmobranchs from by-catch'
  • MWEIT-M037-NEW5 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of cetaceans and sea turtles from by-catch'
  • MWEIT-M038-NEW6 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of seabirds from by-catch'
  • MWEIT-M039-NEW7 - 'Implementation of awareness-raising and information measures to prevent removal activities and damage to the benthic species and habitats protected'
  • MWEIT-M047 - 'Measures related to the monitoring of fishing vessels'
  • MWEIT-M048 - 'Combat IUU fishing'
  • MWEIT-M049 - 'Local management plans for management units'
  • MWEIT-M050 - 'Implementation of the new CFP, the EMFF and the triennial plan'
  • MWEIT-M051 - 'Fisheries management of bivalve molluscs'
  • MWEIT-M061 - 'Implementation of the National Energy Plan'
  • MWEIT-M062 - 'Use of the maritime domain and the territorial sea areas'
  • MWEIT-M063 - 'Minimum requirements to prevent major accidents in offshore operations and limiting the consequences of such accidents in the hydrocarbon sector'
  • MWEIT-M064 - 'Measures concerning the spill of materials from port dredging'
  • MWEIT-M065 - 'Related measures and EIA'
  • MWEIT-M066 - 'Register of vessels authorised to fish under the GFCM Agreement'
  • MWEIT-M089 - 'Measures related to the regulation of approval for the immersion in the sea of excavation seabed materials and dredging'
  • MADIT-M001 - 'Measures related to the management of the Natura 2000 Network sites'
  • MADIT-M002 - 'Planned measures to designate SACs in Natura 2000 sites'
  • MADIT-M003 - 'Measures to protect target species and targeted habitats through the MPAs'
  • MADIT-M004 - 'Planned measures to increase MPAs'
  • MADIT-M005 - 'Measures to protect target habitats through other protected areas'
  • MADIT-M006 - 'Management measures for benthic habitats in the Mediterranean and identification of protected species and habitats'
  • MADIT-M007 - 'Measures to protect fish stocks through other protected areas (wildlife protection areas)'
  • MADIT-M008 - 'Measures to reduce the impact of fishing and protection of pelagic habitats'
  • MADIT-M009 - 'Protective measures for the taking and selling of endangered species through international agreements'
  • MADIT-M010 - 'Measures for incidental catches of cetaceans in fisheries'
  • MADIT-M011 - 'Measures for the conservation of cetaceans in the Mediterranean, under international agreements'
  • MADIT-M012 - 'Directorial Decree of Ministry of Environment, in cooperation with the Ministry of Health, for the establishment of the coordination of the marine mammal stranding national network (ReNaSMM)'
  • MADIT-M013 - 'Measures for the conservation of wild flora and fauna and natural habitats, and the promotion of cooperation between Member States'
  • MADIT-M014 - 'Bird protection measures through the Birds Directive (2009/147/ EC)'
  • MADIT-M015 - 'National and Community measures for the protection of birds'
  • MADIT-M016 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MADIT-M017 - 'Protective measures for benthic habitats associated with the European legislation (planning, impact assessment, river basin management plans)'
  • MADIT-M018 - 'Measures to protect habitats and associated target species under international conventions'
  • MADIT-M019 - 'Measures for the conservation of migratory species of wild animals'
  • MADIT-M020 - 'Regulatory measures for international trade in endangered species'
  • MADIT-M021 - 'International cetacean protection measures'
  • MADIT-M022 - 'Measures to protect biodiversity through European policies'
  • MADIT-M023 - 'Community and international measures for elasmobranch'
  • MADIT-M024 - 'Measures regulating catches of cetaceans, tortoises and common sturgeon'
  • MADIT-M025 - 'National measures for the protection of biodiversity'
  • MADIT-M026 - 'National measures for recovery, rescue custody and management of marine reptiles'
  • MADIT-M027 - 'Measures for coastal land planning'
  • MADIT-M028 - 'Regulatory measures for commercial fishing and the sustainable exploitation of fish stocks'
  • MADIT-M029 - 'Adoption of National Plans of Fleet Management'
  • MADIT-M030-NEW1 - 'Complete the network of Natura 2000 sites at sea and subsequent identification of conservation measures'
  • MADIT-M031-NEW2 - 'Implementation of technical solutions (methodological and instrumental) for the reduction of the phenomenon of collision with cetaceans'
  • MADIT-M032-NEW3 - 'Acquisition, systematisation and standardisation, as well as consistent recognition, with data from monitoring activities implemented, with particular reference to EIA procedures'
  • MADIT-M033-NEW4 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of elasmobranchs from by-catch'
  • MADIT-M034-NEW5 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of cetaceans and sea turtles from by-catch'
  • MADIT-M035-NEW6 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of seabirds from by-catch'
  • MADIT-M036-NEW7 - 'Implementation of awareness-raising and information measures to prevent removal activities and damage to the benthic species and habitats protected'
  • MADIT-M046 - 'Measures related to the monitoring of fishing vessels'
  • MADIT-M047 - 'Combat IUU fishing'
  • MADIT-M048 - 'Implementation of the new CFP, the EMFF and the triennial plan'
  • MADIT-M049 - 'Fisheries management of bivalve molluscs'
  • MADIT-M059 - 'Implementation of the National Energy Plan'
  • MADIT-M060 - 'Use of the maritime domain and the territorial sea areas'
  • MADIT-M061 - 'Minimum requirements to prevent major accidents in offshore operations and limiting the consequences of such accidents in the hydrocarbon sector'
  • MADIT-M062 - 'Measures concerning the spill of materials from port dredging'
  • MADIT-M063 - 'Related measures and EIA'
  • MADIT-M064 - 'Register of vessels authorised to fish under the GFCM Agreement'
  • MADIT-M087 - 'Measures related to the regulation of approval for the immersion in the sea of excavation seabed materials and dredging'
  • MICIT-M001 - 'Measures related to the management of the Natura 2000 Network sites'
  • MICIT-M002 - 'Planned measures to designate SACs in Natura 2000 sites'
  • MICIT-M003 - 'Measures to protect target species and targeted habitats through the MPAs'
  • MICIT-M004 - 'Planned measures to increase MPAs'
  • MICIT-M005 - 'Measures to protect target habitats through other protected areas'
  • MICIT-M006 - 'Management measures for benthic habitats in the Mediterranean and identification of protected species and habitats'
  • MICIT-M007 - 'Measures to protect fish stocks through other protected areas (wildlife protection areas)'
  • MICIT-M008 - 'Measures to reduce the impact of fishing and protection of pelagic habitats'
  • MICIT-M009 - 'Protective measures for the taking and selling of endangered species through international agreements'
  • MICIT-M010 - 'Measures for incidental catches of cetaceans in fisheries'
  • MICIT-M011 - 'Measures for the conservation of cetaceans in the Mediterranean, under international agreements'
  • MICIT-M012 - 'Directorial Decree of Ministry of Environment, in cooperation with the Ministry of Health, for the establishment of the coordination of the marine mammal stranding national network (ReNaSMM)'
  • MICIT-M013 - 'Measures for the conservation of wild flora and fauna and natural habitats, and the promotion of cooperation between Member States'
  • MICIT-M014 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MICIT-M015 - 'National and Community measures for the protection of birds'
  • MICIT-M016 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MICIT-M017 - 'Protective measures for benthic habitats associated with the European legislation (planning, impact assessment, river basin management plans)'
  • MICIT-M018 - 'Measures to protect habitats and associated target species under international conventions'
  • MICIT-M019 - 'Measures for the conservation of migratory species of wild animals'
  • MICIT-M020 - 'Regulatory measures for international trade in endangered species'
  • MICIT-M021 - 'International cetacean protection measures'
  • MICIT-M022 - 'Measures to protect biodiversity through European policies'
  • MICIT-M023 - 'Community and international measures for elasmobranch'
  • MICIT-M024 - 'Measures regulating catches of cetaceans, tortoises and common sturgeon'
  • MICIT-M025 - 'National measures for the protection of biodiversity'
  • MICIT-M026 - 'National measures for recovery, rescue custody and management of marine reptiles'
  • MICIT-M027 - 'Measures for coastal land planning'
  • MICIT-M028 - 'Regulatory measures for commercial fishing and the sustainable exploitation of fish stocks'
  • MICIT-M029 - 'Adoption of National Plans of Fleet Management'
  • MICIT-M030-NEW1 - 'Complete the network of Natura 2000 sites at sea and subsequent identification of conservation measures'
  • MICIT-M031-NEW2 - 'Implementation of technical solutions (methodological and instrumental) for the reduction of the phenomenon of collision with cetaceans'
  • MICIT-M032-NEW3 - 'Acquisition, systematisation and standardisation, as well as consistent recognition, with data from monitoring activities implemented, with particular reference to EIA procedures'
  • MICIT-M033-NEW4 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of elasmobranchs from by-catch'
  • MICIT-M034-NEW5 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of cetaceans and sea turtles from by-catch'
  • MICIT-M035-NEW6 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of seabirds from by-catch'
  • MICIT-M036-NEW7 - 'Implementation of awareness-raising and information measures to prevent removal activities and damage to the benthic species and habitats protected'
  • MICIT-M044 - 'Measures related to the monitoring of fishing vessels'
  • MICIT-M045 - 'Combat IUU fishing'
  • MICIT-M046 - 'Local management plans for management units'
  • MICIT-M047 - 'Implementation of the new CFP, the EMFF and the triennial plan'
  • MICIT-M048 - 'Fisheries management of bivalve molluscs'
  • MICIT-M058 - 'Implementation of the National Energy Plan'
  • MICIT-M059 - 'Use of the maritime domain and the territorial sea areas'
  • MICIT-M060 - 'Minimum requirements to prevent major accidents in offshore operations and limiting the consequences of such accidents in the hydrocarbon sector'
  • MICIT-M061 - 'Measures concerning the spill of materials from port dredging'
  • MICIT-M062 - 'Related measures and EIA'
  • MICIT-M063 - 'Register of vessels authorised to fish under the GFCM Agreement'
  • MWEIT-M001 - 'Measures related to the management of the Natura 2000 Network sites'
  • MWEIT-M002 - 'Planned measures to designate SACs in Natura 2000 sites'
  • MWEIT-M003 - 'Measures to protect target species and targeted habitats through the MPAs'
  • MWEIT-M004 - 'Planned measures to increase MPAs'
  • MWEIT-M005 - 'Measures to protect target habitats through other protected areas'
  • MWEIT-M006 - 'Management measures for benthic habitats in the Mediterranean and identification of protected species and habitats'
  • MWEIT-M007 - 'Measures to protect fish stocks through other protected areas (wildlife protection areas)'
  • MWEIT-M008 - 'Measures to reduce the impact of fishing and protection of pelagic habitats'
  • MWEIT-M009 - 'Ecological protection measures'
  • MWEIT-M010 - 'Protective measures for the taking and selling of endangered species through international agreements'
  • MWEIT-M011 - 'Measures for incidental catches of cetaceans in fisheries'
  • MWEIT-M012 - 'Measures for the conservation of cetaceans in the Mediterranean, under international agreements'
  • MWEIT-M013 - 'Directorial Decree of Ministry of Environment, in cooperation with the Ministry of Health, for the establishment of the coordination of the marine mammal stranding national network (ReNaSMM)'
  • MWEIT-M014 - 'Measures for the conservation of wild flora and fauna and natural habitats, and the promotion of cooperation between Member States'
  • MWEIT-M015 - 'Bird protection measures through the Birds Directive (2009/147/ EC)'
  • MWEIT-M016 - 'National and Community measures for the protection of birds'
  • MWEIT-M017 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MWEIT-M018 - 'Protective measures for benthic habitats associated with the European legislation (planning, impact assessment, river basin management plans)'
  • MWEIT-M019 - 'Measures to protect habitats and associated target species under international conventions'
  • MWEIT-M020 - 'Measures for the conservation of migratory species of wild animals'
  • MWEIT-M021 - 'Regulatory measures for international trade in endangered species'
  • MWEIT-M022 - 'Measures to promote a pilot area for the control of marine pollution along the coastline stretching from Marseille to La Spezia'
  • MWEIT-M023 - 'International cetacean protection measures'
  • MWEIT-M024 - 'Measures to protect biodiversity through European policies'
  • MWEIT-M025 - 'Community and international measures for elasmobranch'
  • MWEIT-M026 - 'Measures regulating catches of cetaceans, tortoises and common sturgeon'
  • MWEIT-M027 - 'Establishment of measures for the International Whale Sanctuary'
  • MWEIT-M028 - 'National measures for the protection of biodiversity'
  • MWEIT-M029 - 'National measures for recovery, rescue custody and management of marine reptiles'
  • MWEIT-M030 - 'Measures for coastal land planning'
  • MWEIT-M031 - 'Regulatory measures for commercial fishing and the sustainable exploitation of fish stocks'
  • MWEIT-M032 - 'Adoption of National Plans of Fleet Management'
  • MWEIT-M033-NEW1 - 'Complete the network of Natura 2000 sites at sea and subsequent identification of conservation measures'
  • MWEIT-M034-NEW2 - 'Implementation of technical solutions (methodological and instrumental) for the reduction of the phenomenon of collision with cetaceans'
  • MWEIT-M035-NEW3 - 'Acquisition, systematisation and standardisation, as well as consistent recognition, with data from monitoring activities implemented, with particular reference to EIA procedures'
  • MWEIT-M036-NEW4 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of elasmobranchs from by-catch'
  • MWEIT-M037-NEW5 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of cetaceans and sea turtles from by-catch'
  • MWEIT-M038-NEW6 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of seabirds from by-catch'
  • MWEIT-M039-NEW7 - 'Implementation of awareness-raising and information measures to prevent removal activities and damage to the benthic species and habitats protected'
  • MWEIT-M047 - 'Measures related to the monitoring of fishing vessels'
  • MWEIT-M048 - 'Combat IUU fishing'
  • MWEIT-M049 - 'Local management plans for management units'
  • MWEIT-M050 - 'Implementation of the new CFP, the EMFF and the triennial plan'
  • MWEIT-M051 - 'Fisheries management of bivalve molluscs'
  • MWEIT-M061 - 'Implementation of the National Energy Plan'
  • MWEIT-M062 - 'Use of the maritime domain and the territorial sea areas'
  • MWEIT-M063 - 'Minimum requirements to prevent major accidents in offshore operations and limiting the consequences of such accidents in the hydrocarbon sector'
  • MWEIT-M064 - 'Measures concerning the spill of materials from port dredging'
  • MWEIT-M065 - 'Related measures and EIA'
  • MWEIT-M066 - 'Register of vessels authorised to fish under the GFCM Agreement'
  • MWEIT-M089 - 'Measures related to the regulation of approval for the immersion in the sea of excavation seabed materials and dredging'
  • MADIT-M001 - 'Measures related to the management of the Natura 2000 Network sites'
  • MADIT-M002 - 'Planned measures to designate SACs in Natura 2000 sites'
  • MADIT-M003 - 'Measures to protect target species and targeted habitats through the MPAs'
  • MADIT-M004 - 'Planned measures to increase MPAs'
  • MADIT-M005 - 'Measures to protect target habitats through other protected areas'
  • MADIT-M006 - 'Management measures for benthic habitats in the Mediterranean and identification of protected species and habitats'
  • MADIT-M007 - 'Measures to protect fish stocks through other protected areas (wildlife protection areas)'
  • MADIT-M008 - 'Measures to reduce the impact of fishing and protection of pelagic habitats'
  • MADIT-M009 - 'Protective measures for the taking and selling of endangered species through international agreements'
  • MADIT-M010 - 'Measures for incidental catches of cetaceans in fisheries'
  • MADIT-M011 - 'Measures for the conservation of cetaceans in the Mediterranean, under international agreements'
  • MADIT-M012 - 'Directorial Decree of Ministry of Environment, in cooperation with the Ministry of Health, for the establishment of the coordination of the marine mammal stranding national network (ReNaSMM)'
  • MADIT-M013 - 'Measures for the conservation of wild flora and fauna and natural habitats, and the promotion of cooperation between Member States'
  • MADIT-M014 - 'Bird protection measures through the Birds Directive (2009/147/ EC)'
  • MADIT-M015 - 'National and Community measures for the protection of birds'
  • MADIT-M016 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MADIT-M017 - 'Protective measures for benthic habitats associated with the European legislation (planning, impact assessment, river basin management plans)'
  • MADIT-M018 - 'Measures to protect habitats and associated target species under international conventions'
  • MADIT-M019 - 'Measures for the conservation of migratory species of wild animals'
  • MADIT-M020 - 'Regulatory measures for international trade in endangered species'
  • MADIT-M021 - 'International cetacean protection measures'
  • MADIT-M022 - 'Measures to protect biodiversity through European policies'
  • MADIT-M023 - 'Community and international measures for elasmobranch'
  • MADIT-M024 - 'Measures regulating catches of cetaceans, tortoises and common sturgeon'
  • MADIT-M025 - 'National measures for the protection of biodiversity'
  • MADIT-M026 - 'National measures for recovery, rescue custody and management of marine reptiles'
  • MADIT-M027 - 'Measures for coastal land planning'
  • MADIT-M028 - 'Regulatory measures for commercial fishing and the sustainable exploitation of fish stocks'
  • MADIT-M029 - 'Adoption of National Plans of Fleet Management'
  • MADIT-M030-NEW1 - 'Complete the network of Natura 2000 sites at sea and subsequent identification of conservation measures'
  • MADIT-M031-NEW2 - 'Implementation of technical solutions (methodological and instrumental) for the reduction of the phenomenon of collision with cetaceans'
  • MADIT-M032-NEW3 - 'Acquisition, systematisation and standardisation, as well as consistent recognition, with data from monitoring activities implemented, with particular reference to EIA procedures'
  • MADIT-M033-NEW4 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of elasmobranchs from by-catch'
  • MADIT-M034-NEW5 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of cetaceans and sea turtles from by-catch'
  • MADIT-M035-NEW6 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of seabirds from by-catch'
  • MADIT-M036-NEW7 - 'Implementation of awareness-raising and information measures to prevent removal activities and damage to the benthic species and habitats protected'
  • MADIT-M046 - 'Measures related to the monitoring of fishing vessels'
  • MADIT-M047 - 'Combat IUU fishing'
  • MADIT-M048 - 'Implementation of the new CFP, the EMFF and the triennial plan'
  • MADIT-M049 - 'Fisheries management of bivalve molluscs'
  • MADIT-M059 - 'Implementation of the National Energy Plan'
  • MADIT-M060 - 'Use of the maritime domain and the territorial sea areas'
  • MADIT-M061 - 'Minimum requirements to prevent major accidents in offshore operations and limiting the consequences of such accidents in the hydrocarbon sector'
  • MADIT-M062 - 'Measures concerning the spill of materials from port dredging'
  • MADIT-M063 - 'Related measures and EIA'
  • MADIT-M064 - 'Register of vessels authorised to fish under the GFCM Agreement'
  • MADIT-M087 - 'Measures related to the regulation of approval for the immersion in the sea of excavation seabed materials and dredging'
  • MICIT-M001 - 'Measures related to the management of the Natura 2000 Network sites'
  • MICIT-M002 - 'Planned measures to designate SACs in Natura 2000 sites'
  • MICIT-M003 - 'Measures to protect target species and targeted habitats through the MPAs'
  • MICIT-M004 - 'Planned measures to increase MPAs'
  • MICIT-M005 - 'Measures to protect target habitats through other protected areas'
  • MICIT-M006 - 'Management measures for benthic habitats in the Mediterranean and identification of protected species and habitats'
  • MICIT-M007 - 'Measures to protect fish stocks through other protected areas (wildlife protection areas)'
  • MICIT-M008 - 'Measures to reduce the impact of fishing and protection of pelagic habitats'
  • MICIT-M009 - 'Protective measures for the taking and selling of endangered species through international agreements'
  • MICIT-M010 - 'Measures for incidental catches of cetaceans in fisheries'
  • MICIT-M011 - 'Measures for the conservation of cetaceans in the Mediterranean, under international agreements'
  • MICIT-M012 - 'Directorial Decree of Ministry of Environment, in cooperation with the Ministry of Health, for the establishment of the coordination of the marine mammal stranding national network (ReNaSMM)'
  • MICIT-M013 - 'Measures for the conservation of wild flora and fauna and natural habitats, and the promotion of cooperation between Member States'
  • MICIT-M014 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MICIT-M015 - 'National and Community measures for the protection of birds'
  • MICIT-M016 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MICIT-M017 - 'Protective measures for benthic habitats associated with the European legislation (planning, impact assessment, river basin management plans)'
  • MICIT-M018 - 'Measures to protect habitats and associated target species under international conventions'
  • MICIT-M019 - 'Measures for the conservation of migratory species of wild animals'
  • MICIT-M020 - 'Regulatory measures for international trade in endangered species'
  • MICIT-M021 - 'International cetacean protection measures'
  • MICIT-M022 - 'Measures to protect biodiversity through European policies'
  • MICIT-M023 - 'Community and international measures for elasmobranch'
  • MICIT-M024 - 'Measures regulating catches of cetaceans, tortoises and common sturgeon'
  • MICIT-M025 - 'National measures for the protection of biodiversity'
  • MICIT-M026 - 'National measures for recovery, rescue custody and management of marine reptiles'
  • MICIT-M027 - 'Measures for coastal land planning'
  • MICIT-M028 - 'Regulatory measures for commercial fishing and the sustainable exploitation of fish stocks'
  • MICIT-M029 - 'Adoption of National Plans of Fleet Management'
  • MICIT-M030-NEW1 - 'Complete the network of Natura 2000 sites at sea and subsequent identification of conservation measures'
  • MICIT-M031-NEW2 - 'Implementation of technical solutions (methodological and instrumental) for the reduction of the phenomenon of collision with cetaceans'
  • MICIT-M032-NEW3 - 'Acquisition, systematisation and standardisation, as well as consistent recognition, with data from monitoring activities implemented, with particular reference to EIA procedures'
  • MICIT-M033-NEW4 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of elasmobranchs from by-catch'
  • MICIT-M034-NEW5 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of cetaceans and sea turtles from by-catch'
  • MICIT-M035-NEW6 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of seabirds from by-catch'
  • MICIT-M036-NEW7 - 'Implementation of awareness-raising and information measures to prevent removal activities and damage to the benthic species and habitats protected'
  • MICIT-M044 - 'Measures related to the monitoring of fishing vessels'
  • MICIT-M045 - 'Combat IUU fishing'
  • MICIT-M046 - 'Local management plans for management units'
  • MICIT-M047 - 'Implementation of the new CFP, the EMFF and the triennial plan'
  • MICIT-M048 - 'Fisheries management of bivalve molluscs'
  • MICIT-M058 - 'Implementation of the National Energy Plan'
  • MICIT-M059 - 'Use of the maritime domain and the territorial sea areas'
  • MICIT-M060 - 'Minimum requirements to prevent major accidents in offshore operations and limiting the consequences of such accidents in the hydrocarbon sector'
  • MICIT-M061 - 'Measures concerning the spill of materials from port dredging'
  • MICIT-M062 - 'Related measures and EIA'
  • MICIT-M063 - 'Register of vessels authorised to fish under the GFCM Agreement'
  • MWEIT-M001 - 'Measures related to the management of the Natura 2000 Network sites'
  • MWEIT-M002 - 'Planned measures to designate SACs in Natura 2000 sites'
  • MWEIT-M003 - 'Measures to protect target species and targeted habitats through the MPAs'
  • MWEIT-M004 - 'Planned measures to increase MPAs'
  • MWEIT-M005 - 'Measures to protect target habitats through other protected areas'
  • MWEIT-M006 - 'Management measures for benthic habitats in the Mediterranean and identification of protected species and habitats'
  • MWEIT-M007 - 'Measures to protect fish stocks through other protected areas (wildlife protection areas)'
  • MWEIT-M008 - 'Measures to reduce the impact of fishing and protection of pelagic habitats'
  • MWEIT-M009 - 'Ecological protection measures'
  • MWEIT-M010 - 'Protective measures for the taking and selling of endangered species through international agreements'
  • MWEIT-M011 - 'Measures for incidental catches of cetaceans in fisheries'
  • MWEIT-M012 - 'Measures for the conservation of cetaceans in the Mediterranean, under international agreements'
  • MWEIT-M013 - 'Directorial Decree of Ministry of Environment, in cooperation with the Ministry of Health, for the establishment of the coordination of the marine mammal stranding national network (ReNaSMM)'
  • MWEIT-M014 - 'Measures for the conservation of wild flora and fauna and natural habitats, and the promotion of cooperation between Member States'
  • MWEIT-M015 - 'Bird protection measures through the Birds Directive (2009/147/ EC)'
  • MWEIT-M016 - 'National and Community measures for the protection of birds'
  • MWEIT-M017 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MWEIT-M018 - 'Protective measures for benthic habitats associated with the European legislation (planning, impact assessment, river basin management plans)'
  • MWEIT-M019 - 'Measures to protect habitats and associated target species under international conventions'
  • MWEIT-M020 - 'Measures for the conservation of migratory species of wild animals'
  • MWEIT-M021 - 'Regulatory measures for international trade in endangered species'
  • MWEIT-M022 - 'Measures to promote a pilot area for the control of marine pollution along the coastline stretching from Marseille to La Spezia'
  • MWEIT-M023 - 'International cetacean protection measures'
  • MWEIT-M024 - 'Measures to protect biodiversity through European policies'
  • MWEIT-M025 - 'Community and international measures for elasmobranch'
  • MWEIT-M026 - 'Measures regulating catches of cetaceans, tortoises and common sturgeon'
  • MWEIT-M027 - 'Establishment of measures for the International Whale Sanctuary'
  • MWEIT-M028 - 'National measures for the protection of biodiversity'
  • MWEIT-M029 - 'National measures for recovery, rescue custody and management of marine reptiles'
  • MWEIT-M030 - 'Measures for coastal land planning'
  • MWEIT-M031 - 'Regulatory measures for commercial fishing and the sustainable exploitation of fish stocks'
  • MWEIT-M032 - 'Adoption of National Plans of Fleet Management'
  • MWEIT-M033-NEW1 - 'Complete the network of Natura 2000 sites at sea and subsequent identification of conservation measures'
  • MWEIT-M034-NEW2 - 'Implementation of technical solutions (methodological and instrumental) for the reduction of the phenomenon of collision with cetaceans'
  • MWEIT-M035-NEW3 - 'Acquisition, systematisation and standardisation, as well as consistent recognition, with data from monitoring activities implemented, with particular reference to EIA procedures'
  • MWEIT-M036-NEW4 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of elasmobranchs from by-catch'
  • MWEIT-M037-NEW5 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of cetaceans and sea turtles from by-catch'
  • MWEIT-M038-NEW6 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of seabirds from by-catch'
  • MWEIT-M039-NEW7 - 'Implementation of awareness-raising and information measures to prevent removal activities and damage to the benthic species and habitats protected'
  • MWEIT-M047 - 'Measures related to the monitoring of fishing vessels'
  • MWEIT-M048 - 'Combat IUU fishing'
  • MWEIT-M049 - 'Local management plans for management units'
  • MWEIT-M050 - 'Implementation of the new CFP, the EMFF and the triennial plan'
  • MWEIT-M051 - 'Fisheries management of bivalve molluscs'
  • MWEIT-M061 - 'Implementation of the National Energy Plan'
  • MWEIT-M062 - 'Use of the maritime domain and the territorial sea areas'
  • MWEIT-M063 - 'Minimum requirements to prevent major accidents in offshore operations and limiting the consequences of such accidents in the hydrocarbon sector'
  • MWEIT-M064 - 'Measures concerning the spill of materials from port dredging'
  • MWEIT-M065 - 'Related measures and EIA'
  • MWEIT-M066 - 'Register of vessels authorised to fish under the GFCM Agreement'
  • MWEIT-M089 - 'Measures related to the regulation of approval for the immersion in the sea of excavation seabed materials and dredging'
  • MADIT-M001 - 'Measures related to the management of the Natura 2000 Network sites'
  • MADIT-M002 - 'Planned measures to designate SACs in Natura 2000 sites'
  • MADIT-M003 - 'Measures to protect target species and targeted habitats through the MPAs'
  • MADIT-M004 - 'Planned measures to increase MPAs'
  • MADIT-M005 - 'Measures to protect target habitats through other protected areas'
  • MADIT-M006 - 'Management measures for benthic habitats in the Mediterranean and identification of protected species and habitats'
  • MADIT-M007 - 'Measures to protect fish stocks through other protected areas (wildlife protection areas)'
  • MADIT-M008 - 'Measures to reduce the impact of fishing and protection of pelagic habitats'
  • MADIT-M009 - 'Protective measures for the taking and selling of endangered species through international agreements'
  • MADIT-M010 - 'Measures for incidental catches of cetaceans in fisheries'
  • MADIT-M011 - 'Measures for the conservation of cetaceans in the Mediterranean, under international agreements'
  • MADIT-M012 - 'Directorial Decree of Ministry of Environment, in cooperation with the Ministry of Health, for the establishment of the coordination of the marine mammal stranding national network (ReNaSMM)'
  • MADIT-M013 - 'Measures for the conservation of wild flora and fauna and natural habitats, and the promotion of cooperation between Member States'
  • MADIT-M014 - 'Bird protection measures through the Birds Directive (2009/147/ EC)'
  • MADIT-M015 - 'National and Community measures for the protection of birds'
  • MADIT-M016 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MADIT-M017 - 'Protective measures for benthic habitats associated with the European legislation (planning, impact assessment, river basin management plans)'
  • MADIT-M018 - 'Measures to protect habitats and associated target species under international conventions'
  • MADIT-M019 - 'Measures for the conservation of migratory species of wild animals'
  • MADIT-M020 - 'Regulatory measures for international trade in endangered species'
  • MADIT-M021 - 'International cetacean protection measures'
  • MADIT-M022 - 'Measures to protect biodiversity through European policies'
  • MADIT-M023 - 'Community and international measures for elasmobranch'
  • MADIT-M024 - 'Measures regulating catches of cetaceans, tortoises and common sturgeon'
  • MADIT-M025 - 'National measures for the protection of biodiversity'
  • MADIT-M026 - 'National measures for recovery, rescue custody and management of marine reptiles'
  • MADIT-M027 - 'Measures for coastal land planning'
  • MADIT-M028 - 'Regulatory measures for commercial fishing and the sustainable exploitation of fish stocks'
  • MADIT-M029 - 'Adoption of National Plans of Fleet Management'
  • MADIT-M030-NEW1 - 'Complete the network of Natura 2000 sites at sea and subsequent identification of conservation measures'
  • MADIT-M031-NEW2 - 'Implementation of technical solutions (methodological and instrumental) for the reduction of the phenomenon of collision with cetaceans'
  • MADIT-M032-NEW3 - 'Acquisition, systematisation and standardisation, as well as consistent recognition, with data from monitoring activities implemented, with particular reference to EIA procedures'
  • MADIT-M033-NEW4 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of elasmobranchs from by-catch'
  • MADIT-M034-NEW5 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of cetaceans and sea turtles from by-catch'
  • MADIT-M035-NEW6 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of seabirds from by-catch'
  • MADIT-M036-NEW7 - 'Implementation of awareness-raising and information measures to prevent removal activities and damage to the benthic species and habitats protected'
  • MADIT-M046 - 'Measures related to the monitoring of fishing vessels'
  • MADIT-M047 - 'Combat IUU fishing'
  • MADIT-M048 - 'Implementation of the new CFP, the EMFF and the triennial plan'
  • MADIT-M049 - 'Fisheries management of bivalve molluscs'
  • MADIT-M059 - 'Implementation of the National Energy Plan'
  • MADIT-M060 - 'Use of the maritime domain and the territorial sea areas'
  • MADIT-M061 - 'Minimum requirements to prevent major accidents in offshore operations and limiting the consequences of such accidents in the hydrocarbon sector'
  • MADIT-M062 - 'Measures concerning the spill of materials from port dredging'
  • MADIT-M063 - 'Related measures and EIA'
  • MADIT-M064 - 'Register of vessels authorised to fish under the GFCM Agreement'
  • MADIT-M087 - 'Measures related to the regulation of approval for the immersion in the sea of excavation seabed materials and dredging'
  • MICIT-M001 - 'Measures related to the management of the Natura 2000 Network sites'
  • MICIT-M002 - 'Planned measures to designate SACs in Natura 2000 sites'
  • MICIT-M003 - 'Measures to protect target species and targeted habitats through the MPAs'
  • MICIT-M004 - 'Planned measures to increase MPAs'
  • MICIT-M005 - 'Measures to protect target habitats through other protected areas'
  • MICIT-M006 - 'Management measures for benthic habitats in the Mediterranean and identification of protected species and habitats'
  • MICIT-M007 - 'Measures to protect fish stocks through other protected areas (wildlife protection areas)'
  • MICIT-M008 - 'Measures to reduce the impact of fishing and protection of pelagic habitats'
  • MICIT-M009 - 'Protective measures for the taking and selling of endangered species through international agreements'
  • MICIT-M010 - 'Measures for incidental catches of cetaceans in fisheries'
  • MICIT-M011 - 'Measures for the conservation of cetaceans in the Mediterranean, under international agreements'
  • MICIT-M012 - 'Directorial Decree of Ministry of Environment, in cooperation with the Ministry of Health, for the establishment of the coordination of the marine mammal stranding national network (ReNaSMM)'
  • MICIT-M013 - 'Measures for the conservation of wild flora and fauna and natural habitats, and the promotion of cooperation between Member States'
  • MICIT-M014 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MICIT-M015 - 'National and Community measures for the protection of birds'
  • MICIT-M016 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MICIT-M017 - 'Protective measures for benthic habitats associated with the European legislation (planning, impact assessment, river basin management plans)'
  • MICIT-M018 - 'Measures to protect habitats and associated target species under international conventions'
  • MICIT-M019 - 'Measures for the conservation of migratory species of wild animals'
  • MICIT-M020 - 'Regulatory measures for international trade in endangered species'
  • MICIT-M021 - 'International cetacean protection measures'
  • MICIT-M022 - 'Measures to protect biodiversity through European policies'
  • MICIT-M023 - 'Community and international measures for elasmobranch'
  • MICIT-M024 - 'Measures regulating catches of cetaceans, tortoises and common sturgeon'
  • MICIT-M025 - 'National measures for the protection of biodiversity'
  • MICIT-M026 - 'National measures for recovery, rescue custody and management of marine reptiles'
  • MICIT-M027 - 'Measures for coastal land planning'
  • MICIT-M028 - 'Regulatory measures for commercial fishing and the sustainable exploitation of fish stocks'
  • MICIT-M029 - 'Adoption of National Plans of Fleet Management'
  • MICIT-M030-NEW1 - 'Complete the network of Natura 2000 sites at sea and subsequent identification of conservation measures'
  • MICIT-M031-NEW2 - 'Implementation of technical solutions (methodological and instrumental) for the reduction of the phenomenon of collision with cetaceans'
  • MICIT-M032-NEW3 - 'Acquisition, systematisation and standardisation, as well as consistent recognition, with data from monitoring activities implemented, with particular reference to EIA procedures'
  • MICIT-M033-NEW4 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of elasmobranchs from by-catch'
  • MICIT-M034-NEW5 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of cetaceans and sea turtles from by-catch'
  • MICIT-M035-NEW6 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of seabirds from by-catch'
  • MICIT-M036-NEW7 - 'Implementation of awareness-raising and information measures to prevent removal activities and damage to the benthic species and habitats protected'
  • MICIT-M044 - 'Measures related to the monitoring of fishing vessels'
  • MICIT-M045 - 'Combat IUU fishing'
  • MICIT-M046 - 'Local management plans for management units'
  • MICIT-M047 - 'Implementation of the new CFP, the EMFF and the triennial plan'
  • MICIT-M048 - 'Fisheries management of bivalve molluscs'
  • MICIT-M058 - 'Implementation of the National Energy Plan'
  • MICIT-M059 - 'Use of the maritime domain and the territorial sea areas'
  • MICIT-M060 - 'Minimum requirements to prevent major accidents in offshore operations and limiting the consequences of such accidents in the hydrocarbon sector'
  • MICIT-M061 - 'Measures concerning the spill of materials from port dredging'
  • MICIT-M062 - 'Related measures and EIA'
  • MICIT-M063 - 'Register of vessels authorised to fish under the GFCM Agreement'
  • MWEIT-M001 - 'Measures related to the management of the Natura 2000 Network sites'
  • MWEIT-M002 - 'Planned measures to designate SACs in Natura 2000 sites'
  • MWEIT-M003 - 'Measures to protect target species and targeted habitats through the MPAs'
  • MWEIT-M004 - 'Planned measures to increase MPAs'
  • MWEIT-M005 - 'Measures to protect target habitats through other protected areas'
  • MWEIT-M006 - 'Management measures for benthic habitats in the Mediterranean and identification of protected species and habitats'
  • MWEIT-M007 - 'Measures to protect fish stocks through other protected areas (wildlife protection areas)'
  • MWEIT-M008 - 'Measures to reduce the impact of fishing and protection of pelagic habitats'
  • MWEIT-M009 - 'Ecological protection measures'
  • MWEIT-M010 - 'Protective measures for the taking and selling of endangered species through international agreements'
  • MWEIT-M011 - 'Measures for incidental catches of cetaceans in fisheries'
  • MWEIT-M012 - 'Measures for the conservation of cetaceans in the Mediterranean, under international agreements'
  • MWEIT-M013 - 'Directorial Decree of Ministry of Environment, in cooperation with the Ministry of Health, for the establishment of the coordination of the marine mammal stranding national network (ReNaSMM)'
  • MWEIT-M014 - 'Measures for the conservation of wild flora and fauna and natural habitats, and the promotion of cooperation between Member States'
  • MWEIT-M015 - 'Bird protection measures through the Birds Directive (2009/147/ EC)'
  • MWEIT-M016 - 'National and Community measures for the protection of birds'
  • MWEIT-M017 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MWEIT-M018 - 'Protective measures for benthic habitats associated with the European legislation (planning, impact assessment, river basin management plans)'
  • MWEIT-M019 - 'Measures to protect habitats and associated target species under international conventions'
  • MWEIT-M020 - 'Measures for the conservation of migratory species of wild animals'
  • MWEIT-M021 - 'Regulatory measures for international trade in endangered species'
  • MWEIT-M022 - 'Measures to promote a pilot area for the control of marine pollution along the coastline stretching from Marseille to La Spezia'
  • MWEIT-M023 - 'International cetacean protection measures'
  • MWEIT-M024 - 'Measures to protect biodiversity through European policies'
  • MWEIT-M025 - 'Community and international measures for elasmobranch'
  • MWEIT-M026 - 'Measures regulating catches of cetaceans, tortoises and common sturgeon'
  • MWEIT-M027 - 'Establishment of measures for the International Whale Sanctuary'
  • MWEIT-M028 - 'National measures for the protection of biodiversity'
  • MWEIT-M029 - 'National measures for recovery, rescue custody and management of marine reptiles'
  • MWEIT-M030 - 'Measures for coastal land planning'
  • MWEIT-M031 - 'Regulatory measures for commercial fishing and the sustainable exploitation of fish stocks'
  • MWEIT-M032 - 'Adoption of National Plans of Fleet Management'
  • MWEIT-M033-NEW1 - 'Complete the network of Natura 2000 sites at sea and subsequent identification of conservation measures'
  • MWEIT-M034-NEW2 - 'Implementation of technical solutions (methodological and instrumental) for the reduction of the phenomenon of collision with cetaceans'
  • MWEIT-M035-NEW3 - 'Acquisition, systematisation and standardisation, as well as consistent recognition, with data from monitoring activities implemented, with particular reference to EIA procedures'
  • MWEIT-M036-NEW4 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of elasmobranchs from by-catch'
  • MWEIT-M037-NEW5 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of cetaceans and sea turtles from by-catch'
  • MWEIT-M038-NEW6 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of seabirds from by-catch'
  • MWEIT-M039-NEW7 - 'Implementation of awareness-raising and information measures to prevent removal activities and damage to the benthic species and habitats protected'
  • MWEIT-M047 - 'Measures related to the monitoring of fishing vessels'
  • MWEIT-M048 - 'Combat IUU fishing'
  • MWEIT-M049 - 'Local management plans for management units'
  • MWEIT-M050 - 'Implementation of the new CFP, the EMFF and the triennial plan'
  • MWEIT-M051 - 'Fisheries management of bivalve molluscs'
  • MWEIT-M061 - 'Implementation of the National Energy Plan'
  • MWEIT-M062 - 'Use of the maritime domain and the territorial sea areas'
  • MWEIT-M063 - 'Minimum requirements to prevent major accidents in offshore operations and limiting the consequences of such accidents in the hydrocarbon sector'
  • MWEIT-M064 - 'Measures concerning the spill of materials from port dredging'
  • MWEIT-M065 - 'Related measures and EIA'
  • MWEIT-M066 - 'Register of vessels authorised to fish under the GFCM Agreement'
  • MWEIT-M089 - 'Measures related to the regulation of approval for the immersion in the sea of excavation seabed materials and dredging'
  • MADIT-M001 - 'Measures related to the management of the Natura 2000 Network sites'
  • MADIT-M002 - 'Planned measures to designate SACs in Natura 2000 sites'
  • MADIT-M003 - 'Measures to protect target species and targeted habitats through the MPAs'
  • MADIT-M004 - 'Planned measures to increase MPAs'
  • MADIT-M005 - 'Measures to protect target habitats through other protected areas'
  • MADIT-M006 - 'Management measures for benthic habitats in the Mediterranean and identification of protected species and habitats'
  • MADIT-M007 - 'Measures to protect fish stocks through other protected areas (wildlife protection areas)'
  • MADIT-M008 - 'Measures to reduce the impact of fishing and protection of pelagic habitats'
  • MADIT-M009 - 'Protective measures for the taking and selling of endangered species through international agreements'
  • MADIT-M010 - 'Measures for incidental catches of cetaceans in fisheries'
  • MADIT-M011 - 'Measures for the conservation of cetaceans in the Mediterranean, under international agreements'
  • MADIT-M012 - 'Directorial Decree of Ministry of Environment, in cooperation with the Ministry of Health, for the establishment of the coordination of the marine mammal stranding national network (ReNaSMM)'
  • MADIT-M013 - 'Measures for the conservation of wild flora and fauna and natural habitats, and the promotion of cooperation between Member States'
  • MADIT-M014 - 'Bird protection measures through the Birds Directive (2009/147/ EC)'
  • MADIT-M015 - 'National and Community measures for the protection of birds'
  • MADIT-M016 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MADIT-M017 - 'Protective measures for benthic habitats associated with the European legislation (planning, impact assessment, river basin management plans)'
  • MADIT-M018 - 'Measures to protect habitats and associated target species under international conventions'
  • MADIT-M019 - 'Measures for the conservation of migratory species of wild animals'
  • MADIT-M020 - 'Regulatory measures for international trade in endangered species'
  • MADIT-M021 - 'International cetacean protection measures'
  • MADIT-M022 - 'Measures to protect biodiversity through European policies'
  • MADIT-M023 - 'Community and international measures for elasmobranch'
  • MADIT-M024 - 'Measures regulating catches of cetaceans, tortoises and common sturgeon'
  • MADIT-M025 - 'National measures for the protection of biodiversity'
  • MADIT-M026 - 'National measures for recovery, rescue custody and management of marine reptiles'
  • MADIT-M027 - 'Measures for coastal land planning'
  • MADIT-M028 - 'Regulatory measures for commercial fishing and the sustainable exploitation of fish stocks'
  • MADIT-M029 - 'Adoption of National Plans of Fleet Management'
  • MADIT-M030-NEW1 - 'Complete the network of Natura 2000 sites at sea and subsequent identification of conservation measures'
  • MADIT-M031-NEW2 - 'Implementation of technical solutions (methodological and instrumental) for the reduction of the phenomenon of collision with cetaceans'
  • MADIT-M032-NEW3 - 'Acquisition, systematisation and standardisation, as well as consistent recognition, with data from monitoring activities implemented, with particular reference to EIA procedures'
  • MADIT-M033-NEW4 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of elasmobranchs from by-catch'
  • MADIT-M034-NEW5 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of cetaceans and sea turtles from by-catch'
  • MADIT-M035-NEW6 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of seabirds from by-catch'
  • MADIT-M036-NEW7 - 'Implementation of awareness-raising and information measures to prevent removal activities and damage to the benthic species and habitats protected'
  • MADIT-M046 - 'Measures related to the monitoring of fishing vessels'
  • MADIT-M047 - 'Combat IUU fishing'
  • MADIT-M048 - 'Implementation of the new CFP, the EMFF and the triennial plan'
  • MADIT-M049 - 'Fisheries management of bivalve molluscs'
  • MADIT-M059 - 'Implementation of the National Energy Plan'
  • MADIT-M060 - 'Use of the maritime domain and the territorial sea areas'
  • MADIT-M061 - 'Minimum requirements to prevent major accidents in offshore operations and limiting the consequences of such accidents in the hydrocarbon sector'
  • MADIT-M062 - 'Measures concerning the spill of materials from port dredging'
  • MADIT-M063 - 'Related measures and EIA'
  • MADIT-M064 - 'Register of vessels authorised to fish under the GFCM Agreement'
  • MADIT-M087 - 'Measures related to the regulation of approval for the immersion in the sea of excavation seabed materials and dredging'
  • MICIT-M001 - 'Measures related to the management of the Natura 2000 Network sites'
  • MICIT-M002 - 'Planned measures to designate SACs in Natura 2000 sites'
  • MICIT-M003 - 'Measures to protect target species and targeted habitats through the MPAs'
  • MICIT-M004 - 'Planned measures to increase MPAs'
  • MICIT-M005 - 'Measures to protect target habitats through other protected areas'
  • MICIT-M006 - 'Management measures for benthic habitats in the Mediterranean and identification of protected species and habitats'
  • MICIT-M007 - 'Measures to protect fish stocks through other protected areas (wildlife protection areas)'
  • MICIT-M008 - 'Measures to reduce the impact of fishing and protection of pelagic habitats'
  • MICIT-M009 - 'Protective measures for the taking and selling of endangered species through international agreements'
  • MICIT-M010 - 'Measures for incidental catches of cetaceans in fisheries'
  • MICIT-M011 - 'Measures for the conservation of cetaceans in the Mediterranean, under international agreements'
  • MICIT-M012 - 'Directorial Decree of Ministry of Environment, in cooperation with the Ministry of Health, for the establishment of the coordination of the marine mammal stranding national network (ReNaSMM)'
  • MICIT-M013 - 'Measures for the conservation of wild flora and fauna and natural habitats, and the promotion of cooperation between Member States'
  • MICIT-M014 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MICIT-M015 - 'National and Community measures for the protection of birds'
  • MICIT-M016 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MICIT-M017 - 'Protective measures for benthic habitats associated with the European legislation (planning, impact assessment, river basin management plans)'
  • MICIT-M018 - 'Measures to protect habitats and associated target species under international conventions'
  • MICIT-M019 - 'Measures for the conservation of migratory species of wild animals'
  • MICIT-M020 - 'Regulatory measures for international trade in endangered species'
  • MICIT-M021 - 'International cetacean protection measures'
  • MICIT-M022 - 'Measures to protect biodiversity through European policies'
  • MICIT-M023 - 'Community and international measures for elasmobranch'
  • MICIT-M024 - 'Measures regulating catches of cetaceans, tortoises and common sturgeon'
  • MICIT-M025 - 'National measures for the protection of biodiversity'
  • MICIT-M026 - 'National measures for recovery, rescue custody and management of marine reptiles'
  • MICIT-M027 - 'Measures for coastal land planning'
  • MICIT-M028 - 'Regulatory measures for commercial fishing and the sustainable exploitation of fish stocks'
  • MICIT-M029 - 'Adoption of National Plans of Fleet Management'
  • MICIT-M030-NEW1 - 'Complete the network of Natura 2000 sites at sea and subsequent identification of conservation measures'
  • MICIT-M031-NEW2 - 'Implementation of technical solutions (methodological and instrumental) for the reduction of the phenomenon of collision with cetaceans'
  • MICIT-M032-NEW3 - 'Acquisition, systematisation and standardisation, as well as consistent recognition, with data from monitoring activities implemented, with particular reference to EIA procedures'
  • MICIT-M033-NEW4 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of elasmobranchs from by-catch'
  • MICIT-M034-NEW5 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of cetaceans and sea turtles from by-catch'
  • MICIT-M035-NEW6 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of seabirds from by-catch'
  • MICIT-M036-NEW7 - 'Implementation of awareness-raising and information measures to prevent removal activities and damage to the benthic species and habitats protected'
  • MICIT-M044 - 'Measures related to the monitoring of fishing vessels'
  • MICIT-M045 - 'Combat IUU fishing'
  • MICIT-M046 - 'Local management plans for management units'
  • MICIT-M047 - 'Implementation of the new CFP, the EMFF and the triennial plan'
  • MICIT-M048 - 'Fisheries management of bivalve molluscs'
  • MICIT-M058 - 'Implementation of the National Energy Plan'
  • MICIT-M059 - 'Use of the maritime domain and the territorial sea areas'
  • MICIT-M060 - 'Minimum requirements to prevent major accidents in offshore operations and limiting the consequences of such accidents in the hydrocarbon sector'
  • MICIT-M061 - 'Measures concerning the spill of materials from port dredging'
  • MICIT-M062 - 'Related measures and EIA'
  • MICIT-M063 - 'Register of vessels authorised to fish under the GFCM Agreement'
  • MWEIT-M001 - 'Measures related to the management of the Natura 2000 Network sites'
  • MWEIT-M002 - 'Planned measures to designate SACs in Natura 2000 sites'
  • MWEIT-M003 - 'Measures to protect target species and targeted habitats through the MPAs'
  • MWEIT-M004 - 'Planned measures to increase MPAs'
  • MWEIT-M005 - 'Measures to protect target habitats through other protected areas'
  • MWEIT-M006 - 'Management measures for benthic habitats in the Mediterranean and identification of protected species and habitats'
  • MWEIT-M007 - 'Measures to protect fish stocks through other protected areas (wildlife protection areas)'
  • MWEIT-M008 - 'Measures to reduce the impact of fishing and protection of pelagic habitats'
  • MWEIT-M009 - 'Ecological protection measures'
  • MWEIT-M010 - 'Protective measures for the taking and selling of endangered species through international agreements'
  • MWEIT-M011 - 'Measures for incidental catches of cetaceans in fisheries'
  • MWEIT-M012 - 'Measures for the conservation of cetaceans in the Mediterranean, under international agreements'
  • MWEIT-M013 - 'Directorial Decree of Ministry of Environment, in cooperation with the Ministry of Health, for the establishment of the coordination of the marine mammal stranding national network (ReNaSMM)'
  • MWEIT-M014 - 'Measures for the conservation of wild flora and fauna and natural habitats, and the promotion of cooperation between Member States'
  • MWEIT-M015 - 'Bird protection measures through the Birds Directive (2009/147/ EC)'
  • MWEIT-M016 - 'National and Community measures for the protection of birds'
  • MWEIT-M017 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MWEIT-M018 - 'Protective measures for benthic habitats associated with the European legislation (planning, impact assessment, river basin management plans)'
  • MWEIT-M019 - 'Measures to protect habitats and associated target species under international conventions'
  • MWEIT-M020 - 'Measures for the conservation of migratory species of wild animals'
  • MWEIT-M021 - 'Regulatory measures for international trade in endangered species'
  • MWEIT-M022 - 'Measures to promote a pilot area for the control of marine pollution along the coastline stretching from Marseille to La Spezia'
  • MWEIT-M023 - 'International cetacean protection measures'
  • MWEIT-M024 - 'Measures to protect biodiversity through European policies'
  • MWEIT-M025 - 'Community and international measures for elasmobranch'
  • MWEIT-M026 - 'Measures regulating catches of cetaceans, tortoises and common sturgeon'
  • MWEIT-M027 - 'Establishment of measures for the International Whale Sanctuary'
  • MWEIT-M028 - 'National measures for the protection of biodiversity'
  • MWEIT-M029 - 'National measures for recovery, rescue custody and management of marine reptiles'
  • MWEIT-M030 - 'Measures for coastal land planning'
  • MWEIT-M031 - 'Regulatory measures for commercial fishing and the sustainable exploitation of fish stocks'
  • MWEIT-M032 - 'Adoption of National Plans of Fleet Management'
  • MWEIT-M033-NEW1 - 'Complete the network of Natura 2000 sites at sea and subsequent identification of conservation measures'
  • MWEIT-M034-NEW2 - 'Implementation of technical solutions (methodological and instrumental) for the reduction of the phenomenon of collision with cetaceans'
  • MWEIT-M035-NEW3 - 'Acquisition, systematisation and standardisation, as well as consistent recognition, with data from monitoring activities implemented, with particular reference to EIA procedures'
  • MWEIT-M036-NEW4 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of elasmobranchs from by-catch'
  • MWEIT-M037-NEW5 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of cetaceans and sea turtles from by-catch'
  • MWEIT-M038-NEW6 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of seabirds from by-catch'
  • MWEIT-M039-NEW7 - 'Implementation of awareness-raising and information measures to prevent removal activities and damage to the benthic species and habitats protected'
  • MWEIT-M047 - 'Measures related to the monitoring of fishing vessels'
  • MWEIT-M048 - 'Combat IUU fishing'
  • MWEIT-M049 - 'Local management plans for management units'
  • MWEIT-M050 - 'Implementation of the new CFP, the EMFF and the triennial plan'
  • MWEIT-M051 - 'Fisheries management of bivalve molluscs'
  • MWEIT-M061 - 'Implementation of the National Energy Plan'
  • MWEIT-M062 - 'Use of the maritime domain and the territorial sea areas'
  • MWEIT-M063 - 'Minimum requirements to prevent major accidents in offshore operations and limiting the consequences of such accidents in the hydrocarbon sector'
  • MWEIT-M064 - 'Measures concerning the spill of materials from port dredging'
  • MWEIT-M065 - 'Related measures and EIA'
  • MWEIT-M066 - 'Register of vessels authorised to fish under the GFCM Agreement'
  • MWEIT-M089 - 'Measures related to the regulation of approval for the immersion in the sea of excavation seabed materials and dredging'
  • MADIT-M001 - 'Measures related to the management of the Natura 2000 Network sites'
  • MADIT-M002 - 'Planned measures to designate SACs in Natura 2000 sites'
  • MADIT-M003 - 'Measures to protect target species and targeted habitats through the MPAs'
  • MADIT-M004 - 'Planned measures to increase MPAs'
  • MADIT-M005 - 'Measures to protect target habitats through other protected areas'
  • MADIT-M006 - 'Management measures for benthic habitats in the Mediterranean and identification of protected species and habitats'
  • MADIT-M007 - 'Measures to protect fish stocks through other protected areas (wildlife protection areas)'
  • MADIT-M008 - 'Measures to reduce the impact of fishing and protection of pelagic habitats'
  • MADIT-M009 - 'Protective measures for the taking and selling of endangered species through international agreements'
  • MADIT-M010 - 'Measures for incidental catches of cetaceans in fisheries'
  • MADIT-M011 - 'Measures for the conservation of cetaceans in the Mediterranean, under international agreements'
  • MADIT-M012 - 'Directorial Decree of Ministry of Environment, in cooperation with the Ministry of Health, for the establishment of the coordination of the marine mammal stranding national network (ReNaSMM)'
  • MADIT-M013 - 'Measures for the conservation of wild flora and fauna and natural habitats, and the promotion of cooperation between Member States'
  • MADIT-M014 - 'Bird protection measures through the Birds Directive (2009/147/ EC)'
  • MADIT-M015 - 'National and Community measures for the protection of birds'
  • MADIT-M016 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MADIT-M017 - 'Protective measures for benthic habitats associated with the European legislation (planning, impact assessment, river basin management plans)'
  • MADIT-M018 - 'Measures to protect habitats and associated target species under international conventions'
  • MADIT-M019 - 'Measures for the conservation of migratory species of wild animals'
  • MADIT-M020 - 'Regulatory measures for international trade in endangered species'
  • MADIT-M021 - 'International cetacean protection measures'
  • MADIT-M022 - 'Measures to protect biodiversity through European policies'
  • MADIT-M023 - 'Community and international measures for elasmobranch'
  • MADIT-M024 - 'Measures regulating catches of cetaceans, tortoises and common sturgeon'
  • MADIT-M025 - 'National measures for the protection of biodiversity'
  • MADIT-M026 - 'National measures for recovery, rescue custody and management of marine reptiles'
  • MADIT-M027 - 'Measures for coastal land planning'
  • MADIT-M028 - 'Regulatory measures for commercial fishing and the sustainable exploitation of fish stocks'
  • MADIT-M029 - 'Adoption of National Plans of Fleet Management'
  • MADIT-M030-NEW1 - 'Complete the network of Natura 2000 sites at sea and subsequent identification of conservation measures'
  • MADIT-M031-NEW2 - 'Implementation of technical solutions (methodological and instrumental) for the reduction of the phenomenon of collision with cetaceans'
  • MADIT-M032-NEW3 - 'Acquisition, systematisation and standardisation, as well as consistent recognition, with data from monitoring activities implemented, with particular reference to EIA procedures'
  • MADIT-M033-NEW4 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of elasmobranchs from by-catch'
  • MADIT-M034-NEW5 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of cetaceans and sea turtles from by-catch'
  • MADIT-M035-NEW6 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of seabirds from by-catch'
  • MADIT-M036-NEW7 - 'Implementation of awareness-raising and information measures to prevent removal activities and damage to the benthic species and habitats protected'
  • MADIT-M046 - 'Measures related to the monitoring of fishing vessels'
  • MADIT-M047 - 'Combat IUU fishing'
  • MADIT-M048 - 'Implementation of the new CFP, the EMFF and the triennial plan'
  • MADIT-M049 - 'Fisheries management of bivalve molluscs'
  • MADIT-M059 - 'Implementation of the National Energy Plan'
  • MADIT-M060 - 'Use of the maritime domain and the territorial sea areas'
  • MADIT-M061 - 'Minimum requirements to prevent major accidents in offshore operations and limiting the consequences of such accidents in the hydrocarbon sector'
  • MADIT-M062 - 'Measures concerning the spill of materials from port dredging'
  • MADIT-M063 - 'Related measures and EIA'
  • MADIT-M064 - 'Register of vessels authorised to fish under the GFCM Agreement'
  • MADIT-M087 - 'Measures related to the regulation of approval for the immersion in the sea of excavation seabed materials and dredging'
  • MICIT-M001 - 'Measures related to the management of the Natura 2000 Network sites'
  • MICIT-M002 - 'Planned measures to designate SACs in Natura 2000 sites'
  • MICIT-M003 - 'Measures to protect target species and targeted habitats through the MPAs'
  • MICIT-M004 - 'Planned measures to increase MPAs'
  • MICIT-M005 - 'Measures to protect target habitats through other protected areas'
  • MICIT-M006 - 'Management measures for benthic habitats in the Mediterranean and identification of protected species and habitats'
  • MICIT-M007 - 'Measures to protect fish stocks through other protected areas (wildlife protection areas)'
  • MICIT-M008 - 'Measures to reduce the impact of fishing and protection of pelagic habitats'
  • MICIT-M009 - 'Protective measures for the taking and selling of endangered species through international agreements'
  • MICIT-M010 - 'Measures for incidental catches of cetaceans in fisheries'
  • MICIT-M011 - 'Measures for the conservation of cetaceans in the Mediterranean, under international agreements'
  • MICIT-M012 - 'Directorial Decree of Ministry of Environment, in cooperation with the Ministry of Health, for the establishment of the coordination of the marine mammal stranding national network (ReNaSMM)'
  • MICIT-M013 - 'Measures for the conservation of wild flora and fauna and natural habitats, and the promotion of cooperation between Member States'
  • MICIT-M014 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MICIT-M015 - 'National and Community measures for the protection of birds'
  • MICIT-M016 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MICIT-M017 - 'Protective measures for benthic habitats associated with the European legislation (planning, impact assessment, river basin management plans)'
  • MICIT-M018 - 'Measures to protect habitats and associated target species under international conventions'
  • MICIT-M019 - 'Measures for the conservation of migratory species of wild animals'
  • MICIT-M020 - 'Regulatory measures for international trade in endangered species'
  • MICIT-M021 - 'International cetacean protection measures'
  • MICIT-M022 - 'Measures to protect biodiversity through European policies'
  • MICIT-M023 - 'Community and international measures for elasmobranch'
  • MICIT-M024 - 'Measures regulating catches of cetaceans, tortoises and common sturgeon'
  • MICIT-M025 - 'National measures for the protection of biodiversity'
  • MICIT-M026 - 'National measures for recovery, rescue custody and management of marine reptiles'
  • MICIT-M027 - 'Measures for coastal land planning'
  • MICIT-M028 - 'Regulatory measures for commercial fishing and the sustainable exploitation of fish stocks'
  • MICIT-M029 - 'Adoption of National Plans of Fleet Management'
  • MICIT-M030-NEW1 - 'Complete the network of Natura 2000 sites at sea and subsequent identification of conservation measures'
  • MICIT-M031-NEW2 - 'Implementation of technical solutions (methodological and instrumental) for the reduction of the phenomenon of collision with cetaceans'
  • MICIT-M032-NEW3 - 'Acquisition, systematisation and standardisation, as well as consistent recognition, with data from monitoring activities implemented, with particular reference to EIA procedures'
  • MICIT-M033-NEW4 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of elasmobranchs from by-catch'
  • MICIT-M034-NEW5 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of cetaceans and sea turtles from by-catch'
  • MICIT-M035-NEW6 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of seabirds from by-catch'
  • MICIT-M036-NEW7 - 'Implementation of awareness-raising and information measures to prevent removal activities and damage to the benthic species and habitats protected'
  • MICIT-M044 - 'Measures related to the monitoring of fishing vessels'
  • MICIT-M045 - 'Combat IUU fishing'
  • MICIT-M046 - 'Local management plans for management units'
  • MICIT-M047 - 'Implementation of the new CFP, the EMFF and the triennial plan'
  • MICIT-M048 - 'Fisheries management of bivalve molluscs'
  • MICIT-M058 - 'Implementation of the National Energy Plan'
  • MICIT-M059 - 'Use of the maritime domain and the territorial sea areas'
  • MICIT-M060 - 'Minimum requirements to prevent major accidents in offshore operations and limiting the consequences of such accidents in the hydrocarbon sector'
  • MICIT-M061 - 'Measures concerning the spill of materials from port dredging'
  • MICIT-M062 - 'Related measures and EIA'
  • MICIT-M063 - 'Register of vessels authorised to fish under the GFCM Agreement'
  • MWEIT-M001 - 'Measures related to the management of the Natura 2000 Network sites'
  • MWEIT-M002 - 'Planned measures to designate SACs in Natura 2000 sites'
  • MWEIT-M003 - 'Measures to protect target species and targeted habitats through the MPAs'
  • MWEIT-M004 - 'Planned measures to increase MPAs'
  • MWEIT-M005 - 'Measures to protect target habitats through other protected areas'
  • MWEIT-M006 - 'Management measures for benthic habitats in the Mediterranean and identification of protected species and habitats'
  • MWEIT-M007 - 'Measures to protect fish stocks through other protected areas (wildlife protection areas)'
  • MWEIT-M008 - 'Measures to reduce the impact of fishing and protection of pelagic habitats'
  • MWEIT-M009 - 'Ecological protection measures'
  • MWEIT-M010 - 'Protective measures for the taking and selling of endangered species through international agreements'
  • MWEIT-M011 - 'Measures for incidental catches of cetaceans in fisheries'
  • MWEIT-M012 - 'Measures for the conservation of cetaceans in the Mediterranean, under international agreements'
  • MWEIT-M013 - 'Directorial Decree of Ministry of Environment, in cooperation with the Ministry of Health, for the establishment of the coordination of the marine mammal stranding national network (ReNaSMM)'
  • MWEIT-M014 - 'Measures for the conservation of wild flora and fauna and natural habitats, and the promotion of cooperation between Member States'
  • MWEIT-M015 - 'Bird protection measures through the Birds Directive (2009/147/ EC)'
  • MWEIT-M016 - 'National and Community measures for the protection of birds'
  • MWEIT-M017 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MWEIT-M018 - 'Protective measures for benthic habitats associated with the European legislation (planning, impact assessment, river basin management plans)'
  • MWEIT-M019 - 'Measures to protect habitats and associated target species under international conventions'
  • MWEIT-M020 - 'Measures for the conservation of migratory species of wild animals'
  • MWEIT-M021 - 'Regulatory measures for international trade in endangered species'
  • MWEIT-M022 - 'Measures to promote a pilot area for the control of marine pollution along the coastline stretching from Marseille to La Spezia'
  • MWEIT-M023 - 'International cetacean protection measures'
  • MWEIT-M024 - 'Measures to protect biodiversity through European policies'
  • MWEIT-M025 - 'Community and international measures for elasmobranch'
  • MWEIT-M026 - 'Measures regulating catches of cetaceans, tortoises and common sturgeon'
  • MWEIT-M027 - 'Establishment of measures for the International Whale Sanctuary'
  • MWEIT-M028 - 'National measures for the protection of biodiversity'
  • MWEIT-M029 - 'National measures for recovery, rescue custody and management of marine reptiles'
  • MWEIT-M030 - 'Measures for coastal land planning'
  • MWEIT-M031 - 'Regulatory measures for commercial fishing and the sustainable exploitation of fish stocks'
  • MWEIT-M032 - 'Adoption of National Plans of Fleet Management'
  • MWEIT-M033-NEW1 - 'Complete the network of Natura 2000 sites at sea and subsequent identification of conservation measures'
  • MWEIT-M034-NEW2 - 'Implementation of technical solutions (methodological and instrumental) for the reduction of the phenomenon of collision with cetaceans'
  • MWEIT-M035-NEW3 - 'Acquisition, systematisation and standardisation, as well as consistent recognition, with data from monitoring activities implemented, with particular reference to EIA procedures'
  • MWEIT-M036-NEW4 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of elasmobranchs from by-catch'
  • MWEIT-M037-NEW5 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of cetaceans and sea turtles from by-catch'
  • MWEIT-M038-NEW6 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of seabirds from by-catch'
  • MWEIT-M039-NEW7 - 'Implementation of awareness-raising and information measures to prevent removal activities and damage to the benthic species and habitats protected'
  • MWEIT-M047 - 'Measures related to the monitoring of fishing vessels'
  • MWEIT-M048 - 'Combat IUU fishing'
  • MWEIT-M049 - 'Local management plans for management units'
  • MWEIT-M050 - 'Implementation of the new CFP, the EMFF and the triennial plan'
  • MWEIT-M051 - 'Fisheries management of bivalve molluscs'
  • MWEIT-M061 - 'Implementation of the National Energy Plan'
  • MWEIT-M062 - 'Use of the maritime domain and the territorial sea areas'
  • MWEIT-M063 - 'Minimum requirements to prevent major accidents in offshore operations and limiting the consequences of such accidents in the hydrocarbon sector'
  • MWEIT-M064 - 'Measures concerning the spill of materials from port dredging'
  • MWEIT-M065 - 'Related measures and EIA'
  • MWEIT-M066 - 'Register of vessels authorised to fish under the GFCM Agreement'
  • MWEIT-M089 - 'Measures related to the regulation of approval for the immersion in the sea of excavation seabed materials and dredging'
  • MADIT-M001 - 'Measures related to the management of the Natura 2000 Network sites'
  • MADIT-M002 - 'Planned measures to designate SACs in Natura 2000 sites'
  • MADIT-M003 - 'Measures to protect target species and targeted habitats through the MPAs'
  • MADIT-M004 - 'Planned measures to increase MPAs'
  • MADIT-M005 - 'Measures to protect target habitats through other protected areas'
  • MADIT-M006 - 'Management measures for benthic habitats in the Mediterranean and identification of protected species and habitats'
  • MADIT-M007 - 'Measures to protect fish stocks through other protected areas (wildlife protection areas)'
  • MADIT-M008 - 'Measures to reduce the impact of fishing and protection of pelagic habitats'
  • MADIT-M009 - 'Protective measures for the taking and selling of endangered species through international agreements'
  • MADIT-M010 - 'Measures for incidental catches of cetaceans in fisheries'
  • MADIT-M011 - 'Measures for the conservation of cetaceans in the Mediterranean, under international agreements'
  • MADIT-M012 - 'Directorial Decree of Ministry of Environment, in cooperation with the Ministry of Health, for the establishment of the coordination of the marine mammal stranding national network (ReNaSMM)'
  • MADIT-M013 - 'Measures for the conservation of wild flora and fauna and natural habitats, and the promotion of cooperation between Member States'
  • MADIT-M014 - 'Bird protection measures through the Birds Directive (2009/147/ EC)'
  • MADIT-M015 - 'National and Community measures for the protection of birds'
  • MADIT-M016 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MADIT-M017 - 'Protective measures for benthic habitats associated with the European legislation (planning, impact assessment, river basin management plans)'
  • MADIT-M018 - 'Measures to protect habitats and associated target species under international conventions'
  • MADIT-M019 - 'Measures for the conservation of migratory species of wild animals'
  • MADIT-M020 - 'Regulatory measures for international trade in endangered species'
  • MADIT-M021 - 'International cetacean protection measures'
  • MADIT-M022 - 'Measures to protect biodiversity through European policies'
  • MADIT-M023 - 'Community and international measures for elasmobranch'
  • MADIT-M024 - 'Measures regulating catches of cetaceans, tortoises and common sturgeon'
  • MADIT-M025 - 'National measures for the protection of biodiversity'
  • MADIT-M026 - 'National measures for recovery, rescue custody and management of marine reptiles'
  • MADIT-M027 - 'Measures for coastal land planning'
  • MADIT-M028 - 'Regulatory measures for commercial fishing and the sustainable exploitation of fish stocks'
  • MADIT-M029 - 'Adoption of National Plans of Fleet Management'
  • MADIT-M030-NEW1 - 'Complete the network of Natura 2000 sites at sea and subsequent identification of conservation measures'
  • MADIT-M031-NEW2 - 'Implementation of technical solutions (methodological and instrumental) for the reduction of the phenomenon of collision with cetaceans'
  • MADIT-M032-NEW3 - 'Acquisition, systematisation and standardisation, as well as consistent recognition, with data from monitoring activities implemented, with particular reference to EIA procedures'
  • MADIT-M033-NEW4 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of elasmobranchs from by-catch'
  • MADIT-M034-NEW5 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of cetaceans and sea turtles from by-catch'
  • MADIT-M035-NEW6 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of seabirds from by-catch'
  • MADIT-M036-NEW7 - 'Implementation of awareness-raising and information measures to prevent removal activities and damage to the benthic species and habitats protected'
  • MADIT-M046 - 'Measures related to the monitoring of fishing vessels'
  • MADIT-M047 - 'Combat IUU fishing'
  • MADIT-M048 - 'Implementation of the new CFP, the EMFF and the triennial plan'
  • MADIT-M049 - 'Fisheries management of bivalve molluscs'
  • MADIT-M059 - 'Implementation of the National Energy Plan'
  • MADIT-M060 - 'Use of the maritime domain and the territorial sea areas'
  • MADIT-M061 - 'Minimum requirements to prevent major accidents in offshore operations and limiting the consequences of such accidents in the hydrocarbon sector'
  • MADIT-M062 - 'Measures concerning the spill of materials from port dredging'
  • MADIT-M063 - 'Related measures and EIA'
  • MADIT-M064 - 'Register of vessels authorised to fish under the GFCM Agreement'
  • MADIT-M087 - 'Measures related to the regulation of approval for the immersion in the sea of excavation seabed materials and dredging'
  • MICIT-M001 - 'Measures related to the management of the Natura 2000 Network sites'
  • MICIT-M002 - 'Planned measures to designate SACs in Natura 2000 sites'
  • MICIT-M003 - 'Measures to protect target species and targeted habitats through the MPAs'
  • MICIT-M004 - 'Planned measures to increase MPAs'
  • MICIT-M005 - 'Measures to protect target habitats through other protected areas'
  • MICIT-M006 - 'Management measures for benthic habitats in the Mediterranean and identification of protected species and habitats'
  • MICIT-M007 - 'Measures to protect fish stocks through other protected areas (wildlife protection areas)'
  • MICIT-M008 - 'Measures to reduce the impact of fishing and protection of pelagic habitats'
  • MICIT-M009 - 'Protective measures for the taking and selling of endangered species through international agreements'
  • MICIT-M010 - 'Measures for incidental catches of cetaceans in fisheries'
  • MICIT-M011 - 'Measures for the conservation of cetaceans in the Mediterranean, under international agreements'
  • MICIT-M012 - 'Directorial Decree of Ministry of Environment, in cooperation with the Ministry of Health, for the establishment of the coordination of the marine mammal stranding national network (ReNaSMM)'
  • MICIT-M013 - 'Measures for the conservation of wild flora and fauna and natural habitats, and the promotion of cooperation between Member States'
  • MICIT-M014 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MICIT-M015 - 'National and Community measures for the protection of birds'
  • MICIT-M016 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MICIT-M017 - 'Protective measures for benthic habitats associated with the European legislation (planning, impact assessment, river basin management plans)'
  • MICIT-M018 - 'Measures to protect habitats and associated target species under international conventions'
  • MICIT-M019 - 'Measures for the conservation of migratory species of wild animals'
  • MICIT-M020 - 'Regulatory measures for international trade in endangered species'
  • MICIT-M021 - 'International cetacean protection measures'
  • MICIT-M022 - 'Measures to protect biodiversity through European policies'
  • MICIT-M023 - 'Community and international measures for elasmobranch'
  • MICIT-M024 - 'Measures regulating catches of cetaceans, tortoises and common sturgeon'
  • MICIT-M025 - 'National measures for the protection of biodiversity'
  • MICIT-M026 - 'National measures for recovery, rescue custody and management of marine reptiles'
  • MICIT-M027 - 'Measures for coastal land planning'
  • MICIT-M028 - 'Regulatory measures for commercial fishing and the sustainable exploitation of fish stocks'
  • MICIT-M029 - 'Adoption of National Plans of Fleet Management'
  • MICIT-M030-NEW1 - 'Complete the network of Natura 2000 sites at sea and subsequent identification of conservation measures'
  • MICIT-M031-NEW2 - 'Implementation of technical solutions (methodological and instrumental) for the reduction of the phenomenon of collision with cetaceans'
  • MICIT-M032-NEW3 - 'Acquisition, systematisation and standardisation, as well as consistent recognition, with data from monitoring activities implemented, with particular reference to EIA procedures'
  • MICIT-M033-NEW4 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of elasmobranchs from by-catch'
  • MICIT-M034-NEW5 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of cetaceans and sea turtles from by-catch'
  • MICIT-M035-NEW6 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of seabirds from by-catch'
  • MICIT-M036-NEW7 - 'Implementation of awareness-raising and information measures to prevent removal activities and damage to the benthic species and habitats protected'
  • MICIT-M044 - 'Measures related to the monitoring of fishing vessels'
  • MICIT-M045 - 'Combat IUU fishing'
  • MICIT-M046 - 'Local management plans for management units'
  • MICIT-M047 - 'Implementation of the new CFP, the EMFF and the triennial plan'
  • MICIT-M048 - 'Fisheries management of bivalve molluscs'
  • MICIT-M058 - 'Implementation of the National Energy Plan'
  • MICIT-M059 - 'Use of the maritime domain and the territorial sea areas'
  • MICIT-M060 - 'Minimum requirements to prevent major accidents in offshore operations and limiting the consequences of such accidents in the hydrocarbon sector'
  • MICIT-M061 - 'Measures concerning the spill of materials from port dredging'
  • MICIT-M062 - 'Related measures and EIA'
  • MICIT-M063 - 'Register of vessels authorised to fish under the GFCM Agreement'
  • MWEIT-M001 - 'Measures related to the management of the Natura 2000 Network sites'
  • MWEIT-M002 - 'Planned measures to designate SACs in Natura 2000 sites'
  • MWEIT-M003 - 'Measures to protect target species and targeted habitats through the MPAs'
  • MWEIT-M004 - 'Planned measures to increase MPAs'
  • MWEIT-M005 - 'Measures to protect target habitats through other protected areas'
  • MWEIT-M006 - 'Management measures for benthic habitats in the Mediterranean and identification of protected species and habitats'
  • MWEIT-M007 - 'Measures to protect fish stocks through other protected areas (wildlife protection areas)'
  • MWEIT-M008 - 'Measures to reduce the impact of fishing and protection of pelagic habitats'
  • MWEIT-M009 - 'Ecological protection measures'
  • MWEIT-M010 - 'Protective measures for the taking and selling of endangered species through international agreements'
  • MWEIT-M011 - 'Measures for incidental catches of cetaceans in fisheries'
  • MWEIT-M012 - 'Measures for the conservation of cetaceans in the Mediterranean, under international agreements'
  • MWEIT-M013 - 'Directorial Decree of Ministry of Environment, in cooperation with the Ministry of Health, for the establishment of the coordination of the marine mammal stranding national network (ReNaSMM)'
  • MWEIT-M014 - 'Measures for the conservation of wild flora and fauna and natural habitats, and the promotion of cooperation between Member States'
  • MWEIT-M015 - 'Bird protection measures through the Birds Directive (2009/147/ EC)'
  • MWEIT-M016 - 'National and Community measures for the protection of birds'
  • MWEIT-M017 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MWEIT-M018 - 'Protective measures for benthic habitats associated with the European legislation (planning, impact assessment, river basin management plans)'
  • MWEIT-M019 - 'Measures to protect habitats and associated target species under international conventions'
  • MWEIT-M020 - 'Measures for the conservation of migratory species of wild animals'
  • MWEIT-M021 - 'Regulatory measures for international trade in endangered species'
  • MWEIT-M022 - 'Measures to promote a pilot area for the control of marine pollution along the coastline stretching from Marseille to La Spezia'
  • MWEIT-M023 - 'International cetacean protection measures'
  • MWEIT-M024 - 'Measures to protect biodiversity through European policies'
  • MWEIT-M025 - 'Community and international measures for elasmobranch'
  • MWEIT-M026 - 'Measures regulating catches of cetaceans, tortoises and common sturgeon'
  • MWEIT-M027 - 'Establishment of measures for the International Whale Sanctuary'
  • MWEIT-M028 - 'National measures for the protection of biodiversity'
  • MWEIT-M029 - 'National measures for recovery, rescue custody and management of marine reptiles'
  • MWEIT-M030 - 'Measures for coastal land planning'
  • MWEIT-M031 - 'Regulatory measures for commercial fishing and the sustainable exploitation of fish stocks'
  • MWEIT-M032 - 'Adoption of National Plans of Fleet Management'
  • MWEIT-M033-NEW1 - 'Complete the network of Natura 2000 sites at sea and subsequent identification of conservation measures'
  • MWEIT-M034-NEW2 - 'Implementation of technical solutions (methodological and instrumental) for the reduction of the phenomenon of collision with cetaceans'
  • MWEIT-M035-NEW3 - 'Acquisition, systematisation and standardisation, as well as consistent recognition, with data from monitoring activities implemented, with particular reference to EIA procedures'
  • MWEIT-M036-NEW4 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of elasmobranchs from by-catch'
  • MWEIT-M037-NEW5 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of cetaceans and sea turtles from by-catch'
  • MWEIT-M038-NEW6 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of seabirds from by-catch'
  • MWEIT-M039-NEW7 - 'Implementation of awareness-raising and information measures to prevent removal activities and damage to the benthic species and habitats protected'
  • MWEIT-M047 - 'Measures related to the monitoring of fishing vessels'
  • MWEIT-M048 - 'Combat IUU fishing'
  • MWEIT-M049 - 'Local management plans for management units'
  • MWEIT-M050 - 'Implementation of the new CFP, the EMFF and the triennial plan'
  • MWEIT-M051 - 'Fisheries management of bivalve molluscs'
  • MWEIT-M061 - 'Implementation of the National Energy Plan'
  • MWEIT-M062 - 'Use of the maritime domain and the territorial sea areas'
  • MWEIT-M063 - 'Minimum requirements to prevent major accidents in offshore operations and limiting the consequences of such accidents in the hydrocarbon sector'
  • MWEIT-M064 - 'Measures concerning the spill of materials from port dredging'
  • MWEIT-M065 - 'Related measures and EIA'
  • MWEIT-M066 - 'Register of vessels authorised to fish under the GFCM Agreement'
  • MWEIT-M089 - 'Measures related to the regulation of approval for the immersion in the sea of excavation seabed materials and dredging'
  • MADIT-M001 - 'Measures related to the management of the Natura 2000 Network sites'
  • MADIT-M002 - 'Planned measures to designate SACs in Natura 2000 sites'
  • MADIT-M003 - 'Measures to protect target species and targeted habitats through the MPAs'
  • MADIT-M004 - 'Planned measures to increase MPAs'
  • MADIT-M005 - 'Measures to protect target habitats through other protected areas'
  • MADIT-M006 - 'Management measures for benthic habitats in the Mediterranean and identification of protected species and habitats'
  • MADIT-M007 - 'Measures to protect fish stocks through other protected areas (wildlife protection areas)'
  • MADIT-M008 - 'Measures to reduce the impact of fishing and protection of pelagic habitats'
  • MADIT-M009 - 'Protective measures for the taking and selling of endangered species through international agreements'
  • MADIT-M010 - 'Measures for incidental catches of cetaceans in fisheries'
  • MADIT-M011 - 'Measures for the conservation of cetaceans in the Mediterranean, under international agreements'
  • MADIT-M012 - 'Directorial Decree of Ministry of Environment, in cooperation with the Ministry of Health, for the establishment of the coordination of the marine mammal stranding national network (ReNaSMM)'
  • MADIT-M013 - 'Measures for the conservation of wild flora and fauna and natural habitats, and the promotion of cooperation between Member States'
  • MADIT-M014 - 'Bird protection measures through the Birds Directive (2009/147/ EC)'
  • MADIT-M015 - 'National and Community measures for the protection of birds'
  • MADIT-M016 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MADIT-M017 - 'Protective measures for benthic habitats associated with the European legislation (planning, impact assessment, river basin management plans)'
  • MADIT-M018 - 'Measures to protect habitats and associated target species under international conventions'
  • MADIT-M019 - 'Measures for the conservation of migratory species of wild animals'
  • MADIT-M020 - 'Regulatory measures for international trade in endangered species'
  • MADIT-M021 - 'International cetacean protection measures'
  • MADIT-M022 - 'Measures to protect biodiversity through European policies'
  • MADIT-M023 - 'Community and international measures for elasmobranch'
  • MADIT-M024 - 'Measures regulating catches of cetaceans, tortoises and common sturgeon'
  • MADIT-M025 - 'National measures for the protection of biodiversity'
  • MADIT-M026 - 'National measures for recovery, rescue custody and management of marine reptiles'
  • MADIT-M027 - 'Measures for coastal land planning'
  • MADIT-M028 - 'Regulatory measures for commercial fishing and the sustainable exploitation of fish stocks'
  • MADIT-M029 - 'Adoption of National Plans of Fleet Management'
  • MADIT-M030-NEW1 - 'Complete the network of Natura 2000 sites at sea and subsequent identification of conservation measures'
  • MADIT-M031-NEW2 - 'Implementation of technical solutions (methodological and instrumental) for the reduction of the phenomenon of collision with cetaceans'
  • MADIT-M032-NEW3 - 'Acquisition, systematisation and standardisation, as well as consistent recognition, with data from monitoring activities implemented, with particular reference to EIA procedures'
  • MADIT-M033-NEW4 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of elasmobranchs from by-catch'
  • MADIT-M034-NEW5 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of cetaceans and sea turtles from by-catch'
  • MADIT-M035-NEW6 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of seabirds from by-catch'
  • MADIT-M036-NEW7 - 'Implementation of awareness-raising and information measures to prevent removal activities and damage to the benthic species and habitats protected'
  • MADIT-M046 - 'Measures related to the monitoring of fishing vessels'
  • MADIT-M047 - 'Combat IUU fishing'
  • MADIT-M048 - 'Implementation of the new CFP, the EMFF and the triennial plan'
  • MADIT-M049 - 'Fisheries management of bivalve molluscs'
  • MADIT-M059 - 'Implementation of the National Energy Plan'
  • MADIT-M060 - 'Use of the maritime domain and the territorial sea areas'
  • MADIT-M061 - 'Minimum requirements to prevent major accidents in offshore operations and limiting the consequences of such accidents in the hydrocarbon sector'
  • MADIT-M062 - 'Measures concerning the spill of materials from port dredging'
  • MADIT-M063 - 'Related measures and EIA'
  • MADIT-M064 - 'Register of vessels authorised to fish under the GFCM Agreement'
  • MADIT-M087 - 'Measures related to the regulation of approval for the immersion in the sea of excavation seabed materials and dredging'
  • MICIT-M001 - 'Measures related to the management of the Natura 2000 Network sites'
  • MICIT-M002 - 'Planned measures to designate SACs in Natura 2000 sites'
  • MICIT-M003 - 'Measures to protect target species and targeted habitats through the MPAs'
  • MICIT-M004 - 'Planned measures to increase MPAs'
  • MICIT-M005 - 'Measures to protect target habitats through other protected areas'
  • MICIT-M006 - 'Management measures for benthic habitats in the Mediterranean and identification of protected species and habitats'
  • MICIT-M007 - 'Measures to protect fish stocks through other protected areas (wildlife protection areas)'
  • MICIT-M008 - 'Measures to reduce the impact of fishing and protection of pelagic habitats'
  • MICIT-M009 - 'Protective measures for the taking and selling of endangered species through international agreements'
  • MICIT-M010 - 'Measures for incidental catches of cetaceans in fisheries'
  • MICIT-M011 - 'Measures for the conservation of cetaceans in the Mediterranean, under international agreements'
  • MICIT-M012 - 'Directorial Decree of Ministry of Environment, in cooperation with the Ministry of Health, for the establishment of the coordination of the marine mammal stranding national network (ReNaSMM)'
  • MICIT-M013 - 'Measures for the conservation of wild flora and fauna and natural habitats, and the promotion of cooperation between Member States'
  • MICIT-M014 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MICIT-M015 - 'National and Community measures for the protection of birds'
  • MICIT-M016 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MICIT-M017 - 'Protective measures for benthic habitats associated with the European legislation (planning, impact assessment, river basin management plans)'
  • MICIT-M018 - 'Measures to protect habitats and associated target species under international conventions'
  • MICIT-M019 - 'Measures for the conservation of migratory species of wild animals'
  • MICIT-M020 - 'Regulatory measures for international trade in endangered species'
  • MICIT-M021 - 'International cetacean protection measures'
  • MICIT-M022 - 'Measures to protect biodiversity through European policies'
  • MICIT-M023 - 'Community and international measures for elasmobranch'
  • MICIT-M024 - 'Measures regulating catches of cetaceans, tortoises and common sturgeon'
  • MICIT-M025 - 'National measures for the protection of biodiversity'
  • MICIT-M026 - 'National measures for recovery, rescue custody and management of marine reptiles'
  • MICIT-M027 - 'Measures for coastal land planning'
  • MICIT-M028 - 'Regulatory measures for commercial fishing and the sustainable exploitation of fish stocks'
  • MICIT-M029 - 'Adoption of National Plans of Fleet Management'
  • MICIT-M030-NEW1 - 'Complete the network of Natura 2000 sites at sea and subsequent identification of conservation measures'
  • MICIT-M031-NEW2 - 'Implementation of technical solutions (methodological and instrumental) for the reduction of the phenomenon of collision with cetaceans'
  • MICIT-M032-NEW3 - 'Acquisition, systematisation and standardisation, as well as consistent recognition, with data from monitoring activities implemented, with particular reference to EIA procedures'
  • MICIT-M033-NEW4 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of elasmobranchs from by-catch'
  • MICIT-M034-NEW5 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of cetaceans and sea turtles from by-catch'
  • MICIT-M035-NEW6 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of seabirds from by-catch'
  • MICIT-M036-NEW7 - 'Implementation of awareness-raising and information measures to prevent removal activities and damage to the benthic species and habitats protected'
  • MICIT-M044 - 'Measures related to the monitoring of fishing vessels'
  • MICIT-M045 - 'Combat IUU fishing'
  • MICIT-M046 - 'Local management plans for management units'
  • MICIT-M047 - 'Implementation of the new CFP, the EMFF and the triennial plan'
  • MICIT-M048 - 'Fisheries management of bivalve molluscs'
  • MICIT-M058 - 'Implementation of the National Energy Plan'
  • MICIT-M059 - 'Use of the maritime domain and the territorial sea areas'
  • MICIT-M060 - 'Minimum requirements to prevent major accidents in offshore operations and limiting the consequences of such accidents in the hydrocarbon sector'
  • MICIT-M061 - 'Measures concerning the spill of materials from port dredging'
  • MICIT-M062 - 'Related measures and EIA'
  • MICIT-M063 - 'Register of vessels authorised to fish under the GFCM Agreement'
  • MWEIT-M001 - 'Measures related to the management of the Natura 2000 Network sites'
  • MWEIT-M002 - 'Planned measures to designate SACs in Natura 2000 sites'
  • MWEIT-M003 - 'Measures to protect target species and targeted habitats through the MPAs'
  • MWEIT-M004 - 'Planned measures to increase MPAs'
  • MWEIT-M005 - 'Measures to protect target habitats through other protected areas'
  • MWEIT-M006 - 'Management measures for benthic habitats in the Mediterranean and identification of protected species and habitats'
  • MWEIT-M007 - 'Measures to protect fish stocks through other protected areas (wildlife protection areas)'
  • MWEIT-M008 - 'Measures to reduce the impact of fishing and protection of pelagic habitats'
  • MWEIT-M009 - 'Ecological protection measures'
  • MWEIT-M010 - 'Protective measures for the taking and selling of endangered species through international agreements'
  • MWEIT-M011 - 'Measures for incidental catches of cetaceans in fisheries'
  • MWEIT-M012 - 'Measures for the conservation of cetaceans in the Mediterranean, under international agreements'
  • MWEIT-M013 - 'Directorial Decree of Ministry of Environment, in cooperation with the Ministry of Health, for the establishment of the coordination of the marine mammal stranding national network (ReNaSMM)'
  • MWEIT-M014 - 'Measures for the conservation of wild flora and fauna and natural habitats, and the promotion of cooperation between Member States'
  • MWEIT-M015 - 'Bird protection measures through the Birds Directive (2009/147/ EC)'
  • MWEIT-M016 - 'National and Community measures for the protection of birds'
  • MWEIT-M017 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MWEIT-M018 - 'Protective measures for benthic habitats associated with the European legislation (planning, impact assessment, river basin management plans)'
  • MWEIT-M019 - 'Measures to protect habitats and associated target species under international conventions'
  • MWEIT-M020 - 'Measures for the conservation of migratory species of wild animals'
  • MWEIT-M021 - 'Regulatory measures for international trade in endangered species'
  • MWEIT-M022 - 'Measures to promote a pilot area for the control of marine pollution along the coastline stretching from Marseille to La Spezia'
  • MWEIT-M023 - 'International cetacean protection measures'
  • MWEIT-M024 - 'Measures to protect biodiversity through European policies'
  • MWEIT-M025 - 'Community and international measures for elasmobranch'
  • MWEIT-M026 - 'Measures regulating catches of cetaceans, tortoises and common sturgeon'
  • MWEIT-M027 - 'Establishment of measures for the International Whale Sanctuary'
  • MWEIT-M028 - 'National measures for the protection of biodiversity'
  • MWEIT-M029 - 'National measures for recovery, rescue custody and management of marine reptiles'
  • MWEIT-M030 - 'Measures for coastal land planning'
  • MWEIT-M031 - 'Regulatory measures for commercial fishing and the sustainable exploitation of fish stocks'
  • MWEIT-M032 - 'Adoption of National Plans of Fleet Management'
  • MWEIT-M033-NEW1 - 'Complete the network of Natura 2000 sites at sea and subsequent identification of conservation measures'
  • MWEIT-M034-NEW2 - 'Implementation of technical solutions (methodological and instrumental) for the reduction of the phenomenon of collision with cetaceans'
  • MWEIT-M035-NEW3 - 'Acquisition, systematisation and standardisation, as well as consistent recognition, with data from monitoring activities implemented, with particular reference to EIA procedures'
  • MWEIT-M036-NEW4 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of elasmobranchs from by-catch'
  • MWEIT-M037-NEW5 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of cetaceans and sea turtles from by-catch'
  • MWEIT-M038-NEW6 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of seabirds from by-catch'
  • MWEIT-M039-NEW7 - 'Implementation of awareness-raising and information measures to prevent removal activities and damage to the benthic species and habitats protected'
  • MWEIT-M047 - 'Measures related to the monitoring of fishing vessels'
  • MWEIT-M048 - 'Combat IUU fishing'
  • MWEIT-M049 - 'Local management plans for management units'
  • MWEIT-M050 - 'Implementation of the new CFP, the EMFF and the triennial plan'
  • MWEIT-M051 - 'Fisheries management of bivalve molluscs'
  • MWEIT-M061 - 'Implementation of the National Energy Plan'
  • MWEIT-M062 - 'Use of the maritime domain and the territorial sea areas'
  • MWEIT-M063 - 'Minimum requirements to prevent major accidents in offshore operations and limiting the consequences of such accidents in the hydrocarbon sector'
  • MWEIT-M064 - 'Measures concerning the spill of materials from port dredging'
  • MWEIT-M065 - 'Related measures and EIA'
  • MWEIT-M066 - 'Register of vessels authorised to fish under the GFCM Agreement'
  • MWEIT-M089 - 'Measures related to the regulation of approval for the immersion in the sea of excavation seabed materials and dredging'
  • MADIT-M001 - 'Measures related to the management of the Natura 2000 Network sites'
  • MADIT-M002 - 'Planned measures to designate SACs in Natura 2000 sites'
  • MADIT-M003 - 'Measures to protect target species and targeted habitats through the MPAs'
  • MADIT-M004 - 'Planned measures to increase MPAs'
  • MADIT-M005 - 'Measures to protect target habitats through other protected areas'
  • MADIT-M006 - 'Management measures for benthic habitats in the Mediterranean and identification of protected species and habitats'
  • MADIT-M007 - 'Measures to protect fish stocks through other protected areas (wildlife protection areas)'
  • MADIT-M008 - 'Measures to reduce the impact of fishing and protection of pelagic habitats'
  • MADIT-M009 - 'Protective measures for the taking and selling of endangered species through international agreements'
  • MADIT-M010 - 'Measures for incidental catches of cetaceans in fisheries'
  • MADIT-M011 - 'Measures for the conservation of cetaceans in the Mediterranean, under international agreements'
  • MADIT-M012 - 'Directorial Decree of Ministry of Environment, in cooperation with the Ministry of Health, for the establishment of the coordination of the marine mammal stranding national network (ReNaSMM)'
  • MADIT-M013 - 'Measures for the conservation of wild flora and fauna and natural habitats, and the promotion of cooperation between Member States'
  • MADIT-M014 - 'Bird protection measures through the Birds Directive (2009/147/ EC)'
  • MADIT-M015 - 'National and Community measures for the protection of birds'
  • MADIT-M016 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MADIT-M017 - 'Protective measures for benthic habitats associated with the European legislation (planning, impact assessment, river basin management plans)'
  • MADIT-M018 - 'Measures to protect habitats and associated target species under international conventions'
  • MADIT-M019 - 'Measures for the conservation of migratory species of wild animals'
  • MADIT-M020 - 'Regulatory measures for international trade in endangered species'
  • MADIT-M021 - 'International cetacean protection measures'
  • MADIT-M022 - 'Measures to protect biodiversity through European policies'
  • MADIT-M023 - 'Community and international measures for elasmobranch'
  • MADIT-M024 - 'Measures regulating catches of cetaceans, tortoises and common sturgeon'
  • MADIT-M025 - 'National measures for the protection of biodiversity'
  • MADIT-M026 - 'National measures for recovery, rescue custody and management of marine reptiles'
  • MADIT-M027 - 'Measures for coastal land planning'
  • MADIT-M028 - 'Regulatory measures for commercial fishing and the sustainable exploitation of fish stocks'
  • MADIT-M029 - 'Adoption of National Plans of Fleet Management'
  • MADIT-M030-NEW1 - 'Complete the network of Natura 2000 sites at sea and subsequent identification of conservation measures'
  • MADIT-M031-NEW2 - 'Implementation of technical solutions (methodological and instrumental) for the reduction of the phenomenon of collision with cetaceans'
  • MADIT-M032-NEW3 - 'Acquisition, systematisation and standardisation, as well as consistent recognition, with data from monitoring activities implemented, with particular reference to EIA procedures'
  • MADIT-M033-NEW4 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of elasmobranchs from by-catch'
  • MADIT-M034-NEW5 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of cetaceans and sea turtles from by-catch'
  • MADIT-M035-NEW6 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of seabirds from by-catch'
  • MADIT-M036-NEW7 - 'Implementation of awareness-raising and information measures to prevent removal activities and damage to the benthic species and habitats protected'
  • MADIT-M046 - 'Measures related to the monitoring of fishing vessels'
  • MADIT-M047 - 'Combat IUU fishing'
  • MADIT-M048 - 'Implementation of the new CFP, the EMFF and the triennial plan'
  • MADIT-M049 - 'Fisheries management of bivalve molluscs'
  • MADIT-M059 - 'Implementation of the National Energy Plan'
  • MADIT-M060 - 'Use of the maritime domain and the territorial sea areas'
  • MADIT-M061 - 'Minimum requirements to prevent major accidents in offshore operations and limiting the consequences of such accidents in the hydrocarbon sector'
  • MADIT-M062 - 'Measures concerning the spill of materials from port dredging'
  • MADIT-M063 - 'Related measures and EIA'
  • MADIT-M064 - 'Register of vessels authorised to fish under the GFCM Agreement'
  • MADIT-M087 - 'Measures related to the regulation of approval for the immersion in the sea of excavation seabed materials and dredging'
  • MICIT-M001 - 'Measures related to the management of the Natura 2000 Network sites'
  • MICIT-M002 - 'Planned measures to designate SACs in Natura 2000 sites'
  • MICIT-M003 - 'Measures to protect target species and targeted habitats through the MPAs'
  • MICIT-M004 - 'Planned measures to increase MPAs'
  • MICIT-M005 - 'Measures to protect target habitats through other protected areas'
  • MICIT-M006 - 'Management measures for benthic habitats in the Mediterranean and identification of protected species and habitats'
  • MICIT-M007 - 'Measures to protect fish stocks through other protected areas (wildlife protection areas)'
  • MICIT-M008 - 'Measures to reduce the impact of fishing and protection of pelagic habitats'
  • MICIT-M009 - 'Protective measures for the taking and selling of endangered species through international agreements'
  • MICIT-M010 - 'Measures for incidental catches of cetaceans in fisheries'
  • MICIT-M011 - 'Measures for the conservation of cetaceans in the Mediterranean, under international agreements'
  • MICIT-M012 - 'Directorial Decree of Ministry of Environment, in cooperation with the Ministry of Health, for the establishment of the coordination of the marine mammal stranding national network (ReNaSMM)'
  • MICIT-M013 - 'Measures for the conservation of wild flora and fauna and natural habitats, and the promotion of cooperation between Member States'
  • MICIT-M014 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MICIT-M015 - 'National and Community measures for the protection of birds'
  • MICIT-M016 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MICIT-M017 - 'Protective measures for benthic habitats associated with the European legislation (planning, impact assessment, river basin management plans)'
  • MICIT-M018 - 'Measures to protect habitats and associated target species under international conventions'
  • MICIT-M019 - 'Measures for the conservation of migratory species of wild animals'
  • MICIT-M020 - 'Regulatory measures for international trade in endangered species'
  • MICIT-M021 - 'International cetacean protection measures'
  • MICIT-M022 - 'Measures to protect biodiversity through European policies'
  • MICIT-M023 - 'Community and international measures for elasmobranch'
  • MICIT-M024 - 'Measures regulating catches of cetaceans, tortoises and common sturgeon'
  • MICIT-M025 - 'National measures for the protection of biodiversity'
  • MICIT-M026 - 'National measures for recovery, rescue custody and management of marine reptiles'
  • MICIT-M027 - 'Measures for coastal land planning'
  • MICIT-M028 - 'Regulatory measures for commercial fishing and the sustainable exploitation of fish stocks'
  • MICIT-M029 - 'Adoption of National Plans of Fleet Management'
  • MICIT-M030-NEW1 - 'Complete the network of Natura 2000 sites at sea and subsequent identification of conservation measures'
  • MICIT-M031-NEW2 - 'Implementation of technical solutions (methodological and instrumental) for the reduction of the phenomenon of collision with cetaceans'
  • MICIT-M032-NEW3 - 'Acquisition, systematisation and standardisation, as well as consistent recognition, with data from monitoring activities implemented, with particular reference to EIA procedures'
  • MICIT-M033-NEW4 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of elasmobranchs from by-catch'
  • MICIT-M034-NEW5 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of cetaceans and sea turtles from by-catch'
  • MICIT-M035-NEW6 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of seabirds from by-catch'
  • MICIT-M036-NEW7 - 'Implementation of awareness-raising and information measures to prevent removal activities and damage to the benthic species and habitats protected'
  • MICIT-M044 - 'Measures related to the monitoring of fishing vessels'
  • MICIT-M045 - 'Combat IUU fishing'
  • MICIT-M046 - 'Local management plans for management units'
  • MICIT-M047 - 'Implementation of the new CFP, the EMFF and the triennial plan'
  • MICIT-M048 - 'Fisheries management of bivalve molluscs'
  • MICIT-M058 - 'Implementation of the National Energy Plan'
  • MICIT-M059 - 'Use of the maritime domain and the territorial sea areas'
  • MICIT-M060 - 'Minimum requirements to prevent major accidents in offshore operations and limiting the consequences of such accidents in the hydrocarbon sector'
  • MICIT-M061 - 'Measures concerning the spill of materials from port dredging'
  • MICIT-M062 - 'Related measures and EIA'
  • MICIT-M063 - 'Register of vessels authorised to fish under the GFCM Agreement'
  • MWEIT-M001 - 'Measures related to the management of the Natura 2000 Network sites'
  • MWEIT-M002 - 'Planned measures to designate SACs in Natura 2000 sites'
  • MWEIT-M003 - 'Measures to protect target species and targeted habitats through the MPAs'
  • MWEIT-M004 - 'Planned measures to increase MPAs'
  • MWEIT-M005 - 'Measures to protect target habitats through other protected areas'
  • MWEIT-M006 - 'Management measures for benthic habitats in the Mediterranean and identification of protected species and habitats'
  • MWEIT-M007 - 'Measures to protect fish stocks through other protected areas (wildlife protection areas)'
  • MWEIT-M008 - 'Measures to reduce the impact of fishing and protection of pelagic habitats'
  • MWEIT-M009 - 'Ecological protection measures'
  • MWEIT-M010 - 'Protective measures for the taking and selling of endangered species through international agreements'
  • MWEIT-M011 - 'Measures for incidental catches of cetaceans in fisheries'
  • MWEIT-M012 - 'Measures for the conservation of cetaceans in the Mediterranean, under international agreements'
  • MWEIT-M013 - 'Directorial Decree of Ministry of Environment, in cooperation with the Ministry of Health, for the establishment of the coordination of the marine mammal stranding national network (ReNaSMM)'
  • MWEIT-M014 - 'Measures for the conservation of wild flora and fauna and natural habitats, and the promotion of cooperation between Member States'
  • MWEIT-M015 - 'Bird protection measures through the Birds Directive (2009/147/ EC)'
  • MWEIT-M016 - 'National and Community measures for the protection of birds'
  • MWEIT-M017 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MWEIT-M018 - 'Protective measures for benthic habitats associated with the European legislation (planning, impact assessment, river basin management plans)'
  • MWEIT-M019 - 'Measures to protect habitats and associated target species under international conventions'
  • MWEIT-M020 - 'Measures for the conservation of migratory species of wild animals'
  • MWEIT-M021 - 'Regulatory measures for international trade in endangered species'
  • MWEIT-M022 - 'Measures to promote a pilot area for the control of marine pollution along the coastline stretching from Marseille to La Spezia'
  • MWEIT-M023 - 'International cetacean protection measures'
  • MWEIT-M024 - 'Measures to protect biodiversity through European policies'
  • MWEIT-M025 - 'Community and international measures for elasmobranch'
  • MWEIT-M026 - 'Measures regulating catches of cetaceans, tortoises and common sturgeon'
  • MWEIT-M027 - 'Establishment of measures for the International Whale Sanctuary'
  • MWEIT-M028 - 'National measures for the protection of biodiversity'
  • MWEIT-M029 - 'National measures for recovery, rescue custody and management of marine reptiles'
  • MWEIT-M030 - 'Measures for coastal land planning'
  • MWEIT-M031 - 'Regulatory measures for commercial fishing and the sustainable exploitation of fish stocks'
  • MWEIT-M032 - 'Adoption of National Plans of Fleet Management'
  • MWEIT-M033-NEW1 - 'Complete the network of Natura 2000 sites at sea and subsequent identification of conservation measures'
  • MWEIT-M034-NEW2 - 'Implementation of technical solutions (methodological and instrumental) for the reduction of the phenomenon of collision with cetaceans'
  • MWEIT-M035-NEW3 - 'Acquisition, systematisation and standardisation, as well as consistent recognition, with data from monitoring activities implemented, with particular reference to EIA procedures'
  • MWEIT-M036-NEW4 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of elasmobranchs from by-catch'
  • MWEIT-M037-NEW5 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of cetaceans and sea turtles from by-catch'
  • MWEIT-M038-NEW6 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of seabirds from by-catch'
  • MWEIT-M039-NEW7 - 'Implementation of awareness-raising and information measures to prevent removal activities and damage to the benthic species and habitats protected'
  • MWEIT-M047 - 'Measures related to the monitoring of fishing vessels'
  • MWEIT-M048 - 'Combat IUU fishing'
  • MWEIT-M049 - 'Local management plans for management units'
  • MWEIT-M050 - 'Implementation of the new CFP, the EMFF and the triennial plan'
  • MWEIT-M051 - 'Fisheries management of bivalve molluscs'
  • MWEIT-M061 - 'Implementation of the National Energy Plan'
  • MWEIT-M062 - 'Use of the maritime domain and the territorial sea areas'
  • MWEIT-M063 - 'Minimum requirements to prevent major accidents in offshore operations and limiting the consequences of such accidents in the hydrocarbon sector'
  • MWEIT-M064 - 'Measures concerning the spill of materials from port dredging'
  • MWEIT-M065 - 'Related measures and EIA'
  • MWEIT-M066 - 'Register of vessels authorised to fish under the GFCM Agreement'
  • MWEIT-M089 - 'Measures related to the regulation of approval for the immersion in the sea of excavation seabed materials and dredging'
  • MADIT-M001 - 'Measures related to the management of the Natura 2000 Network sites'
  • MADIT-M002 - 'Planned measures to designate SACs in Natura 2000 sites'
  • MADIT-M003 - 'Measures to protect target species and targeted habitats through the MPAs'
  • MADIT-M004 - 'Planned measures to increase MPAs'
  • MADIT-M005 - 'Measures to protect target habitats through other protected areas'
  • MADIT-M006 - 'Management measures for benthic habitats in the Mediterranean and identification of protected species and habitats'
  • MADIT-M007 - 'Measures to protect fish stocks through other protected areas (wildlife protection areas)'
  • MADIT-M008 - 'Measures to reduce the impact of fishing and protection of pelagic habitats'
  • MADIT-M009 - 'Protective measures for the taking and selling of endangered species through international agreements'
  • MADIT-M010 - 'Measures for incidental catches of cetaceans in fisheries'
  • MADIT-M011 - 'Measures for the conservation of cetaceans in the Mediterranean, under international agreements'
  • MADIT-M012 - 'Directorial Decree of Ministry of Environment, in cooperation with the Ministry of Health, for the establishment of the coordination of the marine mammal stranding national network (ReNaSMM)'
  • MADIT-M013 - 'Measures for the conservation of wild flora and fauna and natural habitats, and the promotion of cooperation between Member States'
  • MADIT-M014 - 'Bird protection measures through the Birds Directive (2009/147/ EC)'
  • MADIT-M015 - 'National and Community measures for the protection of birds'
  • MADIT-M016 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MADIT-M017 - 'Protective measures for benthic habitats associated with the European legislation (planning, impact assessment, river basin management plans)'
  • MADIT-M018 - 'Measures to protect habitats and associated target species under international conventions'
  • MADIT-M019 - 'Measures for the conservation of migratory species of wild animals'
  • MADIT-M020 - 'Regulatory measures for international trade in endangered species'
  • MADIT-M021 - 'International cetacean protection measures'
  • MADIT-M022 - 'Measures to protect biodiversity through European policies'
  • MADIT-M023 - 'Community and international measures for elasmobranch'
  • MADIT-M024 - 'Measures regulating catches of cetaceans, tortoises and common sturgeon'
  • MADIT-M025 - 'National measures for the protection of biodiversity'
  • MADIT-M026 - 'National measures for recovery, rescue custody and management of marine reptiles'
  • MADIT-M027 - 'Measures for coastal land planning'
  • MADIT-M028 - 'Regulatory measures for commercial fishing and the sustainable exploitation of fish stocks'
  • MADIT-M029 - 'Adoption of National Plans of Fleet Management'
  • MADIT-M030-NEW1 - 'Complete the network of Natura 2000 sites at sea and subsequent identification of conservation measures'
  • MADIT-M031-NEW2 - 'Implementation of technical solutions (methodological and instrumental) for the reduction of the phenomenon of collision with cetaceans'
  • MADIT-M032-NEW3 - 'Acquisition, systematisation and standardisation, as well as consistent recognition, with data from monitoring activities implemented, with particular reference to EIA procedures'
  • MADIT-M033-NEW4 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of elasmobranchs from by-catch'
  • MADIT-M034-NEW5 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of cetaceans and sea turtles from by-catch'
  • MADIT-M035-NEW6 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of seabirds from by-catch'
  • MADIT-M036-NEW7 - 'Implementation of awareness-raising and information measures to prevent removal activities and damage to the benthic species and habitats protected'
  • MADIT-M046 - 'Measures related to the monitoring of fishing vessels'
  • MADIT-M047 - 'Combat IUU fishing'
  • MADIT-M048 - 'Implementation of the new CFP, the EMFF and the triennial plan'
  • MADIT-M049 - 'Fisheries management of bivalve molluscs'
  • MADIT-M059 - 'Implementation of the National Energy Plan'
  • MADIT-M060 - 'Use of the maritime domain and the territorial sea areas'
  • MADIT-M061 - 'Minimum requirements to prevent major accidents in offshore operations and limiting the consequences of such accidents in the hydrocarbon sector'
  • MADIT-M062 - 'Measures concerning the spill of materials from port dredging'
  • MADIT-M063 - 'Related measures and EIA'
  • MADIT-M064 - 'Register of vessels authorised to fish under the GFCM Agreement'
  • MADIT-M087 - 'Measures related to the regulation of approval for the immersion in the sea of excavation seabed materials and dredging'
  • MICIT-M001 - 'Measures related to the management of the Natura 2000 Network sites'
  • MICIT-M002 - 'Planned measures to designate SACs in Natura 2000 sites'
  • MICIT-M003 - 'Measures to protect target species and targeted habitats through the MPAs'
  • MICIT-M004 - 'Planned measures to increase MPAs'
  • MICIT-M005 - 'Measures to protect target habitats through other protected areas'
  • MICIT-M006 - 'Management measures for benthic habitats in the Mediterranean and identification of protected species and habitats'
  • MICIT-M007 - 'Measures to protect fish stocks through other protected areas (wildlife protection areas)'
  • MICIT-M008 - 'Measures to reduce the impact of fishing and protection of pelagic habitats'
  • MICIT-M009 - 'Protective measures for the taking and selling of endangered species through international agreements'
  • MICIT-M010 - 'Measures for incidental catches of cetaceans in fisheries'
  • MICIT-M011 - 'Measures for the conservation of cetaceans in the Mediterranean, under international agreements'
  • MICIT-M012 - 'Directorial Decree of Ministry of Environment, in cooperation with the Ministry of Health, for the establishment of the coordination of the marine mammal stranding national network (ReNaSMM)'
  • MICIT-M013 - 'Measures for the conservation of wild flora and fauna and natural habitats, and the promotion of cooperation between Member States'
  • MICIT-M014 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MICIT-M015 - 'National and Community measures for the protection of birds'
  • MICIT-M016 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MICIT-M017 - 'Protective measures for benthic habitats associated with the European legislation (planning, impact assessment, river basin management plans)'
  • MICIT-M018 - 'Measures to protect habitats and associated target species under international conventions'
  • MICIT-M019 - 'Measures for the conservation of migratory species of wild animals'
  • MICIT-M020 - 'Regulatory measures for international trade in endangered species'
  • MICIT-M021 - 'International cetacean protection measures'
  • MICIT-M022 - 'Measures to protect biodiversity through European policies'
  • MICIT-M023 - 'Community and international measures for elasmobranch'
  • MICIT-M024 - 'Measures regulating catches of cetaceans, tortoises and common sturgeon'
  • MICIT-M025 - 'National measures for the protection of biodiversity'
  • MICIT-M026 - 'National measures for recovery, rescue custody and management of marine reptiles'
  • MICIT-M027 - 'Measures for coastal land planning'
  • MICIT-M028 - 'Regulatory measures for commercial fishing and the sustainable exploitation of fish stocks'
  • MICIT-M029 - 'Adoption of National Plans of Fleet Management'
  • MICIT-M030-NEW1 - 'Complete the network of Natura 2000 sites at sea and subsequent identification of conservation measures'
  • MICIT-M031-NEW2 - 'Implementation of technical solutions (methodological and instrumental) for the reduction of the phenomenon of collision with cetaceans'
  • MICIT-M032-NEW3 - 'Acquisition, systematisation and standardisation, as well as consistent recognition, with data from monitoring activities implemented, with particular reference to EIA procedures'
  • MICIT-M033-NEW4 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of elasmobranchs from by-catch'
  • MICIT-M034-NEW5 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of cetaceans and sea turtles from by-catch'
  • MICIT-M035-NEW6 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of seabirds from by-catch'
  • MICIT-M036-NEW7 - 'Implementation of awareness-raising and information measures to prevent removal activities and damage to the benthic species and habitats protected'
  • MICIT-M044 - 'Measures related to the monitoring of fishing vessels'
  • MICIT-M045 - 'Combat IUU fishing'
  • MICIT-M046 - 'Local management plans for management units'
  • MICIT-M047 - 'Implementation of the new CFP, the EMFF and the triennial plan'
  • MICIT-M048 - 'Fisheries management of bivalve molluscs'
  • MICIT-M058 - 'Implementation of the National Energy Plan'
  • MICIT-M059 - 'Use of the maritime domain and the territorial sea areas'
  • MICIT-M060 - 'Minimum requirements to prevent major accidents in offshore operations and limiting the consequences of such accidents in the hydrocarbon sector'
  • MICIT-M061 - 'Measures concerning the spill of materials from port dredging'
  • MICIT-M062 - 'Related measures and EIA'
  • MICIT-M063 - 'Register of vessels authorised to fish under the GFCM Agreement'
  • MWEIT-M001 - 'Measures related to the management of the Natura 2000 Network sites'
  • MWEIT-M002 - 'Planned measures to designate SACs in Natura 2000 sites'
  • MWEIT-M003 - 'Measures to protect target species and targeted habitats through the MPAs'
  • MWEIT-M004 - 'Planned measures to increase MPAs'
  • MWEIT-M005 - 'Measures to protect target habitats through other protected areas'
  • MWEIT-M006 - 'Management measures for benthic habitats in the Mediterranean and identification of protected species and habitats'
  • MWEIT-M007 - 'Measures to protect fish stocks through other protected areas (wildlife protection areas)'
  • MWEIT-M008 - 'Measures to reduce the impact of fishing and protection of pelagic habitats'
  • MWEIT-M009 - 'Ecological protection measures'
  • MWEIT-M010 - 'Protective measures for the taking and selling of endangered species through international agreements'
  • MWEIT-M011 - 'Measures for incidental catches of cetaceans in fisheries'
  • MWEIT-M012 - 'Measures for the conservation of cetaceans in the Mediterranean, under international agreements'
  • MWEIT-M013 - 'Directorial Decree of Ministry of Environment, in cooperation with the Ministry of Health, for the establishment of the coordination of the marine mammal stranding national network (ReNaSMM)'
  • MWEIT-M014 - 'Measures for the conservation of wild flora and fauna and natural habitats, and the promotion of cooperation between Member States'
  • MWEIT-M015 - 'Bird protection measures through the Birds Directive (2009/147/ EC)'
  • MWEIT-M016 - 'National and Community measures for the protection of birds'
  • MWEIT-M017 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MWEIT-M018 - 'Protective measures for benthic habitats associated with the European legislation (planning, impact assessment, river basin management plans)'
  • MWEIT-M019 - 'Measures to protect habitats and associated target species under international conventions'
  • MWEIT-M020 - 'Measures for the conservation of migratory species of wild animals'
  • MWEIT-M021 - 'Regulatory measures for international trade in endangered species'
  • MWEIT-M022 - 'Measures to promote a pilot area for the control of marine pollution along the coastline stretching from Marseille to La Spezia'
  • MWEIT-M023 - 'International cetacean protection measures'
  • MWEIT-M024 - 'Measures to protect biodiversity through European policies'
  • MWEIT-M025 - 'Community and international measures for elasmobranch'
  • MWEIT-M026 - 'Measures regulating catches of cetaceans, tortoises and common sturgeon'
  • MWEIT-M027 - 'Establishment of measures for the International Whale Sanctuary'
  • MWEIT-M028 - 'National measures for the protection of biodiversity'
  • MWEIT-M029 - 'National measures for recovery, rescue custody and management of marine reptiles'
  • MWEIT-M030 - 'Measures for coastal land planning'
  • MWEIT-M031 - 'Regulatory measures for commercial fishing and the sustainable exploitation of fish stocks'
  • MWEIT-M032 - 'Adoption of National Plans of Fleet Management'
  • MWEIT-M033-NEW1 - 'Complete the network of Natura 2000 sites at sea and subsequent identification of conservation measures'
  • MWEIT-M034-NEW2 - 'Implementation of technical solutions (methodological and instrumental) for the reduction of the phenomenon of collision with cetaceans'
  • MWEIT-M035-NEW3 - 'Acquisition, systematisation and standardisation, as well as consistent recognition, with data from monitoring activities implemented, with particular reference to EIA procedures'
  • MWEIT-M036-NEW4 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of elasmobranchs from by-catch'
  • MWEIT-M037-NEW5 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of cetaceans and sea turtles from by-catch'
  • MWEIT-M038-NEW6 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of seabirds from by-catch'
  • MWEIT-M039-NEW7 - 'Implementation of awareness-raising and information measures to prevent removal activities and damage to the benthic species and habitats protected'
  • MWEIT-M047 - 'Measures related to the monitoring of fishing vessels'
  • MWEIT-M048 - 'Combat IUU fishing'
  • MWEIT-M049 - 'Local management plans for management units'
  • MWEIT-M050 - 'Implementation of the new CFP, the EMFF and the triennial plan'
  • MWEIT-M051 - 'Fisheries management of bivalve molluscs'
  • MWEIT-M061 - 'Implementation of the National Energy Plan'
  • MWEIT-M062 - 'Use of the maritime domain and the territorial sea areas'
  • MWEIT-M063 - 'Minimum requirements to prevent major accidents in offshore operations and limiting the consequences of such accidents in the hydrocarbon sector'
  • MWEIT-M064 - 'Measures concerning the spill of materials from port dredging'
  • MWEIT-M065 - 'Related measures and EIA'
  • MWEIT-M066 - 'Register of vessels authorised to fish under the GFCM Agreement'
  • MWEIT-M089 - 'Measures related to the regulation of approval for the immersion in the sea of excavation seabed materials and dredging'
  • MADIT-M001 - 'Measures related to the management of the Natura 2000 Network sites'
  • MADIT-M002 - 'Planned measures to designate SACs in Natura 2000 sites'
  • MADIT-M003 - 'Measures to protect target species and targeted habitats through the MPAs'
  • MADIT-M004 - 'Planned measures to increase MPAs'
  • MADIT-M005 - 'Measures to protect target habitats through other protected areas'
  • MADIT-M006 - 'Management measures for benthic habitats in the Mediterranean and identification of protected species and habitats'
  • MADIT-M007 - 'Measures to protect fish stocks through other protected areas (wildlife protection areas)'
  • MADIT-M008 - 'Measures to reduce the impact of fishing and protection of pelagic habitats'
  • MADIT-M009 - 'Protective measures for the taking and selling of endangered species through international agreements'
  • MADIT-M010 - 'Measures for incidental catches of cetaceans in fisheries'
  • MADIT-M011 - 'Measures for the conservation of cetaceans in the Mediterranean, under international agreements'
  • MADIT-M012 - 'Directorial Decree of Ministry of Environment, in cooperation with the Ministry of Health, for the establishment of the coordination of the marine mammal stranding national network (ReNaSMM)'
  • MADIT-M013 - 'Measures for the conservation of wild flora and fauna and natural habitats, and the promotion of cooperation between Member States'
  • MADIT-M014 - 'Bird protection measures through the Birds Directive (2009/147/ EC)'
  • MADIT-M015 - 'National and Community measures for the protection of birds'
  • MADIT-M016 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MADIT-M017 - 'Protective measures for benthic habitats associated with the European legislation (planning, impact assessment, river basin management plans)'
  • MADIT-M018 - 'Measures to protect habitats and associated target species under international conventions'
  • MADIT-M019 - 'Measures for the conservation of migratory species of wild animals'
  • MADIT-M020 - 'Regulatory measures for international trade in endangered species'
  • MADIT-M021 - 'International cetacean protection measures'
  • MADIT-M022 - 'Measures to protect biodiversity through European policies'
  • MADIT-M023 - 'Community and international measures for elasmobranch'
  • MADIT-M024 - 'Measures regulating catches of cetaceans, tortoises and common sturgeon'
  • MADIT-M025 - 'National measures for the protection of biodiversity'
  • MADIT-M026 - 'National measures for recovery, rescue custody and management of marine reptiles'
  • MADIT-M027 - 'Measures for coastal land planning'
  • MADIT-M028 - 'Regulatory measures for commercial fishing and the sustainable exploitation of fish stocks'
  • MADIT-M029 - 'Adoption of National Plans of Fleet Management'
  • MADIT-M030-NEW1 - 'Complete the network of Natura 2000 sites at sea and subsequent identification of conservation measures'
  • MADIT-M031-NEW2 - 'Implementation of technical solutions (methodological and instrumental) for the reduction of the phenomenon of collision with cetaceans'
  • MADIT-M032-NEW3 - 'Acquisition, systematisation and standardisation, as well as consistent recognition, with data from monitoring activities implemented, with particular reference to EIA procedures'
  • MADIT-M033-NEW4 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of elasmobranchs from by-catch'
  • MADIT-M034-NEW5 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of cetaceans and sea turtles from by-catch'
  • MADIT-M035-NEW6 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of seabirds from by-catch'
  • MADIT-M036-NEW7 - 'Implementation of awareness-raising and information measures to prevent removal activities and damage to the benthic species and habitats protected'
  • MADIT-M046 - 'Measures related to the monitoring of fishing vessels'
  • MADIT-M047 - 'Combat IUU fishing'
  • MADIT-M048 - 'Implementation of the new CFP, the EMFF and the triennial plan'
  • MADIT-M049 - 'Fisheries management of bivalve molluscs'
  • MADIT-M059 - 'Implementation of the National Energy Plan'
  • MADIT-M060 - 'Use of the maritime domain and the territorial sea areas'
  • MADIT-M061 - 'Minimum requirements to prevent major accidents in offshore operations and limiting the consequences of such accidents in the hydrocarbon sector'
  • MADIT-M062 - 'Measures concerning the spill of materials from port dredging'
  • MADIT-M063 - 'Related measures and EIA'
  • MADIT-M064 - 'Register of vessels authorised to fish under the GFCM Agreement'
  • MADIT-M087 - 'Measures related to the regulation of approval for the immersion in the sea of excavation seabed materials and dredging'
  • MICIT-M001 - 'Measures related to the management of the Natura 2000 Network sites'
  • MICIT-M002 - 'Planned measures to designate SACs in Natura 2000 sites'
  • MICIT-M003 - 'Measures to protect target species and targeted habitats through the MPAs'
  • MICIT-M004 - 'Planned measures to increase MPAs'
  • MICIT-M005 - 'Measures to protect target habitats through other protected areas'
  • MICIT-M006 - 'Management measures for benthic habitats in the Mediterranean and identification of protected species and habitats'
  • MICIT-M007 - 'Measures to protect fish stocks through other protected areas (wildlife protection areas)'
  • MICIT-M008 - 'Measures to reduce the impact of fishing and protection of pelagic habitats'
  • MICIT-M009 - 'Protective measures for the taking and selling of endangered species through international agreements'
  • MICIT-M010 - 'Measures for incidental catches of cetaceans in fisheries'
  • MICIT-M011 - 'Measures for the conservation of cetaceans in the Mediterranean, under international agreements'
  • MICIT-M012 - 'Directorial Decree of Ministry of Environment, in cooperation with the Ministry of Health, for the establishment of the coordination of the marine mammal stranding national network (ReNaSMM)'
  • MICIT-M013 - 'Measures for the conservation of wild flora and fauna and natural habitats, and the promotion of cooperation between Member States'
  • MICIT-M014 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MICIT-M015 - 'National and Community measures for the protection of birds'
  • MICIT-M016 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MICIT-M017 - 'Protective measures for benthic habitats associated with the European legislation (planning, impact assessment, river basin management plans)'
  • MICIT-M018 - 'Measures to protect habitats and associated target species under international conventions'
  • MICIT-M019 - 'Measures for the conservation of migratory species of wild animals'
  • MICIT-M020 - 'Regulatory measures for international trade in endangered species'
  • MICIT-M021 - 'International cetacean protection measures'
  • MICIT-M022 - 'Measures to protect biodiversity through European policies'
  • MICIT-M023 - 'Community and international measures for elasmobranch'
  • MICIT-M024 - 'Measures regulating catches of cetaceans, tortoises and common sturgeon'
  • MICIT-M025 - 'National measures for the protection of biodiversity'
  • MICIT-M026 - 'National measures for recovery, rescue custody and management of marine reptiles'
  • MICIT-M027 - 'Measures for coastal land planning'
  • MICIT-M028 - 'Regulatory measures for commercial fishing and the sustainable exploitation of fish stocks'
  • MICIT-M029 - 'Adoption of National Plans of Fleet Management'
  • MICIT-M030-NEW1 - 'Complete the network of Natura 2000 sites at sea and subsequent identification of conservation measures'
  • MICIT-M031-NEW2 - 'Implementation of technical solutions (methodological and instrumental) for the reduction of the phenomenon of collision with cetaceans'
  • MICIT-M032-NEW3 - 'Acquisition, systematisation and standardisation, as well as consistent recognition, with data from monitoring activities implemented, with particular reference to EIA procedures'
  • MICIT-M033-NEW4 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of elasmobranchs from by-catch'
  • MICIT-M034-NEW5 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of cetaceans and sea turtles from by-catch'
  • MICIT-M035-NEW6 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of seabirds from by-catch'
  • MICIT-M036-NEW7 - 'Implementation of awareness-raising and information measures to prevent removal activities and damage to the benthic species and habitats protected'
  • MICIT-M044 - 'Measures related to the monitoring of fishing vessels'
  • MICIT-M045 - 'Combat IUU fishing'
  • MICIT-M046 - 'Local management plans for management units'
  • MICIT-M047 - 'Implementation of the new CFP, the EMFF and the triennial plan'
  • MICIT-M048 - 'Fisheries management of bivalve molluscs'
  • MICIT-M058 - 'Implementation of the National Energy Plan'
  • MICIT-M059 - 'Use of the maritime domain and the territorial sea areas'
  • MICIT-M060 - 'Minimum requirements to prevent major accidents in offshore operations and limiting the consequences of such accidents in the hydrocarbon sector'
  • MICIT-M061 - 'Measures concerning the spill of materials from port dredging'
  • MICIT-M062 - 'Related measures and EIA'
  • MICIT-M063 - 'Register of vessels authorised to fish under the GFCM Agreement'
  • MWEIT-M001 - 'Measures related to the management of the Natura 2000 Network sites'
  • MWEIT-M002 - 'Planned measures to designate SACs in Natura 2000 sites'
  • MWEIT-M003 - 'Measures to protect target species and targeted habitats through the MPAs'
  • MWEIT-M004 - 'Planned measures to increase MPAs'
  • MWEIT-M005 - 'Measures to protect target habitats through other protected areas'
  • MWEIT-M006 - 'Management measures for benthic habitats in the Mediterranean and identification of protected species and habitats'
  • MWEIT-M007 - 'Measures to protect fish stocks through other protected areas (wildlife protection areas)'
  • MWEIT-M008 - 'Measures to reduce the impact of fishing and protection of pelagic habitats'
  • MWEIT-M009 - 'Ecological protection measures'
  • MWEIT-M010 - 'Protective measures for the taking and selling of endangered species through international agreements'
  • MWEIT-M011 - 'Measures for incidental catches of cetaceans in fisheries'
  • MWEIT-M012 - 'Measures for the conservation of cetaceans in the Mediterranean, under international agreements'
  • MWEIT-M013 - 'Directorial Decree of Ministry of Environment, in cooperation with the Ministry of Health, for the establishment of the coordination of the marine mammal stranding national network (ReNaSMM)'
  • MWEIT-M014 - 'Measures for the conservation of wild flora and fauna and natural habitats, and the promotion of cooperation between Member States'
  • MWEIT-M015 - 'Bird protection measures through the Birds Directive (2009/147/ EC)'
  • MWEIT-M016 - 'National and Community measures for the protection of birds'
  • MWEIT-M017 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MWEIT-M018 - 'Protective measures for benthic habitats associated with the European legislation (planning, impact assessment, river basin management plans)'
  • MWEIT-M019 - 'Measures to protect habitats and associated target species under international conventions'
  • MWEIT-M020 - 'Measures for the conservation of migratory species of wild animals'
  • MWEIT-M021 - 'Regulatory measures for international trade in endangered species'
  • MWEIT-M022 - 'Measures to promote a pilot area for the control of marine pollution along the coastline stretching from Marseille to La Spezia'
  • MWEIT-M023 - 'International cetacean protection measures'
  • MWEIT-M024 - 'Measures to protect biodiversity through European policies'
  • MWEIT-M025 - 'Community and international measures for elasmobranch'
  • MWEIT-M026 - 'Measures regulating catches of cetaceans, tortoises and common sturgeon'
  • MWEIT-M027 - 'Establishment of measures for the International Whale Sanctuary'
  • MWEIT-M028 - 'National measures for the protection of biodiversity'
  • MWEIT-M029 - 'National measures for recovery, rescue custody and management of marine reptiles'
  • MWEIT-M030 - 'Measures for coastal land planning'
  • MWEIT-M031 - 'Regulatory measures for commercial fishing and the sustainable exploitation of fish stocks'
  • MWEIT-M032 - 'Adoption of National Plans of Fleet Management'
  • MWEIT-M033-NEW1 - 'Complete the network of Natura 2000 sites at sea and subsequent identification of conservation measures'
  • MWEIT-M034-NEW2 - 'Implementation of technical solutions (methodological and instrumental) for the reduction of the phenomenon of collision with cetaceans'
  • MWEIT-M035-NEW3 - 'Acquisition, systematisation and standardisation, as well as consistent recognition, with data from monitoring activities implemented, with particular reference to EIA procedures'
  • MWEIT-M036-NEW4 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of elasmobranchs from by-catch'
  • MWEIT-M037-NEW5 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of cetaceans and sea turtles from by-catch'
  • MWEIT-M038-NEW6 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of seabirds from by-catch'
  • MWEIT-M039-NEW7 - 'Implementation of awareness-raising and information measures to prevent removal activities and damage to the benthic species and habitats protected'
  • MWEIT-M047 - 'Measures related to the monitoring of fishing vessels'
  • MWEIT-M048 - 'Combat IUU fishing'
  • MWEIT-M049 - 'Local management plans for management units'
  • MWEIT-M050 - 'Implementation of the new CFP, the EMFF and the triennial plan'
  • MWEIT-M051 - 'Fisheries management of bivalve molluscs'
  • MWEIT-M061 - 'Implementation of the National Energy Plan'
  • MWEIT-M062 - 'Use of the maritime domain and the territorial sea areas'
  • MWEIT-M063 - 'Minimum requirements to prevent major accidents in offshore operations and limiting the consequences of such accidents in the hydrocarbon sector'
  • MWEIT-M064 - 'Measures concerning the spill of materials from port dredging'
  • MWEIT-M065 - 'Related measures and EIA'
  • MWEIT-M066 - 'Register of vessels authorised to fish under the GFCM Agreement'
  • MWEIT-M089 - 'Measures related to the regulation of approval for the immersion in the sea of excavation seabed materials and dredging'
  • MADIT-M001 - 'Measures related to the management of the Natura 2000 Network sites'
  • MADIT-M002 - 'Planned measures to designate SACs in Natura 2000 sites'
  • MADIT-M003 - 'Measures to protect target species and targeted habitats through the MPAs'
  • MADIT-M004 - 'Planned measures to increase MPAs'
  • MADIT-M005 - 'Measures to protect target habitats through other protected areas'
  • MADIT-M006 - 'Management measures for benthic habitats in the Mediterranean and identification of protected species and habitats'
  • MADIT-M007 - 'Measures to protect fish stocks through other protected areas (wildlife protection areas)'
  • MADIT-M008 - 'Measures to reduce the impact of fishing and protection of pelagic habitats'
  • MADIT-M009 - 'Protective measures for the taking and selling of endangered species through international agreements'
  • MADIT-M010 - 'Measures for incidental catches of cetaceans in fisheries'
  • MADIT-M011 - 'Measures for the conservation of cetaceans in the Mediterranean, under international agreements'
  • MADIT-M012 - 'Directorial Decree of Ministry of Environment, in cooperation with the Ministry of Health, for the establishment of the coordination of the marine mammal stranding national network (ReNaSMM)'
  • MADIT-M013 - 'Measures for the conservation of wild flora and fauna and natural habitats, and the promotion of cooperation between Member States'
  • MADIT-M014 - 'Bird protection measures through the Birds Directive (2009/147/ EC)'
  • MADIT-M015 - 'National and Community measures for the protection of birds'
  • MADIT-M016 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MADIT-M017 - 'Protective measures for benthic habitats associated with the European legislation (planning, impact assessment, river basin management plans)'
  • MADIT-M018 - 'Measures to protect habitats and associated target species under international conventions'
  • MADIT-M019 - 'Measures for the conservation of migratory species of wild animals'
  • MADIT-M020 - 'Regulatory measures for international trade in endangered species'
  • MADIT-M021 - 'International cetacean protection measures'
  • MADIT-M022 - 'Measures to protect biodiversity through European policies'
  • MADIT-M023 - 'Community and international measures for elasmobranch'
  • MADIT-M024 - 'Measures regulating catches of cetaceans, tortoises and common sturgeon'
  • MADIT-M025 - 'National measures for the protection of biodiversity'
  • MADIT-M026 - 'National measures for recovery, rescue custody and management of marine reptiles'
  • MADIT-M027 - 'Measures for coastal land planning'
  • MADIT-M028 - 'Regulatory measures for commercial fishing and the sustainable exploitation of fish stocks'
  • MADIT-M029 - 'Adoption of National Plans of Fleet Management'
  • MADIT-M030-NEW1 - 'Complete the network of Natura 2000 sites at sea and subsequent identification of conservation measures'
  • MADIT-M031-NEW2 - 'Implementation of technical solutions (methodological and instrumental) for the reduction of the phenomenon of collision with cetaceans'
  • MADIT-M032-NEW3 - 'Acquisition, systematisation and standardisation, as well as consistent recognition, with data from monitoring activities implemented, with particular reference to EIA procedures'
  • MADIT-M033-NEW4 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of elasmobranchs from by-catch'
  • MADIT-M034-NEW5 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of cetaceans and sea turtles from by-catch'
  • MADIT-M035-NEW6 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of seabirds from by-catch'
  • MADIT-M036-NEW7 - 'Implementation of awareness-raising and information measures to prevent removal activities and damage to the benthic species and habitats protected'
  • MADIT-M046 - 'Measures related to the monitoring of fishing vessels'
  • MADIT-M047 - 'Combat IUU fishing'
  • MADIT-M048 - 'Implementation of the new CFP, the EMFF and the triennial plan'
  • MADIT-M049 - 'Fisheries management of bivalve molluscs'
  • MADIT-M059 - 'Implementation of the National Energy Plan'
  • MADIT-M060 - 'Use of the maritime domain and the territorial sea areas'
  • MADIT-M061 - 'Minimum requirements to prevent major accidents in offshore operations and limiting the consequences of such accidents in the hydrocarbon sector'
  • MADIT-M062 - 'Measures concerning the spill of materials from port dredging'
  • MADIT-M063 - 'Related measures and EIA'
  • MADIT-M064 - 'Register of vessels authorised to fish under the GFCM Agreement'
  • MADIT-M087 - 'Measures related to the regulation of approval for the immersion in the sea of excavation seabed materials and dredging'
  • MICIT-M001 - 'Measures related to the management of the Natura 2000 Network sites'
  • MICIT-M002 - 'Planned measures to designate SACs in Natura 2000 sites'
  • MICIT-M003 - 'Measures to protect target species and targeted habitats through the MPAs'
  • MICIT-M004 - 'Planned measures to increase MPAs'
  • MICIT-M005 - 'Measures to protect target habitats through other protected areas'
  • MICIT-M006 - 'Management measures for benthic habitats in the Mediterranean and identification of protected species and habitats'
  • MICIT-M007 - 'Measures to protect fish stocks through other protected areas (wildlife protection areas)'
  • MICIT-M008 - 'Measures to reduce the impact of fishing and protection of pelagic habitats'
  • MICIT-M009 - 'Protective measures for the taking and selling of endangered species through international agreements'
  • MICIT-M010 - 'Measures for incidental catches of cetaceans in fisheries'
  • MICIT-M011 - 'Measures for the conservation of cetaceans in the Mediterranean, under international agreements'
  • MICIT-M012 - 'Directorial Decree of Ministry of Environment, in cooperation with the Ministry of Health, for the establishment of the coordination of the marine mammal stranding national network (ReNaSMM)'
  • MICIT-M013 - 'Measures for the conservation of wild flora and fauna and natural habitats, and the promotion of cooperation between Member States'
  • MICIT-M014 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MICIT-M015 - 'National and Community measures for the protection of birds'
  • MICIT-M016 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MICIT-M017 - 'Protective measures for benthic habitats associated with the European legislation (planning, impact assessment, river basin management plans)'
  • MICIT-M018 - 'Measures to protect habitats and associated target species under international conventions'
  • MICIT-M019 - 'Measures for the conservation of migratory species of wild animals'
  • MICIT-M020 - 'Regulatory measures for international trade in endangered species'
  • MICIT-M021 - 'International cetacean protection measures'
  • MICIT-M022 - 'Measures to protect biodiversity through European policies'
  • MICIT-M023 - 'Community and international measures for elasmobranch'
  • MICIT-M024 - 'Measures regulating catches of cetaceans, tortoises and common sturgeon'
  • MICIT-M025 - 'National measures for the protection of biodiversity'
  • MICIT-M026 - 'National measures for recovery, rescue custody and management of marine reptiles'
  • MICIT-M027 - 'Measures for coastal land planning'
  • MICIT-M028 - 'Regulatory measures for commercial fishing and the sustainable exploitation of fish stocks'
  • MICIT-M029 - 'Adoption of National Plans of Fleet Management'
  • MICIT-M030-NEW1 - 'Complete the network of Natura 2000 sites at sea and subsequent identification of conservation measures'
  • MICIT-M031-NEW2 - 'Implementation of technical solutions (methodological and instrumental) for the reduction of the phenomenon of collision with cetaceans'
  • MICIT-M032-NEW3 - 'Acquisition, systematisation and standardisation, as well as consistent recognition, with data from monitoring activities implemented, with particular reference to EIA procedures'
  • MICIT-M033-NEW4 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of elasmobranchs from by-catch'
  • MICIT-M034-NEW5 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of cetaceans and sea turtles from by-catch'
  • MICIT-M035-NEW6 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of seabirds from by-catch'
  • MICIT-M036-NEW7 - 'Implementation of awareness-raising and information measures to prevent removal activities and damage to the benthic species and habitats protected'
  • MICIT-M044 - 'Measures related to the monitoring of fishing vessels'
  • MICIT-M045 - 'Combat IUU fishing'
  • MICIT-M046 - 'Local management plans for management units'
  • MICIT-M047 - 'Implementation of the new CFP, the EMFF and the triennial plan'
  • MICIT-M048 - 'Fisheries management of bivalve molluscs'
  • MICIT-M058 - 'Implementation of the National Energy Plan'
  • MICIT-M059 - 'Use of the maritime domain and the territorial sea areas'
  • MICIT-M060 - 'Minimum requirements to prevent major accidents in offshore operations and limiting the consequences of such accidents in the hydrocarbon sector'
  • MICIT-M061 - 'Measures concerning the spill of materials from port dredging'
  • MICIT-M062 - 'Related measures and EIA'
  • MICIT-M063 - 'Register of vessels authorised to fish under the GFCM Agreement'
  • MWEIT-M001 - 'Measures related to the management of the Natura 2000 Network sites'
  • MWEIT-M002 - 'Planned measures to designate SACs in Natura 2000 sites'
  • MWEIT-M003 - 'Measures to protect target species and targeted habitats through the MPAs'
  • MWEIT-M004 - 'Planned measures to increase MPAs'
  • MWEIT-M005 - 'Measures to protect target habitats through other protected areas'
  • MWEIT-M006 - 'Management measures for benthic habitats in the Mediterranean and identification of protected species and habitats'
  • MWEIT-M007 - 'Measures to protect fish stocks through other protected areas (wildlife protection areas)'
  • MWEIT-M008 - 'Measures to reduce the impact of fishing and protection of pelagic habitats'
  • MWEIT-M009 - 'Ecological protection measures'
  • MWEIT-M010 - 'Protective measures for the taking and selling of endangered species through international agreements'
  • MWEIT-M011 - 'Measures for incidental catches of cetaceans in fisheries'
  • MWEIT-M012 - 'Measures for the conservation of cetaceans in the Mediterranean, under international agreements'
  • MWEIT-M013 - 'Directorial Decree of Ministry of Environment, in cooperation with the Ministry of Health, for the establishment of the coordination of the marine mammal stranding national network (ReNaSMM)'
  • MWEIT-M014 - 'Measures for the conservation of wild flora and fauna and natural habitats, and the promotion of cooperation between Member States'
  • MWEIT-M015 - 'Bird protection measures through the Birds Directive (2009/147/ EC)'
  • MWEIT-M016 - 'National and Community measures for the protection of birds'
  • MWEIT-M017 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MWEIT-M018 - 'Protective measures for benthic habitats associated with the European legislation (planning, impact assessment, river basin management plans)'
  • MWEIT-M019 - 'Measures to protect habitats and associated target species under international conventions'
  • MWEIT-M020 - 'Measures for the conservation of migratory species of wild animals'
  • MWEIT-M021 - 'Regulatory measures for international trade in endangered species'
  • MWEIT-M022 - 'Measures to promote a pilot area for the control of marine pollution along the coastline stretching from Marseille to La Spezia'
  • MWEIT-M023 - 'International cetacean protection measures'
  • MWEIT-M024 - 'Measures to protect biodiversity through European policies'
  • MWEIT-M025 - 'Community and international measures for elasmobranch'
  • MWEIT-M026 - 'Measures regulating catches of cetaceans, tortoises and common sturgeon'
  • MWEIT-M027 - 'Establishment of measures for the International Whale Sanctuary'
  • MWEIT-M028 - 'National measures for the protection of biodiversity'
  • MWEIT-M029 - 'National measures for recovery, rescue custody and management of marine reptiles'
  • MWEIT-M030 - 'Measures for coastal land planning'
  • MWEIT-M031 - 'Regulatory measures for commercial fishing and the sustainable exploitation of fish stocks'
  • MWEIT-M032 - 'Adoption of National Plans of Fleet Management'
  • MWEIT-M033-NEW1 - 'Complete the network of Natura 2000 sites at sea and subsequent identification of conservation measures'
  • MWEIT-M034-NEW2 - 'Implementation of technical solutions (methodological and instrumental) for the reduction of the phenomenon of collision with cetaceans'
  • MWEIT-M035-NEW3 - 'Acquisition, systematisation and standardisation, as well as consistent recognition, with data from monitoring activities implemented, with particular reference to EIA procedures'
  • MWEIT-M036-NEW4 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of elasmobranchs from by-catch'
  • MWEIT-M037-NEW5 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of cetaceans and sea turtles from by-catch'
  • MWEIT-M038-NEW6 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of seabirds from by-catch'
  • MWEIT-M039-NEW7 - 'Implementation of awareness-raising and information measures to prevent removal activities and damage to the benthic species and habitats protected'
  • MWEIT-M047 - 'Measures related to the monitoring of fishing vessels'
  • MWEIT-M048 - 'Combat IUU fishing'
  • MWEIT-M049 - 'Local management plans for management units'
  • MWEIT-M050 - 'Implementation of the new CFP, the EMFF and the triennial plan'
  • MWEIT-M051 - 'Fisheries management of bivalve molluscs'
  • MWEIT-M061 - 'Implementation of the National Energy Plan'
  • MWEIT-M062 - 'Use of the maritime domain and the territorial sea areas'
  • MWEIT-M063 - 'Minimum requirements to prevent major accidents in offshore operations and limiting the consequences of such accidents in the hydrocarbon sector'
  • MWEIT-M064 - 'Measures concerning the spill of materials from port dredging'
  • MWEIT-M065 - 'Related measures and EIA'
  • MWEIT-M066 - 'Register of vessels authorised to fish under the GFCM Agreement'
  • MWEIT-M089 - 'Measures related to the regulation of approval for the immersion in the sea of excavation seabed materials and dredging'
  • MADIT-M001 - 'Measures related to the management of the Natura 2000 Network sites'
  • MADIT-M002 - 'Planned measures to designate SACs in Natura 2000 sites'
  • MADIT-M003 - 'Measures to protect target species and targeted habitats through the MPAs'
  • MADIT-M004 - 'Planned measures to increase MPAs'
  • MADIT-M005 - 'Measures to protect target habitats through other protected areas'
  • MADIT-M006 - 'Management measures for benthic habitats in the Mediterranean and identification of protected species and habitats'
  • MADIT-M007 - 'Measures to protect fish stocks through other protected areas (wildlife protection areas)'
  • MADIT-M008 - 'Measures to reduce the impact of fishing and protection of pelagic habitats'
  • MADIT-M009 - 'Protective measures for the taking and selling of endangered species through international agreements'
  • MADIT-M010 - 'Measures for incidental catches of cetaceans in fisheries'
  • MADIT-M011 - 'Measures for the conservation of cetaceans in the Mediterranean, under international agreements'
  • MADIT-M012 - 'Directorial Decree of Ministry of Environment, in cooperation with the Ministry of Health, for the establishment of the coordination of the marine mammal stranding national network (ReNaSMM)'
  • MADIT-M013 - 'Measures for the conservation of wild flora and fauna and natural habitats, and the promotion of cooperation between Member States'
  • MADIT-M014 - 'Bird protection measures through the Birds Directive (2009/147/ EC)'
  • MADIT-M015 - 'National and Community measures for the protection of birds'
  • MADIT-M016 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MADIT-M017 - 'Protective measures for benthic habitats associated with the European legislation (planning, impact assessment, river basin management plans)'
  • MADIT-M018 - 'Measures to protect habitats and associated target species under international conventions'
  • MADIT-M019 - 'Measures for the conservation of migratory species of wild animals'
  • MADIT-M020 - 'Regulatory measures for international trade in endangered species'
  • MADIT-M021 - 'International cetacean protection measures'
  • MADIT-M022 - 'Measures to protect biodiversity through European policies'
  • MADIT-M023 - 'Community and international measures for elasmobranch'
  • MADIT-M024 - 'Measures regulating catches of cetaceans, tortoises and common sturgeon'
  • MADIT-M025 - 'National measures for the protection of biodiversity'
  • MADIT-M026 - 'National measures for recovery, rescue custody and management of marine reptiles'
  • MADIT-M027 - 'Measures for coastal land planning'
  • MADIT-M028 - 'Regulatory measures for commercial fishing and the sustainable exploitation of fish stocks'
  • MADIT-M029 - 'Adoption of National Plans of Fleet Management'
  • MADIT-M030-NEW1 - 'Complete the network of Natura 2000 sites at sea and subsequent identification of conservation measures'
  • MADIT-M031-NEW2 - 'Implementation of technical solutions (methodological and instrumental) for the reduction of the phenomenon of collision with cetaceans'
  • MADIT-M032-NEW3 - 'Acquisition, systematisation and standardisation, as well as consistent recognition, with data from monitoring activities implemented, with particular reference to EIA procedures'
  • MADIT-M033-NEW4 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of elasmobranchs from by-catch'
  • MADIT-M034-NEW5 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of cetaceans and sea turtles from by-catch'
  • MADIT-M035-NEW6 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of seabirds from by-catch'
  • MADIT-M036-NEW7 - 'Implementation of awareness-raising and information measures to prevent removal activities and damage to the benthic species and habitats protected'
  • MADIT-M046 - 'Measures related to the monitoring of fishing vessels'
  • MADIT-M047 - 'Combat IUU fishing'
  • MADIT-M048 - 'Implementation of the new CFP, the EMFF and the triennial plan'
  • MADIT-M049 - 'Fisheries management of bivalve molluscs'
  • MADIT-M059 - 'Implementation of the National Energy Plan'
  • MADIT-M060 - 'Use of the maritime domain and the territorial sea areas'
  • MADIT-M061 - 'Minimum requirements to prevent major accidents in offshore operations and limiting the consequences of such accidents in the hydrocarbon sector'
  • MADIT-M062 - 'Measures concerning the spill of materials from port dredging'
  • MADIT-M063 - 'Related measures and EIA'
  • MADIT-M064 - 'Register of vessels authorised to fish under the GFCM Agreement'
  • MADIT-M087 - 'Measures related to the regulation of approval for the immersion in the sea of excavation seabed materials and dredging'
  • MICIT-M001 - 'Measures related to the management of the Natura 2000 Network sites'
  • MICIT-M002 - 'Planned measures to designate SACs in Natura 2000 sites'
  • MICIT-M003 - 'Measures to protect target species and targeted habitats through the MPAs'
  • MICIT-M004 - 'Planned measures to increase MPAs'
  • MICIT-M005 - 'Measures to protect target habitats through other protected areas'
  • MICIT-M006 - 'Management measures for benthic habitats in the Mediterranean and identification of protected species and habitats'
  • MICIT-M007 - 'Measures to protect fish stocks through other protected areas (wildlife protection areas)'
  • MICIT-M008 - 'Measures to reduce the impact of fishing and protection of pelagic habitats'
  • MICIT-M009 - 'Protective measures for the taking and selling of endangered species through international agreements'
  • MICIT-M010 - 'Measures for incidental catches of cetaceans in fisheries'
  • MICIT-M011 - 'Measures for the conservation of cetaceans in the Mediterranean, under international agreements'
  • MICIT-M012 - 'Directorial Decree of Ministry of Environment, in cooperation with the Ministry of Health, for the establishment of the coordination of the marine mammal stranding national network (ReNaSMM)'
  • MICIT-M013 - 'Measures for the conservation of wild flora and fauna and natural habitats, and the promotion of cooperation between Member States'
  • MICIT-M014 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MICIT-M015 - 'National and Community measures for the protection of birds'
  • MICIT-M016 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MICIT-M017 - 'Protective measures for benthic habitats associated with the European legislation (planning, impact assessment, river basin management plans)'
  • MICIT-M018 - 'Measures to protect habitats and associated target species under international conventions'
  • MICIT-M019 - 'Measures for the conservation of migratory species of wild animals'
  • MICIT-M020 - 'Regulatory measures for international trade in endangered species'
  • MICIT-M021 - 'International cetacean protection measures'
  • MICIT-M022 - 'Measures to protect biodiversity through European policies'
  • MICIT-M023 - 'Community and international measures for elasmobranch'
  • MICIT-M024 - 'Measures regulating catches of cetaceans, tortoises and common sturgeon'
  • MICIT-M025 - 'National measures for the protection of biodiversity'
  • MICIT-M026 - 'National measures for recovery, rescue custody and management of marine reptiles'
  • MICIT-M027 - 'Measures for coastal land planning'
  • MICIT-M028 - 'Regulatory measures for commercial fishing and the sustainable exploitation of fish stocks'
  • MICIT-M029 - 'Adoption of National Plans of Fleet Management'
  • MICIT-M030-NEW1 - 'Complete the network of Natura 2000 sites at sea and subsequent identification of conservation measures'
  • MICIT-M031-NEW2 - 'Implementation of technical solutions (methodological and instrumental) for the reduction of the phenomenon of collision with cetaceans'
  • MICIT-M032-NEW3 - 'Acquisition, systematisation and standardisation, as well as consistent recognition, with data from monitoring activities implemented, with particular reference to EIA procedures'
  • MICIT-M033-NEW4 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of elasmobranchs from by-catch'
  • MICIT-M034-NEW5 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of cetaceans and sea turtles from by-catch'
  • MICIT-M035-NEW6 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of seabirds from by-catch'
  • MICIT-M036-NEW7 - 'Implementation of awareness-raising and information measures to prevent removal activities and damage to the benthic species and habitats protected'
  • MICIT-M044 - 'Measures related to the monitoring of fishing vessels'
  • MICIT-M045 - 'Combat IUU fishing'
  • MICIT-M046 - 'Local management plans for management units'
  • MICIT-M047 - 'Implementation of the new CFP, the EMFF and the triennial plan'
  • MICIT-M048 - 'Fisheries management of bivalve molluscs'
  • MICIT-M058 - 'Implementation of the National Energy Plan'
  • MICIT-M059 - 'Use of the maritime domain and the territorial sea areas'
  • MICIT-M060 - 'Minimum requirements to prevent major accidents in offshore operations and limiting the consequences of such accidents in the hydrocarbon sector'
  • MICIT-M061 - 'Measures concerning the spill of materials from port dredging'
  • MICIT-M062 - 'Related measures and EIA'
  • MICIT-M063 - 'Register of vessels authorised to fish under the GFCM Agreement'
  • MWEIT-M001 - 'Measures related to the management of the Natura 2000 Network sites'
  • MWEIT-M002 - 'Planned measures to designate SACs in Natura 2000 sites'
  • MWEIT-M003 - 'Measures to protect target species and targeted habitats through the MPAs'
  • MWEIT-M004 - 'Planned measures to increase MPAs'
  • MWEIT-M005 - 'Measures to protect target habitats through other protected areas'
  • MWEIT-M006 - 'Management measures for benthic habitats in the Mediterranean and identification of protected species and habitats'
  • MWEIT-M007 - 'Measures to protect fish stocks through other protected areas (wildlife protection areas)'
  • MWEIT-M008 - 'Measures to reduce the impact of fishing and protection of pelagic habitats'
  • MWEIT-M009 - 'Ecological protection measures'
  • MWEIT-M010 - 'Protective measures for the taking and selling of endangered species through international agreements'
  • MWEIT-M011 - 'Measures for incidental catches of cetaceans in fisheries'
  • MWEIT-M012 - 'Measures for the conservation of cetaceans in the Mediterranean, under international agreements'
  • MWEIT-M013 - 'Directorial Decree of Ministry of Environment, in cooperation with the Ministry of Health, for the establishment of the coordination of the marine mammal stranding national network (ReNaSMM)'
  • MWEIT-M014 - 'Measures for the conservation of wild flora and fauna and natural habitats, and the promotion of cooperation between Member States'
  • MWEIT-M015 - 'Bird protection measures through the Birds Directive (2009/147/ EC)'
  • MWEIT-M016 - 'National and Community measures for the protection of birds'
  • MWEIT-M017 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MWEIT-M018 - 'Protective measures for benthic habitats associated with the European legislation (planning, impact assessment, river basin management plans)'
  • MWEIT-M019 - 'Measures to protect habitats and associated target species under international conventions'
  • MWEIT-M020 - 'Measures for the conservation of migratory species of wild animals'
  • MWEIT-M021 - 'Regulatory measures for international trade in endangered species'
  • MWEIT-M022 - 'Measures to promote a pilot area for the control of marine pollution along the coastline stretching from Marseille to La Spezia'
  • MWEIT-M023 - 'International cetacean protection measures'
  • MWEIT-M024 - 'Measures to protect biodiversity through European policies'
  • MWEIT-M025 - 'Community and international measures for elasmobranch'
  • MWEIT-M026 - 'Measures regulating catches of cetaceans, tortoises and common sturgeon'
  • MWEIT-M027 - 'Establishment of measures for the International Whale Sanctuary'
  • MWEIT-M028 - 'National measures for the protection of biodiversity'
  • MWEIT-M029 - 'National measures for recovery, rescue custody and management of marine reptiles'
  • MWEIT-M030 - 'Measures for coastal land planning'
  • MWEIT-M031 - 'Regulatory measures for commercial fishing and the sustainable exploitation of fish stocks'
  • MWEIT-M032 - 'Adoption of National Plans of Fleet Management'
  • MWEIT-M033-NEW1 - 'Complete the network of Natura 2000 sites at sea and subsequent identification of conservation measures'
  • MWEIT-M034-NEW2 - 'Implementation of technical solutions (methodological and instrumental) for the reduction of the phenomenon of collision with cetaceans'
  • MWEIT-M035-NEW3 - 'Acquisition, systematisation and standardisation, as well as consistent recognition, with data from monitoring activities implemented, with particular reference to EIA procedures'
  • MWEIT-M036-NEW4 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of elasmobranchs from by-catch'
  • MWEIT-M037-NEW5 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of cetaceans and sea turtles from by-catch'
  • MWEIT-M038-NEW6 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of seabirds from by-catch'
  • MWEIT-M039-NEW7 - 'Implementation of awareness-raising and information measures to prevent removal activities and damage to the benthic species and habitats protected'
  • MWEIT-M047 - 'Measures related to the monitoring of fishing vessels'
  • MWEIT-M048 - 'Combat IUU fishing'
  • MWEIT-M049 - 'Local management plans for management units'
  • MWEIT-M050 - 'Implementation of the new CFP, the EMFF and the triennial plan'
  • MWEIT-M051 - 'Fisheries management of bivalve molluscs'
  • MWEIT-M061 - 'Implementation of the National Energy Plan'
  • MWEIT-M062 - 'Use of the maritime domain and the territorial sea areas'
  • MWEIT-M063 - 'Minimum requirements to prevent major accidents in offshore operations and limiting the consequences of such accidents in the hydrocarbon sector'
  • MWEIT-M064 - 'Measures concerning the spill of materials from port dredging'
  • MWEIT-M065 - 'Related measures and EIA'
  • MWEIT-M066 - 'Register of vessels authorised to fish under the GFCM Agreement'
  • MWEIT-M089 - 'Measures related to the regulation of approval for the immersion in the sea of excavation seabed materials and dredging'
  • MADIT-M001 - 'Measures related to the management of the Natura 2000 Network sites'
  • MADIT-M002 - 'Planned measures to designate SACs in Natura 2000 sites'
  • MADIT-M003 - 'Measures to protect target species and targeted habitats through the MPAs'
  • MADIT-M004 - 'Planned measures to increase MPAs'
  • MADIT-M005 - 'Measures to protect target habitats through other protected areas'
  • MADIT-M006 - 'Management measures for benthic habitats in the Mediterranean and identification of protected species and habitats'
  • MADIT-M007 - 'Measures to protect fish stocks through other protected areas (wildlife protection areas)'
  • MADIT-M008 - 'Measures to reduce the impact of fishing and protection of pelagic habitats'
  • MADIT-M009 - 'Protective measures for the taking and selling of endangered species through international agreements'
  • MADIT-M010 - 'Measures for incidental catches of cetaceans in fisheries'
  • MADIT-M011 - 'Measures for the conservation of cetaceans in the Mediterranean, under international agreements'
  • MADIT-M012 - 'Directorial Decree of Ministry of Environment, in cooperation with the Ministry of Health, for the establishment of the coordination of the marine mammal stranding national network (ReNaSMM)'
  • MADIT-M013 - 'Measures for the conservation of wild flora and fauna and natural habitats, and the promotion of cooperation between Member States'
  • MADIT-M014 - 'Bird protection measures through the Birds Directive (2009/147/ EC)'
  • MADIT-M015 - 'National and Community measures for the protection of birds'
  • MADIT-M016 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MADIT-M017 - 'Protective measures for benthic habitats associated with the European legislation (planning, impact assessment, river basin management plans)'
  • MADIT-M018 - 'Measures to protect habitats and associated target species under international conventions'
  • MADIT-M019 - 'Measures for the conservation of migratory species of wild animals'
  • MADIT-M020 - 'Regulatory measures for international trade in endangered species'
  • MADIT-M021 - 'International cetacean protection measures'
  • MADIT-M022 - 'Measures to protect biodiversity through European policies'
  • MADIT-M023 - 'Community and international measures for elasmobranch'
  • MADIT-M024 - 'Measures regulating catches of cetaceans, tortoises and common sturgeon'
  • MADIT-M025 - 'National measures for the protection of biodiversity'
  • MADIT-M026 - 'National measures for recovery, rescue custody and management of marine reptiles'
  • MADIT-M027 - 'Measures for coastal land planning'
  • MADIT-M028 - 'Regulatory measures for commercial fishing and the sustainable exploitation of fish stocks'
  • MADIT-M029 - 'Adoption of National Plans of Fleet Management'
  • MADIT-M030-NEW1 - 'Complete the network of Natura 2000 sites at sea and subsequent identification of conservation measures'
  • MADIT-M031-NEW2 - 'Implementation of technical solutions (methodological and instrumental) for the reduction of the phenomenon of collision with cetaceans'
  • MADIT-M032-NEW3 - 'Acquisition, systematisation and standardisation, as well as consistent recognition, with data from monitoring activities implemented, with particular reference to EIA procedures'
  • MADIT-M033-NEW4 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of elasmobranchs from by-catch'
  • MADIT-M034-NEW5 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of cetaceans and sea turtles from by-catch'
  • MADIT-M035-NEW6 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of seabirds from by-catch'
  • MADIT-M036-NEW7 - 'Implementation of awareness-raising and information measures to prevent removal activities and damage to the benthic species and habitats protected'
  • MADIT-M046 - 'Measures related to the monitoring of fishing vessels'
  • MADIT-M047 - 'Combat IUU fishing'
  • MADIT-M048 - 'Implementation of the new CFP, the EMFF and the triennial plan'
  • MADIT-M049 - 'Fisheries management of bivalve molluscs'
  • MADIT-M059 - 'Implementation of the National Energy Plan'
  • MADIT-M060 - 'Use of the maritime domain and the territorial sea areas'
  • MADIT-M061 - 'Minimum requirements to prevent major accidents in offshore operations and limiting the consequences of such accidents in the hydrocarbon sector'
  • MADIT-M062 - 'Measures concerning the spill of materials from port dredging'
  • MADIT-M063 - 'Related measures and EIA'
  • MADIT-M064 - 'Register of vessels authorised to fish under the GFCM Agreement'
  • MADIT-M087 - 'Measures related to the regulation of approval for the immersion in the sea of excavation seabed materials and dredging'
  • MICIT-M001 - 'Measures related to the management of the Natura 2000 Network sites'
  • MICIT-M002 - 'Planned measures to designate SACs in Natura 2000 sites'
  • MICIT-M003 - 'Measures to protect target species and targeted habitats through the MPAs'
  • MICIT-M004 - 'Planned measures to increase MPAs'
  • MICIT-M005 - 'Measures to protect target habitats through other protected areas'
  • MICIT-M006 - 'Management measures for benthic habitats in the Mediterranean and identification of protected species and habitats'
  • MICIT-M007 - 'Measures to protect fish stocks through other protected areas (wildlife protection areas)'
  • MICIT-M008 - 'Measures to reduce the impact of fishing and protection of pelagic habitats'
  • MICIT-M009 - 'Protective measures for the taking and selling of endangered species through international agreements'
  • MICIT-M010 - 'Measures for incidental catches of cetaceans in fisheries'
  • MICIT-M011 - 'Measures for the conservation of cetaceans in the Mediterranean, under international agreements'
  • MICIT-M012 - 'Directorial Decree of Ministry of Environment, in cooperation with the Ministry of Health, for the establishment of the coordination of the marine mammal stranding national network (ReNaSMM)'
  • MICIT-M013 - 'Measures for the conservation of wild flora and fauna and natural habitats, and the promotion of cooperation between Member States'
  • MICIT-M014 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MICIT-M015 - 'National and Community measures for the protection of birds'
  • MICIT-M016 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MICIT-M017 - 'Protective measures for benthic habitats associated with the European legislation (planning, impact assessment, river basin management plans)'
  • MICIT-M018 - 'Measures to protect habitats and associated target species under international conventions'
  • MICIT-M019 - 'Measures for the conservation of migratory species of wild animals'
  • MICIT-M020 - 'Regulatory measures for international trade in endangered species'
  • MICIT-M021 - 'International cetacean protection measures'
  • MICIT-M022 - 'Measures to protect biodiversity through European policies'
  • MICIT-M023 - 'Community and international measures for elasmobranch'
  • MICIT-M024 - 'Measures regulating catches of cetaceans, tortoises and common sturgeon'
  • MICIT-M025 - 'National measures for the protection of biodiversity'
  • MICIT-M026 - 'National measures for recovery, rescue custody and management of marine reptiles'
  • MICIT-M027 - 'Measures for coastal land planning'
  • MICIT-M028 - 'Regulatory measures for commercial fishing and the sustainable exploitation of fish stocks'
  • MICIT-M029 - 'Adoption of National Plans of Fleet Management'
  • MICIT-M030-NEW1 - 'Complete the network of Natura 2000 sites at sea and subsequent identification of conservation measures'
  • MICIT-M031-NEW2 - 'Implementation of technical solutions (methodological and instrumental) for the reduction of the phenomenon of collision with cetaceans'
  • MICIT-M032-NEW3 - 'Acquisition, systematisation and standardisation, as well as consistent recognition, with data from monitoring activities implemented, with particular reference to EIA procedures'
  • MICIT-M033-NEW4 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of elasmobranchs from by-catch'
  • MICIT-M034-NEW5 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of cetaceans and sea turtles from by-catch'
  • MICIT-M035-NEW6 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of seabirds from by-catch'
  • MICIT-M036-NEW7 - 'Implementation of awareness-raising and information measures to prevent removal activities and damage to the benthic species and habitats protected'
  • MICIT-M044 - 'Measures related to the monitoring of fishing vessels'
  • MICIT-M045 - 'Combat IUU fishing'
  • MICIT-M046 - 'Local management plans for management units'
  • MICIT-M047 - 'Implementation of the new CFP, the EMFF and the triennial plan'
  • MICIT-M048 - 'Fisheries management of bivalve molluscs'
  • MICIT-M058 - 'Implementation of the National Energy Plan'
  • MICIT-M059 - 'Use of the maritime domain and the territorial sea areas'
  • MICIT-M060 - 'Minimum requirements to prevent major accidents in offshore operations and limiting the consequences of such accidents in the hydrocarbon sector'
  • MICIT-M061 - 'Measures concerning the spill of materials from port dredging'
  • MICIT-M062 - 'Related measures and EIA'
  • MICIT-M063 - 'Register of vessels authorised to fish under the GFCM Agreement'
  • MWEIT-M001 - 'Measures related to the management of the Natura 2000 Network sites'
  • MWEIT-M002 - 'Planned measures to designate SACs in Natura 2000 sites'
  • MWEIT-M003 - 'Measures to protect target species and targeted habitats through the MPAs'
  • MWEIT-M004 - 'Planned measures to increase MPAs'
  • MWEIT-M005 - 'Measures to protect target habitats through other protected areas'
  • MWEIT-M006 - 'Management measures for benthic habitats in the Mediterranean and identification of protected species and habitats'
  • MWEIT-M007 - 'Measures to protect fish stocks through other protected areas (wildlife protection areas)'
  • MWEIT-M008 - 'Measures to reduce the impact of fishing and protection of pelagic habitats'
  • MWEIT-M009 - 'Ecological protection measures'
  • MWEIT-M010 - 'Protective measures for the taking and selling of endangered species through international agreements'
  • MWEIT-M011 - 'Measures for incidental catches of cetaceans in fisheries'
  • MWEIT-M012 - 'Measures for the conservation of cetaceans in the Mediterranean, under international agreements'
  • MWEIT-M013 - 'Directorial Decree of Ministry of Environment, in cooperation with the Ministry of Health, for the establishment of the coordination of the marine mammal stranding national network (ReNaSMM)'
  • MWEIT-M014 - 'Measures for the conservation of wild flora and fauna and natural habitats, and the promotion of cooperation between Member States'
  • MWEIT-M015 - 'Bird protection measures through the Birds Directive (2009/147/ EC)'
  • MWEIT-M016 - 'National and Community measures for the protection of birds'
  • MWEIT-M017 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MWEIT-M018 - 'Protective measures for benthic habitats associated with the European legislation (planning, impact assessment, river basin management plans)'
  • MWEIT-M019 - 'Measures to protect habitats and associated target species under international conventions'
  • MWEIT-M020 - 'Measures for the conservation of migratory species of wild animals'
  • MWEIT-M021 - 'Regulatory measures for international trade in endangered species'
  • MWEIT-M022 - 'Measures to promote a pilot area for the control of marine pollution along the coastline stretching from Marseille to La Spezia'
  • MWEIT-M023 - 'International cetacean protection measures'
  • MWEIT-M024 - 'Measures to protect biodiversity through European policies'
  • MWEIT-M025 - 'Community and international measures for elasmobranch'
  • MWEIT-M026 - 'Measures regulating catches of cetaceans, tortoises and common sturgeon'
  • MWEIT-M027 - 'Establishment of measures for the International Whale Sanctuary'
  • MWEIT-M028 - 'National measures for the protection of biodiversity'
  • MWEIT-M029 - 'National measures for recovery, rescue custody and management of marine reptiles'
  • MWEIT-M030 - 'Measures for coastal land planning'
  • MWEIT-M031 - 'Regulatory measures for commercial fishing and the sustainable exploitation of fish stocks'
  • MWEIT-M032 - 'Adoption of National Plans of Fleet Management'
  • MWEIT-M033-NEW1 - 'Complete the network of Natura 2000 sites at sea and subsequent identification of conservation measures'
  • MWEIT-M034-NEW2 - 'Implementation of technical solutions (methodological and instrumental) for the reduction of the phenomenon of collision with cetaceans'
  • MWEIT-M035-NEW3 - 'Acquisition, systematisation and standardisation, as well as consistent recognition, with data from monitoring activities implemented, with particular reference to EIA procedures'
  • MWEIT-M036-NEW4 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of elasmobranchs from by-catch'
  • MWEIT-M037-NEW5 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of cetaceans and sea turtles from by-catch'
  • MWEIT-M038-NEW6 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of seabirds from by-catch'
  • MWEIT-M039-NEW7 - 'Implementation of awareness-raising and information measures to prevent removal activities and damage to the benthic species and habitats protected'
  • MWEIT-M047 - 'Measures related to the monitoring of fishing vessels'
  • MWEIT-M048 - 'Combat IUU fishing'
  • MWEIT-M049 - 'Local management plans for management units'
  • MWEIT-M050 - 'Implementation of the new CFP, the EMFF and the triennial plan'
  • MWEIT-M051 - 'Fisheries management of bivalve molluscs'
  • MWEIT-M061 - 'Implementation of the National Energy Plan'
  • MWEIT-M062 - 'Use of the maritime domain and the territorial sea areas'
  • MWEIT-M063 - 'Minimum requirements to prevent major accidents in offshore operations and limiting the consequences of such accidents in the hydrocarbon sector'
  • MWEIT-M064 - 'Measures concerning the spill of materials from port dredging'
  • MWEIT-M065 - 'Related measures and EIA'
  • MWEIT-M066 - 'Register of vessels authorised to fish under the GFCM Agreement'
  • MWEIT-M089 - 'Measures related to the regulation of approval for the immersion in the sea of excavation seabed materials and dredging'
  • MADIT-M001 - 'Measures related to the management of the Natura 2000 Network sites'
  • MADIT-M002 - 'Planned measures to designate SACs in Natura 2000 sites'
  • MADIT-M003 - 'Measures to protect target species and targeted habitats through the MPAs'
  • MADIT-M004 - 'Planned measures to increase MPAs'
  • MADIT-M005 - 'Measures to protect target habitats through other protected areas'
  • MADIT-M006 - 'Management measures for benthic habitats in the Mediterranean and identification of protected species and habitats'
  • MADIT-M007 - 'Measures to protect fish stocks through other protected areas (wildlife protection areas)'
  • MADIT-M008 - 'Measures to reduce the impact of fishing and protection of pelagic habitats'
  • MADIT-M009 - 'Protective measures for the taking and selling of endangered species through international agreements'
  • MADIT-M010 - 'Measures for incidental catches of cetaceans in fisheries'
  • MADIT-M011 - 'Measures for the conservation of cetaceans in the Mediterranean, under international agreements'
  • MADIT-M012 - 'Directorial Decree of Ministry of Environment, in cooperation with the Ministry of Health, for the establishment of the coordination of the marine mammal stranding national network (ReNaSMM)'
  • MADIT-M013 - 'Measures for the conservation of wild flora and fauna and natural habitats, and the promotion of cooperation between Member States'
  • MADIT-M014 - 'Bird protection measures through the Birds Directive (2009/147/ EC)'
  • MADIT-M015 - 'National and Community measures for the protection of birds'
  • MADIT-M016 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MADIT-M017 - 'Protective measures for benthic habitats associated with the European legislation (planning, impact assessment, river basin management plans)'
  • MADIT-M018 - 'Measures to protect habitats and associated target species under international conventions'
  • MADIT-M019 - 'Measures for the conservation of migratory species of wild animals'
  • MADIT-M020 - 'Regulatory measures for international trade in endangered species'
  • MADIT-M021 - 'International cetacean protection measures'
  • MADIT-M022 - 'Measures to protect biodiversity through European policies'
  • MADIT-M023 - 'Community and international measures for elasmobranch'
  • MADIT-M024 - 'Measures regulating catches of cetaceans, tortoises and common sturgeon'
  • MADIT-M025 - 'National measures for the protection of biodiversity'
  • MADIT-M026 - 'National measures for recovery, rescue custody and management of marine reptiles'
  • MADIT-M027 - 'Measures for coastal land planning'
  • MADIT-M028 - 'Regulatory measures for commercial fishing and the sustainable exploitation of fish stocks'
  • MADIT-M029 - 'Adoption of National Plans of Fleet Management'
  • MADIT-M030-NEW1 - 'Complete the network of Natura 2000 sites at sea and subsequent identification of conservation measures'
  • MADIT-M031-NEW2 - 'Implementation of technical solutions (methodological and instrumental) for the reduction of the phenomenon of collision with cetaceans'
  • MADIT-M032-NEW3 - 'Acquisition, systematisation and standardisation, as well as consistent recognition, with data from monitoring activities implemented, with particular reference to EIA procedures'
  • MADIT-M033-NEW4 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of elasmobranchs from by-catch'
  • MADIT-M034-NEW5 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of cetaceans and sea turtles from by-catch'
  • MADIT-M035-NEW6 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of seabirds from by-catch'
  • MADIT-M036-NEW7 - 'Implementation of awareness-raising and information measures to prevent removal activities and damage to the benthic species and habitats protected'
  • MADIT-M046 - 'Measures related to the monitoring of fishing vessels'
  • MADIT-M047 - 'Combat IUU fishing'
  • MADIT-M048 - 'Implementation of the new CFP, the EMFF and the triennial plan'
  • MADIT-M049 - 'Fisheries management of bivalve molluscs'
  • MADIT-M059 - 'Implementation of the National Energy Plan'
  • MADIT-M060 - 'Use of the maritime domain and the territorial sea areas'
  • MADIT-M061 - 'Minimum requirements to prevent major accidents in offshore operations and limiting the consequences of such accidents in the hydrocarbon sector'
  • MADIT-M062 - 'Measures concerning the spill of materials from port dredging'
  • MADIT-M063 - 'Related measures and EIA'
  • MADIT-M064 - 'Register of vessels authorised to fish under the GFCM Agreement'
  • MADIT-M087 - 'Measures related to the regulation of approval for the immersion in the sea of excavation seabed materials and dredging'
  • MICIT-M001 - 'Measures related to the management of the Natura 2000 Network sites'
  • MICIT-M002 - 'Planned measures to designate SACs in Natura 2000 sites'
  • MICIT-M003 - 'Measures to protect target species and targeted habitats through the MPAs'
  • MICIT-M004 - 'Planned measures to increase MPAs'
  • MICIT-M005 - 'Measures to protect target habitats through other protected areas'
  • MICIT-M006 - 'Management measures for benthic habitats in the Mediterranean and identification of protected species and habitats'
  • MICIT-M007 - 'Measures to protect fish stocks through other protected areas (wildlife protection areas)'
  • MICIT-M008 - 'Measures to reduce the impact of fishing and protection of pelagic habitats'
  • MICIT-M009 - 'Protective measures for the taking and selling of endangered species through international agreements'
  • MICIT-M010 - 'Measures for incidental catches of cetaceans in fisheries'
  • MICIT-M011 - 'Measures for the conservation of cetaceans in the Mediterranean, under international agreements'
  • MICIT-M012 - 'Directorial Decree of Ministry of Environment, in cooperation with the Ministry of Health, for the establishment of the coordination of the marine mammal stranding national network (ReNaSMM)'
  • MICIT-M013 - 'Measures for the conservation of wild flora and fauna and natural habitats, and the promotion of cooperation between Member States'
  • MICIT-M014 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MICIT-M015 - 'National and Community measures for the protection of birds'
  • MICIT-M016 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MICIT-M017 - 'Protective measures for benthic habitats associated with the European legislation (planning, impact assessment, river basin management plans)'
  • MICIT-M018 - 'Measures to protect habitats and associated target species under international conventions'
  • MICIT-M019 - 'Measures for the conservation of migratory species of wild animals'
  • MICIT-M020 - 'Regulatory measures for international trade in endangered species'
  • MICIT-M021 - 'International cetacean protection measures'
  • MICIT-M022 - 'Measures to protect biodiversity through European policies'
  • MICIT-M023 - 'Community and international measures for elasmobranch'
  • MICIT-M024 - 'Measures regulating catches of cetaceans, tortoises and common sturgeon'
  • MICIT-M025 - 'National measures for the protection of biodiversity'
  • MICIT-M026 - 'National measures for recovery, rescue custody and management of marine reptiles'
  • MICIT-M027 - 'Measures for coastal land planning'
  • MICIT-M028 - 'Regulatory measures for commercial fishing and the sustainable exploitation of fish stocks'
  • MICIT-M029 - 'Adoption of National Plans of Fleet Management'
  • MICIT-M030-NEW1 - 'Complete the network of Natura 2000 sites at sea and subsequent identification of conservation measures'
  • MICIT-M031-NEW2 - 'Implementation of technical solutions (methodological and instrumental) for the reduction of the phenomenon of collision with cetaceans'
  • MICIT-M032-NEW3 - 'Acquisition, systematisation and standardisation, as well as consistent recognition, with data from monitoring activities implemented, with particular reference to EIA procedures'
  • MICIT-M033-NEW4 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of elasmobranchs from by-catch'
  • MICIT-M034-NEW5 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of cetaceans and sea turtles from by-catch'
  • MICIT-M035-NEW6 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of seabirds from by-catch'
  • MICIT-M036-NEW7 - 'Implementation of awareness-raising and information measures to prevent removal activities and damage to the benthic species and habitats protected'
  • MICIT-M044 - 'Measures related to the monitoring of fishing vessels'
  • MICIT-M045 - 'Combat IUU fishing'
  • MICIT-M046 - 'Local management plans for management units'
  • MICIT-M047 - 'Implementation of the new CFP, the EMFF and the triennial plan'
  • MICIT-M048 - 'Fisheries management of bivalve molluscs'
  • MICIT-M058 - 'Implementation of the National Energy Plan'
  • MICIT-M059 - 'Use of the maritime domain and the territorial sea areas'
  • MICIT-M060 - 'Minimum requirements to prevent major accidents in offshore operations and limiting the consequences of such accidents in the hydrocarbon sector'
  • MICIT-M061 - 'Measures concerning the spill of materials from port dredging'
  • MICIT-M062 - 'Related measures and EIA'
  • MICIT-M063 - 'Register of vessels authorised to fish under the GFCM Agreement'
  • MWEIT-M001 - 'Measures related to the management of the Natura 2000 Network sites'
  • MWEIT-M002 - 'Planned measures to designate SACs in Natura 2000 sites'
  • MWEIT-M003 - 'Measures to protect target species and targeted habitats through the MPAs'
  • MWEIT-M004 - 'Planned measures to increase MPAs'
  • MWEIT-M005 - 'Measures to protect target habitats through other protected areas'
  • MWEIT-M006 - 'Management measures for benthic habitats in the Mediterranean and identification of protected species and habitats'
  • MWEIT-M007 - 'Measures to protect fish stocks through other protected areas (wildlife protection areas)'
  • MWEIT-M008 - 'Measures to reduce the impact of fishing and protection of pelagic habitats'
  • MWEIT-M009 - 'Ecological protection measures'
  • MWEIT-M010 - 'Protective measures for the taking and selling of endangered species through international agreements'
  • MWEIT-M011 - 'Measures for incidental catches of cetaceans in fisheries'
  • MWEIT-M012 - 'Measures for the conservation of cetaceans in the Mediterranean, under international agreements'
  • MWEIT-M013 - 'Directorial Decree of Ministry of Environment, in cooperation with the Ministry of Health, for the establishment of the coordination of the marine mammal stranding national network (ReNaSMM)'
  • MWEIT-M014 - 'Measures for the conservation of wild flora and fauna and natural habitats, and the promotion of cooperation between Member States'
  • MWEIT-M015 - 'Bird protection measures through the Birds Directive (2009/147/ EC)'
  • MWEIT-M016 - 'National and Community measures for the protection of birds'
  • MWEIT-M017 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MWEIT-M018 - 'Protective measures for benthic habitats associated with the European legislation (planning, impact assessment, river basin management plans)'
  • MWEIT-M019 - 'Measures to protect habitats and associated target species under international conventions'
  • MWEIT-M020 - 'Measures for the conservation of migratory species of wild animals'
  • MWEIT-M021 - 'Regulatory measures for international trade in endangered species'
  • MWEIT-M022 - 'Measures to promote a pilot area for the control of marine pollution along the coastline stretching from Marseille to La Spezia'
  • MWEIT-M023 - 'International cetacean protection measures'
  • MWEIT-M024 - 'Measures to protect biodiversity through European policies'
  • MWEIT-M025 - 'Community and international measures for elasmobranch'
  • MWEIT-M026 - 'Measures regulating catches of cetaceans, tortoises and common sturgeon'
  • MWEIT-M027 - 'Establishment of measures for the International Whale Sanctuary'
  • MWEIT-M028 - 'National measures for the protection of biodiversity'
  • MWEIT-M029 - 'National measures for recovery, rescue custody and management of marine reptiles'
  • MWEIT-M030 - 'Measures for coastal land planning'
  • MWEIT-M031 - 'Regulatory measures for commercial fishing and the sustainable exploitation of fish stocks'
  • MWEIT-M032 - 'Adoption of National Plans of Fleet Management'
  • MWEIT-M033-NEW1 - 'Complete the network of Natura 2000 sites at sea and subsequent identification of conservation measures'
  • MWEIT-M034-NEW2 - 'Implementation of technical solutions (methodological and instrumental) for the reduction of the phenomenon of collision with cetaceans'
  • MWEIT-M035-NEW3 - 'Acquisition, systematisation and standardisation, as well as consistent recognition, with data from monitoring activities implemented, with particular reference to EIA procedures'
  • MWEIT-M036-NEW4 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of elasmobranchs from by-catch'
  • MWEIT-M037-NEW5 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of cetaceans and sea turtles from by-catch'
  • MWEIT-M038-NEW6 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of seabirds from by-catch'
  • MWEIT-M039-NEW7 - 'Implementation of awareness-raising and information measures to prevent removal activities and damage to the benthic species and habitats protected'
  • MWEIT-M047 - 'Measures related to the monitoring of fishing vessels'
  • MWEIT-M048 - 'Combat IUU fishing'
  • MWEIT-M049 - 'Local management plans for management units'
  • MWEIT-M050 - 'Implementation of the new CFP, the EMFF and the triennial plan'
  • MWEIT-M051 - 'Fisheries management of bivalve molluscs'
  • MWEIT-M061 - 'Implementation of the National Energy Plan'
  • MWEIT-M062 - 'Use of the maritime domain and the territorial sea areas'
  • MWEIT-M063 - 'Minimum requirements to prevent major accidents in offshore operations and limiting the consequences of such accidents in the hydrocarbon sector'
  • MWEIT-M064 - 'Measures concerning the spill of materials from port dredging'
  • MWEIT-M065 - 'Related measures and EIA'
  • MWEIT-M066 - 'Register of vessels authorised to fish under the GFCM Agreement'
  • MWEIT-M089 - 'Measures related to the regulation of approval for the immersion in the sea of excavation seabed materials and dredging'
  • MADIT-M001 - 'Measures related to the management of the Natura 2000 Network sites'
  • MADIT-M002 - 'Planned measures to designate SACs in Natura 2000 sites'
  • MADIT-M003 - 'Measures to protect target species and targeted habitats through the MPAs'
  • MADIT-M004 - 'Planned measures to increase MPAs'
  • MADIT-M005 - 'Measures to protect target habitats through other protected areas'
  • MADIT-M006 - 'Management measures for benthic habitats in the Mediterranean and identification of protected species and habitats'
  • MADIT-M007 - 'Measures to protect fish stocks through other protected areas (wildlife protection areas)'
  • MADIT-M008 - 'Measures to reduce the impact of fishing and protection of pelagic habitats'
  • MADIT-M009 - 'Protective measures for the taking and selling of endangered species through international agreements'
  • MADIT-M010 - 'Measures for incidental catches of cetaceans in fisheries'
  • MADIT-M011 - 'Measures for the conservation of cetaceans in the Mediterranean, under international agreements'
  • MADIT-M012 - 'Directorial Decree of Ministry of Environment, in cooperation with the Ministry of Health, for the establishment of the coordination of the marine mammal stranding national network (ReNaSMM)'
  • MADIT-M013 - 'Measures for the conservation of wild flora and fauna and natural habitats, and the promotion of cooperation between Member States'
  • MADIT-M014 - 'Bird protection measures through the Birds Directive (2009/147/ EC)'
  • MADIT-M015 - 'National and Community measures for the protection of birds'
  • MADIT-M016 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MADIT-M017 - 'Protective measures for benthic habitats associated with the European legislation (planning, impact assessment, river basin management plans)'
  • MADIT-M018 - 'Measures to protect habitats and associated target species under international conventions'
  • MADIT-M019 - 'Measures for the conservation of migratory species of wild animals'
  • MADIT-M020 - 'Regulatory measures for international trade in endangered species'
  • MADIT-M021 - 'International cetacean protection measures'
  • MADIT-M022 - 'Measures to protect biodiversity through European policies'
  • MADIT-M023 - 'Community and international measures for elasmobranch'
  • MADIT-M024 - 'Measures regulating catches of cetaceans, tortoises and common sturgeon'
  • MADIT-M025 - 'National measures for the protection of biodiversity'
  • MADIT-M026 - 'National measures for recovery, rescue custody and management of marine reptiles'
  • MADIT-M027 - 'Measures for coastal land planning'
  • MADIT-M028 - 'Regulatory measures for commercial fishing and the sustainable exploitation of fish stocks'
  • MADIT-M029 - 'Adoption of National Plans of Fleet Management'
  • MADIT-M030-NEW1 - 'Complete the network of Natura 2000 sites at sea and subsequent identification of conservation measures'
  • MADIT-M031-NEW2 - 'Implementation of technical solutions (methodological and instrumental) for the reduction of the phenomenon of collision with cetaceans'
  • MADIT-M032-NEW3 - 'Acquisition, systematisation and standardisation, as well as consistent recognition, with data from monitoring activities implemented, with particular reference to EIA procedures'
  • MADIT-M033-NEW4 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of elasmobranchs from by-catch'
  • MADIT-M034-NEW5 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of cetaceans and sea turtles from by-catch'
  • MADIT-M035-NEW6 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of seabirds from by-catch'
  • MADIT-M036-NEW7 - 'Implementation of awareness-raising and information measures to prevent removal activities and damage to the benthic species and habitats protected'
  • MADIT-M046 - 'Measures related to the monitoring of fishing vessels'
  • MADIT-M047 - 'Combat IUU fishing'
  • MADIT-M048 - 'Implementation of the new CFP, the EMFF and the triennial plan'
  • MADIT-M049 - 'Fisheries management of bivalve molluscs'
  • MADIT-M059 - 'Implementation of the National Energy Plan'
  • MADIT-M060 - 'Use of the maritime domain and the territorial sea areas'
  • MADIT-M061 - 'Minimum requirements to prevent major accidents in offshore operations and limiting the consequences of such accidents in the hydrocarbon sector'
  • MADIT-M062 - 'Measures concerning the spill of materials from port dredging'
  • MADIT-M063 - 'Related measures and EIA'
  • MADIT-M064 - 'Register of vessels authorised to fish under the GFCM Agreement'
  • MADIT-M087 - 'Measures related to the regulation of approval for the immersion in the sea of excavation seabed materials and dredging'
  • MICIT-M001 - 'Measures related to the management of the Natura 2000 Network sites'
  • MICIT-M002 - 'Planned measures to designate SACs in Natura 2000 sites'
  • MICIT-M003 - 'Measures to protect target species and targeted habitats through the MPAs'
  • MICIT-M004 - 'Planned measures to increase MPAs'
  • MICIT-M005 - 'Measures to protect target habitats through other protected areas'
  • MICIT-M006 - 'Management measures for benthic habitats in the Mediterranean and identification of protected species and habitats'
  • MICIT-M007 - 'Measures to protect fish stocks through other protected areas (wildlife protection areas)'
  • MICIT-M008 - 'Measures to reduce the impact of fishing and protection of pelagic habitats'
  • MICIT-M009 - 'Protective measures for the taking and selling of endangered species through international agreements'
  • MICIT-M010 - 'Measures for incidental catches of cetaceans in fisheries'
  • MICIT-M011 - 'Measures for the conservation of cetaceans in the Mediterranean, under international agreements'
  • MICIT-M012 - 'Directorial Decree of Ministry of Environment, in cooperation with the Ministry of Health, for the establishment of the coordination of the marine mammal stranding national network (ReNaSMM)'
  • MICIT-M013 - 'Measures for the conservation of wild flora and fauna and natural habitats, and the promotion of cooperation between Member States'
  • MICIT-M014 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MICIT-M015 - 'National and Community measures for the protection of birds'
  • MICIT-M016 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MICIT-M017 - 'Protective measures for benthic habitats associated with the European legislation (planning, impact assessment, river basin management plans)'
  • MICIT-M018 - 'Measures to protect habitats and associated target species under international conventions'
  • MICIT-M019 - 'Measures for the conservation of migratory species of wild animals'
  • MICIT-M020 - 'Regulatory measures for international trade in endangered species'
  • MICIT-M021 - 'International cetacean protection measures'
  • MICIT-M022 - 'Measures to protect biodiversity through European policies'
  • MICIT-M023 - 'Community and international measures for elasmobranch'
  • MICIT-M024 - 'Measures regulating catches of cetaceans, tortoises and common sturgeon'
  • MICIT-M025 - 'National measures for the protection of biodiversity'
  • MICIT-M026 - 'National measures for recovery, rescue custody and management of marine reptiles'
  • MICIT-M027 - 'Measures for coastal land planning'
  • MICIT-M028 - 'Regulatory measures for commercial fishing and the sustainable exploitation of fish stocks'
  • MICIT-M029 - 'Adoption of National Plans of Fleet Management'
  • MICIT-M030-NEW1 - 'Complete the network of Natura 2000 sites at sea and subsequent identification of conservation measures'
  • MICIT-M031-NEW2 - 'Implementation of technical solutions (methodological and instrumental) for the reduction of the phenomenon of collision with cetaceans'
  • MICIT-M032-NEW3 - 'Acquisition, systematisation and standardisation, as well as consistent recognition, with data from monitoring activities implemented, with particular reference to EIA procedures'
  • MICIT-M033-NEW4 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of elasmobranchs from by-catch'
  • MICIT-M034-NEW5 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of cetaceans and sea turtles from by-catch'
  • MICIT-M035-NEW6 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of seabirds from by-catch'
  • MICIT-M036-NEW7 - 'Implementation of awareness-raising and information measures to prevent removal activities and damage to the benthic species and habitats protected'
  • MICIT-M044 - 'Measures related to the monitoring of fishing vessels'
  • MICIT-M045 - 'Combat IUU fishing'
  • MICIT-M046 - 'Local management plans for management units'
  • MICIT-M047 - 'Implementation of the new CFP, the EMFF and the triennial plan'
  • MICIT-M048 - 'Fisheries management of bivalve molluscs'
  • MICIT-M058 - 'Implementation of the National Energy Plan'
  • MICIT-M059 - 'Use of the maritime domain and the territorial sea areas'
  • MICIT-M060 - 'Minimum requirements to prevent major accidents in offshore operations and limiting the consequences of such accidents in the hydrocarbon sector'
  • MICIT-M061 - 'Measures concerning the spill of materials from port dredging'
  • MICIT-M062 - 'Related measures and EIA'
  • MICIT-M063 - 'Register of vessels authorised to fish under the GFCM Agreement'
  • MWEIT-M001 - 'Measures related to the management of the Natura 2000 Network sites'
  • MWEIT-M002 - 'Planned measures to designate SACs in Natura 2000 sites'
  • MWEIT-M003 - 'Measures to protect target species and targeted habitats through the MPAs'
  • MWEIT-M004 - 'Planned measures to increase MPAs'
  • MWEIT-M005 - 'Measures to protect target habitats through other protected areas'
  • MWEIT-M006 - 'Management measures for benthic habitats in the Mediterranean and identification of protected species and habitats'
  • MWEIT-M007 - 'Measures to protect fish stocks through other protected areas (wildlife protection areas)'
  • MWEIT-M008 - 'Measures to reduce the impact of fishing and protection of pelagic habitats'
  • MWEIT-M009 - 'Ecological protection measures'
  • MWEIT-M010 - 'Protective measures for the taking and selling of endangered species through international agreements'
  • MWEIT-M011 - 'Measures for incidental catches of cetaceans in fisheries'
  • MWEIT-M012 - 'Measures for the conservation of cetaceans in the Mediterranean, under international agreements'
  • MWEIT-M013 - 'Directorial Decree of Ministry of Environment, in cooperation with the Ministry of Health, for the establishment of the coordination of the marine mammal stranding national network (ReNaSMM)'
  • MWEIT-M014 - 'Measures for the conservation of wild flora and fauna and natural habitats, and the promotion of cooperation between Member States'
  • MWEIT-M015 - 'Bird protection measures through the Birds Directive (2009/147/ EC)'
  • MWEIT-M016 - 'National and Community measures for the protection of birds'
  • MWEIT-M017 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MWEIT-M018 - 'Protective measures for benthic habitats associated with the European legislation (planning, impact assessment, river basin management plans)'
  • MWEIT-M019 - 'Measures to protect habitats and associated target species under international conventions'
  • MWEIT-M020 - 'Measures for the conservation of migratory species of wild animals'
  • MWEIT-M021 - 'Regulatory measures for international trade in endangered species'
  • MWEIT-M022 - 'Measures to promote a pilot area for the control of marine pollution along the coastline stretching from Marseille to La Spezia'
  • MWEIT-M023 - 'International cetacean protection measures'
  • MWEIT-M024 - 'Measures to protect biodiversity through European policies'
  • MWEIT-M025 - 'Community and international measures for elasmobranch'
  • MWEIT-M026 - 'Measures regulating catches of cetaceans, tortoises and common sturgeon'
  • MWEIT-M027 - 'Establishment of measures for the International Whale Sanctuary'
  • MWEIT-M028 - 'National measures for the protection of biodiversity'
  • MWEIT-M029 - 'National measures for recovery, rescue custody and management of marine reptiles'
  • MWEIT-M030 - 'Measures for coastal land planning'
  • MWEIT-M031 - 'Regulatory measures for commercial fishing and the sustainable exploitation of fish stocks'
  • MWEIT-M032 - 'Adoption of National Plans of Fleet Management'
  • MWEIT-M033-NEW1 - 'Complete the network of Natura 2000 sites at sea and subsequent identification of conservation measures'
  • MWEIT-M034-NEW2 - 'Implementation of technical solutions (methodological and instrumental) for the reduction of the phenomenon of collision with cetaceans'
  • MWEIT-M035-NEW3 - 'Acquisition, systematisation and standardisation, as well as consistent recognition, with data from monitoring activities implemented, with particular reference to EIA procedures'
  • MWEIT-M036-NEW4 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of elasmobranchs from by-catch'
  • MWEIT-M037-NEW5 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of cetaceans and sea turtles from by-catch'
  • MWEIT-M038-NEW6 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of seabirds from by-catch'
  • MWEIT-M039-NEW7 - 'Implementation of awareness-raising and information measures to prevent removal activities and damage to the benthic species and habitats protected'
  • MWEIT-M047 - 'Measures related to the monitoring of fishing vessels'
  • MWEIT-M048 - 'Combat IUU fishing'
  • MWEIT-M049 - 'Local management plans for management units'
  • MWEIT-M050 - 'Implementation of the new CFP, the EMFF and the triennial plan'
  • MWEIT-M051 - 'Fisheries management of bivalve molluscs'
  • MWEIT-M061 - 'Implementation of the National Energy Plan'
  • MWEIT-M062 - 'Use of the maritime domain and the territorial sea areas'
  • MWEIT-M063 - 'Minimum requirements to prevent major accidents in offshore operations and limiting the consequences of such accidents in the hydrocarbon sector'
  • MWEIT-M064 - 'Measures concerning the spill of materials from port dredging'
  • MWEIT-M065 - 'Related measures and EIA'
  • MWEIT-M066 - 'Register of vessels authorised to fish under the GFCM Agreement'
  • MWEIT-M089 - 'Measures related to the regulation of approval for the immersion in the sea of excavation seabed materials and dredging'
  • MADIT-M001 - 'Measures related to the management of the Natura 2000 Network sites'
  • MADIT-M002 - 'Planned measures to designate SACs in Natura 2000 sites'
  • MADIT-M003 - 'Measures to protect target species and targeted habitats through the MPAs'
  • MADIT-M004 - 'Planned measures to increase MPAs'
  • MADIT-M005 - 'Measures to protect target habitats through other protected areas'
  • MADIT-M006 - 'Management measures for benthic habitats in the Mediterranean and identification of protected species and habitats'
  • MADIT-M007 - 'Measures to protect fish stocks through other protected areas (wildlife protection areas)'
  • MADIT-M008 - 'Measures to reduce the impact of fishing and protection of pelagic habitats'
  • MADIT-M009 - 'Protective measures for the taking and selling of endangered species through international agreements'
  • MADIT-M010 - 'Measures for incidental catches of cetaceans in fisheries'
  • MADIT-M011 - 'Measures for the conservation of cetaceans in the Mediterranean, under international agreements'
  • MADIT-M012 - 'Directorial Decree of Ministry of Environment, in cooperation with the Ministry of Health, for the establishment of the coordination of the marine mammal stranding national network (ReNaSMM)'
  • MADIT-M013 - 'Measures for the conservation of wild flora and fauna and natural habitats, and the promotion of cooperation between Member States'
  • MADIT-M014 - 'Bird protection measures through the Birds Directive (2009/147/ EC)'
  • MADIT-M015 - 'National and Community measures for the protection of birds'
  • MADIT-M016 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MADIT-M017 - 'Protective measures for benthic habitats associated with the European legislation (planning, impact assessment, river basin management plans)'
  • MADIT-M018 - 'Measures to protect habitats and associated target species under international conventions'
  • MADIT-M019 - 'Measures for the conservation of migratory species of wild animals'
  • MADIT-M020 - 'Regulatory measures for international trade in endangered species'
  • MADIT-M021 - 'International cetacean protection measures'
  • MADIT-M022 - 'Measures to protect biodiversity through European policies'
  • MADIT-M023 - 'Community and international measures for elasmobranch'
  • MADIT-M024 - 'Measures regulating catches of cetaceans, tortoises and common sturgeon'
  • MADIT-M025 - 'National measures for the protection of biodiversity'
  • MADIT-M026 - 'National measures for recovery, rescue custody and management of marine reptiles'
  • MADIT-M027 - 'Measures for coastal land planning'
  • MADIT-M028 - 'Regulatory measures for commercial fishing and the sustainable exploitation of fish stocks'
  • MADIT-M029 - 'Adoption of National Plans of Fleet Management'
  • MADIT-M030-NEW1 - 'Complete the network of Natura 2000 sites at sea and subsequent identification of conservation measures'
  • MADIT-M031-NEW2 - 'Implementation of technical solutions (methodological and instrumental) for the reduction of the phenomenon of collision with cetaceans'
  • MADIT-M032-NEW3 - 'Acquisition, systematisation and standardisation, as well as consistent recognition, with data from monitoring activities implemented, with particular reference to EIA procedures'
  • MADIT-M033-NEW4 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of elasmobranchs from by-catch'
  • MADIT-M034-NEW5 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of cetaceans and sea turtles from by-catch'
  • MADIT-M035-NEW6 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of seabirds from by-catch'
  • MADIT-M036-NEW7 - 'Implementation of awareness-raising and information measures to prevent removal activities and damage to the benthic species and habitats protected'
  • MADIT-M046 - 'Measures related to the monitoring of fishing vessels'
  • MADIT-M047 - 'Combat IUU fishing'
  • MADIT-M048 - 'Implementation of the new CFP, the EMFF and the triennial plan'
  • MADIT-M049 - 'Fisheries management of bivalve molluscs'
  • MADIT-M059 - 'Implementation of the National Energy Plan'
  • MADIT-M060 - 'Use of the maritime domain and the territorial sea areas'
  • MADIT-M061 - 'Minimum requirements to prevent major accidents in offshore operations and limiting the consequences of such accidents in the hydrocarbon sector'
  • MADIT-M062 - 'Measures concerning the spill of materials from port dredging'
  • MADIT-M063 - 'Related measures and EIA'
  • MADIT-M064 - 'Register of vessels authorised to fish under the GFCM Agreement'
  • MADIT-M087 - 'Measures related to the regulation of approval for the immersion in the sea of excavation seabed materials and dredging'
  • MICIT-M001 - 'Measures related to the management of the Natura 2000 Network sites'
  • MICIT-M002 - 'Planned measures to designate SACs in Natura 2000 sites'
  • MICIT-M003 - 'Measures to protect target species and targeted habitats through the MPAs'
  • MICIT-M004 - 'Planned measures to increase MPAs'
  • MICIT-M005 - 'Measures to protect target habitats through other protected areas'
  • MICIT-M006 - 'Management measures for benthic habitats in the Mediterranean and identification of protected species and habitats'
  • MICIT-M007 - 'Measures to protect fish stocks through other protected areas (wildlife protection areas)'
  • MICIT-M008 - 'Measures to reduce the impact of fishing and protection of pelagic habitats'
  • MICIT-M009 - 'Protective measures for the taking and selling of endangered species through international agreements'
  • MICIT-M010 - 'Measures for incidental catches of cetaceans in fisheries'
  • MICIT-M011 - 'Measures for the conservation of cetaceans in the Mediterranean, under international agreements'
  • MICIT-M012 - 'Directorial Decree of Ministry of Environment, in cooperation with the Ministry of Health, for the establishment of the coordination of the marine mammal stranding national network (ReNaSMM)'
  • MICIT-M013 - 'Measures for the conservation of wild flora and fauna and natural habitats, and the promotion of cooperation between Member States'
  • MICIT-M014 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MICIT-M015 - 'National and Community measures for the protection of birds'
  • MICIT-M016 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MICIT-M017 - 'Protective measures for benthic habitats associated with the European legislation (planning, impact assessment, river basin management plans)'
  • MICIT-M018 - 'Measures to protect habitats and associated target species under international conventions'
  • MICIT-M019 - 'Measures for the conservation of migratory species of wild animals'
  • MICIT-M020 - 'Regulatory measures for international trade in endangered species'
  • MICIT-M021 - 'International cetacean protection measures'
  • MICIT-M022 - 'Measures to protect biodiversity through European policies'
  • MICIT-M023 - 'Community and international measures for elasmobranch'
  • MICIT-M024 - 'Measures regulating catches of cetaceans, tortoises and common sturgeon'
  • MICIT-M025 - 'National measures for the protection of biodiversity'
  • MICIT-M026 - 'National measures for recovery, rescue custody and management of marine reptiles'
  • MICIT-M027 - 'Measures for coastal land planning'
  • MICIT-M028 - 'Regulatory measures for commercial fishing and the sustainable exploitation of fish stocks'
  • MICIT-M029 - 'Adoption of National Plans of Fleet Management'
  • MICIT-M030-NEW1 - 'Complete the network of Natura 2000 sites at sea and subsequent identification of conservation measures'
  • MICIT-M031-NEW2 - 'Implementation of technical solutions (methodological and instrumental) for the reduction of the phenomenon of collision with cetaceans'
  • MICIT-M032-NEW3 - 'Acquisition, systematisation and standardisation, as well as consistent recognition, with data from monitoring activities implemented, with particular reference to EIA procedures'
  • MICIT-M033-NEW4 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of elasmobranchs from by-catch'
  • MICIT-M034-NEW5 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of cetaceans and sea turtles from by-catch'
  • MICIT-M035-NEW6 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of seabirds from by-catch'
  • MICIT-M036-NEW7 - 'Implementation of awareness-raising and information measures to prevent removal activities and damage to the benthic species and habitats protected'
  • MICIT-M044 - 'Measures related to the monitoring of fishing vessels'
  • MICIT-M045 - 'Combat IUU fishing'
  • MICIT-M046 - 'Local management plans for management units'
  • MICIT-M047 - 'Implementation of the new CFP, the EMFF and the triennial plan'
  • MICIT-M048 - 'Fisheries management of bivalve molluscs'
  • MICIT-M058 - 'Implementation of the National Energy Plan'
  • MICIT-M059 - 'Use of the maritime domain and the territorial sea areas'
  • MICIT-M060 - 'Minimum requirements to prevent major accidents in offshore operations and limiting the consequences of such accidents in the hydrocarbon sector'
  • MICIT-M061 - 'Measures concerning the spill of materials from port dredging'
  • MICIT-M062 - 'Related measures and EIA'
  • MICIT-M063 - 'Register of vessels authorised to fish under the GFCM Agreement'
  • MWEIT-M001 - 'Measures related to the management of the Natura 2000 Network sites'
  • MWEIT-M002 - 'Planned measures to designate SACs in Natura 2000 sites'
  • MWEIT-M003 - 'Measures to protect target species and targeted habitats through the MPAs'
  • MWEIT-M004 - 'Planned measures to increase MPAs'
  • MWEIT-M005 - 'Measures to protect target habitats through other protected areas'
  • MWEIT-M006 - 'Management measures for benthic habitats in the Mediterranean and identification of protected species and habitats'
  • MWEIT-M007 - 'Measures to protect fish stocks through other protected areas (wildlife protection areas)'
  • MWEIT-M008 - 'Measures to reduce the impact of fishing and protection of pelagic habitats'
  • MWEIT-M009 - 'Ecological protection measures'
  • MWEIT-M010 - 'Protective measures for the taking and selling of endangered species through international agreements'
  • MWEIT-M011 - 'Measures for incidental catches of cetaceans in fisheries'
  • MWEIT-M012 - 'Measures for the conservation of cetaceans in the Mediterranean, under international agreements'
  • MWEIT-M013 - 'Directorial Decree of Ministry of Environment, in cooperation with the Ministry of Health, for the establishment of the coordination of the marine mammal stranding national network (ReNaSMM)'
  • MWEIT-M014 - 'Measures for the conservation of wild flora and fauna and natural habitats, and the promotion of cooperation between Member States'
  • MWEIT-M015 - 'Bird protection measures through the Birds Directive (2009/147/ EC)'
  • MWEIT-M016 - 'National and Community measures for the protection of birds'
  • MWEIT-M017 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MWEIT-M018 - 'Protective measures for benthic habitats associated with the European legislation (planning, impact assessment, river basin management plans)'
  • MWEIT-M019 - 'Measures to protect habitats and associated target species under international conventions'
  • MWEIT-M020 - 'Measures for the conservation of migratory species of wild animals'
  • MWEIT-M021 - 'Regulatory measures for international trade in endangered species'
  • MWEIT-M022 - 'Measures to promote a pilot area for the control of marine pollution along the coastline stretching from Marseille to La Spezia'
  • MWEIT-M023 - 'International cetacean protection measures'
  • MWEIT-M024 - 'Measures to protect biodiversity through European policies'
  • MWEIT-M025 - 'Community and international measures for elasmobranch'
  • MWEIT-M026 - 'Measures regulating catches of cetaceans, tortoises and common sturgeon'
  • MWEIT-M027 - 'Establishment of measures for the International Whale Sanctuary'
  • MWEIT-M028 - 'National measures for the protection of biodiversity'
  • MWEIT-M029 - 'National measures for recovery, rescue custody and management of marine reptiles'
  • MWEIT-M030 - 'Measures for coastal land planning'
  • MWEIT-M031 - 'Regulatory measures for commercial fishing and the sustainable exploitation of fish stocks'
  • MWEIT-M032 - 'Adoption of National Plans of Fleet Management'
  • MWEIT-M033-NEW1 - 'Complete the network of Natura 2000 sites at sea and subsequent identification of conservation measures'
  • MWEIT-M034-NEW2 - 'Implementation of technical solutions (methodological and instrumental) for the reduction of the phenomenon of collision with cetaceans'
  • MWEIT-M035-NEW3 - 'Acquisition, systematisation and standardisation, as well as consistent recognition, with data from monitoring activities implemented, with particular reference to EIA procedures'
  • MWEIT-M036-NEW4 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of elasmobranchs from by-catch'
  • MWEIT-M037-NEW5 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of cetaceans and sea turtles from by-catch'
  • MWEIT-M038-NEW6 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of seabirds from by-catch'
  • MWEIT-M039-NEW7 - 'Implementation of awareness-raising and information measures to prevent removal activities and damage to the benthic species and habitats protected'
  • MWEIT-M047 - 'Measures related to the monitoring of fishing vessels'
  • MWEIT-M048 - 'Combat IUU fishing'
  • MWEIT-M049 - 'Local management plans for management units'
  • MWEIT-M050 - 'Implementation of the new CFP, the EMFF and the triennial plan'
  • MWEIT-M051 - 'Fisheries management of bivalve molluscs'
  • MWEIT-M061 - 'Implementation of the National Energy Plan'
  • MWEIT-M062 - 'Use of the maritime domain and the territorial sea areas'
  • MWEIT-M063 - 'Minimum requirements to prevent major accidents in offshore operations and limiting the consequences of such accidents in the hydrocarbon sector'
  • MWEIT-M064 - 'Measures concerning the spill of materials from port dredging'
  • MWEIT-M065 - 'Related measures and EIA'
  • MWEIT-M066 - 'Register of vessels authorised to fish under the GFCM Agreement'
  • MWEIT-M089 - 'Measures related to the regulation of approval for the immersion in the sea of excavation seabed materials and dredging'
  • MADIT-M001 - 'Measures related to the management of the Natura 2000 Network sites'
  • MADIT-M002 - 'Planned measures to designate SACs in Natura 2000 sites'
  • MADIT-M003 - 'Measures to protect target species and targeted habitats through the MPAs'
  • MADIT-M004 - 'Planned measures to increase MPAs'
  • MADIT-M005 - 'Measures to protect target habitats through other protected areas'
  • MADIT-M006 - 'Management measures for benthic habitats in the Mediterranean and identification of protected species and habitats'
  • MADIT-M007 - 'Measures to protect fish stocks through other protected areas (wildlife protection areas)'
  • MADIT-M008 - 'Measures to reduce the impact of fishing and protection of pelagic habitats'
  • MADIT-M009 - 'Protective measures for the taking and selling of endangered species through international agreements'
  • MADIT-M010 - 'Measures for incidental catches of cetaceans in fisheries'
  • MADIT-M011 - 'Measures for the conservation of cetaceans in the Mediterranean, under international agreements'
  • MADIT-M012 - 'Directorial Decree of Ministry of Environment, in cooperation with the Ministry of Health, for the establishment of the coordination of the marine mammal stranding national network (ReNaSMM)'
  • MADIT-M013 - 'Measures for the conservation of wild flora and fauna and natural habitats, and the promotion of cooperation between Member States'
  • MADIT-M014 - 'Bird protection measures through the Birds Directive (2009/147/ EC)'
  • MADIT-M015 - 'National and Community measures for the protection of birds'
  • MADIT-M016 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MADIT-M017 - 'Protective measures for benthic habitats associated with the European legislation (planning, impact assessment, river basin management plans)'
  • MADIT-M018 - 'Measures to protect habitats and associated target species under international conventions'
  • MADIT-M019 - 'Measures for the conservation of migratory species of wild animals'
  • MADIT-M020 - 'Regulatory measures for international trade in endangered species'
  • MADIT-M021 - 'International cetacean protection measures'
  • MADIT-M022 - 'Measures to protect biodiversity through European policies'
  • MADIT-M023 - 'Community and international measures for elasmobranch'
  • MADIT-M024 - 'Measures regulating catches of cetaceans, tortoises and common sturgeon'
  • MADIT-M025 - 'National measures for the protection of biodiversity'
  • MADIT-M026 - 'National measures for recovery, rescue custody and management of marine reptiles'
  • MADIT-M027 - 'Measures for coastal land planning'
  • MADIT-M028 - 'Regulatory measures for commercial fishing and the sustainable exploitation of fish stocks'
  • MADIT-M029 - 'Adoption of National Plans of Fleet Management'
  • MADIT-M030-NEW1 - 'Complete the network of Natura 2000 sites at sea and subsequent identification of conservation measures'
  • MADIT-M031-NEW2 - 'Implementation of technical solutions (methodological and instrumental) for the reduction of the phenomenon of collision with cetaceans'
  • MADIT-M032-NEW3 - 'Acquisition, systematisation and standardisation, as well as consistent recognition, with data from monitoring activities implemented, with particular reference to EIA procedures'
  • MADIT-M033-NEW4 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of elasmobranchs from by-catch'
  • MADIT-M034-NEW5 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of cetaceans and sea turtles from by-catch'
  • MADIT-M035-NEW6 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of seabirds from by-catch'
  • MADIT-M036-NEW7 - 'Implementation of awareness-raising and information measures to prevent removal activities and damage to the benthic species and habitats protected'
  • MADIT-M046 - 'Measures related to the monitoring of fishing vessels'
  • MADIT-M047 - 'Combat IUU fishing'
  • MADIT-M048 - 'Implementation of the new CFP, the EMFF and the triennial plan'
  • MADIT-M049 - 'Fisheries management of bivalve molluscs'
  • MADIT-M059 - 'Implementation of the National Energy Plan'
  • MADIT-M060 - 'Use of the maritime domain and the territorial sea areas'
  • MADIT-M061 - 'Minimum requirements to prevent major accidents in offshore operations and limiting the consequences of such accidents in the hydrocarbon sector'
  • MADIT-M062 - 'Measures concerning the spill of materials from port dredging'
  • MADIT-M063 - 'Related measures and EIA'
  • MADIT-M064 - 'Register of vessels authorised to fish under the GFCM Agreement'
  • MADIT-M087 - 'Measures related to the regulation of approval for the immersion in the sea of excavation seabed materials and dredging'
  • MICIT-M001 - 'Measures related to the management of the Natura 2000 Network sites'
  • MICIT-M002 - 'Planned measures to designate SACs in Natura 2000 sites'
  • MICIT-M003 - 'Measures to protect target species and targeted habitats through the MPAs'
  • MICIT-M004 - 'Planned measures to increase MPAs'
  • MICIT-M005 - 'Measures to protect target habitats through other protected areas'
  • MICIT-M006 - 'Management measures for benthic habitats in the Mediterranean and identification of protected species and habitats'
  • MICIT-M007 - 'Measures to protect fish stocks through other protected areas (wildlife protection areas)'
  • MICIT-M008 - 'Measures to reduce the impact of fishing and protection of pelagic habitats'
  • MICIT-M009 - 'Protective measures for the taking and selling of endangered species through international agreements'
  • MICIT-M010 - 'Measures for incidental catches of cetaceans in fisheries'
  • MICIT-M011 - 'Measures for the conservation of cetaceans in the Mediterranean, under international agreements'
  • MICIT-M012 - 'Directorial Decree of Ministry of Environment, in cooperation with the Ministry of Health, for the establishment of the coordination of the marine mammal stranding national network (ReNaSMM)'
  • MICIT-M013 - 'Measures for the conservation of wild flora and fauna and natural habitats, and the promotion of cooperation between Member States'
  • MICIT-M014 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MICIT-M015 - 'National and Community measures for the protection of birds'
  • MICIT-M016 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MICIT-M017 - 'Protective measures for benthic habitats associated with the European legislation (planning, impact assessment, river basin management plans)'
  • MICIT-M018 - 'Measures to protect habitats and associated target species under international conventions'
  • MICIT-M019 - 'Measures for the conservation of migratory species of wild animals'
  • MICIT-M020 - 'Regulatory measures for international trade in endangered species'
  • MICIT-M021 - 'International cetacean protection measures'
  • MICIT-M022 - 'Measures to protect biodiversity through European policies'
  • MICIT-M023 - 'Community and international measures for elasmobranch'
  • MICIT-M024 - 'Measures regulating catches of cetaceans, tortoises and common sturgeon'
  • MICIT-M025 - 'National measures for the protection of biodiversity'
  • MICIT-M026 - 'National measures for recovery, rescue custody and management of marine reptiles'
  • MICIT-M027 - 'Measures for coastal land planning'
  • MICIT-M028 - 'Regulatory measures for commercial fishing and the sustainable exploitation of fish stocks'
  • MICIT-M029 - 'Adoption of National Plans of Fleet Management'
  • MICIT-M030-NEW1 - 'Complete the network of Natura 2000 sites at sea and subsequent identification of conservation measures'
  • MICIT-M031-NEW2 - 'Implementation of technical solutions (methodological and instrumental) for the reduction of the phenomenon of collision with cetaceans'
  • MICIT-M032-NEW3 - 'Acquisition, systematisation and standardisation, as well as consistent recognition, with data from monitoring activities implemented, with particular reference to EIA procedures'
  • MICIT-M033-NEW4 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of elasmobranchs from by-catch'
  • MICIT-M034-NEW5 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of cetaceans and sea turtles from by-catch'
  • MICIT-M035-NEW6 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of seabirds from by-catch'
  • MICIT-M036-NEW7 - 'Implementation of awareness-raising and information measures to prevent removal activities and damage to the benthic species and habitats protected'
  • MICIT-M044 - 'Measures related to the monitoring of fishing vessels'
  • MICIT-M045 - 'Combat IUU fishing'
  • MICIT-M046 - 'Local management plans for management units'
  • MICIT-M047 - 'Implementation of the new CFP, the EMFF and the triennial plan'
  • MICIT-M048 - 'Fisheries management of bivalve molluscs'
  • MICIT-M058 - 'Implementation of the National Energy Plan'
  • MICIT-M059 - 'Use of the maritime domain and the territorial sea areas'
  • MICIT-M060 - 'Minimum requirements to prevent major accidents in offshore operations and limiting the consequences of such accidents in the hydrocarbon sector'
  • MICIT-M061 - 'Measures concerning the spill of materials from port dredging'
  • MICIT-M062 - 'Related measures and EIA'
  • MICIT-M063 - 'Register of vessels authorised to fish under the GFCM Agreement'
  • MWEIT-M001 - 'Measures related to the management of the Natura 2000 Network sites'
  • MWEIT-M002 - 'Planned measures to designate SACs in Natura 2000 sites'
  • MWEIT-M003 - 'Measures to protect target species and targeted habitats through the MPAs'
  • MWEIT-M004 - 'Planned measures to increase MPAs'
  • MWEIT-M005 - 'Measures to protect target habitats through other protected areas'
  • MWEIT-M006 - 'Management measures for benthic habitats in the Mediterranean and identification of protected species and habitats'
  • MWEIT-M007 - 'Measures to protect fish stocks through other protected areas (wildlife protection areas)'
  • MWEIT-M008 - 'Measures to reduce the impact of fishing and protection of pelagic habitats'
  • MWEIT-M009 - 'Ecological protection measures'
  • MWEIT-M010 - 'Protective measures for the taking and selling of endangered species through international agreements'
  • MWEIT-M011 - 'Measures for incidental catches of cetaceans in fisheries'
  • MWEIT-M012 - 'Measures for the conservation of cetaceans in the Mediterranean, under international agreements'
  • MWEIT-M013 - 'Directorial Decree of Ministry of Environment, in cooperation with the Ministry of Health, for the establishment of the coordination of the marine mammal stranding national network (ReNaSMM)'
  • MWEIT-M014 - 'Measures for the conservation of wild flora and fauna and natural habitats, and the promotion of cooperation between Member States'
  • MWEIT-M015 - 'Bird protection measures through the Birds Directive (2009/147/ EC)'
  • MWEIT-M016 - 'National and Community measures for the protection of birds'
  • MWEIT-M017 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MWEIT-M018 - 'Protective measures for benthic habitats associated with the European legislation (planning, impact assessment, river basin management plans)'
  • MWEIT-M019 - 'Measures to protect habitats and associated target species under international conventions'
  • MWEIT-M020 - 'Measures for the conservation of migratory species of wild animals'
  • MWEIT-M021 - 'Regulatory measures for international trade in endangered species'
  • MWEIT-M022 - 'Measures to promote a pilot area for the control of marine pollution along the coastline stretching from Marseille to La Spezia'
  • MWEIT-M023 - 'International cetacean protection measures'
  • MWEIT-M024 - 'Measures to protect biodiversity through European policies'
  • MWEIT-M025 - 'Community and international measures for elasmobranch'
  • MWEIT-M026 - 'Measures regulating catches of cetaceans, tortoises and common sturgeon'
  • MWEIT-M027 - 'Establishment of measures for the International Whale Sanctuary'
  • MWEIT-M028 - 'National measures for the protection of biodiversity'
  • MWEIT-M029 - 'National measures for recovery, rescue custody and management of marine reptiles'
  • MWEIT-M030 - 'Measures for coastal land planning'
  • MWEIT-M031 - 'Regulatory measures for commercial fishing and the sustainable exploitation of fish stocks'
  • MWEIT-M032 - 'Adoption of National Plans of Fleet Management'
  • MWEIT-M033-NEW1 - 'Complete the network of Natura 2000 sites at sea and subsequent identification of conservation measures'
  • MWEIT-M034-NEW2 - 'Implementation of technical solutions (methodological and instrumental) for the reduction of the phenomenon of collision with cetaceans'
  • MWEIT-M035-NEW3 - 'Acquisition, systematisation and standardisation, as well as consistent recognition, with data from monitoring activities implemented, with particular reference to EIA procedures'
  • MWEIT-M036-NEW4 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of elasmobranchs from by-catch'
  • MWEIT-M037-NEW5 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of cetaceans and sea turtles from by-catch'
  • MWEIT-M038-NEW6 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of seabirds from by-catch'
  • MWEIT-M039-NEW7 - 'Implementation of awareness-raising and information measures to prevent removal activities and damage to the benthic species and habitats protected'
  • MWEIT-M047 - 'Measures related to the monitoring of fishing vessels'
  • MWEIT-M048 - 'Combat IUU fishing'
  • MWEIT-M049 - 'Local management plans for management units'
  • MWEIT-M050 - 'Implementation of the new CFP, the EMFF and the triennial plan'
  • MWEIT-M051 - 'Fisheries management of bivalve molluscs'
  • MWEIT-M061 - 'Implementation of the National Energy Plan'
  • MWEIT-M062 - 'Use of the maritime domain and the territorial sea areas'
  • MWEIT-M063 - 'Minimum requirements to prevent major accidents in offshore operations and limiting the consequences of such accidents in the hydrocarbon sector'
  • MWEIT-M064 - 'Measures concerning the spill of materials from port dredging'
  • MWEIT-M065 - 'Related measures and EIA'
  • MWEIT-M066 - 'Register of vessels authorised to fish under the GFCM Agreement'
  • MWEIT-M089 - 'Measures related to the regulation of approval for the immersion in the sea of excavation seabed materials and dredging'
  • MADIT-M001 - 'Measures related to the management of the Natura 2000 Network sites'
  • MADIT-M002 - 'Planned measures to designate SACs in Natura 2000 sites'
  • MADIT-M003 - 'Measures to protect target species and targeted habitats through the MPAs'
  • MADIT-M004 - 'Planned measures to increase MPAs'
  • MADIT-M005 - 'Measures to protect target habitats through other protected areas'
  • MADIT-M006 - 'Management measures for benthic habitats in the Mediterranean and identification of protected species and habitats'
  • MADIT-M007 - 'Measures to protect fish stocks through other protected areas (wildlife protection areas)'
  • MADIT-M008 - 'Measures to reduce the impact of fishing and protection of pelagic habitats'
  • MADIT-M009 - 'Protective measures for the taking and selling of endangered species through international agreements'
  • MADIT-M010 - 'Measures for incidental catches of cetaceans in fisheries'
  • MADIT-M011 - 'Measures for the conservation of cetaceans in the Mediterranean, under international agreements'
  • MADIT-M012 - 'Directorial Decree of Ministry of Environment, in cooperation with the Ministry of Health, for the establishment of the coordination of the marine mammal stranding national network (ReNaSMM)'
  • MADIT-M013 - 'Measures for the conservation of wild flora and fauna and natural habitats, and the promotion of cooperation between Member States'
  • MADIT-M014 - 'Bird protection measures through the Birds Directive (2009/147/ EC)'
  • MADIT-M015 - 'National and Community measures for the protection of birds'
  • MADIT-M016 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MADIT-M017 - 'Protective measures for benthic habitats associated with the European legislation (planning, impact assessment, river basin management plans)'
  • MADIT-M018 - 'Measures to protect habitats and associated target species under international conventions'
  • MADIT-M019 - 'Measures for the conservation of migratory species of wild animals'
  • MADIT-M020 - 'Regulatory measures for international trade in endangered species'
  • MADIT-M021 - 'International cetacean protection measures'
  • MADIT-M022 - 'Measures to protect biodiversity through European policies'
  • MADIT-M023 - 'Community and international measures for elasmobranch'
  • MADIT-M024 - 'Measures regulating catches of cetaceans, tortoises and common sturgeon'
  • MADIT-M025 - 'National measures for the protection of biodiversity'
  • MADIT-M026 - 'National measures for recovery, rescue custody and management of marine reptiles'
  • MADIT-M027 - 'Measures for coastal land planning'
  • MADIT-M028 - 'Regulatory measures for commercial fishing and the sustainable exploitation of fish stocks'
  • MADIT-M029 - 'Adoption of National Plans of Fleet Management'
  • MADIT-M030-NEW1 - 'Complete the network of Natura 2000 sites at sea and subsequent identification of conservation measures'
  • MADIT-M031-NEW2 - 'Implementation of technical solutions (methodological and instrumental) for the reduction of the phenomenon of collision with cetaceans'
  • MADIT-M032-NEW3 - 'Acquisition, systematisation and standardisation, as well as consistent recognition, with data from monitoring activities implemented, with particular reference to EIA procedures'
  • MADIT-M033-NEW4 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of elasmobranchs from by-catch'
  • MADIT-M034-NEW5 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of cetaceans and sea turtles from by-catch'
  • MADIT-M035-NEW6 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of seabirds from by-catch'
  • MADIT-M036-NEW7 - 'Implementation of awareness-raising and information measures to prevent removal activities and damage to the benthic species and habitats protected'
  • MADIT-M046 - 'Measures related to the monitoring of fishing vessels'
  • MADIT-M047 - 'Combat IUU fishing'
  • MADIT-M048 - 'Implementation of the new CFP, the EMFF and the triennial plan'
  • MADIT-M049 - 'Fisheries management of bivalve molluscs'
  • MADIT-M059 - 'Implementation of the National Energy Plan'
  • MADIT-M060 - 'Use of the maritime domain and the territorial sea areas'
  • MADIT-M061 - 'Minimum requirements to prevent major accidents in offshore operations and limiting the consequences of such accidents in the hydrocarbon sector'
  • MADIT-M062 - 'Measures concerning the spill of materials from port dredging'
  • MADIT-M063 - 'Related measures and EIA'
  • MADIT-M064 - 'Register of vessels authorised to fish under the GFCM Agreement'
  • MADIT-M087 - 'Measures related to the regulation of approval for the immersion in the sea of excavation seabed materials and dredging'
  • MICIT-M001 - 'Measures related to the management of the Natura 2000 Network sites'
  • MICIT-M002 - 'Planned measures to designate SACs in Natura 2000 sites'
  • MICIT-M003 - 'Measures to protect target species and targeted habitats through the MPAs'
  • MICIT-M004 - 'Planned measures to increase MPAs'
  • MICIT-M005 - 'Measures to protect target habitats through other protected areas'
  • MICIT-M006 - 'Management measures for benthic habitats in the Mediterranean and identification of protected species and habitats'
  • MICIT-M007 - 'Measures to protect fish stocks through other protected areas (wildlife protection areas)'
  • MICIT-M008 - 'Measures to reduce the impact of fishing and protection of pelagic habitats'
  • MICIT-M009 - 'Protective measures for the taking and selling of endangered species through international agreements'
  • MICIT-M010 - 'Measures for incidental catches of cetaceans in fisheries'
  • MICIT-M011 - 'Measures for the conservation of cetaceans in the Mediterranean, under international agreements'
  • MICIT-M012 - 'Directorial Decree of Ministry of Environment, in cooperation with the Ministry of Health, for the establishment of the coordination of the marine mammal stranding national network (ReNaSMM)'
  • MICIT-M013 - 'Measures for the conservation of wild flora and fauna and natural habitats, and the promotion of cooperation between Member States'
  • MICIT-M014 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MICIT-M015 - 'National and Community measures for the protection of birds'
  • MICIT-M016 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MICIT-M017 - 'Protective measures for benthic habitats associated with the European legislation (planning, impact assessment, river basin management plans)'
  • MICIT-M018 - 'Measures to protect habitats and associated target species under international conventions'
  • MICIT-M019 - 'Measures for the conservation of migratory species of wild animals'
  • MICIT-M020 - 'Regulatory measures for international trade in endangered species'
  • MICIT-M021 - 'International cetacean protection measures'
  • MICIT-M022 - 'Measures to protect biodiversity through European policies'
  • MICIT-M023 - 'Community and international measures for elasmobranch'
  • MICIT-M024 - 'Measures regulating catches of cetaceans, tortoises and common sturgeon'
  • MICIT-M025 - 'National measures for the protection of biodiversity'
  • MICIT-M026 - 'National measures for recovery, rescue custody and management of marine reptiles'
  • MICIT-M027 - 'Measures for coastal land planning'
  • MICIT-M028 - 'Regulatory measures for commercial fishing and the sustainable exploitation of fish stocks'
  • MICIT-M029 - 'Adoption of National Plans of Fleet Management'
  • MICIT-M030-NEW1 - 'Complete the network of Natura 2000 sites at sea and subsequent identification of conservation measures'
  • MICIT-M031-NEW2 - 'Implementation of technical solutions (methodological and instrumental) for the reduction of the phenomenon of collision with cetaceans'
  • MICIT-M032-NEW3 - 'Acquisition, systematisation and standardisation, as well as consistent recognition, with data from monitoring activities implemented, with particular reference to EIA procedures'
  • MICIT-M033-NEW4 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of elasmobranchs from by-catch'
  • MICIT-M034-NEW5 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of cetaceans and sea turtles from by-catch'
  • MICIT-M035-NEW6 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of seabirds from by-catch'
  • MICIT-M036-NEW7 - 'Implementation of awareness-raising and information measures to prevent removal activities and damage to the benthic species and habitats protected'
  • MICIT-M044 - 'Measures related to the monitoring of fishing vessels'
  • MICIT-M045 - 'Combat IUU fishing'
  • MICIT-M046 - 'Local management plans for management units'
  • MICIT-M047 - 'Implementation of the new CFP, the EMFF and the triennial plan'
  • MICIT-M048 - 'Fisheries management of bivalve molluscs'
  • MICIT-M058 - 'Implementation of the National Energy Plan'
  • MICIT-M059 - 'Use of the maritime domain and the territorial sea areas'
  • MICIT-M060 - 'Minimum requirements to prevent major accidents in offshore operations and limiting the consequences of such accidents in the hydrocarbon sector'
  • MICIT-M061 - 'Measures concerning the spill of materials from port dredging'
  • MICIT-M062 - 'Related measures and EIA'
  • MICIT-M063 - 'Register of vessels authorised to fish under the GFCM Agreement'
  • MWEIT-M001 - 'Measures related to the management of the Natura 2000 Network sites'
  • MWEIT-M002 - 'Planned measures to designate SACs in Natura 2000 sites'
  • MWEIT-M003 - 'Measures to protect target species and targeted habitats through the MPAs'
  • MWEIT-M004 - 'Planned measures to increase MPAs'
  • MWEIT-M005 - 'Measures to protect target habitats through other protected areas'
  • MWEIT-M006 - 'Management measures for benthic habitats in the Mediterranean and identification of protected species and habitats'
  • MWEIT-M007 - 'Measures to protect fish stocks through other protected areas (wildlife protection areas)'
  • MWEIT-M008 - 'Measures to reduce the impact of fishing and protection of pelagic habitats'
  • MWEIT-M009 - 'Ecological protection measures'
  • MWEIT-M010 - 'Protective measures for the taking and selling of endangered species through international agreements'
  • MWEIT-M011 - 'Measures for incidental catches of cetaceans in fisheries'
  • MWEIT-M012 - 'Measures for the conservation of cetaceans in the Mediterranean, under international agreements'
  • MWEIT-M013 - 'Directorial Decree of Ministry of Environment, in cooperation with the Ministry of Health, for the establishment of the coordination of the marine mammal stranding national network (ReNaSMM)'
  • MWEIT-M014 - 'Measures for the conservation of wild flora and fauna and natural habitats, and the promotion of cooperation between Member States'
  • MWEIT-M015 - 'Bird protection measures through the Birds Directive (2009/147/ EC)'
  • MWEIT-M016 - 'National and Community measures for the protection of birds'
  • MWEIT-M017 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MWEIT-M018 - 'Protective measures for benthic habitats associated with the European legislation (planning, impact assessment, river basin management plans)'
  • MWEIT-M019 - 'Measures to protect habitats and associated target species under international conventions'
  • MWEIT-M020 - 'Measures for the conservation of migratory species of wild animals'
  • MWEIT-M021 - 'Regulatory measures for international trade in endangered species'
  • MWEIT-M022 - 'Measures to promote a pilot area for the control of marine pollution along the coastline stretching from Marseille to La Spezia'
  • MWEIT-M023 - 'International cetacean protection measures'
  • MWEIT-M024 - 'Measures to protect biodiversity through European policies'
  • MWEIT-M025 - 'Community and international measures for elasmobranch'
  • MWEIT-M026 - 'Measures regulating catches of cetaceans, tortoises and common sturgeon'
  • MWEIT-M027 - 'Establishment of measures for the International Whale Sanctuary'
  • MWEIT-M028 - 'National measures for the protection of biodiversity'
  • MWEIT-M029 - 'National measures for recovery, rescue custody and management of marine reptiles'
  • MWEIT-M030 - 'Measures for coastal land planning'
  • MWEIT-M031 - 'Regulatory measures for commercial fishing and the sustainable exploitation of fish stocks'
  • MWEIT-M032 - 'Adoption of National Plans of Fleet Management'
  • MWEIT-M033-NEW1 - 'Complete the network of Natura 2000 sites at sea and subsequent identification of conservation measures'
  • MWEIT-M034-NEW2 - 'Implementation of technical solutions (methodological and instrumental) for the reduction of the phenomenon of collision with cetaceans'
  • MWEIT-M035-NEW3 - 'Acquisition, systematisation and standardisation, as well as consistent recognition, with data from monitoring activities implemented, with particular reference to EIA procedures'
  • MWEIT-M036-NEW4 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of elasmobranchs from by-catch'
  • MWEIT-M037-NEW5 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of cetaceans and sea turtles from by-catch'
  • MWEIT-M038-NEW6 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of seabirds from by-catch'
  • MWEIT-M039-NEW7 - 'Implementation of awareness-raising and information measures to prevent removal activities and damage to the benthic species and habitats protected'
  • MWEIT-M047 - 'Measures related to the monitoring of fishing vessels'
  • MWEIT-M048 - 'Combat IUU fishing'
  • MWEIT-M049 - 'Local management plans for management units'
  • MWEIT-M050 - 'Implementation of the new CFP, the EMFF and the triennial plan'
  • MWEIT-M051 - 'Fisheries management of bivalve molluscs'
  • MWEIT-M061 - 'Implementation of the National Energy Plan'
  • MWEIT-M062 - 'Use of the maritime domain and the territorial sea areas'
  • MWEIT-M063 - 'Minimum requirements to prevent major accidents in offshore operations and limiting the consequences of such accidents in the hydrocarbon sector'
  • MWEIT-M064 - 'Measures concerning the spill of materials from port dredging'
  • MWEIT-M065 - 'Related measures and EIA'
  • MWEIT-M066 - 'Register of vessels authorised to fish under the GFCM Agreement'
  • MWEIT-M089 - 'Measures related to the regulation of approval for the immersion in the sea of excavation seabed materials and dredging'
  • MADIT-M001 - 'Measures related to the management of the Natura 2000 Network sites'
  • MADIT-M002 - 'Planned measures to designate SACs in Natura 2000 sites'
  • MADIT-M003 - 'Measures to protect target species and targeted habitats through the MPAs'
  • MADIT-M004 - 'Planned measures to increase MPAs'
  • MADIT-M005 - 'Measures to protect target habitats through other protected areas'
  • MADIT-M006 - 'Management measures for benthic habitats in the Mediterranean and identification of protected species and habitats'
  • MADIT-M007 - 'Measures to protect fish stocks through other protected areas (wildlife protection areas)'
  • MADIT-M008 - 'Measures to reduce the impact of fishing and protection of pelagic habitats'
  • MADIT-M009 - 'Protective measures for the taking and selling of endangered species through international agreements'
  • MADIT-M010 - 'Measures for incidental catches of cetaceans in fisheries'
  • MADIT-M011 - 'Measures for the conservation of cetaceans in the Mediterranean, under international agreements'
  • MADIT-M012 - 'Directorial Decree of Ministry of Environment, in cooperation with the Ministry of Health, for the establishment of the coordination of the marine mammal stranding national network (ReNaSMM)'
  • MADIT-M013 - 'Measures for the conservation of wild flora and fauna and natural habitats, and the promotion of cooperation between Member States'
  • MADIT-M014 - 'Bird protection measures through the Birds Directive (2009/147/ EC)'
  • MADIT-M015 - 'National and Community measures for the protection of birds'
  • MADIT-M016 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MADIT-M017 - 'Protective measures for benthic habitats associated with the European legislation (planning, impact assessment, river basin management plans)'
  • MADIT-M018 - 'Measures to protect habitats and associated target species under international conventions'
  • MADIT-M019 - 'Measures for the conservation of migratory species of wild animals'
  • MADIT-M020 - 'Regulatory measures for international trade in endangered species'
  • MADIT-M021 - 'International cetacean protection measures'
  • MADIT-M022 - 'Measures to protect biodiversity through European policies'
  • MADIT-M023 - 'Community and international measures for elasmobranch'
  • MADIT-M024 - 'Measures regulating catches of cetaceans, tortoises and common sturgeon'
  • MADIT-M025 - 'National measures for the protection of biodiversity'
  • MADIT-M026 - 'National measures for recovery, rescue custody and management of marine reptiles'
  • MADIT-M027 - 'Measures for coastal land planning'
  • MADIT-M028 - 'Regulatory measures for commercial fishing and the sustainable exploitation of fish stocks'
  • MADIT-M029 - 'Adoption of National Plans of Fleet Management'
  • MADIT-M030-NEW1 - 'Complete the network of Natura 2000 sites at sea and subsequent identification of conservation measures'
  • MADIT-M031-NEW2 - 'Implementation of technical solutions (methodological and instrumental) for the reduction of the phenomenon of collision with cetaceans'
  • MADIT-M032-NEW3 - 'Acquisition, systematisation and standardisation, as well as consistent recognition, with data from monitoring activities implemented, with particular reference to EIA procedures'
  • MADIT-M033-NEW4 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of elasmobranchs from by-catch'
  • MADIT-M034-NEW5 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of cetaceans and sea turtles from by-catch'
  • MADIT-M035-NEW6 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of seabirds from by-catch'
  • MADIT-M036-NEW7 - 'Implementation of awareness-raising and information measures to prevent removal activities and damage to the benthic species and habitats protected'
  • MADIT-M046 - 'Measures related to the monitoring of fishing vessels'
  • MADIT-M047 - 'Combat IUU fishing'
  • MADIT-M048 - 'Implementation of the new CFP, the EMFF and the triennial plan'
  • MADIT-M049 - 'Fisheries management of bivalve molluscs'
  • MADIT-M059 - 'Implementation of the National Energy Plan'
  • MADIT-M060 - 'Use of the maritime domain and the territorial sea areas'
  • MADIT-M061 - 'Minimum requirements to prevent major accidents in offshore operations and limiting the consequences of such accidents in the hydrocarbon sector'
  • MADIT-M062 - 'Measures concerning the spill of materials from port dredging'
  • MADIT-M063 - 'Related measures and EIA'
  • MADIT-M064 - 'Register of vessels authorised to fish under the GFCM Agreement'
  • MADIT-M087 - 'Measures related to the regulation of approval for the immersion in the sea of excavation seabed materials and dredging'
  • MICIT-M001 - 'Measures related to the management of the Natura 2000 Network sites'
  • MICIT-M002 - 'Planned measures to designate SACs in Natura 2000 sites'
  • MICIT-M003 - 'Measures to protect target species and targeted habitats through the MPAs'
  • MICIT-M004 - 'Planned measures to increase MPAs'
  • MICIT-M005 - 'Measures to protect target habitats through other protected areas'
  • MICIT-M006 - 'Management measures for benthic habitats in the Mediterranean and identification of protected species and habitats'
  • MICIT-M007 - 'Measures to protect fish stocks through other protected areas (wildlife protection areas)'
  • MICIT-M008 - 'Measures to reduce the impact of fishing and protection of pelagic habitats'
  • MICIT-M009 - 'Protective measures for the taking and selling of endangered species through international agreements'
  • MICIT-M010 - 'Measures for incidental catches of cetaceans in fisheries'
  • MICIT-M011 - 'Measures for the conservation of cetaceans in the Mediterranean, under international agreements'
  • MICIT-M012 - 'Directorial Decree of Ministry of Environment, in cooperation with the Ministry of Health, for the establishment of the coordination of the marine mammal stranding national network (ReNaSMM)'
  • MICIT-M013 - 'Measures for the conservation of wild flora and fauna and natural habitats, and the promotion of cooperation between Member States'
  • MICIT-M014 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MICIT-M015 - 'National and Community measures for the protection of birds'
  • MICIT-M016 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MICIT-M017 - 'Protective measures for benthic habitats associated with the European legislation (planning, impact assessment, river basin management plans)'
  • MICIT-M018 - 'Measures to protect habitats and associated target species under international conventions'
  • MICIT-M019 - 'Measures for the conservation of migratory species of wild animals'
  • MICIT-M020 - 'Regulatory measures for international trade in endangered species'
  • MICIT-M021 - 'International cetacean protection measures'
  • MICIT-M022 - 'Measures to protect biodiversity through European policies'
  • MICIT-M023 - 'Community and international measures for elasmobranch'
  • MICIT-M024 - 'Measures regulating catches of cetaceans, tortoises and common sturgeon'
  • MICIT-M025 - 'National measures for the protection of biodiversity'
  • MICIT-M026 - 'National measures for recovery, rescue custody and management of marine reptiles'
  • MICIT-M027 - 'Measures for coastal land planning'
  • MICIT-M028 - 'Regulatory measures for commercial fishing and the sustainable exploitation of fish stocks'
  • MICIT-M029 - 'Adoption of National Plans of Fleet Management'
  • MICIT-M030-NEW1 - 'Complete the network of Natura 2000 sites at sea and subsequent identification of conservation measures'
  • MICIT-M031-NEW2 - 'Implementation of technical solutions (methodological and instrumental) for the reduction of the phenomenon of collision with cetaceans'
  • MICIT-M032-NEW3 - 'Acquisition, systematisation and standardisation, as well as consistent recognition, with data from monitoring activities implemented, with particular reference to EIA procedures'
  • MICIT-M033-NEW4 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of elasmobranchs from by-catch'
  • MICIT-M034-NEW5 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of cetaceans and sea turtles from by-catch'
  • MICIT-M035-NEW6 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of seabirds from by-catch'
  • MICIT-M036-NEW7 - 'Implementation of awareness-raising and information measures to prevent removal activities and damage to the benthic species and habitats protected'
  • MICIT-M044 - 'Measures related to the monitoring of fishing vessels'
  • MICIT-M045 - 'Combat IUU fishing'
  • MICIT-M046 - 'Local management plans for management units'
  • MICIT-M047 - 'Implementation of the new CFP, the EMFF and the triennial plan'
  • MICIT-M048 - 'Fisheries management of bivalve molluscs'
  • MICIT-M058 - 'Implementation of the National Energy Plan'
  • MICIT-M059 - 'Use of the maritime domain and the territorial sea areas'
  • MICIT-M060 - 'Minimum requirements to prevent major accidents in offshore operations and limiting the consequences of such accidents in the hydrocarbon sector'
  • MICIT-M061 - 'Measures concerning the spill of materials from port dredging'
  • MICIT-M062 - 'Related measures and EIA'
  • MICIT-M063 - 'Register of vessels authorised to fish under the GFCM Agreement'
  • MWEIT-M001 - 'Measures related to the management of the Natura 2000 Network sites'
  • MWEIT-M002 - 'Planned measures to designate SACs in Natura 2000 sites'
  • MWEIT-M003 - 'Measures to protect target species and targeted habitats through the MPAs'
  • MWEIT-M004 - 'Planned measures to increase MPAs'
  • MWEIT-M005 - 'Measures to protect target habitats through other protected areas'
  • MWEIT-M006 - 'Management measures for benthic habitats in the Mediterranean and identification of protected species and habitats'
  • MWEIT-M007 - 'Measures to protect fish stocks through other protected areas (wildlife protection areas)'
  • MWEIT-M008 - 'Measures to reduce the impact of fishing and protection of pelagic habitats'
  • MWEIT-M009 - 'Ecological protection measures'
  • MWEIT-M010 - 'Protective measures for the taking and selling of endangered species through international agreements'
  • MWEIT-M011 - 'Measures for incidental catches of cetaceans in fisheries'
  • MWEIT-M012 - 'Measures for the conservation of cetaceans in the Mediterranean, under international agreements'
  • MWEIT-M013 - 'Directorial Decree of Ministry of Environment, in cooperation with the Ministry of Health, for the establishment of the coordination of the marine mammal stranding national network (ReNaSMM)'
  • MWEIT-M014 - 'Measures for the conservation of wild flora and fauna and natural habitats, and the promotion of cooperation between Member States'
  • MWEIT-M015 - 'Bird protection measures through the Birds Directive (2009/147/ EC)'
  • MWEIT-M016 - 'National and Community measures for the protection of birds'
  • MWEIT-M017 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MWEIT-M018 - 'Protective measures for benthic habitats associated with the European legislation (planning, impact assessment, river basin management plans)'
  • MWEIT-M019 - 'Measures to protect habitats and associated target species under international conventions'
  • MWEIT-M020 - 'Measures for the conservation of migratory species of wild animals'
  • MWEIT-M021 - 'Regulatory measures for international trade in endangered species'
  • MWEIT-M022 - 'Measures to promote a pilot area for the control of marine pollution along the coastline stretching from Marseille to La Spezia'
  • MWEIT-M023 - 'International cetacean protection measures'
  • MWEIT-M024 - 'Measures to protect biodiversity through European policies'
  • MWEIT-M025 - 'Community and international measures for elasmobranch'
  • MWEIT-M026 - 'Measures regulating catches of cetaceans, tortoises and common sturgeon'
  • MWEIT-M027 - 'Establishment of measures for the International Whale Sanctuary'
  • MWEIT-M028 - 'National measures for the protection of biodiversity'
  • MWEIT-M029 - 'National measures for recovery, rescue custody and management of marine reptiles'
  • MWEIT-M030 - 'Measures for coastal land planning'
  • MWEIT-M031 - 'Regulatory measures for commercial fishing and the sustainable exploitation of fish stocks'
  • MWEIT-M032 - 'Adoption of National Plans of Fleet Management'
  • MWEIT-M033-NEW1 - 'Complete the network of Natura 2000 sites at sea and subsequent identification of conservation measures'
  • MWEIT-M034-NEW2 - 'Implementation of technical solutions (methodological and instrumental) for the reduction of the phenomenon of collision with cetaceans'
  • MWEIT-M035-NEW3 - 'Acquisition, systematisation and standardisation, as well as consistent recognition, with data from monitoring activities implemented, with particular reference to EIA procedures'
  • MWEIT-M036-NEW4 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of elasmobranchs from by-catch'
  • MWEIT-M037-NEW5 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of cetaceans and sea turtles from by-catch'
  • MWEIT-M038-NEW6 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of seabirds from by-catch'
  • MWEIT-M039-NEW7 - 'Implementation of awareness-raising and information measures to prevent removal activities and damage to the benthic species and habitats protected'
  • MWEIT-M047 - 'Measures related to the monitoring of fishing vessels'
  • MWEIT-M048 - 'Combat IUU fishing'
  • MWEIT-M049 - 'Local management plans for management units'
  • MWEIT-M050 - 'Implementation of the new CFP, the EMFF and the triennial plan'
  • MWEIT-M051 - 'Fisheries management of bivalve molluscs'
  • MWEIT-M061 - 'Implementation of the National Energy Plan'
  • MWEIT-M062 - 'Use of the maritime domain and the territorial sea areas'
  • MWEIT-M063 - 'Minimum requirements to prevent major accidents in offshore operations and limiting the consequences of such accidents in the hydrocarbon sector'
  • MWEIT-M064 - 'Measures concerning the spill of materials from port dredging'
  • MWEIT-M065 - 'Related measures and EIA'
  • MWEIT-M066 - 'Register of vessels authorised to fish under the GFCM Agreement'
  • MWEIT-M089 - 'Measures related to the regulation of approval for the immersion in the sea of excavation seabed materials and dredging'
  • MADIT-M001 - 'Measures related to the management of the Natura 2000 Network sites'
  • MADIT-M002 - 'Planned measures to designate SACs in Natura 2000 sites'
  • MADIT-M003 - 'Measures to protect target species and targeted habitats through the MPAs'
  • MADIT-M004 - 'Planned measures to increase MPAs'
  • MADIT-M005 - 'Measures to protect target habitats through other protected areas'
  • MADIT-M006 - 'Management measures for benthic habitats in the Mediterranean and identification of protected species and habitats'
  • MADIT-M007 - 'Measures to protect fish stocks through other protected areas (wildlife protection areas)'
  • MADIT-M008 - 'Measures to reduce the impact of fishing and protection of pelagic habitats'
  • MADIT-M009 - 'Protective measures for the taking and selling of endangered species through international agreements'
  • MADIT-M010 - 'Measures for incidental catches of cetaceans in fisheries'
  • MADIT-M011 - 'Measures for the conservation of cetaceans in the Mediterranean, under international agreements'
  • MADIT-M012 - 'Directorial Decree of Ministry of Environment, in cooperation with the Ministry of Health, for the establishment of the coordination of the marine mammal stranding national network (ReNaSMM)'
  • MADIT-M013 - 'Measures for the conservation of wild flora and fauna and natural habitats, and the promotion of cooperation between Member States'
  • MADIT-M014 - 'Bird protection measures through the Birds Directive (2009/147/ EC)'
  • MADIT-M015 - 'National and Community measures for the protection of birds'
  • MADIT-M016 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MADIT-M017 - 'Protective measures for benthic habitats associated with the European legislation (planning, impact assessment, river basin management plans)'
  • MADIT-M018 - 'Measures to protect habitats and associated target species under international conventions'
  • MADIT-M019 - 'Measures for the conservation of migratory species of wild animals'
  • MADIT-M020 - 'Regulatory measures for international trade in endangered species'
  • MADIT-M021 - 'International cetacean protection measures'
  • MADIT-M022 - 'Measures to protect biodiversity through European policies'
  • MADIT-M023 - 'Community and international measures for elasmobranch'
  • MADIT-M024 - 'Measures regulating catches of cetaceans, tortoises and common sturgeon'
  • MADIT-M025 - 'National measures for the protection of biodiversity'
  • MADIT-M026 - 'National measures for recovery, rescue custody and management of marine reptiles'
  • MADIT-M027 - 'Measures for coastal land planning'
  • MADIT-M028 - 'Regulatory measures for commercial fishing and the sustainable exploitation of fish stocks'
  • MADIT-M029 - 'Adoption of National Plans of Fleet Management'
  • MADIT-M030-NEW1 - 'Complete the network of Natura 2000 sites at sea and subsequent identification of conservation measures'
  • MADIT-M031-NEW2 - 'Implementation of technical solutions (methodological and instrumental) for the reduction of the phenomenon of collision with cetaceans'
  • MADIT-M032-NEW3 - 'Acquisition, systematisation and standardisation, as well as consistent recognition, with data from monitoring activities implemented, with particular reference to EIA procedures'
  • MADIT-M033-NEW4 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of elasmobranchs from by-catch'
  • MADIT-M034-NEW5 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of cetaceans and sea turtles from by-catch'
  • MADIT-M035-NEW6 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of seabirds from by-catch'
  • MADIT-M036-NEW7 - 'Implementation of awareness-raising and information measures to prevent removal activities and damage to the benthic species and habitats protected'
  • MADIT-M046 - 'Measures related to the monitoring of fishing vessels'
  • MADIT-M047 - 'Combat IUU fishing'
  • MADIT-M048 - 'Implementation of the new CFP, the EMFF and the triennial plan'
  • MADIT-M049 - 'Fisheries management of bivalve molluscs'
  • MADIT-M059 - 'Implementation of the National Energy Plan'
  • MADIT-M060 - 'Use of the maritime domain and the territorial sea areas'
  • MADIT-M061 - 'Minimum requirements to prevent major accidents in offshore operations and limiting the consequences of such accidents in the hydrocarbon sector'
  • MADIT-M062 - 'Measures concerning the spill of materials from port dredging'
  • MADIT-M063 - 'Related measures and EIA'
  • MADIT-M064 - 'Register of vessels authorised to fish under the GFCM Agreement'
  • MADIT-M087 - 'Measures related to the regulation of approval for the immersion in the sea of excavation seabed materials and dredging'
  • MICIT-M001 - 'Measures related to the management of the Natura 2000 Network sites'
  • MICIT-M002 - 'Planned measures to designate SACs in Natura 2000 sites'
  • MICIT-M003 - 'Measures to protect target species and targeted habitats through the MPAs'
  • MICIT-M004 - 'Planned measures to increase MPAs'
  • MICIT-M005 - 'Measures to protect target habitats through other protected areas'
  • MICIT-M006 - 'Management measures for benthic habitats in the Mediterranean and identification of protected species and habitats'
  • MICIT-M007 - 'Measures to protect fish stocks through other protected areas (wildlife protection areas)'
  • MICIT-M008 - 'Measures to reduce the impact of fishing and protection of pelagic habitats'
  • MICIT-M009 - 'Protective measures for the taking and selling of endangered species through international agreements'
  • MICIT-M010 - 'Measures for incidental catches of cetaceans in fisheries'
  • MICIT-M011 - 'Measures for the conservation of cetaceans in the Mediterranean, under international agreements'
  • MICIT-M012 - 'Directorial Decree of Ministry of Environment, in cooperation with the Ministry of Health, for the establishment of the coordination of the marine mammal stranding national network (ReNaSMM)'
  • MICIT-M013 - 'Measures for the conservation of wild flora and fauna and natural habitats, and the promotion of cooperation between Member States'
  • MICIT-M014 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MICIT-M015 - 'National and Community measures for the protection of birds'
  • MICIT-M016 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MICIT-M017 - 'Protective measures for benthic habitats associated with the European legislation (planning, impact assessment, river basin management plans)'
  • MICIT-M018 - 'Measures to protect habitats and associated target species under international conventions'
  • MICIT-M019 - 'Measures for the conservation of migratory species of wild animals'
  • MICIT-M020 - 'Regulatory measures for international trade in endangered species'
  • MICIT-M021 - 'International cetacean protection measures'
  • MICIT-M022 - 'Measures to protect biodiversity through European policies'
  • MICIT-M023 - 'Community and international measures for elasmobranch'
  • MICIT-M024 - 'Measures regulating catches of cetaceans, tortoises and common sturgeon'
  • MICIT-M025 - 'National measures for the protection of biodiversity'
  • MICIT-M026 - 'National measures for recovery, rescue custody and management of marine reptiles'
  • MICIT-M027 - 'Measures for coastal land planning'
  • MICIT-M028 - 'Regulatory measures for commercial fishing and the sustainable exploitation of fish stocks'
  • MICIT-M029 - 'Adoption of National Plans of Fleet Management'
  • MICIT-M030-NEW1 - 'Complete the network of Natura 2000 sites at sea and subsequent identification of conservation measures'
  • MICIT-M031-NEW2 - 'Implementation of technical solutions (methodological and instrumental) for the reduction of the phenomenon of collision with cetaceans'
  • MICIT-M032-NEW3 - 'Acquisition, systematisation and standardisation, as well as consistent recognition, with data from monitoring activities implemented, with particular reference to EIA procedures'
  • MICIT-M033-NEW4 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of elasmobranchs from by-catch'
  • MICIT-M034-NEW5 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of cetaceans and sea turtles from by-catch'
  • MICIT-M035-NEW6 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of seabirds from by-catch'
  • MICIT-M036-NEW7 - 'Implementation of awareness-raising and information measures to prevent removal activities and damage to the benthic species and habitats protected'
  • MICIT-M044 - 'Measures related to the monitoring of fishing vessels'
  • MICIT-M045 - 'Combat IUU fishing'
  • MICIT-M046 - 'Local management plans for management units'
  • MICIT-M047 - 'Implementation of the new CFP, the EMFF and the triennial plan'
  • MICIT-M048 - 'Fisheries management of bivalve molluscs'
  • MICIT-M058 - 'Implementation of the National Energy Plan'
  • MICIT-M059 - 'Use of the maritime domain and the territorial sea areas'
  • MICIT-M060 - 'Minimum requirements to prevent major accidents in offshore operations and limiting the consequences of such accidents in the hydrocarbon sector'
  • MICIT-M061 - 'Measures concerning the spill of materials from port dredging'
  • MICIT-M062 - 'Related measures and EIA'
  • MICIT-M063 - 'Register of vessels authorised to fish under the GFCM Agreement'
  • MWEIT-M001 - 'Measures related to the management of the Natura 2000 Network sites'
  • MWEIT-M002 - 'Planned measures to designate SACs in Natura 2000 sites'
  • MWEIT-M003 - 'Measures to protect target species and targeted habitats through the MPAs'
  • MWEIT-M004 - 'Planned measures to increase MPAs'
  • MWEIT-M005 - 'Measures to protect target habitats through other protected areas'
  • MWEIT-M006 - 'Management measures for benthic habitats in the Mediterranean and identification of protected species and habitats'
  • MWEIT-M007 - 'Measures to protect fish stocks through other protected areas (wildlife protection areas)'
  • MWEIT-M008 - 'Measures to reduce the impact of fishing and protection of pelagic habitats'
  • MWEIT-M009 - 'Ecological protection measures'
  • MWEIT-M010 - 'Protective measures for the taking and selling of endangered species through international agreements'
  • MWEIT-M011 - 'Measures for incidental catches of cetaceans in fisheries'
  • MWEIT-M012 - 'Measures for the conservation of cetaceans in the Mediterranean, under international agreements'
  • MWEIT-M013 - 'Directorial Decree of Ministry of Environment, in cooperation with the Ministry of Health, for the establishment of the coordination of the marine mammal stranding national network (ReNaSMM)'
  • MWEIT-M014 - 'Measures for the conservation of wild flora and fauna and natural habitats, and the promotion of cooperation between Member States'
  • MWEIT-M015 - 'Bird protection measures through the Birds Directive (2009/147/ EC)'
  • MWEIT-M016 - 'National and Community measures for the protection of birds'
  • MWEIT-M017 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MWEIT-M018 - 'Protective measures for benthic habitats associated with the European legislation (planning, impact assessment, river basin management plans)'
  • MWEIT-M019 - 'Measures to protect habitats and associated target species under international conventions'
  • MWEIT-M020 - 'Measures for the conservation of migratory species of wild animals'
  • MWEIT-M021 - 'Regulatory measures for international trade in endangered species'
  • MWEIT-M022 - 'Measures to promote a pilot area for the control of marine pollution along the coastline stretching from Marseille to La Spezia'
  • MWEIT-M023 - 'International cetacean protection measures'
  • MWEIT-M024 - 'Measures to protect biodiversity through European policies'
  • MWEIT-M025 - 'Community and international measures for elasmobranch'
  • MWEIT-M026 - 'Measures regulating catches of cetaceans, tortoises and common sturgeon'
  • MWEIT-M027 - 'Establishment of measures for the International Whale Sanctuary'
  • MWEIT-M028 - 'National measures for the protection of biodiversity'
  • MWEIT-M029 - 'National measures for recovery, rescue custody and management of marine reptiles'
  • MWEIT-M030 - 'Measures for coastal land planning'
  • MWEIT-M031 - 'Regulatory measures for commercial fishing and the sustainable exploitation of fish stocks'
  • MWEIT-M032 - 'Adoption of National Plans of Fleet Management'
  • MWEIT-M033-NEW1 - 'Complete the network of Natura 2000 sites at sea and subsequent identification of conservation measures'
  • MWEIT-M034-NEW2 - 'Implementation of technical solutions (methodological and instrumental) for the reduction of the phenomenon of collision with cetaceans'
  • MWEIT-M035-NEW3 - 'Acquisition, systematisation and standardisation, as well as consistent recognition, with data from monitoring activities implemented, with particular reference to EIA procedures'
  • MWEIT-M036-NEW4 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of elasmobranchs from by-catch'
  • MWEIT-M037-NEW5 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of cetaceans and sea turtles from by-catch'
  • MWEIT-M038-NEW6 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of seabirds from by-catch'
  • MWEIT-M039-NEW7 - 'Implementation of awareness-raising and information measures to prevent removal activities and damage to the benthic species and habitats protected'
  • MWEIT-M047 - 'Measures related to the monitoring of fishing vessels'
  • MWEIT-M048 - 'Combat IUU fishing'
  • MWEIT-M049 - 'Local management plans for management units'
  • MWEIT-M050 - 'Implementation of the new CFP, the EMFF and the triennial plan'
  • MWEIT-M051 - 'Fisheries management of bivalve molluscs'
  • MWEIT-M061 - 'Implementation of the National Energy Plan'
  • MWEIT-M062 - 'Use of the maritime domain and the territorial sea areas'
  • MWEIT-M063 - 'Minimum requirements to prevent major accidents in offshore operations and limiting the consequences of such accidents in the hydrocarbon sector'
  • MWEIT-M064 - 'Measures concerning the spill of materials from port dredging'
  • MWEIT-M065 - 'Related measures and EIA'
  • MWEIT-M066 - 'Register of vessels authorised to fish under the GFCM Agreement'
  • MWEIT-M089 - 'Measures related to the regulation of approval for the immersion in the sea of excavation seabed materials and dredging'
  • MADIT-M001 - 'Measures related to the management of the Natura 2000 Network sites'
  • MADIT-M002 - 'Planned measures to designate SACs in Natura 2000 sites'
  • MADIT-M003 - 'Measures to protect target species and targeted habitats through the MPAs'
  • MADIT-M004 - 'Planned measures to increase MPAs'
  • MADIT-M005 - 'Measures to protect target habitats through other protected areas'
  • MADIT-M006 - 'Management measures for benthic habitats in the Mediterranean and identification of protected species and habitats'
  • MADIT-M007 - 'Measures to protect fish stocks through other protected areas (wildlife protection areas)'
  • MADIT-M008 - 'Measures to reduce the impact of fishing and protection of pelagic habitats'
  • MADIT-M009 - 'Protective measures for the taking and selling of endangered species through international agreements'
  • MADIT-M010 - 'Measures for incidental catches of cetaceans in fisheries'
  • MADIT-M011 - 'Measures for the conservation of cetaceans in the Mediterranean, under international agreements'
  • MADIT-M012 - 'Directorial Decree of Ministry of Environment, in cooperation with the Ministry of Health, for the establishment of the coordination of the marine mammal stranding national network (ReNaSMM)'
  • MADIT-M013 - 'Measures for the conservation of wild flora and fauna and natural habitats, and the promotion of cooperation between Member States'
  • MADIT-M014 - 'Bird protection measures through the Birds Directive (2009/147/ EC)'
  • MADIT-M015 - 'National and Community measures for the protection of birds'
  • MADIT-M016 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MADIT-M017 - 'Protective measures for benthic habitats associated with the European legislation (planning, impact assessment, river basin management plans)'
  • MADIT-M018 - 'Measures to protect habitats and associated target species under international conventions'
  • MADIT-M019 - 'Measures for the conservation of migratory species of wild animals'
  • MADIT-M020 - 'Regulatory measures for international trade in endangered species'
  • MADIT-M021 - 'International cetacean protection measures'
  • MADIT-M022 - 'Measures to protect biodiversity through European policies'
  • MADIT-M023 - 'Community and international measures for elasmobranch'
  • MADIT-M024 - 'Measures regulating catches of cetaceans, tortoises and common sturgeon'
  • MADIT-M025 - 'National measures for the protection of biodiversity'
  • MADIT-M026 - 'National measures for recovery, rescue custody and management of marine reptiles'
  • MADIT-M027 - 'Measures for coastal land planning'
  • MADIT-M028 - 'Regulatory measures for commercial fishing and the sustainable exploitation of fish stocks'
  • MADIT-M029 - 'Adoption of National Plans of Fleet Management'
  • MADIT-M030-NEW1 - 'Complete the network of Natura 2000 sites at sea and subsequent identification of conservation measures'
  • MADIT-M031-NEW2 - 'Implementation of technical solutions (methodological and instrumental) for the reduction of the phenomenon of collision with cetaceans'
  • MADIT-M032-NEW3 - 'Acquisition, systematisation and standardisation, as well as consistent recognition, with data from monitoring activities implemented, with particular reference to EIA procedures'
  • MADIT-M033-NEW4 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of elasmobranchs from by-catch'
  • MADIT-M034-NEW5 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of cetaceans and sea turtles from by-catch'
  • MADIT-M035-NEW6 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of seabirds from by-catch'
  • MADIT-M036-NEW7 - 'Implementation of awareness-raising and information measures to prevent removal activities and damage to the benthic species and habitats protected'
  • MADIT-M046 - 'Measures related to the monitoring of fishing vessels'
  • MADIT-M047 - 'Combat IUU fishing'
  • MADIT-M048 - 'Implementation of the new CFP, the EMFF and the triennial plan'
  • MADIT-M049 - 'Fisheries management of bivalve molluscs'
  • MADIT-M059 - 'Implementation of the National Energy Plan'
  • MADIT-M060 - 'Use of the maritime domain and the territorial sea areas'
  • MADIT-M061 - 'Minimum requirements to prevent major accidents in offshore operations and limiting the consequences of such accidents in the hydrocarbon sector'
  • MADIT-M062 - 'Measures concerning the spill of materials from port dredging'
  • MADIT-M063 - 'Related measures and EIA'
  • MADIT-M064 - 'Register of vessels authorised to fish under the GFCM Agreement'
  • MADIT-M087 - 'Measures related to the regulation of approval for the immersion in the sea of excavation seabed materials and dredging'
  • MICIT-M001 - 'Measures related to the management of the Natura 2000 Network sites'
  • MICIT-M002 - 'Planned measures to designate SACs in Natura 2000 sites'
  • MICIT-M003 - 'Measures to protect target species and targeted habitats through the MPAs'
  • MICIT-M004 - 'Planned measures to increase MPAs'
  • MICIT-M005 - 'Measures to protect target habitats through other protected areas'
  • MICIT-M006 - 'Management measures for benthic habitats in the Mediterranean and identification of protected species and habitats'
  • MICIT-M007 - 'Measures to protect fish stocks through other protected areas (wildlife protection areas)'
  • MICIT-M008 - 'Measures to reduce the impact of fishing and protection of pelagic habitats'
  • MICIT-M009 - 'Protective measures for the taking and selling of endangered species through international agreements'
  • MICIT-M010 - 'Measures for incidental catches of cetaceans in fisheries'
  • MICIT-M011 - 'Measures for the conservation of cetaceans in the Mediterranean, under international agreements'
  • MICIT-M012 - 'Directorial Decree of Ministry of Environment, in cooperation with the Ministry of Health, for the establishment of the coordination of the marine mammal stranding national network (ReNaSMM)'
  • MICIT-M013 - 'Measures for the conservation of wild flora and fauna and natural habitats, and the promotion of cooperation between Member States'
  • MICIT-M014 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MICIT-M015 - 'National and Community measures for the protection of birds'
  • MICIT-M016 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MICIT-M017 - 'Protective measures for benthic habitats associated with the European legislation (planning, impact assessment, river basin management plans)'
  • MICIT-M018 - 'Measures to protect habitats and associated target species under international conventions'
  • MICIT-M019 - 'Measures for the conservation of migratory species of wild animals'
  • MICIT-M020 - 'Regulatory measures for international trade in endangered species'
  • MICIT-M021 - 'International cetacean protection measures'
  • MICIT-M022 - 'Measures to protect biodiversity through European policies'
  • MICIT-M023 - 'Community and international measures for elasmobranch'
  • MICIT-M024 - 'Measures regulating catches of cetaceans, tortoises and common sturgeon'
  • MICIT-M025 - 'National measures for the protection of biodiversity'
  • MICIT-M026 - 'National measures for recovery, rescue custody and management of marine reptiles'
  • MICIT-M027 - 'Measures for coastal land planning'
  • MICIT-M028 - 'Regulatory measures for commercial fishing and the sustainable exploitation of fish stocks'
  • MICIT-M029 - 'Adoption of National Plans of Fleet Management'
  • MICIT-M030-NEW1 - 'Complete the network of Natura 2000 sites at sea and subsequent identification of conservation measures'
  • MICIT-M031-NEW2 - 'Implementation of technical solutions (methodological and instrumental) for the reduction of the phenomenon of collision with cetaceans'
  • MICIT-M032-NEW3 - 'Acquisition, systematisation and standardisation, as well as consistent recognition, with data from monitoring activities implemented, with particular reference to EIA procedures'
  • MICIT-M033-NEW4 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of elasmobranchs from by-catch'
  • MICIT-M034-NEW5 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of cetaceans and sea turtles from by-catch'
  • MICIT-M035-NEW6 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of seabirds from by-catch'
  • MICIT-M036-NEW7 - 'Implementation of awareness-raising and information measures to prevent removal activities and damage to the benthic species and habitats protected'
  • MICIT-M044 - 'Measures related to the monitoring of fishing vessels'
  • MICIT-M045 - 'Combat IUU fishing'
  • MICIT-M046 - 'Local management plans for management units'
  • MICIT-M047 - 'Implementation of the new CFP, the EMFF and the triennial plan'
  • MICIT-M048 - 'Fisheries management of bivalve molluscs'
  • MICIT-M058 - 'Implementation of the National Energy Plan'
  • MICIT-M059 - 'Use of the maritime domain and the territorial sea areas'
  • MICIT-M060 - 'Minimum requirements to prevent major accidents in offshore operations and limiting the consequences of such accidents in the hydrocarbon sector'
  • MICIT-M061 - 'Measures concerning the spill of materials from port dredging'
  • MICIT-M062 - 'Related measures and EIA'
  • MICIT-M063 - 'Register of vessels authorised to fish under the GFCM Agreement'
  • MWEIT-M001 - 'Measures related to the management of the Natura 2000 Network sites'
  • MWEIT-M002 - 'Planned measures to designate SACs in Natura 2000 sites'
  • MWEIT-M003 - 'Measures to protect target species and targeted habitats through the MPAs'
  • MWEIT-M004 - 'Planned measures to increase MPAs'
  • MWEIT-M005 - 'Measures to protect target habitats through other protected areas'
  • MWEIT-M006 - 'Management measures for benthic habitats in the Mediterranean and identification of protected species and habitats'
  • MWEIT-M007 - 'Measures to protect fish stocks through other protected areas (wildlife protection areas)'
  • MWEIT-M008 - 'Measures to reduce the impact of fishing and protection of pelagic habitats'
  • MWEIT-M009 - 'Ecological protection measures'
  • MWEIT-M010 - 'Protective measures for the taking and selling of endangered species through international agreements'
  • MWEIT-M011 - 'Measures for incidental catches of cetaceans in fisheries'
  • MWEIT-M012 - 'Measures for the conservation of cetaceans in the Mediterranean, under international agreements'
  • MWEIT-M013 - 'Directorial Decree of Ministry of Environment, in cooperation with the Ministry of Health, for the establishment of the coordination of the marine mammal stranding national network (ReNaSMM)'
  • MWEIT-M014 - 'Measures for the conservation of wild flora and fauna and natural habitats, and the promotion of cooperation between Member States'
  • MWEIT-M015 - 'Bird protection measures through the Birds Directive (2009/147/ EC)'
  • MWEIT-M016 - 'National and Community measures for the protection of birds'
  • MWEIT-M017 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MWEIT-M018 - 'Protective measures for benthic habitats associated with the European legislation (planning, impact assessment, river basin management plans)'
  • MWEIT-M019 - 'Measures to protect habitats and associated target species under international conventions'
  • MWEIT-M020 - 'Measures for the conservation of migratory species of wild animals'
  • MWEIT-M021 - 'Regulatory measures for international trade in endangered species'
  • MWEIT-M022 - 'Measures to promote a pilot area for the control of marine pollution along the coastline stretching from Marseille to La Spezia'
  • MWEIT-M023 - 'International cetacean protection measures'
  • MWEIT-M024 - 'Measures to protect biodiversity through European policies'
  • MWEIT-M025 - 'Community and international measures for elasmobranch'
  • MWEIT-M026 - 'Measures regulating catches of cetaceans, tortoises and common sturgeon'
  • MWEIT-M027 - 'Establishment of measures for the International Whale Sanctuary'
  • MWEIT-M028 - 'National measures for the protection of biodiversity'
  • MWEIT-M029 - 'National measures for recovery, rescue custody and management of marine reptiles'
  • MWEIT-M030 - 'Measures for coastal land planning'
  • MWEIT-M031 - 'Regulatory measures for commercial fishing and the sustainable exploitation of fish stocks'
  • MWEIT-M032 - 'Adoption of National Plans of Fleet Management'
  • MWEIT-M033-NEW1 - 'Complete the network of Natura 2000 sites at sea and subsequent identification of conservation measures'
  • MWEIT-M034-NEW2 - 'Implementation of technical solutions (methodological and instrumental) for the reduction of the phenomenon of collision with cetaceans'
  • MWEIT-M035-NEW3 - 'Acquisition, systematisation and standardisation, as well as consistent recognition, with data from monitoring activities implemented, with particular reference to EIA procedures'
  • MWEIT-M036-NEW4 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of elasmobranchs from by-catch'
  • MWEIT-M037-NEW5 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of cetaceans and sea turtles from by-catch'
  • MWEIT-M038-NEW6 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of seabirds from by-catch'
  • MWEIT-M039-NEW7 - 'Implementation of awareness-raising and information measures to prevent removal activities and damage to the benthic species and habitats protected'
  • MWEIT-M047 - 'Measures related to the monitoring of fishing vessels'
  • MWEIT-M048 - 'Combat IUU fishing'
  • MWEIT-M049 - 'Local management plans for management units'
  • MWEIT-M050 - 'Implementation of the new CFP, the EMFF and the triennial plan'
  • MWEIT-M051 - 'Fisheries management of bivalve molluscs'
  • MWEIT-M061 - 'Implementation of the National Energy Plan'
  • MWEIT-M062 - 'Use of the maritime domain and the territorial sea areas'
  • MWEIT-M063 - 'Minimum requirements to prevent major accidents in offshore operations and limiting the consequences of such accidents in the hydrocarbon sector'
  • MWEIT-M064 - 'Measures concerning the spill of materials from port dredging'
  • MWEIT-M065 - 'Related measures and EIA'
  • MWEIT-M066 - 'Register of vessels authorised to fish under the GFCM Agreement'
  • MWEIT-M089 - 'Measures related to the regulation of approval for the immersion in the sea of excavation seabed materials and dredging'
  • MADIT-M001 - 'Measures related to the management of the Natura 2000 Network sites'
  • MADIT-M002 - 'Planned measures to designate SACs in Natura 2000 sites'
  • MADIT-M003 - 'Measures to protect target species and targeted habitats through the MPAs'
  • MADIT-M004 - 'Planned measures to increase MPAs'
  • MADIT-M005 - 'Measures to protect target habitats through other protected areas'
  • MADIT-M006 - 'Management measures for benthic habitats in the Mediterranean and identification of protected species and habitats'
  • MADIT-M007 - 'Measures to protect fish stocks through other protected areas (wildlife protection areas)'
  • MADIT-M008 - 'Measures to reduce the impact of fishing and protection of pelagic habitats'
  • MADIT-M009 - 'Protective measures for the taking and selling of endangered species through international agreements'
  • MADIT-M010 - 'Measures for incidental catches of cetaceans in fisheries'
  • MADIT-M011 - 'Measures for the conservation of cetaceans in the Mediterranean, under international agreements'
  • MADIT-M012 - 'Directorial Decree of Ministry of Environment, in cooperation with the Ministry of Health, for the establishment of the coordination of the marine mammal stranding national network (ReNaSMM)'
  • MADIT-M013 - 'Measures for the conservation of wild flora and fauna and natural habitats, and the promotion of cooperation between Member States'
  • MADIT-M014 - 'Bird protection measures through the Birds Directive (2009/147/ EC)'
  • MADIT-M015 - 'National and Community measures for the protection of birds'
  • MADIT-M016 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MADIT-M017 - 'Protective measures for benthic habitats associated with the European legislation (planning, impact assessment, river basin management plans)'
  • MADIT-M018 - 'Measures to protect habitats and associated target species under international conventions'
  • MADIT-M019 - 'Measures for the conservation of migratory species of wild animals'
  • MADIT-M020 - 'Regulatory measures for international trade in endangered species'
  • MADIT-M021 - 'International cetacean protection measures'
  • MADIT-M022 - 'Measures to protect biodiversity through European policies'
  • MADIT-M023 - 'Community and international measures for elasmobranch'
  • MADIT-M024 - 'Measures regulating catches of cetaceans, tortoises and common sturgeon'
  • MADIT-M025 - 'National measures for the protection of biodiversity'
  • MADIT-M026 - 'National measures for recovery, rescue custody and management of marine reptiles'
  • MADIT-M027 - 'Measures for coastal land planning'
  • MADIT-M028 - 'Regulatory measures for commercial fishing and the sustainable exploitation of fish stocks'
  • MADIT-M029 - 'Adoption of National Plans of Fleet Management'
  • MADIT-M030-NEW1 - 'Complete the network of Natura 2000 sites at sea and subsequent identification of conservation measures'
  • MADIT-M031-NEW2 - 'Implementation of technical solutions (methodological and instrumental) for the reduction of the phenomenon of collision with cetaceans'
  • MADIT-M032-NEW3 - 'Acquisition, systematisation and standardisation, as well as consistent recognition, with data from monitoring activities implemented, with particular reference to EIA procedures'
  • MADIT-M033-NEW4 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of elasmobranchs from by-catch'
  • MADIT-M034-NEW5 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of cetaceans and sea turtles from by-catch'
  • MADIT-M035-NEW6 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of seabirds from by-catch'
  • MADIT-M036-NEW7 - 'Implementation of awareness-raising and information measures to prevent removal activities and damage to the benthic species and habitats protected'
  • MADIT-M046 - 'Measures related to the monitoring of fishing vessels'
  • MADIT-M047 - 'Combat IUU fishing'
  • MADIT-M048 - 'Implementation of the new CFP, the EMFF and the triennial plan'
  • MADIT-M049 - 'Fisheries management of bivalve molluscs'
  • MADIT-M059 - 'Implementation of the National Energy Plan'
  • MADIT-M060 - 'Use of the maritime domain and the territorial sea areas'
  • MADIT-M061 - 'Minimum requirements to prevent major accidents in offshore operations and limiting the consequences of such accidents in the hydrocarbon sector'
  • MADIT-M062 - 'Measures concerning the spill of materials from port dredging'
  • MADIT-M063 - 'Related measures and EIA'
  • MADIT-M064 - 'Register of vessels authorised to fish under the GFCM Agreement'
  • MADIT-M087 - 'Measures related to the regulation of approval for the immersion in the sea of excavation seabed materials and dredging'
  • MICIT-M001 - 'Measures related to the management of the Natura 2000 Network sites'
  • MICIT-M002 - 'Planned measures to designate SACs in Natura 2000 sites'
  • MICIT-M003 - 'Measures to protect target species and targeted habitats through the MPAs'
  • MICIT-M004 - 'Planned measures to increase MPAs'
  • MICIT-M005 - 'Measures to protect target habitats through other protected areas'
  • MICIT-M006 - 'Management measures for benthic habitats in the Mediterranean and identification of protected species and habitats'
  • MICIT-M007 - 'Measures to protect fish stocks through other protected areas (wildlife protection areas)'
  • MICIT-M008 - 'Measures to reduce the impact of fishing and protection of pelagic habitats'
  • MICIT-M009 - 'Protective measures for the taking and selling of endangered species through international agreements'
  • MICIT-M010 - 'Measures for incidental catches of cetaceans in fisheries'
  • MICIT-M011 - 'Measures for the conservation of cetaceans in the Mediterranean, under international agreements'
  • MICIT-M012 - 'Directorial Decree of Ministry of Environment, in cooperation with the Ministry of Health, for the establishment of the coordination of the marine mammal stranding national network (ReNaSMM)'
  • MICIT-M013 - 'Measures for the conservation of wild flora and fauna and natural habitats, and the promotion of cooperation between Member States'
  • MICIT-M014 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MICIT-M015 - 'National and Community measures for the protection of birds'
  • MICIT-M016 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MICIT-M017 - 'Protective measures for benthic habitats associated with the European legislation (planning, impact assessment, river basin management plans)'
  • MICIT-M018 - 'Measures to protect habitats and associated target species under international conventions'
  • MICIT-M019 - 'Measures for the conservation of migratory species of wild animals'
  • MICIT-M020 - 'Regulatory measures for international trade in endangered species'
  • MICIT-M021 - 'International cetacean protection measures'
  • MICIT-M022 - 'Measures to protect biodiversity through European policies'
  • MICIT-M023 - 'Community and international measures for elasmobranch'
  • MICIT-M024 - 'Measures regulating catches of cetaceans, tortoises and common sturgeon'
  • MICIT-M025 - 'National measures for the protection of biodiversity'
  • MICIT-M026 - 'National measures for recovery, rescue custody and management of marine reptiles'
  • MICIT-M027 - 'Measures for coastal land planning'
  • MICIT-M028 - 'Regulatory measures for commercial fishing and the sustainable exploitation of fish stocks'
  • MICIT-M029 - 'Adoption of National Plans of Fleet Management'
  • MICIT-M030-NEW1 - 'Complete the network of Natura 2000 sites at sea and subsequent identification of conservation measures'
  • MICIT-M031-NEW2 - 'Implementation of technical solutions (methodological and instrumental) for the reduction of the phenomenon of collision with cetaceans'
  • MICIT-M032-NEW3 - 'Acquisition, systematisation and standardisation, as well as consistent recognition, with data from monitoring activities implemented, with particular reference to EIA procedures'
  • MICIT-M033-NEW4 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of elasmobranchs from by-catch'
  • MICIT-M034-NEW5 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of cetaceans and sea turtles from by-catch'
  • MICIT-M035-NEW6 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of seabirds from by-catch'
  • MICIT-M036-NEW7 - 'Implementation of awareness-raising and information measures to prevent removal activities and damage to the benthic species and habitats protected'
  • MICIT-M044 - 'Measures related to the monitoring of fishing vessels'
  • MICIT-M045 - 'Combat IUU fishing'
  • MICIT-M046 - 'Local management plans for management units'
  • MICIT-M047 - 'Implementation of the new CFP, the EMFF and the triennial plan'
  • MICIT-M048 - 'Fisheries management of bivalve molluscs'
  • MICIT-M058 - 'Implementation of the National Energy Plan'
  • MICIT-M059 - 'Use of the maritime domain and the territorial sea areas'
  • MICIT-M060 - 'Minimum requirements to prevent major accidents in offshore operations and limiting the consequences of such accidents in the hydrocarbon sector'
  • MICIT-M061 - 'Measures concerning the spill of materials from port dredging'
  • MICIT-M062 - 'Related measures and EIA'
  • MICIT-M063 - 'Register of vessels authorised to fish under the GFCM Agreement'
  • MWEIT-M001 - 'Measures related to the management of the Natura 2000 Network sites'
  • MWEIT-M002 - 'Planned measures to designate SACs in Natura 2000 sites'
  • MWEIT-M003 - 'Measures to protect target species and targeted habitats through the MPAs'
  • MWEIT-M004 - 'Planned measures to increase MPAs'
  • MWEIT-M005 - 'Measures to protect target habitats through other protected areas'
  • MWEIT-M006 - 'Management measures for benthic habitats in the Mediterranean and identification of protected species and habitats'
  • MWEIT-M007 - 'Measures to protect fish stocks through other protected areas (wildlife protection areas)'
  • MWEIT-M008 - 'Measures to reduce the impact of fishing and protection of pelagic habitats'
  • MWEIT-M009 - 'Ecological protection measures'
  • MWEIT-M010 - 'Protective measures for the taking and selling of endangered species through international agreements'
  • MWEIT-M011 - 'Measures for incidental catches of cetaceans in fisheries'
  • MWEIT-M012 - 'Measures for the conservation of cetaceans in the Mediterranean, under international agreements'
  • MWEIT-M013 - 'Directorial Decree of Ministry of Environment, in cooperation with the Ministry of Health, for the establishment of the coordination of the marine mammal stranding national network (ReNaSMM)'
  • MWEIT-M014 - 'Measures for the conservation of wild flora and fauna and natural habitats, and the promotion of cooperation between Member States'
  • MWEIT-M015 - 'Bird protection measures through the Birds Directive (2009/147/ EC)'
  • MWEIT-M016 - 'National and Community measures for the protection of birds'
  • MWEIT-M017 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MWEIT-M018 - 'Protective measures for benthic habitats associated with the European legislation (planning, impact assessment, river basin management plans)'
  • MWEIT-M019 - 'Measures to protect habitats and associated target species under international conventions'
  • MWEIT-M020 - 'Measures for the conservation of migratory species of wild animals'
  • MWEIT-M021 - 'Regulatory measures for international trade in endangered species'
  • MWEIT-M022 - 'Measures to promote a pilot area for the control of marine pollution along the coastline stretching from Marseille to La Spezia'
  • MWEIT-M023 - 'International cetacean protection measures'
  • MWEIT-M024 - 'Measures to protect biodiversity through European policies'
  • MWEIT-M025 - 'Community and international measures for elasmobranch'
  • MWEIT-M026 - 'Measures regulating catches of cetaceans, tortoises and common sturgeon'
  • MWEIT-M027 - 'Establishment of measures for the International Whale Sanctuary'
  • MWEIT-M028 - 'National measures for the protection of biodiversity'
  • MWEIT-M029 - 'National measures for recovery, rescue custody and management of marine reptiles'
  • MWEIT-M030 - 'Measures for coastal land planning'
  • MWEIT-M031 - 'Regulatory measures for commercial fishing and the sustainable exploitation of fish stocks'
  • MWEIT-M032 - 'Adoption of National Plans of Fleet Management'
  • MWEIT-M033-NEW1 - 'Complete the network of Natura 2000 sites at sea and subsequent identification of conservation measures'
  • MWEIT-M034-NEW2 - 'Implementation of technical solutions (methodological and instrumental) for the reduction of the phenomenon of collision with cetaceans'
  • MWEIT-M035-NEW3 - 'Acquisition, systematisation and standardisation, as well as consistent recognition, with data from monitoring activities implemented, with particular reference to EIA procedures'
  • MWEIT-M036-NEW4 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of elasmobranchs from by-catch'
  • MWEIT-M037-NEW5 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of cetaceans and sea turtles from by-catch'
  • MWEIT-M038-NEW6 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of seabirds from by-catch'
  • MWEIT-M039-NEW7 - 'Implementation of awareness-raising and information measures to prevent removal activities and damage to the benthic species and habitats protected'
  • MWEIT-M047 - 'Measures related to the monitoring of fishing vessels'
  • MWEIT-M048 - 'Combat IUU fishing'
  • MWEIT-M049 - 'Local management plans for management units'
  • MWEIT-M050 - 'Implementation of the new CFP, the EMFF and the triennial plan'
  • MWEIT-M051 - 'Fisheries management of bivalve molluscs'
  • MWEIT-M061 - 'Implementation of the National Energy Plan'
  • MWEIT-M062 - 'Use of the maritime domain and the territorial sea areas'
  • MWEIT-M063 - 'Minimum requirements to prevent major accidents in offshore operations and limiting the consequences of such accidents in the hydrocarbon sector'
  • MWEIT-M064 - 'Measures concerning the spill of materials from port dredging'
  • MWEIT-M065 - 'Related measures and EIA'
  • MWEIT-M066 - 'Register of vessels authorised to fish under the GFCM Agreement'
  • MWEIT-M089 - 'Measures related to the regulation of approval for the immersion in the sea of excavation seabed materials and dredging'
  • MADIT-M001 - 'Measures related to the management of the Natura 2000 Network sites'
  • MADIT-M002 - 'Planned measures to designate SACs in Natura 2000 sites'
  • MADIT-M003 - 'Measures to protect target species and targeted habitats through the MPAs'
  • MADIT-M004 - 'Planned measures to increase MPAs'
  • MADIT-M005 - 'Measures to protect target habitats through other protected areas'
  • MADIT-M006 - 'Management measures for benthic habitats in the Mediterranean and identification of protected species and habitats'
  • MADIT-M007 - 'Measures to protect fish stocks through other protected areas (wildlife protection areas)'
  • MADIT-M008 - 'Measures to reduce the impact of fishing and protection of pelagic habitats'
  • MADIT-M009 - 'Protective measures for the taking and selling of endangered species through international agreements'
  • MADIT-M010 - 'Measures for incidental catches of cetaceans in fisheries'
  • MADIT-M011 - 'Measures for the conservation of cetaceans in the Mediterranean, under international agreements'
  • MADIT-M012 - 'Directorial Decree of Ministry of Environment, in cooperation with the Ministry of Health, for the establishment of the coordination of the marine mammal stranding national network (ReNaSMM)'
  • MADIT-M013 - 'Measures for the conservation of wild flora and fauna and natural habitats, and the promotion of cooperation between Member States'
  • MADIT-M014 - 'Bird protection measures through the Birds Directive (2009/147/ EC)'
  • MADIT-M015 - 'National and Community measures for the protection of birds'
  • MADIT-M016 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MADIT-M017 - 'Protective measures for benthic habitats associated with the European legislation (planning, impact assessment, river basin management plans)'
  • MADIT-M018 - 'Measures to protect habitats and associated target species under international conventions'
  • MADIT-M019 - 'Measures for the conservation of migratory species of wild animals'
  • MADIT-M020 - 'Regulatory measures for international trade in endangered species'
  • MADIT-M021 - 'International cetacean protection measures'
  • MADIT-M022 - 'Measures to protect biodiversity through European policies'
  • MADIT-M023 - 'Community and international measures for elasmobranch'
  • MADIT-M024 - 'Measures regulating catches of cetaceans, tortoises and common sturgeon'
  • MADIT-M025 - 'National measures for the protection of biodiversity'
  • MADIT-M026 - 'National measures for recovery, rescue custody and management of marine reptiles'
  • MADIT-M027 - 'Measures for coastal land planning'
  • MADIT-M028 - 'Regulatory measures for commercial fishing and the sustainable exploitation of fish stocks'
  • MADIT-M029 - 'Adoption of National Plans of Fleet Management'
  • MADIT-M030-NEW1 - 'Complete the network of Natura 2000 sites at sea and subsequent identification of conservation measures'
  • MADIT-M031-NEW2 - 'Implementation of technical solutions (methodological and instrumental) for the reduction of the phenomenon of collision with cetaceans'
  • MADIT-M032-NEW3 - 'Acquisition, systematisation and standardisation, as well as consistent recognition, with data from monitoring activities implemented, with particular reference to EIA procedures'
  • MADIT-M033-NEW4 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of elasmobranchs from by-catch'
  • MADIT-M034-NEW5 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of cetaceans and sea turtles from by-catch'
  • MADIT-M035-NEW6 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of seabirds from by-catch'
  • MADIT-M036-NEW7 - 'Implementation of awareness-raising and information measures to prevent removal activities and damage to the benthic species and habitats protected'
  • MADIT-M046 - 'Measures related to the monitoring of fishing vessels'
  • MADIT-M047 - 'Combat IUU fishing'
  • MADIT-M048 - 'Implementation of the new CFP, the EMFF and the triennial plan'
  • MADIT-M049 - 'Fisheries management of bivalve molluscs'
  • MADIT-M059 - 'Implementation of the National Energy Plan'
  • MADIT-M060 - 'Use of the maritime domain and the territorial sea areas'
  • MADIT-M061 - 'Minimum requirements to prevent major accidents in offshore operations and limiting the consequences of such accidents in the hydrocarbon sector'
  • MADIT-M062 - 'Measures concerning the spill of materials from port dredging'
  • MADIT-M063 - 'Related measures and EIA'
  • MADIT-M064 - 'Register of vessels authorised to fish under the GFCM Agreement'
  • MADIT-M087 - 'Measures related to the regulation of approval for the immersion in the sea of excavation seabed materials and dredging'
  • MICIT-M001 - 'Measures related to the management of the Natura 2000 Network sites'
  • MICIT-M002 - 'Planned measures to designate SACs in Natura 2000 sites'
  • MICIT-M003 - 'Measures to protect target species and targeted habitats through the MPAs'
  • MICIT-M004 - 'Planned measures to increase MPAs'
  • MICIT-M005 - 'Measures to protect target habitats through other protected areas'
  • MICIT-M006 - 'Management measures for benthic habitats in the Mediterranean and identification of protected species and habitats'
  • MICIT-M007 - 'Measures to protect fish stocks through other protected areas (wildlife protection areas)'
  • MICIT-M008 - 'Measures to reduce the impact of fishing and protection of pelagic habitats'
  • MICIT-M009 - 'Protective measures for the taking and selling of endangered species through international agreements'
  • MICIT-M010 - 'Measures for incidental catches of cetaceans in fisheries'
  • MICIT-M011 - 'Measures for the conservation of cetaceans in the Mediterranean, under international agreements'
  • MICIT-M012 - 'Directorial Decree of Ministry of Environment, in cooperation with the Ministry of Health, for the establishment of the coordination of the marine mammal stranding national network (ReNaSMM)'
  • MICIT-M013 - 'Measures for the conservation of wild flora and fauna and natural habitats, and the promotion of cooperation between Member States'
  • MICIT-M014 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MICIT-M015 - 'National and Community measures for the protection of birds'
  • MICIT-M016 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MICIT-M017 - 'Protective measures for benthic habitats associated with the European legislation (planning, impact assessment, river basin management plans)'
  • MICIT-M018 - 'Measures to protect habitats and associated target species under international conventions'
  • MICIT-M019 - 'Measures for the conservation of migratory species of wild animals'
  • MICIT-M020 - 'Regulatory measures for international trade in endangered species'
  • MICIT-M021 - 'International cetacean protection measures'
  • MICIT-M022 - 'Measures to protect biodiversity through European policies'
  • MICIT-M023 - 'Community and international measures for elasmobranch'
  • MICIT-M024 - 'Measures regulating catches of cetaceans, tortoises and common sturgeon'
  • MICIT-M025 - 'National measures for the protection of biodiversity'
  • MICIT-M026 - 'National measures for recovery, rescue custody and management of marine reptiles'
  • MICIT-M027 - 'Measures for coastal land planning'
  • MICIT-M028 - 'Regulatory measures for commercial fishing and the sustainable exploitation of fish stocks'
  • MICIT-M029 - 'Adoption of National Plans of Fleet Management'
  • MICIT-M030-NEW1 - 'Complete the network of Natura 2000 sites at sea and subsequent identification of conservation measures'
  • MICIT-M031-NEW2 - 'Implementation of technical solutions (methodological and instrumental) for the reduction of the phenomenon of collision with cetaceans'
  • MICIT-M032-NEW3 - 'Acquisition, systematisation and standardisation, as well as consistent recognition, with data from monitoring activities implemented, with particular reference to EIA procedures'
  • MICIT-M033-NEW4 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of elasmobranchs from by-catch'
  • MICIT-M034-NEW5 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of cetaceans and sea turtles from by-catch'
  • MICIT-M035-NEW6 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of seabirds from by-catch'
  • MICIT-M036-NEW7 - 'Implementation of awareness-raising and information measures to prevent removal activities and damage to the benthic species and habitats protected'
  • MICIT-M044 - 'Measures related to the monitoring of fishing vessels'
  • MICIT-M045 - 'Combat IUU fishing'
  • MICIT-M046 - 'Local management plans for management units'
  • MICIT-M047 - 'Implementation of the new CFP, the EMFF and the triennial plan'
  • MICIT-M048 - 'Fisheries management of bivalve molluscs'
  • MICIT-M058 - 'Implementation of the National Energy Plan'
  • MICIT-M059 - 'Use of the maritime domain and the territorial sea areas'
  • MICIT-M060 - 'Minimum requirements to prevent major accidents in offshore operations and limiting the consequences of such accidents in the hydrocarbon sector'
  • MICIT-M061 - 'Measures concerning the spill of materials from port dredging'
  • MICIT-M062 - 'Related measures and EIA'
  • MICIT-M063 - 'Register of vessels authorised to fish under the GFCM Agreement'
  • MWEIT-M001 - 'Measures related to the management of the Natura 2000 Network sites'
  • MWEIT-M002 - 'Planned measures to designate SACs in Natura 2000 sites'
  • MWEIT-M003 - 'Measures to protect target species and targeted habitats through the MPAs'
  • MWEIT-M004 - 'Planned measures to increase MPAs'
  • MWEIT-M005 - 'Measures to protect target habitats through other protected areas'
  • MWEIT-M006 - 'Management measures for benthic habitats in the Mediterranean and identification of protected species and habitats'
  • MWEIT-M007 - 'Measures to protect fish stocks through other protected areas (wildlife protection areas)'
  • MWEIT-M008 - 'Measures to reduce the impact of fishing and protection of pelagic habitats'
  • MWEIT-M009 - 'Ecological protection measures'
  • MWEIT-M010 - 'Protective measures for the taking and selling of endangered species through international agreements'
  • MWEIT-M011 - 'Measures for incidental catches of cetaceans in fisheries'
  • MWEIT-M012 - 'Measures for the conservation of cetaceans in the Mediterranean, under international agreements'
  • MWEIT-M013 - 'Directorial Decree of Ministry of Environment, in cooperation with the Ministry of Health, for the establishment of the coordination of the marine mammal stranding national network (ReNaSMM)'
  • MWEIT-M014 - 'Measures for the conservation of wild flora and fauna and natural habitats, and the promotion of cooperation between Member States'
  • MWEIT-M015 - 'Bird protection measures through the Birds Directive (2009/147/ EC)'
  • MWEIT-M016 - 'National and Community measures for the protection of birds'
  • MWEIT-M017 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MWEIT-M018 - 'Protective measures for benthic habitats associated with the European legislation (planning, impact assessment, river basin management plans)'
  • MWEIT-M019 - 'Measures to protect habitats and associated target species under international conventions'
  • MWEIT-M020 - 'Measures for the conservation of migratory species of wild animals'
  • MWEIT-M021 - 'Regulatory measures for international trade in endangered species'
  • MWEIT-M022 - 'Measures to promote a pilot area for the control of marine pollution along the coastline stretching from Marseille to La Spezia'
  • MWEIT-M023 - 'International cetacean protection measures'
  • MWEIT-M024 - 'Measures to protect biodiversity through European policies'
  • MWEIT-M025 - 'Community and international measures for elasmobranch'
  • MWEIT-M026 - 'Measures regulating catches of cetaceans, tortoises and common sturgeon'
  • MWEIT-M027 - 'Establishment of measures for the International Whale Sanctuary'
  • MWEIT-M028 - 'National measures for the protection of biodiversity'
  • MWEIT-M029 - 'National measures for recovery, rescue custody and management of marine reptiles'
  • MWEIT-M030 - 'Measures for coastal land planning'
  • MWEIT-M031 - 'Regulatory measures for commercial fishing and the sustainable exploitation of fish stocks'
  • MWEIT-M032 - 'Adoption of National Plans of Fleet Management'
  • MWEIT-M033-NEW1 - 'Complete the network of Natura 2000 sites at sea and subsequent identification of conservation measures'
  • MWEIT-M034-NEW2 - 'Implementation of technical solutions (methodological and instrumental) for the reduction of the phenomenon of collision with cetaceans'
  • MWEIT-M035-NEW3 - 'Acquisition, systematisation and standardisation, as well as consistent recognition, with data from monitoring activities implemented, with particular reference to EIA procedures'
  • MWEIT-M036-NEW4 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of elasmobranchs from by-catch'
  • MWEIT-M037-NEW5 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of cetaceans and sea turtles from by-catch'
  • MWEIT-M038-NEW6 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of seabirds from by-catch'
  • MWEIT-M039-NEW7 - 'Implementation of awareness-raising and information measures to prevent removal activities and damage to the benthic species and habitats protected'
  • MWEIT-M047 - 'Measures related to the monitoring of fishing vessels'
  • MWEIT-M048 - 'Combat IUU fishing'
  • MWEIT-M049 - 'Local management plans for management units'
  • MWEIT-M050 - 'Implementation of the new CFP, the EMFF and the triennial plan'
  • MWEIT-M051 - 'Fisheries management of bivalve molluscs'
  • MWEIT-M061 - 'Implementation of the National Energy Plan'
  • MWEIT-M062 - 'Use of the maritime domain and the territorial sea areas'
  • MWEIT-M063 - 'Minimum requirements to prevent major accidents in offshore operations and limiting the consequences of such accidents in the hydrocarbon sector'
  • MWEIT-M064 - 'Measures concerning the spill of materials from port dredging'
  • MWEIT-M065 - 'Related measures and EIA'
  • MWEIT-M066 - 'Register of vessels authorised to fish under the GFCM Agreement'
  • MWEIT-M089 - 'Measures related to the regulation of approval for the immersion in the sea of excavation seabed materials and dredging'
  • MADIT-M001 - 'Measures related to the management of the Natura 2000 Network sites'
  • MADIT-M002 - 'Planned measures to designate SACs in Natura 2000 sites'
  • MADIT-M003 - 'Measures to protect target species and targeted habitats through the MPAs'
  • MADIT-M004 - 'Planned measures to increase MPAs'
  • MADIT-M005 - 'Measures to protect target habitats through other protected areas'
  • MADIT-M006 - 'Management measures for benthic habitats in the Mediterranean and identification of protected species and habitats'
  • MADIT-M007 - 'Measures to protect fish stocks through other protected areas (wildlife protection areas)'
  • MADIT-M008 - 'Measures to reduce the impact of fishing and protection of pelagic habitats'
  • MADIT-M009 - 'Protective measures for the taking and selling of endangered species through international agreements'
  • MADIT-M010 - 'Measures for incidental catches of cetaceans in fisheries'
  • MADIT-M011 - 'Measures for the conservation of cetaceans in the Mediterranean, under international agreements'
  • MADIT-M012 - 'Directorial Decree of Ministry of Environment, in cooperation with the Ministry of Health, for the establishment of the coordination of the marine mammal stranding national network (ReNaSMM)'
  • MADIT-M013 - 'Measures for the conservation of wild flora and fauna and natural habitats, and the promotion of cooperation between Member States'
  • MADIT-M014 - 'Bird protection measures through the Birds Directive (2009/147/ EC)'
  • MADIT-M015 - 'National and Community measures for the protection of birds'
  • MADIT-M016 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MADIT-M017 - 'Protective measures for benthic habitats associated with the European legislation (planning, impact assessment, river basin management plans)'
  • MADIT-M018 - 'Measures to protect habitats and associated target species under international conventions'
  • MADIT-M019 - 'Measures for the conservation of migratory species of wild animals'
  • MADIT-M020 - 'Regulatory measures for international trade in endangered species'
  • MADIT-M021 - 'International cetacean protection measures'
  • MADIT-M022 - 'Measures to protect biodiversity through European policies'
  • MADIT-M023 - 'Community and international measures for elasmobranch'
  • MADIT-M024 - 'Measures regulating catches of cetaceans, tortoises and common sturgeon'
  • MADIT-M025 - 'National measures for the protection of biodiversity'
  • MADIT-M026 - 'National measures for recovery, rescue custody and management of marine reptiles'
  • MADIT-M027 - 'Measures for coastal land planning'
  • MADIT-M028 - 'Regulatory measures for commercial fishing and the sustainable exploitation of fish stocks'
  • MADIT-M029 - 'Adoption of National Plans of Fleet Management'
  • MADIT-M030-NEW1 - 'Complete the network of Natura 2000 sites at sea and subsequent identification of conservation measures'
  • MADIT-M031-NEW2 - 'Implementation of technical solutions (methodological and instrumental) for the reduction of the phenomenon of collision with cetaceans'
  • MADIT-M032-NEW3 - 'Acquisition, systematisation and standardisation, as well as consistent recognition, with data from monitoring activities implemented, with particular reference to EIA procedures'
  • MADIT-M033-NEW4 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of elasmobranchs from by-catch'
  • MADIT-M034-NEW5 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of cetaceans and sea turtles from by-catch'
  • MADIT-M035-NEW6 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of seabirds from by-catch'
  • MADIT-M036-NEW7 - 'Implementation of awareness-raising and information measures to prevent removal activities and damage to the benthic species and habitats protected'
  • MADIT-M046 - 'Measures related to the monitoring of fishing vessels'
  • MADIT-M047 - 'Combat IUU fishing'
  • MADIT-M048 - 'Implementation of the new CFP, the EMFF and the triennial plan'
  • MADIT-M049 - 'Fisheries management of bivalve molluscs'
  • MADIT-M059 - 'Implementation of the National Energy Plan'
  • MADIT-M060 - 'Use of the maritime domain and the territorial sea areas'
  • MADIT-M061 - 'Minimum requirements to prevent major accidents in offshore operations and limiting the consequences of such accidents in the hydrocarbon sector'
  • MADIT-M062 - 'Measures concerning the spill of materials from port dredging'
  • MADIT-M063 - 'Related measures and EIA'
  • MADIT-M064 - 'Register of vessels authorised to fish under the GFCM Agreement'
  • MADIT-M087 - 'Measures related to the regulation of approval for the immersion in the sea of excavation seabed materials and dredging'
  • MICIT-M001 - 'Measures related to the management of the Natura 2000 Network sites'
  • MICIT-M002 - 'Planned measures to designate SACs in Natura 2000 sites'
  • MICIT-M003 - 'Measures to protect target species and targeted habitats through the MPAs'
  • MICIT-M004 - 'Planned measures to increase MPAs'
  • MICIT-M005 - 'Measures to protect target habitats through other protected areas'
  • MICIT-M006 - 'Management measures for benthic habitats in the Mediterranean and identification of protected species and habitats'
  • MICIT-M007 - 'Measures to protect fish stocks through other protected areas (wildlife protection areas)'
  • MICIT-M008 - 'Measures to reduce the impact of fishing and protection of pelagic habitats'
  • MICIT-M009 - 'Protective measures for the taking and selling of endangered species through international agreements'
  • MICIT-M010 - 'Measures for incidental catches of cetaceans in fisheries'
  • MICIT-M011 - 'Measures for the conservation of cetaceans in the Mediterranean, under international agreements'
  • MICIT-M012 - 'Directorial Decree of Ministry of Environment, in cooperation with the Ministry of Health, for the establishment of the coordination of the marine mammal stranding national network (ReNaSMM)'
  • MICIT-M013 - 'Measures for the conservation of wild flora and fauna and natural habitats, and the promotion of cooperation between Member States'
  • MICIT-M014 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MICIT-M015 - 'National and Community measures for the protection of birds'
  • MICIT-M016 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MICIT-M017 - 'Protective measures for benthic habitats associated with the European legislation (planning, impact assessment, river basin management plans)'
  • MICIT-M018 - 'Measures to protect habitats and associated target species under international conventions'
  • MICIT-M019 - 'Measures for the conservation of migratory species of wild animals'
  • MICIT-M020 - 'Regulatory measures for international trade in endangered species'
  • MICIT-M021 - 'International cetacean protection measures'
  • MICIT-M022 - 'Measures to protect biodiversity through European policies'
  • MICIT-M023 - 'Community and international measures for elasmobranch'
  • MICIT-M024 - 'Measures regulating catches of cetaceans, tortoises and common sturgeon'
  • MICIT-M025 - 'National measures for the protection of biodiversity'
  • MICIT-M026 - 'National measures for recovery, rescue custody and management of marine reptiles'
  • MICIT-M027 - 'Measures for coastal land planning'
  • MICIT-M028 - 'Regulatory measures for commercial fishing and the sustainable exploitation of fish stocks'
  • MICIT-M029 - 'Adoption of National Plans of Fleet Management'
  • MICIT-M030-NEW1 - 'Complete the network of Natura 2000 sites at sea and subsequent identification of conservation measures'
  • MICIT-M031-NEW2 - 'Implementation of technical solutions (methodological and instrumental) for the reduction of the phenomenon of collision with cetaceans'
  • MICIT-M032-NEW3 - 'Acquisition, systematisation and standardisation, as well as consistent recognition, with data from monitoring activities implemented, with particular reference to EIA procedures'
  • MICIT-M033-NEW4 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of elasmobranchs from by-catch'
  • MICIT-M034-NEW5 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of cetaceans and sea turtles from by-catch'
  • MICIT-M035-NEW6 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of seabirds from by-catch'
  • MICIT-M036-NEW7 - 'Implementation of awareness-raising and information measures to prevent removal activities and damage to the benthic species and habitats protected'
  • MICIT-M044 - 'Measures related to the monitoring of fishing vessels'
  • MICIT-M045 - 'Combat IUU fishing'
  • MICIT-M046 - 'Local management plans for management units'
  • MICIT-M047 - 'Implementation of the new CFP, the EMFF and the triennial plan'
  • MICIT-M048 - 'Fisheries management of bivalve molluscs'
  • MICIT-M058 - 'Implementation of the National Energy Plan'
  • MICIT-M059 - 'Use of the maritime domain and the territorial sea areas'
  • MICIT-M060 - 'Minimum requirements to prevent major accidents in offshore operations and limiting the consequences of such accidents in the hydrocarbon sector'
  • MICIT-M061 - 'Measures concerning the spill of materials from port dredging'
  • MICIT-M062 - 'Related measures and EIA'
  • MICIT-M063 - 'Register of vessels authorised to fish under the GFCM Agreement'
  • MWEIT-M001 - 'Measures related to the management of the Natura 2000 Network sites'
  • MWEIT-M002 - 'Planned measures to designate SACs in Natura 2000 sites'
  • MWEIT-M003 - 'Measures to protect target species and targeted habitats through the MPAs'
  • MWEIT-M004 - 'Planned measures to increase MPAs'
  • MWEIT-M005 - 'Measures to protect target habitats through other protected areas'
  • MWEIT-M006 - 'Management measures for benthic habitats in the Mediterranean and identification of protected species and habitats'
  • MWEIT-M007 - 'Measures to protect fish stocks through other protected areas (wildlife protection areas)'
  • MWEIT-M008 - 'Measures to reduce the impact of fishing and protection of pelagic habitats'
  • MWEIT-M009 - 'Ecological protection measures'
  • MWEIT-M010 - 'Protective measures for the taking and selling of endangered species through international agreements'
  • MWEIT-M011 - 'Measures for incidental catches of cetaceans in fisheries'
  • MWEIT-M012 - 'Measures for the conservation of cetaceans in the Mediterranean, under international agreements'
  • MWEIT-M013 - 'Directorial Decree of Ministry of Environment, in cooperation with the Ministry of Health, for the establishment of the coordination of the marine mammal stranding national network (ReNaSMM)'
  • MWEIT-M014 - 'Measures for the conservation of wild flora and fauna and natural habitats, and the promotion of cooperation between Member States'
  • MWEIT-M015 - 'Bird protection measures through the Birds Directive (2009/147/ EC)'
  • MWEIT-M016 - 'National and Community measures for the protection of birds'
  • MWEIT-M017 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MWEIT-M018 - 'Protective measures for benthic habitats associated with the European legislation (planning, impact assessment, river basin management plans)'
  • MWEIT-M019 - 'Measures to protect habitats and associated target species under international conventions'
  • MWEIT-M020 - 'Measures for the conservation of migratory species of wild animals'
  • MWEIT-M021 - 'Regulatory measures for international trade in endangered species'
  • MWEIT-M022 - 'Measures to promote a pilot area for the control of marine pollution along the coastline stretching from Marseille to La Spezia'
  • MWEIT-M023 - 'International cetacean protection measures'
  • MWEIT-M024 - 'Measures to protect biodiversity through European policies'
  • MWEIT-M025 - 'Community and international measures for elasmobranch'
  • MWEIT-M026 - 'Measures regulating catches of cetaceans, tortoises and common sturgeon'
  • MWEIT-M027 - 'Establishment of measures for the International Whale Sanctuary'
  • MWEIT-M028 - 'National measures for the protection of biodiversity'
  • MWEIT-M029 - 'National measures for recovery, rescue custody and management of marine reptiles'
  • MWEIT-M030 - 'Measures for coastal land planning'
  • MWEIT-M031 - 'Regulatory measures for commercial fishing and the sustainable exploitation of fish stocks'
  • MWEIT-M032 - 'Adoption of National Plans of Fleet Management'
  • MWEIT-M033-NEW1 - 'Complete the network of Natura 2000 sites at sea and subsequent identification of conservation measures'
  • MWEIT-M034-NEW2 - 'Implementation of technical solutions (methodological and instrumental) for the reduction of the phenomenon of collision with cetaceans'
  • MWEIT-M035-NEW3 - 'Acquisition, systematisation and standardisation, as well as consistent recognition, with data from monitoring activities implemented, with particular reference to EIA procedures'
  • MWEIT-M036-NEW4 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of elasmobranchs from by-catch'
  • MWEIT-M037-NEW5 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of cetaceans and sea turtles from by-catch'
  • MWEIT-M038-NEW6 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of seabirds from by-catch'
  • MWEIT-M039-NEW7 - 'Implementation of awareness-raising and information measures to prevent removal activities and damage to the benthic species and habitats protected'
  • MWEIT-M047 - 'Measures related to the monitoring of fishing vessels'
  • MWEIT-M048 - 'Combat IUU fishing'
  • MWEIT-M049 - 'Local management plans for management units'
  • MWEIT-M050 - 'Implementation of the new CFP, the EMFF and the triennial plan'
  • MWEIT-M051 - 'Fisheries management of bivalve molluscs'
  • MWEIT-M061 - 'Implementation of the National Energy Plan'
  • MWEIT-M062 - 'Use of the maritime domain and the territorial sea areas'
  • MWEIT-M063 - 'Minimum requirements to prevent major accidents in offshore operations and limiting the consequences of such accidents in the hydrocarbon sector'
  • MWEIT-M064 - 'Measures concerning the spill of materials from port dredging'
  • MWEIT-M065 - 'Related measures and EIA'
  • MWEIT-M066 - 'Register of vessels authorised to fish under the GFCM Agreement'
  • MWEIT-M089 - 'Measures related to the regulation of approval for the immersion in the sea of excavation seabed materials and dredging'
  • MADIT-M001 - 'Measures related to the management of the Natura 2000 Network sites'
  • MADIT-M002 - 'Planned measures to designate SACs in Natura 2000 sites'
  • MADIT-M003 - 'Measures to protect target species and targeted habitats through the MPAs'
  • MADIT-M004 - 'Planned measures to increase MPAs'
  • MADIT-M005 - 'Measures to protect target habitats through other protected areas'
  • MADIT-M006 - 'Management measures for benthic habitats in the Mediterranean and identification of protected species and habitats'
  • MADIT-M007 - 'Measures to protect fish stocks through other protected areas (wildlife protection areas)'
  • MADIT-M008 - 'Measures to reduce the impact of fishing and protection of pelagic habitats'
  • MADIT-M009 - 'Protective measures for the taking and selling of endangered species through international agreements'
  • MADIT-M010 - 'Measures for incidental catches of cetaceans in fisheries'
  • MADIT-M011 - 'Measures for the conservation of cetaceans in the Mediterranean, under international agreements'
  • MADIT-M012 - 'Directorial Decree of Ministry of Environment, in cooperation with the Ministry of Health, for the establishment of the coordination of the marine mammal stranding national network (ReNaSMM)'
  • MADIT-M013 - 'Measures for the conservation of wild flora and fauna and natural habitats, and the promotion of cooperation between Member States'
  • MADIT-M014 - 'Bird protection measures through the Birds Directive (2009/147/ EC)'
  • MADIT-M015 - 'National and Community measures for the protection of birds'
  • MADIT-M016 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MADIT-M017 - 'Protective measures for benthic habitats associated with the European legislation (planning, impact assessment, river basin management plans)'
  • MADIT-M018 - 'Measures to protect habitats and associated target species under international conventions'
  • MADIT-M019 - 'Measures for the conservation of migratory species of wild animals'
  • MADIT-M020 - 'Regulatory measures for international trade in endangered species'
  • MADIT-M021 - 'International cetacean protection measures'
  • MADIT-M022 - 'Measures to protect biodiversity through European policies'
  • MADIT-M023 - 'Community and international measures for elasmobranch'
  • MADIT-M024 - 'Measures regulating catches of cetaceans, tortoises and common sturgeon'
  • MADIT-M025 - 'National measures for the protection of biodiversity'
  • MADIT-M026 - 'National measures for recovery, rescue custody and management of marine reptiles'
  • MADIT-M027 - 'Measures for coastal land planning'
  • MADIT-M028 - 'Regulatory measures for commercial fishing and the sustainable exploitation of fish stocks'
  • MADIT-M029 - 'Adoption of National Plans of Fleet Management'
  • MADIT-M030-NEW1 - 'Complete the network of Natura 2000 sites at sea and subsequent identification of conservation measures'
  • MADIT-M031-NEW2 - 'Implementation of technical solutions (methodological and instrumental) for the reduction of the phenomenon of collision with cetaceans'
  • MADIT-M032-NEW3 - 'Acquisition, systematisation and standardisation, as well as consistent recognition, with data from monitoring activities implemented, with particular reference to EIA procedures'
  • MADIT-M033-NEW4 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of elasmobranchs from by-catch'
  • MADIT-M034-NEW5 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of cetaceans and sea turtles from by-catch'
  • MADIT-M035-NEW6 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of seabirds from by-catch'
  • MADIT-M036-NEW7 - 'Implementation of awareness-raising and information measures to prevent removal activities and damage to the benthic species and habitats protected'
  • MADIT-M046 - 'Measures related to the monitoring of fishing vessels'
  • MADIT-M047 - 'Combat IUU fishing'
  • MADIT-M048 - 'Implementation of the new CFP, the EMFF and the triennial plan'
  • MADIT-M049 - 'Fisheries management of bivalve molluscs'
  • MADIT-M059 - 'Implementation of the National Energy Plan'
  • MADIT-M060 - 'Use of the maritime domain and the territorial sea areas'
  • MADIT-M061 - 'Minimum requirements to prevent major accidents in offshore operations and limiting the consequences of such accidents in the hydrocarbon sector'
  • MADIT-M062 - 'Measures concerning the spill of materials from port dredging'
  • MADIT-M063 - 'Related measures and EIA'
  • MADIT-M064 - 'Register of vessels authorised to fish under the GFCM Agreement'
  • MADIT-M087 - 'Measures related to the regulation of approval for the immersion in the sea of excavation seabed materials and dredging'
  • MICIT-M001 - 'Measures related to the management of the Natura 2000 Network sites'
  • MICIT-M002 - 'Planned measures to designate SACs in Natura 2000 sites'
  • MICIT-M003 - 'Measures to protect target species and targeted habitats through the MPAs'
  • MICIT-M004 - 'Planned measures to increase MPAs'
  • MICIT-M005 - 'Measures to protect target habitats through other protected areas'
  • MICIT-M006 - 'Management measures for benthic habitats in the Mediterranean and identification of protected species and habitats'
  • MICIT-M007 - 'Measures to protect fish stocks through other protected areas (wildlife protection areas)'
  • MICIT-M008 - 'Measures to reduce the impact of fishing and protection of pelagic habitats'
  • MICIT-M009 - 'Protective measures for the taking and selling of endangered species through international agreements'
  • MICIT-M010 - 'Measures for incidental catches of cetaceans in fisheries'
  • MICIT-M011 - 'Measures for the conservation of cetaceans in the Mediterranean, under international agreements'
  • MICIT-M012 - 'Directorial Decree of Ministry of Environment, in cooperation with the Ministry of Health, for the establishment of the coordination of the marine mammal stranding national network (ReNaSMM)'
  • MICIT-M013 - 'Measures for the conservation of wild flora and fauna and natural habitats, and the promotion of cooperation between Member States'
  • MICIT-M014 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MICIT-M015 - 'National and Community measures for the protection of birds'
  • MICIT-M016 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MICIT-M017 - 'Protective measures for benthic habitats associated with the European legislation (planning, impact assessment, river basin management plans)'
  • MICIT-M018 - 'Measures to protect habitats and associated target species under international conventions'
  • MICIT-M019 - 'Measures for the conservation of migratory species of wild animals'
  • MICIT-M020 - 'Regulatory measures for international trade in endangered species'
  • MICIT-M021 - 'International cetacean protection measures'
  • MICIT-M022 - 'Measures to protect biodiversity through European policies'
  • MICIT-M023 - 'Community and international measures for elasmobranch'
  • MICIT-M024 - 'Measures regulating catches of cetaceans, tortoises and common sturgeon'
  • MICIT-M025 - 'National measures for the protection of biodiversity'
  • MICIT-M026 - 'National measures for recovery, rescue custody and management of marine reptiles'
  • MICIT-M027 - 'Measures for coastal land planning'
  • MICIT-M028 - 'Regulatory measures for commercial fishing and the sustainable exploitation of fish stocks'
  • MICIT-M029 - 'Adoption of National Plans of Fleet Management'
  • MICIT-M030-NEW1 - 'Complete the network of Natura 2000 sites at sea and subsequent identification of conservation measures'
  • MICIT-M031-NEW2 - 'Implementation of technical solutions (methodological and instrumental) for the reduction of the phenomenon of collision with cetaceans'
  • MICIT-M032-NEW3 - 'Acquisition, systematisation and standardisation, as well as consistent recognition, with data from monitoring activities implemented, with particular reference to EIA procedures'
  • MICIT-M033-NEW4 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of elasmobranchs from by-catch'
  • MICIT-M034-NEW5 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of cetaceans and sea turtles from by-catch'
  • MICIT-M035-NEW6 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of seabirds from by-catch'
  • MICIT-M036-NEW7 - 'Implementation of awareness-raising and information measures to prevent removal activities and damage to the benthic species and habitats protected'
  • MICIT-M044 - 'Measures related to the monitoring of fishing vessels'
  • MICIT-M045 - 'Combat IUU fishing'
  • MICIT-M046 - 'Local management plans for management units'
  • MICIT-M047 - 'Implementation of the new CFP, the EMFF and the triennial plan'
  • MICIT-M048 - 'Fisheries management of bivalve molluscs'
  • MICIT-M058 - 'Implementation of the National Energy Plan'
  • MICIT-M059 - 'Use of the maritime domain and the territorial sea areas'
  • MICIT-M060 - 'Minimum requirements to prevent major accidents in offshore operations and limiting the consequences of such accidents in the hydrocarbon sector'
  • MICIT-M061 - 'Measures concerning the spill of materials from port dredging'
  • MICIT-M062 - 'Related measures and EIA'
  • MICIT-M063 - 'Register of vessels authorised to fish under the GFCM Agreement'
  • MWEIT-M001 - 'Measures related to the management of the Natura 2000 Network sites'
  • MWEIT-M002 - 'Planned measures to designate SACs in Natura 2000 sites'
  • MWEIT-M003 - 'Measures to protect target species and targeted habitats through the MPAs'
  • MWEIT-M004 - 'Planned measures to increase MPAs'
  • MWEIT-M005 - 'Measures to protect target habitats through other protected areas'
  • MWEIT-M006 - 'Management measures for benthic habitats in the Mediterranean and identification of protected species and habitats'
  • MWEIT-M007 - 'Measures to protect fish stocks through other protected areas (wildlife protection areas)'
  • MWEIT-M008 - 'Measures to reduce the impact of fishing and protection of pelagic habitats'
  • MWEIT-M009 - 'Ecological protection measures'
  • MWEIT-M010 - 'Protective measures for the taking and selling of endangered species through international agreements'
  • MWEIT-M011 - 'Measures for incidental catches of cetaceans in fisheries'
  • MWEIT-M012 - 'Measures for the conservation of cetaceans in the Mediterranean, under international agreements'
  • MWEIT-M013 - 'Directorial Decree of Ministry of Environment, in cooperation with the Ministry of Health, for the establishment of the coordination of the marine mammal stranding national network (ReNaSMM)'
  • MWEIT-M014 - 'Measures for the conservation of wild flora and fauna and natural habitats, and the promotion of cooperation between Member States'
  • MWEIT-M015 - 'Bird protection measures through the Birds Directive (2009/147/ EC)'
  • MWEIT-M016 - 'National and Community measures for the protection of birds'
  • MWEIT-M017 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MWEIT-M018 - 'Protective measures for benthic habitats associated with the European legislation (planning, impact assessment, river basin management plans)'
  • MWEIT-M019 - 'Measures to protect habitats and associated target species under international conventions'
  • MWEIT-M020 - 'Measures for the conservation of migratory species of wild animals'
  • MWEIT-M021 - 'Regulatory measures for international trade in endangered species'
  • MWEIT-M022 - 'Measures to promote a pilot area for the control of marine pollution along the coastline stretching from Marseille to La Spezia'
  • MWEIT-M023 - 'International cetacean protection measures'
  • MWEIT-M024 - 'Measures to protect biodiversity through European policies'
  • MWEIT-M025 - 'Community and international measures for elasmobranch'
  • MWEIT-M026 - 'Measures regulating catches of cetaceans, tortoises and common sturgeon'
  • MWEIT-M027 - 'Establishment of measures for the International Whale Sanctuary'
  • MWEIT-M028 - 'National measures for the protection of biodiversity'
  • MWEIT-M029 - 'National measures for recovery, rescue custody and management of marine reptiles'
  • MWEIT-M030 - 'Measures for coastal land planning'
  • MWEIT-M031 - 'Regulatory measures for commercial fishing and the sustainable exploitation of fish stocks'
  • MWEIT-M032 - 'Adoption of National Plans of Fleet Management'
  • MWEIT-M033-NEW1 - 'Complete the network of Natura 2000 sites at sea and subsequent identification of conservation measures'
  • MWEIT-M034-NEW2 - 'Implementation of technical solutions (methodological and instrumental) for the reduction of the phenomenon of collision with cetaceans'
  • MWEIT-M035-NEW3 - 'Acquisition, systematisation and standardisation, as well as consistent recognition, with data from monitoring activities implemented, with particular reference to EIA procedures'
  • MWEIT-M036-NEW4 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of elasmobranchs from by-catch'
  • MWEIT-M037-NEW5 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of cetaceans and sea turtles from by-catch'
  • MWEIT-M038-NEW6 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of seabirds from by-catch'
  • MWEIT-M039-NEW7 - 'Implementation of awareness-raising and information measures to prevent removal activities and damage to the benthic species and habitats protected'
  • MWEIT-M047 - 'Measures related to the monitoring of fishing vessels'
  • MWEIT-M048 - 'Combat IUU fishing'
  • MWEIT-M049 - 'Local management plans for management units'
  • MWEIT-M050 - 'Implementation of the new CFP, the EMFF and the triennial plan'
  • MWEIT-M051 - 'Fisheries management of bivalve molluscs'
  • MWEIT-M061 - 'Implementation of the National Energy Plan'
  • MWEIT-M062 - 'Use of the maritime domain and the territorial sea areas'
  • MWEIT-M063 - 'Minimum requirements to prevent major accidents in offshore operations and limiting the consequences of such accidents in the hydrocarbon sector'
  • MWEIT-M064 - 'Measures concerning the spill of materials from port dredging'
  • MWEIT-M065 - 'Related measures and EIA'
  • MWEIT-M066 - 'Register of vessels authorised to fish under the GFCM Agreement'
  • MWEIT-M089 - 'Measures related to the regulation of approval for the immersion in the sea of excavation seabed materials and dredging'
  • MADIT-M001 - 'Measures related to the management of the Natura 2000 Network sites'
  • MADIT-M002 - 'Planned measures to designate SACs in Natura 2000 sites'
  • MADIT-M003 - 'Measures to protect target species and targeted habitats through the MPAs'
  • MADIT-M004 - 'Planned measures to increase MPAs'
  • MADIT-M005 - 'Measures to protect target habitats through other protected areas'
  • MADIT-M006 - 'Management measures for benthic habitats in the Mediterranean and identification of protected species and habitats'
  • MADIT-M007 - 'Measures to protect fish stocks through other protected areas (wildlife protection areas)'
  • MADIT-M008 - 'Measures to reduce the impact of fishing and protection of pelagic habitats'
  • MADIT-M009 - 'Protective measures for the taking and selling of endangered species through international agreements'
  • MADIT-M010 - 'Measures for incidental catches of cetaceans in fisheries'
  • MADIT-M011 - 'Measures for the conservation of cetaceans in the Mediterranean, under international agreements'
  • MADIT-M012 - 'Directorial Decree of Ministry of Environment, in cooperation with the Ministry of Health, for the establishment of the coordination of the marine mammal stranding national network (ReNaSMM)'
  • MADIT-M013 - 'Measures for the conservation of wild flora and fauna and natural habitats, and the promotion of cooperation between Member States'
  • MADIT-M014 - 'Bird protection measures through the Birds Directive (2009/147/ EC)'
  • MADIT-M015 - 'National and Community measures for the protection of birds'
  • MADIT-M016 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MADIT-M017 - 'Protective measures for benthic habitats associated with the European legislation (planning, impact assessment, river basin management plans)'
  • MADIT-M018 - 'Measures to protect habitats and associated target species under international conventions'
  • MADIT-M019 - 'Measures for the conservation of migratory species of wild animals'
  • MADIT-M020 - 'Regulatory measures for international trade in endangered species'
  • MADIT-M021 - 'International cetacean protection measures'
  • MADIT-M022 - 'Measures to protect biodiversity through European policies'
  • MADIT-M023 - 'Community and international measures for elasmobranch'
  • MADIT-M024 - 'Measures regulating catches of cetaceans, tortoises and common sturgeon'
  • MADIT-M025 - 'National measures for the protection of biodiversity'
  • MADIT-M026 - 'National measures for recovery, rescue custody and management of marine reptiles'
  • MADIT-M027 - 'Measures for coastal land planning'
  • MADIT-M028 - 'Regulatory measures for commercial fishing and the sustainable exploitation of fish stocks'
  • MADIT-M029 - 'Adoption of National Plans of Fleet Management'
  • MADIT-M030-NEW1 - 'Complete the network of Natura 2000 sites at sea and subsequent identification of conservation measures'
  • MADIT-M031-NEW2 - 'Implementation of technical solutions (methodological and instrumental) for the reduction of the phenomenon of collision with cetaceans'
  • MADIT-M032-NEW3 - 'Acquisition, systematisation and standardisation, as well as consistent recognition, with data from monitoring activities implemented, with particular reference to EIA procedures'
  • MADIT-M033-NEW4 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of elasmobranchs from by-catch'
  • MADIT-M034-NEW5 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of cetaceans and sea turtles from by-catch'
  • MADIT-M035-NEW6 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of seabirds from by-catch'
  • MADIT-M036-NEW7 - 'Implementation of awareness-raising and information measures to prevent removal activities and damage to the benthic species and habitats protected'
  • MADIT-M046 - 'Measures related to the monitoring of fishing vessels'
  • MADIT-M047 - 'Combat IUU fishing'
  • MADIT-M048 - 'Implementation of the new CFP, the EMFF and the triennial plan'
  • MADIT-M049 - 'Fisheries management of bivalve molluscs'
  • MADIT-M059 - 'Implementation of the National Energy Plan'
  • MADIT-M060 - 'Use of the maritime domain and the territorial sea areas'
  • MADIT-M061 - 'Minimum requirements to prevent major accidents in offshore operations and limiting the consequences of such accidents in the hydrocarbon sector'
  • MADIT-M062 - 'Measures concerning the spill of materials from port dredging'
  • MADIT-M063 - 'Related measures and EIA'
  • MADIT-M064 - 'Register of vessels authorised to fish under the GFCM Agreement'
  • MADIT-M087 - 'Measures related to the regulation of approval for the immersion in the sea of excavation seabed materials and dredging'
  • MICIT-M001 - 'Measures related to the management of the Natura 2000 Network sites'
  • MICIT-M002 - 'Planned measures to designate SACs in Natura 2000 sites'
  • MICIT-M003 - 'Measures to protect target species and targeted habitats through the MPAs'
  • MICIT-M004 - 'Planned measures to increase MPAs'
  • MICIT-M005 - 'Measures to protect target habitats through other protected areas'
  • MICIT-M006 - 'Management measures for benthic habitats in the Mediterranean and identification of protected species and habitats'
  • MICIT-M007 - 'Measures to protect fish stocks through other protected areas (wildlife protection areas)'
  • MICIT-M008 - 'Measures to reduce the impact of fishing and protection of pelagic habitats'
  • MICIT-M009 - 'Protective measures for the taking and selling of endangered species through international agreements'
  • MICIT-M010 - 'Measures for incidental catches of cetaceans in fisheries'
  • MICIT-M011 - 'Measures for the conservation of cetaceans in the Mediterranean, under international agreements'
  • MICIT-M012 - 'Directorial Decree of Ministry of Environment, in cooperation with the Ministry of Health, for the establishment of the coordination of the marine mammal stranding national network (ReNaSMM)'
  • MICIT-M013 - 'Measures for the conservation of wild flora and fauna and natural habitats, and the promotion of cooperation between Member States'
  • MICIT-M014 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MICIT-M015 - 'National and Community measures for the protection of birds'
  • MICIT-M016 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MICIT-M017 - 'Protective measures for benthic habitats associated with the European legislation (planning, impact assessment, river basin management plans)'
  • MICIT-M018 - 'Measures to protect habitats and associated target species under international conventions'
  • MICIT-M019 - 'Measures for the conservation of migratory species of wild animals'
  • MICIT-M020 - 'Regulatory measures for international trade in endangered species'
  • MICIT-M021 - 'International cetacean protection measures'
  • MICIT-M022 - 'Measures to protect biodiversity through European policies'
  • MICIT-M023 - 'Community and international measures for elasmobranch'
  • MICIT-M024 - 'Measures regulating catches of cetaceans, tortoises and common sturgeon'
  • MICIT-M025 - 'National measures for the protection of biodiversity'
  • MICIT-M026 - 'National measures for recovery, rescue custody and management of marine reptiles'
  • MICIT-M027 - 'Measures for coastal land planning'
  • MICIT-M028 - 'Regulatory measures for commercial fishing and the sustainable exploitation of fish stocks'
  • MICIT-M029 - 'Adoption of National Plans of Fleet Management'
  • MICIT-M030-NEW1 - 'Complete the network of Natura 2000 sites at sea and subsequent identification of conservation measures'
  • MICIT-M031-NEW2 - 'Implementation of technical solutions (methodological and instrumental) for the reduction of the phenomenon of collision with cetaceans'
  • MICIT-M032-NEW3 - 'Acquisition, systematisation and standardisation, as well as consistent recognition, with data from monitoring activities implemented, with particular reference to EIA procedures'
  • MICIT-M033-NEW4 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of elasmobranchs from by-catch'
  • MICIT-M034-NEW5 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of cetaceans and sea turtles from by-catch'
  • MICIT-M035-NEW6 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of seabirds from by-catch'
  • MICIT-M036-NEW7 - 'Implementation of awareness-raising and information measures to prevent removal activities and damage to the benthic species and habitats protected'
  • MICIT-M044 - 'Measures related to the monitoring of fishing vessels'
  • MICIT-M045 - 'Combat IUU fishing'
  • MICIT-M046 - 'Local management plans for management units'
  • MICIT-M047 - 'Implementation of the new CFP, the EMFF and the triennial plan'
  • MICIT-M048 - 'Fisheries management of bivalve molluscs'
  • MICIT-M058 - 'Implementation of the National Energy Plan'
  • MICIT-M059 - 'Use of the maritime domain and the territorial sea areas'
  • MICIT-M060 - 'Minimum requirements to prevent major accidents in offshore operations and limiting the consequences of such accidents in the hydrocarbon sector'
  • MICIT-M061 - 'Measures concerning the spill of materials from port dredging'
  • MICIT-M062 - 'Related measures and EIA'
  • MICIT-M063 - 'Register of vessels authorised to fish under the GFCM Agreement'
  • MWEIT-M001 - 'Measures related to the management of the Natura 2000 Network sites'
  • MWEIT-M002 - 'Planned measures to designate SACs in Natura 2000 sites'
  • MWEIT-M003 - 'Measures to protect target species and targeted habitats through the MPAs'
  • MWEIT-M004 - 'Planned measures to increase MPAs'
  • MWEIT-M005 - 'Measures to protect target habitats through other protected areas'
  • MWEIT-M006 - 'Management measures for benthic habitats in the Mediterranean and identification of protected species and habitats'
  • MWEIT-M007 - 'Measures to protect fish stocks through other protected areas (wildlife protection areas)'
  • MWEIT-M008 - 'Measures to reduce the impact of fishing and protection of pelagic habitats'
  • MWEIT-M009 - 'Ecological protection measures'
  • MWEIT-M010 - 'Protective measures for the taking and selling of endangered species through international agreements'
  • MWEIT-M011 - 'Measures for incidental catches of cetaceans in fisheries'
  • MWEIT-M012 - 'Measures for the conservation of cetaceans in the Mediterranean, under international agreements'
  • MWEIT-M013 - 'Directorial Decree of Ministry of Environment, in cooperation with the Ministry of Health, for the establishment of the coordination of the marine mammal stranding national network (ReNaSMM)'
  • MWEIT-M014 - 'Measures for the conservation of wild flora and fauna and natural habitats, and the promotion of cooperation between Member States'
  • MWEIT-M015 - 'Bird protection measures through the Birds Directive (2009/147/ EC)'
  • MWEIT-M016 - 'National and Community measures for the protection of birds'
  • MWEIT-M017 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MWEIT-M018 - 'Protective measures for benthic habitats associated with the European legislation (planning, impact assessment, river basin management plans)'
  • MWEIT-M019 - 'Measures to protect habitats and associated target species under international conventions'
  • MWEIT-M020 - 'Measures for the conservation of migratory species of wild animals'
  • MWEIT-M021 - 'Regulatory measures for international trade in endangered species'
  • MWEIT-M022 - 'Measures to promote a pilot area for the control of marine pollution along the coastline stretching from Marseille to La Spezia'
  • MWEIT-M023 - 'International cetacean protection measures'
  • MWEIT-M024 - 'Measures to protect biodiversity through European policies'
  • MWEIT-M025 - 'Community and international measures for elasmobranch'
  • MWEIT-M026 - 'Measures regulating catches of cetaceans, tortoises and common sturgeon'
  • MWEIT-M027 - 'Establishment of measures for the International Whale Sanctuary'
  • MWEIT-M028 - 'National measures for the protection of biodiversity'
  • MWEIT-M029 - 'National measures for recovery, rescue custody and management of marine reptiles'
  • MWEIT-M030 - 'Measures for coastal land planning'
  • MWEIT-M031 - 'Regulatory measures for commercial fishing and the sustainable exploitation of fish stocks'
  • MWEIT-M032 - 'Adoption of National Plans of Fleet Management'
  • MWEIT-M033-NEW1 - 'Complete the network of Natura 2000 sites at sea and subsequent identification of conservation measures'
  • MWEIT-M034-NEW2 - 'Implementation of technical solutions (methodological and instrumental) for the reduction of the phenomenon of collision with cetaceans'
  • MWEIT-M035-NEW3 - 'Acquisition, systematisation and standardisation, as well as consistent recognition, with data from monitoring activities implemented, with particular reference to EIA procedures'
  • MWEIT-M036-NEW4 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of elasmobranchs from by-catch'
  • MWEIT-M037-NEW5 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of cetaceans and sea turtles from by-catch'
  • MWEIT-M038-NEW6 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of seabirds from by-catch'
  • MWEIT-M039-NEW7 - 'Implementation of awareness-raising and information measures to prevent removal activities and damage to the benthic species and habitats protected'
  • MWEIT-M047 - 'Measures related to the monitoring of fishing vessels'
  • MWEIT-M048 - 'Combat IUU fishing'
  • MWEIT-M049 - 'Local management plans for management units'
  • MWEIT-M050 - 'Implementation of the new CFP, the EMFF and the triennial plan'
  • MWEIT-M051 - 'Fisheries management of bivalve molluscs'
  • MWEIT-M061 - 'Implementation of the National Energy Plan'
  • MWEIT-M062 - 'Use of the maritime domain and the territorial sea areas'
  • MWEIT-M063 - 'Minimum requirements to prevent major accidents in offshore operations and limiting the consequences of such accidents in the hydrocarbon sector'
  • MWEIT-M064 - 'Measures concerning the spill of materials from port dredging'
  • MWEIT-M065 - 'Related measures and EIA'
  • MWEIT-M066 - 'Register of vessels authorised to fish under the GFCM Agreement'
  • MWEIT-M089 - 'Measures related to the regulation of approval for the immersion in the sea of excavation seabed materials and dredging'
  • MADIT-M001 - 'Measures related to the management of the Natura 2000 Network sites'
  • MADIT-M002 - 'Planned measures to designate SACs in Natura 2000 sites'
  • MADIT-M003 - 'Measures to protect target species and targeted habitats through the MPAs'
  • MADIT-M004 - 'Planned measures to increase MPAs'
  • MADIT-M005 - 'Measures to protect target habitats through other protected areas'
  • MADIT-M006 - 'Management measures for benthic habitats in the Mediterranean and identification of protected species and habitats'
  • MADIT-M007 - 'Measures to protect fish stocks through other protected areas (wildlife protection areas)'
  • MADIT-M008 - 'Measures to reduce the impact of fishing and protection of pelagic habitats'
  • MADIT-M009 - 'Protective measures for the taking and selling of endangered species through international agreements'
  • MADIT-M010 - 'Measures for incidental catches of cetaceans in fisheries'
  • MADIT-M011 - 'Measures for the conservation of cetaceans in the Mediterranean, under international agreements'
  • MADIT-M012 - 'Directorial Decree of Ministry of Environment, in cooperation with the Ministry of Health, for the establishment of the coordination of the marine mammal stranding national network (ReNaSMM)'
  • MADIT-M013 - 'Measures for the conservation of wild flora and fauna and natural habitats, and the promotion of cooperation between Member States'
  • MADIT-M014 - 'Bird protection measures through the Birds Directive (2009/147/ EC)'
  • MADIT-M015 - 'National and Community measures for the protection of birds'
  • MADIT-M016 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MADIT-M017 - 'Protective measures for benthic habitats associated with the European legislation (planning, impact assessment, river basin management plans)'
  • MADIT-M018 - 'Measures to protect habitats and associated target species under international conventions'
  • MADIT-M019 - 'Measures for the conservation of migratory species of wild animals'
  • MADIT-M020 - 'Regulatory measures for international trade in endangered species'
  • MADIT-M021 - 'International cetacean protection measures'
  • MADIT-M022 - 'Measures to protect biodiversity through European policies'
  • MADIT-M023 - 'Community and international measures for elasmobranch'
  • MADIT-M024 - 'Measures regulating catches of cetaceans, tortoises and common sturgeon'
  • MADIT-M025 - 'National measures for the protection of biodiversity'
  • MADIT-M026 - 'National measures for recovery, rescue custody and management of marine reptiles'
  • MADIT-M027 - 'Measures for coastal land planning'
  • MADIT-M028 - 'Regulatory measures for commercial fishing and the sustainable exploitation of fish stocks'
  • MADIT-M029 - 'Adoption of National Plans of Fleet Management'
  • MADIT-M030-NEW1 - 'Complete the network of Natura 2000 sites at sea and subsequent identification of conservation measures'
  • MADIT-M031-NEW2 - 'Implementation of technical solutions (methodological and instrumental) for the reduction of the phenomenon of collision with cetaceans'
  • MADIT-M032-NEW3 - 'Acquisition, systematisation and standardisation, as well as consistent recognition, with data from monitoring activities implemented, with particular reference to EIA procedures'
  • MADIT-M033-NEW4 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of elasmobranchs from by-catch'
  • MADIT-M034-NEW5 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of cetaceans and sea turtles from by-catch'
  • MADIT-M035-NEW6 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of seabirds from by-catch'
  • MADIT-M036-NEW7 - 'Implementation of awareness-raising and information measures to prevent removal activities and damage to the benthic species and habitats protected'
  • MADIT-M046 - 'Measures related to the monitoring of fishing vessels'
  • MADIT-M047 - 'Combat IUU fishing'
  • MADIT-M048 - 'Implementation of the new CFP, the EMFF and the triennial plan'
  • MADIT-M049 - 'Fisheries management of bivalve molluscs'
  • MADIT-M059 - 'Implementation of the National Energy Plan'
  • MADIT-M060 - 'Use of the maritime domain and the territorial sea areas'
  • MADIT-M061 - 'Minimum requirements to prevent major accidents in offshore operations and limiting the consequences of such accidents in the hydrocarbon sector'
  • MADIT-M062 - 'Measures concerning the spill of materials from port dredging'
  • MADIT-M063 - 'Related measures and EIA'
  • MADIT-M064 - 'Register of vessels authorised to fish under the GFCM Agreement'
  • MADIT-M087 - 'Measures related to the regulation of approval for the immersion in the sea of excavation seabed materials and dredging'
  • MICIT-M001 - 'Measures related to the management of the Natura 2000 Network sites'
  • MICIT-M002 - 'Planned measures to designate SACs in Natura 2000 sites'
  • MICIT-M003 - 'Measures to protect target species and targeted habitats through the MPAs'
  • MICIT-M004 - 'Planned measures to increase MPAs'
  • MICIT-M005 - 'Measures to protect target habitats through other protected areas'
  • MICIT-M006 - 'Management measures for benthic habitats in the Mediterranean and identification of protected species and habitats'
  • MICIT-M007 - 'Measures to protect fish stocks through other protected areas (wildlife protection areas)'
  • MICIT-M008 - 'Measures to reduce the impact of fishing and protection of pelagic habitats'
  • MICIT-M009 - 'Protective measures for the taking and selling of endangered species through international agreements'
  • MICIT-M010 - 'Measures for incidental catches of cetaceans in fisheries'
  • MICIT-M011 - 'Measures for the conservation of cetaceans in the Mediterranean, under international agreements'
  • MICIT-M012 - 'Directorial Decree of Ministry of Environment, in cooperation with the Ministry of Health, for the establishment of the coordination of the marine mammal stranding national network (ReNaSMM)'
  • MICIT-M013 - 'Measures for the conservation of wild flora and fauna and natural habitats, and the promotion of cooperation between Member States'
  • MICIT-M014 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MICIT-M015 - 'National and Community measures for the protection of birds'
  • MICIT-M016 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MICIT-M017 - 'Protective measures for benthic habitats associated with the European legislation (planning, impact assessment, river basin management plans)'
  • MICIT-M018 - 'Measures to protect habitats and associated target species under international conventions'
  • MICIT-M019 - 'Measures for the conservation of migratory species of wild animals'
  • MICIT-M020 - 'Regulatory measures for international trade in endangered species'
  • MICIT-M021 - 'International cetacean protection measures'
  • MICIT-M022 - 'Measures to protect biodiversity through European policies'
  • MICIT-M023 - 'Community and international measures for elasmobranch'
  • MICIT-M024 - 'Measures regulating catches of cetaceans, tortoises and common sturgeon'
  • MICIT-M025 - 'National measures for the protection of biodiversity'
  • MICIT-M026 - 'National measures for recovery, rescue custody and management of marine reptiles'
  • MICIT-M027 - 'Measures for coastal land planning'
  • MICIT-M028 - 'Regulatory measures for commercial fishing and the sustainable exploitation of fish stocks'
  • MICIT-M029 - 'Adoption of National Plans of Fleet Management'
  • MICIT-M030-NEW1 - 'Complete the network of Natura 2000 sites at sea and subsequent identification of conservation measures'
  • MICIT-M031-NEW2 - 'Implementation of technical solutions (methodological and instrumental) for the reduction of the phenomenon of collision with cetaceans'
  • MICIT-M032-NEW3 - 'Acquisition, systematisation and standardisation, as well as consistent recognition, with data from monitoring activities implemented, with particular reference to EIA procedures'
  • MICIT-M033-NEW4 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of elasmobranchs from by-catch'
  • MICIT-M034-NEW5 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of cetaceans and sea turtles from by-catch'
  • MICIT-M035-NEW6 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of seabirds from by-catch'
  • MICIT-M036-NEW7 - 'Implementation of awareness-raising and information measures to prevent removal activities and damage to the benthic species and habitats protected'
  • MICIT-M044 - 'Measures related to the monitoring of fishing vessels'
  • MICIT-M045 - 'Combat IUU fishing'
  • MICIT-M046 - 'Local management plans for management units'
  • MICIT-M047 - 'Implementation of the new CFP, the EMFF and the triennial plan'
  • MICIT-M048 - 'Fisheries management of bivalve molluscs'
  • MICIT-M058 - 'Implementation of the National Energy Plan'
  • MICIT-M059 - 'Use of the maritime domain and the territorial sea areas'
  • MICIT-M060 - 'Minimum requirements to prevent major accidents in offshore operations and limiting the consequences of such accidents in the hydrocarbon sector'
  • MICIT-M061 - 'Measures concerning the spill of materials from port dredging'
  • MICIT-M062 - 'Related measures and EIA'
  • MICIT-M063 - 'Register of vessels authorised to fish under the GFCM Agreement'
  • MWEIT-M001 - 'Measures related to the management of the Natura 2000 Network sites'
  • MWEIT-M002 - 'Planned measures to designate SACs in Natura 2000 sites'
  • MWEIT-M003 - 'Measures to protect target species and targeted habitats through the MPAs'
  • MWEIT-M004 - 'Planned measures to increase MPAs'
  • MWEIT-M005 - 'Measures to protect target habitats through other protected areas'
  • MWEIT-M006 - 'Management measures for benthic habitats in the Mediterranean and identification of protected species and habitats'
  • MWEIT-M007 - 'Measures to protect fish stocks through other protected areas (wildlife protection areas)'
  • MWEIT-M008 - 'Measures to reduce the impact of fishing and protection of pelagic habitats'
  • MWEIT-M009 - 'Ecological protection measures'
  • MWEIT-M010 - 'Protective measures for the taking and selling of endangered species through international agreements'
  • MWEIT-M011 - 'Measures for incidental catches of cetaceans in fisheries'
  • MWEIT-M012 - 'Measures for the conservation of cetaceans in the Mediterranean, under international agreements'
  • MWEIT-M013 - 'Directorial Decree of Ministry of Environment, in cooperation with the Ministry of Health, for the establishment of the coordination of the marine mammal stranding national network (ReNaSMM)'
  • MWEIT-M014 - 'Measures for the conservation of wild flora and fauna and natural habitats, and the promotion of cooperation between Member States'
  • MWEIT-M015 - 'Bird protection measures through the Birds Directive (2009/147/ EC)'
  • MWEIT-M016 - 'National and Community measures for the protection of birds'
  • MWEIT-M017 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MWEIT-M018 - 'Protective measures for benthic habitats associated with the European legislation (planning, impact assessment, river basin management plans)'
  • MWEIT-M019 - 'Measures to protect habitats and associated target species under international conventions'
  • MWEIT-M020 - 'Measures for the conservation of migratory species of wild animals'
  • MWEIT-M021 - 'Regulatory measures for international trade in endangered species'
  • MWEIT-M022 - 'Measures to promote a pilot area for the control of marine pollution along the coastline stretching from Marseille to La Spezia'
  • MWEIT-M023 - 'International cetacean protection measures'
  • MWEIT-M024 - 'Measures to protect biodiversity through European policies'
  • MWEIT-M025 - 'Community and international measures for elasmobranch'
  • MWEIT-M026 - 'Measures regulating catches of cetaceans, tortoises and common sturgeon'
  • MWEIT-M027 - 'Establishment of measures for the International Whale Sanctuary'
  • MWEIT-M028 - 'National measures for the protection of biodiversity'
  • MWEIT-M029 - 'National measures for recovery, rescue custody and management of marine reptiles'
  • MWEIT-M030 - 'Measures for coastal land planning'
  • MWEIT-M031 - 'Regulatory measures for commercial fishing and the sustainable exploitation of fish stocks'
  • MWEIT-M032 - 'Adoption of National Plans of Fleet Management'
  • MWEIT-M033-NEW1 - 'Complete the network of Natura 2000 sites at sea and subsequent identification of conservation measures'
  • MWEIT-M034-NEW2 - 'Implementation of technical solutions (methodological and instrumental) for the reduction of the phenomenon of collision with cetaceans'
  • MWEIT-M035-NEW3 - 'Acquisition, systematisation and standardisation, as well as consistent recognition, with data from monitoring activities implemented, with particular reference to EIA procedures'
  • MWEIT-M036-NEW4 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of elasmobranchs from by-catch'
  • MWEIT-M037-NEW5 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of cetaceans and sea turtles from by-catch'
  • MWEIT-M038-NEW6 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of seabirds from by-catch'
  • MWEIT-M039-NEW7 - 'Implementation of awareness-raising and information measures to prevent removal activities and damage to the benthic species and habitats protected'
  • MWEIT-M047 - 'Measures related to the monitoring of fishing vessels'
  • MWEIT-M048 - 'Combat IUU fishing'
  • MWEIT-M049 - 'Local management plans for management units'
  • MWEIT-M050 - 'Implementation of the new CFP, the EMFF and the triennial plan'
  • MWEIT-M051 - 'Fisheries management of bivalve molluscs'
  • MWEIT-M061 - 'Implementation of the National Energy Plan'
  • MWEIT-M062 - 'Use of the maritime domain and the territorial sea areas'
  • MWEIT-M063 - 'Minimum requirements to prevent major accidents in offshore operations and limiting the consequences of such accidents in the hydrocarbon sector'
  • MWEIT-M064 - 'Measures concerning the spill of materials from port dredging'
  • MWEIT-M065 - 'Related measures and EIA'
  • MWEIT-M066 - 'Register of vessels authorised to fish under the GFCM Agreement'
  • MWEIT-M089 - 'Measures related to the regulation of approval for the immersion in the sea of excavation seabed materials and dredging'
  • MADIT-M001 - 'Measures related to the management of the Natura 2000 Network sites'
  • MADIT-M002 - 'Planned measures to designate SACs in Natura 2000 sites'
  • MADIT-M003 - 'Measures to protect target species and targeted habitats through the MPAs'
  • MADIT-M004 - 'Planned measures to increase MPAs'
  • MADIT-M005 - 'Measures to protect target habitats through other protected areas'
  • MADIT-M006 - 'Management measures for benthic habitats in the Mediterranean and identification of protected species and habitats'
  • MADIT-M007 - 'Measures to protect fish stocks through other protected areas (wildlife protection areas)'
  • MADIT-M008 - 'Measures to reduce the impact of fishing and protection of pelagic habitats'
  • MADIT-M009 - 'Protective measures for the taking and selling of endangered species through international agreements'
  • MADIT-M010 - 'Measures for incidental catches of cetaceans in fisheries'
  • MADIT-M011 - 'Measures for the conservation of cetaceans in the Mediterranean, under international agreements'
  • MADIT-M012 - 'Directorial Decree of Ministry of Environment, in cooperation with the Ministry of Health, for the establishment of the coordination of the marine mammal stranding national network (ReNaSMM)'
  • MADIT-M013 - 'Measures for the conservation of wild flora and fauna and natural habitats, and the promotion of cooperation between Member States'
  • MADIT-M014 - 'Bird protection measures through the Birds Directive (2009/147/ EC)'
  • MADIT-M015 - 'National and Community measures for the protection of birds'
  • MADIT-M016 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MADIT-M017 - 'Protective measures for benthic habitats associated with the European legislation (planning, impact assessment, river basin management plans)'
  • MADIT-M018 - 'Measures to protect habitats and associated target species under international conventions'
  • MADIT-M019 - 'Measures for the conservation of migratory species of wild animals'
  • MADIT-M020 - 'Regulatory measures for international trade in endangered species'
  • MADIT-M021 - 'International cetacean protection measures'
  • MADIT-M022 - 'Measures to protect biodiversity through European policies'
  • MADIT-M023 - 'Community and international measures for elasmobranch'
  • MADIT-M024 - 'Measures regulating catches of cetaceans, tortoises and common sturgeon'
  • MADIT-M025 - 'National measures for the protection of biodiversity'
  • MADIT-M026 - 'National measures for recovery, rescue custody and management of marine reptiles'
  • MADIT-M027 - 'Measures for coastal land planning'
  • MADIT-M028 - 'Regulatory measures for commercial fishing and the sustainable exploitation of fish stocks'
  • MADIT-M029 - 'Adoption of National Plans of Fleet Management'
  • MADIT-M030-NEW1 - 'Complete the network of Natura 2000 sites at sea and subsequent identification of conservation measures'
  • MADIT-M031-NEW2 - 'Implementation of technical solutions (methodological and instrumental) for the reduction of the phenomenon of collision with cetaceans'
  • MADIT-M032-NEW3 - 'Acquisition, systematisation and standardisation, as well as consistent recognition, with data from monitoring activities implemented, with particular reference to EIA procedures'
  • MADIT-M033-NEW4 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of elasmobranchs from by-catch'
  • MADIT-M034-NEW5 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of cetaceans and sea turtles from by-catch'
  • MADIT-M035-NEW6 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of seabirds from by-catch'
  • MADIT-M036-NEW7 - 'Implementation of awareness-raising and information measures to prevent removal activities and damage to the benthic species and habitats protected'
  • MADIT-M046 - 'Measures related to the monitoring of fishing vessels'
  • MADIT-M047 - 'Combat IUU fishing'
  • MADIT-M048 - 'Implementation of the new CFP, the EMFF and the triennial plan'
  • MADIT-M049 - 'Fisheries management of bivalve molluscs'
  • MADIT-M059 - 'Implementation of the National Energy Plan'
  • MADIT-M060 - 'Use of the maritime domain and the territorial sea areas'
  • MADIT-M061 - 'Minimum requirements to prevent major accidents in offshore operations and limiting the consequences of such accidents in the hydrocarbon sector'
  • MADIT-M062 - 'Measures concerning the spill of materials from port dredging'
  • MADIT-M063 - 'Related measures and EIA'
  • MADIT-M064 - 'Register of vessels authorised to fish under the GFCM Agreement'
  • MADIT-M087 - 'Measures related to the regulation of approval for the immersion in the sea of excavation seabed materials and dredging'
  • MICIT-M001 - 'Measures related to the management of the Natura 2000 Network sites'
  • MICIT-M002 - 'Planned measures to designate SACs in Natura 2000 sites'
  • MICIT-M003 - 'Measures to protect target species and targeted habitats through the MPAs'
  • MICIT-M004 - 'Planned measures to increase MPAs'
  • MICIT-M005 - 'Measures to protect target habitats through other protected areas'
  • MICIT-M006 - 'Management measures for benthic habitats in the Mediterranean and identification of protected species and habitats'
  • MICIT-M007 - 'Measures to protect fish stocks through other protected areas (wildlife protection areas)'
  • MICIT-M008 - 'Measures to reduce the impact of fishing and protection of pelagic habitats'
  • MICIT-M009 - 'Protective measures for the taking and selling of endangered species through international agreements'
  • MICIT-M010 - 'Measures for incidental catches of cetaceans in fisheries'
  • MICIT-M011 - 'Measures for the conservation of cetaceans in the Mediterranean, under international agreements'
  • MICIT-M012 - 'Directorial Decree of Ministry of Environment, in cooperation with the Ministry of Health, for the establishment of the coordination of the marine mammal stranding national network (ReNaSMM)'
  • MICIT-M013 - 'Measures for the conservation of wild flora and fauna and natural habitats, and the promotion of cooperation between Member States'
  • MICIT-M014 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MICIT-M015 - 'National and Community measures for the protection of birds'
  • MICIT-M016 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MICIT-M017 - 'Protective measures for benthic habitats associated with the European legislation (planning, impact assessment, river basin management plans)'
  • MICIT-M018 - 'Measures to protect habitats and associated target species under international conventions'
  • MICIT-M019 - 'Measures for the conservation of migratory species of wild animals'
  • MICIT-M020 - 'Regulatory measures for international trade in endangered species'
  • MICIT-M021 - 'International cetacean protection measures'
  • MICIT-M022 - 'Measures to protect biodiversity through European policies'
  • MICIT-M023 - 'Community and international measures for elasmobranch'
  • MICIT-M024 - 'Measures regulating catches of cetaceans, tortoises and common sturgeon'
  • MICIT-M025 - 'National measures for the protection of biodiversity'
  • MICIT-M026 - 'National measures for recovery, rescue custody and management of marine reptiles'
  • MICIT-M027 - 'Measures for coastal land planning'
  • MICIT-M028 - 'Regulatory measures for commercial fishing and the sustainable exploitation of fish stocks'
  • MICIT-M029 - 'Adoption of National Plans of Fleet Management'
  • MICIT-M030-NEW1 - 'Complete the network of Natura 2000 sites at sea and subsequent identification of conservation measures'
  • MICIT-M031-NEW2 - 'Implementation of technical solutions (methodological and instrumental) for the reduction of the phenomenon of collision with cetaceans'
  • MICIT-M032-NEW3 - 'Acquisition, systematisation and standardisation, as well as consistent recognition, with data from monitoring activities implemented, with particular reference to EIA procedures'
  • MICIT-M033-NEW4 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of elasmobranchs from by-catch'
  • MICIT-M034-NEW5 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of cetaceans and sea turtles from by-catch'
  • MICIT-M035-NEW6 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of seabirds from by-catch'
  • MICIT-M036-NEW7 - 'Implementation of awareness-raising and information measures to prevent removal activities and damage to the benthic species and habitats protected'
  • MICIT-M044 - 'Measures related to the monitoring of fishing vessels'
  • MICIT-M045 - 'Combat IUU fishing'
  • MICIT-M046 - 'Local management plans for management units'
  • MICIT-M047 - 'Implementation of the new CFP, the EMFF and the triennial plan'
  • MICIT-M048 - 'Fisheries management of bivalve molluscs'
  • MICIT-M058 - 'Implementation of the National Energy Plan'
  • MICIT-M059 - 'Use of the maritime domain and the territorial sea areas'
  • MICIT-M060 - 'Minimum requirements to prevent major accidents in offshore operations and limiting the consequences of such accidents in the hydrocarbon sector'
  • MICIT-M061 - 'Measures concerning the spill of materials from port dredging'
  • MICIT-M062 - 'Related measures and EIA'
  • MICIT-M063 - 'Register of vessels authorised to fish under the GFCM Agreement'
  • MWEIT-M001 - 'Measures related to the management of the Natura 2000 Network sites'
  • MWEIT-M002 - 'Planned measures to designate SACs in Natura 2000 sites'
  • MWEIT-M003 - 'Measures to protect target species and targeted habitats through the MPAs'
  • MWEIT-M004 - 'Planned measures to increase MPAs'
  • MWEIT-M005 - 'Measures to protect target habitats through other protected areas'
  • MWEIT-M006 - 'Management measures for benthic habitats in the Mediterranean and identification of protected species and habitats'
  • MWEIT-M007 - 'Measures to protect fish stocks through other protected areas (wildlife protection areas)'
  • MWEIT-M008 - 'Measures to reduce the impact of fishing and protection of pelagic habitats'
  • MWEIT-M009 - 'Ecological protection measures'
  • MWEIT-M010 - 'Protective measures for the taking and selling of endangered species through international agreements'
  • MWEIT-M011 - 'Measures for incidental catches of cetaceans in fisheries'
  • MWEIT-M012 - 'Measures for the conservation of cetaceans in the Mediterranean, under international agreements'
  • MWEIT-M013 - 'Directorial Decree of Ministry of Environment, in cooperation with the Ministry of Health, for the establishment of the coordination of the marine mammal stranding national network (ReNaSMM)'
  • MWEIT-M014 - 'Measures for the conservation of wild flora and fauna and natural habitats, and the promotion of cooperation between Member States'
  • MWEIT-M015 - 'Bird protection measures through the Birds Directive (2009/147/ EC)'
  • MWEIT-M016 - 'National and Community measures for the protection of birds'
  • MWEIT-M017 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MWEIT-M018 - 'Protective measures for benthic habitats associated with the European legislation (planning, impact assessment, river basin management plans)'
  • MWEIT-M019 - 'Measures to protect habitats and associated target species under international conventions'
  • MWEIT-M020 - 'Measures for the conservation of migratory species of wild animals'
  • MWEIT-M021 - 'Regulatory measures for international trade in endangered species'
  • MWEIT-M022 - 'Measures to promote a pilot area for the control of marine pollution along the coastline stretching from Marseille to La Spezia'
  • MWEIT-M023 - 'International cetacean protection measures'
  • MWEIT-M024 - 'Measures to protect biodiversity through European policies'
  • MWEIT-M025 - 'Community and international measures for elasmobranch'
  • MWEIT-M026 - 'Measures regulating catches of cetaceans, tortoises and common sturgeon'
  • MWEIT-M027 - 'Establishment of measures for the International Whale Sanctuary'
  • MWEIT-M028 - 'National measures for the protection of biodiversity'
  • MWEIT-M029 - 'National measures for recovery, rescue custody and management of marine reptiles'
  • MWEIT-M030 - 'Measures for coastal land planning'
  • MWEIT-M031 - 'Regulatory measures for commercial fishing and the sustainable exploitation of fish stocks'
  • MWEIT-M032 - 'Adoption of National Plans of Fleet Management'
  • MWEIT-M033-NEW1 - 'Complete the network of Natura 2000 sites at sea and subsequent identification of conservation measures'
  • MWEIT-M034-NEW2 - 'Implementation of technical solutions (methodological and instrumental) for the reduction of the phenomenon of collision with cetaceans'
  • MWEIT-M035-NEW3 - 'Acquisition, systematisation and standardisation, as well as consistent recognition, with data from monitoring activities implemented, with particular reference to EIA procedures'
  • MWEIT-M036-NEW4 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of elasmobranchs from by-catch'
  • MWEIT-M037-NEW5 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of cetaceans and sea turtles from by-catch'
  • MWEIT-M038-NEW6 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of seabirds from by-catch'
  • MWEIT-M039-NEW7 - 'Implementation of awareness-raising and information measures to prevent removal activities and damage to the benthic species and habitats protected'
  • MWEIT-M047 - 'Measures related to the monitoring of fishing vessels'
  • MWEIT-M048 - 'Combat IUU fishing'
  • MWEIT-M049 - 'Local management plans for management units'
  • MWEIT-M050 - 'Implementation of the new CFP, the EMFF and the triennial plan'
  • MWEIT-M051 - 'Fisheries management of bivalve molluscs'
  • MWEIT-M061 - 'Implementation of the National Energy Plan'
  • MWEIT-M062 - 'Use of the maritime domain and the territorial sea areas'
  • MWEIT-M063 - 'Minimum requirements to prevent major accidents in offshore operations and limiting the consequences of such accidents in the hydrocarbon sector'
  • MWEIT-M064 - 'Measures concerning the spill of materials from port dredging'
  • MWEIT-M065 - 'Related measures and EIA'
  • MWEIT-M066 - 'Register of vessels authorised to fish under the GFCM Agreement'
  • MWEIT-M089 - 'Measures related to the regulation of approval for the immersion in the sea of excavation seabed materials and dredging'
  • MADIT-M001 - 'Measures related to the management of the Natura 2000 Network sites'
  • MADIT-M002 - 'Planned measures to designate SACs in Natura 2000 sites'
  • MADIT-M003 - 'Measures to protect target species and targeted habitats through the MPAs'
  • MADIT-M004 - 'Planned measures to increase MPAs'
  • MADIT-M005 - 'Measures to protect target habitats through other protected areas'
  • MADIT-M006 - 'Management measures for benthic habitats in the Mediterranean and identification of protected species and habitats'
  • MADIT-M007 - 'Measures to protect fish stocks through other protected areas (wildlife protection areas)'
  • MADIT-M008 - 'Measures to reduce the impact of fishing and protection of pelagic habitats'
  • MADIT-M009 - 'Protective measures for the taking and selling of endangered species through international agreements'
  • MADIT-M010 - 'Measures for incidental catches of cetaceans in fisheries'
  • MADIT-M011 - 'Measures for the conservation of cetaceans in the Mediterranean, under international agreements'
  • MADIT-M012 - 'Directorial Decree of Ministry of Environment, in cooperation with the Ministry of Health, for the establishment of the coordination of the marine mammal stranding national network (ReNaSMM)'
  • MADIT-M013 - 'Measures for the conservation of wild flora and fauna and natural habitats, and the promotion of cooperation between Member States'
  • MADIT-M014 - 'Bird protection measures through the Birds Directive (2009/147/ EC)'
  • MADIT-M015 - 'National and Community measures for the protection of birds'
  • MADIT-M016 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MADIT-M017 - 'Protective measures for benthic habitats associated with the European legislation (planning, impact assessment, river basin management plans)'
  • MADIT-M018 - 'Measures to protect habitats and associated target species under international conventions'
  • MADIT-M019 - 'Measures for the conservation of migratory species of wild animals'
  • MADIT-M020 - 'Regulatory measures for international trade in endangered species'
  • MADIT-M021 - 'International cetacean protection measures'
  • MADIT-M022 - 'Measures to protect biodiversity through European policies'
  • MADIT-M023 - 'Community and international measures for elasmobranch'
  • MADIT-M024 - 'Measures regulating catches of cetaceans, tortoises and common sturgeon'
  • MADIT-M025 - 'National measures for the protection of biodiversity'
  • MADIT-M026 - 'National measures for recovery, rescue custody and management of marine reptiles'
  • MADIT-M027 - 'Measures for coastal land planning'
  • MADIT-M028 - 'Regulatory measures for commercial fishing and the sustainable exploitation of fish stocks'
  • MADIT-M029 - 'Adoption of National Plans of Fleet Management'
  • MADIT-M030-NEW1 - 'Complete the network of Natura 2000 sites at sea and subsequent identification of conservation measures'
  • MADIT-M031-NEW2 - 'Implementation of technical solutions (methodological and instrumental) for the reduction of the phenomenon of collision with cetaceans'
  • MADIT-M032-NEW3 - 'Acquisition, systematisation and standardisation, as well as consistent recognition, with data from monitoring activities implemented, with particular reference to EIA procedures'
  • MADIT-M033-NEW4 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of elasmobranchs from by-catch'
  • MADIT-M034-NEW5 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of cetaceans and sea turtles from by-catch'
  • MADIT-M035-NEW6 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of seabirds from by-catch'
  • MADIT-M036-NEW7 - 'Implementation of awareness-raising and information measures to prevent removal activities and damage to the benthic species and habitats protected'
  • MADIT-M046 - 'Measures related to the monitoring of fishing vessels'
  • MADIT-M047 - 'Combat IUU fishing'
  • MADIT-M048 - 'Implementation of the new CFP, the EMFF and the triennial plan'
  • MADIT-M049 - 'Fisheries management of bivalve molluscs'
  • MADIT-M059 - 'Implementation of the National Energy Plan'
  • MADIT-M060 - 'Use of the maritime domain and the territorial sea areas'
  • MADIT-M061 - 'Minimum requirements to prevent major accidents in offshore operations and limiting the consequences of such accidents in the hydrocarbon sector'
  • MADIT-M062 - 'Measures concerning the spill of materials from port dredging'
  • MADIT-M063 - 'Related measures and EIA'
  • MADIT-M064 - 'Register of vessels authorised to fish under the GFCM Agreement'
  • MADIT-M087 - 'Measures related to the regulation of approval for the immersion in the sea of excavation seabed materials and dredging'
  • MICIT-M001 - 'Measures related to the management of the Natura 2000 Network sites'
  • MICIT-M002 - 'Planned measures to designate SACs in Natura 2000 sites'
  • MICIT-M003 - 'Measures to protect target species and targeted habitats through the MPAs'
  • MICIT-M004 - 'Planned measures to increase MPAs'
  • MICIT-M005 - 'Measures to protect target habitats through other protected areas'
  • MICIT-M006 - 'Management measures for benthic habitats in the Mediterranean and identification of protected species and habitats'
  • MICIT-M007 - 'Measures to protect fish stocks through other protected areas (wildlife protection areas)'
  • MICIT-M008 - 'Measures to reduce the impact of fishing and protection of pelagic habitats'
  • MICIT-M009 - 'Protective measures for the taking and selling of endangered species through international agreements'
  • MICIT-M010 - 'Measures for incidental catches of cetaceans in fisheries'
  • MICIT-M011 - 'Measures for the conservation of cetaceans in the Mediterranean, under international agreements'
  • MICIT-M012 - 'Directorial Decree of Ministry of Environment, in cooperation with the Ministry of Health, for the establishment of the coordination of the marine mammal stranding national network (ReNaSMM)'
  • MICIT-M013 - 'Measures for the conservation of wild flora and fauna and natural habitats, and the promotion of cooperation between Member States'
  • MICIT-M014 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MICIT-M015 - 'National and Community measures for the protection of birds'
  • MICIT-M016 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MICIT-M017 - 'Protective measures for benthic habitats associated with the European legislation (planning, impact assessment, river basin management plans)'
  • MICIT-M018 - 'Measures to protect habitats and associated target species under international conventions'
  • MICIT-M019 - 'Measures for the conservation of migratory species of wild animals'
  • MICIT-M020 - 'Regulatory measures for international trade in endangered species'
  • MICIT-M021 - 'International cetacean protection measures'
  • MICIT-M022 - 'Measures to protect biodiversity through European policies'
  • MICIT-M023 - 'Community and international measures for elasmobranch'
  • MICIT-M024 - 'Measures regulating catches of cetaceans, tortoises and common sturgeon'
  • MICIT-M025 - 'National measures for the protection of biodiversity'
  • MICIT-M026 - 'National measures for recovery, rescue custody and management of marine reptiles'
  • MICIT-M027 - 'Measures for coastal land planning'
  • MICIT-M028 - 'Regulatory measures for commercial fishing and the sustainable exploitation of fish stocks'
  • MICIT-M029 - 'Adoption of National Plans of Fleet Management'
  • MICIT-M030-NEW1 - 'Complete the network of Natura 2000 sites at sea and subsequent identification of conservation measures'
  • MICIT-M031-NEW2 - 'Implementation of technical solutions (methodological and instrumental) for the reduction of the phenomenon of collision with cetaceans'
  • MICIT-M032-NEW3 - 'Acquisition, systematisation and standardisation, as well as consistent recognition, with data from monitoring activities implemented, with particular reference to EIA procedures'
  • MICIT-M033-NEW4 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of elasmobranchs from by-catch'
  • MICIT-M034-NEW5 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of cetaceans and sea turtles from by-catch'
  • MICIT-M035-NEW6 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of seabirds from by-catch'
  • MICIT-M036-NEW7 - 'Implementation of awareness-raising and information measures to prevent removal activities and damage to the benthic species and habitats protected'
  • MICIT-M044 - 'Measures related to the monitoring of fishing vessels'
  • MICIT-M045 - 'Combat IUU fishing'
  • MICIT-M046 - 'Local management plans for management units'
  • MICIT-M047 - 'Implementation of the new CFP, the EMFF and the triennial plan'
  • MICIT-M048 - 'Fisheries management of bivalve molluscs'
  • MICIT-M058 - 'Implementation of the National Energy Plan'
  • MICIT-M059 - 'Use of the maritime domain and the territorial sea areas'
  • MICIT-M060 - 'Minimum requirements to prevent major accidents in offshore operations and limiting the consequences of such accidents in the hydrocarbon sector'
  • MICIT-M061 - 'Measures concerning the spill of materials from port dredging'
  • MICIT-M062 - 'Related measures and EIA'
  • MICIT-M063 - 'Register of vessels authorised to fish under the GFCM Agreement'
  • MWEIT-M001 - 'Measures related to the management of the Natura 2000 Network sites'
  • MWEIT-M002 - 'Planned measures to designate SACs in Natura 2000 sites'
  • MWEIT-M003 - 'Measures to protect target species and targeted habitats through the MPAs'
  • MWEIT-M004 - 'Planned measures to increase MPAs'
  • MWEIT-M005 - 'Measures to protect target habitats through other protected areas'
  • MWEIT-M006 - 'Management measures for benthic habitats in the Mediterranean and identification of protected species and habitats'
  • MWEIT-M007 - 'Measures to protect fish stocks through other protected areas (wildlife protection areas)'
  • MWEIT-M008 - 'Measures to reduce the impact of fishing and protection of pelagic habitats'
  • MWEIT-M009 - 'Ecological protection measures'
  • MWEIT-M010 - 'Protective measures for the taking and selling of endangered species through international agreements'
  • MWEIT-M011 - 'Measures for incidental catches of cetaceans in fisheries'
  • MWEIT-M012 - 'Measures for the conservation of cetaceans in the Mediterranean, under international agreements'
  • MWEIT-M013 - 'Directorial Decree of Ministry of Environment, in cooperation with the Ministry of Health, for the establishment of the coordination of the marine mammal stranding national network (ReNaSMM)'
  • MWEIT-M014 - 'Measures for the conservation of wild flora and fauna and natural habitats, and the promotion of cooperation between Member States'
  • MWEIT-M015 - 'Bird protection measures through the Birds Directive (2009/147/ EC)'
  • MWEIT-M016 - 'National and Community measures for the protection of birds'
  • MWEIT-M017 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MWEIT-M018 - 'Protective measures for benthic habitats associated with the European legislation (planning, impact assessment, river basin management plans)'
  • MWEIT-M019 - 'Measures to protect habitats and associated target species under international conventions'
  • MWEIT-M020 - 'Measures for the conservation of migratory species of wild animals'
  • MWEIT-M021 - 'Regulatory measures for international trade in endangered species'
  • MWEIT-M022 - 'Measures to promote a pilot area for the control of marine pollution along the coastline stretching from Marseille to La Spezia'
  • MWEIT-M023 - 'International cetacean protection measures'
  • MWEIT-M024 - 'Measures to protect biodiversity through European policies'
  • MWEIT-M025 - 'Community and international measures for elasmobranch'
  • MWEIT-M026 - 'Measures regulating catches of cetaceans, tortoises and common sturgeon'
  • MWEIT-M027 - 'Establishment of measures for the International Whale Sanctuary'
  • MWEIT-M028 - 'National measures for the protection of biodiversity'
  • MWEIT-M029 - 'National measures for recovery, rescue custody and management of marine reptiles'
  • MWEIT-M030 - 'Measures for coastal land planning'
  • MWEIT-M031 - 'Regulatory measures for commercial fishing and the sustainable exploitation of fish stocks'
  • MWEIT-M032 - 'Adoption of National Plans of Fleet Management'
  • MWEIT-M033-NEW1 - 'Complete the network of Natura 2000 sites at sea and subsequent identification of conservation measures'
  • MWEIT-M034-NEW2 - 'Implementation of technical solutions (methodological and instrumental) for the reduction of the phenomenon of collision with cetaceans'
  • MWEIT-M035-NEW3 - 'Acquisition, systematisation and standardisation, as well as consistent recognition, with data from monitoring activities implemented, with particular reference to EIA procedures'
  • MWEIT-M036-NEW4 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of elasmobranchs from by-catch'
  • MWEIT-M037-NEW5 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of cetaceans and sea turtles from by-catch'
  • MWEIT-M038-NEW6 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of seabirds from by-catch'
  • MWEIT-M039-NEW7 - 'Implementation of awareness-raising and information measures to prevent removal activities and damage to the benthic species and habitats protected'
  • MWEIT-M047 - 'Measures related to the monitoring of fishing vessels'
  • MWEIT-M048 - 'Combat IUU fishing'
  • MWEIT-M049 - 'Local management plans for management units'
  • MWEIT-M050 - 'Implementation of the new CFP, the EMFF and the triennial plan'
  • MWEIT-M051 - 'Fisheries management of bivalve molluscs'
  • MWEIT-M061 - 'Implementation of the National Energy Plan'
  • MWEIT-M062 - 'Use of the maritime domain and the territorial sea areas'
  • MWEIT-M063 - 'Minimum requirements to prevent major accidents in offshore operations and limiting the consequences of such accidents in the hydrocarbon sector'
  • MWEIT-M064 - 'Measures concerning the spill of materials from port dredging'
  • MWEIT-M065 - 'Related measures and EIA'
  • MWEIT-M066 - 'Register of vessels authorised to fish under the GFCM Agreement'
  • MWEIT-M089 - 'Measures related to the regulation of approval for the immersion in the sea of excavation seabed materials and dredging'
  • MADIT-M001 - 'Measures related to the management of the Natura 2000 Network sites'
  • MADIT-M002 - 'Planned measures to designate SACs in Natura 2000 sites'
  • MADIT-M003 - 'Measures to protect target species and targeted habitats through the MPAs'
  • MADIT-M004 - 'Planned measures to increase MPAs'
  • MADIT-M005 - 'Measures to protect target habitats through other protected areas'
  • MADIT-M006 - 'Management measures for benthic habitats in the Mediterranean and identification of protected species and habitats'
  • MADIT-M007 - 'Measures to protect fish stocks through other protected areas (wildlife protection areas)'
  • MADIT-M008 - 'Measures to reduce the impact of fishing and protection of pelagic habitats'
  • MADIT-M009 - 'Protective measures for the taking and selling of endangered species through international agreements'
  • MADIT-M010 - 'Measures for incidental catches of cetaceans in fisheries'
  • MADIT-M011 - 'Measures for the conservation of cetaceans in the Mediterranean, under international agreements'
  • MADIT-M012 - 'Directorial Decree of Ministry of Environment, in cooperation with the Ministry of Health, for the establishment of the coordination of the marine mammal stranding national network (ReNaSMM)'
  • MADIT-M013 - 'Measures for the conservation of wild flora and fauna and natural habitats, and the promotion of cooperation between Member States'
  • MADIT-M014 - 'Bird protection measures through the Birds Directive (2009/147/ EC)'
  • MADIT-M015 - 'National and Community measures for the protection of birds'
  • MADIT-M016 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MADIT-M017 - 'Protective measures for benthic habitats associated with the European legislation (planning, impact assessment, river basin management plans)'
  • MADIT-M018 - 'Measures to protect habitats and associated target species under international conventions'
  • MADIT-M019 - 'Measures for the conservation of migratory species of wild animals'
  • MADIT-M020 - 'Regulatory measures for international trade in endangered species'
  • MADIT-M021 - 'International cetacean protection measures'
  • MADIT-M022 - 'Measures to protect biodiversity through European policies'
  • MADIT-M023 - 'Community and international measures for elasmobranch'
  • MADIT-M024 - 'Measures regulating catches of cetaceans, tortoises and common sturgeon'
  • MADIT-M025 - 'National measures for the protection of biodiversity'
  • MADIT-M026 - 'National measures for recovery, rescue custody and management of marine reptiles'
  • MADIT-M027 - 'Measures for coastal land planning'
  • MADIT-M028 - 'Regulatory measures for commercial fishing and the sustainable exploitation of fish stocks'
  • MADIT-M029 - 'Adoption of National Plans of Fleet Management'
  • MADIT-M030-NEW1 - 'Complete the network of Natura 2000 sites at sea and subsequent identification of conservation measures'
  • MADIT-M031-NEW2 - 'Implementation of technical solutions (methodological and instrumental) for the reduction of the phenomenon of collision with cetaceans'
  • MADIT-M032-NEW3 - 'Acquisition, systematisation and standardisation, as well as consistent recognition, with data from monitoring activities implemented, with particular reference to EIA procedures'
  • MADIT-M033-NEW4 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of elasmobranchs from by-catch'
  • MADIT-M034-NEW5 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of cetaceans and sea turtles from by-catch'
  • MADIT-M035-NEW6 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of seabirds from by-catch'
  • MADIT-M036-NEW7 - 'Implementation of awareness-raising and information measures to prevent removal activities and damage to the benthic species and habitats protected'
  • MADIT-M046 - 'Measures related to the monitoring of fishing vessels'
  • MADIT-M047 - 'Combat IUU fishing'
  • MADIT-M048 - 'Implementation of the new CFP, the EMFF and the triennial plan'
  • MADIT-M049 - 'Fisheries management of bivalve molluscs'
  • MADIT-M059 - 'Implementation of the National Energy Plan'
  • MADIT-M060 - 'Use of the maritime domain and the territorial sea areas'
  • MADIT-M061 - 'Minimum requirements to prevent major accidents in offshore operations and limiting the consequences of such accidents in the hydrocarbon sector'
  • MADIT-M062 - 'Measures concerning the spill of materials from port dredging'
  • MADIT-M063 - 'Related measures and EIA'
  • MADIT-M064 - 'Register of vessels authorised to fish under the GFCM Agreement'
  • MADIT-M087 - 'Measures related to the regulation of approval for the immersion in the sea of excavation seabed materials and dredging'
  • MICIT-M001 - 'Measures related to the management of the Natura 2000 Network sites'
  • MICIT-M002 - 'Planned measures to designate SACs in Natura 2000 sites'
  • MICIT-M003 - 'Measures to protect target species and targeted habitats through the MPAs'
  • MICIT-M004 - 'Planned measures to increase MPAs'
  • MICIT-M005 - 'Measures to protect target habitats through other protected areas'
  • MICIT-M006 - 'Management measures for benthic habitats in the Mediterranean and identification of protected species and habitats'
  • MICIT-M007 - 'Measures to protect fish stocks through other protected areas (wildlife protection areas)'
  • MICIT-M008 - 'Measures to reduce the impact of fishing and protection of pelagic habitats'
  • MICIT-M009 - 'Protective measures for the taking and selling of endangered species through international agreements'
  • MICIT-M010 - 'Measures for incidental catches of cetaceans in fisheries'
  • MICIT-M011 - 'Measures for the conservation of cetaceans in the Mediterranean, under international agreements'
  • MICIT-M012 - 'Directorial Decree of Ministry of Environment, in cooperation with the Ministry of Health, for the establishment of the coordination of the marine mammal stranding national network (ReNaSMM)'
  • MICIT-M013 - 'Measures for the conservation of wild flora and fauna and natural habitats, and the promotion of cooperation between Member States'
  • MICIT-M014 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MICIT-M015 - 'National and Community measures for the protection of birds'
  • MICIT-M016 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MICIT-M017 - 'Protective measures for benthic habitats associated with the European legislation (planning, impact assessment, river basin management plans)'
  • MICIT-M018 - 'Measures to protect habitats and associated target species under international conventions'
  • MICIT-M019 - 'Measures for the conservation of migratory species of wild animals'
  • MICIT-M020 - 'Regulatory measures for international trade in endangered species'
  • MICIT-M021 - 'International cetacean protection measures'
  • MICIT-M022 - 'Measures to protect biodiversity through European policies'
  • MICIT-M023 - 'Community and international measures for elasmobranch'
  • MICIT-M024 - 'Measures regulating catches of cetaceans, tortoises and common sturgeon'
  • MICIT-M025 - 'National measures for the protection of biodiversity'
  • MICIT-M026 - 'National measures for recovery, rescue custody and management of marine reptiles'
  • MICIT-M027 - 'Measures for coastal land planning'
  • MICIT-M028 - 'Regulatory measures for commercial fishing and the sustainable exploitation of fish stocks'
  • MICIT-M029 - 'Adoption of National Plans of Fleet Management'
  • MICIT-M030-NEW1 - 'Complete the network of Natura 2000 sites at sea and subsequent identification of conservation measures'
  • MICIT-M031-NEW2 - 'Implementation of technical solutions (methodological and instrumental) for the reduction of the phenomenon of collision with cetaceans'
  • MICIT-M032-NEW3 - 'Acquisition, systematisation and standardisation, as well as consistent recognition, with data from monitoring activities implemented, with particular reference to EIA procedures'
  • MICIT-M033-NEW4 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of elasmobranchs from by-catch'
  • MICIT-M034-NEW5 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of cetaceans and sea turtles from by-catch'
  • MICIT-M035-NEW6 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of seabirds from by-catch'
  • MICIT-M036-NEW7 - 'Implementation of awareness-raising and information measures to prevent removal activities and damage to the benthic species and habitats protected'
  • MICIT-M044 - 'Measures related to the monitoring of fishing vessels'
  • MICIT-M045 - 'Combat IUU fishing'
  • MICIT-M046 - 'Local management plans for management units'
  • MICIT-M047 - 'Implementation of the new CFP, the EMFF and the triennial plan'
  • MICIT-M048 - 'Fisheries management of bivalve molluscs'
  • MICIT-M058 - 'Implementation of the National Energy Plan'
  • MICIT-M059 - 'Use of the maritime domain and the territorial sea areas'
  • MICIT-M060 - 'Minimum requirements to prevent major accidents in offshore operations and limiting the consequences of such accidents in the hydrocarbon sector'
  • MICIT-M061 - 'Measures concerning the spill of materials from port dredging'
  • MICIT-M062 - 'Related measures and EIA'
  • MICIT-M063 - 'Register of vessels authorised to fish under the GFCM Agreement'
  • MWEIT-M001 - 'Measures related to the management of the Natura 2000 Network sites'
  • MWEIT-M002 - 'Planned measures to designate SACs in Natura 2000 sites'
  • MWEIT-M003 - 'Measures to protect target species and targeted habitats through the MPAs'
  • MWEIT-M004 - 'Planned measures to increase MPAs'
  • MWEIT-M005 - 'Measures to protect target habitats through other protected areas'
  • MWEIT-M006 - 'Management measures for benthic habitats in the Mediterranean and identification of protected species and habitats'
  • MWEIT-M007 - 'Measures to protect fish stocks through other protected areas (wildlife protection areas)'
  • MWEIT-M008 - 'Measures to reduce the impact of fishing and protection of pelagic habitats'
  • MWEIT-M009 - 'Ecological protection measures'
  • MWEIT-M010 - 'Protective measures for the taking and selling of endangered species through international agreements'
  • MWEIT-M011 - 'Measures for incidental catches of cetaceans in fisheries'
  • MWEIT-M012 - 'Measures for the conservation of cetaceans in the Mediterranean, under international agreements'
  • MWEIT-M013 - 'Directorial Decree of Ministry of Environment, in cooperation with the Ministry of Health, for the establishment of the coordination of the marine mammal stranding national network (ReNaSMM)'
  • MWEIT-M014 - 'Measures for the conservation of wild flora and fauna and natural habitats, and the promotion of cooperation between Member States'
  • MWEIT-M015 - 'Bird protection measures through the Birds Directive (2009/147/ EC)'
  • MWEIT-M016 - 'National and Community measures for the protection of birds'
  • MWEIT-M017 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MWEIT-M018 - 'Protective measures for benthic habitats associated with the European legislation (planning, impact assessment, river basin management plans)'
  • MWEIT-M019 - 'Measures to protect habitats and associated target species under international conventions'
  • MWEIT-M020 - 'Measures for the conservation of migratory species of wild animals'
  • MWEIT-M021 - 'Regulatory measures for international trade in endangered species'
  • MWEIT-M022 - 'Measures to promote a pilot area for the control of marine pollution along the coastline stretching from Marseille to La Spezia'
  • MWEIT-M023 - 'International cetacean protection measures'
  • MWEIT-M024 - 'Measures to protect biodiversity through European policies'
  • MWEIT-M025 - 'Community and international measures for elasmobranch'
  • MWEIT-M026 - 'Measures regulating catches of cetaceans, tortoises and common sturgeon'
  • MWEIT-M027 - 'Establishment of measures for the International Whale Sanctuary'
  • MWEIT-M028 - 'National measures for the protection of biodiversity'
  • MWEIT-M029 - 'National measures for recovery, rescue custody and management of marine reptiles'
  • MWEIT-M030 - 'Measures for coastal land planning'
  • MWEIT-M031 - 'Regulatory measures for commercial fishing and the sustainable exploitation of fish stocks'
  • MWEIT-M032 - 'Adoption of National Plans of Fleet Management'
  • MWEIT-M033-NEW1 - 'Complete the network of Natura 2000 sites at sea and subsequent identification of conservation measures'
  • MWEIT-M034-NEW2 - 'Implementation of technical solutions (methodological and instrumental) for the reduction of the phenomenon of collision with cetaceans'
  • MWEIT-M035-NEW3 - 'Acquisition, systematisation and standardisation, as well as consistent recognition, with data from monitoring activities implemented, with particular reference to EIA procedures'
  • MWEIT-M036-NEW4 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of elasmobranchs from by-catch'
  • MWEIT-M037-NEW5 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of cetaceans and sea turtles from by-catch'
  • MWEIT-M038-NEW6 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of seabirds from by-catch'
  • MWEIT-M039-NEW7 - 'Implementation of awareness-raising and information measures to prevent removal activities and damage to the benthic species and habitats protected'
  • MWEIT-M047 - 'Measures related to the monitoring of fishing vessels'
  • MWEIT-M048 - 'Combat IUU fishing'
  • MWEIT-M049 - 'Local management plans for management units'
  • MWEIT-M050 - 'Implementation of the new CFP, the EMFF and the triennial plan'
  • MWEIT-M051 - 'Fisheries management of bivalve molluscs'
  • MWEIT-M061 - 'Implementation of the National Energy Plan'
  • MWEIT-M062 - 'Use of the maritime domain and the territorial sea areas'
  • MWEIT-M063 - 'Minimum requirements to prevent major accidents in offshore operations and limiting the consequences of such accidents in the hydrocarbon sector'
  • MWEIT-M064 - 'Measures concerning the spill of materials from port dredging'
  • MWEIT-M065 - 'Related measures and EIA'
  • MWEIT-M066 - 'Register of vessels authorised to fish under the GFCM Agreement'
  • MWEIT-M089 - 'Measures related to the regulation of approval for the immersion in the sea of excavation seabed materials and dredging'
  • MADIT-M001 - 'Measures related to the management of the Natura 2000 Network sites'
  • MADIT-M002 - 'Planned measures to designate SACs in Natura 2000 sites'
  • MADIT-M003 - 'Measures to protect target species and targeted habitats through the MPAs'
  • MADIT-M004 - 'Planned measures to increase MPAs'
  • MADIT-M005 - 'Measures to protect target habitats through other protected areas'
  • MADIT-M006 - 'Management measures for benthic habitats in the Mediterranean and identification of protected species and habitats'
  • MADIT-M007 - 'Measures to protect fish stocks through other protected areas (wildlife protection areas)'
  • MADIT-M008 - 'Measures to reduce the impact of fishing and protection of pelagic habitats'
  • MADIT-M009 - 'Protective measures for the taking and selling of endangered species through international agreements'
  • MADIT-M010 - 'Measures for incidental catches of cetaceans in fisheries'
  • MADIT-M011 - 'Measures for the conservation of cetaceans in the Mediterranean, under international agreements'
  • MADIT-M012 - 'Directorial Decree of Ministry of Environment, in cooperation with the Ministry of Health, for the establishment of the coordination of the marine mammal stranding national network (ReNaSMM)'
  • MADIT-M013 - 'Measures for the conservation of wild flora and fauna and natural habitats, and the promotion of cooperation between Member States'
  • MADIT-M014 - 'Bird protection measures through the Birds Directive (2009/147/ EC)'
  • MADIT-M015 - 'National and Community measures for the protection of birds'
  • MADIT-M016 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MADIT-M017 - 'Protective measures for benthic habitats associated with the European legislation (planning, impact assessment, river basin management plans)'
  • MADIT-M018 - 'Measures to protect habitats and associated target species under international conventions'
  • MADIT-M019 - 'Measures for the conservation of migratory species of wild animals'
  • MADIT-M020 - 'Regulatory measures for international trade in endangered species'
  • MADIT-M021 - 'International cetacean protection measures'
  • MADIT-M022 - 'Measures to protect biodiversity through European policies'
  • MADIT-M023 - 'Community and international measures for elasmobranch'
  • MADIT-M024 - 'Measures regulating catches of cetaceans, tortoises and common sturgeon'
  • MADIT-M025 - 'National measures for the protection of biodiversity'
  • MADIT-M026 - 'National measures for recovery, rescue custody and management of marine reptiles'
  • MADIT-M027 - 'Measures for coastal land planning'
  • MADIT-M028 - 'Regulatory measures for commercial fishing and the sustainable exploitation of fish stocks'
  • MADIT-M029 - 'Adoption of National Plans of Fleet Management'
  • MADIT-M030-NEW1 - 'Complete the network of Natura 2000 sites at sea and subsequent identification of conservation measures'
  • MADIT-M031-NEW2 - 'Implementation of technical solutions (methodological and instrumental) for the reduction of the phenomenon of collision with cetaceans'
  • MADIT-M032-NEW3 - 'Acquisition, systematisation and standardisation, as well as consistent recognition, with data from monitoring activities implemented, with particular reference to EIA procedures'
  • MADIT-M033-NEW4 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of elasmobranchs from by-catch'
  • MADIT-M034-NEW5 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of cetaceans and sea turtles from by-catch'
  • MADIT-M035-NEW6 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of seabirds from by-catch'
  • MADIT-M036-NEW7 - 'Implementation of awareness-raising and information measures to prevent removal activities and damage to the benthic species and habitats protected'
  • MADIT-M046 - 'Measures related to the monitoring of fishing vessels'
  • MADIT-M047 - 'Combat IUU fishing'
  • MADIT-M048 - 'Implementation of the new CFP, the EMFF and the triennial plan'
  • MADIT-M049 - 'Fisheries management of bivalve molluscs'
  • MADIT-M059 - 'Implementation of the National Energy Plan'
  • MADIT-M060 - 'Use of the maritime domain and the territorial sea areas'
  • MADIT-M061 - 'Minimum requirements to prevent major accidents in offshore operations and limiting the consequences of such accidents in the hydrocarbon sector'
  • MADIT-M062 - 'Measures concerning the spill of materials from port dredging'
  • MADIT-M063 - 'Related measures and EIA'
  • MADIT-M064 - 'Register of vessels authorised to fish under the GFCM Agreement'
  • MADIT-M087 - 'Measures related to the regulation of approval for the immersion in the sea of excavation seabed materials and dredging'
  • MICIT-M001 - 'Measures related to the management of the Natura 2000 Network sites'
  • MICIT-M002 - 'Planned measures to designate SACs in Natura 2000 sites'
  • MICIT-M003 - 'Measures to protect target species and targeted habitats through the MPAs'
  • MICIT-M004 - 'Planned measures to increase MPAs'
  • MICIT-M005 - 'Measures to protect target habitats through other protected areas'
  • MICIT-M006 - 'Management measures for benthic habitats in the Mediterranean and identification of protected species and habitats'
  • MICIT-M007 - 'Measures to protect fish stocks through other protected areas (wildlife protection areas)'
  • MICIT-M008 - 'Measures to reduce the impact of fishing and protection of pelagic habitats'
  • MICIT-M009 - 'Protective measures for the taking and selling of endangered species through international agreements'
  • MICIT-M010 - 'Measures for incidental catches of cetaceans in fisheries'
  • MICIT-M011 - 'Measures for the conservation of cetaceans in the Mediterranean, under international agreements'
  • MICIT-M012 - 'Directorial Decree of Ministry of Environment, in cooperation with the Ministry of Health, for the establishment of the coordination of the marine mammal stranding national network (ReNaSMM)'
  • MICIT-M013 - 'Measures for the conservation of wild flora and fauna and natural habitats, and the promotion of cooperation between Member States'
  • MICIT-M014 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MICIT-M015 - 'National and Community measures for the protection of birds'
  • MICIT-M016 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MICIT-M017 - 'Protective measures for benthic habitats associated with the European legislation (planning, impact assessment, river basin management plans)'
  • MICIT-M018 - 'Measures to protect habitats and associated target species under international conventions'
  • MICIT-M019 - 'Measures for the conservation of migratory species of wild animals'
  • MICIT-M020 - 'Regulatory measures for international trade in endangered species'
  • MICIT-M021 - 'International cetacean protection measures'
  • MICIT-M022 - 'Measures to protect biodiversity through European policies'
  • MICIT-M023 - 'Community and international measures for elasmobranch'
  • MICIT-M024 - 'Measures regulating catches of cetaceans, tortoises and common sturgeon'
  • MICIT-M025 - 'National measures for the protection of biodiversity'
  • MICIT-M026 - 'National measures for recovery, rescue custody and management of marine reptiles'
  • MICIT-M027 - 'Measures for coastal land planning'
  • MICIT-M028 - 'Regulatory measures for commercial fishing and the sustainable exploitation of fish stocks'
  • MICIT-M029 - 'Adoption of National Plans of Fleet Management'
  • MICIT-M030-NEW1 - 'Complete the network of Natura 2000 sites at sea and subsequent identification of conservation measures'
  • MICIT-M031-NEW2 - 'Implementation of technical solutions (methodological and instrumental) for the reduction of the phenomenon of collision with cetaceans'
  • MICIT-M032-NEW3 - 'Acquisition, systematisation and standardisation, as well as consistent recognition, with data from monitoring activities implemented, with particular reference to EIA procedures'
  • MICIT-M033-NEW4 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of elasmobranchs from by-catch'
  • MICIT-M034-NEW5 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of cetaceans and sea turtles from by-catch'
  • MICIT-M035-NEW6 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of seabirds from by-catch'
  • MICIT-M036-NEW7 - 'Implementation of awareness-raising and information measures to prevent removal activities and damage to the benthic species and habitats protected'
  • MICIT-M044 - 'Measures related to the monitoring of fishing vessels'
  • MICIT-M045 - 'Combat IUU fishing'
  • MICIT-M046 - 'Local management plans for management units'
  • MICIT-M047 - 'Implementation of the new CFP, the EMFF and the triennial plan'
  • MICIT-M048 - 'Fisheries management of bivalve molluscs'
  • MICIT-M058 - 'Implementation of the National Energy Plan'
  • MICIT-M059 - 'Use of the maritime domain and the territorial sea areas'
  • MICIT-M060 - 'Minimum requirements to prevent major accidents in offshore operations and limiting the consequences of such accidents in the hydrocarbon sector'
  • MICIT-M061 - 'Measures concerning the spill of materials from port dredging'
  • MICIT-M062 - 'Related measures and EIA'
  • MICIT-M063 - 'Register of vessels authorised to fish under the GFCM Agreement'
  • MWEIT-M001 - 'Measures related to the management of the Natura 2000 Network sites'
  • MWEIT-M002 - 'Planned measures to designate SACs in Natura 2000 sites'
  • MWEIT-M003 - 'Measures to protect target species and targeted habitats through the MPAs'
  • MWEIT-M004 - 'Planned measures to increase MPAs'
  • MWEIT-M005 - 'Measures to protect target habitats through other protected areas'
  • MWEIT-M006 - 'Management measures for benthic habitats in the Mediterranean and identification of protected species and habitats'
  • MWEIT-M007 - 'Measures to protect fish stocks through other protected areas (wildlife protection areas)'
  • MWEIT-M008 - 'Measures to reduce the impact of fishing and protection of pelagic habitats'
  • MWEIT-M009 - 'Ecological protection measures'
  • MWEIT-M010 - 'Protective measures for the taking and selling of endangered species through international agreements'
  • MWEIT-M011 - 'Measures for incidental catches of cetaceans in fisheries'
  • MWEIT-M012 - 'Measures for the conservation of cetaceans in the Mediterranean, under international agreements'
  • MWEIT-M013 - 'Directorial Decree of Ministry of Environment, in cooperation with the Ministry of Health, for the establishment of the coordination of the marine mammal stranding national network (ReNaSMM)'
  • MWEIT-M014 - 'Measures for the conservation of wild flora and fauna and natural habitats, and the promotion of cooperation between Member States'
  • MWEIT-M015 - 'Bird protection measures through the Birds Directive (2009/147/ EC)'
  • MWEIT-M016 - 'National and Community measures for the protection of birds'
  • MWEIT-M017 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MWEIT-M018 - 'Protective measures for benthic habitats associated with the European legislation (planning, impact assessment, river basin management plans)'
  • MWEIT-M019 - 'Measures to protect habitats and associated target species under international conventions'
  • MWEIT-M020 - 'Measures for the conservation of migratory species of wild animals'
  • MWEIT-M021 - 'Regulatory measures for international trade in endangered species'
  • MWEIT-M022 - 'Measures to promote a pilot area for the control of marine pollution along the coastline stretching from Marseille to La Spezia'
  • MWEIT-M023 - 'International cetacean protection measures'
  • MWEIT-M024 - 'Measures to protect biodiversity through European policies'
  • MWEIT-M025 - 'Community and international measures for elasmobranch'
  • MWEIT-M026 - 'Measures regulating catches of cetaceans, tortoises and common sturgeon'
  • MWEIT-M027 - 'Establishment of measures for the International Whale Sanctuary'
  • MWEIT-M028 - 'National measures for the protection of biodiversity'
  • MWEIT-M029 - 'National measures for recovery, rescue custody and management of marine reptiles'
  • MWEIT-M030 - 'Measures for coastal land planning'
  • MWEIT-M031 - 'Regulatory measures for commercial fishing and the sustainable exploitation of fish stocks'
  • MWEIT-M032 - 'Adoption of National Plans of Fleet Management'
  • MWEIT-M033-NEW1 - 'Complete the network of Natura 2000 sites at sea and subsequent identification of conservation measures'
  • MWEIT-M034-NEW2 - 'Implementation of technical solutions (methodological and instrumental) for the reduction of the phenomenon of collision with cetaceans'
  • MWEIT-M035-NEW3 - 'Acquisition, systematisation and standardisation, as well as consistent recognition, with data from monitoring activities implemented, with particular reference to EIA procedures'
  • MWEIT-M036-NEW4 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of elasmobranchs from by-catch'
  • MWEIT-M037-NEW5 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of cetaceans and sea turtles from by-catch'
  • MWEIT-M038-NEW6 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of seabirds from by-catch'
  • MWEIT-M039-NEW7 - 'Implementation of awareness-raising and information measures to prevent removal activities and damage to the benthic species and habitats protected'
  • MWEIT-M047 - 'Measures related to the monitoring of fishing vessels'
  • MWEIT-M048 - 'Combat IUU fishing'
  • MWEIT-M049 - 'Local management plans for management units'
  • MWEIT-M050 - 'Implementation of the new CFP, the EMFF and the triennial plan'
  • MWEIT-M051 - 'Fisheries management of bivalve molluscs'
  • MWEIT-M061 - 'Implementation of the National Energy Plan'
  • MWEIT-M062 - 'Use of the maritime domain and the territorial sea areas'
  • MWEIT-M063 - 'Minimum requirements to prevent major accidents in offshore operations and limiting the consequences of such accidents in the hydrocarbon sector'
  • MWEIT-M064 - 'Measures concerning the spill of materials from port dredging'
  • MWEIT-M065 - 'Related measures and EIA'
  • MWEIT-M066 - 'Register of vessels authorised to fish under the GFCM Agreement'
  • MWEIT-M089 - 'Measures related to the regulation of approval for the immersion in the sea of excavation seabed materials and dredging'
  • MADIT-M001 - 'Measures related to the management of the Natura 2000 Network sites'
  • MADIT-M002 - 'Planned measures to designate SACs in Natura 2000 sites'
  • MADIT-M003 - 'Measures to protect target species and targeted habitats through the MPAs'
  • MADIT-M004 - 'Planned measures to increase MPAs'
  • MADIT-M005 - 'Measures to protect target habitats through other protected areas'
  • MADIT-M006 - 'Management measures for benthic habitats in the Mediterranean and identification of protected species and habitats'
  • MADIT-M007 - 'Measures to protect fish stocks through other protected areas (wildlife protection areas)'
  • MADIT-M008 - 'Measures to reduce the impact of fishing and protection of pelagic habitats'
  • MADIT-M009 - 'Protective measures for the taking and selling of endangered species through international agreements'
  • MADIT-M010 - 'Measures for incidental catches of cetaceans in fisheries'
  • MADIT-M011 - 'Measures for the conservation of cetaceans in the Mediterranean, under international agreements'
  • MADIT-M012 - 'Directorial Decree of Ministry of Environment, in cooperation with the Ministry of Health, for the establishment of the coordination of the marine mammal stranding national network (ReNaSMM)'
  • MADIT-M013 - 'Measures for the conservation of wild flora and fauna and natural habitats, and the promotion of cooperation between Member States'
  • MADIT-M014 - 'Bird protection measures through the Birds Directive (2009/147/ EC)'
  • MADIT-M015 - 'National and Community measures for the protection of birds'
  • MADIT-M016 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MADIT-M017 - 'Protective measures for benthic habitats associated with the European legislation (planning, impact assessment, river basin management plans)'
  • MADIT-M018 - 'Measures to protect habitats and associated target species under international conventions'
  • MADIT-M019 - 'Measures for the conservation of migratory species of wild animals'
  • MADIT-M020 - 'Regulatory measures for international trade in endangered species'
  • MADIT-M021 - 'International cetacean protection measures'
  • MADIT-M022 - 'Measures to protect biodiversity through European policies'
  • MADIT-M023 - 'Community and international measures for elasmobranch'
  • MADIT-M024 - 'Measures regulating catches of cetaceans, tortoises and common sturgeon'
  • MADIT-M025 - 'National measures for the protection of biodiversity'
  • MADIT-M026 - 'National measures for recovery, rescue custody and management of marine reptiles'
  • MADIT-M027 - 'Measures for coastal land planning'
  • MADIT-M028 - 'Regulatory measures for commercial fishing and the sustainable exploitation of fish stocks'
  • MADIT-M029 - 'Adoption of National Plans of Fleet Management'
  • MADIT-M030-NEW1 - 'Complete the network of Natura 2000 sites at sea and subsequent identification of conservation measures'
  • MADIT-M031-NEW2 - 'Implementation of technical solutions (methodological and instrumental) for the reduction of the phenomenon of collision with cetaceans'
  • MADIT-M032-NEW3 - 'Acquisition, systematisation and standardisation, as well as consistent recognition, with data from monitoring activities implemented, with particular reference to EIA procedures'
  • MADIT-M033-NEW4 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of elasmobranchs from by-catch'
  • MADIT-M034-NEW5 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of cetaceans and sea turtles from by-catch'
  • MADIT-M035-NEW6 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of seabirds from by-catch'
  • MADIT-M036-NEW7 - 'Implementation of awareness-raising and information measures to prevent removal activities and damage to the benthic species and habitats protected'
  • MADIT-M046 - 'Measures related to the monitoring of fishing vessels'
  • MADIT-M047 - 'Combat IUU fishing'
  • MADIT-M048 - 'Implementation of the new CFP, the EMFF and the triennial plan'
  • MADIT-M049 - 'Fisheries management of bivalve molluscs'
  • MADIT-M059 - 'Implementation of the National Energy Plan'
  • MADIT-M060 - 'Use of the maritime domain and the territorial sea areas'
  • MADIT-M061 - 'Minimum requirements to prevent major accidents in offshore operations and limiting the consequences of such accidents in the hydrocarbon sector'
  • MADIT-M062 - 'Measures concerning the spill of materials from port dredging'
  • MADIT-M063 - 'Related measures and EIA'
  • MADIT-M064 - 'Register of vessels authorised to fish under the GFCM Agreement'
  • MADIT-M087 - 'Measures related to the regulation of approval for the immersion in the sea of excavation seabed materials and dredging'
  • MICIT-M001 - 'Measures related to the management of the Natura 2000 Network sites'
  • MICIT-M002 - 'Planned measures to designate SACs in Natura 2000 sites'
  • MICIT-M003 - 'Measures to protect target species and targeted habitats through the MPAs'
  • MICIT-M004 - 'Planned measures to increase MPAs'
  • MICIT-M005 - 'Measures to protect target habitats through other protected areas'
  • MICIT-M006 - 'Management measures for benthic habitats in the Mediterranean and identification of protected species and habitats'
  • MICIT-M007 - 'Measures to protect fish stocks through other protected areas (wildlife protection areas)'
  • MICIT-M008 - 'Measures to reduce the impact of fishing and protection of pelagic habitats'
  • MICIT-M009 - 'Protective measures for the taking and selling of endangered species through international agreements'
  • MICIT-M010 - 'Measures for incidental catches of cetaceans in fisheries'
  • MICIT-M011 - 'Measures for the conservation of cetaceans in the Mediterranean, under international agreements'
  • MICIT-M012 - 'Directorial Decree of Ministry of Environment, in cooperation with the Ministry of Health, for the establishment of the coordination of the marine mammal stranding national network (ReNaSMM)'
  • MICIT-M013 - 'Measures for the conservation of wild flora and fauna and natural habitats, and the promotion of cooperation between Member States'
  • MICIT-M014 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MICIT-M015 - 'National and Community measures for the protection of birds'
  • MICIT-M016 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MICIT-M017 - 'Protective measures for benthic habitats associated with the European legislation (planning, impact assessment, river basin management plans)'
  • MICIT-M018 - 'Measures to protect habitats and associated target species under international conventions'
  • MICIT-M019 - 'Measures for the conservation of migratory species of wild animals'
  • MICIT-M020 - 'Regulatory measures for international trade in endangered species'
  • MICIT-M021 - 'International cetacean protection measures'
  • MICIT-M022 - 'Measures to protect biodiversity through European policies'
  • MICIT-M023 - 'Community and international measures for elasmobranch'
  • MICIT-M024 - 'Measures regulating catches of cetaceans, tortoises and common sturgeon'
  • MICIT-M025 - 'National measures for the protection of biodiversity'
  • MICIT-M026 - 'National measures for recovery, rescue custody and management of marine reptiles'
  • MICIT-M027 - 'Measures for coastal land planning'
  • MICIT-M028 - 'Regulatory measures for commercial fishing and the sustainable exploitation of fish stocks'
  • MICIT-M029 - 'Adoption of National Plans of Fleet Management'
  • MICIT-M030-NEW1 - 'Complete the network of Natura 2000 sites at sea and subsequent identification of conservation measures'
  • MICIT-M031-NEW2 - 'Implementation of technical solutions (methodological and instrumental) for the reduction of the phenomenon of collision with cetaceans'
  • MICIT-M032-NEW3 - 'Acquisition, systematisation and standardisation, as well as consistent recognition, with data from monitoring activities implemented, with particular reference to EIA procedures'
  • MICIT-M033-NEW4 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of elasmobranchs from by-catch'
  • MICIT-M034-NEW5 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of cetaceans and sea turtles from by-catch'
  • MICIT-M035-NEW6 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of seabirds from by-catch'
  • MICIT-M036-NEW7 - 'Implementation of awareness-raising and information measures to prevent removal activities and damage to the benthic species and habitats protected'
  • MICIT-M044 - 'Measures related to the monitoring of fishing vessels'
  • MICIT-M045 - 'Combat IUU fishing'
  • MICIT-M046 - 'Local management plans for management units'
  • MICIT-M047 - 'Implementation of the new CFP, the EMFF and the triennial plan'
  • MICIT-M048 - 'Fisheries management of bivalve molluscs'
  • MICIT-M058 - 'Implementation of the National Energy Plan'
  • MICIT-M059 - 'Use of the maritime domain and the territorial sea areas'
  • MICIT-M060 - 'Minimum requirements to prevent major accidents in offshore operations and limiting the consequences of such accidents in the hydrocarbon sector'
  • MICIT-M061 - 'Measures concerning the spill of materials from port dredging'
  • MICIT-M062 - 'Related measures and EIA'
  • MICIT-M063 - 'Register of vessels authorised to fish under the GFCM Agreement'
  • MWEIT-M001 - 'Measures related to the management of the Natura 2000 Network sites'
  • MWEIT-M002 - 'Planned measures to designate SACs in Natura 2000 sites'
  • MWEIT-M003 - 'Measures to protect target species and targeted habitats through the MPAs'
  • MWEIT-M004 - 'Planned measures to increase MPAs'
  • MWEIT-M005 - 'Measures to protect target habitats through other protected areas'
  • MWEIT-M006 - 'Management measures for benthic habitats in the Mediterranean and identification of protected species and habitats'
  • MWEIT-M007 - 'Measures to protect fish stocks through other protected areas (wildlife protection areas)'
  • MWEIT-M008 - 'Measures to reduce the impact of fishing and protection of pelagic habitats'
  • MWEIT-M009 - 'Ecological protection measures'
  • MWEIT-M010 - 'Protective measures for the taking and selling of endangered species through international agreements'
  • MWEIT-M011 - 'Measures for incidental catches of cetaceans in fisheries'
  • MWEIT-M012 - 'Measures for the conservation of cetaceans in the Mediterranean, under international agreements'
  • MWEIT-M013 - 'Directorial Decree of Ministry of Environment, in cooperation with the Ministry of Health, for the establishment of the coordination of the marine mammal stranding national network (ReNaSMM)'
  • MWEIT-M014 - 'Measures for the conservation of wild flora and fauna and natural habitats, and the promotion of cooperation between Member States'
  • MWEIT-M015 - 'Bird protection measures through the Birds Directive (2009/147/ EC)'
  • MWEIT-M016 - 'National and Community measures for the protection of birds'
  • MWEIT-M017 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MWEIT-M018 - 'Protective measures for benthic habitats associated with the European legislation (planning, impact assessment, river basin management plans)'
  • MWEIT-M019 - 'Measures to protect habitats and associated target species under international conventions'
  • MWEIT-M020 - 'Measures for the conservation of migratory species of wild animals'
  • MWEIT-M021 - 'Regulatory measures for international trade in endangered species'
  • MWEIT-M022 - 'Measures to promote a pilot area for the control of marine pollution along the coastline stretching from Marseille to La Spezia'
  • MWEIT-M023 - 'International cetacean protection measures'
  • MWEIT-M024 - 'Measures to protect biodiversity through European policies'
  • MWEIT-M025 - 'Community and international measures for elasmobranch'
  • MWEIT-M026 - 'Measures regulating catches of cetaceans, tortoises and common sturgeon'
  • MWEIT-M027 - 'Establishment of measures for the International Whale Sanctuary'
  • MWEIT-M028 - 'National measures for the protection of biodiversity'
  • MWEIT-M029 - 'National measures for recovery, rescue custody and management of marine reptiles'
  • MWEIT-M030 - 'Measures for coastal land planning'
  • MWEIT-M031 - 'Regulatory measures for commercial fishing and the sustainable exploitation of fish stocks'
  • MWEIT-M032 - 'Adoption of National Plans of Fleet Management'
  • MWEIT-M033-NEW1 - 'Complete the network of Natura 2000 sites at sea and subsequent identification of conservation measures'
  • MWEIT-M034-NEW2 - 'Implementation of technical solutions (methodological and instrumental) for the reduction of the phenomenon of collision with cetaceans'
  • MWEIT-M035-NEW3 - 'Acquisition, systematisation and standardisation, as well as consistent recognition, with data from monitoring activities implemented, with particular reference to EIA procedures'
  • MWEIT-M036-NEW4 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of elasmobranchs from by-catch'
  • MWEIT-M037-NEW5 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of cetaceans and sea turtles from by-catch'
  • MWEIT-M038-NEW6 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of seabirds from by-catch'
  • MWEIT-M039-NEW7 - 'Implementation of awareness-raising and information measures to prevent removal activities and damage to the benthic species and habitats protected'
  • MWEIT-M047 - 'Measures related to the monitoring of fishing vessels'
  • MWEIT-M048 - 'Combat IUU fishing'
  • MWEIT-M049 - 'Local management plans for management units'
  • MWEIT-M050 - 'Implementation of the new CFP, the EMFF and the triennial plan'
  • MWEIT-M051 - 'Fisheries management of bivalve molluscs'
  • MWEIT-M061 - 'Implementation of the National Energy Plan'
  • MWEIT-M062 - 'Use of the maritime domain and the territorial sea areas'
  • MWEIT-M063 - 'Minimum requirements to prevent major accidents in offshore operations and limiting the consequences of such accidents in the hydrocarbon sector'
  • MWEIT-M064 - 'Measures concerning the spill of materials from port dredging'
  • MWEIT-M065 - 'Related measures and EIA'
  • MWEIT-M066 - 'Register of vessels authorised to fish under the GFCM Agreement'
  • MWEIT-M089 - 'Measures related to the regulation of approval for the immersion in the sea of excavation seabed materials and dredging'
  • MADIT-M001 - 'Measures related to the management of the Natura 2000 Network sites'
  • MADIT-M002 - 'Planned measures to designate SACs in Natura 2000 sites'
  • MADIT-M003 - 'Measures to protect target species and targeted habitats through the MPAs'
  • MADIT-M004 - 'Planned measures to increase MPAs'
  • MADIT-M005 - 'Measures to protect target habitats through other protected areas'
  • MADIT-M006 - 'Management measures for benthic habitats in the Mediterranean and identification of protected species and habitats'
  • MADIT-M007 - 'Measures to protect fish stocks through other protected areas (wildlife protection areas)'
  • MADIT-M008 - 'Measures to reduce the impact of fishing and protection of pelagic habitats'
  • MADIT-M009 - 'Protective measures for the taking and selling of endangered species through international agreements'
  • MADIT-M010 - 'Measures for incidental catches of cetaceans in fisheries'
  • MADIT-M011 - 'Measures for the conservation of cetaceans in the Mediterranean, under international agreements'
  • MADIT-M012 - 'Directorial Decree of Ministry of Environment, in cooperation with the Ministry of Health, for the establishment of the coordination of the marine mammal stranding national network (ReNaSMM)'
  • MADIT-M013 - 'Measures for the conservation of wild flora and fauna and natural habitats, and the promotion of cooperation between Member States'
  • MADIT-M014 - 'Bird protection measures through the Birds Directive (2009/147/ EC)'
  • MADIT-M015 - 'National and Community measures for the protection of birds'
  • MADIT-M016 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MADIT-M017 - 'Protective measures for benthic habitats associated with the European legislation (planning, impact assessment, river basin management plans)'
  • MADIT-M018 - 'Measures to protect habitats and associated target species under international conventions'
  • MADIT-M019 - 'Measures for the conservation of migratory species of wild animals'
  • MADIT-M020 - 'Regulatory measures for international trade in endangered species'
  • MADIT-M021 - 'International cetacean protection measures'
  • MADIT-M022 - 'Measures to protect biodiversity through European policies'
  • MADIT-M023 - 'Community and international measures for elasmobranch'
  • MADIT-M024 - 'Measures regulating catches of cetaceans, tortoises and common sturgeon'
  • MADIT-M025 - 'National measures for the protection of biodiversity'
  • MADIT-M026 - 'National measures for recovery, rescue custody and management of marine reptiles'
  • MADIT-M027 - 'Measures for coastal land planning'
  • MADIT-M028 - 'Regulatory measures for commercial fishing and the sustainable exploitation of fish stocks'
  • MADIT-M029 - 'Adoption of National Plans of Fleet Management'
  • MADIT-M030-NEW1 - 'Complete the network of Natura 2000 sites at sea and subsequent identification of conservation measures'
  • MADIT-M031-NEW2 - 'Implementation of technical solutions (methodological and instrumental) for the reduction of the phenomenon of collision with cetaceans'
  • MADIT-M032-NEW3 - 'Acquisition, systematisation and standardisation, as well as consistent recognition, with data from monitoring activities implemented, with particular reference to EIA procedures'
  • MADIT-M033-NEW4 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of elasmobranchs from by-catch'
  • MADIT-M034-NEW5 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of cetaceans and sea turtles from by-catch'
  • MADIT-M035-NEW6 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of seabirds from by-catch'
  • MADIT-M036-NEW7 - 'Implementation of awareness-raising and information measures to prevent removal activities and damage to the benthic species and habitats protected'
  • MADIT-M046 - 'Measures related to the monitoring of fishing vessels'
  • MADIT-M047 - 'Combat IUU fishing'
  • MADIT-M048 - 'Implementation of the new CFP, the EMFF and the triennial plan'
  • MADIT-M049 - 'Fisheries management of bivalve molluscs'
  • MADIT-M059 - 'Implementation of the National Energy Plan'
  • MADIT-M060 - 'Use of the maritime domain and the territorial sea areas'
  • MADIT-M061 - 'Minimum requirements to prevent major accidents in offshore operations and limiting the consequences of such accidents in the hydrocarbon sector'
  • MADIT-M062 - 'Measures concerning the spill of materials from port dredging'
  • MADIT-M063 - 'Related measures and EIA'
  • MADIT-M064 - 'Register of vessels authorised to fish under the GFCM Agreement'
  • MADIT-M087 - 'Measures related to the regulation of approval for the immersion in the sea of excavation seabed materials and dredging'
  • MICIT-M001 - 'Measures related to the management of the Natura 2000 Network sites'
  • MICIT-M002 - 'Planned measures to designate SACs in Natura 2000 sites'
  • MICIT-M003 - 'Measures to protect target species and targeted habitats through the MPAs'
  • MICIT-M004 - 'Planned measures to increase MPAs'
  • MICIT-M005 - 'Measures to protect target habitats through other protected areas'
  • MICIT-M006 - 'Management measures for benthic habitats in the Mediterranean and identification of protected species and habitats'
  • MICIT-M007 - 'Measures to protect fish stocks through other protected areas (wildlife protection areas)'
  • MICIT-M008 - 'Measures to reduce the impact of fishing and protection of pelagic habitats'
  • MICIT-M009 - 'Protective measures for the taking and selling of endangered species through international agreements'
  • MICIT-M010 - 'Measures for incidental catches of cetaceans in fisheries'
  • MICIT-M011 - 'Measures for the conservation of cetaceans in the Mediterranean, under international agreements'
  • MICIT-M012 - 'Directorial Decree of Ministry of Environment, in cooperation with the Ministry of Health, for the establishment of the coordination of the marine mammal stranding national network (ReNaSMM)'
  • MICIT-M013 - 'Measures for the conservation of wild flora and fauna and natural habitats, and the promotion of cooperation between Member States'
  • MICIT-M014 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MICIT-M015 - 'National and Community measures for the protection of birds'
  • MICIT-M016 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MICIT-M017 - 'Protective measures for benthic habitats associated with the European legislation (planning, impact assessment, river basin management plans)'
  • MICIT-M018 - 'Measures to protect habitats and associated target species under international conventions'
  • MICIT-M019 - 'Measures for the conservation of migratory species of wild animals'
  • MICIT-M020 - 'Regulatory measures for international trade in endangered species'
  • MICIT-M021 - 'International cetacean protection measures'
  • MICIT-M022 - 'Measures to protect biodiversity through European policies'
  • MICIT-M023 - 'Community and international measures for elasmobranch'
  • MICIT-M024 - 'Measures regulating catches of cetaceans, tortoises and common sturgeon'
  • MICIT-M025 - 'National measures for the protection of biodiversity'
  • MICIT-M026 - 'National measures for recovery, rescue custody and management of marine reptiles'
  • MICIT-M027 - 'Measures for coastal land planning'
  • MICIT-M028 - 'Regulatory measures for commercial fishing and the sustainable exploitation of fish stocks'
  • MICIT-M029 - 'Adoption of National Plans of Fleet Management'
  • MICIT-M030-NEW1 - 'Complete the network of Natura 2000 sites at sea and subsequent identification of conservation measures'
  • MICIT-M031-NEW2 - 'Implementation of technical solutions (methodological and instrumental) for the reduction of the phenomenon of collision with cetaceans'
  • MICIT-M032-NEW3 - 'Acquisition, systematisation and standardisation, as well as consistent recognition, with data from monitoring activities implemented, with particular reference to EIA procedures'
  • MICIT-M033-NEW4 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of elasmobranchs from by-catch'
  • MICIT-M034-NEW5 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of cetaceans and sea turtles from by-catch'
  • MICIT-M035-NEW6 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of seabirds from by-catch'
  • MICIT-M036-NEW7 - 'Implementation of awareness-raising and information measures to prevent removal activities and damage to the benthic species and habitats protected'
  • MICIT-M044 - 'Measures related to the monitoring of fishing vessels'
  • MICIT-M045 - 'Combat IUU fishing'
  • MICIT-M046 - 'Local management plans for management units'
  • MICIT-M047 - 'Implementation of the new CFP, the EMFF and the triennial plan'
  • MICIT-M048 - 'Fisheries management of bivalve molluscs'
  • MICIT-M058 - 'Implementation of the National Energy Plan'
  • MICIT-M059 - 'Use of the maritime domain and the territorial sea areas'
  • MICIT-M060 - 'Minimum requirements to prevent major accidents in offshore operations and limiting the consequences of such accidents in the hydrocarbon sector'
  • MICIT-M061 - 'Measures concerning the spill of materials from port dredging'
  • MICIT-M062 - 'Related measures and EIA'
  • MICIT-M063 - 'Register of vessels authorised to fish under the GFCM Agreement'
  • MWEIT-M001 - 'Measures related to the management of the Natura 2000 Network sites'
  • MWEIT-M002 - 'Planned measures to designate SACs in Natura 2000 sites'
  • MWEIT-M003 - 'Measures to protect target species and targeted habitats through the MPAs'
  • MWEIT-M004 - 'Planned measures to increase MPAs'
  • MWEIT-M005 - 'Measures to protect target habitats through other protected areas'
  • MWEIT-M006 - 'Management measures for benthic habitats in the Mediterranean and identification of protected species and habitats'
  • MWEIT-M007 - 'Measures to protect fish stocks through other protected areas (wildlife protection areas)'
  • MWEIT-M008 - 'Measures to reduce the impact of fishing and protection of pelagic habitats'
  • MWEIT-M009 - 'Ecological protection measures'
  • MWEIT-M010 - 'Protective measures for the taking and selling of endangered species through international agreements'
  • MWEIT-M011 - 'Measures for incidental catches of cetaceans in fisheries'
  • MWEIT-M012 - 'Measures for the conservation of cetaceans in the Mediterranean, under international agreements'
  • MWEIT-M013 - 'Directorial Decree of Ministry of Environment, in cooperation with the Ministry of Health, for the establishment of the coordination of the marine mammal stranding national network (ReNaSMM)'
  • MWEIT-M014 - 'Measures for the conservation of wild flora and fauna and natural habitats, and the promotion of cooperation between Member States'
  • MWEIT-M015 - 'Bird protection measures through the Birds Directive (2009/147/ EC)'
  • MWEIT-M016 - 'National and Community measures for the protection of birds'
  • MWEIT-M017 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MWEIT-M018 - 'Protective measures for benthic habitats associated with the European legislation (planning, impact assessment, river basin management plans)'
  • MWEIT-M019 - 'Measures to protect habitats and associated target species under international conventions'
  • MWEIT-M020 - 'Measures for the conservation of migratory species of wild animals'
  • MWEIT-M021 - 'Regulatory measures for international trade in endangered species'
  • MWEIT-M022 - 'Measures to promote a pilot area for the control of marine pollution along the coastline stretching from Marseille to La Spezia'
  • MWEIT-M023 - 'International cetacean protection measures'
  • MWEIT-M024 - 'Measures to protect biodiversity through European policies'
  • MWEIT-M025 - 'Community and international measures for elasmobranch'
  • MWEIT-M026 - 'Measures regulating catches of cetaceans, tortoises and common sturgeon'
  • MWEIT-M027 - 'Establishment of measures for the International Whale Sanctuary'
  • MWEIT-M028 - 'National measures for the protection of biodiversity'
  • MWEIT-M029 - 'National measures for recovery, rescue custody and management of marine reptiles'
  • MWEIT-M030 - 'Measures for coastal land planning'
  • MWEIT-M031 - 'Regulatory measures for commercial fishing and the sustainable exploitation of fish stocks'
  • MWEIT-M032 - 'Adoption of National Plans of Fleet Management'
  • MWEIT-M033-NEW1 - 'Complete the network of Natura 2000 sites at sea and subsequent identification of conservation measures'
  • MWEIT-M034-NEW2 - 'Implementation of technical solutions (methodological and instrumental) for the reduction of the phenomenon of collision with cetaceans'
  • MWEIT-M035-NEW3 - 'Acquisition, systematisation and standardisation, as well as consistent recognition, with data from monitoring activities implemented, with particular reference to EIA procedures'
  • MWEIT-M036-NEW4 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of elasmobranchs from by-catch'
  • MWEIT-M037-NEW5 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of cetaceans and sea turtles from by-catch'
  • MWEIT-M038-NEW6 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of seabirds from by-catch'
  • MWEIT-M039-NEW7 - 'Implementation of awareness-raising and information measures to prevent removal activities and damage to the benthic species and habitats protected'
  • MWEIT-M047 - 'Measures related to the monitoring of fishing vessels'
  • MWEIT-M048 - 'Combat IUU fishing'
  • MWEIT-M049 - 'Local management plans for management units'
  • MWEIT-M050 - 'Implementation of the new CFP, the EMFF and the triennial plan'
  • MWEIT-M051 - 'Fisheries management of bivalve molluscs'
  • MWEIT-M061 - 'Implementation of the National Energy Plan'
  • MWEIT-M062 - 'Use of the maritime domain and the territorial sea areas'
  • MWEIT-M063 - 'Minimum requirements to prevent major accidents in offshore operations and limiting the consequences of such accidents in the hydrocarbon sector'
  • MWEIT-M064 - 'Measures concerning the spill of materials from port dredging'
  • MWEIT-M065 - 'Related measures and EIA'
  • MWEIT-M066 - 'Register of vessels authorised to fish under the GFCM Agreement'
  • MWEIT-M089 - 'Measures related to the regulation of approval for the immersion in the sea of excavation seabed materials and dredging'
  • MADIT-M001 - 'Measures related to the management of the Natura 2000 Network sites'
  • MADIT-M002 - 'Planned measures to designate SACs in Natura 2000 sites'
  • MADIT-M003 - 'Measures to protect target species and targeted habitats through the MPAs'
  • MADIT-M004 - 'Planned measures to increase MPAs'
  • MADIT-M005 - 'Measures to protect target habitats through other protected areas'
  • MADIT-M006 - 'Management measures for benthic habitats in the Mediterranean and identification of protected species and habitats'
  • MADIT-M007 - 'Measures to protect fish stocks through other protected areas (wildlife protection areas)'
  • MADIT-M008 - 'Measures to reduce the impact of fishing and protection of pelagic habitats'
  • MADIT-M009 - 'Protective measures for the taking and selling of endangered species through international agreements'
  • MADIT-M010 - 'Measures for incidental catches of cetaceans in fisheries'
  • MADIT-M011 - 'Measures for the conservation of cetaceans in the Mediterranean, under international agreements'
  • MADIT-M012 - 'Directorial Decree of Ministry of Environment, in cooperation with the Ministry of Health, for the establishment of the coordination of the marine mammal stranding national network (ReNaSMM)'
  • MADIT-M013 - 'Measures for the conservation of wild flora and fauna and natural habitats, and the promotion of cooperation between Member States'
  • MADIT-M014 - 'Bird protection measures through the Birds Directive (2009/147/ EC)'
  • MADIT-M015 - 'National and Community measures for the protection of birds'
  • MADIT-M016 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MADIT-M017 - 'Protective measures for benthic habitats associated with the European legislation (planning, impact assessment, river basin management plans)'
  • MADIT-M018 - 'Measures to protect habitats and associated target species under international conventions'
  • MADIT-M019 - 'Measures for the conservation of migratory species of wild animals'
  • MADIT-M020 - 'Regulatory measures for international trade in endangered species'
  • MADIT-M021 - 'International cetacean protection measures'
  • MADIT-M022 - 'Measures to protect biodiversity through European policies'
  • MADIT-M023 - 'Community and international measures for elasmobranch'
  • MADIT-M024 - 'Measures regulating catches of cetaceans, tortoises and common sturgeon'
  • MADIT-M025 - 'National measures for the protection of biodiversity'
  • MADIT-M026 - 'National measures for recovery, rescue custody and management of marine reptiles'
  • MADIT-M027 - 'Measures for coastal land planning'
  • MADIT-M028 - 'Regulatory measures for commercial fishing and the sustainable exploitation of fish stocks'
  • MADIT-M029 - 'Adoption of National Plans of Fleet Management'
  • MADIT-M030-NEW1 - 'Complete the network of Natura 2000 sites at sea and subsequent identification of conservation measures'
  • MADIT-M031-NEW2 - 'Implementation of technical solutions (methodological and instrumental) for the reduction of the phenomenon of collision with cetaceans'
  • MADIT-M032-NEW3 - 'Acquisition, systematisation and standardisation, as well as consistent recognition, with data from monitoring activities implemented, with particular reference to EIA procedures'
  • MADIT-M033-NEW4 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of elasmobranchs from by-catch'
  • MADIT-M034-NEW5 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of cetaceans and sea turtles from by-catch'
  • MADIT-M035-NEW6 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of seabirds from by-catch'
  • MADIT-M036-NEW7 - 'Implementation of awareness-raising and information measures to prevent removal activities and damage to the benthic species and habitats protected'
  • MADIT-M046 - 'Measures related to the monitoring of fishing vessels'
  • MADIT-M047 - 'Combat IUU fishing'
  • MADIT-M048 - 'Implementation of the new CFP, the EMFF and the triennial plan'
  • MADIT-M049 - 'Fisheries management of bivalve molluscs'
  • MADIT-M059 - 'Implementation of the National Energy Plan'
  • MADIT-M060 - 'Use of the maritime domain and the territorial sea areas'
  • MADIT-M061 - 'Minimum requirements to prevent major accidents in offshore operations and limiting the consequences of such accidents in the hydrocarbon sector'
  • MADIT-M062 - 'Measures concerning the spill of materials from port dredging'
  • MADIT-M063 - 'Related measures and EIA'
  • MADIT-M064 - 'Register of vessels authorised to fish under the GFCM Agreement'
  • MADIT-M087 - 'Measures related to the regulation of approval for the immersion in the sea of excavation seabed materials and dredging'
  • MICIT-M001 - 'Measures related to the management of the Natura 2000 Network sites'
  • MICIT-M002 - 'Planned measures to designate SACs in Natura 2000 sites'
  • MICIT-M003 - 'Measures to protect target species and targeted habitats through the MPAs'
  • MICIT-M004 - 'Planned measures to increase MPAs'
  • MICIT-M005 - 'Measures to protect target habitats through other protected areas'
  • MICIT-M006 - 'Management measures for benthic habitats in the Mediterranean and identification of protected species and habitats'
  • MICIT-M007 - 'Measures to protect fish stocks through other protected areas (wildlife protection areas)'
  • MICIT-M008 - 'Measures to reduce the impact of fishing and protection of pelagic habitats'
  • MICIT-M009 - 'Protective measures for the taking and selling of endangered species through international agreements'
  • MICIT-M010 - 'Measures for incidental catches of cetaceans in fisheries'
  • MICIT-M011 - 'Measures for the conservation of cetaceans in the Mediterranean, under international agreements'
  • MICIT-M012 - 'Directorial Decree of Ministry of Environment, in cooperation with the Ministry of Health, for the establishment of the coordination of the marine mammal stranding national network (ReNaSMM)'
  • MICIT-M013 - 'Measures for the conservation of wild flora and fauna and natural habitats, and the promotion of cooperation between Member States'
  • MICIT-M014 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MICIT-M015 - 'National and Community measures for the protection of birds'
  • MICIT-M016 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MICIT-M017 - 'Protective measures for benthic habitats associated with the European legislation (planning, impact assessment, river basin management plans)'
  • MICIT-M018 - 'Measures to protect habitats and associated target species under international conventions'
  • MICIT-M019 - 'Measures for the conservation of migratory species of wild animals'
  • MICIT-M020 - 'Regulatory measures for international trade in endangered species'
  • MICIT-M021 - 'International cetacean protection measures'
  • MICIT-M022 - 'Measures to protect biodiversity through European policies'
  • MICIT-M023 - 'Community and international measures for elasmobranch'
  • MICIT-M024 - 'Measures regulating catches of cetaceans, tortoises and common sturgeon'
  • MICIT-M025 - 'National measures for the protection of biodiversity'
  • MICIT-M026 - 'National measures for recovery, rescue custody and management of marine reptiles'
  • MICIT-M027 - 'Measures for coastal land planning'
  • MICIT-M028 - 'Regulatory measures for commercial fishing and the sustainable exploitation of fish stocks'
  • MICIT-M029 - 'Adoption of National Plans of Fleet Management'
  • MICIT-M030-NEW1 - 'Complete the network of Natura 2000 sites at sea and subsequent identification of conservation measures'
  • MICIT-M031-NEW2 - 'Implementation of technical solutions (methodological and instrumental) for the reduction of the phenomenon of collision with cetaceans'
  • MICIT-M032-NEW3 - 'Acquisition, systematisation and standardisation, as well as consistent recognition, with data from monitoring activities implemented, with particular reference to EIA procedures'
  • MICIT-M033-NEW4 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of elasmobranchs from by-catch'
  • MICIT-M034-NEW5 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of cetaceans and sea turtles from by-catch'
  • MICIT-M035-NEW6 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of seabirds from by-catch'
  • MICIT-M036-NEW7 - 'Implementation of awareness-raising and information measures to prevent removal activities and damage to the benthic species and habitats protected'
  • MICIT-M044 - 'Measures related to the monitoring of fishing vessels'
  • MICIT-M045 - 'Combat IUU fishing'
  • MICIT-M046 - 'Local management plans for management units'
  • MICIT-M047 - 'Implementation of the new CFP, the EMFF and the triennial plan'
  • MICIT-M048 - 'Fisheries management of bivalve molluscs'
  • MICIT-M058 - 'Implementation of the National Energy Plan'
  • MICIT-M059 - 'Use of the maritime domain and the territorial sea areas'
  • MICIT-M060 - 'Minimum requirements to prevent major accidents in offshore operations and limiting the consequences of such accidents in the hydrocarbon sector'
  • MICIT-M061 - 'Measures concerning the spill of materials from port dredging'
  • MICIT-M062 - 'Related measures and EIA'
  • MICIT-M063 - 'Register of vessels authorised to fish under the GFCM Agreement'
  • MWEIT-M001 - 'Measures related to the management of the Natura 2000 Network sites'
  • MWEIT-M002 - 'Planned measures to designate SACs in Natura 2000 sites'
  • MWEIT-M003 - 'Measures to protect target species and targeted habitats through the MPAs'
  • MWEIT-M004 - 'Planned measures to increase MPAs'
  • MWEIT-M005 - 'Measures to protect target habitats through other protected areas'
  • MWEIT-M006 - 'Management measures for benthic habitats in the Mediterranean and identification of protected species and habitats'
  • MWEIT-M007 - 'Measures to protect fish stocks through other protected areas (wildlife protection areas)'
  • MWEIT-M008 - 'Measures to reduce the impact of fishing and protection of pelagic habitats'
  • MWEIT-M009 - 'Ecological protection measures'
  • MWEIT-M010 - 'Protective measures for the taking and selling of endangered species through international agreements'
  • MWEIT-M011 - 'Measures for incidental catches of cetaceans in fisheries'
  • MWEIT-M012 - 'Measures for the conservation of cetaceans in the Mediterranean, under international agreements'
  • MWEIT-M013 - 'Directorial Decree of Ministry of Environment, in cooperation with the Ministry of Health, for the establishment of the coordination of the marine mammal stranding national network (ReNaSMM)'
  • MWEIT-M014 - 'Measures for the conservation of wild flora and fauna and natural habitats, and the promotion of cooperation between Member States'
  • MWEIT-M015 - 'Bird protection measures through the Birds Directive (2009/147/ EC)'
  • MWEIT-M016 - 'National and Community measures for the protection of birds'
  • MWEIT-M017 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MWEIT-M018 - 'Protective measures for benthic habitats associated with the European legislation (planning, impact assessment, river basin management plans)'
  • MWEIT-M019 - 'Measures to protect habitats and associated target species under international conventions'
  • MWEIT-M020 - 'Measures for the conservation of migratory species of wild animals'
  • MWEIT-M021 - 'Regulatory measures for international trade in endangered species'
  • MWEIT-M022 - 'Measures to promote a pilot area for the control of marine pollution along the coastline stretching from Marseille to La Spezia'
  • MWEIT-M023 - 'International cetacean protection measures'
  • MWEIT-M024 - 'Measures to protect biodiversity through European policies'
  • MWEIT-M025 - 'Community and international measures for elasmobranch'
  • MWEIT-M026 - 'Measures regulating catches of cetaceans, tortoises and common sturgeon'
  • MWEIT-M027 - 'Establishment of measures for the International Whale Sanctuary'
  • MWEIT-M028 - 'National measures for the protection of biodiversity'
  • MWEIT-M029 - 'National measures for recovery, rescue custody and management of marine reptiles'
  • MWEIT-M030 - 'Measures for coastal land planning'
  • MWEIT-M031 - 'Regulatory measures for commercial fishing and the sustainable exploitation of fish stocks'
  • MWEIT-M032 - 'Adoption of National Plans of Fleet Management'
  • MWEIT-M033-NEW1 - 'Complete the network of Natura 2000 sites at sea and subsequent identification of conservation measures'
  • MWEIT-M034-NEW2 - 'Implementation of technical solutions (methodological and instrumental) for the reduction of the phenomenon of collision with cetaceans'
  • MWEIT-M035-NEW3 - 'Acquisition, systematisation and standardisation, as well as consistent recognition, with data from monitoring activities implemented, with particular reference to EIA procedures'
  • MWEIT-M036-NEW4 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of elasmobranchs from by-catch'
  • MWEIT-M037-NEW5 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of cetaceans and sea turtles from by-catch'
  • MWEIT-M038-NEW6 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of seabirds from by-catch'
  • MWEIT-M039-NEW7 - 'Implementation of awareness-raising and information measures to prevent removal activities and damage to the benthic species and habitats protected'
  • MWEIT-M047 - 'Measures related to the monitoring of fishing vessels'
  • MWEIT-M048 - 'Combat IUU fishing'
  • MWEIT-M049 - 'Local management plans for management units'
  • MWEIT-M050 - 'Implementation of the new CFP, the EMFF and the triennial plan'
  • MWEIT-M051 - 'Fisheries management of bivalve molluscs'
  • MWEIT-M061 - 'Implementation of the National Energy Plan'
  • MWEIT-M062 - 'Use of the maritime domain and the territorial sea areas'
  • MWEIT-M063 - 'Minimum requirements to prevent major accidents in offshore operations and limiting the consequences of such accidents in the hydrocarbon sector'
  • MWEIT-M064 - 'Measures concerning the spill of materials from port dredging'
  • MWEIT-M065 - 'Related measures and EIA'
  • MWEIT-M066 - 'Register of vessels authorised to fish under the GFCM Agreement'
  • MWEIT-M089 - 'Measures related to the regulation of approval for the immersion in the sea of excavation seabed materials and dredging'
  • MADIT-M001 - 'Measures related to the management of the Natura 2000 Network sites'
  • MADIT-M002 - 'Planned measures to designate SACs in Natura 2000 sites'
  • MADIT-M003 - 'Measures to protect target species and targeted habitats through the MPAs'
  • MADIT-M004 - 'Planned measures to increase MPAs'
  • MADIT-M005 - 'Measures to protect target habitats through other protected areas'
  • MADIT-M006 - 'Management measures for benthic habitats in the Mediterranean and identification of protected species and habitats'
  • MADIT-M007 - 'Measures to protect fish stocks through other protected areas (wildlife protection areas)'
  • MADIT-M008 - 'Measures to reduce the impact of fishing and protection of pelagic habitats'
  • MADIT-M009 - 'Protective measures for the taking and selling of endangered species through international agreements'
  • MADIT-M010 - 'Measures for incidental catches of cetaceans in fisheries'
  • MADIT-M011 - 'Measures for the conservation of cetaceans in the Mediterranean, under international agreements'
  • MADIT-M012 - 'Directorial Decree of Ministry of Environment, in cooperation with the Ministry of Health, for the establishment of the coordination of the marine mammal stranding national network (ReNaSMM)'
  • MADIT-M013 - 'Measures for the conservation of wild flora and fauna and natural habitats, and the promotion of cooperation between Member States'
  • MADIT-M014 - 'Bird protection measures through the Birds Directive (2009/147/ EC)'
  • MADIT-M015 - 'National and Community measures for the protection of birds'
  • MADIT-M016 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MADIT-M017 - 'Protective measures for benthic habitats associated with the European legislation (planning, impact assessment, river basin management plans)'
  • MADIT-M018 - 'Measures to protect habitats and associated target species under international conventions'
  • MADIT-M019 - 'Measures for the conservation of migratory species of wild animals'
  • MADIT-M020 - 'Regulatory measures for international trade in endangered species'
  • MADIT-M021 - 'International cetacean protection measures'
  • MADIT-M022 - 'Measures to protect biodiversity through European policies'
  • MADIT-M023 - 'Community and international measures for elasmobranch'
  • MADIT-M024 - 'Measures regulating catches of cetaceans, tortoises and common sturgeon'
  • MADIT-M025 - 'National measures for the protection of biodiversity'
  • MADIT-M026 - 'National measures for recovery, rescue custody and management of marine reptiles'
  • MADIT-M027 - 'Measures for coastal land planning'
  • MADIT-M028 - 'Regulatory measures for commercial fishing and the sustainable exploitation of fish stocks'
  • MADIT-M029 - 'Adoption of National Plans of Fleet Management'
  • MADIT-M030-NEW1 - 'Complete the network of Natura 2000 sites at sea and subsequent identification of conservation measures'
  • MADIT-M031-NEW2 - 'Implementation of technical solutions (methodological and instrumental) for the reduction of the phenomenon of collision with cetaceans'
  • MADIT-M032-NEW3 - 'Acquisition, systematisation and standardisation, as well as consistent recognition, with data from monitoring activities implemented, with particular reference to EIA procedures'
  • MADIT-M033-NEW4 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of elasmobranchs from by-catch'
  • MADIT-M034-NEW5 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of cetaceans and sea turtles from by-catch'
  • MADIT-M035-NEW6 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of seabirds from by-catch'
  • MADIT-M036-NEW7 - 'Implementation of awareness-raising and information measures to prevent removal activities and damage to the benthic species and habitats protected'
  • MADIT-M046 - 'Measures related to the monitoring of fishing vessels'
  • MADIT-M047 - 'Combat IUU fishing'
  • MADIT-M048 - 'Implementation of the new CFP, the EMFF and the triennial plan'
  • MADIT-M049 - 'Fisheries management of bivalve molluscs'
  • MADIT-M059 - 'Implementation of the National Energy Plan'
  • MADIT-M060 - 'Use of the maritime domain and the territorial sea areas'
  • MADIT-M061 - 'Minimum requirements to prevent major accidents in offshore operations and limiting the consequences of such accidents in the hydrocarbon sector'
  • MADIT-M062 - 'Measures concerning the spill of materials from port dredging'
  • MADIT-M063 - 'Related measures and EIA'
  • MADIT-M064 - 'Register of vessels authorised to fish under the GFCM Agreement'
  • MADIT-M087 - 'Measures related to the regulation of approval for the immersion in the sea of excavation seabed materials and dredging'
  • MICIT-M001 - 'Measures related to the management of the Natura 2000 Network sites'
  • MICIT-M002 - 'Planned measures to designate SACs in Natura 2000 sites'
  • MICIT-M003 - 'Measures to protect target species and targeted habitats through the MPAs'
  • MICIT-M004 - 'Planned measures to increase MPAs'
  • MICIT-M005 - 'Measures to protect target habitats through other protected areas'
  • MICIT-M006 - 'Management measures for benthic habitats in the Mediterranean and identification of protected species and habitats'
  • MICIT-M007 - 'Measures to protect fish stocks through other protected areas (wildlife protection areas)'
  • MICIT-M008 - 'Measures to reduce the impact of fishing and protection of pelagic habitats'
  • MICIT-M009 - 'Protective measures for the taking and selling of endangered species through international agreements'
  • MICIT-M010 - 'Measures for incidental catches of cetaceans in fisheries'
  • MICIT-M011 - 'Measures for the conservation of cetaceans in the Mediterranean, under international agreements'
  • MICIT-M012 - 'Directorial Decree of Ministry of Environment, in cooperation with the Ministry of Health, for the establishment of the coordination of the marine mammal stranding national network (ReNaSMM)'
  • MICIT-M013 - 'Measures for the conservation of wild flora and fauna and natural habitats, and the promotion of cooperation between Member States'
  • MICIT-M014 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MICIT-M015 - 'National and Community measures for the protection of birds'
  • MICIT-M016 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MICIT-M017 - 'Protective measures for benthic habitats associated with the European legislation (planning, impact assessment, river basin management plans)'
  • MICIT-M018 - 'Measures to protect habitats and associated target species under international conventions'
  • MICIT-M019 - 'Measures for the conservation of migratory species of wild animals'
  • MICIT-M020 - 'Regulatory measures for international trade in endangered species'
  • MICIT-M021 - 'International cetacean protection measures'
  • MICIT-M022 - 'Measures to protect biodiversity through European policies'
  • MICIT-M023 - 'Community and international measures for elasmobranch'
  • MICIT-M024 - 'Measures regulating catches of cetaceans, tortoises and common sturgeon'
  • MICIT-M025 - 'National measures for the protection of biodiversity'
  • MICIT-M026 - 'National measures for recovery, rescue custody and management of marine reptiles'
  • MICIT-M027 - 'Measures for coastal land planning'
  • MICIT-M028 - 'Regulatory measures for commercial fishing and the sustainable exploitation of fish stocks'
  • MICIT-M029 - 'Adoption of National Plans of Fleet Management'
  • MICIT-M030-NEW1 - 'Complete the network of Natura 2000 sites at sea and subsequent identification of conservation measures'
  • MICIT-M031-NEW2 - 'Implementation of technical solutions (methodological and instrumental) for the reduction of the phenomenon of collision with cetaceans'
  • MICIT-M032-NEW3 - 'Acquisition, systematisation and standardisation, as well as consistent recognition, with data from monitoring activities implemented, with particular reference to EIA procedures'
  • MICIT-M033-NEW4 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of elasmobranchs from by-catch'
  • MICIT-M034-NEW5 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of cetaceans and sea turtles from by-catch'
  • MICIT-M035-NEW6 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of seabirds from by-catch'
  • MICIT-M036-NEW7 - 'Implementation of awareness-raising and information measures to prevent removal activities and damage to the benthic species and habitats protected'
  • MICIT-M044 - 'Measures related to the monitoring of fishing vessels'
  • MICIT-M045 - 'Combat IUU fishing'
  • MICIT-M046 - 'Local management plans for management units'
  • MICIT-M047 - 'Implementation of the new CFP, the EMFF and the triennial plan'
  • MICIT-M048 - 'Fisheries management of bivalve molluscs'
  • MICIT-M058 - 'Implementation of the National Energy Plan'
  • MICIT-M059 - 'Use of the maritime domain and the territorial sea areas'
  • MICIT-M060 - 'Minimum requirements to prevent major accidents in offshore operations and limiting the consequences of such accidents in the hydrocarbon sector'
  • MICIT-M061 - 'Measures concerning the spill of materials from port dredging'
  • MICIT-M062 - 'Related measures and EIA'
  • MICIT-M063 - 'Register of vessels authorised to fish under the GFCM Agreement'
  • MWEIT-M001 - 'Measures related to the management of the Natura 2000 Network sites'
  • MWEIT-M002 - 'Planned measures to designate SACs in Natura 2000 sites'
  • MWEIT-M003 - 'Measures to protect target species and targeted habitats through the MPAs'
  • MWEIT-M004 - 'Planned measures to increase MPAs'
  • MWEIT-M005 - 'Measures to protect target habitats through other protected areas'
  • MWEIT-M006 - 'Management measures for benthic habitats in the Mediterranean and identification of protected species and habitats'
  • MWEIT-M007 - 'Measures to protect fish stocks through other protected areas (wildlife protection areas)'
  • MWEIT-M008 - 'Measures to reduce the impact of fishing and protection of pelagic habitats'
  • MWEIT-M009 - 'Ecological protection measures'
  • MWEIT-M010 - 'Protective measures for the taking and selling of endangered species through international agreements'
  • MWEIT-M011 - 'Measures for incidental catches of cetaceans in fisheries'
  • MWEIT-M012 - 'Measures for the conservation of cetaceans in the Mediterranean, under international agreements'
  • MWEIT-M013 - 'Directorial Decree of Ministry of Environment, in cooperation with the Ministry of Health, for the establishment of the coordination of the marine mammal stranding national network (ReNaSMM)'
  • MWEIT-M014 - 'Measures for the conservation of wild flora and fauna and natural habitats, and the promotion of cooperation between Member States'
  • MWEIT-M015 - 'Bird protection measures through the Birds Directive (2009/147/ EC)'
  • MWEIT-M016 - 'National and Community measures for the protection of birds'
  • MWEIT-M017 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MWEIT-M018 - 'Protective measures for benthic habitats associated with the European legislation (planning, impact assessment, river basin management plans)'
  • MWEIT-M019 - 'Measures to protect habitats and associated target species under international conventions'
  • MWEIT-M020 - 'Measures for the conservation of migratory species of wild animals'
  • MWEIT-M021 - 'Regulatory measures for international trade in endangered species'
  • MWEIT-M022 - 'Measures to promote a pilot area for the control of marine pollution along the coastline stretching from Marseille to La Spezia'
  • MWEIT-M023 - 'International cetacean protection measures'
  • MWEIT-M024 - 'Measures to protect biodiversity through European policies'
  • MWEIT-M025 - 'Community and international measures for elasmobranch'
  • MWEIT-M026 - 'Measures regulating catches of cetaceans, tortoises and common sturgeon'
  • MWEIT-M027 - 'Establishment of measures for the International Whale Sanctuary'
  • MWEIT-M028 - 'National measures for the protection of biodiversity'
  • MWEIT-M029 - 'National measures for recovery, rescue custody and management of marine reptiles'
  • MWEIT-M030 - 'Measures for coastal land planning'
  • MWEIT-M031 - 'Regulatory measures for commercial fishing and the sustainable exploitation of fish stocks'
  • MWEIT-M032 - 'Adoption of National Plans of Fleet Management'
  • MWEIT-M033-NEW1 - 'Complete the network of Natura 2000 sites at sea and subsequent identification of conservation measures'
  • MWEIT-M034-NEW2 - 'Implementation of technical solutions (methodological and instrumental) for the reduction of the phenomenon of collision with cetaceans'
  • MWEIT-M035-NEW3 - 'Acquisition, systematisation and standardisation, as well as consistent recognition, with data from monitoring activities implemented, with particular reference to EIA procedures'
  • MWEIT-M036-NEW4 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of elasmobranchs from by-catch'
  • MWEIT-M037-NEW5 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of cetaceans and sea turtles from by-catch'
  • MWEIT-M038-NEW6 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of seabirds from by-catch'
  • MWEIT-M039-NEW7 - 'Implementation of awareness-raising and information measures to prevent removal activities and damage to the benthic species and habitats protected'
  • MWEIT-M047 - 'Measures related to the monitoring of fishing vessels'
  • MWEIT-M048 - 'Combat IUU fishing'
  • MWEIT-M049 - 'Local management plans for management units'
  • MWEIT-M050 - 'Implementation of the new CFP, the EMFF and the triennial plan'
  • MWEIT-M051 - 'Fisheries management of bivalve molluscs'
  • MWEIT-M061 - 'Implementation of the National Energy Plan'
  • MWEIT-M062 - 'Use of the maritime domain and the territorial sea areas'
  • MWEIT-M063 - 'Minimum requirements to prevent major accidents in offshore operations and limiting the consequences of such accidents in the hydrocarbon sector'
  • MWEIT-M064 - 'Measures concerning the spill of materials from port dredging'
  • MWEIT-M065 - 'Related measures and EIA'
  • MWEIT-M066 - 'Register of vessels authorised to fish under the GFCM Agreement'
  • MWEIT-M089 - 'Measures related to the regulation of approval for the immersion in the sea of excavation seabed materials and dredging'
  • MADIT-M001 - 'Measures related to the management of the Natura 2000 Network sites'
  • MADIT-M002 - 'Planned measures to designate SACs in Natura 2000 sites'
  • MADIT-M003 - 'Measures to protect target species and targeted habitats through the MPAs'
  • MADIT-M004 - 'Planned measures to increase MPAs'
  • MADIT-M005 - 'Measures to protect target habitats through other protected areas'
  • MADIT-M006 - 'Management measures for benthic habitats in the Mediterranean and identification of protected species and habitats'
  • MADIT-M007 - 'Measures to protect fish stocks through other protected areas (wildlife protection areas)'
  • MADIT-M008 - 'Measures to reduce the impact of fishing and protection of pelagic habitats'
  • MADIT-M009 - 'Protective measures for the taking and selling of endangered species through international agreements'
  • MADIT-M010 - 'Measures for incidental catches of cetaceans in fisheries'
  • MADIT-M011 - 'Measures for the conservation of cetaceans in the Mediterranean, under international agreements'
  • MADIT-M012 - 'Directorial Decree of Ministry of Environment, in cooperation with the Ministry of Health, for the establishment of the coordination of the marine mammal stranding national network (ReNaSMM)'
  • MADIT-M013 - 'Measures for the conservation of wild flora and fauna and natural habitats, and the promotion of cooperation between Member States'
  • MADIT-M014 - 'Bird protection measures through the Birds Directive (2009/147/ EC)'
  • MADIT-M015 - 'National and Community measures for the protection of birds'
  • MADIT-M016 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MADIT-M017 - 'Protective measures for benthic habitats associated with the European legislation (planning, impact assessment, river basin management plans)'
  • MADIT-M018 - 'Measures to protect habitats and associated target species under international conventions'
  • MADIT-M019 - 'Measures for the conservation of migratory species of wild animals'
  • MADIT-M020 - 'Regulatory measures for international trade in endangered species'
  • MADIT-M021 - 'International cetacean protection measures'
  • MADIT-M022 - 'Measures to protect biodiversity through European policies'
  • MADIT-M023 - 'Community and international measures for elasmobranch'
  • MADIT-M024 - 'Measures regulating catches of cetaceans, tortoises and common sturgeon'
  • MADIT-M025 - 'National measures for the protection of biodiversity'
  • MADIT-M026 - 'National measures for recovery, rescue custody and management of marine reptiles'
  • MADIT-M027 - 'Measures for coastal land planning'
  • MADIT-M028 - 'Regulatory measures for commercial fishing and the sustainable exploitation of fish stocks'
  • MADIT-M029 - 'Adoption of National Plans of Fleet Management'
  • MADIT-M030-NEW1 - 'Complete the network of Natura 2000 sites at sea and subsequent identification of conservation measures'
  • MADIT-M031-NEW2 - 'Implementation of technical solutions (methodological and instrumental) for the reduction of the phenomenon of collision with cetaceans'
  • MADIT-M032-NEW3 - 'Acquisition, systematisation and standardisation, as well as consistent recognition, with data from monitoring activities implemented, with particular reference to EIA procedures'
  • MADIT-M033-NEW4 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of elasmobranchs from by-catch'
  • MADIT-M034-NEW5 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of cetaceans and sea turtles from by-catch'
  • MADIT-M035-NEW6 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of seabirds from by-catch'
  • MADIT-M036-NEW7 - 'Implementation of awareness-raising and information measures to prevent removal activities and damage to the benthic species and habitats protected'
  • MADIT-M046 - 'Measures related to the monitoring of fishing vessels'
  • MADIT-M047 - 'Combat IUU fishing'
  • MADIT-M048 - 'Implementation of the new CFP, the EMFF and the triennial plan'
  • MADIT-M049 - 'Fisheries management of bivalve molluscs'
  • MADIT-M059 - 'Implementation of the National Energy Plan'
  • MADIT-M060 - 'Use of the maritime domain and the territorial sea areas'
  • MADIT-M061 - 'Minimum requirements to prevent major accidents in offshore operations and limiting the consequences of such accidents in the hydrocarbon sector'
  • MADIT-M062 - 'Measures concerning the spill of materials from port dredging'
  • MADIT-M063 - 'Related measures and EIA'
  • MADIT-M064 - 'Register of vessels authorised to fish under the GFCM Agreement'
  • MADIT-M087 - 'Measures related to the regulation of approval for the immersion in the sea of excavation seabed materials and dredging'
  • MICIT-M001 - 'Measures related to the management of the Natura 2000 Network sites'
  • MICIT-M002 - 'Planned measures to designate SACs in Natura 2000 sites'
  • MICIT-M003 - 'Measures to protect target species and targeted habitats through the MPAs'
  • MICIT-M004 - 'Planned measures to increase MPAs'
  • MICIT-M005 - 'Measures to protect target habitats through other protected areas'
  • MICIT-M006 - 'Management measures for benthic habitats in the Mediterranean and identification of protected species and habitats'
  • MICIT-M007 - 'Measures to protect fish stocks through other protected areas (wildlife protection areas)'
  • MICIT-M008 - 'Measures to reduce the impact of fishing and protection of pelagic habitats'
  • MICIT-M009 - 'Protective measures for the taking and selling of endangered species through international agreements'
  • MICIT-M010 - 'Measures for incidental catches of cetaceans in fisheries'
  • MICIT-M011 - 'Measures for the conservation of cetaceans in the Mediterranean, under international agreements'
  • MICIT-M012 - 'Directorial Decree of Ministry of Environment, in cooperation with the Ministry of Health, for the establishment of the coordination of the marine mammal stranding national network (ReNaSMM)'
  • MICIT-M013 - 'Measures for the conservation of wild flora and fauna and natural habitats, and the promotion of cooperation between Member States'
  • MICIT-M014 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MICIT-M015 - 'National and Community measures for the protection of birds'
  • MICIT-M016 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MICIT-M017 - 'Protective measures for benthic habitats associated with the European legislation (planning, impact assessment, river basin management plans)'
  • MICIT-M018 - 'Measures to protect habitats and associated target species under international conventions'
  • MICIT-M019 - 'Measures for the conservation of migratory species of wild animals'
  • MICIT-M020 - 'Regulatory measures for international trade in endangered species'
  • MICIT-M021 - 'International cetacean protection measures'
  • MICIT-M022 - 'Measures to protect biodiversity through European policies'
  • MICIT-M023 - 'Community and international measures for elasmobranch'
  • MICIT-M024 - 'Measures regulating catches of cetaceans, tortoises and common sturgeon'
  • MICIT-M025 - 'National measures for the protection of biodiversity'
  • MICIT-M026 - 'National measures for recovery, rescue custody and management of marine reptiles'
  • MICIT-M027 - 'Measures for coastal land planning'
  • MICIT-M028 - 'Regulatory measures for commercial fishing and the sustainable exploitation of fish stocks'
  • MICIT-M029 - 'Adoption of National Plans of Fleet Management'
  • MICIT-M030-NEW1 - 'Complete the network of Natura 2000 sites at sea and subsequent identification of conservation measures'
  • MICIT-M031-NEW2 - 'Implementation of technical solutions (methodological and instrumental) for the reduction of the phenomenon of collision with cetaceans'
  • MICIT-M032-NEW3 - 'Acquisition, systematisation and standardisation, as well as consistent recognition, with data from monitoring activities implemented, with particular reference to EIA procedures'
  • MICIT-M033-NEW4 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of elasmobranchs from by-catch'
  • MICIT-M034-NEW5 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of cetaceans and sea turtles from by-catch'
  • MICIT-M035-NEW6 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of seabirds from by-catch'
  • MICIT-M036-NEW7 - 'Implementation of awareness-raising and information measures to prevent removal activities and damage to the benthic species and habitats protected'
  • MICIT-M044 - 'Measures related to the monitoring of fishing vessels'
  • MICIT-M045 - 'Combat IUU fishing'
  • MICIT-M046 - 'Local management plans for management units'
  • MICIT-M047 - 'Implementation of the new CFP, the EMFF and the triennial plan'
  • MICIT-M048 - 'Fisheries management of bivalve molluscs'
  • MICIT-M058 - 'Implementation of the National Energy Plan'
  • MICIT-M059 - 'Use of the maritime domain and the territorial sea areas'
  • MICIT-M060 - 'Minimum requirements to prevent major accidents in offshore operations and limiting the consequences of such accidents in the hydrocarbon sector'
  • MICIT-M061 - 'Measures concerning the spill of materials from port dredging'
  • MICIT-M062 - 'Related measures and EIA'
  • MICIT-M063 - 'Register of vessels authorised to fish under the GFCM Agreement'
  • MWEIT-M001 - 'Measures related to the management of the Natura 2000 Network sites'
  • MWEIT-M002 - 'Planned measures to designate SACs in Natura 2000 sites'
  • MWEIT-M003 - 'Measures to protect target species and targeted habitats through the MPAs'
  • MWEIT-M004 - 'Planned measures to increase MPAs'
  • MWEIT-M005 - 'Measures to protect target habitats through other protected areas'
  • MWEIT-M006 - 'Management measures for benthic habitats in the Mediterranean and identification of protected species and habitats'
  • MWEIT-M007 - 'Measures to protect fish stocks through other protected areas (wildlife protection areas)'
  • MWEIT-M008 - 'Measures to reduce the impact of fishing and protection of pelagic habitats'
  • MWEIT-M009 - 'Ecological protection measures'
  • MWEIT-M010 - 'Protective measures for the taking and selling of endangered species through international agreements'
  • MWEIT-M011 - 'Measures for incidental catches of cetaceans in fisheries'
  • MWEIT-M012 - 'Measures for the conservation of cetaceans in the Mediterranean, under international agreements'
  • MWEIT-M013 - 'Directorial Decree of Ministry of Environment, in cooperation with the Ministry of Health, for the establishment of the coordination of the marine mammal stranding national network (ReNaSMM)'
  • MWEIT-M014 - 'Measures for the conservation of wild flora and fauna and natural habitats, and the promotion of cooperation between Member States'
  • MWEIT-M015 - 'Bird protection measures through the Birds Directive (2009/147/ EC)'
  • MWEIT-M016 - 'National and Community measures for the protection of birds'
  • MWEIT-M017 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MWEIT-M018 - 'Protective measures for benthic habitats associated with the European legislation (planning, impact assessment, river basin management plans)'
  • MWEIT-M019 - 'Measures to protect habitats and associated target species under international conventions'
  • MWEIT-M020 - 'Measures for the conservation of migratory species of wild animals'
  • MWEIT-M021 - 'Regulatory measures for international trade in endangered species'
  • MWEIT-M022 - 'Measures to promote a pilot area for the control of marine pollution along the coastline stretching from Marseille to La Spezia'
  • MWEIT-M023 - 'International cetacean protection measures'
  • MWEIT-M024 - 'Measures to protect biodiversity through European policies'
  • MWEIT-M025 - 'Community and international measures for elasmobranch'
  • MWEIT-M026 - 'Measures regulating catches of cetaceans, tortoises and common sturgeon'
  • MWEIT-M027 - 'Establishment of measures for the International Whale Sanctuary'
  • MWEIT-M028 - 'National measures for the protection of biodiversity'
  • MWEIT-M029 - 'National measures for recovery, rescue custody and management of marine reptiles'
  • MWEIT-M030 - 'Measures for coastal land planning'
  • MWEIT-M031 - 'Regulatory measures for commercial fishing and the sustainable exploitation of fish stocks'
  • MWEIT-M032 - 'Adoption of National Plans of Fleet Management'
  • MWEIT-M033-NEW1 - 'Complete the network of Natura 2000 sites at sea and subsequent identification of conservation measures'
  • MWEIT-M034-NEW2 - 'Implementation of technical solutions (methodological and instrumental) for the reduction of the phenomenon of collision with cetaceans'
  • MWEIT-M035-NEW3 - 'Acquisition, systematisation and standardisation, as well as consistent recognition, with data from monitoring activities implemented, with particular reference to EIA procedures'
  • MWEIT-M036-NEW4 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of elasmobranchs from by-catch'
  • MWEIT-M037-NEW5 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of cetaceans and sea turtles from by-catch'
  • MWEIT-M038-NEW6 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of seabirds from by-catch'
  • MWEIT-M039-NEW7 - 'Implementation of awareness-raising and information measures to prevent removal activities and damage to the benthic species and habitats protected'
  • MWEIT-M047 - 'Measures related to the monitoring of fishing vessels'
  • MWEIT-M048 - 'Combat IUU fishing'
  • MWEIT-M049 - 'Local management plans for management units'
  • MWEIT-M050 - 'Implementation of the new CFP, the EMFF and the triennial plan'
  • MWEIT-M051 - 'Fisheries management of bivalve molluscs'
  • MWEIT-M061 - 'Implementation of the National Energy Plan'
  • MWEIT-M062 - 'Use of the maritime domain and the territorial sea areas'
  • MWEIT-M063 - 'Minimum requirements to prevent major accidents in offshore operations and limiting the consequences of such accidents in the hydrocarbon sector'
  • MWEIT-M064 - 'Measures concerning the spill of materials from port dredging'
  • MWEIT-M065 - 'Related measures and EIA'
  • MWEIT-M066 - 'Register of vessels authorised to fish under the GFCM Agreement'
  • MWEIT-M089 - 'Measures related to the regulation of approval for the immersion in the sea of excavation seabed materials and dredging'
  • MADIT-M001 - 'Measures related to the management of the Natura 2000 Network sites'
  • MADIT-M002 - 'Planned measures to designate SACs in Natura 2000 sites'
  • MADIT-M003 - 'Measures to protect target species and targeted habitats through the MPAs'
  • MADIT-M004 - 'Planned measures to increase MPAs'
  • MADIT-M005 - 'Measures to protect target habitats through other protected areas'
  • MADIT-M006 - 'Management measures for benthic habitats in the Mediterranean and identification of protected species and habitats'
  • MADIT-M007 - 'Measures to protect fish stocks through other protected areas (wildlife protection areas)'
  • MADIT-M008 - 'Measures to reduce the impact of fishing and protection of pelagic habitats'
  • MADIT-M009 - 'Protective measures for the taking and selling of endangered species through international agreements'
  • MADIT-M010 - 'Measures for incidental catches of cetaceans in fisheries'
  • MADIT-M011 - 'Measures for the conservation of cetaceans in the Mediterranean, under international agreements'
  • MADIT-M012 - 'Directorial Decree of Ministry of Environment, in cooperation with the Ministry of Health, for the establishment of the coordination of the marine mammal stranding national network (ReNaSMM)'
  • MADIT-M013 - 'Measures for the conservation of wild flora and fauna and natural habitats, and the promotion of cooperation between Member States'
  • MADIT-M014 - 'Bird protection measures through the Birds Directive (2009/147/ EC)'
  • MADIT-M015 - 'National and Community measures for the protection of birds'
  • MADIT-M016 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MADIT-M017 - 'Protective measures for benthic habitats associated with the European legislation (planning, impact assessment, river basin management plans)'
  • MADIT-M018 - 'Measures to protect habitats and associated target species under international conventions'
  • MADIT-M019 - 'Measures for the conservation of migratory species of wild animals'
  • MADIT-M020 - 'Regulatory measures for international trade in endangered species'
  • MADIT-M021 - 'International cetacean protection measures'
  • MADIT-M022 - 'Measures to protect biodiversity through European policies'
  • MADIT-M023 - 'Community and international measures for elasmobranch'
  • MADIT-M024 - 'Measures regulating catches of cetaceans, tortoises and common sturgeon'
  • MADIT-M025 - 'National measures for the protection of biodiversity'
  • MADIT-M026 - 'National measures for recovery, rescue custody and management of marine reptiles'
  • MADIT-M027 - 'Measures for coastal land planning'
  • MADIT-M028 - 'Regulatory measures for commercial fishing and the sustainable exploitation of fish stocks'
  • MADIT-M029 - 'Adoption of National Plans of Fleet Management'
  • MADIT-M030-NEW1 - 'Complete the network of Natura 2000 sites at sea and subsequent identification of conservation measures'
  • MADIT-M031-NEW2 - 'Implementation of technical solutions (methodological and instrumental) for the reduction of the phenomenon of collision with cetaceans'
  • MADIT-M032-NEW3 - 'Acquisition, systematisation and standardisation, as well as consistent recognition, with data from monitoring activities implemented, with particular reference to EIA procedures'
  • MADIT-M033-NEW4 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of elasmobranchs from by-catch'
  • MADIT-M034-NEW5 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of cetaceans and sea turtles from by-catch'
  • MADIT-M035-NEW6 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of seabirds from by-catch'
  • MADIT-M036-NEW7 - 'Implementation of awareness-raising and information measures to prevent removal activities and damage to the benthic species and habitats protected'
  • MADIT-M046 - 'Measures related to the monitoring of fishing vessels'
  • MADIT-M047 - 'Combat IUU fishing'
  • MADIT-M048 - 'Implementation of the new CFP, the EMFF and the triennial plan'
  • MADIT-M049 - 'Fisheries management of bivalve molluscs'
  • MADIT-M059 - 'Implementation of the National Energy Plan'
  • MADIT-M060 - 'Use of the maritime domain and the territorial sea areas'
  • MADIT-M061 - 'Minimum requirements to prevent major accidents in offshore operations and limiting the consequences of such accidents in the hydrocarbon sector'
  • MADIT-M062 - 'Measures concerning the spill of materials from port dredging'
  • MADIT-M063 - 'Related measures and EIA'
  • MADIT-M064 - 'Register of vessels authorised to fish under the GFCM Agreement'
  • MADIT-M087 - 'Measures related to the regulation of approval for the immersion in the sea of excavation seabed materials and dredging'
  • MICIT-M001 - 'Measures related to the management of the Natura 2000 Network sites'
  • MICIT-M002 - 'Planned measures to designate SACs in Natura 2000 sites'
  • MICIT-M003 - 'Measures to protect target species and targeted habitats through the MPAs'
  • MICIT-M004 - 'Planned measures to increase MPAs'
  • MICIT-M005 - 'Measures to protect target habitats through other protected areas'
  • MICIT-M006 - 'Management measures for benthic habitats in the Mediterranean and identification of protected species and habitats'
  • MICIT-M007 - 'Measures to protect fish stocks through other protected areas (wildlife protection areas)'
  • MICIT-M008 - 'Measures to reduce the impact of fishing and protection of pelagic habitats'
  • MICIT-M009 - 'Protective measures for the taking and selling of endangered species through international agreements'
  • MICIT-M010 - 'Measures for incidental catches of cetaceans in fisheries'
  • MICIT-M011 - 'Measures for the conservation of cetaceans in the Mediterranean, under international agreements'
  • MICIT-M012 - 'Directorial Decree of Ministry of Environment, in cooperation with the Ministry of Health, for the establishment of the coordination of the marine mammal stranding national network (ReNaSMM)'
  • MICIT-M013 - 'Measures for the conservation of wild flora and fauna and natural habitats, and the promotion of cooperation between Member States'
  • MICIT-M014 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MICIT-M015 - 'National and Community measures for the protection of birds'
  • MICIT-M016 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MICIT-M017 - 'Protective measures for benthic habitats associated with the European legislation (planning, impact assessment, river basin management plans)'
  • MICIT-M018 - 'Measures to protect habitats and associated target species under international conventions'
  • MICIT-M019 - 'Measures for the conservation of migratory species of wild animals'
  • MICIT-M020 - 'Regulatory measures for international trade in endangered species'
  • MICIT-M021 - 'International cetacean protection measures'
  • MICIT-M022 - 'Measures to protect biodiversity through European policies'
  • MICIT-M023 - 'Community and international measures for elasmobranch'
  • MICIT-M024 - 'Measures regulating catches of cetaceans, tortoises and common sturgeon'
  • MICIT-M025 - 'National measures for the protection of biodiversity'
  • MICIT-M026 - 'National measures for recovery, rescue custody and management of marine reptiles'
  • MICIT-M027 - 'Measures for coastal land planning'
  • MICIT-M028 - 'Regulatory measures for commercial fishing and the sustainable exploitation of fish stocks'
  • MICIT-M029 - 'Adoption of National Plans of Fleet Management'
  • MICIT-M030-NEW1 - 'Complete the network of Natura 2000 sites at sea and subsequent identification of conservation measures'
  • MICIT-M031-NEW2 - 'Implementation of technical solutions (methodological and instrumental) for the reduction of the phenomenon of collision with cetaceans'
  • MICIT-M032-NEW3 - 'Acquisition, systematisation and standardisation, as well as consistent recognition, with data from monitoring activities implemented, with particular reference to EIA procedures'
  • MICIT-M033-NEW4 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of elasmobranchs from by-catch'
  • MICIT-M034-NEW5 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of cetaceans and sea turtles from by-catch'
  • MICIT-M035-NEW6 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of seabirds from by-catch'
  • MICIT-M036-NEW7 - 'Implementation of awareness-raising and information measures to prevent removal activities and damage to the benthic species and habitats protected'
  • MICIT-M044 - 'Measures related to the monitoring of fishing vessels'
  • MICIT-M045 - 'Combat IUU fishing'
  • MICIT-M046 - 'Local management plans for management units'
  • MICIT-M047 - 'Implementation of the new CFP, the EMFF and the triennial plan'
  • MICIT-M048 - 'Fisheries management of bivalve molluscs'
  • MICIT-M058 - 'Implementation of the National Energy Plan'
  • MICIT-M059 - 'Use of the maritime domain and the territorial sea areas'
  • MICIT-M060 - 'Minimum requirements to prevent major accidents in offshore operations and limiting the consequences of such accidents in the hydrocarbon sector'
  • MICIT-M061 - 'Measures concerning the spill of materials from port dredging'
  • MICIT-M062 - 'Related measures and EIA'
  • MICIT-M063 - 'Register of vessels authorised to fish under the GFCM Agreement'
  • MWEIT-M001 - 'Measures related to the management of the Natura 2000 Network sites'
  • MWEIT-M002 - 'Planned measures to designate SACs in Natura 2000 sites'
  • MWEIT-M003 - 'Measures to protect target species and targeted habitats through the MPAs'
  • MWEIT-M004 - 'Planned measures to increase MPAs'
  • MWEIT-M005 - 'Measures to protect target habitats through other protected areas'
  • MWEIT-M006 - 'Management measures for benthic habitats in the Mediterranean and identification of protected species and habitats'
  • MWEIT-M007 - 'Measures to protect fish stocks through other protected areas (wildlife protection areas)'
  • MWEIT-M008 - 'Measures to reduce the impact of fishing and protection of pelagic habitats'
  • MWEIT-M009 - 'Ecological protection measures'
  • MWEIT-M010 - 'Protective measures for the taking and selling of endangered species through international agreements'
  • MWEIT-M011 - 'Measures for incidental catches of cetaceans in fisheries'
  • MWEIT-M012 - 'Measures for the conservation of cetaceans in the Mediterranean, under international agreements'
  • MWEIT-M013 - 'Directorial Decree of Ministry of Environment, in cooperation with the Ministry of Health, for the establishment of the coordination of the marine mammal stranding national network (ReNaSMM)'
  • MWEIT-M014 - 'Measures for the conservation of wild flora and fauna and natural habitats, and the promotion of cooperation between Member States'
  • MWEIT-M015 - 'Bird protection measures through the Birds Directive (2009/147/ EC)'
  • MWEIT-M016 - 'National and Community measures for the protection of birds'
  • MWEIT-M017 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MWEIT-M018 - 'Protective measures for benthic habitats associated with the European legislation (planning, impact assessment, river basin management plans)'
  • MWEIT-M019 - 'Measures to protect habitats and associated target species under international conventions'
  • MWEIT-M020 - 'Measures for the conservation of migratory species of wild animals'
  • MWEIT-M021 - 'Regulatory measures for international trade in endangered species'
  • MWEIT-M022 - 'Measures to promote a pilot area for the control of marine pollution along the coastline stretching from Marseille to La Spezia'
  • MWEIT-M023 - 'International cetacean protection measures'
  • MWEIT-M024 - 'Measures to protect biodiversity through European policies'
  • MWEIT-M025 - 'Community and international measures for elasmobranch'
  • MWEIT-M026 - 'Measures regulating catches of cetaceans, tortoises and common sturgeon'
  • MWEIT-M027 - 'Establishment of measures for the International Whale Sanctuary'
  • MWEIT-M028 - 'National measures for the protection of biodiversity'
  • MWEIT-M029 - 'National measures for recovery, rescue custody and management of marine reptiles'
  • MWEIT-M030 - 'Measures for coastal land planning'
  • MWEIT-M031 - 'Regulatory measures for commercial fishing and the sustainable exploitation of fish stocks'
  • MWEIT-M032 - 'Adoption of National Plans of Fleet Management'
  • MWEIT-M033-NEW1 - 'Complete the network of Natura 2000 sites at sea and subsequent identification of conservation measures'
  • MWEIT-M034-NEW2 - 'Implementation of technical solutions (methodological and instrumental) for the reduction of the phenomenon of collision with cetaceans'
  • MWEIT-M035-NEW3 - 'Acquisition, systematisation and standardisation, as well as consistent recognition, with data from monitoring activities implemented, with particular reference to EIA procedures'
  • MWEIT-M036-NEW4 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of elasmobranchs from by-catch'
  • MWEIT-M037-NEW5 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of cetaceans and sea turtles from by-catch'
  • MWEIT-M038-NEW6 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of seabirds from by-catch'
  • MWEIT-M039-NEW7 - 'Implementation of awareness-raising and information measures to prevent removal activities and damage to the benthic species and habitats protected'
  • MWEIT-M047 - 'Measures related to the monitoring of fishing vessels'
  • MWEIT-M048 - 'Combat IUU fishing'
  • MWEIT-M049 - 'Local management plans for management units'
  • MWEIT-M050 - 'Implementation of the new CFP, the EMFF and the triennial plan'
  • MWEIT-M051 - 'Fisheries management of bivalve molluscs'
  • MWEIT-M061 - 'Implementation of the National Energy Plan'
  • MWEIT-M062 - 'Use of the maritime domain and the territorial sea areas'
  • MWEIT-M063 - 'Minimum requirements to prevent major accidents in offshore operations and limiting the consequences of such accidents in the hydrocarbon sector'
  • MWEIT-M064 - 'Measures concerning the spill of materials from port dredging'
  • MWEIT-M065 - 'Related measures and EIA'
  • MWEIT-M066 - 'Register of vessels authorised to fish under the GFCM Agreement'
  • MWEIT-M089 - 'Measures related to the regulation of approval for the immersion in the sea of excavation seabed materials and dredging'
  • MADIT-M001 - 'Measures related to the management of the Natura 2000 Network sites'
  • MADIT-M002 - 'Planned measures to designate SACs in Natura 2000 sites'
  • MADIT-M003 - 'Measures to protect target species and targeted habitats through the MPAs'
  • MADIT-M004 - 'Planned measures to increase MPAs'
  • MADIT-M005 - 'Measures to protect target habitats through other protected areas'
  • MADIT-M006 - 'Management measures for benthic habitats in the Mediterranean and identification of protected species and habitats'
  • MADIT-M007 - 'Measures to protect fish stocks through other protected areas (wildlife protection areas)'
  • MADIT-M008 - 'Measures to reduce the impact of fishing and protection of pelagic habitats'
  • MADIT-M009 - 'Protective measures for the taking and selling of endangered species through international agreements'
  • MADIT-M010 - 'Measures for incidental catches of cetaceans in fisheries'
  • MADIT-M011 - 'Measures for the conservation of cetaceans in the Mediterranean, under international agreements'
  • MADIT-M012 - 'Directorial Decree of Ministry of Environment, in cooperation with the Ministry of Health, for the establishment of the coordination of the marine mammal stranding national network (ReNaSMM)'
  • MADIT-M013 - 'Measures for the conservation of wild flora and fauna and natural habitats, and the promotion of cooperation between Member States'
  • MADIT-M014 - 'Bird protection measures through the Birds Directive (2009/147/ EC)'
  • MADIT-M015 - 'National and Community measures for the protection of birds'
  • MADIT-M016 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MADIT-M017 - 'Protective measures for benthic habitats associated with the European legislation (planning, impact assessment, river basin management plans)'
  • MADIT-M018 - 'Measures to protect habitats and associated target species under international conventions'
  • MADIT-M019 - 'Measures for the conservation of migratory species of wild animals'
  • MADIT-M020 - 'Regulatory measures for international trade in endangered species'
  • MADIT-M021 - 'International cetacean protection measures'
  • MADIT-M022 - 'Measures to protect biodiversity through European policies'
  • MADIT-M023 - 'Community and international measures for elasmobranch'
  • MADIT-M024 - 'Measures regulating catches of cetaceans, tortoises and common sturgeon'
  • MADIT-M025 - 'National measures for the protection of biodiversity'
  • MADIT-M026 - 'National measures for recovery, rescue custody and management of marine reptiles'
  • MADIT-M027 - 'Measures for coastal land planning'
  • MADIT-M028 - 'Regulatory measures for commercial fishing and the sustainable exploitation of fish stocks'
  • MADIT-M029 - 'Adoption of National Plans of Fleet Management'
  • MADIT-M030-NEW1 - 'Complete the network of Natura 2000 sites at sea and subsequent identification of conservation measures'
  • MADIT-M031-NEW2 - 'Implementation of technical solutions (methodological and instrumental) for the reduction of the phenomenon of collision with cetaceans'
  • MADIT-M032-NEW3 - 'Acquisition, systematisation and standardisation, as well as consistent recognition, with data from monitoring activities implemented, with particular reference to EIA procedures'
  • MADIT-M033-NEW4 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of elasmobranchs from by-catch'
  • MADIT-M034-NEW5 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of cetaceans and sea turtles from by-catch'
  • MADIT-M035-NEW6 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of seabirds from by-catch'
  • MADIT-M036-NEW7 - 'Implementation of awareness-raising and information measures to prevent removal activities and damage to the benthic species and habitats protected'
  • MADIT-M046 - 'Measures related to the monitoring of fishing vessels'
  • MADIT-M047 - 'Combat IUU fishing'
  • MADIT-M048 - 'Implementation of the new CFP, the EMFF and the triennial plan'
  • MADIT-M049 - 'Fisheries management of bivalve molluscs'
  • MADIT-M059 - 'Implementation of the National Energy Plan'
  • MADIT-M060 - 'Use of the maritime domain and the territorial sea areas'
  • MADIT-M061 - 'Minimum requirements to prevent major accidents in offshore operations and limiting the consequences of such accidents in the hydrocarbon sector'
  • MADIT-M062 - 'Measures concerning the spill of materials from port dredging'
  • MADIT-M063 - 'Related measures and EIA'
  • MADIT-M064 - 'Register of vessels authorised to fish under the GFCM Agreement'
  • MADIT-M087 - 'Measures related to the regulation of approval for the immersion in the sea of excavation seabed materials and dredging'
  • MICIT-M001 - 'Measures related to the management of the Natura 2000 Network sites'
  • MICIT-M002 - 'Planned measures to designate SACs in Natura 2000 sites'
  • MICIT-M003 - 'Measures to protect target species and targeted habitats through the MPAs'
  • MICIT-M004 - 'Planned measures to increase MPAs'
  • MICIT-M005 - 'Measures to protect target habitats through other protected areas'
  • MICIT-M006 - 'Management measures for benthic habitats in the Mediterranean and identification of protected species and habitats'
  • MICIT-M007 - 'Measures to protect fish stocks through other protected areas (wildlife protection areas)'
  • MICIT-M008 - 'Measures to reduce the impact of fishing and protection of pelagic habitats'
  • MICIT-M009 - 'Protective measures for the taking and selling of endangered species through international agreements'
  • MICIT-M010 - 'Measures for incidental catches of cetaceans in fisheries'
  • MICIT-M011 - 'Measures for the conservation of cetaceans in the Mediterranean, under international agreements'
  • MICIT-M012 - 'Directorial Decree of Ministry of Environment, in cooperation with the Ministry of Health, for the establishment of the coordination of the marine mammal stranding national network (ReNaSMM)'
  • MICIT-M013 - 'Measures for the conservation of wild flora and fauna and natural habitats, and the promotion of cooperation between Member States'
  • MICIT-M014 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MICIT-M015 - 'National and Community measures for the protection of birds'
  • MICIT-M016 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MICIT-M017 - 'Protective measures for benthic habitats associated with the European legislation (planning, impact assessment, river basin management plans)'
  • MICIT-M018 - 'Measures to protect habitats and associated target species under international conventions'
  • MICIT-M019 - 'Measures for the conservation of migratory species of wild animals'
  • MICIT-M020 - 'Regulatory measures for international trade in endangered species'
  • MICIT-M021 - 'International cetacean protection measures'
  • MICIT-M022 - 'Measures to protect biodiversity through European policies'
  • MICIT-M023 - 'Community and international measures for elasmobranch'
  • MICIT-M024 - 'Measures regulating catches of cetaceans, tortoises and common sturgeon'
  • MICIT-M025 - 'National measures for the protection of biodiversity'
  • MICIT-M026 - 'National measures for recovery, rescue custody and management of marine reptiles'
  • MICIT-M027 - 'Measures for coastal land planning'
  • MICIT-M028 - 'Regulatory measures for commercial fishing and the sustainable exploitation of fish stocks'
  • MICIT-M029 - 'Adoption of National Plans of Fleet Management'
  • MICIT-M030-NEW1 - 'Complete the network of Natura 2000 sites at sea and subsequent identification of conservation measures'
  • MICIT-M031-NEW2 - 'Implementation of technical solutions (methodological and instrumental) for the reduction of the phenomenon of collision with cetaceans'
  • MICIT-M032-NEW3 - 'Acquisition, systematisation and standardisation, as well as consistent recognition, with data from monitoring activities implemented, with particular reference to EIA procedures'
  • MICIT-M033-NEW4 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of elasmobranchs from by-catch'
  • MICIT-M034-NEW5 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of cetaceans and sea turtles from by-catch'
  • MICIT-M035-NEW6 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of seabirds from by-catch'
  • MICIT-M036-NEW7 - 'Implementation of awareness-raising and information measures to prevent removal activities and damage to the benthic species and habitats protected'
  • MICIT-M044 - 'Measures related to the monitoring of fishing vessels'
  • MICIT-M045 - 'Combat IUU fishing'
  • MICIT-M046 - 'Local management plans for management units'
  • MICIT-M047 - 'Implementation of the new CFP, the EMFF and the triennial plan'
  • MICIT-M048 - 'Fisheries management of bivalve molluscs'
  • MICIT-M058 - 'Implementation of the National Energy Plan'
  • MICIT-M059 - 'Use of the maritime domain and the territorial sea areas'
  • MICIT-M060 - 'Minimum requirements to prevent major accidents in offshore operations and limiting the consequences of such accidents in the hydrocarbon sector'
  • MICIT-M061 - 'Measures concerning the spill of materials from port dredging'
  • MICIT-M062 - 'Related measures and EIA'
  • MICIT-M063 - 'Register of vessels authorised to fish under the GFCM Agreement'
  • MWEIT-M001 - 'Measures related to the management of the Natura 2000 Network sites'
  • MWEIT-M002 - 'Planned measures to designate SACs in Natura 2000 sites'
  • MWEIT-M003 - 'Measures to protect target species and targeted habitats through the MPAs'
  • MWEIT-M004 - 'Planned measures to increase MPAs'
  • MWEIT-M005 - 'Measures to protect target habitats through other protected areas'
  • MWEIT-M006 - 'Management measures for benthic habitats in the Mediterranean and identification of protected species and habitats'
  • MWEIT-M007 - 'Measures to protect fish stocks through other protected areas (wildlife protection areas)'
  • MWEIT-M008 - 'Measures to reduce the impact of fishing and protection of pelagic habitats'
  • MWEIT-M009 - 'Ecological protection measures'
  • MWEIT-M010 - 'Protective measures for the taking and selling of endangered species through international agreements'
  • MWEIT-M011 - 'Measures for incidental catches of cetaceans in fisheries'
  • MWEIT-M012 - 'Measures for the conservation of cetaceans in the Mediterranean, under international agreements'
  • MWEIT-M013 - 'Directorial Decree of Ministry of Environment, in cooperation with the Ministry of Health, for the establishment of the coordination of the marine mammal stranding national network (ReNaSMM)'
  • MWEIT-M014 - 'Measures for the conservation of wild flora and fauna and natural habitats, and the promotion of cooperation between Member States'
  • MWEIT-M015 - 'Bird protection measures through the Birds Directive (2009/147/ EC)'
  • MWEIT-M016 - 'National and Community measures for the protection of birds'
  • MWEIT-M017 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MWEIT-M018 - 'Protective measures for benthic habitats associated with the European legislation (planning, impact assessment, river basin management plans)'
  • MWEIT-M019 - 'Measures to protect habitats and associated target species under international conventions'
  • MWEIT-M020 - 'Measures for the conservation of migratory species of wild animals'
  • MWEIT-M021 - 'Regulatory measures for international trade in endangered species'
  • MWEIT-M022 - 'Measures to promote a pilot area for the control of marine pollution along the coastline stretching from Marseille to La Spezia'
  • MWEIT-M023 - 'International cetacean protection measures'
  • MWEIT-M024 - 'Measures to protect biodiversity through European policies'
  • MWEIT-M025 - 'Community and international measures for elasmobranch'
  • MWEIT-M026 - 'Measures regulating catches of cetaceans, tortoises and common sturgeon'
  • MWEIT-M027 - 'Establishment of measures for the International Whale Sanctuary'
  • MWEIT-M028 - 'National measures for the protection of biodiversity'
  • MWEIT-M029 - 'National measures for recovery, rescue custody and management of marine reptiles'
  • MWEIT-M030 - 'Measures for coastal land planning'
  • MWEIT-M031 - 'Regulatory measures for commercial fishing and the sustainable exploitation of fish stocks'
  • MWEIT-M032 - 'Adoption of National Plans of Fleet Management'
  • MWEIT-M033-NEW1 - 'Complete the network of Natura 2000 sites at sea and subsequent identification of conservation measures'
  • MWEIT-M034-NEW2 - 'Implementation of technical solutions (methodological and instrumental) for the reduction of the phenomenon of collision with cetaceans'
  • MWEIT-M035-NEW3 - 'Acquisition, systematisation and standardisation, as well as consistent recognition, with data from monitoring activities implemented, with particular reference to EIA procedures'
  • MWEIT-M036-NEW4 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of elasmobranchs from by-catch'
  • MWEIT-M037-NEW5 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of cetaceans and sea turtles from by-catch'
  • MWEIT-M038-NEW6 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of seabirds from by-catch'
  • MWEIT-M039-NEW7 - 'Implementation of awareness-raising and information measures to prevent removal activities and damage to the benthic species and habitats protected'
  • MWEIT-M047 - 'Measures related to the monitoring of fishing vessels'
  • MWEIT-M048 - 'Combat IUU fishing'
  • MWEIT-M049 - 'Local management plans for management units'
  • MWEIT-M050 - 'Implementation of the new CFP, the EMFF and the triennial plan'
  • MWEIT-M051 - 'Fisheries management of bivalve molluscs'
  • MWEIT-M061 - 'Implementation of the National Energy Plan'
  • MWEIT-M062 - 'Use of the maritime domain and the territorial sea areas'
  • MWEIT-M063 - 'Minimum requirements to prevent major accidents in offshore operations and limiting the consequences of such accidents in the hydrocarbon sector'
  • MWEIT-M064 - 'Measures concerning the spill of materials from port dredging'
  • MWEIT-M065 - 'Related measures and EIA'
  • MWEIT-M066 - 'Register of vessels authorised to fish under the GFCM Agreement'
  • MWEIT-M089 - 'Measures related to the regulation of approval for the immersion in the sea of excavation seabed materials and dredging'
  • MADIT-M001 - 'Measures related to the management of the Natura 2000 Network sites'
  • MADIT-M002 - 'Planned measures to designate SACs in Natura 2000 sites'
  • MADIT-M003 - 'Measures to protect target species and targeted habitats through the MPAs'
  • MADIT-M004 - 'Planned measures to increase MPAs'
  • MADIT-M005 - 'Measures to protect target habitats through other protected areas'
  • MADIT-M006 - 'Management measures for benthic habitats in the Mediterranean and identification of protected species and habitats'
  • MADIT-M007 - 'Measures to protect fish stocks through other protected areas (wildlife protection areas)'
  • MADIT-M008 - 'Measures to reduce the impact of fishing and protection of pelagic habitats'
  • MADIT-M009 - 'Protective measures for the taking and selling of endangered species through international agreements'
  • MADIT-M010 - 'Measures for incidental catches of cetaceans in fisheries'
  • MADIT-M011 - 'Measures for the conservation of cetaceans in the Mediterranean, under international agreements'
  • MADIT-M012 - 'Directorial Decree of Ministry of Environment, in cooperation with the Ministry of Health, for the establishment of the coordination of the marine mammal stranding national network (ReNaSMM)'
  • MADIT-M013 - 'Measures for the conservation of wild flora and fauna and natural habitats, and the promotion of cooperation between Member States'
  • MADIT-M014 - 'Bird protection measures through the Birds Directive (2009/147/ EC)'
  • MADIT-M015 - 'National and Community measures for the protection of birds'
  • MADIT-M016 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MADIT-M017 - 'Protective measures for benthic habitats associated with the European legislation (planning, impact assessment, river basin management plans)'
  • MADIT-M018 - 'Measures to protect habitats and associated target species under international conventions'
  • MADIT-M019 - 'Measures for the conservation of migratory species of wild animals'
  • MADIT-M020 - 'Regulatory measures for international trade in endangered species'
  • MADIT-M021 - 'International cetacean protection measures'
  • MADIT-M022 - 'Measures to protect biodiversity through European policies'
  • MADIT-M023 - 'Community and international measures for elasmobranch'
  • MADIT-M024 - 'Measures regulating catches of cetaceans, tortoises and common sturgeon'
  • MADIT-M025 - 'National measures for the protection of biodiversity'
  • MADIT-M026 - 'National measures for recovery, rescue custody and management of marine reptiles'
  • MADIT-M027 - 'Measures for coastal land planning'
  • MADIT-M028 - 'Regulatory measures for commercial fishing and the sustainable exploitation of fish stocks'
  • MADIT-M029 - 'Adoption of National Plans of Fleet Management'
  • MADIT-M030-NEW1 - 'Complete the network of Natura 2000 sites at sea and subsequent identification of conservation measures'
  • MADIT-M031-NEW2 - 'Implementation of technical solutions (methodological and instrumental) for the reduction of the phenomenon of collision with cetaceans'
  • MADIT-M032-NEW3 - 'Acquisition, systematisation and standardisation, as well as consistent recognition, with data from monitoring activities implemented, with particular reference to EIA procedures'
  • MADIT-M033-NEW4 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of elasmobranchs from by-catch'
  • MADIT-M034-NEW5 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of cetaceans and sea turtles from by-catch'
  • MADIT-M035-NEW6 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of seabirds from by-catch'
  • MADIT-M036-NEW7 - 'Implementation of awareness-raising and information measures to prevent removal activities and damage to the benthic species and habitats protected'
  • MADIT-M046 - 'Measures related to the monitoring of fishing vessels'
  • MADIT-M047 - 'Combat IUU fishing'
  • MADIT-M048 - 'Implementation of the new CFP, the EMFF and the triennial plan'
  • MADIT-M049 - 'Fisheries management of bivalve molluscs'
  • MADIT-M059 - 'Implementation of the National Energy Plan'
  • MADIT-M060 - 'Use of the maritime domain and the territorial sea areas'
  • MADIT-M061 - 'Minimum requirements to prevent major accidents in offshore operations and limiting the consequences of such accidents in the hydrocarbon sector'
  • MADIT-M062 - 'Measures concerning the spill of materials from port dredging'
  • MADIT-M063 - 'Related measures and EIA'
  • MADIT-M064 - 'Register of vessels authorised to fish under the GFCM Agreement'
  • MADIT-M087 - 'Measures related to the regulation of approval for the immersion in the sea of excavation seabed materials and dredging'
  • MICIT-M001 - 'Measures related to the management of the Natura 2000 Network sites'
  • MICIT-M002 - 'Planned measures to designate SACs in Natura 2000 sites'
  • MICIT-M003 - 'Measures to protect target species and targeted habitats through the MPAs'
  • MICIT-M004 - 'Planned measures to increase MPAs'
  • MICIT-M005 - 'Measures to protect target habitats through other protected areas'
  • MICIT-M006 - 'Management measures for benthic habitats in the Mediterranean and identification of protected species and habitats'
  • MICIT-M007 - 'Measures to protect fish stocks through other protected areas (wildlife protection areas)'
  • MICIT-M008 - 'Measures to reduce the impact of fishing and protection of pelagic habitats'
  • MICIT-M009 - 'Protective measures for the taking and selling of endangered species through international agreements'
  • MICIT-M010 - 'Measures for incidental catches of cetaceans in fisheries'
  • MICIT-M011 - 'Measures for the conservation of cetaceans in the Mediterranean, under international agreements'
  • MICIT-M012 - 'Directorial Decree of Ministry of Environment, in cooperation with the Ministry of Health, for the establishment of the coordination of the marine mammal stranding national network (ReNaSMM)'
  • MICIT-M013 - 'Measures for the conservation of wild flora and fauna and natural habitats, and the promotion of cooperation between Member States'
  • MICIT-M014 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MICIT-M015 - 'National and Community measures for the protection of birds'
  • MICIT-M016 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MICIT-M017 - 'Protective measures for benthic habitats associated with the European legislation (planning, impact assessment, river basin management plans)'
  • MICIT-M018 - 'Measures to protect habitats and associated target species under international conventions'
  • MICIT-M019 - 'Measures for the conservation of migratory species of wild animals'
  • MICIT-M020 - 'Regulatory measures for international trade in endangered species'
  • MICIT-M021 - 'International cetacean protection measures'
  • MICIT-M022 - 'Measures to protect biodiversity through European policies'
  • MICIT-M023 - 'Community and international measures for elasmobranch'
  • MICIT-M024 - 'Measures regulating catches of cetaceans, tortoises and common sturgeon'
  • MICIT-M025 - 'National measures for the protection of biodiversity'
  • MICIT-M026 - 'National measures for recovery, rescue custody and management of marine reptiles'
  • MICIT-M027 - 'Measures for coastal land planning'
  • MICIT-M028 - 'Regulatory measures for commercial fishing and the sustainable exploitation of fish stocks'
  • MICIT-M029 - 'Adoption of National Plans of Fleet Management'
  • MICIT-M030-NEW1 - 'Complete the network of Natura 2000 sites at sea and subsequent identification of conservation measures'
  • MICIT-M031-NEW2 - 'Implementation of technical solutions (methodological and instrumental) for the reduction of the phenomenon of collision with cetaceans'
  • MICIT-M032-NEW3 - 'Acquisition, systematisation and standardisation, as well as consistent recognition, with data from monitoring activities implemented, with particular reference to EIA procedures'
  • MICIT-M033-NEW4 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of elasmobranchs from by-catch'
  • MICIT-M034-NEW5 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of cetaceans and sea turtles from by-catch'
  • MICIT-M035-NEW6 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of seabirds from by-catch'
  • MICIT-M036-NEW7 - 'Implementation of awareness-raising and information measures to prevent removal activities and damage to the benthic species and habitats protected'
  • MICIT-M044 - 'Measures related to the monitoring of fishing vessels'
  • MICIT-M045 - 'Combat IUU fishing'
  • MICIT-M046 - 'Local management plans for management units'
  • MICIT-M047 - 'Implementation of the new CFP, the EMFF and the triennial plan'
  • MICIT-M048 - 'Fisheries management of bivalve molluscs'
  • MICIT-M058 - 'Implementation of the National Energy Plan'
  • MICIT-M059 - 'Use of the maritime domain and the territorial sea areas'
  • MICIT-M060 - 'Minimum requirements to prevent major accidents in offshore operations and limiting the consequences of such accidents in the hydrocarbon sector'
  • MICIT-M061 - 'Measures concerning the spill of materials from port dredging'
  • MICIT-M062 - 'Related measures and EIA'
  • MICIT-M063 - 'Register of vessels authorised to fish under the GFCM Agreement'
  • MWEIT-M001 - 'Measures related to the management of the Natura 2000 Network sites'
  • MWEIT-M002 - 'Planned measures to designate SACs in Natura 2000 sites'
  • MWEIT-M003 - 'Measures to protect target species and targeted habitats through the MPAs'
  • MWEIT-M004 - 'Planned measures to increase MPAs'
  • MWEIT-M005 - 'Measures to protect target habitats through other protected areas'
  • MWEIT-M006 - 'Management measures for benthic habitats in the Mediterranean and identification of protected species and habitats'
  • MWEIT-M007 - 'Measures to protect fish stocks through other protected areas (wildlife protection areas)'
  • MWEIT-M008 - 'Measures to reduce the impact of fishing and protection of pelagic habitats'
  • MWEIT-M009 - 'Ecological protection measures'
  • MWEIT-M010 - 'Protective measures for the taking and selling of endangered species through international agreements'
  • MWEIT-M011 - 'Measures for incidental catches of cetaceans in fisheries'
  • MWEIT-M012 - 'Measures for the conservation of cetaceans in the Mediterranean, under international agreements'
  • MWEIT-M013 - 'Directorial Decree of Ministry of Environment, in cooperation with the Ministry of Health, for the establishment of the coordination of the marine mammal stranding national network (ReNaSMM)'
  • MWEIT-M014 - 'Measures for the conservation of wild flora and fauna and natural habitats, and the promotion of cooperation between Member States'
  • MWEIT-M015 - 'Bird protection measures through the Birds Directive (2009/147/ EC)'
  • MWEIT-M016 - 'National and Community measures for the protection of birds'
  • MWEIT-M017 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MWEIT-M018 - 'Protective measures for benthic habitats associated with the European legislation (planning, impact assessment, river basin management plans)'
  • MWEIT-M019 - 'Measures to protect habitats and associated target species under international conventions'
  • MWEIT-M020 - 'Measures for the conservation of migratory species of wild animals'
  • MWEIT-M021 - 'Regulatory measures for international trade in endangered species'
  • MWEIT-M022 - 'Measures to promote a pilot area for the control of marine pollution along the coastline stretching from Marseille to La Spezia'
  • MWEIT-M023 - 'International cetacean protection measures'
  • MWEIT-M024 - 'Measures to protect biodiversity through European policies'
  • MWEIT-M025 - 'Community and international measures for elasmobranch'
  • MWEIT-M026 - 'Measures regulating catches of cetaceans, tortoises and common sturgeon'
  • MWEIT-M027 - 'Establishment of measures for the International Whale Sanctuary'
  • MWEIT-M028 - 'National measures for the protection of biodiversity'
  • MWEIT-M029 - 'National measures for recovery, rescue custody and management of marine reptiles'
  • MWEIT-M030 - 'Measures for coastal land planning'
  • MWEIT-M031 - 'Regulatory measures for commercial fishing and the sustainable exploitation of fish stocks'
  • MWEIT-M032 - 'Adoption of National Plans of Fleet Management'
  • MWEIT-M033-NEW1 - 'Complete the network of Natura 2000 sites at sea and subsequent identification of conservation measures'
  • MWEIT-M034-NEW2 - 'Implementation of technical solutions (methodological and instrumental) for the reduction of the phenomenon of collision with cetaceans'
  • MWEIT-M035-NEW3 - 'Acquisition, systematisation and standardisation, as well as consistent recognition, with data from monitoring activities implemented, with particular reference to EIA procedures'
  • MWEIT-M036-NEW4 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of elasmobranchs from by-catch'
  • MWEIT-M037-NEW5 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of cetaceans and sea turtles from by-catch'
  • MWEIT-M038-NEW6 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of seabirds from by-catch'
  • MWEIT-M039-NEW7 - 'Implementation of awareness-raising and information measures to prevent removal activities and damage to the benthic species and habitats protected'
  • MWEIT-M047 - 'Measures related to the monitoring of fishing vessels'
  • MWEIT-M048 - 'Combat IUU fishing'
  • MWEIT-M049 - 'Local management plans for management units'
  • MWEIT-M050 - 'Implementation of the new CFP, the EMFF and the triennial plan'
  • MWEIT-M051 - 'Fisheries management of bivalve molluscs'
  • MWEIT-M061 - 'Implementation of the National Energy Plan'
  • MWEIT-M062 - 'Use of the maritime domain and the territorial sea areas'
  • MWEIT-M063 - 'Minimum requirements to prevent major accidents in offshore operations and limiting the consequences of such accidents in the hydrocarbon sector'
  • MWEIT-M064 - 'Measures concerning the spill of materials from port dredging'
  • MWEIT-M065 - 'Related measures and EIA'
  • MWEIT-M066 - 'Register of vessels authorised to fish under the GFCM Agreement'
  • MWEIT-M089 - 'Measures related to the regulation of approval for the immersion in the sea of excavation seabed materials and dredging'
  • MADIT-M001 - 'Measures related to the management of the Natura 2000 Network sites'
  • MADIT-M002 - 'Planned measures to designate SACs in Natura 2000 sites'
  • MADIT-M003 - 'Measures to protect target species and targeted habitats through the MPAs'
  • MADIT-M004 - 'Planned measures to increase MPAs'
  • MADIT-M005 - 'Measures to protect target habitats through other protected areas'
  • MADIT-M006 - 'Management measures for benthic habitats in the Mediterranean and identification of protected species and habitats'
  • MADIT-M007 - 'Measures to protect fish stocks through other protected areas (wildlife protection areas)'
  • MADIT-M008 - 'Measures to reduce the impact of fishing and protection of pelagic habitats'
  • MADIT-M009 - 'Protective measures for the taking and selling of endangered species through international agreements'
  • MADIT-M010 - 'Measures for incidental catches of cetaceans in fisheries'
  • MADIT-M011 - 'Measures for the conservation of cetaceans in the Mediterranean, under international agreements'
  • MADIT-M012 - 'Directorial Decree of Ministry of Environment, in cooperation with the Ministry of Health, for the establishment of the coordination of the marine mammal stranding national network (ReNaSMM)'
  • MADIT-M013 - 'Measures for the conservation of wild flora and fauna and natural habitats, and the promotion of cooperation between Member States'
  • MADIT-M014 - 'Bird protection measures through the Birds Directive (2009/147/ EC)'
  • MADIT-M015 - 'National and Community measures for the protection of birds'
  • MADIT-M016 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MADIT-M017 - 'Protective measures for benthic habitats associated with the European legislation (planning, impact assessment, river basin management plans)'
  • MADIT-M018 - 'Measures to protect habitats and associated target species under international conventions'
  • MADIT-M019 - 'Measures for the conservation of migratory species of wild animals'
  • MADIT-M020 - 'Regulatory measures for international trade in endangered species'
  • MADIT-M021 - 'International cetacean protection measures'
  • MADIT-M022 - 'Measures to protect biodiversity through European policies'
  • MADIT-M023 - 'Community and international measures for elasmobranch'
  • MADIT-M024 - 'Measures regulating catches of cetaceans, tortoises and common sturgeon'
  • MADIT-M025 - 'National measures for the protection of biodiversity'
  • MADIT-M026 - 'National measures for recovery, rescue custody and management of marine reptiles'
  • MADIT-M027 - 'Measures for coastal land planning'
  • MADIT-M028 - 'Regulatory measures for commercial fishing and the sustainable exploitation of fish stocks'
  • MADIT-M029 - 'Adoption of National Plans of Fleet Management'
  • MADIT-M030-NEW1 - 'Complete the network of Natura 2000 sites at sea and subsequent identification of conservation measures'
  • MADIT-M031-NEW2 - 'Implementation of technical solutions (methodological and instrumental) for the reduction of the phenomenon of collision with cetaceans'
  • MADIT-M032-NEW3 - 'Acquisition, systematisation and standardisation, as well as consistent recognition, with data from monitoring activities implemented, with particular reference to EIA procedures'
  • MADIT-M033-NEW4 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of elasmobranchs from by-catch'
  • MADIT-M034-NEW5 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of cetaceans and sea turtles from by-catch'
  • MADIT-M035-NEW6 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of seabirds from by-catch'
  • MADIT-M036-NEW7 - 'Implementation of awareness-raising and information measures to prevent removal activities and damage to the benthic species and habitats protected'
  • MADIT-M046 - 'Measures related to the monitoring of fishing vessels'
  • MADIT-M047 - 'Combat IUU fishing'
  • MADIT-M048 - 'Implementation of the new CFP, the EMFF and the triennial plan'
  • MADIT-M049 - 'Fisheries management of bivalve molluscs'
  • MADIT-M059 - 'Implementation of the National Energy Plan'
  • MADIT-M060 - 'Use of the maritime domain and the territorial sea areas'
  • MADIT-M061 - 'Minimum requirements to prevent major accidents in offshore operations and limiting the consequences of such accidents in the hydrocarbon sector'
  • MADIT-M062 - 'Measures concerning the spill of materials from port dredging'
  • MADIT-M063 - 'Related measures and EIA'
  • MADIT-M064 - 'Register of vessels authorised to fish under the GFCM Agreement'
  • MADIT-M087 - 'Measures related to the regulation of approval for the immersion in the sea of excavation seabed materials and dredging'
  • MICIT-M001 - 'Measures related to the management of the Natura 2000 Network sites'
  • MICIT-M002 - 'Planned measures to designate SACs in Natura 2000 sites'
  • MICIT-M003 - 'Measures to protect target species and targeted habitats through the MPAs'
  • MICIT-M004 - 'Planned measures to increase MPAs'
  • MICIT-M005 - 'Measures to protect target habitats through other protected areas'
  • MICIT-M006 - 'Management measures for benthic habitats in the Mediterranean and identification of protected species and habitats'
  • MICIT-M007 - 'Measures to protect fish stocks through other protected areas (wildlife protection areas)'
  • MICIT-M008 - 'Measures to reduce the impact of fishing and protection of pelagic habitats'
  • MICIT-M009 - 'Protective measures for the taking and selling of endangered species through international agreements'
  • MICIT-M010 - 'Measures for incidental catches of cetaceans in fisheries'
  • MICIT-M011 - 'Measures for the conservation of cetaceans in the Mediterranean, under international agreements'
  • MICIT-M012 - 'Directorial Decree of Ministry of Environment, in cooperation with the Ministry of Health, for the establishment of the coordination of the marine mammal stranding national network (ReNaSMM)'
  • MICIT-M013 - 'Measures for the conservation of wild flora and fauna and natural habitats, and the promotion of cooperation between Member States'
  • MICIT-M014 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MICIT-M015 - 'National and Community measures for the protection of birds'
  • MICIT-M016 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MICIT-M017 - 'Protective measures for benthic habitats associated with the European legislation (planning, impact assessment, river basin management plans)'
  • MICIT-M018 - 'Measures to protect habitats and associated target species under international conventions'
  • MICIT-M019 - 'Measures for the conservation of migratory species of wild animals'
  • MICIT-M020 - 'Regulatory measures for international trade in endangered species'
  • MICIT-M021 - 'International cetacean protection measures'
  • MICIT-M022 - 'Measures to protect biodiversity through European policies'
  • MICIT-M023 - 'Community and international measures for elasmobranch'
  • MICIT-M024 - 'Measures regulating catches of cetaceans, tortoises and common sturgeon'
  • MICIT-M025 - 'National measures for the protection of biodiversity'
  • MICIT-M026 - 'National measures for recovery, rescue custody and management of marine reptiles'
  • MICIT-M027 - 'Measures for coastal land planning'
  • MICIT-M028 - 'Regulatory measures for commercial fishing and the sustainable exploitation of fish stocks'
  • MICIT-M029 - 'Adoption of National Plans of Fleet Management'
  • MICIT-M030-NEW1 - 'Complete the network of Natura 2000 sites at sea and subsequent identification of conservation measures'
  • MICIT-M031-NEW2 - 'Implementation of technical solutions (methodological and instrumental) for the reduction of the phenomenon of collision with cetaceans'
  • MICIT-M032-NEW3 - 'Acquisition, systematisation and standardisation, as well as consistent recognition, with data from monitoring activities implemented, with particular reference to EIA procedures'
  • MICIT-M033-NEW4 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of elasmobranchs from by-catch'
  • MICIT-M034-NEW5 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of cetaceans and sea turtles from by-catch'
  • MICIT-M035-NEW6 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of seabirds from by-catch'
  • MICIT-M036-NEW7 - 'Implementation of awareness-raising and information measures to prevent removal activities and damage to the benthic species and habitats protected'
  • MICIT-M044 - 'Measures related to the monitoring of fishing vessels'
  • MICIT-M045 - 'Combat IUU fishing'
  • MICIT-M046 - 'Local management plans for management units'
  • MICIT-M047 - 'Implementation of the new CFP, the EMFF and the triennial plan'
  • MICIT-M048 - 'Fisheries management of bivalve molluscs'
  • MICIT-M058 - 'Implementation of the National Energy Plan'
  • MICIT-M059 - 'Use of the maritime domain and the territorial sea areas'
  • MICIT-M060 - 'Minimum requirements to prevent major accidents in offshore operations and limiting the consequences of such accidents in the hydrocarbon sector'
  • MICIT-M061 - 'Measures concerning the spill of materials from port dredging'
  • MICIT-M062 - 'Related measures and EIA'
  • MICIT-M063 - 'Register of vessels authorised to fish under the GFCM Agreement'
  • MWEIT-M001 - 'Measures related to the management of the Natura 2000 Network sites'
  • MWEIT-M002 - 'Planned measures to designate SACs in Natura 2000 sites'
  • MWEIT-M003 - 'Measures to protect target species and targeted habitats through the MPAs'
  • MWEIT-M004 - 'Planned measures to increase MPAs'
  • MWEIT-M005 - 'Measures to protect target habitats through other protected areas'
  • MWEIT-M006 - 'Management measures for benthic habitats in the Mediterranean and identification of protected species and habitats'
  • MWEIT-M007 - 'Measures to protect fish stocks through other protected areas (wildlife protection areas)'
  • MWEIT-M008 - 'Measures to reduce the impact of fishing and protection of pelagic habitats'
  • MWEIT-M009 - 'Ecological protection measures'
  • MWEIT-M010 - 'Protective measures for the taking and selling of endangered species through international agreements'
  • MWEIT-M011 - 'Measures for incidental catches of cetaceans in fisheries'
  • MWEIT-M012 - 'Measures for the conservation of cetaceans in the Mediterranean, under international agreements'
  • MWEIT-M013 - 'Directorial Decree of Ministry of Environment, in cooperation with the Ministry of Health, for the establishment of the coordination of the marine mammal stranding national network (ReNaSMM)'
  • MWEIT-M014 - 'Measures for the conservation of wild flora and fauna and natural habitats, and the promotion of cooperation between Member States'
  • MWEIT-M015 - 'Bird protection measures through the Birds Directive (2009/147/ EC)'
  • MWEIT-M016 - 'National and Community measures for the protection of birds'
  • MWEIT-M017 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MWEIT-M018 - 'Protective measures for benthic habitats associated with the European legislation (planning, impact assessment, river basin management plans)'
  • MWEIT-M019 - 'Measures to protect habitats and associated target species under international conventions'
  • MWEIT-M020 - 'Measures for the conservation of migratory species of wild animals'
  • MWEIT-M021 - 'Regulatory measures for international trade in endangered species'
  • MWEIT-M022 - 'Measures to promote a pilot area for the control of marine pollution along the coastline stretching from Marseille to La Spezia'
  • MWEIT-M023 - 'International cetacean protection measures'
  • MWEIT-M024 - 'Measures to protect biodiversity through European policies'
  • MWEIT-M025 - 'Community and international measures for elasmobranch'
  • MWEIT-M026 - 'Measures regulating catches of cetaceans, tortoises and common sturgeon'
  • MWEIT-M027 - 'Establishment of measures for the International Whale Sanctuary'
  • MWEIT-M028 - 'National measures for the protection of biodiversity'
  • MWEIT-M029 - 'National measures for recovery, rescue custody and management of marine reptiles'
  • MWEIT-M030 - 'Measures for coastal land planning'
  • MWEIT-M031 - 'Regulatory measures for commercial fishing and the sustainable exploitation of fish stocks'
  • MWEIT-M032 - 'Adoption of National Plans of Fleet Management'
  • MWEIT-M033-NEW1 - 'Complete the network of Natura 2000 sites at sea and subsequent identification of conservation measures'
  • MWEIT-M034-NEW2 - 'Implementation of technical solutions (methodological and instrumental) for the reduction of the phenomenon of collision with cetaceans'
  • MWEIT-M035-NEW3 - 'Acquisition, systematisation and standardisation, as well as consistent recognition, with data from monitoring activities implemented, with particular reference to EIA procedures'
  • MWEIT-M036-NEW4 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of elasmobranchs from by-catch'
  • MWEIT-M037-NEW5 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of cetaceans and sea turtles from by-catch'
  • MWEIT-M038-NEW6 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of seabirds from by-catch'
  • MWEIT-M039-NEW7 - 'Implementation of awareness-raising and information measures to prevent removal activities and damage to the benthic species and habitats protected'
  • MWEIT-M047 - 'Measures related to the monitoring of fishing vessels'
  • MWEIT-M048 - 'Combat IUU fishing'
  • MWEIT-M049 - 'Local management plans for management units'
  • MWEIT-M050 - 'Implementation of the new CFP, the EMFF and the triennial plan'
  • MWEIT-M051 - 'Fisheries management of bivalve molluscs'
  • MWEIT-M061 - 'Implementation of the National Energy Plan'
  • MWEIT-M062 - 'Use of the maritime domain and the territorial sea areas'
  • MWEIT-M063 - 'Minimum requirements to prevent major accidents in offshore operations and limiting the consequences of such accidents in the hydrocarbon sector'
  • MWEIT-M064 - 'Measures concerning the spill of materials from port dredging'
  • MWEIT-M065 - 'Related measures and EIA'
  • MWEIT-M066 - 'Register of vessels authorised to fish under the GFCM Agreement'
  • MWEIT-M089 - 'Measures related to the regulation of approval for the immersion in the sea of excavation seabed materials and dredging'
  • MADIT-M001 - 'Measures related to the management of the Natura 2000 Network sites'
  • MADIT-M002 - 'Planned measures to designate SACs in Natura 2000 sites'
  • MADIT-M003 - 'Measures to protect target species and targeted habitats through the MPAs'
  • MADIT-M004 - 'Planned measures to increase MPAs'
  • MADIT-M005 - 'Measures to protect target habitats through other protected areas'
  • MADIT-M006 - 'Management measures for benthic habitats in the Mediterranean and identification of protected species and habitats'
  • MADIT-M007 - 'Measures to protect fish stocks through other protected areas (wildlife protection areas)'
  • MADIT-M008 - 'Measures to reduce the impact of fishing and protection of pelagic habitats'
  • MADIT-M009 - 'Protective measures for the taking and selling of endangered species through international agreements'
  • MADIT-M010 - 'Measures for incidental catches of cetaceans in fisheries'
  • MADIT-M011 - 'Measures for the conservation of cetaceans in the Mediterranean, under international agreements'
  • MADIT-M012 - 'Directorial Decree of Ministry of Environment, in cooperation with the Ministry of Health, for the establishment of the coordination of the marine mammal stranding national network (ReNaSMM)'
  • MADIT-M013 - 'Measures for the conservation of wild flora and fauna and natural habitats, and the promotion of cooperation between Member States'
  • MADIT-M014 - 'Bird protection measures through the Birds Directive (2009/147/ EC)'
  • MADIT-M015 - 'National and Community measures for the protection of birds'
  • MADIT-M016 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MADIT-M017 - 'Protective measures for benthic habitats associated with the European legislation (planning, impact assessment, river basin management plans)'
  • MADIT-M018 - 'Measures to protect habitats and associated target species under international conventions'
  • MADIT-M019 - 'Measures for the conservation of migratory species of wild animals'
  • MADIT-M020 - 'Regulatory measures for international trade in endangered species'
  • MADIT-M021 - 'International cetacean protection measures'
  • MADIT-M022 - 'Measures to protect biodiversity through European policies'
  • MADIT-M023 - 'Community and international measures for elasmobranch'
  • MADIT-M024 - 'Measures regulating catches of cetaceans, tortoises and common sturgeon'
  • MADIT-M025 - 'National measures for the protection of biodiversity'
  • MADIT-M026 - 'National measures for recovery, rescue custody and management of marine reptiles'
  • MADIT-M027 - 'Measures for coastal land planning'
  • MADIT-M028 - 'Regulatory measures for commercial fishing and the sustainable exploitation of fish stocks'
  • MADIT-M029 - 'Adoption of National Plans of Fleet Management'
  • MADIT-M030-NEW1 - 'Complete the network of Natura 2000 sites at sea and subsequent identification of conservation measures'
  • MADIT-M031-NEW2 - 'Implementation of technical solutions (methodological and instrumental) for the reduction of the phenomenon of collision with cetaceans'
  • MADIT-M032-NEW3 - 'Acquisition, systematisation and standardisation, as well as consistent recognition, with data from monitoring activities implemented, with particular reference to EIA procedures'
  • MADIT-M033-NEW4 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of elasmobranchs from by-catch'
  • MADIT-M034-NEW5 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of cetaceans and sea turtles from by-catch'
  • MADIT-M035-NEW6 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of seabirds from by-catch'
  • MADIT-M036-NEW7 - 'Implementation of awareness-raising and information measures to prevent removal activities and damage to the benthic species and habitats protected'
  • MADIT-M046 - 'Measures related to the monitoring of fishing vessels'
  • MADIT-M047 - 'Combat IUU fishing'
  • MADIT-M048 - 'Implementation of the new CFP, the EMFF and the triennial plan'
  • MADIT-M049 - 'Fisheries management of bivalve molluscs'
  • MADIT-M059 - 'Implementation of the National Energy Plan'
  • MADIT-M060 - 'Use of the maritime domain and the territorial sea areas'
  • MADIT-M061 - 'Minimum requirements to prevent major accidents in offshore operations and limiting the consequences of such accidents in the hydrocarbon sector'
  • MADIT-M062 - 'Measures concerning the spill of materials from port dredging'
  • MADIT-M063 - 'Related measures and EIA'
  • MADIT-M064 - 'Register of vessels authorised to fish under the GFCM Agreement'
  • MADIT-M087 - 'Measures related to the regulation of approval for the immersion in the sea of excavation seabed materials and dredging'
  • MICIT-M001 - 'Measures related to the management of the Natura 2000 Network sites'
  • MICIT-M002 - 'Planned measures to designate SACs in Natura 2000 sites'
  • MICIT-M003 - 'Measures to protect target species and targeted habitats through the MPAs'
  • MICIT-M004 - 'Planned measures to increase MPAs'
  • MICIT-M005 - 'Measures to protect target habitats through other protected areas'
  • MICIT-M006 - 'Management measures for benthic habitats in the Mediterranean and identification of protected species and habitats'
  • MICIT-M007 - 'Measures to protect fish stocks through other protected areas (wildlife protection areas)'
  • MICIT-M008 - 'Measures to reduce the impact of fishing and protection of pelagic habitats'
  • MICIT-M009 - 'Protective measures for the taking and selling of endangered species through international agreements'
  • MICIT-M010 - 'Measures for incidental catches of cetaceans in fisheries'
  • MICIT-M011 - 'Measures for the conservation of cetaceans in the Mediterranean, under international agreements'
  • MICIT-M012 - 'Directorial Decree of Ministry of Environment, in cooperation with the Ministry of Health, for the establishment of the coordination of the marine mammal stranding national network (ReNaSMM)'
  • MICIT-M013 - 'Measures for the conservation of wild flora and fauna and natural habitats, and the promotion of cooperation between Member States'
  • MICIT-M014 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MICIT-M015 - 'National and Community measures for the protection of birds'
  • MICIT-M016 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MICIT-M017 - 'Protective measures for benthic habitats associated with the European legislation (planning, impact assessment, river basin management plans)'
  • MICIT-M018 - 'Measures to protect habitats and associated target species under international conventions'
  • MICIT-M019 - 'Measures for the conservation of migratory species of wild animals'
  • MICIT-M020 - 'Regulatory measures for international trade in endangered species'
  • MICIT-M021 - 'International cetacean protection measures'
  • MICIT-M022 - 'Measures to protect biodiversity through European policies'
  • MICIT-M023 - 'Community and international measures for elasmobranch'
  • MICIT-M024 - 'Measures regulating catches of cetaceans, tortoises and common sturgeon'
  • MICIT-M025 - 'National measures for the protection of biodiversity'
  • MICIT-M026 - 'National measures for recovery, rescue custody and management of marine reptiles'
  • MICIT-M027 - 'Measures for coastal land planning'
  • MICIT-M028 - 'Regulatory measures for commercial fishing and the sustainable exploitation of fish stocks'
  • MICIT-M029 - 'Adoption of National Plans of Fleet Management'
  • MICIT-M030-NEW1 - 'Complete the network of Natura 2000 sites at sea and subsequent identification of conservation measures'
  • MICIT-M031-NEW2 - 'Implementation of technical solutions (methodological and instrumental) for the reduction of the phenomenon of collision with cetaceans'
  • MICIT-M032-NEW3 - 'Acquisition, systematisation and standardisation, as well as consistent recognition, with data from monitoring activities implemented, with particular reference to EIA procedures'
  • MICIT-M033-NEW4 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of elasmobranchs from by-catch'
  • MICIT-M034-NEW5 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of cetaceans and sea turtles from by-catch'
  • MICIT-M035-NEW6 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of seabirds from by-catch'
  • MICIT-M036-NEW7 - 'Implementation of awareness-raising and information measures to prevent removal activities and damage to the benthic species and habitats protected'
  • MICIT-M044 - 'Measures related to the monitoring of fishing vessels'
  • MICIT-M045 - 'Combat IUU fishing'
  • MICIT-M046 - 'Local management plans for management units'
  • MICIT-M047 - 'Implementation of the new CFP, the EMFF and the triennial plan'
  • MICIT-M048 - 'Fisheries management of bivalve molluscs'
  • MICIT-M058 - 'Implementation of the National Energy Plan'
  • MICIT-M059 - 'Use of the maritime domain and the territorial sea areas'
  • MICIT-M060 - 'Minimum requirements to prevent major accidents in offshore operations and limiting the consequences of such accidents in the hydrocarbon sector'
  • MICIT-M061 - 'Measures concerning the spill of materials from port dredging'
  • MICIT-M062 - 'Related measures and EIA'
  • MICIT-M063 - 'Register of vessels authorised to fish under the GFCM Agreement'
  • MWEIT-M001 - 'Measures related to the management of the Natura 2000 Network sites'
  • MWEIT-M002 - 'Planned measures to designate SACs in Natura 2000 sites'
  • MWEIT-M003 - 'Measures to protect target species and targeted habitats through the MPAs'
  • MWEIT-M004 - 'Planned measures to increase MPAs'
  • MWEIT-M005 - 'Measures to protect target habitats through other protected areas'
  • MWEIT-M006 - 'Management measures for benthic habitats in the Mediterranean and identification of protected species and habitats'
  • MWEIT-M007 - 'Measures to protect fish stocks through other protected areas (wildlife protection areas)'
  • MWEIT-M008 - 'Measures to reduce the impact of fishing and protection of pelagic habitats'
  • MWEIT-M009 - 'Ecological protection measures'
  • MWEIT-M010 - 'Protective measures for the taking and selling of endangered species through international agreements'
  • MWEIT-M011 - 'Measures for incidental catches of cetaceans in fisheries'
  • MWEIT-M012 - 'Measures for the conservation of cetaceans in the Mediterranean, under international agreements'
  • MWEIT-M013 - 'Directorial Decree of Ministry of Environment, in cooperation with the Ministry of Health, for the establishment of the coordination of the marine mammal stranding national network (ReNaSMM)'
  • MWEIT-M014 - 'Measures for the conservation of wild flora and fauna and natural habitats, and the promotion of cooperation between Member States'
  • MWEIT-M015 - 'Bird protection measures through the Birds Directive (2009/147/ EC)'
  • MWEIT-M016 - 'National and Community measures for the protection of birds'
  • MWEIT-M017 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MWEIT-M018 - 'Protective measures for benthic habitats associated with the European legislation (planning, impact assessment, river basin management plans)'
  • MWEIT-M019 - 'Measures to protect habitats and associated target species under international conventions'
  • MWEIT-M020 - 'Measures for the conservation of migratory species of wild animals'
  • MWEIT-M021 - 'Regulatory measures for international trade in endangered species'
  • MWEIT-M022 - 'Measures to promote a pilot area for the control of marine pollution along the coastline stretching from Marseille to La Spezia'
  • MWEIT-M023 - 'International cetacean protection measures'
  • MWEIT-M024 - 'Measures to protect biodiversity through European policies'
  • MWEIT-M025 - 'Community and international measures for elasmobranch'
  • MWEIT-M026 - 'Measures regulating catches of cetaceans, tortoises and common sturgeon'
  • MWEIT-M027 - 'Establishment of measures for the International Whale Sanctuary'
  • MWEIT-M028 - 'National measures for the protection of biodiversity'
  • MWEIT-M029 - 'National measures for recovery, rescue custody and management of marine reptiles'
  • MWEIT-M030 - 'Measures for coastal land planning'
  • MWEIT-M031 - 'Regulatory measures for commercial fishing and the sustainable exploitation of fish stocks'
  • MWEIT-M032 - 'Adoption of National Plans of Fleet Management'
  • MWEIT-M033-NEW1 - 'Complete the network of Natura 2000 sites at sea and subsequent identification of conservation measures'
  • MWEIT-M034-NEW2 - 'Implementation of technical solutions (methodological and instrumental) for the reduction of the phenomenon of collision with cetaceans'
  • MWEIT-M035-NEW3 - 'Acquisition, systematisation and standardisation, as well as consistent recognition, with data from monitoring activities implemented, with particular reference to EIA procedures'
  • MWEIT-M036-NEW4 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of elasmobranchs from by-catch'
  • MWEIT-M037-NEW5 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of cetaceans and sea turtles from by-catch'
  • MWEIT-M038-NEW6 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of seabirds from by-catch'
  • MWEIT-M039-NEW7 - 'Implementation of awareness-raising and information measures to prevent removal activities and damage to the benthic species and habitats protected'
  • MWEIT-M047 - 'Measures related to the monitoring of fishing vessels'
  • MWEIT-M048 - 'Combat IUU fishing'
  • MWEIT-M049 - 'Local management plans for management units'
  • MWEIT-M050 - 'Implementation of the new CFP, the EMFF and the triennial plan'
  • MWEIT-M051 - 'Fisheries management of bivalve molluscs'
  • MWEIT-M061 - 'Implementation of the National Energy Plan'
  • MWEIT-M062 - 'Use of the maritime domain and the territorial sea areas'
  • MWEIT-M063 - 'Minimum requirements to prevent major accidents in offshore operations and limiting the consequences of such accidents in the hydrocarbon sector'
  • MWEIT-M064 - 'Measures concerning the spill of materials from port dredging'
  • MWEIT-M065 - 'Related measures and EIA'
  • MWEIT-M066 - 'Register of vessels authorised to fish under the GFCM Agreement'
  • MWEIT-M089 - 'Measures related to the regulation of approval for the immersion in the sea of excavation seabed materials and dredging'
  • MADIT-M001 - 'Measures related to the management of the Natura 2000 Network sites'
  • MADIT-M002 - 'Planned measures to designate SACs in Natura 2000 sites'
  • MADIT-M003 - 'Measures to protect target species and targeted habitats through the MPAs'
  • MADIT-M004 - 'Planned measures to increase MPAs'
  • MADIT-M005 - 'Measures to protect target habitats through other protected areas'
  • MADIT-M006 - 'Management measures for benthic habitats in the Mediterranean and identification of protected species and habitats'
  • MADIT-M007 - 'Measures to protect fish stocks through other protected areas (wildlife protection areas)'
  • MADIT-M008 - 'Measures to reduce the impact of fishing and protection of pelagic habitats'
  • MADIT-M009 - 'Protective measures for the taking and selling of endangered species through international agreements'
  • MADIT-M010 - 'Measures for incidental catches of cetaceans in fisheries'
  • MADIT-M011 - 'Measures for the conservation of cetaceans in the Mediterranean, under international agreements'
  • MADIT-M012 - 'Directorial Decree of Ministry of Environment, in cooperation with the Ministry of Health, for the establishment of the coordination of the marine mammal stranding national network (ReNaSMM)'
  • MADIT-M013 - 'Measures for the conservation of wild flora and fauna and natural habitats, and the promotion of cooperation between Member States'
  • MADIT-M014 - 'Bird protection measures through the Birds Directive (2009/147/ EC)'
  • MADIT-M015 - 'National and Community measures for the protection of birds'
  • MADIT-M016 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MADIT-M017 - 'Protective measures for benthic habitats associated with the European legislation (planning, impact assessment, river basin management plans)'
  • MADIT-M018 - 'Measures to protect habitats and associated target species under international conventions'
  • MADIT-M019 - 'Measures for the conservation of migratory species of wild animals'
  • MADIT-M020 - 'Regulatory measures for international trade in endangered species'
  • MADIT-M021 - 'International cetacean protection measures'
  • MADIT-M022 - 'Measures to protect biodiversity through European policies'
  • MADIT-M023 - 'Community and international measures for elasmobranch'
  • MADIT-M024 - 'Measures regulating catches of cetaceans, tortoises and common sturgeon'
  • MADIT-M025 - 'National measures for the protection of biodiversity'
  • MADIT-M026 - 'National measures for recovery, rescue custody and management of marine reptiles'
  • MADIT-M027 - 'Measures for coastal land planning'
  • MADIT-M028 - 'Regulatory measures for commercial fishing and the sustainable exploitation of fish stocks'
  • MADIT-M029 - 'Adoption of National Plans of Fleet Management'
  • MADIT-M030-NEW1 - 'Complete the network of Natura 2000 sites at sea and subsequent identification of conservation measures'
  • MADIT-M031-NEW2 - 'Implementation of technical solutions (methodological and instrumental) for the reduction of the phenomenon of collision with cetaceans'
  • MADIT-M032-NEW3 - 'Acquisition, systematisation and standardisation, as well as consistent recognition, with data from monitoring activities implemented, with particular reference to EIA procedures'
  • MADIT-M033-NEW4 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of elasmobranchs from by-catch'
  • MADIT-M034-NEW5 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of cetaceans and sea turtles from by-catch'
  • MADIT-M035-NEW6 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of seabirds from by-catch'
  • MADIT-M036-NEW7 - 'Implementation of awareness-raising and information measures to prevent removal activities and damage to the benthic species and habitats protected'
  • MADIT-M046 - 'Measures related to the monitoring of fishing vessels'
  • MADIT-M047 - 'Combat IUU fishing'
  • MADIT-M048 - 'Implementation of the new CFP, the EMFF and the triennial plan'
  • MADIT-M049 - 'Fisheries management of bivalve molluscs'
  • MADIT-M059 - 'Implementation of the National Energy Plan'
  • MADIT-M060 - 'Use of the maritime domain and the territorial sea areas'
  • MADIT-M061 - 'Minimum requirements to prevent major accidents in offshore operations and limiting the consequences of such accidents in the hydrocarbon sector'
  • MADIT-M062 - 'Measures concerning the spill of materials from port dredging'
  • MADIT-M063 - 'Related measures and EIA'
  • MADIT-M064 - 'Register of vessels authorised to fish under the GFCM Agreement'
  • MADIT-M087 - 'Measures related to the regulation of approval for the immersion in the sea of excavation seabed materials and dredging'
  • MICIT-M001 - 'Measures related to the management of the Natura 2000 Network sites'
  • MICIT-M002 - 'Planned measures to designate SACs in Natura 2000 sites'
  • MICIT-M003 - 'Measures to protect target species and targeted habitats through the MPAs'
  • MICIT-M004 - 'Planned measures to increase MPAs'
  • MICIT-M005 - 'Measures to protect target habitats through other protected areas'
  • MICIT-M006 - 'Management measures for benthic habitats in the Mediterranean and identification of protected species and habitats'
  • MICIT-M007 - 'Measures to protect fish stocks through other protected areas (wildlife protection areas)'
  • MICIT-M008 - 'Measures to reduce the impact of fishing and protection of pelagic habitats'
  • MICIT-M009 - 'Protective measures for the taking and selling of endangered species through international agreements'
  • MICIT-M010 - 'Measures for incidental catches of cetaceans in fisheries'
  • MICIT-M011 - 'Measures for the conservation of cetaceans in the Mediterranean, under international agreements'
  • MICIT-M012 - 'Directorial Decree of Ministry of Environment, in cooperation with the Ministry of Health, for the establishment of the coordination of the marine mammal stranding national network (ReNaSMM)'
  • MICIT-M013 - 'Measures for the conservation of wild flora and fauna and natural habitats, and the promotion of cooperation between Member States'
  • MICIT-M014 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MICIT-M015 - 'National and Community measures for the protection of birds'
  • MICIT-M016 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MICIT-M017 - 'Protective measures for benthic habitats associated with the European legislation (planning, impact assessment, river basin management plans)'
  • MICIT-M018 - 'Measures to protect habitats and associated target species under international conventions'
  • MICIT-M019 - 'Measures for the conservation of migratory species of wild animals'
  • MICIT-M020 - 'Regulatory measures for international trade in endangered species'
  • MICIT-M021 - 'International cetacean protection measures'
  • MICIT-M022 - 'Measures to protect biodiversity through European policies'
  • MICIT-M023 - 'Community and international measures for elasmobranch'
  • MICIT-M024 - 'Measures regulating catches of cetaceans, tortoises and common sturgeon'
  • MICIT-M025 - 'National measures for the protection of biodiversity'
  • MICIT-M026 - 'National measures for recovery, rescue custody and management of marine reptiles'
  • MICIT-M027 - 'Measures for coastal land planning'
  • MICIT-M028 - 'Regulatory measures for commercial fishing and the sustainable exploitation of fish stocks'
  • MICIT-M029 - 'Adoption of National Plans of Fleet Management'
  • MICIT-M030-NEW1 - 'Complete the network of Natura 2000 sites at sea and subsequent identification of conservation measures'
  • MICIT-M031-NEW2 - 'Implementation of technical solutions (methodological and instrumental) for the reduction of the phenomenon of collision with cetaceans'
  • MICIT-M032-NEW3 - 'Acquisition, systematisation and standardisation, as well as consistent recognition, with data from monitoring activities implemented, with particular reference to EIA procedures'
  • MICIT-M033-NEW4 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of elasmobranchs from by-catch'
  • MICIT-M034-NEW5 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of cetaceans and sea turtles from by-catch'
  • MICIT-M035-NEW6 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of seabirds from by-catch'
  • MICIT-M036-NEW7 - 'Implementation of awareness-raising and information measures to prevent removal activities and damage to the benthic species and habitats protected'
  • MICIT-M044 - 'Measures related to the monitoring of fishing vessels'
  • MICIT-M045 - 'Combat IUU fishing'
  • MICIT-M046 - 'Local management plans for management units'
  • MICIT-M047 - 'Implementation of the new CFP, the EMFF and the triennial plan'
  • MICIT-M048 - 'Fisheries management of bivalve molluscs'
  • MICIT-M058 - 'Implementation of the National Energy Plan'
  • MICIT-M059 - 'Use of the maritime domain and the territorial sea areas'
  • MICIT-M060 - 'Minimum requirements to prevent major accidents in offshore operations and limiting the consequences of such accidents in the hydrocarbon sector'
  • MICIT-M061 - 'Measures concerning the spill of materials from port dredging'
  • MICIT-M062 - 'Related measures and EIA'
  • MICIT-M063 - 'Register of vessels authorised to fish under the GFCM Agreement'
  • MWEIT-M001 - 'Measures related to the management of the Natura 2000 Network sites'
  • MWEIT-M002 - 'Planned measures to designate SACs in Natura 2000 sites'
  • MWEIT-M003 - 'Measures to protect target species and targeted habitats through the MPAs'
  • MWEIT-M004 - 'Planned measures to increase MPAs'
  • MWEIT-M005 - 'Measures to protect target habitats through other protected areas'
  • MWEIT-M006 - 'Management measures for benthic habitats in the Mediterranean and identification of protected species and habitats'
  • MWEIT-M007 - 'Measures to protect fish stocks through other protected areas (wildlife protection areas)'
  • MWEIT-M008 - 'Measures to reduce the impact of fishing and protection of pelagic habitats'
  • MWEIT-M009 - 'Ecological protection measures'
  • MWEIT-M010 - 'Protective measures for the taking and selling of endangered species through international agreements'
  • MWEIT-M011 - 'Measures for incidental catches of cetaceans in fisheries'
  • MWEIT-M012 - 'Measures for the conservation of cetaceans in the Mediterranean, under international agreements'
  • MWEIT-M013 - 'Directorial Decree of Ministry of Environment, in cooperation with the Ministry of Health, for the establishment of the coordination of the marine mammal stranding national network (ReNaSMM)'
  • MWEIT-M014 - 'Measures for the conservation of wild flora and fauna and natural habitats, and the promotion of cooperation between Member States'
  • MWEIT-M015 - 'Bird protection measures through the Birds Directive (2009/147/ EC)'
  • MWEIT-M016 - 'National and Community measures for the protection of birds'
  • MWEIT-M017 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MWEIT-M018 - 'Protective measures for benthic habitats associated with the European legislation (planning, impact assessment, river basin management plans)'
  • MWEIT-M019 - 'Measures to protect habitats and associated target species under international conventions'
  • MWEIT-M020 - 'Measures for the conservation of migratory species of wild animals'
  • MWEIT-M021 - 'Regulatory measures for international trade in endangered species'
  • MWEIT-M022 - 'Measures to promote a pilot area for the control of marine pollution along the coastline stretching from Marseille to La Spezia'
  • MWEIT-M023 - 'International cetacean protection measures'
  • MWEIT-M024 - 'Measures to protect biodiversity through European policies'
  • MWEIT-M025 - 'Community and international measures for elasmobranch'
  • MWEIT-M026 - 'Measures regulating catches of cetaceans, tortoises and common sturgeon'
  • MWEIT-M027 - 'Establishment of measures for the International Whale Sanctuary'
  • MWEIT-M028 - 'National measures for the protection of biodiversity'
  • MWEIT-M029 - 'National measures for recovery, rescue custody and management of marine reptiles'
  • MWEIT-M030 - 'Measures for coastal land planning'
  • MWEIT-M031 - 'Regulatory measures for commercial fishing and the sustainable exploitation of fish stocks'
  • MWEIT-M032 - 'Adoption of National Plans of Fleet Management'
  • MWEIT-M033-NEW1 - 'Complete the network of Natura 2000 sites at sea and subsequent identification of conservation measures'
  • MWEIT-M034-NEW2 - 'Implementation of technical solutions (methodological and instrumental) for the reduction of the phenomenon of collision with cetaceans'
  • MWEIT-M035-NEW3 - 'Acquisition, systematisation and standardisation, as well as consistent recognition, with data from monitoring activities implemented, with particular reference to EIA procedures'
  • MWEIT-M036-NEW4 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of elasmobranchs from by-catch'
  • MWEIT-M037-NEW5 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of cetaceans and sea turtles from by-catch'
  • MWEIT-M038-NEW6 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of seabirds from by-catch'
  • MWEIT-M039-NEW7 - 'Implementation of awareness-raising and information measures to prevent removal activities and damage to the benthic species and habitats protected'
  • MWEIT-M047 - 'Measures related to the monitoring of fishing vessels'
  • MWEIT-M048 - 'Combat IUU fishing'
  • MWEIT-M049 - 'Local management plans for management units'
  • MWEIT-M050 - 'Implementation of the new CFP, the EMFF and the triennial plan'
  • MWEIT-M051 - 'Fisheries management of bivalve molluscs'
  • MWEIT-M061 - 'Implementation of the National Energy Plan'
  • MWEIT-M062 - 'Use of the maritime domain and the territorial sea areas'
  • MWEIT-M063 - 'Minimum requirements to prevent major accidents in offshore operations and limiting the consequences of such accidents in the hydrocarbon sector'
  • MWEIT-M064 - 'Measures concerning the spill of materials from port dredging'
  • MWEIT-M065 - 'Related measures and EIA'
  • MWEIT-M066 - 'Register of vessels authorised to fish under the GFCM Agreement'
  • MWEIT-M089 - 'Measures related to the regulation of approval for the immersion in the sea of excavation seabed materials and dredging'
  • MADIT-M001 - 'Measures related to the management of the Natura 2000 Network sites'
  • MADIT-M002 - 'Planned measures to designate SACs in Natura 2000 sites'
  • MADIT-M003 - 'Measures to protect target species and targeted habitats through the MPAs'
  • MADIT-M004 - 'Planned measures to increase MPAs'
  • MADIT-M005 - 'Measures to protect target habitats through other protected areas'
  • MADIT-M006 - 'Management measures for benthic habitats in the Mediterranean and identification of protected species and habitats'
  • MADIT-M007 - 'Measures to protect fish stocks through other protected areas (wildlife protection areas)'
  • MADIT-M008 - 'Measures to reduce the impact of fishing and protection of pelagic habitats'
  • MADIT-M009 - 'Protective measures for the taking and selling of endangered species through international agreements'
  • MADIT-M010 - 'Measures for incidental catches of cetaceans in fisheries'
  • MADIT-M011 - 'Measures for the conservation of cetaceans in the Mediterranean, under international agreements'
  • MADIT-M012 - 'Directorial Decree of Ministry of Environment, in cooperation with the Ministry of Health, for the establishment of the coordination of the marine mammal stranding national network (ReNaSMM)'
  • MADIT-M013 - 'Measures for the conservation of wild flora and fauna and natural habitats, and the promotion of cooperation between Member States'
  • MADIT-M014 - 'Bird protection measures through the Birds Directive (2009/147/ EC)'
  • MADIT-M015 - 'National and Community measures for the protection of birds'
  • MADIT-M016 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MADIT-M017 - 'Protective measures for benthic habitats associated with the European legislation (planning, impact assessment, river basin management plans)'
  • MADIT-M018 - 'Measures to protect habitats and associated target species under international conventions'
  • MADIT-M019 - 'Measures for the conservation of migratory species of wild animals'
  • MADIT-M020 - 'Regulatory measures for international trade in endangered species'
  • MADIT-M021 - 'International cetacean protection measures'
  • MADIT-M022 - 'Measures to protect biodiversity through European policies'
  • MADIT-M023 - 'Community and international measures for elasmobranch'
  • MADIT-M024 - 'Measures regulating catches of cetaceans, tortoises and common sturgeon'
  • MADIT-M025 - 'National measures for the protection of biodiversity'
  • MADIT-M026 - 'National measures for recovery, rescue custody and management of marine reptiles'
  • MADIT-M027 - 'Measures for coastal land planning'
  • MADIT-M028 - 'Regulatory measures for commercial fishing and the sustainable exploitation of fish stocks'
  • MADIT-M029 - 'Adoption of National Plans of Fleet Management'
  • MADIT-M030-NEW1 - 'Complete the network of Natura 2000 sites at sea and subsequent identification of conservation measures'
  • MADIT-M031-NEW2 - 'Implementation of technical solutions (methodological and instrumental) for the reduction of the phenomenon of collision with cetaceans'
  • MADIT-M032-NEW3 - 'Acquisition, systematisation and standardisation, as well as consistent recognition, with data from monitoring activities implemented, with particular reference to EIA procedures'
  • MADIT-M033-NEW4 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of elasmobranchs from by-catch'
  • MADIT-M034-NEW5 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of cetaceans and sea turtles from by-catch'
  • MADIT-M035-NEW6 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of seabirds from by-catch'
  • MADIT-M036-NEW7 - 'Implementation of awareness-raising and information measures to prevent removal activities and damage to the benthic species and habitats protected'
  • MADIT-M046 - 'Measures related to the monitoring of fishing vessels'
  • MADIT-M047 - 'Combat IUU fishing'
  • MADIT-M048 - 'Implementation of the new CFP, the EMFF and the triennial plan'
  • MADIT-M049 - 'Fisheries management of bivalve molluscs'
  • MADIT-M059 - 'Implementation of the National Energy Plan'
  • MADIT-M060 - 'Use of the maritime domain and the territorial sea areas'
  • MADIT-M061 - 'Minimum requirements to prevent major accidents in offshore operations and limiting the consequences of such accidents in the hydrocarbon sector'
  • MADIT-M062 - 'Measures concerning the spill of materials from port dredging'
  • MADIT-M063 - 'Related measures and EIA'
  • MADIT-M064 - 'Register of vessels authorised to fish under the GFCM Agreement'
  • MADIT-M087 - 'Measures related to the regulation of approval for the immersion in the sea of excavation seabed materials and dredging'
  • MICIT-M001 - 'Measures related to the management of the Natura 2000 Network sites'
  • MICIT-M002 - 'Planned measures to designate SACs in Natura 2000 sites'
  • MICIT-M003 - 'Measures to protect target species and targeted habitats through the MPAs'
  • MICIT-M004 - 'Planned measures to increase MPAs'
  • MICIT-M005 - 'Measures to protect target habitats through other protected areas'
  • MICIT-M006 - 'Management measures for benthic habitats in the Mediterranean and identification of protected species and habitats'
  • MICIT-M007 - 'Measures to protect fish stocks through other protected areas (wildlife protection areas)'
  • MICIT-M008 - 'Measures to reduce the impact of fishing and protection of pelagic habitats'
  • MICIT-M009 - 'Protective measures for the taking and selling of endangered species through international agreements'
  • MICIT-M010 - 'Measures for incidental catches of cetaceans in fisheries'
  • MICIT-M011 - 'Measures for the conservation of cetaceans in the Mediterranean, under international agreements'
  • MICIT-M012 - 'Directorial Decree of Ministry of Environment, in cooperation with the Ministry of Health, for the establishment of the coordination of the marine mammal stranding national network (ReNaSMM)'
  • MICIT-M013 - 'Measures for the conservation of wild flora and fauna and natural habitats, and the promotion of cooperation between Member States'
  • MICIT-M014 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MICIT-M015 - 'National and Community measures for the protection of birds'
  • MICIT-M016 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MICIT-M017 - 'Protective measures for benthic habitats associated with the European legislation (planning, impact assessment, river basin management plans)'
  • MICIT-M018 - 'Measures to protect habitats and associated target species under international conventions'
  • MICIT-M019 - 'Measures for the conservation of migratory species of wild animals'
  • MICIT-M020 - 'Regulatory measures for international trade in endangered species'
  • MICIT-M021 - 'International cetacean protection measures'
  • MICIT-M022 - 'Measures to protect biodiversity through European policies'
  • MICIT-M023 - 'Community and international measures for elasmobranch'
  • MICIT-M024 - 'Measures regulating catches of cetaceans, tortoises and common sturgeon'
  • MICIT-M025 - 'National measures for the protection of biodiversity'
  • MICIT-M026 - 'National measures for recovery, rescue custody and management of marine reptiles'
  • MICIT-M027 - 'Measures for coastal land planning'
  • MICIT-M028 - 'Regulatory measures for commercial fishing and the sustainable exploitation of fish stocks'
  • MICIT-M029 - 'Adoption of National Plans of Fleet Management'
  • MICIT-M030-NEW1 - 'Complete the network of Natura 2000 sites at sea and subsequent identification of conservation measures'
  • MICIT-M031-NEW2 - 'Implementation of technical solutions (methodological and instrumental) for the reduction of the phenomenon of collision with cetaceans'
  • MICIT-M032-NEW3 - 'Acquisition, systematisation and standardisation, as well as consistent recognition, with data from monitoring activities implemented, with particular reference to EIA procedures'
  • MICIT-M033-NEW4 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of elasmobranchs from by-catch'
  • MICIT-M034-NEW5 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of cetaceans and sea turtles from by-catch'
  • MICIT-M035-NEW6 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of seabirds from by-catch'
  • MICIT-M036-NEW7 - 'Implementation of awareness-raising and information measures to prevent removal activities and damage to the benthic species and habitats protected'
  • MICIT-M044 - 'Measures related to the monitoring of fishing vessels'
  • MICIT-M045 - 'Combat IUU fishing'
  • MICIT-M046 - 'Local management plans for management units'
  • MICIT-M047 - 'Implementation of the new CFP, the EMFF and the triennial plan'
  • MICIT-M048 - 'Fisheries management of bivalve molluscs'
  • MICIT-M058 - 'Implementation of the National Energy Plan'
  • MICIT-M059 - 'Use of the maritime domain and the territorial sea areas'
  • MICIT-M060 - 'Minimum requirements to prevent major accidents in offshore operations and limiting the consequences of such accidents in the hydrocarbon sector'
  • MICIT-M061 - 'Measures concerning the spill of materials from port dredging'
  • MICIT-M062 - 'Related measures and EIA'
  • MICIT-M063 - 'Register of vessels authorised to fish under the GFCM Agreement'
  • MWEIT-M001 - 'Measures related to the management of the Natura 2000 Network sites'
  • MWEIT-M002 - 'Planned measures to designate SACs in Natura 2000 sites'
  • MWEIT-M003 - 'Measures to protect target species and targeted habitats through the MPAs'
  • MWEIT-M004 - 'Planned measures to increase MPAs'
  • MWEIT-M005 - 'Measures to protect target habitats through other protected areas'
  • MWEIT-M006 - 'Management measures for benthic habitats in the Mediterranean and identification of protected species and habitats'
  • MWEIT-M007 - 'Measures to protect fish stocks through other protected areas (wildlife protection areas)'
  • MWEIT-M008 - 'Measures to reduce the impact of fishing and protection of pelagic habitats'
  • MWEIT-M009 - 'Ecological protection measures'
  • MWEIT-M010 - 'Protective measures for the taking and selling of endangered species through international agreements'
  • MWEIT-M011 - 'Measures for incidental catches of cetaceans in fisheries'
  • MWEIT-M012 - 'Measures for the conservation of cetaceans in the Mediterranean, under international agreements'
  • MWEIT-M013 - 'Directorial Decree of Ministry of Environment, in cooperation with the Ministry of Health, for the establishment of the coordination of the marine mammal stranding national network (ReNaSMM)'
  • MWEIT-M014 - 'Measures for the conservation of wild flora and fauna and natural habitats, and the promotion of cooperation between Member States'
  • MWEIT-M015 - 'Bird protection measures through the Birds Directive (2009/147/ EC)'
  • MWEIT-M016 - 'National and Community measures for the protection of birds'
  • MWEIT-M017 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MWEIT-M018 - 'Protective measures for benthic habitats associated with the European legislation (planning, impact assessment, river basin management plans)'
  • MWEIT-M019 - 'Measures to protect habitats and associated target species under international conventions'
  • MWEIT-M020 - 'Measures for the conservation of migratory species of wild animals'
  • MWEIT-M021 - 'Regulatory measures for international trade in endangered species'
  • MWEIT-M022 - 'Measures to promote a pilot area for the control of marine pollution along the coastline stretching from Marseille to La Spezia'
  • MWEIT-M023 - 'International cetacean protection measures'
  • MWEIT-M024 - 'Measures to protect biodiversity through European policies'
  • MWEIT-M025 - 'Community and international measures for elasmobranch'
  • MWEIT-M026 - 'Measures regulating catches of cetaceans, tortoises and common sturgeon'
  • MWEIT-M027 - 'Establishment of measures for the International Whale Sanctuary'
  • MWEIT-M028 - 'National measures for the protection of biodiversity'
  • MWEIT-M029 - 'National measures for recovery, rescue custody and management of marine reptiles'
  • MWEIT-M030 - 'Measures for coastal land planning'
  • MWEIT-M031 - 'Regulatory measures for commercial fishing and the sustainable exploitation of fish stocks'
  • MWEIT-M032 - 'Adoption of National Plans of Fleet Management'
  • MWEIT-M033-NEW1 - 'Complete the network of Natura 2000 sites at sea and subsequent identification of conservation measures'
  • MWEIT-M034-NEW2 - 'Implementation of technical solutions (methodological and instrumental) for the reduction of the phenomenon of collision with cetaceans'
  • MWEIT-M035-NEW3 - 'Acquisition, systematisation and standardisation, as well as consistent recognition, with data from monitoring activities implemented, with particular reference to EIA procedures'
  • MWEIT-M036-NEW4 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of elasmobranchs from by-catch'
  • MWEIT-M037-NEW5 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of cetaceans and sea turtles from by-catch'
  • MWEIT-M038-NEW6 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of seabirds from by-catch'
  • MWEIT-M039-NEW7 - 'Implementation of awareness-raising and information measures to prevent removal activities and damage to the benthic species and habitats protected'
  • MWEIT-M047 - 'Measures related to the monitoring of fishing vessels'
  • MWEIT-M048 - 'Combat IUU fishing'
  • MWEIT-M049 - 'Local management plans for management units'
  • MWEIT-M050 - 'Implementation of the new CFP, the EMFF and the triennial plan'
  • MWEIT-M051 - 'Fisheries management of bivalve molluscs'
  • MWEIT-M061 - 'Implementation of the National Energy Plan'
  • MWEIT-M062 - 'Use of the maritime domain and the territorial sea areas'
  • MWEIT-M063 - 'Minimum requirements to prevent major accidents in offshore operations and limiting the consequences of such accidents in the hydrocarbon sector'
  • MWEIT-M064 - 'Measures concerning the spill of materials from port dredging'
  • MWEIT-M065 - 'Related measures and EIA'
  • MWEIT-M066 - 'Register of vessels authorised to fish under the GFCM Agreement'
  • MWEIT-M089 - 'Measures related to the regulation of approval for the immersion in the sea of excavation seabed materials and dredging'
  • MADIT-M001 - 'Measures related to the management of the Natura 2000 Network sites'
  • MADIT-M002 - 'Planned measures to designate SACs in Natura 2000 sites'
  • MADIT-M003 - 'Measures to protect target species and targeted habitats through the MPAs'
  • MADIT-M004 - 'Planned measures to increase MPAs'
  • MADIT-M005 - 'Measures to protect target habitats through other protected areas'
  • MADIT-M006 - 'Management measures for benthic habitats in the Mediterranean and identification of protected species and habitats'
  • MADIT-M007 - 'Measures to protect fish stocks through other protected areas (wildlife protection areas)'
  • MADIT-M008 - 'Measures to reduce the impact of fishing and protection of pelagic habitats'
  • MADIT-M009 - 'Protective measures for the taking and selling of endangered species through international agreements'
  • MADIT-M010 - 'Measures for incidental catches of cetaceans in fisheries'
  • MADIT-M011 - 'Measures for the conservation of cetaceans in the Mediterranean, under international agreements'
  • MADIT-M012 - 'Directorial Decree of Ministry of Environment, in cooperation with the Ministry of Health, for the establishment of the coordination of the marine mammal stranding national network (ReNaSMM)'
  • MADIT-M013 - 'Measures for the conservation of wild flora and fauna and natural habitats, and the promotion of cooperation between Member States'
  • MADIT-M014 - 'Bird protection measures through the Birds Directive (2009/147/ EC)'
  • MADIT-M015 - 'National and Community measures for the protection of birds'
  • MADIT-M016 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MADIT-M017 - 'Protective measures for benthic habitats associated with the European legislation (planning, impact assessment, river basin management plans)'
  • MADIT-M018 - 'Measures to protect habitats and associated target species under international conventions'
  • MADIT-M019 - 'Measures for the conservation of migratory species of wild animals'
  • MADIT-M020 - 'Regulatory measures for international trade in endangered species'
  • MADIT-M021 - 'International cetacean protection measures'
  • MADIT-M022 - 'Measures to protect biodiversity through European policies'
  • MADIT-M023 - 'Community and international measures for elasmobranch'
  • MADIT-M024 - 'Measures regulating catches of cetaceans, tortoises and common sturgeon'
  • MADIT-M025 - 'National measures for the protection of biodiversity'
  • MADIT-M026 - 'National measures for recovery, rescue custody and management of marine reptiles'
  • MADIT-M027 - 'Measures for coastal land planning'
  • MADIT-M028 - 'Regulatory measures for commercial fishing and the sustainable exploitation of fish stocks'
  • MADIT-M029 - 'Adoption of National Plans of Fleet Management'
  • MADIT-M030-NEW1 - 'Complete the network of Natura 2000 sites at sea and subsequent identification of conservation measures'
  • MADIT-M031-NEW2 - 'Implementation of technical solutions (methodological and instrumental) for the reduction of the phenomenon of collision with cetaceans'
  • MADIT-M032-NEW3 - 'Acquisition, systematisation and standardisation, as well as consistent recognition, with data from monitoring activities implemented, with particular reference to EIA procedures'
  • MADIT-M033-NEW4 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of elasmobranchs from by-catch'
  • MADIT-M034-NEW5 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of cetaceans and sea turtles from by-catch'
  • MADIT-M035-NEW6 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of seabirds from by-catch'
  • MADIT-M036-NEW7 - 'Implementation of awareness-raising and information measures to prevent removal activities and damage to the benthic species and habitats protected'
  • MADIT-M046 - 'Measures related to the monitoring of fishing vessels'
  • MADIT-M047 - 'Combat IUU fishing'
  • MADIT-M048 - 'Implementation of the new CFP, the EMFF and the triennial plan'
  • MADIT-M049 - 'Fisheries management of bivalve molluscs'
  • MADIT-M059 - 'Implementation of the National Energy Plan'
  • MADIT-M060 - 'Use of the maritime domain and the territorial sea areas'
  • MADIT-M061 - 'Minimum requirements to prevent major accidents in offshore operations and limiting the consequences of such accidents in the hydrocarbon sector'
  • MADIT-M062 - 'Measures concerning the spill of materials from port dredging'
  • MADIT-M063 - 'Related measures and EIA'
  • MADIT-M064 - 'Register of vessels authorised to fish under the GFCM Agreement'
  • MADIT-M087 - 'Measures related to the regulation of approval for the immersion in the sea of excavation seabed materials and dredging'
  • MICIT-M001 - 'Measures related to the management of the Natura 2000 Network sites'
  • MICIT-M002 - 'Planned measures to designate SACs in Natura 2000 sites'
  • MICIT-M003 - 'Measures to protect target species and targeted habitats through the MPAs'
  • MICIT-M004 - 'Planned measures to increase MPAs'
  • MICIT-M005 - 'Measures to protect target habitats through other protected areas'
  • MICIT-M006 - 'Management measures for benthic habitats in the Mediterranean and identification of protected species and habitats'
  • MICIT-M007 - 'Measures to protect fish stocks through other protected areas (wildlife protection areas)'
  • MICIT-M008 - 'Measures to reduce the impact of fishing and protection of pelagic habitats'
  • MICIT-M009 - 'Protective measures for the taking and selling of endangered species through international agreements'
  • MICIT-M010 - 'Measures for incidental catches of cetaceans in fisheries'
  • MICIT-M011 - 'Measures for the conservation of cetaceans in the Mediterranean, under international agreements'
  • MICIT-M012 - 'Directorial Decree of Ministry of Environment, in cooperation with the Ministry of Health, for the establishment of the coordination of the marine mammal stranding national network (ReNaSMM)'
  • MICIT-M013 - 'Measures for the conservation of wild flora and fauna and natural habitats, and the promotion of cooperation between Member States'
  • MICIT-M014 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MICIT-M015 - 'National and Community measures for the protection of birds'
  • MICIT-M016 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MICIT-M017 - 'Protective measures for benthic habitats associated with the European legislation (planning, impact assessment, river basin management plans)'
  • MICIT-M018 - 'Measures to protect habitats and associated target species under international conventions'
  • MICIT-M019 - 'Measures for the conservation of migratory species of wild animals'
  • MICIT-M020 - 'Regulatory measures for international trade in endangered species'
  • MICIT-M021 - 'International cetacean protection measures'
  • MICIT-M022 - 'Measures to protect biodiversity through European policies'
  • MICIT-M023 - 'Community and international measures for elasmobranch'
  • MICIT-M024 - 'Measures regulating catches of cetaceans, tortoises and common sturgeon'
  • MICIT-M025 - 'National measures for the protection of biodiversity'
  • MICIT-M026 - 'National measures for recovery, rescue custody and management of marine reptiles'
  • MICIT-M027 - 'Measures for coastal land planning'
  • MICIT-M028 - 'Regulatory measures for commercial fishing and the sustainable exploitation of fish stocks'
  • MICIT-M029 - 'Adoption of National Plans of Fleet Management'
  • MICIT-M030-NEW1 - 'Complete the network of Natura 2000 sites at sea and subsequent identification of conservation measures'
  • MICIT-M031-NEW2 - 'Implementation of technical solutions (methodological and instrumental) for the reduction of the phenomenon of collision with cetaceans'
  • MICIT-M032-NEW3 - 'Acquisition, systematisation and standardisation, as well as consistent recognition, with data from monitoring activities implemented, with particular reference to EIA procedures'
  • MICIT-M033-NEW4 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of elasmobranchs from by-catch'
  • MICIT-M034-NEW5 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of cetaceans and sea turtles from by-catch'
  • MICIT-M035-NEW6 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of seabirds from by-catch'
  • MICIT-M036-NEW7 - 'Implementation of awareness-raising and information measures to prevent removal activities and damage to the benthic species and habitats protected'
  • MICIT-M044 - 'Measures related to the monitoring of fishing vessels'
  • MICIT-M045 - 'Combat IUU fishing'
  • MICIT-M046 - 'Local management plans for management units'
  • MICIT-M047 - 'Implementation of the new CFP, the EMFF and the triennial plan'
  • MICIT-M048 - 'Fisheries management of bivalve molluscs'
  • MICIT-M058 - 'Implementation of the National Energy Plan'
  • MICIT-M059 - 'Use of the maritime domain and the territorial sea areas'
  • MICIT-M060 - 'Minimum requirements to prevent major accidents in offshore operations and limiting the consequences of such accidents in the hydrocarbon sector'
  • MICIT-M061 - 'Measures concerning the spill of materials from port dredging'
  • MICIT-M062 - 'Related measures and EIA'
  • MICIT-M063 - 'Register of vessels authorised to fish under the GFCM Agreement'
  • MWEIT-M001 - 'Measures related to the management of the Natura 2000 Network sites'
  • MWEIT-M002 - 'Planned measures to designate SACs in Natura 2000 sites'
  • MWEIT-M003 - 'Measures to protect target species and targeted habitats through the MPAs'
  • MWEIT-M004 - 'Planned measures to increase MPAs'
  • MWEIT-M005 - 'Measures to protect target habitats through other protected areas'
  • MWEIT-M006 - 'Management measures for benthic habitats in the Mediterranean and identification of protected species and habitats'
  • MWEIT-M007 - 'Measures to protect fish stocks through other protected areas (wildlife protection areas)'
  • MWEIT-M008 - 'Measures to reduce the impact of fishing and protection of pelagic habitats'
  • MWEIT-M009 - 'Ecological protection measures'
  • MWEIT-M010 - 'Protective measures for the taking and selling of endangered species through international agreements'
  • MWEIT-M011 - 'Measures for incidental catches of cetaceans in fisheries'
  • MWEIT-M012 - 'Measures for the conservation of cetaceans in the Mediterranean, under international agreements'
  • MWEIT-M013 - 'Directorial Decree of Ministry of Environment, in cooperation with the Ministry of Health, for the establishment of the coordination of the marine mammal stranding national network (ReNaSMM)'
  • MWEIT-M014 - 'Measures for the conservation of wild flora and fauna and natural habitats, and the promotion of cooperation between Member States'
  • MWEIT-M015 - 'Bird protection measures through the Birds Directive (2009/147/ EC)'
  • MWEIT-M016 - 'National and Community measures for the protection of birds'
  • MWEIT-M017 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MWEIT-M018 - 'Protective measures for benthic habitats associated with the European legislation (planning, impact assessment, river basin management plans)'
  • MWEIT-M019 - 'Measures to protect habitats and associated target species under international conventions'
  • MWEIT-M020 - 'Measures for the conservation of migratory species of wild animals'
  • MWEIT-M021 - 'Regulatory measures for international trade in endangered species'
  • MWEIT-M022 - 'Measures to promote a pilot area for the control of marine pollution along the coastline stretching from Marseille to La Spezia'
  • MWEIT-M023 - 'International cetacean protection measures'
  • MWEIT-M024 - 'Measures to protect biodiversity through European policies'
  • MWEIT-M025 - 'Community and international measures for elasmobranch'
  • MWEIT-M026 - 'Measures regulating catches of cetaceans, tortoises and common sturgeon'
  • MWEIT-M027 - 'Establishment of measures for the International Whale Sanctuary'
  • MWEIT-M028 - 'National measures for the protection of biodiversity'
  • MWEIT-M029 - 'National measures for recovery, rescue custody and management of marine reptiles'
  • MWEIT-M030 - 'Measures for coastal land planning'
  • MWEIT-M031 - 'Regulatory measures for commercial fishing and the sustainable exploitation of fish stocks'
  • MWEIT-M032 - 'Adoption of National Plans of Fleet Management'
  • MWEIT-M033-NEW1 - 'Complete the network of Natura 2000 sites at sea and subsequent identification of conservation measures'
  • MWEIT-M034-NEW2 - 'Implementation of technical solutions (methodological and instrumental) for the reduction of the phenomenon of collision with cetaceans'
  • MWEIT-M035-NEW3 - 'Acquisition, systematisation and standardisation, as well as consistent recognition, with data from monitoring activities implemented, with particular reference to EIA procedures'
  • MWEIT-M036-NEW4 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of elasmobranchs from by-catch'
  • MWEIT-M037-NEW5 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of cetaceans and sea turtles from by-catch'
  • MWEIT-M038-NEW6 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of seabirds from by-catch'
  • MWEIT-M039-NEW7 - 'Implementation of awareness-raising and information measures to prevent removal activities and damage to the benthic species and habitats protected'
  • MWEIT-M047 - 'Measures related to the monitoring of fishing vessels'
  • MWEIT-M048 - 'Combat IUU fishing'
  • MWEIT-M049 - 'Local management plans for management units'
  • MWEIT-M050 - 'Implementation of the new CFP, the EMFF and the triennial plan'
  • MWEIT-M051 - 'Fisheries management of bivalve molluscs'
  • MWEIT-M061 - 'Implementation of the National Energy Plan'
  • MWEIT-M062 - 'Use of the maritime domain and the territorial sea areas'
  • MWEIT-M063 - 'Minimum requirements to prevent major accidents in offshore operations and limiting the consequences of such accidents in the hydrocarbon sector'
  • MWEIT-M064 - 'Measures concerning the spill of materials from port dredging'
  • MWEIT-M065 - 'Related measures and EIA'
  • MWEIT-M066 - 'Register of vessels authorised to fish under the GFCM Agreement'
  • MWEIT-M089 - 'Measures related to the regulation of approval for the immersion in the sea of excavation seabed materials and dredging'
  • MADIT-M001 - 'Measures related to the management of the Natura 2000 Network sites'
  • MADIT-M002 - 'Planned measures to designate SACs in Natura 2000 sites'
  • MADIT-M003 - 'Measures to protect target species and targeted habitats through the MPAs'
  • MADIT-M004 - 'Planned measures to increase MPAs'
  • MADIT-M005 - 'Measures to protect target habitats through other protected areas'
  • MADIT-M006 - 'Management measures for benthic habitats in the Mediterranean and identification of protected species and habitats'
  • MADIT-M007 - 'Measures to protect fish stocks through other protected areas (wildlife protection areas)'
  • MADIT-M008 - 'Measures to reduce the impact of fishing and protection of pelagic habitats'
  • MADIT-M009 - 'Protective measures for the taking and selling of endangered species through international agreements'
  • MADIT-M010 - 'Measures for incidental catches of cetaceans in fisheries'
  • MADIT-M011 - 'Measures for the conservation of cetaceans in the Mediterranean, under international agreements'
  • MADIT-M012 - 'Directorial Decree of Ministry of Environment, in cooperation with the Ministry of Health, for the establishment of the coordination of the marine mammal stranding national network (ReNaSMM)'
  • MADIT-M013 - 'Measures for the conservation of wild flora and fauna and natural habitats, and the promotion of cooperation between Member States'
  • MADIT-M014 - 'Bird protection measures through the Birds Directive (2009/147/ EC)'
  • MADIT-M015 - 'National and Community measures for the protection of birds'
  • MADIT-M016 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MADIT-M017 - 'Protective measures for benthic habitats associated with the European legislation (planning, impact assessment, river basin management plans)'
  • MADIT-M018 - 'Measures to protect habitats and associated target species under international conventions'
  • MADIT-M019 - 'Measures for the conservation of migratory species of wild animals'
  • MADIT-M020 - 'Regulatory measures for international trade in endangered species'
  • MADIT-M021 - 'International cetacean protection measures'
  • MADIT-M022 - 'Measures to protect biodiversity through European policies'
  • MADIT-M023 - 'Community and international measures for elasmobranch'
  • MADIT-M024 - 'Measures regulating catches of cetaceans, tortoises and common sturgeon'
  • MADIT-M025 - 'National measures for the protection of biodiversity'
  • MADIT-M026 - 'National measures for recovery, rescue custody and management of marine reptiles'
  • MADIT-M027 - 'Measures for coastal land planning'
  • MADIT-M028 - 'Regulatory measures for commercial fishing and the sustainable exploitation of fish stocks'
  • MADIT-M029 - 'Adoption of National Plans of Fleet Management'
  • MADIT-M030-NEW1 - 'Complete the network of Natura 2000 sites at sea and subsequent identification of conservation measures'
  • MADIT-M031-NEW2 - 'Implementation of technical solutions (methodological and instrumental) for the reduction of the phenomenon of collision with cetaceans'
  • MADIT-M032-NEW3 - 'Acquisition, systematisation and standardisation, as well as consistent recognition, with data from monitoring activities implemented, with particular reference to EIA procedures'
  • MADIT-M033-NEW4 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of elasmobranchs from by-catch'
  • MADIT-M034-NEW5 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of cetaceans and sea turtles from by-catch'
  • MADIT-M035-NEW6 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of seabirds from by-catch'
  • MADIT-M036-NEW7 - 'Implementation of awareness-raising and information measures to prevent removal activities and damage to the benthic species and habitats protected'
  • MADIT-M046 - 'Measures related to the monitoring of fishing vessels'
  • MADIT-M047 - 'Combat IUU fishing'
  • MADIT-M048 - 'Implementation of the new CFP, the EMFF and the triennial plan'
  • MADIT-M049 - 'Fisheries management of bivalve molluscs'
  • MADIT-M059 - 'Implementation of the National Energy Plan'
  • MADIT-M060 - 'Use of the maritime domain and the territorial sea areas'
  • MADIT-M061 - 'Minimum requirements to prevent major accidents in offshore operations and limiting the consequences of such accidents in the hydrocarbon sector'
  • MADIT-M062 - 'Measures concerning the spill of materials from port dredging'
  • MADIT-M063 - 'Related measures and EIA'
  • MADIT-M064 - 'Register of vessels authorised to fish under the GFCM Agreement'
  • MADIT-M087 - 'Measures related to the regulation of approval for the immersion in the sea of excavation seabed materials and dredging'
  • MICIT-M001 - 'Measures related to the management of the Natura 2000 Network sites'
  • MICIT-M002 - 'Planned measures to designate SACs in Natura 2000 sites'
  • MICIT-M003 - 'Measures to protect target species and targeted habitats through the MPAs'
  • MICIT-M004 - 'Planned measures to increase MPAs'
  • MICIT-M005 - 'Measures to protect target habitats through other protected areas'
  • MICIT-M006 - 'Management measures for benthic habitats in the Mediterranean and identification of protected species and habitats'
  • MICIT-M007 - 'Measures to protect fish stocks through other protected areas (wildlife protection areas)'
  • MICIT-M008 - 'Measures to reduce the impact of fishing and protection of pelagic habitats'
  • MICIT-M009 - 'Protective measures for the taking and selling of endangered species through international agreements'
  • MICIT-M010 - 'Measures for incidental catches of cetaceans in fisheries'
  • MICIT-M011 - 'Measures for the conservation of cetaceans in the Mediterranean, under international agreements'
  • MICIT-M012 - 'Directorial Decree of Ministry of Environment, in cooperation with the Ministry of Health, for the establishment of the coordination of the marine mammal stranding national network (ReNaSMM)'
  • MICIT-M013 - 'Measures for the conservation of wild flora and fauna and natural habitats, and the promotion of cooperation between Member States'
  • MICIT-M014 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MICIT-M015 - 'National and Community measures for the protection of birds'
  • MICIT-M016 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MICIT-M017 - 'Protective measures for benthic habitats associated with the European legislation (planning, impact assessment, river basin management plans)'
  • MICIT-M018 - 'Measures to protect habitats and associated target species under international conventions'
  • MICIT-M019 - 'Measures for the conservation of migratory species of wild animals'
  • MICIT-M020 - 'Regulatory measures for international trade in endangered species'
  • MICIT-M021 - 'International cetacean protection measures'
  • MICIT-M022 - 'Measures to protect biodiversity through European policies'
  • MICIT-M023 - 'Community and international measures for elasmobranch'
  • MICIT-M024 - 'Measures regulating catches of cetaceans, tortoises and common sturgeon'
  • MICIT-M025 - 'National measures for the protection of biodiversity'
  • MICIT-M026 - 'National measures for recovery, rescue custody and management of marine reptiles'
  • MICIT-M027 - 'Measures for coastal land planning'
  • MICIT-M028 - 'Regulatory measures for commercial fishing and the sustainable exploitation of fish stocks'
  • MICIT-M029 - 'Adoption of National Plans of Fleet Management'
  • MICIT-M030-NEW1 - 'Complete the network of Natura 2000 sites at sea and subsequent identification of conservation measures'
  • MICIT-M031-NEW2 - 'Implementation of technical solutions (methodological and instrumental) for the reduction of the phenomenon of collision with cetaceans'
  • MICIT-M032-NEW3 - 'Acquisition, systematisation and standardisation, as well as consistent recognition, with data from monitoring activities implemented, with particular reference to EIA procedures'
  • MICIT-M033-NEW4 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of elasmobranchs from by-catch'
  • MICIT-M034-NEW5 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of cetaceans and sea turtles from by-catch'
  • MICIT-M035-NEW6 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of seabirds from by-catch'
  • MICIT-M036-NEW7 - 'Implementation of awareness-raising and information measures to prevent removal activities and damage to the benthic species and habitats protected'
  • MICIT-M044 - 'Measures related to the monitoring of fishing vessels'
  • MICIT-M045 - 'Combat IUU fishing'
  • MICIT-M046 - 'Local management plans for management units'
  • MICIT-M047 - 'Implementation of the new CFP, the EMFF and the triennial plan'
  • MICIT-M048 - 'Fisheries management of bivalve molluscs'
  • MICIT-M058 - 'Implementation of the National Energy Plan'
  • MICIT-M059 - 'Use of the maritime domain and the territorial sea areas'
  • MICIT-M060 - 'Minimum requirements to prevent major accidents in offshore operations and limiting the consequences of such accidents in the hydrocarbon sector'
  • MICIT-M061 - 'Measures concerning the spill of materials from port dredging'
  • MICIT-M062 - 'Related measures and EIA'
  • MICIT-M063 - 'Register of vessels authorised to fish under the GFCM Agreement'
  • MWEIT-M001 - 'Measures related to the management of the Natura 2000 Network sites'
  • MWEIT-M002 - 'Planned measures to designate SACs in Natura 2000 sites'
  • MWEIT-M003 - 'Measures to protect target species and targeted habitats through the MPAs'
  • MWEIT-M004 - 'Planned measures to increase MPAs'
  • MWEIT-M005 - 'Measures to protect target habitats through other protected areas'
  • MWEIT-M006 - 'Management measures for benthic habitats in the Mediterranean and identification of protected species and habitats'
  • MWEIT-M007 - 'Measures to protect fish stocks through other protected areas (wildlife protection areas)'
  • MWEIT-M008 - 'Measures to reduce the impact of fishing and protection of pelagic habitats'
  • MWEIT-M009 - 'Ecological protection measures'
  • MWEIT-M010 - 'Protective measures for the taking and selling of endangered species through international agreements'
  • MWEIT-M011 - 'Measures for incidental catches of cetaceans in fisheries'
  • MWEIT-M012 - 'Measures for the conservation of cetaceans in the Mediterranean, under international agreements'
  • MWEIT-M013 - 'Directorial Decree of Ministry of Environment, in cooperation with the Ministry of Health, for the establishment of the coordination of the marine mammal stranding national network (ReNaSMM)'
  • MWEIT-M014 - 'Measures for the conservation of wild flora and fauna and natural habitats, and the promotion of cooperation between Member States'
  • MWEIT-M015 - 'Bird protection measures through the Birds Directive (2009/147/ EC)'
  • MWEIT-M016 - 'National and Community measures for the protection of birds'
  • MWEIT-M017 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MWEIT-M018 - 'Protective measures for benthic habitats associated with the European legislation (planning, impact assessment, river basin management plans)'
  • MWEIT-M019 - 'Measures to protect habitats and associated target species under international conventions'
  • MWEIT-M020 - 'Measures for the conservation of migratory species of wild animals'
  • MWEIT-M021 - 'Regulatory measures for international trade in endangered species'
  • MWEIT-M022 - 'Measures to promote a pilot area for the control of marine pollution along the coastline stretching from Marseille to La Spezia'
  • MWEIT-M023 - 'International cetacean protection measures'
  • MWEIT-M024 - 'Measures to protect biodiversity through European policies'
  • MWEIT-M025 - 'Community and international measures for elasmobranch'
  • MWEIT-M026 - 'Measures regulating catches of cetaceans, tortoises and common sturgeon'
  • MWEIT-M027 - 'Establishment of measures for the International Whale Sanctuary'
  • MWEIT-M028 - 'National measures for the protection of biodiversity'
  • MWEIT-M029 - 'National measures for recovery, rescue custody and management of marine reptiles'
  • MWEIT-M030 - 'Measures for coastal land planning'
  • MWEIT-M031 - 'Regulatory measures for commercial fishing and the sustainable exploitation of fish stocks'
  • MWEIT-M032 - 'Adoption of National Plans of Fleet Management'
  • MWEIT-M033-NEW1 - 'Complete the network of Natura 2000 sites at sea and subsequent identification of conservation measures'
  • MWEIT-M034-NEW2 - 'Implementation of technical solutions (methodological and instrumental) for the reduction of the phenomenon of collision with cetaceans'
  • MWEIT-M035-NEW3 - 'Acquisition, systematisation and standardisation, as well as consistent recognition, with data from monitoring activities implemented, with particular reference to EIA procedures'
  • MWEIT-M036-NEW4 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of elasmobranchs from by-catch'
  • MWEIT-M037-NEW5 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of cetaceans and sea turtles from by-catch'
  • MWEIT-M038-NEW6 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of seabirds from by-catch'
  • MWEIT-M039-NEW7 - 'Implementation of awareness-raising and information measures to prevent removal activities and damage to the benthic species and habitats protected'
  • MWEIT-M047 - 'Measures related to the monitoring of fishing vessels'
  • MWEIT-M048 - 'Combat IUU fishing'
  • MWEIT-M049 - 'Local management plans for management units'
  • MWEIT-M050 - 'Implementation of the new CFP, the EMFF and the triennial plan'
  • MWEIT-M051 - 'Fisheries management of bivalve molluscs'
  • MWEIT-M061 - 'Implementation of the National Energy Plan'
  • MWEIT-M062 - 'Use of the maritime domain and the territorial sea areas'
  • MWEIT-M063 - 'Minimum requirements to prevent major accidents in offshore operations and limiting the consequences of such accidents in the hydrocarbon sector'
  • MWEIT-M064 - 'Measures concerning the spill of materials from port dredging'
  • MWEIT-M065 - 'Related measures and EIA'
  • MWEIT-M066 - 'Register of vessels authorised to fish under the GFCM Agreement'
  • MWEIT-M089 - 'Measures related to the regulation of approval for the immersion in the sea of excavation seabed materials and dredging'
  • MADIT-M001 - 'Measures related to the management of the Natura 2000 Network sites'
  • MADIT-M002 - 'Planned measures to designate SACs in Natura 2000 sites'
  • MADIT-M003 - 'Measures to protect target species and targeted habitats through the MPAs'
  • MADIT-M004 - 'Planned measures to increase MPAs'
  • MADIT-M005 - 'Measures to protect target habitats through other protected areas'
  • MADIT-M006 - 'Management measures for benthic habitats in the Mediterranean and identification of protected species and habitats'
  • MADIT-M007 - 'Measures to protect fish stocks through other protected areas (wildlife protection areas)'
  • MADIT-M008 - 'Measures to reduce the impact of fishing and protection of pelagic habitats'
  • MADIT-M009 - 'Protective measures for the taking and selling of endangered species through international agreements'
  • MADIT-M010 - 'Measures for incidental catches of cetaceans in fisheries'
  • MADIT-M011 - 'Measures for the conservation of cetaceans in the Mediterranean, under international agreements'
  • MADIT-M012 - 'Directorial Decree of Ministry of Environment, in cooperation with the Ministry of Health, for the establishment of the coordination of the marine mammal stranding national network (ReNaSMM)'
  • MADIT-M013 - 'Measures for the conservation of wild flora and fauna and natural habitats, and the promotion of cooperation between Member States'
  • MADIT-M014 - 'Bird protection measures through the Birds Directive (2009/147/ EC)'
  • MADIT-M015 - 'National and Community measures for the protection of birds'
  • MADIT-M016 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MADIT-M017 - 'Protective measures for benthic habitats associated with the European legislation (planning, impact assessment, river basin management plans)'
  • MADIT-M018 - 'Measures to protect habitats and associated target species under international conventions'
  • MADIT-M019 - 'Measures for the conservation of migratory species of wild animals'
  • MADIT-M020 - 'Regulatory measures for international trade in endangered species'
  • MADIT-M021 - 'International cetacean protection measures'
  • MADIT-M022 - 'Measures to protect biodiversity through European policies'
  • MADIT-M023 - 'Community and international measures for elasmobranch'
  • MADIT-M024 - 'Measures regulating catches of cetaceans, tortoises and common sturgeon'
  • MADIT-M025 - 'National measures for the protection of biodiversity'
  • MADIT-M026 - 'National measures for recovery, rescue custody and management of marine reptiles'
  • MADIT-M027 - 'Measures for coastal land planning'
  • MADIT-M028 - 'Regulatory measures for commercial fishing and the sustainable exploitation of fish stocks'
  • MADIT-M029 - 'Adoption of National Plans of Fleet Management'
  • MADIT-M030-NEW1 - 'Complete the network of Natura 2000 sites at sea and subsequent identification of conservation measures'
  • MADIT-M031-NEW2 - 'Implementation of technical solutions (methodological and instrumental) for the reduction of the phenomenon of collision with cetaceans'
  • MADIT-M032-NEW3 - 'Acquisition, systematisation and standardisation, as well as consistent recognition, with data from monitoring activities implemented, with particular reference to EIA procedures'
  • MADIT-M033-NEW4 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of elasmobranchs from by-catch'
  • MADIT-M034-NEW5 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of cetaceans and sea turtles from by-catch'
  • MADIT-M035-NEW6 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of seabirds from by-catch'
  • MADIT-M036-NEW7 - 'Implementation of awareness-raising and information measures to prevent removal activities and damage to the benthic species and habitats protected'
  • MADIT-M046 - 'Measures related to the monitoring of fishing vessels'
  • MADIT-M047 - 'Combat IUU fishing'
  • MADIT-M048 - 'Implementation of the new CFP, the EMFF and the triennial plan'
  • MADIT-M049 - 'Fisheries management of bivalve molluscs'
  • MADIT-M059 - 'Implementation of the National Energy Plan'
  • MADIT-M060 - 'Use of the maritime domain and the territorial sea areas'
  • MADIT-M061 - 'Minimum requirements to prevent major accidents in offshore operations and limiting the consequences of such accidents in the hydrocarbon sector'
  • MADIT-M062 - 'Measures concerning the spill of materials from port dredging'
  • MADIT-M063 - 'Related measures and EIA'
  • MADIT-M064 - 'Register of vessels authorised to fish under the GFCM Agreement'
  • MADIT-M087 - 'Measures related to the regulation of approval for the immersion in the sea of excavation seabed materials and dredging'
  • MICIT-M001 - 'Measures related to the management of the Natura 2000 Network sites'
  • MICIT-M002 - 'Planned measures to designate SACs in Natura 2000 sites'
  • MICIT-M003 - 'Measures to protect target species and targeted habitats through the MPAs'
  • MICIT-M004 - 'Planned measures to increase MPAs'
  • MICIT-M005 - 'Measures to protect target habitats through other protected areas'
  • MICIT-M006 - 'Management measures for benthic habitats in the Mediterranean and identification of protected species and habitats'
  • MICIT-M007 - 'Measures to protect fish stocks through other protected areas (wildlife protection areas)'
  • MICIT-M008 - 'Measures to reduce the impact of fishing and protection of pelagic habitats'
  • MICIT-M009 - 'Protective measures for the taking and selling of endangered species through international agreements'
  • MICIT-M010 - 'Measures for incidental catches of cetaceans in fisheries'
  • MICIT-M011 - 'Measures for the conservation of cetaceans in the Mediterranean, under international agreements'
  • MICIT-M012 - 'Directorial Decree of Ministry of Environment, in cooperation with the Ministry of Health, for the establishment of the coordination of the marine mammal stranding national network (ReNaSMM)'
  • MICIT-M013 - 'Measures for the conservation of wild flora and fauna and natural habitats, and the promotion of cooperation between Member States'
  • MICIT-M014 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MICIT-M015 - 'National and Community measures for the protection of birds'
  • MICIT-M016 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MICIT-M017 - 'Protective measures for benthic habitats associated with the European legislation (planning, impact assessment, river basin management plans)'
  • MICIT-M018 - 'Measures to protect habitats and associated target species under international conventions'
  • MICIT-M019 - 'Measures for the conservation of migratory species of wild animals'
  • MICIT-M020 - 'Regulatory measures for international trade in endangered species'
  • MICIT-M021 - 'International cetacean protection measures'
  • MICIT-M022 - 'Measures to protect biodiversity through European policies'
  • MICIT-M023 - 'Community and international measures for elasmobranch'
  • MICIT-M024 - 'Measures regulating catches of cetaceans, tortoises and common sturgeon'
  • MICIT-M025 - 'National measures for the protection of biodiversity'
  • MICIT-M026 - 'National measures for recovery, rescue custody and management of marine reptiles'
  • MICIT-M027 - 'Measures for coastal land planning'
  • MICIT-M028 - 'Regulatory measures for commercial fishing and the sustainable exploitation of fish stocks'
  • MICIT-M029 - 'Adoption of National Plans of Fleet Management'
  • MICIT-M030-NEW1 - 'Complete the network of Natura 2000 sites at sea and subsequent identification of conservation measures'
  • MICIT-M031-NEW2 - 'Implementation of technical solutions (methodological and instrumental) for the reduction of the phenomenon of collision with cetaceans'
  • MICIT-M032-NEW3 - 'Acquisition, systematisation and standardisation, as well as consistent recognition, with data from monitoring activities implemented, with particular reference to EIA procedures'
  • MICIT-M033-NEW4 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of elasmobranchs from by-catch'
  • MICIT-M034-NEW5 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of cetaceans and sea turtles from by-catch'
  • MICIT-M035-NEW6 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of seabirds from by-catch'
  • MICIT-M036-NEW7 - 'Implementation of awareness-raising and information measures to prevent removal activities and damage to the benthic species and habitats protected'
  • MICIT-M044 - 'Measures related to the monitoring of fishing vessels'
  • MICIT-M045 - 'Combat IUU fishing'
  • MICIT-M046 - 'Local management plans for management units'
  • MICIT-M047 - 'Implementation of the new CFP, the EMFF and the triennial plan'
  • MICIT-M048 - 'Fisheries management of bivalve molluscs'
  • MICIT-M058 - 'Implementation of the National Energy Plan'
  • MICIT-M059 - 'Use of the maritime domain and the territorial sea areas'
  • MICIT-M060 - 'Minimum requirements to prevent major accidents in offshore operations and limiting the consequences of such accidents in the hydrocarbon sector'
  • MICIT-M061 - 'Measures concerning the spill of materials from port dredging'
  • MICIT-M062 - 'Related measures and EIA'
  • MICIT-M063 - 'Register of vessels authorised to fish under the GFCM Agreement'
  • MWEIT-M001 - 'Measures related to the management of the Natura 2000 Network sites'
  • MWEIT-M002 - 'Planned measures to designate SACs in Natura 2000 sites'
  • MWEIT-M003 - 'Measures to protect target species and targeted habitats through the MPAs'
  • MWEIT-M004 - 'Planned measures to increase MPAs'
  • MWEIT-M005 - 'Measures to protect target habitats through other protected areas'
  • MWEIT-M006 - 'Management measures for benthic habitats in the Mediterranean and identification of protected species and habitats'
  • MWEIT-M007 - 'Measures to protect fish stocks through other protected areas (wildlife protection areas)'
  • MWEIT-M008 - 'Measures to reduce the impact of fishing and protection of pelagic habitats'
  • MWEIT-M009 - 'Ecological protection measures'
  • MWEIT-M010 - 'Protective measures for the taking and selling of endangered species through international agreements'
  • MWEIT-M011 - 'Measures for incidental catches of cetaceans in fisheries'
  • MWEIT-M012 - 'Measures for the conservation of cetaceans in the Mediterranean, under international agreements'
  • MWEIT-M013 - 'Directorial Decree of Ministry of Environment, in cooperation with the Ministry of Health, for the establishment of the coordination of the marine mammal stranding national network (ReNaSMM)'
  • MWEIT-M014 - 'Measures for the conservation of wild flora and fauna and natural habitats, and the promotion of cooperation between Member States'
  • MWEIT-M015 - 'Bird protection measures through the Birds Directive (2009/147/ EC)'
  • MWEIT-M016 - 'National and Community measures for the protection of birds'
  • MWEIT-M017 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MWEIT-M018 - 'Protective measures for benthic habitats associated with the European legislation (planning, impact assessment, river basin management plans)'
  • MWEIT-M019 - 'Measures to protect habitats and associated target species under international conventions'
  • MWEIT-M020 - 'Measures for the conservation of migratory species of wild animals'
  • MWEIT-M021 - 'Regulatory measures for international trade in endangered species'
  • MWEIT-M022 - 'Measures to promote a pilot area for the control of marine pollution along the coastline stretching from Marseille to La Spezia'
  • MWEIT-M023 - 'International cetacean protection measures'
  • MWEIT-M024 - 'Measures to protect biodiversity through European policies'
  • MWEIT-M025 - 'Community and international measures for elasmobranch'
  • MWEIT-M026 - 'Measures regulating catches of cetaceans, tortoises and common sturgeon'
  • MWEIT-M027 - 'Establishment of measures for the International Whale Sanctuary'
  • MWEIT-M028 - 'National measures for the protection of biodiversity'
  • MWEIT-M029 - 'National measures for recovery, rescue custody and management of marine reptiles'
  • MWEIT-M030 - 'Measures for coastal land planning'
  • MWEIT-M031 - 'Regulatory measures for commercial fishing and the sustainable exploitation of fish stocks'
  • MWEIT-M032 - 'Adoption of National Plans of Fleet Management'
  • MWEIT-M033-NEW1 - 'Complete the network of Natura 2000 sites at sea and subsequent identification of conservation measures'
  • MWEIT-M034-NEW2 - 'Implementation of technical solutions (methodological and instrumental) for the reduction of the phenomenon of collision with cetaceans'
  • MWEIT-M035-NEW3 - 'Acquisition, systematisation and standardisation, as well as consistent recognition, with data from monitoring activities implemented, with particular reference to EIA procedures'
  • MWEIT-M036-NEW4 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of elasmobranchs from by-catch'
  • MWEIT-M037-NEW5 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of cetaceans and sea turtles from by-catch'
  • MWEIT-M038-NEW6 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of seabirds from by-catch'
  • MWEIT-M039-NEW7 - 'Implementation of awareness-raising and information measures to prevent removal activities and damage to the benthic species and habitats protected'
  • MWEIT-M047 - 'Measures related to the monitoring of fishing vessels'
  • MWEIT-M048 - 'Combat IUU fishing'
  • MWEIT-M049 - 'Local management plans for management units'
  • MWEIT-M050 - 'Implementation of the new CFP, the EMFF and the triennial plan'
  • MWEIT-M051 - 'Fisheries management of bivalve molluscs'
  • MWEIT-M061 - 'Implementation of the National Energy Plan'
  • MWEIT-M062 - 'Use of the maritime domain and the territorial sea areas'
  • MWEIT-M063 - 'Minimum requirements to prevent major accidents in offshore operations and limiting the consequences of such accidents in the hydrocarbon sector'
  • MWEIT-M064 - 'Measures concerning the spill of materials from port dredging'
  • MWEIT-M065 - 'Related measures and EIA'
  • MWEIT-M066 - 'Register of vessels authorised to fish under the GFCM Agreement'
  • MWEIT-M089 - 'Measures related to the regulation of approval for the immersion in the sea of excavation seabed materials and dredging'
  • MADIT-M001 - 'Measures related to the management of the Natura 2000 Network sites'
  • MADIT-M002 - 'Planned measures to designate SACs in Natura 2000 sites'
  • MADIT-M003 - 'Measures to protect target species and targeted habitats through the MPAs'
  • MADIT-M004 - 'Planned measures to increase MPAs'
  • MADIT-M005 - 'Measures to protect target habitats through other protected areas'
  • MADIT-M006 - 'Management measures for benthic habitats in the Mediterranean and identification of protected species and habitats'
  • MADIT-M007 - 'Measures to protect fish stocks through other protected areas (wildlife protection areas)'
  • MADIT-M008 - 'Measures to reduce the impact of fishing and protection of pelagic habitats'
  • MADIT-M009 - 'Protective measures for the taking and selling of endangered species through international agreements'
  • MADIT-M010 - 'Measures for incidental catches of cetaceans in fisheries'
  • MADIT-M011 - 'Measures for the conservation of cetaceans in the Mediterranean, under international agreements'
  • MADIT-M012 - 'Directorial Decree of Ministry of Environment, in cooperation with the Ministry of Health, for the establishment of the coordination of the marine mammal stranding national network (ReNaSMM)'
  • MADIT-M013 - 'Measures for the conservation of wild flora and fauna and natural habitats, and the promotion of cooperation between Member States'
  • MADIT-M014 - 'Bird protection measures through the Birds Directive (2009/147/ EC)'
  • MADIT-M015 - 'National and Community measures for the protection of birds'
  • MADIT-M016 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MADIT-M017 - 'Protective measures for benthic habitats associated with the European legislation (planning, impact assessment, river basin management plans)'
  • MADIT-M018 - 'Measures to protect habitats and associated target species under international conventions'
  • MADIT-M019 - 'Measures for the conservation of migratory species of wild animals'
  • MADIT-M020 - 'Regulatory measures for international trade in endangered species'
  • MADIT-M021 - 'International cetacean protection measures'
  • MADIT-M022 - 'Measures to protect biodiversity through European policies'
  • MADIT-M023 - 'Community and international measures for elasmobranch'
  • MADIT-M024 - 'Measures regulating catches of cetaceans, tortoises and common sturgeon'
  • MADIT-M025 - 'National measures for the protection of biodiversity'
  • MADIT-M026 - 'National measures for recovery, rescue custody and management of marine reptiles'
  • MADIT-M027 - 'Measures for coastal land planning'
  • MADIT-M028 - 'Regulatory measures for commercial fishing and the sustainable exploitation of fish stocks'
  • MADIT-M029 - 'Adoption of National Plans of Fleet Management'
  • MADIT-M030-NEW1 - 'Complete the network of Natura 2000 sites at sea and subsequent identification of conservation measures'
  • MADIT-M031-NEW2 - 'Implementation of technical solutions (methodological and instrumental) for the reduction of the phenomenon of collision with cetaceans'
  • MADIT-M032-NEW3 - 'Acquisition, systematisation and standardisation, as well as consistent recognition, with data from monitoring activities implemented, with particular reference to EIA procedures'
  • MADIT-M033-NEW4 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of elasmobranchs from by-catch'
  • MADIT-M034-NEW5 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of cetaceans and sea turtles from by-catch'
  • MADIT-M035-NEW6 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of seabirds from by-catch'
  • MADIT-M036-NEW7 - 'Implementation of awareness-raising and information measures to prevent removal activities and damage to the benthic species and habitats protected'
  • MADIT-M046 - 'Measures related to the monitoring of fishing vessels'
  • MADIT-M047 - 'Combat IUU fishing'
  • MADIT-M048 - 'Implementation of the new CFP, the EMFF and the triennial plan'
  • MADIT-M049 - 'Fisheries management of bivalve molluscs'
  • MADIT-M059 - 'Implementation of the National Energy Plan'
  • MADIT-M060 - 'Use of the maritime domain and the territorial sea areas'
  • MADIT-M061 - 'Minimum requirements to prevent major accidents in offshore operations and limiting the consequences of such accidents in the hydrocarbon sector'
  • MADIT-M062 - 'Measures concerning the spill of materials from port dredging'
  • MADIT-M063 - 'Related measures and EIA'
  • MADIT-M064 - 'Register of vessels authorised to fish under the GFCM Agreement'
  • MADIT-M087 - 'Measures related to the regulation of approval for the immersion in the sea of excavation seabed materials and dredging'
  • MICIT-M001 - 'Measures related to the management of the Natura 2000 Network sites'
  • MICIT-M002 - 'Planned measures to designate SACs in Natura 2000 sites'
  • MICIT-M003 - 'Measures to protect target species and targeted habitats through the MPAs'
  • MICIT-M004 - 'Planned measures to increase MPAs'
  • MICIT-M005 - 'Measures to protect target habitats through other protected areas'
  • MICIT-M006 - 'Management measures for benthic habitats in the Mediterranean and identification of protected species and habitats'
  • MICIT-M007 - 'Measures to protect fish stocks through other protected areas (wildlife protection areas)'
  • MICIT-M008 - 'Measures to reduce the impact of fishing and protection of pelagic habitats'
  • MICIT-M009 - 'Protective measures for the taking and selling of endangered species through international agreements'
  • MICIT-M010 - 'Measures for incidental catches of cetaceans in fisheries'
  • MICIT-M011 - 'Measures for the conservation of cetaceans in the Mediterranean, under international agreements'
  • MICIT-M012 - 'Directorial Decree of Ministry of Environment, in cooperation with the Ministry of Health, for the establishment of the coordination of the marine mammal stranding national network (ReNaSMM)'
  • MICIT-M013 - 'Measures for the conservation of wild flora and fauna and natural habitats, and the promotion of cooperation between Member States'
  • MICIT-M014 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MICIT-M015 - 'National and Community measures for the protection of birds'
  • MICIT-M016 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MICIT-M017 - 'Protective measures for benthic habitats associated with the European legislation (planning, impact assessment, river basin management plans)'
  • MICIT-M018 - 'Measures to protect habitats and associated target species under international conventions'
  • MICIT-M019 - 'Measures for the conservation of migratory species of wild animals'
  • MICIT-M020 - 'Regulatory measures for international trade in endangered species'
  • MICIT-M021 - 'International cetacean protection measures'
  • MICIT-M022 - 'Measures to protect biodiversity through European policies'
  • MICIT-M023 - 'Community and international measures for elasmobranch'
  • MICIT-M024 - 'Measures regulating catches of cetaceans, tortoises and common sturgeon'
  • MICIT-M025 - 'National measures for the protection of biodiversity'
  • MICIT-M026 - 'National measures for recovery, rescue custody and management of marine reptiles'
  • MICIT-M027 - 'Measures for coastal land planning'
  • MICIT-M028 - 'Regulatory measures for commercial fishing and the sustainable exploitation of fish stocks'
  • MICIT-M029 - 'Adoption of National Plans of Fleet Management'
  • MICIT-M030-NEW1 - 'Complete the network of Natura 2000 sites at sea and subsequent identification of conservation measures'
  • MICIT-M031-NEW2 - 'Implementation of technical solutions (methodological and instrumental) for the reduction of the phenomenon of collision with cetaceans'
  • MICIT-M032-NEW3 - 'Acquisition, systematisation and standardisation, as well as consistent recognition, with data from monitoring activities implemented, with particular reference to EIA procedures'
  • MICIT-M033-NEW4 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of elasmobranchs from by-catch'
  • MICIT-M034-NEW5 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of cetaceans and sea turtles from by-catch'
  • MICIT-M035-NEW6 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of seabirds from by-catch'
  • MICIT-M036-NEW7 - 'Implementation of awareness-raising and information measures to prevent removal activities and damage to the benthic species and habitats protected'
  • MICIT-M044 - 'Measures related to the monitoring of fishing vessels'
  • MICIT-M045 - 'Combat IUU fishing'
  • MICIT-M046 - 'Local management plans for management units'
  • MICIT-M047 - 'Implementation of the new CFP, the EMFF and the triennial plan'
  • MICIT-M048 - 'Fisheries management of bivalve molluscs'
  • MICIT-M058 - 'Implementation of the National Energy Plan'
  • MICIT-M059 - 'Use of the maritime domain and the territorial sea areas'
  • MICIT-M060 - 'Minimum requirements to prevent major accidents in offshore operations and limiting the consequences of such accidents in the hydrocarbon sector'
  • MICIT-M061 - 'Measures concerning the spill of materials from port dredging'
  • MICIT-M062 - 'Related measures and EIA'
  • MICIT-M063 - 'Register of vessels authorised to fish under the GFCM Agreement'
  • MWEIT-M001 - 'Measures related to the management of the Natura 2000 Network sites'
  • MWEIT-M002 - 'Planned measures to designate SACs in Natura 2000 sites'
  • MWEIT-M003 - 'Measures to protect target species and targeted habitats through the MPAs'
  • MWEIT-M004 - 'Planned measures to increase MPAs'
  • MWEIT-M005 - 'Measures to protect target habitats through other protected areas'
  • MWEIT-M006 - 'Management measures for benthic habitats in the Mediterranean and identification of protected species and habitats'
  • MWEIT-M007 - 'Measures to protect fish stocks through other protected areas (wildlife protection areas)'
  • MWEIT-M008 - 'Measures to reduce the impact of fishing and protection of pelagic habitats'
  • MWEIT-M009 - 'Ecological protection measures'
  • MWEIT-M010 - 'Protective measures for the taking and selling of endangered species through international agreements'
  • MWEIT-M011 - 'Measures for incidental catches of cetaceans in fisheries'
  • MWEIT-M012 - 'Measures for the conservation of cetaceans in the Mediterranean, under international agreements'
  • MWEIT-M013 - 'Directorial Decree of Ministry of Environment, in cooperation with the Ministry of Health, for the establishment of the coordination of the marine mammal stranding national network (ReNaSMM)'
  • MWEIT-M014 - 'Measures for the conservation of wild flora and fauna and natural habitats, and the promotion of cooperation between Member States'
  • MWEIT-M015 - 'Bird protection measures through the Birds Directive (2009/147/ EC)'
  • MWEIT-M016 - 'National and Community measures for the protection of birds'
  • MWEIT-M017 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MWEIT-M018 - 'Protective measures for benthic habitats associated with the European legislation (planning, impact assessment, river basin management plans)'
  • MWEIT-M019 - 'Measures to protect habitats and associated target species under international conventions'
  • MWEIT-M020 - 'Measures for the conservation of migratory species of wild animals'
  • MWEIT-M021 - 'Regulatory measures for international trade in endangered species'
  • MWEIT-M022 - 'Measures to promote a pilot area for the control of marine pollution along the coastline stretching from Marseille to La Spezia'
  • MWEIT-M023 - 'International cetacean protection measures'
  • MWEIT-M024 - 'Measures to protect biodiversity through European policies'
  • MWEIT-M025 - 'Community and international measures for elasmobranch'
  • MWEIT-M026 - 'Measures regulating catches of cetaceans, tortoises and common sturgeon'
  • MWEIT-M027 - 'Establishment of measures for the International Whale Sanctuary'
  • MWEIT-M028 - 'National measures for the protection of biodiversity'
  • MWEIT-M029 - 'National measures for recovery, rescue custody and management of marine reptiles'
  • MWEIT-M030 - 'Measures for coastal land planning'
  • MWEIT-M031 - 'Regulatory measures for commercial fishing and the sustainable exploitation of fish stocks'
  • MWEIT-M032 - 'Adoption of National Plans of Fleet Management'
  • MWEIT-M033-NEW1 - 'Complete the network of Natura 2000 sites at sea and subsequent identification of conservation measures'
  • MWEIT-M034-NEW2 - 'Implementation of technical solutions (methodological and instrumental) for the reduction of the phenomenon of collision with cetaceans'
  • MWEIT-M035-NEW3 - 'Acquisition, systematisation and standardisation, as well as consistent recognition, with data from monitoring activities implemented, with particular reference to EIA procedures'
  • MWEIT-M036-NEW4 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of elasmobranchs from by-catch'
  • MWEIT-M037-NEW5 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of cetaceans and sea turtles from by-catch'
  • MWEIT-M038-NEW6 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of seabirds from by-catch'
  • MWEIT-M039-NEW7 - 'Implementation of awareness-raising and information measures to prevent removal activities and damage to the benthic species and habitats protected'
  • MWEIT-M047 - 'Measures related to the monitoring of fishing vessels'
  • MWEIT-M048 - 'Combat IUU fishing'
  • MWEIT-M049 - 'Local management plans for management units'
  • MWEIT-M050 - 'Implementation of the new CFP, the EMFF and the triennial plan'
  • MWEIT-M051 - 'Fisheries management of bivalve molluscs'
  • MWEIT-M061 - 'Implementation of the National Energy Plan'
  • MWEIT-M062 - 'Use of the maritime domain and the territorial sea areas'
  • MWEIT-M063 - 'Minimum requirements to prevent major accidents in offshore operations and limiting the consequences of such accidents in the hydrocarbon sector'
  • MWEIT-M064 - 'Measures concerning the spill of materials from port dredging'
  • MWEIT-M065 - 'Related measures and EIA'
  • MWEIT-M066 - 'Register of vessels authorised to fish under the GFCM Agreement'
  • MWEIT-M089 - 'Measures related to the regulation of approval for the immersion in the sea of excavation seabed materials and dredging'
  • MADIT-M001 - 'Measures related to the management of the Natura 2000 Network sites'
  • MADIT-M002 - 'Planned measures to designate SACs in Natura 2000 sites'
  • MADIT-M003 - 'Measures to protect target species and targeted habitats through the MPAs'
  • MADIT-M004 - 'Planned measures to increase MPAs'
  • MADIT-M005 - 'Measures to protect target habitats through other protected areas'
  • MADIT-M006 - 'Management measures for benthic habitats in the Mediterranean and identification of protected species and habitats'
  • MADIT-M007 - 'Measures to protect fish stocks through other protected areas (wildlife protection areas)'
  • MADIT-M008 - 'Measures to reduce the impact of fishing and protection of pelagic habitats'
  • MADIT-M009 - 'Protective measures for the taking and selling of endangered species through international agreements'
  • MADIT-M010 - 'Measures for incidental catches of cetaceans in fisheries'
  • MADIT-M011 - 'Measures for the conservation of cetaceans in the Mediterranean, under international agreements'
  • MADIT-M012 - 'Directorial Decree of Ministry of Environment, in cooperation with the Ministry of Health, for the establishment of the coordination of the marine mammal stranding national network (ReNaSMM)'
  • MADIT-M013 - 'Measures for the conservation of wild flora and fauna and natural habitats, and the promotion of cooperation between Member States'
  • MADIT-M014 - 'Bird protection measures through the Birds Directive (2009/147/ EC)'
  • MADIT-M015 - 'National and Community measures for the protection of birds'
  • MADIT-M016 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MADIT-M017 - 'Protective measures for benthic habitats associated with the European legislation (planning, impact assessment, river basin management plans)'
  • MADIT-M018 - 'Measures to protect habitats and associated target species under international conventions'
  • MADIT-M019 - 'Measures for the conservation of migratory species of wild animals'
  • MADIT-M020 - 'Regulatory measures for international trade in endangered species'
  • MADIT-M021 - 'International cetacean protection measures'
  • MADIT-M022 - 'Measures to protect biodiversity through European policies'
  • MADIT-M023 - 'Community and international measures for elasmobranch'
  • MADIT-M024 - 'Measures regulating catches of cetaceans, tortoises and common sturgeon'
  • MADIT-M025 - 'National measures for the protection of biodiversity'
  • MADIT-M026 - 'National measures for recovery, rescue custody and management of marine reptiles'
  • MADIT-M027 - 'Measures for coastal land planning'
  • MADIT-M028 - 'Regulatory measures for commercial fishing and the sustainable exploitation of fish stocks'
  • MADIT-M029 - 'Adoption of National Plans of Fleet Management'
  • MADIT-M030-NEW1 - 'Complete the network of Natura 2000 sites at sea and subsequent identification of conservation measures'
  • MADIT-M031-NEW2 - 'Implementation of technical solutions (methodological and instrumental) for the reduction of the phenomenon of collision with cetaceans'
  • MADIT-M032-NEW3 - 'Acquisition, systematisation and standardisation, as well as consistent recognition, with data from monitoring activities implemented, with particular reference to EIA procedures'
  • MADIT-M033-NEW4 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of elasmobranchs from by-catch'
  • MADIT-M034-NEW5 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of cetaceans and sea turtles from by-catch'
  • MADIT-M035-NEW6 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of seabirds from by-catch'
  • MADIT-M036-NEW7 - 'Implementation of awareness-raising and information measures to prevent removal activities and damage to the benthic species and habitats protected'
  • MADIT-M046 - 'Measures related to the monitoring of fishing vessels'
  • MADIT-M047 - 'Combat IUU fishing'
  • MADIT-M048 - 'Implementation of the new CFP, the EMFF and the triennial plan'
  • MADIT-M049 - 'Fisheries management of bivalve molluscs'
  • MADIT-M059 - 'Implementation of the National Energy Plan'
  • MADIT-M060 - 'Use of the maritime domain and the territorial sea areas'
  • MADIT-M061 - 'Minimum requirements to prevent major accidents in offshore operations and limiting the consequences of such accidents in the hydrocarbon sector'
  • MADIT-M062 - 'Measures concerning the spill of materials from port dredging'
  • MADIT-M063 - 'Related measures and EIA'
  • MADIT-M064 - 'Register of vessels authorised to fish under the GFCM Agreement'
  • MADIT-M087 - 'Measures related to the regulation of approval for the immersion in the sea of excavation seabed materials and dredging'
  • MICIT-M001 - 'Measures related to the management of the Natura 2000 Network sites'
  • MICIT-M002 - 'Planned measures to designate SACs in Natura 2000 sites'
  • MICIT-M003 - 'Measures to protect target species and targeted habitats through the MPAs'
  • MICIT-M004 - 'Planned measures to increase MPAs'
  • MICIT-M005 - 'Measures to protect target habitats through other protected areas'
  • MICIT-M006 - 'Management measures for benthic habitats in the Mediterranean and identification of protected species and habitats'
  • MICIT-M007 - 'Measures to protect fish stocks through other protected areas (wildlife protection areas)'
  • MICIT-M008 - 'Measures to reduce the impact of fishing and protection of pelagic habitats'
  • MICIT-M009 - 'Protective measures for the taking and selling of endangered species through international agreements'
  • MICIT-M010 - 'Measures for incidental catches of cetaceans in fisheries'
  • MICIT-M011 - 'Measures for the conservation of cetaceans in the Mediterranean, under international agreements'
  • MICIT-M012 - 'Directorial Decree of Ministry of Environment, in cooperation with the Ministry of Health, for the establishment of the coordination of the marine mammal stranding national network (ReNaSMM)'
  • MICIT-M013 - 'Measures for the conservation of wild flora and fauna and natural habitats, and the promotion of cooperation between Member States'
  • MICIT-M014 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MICIT-M015 - 'National and Community measures for the protection of birds'
  • MICIT-M016 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MICIT-M017 - 'Protective measures for benthic habitats associated with the European legislation (planning, impact assessment, river basin management plans)'
  • MICIT-M018 - 'Measures to protect habitats and associated target species under international conventions'
  • MICIT-M019 - 'Measures for the conservation of migratory species of wild animals'
  • MICIT-M020 - 'Regulatory measures for international trade in endangered species'
  • MICIT-M021 - 'International cetacean protection measures'
  • MICIT-M022 - 'Measures to protect biodiversity through European policies'
  • MICIT-M023 - 'Community and international measures for elasmobranch'
  • MICIT-M024 - 'Measures regulating catches of cetaceans, tortoises and common sturgeon'
  • MICIT-M025 - 'National measures for the protection of biodiversity'
  • MICIT-M026 - 'National measures for recovery, rescue custody and management of marine reptiles'
  • MICIT-M027 - 'Measures for coastal land planning'
  • MICIT-M028 - 'Regulatory measures for commercial fishing and the sustainable exploitation of fish stocks'
  • MICIT-M029 - 'Adoption of National Plans of Fleet Management'
  • MICIT-M030-NEW1 - 'Complete the network of Natura 2000 sites at sea and subsequent identification of conservation measures'
  • MICIT-M031-NEW2 - 'Implementation of technical solutions (methodological and instrumental) for the reduction of the phenomenon of collision with cetaceans'
  • MICIT-M032-NEW3 - 'Acquisition, systematisation and standardisation, as well as consistent recognition, with data from monitoring activities implemented, with particular reference to EIA procedures'
  • MICIT-M033-NEW4 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of elasmobranchs from by-catch'
  • MICIT-M034-NEW5 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of cetaceans and sea turtles from by-catch'
  • MICIT-M035-NEW6 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of seabirds from by-catch'
  • MICIT-M036-NEW7 - 'Implementation of awareness-raising and information measures to prevent removal activities and damage to the benthic species and habitats protected'
  • MICIT-M044 - 'Measures related to the monitoring of fishing vessels'
  • MICIT-M045 - 'Combat IUU fishing'
  • MICIT-M046 - 'Local management plans for management units'
  • MICIT-M047 - 'Implementation of the new CFP, the EMFF and the triennial plan'
  • MICIT-M048 - 'Fisheries management of bivalve molluscs'
  • MICIT-M058 - 'Implementation of the National Energy Plan'
  • MICIT-M059 - 'Use of the maritime domain and the territorial sea areas'
  • MICIT-M060 - 'Minimum requirements to prevent major accidents in offshore operations and limiting the consequences of such accidents in the hydrocarbon sector'
  • MICIT-M061 - 'Measures concerning the spill of materials from port dredging'
  • MICIT-M062 - 'Related measures and EIA'
  • MICIT-M063 - 'Register of vessels authorised to fish under the GFCM Agreement'
  • MWEIT-M001 - 'Measures related to the management of the Natura 2000 Network sites'
  • MWEIT-M002 - 'Planned measures to designate SACs in Natura 2000 sites'
  • MWEIT-M003 - 'Measures to protect target species and targeted habitats through the MPAs'
  • MWEIT-M004 - 'Planned measures to increase MPAs'
  • MWEIT-M005 - 'Measures to protect target habitats through other protected areas'
  • MWEIT-M006 - 'Management measures for benthic habitats in the Mediterranean and identification of protected species and habitats'
  • MWEIT-M007 - 'Measures to protect fish stocks through other protected areas (wildlife protection areas)'
  • MWEIT-M008 - 'Measures to reduce the impact of fishing and protection of pelagic habitats'
  • MWEIT-M009 - 'Ecological protection measures'
  • MWEIT-M010 - 'Protective measures for the taking and selling of endangered species through international agreements'
  • MWEIT-M011 - 'Measures for incidental catches of cetaceans in fisheries'
  • MWEIT-M012 - 'Measures for the conservation of cetaceans in the Mediterranean, under international agreements'
  • MWEIT-M013 - 'Directorial Decree of Ministry of Environment, in cooperation with the Ministry of Health, for the establishment of the coordination of the marine mammal stranding national network (ReNaSMM)'
  • MWEIT-M014 - 'Measures for the conservation of wild flora and fauna and natural habitats, and the promotion of cooperation between Member States'
  • MWEIT-M015 - 'Bird protection measures through the Birds Directive (2009/147/ EC)'
  • MWEIT-M016 - 'National and Community measures for the protection of birds'
  • MWEIT-M017 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MWEIT-M018 - 'Protective measures for benthic habitats associated with the European legislation (planning, impact assessment, river basin management plans)'
  • MWEIT-M019 - 'Measures to protect habitats and associated target species under international conventions'
  • MWEIT-M020 - 'Measures for the conservation of migratory species of wild animals'
  • MWEIT-M021 - 'Regulatory measures for international trade in endangered species'
  • MWEIT-M022 - 'Measures to promote a pilot area for the control of marine pollution along the coastline stretching from Marseille to La Spezia'
  • MWEIT-M023 - 'International cetacean protection measures'
  • MWEIT-M024 - 'Measures to protect biodiversity through European policies'
  • MWEIT-M025 - 'Community and international measures for elasmobranch'
  • MWEIT-M026 - 'Measures regulating catches of cetaceans, tortoises and common sturgeon'
  • MWEIT-M027 - 'Establishment of measures for the International Whale Sanctuary'
  • MWEIT-M028 - 'National measures for the protection of biodiversity'
  • MWEIT-M029 - 'National measures for recovery, rescue custody and management of marine reptiles'
  • MWEIT-M030 - 'Measures for coastal land planning'
  • MWEIT-M031 - 'Regulatory measures for commercial fishing and the sustainable exploitation of fish stocks'
  • MWEIT-M032 - 'Adoption of National Plans of Fleet Management'
  • MWEIT-M033-NEW1 - 'Complete the network of Natura 2000 sites at sea and subsequent identification of conservation measures'
  • MWEIT-M034-NEW2 - 'Implementation of technical solutions (methodological and instrumental) for the reduction of the phenomenon of collision with cetaceans'
  • MWEIT-M035-NEW3 - 'Acquisition, systematisation and standardisation, as well as consistent recognition, with data from monitoring activities implemented, with particular reference to EIA procedures'
  • MWEIT-M036-NEW4 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of elasmobranchs from by-catch'
  • MWEIT-M037-NEW5 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of cetaceans and sea turtles from by-catch'
  • MWEIT-M038-NEW6 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of seabirds from by-catch'
  • MWEIT-M039-NEW7 - 'Implementation of awareness-raising and information measures to prevent removal activities and damage to the benthic species and habitats protected'
  • MWEIT-M047 - 'Measures related to the monitoring of fishing vessels'
  • MWEIT-M048 - 'Combat IUU fishing'
  • MWEIT-M049 - 'Local management plans for management units'
  • MWEIT-M050 - 'Implementation of the new CFP, the EMFF and the triennial plan'
  • MWEIT-M051 - 'Fisheries management of bivalve molluscs'
  • MWEIT-M061 - 'Implementation of the National Energy Plan'
  • MWEIT-M062 - 'Use of the maritime domain and the territorial sea areas'
  • MWEIT-M063 - 'Minimum requirements to prevent major accidents in offshore operations and limiting the consequences of such accidents in the hydrocarbon sector'
  • MWEIT-M064 - 'Measures concerning the spill of materials from port dredging'
  • MWEIT-M065 - 'Related measures and EIA'
  • MWEIT-M066 - 'Register of vessels authorised to fish under the GFCM Agreement'
  • MWEIT-M089 - 'Measures related to the regulation of approval for the immersion in the sea of excavation seabed materials and dredging'
  • MADIT-M001 - 'Measures related to the management of the Natura 2000 Network sites'
  • MADIT-M002 - 'Planned measures to designate SACs in Natura 2000 sites'
  • MADIT-M003 - 'Measures to protect target species and targeted habitats through the MPAs'
  • MADIT-M004 - 'Planned measures to increase MPAs'
  • MADIT-M005 - 'Measures to protect target habitats through other protected areas'
  • MADIT-M006 - 'Management measures for benthic habitats in the Mediterranean and identification of protected species and habitats'
  • MADIT-M007 - 'Measures to protect fish stocks through other protected areas (wildlife protection areas)'
  • MADIT-M008 - 'Measures to reduce the impact of fishing and protection of pelagic habitats'
  • MADIT-M009 - 'Protective measures for the taking and selling of endangered species through international agreements'
  • MADIT-M010 - 'Measures for incidental catches of cetaceans in fisheries'
  • MADIT-M011 - 'Measures for the conservation of cetaceans in the Mediterranean, under international agreements'
  • MADIT-M012 - 'Directorial Decree of Ministry of Environment, in cooperation with the Ministry of Health, for the establishment of the coordination of the marine mammal stranding national network (ReNaSMM)'
  • MADIT-M013 - 'Measures for the conservation of wild flora and fauna and natural habitats, and the promotion of cooperation between Member States'
  • MADIT-M014 - 'Bird protection measures through the Birds Directive (2009/147/ EC)'
  • MADIT-M015 - 'National and Community measures for the protection of birds'
  • MADIT-M016 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MADIT-M017 - 'Protective measures for benthic habitats associated with the European legislation (planning, impact assessment, river basin management plans)'
  • MADIT-M018 - 'Measures to protect habitats and associated target species under international conventions'
  • MADIT-M019 - 'Measures for the conservation of migratory species of wild animals'
  • MADIT-M020 - 'Regulatory measures for international trade in endangered species'
  • MADIT-M021 - 'International cetacean protection measures'
  • MADIT-M022 - 'Measures to protect biodiversity through European policies'
  • MADIT-M023 - 'Community and international measures for elasmobranch'
  • MADIT-M024 - 'Measures regulating catches of cetaceans, tortoises and common sturgeon'
  • MADIT-M025 - 'National measures for the protection of biodiversity'
  • MADIT-M026 - 'National measures for recovery, rescue custody and management of marine reptiles'
  • MADIT-M027 - 'Measures for coastal land planning'
  • MADIT-M028 - 'Regulatory measures for commercial fishing and the sustainable exploitation of fish stocks'
  • MADIT-M029 - 'Adoption of National Plans of Fleet Management'
  • MADIT-M030-NEW1 - 'Complete the network of Natura 2000 sites at sea and subsequent identification of conservation measures'
  • MADIT-M031-NEW2 - 'Implementation of technical solutions (methodological and instrumental) for the reduction of the phenomenon of collision with cetaceans'
  • MADIT-M032-NEW3 - 'Acquisition, systematisation and standardisation, as well as consistent recognition, with data from monitoring activities implemented, with particular reference to EIA procedures'
  • MADIT-M033-NEW4 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of elasmobranchs from by-catch'
  • MADIT-M034-NEW5 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of cetaceans and sea turtles from by-catch'
  • MADIT-M035-NEW6 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of seabirds from by-catch'
  • MADIT-M036-NEW7 - 'Implementation of awareness-raising and information measures to prevent removal activities and damage to the benthic species and habitats protected'
  • MADIT-M046 - 'Measures related to the monitoring of fishing vessels'
  • MADIT-M047 - 'Combat IUU fishing'
  • MADIT-M048 - 'Implementation of the new CFP, the EMFF and the triennial plan'
  • MADIT-M049 - 'Fisheries management of bivalve molluscs'
  • MADIT-M059 - 'Implementation of the National Energy Plan'
  • MADIT-M060 - 'Use of the maritime domain and the territorial sea areas'
  • MADIT-M061 - 'Minimum requirements to prevent major accidents in offshore operations and limiting the consequences of such accidents in the hydrocarbon sector'
  • MADIT-M062 - 'Measures concerning the spill of materials from port dredging'
  • MADIT-M063 - 'Related measures and EIA'
  • MADIT-M064 - 'Register of vessels authorised to fish under the GFCM Agreement'
  • MADIT-M087 - 'Measures related to the regulation of approval for the immersion in the sea of excavation seabed materials and dredging'
  • MICIT-M001 - 'Measures related to the management of the Natura 2000 Network sites'
  • MICIT-M002 - 'Planned measures to designate SACs in Natura 2000 sites'
  • MICIT-M003 - 'Measures to protect target species and targeted habitats through the MPAs'
  • MICIT-M004 - 'Planned measures to increase MPAs'
  • MICIT-M005 - 'Measures to protect target habitats through other protected areas'
  • MICIT-M006 - 'Management measures for benthic habitats in the Mediterranean and identification of protected species and habitats'
  • MICIT-M007 - 'Measures to protect fish stocks through other protected areas (wildlife protection areas)'
  • MICIT-M008 - 'Measures to reduce the impact of fishing and protection of pelagic habitats'
  • MICIT-M009 - 'Protective measures for the taking and selling of endangered species through international agreements'
  • MICIT-M010 - 'Measures for incidental catches of cetaceans in fisheries'
  • MICIT-M011 - 'Measures for the conservation of cetaceans in the Mediterranean, under international agreements'
  • MICIT-M012 - 'Directorial Decree of Ministry of Environment, in cooperation with the Ministry of Health, for the establishment of the coordination of the marine mammal stranding national network (ReNaSMM)'
  • MICIT-M013 - 'Measures for the conservation of wild flora and fauna and natural habitats, and the promotion of cooperation between Member States'
  • MICIT-M014 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MICIT-M015 - 'National and Community measures for the protection of birds'
  • MICIT-M016 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MICIT-M017 - 'Protective measures for benthic habitats associated with the European legislation (planning, impact assessment, river basin management plans)'
  • MICIT-M018 - 'Measures to protect habitats and associated target species under international conventions'
  • MICIT-M019 - 'Measures for the conservation of migratory species of wild animals'
  • MICIT-M020 - 'Regulatory measures for international trade in endangered species'
  • MICIT-M021 - 'International cetacean protection measures'
  • MICIT-M022 - 'Measures to protect biodiversity through European policies'
  • MICIT-M023 - 'Community and international measures for elasmobranch'
  • MICIT-M024 - 'Measures regulating catches of cetaceans, tortoises and common sturgeon'
  • MICIT-M025 - 'National measures for the protection of biodiversity'
  • MICIT-M026 - 'National measures for recovery, rescue custody and management of marine reptiles'
  • MICIT-M027 - 'Measures for coastal land planning'
  • MICIT-M028 - 'Regulatory measures for commercial fishing and the sustainable exploitation of fish stocks'
  • MICIT-M029 - 'Adoption of National Plans of Fleet Management'
  • MICIT-M030-NEW1 - 'Complete the network of Natura 2000 sites at sea and subsequent identification of conservation measures'
  • MICIT-M031-NEW2 - 'Implementation of technical solutions (methodological and instrumental) for the reduction of the phenomenon of collision with cetaceans'
  • MICIT-M032-NEW3 - 'Acquisition, systematisation and standardisation, as well as consistent recognition, with data from monitoring activities implemented, with particular reference to EIA procedures'
  • MICIT-M033-NEW4 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of elasmobranchs from by-catch'
  • MICIT-M034-NEW5 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of cetaceans and sea turtles from by-catch'
  • MICIT-M035-NEW6 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of seabirds from by-catch'
  • MICIT-M036-NEW7 - 'Implementation of awareness-raising and information measures to prevent removal activities and damage to the benthic species and habitats protected'
  • MICIT-M044 - 'Measures related to the monitoring of fishing vessels'
  • MICIT-M045 - 'Combat IUU fishing'
  • MICIT-M046 - 'Local management plans for management units'
  • MICIT-M047 - 'Implementation of the new CFP, the EMFF and the triennial plan'
  • MICIT-M048 - 'Fisheries management of bivalve molluscs'
  • MICIT-M058 - 'Implementation of the National Energy Plan'
  • MICIT-M059 - 'Use of the maritime domain and the territorial sea areas'
  • MICIT-M060 - 'Minimum requirements to prevent major accidents in offshore operations and limiting the consequences of such accidents in the hydrocarbon sector'
  • MICIT-M061 - 'Measures concerning the spill of materials from port dredging'
  • MICIT-M062 - 'Related measures and EIA'
  • MICIT-M063 - 'Register of vessels authorised to fish under the GFCM Agreement'
  • MWEIT-M001 - 'Measures related to the management of the Natura 2000 Network sites'
  • MWEIT-M002 - 'Planned measures to designate SACs in Natura 2000 sites'
  • MWEIT-M003 - 'Measures to protect target species and targeted habitats through the MPAs'
  • MWEIT-M004 - 'Planned measures to increase MPAs'
  • MWEIT-M005 - 'Measures to protect target habitats through other protected areas'
  • MWEIT-M006 - 'Management measures for benthic habitats in the Mediterranean and identification of protected species and habitats'
  • MWEIT-M007 - 'Measures to protect fish stocks through other protected areas (wildlife protection areas)'
  • MWEIT-M008 - 'Measures to reduce the impact of fishing and protection of pelagic habitats'
  • MWEIT-M009 - 'Ecological protection measures'
  • MWEIT-M010 - 'Protective measures for the taking and selling of endangered species through international agreements'
  • MWEIT-M011 - 'Measures for incidental catches of cetaceans in fisheries'
  • MWEIT-M012 - 'Measures for the conservation of cetaceans in the Mediterranean, under international agreements'
  • MWEIT-M013 - 'Directorial Decree of Ministry of Environment, in cooperation with the Ministry of Health, for the establishment of the coordination of the marine mammal stranding national network (ReNaSMM)'
  • MWEIT-M014 - 'Measures for the conservation of wild flora and fauna and natural habitats, and the promotion of cooperation between Member States'
  • MWEIT-M015 - 'Bird protection measures through the Birds Directive (2009/147/ EC)'
  • MWEIT-M016 - 'National and Community measures for the protection of birds'
  • MWEIT-M017 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MWEIT-M018 - 'Protective measures for benthic habitats associated with the European legislation (planning, impact assessment, river basin management plans)'
  • MWEIT-M019 - 'Measures to protect habitats and associated target species under international conventions'
  • MWEIT-M020 - 'Measures for the conservation of migratory species of wild animals'
  • MWEIT-M021 - 'Regulatory measures for international trade in endangered species'
  • MWEIT-M022 - 'Measures to promote a pilot area for the control of marine pollution along the coastline stretching from Marseille to La Spezia'
  • MWEIT-M023 - 'International cetacean protection measures'
  • MWEIT-M024 - 'Measures to protect biodiversity through European policies'
  • MWEIT-M025 - 'Community and international measures for elasmobranch'
  • MWEIT-M026 - 'Measures regulating catches of cetaceans, tortoises and common sturgeon'
  • MWEIT-M027 - 'Establishment of measures for the International Whale Sanctuary'
  • MWEIT-M028 - 'National measures for the protection of biodiversity'
  • MWEIT-M029 - 'National measures for recovery, rescue custody and management of marine reptiles'
  • MWEIT-M030 - 'Measures for coastal land planning'
  • MWEIT-M031 - 'Regulatory measures for commercial fishing and the sustainable exploitation of fish stocks'
  • MWEIT-M032 - 'Adoption of National Plans of Fleet Management'
  • MWEIT-M033-NEW1 - 'Complete the network of Natura 2000 sites at sea and subsequent identification of conservation measures'
  • MWEIT-M034-NEW2 - 'Implementation of technical solutions (methodological and instrumental) for the reduction of the phenomenon of collision with cetaceans'
  • MWEIT-M035-NEW3 - 'Acquisition, systematisation and standardisation, as well as consistent recognition, with data from monitoring activities implemented, with particular reference to EIA procedures'
  • MWEIT-M036-NEW4 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of elasmobranchs from by-catch'
  • MWEIT-M037-NEW5 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of cetaceans and sea turtles from by-catch'
  • MWEIT-M038-NEW6 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of seabirds from by-catch'
  • MWEIT-M039-NEW7 - 'Implementation of awareness-raising and information measures to prevent removal activities and damage to the benthic species and habitats protected'
  • MWEIT-M047 - 'Measures related to the monitoring of fishing vessels'
  • MWEIT-M048 - 'Combat IUU fishing'
  • MWEIT-M049 - 'Local management plans for management units'
  • MWEIT-M050 - 'Implementation of the new CFP, the EMFF and the triennial plan'
  • MWEIT-M051 - 'Fisheries management of bivalve molluscs'
  • MWEIT-M061 - 'Implementation of the National Energy Plan'
  • MWEIT-M062 - 'Use of the maritime domain and the territorial sea areas'
  • MWEIT-M063 - 'Minimum requirements to prevent major accidents in offshore operations and limiting the consequences of such accidents in the hydrocarbon sector'
  • MWEIT-M064 - 'Measures concerning the spill of materials from port dredging'
  • MWEIT-M065 - 'Related measures and EIA'
  • MWEIT-M066 - 'Register of vessels authorised to fish under the GFCM Agreement'
  • MWEIT-M089 - 'Measures related to the regulation of approval for the immersion in the sea of excavation seabed materials and dredging'
  • MADIT-M001 - 'Measures related to the management of the Natura 2000 Network sites'
  • MADIT-M002 - 'Planned measures to designate SACs in Natura 2000 sites'
  • MADIT-M003 - 'Measures to protect target species and targeted habitats through the MPAs'
  • MADIT-M004 - 'Planned measures to increase MPAs'
  • MADIT-M005 - 'Measures to protect target habitats through other protected areas'
  • MADIT-M006 - 'Management measures for benthic habitats in the Mediterranean and identification of protected species and habitats'
  • MADIT-M007 - 'Measures to protect fish stocks through other protected areas (wildlife protection areas)'
  • MADIT-M008 - 'Measures to reduce the impact of fishing and protection of pelagic habitats'
  • MADIT-M009 - 'Protective measures for the taking and selling of endangered species through international agreements'
  • MADIT-M010 - 'Measures for incidental catches of cetaceans in fisheries'
  • MADIT-M011 - 'Measures for the conservation of cetaceans in the Mediterranean, under international agreements'
  • MADIT-M012 - 'Directorial Decree of Ministry of Environment, in cooperation with the Ministry of Health, for the establishment of the coordination of the marine mammal stranding national network (ReNaSMM)'
  • MADIT-M013 - 'Measures for the conservation of wild flora and fauna and natural habitats, and the promotion of cooperation between Member States'
  • MADIT-M014 - 'Bird protection measures through the Birds Directive (2009/147/ EC)'
  • MADIT-M015 - 'National and Community measures for the protection of birds'
  • MADIT-M016 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MADIT-M017 - 'Protective measures for benthic habitats associated with the European legislation (planning, impact assessment, river basin management plans)'
  • MADIT-M018 - 'Measures to protect habitats and associated target species under international conventions'
  • MADIT-M019 - 'Measures for the conservation of migratory species of wild animals'
  • MADIT-M020 - 'Regulatory measures for international trade in endangered species'
  • MADIT-M021 - 'International cetacean protection measures'
  • MADIT-M022 - 'Measures to protect biodiversity through European policies'
  • MADIT-M023 - 'Community and international measures for elasmobranch'
  • MADIT-M024 - 'Measures regulating catches of cetaceans, tortoises and common sturgeon'
  • MADIT-M025 - 'National measures for the protection of biodiversity'
  • MADIT-M026 - 'National measures for recovery, rescue custody and management of marine reptiles'
  • MADIT-M027 - 'Measures for coastal land planning'
  • MADIT-M028 - 'Regulatory measures for commercial fishing and the sustainable exploitation of fish stocks'
  • MADIT-M029 - 'Adoption of National Plans of Fleet Management'
  • MADIT-M030-NEW1 - 'Complete the network of Natura 2000 sites at sea and subsequent identification of conservation measures'
  • MADIT-M031-NEW2 - 'Implementation of technical solutions (methodological and instrumental) for the reduction of the phenomenon of collision with cetaceans'
  • MADIT-M032-NEW3 - 'Acquisition, systematisation and standardisation, as well as consistent recognition, with data from monitoring activities implemented, with particular reference to EIA procedures'
  • MADIT-M033-NEW4 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of elasmobranchs from by-catch'
  • MADIT-M034-NEW5 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of cetaceans and sea turtles from by-catch'
  • MADIT-M035-NEW6 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of seabirds from by-catch'
  • MADIT-M036-NEW7 - 'Implementation of awareness-raising and information measures to prevent removal activities and damage to the benthic species and habitats protected'
  • MADIT-M046 - 'Measures related to the monitoring of fishing vessels'
  • MADIT-M047 - 'Combat IUU fishing'
  • MADIT-M048 - 'Implementation of the new CFP, the EMFF and the triennial plan'
  • MADIT-M049 - 'Fisheries management of bivalve molluscs'
  • MADIT-M059 - 'Implementation of the National Energy Plan'
  • MADIT-M060 - 'Use of the maritime domain and the territorial sea areas'
  • MADIT-M061 - 'Minimum requirements to prevent major accidents in offshore operations and limiting the consequences of such accidents in the hydrocarbon sector'
  • MADIT-M062 - 'Measures concerning the spill of materials from port dredging'
  • MADIT-M063 - 'Related measures and EIA'
  • MADIT-M064 - 'Register of vessels authorised to fish under the GFCM Agreement'
  • MADIT-M087 - 'Measures related to the regulation of approval for the immersion in the sea of excavation seabed materials and dredging'
  • MICIT-M001 - 'Measures related to the management of the Natura 2000 Network sites'
  • MICIT-M002 - 'Planned measures to designate SACs in Natura 2000 sites'
  • MICIT-M003 - 'Measures to protect target species and targeted habitats through the MPAs'
  • MICIT-M004 - 'Planned measures to increase MPAs'
  • MICIT-M005 - 'Measures to protect target habitats through other protected areas'
  • MICIT-M006 - 'Management measures for benthic habitats in the Mediterranean and identification of protected species and habitats'
  • MICIT-M007 - 'Measures to protect fish stocks through other protected areas (wildlife protection areas)'
  • MICIT-M008 - 'Measures to reduce the impact of fishing and protection of pelagic habitats'
  • MICIT-M009 - 'Protective measures for the taking and selling of endangered species through international agreements'
  • MICIT-M010 - 'Measures for incidental catches of cetaceans in fisheries'
  • MICIT-M011 - 'Measures for the conservation of cetaceans in the Mediterranean, under international agreements'
  • MICIT-M012 - 'Directorial Decree of Ministry of Environment, in cooperation with the Ministry of Health, for the establishment of the coordination of the marine mammal stranding national network (ReNaSMM)'
  • MICIT-M013 - 'Measures for the conservation of wild flora and fauna and natural habitats, and the promotion of cooperation between Member States'
  • MICIT-M014 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MICIT-M015 - 'National and Community measures for the protection of birds'
  • MICIT-M016 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MICIT-M017 - 'Protective measures for benthic habitats associated with the European legislation (planning, impact assessment, river basin management plans)'
  • MICIT-M018 - 'Measures to protect habitats and associated target species under international conventions'
  • MICIT-M019 - 'Measures for the conservation of migratory species of wild animals'
  • MICIT-M020 - 'Regulatory measures for international trade in endangered species'
  • MICIT-M021 - 'International cetacean protection measures'
  • MICIT-M022 - 'Measures to protect biodiversity through European policies'
  • MICIT-M023 - 'Community and international measures for elasmobranch'
  • MICIT-M024 - 'Measures regulating catches of cetaceans, tortoises and common sturgeon'
  • MICIT-M025 - 'National measures for the protection of biodiversity'
  • MICIT-M026 - 'National measures for recovery, rescue custody and management of marine reptiles'
  • MICIT-M027 - 'Measures for coastal land planning'
  • MICIT-M028 - 'Regulatory measures for commercial fishing and the sustainable exploitation of fish stocks'
  • MICIT-M029 - 'Adoption of National Plans of Fleet Management'
  • MICIT-M030-NEW1 - 'Complete the network of Natura 2000 sites at sea and subsequent identification of conservation measures'
  • MICIT-M031-NEW2 - 'Implementation of technical solutions (methodological and instrumental) for the reduction of the phenomenon of collision with cetaceans'
  • MICIT-M032-NEW3 - 'Acquisition, systematisation and standardisation, as well as consistent recognition, with data from monitoring activities implemented, with particular reference to EIA procedures'
  • MICIT-M033-NEW4 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of elasmobranchs from by-catch'
  • MICIT-M034-NEW5 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of cetaceans and sea turtles from by-catch'
  • MICIT-M035-NEW6 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of seabirds from by-catch'
  • MICIT-M036-NEW7 - 'Implementation of awareness-raising and information measures to prevent removal activities and damage to the benthic species and habitats protected'
  • MICIT-M044 - 'Measures related to the monitoring of fishing vessels'
  • MICIT-M045 - 'Combat IUU fishing'
  • MICIT-M046 - 'Local management plans for management units'
  • MICIT-M047 - 'Implementation of the new CFP, the EMFF and the triennial plan'
  • MICIT-M048 - 'Fisheries management of bivalve molluscs'
  • MICIT-M058 - 'Implementation of the National Energy Plan'
  • MICIT-M059 - 'Use of the maritime domain and the territorial sea areas'
  • MICIT-M060 - 'Minimum requirements to prevent major accidents in offshore operations and limiting the consequences of such accidents in the hydrocarbon sector'
  • MICIT-M061 - 'Measures concerning the spill of materials from port dredging'
  • MICIT-M062 - 'Related measures and EIA'
  • MICIT-M063 - 'Register of vessels authorised to fish under the GFCM Agreement'
  • MWEIT-M001 - 'Measures related to the management of the Natura 2000 Network sites'
  • MWEIT-M002 - 'Planned measures to designate SACs in Natura 2000 sites'
  • MWEIT-M003 - 'Measures to protect target species and targeted habitats through the MPAs'
  • MWEIT-M004 - 'Planned measures to increase MPAs'
  • MWEIT-M005 - 'Measures to protect target habitats through other protected areas'
  • MWEIT-M006 - 'Management measures for benthic habitats in the Mediterranean and identification of protected species and habitats'
  • MWEIT-M007 - 'Measures to protect fish stocks through other protected areas (wildlife protection areas)'
  • MWEIT-M008 - 'Measures to reduce the impact of fishing and protection of pelagic habitats'
  • MWEIT-M009 - 'Ecological protection measures'
  • MWEIT-M010 - 'Protective measures for the taking and selling of endangered species through international agreements'
  • MWEIT-M011 - 'Measures for incidental catches of cetaceans in fisheries'
  • MWEIT-M012 - 'Measures for the conservation of cetaceans in the Mediterranean, under international agreements'
  • MWEIT-M013 - 'Directorial Decree of Ministry of Environment, in cooperation with the Ministry of Health, for the establishment of the coordination of the marine mammal stranding national network (ReNaSMM)'
  • MWEIT-M014 - 'Measures for the conservation of wild flora and fauna and natural habitats, and the promotion of cooperation between Member States'
  • MWEIT-M015 - 'Bird protection measures through the Birds Directive (2009/147/ EC)'
  • MWEIT-M016 - 'National and Community measures for the protection of birds'
  • MWEIT-M017 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MWEIT-M018 - 'Protective measures for benthic habitats associated with the European legislation (planning, impact assessment, river basin management plans)'
  • MWEIT-M019 - 'Measures to protect habitats and associated target species under international conventions'
  • MWEIT-M020 - 'Measures for the conservation of migratory species of wild animals'
  • MWEIT-M021 - 'Regulatory measures for international trade in endangered species'
  • MWEIT-M022 - 'Measures to promote a pilot area for the control of marine pollution along the coastline stretching from Marseille to La Spezia'
  • MWEIT-M023 - 'International cetacean protection measures'
  • MWEIT-M024 - 'Measures to protect biodiversity through European policies'
  • MWEIT-M025 - 'Community and international measures for elasmobranch'
  • MWEIT-M026 - 'Measures regulating catches of cetaceans, tortoises and common sturgeon'
  • MWEIT-M027 - 'Establishment of measures for the International Whale Sanctuary'
  • MWEIT-M028 - 'National measures for the protection of biodiversity'
  • MWEIT-M029 - 'National measures for recovery, rescue custody and management of marine reptiles'
  • MWEIT-M030 - 'Measures for coastal land planning'
  • MWEIT-M031 - 'Regulatory measures for commercial fishing and the sustainable exploitation of fish stocks'
  • MWEIT-M032 - 'Adoption of National Plans of Fleet Management'
  • MWEIT-M033-NEW1 - 'Complete the network of Natura 2000 sites at sea and subsequent identification of conservation measures'
  • MWEIT-M034-NEW2 - 'Implementation of technical solutions (methodological and instrumental) for the reduction of the phenomenon of collision with cetaceans'
  • MWEIT-M035-NEW3 - 'Acquisition, systematisation and standardisation, as well as consistent recognition, with data from monitoring activities implemented, with particular reference to EIA procedures'
  • MWEIT-M036-NEW4 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of elasmobranchs from by-catch'
  • MWEIT-M037-NEW5 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of cetaceans and sea turtles from by-catch'
  • MWEIT-M038-NEW6 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of seabirds from by-catch'
  • MWEIT-M039-NEW7 - 'Implementation of awareness-raising and information measures to prevent removal activities and damage to the benthic species and habitats protected'
  • MWEIT-M047 - 'Measures related to the monitoring of fishing vessels'
  • MWEIT-M048 - 'Combat IUU fishing'
  • MWEIT-M049 - 'Local management plans for management units'
  • MWEIT-M050 - 'Implementation of the new CFP, the EMFF and the triennial plan'
  • MWEIT-M051 - 'Fisheries management of bivalve molluscs'
  • MWEIT-M061 - 'Implementation of the National Energy Plan'
  • MWEIT-M062 - 'Use of the maritime domain and the territorial sea areas'
  • MWEIT-M063 - 'Minimum requirements to prevent major accidents in offshore operations and limiting the consequences of such accidents in the hydrocarbon sector'
  • MWEIT-M064 - 'Measures concerning the spill of materials from port dredging'
  • MWEIT-M065 - 'Related measures and EIA'
  • MWEIT-M066 - 'Register of vessels authorised to fish under the GFCM Agreement'
  • MWEIT-M089 - 'Measures related to the regulation of approval for the immersion in the sea of excavation seabed materials and dredging'
  • MADIT-M001 - 'Measures related to the management of the Natura 2000 Network sites'
  • MADIT-M002 - 'Planned measures to designate SACs in Natura 2000 sites'
  • MADIT-M003 - 'Measures to protect target species and targeted habitats through the MPAs'
  • MADIT-M004 - 'Planned measures to increase MPAs'
  • MADIT-M005 - 'Measures to protect target habitats through other protected areas'
  • MADIT-M006 - 'Management measures for benthic habitats in the Mediterranean and identification of protected species and habitats'
  • MADIT-M007 - 'Measures to protect fish stocks through other protected areas (wildlife protection areas)'
  • MADIT-M008 - 'Measures to reduce the impact of fishing and protection of pelagic habitats'
  • MADIT-M009 - 'Protective measures for the taking and selling of endangered species through international agreements'
  • MADIT-M010 - 'Measures for incidental catches of cetaceans in fisheries'
  • MADIT-M011 - 'Measures for the conservation of cetaceans in the Mediterranean, under international agreements'
  • MADIT-M012 - 'Directorial Decree of Ministry of Environment, in cooperation with the Ministry of Health, for the establishment of the coordination of the marine mammal stranding national network (ReNaSMM)'
  • MADIT-M013 - 'Measures for the conservation of wild flora and fauna and natural habitats, and the promotion of cooperation between Member States'
  • MADIT-M014 - 'Bird protection measures through the Birds Directive (2009/147/ EC)'
  • MADIT-M015 - 'National and Community measures for the protection of birds'
  • MADIT-M016 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MADIT-M017 - 'Protective measures for benthic habitats associated with the European legislation (planning, impact assessment, river basin management plans)'
  • MADIT-M018 - 'Measures to protect habitats and associated target species under international conventions'
  • MADIT-M019 - 'Measures for the conservation of migratory species of wild animals'
  • MADIT-M020 - 'Regulatory measures for international trade in endangered species'
  • MADIT-M021 - 'International cetacean protection measures'
  • MADIT-M022 - 'Measures to protect biodiversity through European policies'
  • MADIT-M023 - 'Community and international measures for elasmobranch'
  • MADIT-M024 - 'Measures regulating catches of cetaceans, tortoises and common sturgeon'
  • MADIT-M025 - 'National measures for the protection of biodiversity'
  • MADIT-M026 - 'National measures for recovery, rescue custody and management of marine reptiles'
  • MADIT-M027 - 'Measures for coastal land planning'
  • MADIT-M028 - 'Regulatory measures for commercial fishing and the sustainable exploitation of fish stocks'
  • MADIT-M029 - 'Adoption of National Plans of Fleet Management'
  • MADIT-M030-NEW1 - 'Complete the network of Natura 2000 sites at sea and subsequent identification of conservation measures'
  • MADIT-M031-NEW2 - 'Implementation of technical solutions (methodological and instrumental) for the reduction of the phenomenon of collision with cetaceans'
  • MADIT-M032-NEW3 - 'Acquisition, systematisation and standardisation, as well as consistent recognition, with data from monitoring activities implemented, with particular reference to EIA procedures'
  • MADIT-M033-NEW4 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of elasmobranchs from by-catch'
  • MADIT-M034-NEW5 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of cetaceans and sea turtles from by-catch'
  • MADIT-M035-NEW6 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of seabirds from by-catch'
  • MADIT-M036-NEW7 - 'Implementation of awareness-raising and information measures to prevent removal activities and damage to the benthic species and habitats protected'
  • MADIT-M046 - 'Measures related to the monitoring of fishing vessels'
  • MADIT-M047 - 'Combat IUU fishing'
  • MADIT-M048 - 'Implementation of the new CFP, the EMFF and the triennial plan'
  • MADIT-M049 - 'Fisheries management of bivalve molluscs'
  • MADIT-M059 - 'Implementation of the National Energy Plan'
  • MADIT-M060 - 'Use of the maritime domain and the territorial sea areas'
  • MADIT-M061 - 'Minimum requirements to prevent major accidents in offshore operations and limiting the consequences of such accidents in the hydrocarbon sector'
  • MADIT-M062 - 'Measures concerning the spill of materials from port dredging'
  • MADIT-M063 - 'Related measures and EIA'
  • MADIT-M064 - 'Register of vessels authorised to fish under the GFCM Agreement'
  • MADIT-M087 - 'Measures related to the regulation of approval for the immersion in the sea of excavation seabed materials and dredging'
  • MICIT-M001 - 'Measures related to the management of the Natura 2000 Network sites'
  • MICIT-M002 - 'Planned measures to designate SACs in Natura 2000 sites'
  • MICIT-M003 - 'Measures to protect target species and targeted habitats through the MPAs'
  • MICIT-M004 - 'Planned measures to increase MPAs'
  • MICIT-M005 - 'Measures to protect target habitats through other protected areas'
  • MICIT-M006 - 'Management measures for benthic habitats in the Mediterranean and identification of protected species and habitats'
  • MICIT-M007 - 'Measures to protect fish stocks through other protected areas (wildlife protection areas)'
  • MICIT-M008 - 'Measures to reduce the impact of fishing and protection of pelagic habitats'
  • MICIT-M009 - 'Protective measures for the taking and selling of endangered species through international agreements'
  • MICIT-M010 - 'Measures for incidental catches of cetaceans in fisheries'
  • MICIT-M011 - 'Measures for the conservation of cetaceans in the Mediterranean, under international agreements'
  • MICIT-M012 - 'Directorial Decree of Ministry of Environment, in cooperation with the Ministry of Health, for the establishment of the coordination of the marine mammal stranding national network (ReNaSMM)'
  • MICIT-M013 - 'Measures for the conservation of wild flora and fauna and natural habitats, and the promotion of cooperation between Member States'
  • MICIT-M014 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MICIT-M015 - 'National and Community measures for the protection of birds'
  • MICIT-M016 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MICIT-M017 - 'Protective measures for benthic habitats associated with the European legislation (planning, impact assessment, river basin management plans)'
  • MICIT-M018 - 'Measures to protect habitats and associated target species under international conventions'
  • MICIT-M019 - 'Measures for the conservation of migratory species of wild animals'
  • MICIT-M020 - 'Regulatory measures for international trade in endangered species'
  • MICIT-M021 - 'International cetacean protection measures'
  • MICIT-M022 - 'Measures to protect biodiversity through European policies'
  • MICIT-M023 - 'Community and international measures for elasmobranch'
  • MICIT-M024 - 'Measures regulating catches of cetaceans, tortoises and common sturgeon'
  • MICIT-M025 - 'National measures for the protection of biodiversity'
  • MICIT-M026 - 'National measures for recovery, rescue custody and management of marine reptiles'
  • MICIT-M027 - 'Measures for coastal land planning'
  • MICIT-M028 - 'Regulatory measures for commercial fishing and the sustainable exploitation of fish stocks'
  • MICIT-M029 - 'Adoption of National Plans of Fleet Management'
  • MICIT-M030-NEW1 - 'Complete the network of Natura 2000 sites at sea and subsequent identification of conservation measures'
  • MICIT-M031-NEW2 - 'Implementation of technical solutions (methodological and instrumental) for the reduction of the phenomenon of collision with cetaceans'
  • MICIT-M032-NEW3 - 'Acquisition, systematisation and standardisation, as well as consistent recognition, with data from monitoring activities implemented, with particular reference to EIA procedures'
  • MICIT-M033-NEW4 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of elasmobranchs from by-catch'
  • MICIT-M034-NEW5 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of cetaceans and sea turtles from by-catch'
  • MICIT-M035-NEW6 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of seabirds from by-catch'
  • MICIT-M036-NEW7 - 'Implementation of awareness-raising and information measures to prevent removal activities and damage to the benthic species and habitats protected'
  • MICIT-M044 - 'Measures related to the monitoring of fishing vessels'
  • MICIT-M045 - 'Combat IUU fishing'
  • MICIT-M046 - 'Local management plans for management units'
  • MICIT-M047 - 'Implementation of the new CFP, the EMFF and the triennial plan'
  • MICIT-M048 - 'Fisheries management of bivalve molluscs'
  • MICIT-M058 - 'Implementation of the National Energy Plan'
  • MICIT-M059 - 'Use of the maritime domain and the territorial sea areas'
  • MICIT-M060 - 'Minimum requirements to prevent major accidents in offshore operations and limiting the consequences of such accidents in the hydrocarbon sector'
  • MICIT-M061 - 'Measures concerning the spill of materials from port dredging'
  • MICIT-M062 - 'Related measures and EIA'
  • MICIT-M063 - 'Register of vessels authorised to fish under the GFCM Agreement'
  • MWEIT-M001 - 'Measures related to the management of the Natura 2000 Network sites'
  • MWEIT-M002 - 'Planned measures to designate SACs in Natura 2000 sites'
  • MWEIT-M003 - 'Measures to protect target species and targeted habitats through the MPAs'
  • MWEIT-M004 - 'Planned measures to increase MPAs'
  • MWEIT-M005 - 'Measures to protect target habitats through other protected areas'
  • MWEIT-M006 - 'Management measures for benthic habitats in the Mediterranean and identification of protected species and habitats'
  • MWEIT-M007 - 'Measures to protect fish stocks through other protected areas (wildlife protection areas)'
  • MWEIT-M008 - 'Measures to reduce the impact of fishing and protection of pelagic habitats'
  • MWEIT-M009 - 'Ecological protection measures'
  • MWEIT-M010 - 'Protective measures for the taking and selling of endangered species through international agreements'
  • MWEIT-M011 - 'Measures for incidental catches of cetaceans in fisheries'
  • MWEIT-M012 - 'Measures for the conservation of cetaceans in the Mediterranean, under international agreements'
  • MWEIT-M013 - 'Directorial Decree of Ministry of Environment, in cooperation with the Ministry of Health, for the establishment of the coordination of the marine mammal stranding national network (ReNaSMM)'
  • MWEIT-M014 - 'Measures for the conservation of wild flora and fauna and natural habitats, and the promotion of cooperation between Member States'
  • MWEIT-M015 - 'Bird protection measures through the Birds Directive (2009/147/ EC)'
  • MWEIT-M016 - 'National and Community measures for the protection of birds'
  • MWEIT-M017 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MWEIT-M018 - 'Protective measures for benthic habitats associated with the European legislation (planning, impact assessment, river basin management plans)'
  • MWEIT-M019 - 'Measures to protect habitats and associated target species under international conventions'
  • MWEIT-M020 - 'Measures for the conservation of migratory species of wild animals'
  • MWEIT-M021 - 'Regulatory measures for international trade in endangered species'
  • MWEIT-M022 - 'Measures to promote a pilot area for the control of marine pollution along the coastline stretching from Marseille to La Spezia'
  • MWEIT-M023 - 'International cetacean protection measures'
  • MWEIT-M024 - 'Measures to protect biodiversity through European policies'
  • MWEIT-M025 - 'Community and international measures for elasmobranch'
  • MWEIT-M026 - 'Measures regulating catches of cetaceans, tortoises and common sturgeon'
  • MWEIT-M027 - 'Establishment of measures for the International Whale Sanctuary'
  • MWEIT-M028 - 'National measures for the protection of biodiversity'
  • MWEIT-M029 - 'National measures for recovery, rescue custody and management of marine reptiles'
  • MWEIT-M030 - 'Measures for coastal land planning'
  • MWEIT-M031 - 'Regulatory measures for commercial fishing and the sustainable exploitation of fish stocks'
  • MWEIT-M032 - 'Adoption of National Plans of Fleet Management'
  • MWEIT-M033-NEW1 - 'Complete the network of Natura 2000 sites at sea and subsequent identification of conservation measures'
  • MWEIT-M034-NEW2 - 'Implementation of technical solutions (methodological and instrumental) for the reduction of the phenomenon of collision with cetaceans'
  • MWEIT-M035-NEW3 - 'Acquisition, systematisation and standardisation, as well as consistent recognition, with data from monitoring activities implemented, with particular reference to EIA procedures'
  • MWEIT-M036-NEW4 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of elasmobranchs from by-catch'
  • MWEIT-M037-NEW5 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of cetaceans and sea turtles from by-catch'
  • MWEIT-M038-NEW6 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of seabirds from by-catch'
  • MWEIT-M039-NEW7 - 'Implementation of awareness-raising and information measures to prevent removal activities and damage to the benthic species and habitats protected'
  • MWEIT-M047 - 'Measures related to the monitoring of fishing vessels'
  • MWEIT-M048 - 'Combat IUU fishing'
  • MWEIT-M049 - 'Local management plans for management units'
  • MWEIT-M050 - 'Implementation of the new CFP, the EMFF and the triennial plan'
  • MWEIT-M051 - 'Fisheries management of bivalve molluscs'
  • MWEIT-M061 - 'Implementation of the National Energy Plan'
  • MWEIT-M062 - 'Use of the maritime domain and the territorial sea areas'
  • MWEIT-M063 - 'Minimum requirements to prevent major accidents in offshore operations and limiting the consequences of such accidents in the hydrocarbon sector'
  • MWEIT-M064 - 'Measures concerning the spill of materials from port dredging'
  • MWEIT-M065 - 'Related measures and EIA'
  • MWEIT-M066 - 'Register of vessels authorised to fish under the GFCM Agreement'
  • MWEIT-M089 - 'Measures related to the regulation of approval for the immersion in the sea of excavation seabed materials and dredging'
  • MADIT-M001 - 'Measures related to the management of the Natura 2000 Network sites'
  • MADIT-M002 - 'Planned measures to designate SACs in Natura 2000 sites'
  • MADIT-M003 - 'Measures to protect target species and targeted habitats through the MPAs'
  • MADIT-M004 - 'Planned measures to increase MPAs'
  • MADIT-M005 - 'Measures to protect target habitats through other protected areas'
  • MADIT-M006 - 'Management measures for benthic habitats in the Mediterranean and identification of protected species and habitats'
  • MADIT-M007 - 'Measures to protect fish stocks through other protected areas (wildlife protection areas)'
  • MADIT-M008 - 'Measures to reduce the impact of fishing and protection of pelagic habitats'
  • MADIT-M009 - 'Protective measures for the taking and selling of endangered species through international agreements'
  • MADIT-M010 - 'Measures for incidental catches of cetaceans in fisheries'
  • MADIT-M011 - 'Measures for the conservation of cetaceans in the Mediterranean, under international agreements'
  • MADIT-M012 - 'Directorial Decree of Ministry of Environment, in cooperation with the Ministry of Health, for the establishment of the coordination of the marine mammal stranding national network (ReNaSMM)'
  • MADIT-M013 - 'Measures for the conservation of wild flora and fauna and natural habitats, and the promotion of cooperation between Member States'
  • MADIT-M014 - 'Bird protection measures through the Birds Directive (2009/147/ EC)'
  • MADIT-M015 - 'National and Community measures for the protection of birds'
  • MADIT-M016 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MADIT-M017 - 'Protective measures for benthic habitats associated with the European legislation (planning, impact assessment, river basin management plans)'
  • MADIT-M018 - 'Measures to protect habitats and associated target species under international conventions'
  • MADIT-M019 - 'Measures for the conservation of migratory species of wild animals'
  • MADIT-M020 - 'Regulatory measures for international trade in endangered species'
  • MADIT-M021 - 'International cetacean protection measures'
  • MADIT-M022 - 'Measures to protect biodiversity through European policies'
  • MADIT-M023 - 'Community and international measures for elasmobranch'
  • MADIT-M024 - 'Measures regulating catches of cetaceans, tortoises and common sturgeon'
  • MADIT-M025 - 'National measures for the protection of biodiversity'
  • MADIT-M026 - 'National measures for recovery, rescue custody and management of marine reptiles'
  • MADIT-M027 - 'Measures for coastal land planning'
  • MADIT-M028 - 'Regulatory measures for commercial fishing and the sustainable exploitation of fish stocks'
  • MADIT-M029 - 'Adoption of National Plans of Fleet Management'
  • MADIT-M030-NEW1 - 'Complete the network of Natura 2000 sites at sea and subsequent identification of conservation measures'
  • MADIT-M031-NEW2 - 'Implementation of technical solutions (methodological and instrumental) for the reduction of the phenomenon of collision with cetaceans'
  • MADIT-M032-NEW3 - 'Acquisition, systematisation and standardisation, as well as consistent recognition, with data from monitoring activities implemented, with particular reference to EIA procedures'
  • MADIT-M033-NEW4 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of elasmobranchs from by-catch'
  • MADIT-M034-NEW5 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of cetaceans and sea turtles from by-catch'
  • MADIT-M035-NEW6 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of seabirds from by-catch'
  • MADIT-M036-NEW7 - 'Implementation of awareness-raising and information measures to prevent removal activities and damage to the benthic species and habitats protected'
  • MADIT-M046 - 'Measures related to the monitoring of fishing vessels'
  • MADIT-M047 - 'Combat IUU fishing'
  • MADIT-M048 - 'Implementation of the new CFP, the EMFF and the triennial plan'
  • MADIT-M049 - 'Fisheries management of bivalve molluscs'
  • MADIT-M059 - 'Implementation of the National Energy Plan'
  • MADIT-M060 - 'Use of the maritime domain and the territorial sea areas'
  • MADIT-M061 - 'Minimum requirements to prevent major accidents in offshore operations and limiting the consequences of such accidents in the hydrocarbon sector'
  • MADIT-M062 - 'Measures concerning the spill of materials from port dredging'
  • MADIT-M063 - 'Related measures and EIA'
  • MADIT-M064 - 'Register of vessels authorised to fish under the GFCM Agreement'
  • MADIT-M087 - 'Measures related to the regulation of approval for the immersion in the sea of excavation seabed materials and dredging'
  • MICIT-M001 - 'Measures related to the management of the Natura 2000 Network sites'
  • MICIT-M002 - 'Planned measures to designate SACs in Natura 2000 sites'
  • MICIT-M003 - 'Measures to protect target species and targeted habitats through the MPAs'
  • MICIT-M004 - 'Planned measures to increase MPAs'
  • MICIT-M005 - 'Measures to protect target habitats through other protected areas'
  • MICIT-M006 - 'Management measures for benthic habitats in the Mediterranean and identification of protected species and habitats'
  • MICIT-M007 - 'Measures to protect fish stocks through other protected areas (wildlife protection areas)'
  • MICIT-M008 - 'Measures to reduce the impact of fishing and protection of pelagic habitats'
  • MICIT-M009 - 'Protective measures for the taking and selling of endangered species through international agreements'
  • MICIT-M010 - 'Measures for incidental catches of cetaceans in fisheries'
  • MICIT-M011 - 'Measures for the conservation of cetaceans in the Mediterranean, under international agreements'
  • MICIT-M012 - 'Directorial Decree of Ministry of Environment, in cooperation with the Ministry of Health, for the establishment of the coordination of the marine mammal stranding national network (ReNaSMM)'
  • MICIT-M013 - 'Measures for the conservation of wild flora and fauna and natural habitats, and the promotion of cooperation between Member States'
  • MICIT-M014 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MICIT-M015 - 'National and Community measures for the protection of birds'
  • MICIT-M016 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MICIT-M017 - 'Protective measures for benthic habitats associated with the European legislation (planning, impact assessment, river basin management plans)'
  • MICIT-M018 - 'Measures to protect habitats and associated target species under international conventions'
  • MICIT-M019 - 'Measures for the conservation of migratory species of wild animals'
  • MICIT-M020 - 'Regulatory measures for international trade in endangered species'
  • MICIT-M021 - 'International cetacean protection measures'
  • MICIT-M022 - 'Measures to protect biodiversity through European policies'
  • MICIT-M023 - 'Community and international measures for elasmobranch'
  • MICIT-M024 - 'Measures regulating catches of cetaceans, tortoises and common sturgeon'
  • MICIT-M025 - 'National measures for the protection of biodiversity'
  • MICIT-M026 - 'National measures for recovery, rescue custody and management of marine reptiles'
  • MICIT-M027 - 'Measures for coastal land planning'
  • MICIT-M028 - 'Regulatory measures for commercial fishing and the sustainable exploitation of fish stocks'
  • MICIT-M029 - 'Adoption of National Plans of Fleet Management'
  • MICIT-M030-NEW1 - 'Complete the network of Natura 2000 sites at sea and subsequent identification of conservation measures'
  • MICIT-M031-NEW2 - 'Implementation of technical solutions (methodological and instrumental) for the reduction of the phenomenon of collision with cetaceans'
  • MICIT-M032-NEW3 - 'Acquisition, systematisation and standardisation, as well as consistent recognition, with data from monitoring activities implemented, with particular reference to EIA procedures'
  • MICIT-M033-NEW4 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of elasmobranchs from by-catch'
  • MICIT-M034-NEW5 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of cetaceans and sea turtles from by-catch'
  • MICIT-M035-NEW6 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of seabirds from by-catch'
  • MICIT-M036-NEW7 - 'Implementation of awareness-raising and information measures to prevent removal activities and damage to the benthic species and habitats protected'
  • MICIT-M044 - 'Measures related to the monitoring of fishing vessels'
  • MICIT-M045 - 'Combat IUU fishing'
  • MICIT-M046 - 'Local management plans for management units'
  • MICIT-M047 - 'Implementation of the new CFP, the EMFF and the triennial plan'
  • MICIT-M048 - 'Fisheries management of bivalve molluscs'
  • MICIT-M058 - 'Implementation of the National Energy Plan'
  • MICIT-M059 - 'Use of the maritime domain and the territorial sea areas'
  • MICIT-M060 - 'Minimum requirements to prevent major accidents in offshore operations and limiting the consequences of such accidents in the hydrocarbon sector'
  • MICIT-M061 - 'Measures concerning the spill of materials from port dredging'
  • MICIT-M062 - 'Related measures and EIA'
  • MICIT-M063 - 'Register of vessels authorised to fish under the GFCM Agreement'
  • MWEIT-M001 - 'Measures related to the management of the Natura 2000 Network sites'
  • MWEIT-M002 - 'Planned measures to designate SACs in Natura 2000 sites'
  • MWEIT-M003 - 'Measures to protect target species and targeted habitats through the MPAs'
  • MWEIT-M004 - 'Planned measures to increase MPAs'
  • MWEIT-M005 - 'Measures to protect target habitats through other protected areas'
  • MWEIT-M006 - 'Management measures for benthic habitats in the Mediterranean and identification of protected species and habitats'
  • MWEIT-M007 - 'Measures to protect fish stocks through other protected areas (wildlife protection areas)'
  • MWEIT-M008 - 'Measures to reduce the impact of fishing and protection of pelagic habitats'
  • MWEIT-M009 - 'Ecological protection measures'
  • MWEIT-M010 - 'Protective measures for the taking and selling of endangered species through international agreements'
  • MWEIT-M011 - 'Measures for incidental catches of cetaceans in fisheries'
  • MWEIT-M012 - 'Measures for the conservation of cetaceans in the Mediterranean, under international agreements'
  • MWEIT-M013 - 'Directorial Decree of Ministry of Environment, in cooperation with the Ministry of Health, for the establishment of the coordination of the marine mammal stranding national network (ReNaSMM)'
  • MWEIT-M014 - 'Measures for the conservation of wild flora and fauna and natural habitats, and the promotion of cooperation between Member States'
  • MWEIT-M015 - 'Bird protection measures through the Birds Directive (2009/147/ EC)'
  • MWEIT-M016 - 'National and Community measures for the protection of birds'
  • MWEIT-M017 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MWEIT-M018 - 'Protective measures for benthic habitats associated with the European legislation (planning, impact assessment, river basin management plans)'
  • MWEIT-M019 - 'Measures to protect habitats and associated target species under international conventions'
  • MWEIT-M020 - 'Measures for the conservation of migratory species of wild animals'
  • MWEIT-M021 - 'Regulatory measures for international trade in endangered species'
  • MWEIT-M022 - 'Measures to promote a pilot area for the control of marine pollution along the coastline stretching from Marseille to La Spezia'
  • MWEIT-M023 - 'International cetacean protection measures'
  • MWEIT-M024 - 'Measures to protect biodiversity through European policies'
  • MWEIT-M025 - 'Community and international measures for elasmobranch'
  • MWEIT-M026 - 'Measures regulating catches of cetaceans, tortoises and common sturgeon'
  • MWEIT-M027 - 'Establishment of measures for the International Whale Sanctuary'
  • MWEIT-M028 - 'National measures for the protection of biodiversity'
  • MWEIT-M029 - 'National measures for recovery, rescue custody and management of marine reptiles'
  • MWEIT-M030 - 'Measures for coastal land planning'
  • MWEIT-M031 - 'Regulatory measures for commercial fishing and the sustainable exploitation of fish stocks'
  • MWEIT-M032 - 'Adoption of National Plans of Fleet Management'
  • MWEIT-M033-NEW1 - 'Complete the network of Natura 2000 sites at sea and subsequent identification of conservation measures'
  • MWEIT-M034-NEW2 - 'Implementation of technical solutions (methodological and instrumental) for the reduction of the phenomenon of collision with cetaceans'
  • MWEIT-M035-NEW3 - 'Acquisition, systematisation and standardisation, as well as consistent recognition, with data from monitoring activities implemented, with particular reference to EIA procedures'
  • MWEIT-M036-NEW4 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of elasmobranchs from by-catch'
  • MWEIT-M037-NEW5 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of cetaceans and sea turtles from by-catch'
  • MWEIT-M038-NEW6 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of seabirds from by-catch'
  • MWEIT-M039-NEW7 - 'Implementation of awareness-raising and information measures to prevent removal activities and damage to the benthic species and habitats protected'
  • MWEIT-M047 - 'Measures related to the monitoring of fishing vessels'
  • MWEIT-M048 - 'Combat IUU fishing'
  • MWEIT-M049 - 'Local management plans for management units'
  • MWEIT-M050 - 'Implementation of the new CFP, the EMFF and the triennial plan'
  • MWEIT-M051 - 'Fisheries management of bivalve molluscs'
  • MWEIT-M061 - 'Implementation of the National Energy Plan'
  • MWEIT-M062 - 'Use of the maritime domain and the territorial sea areas'
  • MWEIT-M063 - 'Minimum requirements to prevent major accidents in offshore operations and limiting the consequences of such accidents in the hydrocarbon sector'
  • MWEIT-M064 - 'Measures concerning the spill of materials from port dredging'
  • MWEIT-M065 - 'Related measures and EIA'
  • MWEIT-M066 - 'Register of vessels authorised to fish under the GFCM Agreement'
  • MWEIT-M089 - 'Measures related to the regulation of approval for the immersion in the sea of excavation seabed materials and dredging'
  • MADIT-M001 - 'Measures related to the management of the Natura 2000 Network sites'
  • MADIT-M002 - 'Planned measures to designate SACs in Natura 2000 sites'
  • MADIT-M003 - 'Measures to protect target species and targeted habitats through the MPAs'
  • MADIT-M004 - 'Planned measures to increase MPAs'
  • MADIT-M005 - 'Measures to protect target habitats through other protected areas'
  • MADIT-M006 - 'Management measures for benthic habitats in the Mediterranean and identification of protected species and habitats'
  • MADIT-M007 - 'Measures to protect fish stocks through other protected areas (wildlife protection areas)'
  • MADIT-M008 - 'Measures to reduce the impact of fishing and protection of pelagic habitats'
  • MADIT-M009 - 'Protective measures for the taking and selling of endangered species through international agreements'
  • MADIT-M010 - 'Measures for incidental catches of cetaceans in fisheries'
  • MADIT-M011 - 'Measures for the conservation of cetaceans in the Mediterranean, under international agreements'
  • MADIT-M012 - 'Directorial Decree of Ministry of Environment, in cooperation with the Ministry of Health, for the establishment of the coordination of the marine mammal stranding national network (ReNaSMM)'
  • MADIT-M013 - 'Measures for the conservation of wild flora and fauna and natural habitats, and the promotion of cooperation between Member States'
  • MADIT-M014 - 'Bird protection measures through the Birds Directive (2009/147/ EC)'
  • MADIT-M015 - 'National and Community measures for the protection of birds'
  • MADIT-M016 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MADIT-M017 - 'Protective measures for benthic habitats associated with the European legislation (planning, impact assessment, river basin management plans)'
  • MADIT-M018 - 'Measures to protect habitats and associated target species under international conventions'
  • MADIT-M019 - 'Measures for the conservation of migratory species of wild animals'
  • MADIT-M020 - 'Regulatory measures for international trade in endangered species'
  • MADIT-M021 - 'International cetacean protection measures'
  • MADIT-M022 - 'Measures to protect biodiversity through European policies'
  • MADIT-M023 - 'Community and international measures for elasmobranch'
  • MADIT-M024 - 'Measures regulating catches of cetaceans, tortoises and common sturgeon'
  • MADIT-M025 - 'National measures for the protection of biodiversity'
  • MADIT-M026 - 'National measures for recovery, rescue custody and management of marine reptiles'
  • MADIT-M027 - 'Measures for coastal land planning'
  • MADIT-M028 - 'Regulatory measures for commercial fishing and the sustainable exploitation of fish stocks'
  • MADIT-M029 - 'Adoption of National Plans of Fleet Management'
  • MADIT-M030-NEW1 - 'Complete the network of Natura 2000 sites at sea and subsequent identification of conservation measures'
  • MADIT-M031-NEW2 - 'Implementation of technical solutions (methodological and instrumental) for the reduction of the phenomenon of collision with cetaceans'
  • MADIT-M032-NEW3 - 'Acquisition, systematisation and standardisation, as well as consistent recognition, with data from monitoring activities implemented, with particular reference to EIA procedures'
  • MADIT-M033-NEW4 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of elasmobranchs from by-catch'
  • MADIT-M034-NEW5 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of cetaceans and sea turtles from by-catch'
  • MADIT-M035-NEW6 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of seabirds from by-catch'
  • MADIT-M036-NEW7 - 'Implementation of awareness-raising and information measures to prevent removal activities and damage to the benthic species and habitats protected'
  • MADIT-M046 - 'Measures related to the monitoring of fishing vessels'
  • MADIT-M047 - 'Combat IUU fishing'
  • MADIT-M048 - 'Implementation of the new CFP, the EMFF and the triennial plan'
  • MADIT-M049 - 'Fisheries management of bivalve molluscs'
  • MADIT-M059 - 'Implementation of the National Energy Plan'
  • MADIT-M060 - 'Use of the maritime domain and the territorial sea areas'
  • MADIT-M061 - 'Minimum requirements to prevent major accidents in offshore operations and limiting the consequences of such accidents in the hydrocarbon sector'
  • MADIT-M062 - 'Measures concerning the spill of materials from port dredging'
  • MADIT-M063 - 'Related measures and EIA'
  • MADIT-M064 - 'Register of vessels authorised to fish under the GFCM Agreement'
  • MADIT-M087 - 'Measures related to the regulation of approval for the immersion in the sea of excavation seabed materials and dredging'
  • MICIT-M001 - 'Measures related to the management of the Natura 2000 Network sites'
  • MICIT-M002 - 'Planned measures to designate SACs in Natura 2000 sites'
  • MICIT-M003 - 'Measures to protect target species and targeted habitats through the MPAs'
  • MICIT-M004 - 'Planned measures to increase MPAs'
  • MICIT-M005 - 'Measures to protect target habitats through other protected areas'
  • MICIT-M006 - 'Management measures for benthic habitats in the Mediterranean and identification of protected species and habitats'
  • MICIT-M007 - 'Measures to protect fish stocks through other protected areas (wildlife protection areas)'
  • MICIT-M008 - 'Measures to reduce the impact of fishing and protection of pelagic habitats'
  • MICIT-M009 - 'Protective measures for the taking and selling of endangered species through international agreements'
  • MICIT-M010 - 'Measures for incidental catches of cetaceans in fisheries'
  • MICIT-M011 - 'Measures for the conservation of cetaceans in the Mediterranean, under international agreements'
  • MICIT-M012 - 'Directorial Decree of Ministry of Environment, in cooperation with the Ministry of Health, for the establishment of the coordination of the marine mammal stranding national network (ReNaSMM)'
  • MICIT-M013 - 'Measures for the conservation of wild flora and fauna and natural habitats, and the promotion of cooperation between Member States'
  • MICIT-M014 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MICIT-M015 - 'National and Community measures for the protection of birds'
  • MICIT-M016 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MICIT-M017 - 'Protective measures for benthic habitats associated with the European legislation (planning, impact assessment, river basin management plans)'
  • MICIT-M018 - 'Measures to protect habitats and associated target species under international conventions'
  • MICIT-M019 - 'Measures for the conservation of migratory species of wild animals'
  • MICIT-M020 - 'Regulatory measures for international trade in endangered species'
  • MICIT-M021 - 'International cetacean protection measures'
  • MICIT-M022 - 'Measures to protect biodiversity through European policies'
  • MICIT-M023 - 'Community and international measures for elasmobranch'
  • MICIT-M024 - 'Measures regulating catches of cetaceans, tortoises and common sturgeon'
  • MICIT-M025 - 'National measures for the protection of biodiversity'
  • MICIT-M026 - 'National measures for recovery, rescue custody and management of marine reptiles'
  • MICIT-M027 - 'Measures for coastal land planning'
  • MICIT-M028 - 'Regulatory measures for commercial fishing and the sustainable exploitation of fish stocks'
  • MICIT-M029 - 'Adoption of National Plans of Fleet Management'
  • MICIT-M030-NEW1 - 'Complete the network of Natura 2000 sites at sea and subsequent identification of conservation measures'
  • MICIT-M031-NEW2 - 'Implementation of technical solutions (methodological and instrumental) for the reduction of the phenomenon of collision with cetaceans'
  • MICIT-M032-NEW3 - 'Acquisition, systematisation and standardisation, as well as consistent recognition, with data from monitoring activities implemented, with particular reference to EIA procedures'
  • MICIT-M033-NEW4 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of elasmobranchs from by-catch'
  • MICIT-M034-NEW5 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of cetaceans and sea turtles from by-catch'
  • MICIT-M035-NEW6 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of seabirds from by-catch'
  • MICIT-M036-NEW7 - 'Implementation of awareness-raising and information measures to prevent removal activities and damage to the benthic species and habitats protected'
  • MICIT-M044 - 'Measures related to the monitoring of fishing vessels'
  • MICIT-M045 - 'Combat IUU fishing'
  • MICIT-M046 - 'Local management plans for management units'
  • MICIT-M047 - 'Implementation of the new CFP, the EMFF and the triennial plan'
  • MICIT-M048 - 'Fisheries management of bivalve molluscs'
  • MICIT-M058 - 'Implementation of the National Energy Plan'
  • MICIT-M059 - 'Use of the maritime domain and the territorial sea areas'
  • MICIT-M060 - 'Minimum requirements to prevent major accidents in offshore operations and limiting the consequences of such accidents in the hydrocarbon sector'
  • MICIT-M061 - 'Measures concerning the spill of materials from port dredging'
  • MICIT-M062 - 'Related measures and EIA'
  • MICIT-M063 - 'Register of vessels authorised to fish under the GFCM Agreement'
  • MWEIT-M001 - 'Measures related to the management of the Natura 2000 Network sites'
  • MWEIT-M002 - 'Planned measures to designate SACs in Natura 2000 sites'
  • MWEIT-M003 - 'Measures to protect target species and targeted habitats through the MPAs'
  • MWEIT-M004 - 'Planned measures to increase MPAs'
  • MWEIT-M005 - 'Measures to protect target habitats through other protected areas'
  • MWEIT-M006 - 'Management measures for benthic habitats in the Mediterranean and identification of protected species and habitats'
  • MWEIT-M007 - 'Measures to protect fish stocks through other protected areas (wildlife protection areas)'
  • MWEIT-M008 - 'Measures to reduce the impact of fishing and protection of pelagic habitats'
  • MWEIT-M009 - 'Ecological protection measures'
  • MWEIT-M010 - 'Protective measures for the taking and selling of endangered species through international agreements'
  • MWEIT-M011 - 'Measures for incidental catches of cetaceans in fisheries'
  • MWEIT-M012 - 'Measures for the conservation of cetaceans in the Mediterranean, under international agreements'
  • MWEIT-M013 - 'Directorial Decree of Ministry of Environment, in cooperation with the Ministry of Health, for the establishment of the coordination of the marine mammal stranding national network (ReNaSMM)'
  • MWEIT-M014 - 'Measures for the conservation of wild flora and fauna and natural habitats, and the promotion of cooperation between Member States'
  • MWEIT-M015 - 'Bird protection measures through the Birds Directive (2009/147/ EC)'
  • MWEIT-M016 - 'National and Community measures for the protection of birds'
  • MWEIT-M017 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MWEIT-M018 - 'Protective measures for benthic habitats associated with the European legislation (planning, impact assessment, river basin management plans)'
  • MWEIT-M019 - 'Measures to protect habitats and associated target species under international conventions'
  • MWEIT-M020 - 'Measures for the conservation of migratory species of wild animals'
  • MWEIT-M021 - 'Regulatory measures for international trade in endangered species'
  • MWEIT-M022 - 'Measures to promote a pilot area for the control of marine pollution along the coastline stretching from Marseille to La Spezia'
  • MWEIT-M023 - 'International cetacean protection measures'
  • MWEIT-M024 - 'Measures to protect biodiversity through European policies'
  • MWEIT-M025 - 'Community and international measures for elasmobranch'
  • MWEIT-M026 - 'Measures regulating catches of cetaceans, tortoises and common sturgeon'
  • MWEIT-M027 - 'Establishment of measures for the International Whale Sanctuary'
  • MWEIT-M028 - 'National measures for the protection of biodiversity'
  • MWEIT-M029 - 'National measures for recovery, rescue custody and management of marine reptiles'
  • MWEIT-M030 - 'Measures for coastal land planning'
  • MWEIT-M031 - 'Regulatory measures for commercial fishing and the sustainable exploitation of fish stocks'
  • MWEIT-M032 - 'Adoption of National Plans of Fleet Management'
  • MWEIT-M033-NEW1 - 'Complete the network of Natura 2000 sites at sea and subsequent identification of conservation measures'
  • MWEIT-M034-NEW2 - 'Implementation of technical solutions (methodological and instrumental) for the reduction of the phenomenon of collision with cetaceans'
  • MWEIT-M035-NEW3 - 'Acquisition, systematisation and standardisation, as well as consistent recognition, with data from monitoring activities implemented, with particular reference to EIA procedures'
  • MWEIT-M036-NEW4 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of elasmobranchs from by-catch'
  • MWEIT-M037-NEW5 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of cetaceans and sea turtles from by-catch'
  • MWEIT-M038-NEW6 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of seabirds from by-catch'
  • MWEIT-M039-NEW7 - 'Implementation of awareness-raising and information measures to prevent removal activities and damage to the benthic species and habitats protected'
  • MWEIT-M047 - 'Measures related to the monitoring of fishing vessels'
  • MWEIT-M048 - 'Combat IUU fishing'
  • MWEIT-M049 - 'Local management plans for management units'
  • MWEIT-M050 - 'Implementation of the new CFP, the EMFF and the triennial plan'
  • MWEIT-M051 - 'Fisheries management of bivalve molluscs'
  • MWEIT-M061 - 'Implementation of the National Energy Plan'
  • MWEIT-M062 - 'Use of the maritime domain and the territorial sea areas'
  • MWEIT-M063 - 'Minimum requirements to prevent major accidents in offshore operations and limiting the consequences of such accidents in the hydrocarbon sector'
  • MWEIT-M064 - 'Measures concerning the spill of materials from port dredging'
  • MWEIT-M065 - 'Related measures and EIA'
  • MWEIT-M066 - 'Register of vessels authorised to fish under the GFCM Agreement'
  • MWEIT-M089 - 'Measures related to the regulation of approval for the immersion in the sea of excavation seabed materials and dredging'
  • MADIT-M001 - 'Measures related to the management of the Natura 2000 Network sites'
  • MADIT-M002 - 'Planned measures to designate SACs in Natura 2000 sites'
  • MADIT-M003 - 'Measures to protect target species and targeted habitats through the MPAs'
  • MADIT-M004 - 'Planned measures to increase MPAs'
  • MADIT-M005 - 'Measures to protect target habitats through other protected areas'
  • MADIT-M006 - 'Management measures for benthic habitats in the Mediterranean and identification of protected species and habitats'
  • MADIT-M007 - 'Measures to protect fish stocks through other protected areas (wildlife protection areas)'
  • MADIT-M008 - 'Measures to reduce the impact of fishing and protection of pelagic habitats'
  • MADIT-M009 - 'Protective measures for the taking and selling of endangered species through international agreements'
  • MADIT-M010 - 'Measures for incidental catches of cetaceans in fisheries'
  • MADIT-M011 - 'Measures for the conservation of cetaceans in the Mediterranean, under international agreements'
  • MADIT-M012 - 'Directorial Decree of Ministry of Environment, in cooperation with the Ministry of Health, for the establishment of the coordination of the marine mammal stranding national network (ReNaSMM)'
  • MADIT-M013 - 'Measures for the conservation of wild flora and fauna and natural habitats, and the promotion of cooperation between Member States'
  • MADIT-M014 - 'Bird protection measures through the Birds Directive (2009/147/ EC)'
  • MADIT-M015 - 'National and Community measures for the protection of birds'
  • MADIT-M016 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MADIT-M017 - 'Protective measures for benthic habitats associated with the European legislation (planning, impact assessment, river basin management plans)'
  • MADIT-M018 - 'Measures to protect habitats and associated target species under international conventions'
  • MADIT-M019 - 'Measures for the conservation of migratory species of wild animals'
  • MADIT-M020 - 'Regulatory measures for international trade in endangered species'
  • MADIT-M021 - 'International cetacean protection measures'
  • MADIT-M022 - 'Measures to protect biodiversity through European policies'
  • MADIT-M023 - 'Community and international measures for elasmobranch'
  • MADIT-M024 - 'Measures regulating catches of cetaceans, tortoises and common sturgeon'
  • MADIT-M025 - 'National measures for the protection of biodiversity'
  • MADIT-M026 - 'National measures for recovery, rescue custody and management of marine reptiles'
  • MADIT-M027 - 'Measures for coastal land planning'
  • MADIT-M028 - 'Regulatory measures for commercial fishing and the sustainable exploitation of fish stocks'
  • MADIT-M029 - 'Adoption of National Plans of Fleet Management'
  • MADIT-M030-NEW1 - 'Complete the network of Natura 2000 sites at sea and subsequent identification of conservation measures'
  • MADIT-M031-NEW2 - 'Implementation of technical solutions (methodological and instrumental) for the reduction of the phenomenon of collision with cetaceans'
  • MADIT-M032-NEW3 - 'Acquisition, systematisation and standardisation, as well as consistent recognition, with data from monitoring activities implemented, with particular reference to EIA procedures'
  • MADIT-M033-NEW4 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of elasmobranchs from by-catch'
  • MADIT-M034-NEW5 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of cetaceans and sea turtles from by-catch'
  • MADIT-M035-NEW6 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of seabirds from by-catch'
  • MADIT-M036-NEW7 - 'Implementation of awareness-raising and information measures to prevent removal activities and damage to the benthic species and habitats protected'
  • MADIT-M046 - 'Measures related to the monitoring of fishing vessels'
  • MADIT-M047 - 'Combat IUU fishing'
  • MADIT-M048 - 'Implementation of the new CFP, the EMFF and the triennial plan'
  • MADIT-M049 - 'Fisheries management of bivalve molluscs'
  • MADIT-M059 - 'Implementation of the National Energy Plan'
  • MADIT-M060 - 'Use of the maritime domain and the territorial sea areas'
  • MADIT-M061 - 'Minimum requirements to prevent major accidents in offshore operations and limiting the consequences of such accidents in the hydrocarbon sector'
  • MADIT-M062 - 'Measures concerning the spill of materials from port dredging'
  • MADIT-M063 - 'Related measures and EIA'
  • MADIT-M064 - 'Register of vessels authorised to fish under the GFCM Agreement'
  • MADIT-M087 - 'Measures related to the regulation of approval for the immersion in the sea of excavation seabed materials and dredging'
  • MICIT-M001 - 'Measures related to the management of the Natura 2000 Network sites'
  • MICIT-M002 - 'Planned measures to designate SACs in Natura 2000 sites'
  • MICIT-M003 - 'Measures to protect target species and targeted habitats through the MPAs'
  • MICIT-M004 - 'Planned measures to increase MPAs'
  • MICIT-M005 - 'Measures to protect target habitats through other protected areas'
  • MICIT-M006 - 'Management measures for benthic habitats in the Mediterranean and identification of protected species and habitats'
  • MICIT-M007 - 'Measures to protect fish stocks through other protected areas (wildlife protection areas)'
  • MICIT-M008 - 'Measures to reduce the impact of fishing and protection of pelagic habitats'
  • MICIT-M009 - 'Protective measures for the taking and selling of endangered species through international agreements'
  • MICIT-M010 - 'Measures for incidental catches of cetaceans in fisheries'
  • MICIT-M011 - 'Measures for the conservation of cetaceans in the Mediterranean, under international agreements'
  • MICIT-M012 - 'Directorial Decree of Ministry of Environment, in cooperation with the Ministry of Health, for the establishment of the coordination of the marine mammal stranding national network (ReNaSMM)'
  • MICIT-M013 - 'Measures for the conservation of wild flora and fauna and natural habitats, and the promotion of cooperation between Member States'
  • MICIT-M014 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MICIT-M015 - 'National and Community measures for the protection of birds'
  • MICIT-M016 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MICIT-M017 - 'Protective measures for benthic habitats associated with the European legislation (planning, impact assessment, river basin management plans)'
  • MICIT-M018 - 'Measures to protect habitats and associated target species under international conventions'
  • MICIT-M019 - 'Measures for the conservation of migratory species of wild animals'
  • MICIT-M020 - 'Regulatory measures for international trade in endangered species'
  • MICIT-M021 - 'International cetacean protection measures'
  • MICIT-M022 - 'Measures to protect biodiversity through European policies'
  • MICIT-M023 - 'Community and international measures for elasmobranch'
  • MICIT-M024 - 'Measures regulating catches of cetaceans, tortoises and common sturgeon'
  • MICIT-M025 - 'National measures for the protection of biodiversity'
  • MICIT-M026 - 'National measures for recovery, rescue custody and management of marine reptiles'
  • MICIT-M027 - 'Measures for coastal land planning'
  • MICIT-M028 - 'Regulatory measures for commercial fishing and the sustainable exploitation of fish stocks'
  • MICIT-M029 - 'Adoption of National Plans of Fleet Management'
  • MICIT-M030-NEW1 - 'Complete the network of Natura 2000 sites at sea and subsequent identification of conservation measures'
  • MICIT-M031-NEW2 - 'Implementation of technical solutions (methodological and instrumental) for the reduction of the phenomenon of collision with cetaceans'
  • MICIT-M032-NEW3 - 'Acquisition, systematisation and standardisation, as well as consistent recognition, with data from monitoring activities implemented, with particular reference to EIA procedures'
  • MICIT-M033-NEW4 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of elasmobranchs from by-catch'
  • MICIT-M034-NEW5 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of cetaceans and sea turtles from by-catch'
  • MICIT-M035-NEW6 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of seabirds from by-catch'
  • MICIT-M036-NEW7 - 'Implementation of awareness-raising and information measures to prevent removal activities and damage to the benthic species and habitats protected'
  • MICIT-M044 - 'Measures related to the monitoring of fishing vessels'
  • MICIT-M045 - 'Combat IUU fishing'
  • MICIT-M046 - 'Local management plans for management units'
  • MICIT-M047 - 'Implementation of the new CFP, the EMFF and the triennial plan'
  • MICIT-M048 - 'Fisheries management of bivalve molluscs'
  • MICIT-M058 - 'Implementation of the National Energy Plan'
  • MICIT-M059 - 'Use of the maritime domain and the territorial sea areas'
  • MICIT-M060 - 'Minimum requirements to prevent major accidents in offshore operations and limiting the consequences of such accidents in the hydrocarbon sector'
  • MICIT-M061 - 'Measures concerning the spill of materials from port dredging'
  • MICIT-M062 - 'Related measures and EIA'
  • MICIT-M063 - 'Register of vessels authorised to fish under the GFCM Agreement'
  • MWEIT-M001 - 'Measures related to the management of the Natura 2000 Network sites'
  • MWEIT-M002 - 'Planned measures to designate SACs in Natura 2000 sites'
  • MWEIT-M003 - 'Measures to protect target species and targeted habitats through the MPAs'
  • MWEIT-M004 - 'Planned measures to increase MPAs'
  • MWEIT-M005 - 'Measures to protect target habitats through other protected areas'
  • MWEIT-M006 - 'Management measures for benthic habitats in the Mediterranean and identification of protected species and habitats'
  • MWEIT-M007 - 'Measures to protect fish stocks through other protected areas (wildlife protection areas)'
  • MWEIT-M008 - 'Measures to reduce the impact of fishing and protection of pelagic habitats'
  • MWEIT-M009 - 'Ecological protection measures'
  • MWEIT-M010 - 'Protective measures for the taking and selling of endangered species through international agreements'
  • MWEIT-M011 - 'Measures for incidental catches of cetaceans in fisheries'
  • MWEIT-M012 - 'Measures for the conservation of cetaceans in the Mediterranean, under international agreements'
  • MWEIT-M013 - 'Directorial Decree of Ministry of Environment, in cooperation with the Ministry of Health, for the establishment of the coordination of the marine mammal stranding national network (ReNaSMM)'
  • MWEIT-M014 - 'Measures for the conservation of wild flora and fauna and natural habitats, and the promotion of cooperation between Member States'
  • MWEIT-M015 - 'Bird protection measures through the Birds Directive (2009/147/ EC)'
  • MWEIT-M016 - 'National and Community measures for the protection of birds'
  • MWEIT-M017 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MWEIT-M018 - 'Protective measures for benthic habitats associated with the European legislation (planning, impact assessment, river basin management plans)'
  • MWEIT-M019 - 'Measures to protect habitats and associated target species under international conventions'
  • MWEIT-M020 - 'Measures for the conservation of migratory species of wild animals'
  • MWEIT-M021 - 'Regulatory measures for international trade in endangered species'
  • MWEIT-M022 - 'Measures to promote a pilot area for the control of marine pollution along the coastline stretching from Marseille to La Spezia'
  • MWEIT-M023 - 'International cetacean protection measures'
  • MWEIT-M024 - 'Measures to protect biodiversity through European policies'
  • MWEIT-M025 - 'Community and international measures for elasmobranch'
  • MWEIT-M026 - 'Measures regulating catches of cetaceans, tortoises and common sturgeon'
  • MWEIT-M027 - 'Establishment of measures for the International Whale Sanctuary'
  • MWEIT-M028 - 'National measures for the protection of biodiversity'
  • MWEIT-M029 - 'National measures for recovery, rescue custody and management of marine reptiles'
  • MWEIT-M030 - 'Measures for coastal land planning'
  • MWEIT-M031 - 'Regulatory measures for commercial fishing and the sustainable exploitation of fish stocks'
  • MWEIT-M032 - 'Adoption of National Plans of Fleet Management'
  • MWEIT-M033-NEW1 - 'Complete the network of Natura 2000 sites at sea and subsequent identification of conservation measures'
  • MWEIT-M034-NEW2 - 'Implementation of technical solutions (methodological and instrumental) for the reduction of the phenomenon of collision with cetaceans'
  • MWEIT-M035-NEW3 - 'Acquisition, systematisation and standardisation, as well as consistent recognition, with data from monitoring activities implemented, with particular reference to EIA procedures'
  • MWEIT-M036-NEW4 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of elasmobranchs from by-catch'
  • MWEIT-M037-NEW5 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of cetaceans and sea turtles from by-catch'
  • MWEIT-M038-NEW6 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of seabirds from by-catch'
  • MWEIT-M039-NEW7 - 'Implementation of awareness-raising and information measures to prevent removal activities and damage to the benthic species and habitats protected'
  • MWEIT-M047 - 'Measures related to the monitoring of fishing vessels'
  • MWEIT-M048 - 'Combat IUU fishing'
  • MWEIT-M049 - 'Local management plans for management units'
  • MWEIT-M050 - 'Implementation of the new CFP, the EMFF and the triennial plan'
  • MWEIT-M051 - 'Fisheries management of bivalve molluscs'
  • MWEIT-M061 - 'Implementation of the National Energy Plan'
  • MWEIT-M062 - 'Use of the maritime domain and the territorial sea areas'
  • MWEIT-M063 - 'Minimum requirements to prevent major accidents in offshore operations and limiting the consequences of such accidents in the hydrocarbon sector'
  • MWEIT-M064 - 'Measures concerning the spill of materials from port dredging'
  • MWEIT-M065 - 'Related measures and EIA'
  • MWEIT-M066 - 'Register of vessels authorised to fish under the GFCM Agreement'
  • MWEIT-M089 - 'Measures related to the regulation of approval for the immersion in the sea of excavation seabed materials and dredging'
  • MADIT-M001 - 'Measures related to the management of the Natura 2000 Network sites'
  • MADIT-M002 - 'Planned measures to designate SACs in Natura 2000 sites'
  • MADIT-M003 - 'Measures to protect target species and targeted habitats through the MPAs'
  • MADIT-M004 - 'Planned measures to increase MPAs'
  • MADIT-M005 - 'Measures to protect target habitats through other protected areas'
  • MADIT-M006 - 'Management measures for benthic habitats in the Mediterranean and identification of protected species and habitats'
  • MADIT-M007 - 'Measures to protect fish stocks through other protected areas (wildlife protection areas)'
  • MADIT-M008 - 'Measures to reduce the impact of fishing and protection of pelagic habitats'
  • MADIT-M009 - 'Protective measures for the taking and selling of endangered species through international agreements'
  • MADIT-M010 - 'Measures for incidental catches of cetaceans in fisheries'
  • MADIT-M011 - 'Measures for the conservation of cetaceans in the Mediterranean, under international agreements'
  • MADIT-M012 - 'Directorial Decree of Ministry of Environment, in cooperation with the Ministry of Health, for the establishment of the coordination of the marine mammal stranding national network (ReNaSMM)'
  • MADIT-M013 - 'Measures for the conservation of wild flora and fauna and natural habitats, and the promotion of cooperation between Member States'
  • MADIT-M014 - 'Bird protection measures through the Birds Directive (2009/147/ EC)'
  • MADIT-M015 - 'National and Community measures for the protection of birds'
  • MADIT-M016 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MADIT-M017 - 'Protective measures for benthic habitats associated with the European legislation (planning, impact assessment, river basin management plans)'
  • MADIT-M018 - 'Measures to protect habitats and associated target species under international conventions'
  • MADIT-M019 - 'Measures for the conservation of migratory species of wild animals'
  • MADIT-M020 - 'Regulatory measures for international trade in endangered species'
  • MADIT-M021 - 'International cetacean protection measures'
  • MADIT-M022 - 'Measures to protect biodiversity through European policies'
  • MADIT-M023 - 'Community and international measures for elasmobranch'
  • MADIT-M024 - 'Measures regulating catches of cetaceans, tortoises and common sturgeon'
  • MADIT-M025 - 'National measures for the protection of biodiversity'
  • MADIT-M026 - 'National measures for recovery, rescue custody and management of marine reptiles'
  • MADIT-M027 - 'Measures for coastal land planning'
  • MADIT-M028 - 'Regulatory measures for commercial fishing and the sustainable exploitation of fish stocks'
  • MADIT-M029 - 'Adoption of National Plans of Fleet Management'
  • MADIT-M030-NEW1 - 'Complete the network of Natura 2000 sites at sea and subsequent identification of conservation measures'
  • MADIT-M031-NEW2 - 'Implementation of technical solutions (methodological and instrumental) for the reduction of the phenomenon of collision with cetaceans'
  • MADIT-M032-NEW3 - 'Acquisition, systematisation and standardisation, as well as consistent recognition, with data from monitoring activities implemented, with particular reference to EIA procedures'
  • MADIT-M033-NEW4 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of elasmobranchs from by-catch'
  • MADIT-M034-NEW5 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of cetaceans and sea turtles from by-catch'
  • MADIT-M035-NEW6 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of seabirds from by-catch'
  • MADIT-M036-NEW7 - 'Implementation of awareness-raising and information measures to prevent removal activities and damage to the benthic species and habitats protected'
  • MADIT-M046 - 'Measures related to the monitoring of fishing vessels'
  • MADIT-M047 - 'Combat IUU fishing'
  • MADIT-M048 - 'Implementation of the new CFP, the EMFF and the triennial plan'
  • MADIT-M049 - 'Fisheries management of bivalve molluscs'
  • MADIT-M059 - 'Implementation of the National Energy Plan'
  • MADIT-M060 - 'Use of the maritime domain and the territorial sea areas'
  • MADIT-M061 - 'Minimum requirements to prevent major accidents in offshore operations and limiting the consequences of such accidents in the hydrocarbon sector'
  • MADIT-M062 - 'Measures concerning the spill of materials from port dredging'
  • MADIT-M063 - 'Related measures and EIA'
  • MADIT-M064 - 'Register of vessels authorised to fish under the GFCM Agreement'
  • MADIT-M087 - 'Measures related to the regulation of approval for the immersion in the sea of excavation seabed materials and dredging'
  • MICIT-M001 - 'Measures related to the management of the Natura 2000 Network sites'
  • MICIT-M002 - 'Planned measures to designate SACs in Natura 2000 sites'
  • MICIT-M003 - 'Measures to protect target species and targeted habitats through the MPAs'
  • MICIT-M004 - 'Planned measures to increase MPAs'
  • MICIT-M005 - 'Measures to protect target habitats through other protected areas'
  • MICIT-M006 - 'Management measures for benthic habitats in the Mediterranean and identification of protected species and habitats'
  • MICIT-M007 - 'Measures to protect fish stocks through other protected areas (wildlife protection areas)'
  • MICIT-M008 - 'Measures to reduce the impact of fishing and protection of pelagic habitats'
  • MICIT-M009 - 'Protective measures for the taking and selling of endangered species through international agreements'
  • MICIT-M010 - 'Measures for incidental catches of cetaceans in fisheries'
  • MICIT-M011 - 'Measures for the conservation of cetaceans in the Mediterranean, under international agreements'
  • MICIT-M012 - 'Directorial Decree of Ministry of Environment, in cooperation with the Ministry of Health, for the establishment of the coordination of the marine mammal stranding national network (ReNaSMM)'
  • MICIT-M013 - 'Measures for the conservation of wild flora and fauna and natural habitats, and the promotion of cooperation between Member States'
  • MICIT-M014 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MICIT-M015 - 'National and Community measures for the protection of birds'
  • MICIT-M016 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MICIT-M017 - 'Protective measures for benthic habitats associated with the European legislation (planning, impact assessment, river basin management plans)'
  • MICIT-M018 - 'Measures to protect habitats and associated target species under international conventions'
  • MICIT-M019 - 'Measures for the conservation of migratory species of wild animals'
  • MICIT-M020 - 'Regulatory measures for international trade in endangered species'
  • MICIT-M021 - 'International cetacean protection measures'
  • MICIT-M022 - 'Measures to protect biodiversity through European policies'
  • MICIT-M023 - 'Community and international measures for elasmobranch'
  • MICIT-M024 - 'Measures regulating catches of cetaceans, tortoises and common sturgeon'
  • MICIT-M025 - 'National measures for the protection of biodiversity'
  • MICIT-M026 - 'National measures for recovery, rescue custody and management of marine reptiles'
  • MICIT-M027 - 'Measures for coastal land planning'
  • MICIT-M028 - 'Regulatory measures for commercial fishing and the sustainable exploitation of fish stocks'
  • MICIT-M029 - 'Adoption of National Plans of Fleet Management'
  • MICIT-M030-NEW1 - 'Complete the network of Natura 2000 sites at sea and subsequent identification of conservation measures'
  • MICIT-M031-NEW2 - 'Implementation of technical solutions (methodological and instrumental) for the reduction of the phenomenon of collision with cetaceans'
  • MICIT-M032-NEW3 - 'Acquisition, systematisation and standardisation, as well as consistent recognition, with data from monitoring activities implemented, with particular reference to EIA procedures'
  • MICIT-M033-NEW4 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of elasmobranchs from by-catch'
  • MICIT-M034-NEW5 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of cetaceans and sea turtles from by-catch'
  • MICIT-M035-NEW6 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of seabirds from by-catch'
  • MICIT-M036-NEW7 - 'Implementation of awareness-raising and information measures to prevent removal activities and damage to the benthic species and habitats protected'
  • MICIT-M044 - 'Measures related to the monitoring of fishing vessels'
  • MICIT-M045 - 'Combat IUU fishing'
  • MICIT-M046 - 'Local management plans for management units'
  • MICIT-M047 - 'Implementation of the new CFP, the EMFF and the triennial plan'
  • MICIT-M048 - 'Fisheries management of bivalve molluscs'
  • MICIT-M058 - 'Implementation of the National Energy Plan'
  • MICIT-M059 - 'Use of the maritime domain and the territorial sea areas'
  • MICIT-M060 - 'Minimum requirements to prevent major accidents in offshore operations and limiting the consequences of such accidents in the hydrocarbon sector'
  • MICIT-M061 - 'Measures concerning the spill of materials from port dredging'
  • MICIT-M062 - 'Related measures and EIA'
  • MICIT-M063 - 'Register of vessels authorised to fish under the GFCM Agreement'
  • MWEIT-M001 - 'Measures related to the management of the Natura 2000 Network sites'
  • MWEIT-M002 - 'Planned measures to designate SACs in Natura 2000 sites'
  • MWEIT-M003 - 'Measures to protect target species and targeted habitats through the MPAs'
  • MWEIT-M004 - 'Planned measures to increase MPAs'
  • MWEIT-M005 - 'Measures to protect target habitats through other protected areas'
  • MWEIT-M006 - 'Management measures for benthic habitats in the Mediterranean and identification of protected species and habitats'
  • MWEIT-M007 - 'Measures to protect fish stocks through other protected areas (wildlife protection areas)'
  • MWEIT-M008 - 'Measures to reduce the impact of fishing and protection of pelagic habitats'
  • MWEIT-M009 - 'Ecological protection measures'
  • MWEIT-M010 - 'Protective measures for the taking and selling of endangered species through international agreements'
  • MWEIT-M011 - 'Measures for incidental catches of cetaceans in fisheries'
  • MWEIT-M012 - 'Measures for the conservation of cetaceans in the Mediterranean, under international agreements'
  • MWEIT-M013 - 'Directorial Decree of Ministry of Environment, in cooperation with the Ministry of Health, for the establishment of the coordination of the marine mammal stranding national network (ReNaSMM)'
  • MWEIT-M014 - 'Measures for the conservation of wild flora and fauna and natural habitats, and the promotion of cooperation between Member States'
  • MWEIT-M015 - 'Bird protection measures through the Birds Directive (2009/147/ EC)'
  • MWEIT-M016 - 'National and Community measures for the protection of birds'
  • MWEIT-M017 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MWEIT-M018 - 'Protective measures for benthic habitats associated with the European legislation (planning, impact assessment, river basin management plans)'
  • MWEIT-M019 - 'Measures to protect habitats and associated target species under international conventions'
  • MWEIT-M020 - 'Measures for the conservation of migratory species of wild animals'
  • MWEIT-M021 - 'Regulatory measures for international trade in endangered species'
  • MWEIT-M022 - 'Measures to promote a pilot area for the control of marine pollution along the coastline stretching from Marseille to La Spezia'
  • MWEIT-M023 - 'International cetacean protection measures'
  • MWEIT-M024 - 'Measures to protect biodiversity through European policies'
  • MWEIT-M025 - 'Community and international measures for elasmobranch'
  • MWEIT-M026 - 'Measures regulating catches of cetaceans, tortoises and common sturgeon'
  • MWEIT-M027 - 'Establishment of measures for the International Whale Sanctuary'
  • MWEIT-M028 - 'National measures for the protection of biodiversity'
  • MWEIT-M029 - 'National measures for recovery, rescue custody and management of marine reptiles'
  • MWEIT-M030 - 'Measures for coastal land planning'
  • MWEIT-M031 - 'Regulatory measures for commercial fishing and the sustainable exploitation of fish stocks'
  • MWEIT-M032 - 'Adoption of National Plans of Fleet Management'
  • MWEIT-M033-NEW1 - 'Complete the network of Natura 2000 sites at sea and subsequent identification of conservation measures'
  • MWEIT-M034-NEW2 - 'Implementation of technical solutions (methodological and instrumental) for the reduction of the phenomenon of collision with cetaceans'
  • MWEIT-M035-NEW3 - 'Acquisition, systematisation and standardisation, as well as consistent recognition, with data from monitoring activities implemented, with particular reference to EIA procedures'
  • MWEIT-M036-NEW4 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of elasmobranchs from by-catch'
  • MWEIT-M037-NEW5 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of cetaceans and sea turtles from by-catch'
  • MWEIT-M038-NEW6 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of seabirds from by-catch'
  • MWEIT-M039-NEW7 - 'Implementation of awareness-raising and information measures to prevent removal activities and damage to the benthic species and habitats protected'
  • MWEIT-M047 - 'Measures related to the monitoring of fishing vessels'
  • MWEIT-M048 - 'Combat IUU fishing'
  • MWEIT-M049 - 'Local management plans for management units'
  • MWEIT-M050 - 'Implementation of the new CFP, the EMFF and the triennial plan'
  • MWEIT-M051 - 'Fisheries management of bivalve molluscs'
  • MWEIT-M061 - 'Implementation of the National Energy Plan'
  • MWEIT-M062 - 'Use of the maritime domain and the territorial sea areas'
  • MWEIT-M063 - 'Minimum requirements to prevent major accidents in offshore operations and limiting the consequences of such accidents in the hydrocarbon sector'
  • MWEIT-M064 - 'Measures concerning the spill of materials from port dredging'
  • MWEIT-M065 - 'Related measures and EIA'
  • MWEIT-M066 - 'Register of vessels authorised to fish under the GFCM Agreement'
  • MWEIT-M089 - 'Measures related to the regulation of approval for the immersion in the sea of excavation seabed materials and dredging'
  • MADIT-M001 - 'Measures related to the management of the Natura 2000 Network sites'
  • MADIT-M002 - 'Planned measures to designate SACs in Natura 2000 sites'
  • MADIT-M003 - 'Measures to protect target species and targeted habitats through the MPAs'
  • MADIT-M004 - 'Planned measures to increase MPAs'
  • MADIT-M005 - 'Measures to protect target habitats through other protected areas'
  • MADIT-M006 - 'Management measures for benthic habitats in the Mediterranean and identification of protected species and habitats'
  • MADIT-M007 - 'Measures to protect fish stocks through other protected areas (wildlife protection areas)'
  • MADIT-M008 - 'Measures to reduce the impact of fishing and protection of pelagic habitats'
  • MADIT-M009 - 'Protective measures for the taking and selling of endangered species through international agreements'
  • MADIT-M010 - 'Measures for incidental catches of cetaceans in fisheries'
  • MADIT-M011 - 'Measures for the conservation of cetaceans in the Mediterranean, under international agreements'
  • MADIT-M012 - 'Directorial Decree of Ministry of Environment, in cooperation with the Ministry of Health, for the establishment of the coordination of the marine mammal stranding national network (ReNaSMM)'
  • MADIT-M013 - 'Measures for the conservation of wild flora and fauna and natural habitats, and the promotion of cooperation between Member States'
  • MADIT-M014 - 'Bird protection measures through the Birds Directive (2009/147/ EC)'
  • MADIT-M015 - 'National and Community measures for the protection of birds'
  • MADIT-M016 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MADIT-M017 - 'Protective measures for benthic habitats associated with the European legislation (planning, impact assessment, river basin management plans)'
  • MADIT-M018 - 'Measures to protect habitats and associated target species under international conventions'
  • MADIT-M019 - 'Measures for the conservation of migratory species of wild animals'
  • MADIT-M020 - 'Regulatory measures for international trade in endangered species'
  • MADIT-M021 - 'International cetacean protection measures'
  • MADIT-M022 - 'Measures to protect biodiversity through European policies'
  • MADIT-M023 - 'Community and international measures for elasmobranch'
  • MADIT-M024 - 'Measures regulating catches of cetaceans, tortoises and common sturgeon'
  • MADIT-M025 - 'National measures for the protection of biodiversity'
  • MADIT-M026 - 'National measures for recovery, rescue custody and management of marine reptiles'
  • MADIT-M027 - 'Measures for coastal land planning'
  • MADIT-M028 - 'Regulatory measures for commercial fishing and the sustainable exploitation of fish stocks'
  • MADIT-M029 - 'Adoption of National Plans of Fleet Management'
  • MADIT-M030-NEW1 - 'Complete the network of Natura 2000 sites at sea and subsequent identification of conservation measures'
  • MADIT-M031-NEW2 - 'Implementation of technical solutions (methodological and instrumental) for the reduction of the phenomenon of collision with cetaceans'
  • MADIT-M032-NEW3 - 'Acquisition, systematisation and standardisation, as well as consistent recognition, with data from monitoring activities implemented, with particular reference to EIA procedures'
  • MADIT-M033-NEW4 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of elasmobranchs from by-catch'
  • MADIT-M034-NEW5 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of cetaceans and sea turtles from by-catch'
  • MADIT-M035-NEW6 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of seabirds from by-catch'
  • MADIT-M036-NEW7 - 'Implementation of awareness-raising and information measures to prevent removal activities and damage to the benthic species and habitats protected'
  • MADIT-M046 - 'Measures related to the monitoring of fishing vessels'
  • MADIT-M047 - 'Combat IUU fishing'
  • MADIT-M048 - 'Implementation of the new CFP, the EMFF and the triennial plan'
  • MADIT-M049 - 'Fisheries management of bivalve molluscs'
  • MADIT-M059 - 'Implementation of the National Energy Plan'
  • MADIT-M060 - 'Use of the maritime domain and the territorial sea areas'
  • MADIT-M061 - 'Minimum requirements to prevent major accidents in offshore operations and limiting the consequences of such accidents in the hydrocarbon sector'
  • MADIT-M062 - 'Measures concerning the spill of materials from port dredging'
  • MADIT-M063 - 'Related measures and EIA'
  • MADIT-M064 - 'Register of vessels authorised to fish under the GFCM Agreement'
  • MADIT-M087 - 'Measures related to the regulation of approval for the immersion in the sea of excavation seabed materials and dredging'
  • MICIT-M001 - 'Measures related to the management of the Natura 2000 Network sites'
  • MICIT-M002 - 'Planned measures to designate SACs in Natura 2000 sites'
  • MICIT-M003 - 'Measures to protect target species and targeted habitats through the MPAs'
  • MICIT-M004 - 'Planned measures to increase MPAs'
  • MICIT-M005 - 'Measures to protect target habitats through other protected areas'
  • MICIT-M006 - 'Management measures for benthic habitats in the Mediterranean and identification of protected species and habitats'
  • MICIT-M007 - 'Measures to protect fish stocks through other protected areas (wildlife protection areas)'
  • MICIT-M008 - 'Measures to reduce the impact of fishing and protection of pelagic habitats'
  • MICIT-M009 - 'Protective measures for the taking and selling of endangered species through international agreements'
  • MICIT-M010 - 'Measures for incidental catches of cetaceans in fisheries'
  • MICIT-M011 - 'Measures for the conservation of cetaceans in the Mediterranean, under international agreements'
  • MICIT-M012 - 'Directorial Decree of Ministry of Environment, in cooperation with the Ministry of Health, for the establishment of the coordination of the marine mammal stranding national network (ReNaSMM)'
  • MICIT-M013 - 'Measures for the conservation of wild flora and fauna and natural habitats, and the promotion of cooperation between Member States'
  • MICIT-M014 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MICIT-M015 - 'National and Community measures for the protection of birds'
  • MICIT-M016 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MICIT-M017 - 'Protective measures for benthic habitats associated with the European legislation (planning, impact assessment, river basin management plans)'
  • MICIT-M018 - 'Measures to protect habitats and associated target species under international conventions'
  • MICIT-M019 - 'Measures for the conservation of migratory species of wild animals'
  • MICIT-M020 - 'Regulatory measures for international trade in endangered species'
  • MICIT-M021 - 'International cetacean protection measures'
  • MICIT-M022 - 'Measures to protect biodiversity through European policies'
  • MICIT-M023 - 'Community and international measures for elasmobranch'
  • MICIT-M024 - 'Measures regulating catches of cetaceans, tortoises and common sturgeon'
  • MICIT-M025 - 'National measures for the protection of biodiversity'
  • MICIT-M026 - 'National measures for recovery, rescue custody and management of marine reptiles'
  • MICIT-M027 - 'Measures for coastal land planning'
  • MICIT-M028 - 'Regulatory measures for commercial fishing and the sustainable exploitation of fish stocks'
  • MICIT-M029 - 'Adoption of National Plans of Fleet Management'
  • MICIT-M030-NEW1 - 'Complete the network of Natura 2000 sites at sea and subsequent identification of conservation measures'
  • MICIT-M031-NEW2 - 'Implementation of technical solutions (methodological and instrumental) for the reduction of the phenomenon of collision with cetaceans'
  • MICIT-M032-NEW3 - 'Acquisition, systematisation and standardisation, as well as consistent recognition, with data from monitoring activities implemented, with particular reference to EIA procedures'
  • MICIT-M033-NEW4 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of elasmobranchs from by-catch'
  • MICIT-M034-NEW5 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of cetaceans and sea turtles from by-catch'
  • MICIT-M035-NEW6 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of seabirds from by-catch'
  • MICIT-M036-NEW7 - 'Implementation of awareness-raising and information measures to prevent removal activities and damage to the benthic species and habitats protected'
  • MICIT-M044 - 'Measures related to the monitoring of fishing vessels'
  • MICIT-M045 - 'Combat IUU fishing'
  • MICIT-M046 - 'Local management plans for management units'
  • MICIT-M047 - 'Implementation of the new CFP, the EMFF and the triennial plan'
  • MICIT-M048 - 'Fisheries management of bivalve molluscs'
  • MICIT-M058 - 'Implementation of the National Energy Plan'
  • MICIT-M059 - 'Use of the maritime domain and the territorial sea areas'
  • MICIT-M060 - 'Minimum requirements to prevent major accidents in offshore operations and limiting the consequences of such accidents in the hydrocarbon sector'
  • MICIT-M061 - 'Measures concerning the spill of materials from port dredging'
  • MICIT-M062 - 'Related measures and EIA'
  • MICIT-M063 - 'Register of vessels authorised to fish under the GFCM Agreement'
  • MWEIT-M001 - 'Measures related to the management of the Natura 2000 Network sites'
  • MWEIT-M002 - 'Planned measures to designate SACs in Natura 2000 sites'
  • MWEIT-M003 - 'Measures to protect target species and targeted habitats through the MPAs'
  • MWEIT-M004 - 'Planned measures to increase MPAs'
  • MWEIT-M005 - 'Measures to protect target habitats through other protected areas'
  • MWEIT-M006 - 'Management measures for benthic habitats in the Mediterranean and identification of protected species and habitats'
  • MWEIT-M007 - 'Measures to protect fish stocks through other protected areas (wildlife protection areas)'
  • MWEIT-M008 - 'Measures to reduce the impact of fishing and protection of pelagic habitats'
  • MWEIT-M009 - 'Ecological protection measures'
  • MWEIT-M010 - 'Protective measures for the taking and selling of endangered species through international agreements'
  • MWEIT-M011 - 'Measures for incidental catches of cetaceans in fisheries'
  • MWEIT-M012 - 'Measures for the conservation of cetaceans in the Mediterranean, under international agreements'
  • MWEIT-M013 - 'Directorial Decree of Ministry of Environment, in cooperation with the Ministry of Health, for the establishment of the coordination of the marine mammal stranding national network (ReNaSMM)'
  • MWEIT-M014 - 'Measures for the conservation of wild flora and fauna and natural habitats, and the promotion of cooperation between Member States'
  • MWEIT-M015 - 'Bird protection measures through the Birds Directive (2009/147/ EC)'
  • MWEIT-M016 - 'National and Community measures for the protection of birds'
  • MWEIT-M017 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MWEIT-M018 - 'Protective measures for benthic habitats associated with the European legislation (planning, impact assessment, river basin management plans)'
  • MWEIT-M019 - 'Measures to protect habitats and associated target species under international conventions'
  • MWEIT-M020 - 'Measures for the conservation of migratory species of wild animals'
  • MWEIT-M021 - 'Regulatory measures for international trade in endangered species'
  • MWEIT-M022 - 'Measures to promote a pilot area for the control of marine pollution along the coastline stretching from Marseille to La Spezia'
  • MWEIT-M023 - 'International cetacean protection measures'
  • MWEIT-M024 - 'Measures to protect biodiversity through European policies'
  • MWEIT-M025 - 'Community and international measures for elasmobranch'
  • MWEIT-M026 - 'Measures regulating catches of cetaceans, tortoises and common sturgeon'
  • MWEIT-M027 - 'Establishment of measures for the International Whale Sanctuary'
  • MWEIT-M028 - 'National measures for the protection of biodiversity'
  • MWEIT-M029 - 'National measures for recovery, rescue custody and management of marine reptiles'
  • MWEIT-M030 - 'Measures for coastal land planning'
  • MWEIT-M031 - 'Regulatory measures for commercial fishing and the sustainable exploitation of fish stocks'
  • MWEIT-M032 - 'Adoption of National Plans of Fleet Management'
  • MWEIT-M033-NEW1 - 'Complete the network of Natura 2000 sites at sea and subsequent identification of conservation measures'
  • MWEIT-M034-NEW2 - 'Implementation of technical solutions (methodological and instrumental) for the reduction of the phenomenon of collision with cetaceans'
  • MWEIT-M035-NEW3 - 'Acquisition, systematisation and standardisation, as well as consistent recognition, with data from monitoring activities implemented, with particular reference to EIA procedures'
  • MWEIT-M036-NEW4 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of elasmobranchs from by-catch'
  • MWEIT-M037-NEW5 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of cetaceans and sea turtles from by-catch'
  • MWEIT-M038-NEW6 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of seabirds from by-catch'
  • MWEIT-M039-NEW7 - 'Implementation of awareness-raising and information measures to prevent removal activities and damage to the benthic species and habitats protected'
  • MWEIT-M047 - 'Measures related to the monitoring of fishing vessels'
  • MWEIT-M048 - 'Combat IUU fishing'
  • MWEIT-M049 - 'Local management plans for management units'
  • MWEIT-M050 - 'Implementation of the new CFP, the EMFF and the triennial plan'
  • MWEIT-M051 - 'Fisheries management of bivalve molluscs'
  • MWEIT-M061 - 'Implementation of the National Energy Plan'
  • MWEIT-M062 - 'Use of the maritime domain and the territorial sea areas'
  • MWEIT-M063 - 'Minimum requirements to prevent major accidents in offshore operations and limiting the consequences of such accidents in the hydrocarbon sector'
  • MWEIT-M064 - 'Measures concerning the spill of materials from port dredging'
  • MWEIT-M065 - 'Related measures and EIA'
  • MWEIT-M066 - 'Register of vessels authorised to fish under the GFCM Agreement'
  • MWEIT-M089 - 'Measures related to the regulation of approval for the immersion in the sea of excavation seabed materials and dredging'
  • MADIT-M001 - 'Measures related to the management of the Natura 2000 Network sites'
  • MADIT-M002 - 'Planned measures to designate SACs in Natura 2000 sites'
  • MADIT-M003 - 'Measures to protect target species and targeted habitats through the MPAs'
  • MADIT-M004 - 'Planned measures to increase MPAs'
  • MADIT-M005 - 'Measures to protect target habitats through other protected areas'
  • MADIT-M006 - 'Management measures for benthic habitats in the Mediterranean and identification of protected species and habitats'
  • MADIT-M007 - 'Measures to protect fish stocks through other protected areas (wildlife protection areas)'
  • MADIT-M008 - 'Measures to reduce the impact of fishing and protection of pelagic habitats'
  • MADIT-M009 - 'Protective measures for the taking and selling of endangered species through international agreements'
  • MADIT-M010 - 'Measures for incidental catches of cetaceans in fisheries'
  • MADIT-M011 - 'Measures for the conservation of cetaceans in the Mediterranean, under international agreements'
  • MADIT-M012 - 'Directorial Decree of Ministry of Environment, in cooperation with the Ministry of Health, for the establishment of the coordination of the marine mammal stranding national network (ReNaSMM)'
  • MADIT-M013 - 'Measures for the conservation of wild flora and fauna and natural habitats, and the promotion of cooperation between Member States'
  • MADIT-M014 - 'Bird protection measures through the Birds Directive (2009/147/ EC)'
  • MADIT-M015 - 'National and Community measures for the protection of birds'
  • MADIT-M016 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MADIT-M017 - 'Protective measures for benthic habitats associated with the European legislation (planning, impact assessment, river basin management plans)'
  • MADIT-M018 - 'Measures to protect habitats and associated target species under international conventions'
  • MADIT-M019 - 'Measures for the conservation of migratory species of wild animals'
  • MADIT-M020 - 'Regulatory measures for international trade in endangered species'
  • MADIT-M021 - 'International cetacean protection measures'
  • MADIT-M022 - 'Measures to protect biodiversity through European policies'
  • MADIT-M023 - 'Community and international measures for elasmobranch'
  • MADIT-M024 - 'Measures regulating catches of cetaceans, tortoises and common sturgeon'
  • MADIT-M025 - 'National measures for the protection of biodiversity'
  • MADIT-M026 - 'National measures for recovery, rescue custody and management of marine reptiles'
  • MADIT-M027 - 'Measures for coastal land planning'
  • MADIT-M028 - 'Regulatory measures for commercial fishing and the sustainable exploitation of fish stocks'
  • MADIT-M029 - 'Adoption of National Plans of Fleet Management'
  • MADIT-M030-NEW1 - 'Complete the network of Natura 2000 sites at sea and subsequent identification of conservation measures'
  • MADIT-M031-NEW2 - 'Implementation of technical solutions (methodological and instrumental) for the reduction of the phenomenon of collision with cetaceans'
  • MADIT-M032-NEW3 - 'Acquisition, systematisation and standardisation, as well as consistent recognition, with data from monitoring activities implemented, with particular reference to EIA procedures'
  • MADIT-M033-NEW4 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of elasmobranchs from by-catch'
  • MADIT-M034-NEW5 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of cetaceans and sea turtles from by-catch'
  • MADIT-M035-NEW6 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of seabirds from by-catch'
  • MADIT-M036-NEW7 - 'Implementation of awareness-raising and information measures to prevent removal activities and damage to the benthic species and habitats protected'
  • MADIT-M046 - 'Measures related to the monitoring of fishing vessels'
  • MADIT-M047 - 'Combat IUU fishing'
  • MADIT-M048 - 'Implementation of the new CFP, the EMFF and the triennial plan'
  • MADIT-M049 - 'Fisheries management of bivalve molluscs'
  • MADIT-M059 - 'Implementation of the National Energy Plan'
  • MADIT-M060 - 'Use of the maritime domain and the territorial sea areas'
  • MADIT-M061 - 'Minimum requirements to prevent major accidents in offshore operations and limiting the consequences of such accidents in the hydrocarbon sector'
  • MADIT-M062 - 'Measures concerning the spill of materials from port dredging'
  • MADIT-M063 - 'Related measures and EIA'
  • MADIT-M064 - 'Register of vessels authorised to fish under the GFCM Agreement'
  • MADIT-M087 - 'Measures related to the regulation of approval for the immersion in the sea of excavation seabed materials and dredging'
  • MICIT-M001 - 'Measures related to the management of the Natura 2000 Network sites'
  • MICIT-M002 - 'Planned measures to designate SACs in Natura 2000 sites'
  • MICIT-M003 - 'Measures to protect target species and targeted habitats through the MPAs'
  • MICIT-M004 - 'Planned measures to increase MPAs'
  • MICIT-M005 - 'Measures to protect target habitats through other protected areas'
  • MICIT-M006 - 'Management measures for benthic habitats in the Mediterranean and identification of protected species and habitats'
  • MICIT-M007 - 'Measures to protect fish stocks through other protected areas (wildlife protection areas)'
  • MICIT-M008 - 'Measures to reduce the impact of fishing and protection of pelagic habitats'
  • MICIT-M009 - 'Protective measures for the taking and selling of endangered species through international agreements'
  • MICIT-M010 - 'Measures for incidental catches of cetaceans in fisheries'
  • MICIT-M011 - 'Measures for the conservation of cetaceans in the Mediterranean, under international agreements'
  • MICIT-M012 - 'Directorial Decree of Ministry of Environment, in cooperation with the Ministry of Health, for the establishment of the coordination of the marine mammal stranding national network (ReNaSMM)'
  • MICIT-M013 - 'Measures for the conservation of wild flora and fauna and natural habitats, and the promotion of cooperation between Member States'
  • MICIT-M014 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MICIT-M015 - 'National and Community measures for the protection of birds'
  • MICIT-M016 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MICIT-M017 - 'Protective measures for benthic habitats associated with the European legislation (planning, impact assessment, river basin management plans)'
  • MICIT-M018 - 'Measures to protect habitats and associated target species under international conventions'
  • MICIT-M019 - 'Measures for the conservation of migratory species of wild animals'
  • MICIT-M020 - 'Regulatory measures for international trade in endangered species'
  • MICIT-M021 - 'International cetacean protection measures'
  • MICIT-M022 - 'Measures to protect biodiversity through European policies'
  • MICIT-M023 - 'Community and international measures for elasmobranch'
  • MICIT-M024 - 'Measures regulating catches of cetaceans, tortoises and common sturgeon'
  • MICIT-M025 - 'National measures for the protection of biodiversity'
  • MICIT-M026 - 'National measures for recovery, rescue custody and management of marine reptiles'
  • MICIT-M027 - 'Measures for coastal land planning'
  • MICIT-M028 - 'Regulatory measures for commercial fishing and the sustainable exploitation of fish stocks'
  • MICIT-M029 - 'Adoption of National Plans of Fleet Management'
  • MICIT-M030-NEW1 - 'Complete the network of Natura 2000 sites at sea and subsequent identification of conservation measures'
  • MICIT-M031-NEW2 - 'Implementation of technical solutions (methodological and instrumental) for the reduction of the phenomenon of collision with cetaceans'
  • MICIT-M032-NEW3 - 'Acquisition, systematisation and standardisation, as well as consistent recognition, with data from monitoring activities implemented, with particular reference to EIA procedures'
  • MICIT-M033-NEW4 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of elasmobranchs from by-catch'
  • MICIT-M034-NEW5 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of cetaceans and sea turtles from by-catch'
  • MICIT-M035-NEW6 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of seabirds from by-catch'
  • MICIT-M036-NEW7 - 'Implementation of awareness-raising and information measures to prevent removal activities and damage to the benthic species and habitats protected'
  • MICIT-M044 - 'Measures related to the monitoring of fishing vessels'
  • MICIT-M045 - 'Combat IUU fishing'
  • MICIT-M046 - 'Local management plans for management units'
  • MICIT-M047 - 'Implementation of the new CFP, the EMFF and the triennial plan'
  • MICIT-M048 - 'Fisheries management of bivalve molluscs'
  • MICIT-M058 - 'Implementation of the National Energy Plan'
  • MICIT-M059 - 'Use of the maritime domain and the territorial sea areas'
  • MICIT-M060 - 'Minimum requirements to prevent major accidents in offshore operations and limiting the consequences of such accidents in the hydrocarbon sector'
  • MICIT-M061 - 'Measures concerning the spill of materials from port dredging'
  • MICIT-M062 - 'Related measures and EIA'
  • MICIT-M063 - 'Register of vessels authorised to fish under the GFCM Agreement'
  • MWEIT-M001 - 'Measures related to the management of the Natura 2000 Network sites'
  • MWEIT-M002 - 'Planned measures to designate SACs in Natura 2000 sites'
  • MWEIT-M003 - 'Measures to protect target species and targeted habitats through the MPAs'
  • MWEIT-M004 - 'Planned measures to increase MPAs'
  • MWEIT-M005 - 'Measures to protect target habitats through other protected areas'
  • MWEIT-M006 - 'Management measures for benthic habitats in the Mediterranean and identification of protected species and habitats'
  • MWEIT-M007 - 'Measures to protect fish stocks through other protected areas (wildlife protection areas)'
  • MWEIT-M008 - 'Measures to reduce the impact of fishing and protection of pelagic habitats'
  • MWEIT-M009 - 'Ecological protection measures'
  • MWEIT-M010 - 'Protective measures for the taking and selling of endangered species through international agreements'
  • MWEIT-M011 - 'Measures for incidental catches of cetaceans in fisheries'
  • MWEIT-M012 - 'Measures for the conservation of cetaceans in the Mediterranean, under international agreements'
  • MWEIT-M013 - 'Directorial Decree of Ministry of Environment, in cooperation with the Ministry of Health, for the establishment of the coordination of the marine mammal stranding national network (ReNaSMM)'
  • MWEIT-M014 - 'Measures for the conservation of wild flora and fauna and natural habitats, and the promotion of cooperation between Member States'
  • MWEIT-M015 - 'Bird protection measures through the Birds Directive (2009/147/ EC)'
  • MWEIT-M016 - 'National and Community measures for the protection of birds'
  • MWEIT-M017 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MWEIT-M018 - 'Protective measures for benthic habitats associated with the European legislation (planning, impact assessment, river basin management plans)'
  • MWEIT-M019 - 'Measures to protect habitats and associated target species under international conventions'
  • MWEIT-M020 - 'Measures for the conservation of migratory species of wild animals'
  • MWEIT-M021 - 'Regulatory measures for international trade in endangered species'
  • MWEIT-M022 - 'Measures to promote a pilot area for the control of marine pollution along the coastline stretching from Marseille to La Spezia'
  • MWEIT-M023 - 'International cetacean protection measures'
  • MWEIT-M024 - 'Measures to protect biodiversity through European policies'
  • MWEIT-M025 - 'Community and international measures for elasmobranch'
  • MWEIT-M026 - 'Measures regulating catches of cetaceans, tortoises and common sturgeon'
  • MWEIT-M027 - 'Establishment of measures for the International Whale Sanctuary'
  • MWEIT-M028 - 'National measures for the protection of biodiversity'
  • MWEIT-M029 - 'National measures for recovery, rescue custody and management of marine reptiles'
  • MWEIT-M030 - 'Measures for coastal land planning'
  • MWEIT-M031 - 'Regulatory measures for commercial fishing and the sustainable exploitation of fish stocks'
  • MWEIT-M032 - 'Adoption of National Plans of Fleet Management'
  • MWEIT-M033-NEW1 - 'Complete the network of Natura 2000 sites at sea and subsequent identification of conservation measures'
  • MWEIT-M034-NEW2 - 'Implementation of technical solutions (methodological and instrumental) for the reduction of the phenomenon of collision with cetaceans'
  • MWEIT-M035-NEW3 - 'Acquisition, systematisation and standardisation, as well as consistent recognition, with data from monitoring activities implemented, with particular reference to EIA procedures'
  • MWEIT-M036-NEW4 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of elasmobranchs from by-catch'
  • MWEIT-M037-NEW5 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of cetaceans and sea turtles from by-catch'
  • MWEIT-M038-NEW6 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of seabirds from by-catch'
  • MWEIT-M039-NEW7 - 'Implementation of awareness-raising and information measures to prevent removal activities and damage to the benthic species and habitats protected'
  • MWEIT-M047 - 'Measures related to the monitoring of fishing vessels'
  • MWEIT-M048 - 'Combat IUU fishing'
  • MWEIT-M049 - 'Local management plans for management units'
  • MWEIT-M050 - 'Implementation of the new CFP, the EMFF and the triennial plan'
  • MWEIT-M051 - 'Fisheries management of bivalve molluscs'
  • MWEIT-M061 - 'Implementation of the National Energy Plan'
  • MWEIT-M062 - 'Use of the maritime domain and the territorial sea areas'
  • MWEIT-M063 - 'Minimum requirements to prevent major accidents in offshore operations and limiting the consequences of such accidents in the hydrocarbon sector'
  • MWEIT-M064 - 'Measures concerning the spill of materials from port dredging'
  • MWEIT-M065 - 'Related measures and EIA'
  • MWEIT-M066 - 'Register of vessels authorised to fish under the GFCM Agreement'
  • MWEIT-M089 - 'Measures related to the regulation of approval for the immersion in the sea of excavation seabed materials and dredging'
  • MADIT-M001 - 'Measures related to the management of the Natura 2000 Network sites'
  • MADIT-M002 - 'Planned measures to designate SACs in Natura 2000 sites'
  • MADIT-M003 - 'Measures to protect target species and targeted habitats through the MPAs'
  • MADIT-M004 - 'Planned measures to increase MPAs'
  • MADIT-M005 - 'Measures to protect target habitats through other protected areas'
  • MADIT-M006 - 'Management measures for benthic habitats in the Mediterranean and identification of protected species and habitats'
  • MADIT-M007 - 'Measures to protect fish stocks through other protected areas (wildlife protection areas)'
  • MADIT-M008 - 'Measures to reduce the impact of fishing and protection of pelagic habitats'
  • MADIT-M009 - 'Protective measures for the taking and selling of endangered species through international agreements'
  • MADIT-M010 - 'Measures for incidental catches of cetaceans in fisheries'
  • MADIT-M011 - 'Measures for the conservation of cetaceans in the Mediterranean, under international agreements'
  • MADIT-M012 - 'Directorial Decree of Ministry of Environment, in cooperation with the Ministry of Health, for the establishment of the coordination of the marine mammal stranding national network (ReNaSMM)'
  • MADIT-M013 - 'Measures for the conservation of wild flora and fauna and natural habitats, and the promotion of cooperation between Member States'
  • MADIT-M014 - 'Bird protection measures through the Birds Directive (2009/147/ EC)'
  • MADIT-M015 - 'National and Community measures for the protection of birds'
  • MADIT-M016 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MADIT-M017 - 'Protective measures for benthic habitats associated with the European legislation (planning, impact assessment, river basin management plans)'
  • MADIT-M018 - 'Measures to protect habitats and associated target species under international conventions'
  • MADIT-M019 - 'Measures for the conservation of migratory species of wild animals'
  • MADIT-M020 - 'Regulatory measures for international trade in endangered species'
  • MADIT-M021 - 'International cetacean protection measures'
  • MADIT-M022 - 'Measures to protect biodiversity through European policies'
  • MADIT-M023 - 'Community and international measures for elasmobranch'
  • MADIT-M024 - 'Measures regulating catches of cetaceans, tortoises and common sturgeon'
  • MADIT-M025 - 'National measures for the protection of biodiversity'
  • MADIT-M026 - 'National measures for recovery, rescue custody and management of marine reptiles'
  • MADIT-M027 - 'Measures for coastal land planning'
  • MADIT-M028 - 'Regulatory measures for commercial fishing and the sustainable exploitation of fish stocks'
  • MADIT-M029 - 'Adoption of National Plans of Fleet Management'
  • MADIT-M030-NEW1 - 'Complete the network of Natura 2000 sites at sea and subsequent identification of conservation measures'
  • MADIT-M031-NEW2 - 'Implementation of technical solutions (methodological and instrumental) for the reduction of the phenomenon of collision with cetaceans'
  • MADIT-M032-NEW3 - 'Acquisition, systematisation and standardisation, as well as consistent recognition, with data from monitoring activities implemented, with particular reference to EIA procedures'
  • MADIT-M033-NEW4 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of elasmobranchs from by-catch'
  • MADIT-M034-NEW5 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of cetaceans and sea turtles from by-catch'
  • MADIT-M035-NEW6 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of seabirds from by-catch'
  • MADIT-M036-NEW7 - 'Implementation of awareness-raising and information measures to prevent removal activities and damage to the benthic species and habitats protected'
  • MADIT-M046 - 'Measures related to the monitoring of fishing vessels'
  • MADIT-M047 - 'Combat IUU fishing'
  • MADIT-M048 - 'Implementation of the new CFP, the EMFF and the triennial plan'
  • MADIT-M049 - 'Fisheries management of bivalve molluscs'
  • MADIT-M059 - 'Implementation of the National Energy Plan'
  • MADIT-M060 - 'Use of the maritime domain and the territorial sea areas'
  • MADIT-M061 - 'Minimum requirements to prevent major accidents in offshore operations and limiting the consequences of such accidents in the hydrocarbon sector'
  • MADIT-M062 - 'Measures concerning the spill of materials from port dredging'
  • MADIT-M063 - 'Related measures and EIA'
  • MADIT-M064 - 'Register of vessels authorised to fish under the GFCM Agreement'
  • MADIT-M087 - 'Measures related to the regulation of approval for the immersion in the sea of excavation seabed materials and dredging'
  • MICIT-M001 - 'Measures related to the management of the Natura 2000 Network sites'
  • MICIT-M002 - 'Planned measures to designate SACs in Natura 2000 sites'
  • MICIT-M003 - 'Measures to protect target species and targeted habitats through the MPAs'
  • MICIT-M004 - 'Planned measures to increase MPAs'
  • MICIT-M005 - 'Measures to protect target habitats through other protected areas'
  • MICIT-M006 - 'Management measures for benthic habitats in the Mediterranean and identification of protected species and habitats'
  • MICIT-M007 - 'Measures to protect fish stocks through other protected areas (wildlife protection areas)'
  • MICIT-M008 - 'Measures to reduce the impact of fishing and protection of pelagic habitats'
  • MICIT-M009 - 'Protective measures for the taking and selling of endangered species through international agreements'
  • MICIT-M010 - 'Measures for incidental catches of cetaceans in fisheries'
  • MICIT-M011 - 'Measures for the conservation of cetaceans in the Mediterranean, under international agreements'
  • MICIT-M012 - 'Directorial Decree of Ministry of Environment, in cooperation with the Ministry of Health, for the establishment of the coordination of the marine mammal stranding national network (ReNaSMM)'
  • MICIT-M013 - 'Measures for the conservation of wild flora and fauna and natural habitats, and the promotion of cooperation between Member States'
  • MICIT-M014 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MICIT-M015 - 'National and Community measures for the protection of birds'
  • MICIT-M016 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MICIT-M017 - 'Protective measures for benthic habitats associated with the European legislation (planning, impact assessment, river basin management plans)'
  • MICIT-M018 - 'Measures to protect habitats and associated target species under international conventions'
  • MICIT-M019 - 'Measures for the conservation of migratory species of wild animals'
  • MICIT-M020 - 'Regulatory measures for international trade in endangered species'
  • MICIT-M021 - 'International cetacean protection measures'
  • MICIT-M022 - 'Measures to protect biodiversity through European policies'
  • MICIT-M023 - 'Community and international measures for elasmobranch'
  • MICIT-M024 - 'Measures regulating catches of cetaceans, tortoises and common sturgeon'
  • MICIT-M025 - 'National measures for the protection of biodiversity'
  • MICIT-M026 - 'National measures for recovery, rescue custody and management of marine reptiles'
  • MICIT-M027 - 'Measures for coastal land planning'
  • MICIT-M028 - 'Regulatory measures for commercial fishing and the sustainable exploitation of fish stocks'
  • MICIT-M029 - 'Adoption of National Plans of Fleet Management'
  • MICIT-M030-NEW1 - 'Complete the network of Natura 2000 sites at sea and subsequent identification of conservation measures'
  • MICIT-M031-NEW2 - 'Implementation of technical solutions (methodological and instrumental) for the reduction of the phenomenon of collision with cetaceans'
  • MICIT-M032-NEW3 - 'Acquisition, systematisation and standardisation, as well as consistent recognition, with data from monitoring activities implemented, with particular reference to EIA procedures'
  • MICIT-M033-NEW4 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of elasmobranchs from by-catch'
  • MICIT-M034-NEW5 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of cetaceans and sea turtles from by-catch'
  • MICIT-M035-NEW6 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of seabirds from by-catch'
  • MICIT-M036-NEW7 - 'Implementation of awareness-raising and information measures to prevent removal activities and damage to the benthic species and habitats protected'
  • MICIT-M044 - 'Measures related to the monitoring of fishing vessels'
  • MICIT-M045 - 'Combat IUU fishing'
  • MICIT-M046 - 'Local management plans for management units'
  • MICIT-M047 - 'Implementation of the new CFP, the EMFF and the triennial plan'
  • MICIT-M048 - 'Fisheries management of bivalve molluscs'
  • MICIT-M058 - 'Implementation of the National Energy Plan'
  • MICIT-M059 - 'Use of the maritime domain and the territorial sea areas'
  • MICIT-M060 - 'Minimum requirements to prevent major accidents in offshore operations and limiting the consequences of such accidents in the hydrocarbon sector'
  • MICIT-M061 - 'Measures concerning the spill of materials from port dredging'
  • MICIT-M062 - 'Related measures and EIA'
  • MICIT-M063 - 'Register of vessels authorised to fish under the GFCM Agreement'
  • MWEIT-M001 - 'Measures related to the management of the Natura 2000 Network sites'
  • MWEIT-M002 - 'Planned measures to designate SACs in Natura 2000 sites'
  • MWEIT-M003 - 'Measures to protect target species and targeted habitats through the MPAs'
  • MWEIT-M004 - 'Planned measures to increase MPAs'
  • MWEIT-M005 - 'Measures to protect target habitats through other protected areas'
  • MWEIT-M006 - 'Management measures for benthic habitats in the Mediterranean and identification of protected species and habitats'
  • MWEIT-M007 - 'Measures to protect fish stocks through other protected areas (wildlife protection areas)'
  • MWEIT-M008 - 'Measures to reduce the impact of fishing and protection of pelagic habitats'
  • MWEIT-M009 - 'Ecological protection measures'
  • MWEIT-M010 - 'Protective measures for the taking and selling of endangered species through international agreements'
  • MWEIT-M011 - 'Measures for incidental catches of cetaceans in fisheries'
  • MWEIT-M012 - 'Measures for the conservation of cetaceans in the Mediterranean, under international agreements'
  • MWEIT-M013 - 'Directorial Decree of Ministry of Environment, in cooperation with the Ministry of Health, for the establishment of the coordination of the marine mammal stranding national network (ReNaSMM)'
  • MWEIT-M014 - 'Measures for the conservation of wild flora and fauna and natural habitats, and the promotion of cooperation between Member States'
  • MWEIT-M015 - 'Bird protection measures through the Birds Directive (2009/147/ EC)'
  • MWEIT-M016 - 'National and Community measures for the protection of birds'
  • MWEIT-M017 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MWEIT-M018 - 'Protective measures for benthic habitats associated with the European legislation (planning, impact assessment, river basin management plans)'
  • MWEIT-M019 - 'Measures to protect habitats and associated target species under international conventions'
  • MWEIT-M020 - 'Measures for the conservation of migratory species of wild animals'
  • MWEIT-M021 - 'Regulatory measures for international trade in endangered species'
  • MWEIT-M022 - 'Measures to promote a pilot area for the control of marine pollution along the coastline stretching from Marseille to La Spezia'
  • MWEIT-M023 - 'International cetacean protection measures'
  • MWEIT-M024 - 'Measures to protect biodiversity through European policies'
  • MWEIT-M025 - 'Community and international measures for elasmobranch'
  • MWEIT-M026 - 'Measures regulating catches of cetaceans, tortoises and common sturgeon'
  • MWEIT-M027 - 'Establishment of measures for the International Whale Sanctuary'
  • MWEIT-M028 - 'National measures for the protection of biodiversity'
  • MWEIT-M029 - 'National measures for recovery, rescue custody and management of marine reptiles'
  • MWEIT-M030 - 'Measures for coastal land planning'
  • MWEIT-M031 - 'Regulatory measures for commercial fishing and the sustainable exploitation of fish stocks'
  • MWEIT-M032 - 'Adoption of National Plans of Fleet Management'
  • MWEIT-M033-NEW1 - 'Complete the network of Natura 2000 sites at sea and subsequent identification of conservation measures'
  • MWEIT-M034-NEW2 - 'Implementation of technical solutions (methodological and instrumental) for the reduction of the phenomenon of collision with cetaceans'
  • MWEIT-M035-NEW3 - 'Acquisition, systematisation and standardisation, as well as consistent recognition, with data from monitoring activities implemented, with particular reference to EIA procedures'
  • MWEIT-M036-NEW4 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of elasmobranchs from by-catch'
  • MWEIT-M037-NEW5 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of cetaceans and sea turtles from by-catch'
  • MWEIT-M038-NEW6 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of seabirds from by-catch'
  • MWEIT-M039-NEW7 - 'Implementation of awareness-raising and information measures to prevent removal activities and damage to the benthic species and habitats protected'
  • MWEIT-M047 - 'Measures related to the monitoring of fishing vessels'
  • MWEIT-M048 - 'Combat IUU fishing'
  • MWEIT-M049 - 'Local management plans for management units'
  • MWEIT-M050 - 'Implementation of the new CFP, the EMFF and the triennial plan'
  • MWEIT-M051 - 'Fisheries management of bivalve molluscs'
  • MWEIT-M061 - 'Implementation of the National Energy Plan'
  • MWEIT-M062 - 'Use of the maritime domain and the territorial sea areas'
  • MWEIT-M063 - 'Minimum requirements to prevent major accidents in offshore operations and limiting the consequences of such accidents in the hydrocarbon sector'
  • MWEIT-M064 - 'Measures concerning the spill of materials from port dredging'
  • MWEIT-M065 - 'Related measures and EIA'
  • MWEIT-M066 - 'Register of vessels authorised to fish under the GFCM Agreement'
  • MWEIT-M089 - 'Measures related to the regulation of approval for the immersion in the sea of excavation seabed materials and dredging'
  • MADIT-M001 - 'Measures related to the management of the Natura 2000 Network sites'
  • MADIT-M002 - 'Planned measures to designate SACs in Natura 2000 sites'
  • MADIT-M003 - 'Measures to protect target species and targeted habitats through the MPAs'
  • MADIT-M004 - 'Planned measures to increase MPAs'
  • MADIT-M005 - 'Measures to protect target habitats through other protected areas'
  • MADIT-M006 - 'Management measures for benthic habitats in the Mediterranean and identification of protected species and habitats'
  • MADIT-M007 - 'Measures to protect fish stocks through other protected areas (wildlife protection areas)'
  • MADIT-M008 - 'Measures to reduce the impact of fishing and protection of pelagic habitats'
  • MADIT-M009 - 'Protective measures for the taking and selling of endangered species through international agreements'
  • MADIT-M010 - 'Measures for incidental catches of cetaceans in fisheries'
  • MADIT-M011 - 'Measures for the conservation of cetaceans in the Mediterranean, under international agreements'
  • MADIT-M012 - 'Directorial Decree of Ministry of Environment, in cooperation with the Ministry of Health, for the establishment of the coordination of the marine mammal stranding national network (ReNaSMM)'
  • MADIT-M013 - 'Measures for the conservation of wild flora and fauna and natural habitats, and the promotion of cooperation between Member States'
  • MADIT-M014 - 'Bird protection measures through the Birds Directive (2009/147/ EC)'
  • MADIT-M015 - 'National and Community measures for the protection of birds'
  • MADIT-M016 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MADIT-M017 - 'Protective measures for benthic habitats associated with the European legislation (planning, impact assessment, river basin management plans)'
  • MADIT-M018 - 'Measures to protect habitats and associated target species under international conventions'
  • MADIT-M019 - 'Measures for the conservation of migratory species of wild animals'
  • MADIT-M020 - 'Regulatory measures for international trade in endangered species'
  • MADIT-M021 - 'International cetacean protection measures'
  • MADIT-M022 - 'Measures to protect biodiversity through European policies'
  • MADIT-M023 - 'Community and international measures for elasmobranch'
  • MADIT-M024 - 'Measures regulating catches of cetaceans, tortoises and common sturgeon'
  • MADIT-M025 - 'National measures for the protection of biodiversity'
  • MADIT-M026 - 'National measures for recovery, rescue custody and management of marine reptiles'
  • MADIT-M027 - 'Measures for coastal land planning'
  • MADIT-M028 - 'Regulatory measures for commercial fishing and the sustainable exploitation of fish stocks'
  • MADIT-M029 - 'Adoption of National Plans of Fleet Management'
  • MADIT-M030-NEW1 - 'Complete the network of Natura 2000 sites at sea and subsequent identification of conservation measures'
  • MADIT-M031-NEW2 - 'Implementation of technical solutions (methodological and instrumental) for the reduction of the phenomenon of collision with cetaceans'
  • MADIT-M032-NEW3 - 'Acquisition, systematisation and standardisation, as well as consistent recognition, with data from monitoring activities implemented, with particular reference to EIA procedures'
  • MADIT-M033-NEW4 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of elasmobranchs from by-catch'
  • MADIT-M034-NEW5 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of cetaceans and sea turtles from by-catch'
  • MADIT-M035-NEW6 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of seabirds from by-catch'
  • MADIT-M036-NEW7 - 'Implementation of awareness-raising and information measures to prevent removal activities and damage to the benthic species and habitats protected'
  • MADIT-M046 - 'Measures related to the monitoring of fishing vessels'
  • MADIT-M047 - 'Combat IUU fishing'
  • MADIT-M048 - 'Implementation of the new CFP, the EMFF and the triennial plan'
  • MADIT-M049 - 'Fisheries management of bivalve molluscs'
  • MADIT-M059 - 'Implementation of the National Energy Plan'
  • MADIT-M060 - 'Use of the maritime domain and the territorial sea areas'
  • MADIT-M061 - 'Minimum requirements to prevent major accidents in offshore operations and limiting the consequences of such accidents in the hydrocarbon sector'
  • MADIT-M062 - 'Measures concerning the spill of materials from port dredging'
  • MADIT-M063 - 'Related measures and EIA'
  • MADIT-M064 - 'Register of vessels authorised to fish under the GFCM Agreement'
  • MADIT-M087 - 'Measures related to the regulation of approval for the immersion in the sea of excavation seabed materials and dredging'
  • MICIT-M001 - 'Measures related to the management of the Natura 2000 Network sites'
  • MICIT-M002 - 'Planned measures to designate SACs in Natura 2000 sites'
  • MICIT-M003 - 'Measures to protect target species and targeted habitats through the MPAs'
  • MICIT-M004 - 'Planned measures to increase MPAs'
  • MICIT-M005 - 'Measures to protect target habitats through other protected areas'
  • MICIT-M006 - 'Management measures for benthic habitats in the Mediterranean and identification of protected species and habitats'
  • MICIT-M007 - 'Measures to protect fish stocks through other protected areas (wildlife protection areas)'
  • MICIT-M008 - 'Measures to reduce the impact of fishing and protection of pelagic habitats'
  • MICIT-M009 - 'Protective measures for the taking and selling of endangered species through international agreements'
  • MICIT-M010 - 'Measures for incidental catches of cetaceans in fisheries'
  • MICIT-M011 - 'Measures for the conservation of cetaceans in the Mediterranean, under international agreements'
  • MICIT-M012 - 'Directorial Decree of Ministry of Environment, in cooperation with the Ministry of Health, for the establishment of the coordination of the marine mammal stranding national network (ReNaSMM)'
  • MICIT-M013 - 'Measures for the conservation of wild flora and fauna and natural habitats, and the promotion of cooperation between Member States'
  • MICIT-M014 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MICIT-M015 - 'National and Community measures for the protection of birds'
  • MICIT-M016 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MICIT-M017 - 'Protective measures for benthic habitats associated with the European legislation (planning, impact assessment, river basin management plans)'
  • MICIT-M018 - 'Measures to protect habitats and associated target species under international conventions'
  • MICIT-M019 - 'Measures for the conservation of migratory species of wild animals'
  • MICIT-M020 - 'Regulatory measures for international trade in endangered species'
  • MICIT-M021 - 'International cetacean protection measures'
  • MICIT-M022 - 'Measures to protect biodiversity through European policies'
  • MICIT-M023 - 'Community and international measures for elasmobranch'
  • MICIT-M024 - 'Measures regulating catches of cetaceans, tortoises and common sturgeon'
  • MICIT-M025 - 'National measures for the protection of biodiversity'
  • MICIT-M026 - 'National measures for recovery, rescue custody and management of marine reptiles'
  • MICIT-M027 - 'Measures for coastal land planning'
  • MICIT-M028 - 'Regulatory measures for commercial fishing and the sustainable exploitation of fish stocks'
  • MICIT-M029 - 'Adoption of National Plans of Fleet Management'
  • MICIT-M030-NEW1 - 'Complete the network of Natura 2000 sites at sea and subsequent identification of conservation measures'
  • MICIT-M031-NEW2 - 'Implementation of technical solutions (methodological and instrumental) for the reduction of the phenomenon of collision with cetaceans'
  • MICIT-M032-NEW3 - 'Acquisition, systematisation and standardisation, as well as consistent recognition, with data from monitoring activities implemented, with particular reference to EIA procedures'
  • MICIT-M033-NEW4 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of elasmobranchs from by-catch'
  • MICIT-M034-NEW5 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of cetaceans and sea turtles from by-catch'
  • MICIT-M035-NEW6 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of seabirds from by-catch'
  • MICIT-M036-NEW7 - 'Implementation of awareness-raising and information measures to prevent removal activities and damage to the benthic species and habitats protected'
  • MICIT-M044 - 'Measures related to the monitoring of fishing vessels'
  • MICIT-M045 - 'Combat IUU fishing'
  • MICIT-M046 - 'Local management plans for management units'
  • MICIT-M047 - 'Implementation of the new CFP, the EMFF and the triennial plan'
  • MICIT-M048 - 'Fisheries management of bivalve molluscs'
  • MICIT-M058 - 'Implementation of the National Energy Plan'
  • MICIT-M059 - 'Use of the maritime domain and the territorial sea areas'
  • MICIT-M060 - 'Minimum requirements to prevent major accidents in offshore operations and limiting the consequences of such accidents in the hydrocarbon sector'
  • MICIT-M061 - 'Measures concerning the spill of materials from port dredging'
  • MICIT-M062 - 'Related measures and EIA'
  • MICIT-M063 - 'Register of vessels authorised to fish under the GFCM Agreement'
  • MWEIT-M001 - 'Measures related to the management of the Natura 2000 Network sites'
  • MWEIT-M002 - 'Planned measures to designate SACs in Natura 2000 sites'
  • MWEIT-M003 - 'Measures to protect target species and targeted habitats through the MPAs'
  • MWEIT-M004 - 'Planned measures to increase MPAs'
  • MWEIT-M005 - 'Measures to protect target habitats through other protected areas'
  • MWEIT-M006 - 'Management measures for benthic habitats in the Mediterranean and identification of protected species and habitats'
  • MWEIT-M007 - 'Measures to protect fish stocks through other protected areas (wildlife protection areas)'
  • MWEIT-M008 - 'Measures to reduce the impact of fishing and protection of pelagic habitats'
  • MWEIT-M009 - 'Ecological protection measures'
  • MWEIT-M010 - 'Protective measures for the taking and selling of endangered species through international agreements'
  • MWEIT-M011 - 'Measures for incidental catches of cetaceans in fisheries'
  • MWEIT-M012 - 'Measures for the conservation of cetaceans in the Mediterranean, under international agreements'
  • MWEIT-M013 - 'Directorial Decree of Ministry of Environment, in cooperation with the Ministry of Health, for the establishment of the coordination of the marine mammal stranding national network (ReNaSMM)'
  • MWEIT-M014 - 'Measures for the conservation of wild flora and fauna and natural habitats, and the promotion of cooperation between Member States'
  • MWEIT-M015 - 'Bird protection measures through the Birds Directive (2009/147/ EC)'
  • MWEIT-M016 - 'National and Community measures for the protection of birds'
  • MWEIT-M017 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MWEIT-M018 - 'Protective measures for benthic habitats associated with the European legislation (planning, impact assessment, river basin management plans)'
  • MWEIT-M019 - 'Measures to protect habitats and associated target species under international conventions'
  • MWEIT-M020 - 'Measures for the conservation of migratory species of wild animals'
  • MWEIT-M021 - 'Regulatory measures for international trade in endangered species'
  • MWEIT-M022 - 'Measures to promote a pilot area for the control of marine pollution along the coastline stretching from Marseille to La Spezia'
  • MWEIT-M023 - 'International cetacean protection measures'
  • MWEIT-M024 - 'Measures to protect biodiversity through European policies'
  • MWEIT-M025 - 'Community and international measures for elasmobranch'
  • MWEIT-M026 - 'Measures regulating catches of cetaceans, tortoises and common sturgeon'
  • MWEIT-M027 - 'Establishment of measures for the International Whale Sanctuary'
  • MWEIT-M028 - 'National measures for the protection of biodiversity'
  • MWEIT-M029 - 'National measures for recovery, rescue custody and management of marine reptiles'
  • MWEIT-M030 - 'Measures for coastal land planning'
  • MWEIT-M031 - 'Regulatory measures for commercial fishing and the sustainable exploitation of fish stocks'
  • MWEIT-M032 - 'Adoption of National Plans of Fleet Management'
  • MWEIT-M033-NEW1 - 'Complete the network of Natura 2000 sites at sea and subsequent identification of conservation measures'
  • MWEIT-M034-NEW2 - 'Implementation of technical solutions (methodological and instrumental) for the reduction of the phenomenon of collision with cetaceans'
  • MWEIT-M035-NEW3 - 'Acquisition, systematisation and standardisation, as well as consistent recognition, with data from monitoring activities implemented, with particular reference to EIA procedures'
  • MWEIT-M036-NEW4 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of elasmobranchs from by-catch'
  • MWEIT-M037-NEW5 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of cetaceans and sea turtles from by-catch'
  • MWEIT-M038-NEW6 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of seabirds from by-catch'
  • MWEIT-M039-NEW7 - 'Implementation of awareness-raising and information measures to prevent removal activities and damage to the benthic species and habitats protected'
  • MWEIT-M047 - 'Measures related to the monitoring of fishing vessels'
  • MWEIT-M048 - 'Combat IUU fishing'
  • MWEIT-M049 - 'Local management plans for management units'
  • MWEIT-M050 - 'Implementation of the new CFP, the EMFF and the triennial plan'
  • MWEIT-M051 - 'Fisheries management of bivalve molluscs'
  • MWEIT-M061 - 'Implementation of the National Energy Plan'
  • MWEIT-M062 - 'Use of the maritime domain and the territorial sea areas'
  • MWEIT-M063 - 'Minimum requirements to prevent major accidents in offshore operations and limiting the consequences of such accidents in the hydrocarbon sector'
  • MWEIT-M064 - 'Measures concerning the spill of materials from port dredging'
  • MWEIT-M065 - 'Related measures and EIA'
  • MWEIT-M066 - 'Register of vessels authorised to fish under the GFCM Agreement'
  • MWEIT-M089 - 'Measures related to the regulation of approval for the immersion in the sea of excavation seabed materials and dredging'
  • MADIT-M001 - 'Measures related to the management of the Natura 2000 Network sites'
  • MADIT-M002 - 'Planned measures to designate SACs in Natura 2000 sites'
  • MADIT-M003 - 'Measures to protect target species and targeted habitats through the MPAs'
  • MADIT-M004 - 'Planned measures to increase MPAs'
  • MADIT-M005 - 'Measures to protect target habitats through other protected areas'
  • MADIT-M006 - 'Management measures for benthic habitats in the Mediterranean and identification of protected species and habitats'
  • MADIT-M007 - 'Measures to protect fish stocks through other protected areas (wildlife protection areas)'
  • MADIT-M008 - 'Measures to reduce the impact of fishing and protection of pelagic habitats'
  • MADIT-M009 - 'Protective measures for the taking and selling of endangered species through international agreements'
  • MADIT-M010 - 'Measures for incidental catches of cetaceans in fisheries'
  • MADIT-M011 - 'Measures for the conservation of cetaceans in the Mediterranean, under international agreements'
  • MADIT-M012 - 'Directorial Decree of Ministry of Environment, in cooperation with the Ministry of Health, for the establishment of the coordination of the marine mammal stranding national network (ReNaSMM)'
  • MADIT-M013 - 'Measures for the conservation of wild flora and fauna and natural habitats, and the promotion of cooperation between Member States'
  • MADIT-M014 - 'Bird protection measures through the Birds Directive (2009/147/ EC)'
  • MADIT-M015 - 'National and Community measures for the protection of birds'
  • MADIT-M016 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MADIT-M017 - 'Protective measures for benthic habitats associated with the European legislation (planning, impact assessment, river basin management plans)'
  • MADIT-M018 - 'Measures to protect habitats and associated target species under international conventions'
  • MADIT-M019 - 'Measures for the conservation of migratory species of wild animals'
  • MADIT-M020 - 'Regulatory measures for international trade in endangered species'
  • MADIT-M021 - 'International cetacean protection measures'
  • MADIT-M022 - 'Measures to protect biodiversity through European policies'
  • MADIT-M023 - 'Community and international measures for elasmobranch'
  • MADIT-M024 - 'Measures regulating catches of cetaceans, tortoises and common sturgeon'
  • MADIT-M025 - 'National measures for the protection of biodiversity'
  • MADIT-M026 - 'National measures for recovery, rescue custody and management of marine reptiles'
  • MADIT-M027 - 'Measures for coastal land planning'
  • MADIT-M028 - 'Regulatory measures for commercial fishing and the sustainable exploitation of fish stocks'
  • MADIT-M029 - 'Adoption of National Plans of Fleet Management'
  • MADIT-M030-NEW1 - 'Complete the network of Natura 2000 sites at sea and subsequent identification of conservation measures'
  • MADIT-M031-NEW2 - 'Implementation of technical solutions (methodological and instrumental) for the reduction of the phenomenon of collision with cetaceans'
  • MADIT-M032-NEW3 - 'Acquisition, systematisation and standardisation, as well as consistent recognition, with data from monitoring activities implemented, with particular reference to EIA procedures'
  • MADIT-M033-NEW4 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of elasmobranchs from by-catch'
  • MADIT-M034-NEW5 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of cetaceans and sea turtles from by-catch'
  • MADIT-M035-NEW6 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of seabirds from by-catch'
  • MADIT-M036-NEW7 - 'Implementation of awareness-raising and information measures to prevent removal activities and damage to the benthic species and habitats protected'
  • MADIT-M046 - 'Measures related to the monitoring of fishing vessels'
  • MADIT-M047 - 'Combat IUU fishing'
  • MADIT-M048 - 'Implementation of the new CFP, the EMFF and the triennial plan'
  • MADIT-M049 - 'Fisheries management of bivalve molluscs'
  • MADIT-M059 - 'Implementation of the National Energy Plan'
  • MADIT-M060 - 'Use of the maritime domain and the territorial sea areas'
  • MADIT-M061 - 'Minimum requirements to prevent major accidents in offshore operations and limiting the consequences of such accidents in the hydrocarbon sector'
  • MADIT-M062 - 'Measures concerning the spill of materials from port dredging'
  • MADIT-M063 - 'Related measures and EIA'
  • MADIT-M064 - 'Register of vessels authorised to fish under the GFCM Agreement'
  • MADIT-M087 - 'Measures related to the regulation of approval for the immersion in the sea of excavation seabed materials and dredging'
  • MICIT-M001 - 'Measures related to the management of the Natura 2000 Network sites'
  • MICIT-M002 - 'Planned measures to designate SACs in Natura 2000 sites'
  • MICIT-M003 - 'Measures to protect target species and targeted habitats through the MPAs'
  • MICIT-M004 - 'Planned measures to increase MPAs'
  • MICIT-M005 - 'Measures to protect target habitats through other protected areas'
  • MICIT-M006 - 'Management measures for benthic habitats in the Mediterranean and identification of protected species and habitats'
  • MICIT-M007 - 'Measures to protect fish stocks through other protected areas (wildlife protection areas)'
  • MICIT-M008 - 'Measures to reduce the impact of fishing and protection of pelagic habitats'
  • MICIT-M009 - 'Protective measures for the taking and selling of endangered species through international agreements'
  • MICIT-M010 - 'Measures for incidental catches of cetaceans in fisheries'
  • MICIT-M011 - 'Measures for the conservation of cetaceans in the Mediterranean, under international agreements'
  • MICIT-M012 - 'Directorial Decree of Ministry of Environment, in cooperation with the Ministry of Health, for the establishment of the coordination of the marine mammal stranding national network (ReNaSMM)'
  • MICIT-M013 - 'Measures for the conservation of wild flora and fauna and natural habitats, and the promotion of cooperation between Member States'
  • MICIT-M014 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MICIT-M015 - 'National and Community measures for the protection of birds'
  • MICIT-M016 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MICIT-M017 - 'Protective measures for benthic habitats associated with the European legislation (planning, impact assessment, river basin management plans)'
  • MICIT-M018 - 'Measures to protect habitats and associated target species under international conventions'
  • MICIT-M019 - 'Measures for the conservation of migratory species of wild animals'
  • MICIT-M020 - 'Regulatory measures for international trade in endangered species'
  • MICIT-M021 - 'International cetacean protection measures'
  • MICIT-M022 - 'Measures to protect biodiversity through European policies'
  • MICIT-M023 - 'Community and international measures for elasmobranch'
  • MICIT-M024 - 'Measures regulating catches of cetaceans, tortoises and common sturgeon'
  • MICIT-M025 - 'National measures for the protection of biodiversity'
  • MICIT-M026 - 'National measures for recovery, rescue custody and management of marine reptiles'
  • MICIT-M027 - 'Measures for coastal land planning'
  • MICIT-M028 - 'Regulatory measures for commercial fishing and the sustainable exploitation of fish stocks'
  • MICIT-M029 - 'Adoption of National Plans of Fleet Management'
  • MICIT-M030-NEW1 - 'Complete the network of Natura 2000 sites at sea and subsequent identification of conservation measures'
  • MICIT-M031-NEW2 - 'Implementation of technical solutions (methodological and instrumental) for the reduction of the phenomenon of collision with cetaceans'
  • MICIT-M032-NEW3 - 'Acquisition, systematisation and standardisation, as well as consistent recognition, with data from monitoring activities implemented, with particular reference to EIA procedures'
  • MICIT-M033-NEW4 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of elasmobranchs from by-catch'
  • MICIT-M034-NEW5 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of cetaceans and sea turtles from by-catch'
  • MICIT-M035-NEW6 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of seabirds from by-catch'
  • MICIT-M036-NEW7 - 'Implementation of awareness-raising and information measures to prevent removal activities and damage to the benthic species and habitats protected'
  • MICIT-M044 - 'Measures related to the monitoring of fishing vessels'
  • MICIT-M045 - 'Combat IUU fishing'
  • MICIT-M046 - 'Local management plans for management units'
  • MICIT-M047 - 'Implementation of the new CFP, the EMFF and the triennial plan'
  • MICIT-M048 - 'Fisheries management of bivalve molluscs'
  • MICIT-M058 - 'Implementation of the National Energy Plan'
  • MICIT-M059 - 'Use of the maritime domain and the territorial sea areas'
  • MICIT-M060 - 'Minimum requirements to prevent major accidents in offshore operations and limiting the consequences of such accidents in the hydrocarbon sector'
  • MICIT-M061 - 'Measures concerning the spill of materials from port dredging'
  • MICIT-M062 - 'Related measures and EIA'
  • MICIT-M063 - 'Register of vessels authorised to fish under the GFCM Agreement'
  • MWEIT-M001 - 'Measures related to the management of the Natura 2000 Network sites'
  • MWEIT-M002 - 'Planned measures to designate SACs in Natura 2000 sites'
  • MWEIT-M003 - 'Measures to protect target species and targeted habitats through the MPAs'
  • MWEIT-M004 - 'Planned measures to increase MPAs'
  • MWEIT-M005 - 'Measures to protect target habitats through other protected areas'
  • MWEIT-M006 - 'Management measures for benthic habitats in the Mediterranean and identification of protected species and habitats'
  • MWEIT-M007 - 'Measures to protect fish stocks through other protected areas (wildlife protection areas)'
  • MWEIT-M008 - 'Measures to reduce the impact of fishing and protection of pelagic habitats'
  • MWEIT-M009 - 'Ecological protection measures'
  • MWEIT-M010 - 'Protective measures for the taking and selling of endangered species through international agreements'
  • MWEIT-M011 - 'Measures for incidental catches of cetaceans in fisheries'
  • MWEIT-M012 - 'Measures for the conservation of cetaceans in the Mediterranean, under international agreements'
  • MWEIT-M013 - 'Directorial Decree of Ministry of Environment, in cooperation with the Ministry of Health, for the establishment of the coordination of the marine mammal stranding national network (ReNaSMM)'
  • MWEIT-M014 - 'Measures for the conservation of wild flora and fauna and natural habitats, and the promotion of cooperation between Member States'
  • MWEIT-M015 - 'Bird protection measures through the Birds Directive (2009/147/ EC)'
  • MWEIT-M016 - 'National and Community measures for the protection of birds'
  • MWEIT-M017 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MWEIT-M018 - 'Protective measures for benthic habitats associated with the European legislation (planning, impact assessment, river basin management plans)'
  • MWEIT-M019 - 'Measures to protect habitats and associated target species under international conventions'
  • MWEIT-M020 - 'Measures for the conservation of migratory species of wild animals'
  • MWEIT-M021 - 'Regulatory measures for international trade in endangered species'
  • MWEIT-M022 - 'Measures to promote a pilot area for the control of marine pollution along the coastline stretching from Marseille to La Spezia'
  • MWEIT-M023 - 'International cetacean protection measures'
  • MWEIT-M024 - 'Measures to protect biodiversity through European policies'
  • MWEIT-M025 - 'Community and international measures for elasmobranch'
  • MWEIT-M026 - 'Measures regulating catches of cetaceans, tortoises and common sturgeon'
  • MWEIT-M027 - 'Establishment of measures for the International Whale Sanctuary'
  • MWEIT-M028 - 'National measures for the protection of biodiversity'
  • MWEIT-M029 - 'National measures for recovery, rescue custody and management of marine reptiles'
  • MWEIT-M030 - 'Measures for coastal land planning'
  • MWEIT-M031 - 'Regulatory measures for commercial fishing and the sustainable exploitation of fish stocks'
  • MWEIT-M032 - 'Adoption of National Plans of Fleet Management'
  • MWEIT-M033-NEW1 - 'Complete the network of Natura 2000 sites at sea and subsequent identification of conservation measures'
  • MWEIT-M034-NEW2 - 'Implementation of technical solutions (methodological and instrumental) for the reduction of the phenomenon of collision with cetaceans'
  • MWEIT-M035-NEW3 - 'Acquisition, systematisation and standardisation, as well as consistent recognition, with data from monitoring activities implemented, with particular reference to EIA procedures'
  • MWEIT-M036-NEW4 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of elasmobranchs from by-catch'
  • MWEIT-M037-NEW5 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of cetaceans and sea turtles from by-catch'
  • MWEIT-M038-NEW6 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of seabirds from by-catch'
  • MWEIT-M039-NEW7 - 'Implementation of awareness-raising and information measures to prevent removal activities and damage to the benthic species and habitats protected'
  • MWEIT-M047 - 'Measures related to the monitoring of fishing vessels'
  • MWEIT-M048 - 'Combat IUU fishing'
  • MWEIT-M049 - 'Local management plans for management units'
  • MWEIT-M050 - 'Implementation of the new CFP, the EMFF and the triennial plan'
  • MWEIT-M051 - 'Fisheries management of bivalve molluscs'
  • MWEIT-M061 - 'Implementation of the National Energy Plan'
  • MWEIT-M062 - 'Use of the maritime domain and the territorial sea areas'
  • MWEIT-M063 - 'Minimum requirements to prevent major accidents in offshore operations and limiting the consequences of such accidents in the hydrocarbon sector'
  • MWEIT-M064 - 'Measures concerning the spill of materials from port dredging'
  • MWEIT-M065 - 'Related measures and EIA'
  • MWEIT-M066 - 'Register of vessels authorised to fish under the GFCM Agreement'
  • MWEIT-M089 - 'Measures related to the regulation of approval for the immersion in the sea of excavation seabed materials and dredging'
  • MADIT-M001 - 'Measures related to the management of the Natura 2000 Network sites'
  • MADIT-M002 - 'Planned measures to designate SACs in Natura 2000 sites'
  • MADIT-M003 - 'Measures to protect target species and targeted habitats through the MPAs'
  • MADIT-M004 - 'Planned measures to increase MPAs'
  • MADIT-M005 - 'Measures to protect target habitats through other protected areas'
  • MADIT-M006 - 'Management measures for benthic habitats in the Mediterranean and identification of protected species and habitats'
  • MADIT-M007 - 'Measures to protect fish stocks through other protected areas (wildlife protection areas)'
  • MADIT-M008 - 'Measures to reduce the impact of fishing and protection of pelagic habitats'
  • MADIT-M009 - 'Protective measures for the taking and selling of endangered species through international agreements'
  • MADIT-M010 - 'Measures for incidental catches of cetaceans in fisheries'
  • MADIT-M011 - 'Measures for the conservation of cetaceans in the Mediterranean, under international agreements'
  • MADIT-M012 - 'Directorial Decree of Ministry of Environment, in cooperation with the Ministry of Health, for the establishment of the coordination of the marine mammal stranding national network (ReNaSMM)'
  • MADIT-M013 - 'Measures for the conservation of wild flora and fauna and natural habitats, and the promotion of cooperation between Member States'
  • MADIT-M014 - 'Bird protection measures through the Birds Directive (2009/147/ EC)'
  • MADIT-M015 - 'National and Community measures for the protection of birds'
  • MADIT-M016 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MADIT-M017 - 'Protective measures for benthic habitats associated with the European legislation (planning, impact assessment, river basin management plans)'
  • MADIT-M018 - 'Measures to protect habitats and associated target species under international conventions'
  • MADIT-M019 - 'Measures for the conservation of migratory species of wild animals'
  • MADIT-M020 - 'Regulatory measures for international trade in endangered species'
  • MADIT-M021 - 'International cetacean protection measures'
  • MADIT-M022 - 'Measures to protect biodiversity through European policies'
  • MADIT-M023 - 'Community and international measures for elasmobranch'
  • MADIT-M024 - 'Measures regulating catches of cetaceans, tortoises and common sturgeon'
  • MADIT-M025 - 'National measures for the protection of biodiversity'
  • MADIT-M026 - 'National measures for recovery, rescue custody and management of marine reptiles'
  • MADIT-M027 - 'Measures for coastal land planning'
  • MADIT-M028 - 'Regulatory measures for commercial fishing and the sustainable exploitation of fish stocks'
  • MADIT-M029 - 'Adoption of National Plans of Fleet Management'
  • MADIT-M030-NEW1 - 'Complete the network of Natura 2000 sites at sea and subsequent identification of conservation measures'
  • MADIT-M031-NEW2 - 'Implementation of technical solutions (methodological and instrumental) for the reduction of the phenomenon of collision with cetaceans'
  • MADIT-M032-NEW3 - 'Acquisition, systematisation and standardisation, as well as consistent recognition, with data from monitoring activities implemented, with particular reference to EIA procedures'
  • MADIT-M033-NEW4 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of elasmobranchs from by-catch'
  • MADIT-M034-NEW5 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of cetaceans and sea turtles from by-catch'
  • MADIT-M035-NEW6 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of seabirds from by-catch'
  • MADIT-M036-NEW7 - 'Implementation of awareness-raising and information measures to prevent removal activities and damage to the benthic species and habitats protected'
  • MADIT-M046 - 'Measures related to the monitoring of fishing vessels'
  • MADIT-M047 - 'Combat IUU fishing'
  • MADIT-M048 - 'Implementation of the new CFP, the EMFF and the triennial plan'
  • MADIT-M049 - 'Fisheries management of bivalve molluscs'
  • MADIT-M059 - 'Implementation of the National Energy Plan'
  • MADIT-M060 - 'Use of the maritime domain and the territorial sea areas'
  • MADIT-M061 - 'Minimum requirements to prevent major accidents in offshore operations and limiting the consequences of such accidents in the hydrocarbon sector'
  • MADIT-M062 - 'Measures concerning the spill of materials from port dredging'
  • MADIT-M063 - 'Related measures and EIA'
  • MADIT-M064 - 'Register of vessels authorised to fish under the GFCM Agreement'
  • MADIT-M087 - 'Measures related to the regulation of approval for the immersion in the sea of excavation seabed materials and dredging'
  • MICIT-M001 - 'Measures related to the management of the Natura 2000 Network sites'
  • MICIT-M002 - 'Planned measures to designate SACs in Natura 2000 sites'
  • MICIT-M003 - 'Measures to protect target species and targeted habitats through the MPAs'
  • MICIT-M004 - 'Planned measures to increase MPAs'
  • MICIT-M005 - 'Measures to protect target habitats through other protected areas'
  • MICIT-M006 - 'Management measures for benthic habitats in the Mediterranean and identification of protected species and habitats'
  • MICIT-M007 - 'Measures to protect fish stocks through other protected areas (wildlife protection areas)'
  • MICIT-M008 - 'Measures to reduce the impact of fishing and protection of pelagic habitats'
  • MICIT-M009 - 'Protective measures for the taking and selling of endangered species through international agreements'
  • MICIT-M010 - 'Measures for incidental catches of cetaceans in fisheries'
  • MICIT-M011 - 'Measures for the conservation of cetaceans in the Mediterranean, under international agreements'
  • MICIT-M012 - 'Directorial Decree of Ministry of Environment, in cooperation with the Ministry of Health, for the establishment of the coordination of the marine mammal stranding national network (ReNaSMM)'
  • MICIT-M013 - 'Measures for the conservation of wild flora and fauna and natural habitats, and the promotion of cooperation between Member States'
  • MICIT-M014 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MICIT-M015 - 'National and Community measures for the protection of birds'
  • MICIT-M016 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MICIT-M017 - 'Protective measures for benthic habitats associated with the European legislation (planning, impact assessment, river basin management plans)'
  • MICIT-M018 - 'Measures to protect habitats and associated target species under international conventions'
  • MICIT-M019 - 'Measures for the conservation of migratory species of wild animals'
  • MICIT-M020 - 'Regulatory measures for international trade in endangered species'
  • MICIT-M021 - 'International cetacean protection measures'
  • MICIT-M022 - 'Measures to protect biodiversity through European policies'
  • MICIT-M023 - 'Community and international measures for elasmobranch'
  • MICIT-M024 - 'Measures regulating catches of cetaceans, tortoises and common sturgeon'
  • MICIT-M025 - 'National measures for the protection of biodiversity'
  • MICIT-M026 - 'National measures for recovery, rescue custody and management of marine reptiles'
  • MICIT-M027 - 'Measures for coastal land planning'
  • MICIT-M028 - 'Regulatory measures for commercial fishing and the sustainable exploitation of fish stocks'
  • MICIT-M029 - 'Adoption of National Plans of Fleet Management'
  • MICIT-M030-NEW1 - 'Complete the network of Natura 2000 sites at sea and subsequent identification of conservation measures'
  • MICIT-M031-NEW2 - 'Implementation of technical solutions (methodological and instrumental) for the reduction of the phenomenon of collision with cetaceans'
  • MICIT-M032-NEW3 - 'Acquisition, systematisation and standardisation, as well as consistent recognition, with data from monitoring activities implemented, with particular reference to EIA procedures'
  • MICIT-M033-NEW4 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of elasmobranchs from by-catch'
  • MICIT-M034-NEW5 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of cetaceans and sea turtles from by-catch'
  • MICIT-M035-NEW6 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of seabirds from by-catch'
  • MICIT-M036-NEW7 - 'Implementation of awareness-raising and information measures to prevent removal activities and damage to the benthic species and habitats protected'
  • MICIT-M044 - 'Measures related to the monitoring of fishing vessels'
  • MICIT-M045 - 'Combat IUU fishing'
  • MICIT-M046 - 'Local management plans for management units'
  • MICIT-M047 - 'Implementation of the new CFP, the EMFF and the triennial plan'
  • MICIT-M048 - 'Fisheries management of bivalve molluscs'
  • MICIT-M058 - 'Implementation of the National Energy Plan'
  • MICIT-M059 - 'Use of the maritime domain and the territorial sea areas'
  • MICIT-M060 - 'Minimum requirements to prevent major accidents in offshore operations and limiting the consequences of such accidents in the hydrocarbon sector'
  • MICIT-M061 - 'Measures concerning the spill of materials from port dredging'
  • MICIT-M062 - 'Related measures and EIA'
  • MICIT-M063 - 'Register of vessels authorised to fish under the GFCM Agreement'
  • MWEIT-M001 - 'Measures related to the management of the Natura 2000 Network sites'
  • MWEIT-M002 - 'Planned measures to designate SACs in Natura 2000 sites'
  • MWEIT-M003 - 'Measures to protect target species and targeted habitats through the MPAs'
  • MWEIT-M004 - 'Planned measures to increase MPAs'
  • MWEIT-M005 - 'Measures to protect target habitats through other protected areas'
  • MWEIT-M006 - 'Management measures for benthic habitats in the Mediterranean and identification of protected species and habitats'
  • MWEIT-M007 - 'Measures to protect fish stocks through other protected areas (wildlife protection areas)'
  • MWEIT-M008 - 'Measures to reduce the impact of fishing and protection of pelagic habitats'
  • MWEIT-M009 - 'Ecological protection measures'
  • MWEIT-M010 - 'Protective measures for the taking and selling of endangered species through international agreements'
  • MWEIT-M011 - 'Measures for incidental catches of cetaceans in fisheries'
  • MWEIT-M012 - 'Measures for the conservation of cetaceans in the Mediterranean, under international agreements'
  • MWEIT-M013 - 'Directorial Decree of Ministry of Environment, in cooperation with the Ministry of Health, for the establishment of the coordination of the marine mammal stranding national network (ReNaSMM)'
  • MWEIT-M014 - 'Measures for the conservation of wild flora and fauna and natural habitats, and the promotion of cooperation between Member States'
  • MWEIT-M015 - 'Bird protection measures through the Birds Directive (2009/147/ EC)'
  • MWEIT-M016 - 'National and Community measures for the protection of birds'
  • MWEIT-M017 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MWEIT-M018 - 'Protective measures for benthic habitats associated with the European legislation (planning, impact assessment, river basin management plans)'
  • MWEIT-M019 - 'Measures to protect habitats and associated target species under international conventions'
  • MWEIT-M020 - 'Measures for the conservation of migratory species of wild animals'
  • MWEIT-M021 - 'Regulatory measures for international trade in endangered species'
  • MWEIT-M022 - 'Measures to promote a pilot area for the control of marine pollution along the coastline stretching from Marseille to La Spezia'
  • MWEIT-M023 - 'International cetacean protection measures'
  • MWEIT-M024 - 'Measures to protect biodiversity through European policies'
  • MWEIT-M025 - 'Community and international measures for elasmobranch'
  • MWEIT-M026 - 'Measures regulating catches of cetaceans, tortoises and common sturgeon'
  • MWEIT-M027 - 'Establishment of measures for the International Whale Sanctuary'
  • MWEIT-M028 - 'National measures for the protection of biodiversity'
  • MWEIT-M029 - 'National measures for recovery, rescue custody and management of marine reptiles'
  • MWEIT-M030 - 'Measures for coastal land planning'
  • MWEIT-M031 - 'Regulatory measures for commercial fishing and the sustainable exploitation of fish stocks'
  • MWEIT-M032 - 'Adoption of National Plans of Fleet Management'
  • MWEIT-M033-NEW1 - 'Complete the network of Natura 2000 sites at sea and subsequent identification of conservation measures'
  • MWEIT-M034-NEW2 - 'Implementation of technical solutions (methodological and instrumental) for the reduction of the phenomenon of collision with cetaceans'
  • MWEIT-M035-NEW3 - 'Acquisition, systematisation and standardisation, as well as consistent recognition, with data from monitoring activities implemented, with particular reference to EIA procedures'
  • MWEIT-M036-NEW4 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of elasmobranchs from by-catch'
  • MWEIT-M037-NEW5 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of cetaceans and sea turtles from by-catch'
  • MWEIT-M038-NEW6 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of seabirds from by-catch'
  • MWEIT-M039-NEW7 - 'Implementation of awareness-raising and information measures to prevent removal activities and damage to the benthic species and habitats protected'
  • MWEIT-M047 - 'Measures related to the monitoring of fishing vessels'
  • MWEIT-M048 - 'Combat IUU fishing'
  • MWEIT-M049 - 'Local management plans for management units'
  • MWEIT-M050 - 'Implementation of the new CFP, the EMFF and the triennial plan'
  • MWEIT-M051 - 'Fisheries management of bivalve molluscs'
  • MWEIT-M061 - 'Implementation of the National Energy Plan'
  • MWEIT-M062 - 'Use of the maritime domain and the territorial sea areas'
  • MWEIT-M063 - 'Minimum requirements to prevent major accidents in offshore operations and limiting the consequences of such accidents in the hydrocarbon sector'
  • MWEIT-M064 - 'Measures concerning the spill of materials from port dredging'
  • MWEIT-M065 - 'Related measures and EIA'
  • MWEIT-M066 - 'Register of vessels authorised to fish under the GFCM Agreement'
  • MWEIT-M089 - 'Measures related to the regulation of approval for the immersion in the sea of excavation seabed materials and dredging'
  • MADIT-M001 - 'Measures related to the management of the Natura 2000 Network sites'
  • MADIT-M002 - 'Planned measures to designate SACs in Natura 2000 sites'
  • MADIT-M003 - 'Measures to protect target species and targeted habitats through the MPAs'
  • MADIT-M004 - 'Planned measures to increase MPAs'
  • MADIT-M005 - 'Measures to protect target habitats through other protected areas'
  • MADIT-M006 - 'Management measures for benthic habitats in the Mediterranean and identification of protected species and habitats'
  • MADIT-M007 - 'Measures to protect fish stocks through other protected areas (wildlife protection areas)'
  • MADIT-M008 - 'Measures to reduce the impact of fishing and protection of pelagic habitats'
  • MADIT-M009 - 'Protective measures for the taking and selling of endangered species through international agreements'
  • MADIT-M010 - 'Measures for incidental catches of cetaceans in fisheries'
  • MADIT-M011 - 'Measures for the conservation of cetaceans in the Mediterranean, under international agreements'
  • MADIT-M012 - 'Directorial Decree of Ministry of Environment, in cooperation with the Ministry of Health, for the establishment of the coordination of the marine mammal stranding national network (ReNaSMM)'
  • MADIT-M013 - 'Measures for the conservation of wild flora and fauna and natural habitats, and the promotion of cooperation between Member States'
  • MADIT-M014 - 'Bird protection measures through the Birds Directive (2009/147/ EC)'
  • MADIT-M015 - 'National and Community measures for the protection of birds'
  • MADIT-M016 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MADIT-M017 - 'Protective measures for benthic habitats associated with the European legislation (planning, impact assessment, river basin management plans)'
  • MADIT-M018 - 'Measures to protect habitats and associated target species under international conventions'
  • MADIT-M019 - 'Measures for the conservation of migratory species of wild animals'
  • MADIT-M020 - 'Regulatory measures for international trade in endangered species'
  • MADIT-M021 - 'International cetacean protection measures'
  • MADIT-M022 - 'Measures to protect biodiversity through European policies'
  • MADIT-M023 - 'Community and international measures for elasmobranch'
  • MADIT-M024 - 'Measures regulating catches of cetaceans, tortoises and common sturgeon'
  • MADIT-M025 - 'National measures for the protection of biodiversity'
  • MADIT-M026 - 'National measures for recovery, rescue custody and management of marine reptiles'
  • MADIT-M027 - 'Measures for coastal land planning'
  • MADIT-M028 - 'Regulatory measures for commercial fishing and the sustainable exploitation of fish stocks'
  • MADIT-M029 - 'Adoption of National Plans of Fleet Management'
  • MADIT-M030-NEW1 - 'Complete the network of Natura 2000 sites at sea and subsequent identification of conservation measures'
  • MADIT-M031-NEW2 - 'Implementation of technical solutions (methodological and instrumental) for the reduction of the phenomenon of collision with cetaceans'
  • MADIT-M032-NEW3 - 'Acquisition, systematisation and standardisation, as well as consistent recognition, with data from monitoring activities implemented, with particular reference to EIA procedures'
  • MADIT-M033-NEW4 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of elasmobranchs from by-catch'
  • MADIT-M034-NEW5 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of cetaceans and sea turtles from by-catch'
  • MADIT-M035-NEW6 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of seabirds from by-catch'
  • MADIT-M036-NEW7 - 'Implementation of awareness-raising and information measures to prevent removal activities and damage to the benthic species and habitats protected'
  • MADIT-M046 - 'Measures related to the monitoring of fishing vessels'
  • MADIT-M047 - 'Combat IUU fishing'
  • MADIT-M048 - 'Implementation of the new CFP, the EMFF and the triennial plan'
  • MADIT-M049 - 'Fisheries management of bivalve molluscs'
  • MADIT-M059 - 'Implementation of the National Energy Plan'
  • MADIT-M060 - 'Use of the maritime domain and the territorial sea areas'
  • MADIT-M061 - 'Minimum requirements to prevent major accidents in offshore operations and limiting the consequences of such accidents in the hydrocarbon sector'
  • MADIT-M062 - 'Measures concerning the spill of materials from port dredging'
  • MADIT-M063 - 'Related measures and EIA'
  • MADIT-M064 - 'Register of vessels authorised to fish under the GFCM Agreement'
  • MADIT-M087 - 'Measures related to the regulation of approval for the immersion in the sea of excavation seabed materials and dredging'
  • MICIT-M001 - 'Measures related to the management of the Natura 2000 Network sites'
  • MICIT-M002 - 'Planned measures to designate SACs in Natura 2000 sites'
  • MICIT-M003 - 'Measures to protect target species and targeted habitats through the MPAs'
  • MICIT-M004 - 'Planned measures to increase MPAs'
  • MICIT-M005 - 'Measures to protect target habitats through other protected areas'
  • MICIT-M006 - 'Management measures for benthic habitats in the Mediterranean and identification of protected species and habitats'
  • MICIT-M007 - 'Measures to protect fish stocks through other protected areas (wildlife protection areas)'
  • MICIT-M008 - 'Measures to reduce the impact of fishing and protection of pelagic habitats'
  • MICIT-M009 - 'Protective measures for the taking and selling of endangered species through international agreements'
  • MICIT-M010 - 'Measures for incidental catches of cetaceans in fisheries'
  • MICIT-M011 - 'Measures for the conservation of cetaceans in the Mediterranean, under international agreements'
  • MICIT-M012 - 'Directorial Decree of Ministry of Environment, in cooperation with the Ministry of Health, for the establishment of the coordination of the marine mammal stranding national network (ReNaSMM)'
  • MICIT-M013 - 'Measures for the conservation of wild flora and fauna and natural habitats, and the promotion of cooperation between Member States'
  • MICIT-M014 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MICIT-M015 - 'National and Community measures for the protection of birds'
  • MICIT-M016 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MICIT-M017 - 'Protective measures for benthic habitats associated with the European legislation (planning, impact assessment, river basin management plans)'
  • MICIT-M018 - 'Measures to protect habitats and associated target species under international conventions'
  • MICIT-M019 - 'Measures for the conservation of migratory species of wild animals'
  • MICIT-M020 - 'Regulatory measures for international trade in endangered species'
  • MICIT-M021 - 'International cetacean protection measures'
  • MICIT-M022 - 'Measures to protect biodiversity through European policies'
  • MICIT-M023 - 'Community and international measures for elasmobranch'
  • MICIT-M024 - 'Measures regulating catches of cetaceans, tortoises and common sturgeon'
  • MICIT-M025 - 'National measures for the protection of biodiversity'
  • MICIT-M026 - 'National measures for recovery, rescue custody and management of marine reptiles'
  • MICIT-M027 - 'Measures for coastal land planning'
  • MICIT-M028 - 'Regulatory measures for commercial fishing and the sustainable exploitation of fish stocks'
  • MICIT-M029 - 'Adoption of National Plans of Fleet Management'
  • MICIT-M030-NEW1 - 'Complete the network of Natura 2000 sites at sea and subsequent identification of conservation measures'
  • MICIT-M031-NEW2 - 'Implementation of technical solutions (methodological and instrumental) for the reduction of the phenomenon of collision with cetaceans'
  • MICIT-M032-NEW3 - 'Acquisition, systematisation and standardisation, as well as consistent recognition, with data from monitoring activities implemented, with particular reference to EIA procedures'
  • MICIT-M033-NEW4 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of elasmobranchs from by-catch'
  • MICIT-M034-NEW5 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of cetaceans and sea turtles from by-catch'
  • MICIT-M035-NEW6 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of seabirds from by-catch'
  • MICIT-M036-NEW7 - 'Implementation of awareness-raising and information measures to prevent removal activities and damage to the benthic species and habitats protected'
  • MICIT-M044 - 'Measures related to the monitoring of fishing vessels'
  • MICIT-M045 - 'Combat IUU fishing'
  • MICIT-M046 - 'Local management plans for management units'
  • MICIT-M047 - 'Implementation of the new CFP, the EMFF and the triennial plan'
  • MICIT-M048 - 'Fisheries management of bivalve molluscs'
  • MICIT-M058 - 'Implementation of the National Energy Plan'
  • MICIT-M059 - 'Use of the maritime domain and the territorial sea areas'
  • MICIT-M060 - 'Minimum requirements to prevent major accidents in offshore operations and limiting the consequences of such accidents in the hydrocarbon sector'
  • MICIT-M061 - 'Measures concerning the spill of materials from port dredging'
  • MICIT-M062 - 'Related measures and EIA'
  • MICIT-M063 - 'Register of vessels authorised to fish under the GFCM Agreement'
  • MWEIT-M001 - 'Measures related to the management of the Natura 2000 Network sites'
  • MWEIT-M002 - 'Planned measures to designate SACs in Natura 2000 sites'
  • MWEIT-M003 - 'Measures to protect target species and targeted habitats through the MPAs'
  • MWEIT-M004 - 'Planned measures to increase MPAs'
  • MWEIT-M005 - 'Measures to protect target habitats through other protected areas'
  • MWEIT-M006 - 'Management measures for benthic habitats in the Mediterranean and identification of protected species and habitats'
  • MWEIT-M007 - 'Measures to protect fish stocks through other protected areas (wildlife protection areas)'
  • MWEIT-M008 - 'Measures to reduce the impact of fishing and protection of pelagic habitats'
  • MWEIT-M009 - 'Ecological protection measures'
  • MWEIT-M010 - 'Protective measures for the taking and selling of endangered species through international agreements'
  • MWEIT-M011 - 'Measures for incidental catches of cetaceans in fisheries'
  • MWEIT-M012 - 'Measures for the conservation of cetaceans in the Mediterranean, under international agreements'
  • MWEIT-M013 - 'Directorial Decree of Ministry of Environment, in cooperation with the Ministry of Health, for the establishment of the coordination of the marine mammal stranding national network (ReNaSMM)'
  • MWEIT-M014 - 'Measures for the conservation of wild flora and fauna and natural habitats, and the promotion of cooperation between Member States'
  • MWEIT-M015 - 'Bird protection measures through the Birds Directive (2009/147/ EC)'
  • MWEIT-M016 - 'National and Community measures for the protection of birds'
  • MWEIT-M017 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MWEIT-M018 - 'Protective measures for benthic habitats associated with the European legislation (planning, impact assessment, river basin management plans)'
  • MWEIT-M019 - 'Measures to protect habitats and associated target species under international conventions'
  • MWEIT-M020 - 'Measures for the conservation of migratory species of wild animals'
  • MWEIT-M021 - 'Regulatory measures for international trade in endangered species'
  • MWEIT-M022 - 'Measures to promote a pilot area for the control of marine pollution along the coastline stretching from Marseille to La Spezia'
  • MWEIT-M023 - 'International cetacean protection measures'
  • MWEIT-M024 - 'Measures to protect biodiversity through European policies'
  • MWEIT-M025 - 'Community and international measures for elasmobranch'
  • MWEIT-M026 - 'Measures regulating catches of cetaceans, tortoises and common sturgeon'
  • MWEIT-M027 - 'Establishment of measures for the International Whale Sanctuary'
  • MWEIT-M028 - 'National measures for the protection of biodiversity'
  • MWEIT-M029 - 'National measures for recovery, rescue custody and management of marine reptiles'
  • MWEIT-M030 - 'Measures for coastal land planning'
  • MWEIT-M031 - 'Regulatory measures for commercial fishing and the sustainable exploitation of fish stocks'
  • MWEIT-M032 - 'Adoption of National Plans of Fleet Management'
  • MWEIT-M033-NEW1 - 'Complete the network of Natura 2000 sites at sea and subsequent identification of conservation measures'
  • MWEIT-M034-NEW2 - 'Implementation of technical solutions (methodological and instrumental) for the reduction of the phenomenon of collision with cetaceans'
  • MWEIT-M035-NEW3 - 'Acquisition, systematisation and standardisation, as well as consistent recognition, with data from monitoring activities implemented, with particular reference to EIA procedures'
  • MWEIT-M036-NEW4 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of elasmobranchs from by-catch'
  • MWEIT-M037-NEW5 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of cetaceans and sea turtles from by-catch'
  • MWEIT-M038-NEW6 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of seabirds from by-catch'
  • MWEIT-M039-NEW7 - 'Implementation of awareness-raising and information measures to prevent removal activities and damage to the benthic species and habitats protected'
  • MWEIT-M047 - 'Measures related to the monitoring of fishing vessels'
  • MWEIT-M048 - 'Combat IUU fishing'
  • MWEIT-M049 - 'Local management plans for management units'
  • MWEIT-M050 - 'Implementation of the new CFP, the EMFF and the triennial plan'
  • MWEIT-M051 - 'Fisheries management of bivalve molluscs'
  • MWEIT-M061 - 'Implementation of the National Energy Plan'
  • MWEIT-M062 - 'Use of the maritime domain and the territorial sea areas'
  • MWEIT-M063 - 'Minimum requirements to prevent major accidents in offshore operations and limiting the consequences of such accidents in the hydrocarbon sector'
  • MWEIT-M064 - 'Measures concerning the spill of materials from port dredging'
  • MWEIT-M065 - 'Related measures and EIA'
  • MWEIT-M066 - 'Register of vessels authorised to fish under the GFCM Agreement'
  • MWEIT-M089 - 'Measures related to the regulation of approval for the immersion in the sea of excavation seabed materials and dredging'
  • MADIT-M001 - 'Measures related to the management of the Natura 2000 Network sites'
  • MADIT-M002 - 'Planned measures to designate SACs in Natura 2000 sites'
  • MADIT-M003 - 'Measures to protect target species and targeted habitats through the MPAs'
  • MADIT-M004 - 'Planned measures to increase MPAs'
  • MADIT-M005 - 'Measures to protect target habitats through other protected areas'
  • MADIT-M006 - 'Management measures for benthic habitats in the Mediterranean and identification of protected species and habitats'
  • MADIT-M007 - 'Measures to protect fish stocks through other protected areas (wildlife protection areas)'
  • MADIT-M008 - 'Measures to reduce the impact of fishing and protection of pelagic habitats'
  • MADIT-M009 - 'Protective measures for the taking and selling of endangered species through international agreements'
  • MADIT-M010 - 'Measures for incidental catches of cetaceans in fisheries'
  • MADIT-M011 - 'Measures for the conservation of cetaceans in the Mediterranean, under international agreements'
  • MADIT-M012 - 'Directorial Decree of Ministry of Environment, in cooperation with the Ministry of Health, for the establishment of the coordination of the marine mammal stranding national network (ReNaSMM)'
  • MADIT-M013 - 'Measures for the conservation of wild flora and fauna and natural habitats, and the promotion of cooperation between Member States'
  • MADIT-M014 - 'Bird protection measures through the Birds Directive (2009/147/ EC)'
  • MADIT-M015 - 'National and Community measures for the protection of birds'
  • MADIT-M016 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MADIT-M017 - 'Protective measures for benthic habitats associated with the European legislation (planning, impact assessment, river basin management plans)'
  • MADIT-M018 - 'Measures to protect habitats and associated target species under international conventions'
  • MADIT-M019 - 'Measures for the conservation of migratory species of wild animals'
  • MADIT-M020 - 'Regulatory measures for international trade in endangered species'
  • MADIT-M021 - 'International cetacean protection measures'
  • MADIT-M022 - 'Measures to protect biodiversity through European policies'
  • MADIT-M023 - 'Community and international measures for elasmobranch'
  • MADIT-M024 - 'Measures regulating catches of cetaceans, tortoises and common sturgeon'
  • MADIT-M025 - 'National measures for the protection of biodiversity'
  • MADIT-M026 - 'National measures for recovery, rescue custody and management of marine reptiles'
  • MADIT-M027 - 'Measures for coastal land planning'
  • MADIT-M028 - 'Regulatory measures for commercial fishing and the sustainable exploitation of fish stocks'
  • MADIT-M029 - 'Adoption of National Plans of Fleet Management'
  • MADIT-M030-NEW1 - 'Complete the network of Natura 2000 sites at sea and subsequent identification of conservation measures'
  • MADIT-M031-NEW2 - 'Implementation of technical solutions (methodological and instrumental) for the reduction of the phenomenon of collision with cetaceans'
  • MADIT-M032-NEW3 - 'Acquisition, systematisation and standardisation, as well as consistent recognition, with data from monitoring activities implemented, with particular reference to EIA procedures'
  • MADIT-M033-NEW4 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of elasmobranchs from by-catch'
  • MADIT-M034-NEW5 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of cetaceans and sea turtles from by-catch'
  • MADIT-M035-NEW6 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of seabirds from by-catch'
  • MADIT-M036-NEW7 - 'Implementation of awareness-raising and information measures to prevent removal activities and damage to the benthic species and habitats protected'
  • MADIT-M046 - 'Measures related to the monitoring of fishing vessels'
  • MADIT-M047 - 'Combat IUU fishing'
  • MADIT-M048 - 'Implementation of the new CFP, the EMFF and the triennial plan'
  • MADIT-M049 - 'Fisheries management of bivalve molluscs'
  • MADIT-M059 - 'Implementation of the National Energy Plan'
  • MADIT-M060 - 'Use of the maritime domain and the territorial sea areas'
  • MADIT-M061 - 'Minimum requirements to prevent major accidents in offshore operations and limiting the consequences of such accidents in the hydrocarbon sector'
  • MADIT-M062 - 'Measures concerning the spill of materials from port dredging'
  • MADIT-M063 - 'Related measures and EIA'
  • MADIT-M064 - 'Register of vessels authorised to fish under the GFCM Agreement'
  • MADIT-M087 - 'Measures related to the regulation of approval for the immersion in the sea of excavation seabed materials and dredging'
  • MICIT-M001 - 'Measures related to the management of the Natura 2000 Network sites'
  • MICIT-M002 - 'Planned measures to designate SACs in Natura 2000 sites'
  • MICIT-M003 - 'Measures to protect target species and targeted habitats through the MPAs'
  • MICIT-M004 - 'Planned measures to increase MPAs'
  • MICIT-M005 - 'Measures to protect target habitats through other protected areas'
  • MICIT-M006 - 'Management measures for benthic habitats in the Mediterranean and identification of protected species and habitats'
  • MICIT-M007 - 'Measures to protect fish stocks through other protected areas (wildlife protection areas)'
  • MICIT-M008 - 'Measures to reduce the impact of fishing and protection of pelagic habitats'
  • MICIT-M009 - 'Protective measures for the taking and selling of endangered species through international agreements'
  • MICIT-M010 - 'Measures for incidental catches of cetaceans in fisheries'
  • MICIT-M011 - 'Measures for the conservation of cetaceans in the Mediterranean, under international agreements'
  • MICIT-M012 - 'Directorial Decree of Ministry of Environment, in cooperation with the Ministry of Health, for the establishment of the coordination of the marine mammal stranding national network (ReNaSMM)'
  • MICIT-M013 - 'Measures for the conservation of wild flora and fauna and natural habitats, and the promotion of cooperation between Member States'
  • MICIT-M014 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MICIT-M015 - 'National and Community measures for the protection of birds'
  • MICIT-M016 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MICIT-M017 - 'Protective measures for benthic habitats associated with the European legislation (planning, impact assessment, river basin management plans)'
  • MICIT-M018 - 'Measures to protect habitats and associated target species under international conventions'
  • MICIT-M019 - 'Measures for the conservation of migratory species of wild animals'
  • MICIT-M020 - 'Regulatory measures for international trade in endangered species'
  • MICIT-M021 - 'International cetacean protection measures'
  • MICIT-M022 - 'Measures to protect biodiversity through European policies'
  • MICIT-M023 - 'Community and international measures for elasmobranch'
  • MICIT-M024 - 'Measures regulating catches of cetaceans, tortoises and common sturgeon'
  • MICIT-M025 - 'National measures for the protection of biodiversity'
  • MICIT-M026 - 'National measures for recovery, rescue custody and management of marine reptiles'
  • MICIT-M027 - 'Measures for coastal land planning'
  • MICIT-M028 - 'Regulatory measures for commercial fishing and the sustainable exploitation of fish stocks'
  • MICIT-M029 - 'Adoption of National Plans of Fleet Management'
  • MICIT-M030-NEW1 - 'Complete the network of Natura 2000 sites at sea and subsequent identification of conservation measures'
  • MICIT-M031-NEW2 - 'Implementation of technical solutions (methodological and instrumental) for the reduction of the phenomenon of collision with cetaceans'
  • MICIT-M032-NEW3 - 'Acquisition, systematisation and standardisation, as well as consistent recognition, with data from monitoring activities implemented, with particular reference to EIA procedures'
  • MICIT-M033-NEW4 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of elasmobranchs from by-catch'
  • MICIT-M034-NEW5 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of cetaceans and sea turtles from by-catch'
  • MICIT-M035-NEW6 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of seabirds from by-catch'
  • MICIT-M036-NEW7 - 'Implementation of awareness-raising and information measures to prevent removal activities and damage to the benthic species and habitats protected'
  • MICIT-M044 - 'Measures related to the monitoring of fishing vessels'
  • MICIT-M045 - 'Combat IUU fishing'
  • MICIT-M046 - 'Local management plans for management units'
  • MICIT-M047 - 'Implementation of the new CFP, the EMFF and the triennial plan'
  • MICIT-M048 - 'Fisheries management of bivalve molluscs'
  • MICIT-M058 - 'Implementation of the National Energy Plan'
  • MICIT-M059 - 'Use of the maritime domain and the territorial sea areas'
  • MICIT-M060 - 'Minimum requirements to prevent major accidents in offshore operations and limiting the consequences of such accidents in the hydrocarbon sector'
  • MICIT-M061 - 'Measures concerning the spill of materials from port dredging'
  • MICIT-M062 - 'Related measures and EIA'
  • MICIT-M063 - 'Register of vessels authorised to fish under the GFCM Agreement'
  • MWEIT-M001 - 'Measures related to the management of the Natura 2000 Network sites'
  • MWEIT-M002 - 'Planned measures to designate SACs in Natura 2000 sites'
  • MWEIT-M003 - 'Measures to protect target species and targeted habitats through the MPAs'
  • MWEIT-M004 - 'Planned measures to increase MPAs'
  • MWEIT-M005 - 'Measures to protect target habitats through other protected areas'
  • MWEIT-M006 - 'Management measures for benthic habitats in the Mediterranean and identification of protected species and habitats'
  • MWEIT-M007 - 'Measures to protect fish stocks through other protected areas (wildlife protection areas)'
  • MWEIT-M008 - 'Measures to reduce the impact of fishing and protection of pelagic habitats'
  • MWEIT-M009 - 'Ecological protection measures'
  • MWEIT-M010 - 'Protective measures for the taking and selling of endangered species through international agreements'
  • MWEIT-M011 - 'Measures for incidental catches of cetaceans in fisheries'
  • MWEIT-M012 - 'Measures for the conservation of cetaceans in the Mediterranean, under international agreements'
  • MWEIT-M013 - 'Directorial Decree of Ministry of Environment, in cooperation with the Ministry of Health, for the establishment of the coordination of the marine mammal stranding national network (ReNaSMM)'
  • MWEIT-M014 - 'Measures for the conservation of wild flora and fauna and natural habitats, and the promotion of cooperation between Member States'
  • MWEIT-M015 - 'Bird protection measures through the Birds Directive (2009/147/ EC)'
  • MWEIT-M016 - 'National and Community measures for the protection of birds'
  • MWEIT-M017 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MWEIT-M018 - 'Protective measures for benthic habitats associated with the European legislation (planning, impact assessment, river basin management plans)'
  • MWEIT-M019 - 'Measures to protect habitats and associated target species under international conventions'
  • MWEIT-M020 - 'Measures for the conservation of migratory species of wild animals'
  • MWEIT-M021 - 'Regulatory measures for international trade in endangered species'
  • MWEIT-M022 - 'Measures to promote a pilot area for the control of marine pollution along the coastline stretching from Marseille to La Spezia'
  • MWEIT-M023 - 'International cetacean protection measures'
  • MWEIT-M024 - 'Measures to protect biodiversity through European policies'
  • MWEIT-M025 - 'Community and international measures for elasmobranch'
  • MWEIT-M026 - 'Measures regulating catches of cetaceans, tortoises and common sturgeon'
  • MWEIT-M027 - 'Establishment of measures for the International Whale Sanctuary'
  • MWEIT-M028 - 'National measures for the protection of biodiversity'
  • MWEIT-M029 - 'National measures for recovery, rescue custody and management of marine reptiles'
  • MWEIT-M030 - 'Measures for coastal land planning'
  • MWEIT-M031 - 'Regulatory measures for commercial fishing and the sustainable exploitation of fish stocks'
  • MWEIT-M032 - 'Adoption of National Plans of Fleet Management'
  • MWEIT-M033-NEW1 - 'Complete the network of Natura 2000 sites at sea and subsequent identification of conservation measures'
  • MWEIT-M034-NEW2 - 'Implementation of technical solutions (methodological and instrumental) for the reduction of the phenomenon of collision with cetaceans'
  • MWEIT-M035-NEW3 - 'Acquisition, systematisation and standardisation, as well as consistent recognition, with data from monitoring activities implemented, with particular reference to EIA procedures'
  • MWEIT-M036-NEW4 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of elasmobranchs from by-catch'
  • MWEIT-M037-NEW5 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of cetaceans and sea turtles from by-catch'
  • MWEIT-M038-NEW6 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of seabirds from by-catch'
  • MWEIT-M039-NEW7 - 'Implementation of awareness-raising and information measures to prevent removal activities and damage to the benthic species and habitats protected'
  • MWEIT-M047 - 'Measures related to the monitoring of fishing vessels'
  • MWEIT-M048 - 'Combat IUU fishing'
  • MWEIT-M049 - 'Local management plans for management units'
  • MWEIT-M050 - 'Implementation of the new CFP, the EMFF and the triennial plan'
  • MWEIT-M051 - 'Fisheries management of bivalve molluscs'
  • MWEIT-M061 - 'Implementation of the National Energy Plan'
  • MWEIT-M062 - 'Use of the maritime domain and the territorial sea areas'
  • MWEIT-M063 - 'Minimum requirements to prevent major accidents in offshore operations and limiting the consequences of such accidents in the hydrocarbon sector'
  • MWEIT-M064 - 'Measures concerning the spill of materials from port dredging'
  • MWEIT-M065 - 'Related measures and EIA'
  • MWEIT-M066 - 'Register of vessels authorised to fish under the GFCM Agreement'
  • MWEIT-M089 - 'Measures related to the regulation of approval for the immersion in the sea of excavation seabed materials and dredging'
  • MADIT-M001 - 'Measures related to the management of the Natura 2000 Network sites'
  • MADIT-M002 - 'Planned measures to designate SACs in Natura 2000 sites'
  • MADIT-M003 - 'Measures to protect target species and targeted habitats through the MPAs'
  • MADIT-M004 - 'Planned measures to increase MPAs'
  • MADIT-M005 - 'Measures to protect target habitats through other protected areas'
  • MADIT-M006 - 'Management measures for benthic habitats in the Mediterranean and identification of protected species and habitats'
  • MADIT-M007 - 'Measures to protect fish stocks through other protected areas (wildlife protection areas)'
  • MADIT-M008 - 'Measures to reduce the impact of fishing and protection of pelagic habitats'
  • MADIT-M009 - 'Protective measures for the taking and selling of endangered species through international agreements'
  • MADIT-M010 - 'Measures for incidental catches of cetaceans in fisheries'
  • MADIT-M011 - 'Measures for the conservation of cetaceans in the Mediterranean, under international agreements'
  • MADIT-M012 - 'Directorial Decree of Ministry of Environment, in cooperation with the Ministry of Health, for the establishment of the coordination of the marine mammal stranding national network (ReNaSMM)'
  • MADIT-M013 - 'Measures for the conservation of wild flora and fauna and natural habitats, and the promotion of cooperation between Member States'
  • MADIT-M014 - 'Bird protection measures through the Birds Directive (2009/147/ EC)'
  • MADIT-M015 - 'National and Community measures for the protection of birds'
  • MADIT-M016 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MADIT-M017 - 'Protective measures for benthic habitats associated with the European legislation (planning, impact assessment, river basin management plans)'
  • MADIT-M018 - 'Measures to protect habitats and associated target species under international conventions'
  • MADIT-M019 - 'Measures for the conservation of migratory species of wild animals'
  • MADIT-M020 - 'Regulatory measures for international trade in endangered species'
  • MADIT-M021 - 'International cetacean protection measures'
  • MADIT-M022 - 'Measures to protect biodiversity through European policies'
  • MADIT-M023 - 'Community and international measures for elasmobranch'
  • MADIT-M024 - 'Measures regulating catches of cetaceans, tortoises and common sturgeon'
  • MADIT-M025 - 'National measures for the protection of biodiversity'
  • MADIT-M026 - 'National measures for recovery, rescue custody and management of marine reptiles'
  • MADIT-M027 - 'Measures for coastal land planning'
  • MADIT-M028 - 'Regulatory measures for commercial fishing and the sustainable exploitation of fish stocks'
  • MADIT-M029 - 'Adoption of National Plans of Fleet Management'
  • MADIT-M030-NEW1 - 'Complete the network of Natura 2000 sites at sea and subsequent identification of conservation measures'
  • MADIT-M031-NEW2 - 'Implementation of technical solutions (methodological and instrumental) for the reduction of the phenomenon of collision with cetaceans'
  • MADIT-M032-NEW3 - 'Acquisition, systematisation and standardisation, as well as consistent recognition, with data from monitoring activities implemented, with particular reference to EIA procedures'
  • MADIT-M033-NEW4 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of elasmobranchs from by-catch'
  • MADIT-M034-NEW5 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of cetaceans and sea turtles from by-catch'
  • MADIT-M035-NEW6 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of seabirds from by-catch'
  • MADIT-M036-NEW7 - 'Implementation of awareness-raising and information measures to prevent removal activities and damage to the benthic species and habitats protected'
  • MADIT-M046 - 'Measures related to the monitoring of fishing vessels'
  • MADIT-M047 - 'Combat IUU fishing'
  • MADIT-M048 - 'Implementation of the new CFP, the EMFF and the triennial plan'
  • MADIT-M049 - 'Fisheries management of bivalve molluscs'
  • MADIT-M059 - 'Implementation of the National Energy Plan'
  • MADIT-M060 - 'Use of the maritime domain and the territorial sea areas'
  • MADIT-M061 - 'Minimum requirements to prevent major accidents in offshore operations and limiting the consequences of such accidents in the hydrocarbon sector'
  • MADIT-M062 - 'Measures concerning the spill of materials from port dredging'
  • MADIT-M063 - 'Related measures and EIA'
  • MADIT-M064 - 'Register of vessels authorised to fish under the GFCM Agreement'
  • MADIT-M087 - 'Measures related to the regulation of approval for the immersion in the sea of excavation seabed materials and dredging'
  • MICIT-M001 - 'Measures related to the management of the Natura 2000 Network sites'
  • MICIT-M002 - 'Planned measures to designate SACs in Natura 2000 sites'
  • MICIT-M003 - 'Measures to protect target species and targeted habitats through the MPAs'
  • MICIT-M004 - 'Planned measures to increase MPAs'
  • MICIT-M005 - 'Measures to protect target habitats through other protected areas'
  • MICIT-M006 - 'Management measures for benthic habitats in the Mediterranean and identification of protected species and habitats'
  • MICIT-M007 - 'Measures to protect fish stocks through other protected areas (wildlife protection areas)'
  • MICIT-M008 - 'Measures to reduce the impact of fishing and protection of pelagic habitats'
  • MICIT-M009 - 'Protective measures for the taking and selling of endangered species through international agreements'
  • MICIT-M010 - 'Measures for incidental catches of cetaceans in fisheries'
  • MICIT-M011 - 'Measures for the conservation of cetaceans in the Mediterranean, under international agreements'
  • MICIT-M012 - 'Directorial Decree of Ministry of Environment, in cooperation with the Ministry of Health, for the establishment of the coordination of the marine mammal stranding national network (ReNaSMM)'
  • MICIT-M013 - 'Measures for the conservation of wild flora and fauna and natural habitats, and the promotion of cooperation between Member States'
  • MICIT-M014 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MICIT-M015 - 'National and Community measures for the protection of birds'
  • MICIT-M016 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MICIT-M017 - 'Protective measures for benthic habitats associated with the European legislation (planning, impact assessment, river basin management plans)'
  • MICIT-M018 - 'Measures to protect habitats and associated target species under international conventions'
  • MICIT-M019 - 'Measures for the conservation of migratory species of wild animals'
  • MICIT-M020 - 'Regulatory measures for international trade in endangered species'
  • MICIT-M021 - 'International cetacean protection measures'
  • MICIT-M022 - 'Measures to protect biodiversity through European policies'
  • MICIT-M023 - 'Community and international measures for elasmobranch'
  • MICIT-M024 - 'Measures regulating catches of cetaceans, tortoises and common sturgeon'
  • MICIT-M025 - 'National measures for the protection of biodiversity'
  • MICIT-M026 - 'National measures for recovery, rescue custody and management of marine reptiles'
  • MICIT-M027 - 'Measures for coastal land planning'
  • MICIT-M028 - 'Regulatory measures for commercial fishing and the sustainable exploitation of fish stocks'
  • MICIT-M029 - 'Adoption of National Plans of Fleet Management'
  • MICIT-M030-NEW1 - 'Complete the network of Natura 2000 sites at sea and subsequent identification of conservation measures'
  • MICIT-M031-NEW2 - 'Implementation of technical solutions (methodological and instrumental) for the reduction of the phenomenon of collision with cetaceans'
  • MICIT-M032-NEW3 - 'Acquisition, systematisation and standardisation, as well as consistent recognition, with data from monitoring activities implemented, with particular reference to EIA procedures'
  • MICIT-M033-NEW4 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of elasmobranchs from by-catch'
  • MICIT-M034-NEW5 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of cetaceans and sea turtles from by-catch'
  • MICIT-M035-NEW6 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of seabirds from by-catch'
  • MICIT-M036-NEW7 - 'Implementation of awareness-raising and information measures to prevent removal activities and damage to the benthic species and habitats protected'
  • MICIT-M044 - 'Measures related to the monitoring of fishing vessels'
  • MICIT-M045 - 'Combat IUU fishing'
  • MICIT-M046 - 'Local management plans for management units'
  • MICIT-M047 - 'Implementation of the new CFP, the EMFF and the triennial plan'
  • MICIT-M048 - 'Fisheries management of bivalve molluscs'
  • MICIT-M058 - 'Implementation of the National Energy Plan'
  • MICIT-M059 - 'Use of the maritime domain and the territorial sea areas'
  • MICIT-M060 - 'Minimum requirements to prevent major accidents in offshore operations and limiting the consequences of such accidents in the hydrocarbon sector'
  • MICIT-M061 - 'Measures concerning the spill of materials from port dredging'
  • MICIT-M062 - 'Related measures and EIA'
  • MICIT-M063 - 'Register of vessels authorised to fish under the GFCM Agreement'
  • MWEIT-M001 - 'Measures related to the management of the Natura 2000 Network sites'
  • MWEIT-M002 - 'Planned measures to designate SACs in Natura 2000 sites'
  • MWEIT-M003 - 'Measures to protect target species and targeted habitats through the MPAs'
  • MWEIT-M004 - 'Planned measures to increase MPAs'
  • MWEIT-M005 - 'Measures to protect target habitats through other protected areas'
  • MWEIT-M006 - 'Management measures for benthic habitats in the Mediterranean and identification of protected species and habitats'
  • MWEIT-M007 - 'Measures to protect fish stocks through other protected areas (wildlife protection areas)'
  • MWEIT-M008 - 'Measures to reduce the impact of fishing and protection of pelagic habitats'
  • MWEIT-M009 - 'Ecological protection measures'
  • MWEIT-M010 - 'Protective measures for the taking and selling of endangered species through international agreements'
  • MWEIT-M011 - 'Measures for incidental catches of cetaceans in fisheries'
  • MWEIT-M012 - 'Measures for the conservation of cetaceans in the Mediterranean, under international agreements'
  • MWEIT-M013 - 'Directorial Decree of Ministry of Environment, in cooperation with the Ministry of Health, for the establishment of the coordination of the marine mammal stranding national network (ReNaSMM)'
  • MWEIT-M014 - 'Measures for the conservation of wild flora and fauna and natural habitats, and the promotion of cooperation between Member States'
  • MWEIT-M015 - 'Bird protection measures through the Birds Directive (2009/147/ EC)'
  • MWEIT-M016 - 'National and Community measures for the protection of birds'
  • MWEIT-M017 - 'Planned measures for protection of birds in other protected areas'
  • MWEIT-M018 - 'Protective measures for benthic habitats associated with the European legislation (planning, impact assessment, river basin management plans)'
  • MWEIT-M019 - 'Measures to protect habitats and associated target species under international conventions'
  • MWEIT-M020 - 'Measures for the conservation of migratory species of wild animals'
  • MWEIT-M021 - 'Regulatory measures for international trade in endangered species'
  • MWEIT-M022 - 'Measures to promote a pilot area for the control of marine pollution along the coastline stretching from Marseille to La Spezia'
  • MWEIT-M023 - 'International cetacean protection measures'
  • MWEIT-M024 - 'Measures to protect biodiversity through European policies'
  • MWEIT-M025 - 'Community and international measures for elasmobranch'
  • MWEIT-M026 - 'Measures regulating catches of cetaceans, tortoises and common sturgeon'
  • MWEIT-M027 - 'Establishment of measures for the International Whale Sanctuary'
  • MWEIT-M028 - 'National measures for the protection of biodiversity'
  • MWEIT-M029 - 'National measures for recovery, rescue custody and management of marine reptiles'
  • MWEIT-M030 - 'Measures for coastal land planning'
  • MWEIT-M031 - 'Regulatory measures for commercial fishing and the sustainable exploitation of fish stocks'
  • MWEIT-M032 - 'Adoption of National Plans of Fleet Management'
  • MWEIT-M033-NEW1 - 'Complete the network of Natura 2000 sites at sea and subsequent identification of conservation measures'
  • MWEIT-M034-NEW2 - 'Implementation of technical solutions (methodological and instrumental) for the reduction of the phenomenon of collision with cetaceans'
  • MWEIT-M035-NEW3 - 'Acquisition, systematisation and standardisation, as well as consistent recognition, with data from monitoring activities implemented, with particular reference to EIA procedures'
  • MWEIT-M036-NEW4 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of elasmobranchs from by-catch'
  • MWEIT-M037-NEW5 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of cetaceans and sea turtles from by-catch'
  • MWEIT-M038-NEW6 - 'Implementation of training and awareness-raising measures to reduce mortality of seabirds from by-catch'
  • MWEIT-M039-NEW7 - 'Implementation of awareness-raising and information measures to prevent removal activities and damage to the benthic species and habitats protected'
  • MWEIT-M047 - 'Measures related to the monitoring of fishing vessels'
  • MWEIT-M048 - 'Combat IUU fishing'
  • MWEIT-M049 - 'Local management plans for management units'
  • MWEIT-M050 - 'Implementation of the new CFP, the EMFF and the triennial plan'
  • MWEIT-M051 - 'Fisheries management of bivalve molluscs'
  • MWEIT-M061 - 'Implementation of the National Energy Plan'
  • MWEIT-M062 - 'Use of the maritime domain and the territorial sea areas'
  • MWEIT-M063 - 'Minimum requirements to prevent major accidents in offshore operations and limiting the consequences of such accidents in the hydrocarbon sector'
  • MWEIT-M064 - 'Measures concerning the spill of materials from port dredging'
  • MWEIT-M065 - 'Related measures and EIA'
  • MWEIT-M066 - 'Register of vessels authorised to fish under the GFCM Agreement'
  • MWEIT-M089 - 'Measures related to the regulation of approval for the immersion in the sea of excavation seabed materials and dredging'
Coverage of measures
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Adequate monitoring will be in place by 2024
Related monitoring programmes
  • MADIT-D01-05
  • MADIT-D01-06
  • MADIT-D01-07
  • MADIT-D01-08
  • MADIT-D6-01
  • MADIT-D6-02
  • MADIT-D6-03
  • MICIT-D01-05
  • MICIT-D01-06
  • MICIT-D01-07
  • MICIT-D01-08
  • MICIT-D6-01
  • MICIT-D6-02
  • MICIT-D6-03
  • MWEIT-D01-05
  • MWEIT-D01-06
  • MWEIT-D01-07
  • MWEIT-D01-08
  • MWEIT-D6-01
  • MWEIT-D6-02
  • MWEIT-D6-03
  • MADIT-D01-05
  • MADIT-D01-06
  • MADIT-D01-07
  • MADIT-D01-08
  • MADIT-D6-01
  • MADIT-D6-02
  • MADIT-D6-03
  • MICIT-D01-05
  • MICIT-D01-06
  • MICIT-D01-07
  • MICIT-D01-08
  • MICIT-D6-01
  • MICIT-D6-02
  • MICIT-D6-03
  • MWEIT-D01-05
  • MWEIT-D01-06
  • MWEIT-D01-07
  • MWEIT-D01-08
  • MWEIT-D6-01
  • MWEIT-D6-02
  • MWEIT-D6-03
  • MADIT-D01-05
  • MADIT-D01-06
  • MADIT-D01-07
  • MADIT-D01-08
  • MADIT-D6-01
  • MADIT-D6-02
  • MADIT-D6-03
  • MICIT-D01-05
  • MICIT-D01-06
  • MICIT-D01-07
  • MICIT-D01-08
  • MICIT-D6-01
  • MICIT-D6-02
  • MICIT-D6-03
  • MWEIT-D01-05
  • MWEIT-D01-06
  • MWEIT-D01-07
  • MWEIT-D01-08
  • MWEIT-D6-01
  • MWEIT-D6-02
  • MWEIT-D6-03
  • MADIT-D01-05
  • MADIT-D01-06
  • MADIT-D01-07
  • MADIT-D01-08
  • MADIT-D6-01
  • MADIT-D6-02
  • MADIT-D6-03
  • MICIT-D01-05
  • MICIT-D01-06
  • MICIT-D01-07
  • MICIT-D01-08
  • MICIT-D6-01
  • MICIT-D6-02
  • MICIT-D6-03
  • MWEIT-D01-05
  • MWEIT-D01-06
  • MWEIT-D01-07
  • MWEIT-D01-08
  • MWEIT-D6-01
  • MWEIT-D6-02
  • MWEIT-D6-03
  • MADIT-D01-05
  • MADIT-D01-06
  • MADIT-D01-07
  • MADIT-D01-08
  • MADIT-D6-01
  • MADIT-D6-02
  • MADIT-D6-03
  • MICIT-D01-05
  • MICIT-D01-06
  • MICIT-D01-07
  • MICIT-D01-08
  • MICIT-D6-01
  • MICIT-D6-02
  • MICIT-D6-03
  • MWEIT-D01-05
  • MWEIT-D01-06
  • MWEIT-D01-07
  • MWEIT-D01-08
  • MWEIT-D6-01
  • MWEIT-D6-02
  • MWEIT-D6-03
  • MADIT-D01-05
  • MADIT-D01-06
  • MADIT-D01-07
  • MADIT-D01-08
  • MADIT-D6-01
  • MADIT-D6-02
  • MADIT-D6-03
  • MICIT-D01-05
  • MICIT-D01-06
  • MICIT-D01-07
  • MICIT-D01-08
  • MICIT-D6-01
  • MICIT-D6-02
  • MICIT-D6-03
  • MWEIT-D01-05
  • MWEIT-D01-06
  • MWEIT-D01-07
  • MWEIT-D01-08
  • MWEIT-D6-01
  • MWEIT-D6-02
  • MWEIT-D6-03
  • MADIT-D01-05
  • MADIT-D01-06
  • MADIT-D01-07
  • MADIT-D01-08
  • MADIT-D6-01
  • MADIT-D6-02
  • MADIT-D6-03
  • MICIT-D01-05
  • MICIT-D01-06
  • MICIT-D01-07
  • MICIT-D01-08
  • MICIT-D6-01
  • MICIT-D6-02
  • MICIT-D6-03
  • MWEIT-D01-05
  • MWEIT-D01-06
  • MWEIT-D01-07
  • MWEIT-D01-08
  • MWEIT-D6-01
  • MWEIT-D6-02
  • MWEIT-D6-03
  • MADIT-D01-05
  • MADIT-D01-06
  • MADIT-D01-07
  • MADIT-D01-08
  • MADIT-D6-01
  • MADIT-D6-02
  • MADIT-D6-03
  • MICIT-D01-05
  • MICIT-D01-06
  • MICIT-D01-07
  • MICIT-D01-08
  • MICIT-D6-01
  • MICIT-D6-02
  • MICIT-D6-03
  • MWEIT-D01-05
  • MWEIT-D01-06
  • MWEIT-D01-07
  • MWEIT-D01-08
  • MWEIT-D6-01
  • MWEIT-D6-02
  • MWEIT-D6-03
  • MADIT-D01-05
  • MADIT-D01-06
  • MADIT-D01-07
  • MADIT-D01-08
  • MADIT-D6-01
  • MADIT-D6-02
  • MADIT-D6-03
  • MICIT-D01-05
  • MICIT-D01-06
  • MICIT-D01-07
  • MICIT-D01-08
  • MICIT-D6-01
  • MICIT-D6-02
  • MICIT-D6-03
  • MWEIT-D01-05
  • MWEIT-D01-06
  • MWEIT-D01-07
  • MWEIT-D01-08
  • MWEIT-D6-01
  • MWEIT-D6-02
  • MWEIT-D6-03
  • MADIT-D01-05
  • MADIT-D01-06
  • MADIT-D01-07
  • MADIT-D01-08
  • MADIT-D6-01
  • MADIT-D6-02
  • MADIT-D6-03
  • MICIT-D01-05
  • MICIT-D01-06
  • MICIT-D01-07
  • MICIT-D01-08
  • MICIT-D6-01
  • MICIT-D6-02
  • MICIT-D6-03
  • MWEIT-D01-05
  • MWEIT-D01-06
  • MWEIT-D01-07
  • MWEIT-D01-08
  • MWEIT-D6-01
  • MWEIT-D6-02
  • MWEIT-D6-03
  • MADIT-D01-05
  • MADIT-D01-06
  • MADIT-D01-07
  • MADIT-D01-08
  • MADIT-D6-01
  • MADIT-D6-02
  • MADIT-D6-03
  • MICIT-D01-05
  • MICIT-D01-06
  • MICIT-D01-07
  • MICIT-D01-08
  • MICIT-D6-01
  • MICIT-D6-02
  • MICIT-D6-03
  • MWEIT-D01-05
  • MWEIT-D01-06
  • MWEIT-D01-07
  • MWEIT-D01-08
  • MWEIT-D6-01
  • MWEIT-D6-02
  • MWEIT-D6-03
  • MADIT-D01-05
  • MADIT-D01-06
  • MADIT-D01-07
  • MADIT-D01-08
  • MADIT-D6-01
  • MADIT-D6-02
  • MADIT-D6-03
  • MICIT-D01-05
  • MICIT-D01-06
  • MICIT-D01-07
  • MICIT-D01-08
  • MICIT-D6-01
  • MICIT-D6-02
  • MICIT-D6-03
  • MWEIT-D01-05
  • MWEIT-D01-06
  • MWEIT-D01-07
  • MWEIT-D01-08
  • MWEIT-D6-01
  • MWEIT-D6-02
  • MWEIT-D6-03
  • MADIT-D01-05
  • MADIT-D01-06
  • MADIT-D01-07
  • MADIT-D01-08
  • MADIT-D6-01
  • MADIT-D6-02
  • MADIT-D6-03
  • MICIT-D01-05
  • MICIT-D01-06
  • MICIT-D01-07
  • MICIT-D01-08
  • MICIT-D6-01
  • MICIT-D6-02
  • MICIT-D6-03
  • MWEIT-D01-05
  • MWEIT-D01-06
  • MWEIT-D01-07
  • MWEIT-D01-08
  • MWEIT-D6-01
  • MWEIT-D6-02
  • MWEIT-D6-03
  • MADIT-D01-05
  • MADIT-D01-06
  • MADIT-D01-07
  • MADIT-D01-08
  • MADIT-D6-01
  • MADIT-D6-02
  • MADIT-D6-03
  • MICIT-D01-05
  • MICIT-D01-06
  • MICIT-D01-07
  • MICIT-D01-08
  • MICIT-D6-01
  • MICIT-D6-02
  • MICIT-D6-03
  • MWEIT-D01-05
  • MWEIT-D01-06
  • MWEIT-D01-07
  • MWEIT-D01-08
  • MWEIT-D6-01
  • MWEIT-D6-02
  • MWEIT-D6-03
  • MADIT-D01-05
  • MADIT-D01-06
  • MADIT-D01-07
  • MADIT-D01-08
  • MADIT-D6-01
  • MADIT-D6-02
  • MADIT-D6-03
  • MICIT-D01-05
  • MICIT-D01-06
  • MICIT-D01-07
  • MICIT-D01-08
  • MICIT-D6-01
  • MICIT-D6-02
  • MICIT-D6-03
  • MWEIT-D01-05
  • MWEIT-D01-06
  • MWEIT-D01-07
  • MWEIT-D01-08
  • MWEIT-D6-01
  • MWEIT-D6-02
  • MWEIT-D6-03
  • MADIT-D01-05
  • MADIT-D01-06
  • MADIT-D01-07
  • MADIT-D01-08
  • MADIT-D6-01
  • MADIT-D6-02
  • MADIT-D6-03
  • MICIT-D01-05
  • MICIT-D01-06
  • MICIT-D01-07
  • MICIT-D01-08
  • MICIT-D6-01
  • MICIT-D6-02
  • MICIT-D6-03
  • MWEIT-D01-05
  • MWEIT-D01-06
  • MWEIT-D01-07
  • MWEIT-D01-08
  • MWEIT-D6-01
  • MWEIT-D6-02
  • MWEIT-D6-03
  • MADIT-D01-05
  • MADIT-D01-06
  • MADIT-D01-07
  • MADIT-D01-08
  • MADIT-D6-01
  • MADIT-D6-02
  • MADIT-D6-03
  • MICIT-D01-05
  • MICIT-D01-06
  • MICIT-D01-07
  • MICIT-D01-08
  • MICIT-D6-01
  • MICIT-D6-02
  • MICIT-D6-03
  • MWEIT-D01-05
  • MWEIT-D01-06
  • MWEIT-D01-07
  • MWEIT-D01-08
  • MWEIT-D6-01
  • MWEIT-D6-02
  • MWEIT-D6-03
  • MADIT-D01-05
  • MADIT-D01-06
  • MADIT-D01-07
  • MADIT-D01-08
  • MADIT-D6-01
  • MADIT-D6-02
  • MADIT-D6-03
  • MICIT-D01-05
  • MICIT-D01-06
  • MICIT-D01-07
  • MICIT-D01-08
  • MICIT-D6-01
  • MICIT-D6-02
  • MICIT-D6-03
  • MWEIT-D01-05
  • MWEIT-D01-06
  • MWEIT-D01-07
  • MWEIT-D01-08
  • MWEIT-D6-01
  • MWEIT-D6-02
  • MWEIT-D6-03
  • MADIT-D01-05
  • MADIT-D01-06
  • MADIT-D01-07
  • MADIT-D01-08
  • MADIT-D6-01
  • MADIT-D6-02
  • MADIT-D6-03
  • MICIT-D01-05
  • MICIT-D01-06
  • MICIT-D01-07
  • MICIT-D01-08
  • MICIT-D6-01
  • MICIT-D6-02
  • MICIT-D6-03
  • MWEIT-D01-05
  • MWEIT-D01-06
  • MWEIT-D01-07
  • MWEIT-D01-08
  • MWEIT-D6-01
  • MWEIT-D6-02
  • MWEIT-D6-03
  • MADIT-D01-05
  • MADIT-D01-06
  • MADIT-D01-07
  • MADIT-D01-08
  • MADIT-D6-01
  • MADIT-D6-02
  • MADIT-D6-03
  • MICIT-D01-05
  • MICIT-D01-06
  • MICIT-D01-07
  • MICIT-D01-08
  • MICIT-D6-01
  • MICIT-D6-02
  • MICIT-D6-03
  • MWEIT-D01-05
  • MWEIT-D01-06
  • MWEIT-D01-07
  • MWEIT-D01-08
  • MWEIT-D6-01
  • MWEIT-D6-02
  • MWEIT-D6-03
  • MADIT-D01-05
  • MADIT-D01-06
  • MADIT-D01-07
  • MADIT-D01-08
  • MADIT-D6-01
  • MADIT-D6-02
  • MADIT-D6-03
  • MICIT-D01-05
  • MICIT-D01-06
  • MICIT-D01-07
  • MICIT-D01-08
  • MICIT-D6-01
  • MICIT-D6-02
  • MICIT-D6-03
  • MWEIT-D01-05
  • MWEIT-D01-06
  • MWEIT-D01-07
  • MWEIT-D01-08
  • MWEIT-D6-01
  • MWEIT-D6-02
  • MWEIT-D6-03
  • MADIT-D01-05
  • MADIT-D01-06
  • MADIT-D01-07
  • MADIT-D01-08
  • MADIT-D6-01
  • MADIT-D6-02
  • MADIT-D6-03
  • MICIT-D01-05
  • MICIT-D01-06
  • MICIT-D01-07
  • MICIT-D01-08
  • MICIT-D6-01
  • MICIT-D6-02
  • MICIT-D6-03
  • MWEIT-D01-05
  • MWEIT-D01-06
  • MWEIT-D01-07
  • MWEIT-D01-08
  • MWEIT-D6-01
  • MWEIT-D6-02
  • MWEIT-D6-03
  • MADIT-D01-05
  • MADIT-D01-06
  • MADIT-D01-07
  • MADIT-D01-08
  • MADIT-D6-01
  • MADIT-D6-02
  • MADIT-D6-03
  • MICIT-D01-05
  • MICIT-D01-06
  • MICIT-D01-07
  • MICIT-D01-08
  • MICIT-D6-01
  • MICIT-D6-02
  • MICIT-D6-03
  • MWEIT-D01-05
  • MWEIT-D01-06
  • MWEIT-D01-07
  • MWEIT-D01-08
  • MWEIT-D6-01
  • MWEIT-D6-02
  • MWEIT-D6-03
  • MADIT-D01-05
  • MADIT-D01-06
  • MADIT-D01-07
  • MADIT-D01-08
  • MADIT-D6-01
  • MADIT-D6-02
  • MADIT-D6-03
  • MICIT-D01-05
  • MICIT-D01-06
  • MICIT-D01-07
  • MICIT-D01-08
  • MICIT-D6-01
  • MICIT-D6-02
  • MICIT-D6-03
  • MWEIT-D01-05
  • MWEIT-D01-06
  • MWEIT-D01-07
  • MWEIT-D01-08
  • MWEIT-D6-01
  • MWEIT-D6-02
  • MWEIT-D6-03
  • MADIT-D01-05
  • MADIT-D01-06
  • MADIT-D01-07
  • MADIT-D01-08
  • MADIT-D6-01
  • MADIT-D6-02
  • MADIT-D6-03
  • MICIT-D01-05
  • MICIT-D01-06
  • MICIT-D01-07
  • MICIT-D01-08
  • MICIT-D6-01
  • MICIT-D6-02
  • MICIT-D6-03
  • MWEIT-D01-05
  • MWEIT-D01-06
  • MWEIT-D01-07
  • MWEIT-D01-08
  • MWEIT-D6-01
  • MWEIT-D6-02
  • MWEIT-D6-03
  • MADIT-D01-05
  • MADIT-D01-06
  • MADIT-D01-07
  • MADIT-D01-08
  • MADIT-D6-01
  • MADIT-D6-02
  • MADIT-D6-03
  • MICIT-D01-05
  • MICIT-D01-06
  • MICIT-D01-07
  • MICIT-D01-08
  • MICIT-D6-01
  • MICIT-D6-02
  • MICIT-D6-03
  • MWEIT-D01-05
  • MWEIT-D01-06
  • MWEIT-D01-07
  • MWEIT-D01-08
  • MWEIT-D6-01
  • MWEIT-D6-02
  • MWEIT-D6-03
  • MADIT-D01-05
  • MADIT-D01-06
  • MADIT-D01-07
  • MADIT-D01-08
  • MADIT-D6-01
  • MADIT-D6-02
  • MADIT-D6-03
  • MICIT-D01-05
  • MICIT-D01-06
  • MICIT-D01-07
  • MICIT-D01-08
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Programme code
Programme name
Praterie di Posidonia oceanica
Praterie di Posidonia oceanica
Fondi a coralligeno
Fondi a coralligeno
Biocenosi dei coralli profondi
Biocenosi dei coralli profondi
Letti a rodoliti
Letti a rodoliti
Monitoraggio della perdita fisica
Monitoraggio della perdita fisica
Monitoraggio della perdita fisica
Monitoraggio della perdita fisica
Monitoraggio della perdita fisica
Monitoraggio della perdita fisica
Monitoraggio della perdita fisica
Monitoraggio della Pressione di Pesca
Monitoraggio della Pressione di Pesca
Monitoraggio della Pressione di Pesca
Monitoraggio della Pressione di Pesca
Monitoraggio delle comunità epimegabentoniche sottoposte a perturbazioni fisiche
Monitoraggio delle comunità epimegabentoniche sottoposte a perturbazioni fisiche
Monitoraggio delle comunità epimegabentoniche sottoposte a perturbazioni fisiche
Praterie di Posidonia oceanica
Praterie di Posidonia oceanica
Fondi a coralligeno
Fondi a coralligeno
Biocenosi dei coralli profondi
Biocenosi dei coralli profondi
Letti a rodoliti
Letti a rodoliti
Monitoraggio della perdita fisica
Monitoraggio della perdita fisica
Monitoraggio della perdita fisica
Monitoraggio della perdita fisica
Monitoraggio della perdita fisica
Monitoraggio della perdita fisica
Monitoraggio della perdita fisica
Monitoraggio della Pressione di Pesca
Monitoraggio della Pressione di Pesca
Monitoraggio della Pressione di Pesca
Monitoraggio della Pressione di Pesca
Monitoraggio delle comunità epimegabentoniche sottoposte a perturbazioni fisiche
Monitoraggio delle comunità epimegabentoniche sottoposte a perturbazioni fisiche
Monitoraggio delle comunità epimegabentoniche sottoposte a perturbazioni fisiche
Praterie di Posidonia oceanica
Praterie di Posidonia oceanica
Fondi a coralligeno
Fondi a coralligeno
Biocenosi dei coralli profondi
Biocenosi dei coralli profondi
Letti a rodoliti
Letti a rodoliti
Monitoraggio della perdita fisica
Monitoraggio della perdita fisica
Monitoraggio della perdita fisica
Monitoraggio della perdita fisica
Monitoraggio della perdita fisica
Monitoraggio della perdita fisica
Monitoraggio della perdita fisica
Monitoraggio della Pressione di Pesca
Monitoraggio della Pressione di Pesca
Monitoraggio della Pressione di Pesca
Monitoraggio della Pressione di Pesca
Monitoraggio delle comunità epimegabentoniche sottoposte a perturbazioni fisiche
Monitoraggio delle comunità epimegabentoniche sottoposte a perturbazioni fisiche
Monitoraggio delle comunità epimegabentoniche sottoposte a perturbazioni fisiche
Update type
New programme
New programme
New programme
New programme
New programme
New programme
New programme
New programme
New programme
New programme
New programme
New programme
New programme
New programme
New programme
New programme
New programme
New programme
New programme
New programme
New programme
New programme
New programme
New programme
New programme
New programme
New programme
New programme
New programme
New programme
New programme
New programme
New programme
New programme
New programme
New programme
New programme
New programme
New programme
New programme
New programme
New programme
New programme
New programme
New programme
New programme
New programme
New programme
New programme
New programme
New programme
New programme
New programme
New programme
New programme
New programme
New programme
New programme
New programme
New programme
New programme
New programme
New programme
New programme
New programme
New programme
Old programme codes
Programme description
I siti di indagine dell'habitat marino 1120 "Praterie di posidonie (Posidonion oceanicae)" devono essere selezionati, sulla base di dati cartografici esistenti, a scala regionale in modo da essere rappresentativi di diverse condizioni ambientali e di impatti di intensità differenti, tenendo conto delle attività di monitoraggio già poste in essere in attuazione della Direttiva Quadro Acque (2000/60/CE) e Direttiva Habitat (92/43/CEE), e nei siti Natura 2000. La condizione dell’habitat viene valutata da operatore scientifico subacqueo attraverso la valutazione dei seguenti parametri rilevati nella prateria, seguendo un disegno di campionamento gerarchico a livello di stazioni. L’unità di osservazione è formata dal transetto individuato dalla stazione a 15m (centro prateria) e dalla stazione sul limite inferiore secondo lo schema già definito nell’ambito del monitoraggio dell’EQB Angiosperme ai sensi del Dlgs. 152/06. Le unità di osservazione devono essere in numero rappresentativo dell’estensione della prateria oggetto di monitoraggio e comunque non inferiori a 3 unità di osservazione (transetti) ogni 3 km2 (vedi estensione dell’habitat P. oceanica). - Parametri strutturali - Parametri funzionali - Parametri ecologici - Parametri ambientali Inoltre, i parametri acquisiti nell’ambito del monitoraggio dell’estensione dell’habitat, forniranno indicazioni utili alla valutazione della condizione dell’habitat a scala di 3 km2 (vedi Estensione dell’habitat). Il protocollo di indagine, relativo all’estensione dell’habitat, prevede di eseguire rilievi da remoto, dei limiti inferiori e superiori delle praterie oggetto di monitoraggio. Nelle aree individuate è necessario acquisire dati acustici sulla morfologia del substrato e sulla facies a Posidonia oceanica su aree di dimensioni pari a 3 km2 (eventualmente frazionabili) e identificare la tipologia dei limiti della prateria lungo la loro estensione attraverso la raccolta di documentazione video fotografica ad alta definizione e georeferenziata. Ad integrazione o in alternativa alle acquisizioni acustiche è possibile impiegare immagini satellitari multi spettrali ad alta e media risoluzione e/o ortomosaici georeferenziati, quest’ultimi ottenuti da rilevi fotogrammetrici condotti con aeromobili a pilotaggio remoto (APR). L’estensione dell’habitat viene valutato mediante elaborazione ed analisi del backscatter, del modello digitale del terreno (DTM), e infine mediante foto interpretazione e foto-restituzione delle immag
I siti di indagine dell'habitat marino 1120 "Praterie di posidonie (Posidonion oceanicae)" devono essere selezionati, sulla base di dati cartografici esistenti, a scala regionale in modo da essere rappresentativi di diverse condizioni ambientali e di impatti di intensità differenti, tenendo conto delle attività di monitoraggio già poste in essere in attuazione della Direttiva Quadro Acque (2000/60/CE) e Direttiva Habitat (92/43/CEE), e nei siti Natura 2000. La condizione dell’habitat viene valutata da operatore scientifico subacqueo attraverso la valutazione dei seguenti parametri rilevati nella prateria, seguendo un disegno di campionamento gerarchico a livello di stazioni. L’unità di osservazione è formata dal transetto individuato dalla stazione a 15m (centro prateria) e dalla stazione sul limite inferiore secondo lo schema già definito nell’ambito del monitoraggio dell’EQB Angiosperme ai sensi del Dlgs. 152/06. Le unità di osservazione devono essere in numero rappresentativo dell’estensione della prateria oggetto di monitoraggio e comunque non inferiori a 3 unità di osservazione (transetti) ogni 3 km2 (vedi estensione dell’habitat P. oceanica). - Parametri strutturali - Parametri funzionali - Parametri ecologici - Parametri ambientali Inoltre, i parametri acquisiti nell’ambito del monitoraggio dell’estensione dell’habitat, forniranno indicazioni utili alla valutazione della condizione dell’habitat a scala di 3 km2 (vedi Estensione dell’habitat). Il protocollo di indagine, relativo all’estensione dell’habitat, prevede di eseguire rilievi da remoto, dei limiti inferiori e superiori delle praterie oggetto di monitoraggio. Nelle aree individuate è necessario acquisire dati acustici sulla morfologia del substrato e sulla facies a Posidonia oceanica su aree di dimensioni pari a 3 km2 (eventualmente frazionabili) e identificare la tipologia dei limiti della prateria lungo la loro estensione attraverso la raccolta di documentazione video fotografica ad alta definizione e georeferenziata. Ad integrazione o in alternativa alle acquisizioni acustiche è possibile impiegare immagini satellitari multi spettrali ad alta e media risoluzione e/o ortomosaici georeferenziati, quest’ultimi ottenuti da rilevi fotogrammetrici condotti con aeromobili a pilotaggio remoto (APR). L’estensione dell’habitat viene valutato mediante elaborazione ed analisi del backscatter, del modello digitale del terreno (DTM), e infine mediante foto interpretazione e foto-restituzione delle immag
Il monitoraggio del Coralligeno e della Biocenosi dei Coralli profondi è finalizzato alla valutazione dell’estensione e della condizione dei due habitat nelle tre sottoregioni. Il monitoraggio sarà condotto anche in aree protette marine. Nel programma sono previste attività di campo mediante le quali saranno acquisiti dati relativi alla distribuzione ed estensione dell’habitat e alla condizione dell’habitat, mediante l’applicazione di un protocollo di indagine standardizzato, basato sulla metodologia di acquisizione acustiche e raccolta di dati da video.
Il monitoraggio del Coralligeno e della Biocenosi dei Coralli profondi è finalizzato alla valutazione dell’estensione e della condizione dei due habitat nelle tre sottoregioni. Il monitoraggio sarà condotto anche in aree protette marine. Nel programma sono previste attività di campo mediante le quali saranno acquisiti dati relativi alla distribuzione ed estensione dell’habitat e alla condizione dell’habitat, mediante l’applicazione di un protocollo di indagine standardizzato, basato sulla metodologia di acquisizione acustiche e raccolta di dati da video.
Il monitoraggio del Coralligeno e della Biocenosi dei Coralli profondi è finalizzato alla valutazione dell’estensione e della condizione dei due habitat nelle tre sottoregioni. Il monitoraggio sarà condotto anche in aree protette marine. Nel programma sono previste attività di campo mediante le quali saranno acquisiti dati relativi alla distribuzione ed estensione dell’habitat e alla condizione dell’habitat, mediante l’applicazione di un protocollo di indagine standardizzato, basato sulla metodologia di acquisizione acustiche e raccolta di dati da video.
Il monitoraggio del Coralligeno e della Biocenosi dei Coralli profondi è finalizzato alla valutazione dell’estensione e della condizione dei due habitat nelle tre sottoregioni. Il monitoraggio sarà condotto anche in aree protette marine. Nel programma sono previste attività di campo mediante le quali saranno acquisiti dati relativi alla distribuzione ed estensione dell’habitat e alla condizione dell’habitat, mediante l’applicazione di un protocollo di indagine standardizzato, basato sulla metodologia di acquisizione acustiche e raccolta di dati da video.
Il monitoraggio dei letti a rodoliti si pone l’obiettivo di valutare il conseguimento o mantenimento del GES G1.2 “Gli habitat marini elencati nella Direttiva Habitat, nella Direttiva Uccelli e nel protocollo SPA/BD della Convenzione di Barcellona mantengono o conseguono uno stato di conservazione soddisfacente” e del GES G6.1 “E’ assente ogni pressione significativa dovuta a: a) perturbazioni fisiche determinate dalle attività antropiche che operano in modo attivo sul fondo marino e b) perdita fisica su substrati biogenici connessa alle attività antropiche” attraverso delle indagini funzionali a una valutazione di quanto proposto nei traguardi ambientali T1.2 “Incremento nel numero degli habitat marini elencati nella Direttiva Habitat, nella Direttiva Uccelli e nel protocollo SPA/BD della Convenzione di Barcellona che mantiene o consegue uno stato di conservazione soddisfacente” e T6.3 “Incremento nel numero degli habitat marini elencati nel protocollo SPA/BD della Convenzione di Barcellona che mantiene o consegue uno stato di conservazione soddisfacente e è implementata una regolamentazione per verificare: a) che non si esercitino attività di pesca su substrati biogenici, tenendo in considerazione anche le limitazioni già prescritte dal Reg. CE 1967/2006 e per gli aspetti rilevanti del Reg. CE 1224/2009; b) che le imbarcazioni che operano con attrezzi da pesca che hanno interazione con il fondo marino in modo attivo siano dotate di strumenti per la registrazione e trasmissione di dati sulla posizione delle imbarcazioni stesse, in particolare quelle attrezzate con draghe idrauliche e strascico con LFT < 15 m”. Il programma di monitoraggio è finalizzato alla valutazione dell’estensione dell’habitat (estensione e definizione di classi di copertura) e della condizione dell’habitat (copertura e spessore dello strato vitale). Il programma prevede attività di campo nel corso delle quali saranno acquisiti dati mediante l’applicazione di un protocollo di indagine standardizzato, basato sulla metodologia del rilevamento acustico e della raccolta di dati sia da video che da prelievo diretto. L’obiettivo è di identificare aree di presenza di rodoliti omogeneamente distribuiti nella sottoregione che soddisfino i seguenti requisiti: essere rappresentativi di diverse condizioni di pressioni e impatti; essere ubicati anche (ma non esclusivamente) in aree marine protette; garantire una distribuzione omogenea all’interno delle sottoregioni.
Il monitoraggio dei letti a rodoliti si pone l’obiettivo di valutare il conseguimento o mantenimento del GES G1.2 “Gli habitat marini elencati nella Direttiva Habitat, nella Direttiva Uccelli e nel protocollo SPA/BD della Convenzione di Barcellona mantengono o conseguono uno stato di conservazione soddisfacente” e del GES G6.1 “E’ assente ogni pressione significativa dovuta a: a) perturbazioni fisiche determinate dalle attività antropiche che operano in modo attivo sul fondo marino e b) perdita fisica su substrati biogenici connessa alle attività antropiche” attraverso delle indagini funzionali a una valutazione di quanto proposto nei traguardi ambientali T1.2 “Incremento nel numero degli habitat marini elencati nella Direttiva Habitat, nella Direttiva Uccelli e nel protocollo SPA/BD della Convenzione di Barcellona che mantiene o consegue uno stato di conservazione soddisfacente” e T6.3 “Incremento nel numero degli habitat marini elencati nel protocollo SPA/BD della Convenzione di Barcellona che mantiene o consegue uno stato di conservazione soddisfacente e è implementata una regolamentazione per verificare: a) che non si esercitino attività di pesca su substrati biogenici, tenendo in considerazione anche le limitazioni già prescritte dal Reg. CE 1967/2006 e per gli aspetti rilevanti del Reg. CE 1224/2009; b) che le imbarcazioni che operano con attrezzi da pesca che hanno interazione con il fondo marino in modo attivo siano dotate di strumenti per la registrazione e trasmissione di dati sulla posizione delle imbarcazioni stesse, in particolare quelle attrezzate con draghe idrauliche e strascico con LFT < 15 m”. Il programma di monitoraggio è finalizzato alla valutazione dell’estensione dell’habitat (estensione e definizione di classi di copertura) e della condizione dell’habitat (copertura e spessore dello strato vitale). Il programma prevede attività di campo nel corso delle quali saranno acquisiti dati mediante l’applicazione di un protocollo di indagine standardizzato, basato sulla metodologia del rilevamento acustico e della raccolta di dati sia da video che da prelievo diretto. L’obiettivo è di identificare aree di presenza di rodoliti omogeneamente distribuiti nella sottoregione che soddisfino i seguenti requisiti: essere rappresentativi di diverse condizioni di pressioni e impatti; essere ubicati anche (ma non esclusivamente) in aree marine protette; garantire una distribuzione omogenea all’interno delle sottoregioni.
Al fine di quantificare la perdita fisica agente sul fondo marino, totale e per tipo di opera, è indagata la perdita di substrato generata e/o riconducibile alle diverse strutture e/o attività antropiche di seguito indicate: bacini portuali, cavi, condotte, infrastrutture portuali e colmate costiere, opere di difesa costiera, piattaforme offshore, pozzi estrattivi, relitti, rigassificatori, turbine eoliche, zone di immersione materiale bellico inesploso. La perdita fisica viene calcolata, mediante un processo di overlay mapping, anche per gli habitat marini sensu “Broad Benthic Habitat Type”, EUNIS livello 2 e, laddove possibile, EUNIS livello 4, con particolare attenzione ai seguenti tipi di habitat: praterie di Posidonia oceanica, habitat a coralligeno, facies del maerl, habitat dei coralli profondi. Per la “baseline condition” il riferimento è dato dalla condizione vigente al 2006 per opere costiere e porti e al 2011 per le altre attività.
Al fine di quantificare la perdita fisica agente sul fondo marino, totale e per tipo di opera, è indagata la perdita di substrato generata e/o riconducibile alle diverse strutture e/o attività antropiche di seguito indicate: bacini portuali, cavi, condotte, infrastrutture portuali e colmate costiere, opere di difesa costiera, piattaforme offshore, pozzi estrattivi, relitti, rigassificatori, turbine eoliche, zone di immersione materiale bellico inesploso. La perdita fisica viene calcolata, mediante un processo di overlay mapping, anche per gli habitat marini sensu “Broad Benthic Habitat Type”, EUNIS livello 2 e, laddove possibile, EUNIS livello 4, con particolare attenzione ai seguenti tipi di habitat: praterie di Posidonia oceanica, habitat a coralligeno, facies del maerl, habitat dei coralli profondi. Per la “baseline condition” il riferimento è dato dalla condizione vigente al 2006 per opere costiere e porti e al 2011 per le altre attività.
Al fine di quantificare la perdita fisica agente sul fondo marino, totale e per tipo di opera, è indagata la perdita di substrato generata e/o riconducibile alle diverse strutture e/o attività antropiche di seguito indicate: bacini portuali, cavi, condotte, infrastrutture portuali e colmate costiere, opere di difesa costiera, piattaforme offshore, pozzi estrattivi, relitti, rigassificatori, turbine eoliche, zone di immersione materiale bellico inesploso. La perdita fisica viene calcolata, mediante un processo di overlay mapping, anche per gli habitat marini sensu “Broad Benthic Habitat Type”, EUNIS livello 2 e, laddove possibile, EUNIS livello 4, con particolare attenzione ai seguenti tipi di habitat: praterie di Posidonia oceanica, habitat a coralligeno, facies del maerl, habitat dei coralli profondi. Per la “baseline condition” il riferimento è dato dalla condizione vigente al 2006 per opere costiere e porti e al 2011 per le altre attività.
Al fine di quantificare la perdita fisica agente sul fondo marino, totale e per tipo di opera, è indagata la perdita di substrato generata e/o riconducibile alle diverse strutture e/o attività antropiche di seguito indicate: bacini portuali, cavi, condotte, infrastrutture portuali e colmate costiere, opere di difesa costiera, piattaforme offshore, pozzi estrattivi, relitti, rigassificatori, turbine eoliche, zone di immersione materiale bellico inesploso. La perdita fisica viene calcolata, mediante un processo di overlay mapping, anche per gli habitat marini sensu “Broad Benthic Habitat Type”, EUNIS livello 2 e, laddove possibile, EUNIS livello 4, con particolare attenzione ai seguenti tipi di habitat: praterie di Posidonia oceanica, habitat a coralligeno, facies del maerl, habitat dei coralli profondi. Per la “baseline condition” il riferimento è dato dalla condizione vigente al 2006 per opere costiere e porti e al 2011 per le altre attività.
Al fine di quantificare la perdita fisica agente sul fondo marino, totale e per tipo di opera, è indagata la perdita di substrato generata e/o riconducibile alle diverse strutture e/o attività antropiche di seguito indicate: bacini portuali, cavi, condotte, infrastrutture portuali e colmate costiere, opere di difesa costiera, piattaforme offshore, pozzi estrattivi, relitti, rigassificatori, turbine eoliche, zone di immersione materiale bellico inesploso. La perdita fisica viene calcolata, mediante un processo di overlay mapping, anche per gli habitat marini sensu “Broad Benthic Habitat Type”, EUNIS livello 2 e, laddove possibile, EUNIS livello 4, con particolare attenzione ai seguenti tipi di habitat: praterie di Posidonia oceanica, habitat a coralligeno, facies del maerl, habitat dei coralli profondi. Per la “baseline condition” il riferimento è dato dalla condizione vigente al 2006 per opere costiere e porti e al 2011 per le altre attività.
Al fine di quantificare la perdita fisica agente sul fondo marino, totale e per tipo di opera, è indagata la perdita di substrato generata e/o riconducibile alle diverse strutture e/o attività antropiche di seguito indicate: bacini portuali, cavi, condotte, infrastrutture portuali e colmate costiere, opere di difesa costiera, piattaforme offshore, pozzi estrattivi, relitti, rigassificatori, turbine eoliche, zone di immersione materiale bellico inesploso. La perdita fisica viene calcolata, mediante un processo di overlay mapping, anche per gli habitat marini sensu “Broad Benthic Habitat Type”, EUNIS livello 2 e, laddove possibile, EUNIS livello 4, con particolare attenzione ai seguenti tipi di habitat: praterie di Posidonia oceanica, habitat a coralligeno, facies del maerl, habitat dei coralli profondi. Per la “baseline condition” il riferimento è dato dalla condizione vigente al 2006 per opere costiere e porti e al 2011 per le altre attività.
Al fine di quantificare la perdita fisica agente sul fondo marino, totale e per tipo di opera, è indagata la perdita di substrato generata e/o riconducibile alle diverse strutture e/o attività antropiche di seguito indicate: bacini portuali, cavi, condotte, infrastrutture portuali e colmate costiere, opere di difesa costiera, piattaforme offshore, pozzi estrattivi, relitti, rigassificatori, turbine eoliche, zone di immersione materiale bellico inesploso. La perdita fisica viene calcolata, mediante un processo di overlay mapping, anche per gli habitat marini sensu “Broad Benthic Habitat Type”, EUNIS livello 2 e, laddove possibile, EUNIS livello 4, con particolare attenzione ai seguenti tipi di habitat: praterie di Posidonia oceanica, habitat a coralligeno, facies del maerl, habitat dei coralli profondi. Per la “baseline condition” il riferimento è dato dalla condizione vigente al 2006 per opere costiere e porti e al 2011 per le altre attività.
Al fine di poter quantificare la pressione da abrasione sul fondo marino da pressione pesca è necessario indagare almeno due aree per MRU: a) una interessata da perturbazioni fisiche dovute ad attività di pesca con mezzi che interagiscono in modo attivo sul fondo (area di elevato impatto); b) una caratterizzata da una assente o minore perturbazione fisica dovuta ad attività di pesca con mezzi che interagiscono in modo attivo sul fondo (area di riferimento). Le due aree con tali caratteristiche devono essere individuate sia entro i 100m di profondità sia oltre i 100m di profondità e/o 12 mn, e devono avere caratteristiche granulometriche e di profondità confrontabili. In ciascuna area d’indagine devono essere acquisiti dati morfologici del fondale, mediante indagini con sonar a scansione laterale (Side Scan Sonar – SSS) o ecoscandaglio multifascio (multibeam echosounder) in grado di acquisire dati di backscatter su aree di dimensioni pari a 25 km2 (eventualmente frazionabili). Inoltre per ciascuna area è necessario acquisire dati di granulometria del sedimento superficiale in alcune stazioni ritenute significative per validare i dati di backscatter. Lo studio dello sforzo di pesca prende in considerazione anche l’analisi dei dati provenienti dai sistemi VMS e AIS. Il primo è un sistema satellitare adottato a livello UE al fine della sicurezza e controllo sulla pesca fa uso di tecnologie d'avanguardia per garantire un monitoraggio efficiente delle flotte di pescherecci. Esso invia periodicamente (circa ogni due ore) alle autorità nazionali responsabili della pesca dati riguardo alla posizione, alla rotta e alla velocità dei pescherecci. È obbligatorio per i pescherecci di lunghezza superiore a 15 m e dal 1° gennaio 2012 per quelli al di sopra di 12 m (sebbene siano presenti con alcune deroghe al suo utilizzo). Il sistema AIS si basa su utilizzo di radiosegnali che permettono di caratterizzare la distribuzione delle imbarcazioni di LFT superiore ai 15m con frequenza di circa 5 minuti, è adottato da tutti natanti inclusi i pescherecci. Il sistema VMS ha maggiore copertura e non risente di eventuali disturbi nel segnale, mentre il sistema AIS presenta maggiore frequenza. L'integrazione delle informazioni provenienti dai due sistemi può quindi permettere di rappresentare il pattern spaziale generale e di dettaglio della distribuzione della pressione di pesca.
Al fine di poter quantificare la pressione da abrasione sul fondo marino da pressione pesca è necessario indagare almeno due aree per MRU: a) una interessata da perturbazioni fisiche dovute ad attività di pesca con mezzi che interagiscono in modo attivo sul fondo (area di elevato impatto); b) una caratterizzata da una assente o minore perturbazione fisica dovuta ad attività di pesca con mezzi che interagiscono in modo attivo sul fondo (area di riferimento). Le due aree con tali caratteristiche devono essere individuate sia entro i 100m di profondità sia oltre i 100m di profondità e/o 12 mn, e devono avere caratteristiche granulometriche e di profondità confrontabili. In ciascuna area d’indagine devono essere acquisiti dati morfologici del fondale, mediante indagini con sonar a scansione laterale (Side Scan Sonar – SSS) o ecoscandaglio multifascio (multibeam echosounder) in grado di acquisire dati di backscatter su aree di dimensioni pari a 25 km2 (eventualmente frazionabili). Inoltre per ciascuna area è necessario acquisire dati di granulometria del sedimento superficiale in alcune stazioni ritenute significative per validare i dati di backscatter. Lo studio dello sforzo di pesca prende in considerazione anche l’analisi dei dati provenienti dai sistemi VMS e AIS. Il primo è un sistema satellitare adottato a livello UE al fine della sicurezza e controllo sulla pesca fa uso di tecnologie d'avanguardia per garantire un monitoraggio efficiente delle flotte di pescherecci. Esso invia periodicamente (circa ogni due ore) alle autorità nazionali responsabili della pesca dati riguardo alla posizione, alla rotta e alla velocità dei pescherecci. È obbligatorio per i pescherecci di lunghezza superiore a 15 m e dal 1° gennaio 2012 per quelli al di sopra di 12 m (sebbene siano presenti con alcune deroghe al suo utilizzo). Il sistema AIS si basa su utilizzo di radiosegnali che permettono di caratterizzare la distribuzione delle imbarcazioni di LFT superiore ai 15m con frequenza di circa 5 minuti, è adottato da tutti natanti inclusi i pescherecci. Il sistema VMS ha maggiore copertura e non risente di eventuali disturbi nel segnale, mentre il sistema AIS presenta maggiore frequenza. L'integrazione delle informazioni provenienti dai due sistemi può quindi permettere di rappresentare il pattern spaziale generale e di dettaglio della distribuzione della pressione di pesca.
Al fine di poter quantificare la pressione da abrasione sul fondo marino da pressione pesca è necessario indagare almeno due aree per MRU: a) una interessata da perturbazioni fisiche dovute ad attività di pesca con mezzi che interagiscono in modo attivo sul fondo (area di elevato impatto); b) una caratterizzata da una assente o minore perturbazione fisica dovuta ad attività di pesca con mezzi che interagiscono in modo attivo sul fondo (area di riferimento). Le due aree con tali caratteristiche devono essere individuate sia entro i 100m di profondità sia oltre i 100m di profondità e/o 12 mn, e devono avere caratteristiche granulometriche e di profondità confrontabili. In ciascuna area d’indagine devono essere acquisiti dati morfologici del fondale, mediante indagini con sonar a scansione laterale (Side Scan Sonar – SSS) o ecoscandaglio multifascio (multibeam echosounder) in grado di acquisire dati di backscatter su aree di dimensioni pari a 25 km2 (eventualmente frazionabili). Inoltre per ciascuna area è necessario acquisire dati di granulometria del sedimento superficiale in alcune stazioni ritenute significative per validare i dati di backscatter. Lo studio dello sforzo di pesca prende in considerazione anche l’analisi dei dati provenienti dai sistemi VMS e AIS. Il primo è un sistema satellitare adottato a livello UE al fine della sicurezza e controllo sulla pesca fa uso di tecnologie d'avanguardia per garantire un monitoraggio efficiente delle flotte di pescherecci. Esso invia periodicamente (circa ogni due ore) alle autorità nazionali responsabili della pesca dati riguardo alla posizione, alla rotta e alla velocità dei pescherecci. È obbligatorio per i pescherecci di lunghezza superiore a 15 m e dal 1° gennaio 2012 per quelli al di sopra di 12 m (sebbene siano presenti con alcune deroghe al suo utilizzo). Il sistema AIS si basa su utilizzo di radiosegnali che permettono di caratterizzare la distribuzione delle imbarcazioni di LFT superiore ai 15m con frequenza di circa 5 minuti, è adottato da tutti natanti inclusi i pescherecci. Il sistema VMS ha maggiore copertura e non risente di eventuali disturbi nel segnale, mentre il sistema AIS presenta maggiore frequenza. L'integrazione delle informazioni provenienti dai due sistemi può quindi permettere di rappresentare il pattern spaziale generale e di dettaglio della distribuzione della pressione di pesca.
Al fine di poter quantificare la pressione da abrasione sul fondo marino da pressione pesca è necessario indagare almeno due aree per MRU: a) una interessata da perturbazioni fisiche dovute ad attività di pesca con mezzi che interagiscono in modo attivo sul fondo (area di elevato impatto); b) una caratterizzata da una assente o minore perturbazione fisica dovuta ad attività di pesca con mezzi che interagiscono in modo attivo sul fondo (area di riferimento). Le due aree con tali caratteristiche devono essere individuate sia entro i 100m di profondità sia oltre i 100m di profondità e/o 12 mn, e devono avere caratteristiche granulometriche e di profondità confrontabili. In ciascuna area d’indagine devono essere acquisiti dati morfologici del fondale, mediante indagini con sonar a scansione laterale (Side Scan Sonar – SSS) o ecoscandaglio multifascio (multibeam echosounder) in grado di acquisire dati di backscatter su aree di dimensioni pari a 25 km2 (eventualmente frazionabili). Inoltre per ciascuna area è necessario acquisire dati di granulometria del sedimento superficiale in alcune stazioni ritenute significative per validare i dati di backscatter. Lo studio dello sforzo di pesca prende in considerazione anche l’analisi dei dati provenienti dai sistemi VMS e AIS. Il primo è un sistema satellitare adottato a livello UE al fine della sicurezza e controllo sulla pesca fa uso di tecnologie d'avanguardia per garantire un monitoraggio efficiente delle flotte di pescherecci. Esso invia periodicamente (circa ogni due ore) alle autorità nazionali responsabili della pesca dati riguardo alla posizione, alla rotta e alla velocità dei pescherecci. È obbligatorio per i pescherecci di lunghezza superiore a 15 m e dal 1° gennaio 2012 per quelli al di sopra di 12 m (sebbene siano presenti con alcune deroghe al suo utilizzo). Il sistema AIS si basa su utilizzo di radiosegnali che permettono di caratterizzare la distribuzione delle imbarcazioni di LFT superiore ai 15m con frequenza di circa 5 minuti, è adottato da tutti natanti inclusi i pescherecci. Il sistema VMS ha maggiore copertura e non risente di eventuali disturbi nel segnale, mentre il sistema AIS presenta maggiore frequenza. L'integrazione delle informazioni provenienti dai due sistemi può quindi permettere di rappresentare il pattern spaziale generale e di dettaglio della distribuzione della pressione di pesca.
Al fine di poter quantificare l’effetto delle perturbazioni fisiche sul fondo marino (vedere programma di monitoraggio D6-02) verrà indagato il popolamento epimegabentonico caratteristico dei diversi habitat, e ne verrà valutata la sensibilità/tolleranza di alcune specie caratteristiche. Il monitoraggio sarà condotto nelle medesime aree indagate nel programma di monitoraggio D6-02 ovvero in almeno 2 aree entro i 100m di profondità e almeno 2 aree oltre i 100m di profondità e/o 12 mn, per MRU (per un totale di almeno 4 aree per MRU). All’interno di ogni area individuata verranno indagati 3 siti nell’ambito dei quali effettuare almeno 3 cale di pesca a strascico (per un totale di 9 cale ad area). Ai fini della determinazione dell’habitat, verrà inoltre raccolto 1 campione di sedimento superficiale associato a ogni cala (sul quale effettuare le analisi granulometriche), per un totale di 9 campioni.
Al fine di poter quantificare l’effetto delle perturbazioni fisiche sul fondo marino (vedere programma di monitoraggio D6-02) verrà indagato il popolamento epimegabentonico caratteristico dei diversi habitat, e ne verrà valutata la sensibilità/tolleranza di alcune specie caratteristiche. Il monitoraggio sarà condotto nelle medesime aree indagate nel programma di monitoraggio D6-02 ovvero in almeno 2 aree entro i 100m di profondità e almeno 2 aree oltre i 100m di profondità e/o 12 mn, per MRU (per un totale di almeno 4 aree per MRU). All’interno di ogni area individuata verranno indagati 3 siti nell’ambito dei quali effettuare almeno 3 cale di pesca a strascico (per un totale di 9 cale ad area). Ai fini della determinazione dell’habitat, verrà inoltre raccolto 1 campione di sedimento superficiale associato a ogni cala (sul quale effettuare le analisi granulometriche), per un totale di 9 campioni.
Al fine di poter quantificare l’effetto delle perturbazioni fisiche sul fondo marino (vedere programma di monitoraggio D6-02) verrà indagato il popolamento epimegabentonico caratteristico dei diversi habitat, e ne verrà valutata la sensibilità/tolleranza di alcune specie caratteristiche. Il monitoraggio sarà condotto nelle medesime aree indagate nel programma di monitoraggio D6-02 ovvero in almeno 2 aree entro i 100m di profondità e almeno 2 aree oltre i 100m di profondità e/o 12 mn, per MRU (per un totale di almeno 4 aree per MRU). All’interno di ogni area individuata verranno indagati 3 siti nell’ambito dei quali effettuare almeno 3 cale di pesca a strascico (per un totale di 9 cale ad area). Ai fini della determinazione dell’habitat, verrà inoltre raccolto 1 campione di sedimento superficiale associato a ogni cala (sul quale effettuare le analisi granulometriche), per un totale di 9 campioni.
I siti di indagine dell'habitat marino 1120 "Praterie di posidonie (Posidonion oceanicae)" devono essere selezionati, sulla base di dati cartografici esistenti, a scala regionale in modo da essere rappresentativi di diverse condizioni ambientali e di impatti di intensità differenti, tenendo conto delle attività di monitoraggio già poste in essere in attuazione della Direttiva Quadro Acque (2000/60/CE) e Direttiva Habitat (92/43/CEE), e nei siti Natura 2000. La condizione dell’habitat viene valutata da operatore scientifico subacqueo attraverso la valutazione dei seguenti parametri rilevati nella prateria, seguendo un disegno di campionamento gerarchico a livello di stazioni. L’unità di osservazione è formata dal transetto individuato dalla stazione a 15m (centro prateria) e dalla stazione sul limite inferiore secondo lo schema già definito nell’ambito del monitoraggio dell’EQB Angiosperme ai sensi del Dlgs. 152/06. Le unità di osservazione devono essere in numero rappresentativo dell’estensione della prateria oggetto di monitoraggio e comunque non inferiori a 3 unità di osservazione (transetti) ogni 3 km2 (vedi estensione dell’habitat P. oceanica). - Parametri strutturali - Parametri funzionali - Parametri ecologici - Parametri ambientali Inoltre, i parametri acquisiti nell’ambito del monitoraggio dell’estensione dell’habitat, forniranno indicazioni utili alla valutazione della condizione dell’habitat a scala di 3 km2 (vedi Estensione dell’habitat). Il protocollo di indagine, relativo all’estensione dell’habitat, prevede di eseguire rilievi da remoto, dei limiti inferiori e superiori delle praterie oggetto di monitoraggio. Nelle aree individuate è necessario acquisire dati acustici sulla morfologia del substrato e sulla facies a Posidonia oceanica su aree di dimensioni pari a 3 km2 (eventualmente frazionabili) e identificare la tipologia dei limiti della prateria lungo la loro estensione attraverso la raccolta di documentazione video fotografica ad alta definizione e georeferenziata. Ad integrazione o in alternativa alle acquisizioni acustiche è possibile impiegare immagini satellitari multi spettrali ad alta e media risoluzione e/o ortomosaici georeferenziati, quest’ultimi ottenuti da rilevi fotogrammetrici condotti con aeromobili a pilotaggio remoto (APR). L’estensione dell’habitat viene valutato mediante elaborazione ed analisi del backscatter, del modello digitale del terreno (DTM), e infine mediante foto interpretazione e foto-restituzione delle immag
I siti di indagine dell'habitat marino 1120 "Praterie di posidonie (Posidonion oceanicae)" devono essere selezionati, sulla base di dati cartografici esistenti, a scala regionale in modo da essere rappresentativi di diverse condizioni ambientali e di impatti di intensità differenti, tenendo conto delle attività di monitoraggio già poste in essere in attuazione della Direttiva Quadro Acque (2000/60/CE) e Direttiva Habitat (92/43/CEE), e nei siti Natura 2000. La condizione dell’habitat viene valutata da operatore scientifico subacqueo attraverso la valutazione dei seguenti parametri rilevati nella prateria, seguendo un disegno di campionamento gerarchico a livello di stazioni. L’unità di osservazione è formata dal transetto individuato dalla stazione a 15m (centro prateria) e dalla stazione sul limite inferiore secondo lo schema già definito nell’ambito del monitoraggio dell’EQB Angiosperme ai sensi del Dlgs. 152/06. Le unità di osservazione devono essere in numero rappresentativo dell’estensione della prateria oggetto di monitoraggio e comunque non inferiori a 3 unità di osservazione (transetti) ogni 3 km2 (vedi estensione dell’habitat P. oceanica). - Parametri strutturali - Parametri funzionali - Parametri ecologici - Parametri ambientali Inoltre, i parametri acquisiti nell’ambito del monitoraggio dell’estensione dell’habitat, forniranno indicazioni utili alla valutazione della condizione dell’habitat a scala di 3 km2 (vedi Estensione dell’habitat). Il protocollo di indagine, relativo all’estensione dell’habitat, prevede di eseguire rilievi da remoto, dei limiti inferiori e superiori delle praterie oggetto di monitoraggio. Nelle aree individuate è necessario acquisire dati acustici sulla morfologia del substrato e sulla facies a Posidonia oceanica su aree di dimensioni pari a 3 km2 (eventualmente frazionabili) e identificare la tipologia dei limiti della prateria lungo la loro estensione attraverso la raccolta di documentazione video fotografica ad alta definizione e georeferenziata. Ad integrazione o in alternativa alle acquisizioni acustiche è possibile impiegare immagini satellitari multi spettrali ad alta e media risoluzione e/o ortomosaici georeferenziati, quest’ultimi ottenuti da rilevi fotogrammetrici condotti con aeromobili a pilotaggio remoto (APR). L’estensione dell’habitat viene valutato mediante elaborazione ed analisi del backscatter, del modello digitale del terreno (DTM), e infine mediante foto interpretazione e foto-restituzione delle immag
Il monitoraggio del Coralligeno e della Biocenosi dei Coralli profondi è finalizzato alla valutazione dell’estensione e della condizione dei due habitat nelle tre sottoregioni. Il monitoraggio sarà condotto anche in aree protette marine. Nel programma sono previste attività di campo mediante le quali saranno acquisiti dati relativi alla distribuzione ed estensione dell’habitat e alla condizione dell’habitat, mediante l’applicazione di un protocollo di indagine standardizzato, basato sulla metodologia di acquisizione acustiche e raccolta di dati da video.
Il monitoraggio del Coralligeno e della Biocenosi dei Coralli profondi è finalizzato alla valutazione dell’estensione e della condizione dei due habitat nelle tre sottoregioni. Il monitoraggio sarà condotto anche in aree protette marine. Nel programma sono previste attività di campo mediante le quali saranno acquisiti dati relativi alla distribuzione ed estensione dell’habitat e alla condizione dell’habitat, mediante l’applicazione di un protocollo di indagine standardizzato, basato sulla metodologia di acquisizione acustiche e raccolta di dati da video.
Il monitoraggio del Coralligeno e della Biocenosi dei Coralli profondi è finalizzato alla valutazione dell’estensione e della condizione dei due habitat nelle tre sottoregioni. Il monitoraggio sarà condotto anche in aree protette marine. Nel programma sono previste attività di campo mediante le quali saranno acquisiti dati relativi alla distribuzione ed estensione dell’habitat e alla condizione dell’habitat, mediante l’applicazione di un protocollo di indagine standardizzato, basato sulla metodologia di acquisizione acustiche e raccolta di dati da video.
Il monitoraggio del Coralligeno e della Biocenosi dei Coralli profondi è finalizzato alla valutazione dell’estensione e della condizione dei due habitat nelle tre sottoregioni. Il monitoraggio sarà condotto anche in aree protette marine. Nel programma sono previste attività di campo mediante le quali saranno acquisiti dati relativi alla distribuzione ed estensione dell’habitat e alla condizione dell’habitat, mediante l’applicazione di un protocollo di indagine standardizzato, basato sulla metodologia di acquisizione acustiche e raccolta di dati da video.
Il monitoraggio dei letti a rodoliti si pone l’obiettivo di valutare il conseguimento o mantenimento del GES G1.2 “Gli habitat marini elencati nella Direttiva Habitat, nella Direttiva Uccelli e nel protocollo SPA/BD della Convenzione di Barcellona mantengono o conseguono uno stato di conservazione soddisfacente” e del GES G6.1 “E’ assente ogni pressione significativa dovuta a: a) perturbazioni fisiche determinate dalle attività antropiche che operano in modo attivo sul fondo marino e b) perdita fisica su substrati biogenici connessa alle attività antropiche” attraverso delle indagini funzionali a una valutazione di quanto proposto nei traguardi ambientali T1.2 “Incremento nel numero degli habitat marini elencati nella Direttiva Habitat, nella Direttiva Uccelli e nel protocollo SPA/BD della Convenzione di Barcellona che mantiene o consegue uno stato di conservazione soddisfacente” e T6.3 “Incremento nel numero degli habitat marini elencati nel protocollo SPA/BD della Convenzione di Barcellona che mantiene o consegue uno stato di conservazione soddisfacente e è implementata una regolamentazione per verificare: a) che non si esercitino attività di pesca su substrati biogenici, tenendo in considerazione anche le limitazioni già prescritte dal Reg. CE 1967/2006 e per gli aspetti rilevanti del Reg. CE 1224/2009; b) che le imbarcazioni che operano con attrezzi da pesca che hanno interazione con il fondo marino in modo attivo siano dotate di strumenti per la registrazione e trasmissione di dati sulla posizione delle imbarcazioni stesse, in particolare quelle attrezzate con draghe idrauliche e strascico con LFT < 15 m”. Il programma di monitoraggio è finalizzato alla valutazione dell’estensione dell’habitat (estensione e definizione di classi di copertura) e della condizione dell’habitat (copertura e spessore dello strato vitale). Il programma prevede attività di campo nel corso delle quali saranno acquisiti dati mediante l’applicazione di un protocollo di indagine standardizzato, basato sulla metodologia del rilevamento acustico e della raccolta di dati sia da video che da prelievo diretto. L’obiettivo è di identificare aree di presenza di rodoliti omogeneamente distribuiti nella sottoregione che soddisfino i seguenti requisiti: essere rappresentativi di diverse condizioni di pressioni e impatti; essere ubicati anche (ma non esclusivamente) in aree marine protette; garantire una distribuzione omogenea all’interno delle sottoregioni.
Il monitoraggio dei letti a rodoliti si pone l’obiettivo di valutare il conseguimento o mantenimento del GES G1.2 “Gli habitat marini elencati nella Direttiva Habitat, nella Direttiva Uccelli e nel protocollo SPA/BD della Convenzione di Barcellona mantengono o conseguono uno stato di conservazione soddisfacente” e del GES G6.1 “E’ assente ogni pressione significativa dovuta a: a) perturbazioni fisiche determinate dalle attività antropiche che operano in modo attivo sul fondo marino e b) perdita fisica su substrati biogenici connessa alle attività antropiche” attraverso delle indagini funzionali a una valutazione di quanto proposto nei traguardi ambientali T1.2 “Incremento nel numero degli habitat marini elencati nella Direttiva Habitat, nella Direttiva Uccelli e nel protocollo SPA/BD della Convenzione di Barcellona che mantiene o consegue uno stato di conservazione soddisfacente” e T6.3 “Incremento nel numero degli habitat marini elencati nel protocollo SPA/BD della Convenzione di Barcellona che mantiene o consegue uno stato di conservazione soddisfacente e è implementata una regolamentazione per verificare: a) che non si esercitino attività di pesca su substrati biogenici, tenendo in considerazione anche le limitazioni già prescritte dal Reg. CE 1967/2006 e per gli aspetti rilevanti del Reg. CE 1224/2009; b) che le imbarcazioni che operano con attrezzi da pesca che hanno interazione con il fondo marino in modo attivo siano dotate di strumenti per la registrazione e trasmissione di dati sulla posizione delle imbarcazioni stesse, in particolare quelle attrezzate con draghe idrauliche e strascico con LFT < 15 m”. Il programma di monitoraggio è finalizzato alla valutazione dell’estensione dell’habitat (estensione e definizione di classi di copertura) e della condizione dell’habitat (copertura e spessore dello strato vitale). Il programma prevede attività di campo nel corso delle quali saranno acquisiti dati mediante l’applicazione di un protocollo di indagine standardizzato, basato sulla metodologia del rilevamento acustico e della raccolta di dati sia da video che da prelievo diretto. L’obiettivo è di identificare aree di presenza di rodoliti omogeneamente distribuiti nella sottoregione che soddisfino i seguenti requisiti: essere rappresentativi di diverse condizioni di pressioni e impatti; essere ubicati anche (ma non esclusivamente) in aree marine protette; garantire una distribuzione omogenea all’interno delle sottoregioni.
Al fine di quantificare la perdita fisica agente sul fondo marino, totale e per tipo di opera, è indagata la perdita di substrato generata e/o riconducibile alle diverse strutture e/o attività antropiche di seguito indicate: bacini portuali, cavi, condotte, infrastrutture portuali e colmate costiere, opere di difesa costiera, piattaforme offshore, pozzi estrattivi, relitti, rigassificatori, turbine eoliche, zone di immersione materiale bellico inesploso. La perdita fisica viene calcolata, mediante un processo di overlay mapping, anche per gli habitat marini sensu “Broad Benthic Habitat Type”, EUNIS livello 2 e, laddove possibile, EUNIS livello 4, con particolare attenzione ai seguenti tipi di habitat: praterie di Posidonia oceanica, habitat a coralligeno, facies del maerl, habitat dei coralli profondi. Per la “baseline condition” il riferimento è dato dalla condizione vigente al 2006 per opere costiere e porti e al 2011 per le altre attività.
Al fine di quantificare la perdita fisica agente sul fondo marino, totale e per tipo di opera, è indagata la perdita di substrato generata e/o riconducibile alle diverse strutture e/o attività antropiche di seguito indicate: bacini portuali, cavi, condotte, infrastrutture portuali e colmate costiere, opere di difesa costiera, piattaforme offshore, pozzi estrattivi, relitti, rigassificatori, turbine eoliche, zone di immersione materiale bellico inesploso. La perdita fisica viene calcolata, mediante un processo di overlay mapping, anche per gli habitat marini sensu “Broad Benthic Habitat Type”, EUNIS livello 2 e, laddove possibile, EUNIS livello 4, con particolare attenzione ai seguenti tipi di habitat: praterie di Posidonia oceanica, habitat a coralligeno, facies del maerl, habitat dei coralli profondi. Per la “baseline condition” il riferimento è dato dalla condizione vigente al 2006 per opere costiere e porti e al 2011 per le altre attività.
Al fine di quantificare la perdita fisica agente sul fondo marino, totale e per tipo di opera, è indagata la perdita di substrato generata e/o riconducibile alle diverse strutture e/o attività antropiche di seguito indicate: bacini portuali, cavi, condotte, infrastrutture portuali e colmate costiere, opere di difesa costiera, piattaforme offshore, pozzi estrattivi, relitti, rigassificatori, turbine eoliche, zone di immersione materiale bellico inesploso. La perdita fisica viene calcolata, mediante un processo di overlay mapping, anche per gli habitat marini sensu “Broad Benthic Habitat Type”, EUNIS livello 2 e, laddove possibile, EUNIS livello 4, con particolare attenzione ai seguenti tipi di habitat: praterie di Posidonia oceanica, habitat a coralligeno, facies del maerl, habitat dei coralli profondi. Per la “baseline condition” il riferimento è dato dalla condizione vigente al 2006 per opere costiere e porti e al 2011 per le altre attività.
Al fine di quantificare la perdita fisica agente sul fondo marino, totale e per tipo di opera, è indagata la perdita di substrato generata e/o riconducibile alle diverse strutture e/o attività antropiche di seguito indicate: bacini portuali, cavi, condotte, infrastrutture portuali e colmate costiere, opere di difesa costiera, piattaforme offshore, pozzi estrattivi, relitti, rigassificatori, turbine eoliche, zone di immersione materiale bellico inesploso. La perdita fisica viene calcolata, mediante un processo di overlay mapping, anche per gli habitat marini sensu “Broad Benthic Habitat Type”, EUNIS livello 2 e, laddove possibile, EUNIS livello 4, con particolare attenzione ai seguenti tipi di habitat: praterie di Posidonia oceanica, habitat a coralligeno, facies del maerl, habitat dei coralli profondi. Per la “baseline condition” il riferimento è dato dalla condizione vigente al 2006 per opere costiere e porti e al 2011 per le altre attività.
Al fine di quantificare la perdita fisica agente sul fondo marino, totale e per tipo di opera, è indagata la perdita di substrato generata e/o riconducibile alle diverse strutture e/o attività antropiche di seguito indicate: bacini portuali, cavi, condotte, infrastrutture portuali e colmate costiere, opere di difesa costiera, piattaforme offshore, pozzi estrattivi, relitti, rigassificatori, turbine eoliche, zone di immersione materiale bellico inesploso. La perdita fisica viene calcolata, mediante un processo di overlay mapping, anche per gli habitat marini sensu “Broad Benthic Habitat Type”, EUNIS livello 2 e, laddove possibile, EUNIS livello 4, con particolare attenzione ai seguenti tipi di habitat: praterie di Posidonia oceanica, habitat a coralligeno, facies del maerl, habitat dei coralli profondi. Per la “baseline condition” il riferimento è dato dalla condizione vigente al 2006 per opere costiere e porti e al 2011 per le altre attività.
Al fine di quantificare la perdita fisica agente sul fondo marino, totale e per tipo di opera, è indagata la perdita di substrato generata e/o riconducibile alle diverse strutture e/o attività antropiche di seguito indicate: bacini portuali, cavi, condotte, infrastrutture portuali e colmate costiere, opere di difesa costiera, piattaforme offshore, pozzi estrattivi, relitti, rigassificatori, turbine eoliche, zone di immersione materiale bellico inesploso. La perdita fisica viene calcolata, mediante un processo di overlay mapping, anche per gli habitat marini sensu “Broad Benthic Habitat Type”, EUNIS livello 2 e, laddove possibile, EUNIS livello 4, con particolare attenzione ai seguenti tipi di habitat: praterie di Posidonia oceanica, habitat a coralligeno, facies del maerl, habitat dei coralli profondi. Per la “baseline condition” il riferimento è dato dalla condizione vigente al 2006 per opere costiere e porti e al 2011 per le altre attività.
Al fine di quantificare la perdita fisica agente sul fondo marino, totale e per tipo di opera, è indagata la perdita di substrato generata e/o riconducibile alle diverse strutture e/o attività antropiche di seguito indicate: bacini portuali, cavi, condotte, infrastrutture portuali e colmate costiere, opere di difesa costiera, piattaforme offshore, pozzi estrattivi, relitti, rigassificatori, turbine eoliche, zone di immersione materiale bellico inesploso. La perdita fisica viene calcolata, mediante un processo di overlay mapping, anche per gli habitat marini sensu “Broad Benthic Habitat Type”, EUNIS livello 2 e, laddove possibile, EUNIS livello 4, con particolare attenzione ai seguenti tipi di habitat: praterie di Posidonia oceanica, habitat a coralligeno, facies del maerl, habitat dei coralli profondi. Per la “baseline condition” il riferimento è dato dalla condizione vigente al 2006 per opere costiere e porti e al 2011 per le altre attività.
Al fine di poter quantificare la pressione da abrasione sul fondo marino da pressione pesca è necessario indagare almeno due aree per MRU: a) una interessata da perturbazioni fisiche dovute ad attività di pesca con mezzi che interagiscono in modo attivo sul fondo (area di elevato impatto); b) una caratterizzata da una assente o minore perturbazione fisica dovuta ad attività di pesca con mezzi che interagiscono in modo attivo sul fondo (area di riferimento). Le due aree con tali caratteristiche devono essere individuate sia entro i 100m di profondità sia oltre i 100m di profondità e/o 12 mn, e devono avere caratteristiche granulometriche e di profondità confrontabili. In ciascuna area d’indagine devono essere acquisiti dati morfologici del fondale, mediante indagini con sonar a scansione laterale (Side Scan Sonar – SSS) o ecoscandaglio multifascio (multibeam echosounder) in grado di acquisire dati di backscatter su aree di dimensioni pari a 25 km2 (eventualmente frazionabili). Inoltre per ciascuna area è necessario acquisire dati di granulometria del sedimento superficiale in alcune stazioni ritenute significative per validare i dati di backscatter. Lo studio dello sforzo di pesca prende in considerazione anche l’analisi dei dati provenienti dai sistemi VMS e AIS. Il primo è un sistema satellitare adottato a livello UE al fine della sicurezza e controllo sulla pesca fa uso di tecnologie d'avanguardia per garantire un monitoraggio efficiente delle flotte di pescherecci. Esso invia periodicamente (circa ogni due ore) alle autorità nazionali responsabili della pesca dati riguardo alla posizione, alla rotta e alla velocità dei pescherecci. È obbligatorio per i pescherecci di lunghezza superiore a 15 m e dal 1° gennaio 2012 per quelli al di sopra di 12 m (sebbene siano presenti con alcune deroghe al suo utilizzo). Il sistema AIS si basa su utilizzo di radiosegnali che permettono di caratterizzare la distribuzione delle imbarcazioni di LFT superiore ai 15m con frequenza di circa 5 minuti, è adottato da tutti natanti inclusi i pescherecci. Il sistema VMS ha maggiore copertura e non risente di eventuali disturbi nel segnale, mentre il sistema AIS presenta maggiore frequenza. L'integrazione delle informazioni provenienti dai due sistemi può quindi permettere di rappresentare il pattern spaziale generale e di dettaglio della distribuzione della pressione di pesca.
Al fine di poter quantificare la pressione da abrasione sul fondo marino da pressione pesca è necessario indagare almeno due aree per MRU: a) una interessata da perturbazioni fisiche dovute ad attività di pesca con mezzi che interagiscono in modo attivo sul fondo (area di elevato impatto); b) una caratterizzata da una assente o minore perturbazione fisica dovuta ad attività di pesca con mezzi che interagiscono in modo attivo sul fondo (area di riferimento). Le due aree con tali caratteristiche devono essere individuate sia entro i 100m di profondità sia oltre i 100m di profondità e/o 12 mn, e devono avere caratteristiche granulometriche e di profondità confrontabili. In ciascuna area d’indagine devono essere acquisiti dati morfologici del fondale, mediante indagini con sonar a scansione laterale (Side Scan Sonar – SSS) o ecoscandaglio multifascio (multibeam echosounder) in grado di acquisire dati di backscatter su aree di dimensioni pari a 25 km2 (eventualmente frazionabili). Inoltre per ciascuna area è necessario acquisire dati di granulometria del sedimento superficiale in alcune stazioni ritenute significative per validare i dati di backscatter. Lo studio dello sforzo di pesca prende in considerazione anche l’analisi dei dati provenienti dai sistemi VMS e AIS. Il primo è un sistema satellitare adottato a livello UE al fine della sicurezza e controllo sulla pesca fa uso di tecnologie d'avanguardia per garantire un monitoraggio efficiente delle flotte di pescherecci. Esso invia periodicamente (circa ogni due ore) alle autorità nazionali responsabili della pesca dati riguardo alla posizione, alla rotta e alla velocità dei pescherecci. È obbligatorio per i pescherecci di lunghezza superiore a 15 m e dal 1° gennaio 2012 per quelli al di sopra di 12 m (sebbene siano presenti con alcune deroghe al suo utilizzo). Il sistema AIS si basa su utilizzo di radiosegnali che permettono di caratterizzare la distribuzione delle imbarcazioni di LFT superiore ai 15m con frequenza di circa 5 minuti, è adottato da tutti natanti inclusi i pescherecci. Il sistema VMS ha maggiore copertura e non risente di eventuali disturbi nel segnale, mentre il sistema AIS presenta maggiore frequenza. L'integrazione delle informazioni provenienti dai due sistemi può quindi permettere di rappresentare il pattern spaziale generale e di dettaglio della distribuzione della pressione di pesca.
Al fine di poter quantificare la pressione da abrasione sul fondo marino da pressione pesca è necessario indagare almeno due aree per MRU: a) una interessata da perturbazioni fisiche dovute ad attività di pesca con mezzi che interagiscono in modo attivo sul fondo (area di elevato impatto); b) una caratterizzata da una assente o minore perturbazione fisica dovuta ad attività di pesca con mezzi che interagiscono in modo attivo sul fondo (area di riferimento). Le due aree con tali caratteristiche devono essere individuate sia entro i 100m di profondità sia oltre i 100m di profondità e/o 12 mn, e devono avere caratteristiche granulometriche e di profondità confrontabili. In ciascuna area d’indagine devono essere acquisiti dati morfologici del fondale, mediante indagini con sonar a scansione laterale (Side Scan Sonar – SSS) o ecoscandaglio multifascio (multibeam echosounder) in grado di acquisire dati di backscatter su aree di dimensioni pari a 25 km2 (eventualmente frazionabili). Inoltre per ciascuna area è necessario acquisire dati di granulometria del sedimento superficiale in alcune stazioni ritenute significative per validare i dati di backscatter. Lo studio dello sforzo di pesca prende in considerazione anche l’analisi dei dati provenienti dai sistemi VMS e AIS. Il primo è un sistema satellitare adottato a livello UE al fine della sicurezza e controllo sulla pesca fa uso di tecnologie d'avanguardia per garantire un monitoraggio efficiente delle flotte di pescherecci. Esso invia periodicamente (circa ogni due ore) alle autorità nazionali responsabili della pesca dati riguardo alla posizione, alla rotta e alla velocità dei pescherecci. È obbligatorio per i pescherecci di lunghezza superiore a 15 m e dal 1° gennaio 2012 per quelli al di sopra di 12 m (sebbene siano presenti con alcune deroghe al suo utilizzo). Il sistema AIS si basa su utilizzo di radiosegnali che permettono di caratterizzare la distribuzione delle imbarcazioni di LFT superiore ai 15m con frequenza di circa 5 minuti, è adottato da tutti natanti inclusi i pescherecci. Il sistema VMS ha maggiore copertura e non risente di eventuali disturbi nel segnale, mentre il sistema AIS presenta maggiore frequenza. L'integrazione delle informazioni provenienti dai due sistemi può quindi permettere di rappresentare il pattern spaziale generale e di dettaglio della distribuzione della pressione di pesca.
Al fine di poter quantificare la pressione da abrasione sul fondo marino da pressione pesca è necessario indagare almeno due aree per MRU: a) una interessata da perturbazioni fisiche dovute ad attività di pesca con mezzi che interagiscono in modo attivo sul fondo (area di elevato impatto); b) una caratterizzata da una assente o minore perturbazione fisica dovuta ad attività di pesca con mezzi che interagiscono in modo attivo sul fondo (area di riferimento). Le due aree con tali caratteristiche devono essere individuate sia entro i 100m di profondità sia oltre i 100m di profondità e/o 12 mn, e devono avere caratteristiche granulometriche e di profondità confrontabili. In ciascuna area d’indagine devono essere acquisiti dati morfologici del fondale, mediante indagini con sonar a scansione laterale (Side Scan Sonar – SSS) o ecoscandaglio multifascio (multibeam echosounder) in grado di acquisire dati di backscatter su aree di dimensioni pari a 25 km2 (eventualmente frazionabili). Inoltre per ciascuna area è necessario acquisire dati di granulometria del sedimento superficiale in alcune stazioni ritenute significative per validare i dati di backscatter. Lo studio dello sforzo di pesca prende in considerazione anche l’analisi dei dati provenienti dai sistemi VMS e AIS. Il primo è un sistema satellitare adottato a livello UE al fine della sicurezza e controllo sulla pesca fa uso di tecnologie d'avanguardia per garantire un monitoraggio efficiente delle flotte di pescherecci. Esso invia periodicamente (circa ogni due ore) alle autorità nazionali responsabili della pesca dati riguardo alla posizione, alla rotta e alla velocità dei pescherecci. È obbligatorio per i pescherecci di lunghezza superiore a 15 m e dal 1° gennaio 2012 per quelli al di sopra di 12 m (sebbene siano presenti con alcune deroghe al suo utilizzo). Il sistema AIS si basa su utilizzo di radiosegnali che permettono di caratterizzare la distribuzione delle imbarcazioni di LFT superiore ai 15m con frequenza di circa 5 minuti, è adottato da tutti natanti inclusi i pescherecci. Il sistema VMS ha maggiore copertura e non risente di eventuali disturbi nel segnale, mentre il sistema AIS presenta maggiore frequenza. L'integrazione delle informazioni provenienti dai due sistemi può quindi permettere di rappresentare il pattern spaziale generale e di dettaglio della distribuzione della pressione di pesca.
Al fine di poter quantificare l’effetto delle perturbazioni fisiche sul fondo marino (vedere programma di monitoraggio D6-02) verrà indagato il popolamento epimegabentonico caratteristico dei diversi habitat, e ne verrà valutata la sensibilità/tolleranza di alcune specie caratteristiche. Il monitoraggio sarà condotto nelle medesime aree indagate nel programma di monitoraggio D6-02 ovvero in almeno 2 aree entro i 100m di profondità e almeno 2 aree oltre i 100m di profondità e/o 12 mn, per MRU (per un totale di almeno 4 aree per MRU). All’interno di ogni area individuata verranno indagati 3 siti nell’ambito dei quali effettuare almeno 3 cale di pesca a strascico (per un totale di 9 cale ad area). Ai fini della determinazione dell’habitat, verrà inoltre raccolto 1 campione di sedimento superficiale associato a ogni cala (sul quale effettuare le analisi granulometriche), per un totale di 9 campioni.
Al fine di poter quantificare l’effetto delle perturbazioni fisiche sul fondo marino (vedere programma di monitoraggio D6-02) verrà indagato il popolamento epimegabentonico caratteristico dei diversi habitat, e ne verrà valutata la sensibilità/tolleranza di alcune specie caratteristiche. Il monitoraggio sarà condotto nelle medesime aree indagate nel programma di monitoraggio D6-02 ovvero in almeno 2 aree entro i 100m di profondità e almeno 2 aree oltre i 100m di profondità e/o 12 mn, per MRU (per un totale di almeno 4 aree per MRU). All’interno di ogni area individuata verranno indagati 3 siti nell’ambito dei quali effettuare almeno 3 cale di pesca a strascico (per un totale di 9 cale ad area). Ai fini della determinazione dell’habitat, verrà inoltre raccolto 1 campione di sedimento superficiale associato a ogni cala (sul quale effettuare le analisi granulometriche), per un totale di 9 campioni.
Al fine di poter quantificare l’effetto delle perturbazioni fisiche sul fondo marino (vedere programma di monitoraggio D6-02) verrà indagato il popolamento epimegabentonico caratteristico dei diversi habitat, e ne verrà valutata la sensibilità/tolleranza di alcune specie caratteristiche. Il monitoraggio sarà condotto nelle medesime aree indagate nel programma di monitoraggio D6-02 ovvero in almeno 2 aree entro i 100m di profondità e almeno 2 aree oltre i 100m di profondità e/o 12 mn, per MRU (per un totale di almeno 4 aree per MRU). All’interno di ogni area individuata verranno indagati 3 siti nell’ambito dei quali effettuare almeno 3 cale di pesca a strascico (per un totale di 9 cale ad area). Ai fini della determinazione dell’habitat, verrà inoltre raccolto 1 campione di sedimento superficiale associato a ogni cala (sul quale effettuare le analisi granulometriche), per un totale di 9 campioni.
I siti di indagine dell'habitat marino 1120 "Praterie di posidonie (Posidonion oceanicae)" devono essere selezionati, sulla base di dati cartografici esistenti, a scala regionale in modo da essere rappresentativi di diverse condizioni ambientali e di impatti di intensità differenti, tenendo conto delle attività di monitoraggio già poste in essere in attuazione della Direttiva Quadro Acque (2000/60/CE) e Direttiva Habitat (92/43/CEE), e nei siti Natura 2000. La condizione dell’habitat viene valutata da operatore scientifico subacqueo attraverso la valutazione dei seguenti parametri rilevati nella prateria, seguendo un disegno di campionamento gerarchico a livello di stazioni. L’unità di osservazione è formata dal transetto individuato dalla stazione a 15m (centro prateria) e dalla stazione sul limite inferiore secondo lo schema già definito nell’ambito del monitoraggio dell’EQB Angiosperme ai sensi del Dlgs. 152/06. Le unità di osservazione devono essere in numero rappresentativo dell’estensione della prateria oggetto di monitoraggio e comunque non inferiori a 3 unità di osservazione (transetti) ogni 3 km2 (vedi estensione dell’habitat P. oceanica). - Parametri strutturali - Parametri funzionali - Parametri ecologici - Parametri ambientali Inoltre, i parametri acquisiti nell’ambito del monitoraggio dell’estensione dell’habitat, forniranno indicazioni utili alla valutazione della condizione dell’habitat a scala di 3 km2 (vedi Estensione dell’habitat). Il protocollo di indagine, relativo all’estensione dell’habitat, prevede di eseguire rilievi da remoto, dei limiti inferiori e superiori delle praterie oggetto di monitoraggio. Nelle aree individuate è necessario acquisire dati acustici sulla morfologia del substrato e sulla facies a Posidonia oceanica su aree di dimensioni pari a 3 km2 (eventualmente frazionabili) e identificare la tipologia dei limiti della prateria lungo la loro estensione attraverso la raccolta di documentazione video fotografica ad alta definizione e georeferenziata. Ad integrazione o in alternativa alle acquisizioni acustiche è possibile impiegare immagini satellitari multi spettrali ad alta e media risoluzione e/o ortomosaici georeferenziati, quest’ultimi ottenuti da rilevi fotogrammetrici condotti con aeromobili a pilotaggio remoto (APR). L’estensione dell’habitat viene valutato mediante elaborazione ed analisi del backscatter, del modello digitale del terreno (DTM), e infine mediante foto interpretazione e foto-restituzione delle immag
I siti di indagine dell'habitat marino 1120 "Praterie di posidonie (Posidonion oceanicae)" devono essere selezionati, sulla base di dati cartografici esistenti, a scala regionale in modo da essere rappresentativi di diverse condizioni ambientali e di impatti di intensità differenti, tenendo conto delle attività di monitoraggio già poste in essere in attuazione della Direttiva Quadro Acque (2000/60/CE) e Direttiva Habitat (92/43/CEE), e nei siti Natura 2000. La condizione dell’habitat viene valutata da operatore scientifico subacqueo attraverso la valutazione dei seguenti parametri rilevati nella prateria, seguendo un disegno di campionamento gerarchico a livello di stazioni. L’unità di osservazione è formata dal transetto individuato dalla stazione a 15m (centro prateria) e dalla stazione sul limite inferiore secondo lo schema già definito nell’ambito del monitoraggio dell’EQB Angiosperme ai sensi del Dlgs. 152/06. Le unità di osservazione devono essere in numero rappresentativo dell’estensione della prateria oggetto di monitoraggio e comunque non inferiori a 3 unità di osservazione (transetti) ogni 3 km2 (vedi estensione dell’habitat P. oceanica). - Parametri strutturali - Parametri funzionali - Parametri ecologici - Parametri ambientali Inoltre, i parametri acquisiti nell’ambito del monitoraggio dell’estensione dell’habitat, forniranno indicazioni utili alla valutazione della condizione dell’habitat a scala di 3 km2 (vedi Estensione dell’habitat). Il protocollo di indagine, relativo all’estensione dell’habitat, prevede di eseguire rilievi da remoto, dei limiti inferiori e superiori delle praterie oggetto di monitoraggio. Nelle aree individuate è necessario acquisire dati acustici sulla morfologia del substrato e sulla facies a Posidonia oceanica su aree di dimensioni pari a 3 km2 (eventualmente frazionabili) e identificare la tipologia dei limiti della prateria lungo la loro estensione attraverso la raccolta di documentazione video fotografica ad alta definizione e georeferenziata. Ad integrazione o in alternativa alle acquisizioni acustiche è possibile impiegare immagini satellitari multi spettrali ad alta e media risoluzione e/o ortomosaici georeferenziati, quest’ultimi ottenuti da rilevi fotogrammetrici condotti con aeromobili a pilotaggio remoto (APR). L’estensione dell’habitat viene valutato mediante elaborazione ed analisi del backscatter, del modello digitale del terreno (DTM), e infine mediante foto interpretazione e foto-restituzione delle immag
Il monitoraggio del Coralligeno e della Biocenosi dei Coralli profondi è finalizzato alla valutazione dell’estensione e della condizione dei due habitat nelle tre sottoregioni. Il monitoraggio sarà condotto anche in aree protette marine. Nel programma sono previste attività di campo mediante le quali saranno acquisiti dati relativi alla distribuzione ed estensione dell’habitat e alla condizione dell’habitat, mediante l’applicazione di un protocollo di indagine standardizzato, basato sulla metodologia di acquisizione acustiche e raccolta di dati da video.
Il monitoraggio del Coralligeno e della Biocenosi dei Coralli profondi è finalizzato alla valutazione dell’estensione e della condizione dei due habitat nelle tre sottoregioni. Il monitoraggio sarà condotto anche in aree protette marine. Nel programma sono previste attività di campo mediante le quali saranno acquisiti dati relativi alla distribuzione ed estensione dell’habitat e alla condizione dell’habitat, mediante l’applicazione di un protocollo di indagine standardizzato, basato sulla metodologia di acquisizione acustiche e raccolta di dati da video.
Il monitoraggio del Coralligeno e della Biocenosi dei Coralli profondi è finalizzato alla valutazione dell’estensione e della condizione dei due habitat nelle tre sottoregioni. Il monitoraggio sarà condotto anche in aree protette marine. Nel programma sono previste attività di campo mediante le quali saranno acquisiti dati relativi alla distribuzione ed estensione dell’habitat e alla condizione dell’habitat, mediante l’applicazione di un protocollo di indagine standardizzato, basato sulla metodologia di acquisizione acustiche e raccolta di dati da video.
Il monitoraggio del Coralligeno e della Biocenosi dei Coralli profondi è finalizzato alla valutazione dell’estensione e della condizione dei due habitat nelle tre sottoregioni. Il monitoraggio sarà condotto anche in aree protette marine. Nel programma sono previste attività di campo mediante le quali saranno acquisiti dati relativi alla distribuzione ed estensione dell’habitat e alla condizione dell’habitat, mediante l’applicazione di un protocollo di indagine standardizzato, basato sulla metodologia di acquisizione acustiche e raccolta di dati da video.
Il monitoraggio dei letti a rodoliti si pone l’obiettivo di valutare il conseguimento o mantenimento del GES G1.2 “Gli habitat marini elencati nella Direttiva Habitat, nella Direttiva Uccelli e nel protocollo SPA/BD della Convenzione di Barcellona mantengono o conseguono uno stato di conservazione soddisfacente” e del GES G6.1 “E’ assente ogni pressione significativa dovuta a: a) perturbazioni fisiche determinate dalle attività antropiche che operano in modo attivo sul fondo marino e b) perdita fisica su substrati biogenici connessa alle attività antropiche” attraverso delle indagini funzionali a una valutazione di quanto proposto nei traguardi ambientali T1.2 “Incremento nel numero degli habitat marini elencati nella Direttiva Habitat, nella Direttiva Uccelli e nel protocollo SPA/BD della Convenzione di Barcellona che mantiene o consegue uno stato di conservazione soddisfacente” e T6.3 “Incremento nel numero degli habitat marini elencati nel protocollo SPA/BD della Convenzione di Barcellona che mantiene o consegue uno stato di conservazione soddisfacente e è implementata una regolamentazione per verificare: a) che non si esercitino attività di pesca su substrati biogenici, tenendo in considerazione anche le limitazioni già prescritte dal Reg. CE 1967/2006 e per gli aspetti rilevanti del Reg. CE 1224/2009; b) che le imbarcazioni che operano con attrezzi da pesca che hanno interazione con il fondo marino in modo attivo siano dotate di strumenti per la registrazione e trasmissione di dati sulla posizione delle imbarcazioni stesse, in particolare quelle attrezzate con draghe idrauliche e strascico con LFT < 15 m”. Il programma di monitoraggio è finalizzato alla valutazione dell’estensione dell’habitat (estensione e definizione di classi di copertura) e della condizione dell’habitat (copertura e spessore dello strato vitale). Il programma prevede attività di campo nel corso delle quali saranno acquisiti dati mediante l’applicazione di un protocollo di indagine standardizzato, basato sulla metodologia del rilevamento acustico e della raccolta di dati sia da video che da prelievo diretto. L’obiettivo è di identificare aree di presenza di rodoliti omogeneamente distribuiti nella sottoregione che soddisfino i seguenti requisiti: essere rappresentativi di diverse condizioni di pressioni e impatti; essere ubicati anche (ma non esclusivamente) in aree marine protette; garantire una distribuzione omogenea all’interno delle sottoregioni.
Il monitoraggio dei letti a rodoliti si pone l’obiettivo di valutare il conseguimento o mantenimento del GES G1.2 “Gli habitat marini elencati nella Direttiva Habitat, nella Direttiva Uccelli e nel protocollo SPA/BD della Convenzione di Barcellona mantengono o conseguono uno stato di conservazione soddisfacente” e del GES G6.1 “E’ assente ogni pressione significativa dovuta a: a) perturbazioni fisiche determinate dalle attività antropiche che operano in modo attivo sul fondo marino e b) perdita fisica su substrati biogenici connessa alle attività antropiche” attraverso delle indagini funzionali a una valutazione di quanto proposto nei traguardi ambientali T1.2 “Incremento nel numero degli habitat marini elencati nella Direttiva Habitat, nella Direttiva Uccelli e nel protocollo SPA/BD della Convenzione di Barcellona che mantiene o consegue uno stato di conservazione soddisfacente” e T6.3 “Incremento nel numero degli habitat marini elencati nel protocollo SPA/BD della Convenzione di Barcellona che mantiene o consegue uno stato di conservazione soddisfacente e è implementata una regolamentazione per verificare: a) che non si esercitino attività di pesca su substrati biogenici, tenendo in considerazione anche le limitazioni già prescritte dal Reg. CE 1967/2006 e per gli aspetti rilevanti del Reg. CE 1224/2009; b) che le imbarcazioni che operano con attrezzi da pesca che hanno interazione con il fondo marino in modo attivo siano dotate di strumenti per la registrazione e trasmissione di dati sulla posizione delle imbarcazioni stesse, in particolare quelle attrezzate con draghe idrauliche e strascico con LFT < 15 m”. Il programma di monitoraggio è finalizzato alla valutazione dell’estensione dell’habitat (estensione e definizione di classi di copertura) e della condizione dell’habitat (copertura e spessore dello strato vitale). Il programma prevede attività di campo nel corso delle quali saranno acquisiti dati mediante l’applicazione di un protocollo di indagine standardizzato, basato sulla metodologia del rilevamento acustico e della raccolta di dati sia da video che da prelievo diretto. L’obiettivo è di identificare aree di presenza di rodoliti omogeneamente distribuiti nella sottoregione che soddisfino i seguenti requisiti: essere rappresentativi di diverse condizioni di pressioni e impatti; essere ubicati anche (ma non esclusivamente) in aree marine protette; garantire una distribuzione omogenea all’interno delle sottoregioni.
Al fine di quantificare la perdita fisica agente sul fondo marino, totale e per tipo di opera, è indagata la perdita di substrato generata e/o riconducibile alle diverse strutture e/o attività antropiche di seguito indicate: bacini portuali, cavi, condotte, infrastrutture portuali e colmate costiere, opere di difesa costiera, piattaforme offshore, pozzi estrattivi, relitti, rigassificatori, turbine eoliche, zone di immersione materiale bellico inesploso. La perdita fisica viene calcolata, mediante un processo di overlay mapping, anche per gli habitat marini sensu “Broad Benthic Habitat Type”, EUNIS livello 2 e, laddove possibile, EUNIS livello 4, con particolare attenzione ai seguenti tipi di habitat: praterie di Posidonia oceanica, habitat a coralligeno, facies del maerl, habitat dei coralli profondi. Per la “baseline condition” il riferimento è dato dalla condizione vigente al 2006 per opere costiere e porti e al 2011 per le altre attività.
Al fine di quantificare la perdita fisica agente sul fondo marino, totale e per tipo di opera, è indagata la perdita di substrato generata e/o riconducibile alle diverse strutture e/o attività antropiche di seguito indicate: bacini portuali, cavi, condotte, infrastrutture portuali e colmate costiere, opere di difesa costiera, piattaforme offshore, pozzi estrattivi, relitti, rigassificatori, turbine eoliche, zone di immersione materiale bellico inesploso. La perdita fisica viene calcolata, mediante un processo di overlay mapping, anche per gli habitat marini sensu “Broad Benthic Habitat Type”, EUNIS livello 2 e, laddove possibile, EUNIS livello 4, con particolare attenzione ai seguenti tipi di habitat: praterie di Posidonia oceanica, habitat a coralligeno, facies del maerl, habitat dei coralli profondi. Per la “baseline condition” il riferimento è dato dalla condizione vigente al 2006 per opere costiere e porti e al 2011 per le altre attività.
Al fine di quantificare la perdita fisica agente sul fondo marino, totale e per tipo di opera, è indagata la perdita di substrato generata e/o riconducibile alle diverse strutture e/o attività antropiche di seguito indicate: bacini portuali, cavi, condotte, infrastrutture portuali e colmate costiere, opere di difesa costiera, piattaforme offshore, pozzi estrattivi, relitti, rigassificatori, turbine eoliche, zone di immersione materiale bellico inesploso. La perdita fisica viene calcolata, mediante un processo di overlay mapping, anche per gli habitat marini sensu “Broad Benthic Habitat Type”, EUNIS livello 2 e, laddove possibile, EUNIS livello 4, con particolare attenzione ai seguenti tipi di habitat: praterie di Posidonia oceanica, habitat a coralligeno, facies del maerl, habitat dei coralli profondi. Per la “baseline condition” il riferimento è dato dalla condizione vigente al 2006 per opere costiere e porti e al 2011 per le altre attività.
Al fine di quantificare la perdita fisica agente sul fondo marino, totale e per tipo di opera, è indagata la perdita di substrato generata e/o riconducibile alle diverse strutture e/o attività antropiche di seguito indicate: bacini portuali, cavi, condotte, infrastrutture portuali e colmate costiere, opere di difesa costiera, piattaforme offshore, pozzi estrattivi, relitti, rigassificatori, turbine eoliche, zone di immersione materiale bellico inesploso. La perdita fisica viene calcolata, mediante un processo di overlay mapping, anche per gli habitat marini sensu “Broad Benthic Habitat Type”, EUNIS livello 2 e, laddove possibile, EUNIS livello 4, con particolare attenzione ai seguenti tipi di habitat: praterie di Posidonia oceanica, habitat a coralligeno, facies del maerl, habitat dei coralli profondi. Per la “baseline condition” il riferimento è dato dalla condizione vigente al 2006 per opere costiere e porti e al 2011 per le altre attività.
Al fine di quantificare la perdita fisica agente sul fondo marino, totale e per tipo di opera, è indagata la perdita di substrato generata e/o riconducibile alle diverse strutture e/o attività antropiche di seguito indicate: bacini portuali, cavi, condotte, infrastrutture portuali e colmate costiere, opere di difesa costiera, piattaforme offshore, pozzi estrattivi, relitti, rigassificatori, turbine eoliche, zone di immersione materiale bellico inesploso. La perdita fisica viene calcolata, mediante un processo di overlay mapping, anche per gli habitat marini sensu “Broad Benthic Habitat Type”, EUNIS livello 2 e, laddove possibile, EUNIS livello 4, con particolare attenzione ai seguenti tipi di habitat: praterie di Posidonia oceanica, habitat a coralligeno, facies del maerl, habitat dei coralli profondi. Per la “baseline condition” il riferimento è dato dalla condizione vigente al 2006 per opere costiere e porti e al 2011 per le altre attività.
Al fine di quantificare la perdita fisica agente sul fondo marino, totale e per tipo di opera, è indagata la perdita di substrato generata e/o riconducibile alle diverse strutture e/o attività antropiche di seguito indicate: bacini portuali, cavi, condotte, infrastrutture portuali e colmate costiere, opere di difesa costiera, piattaforme offshore, pozzi estrattivi, relitti, rigassificatori, turbine eoliche, zone di immersione materiale bellico inesploso. La perdita fisica viene calcolata, mediante un processo di overlay mapping, anche per gli habitat marini sensu “Broad Benthic Habitat Type”, EUNIS livello 2 e, laddove possibile, EUNIS livello 4, con particolare attenzione ai seguenti tipi di habitat: praterie di Posidonia oceanica, habitat a coralligeno, facies del maerl, habitat dei coralli profondi. Per la “baseline condition” il riferimento è dato dalla condizione vigente al 2006 per opere costiere e porti e al 2011 per le altre attività.
Al fine di quantificare la perdita fisica agente sul fondo marino, totale e per tipo di opera, è indagata la perdita di substrato generata e/o riconducibile alle diverse strutture e/o attività antropiche di seguito indicate: bacini portuali, cavi, condotte, infrastrutture portuali e colmate costiere, opere di difesa costiera, piattaforme offshore, pozzi estrattivi, relitti, rigassificatori, turbine eoliche, zone di immersione materiale bellico inesploso. La perdita fisica viene calcolata, mediante un processo di overlay mapping, anche per gli habitat marini sensu “Broad Benthic Habitat Type”, EUNIS livello 2 e, laddove possibile, EUNIS livello 4, con particolare attenzione ai seguenti tipi di habitat: praterie di Posidonia oceanica, habitat a coralligeno, facies del maerl, habitat dei coralli profondi. Per la “baseline condition” il riferimento è dato dalla condizione vigente al 2006 per opere costiere e porti e al 2011 per le altre attività.
Al fine di poter quantificare la pressione da abrasione sul fondo marino da pressione pesca è necessario indagare almeno due aree per MRU: a) una interessata da perturbazioni fisiche dovute ad attività di pesca con mezzi che interagiscono in modo attivo sul fondo (area di elevato impatto); b) una caratterizzata da una assente o minore perturbazione fisica dovuta ad attività di pesca con mezzi che interagiscono in modo attivo sul fondo (area di riferimento). Le due aree con tali caratteristiche devono essere individuate sia entro i 100m di profondità sia oltre i 100m di profondità e/o 12 mn, e devono avere caratteristiche granulometriche e di profondità confrontabili. In ciascuna area d’indagine devono essere acquisiti dati morfologici del fondale, mediante indagini con sonar a scansione laterale (Side Scan Sonar – SSS) o ecoscandaglio multifascio (multibeam echosounder) in grado di acquisire dati di backscatter su aree di dimensioni pari a 25 km2 (eventualmente frazionabili). Inoltre per ciascuna area è necessario acquisire dati di granulometria del sedimento superficiale in alcune stazioni ritenute significative per validare i dati di backscatter. Lo studio dello sforzo di pesca prende in considerazione anche l’analisi dei dati provenienti dai sistemi VMS e AIS. Il primo è un sistema satellitare adottato a livello UE al fine della sicurezza e controllo sulla pesca fa uso di tecnologie d'avanguardia per garantire un monitoraggio efficiente delle flotte di pescherecci. Esso invia periodicamente (circa ogni due ore) alle autorità nazionali responsabili della pesca dati riguardo alla posizione, alla rotta e alla velocità dei pescherecci. È obbligatorio per i pescherecci di lunghezza superiore a 15 m e dal 1° gennaio 2012 per quelli al di sopra di 12 m (sebbene siano presenti con alcune deroghe al suo utilizzo). Il sistema AIS si basa su utilizzo di radiosegnali che permettono di caratterizzare la distribuzione delle imbarcazioni di LFT superiore ai 15m con frequenza di circa 5 minuti, è adottato da tutti natanti inclusi i pescherecci. Il sistema VMS ha maggiore copertura e non risente di eventuali disturbi nel segnale, mentre il sistema AIS presenta maggiore frequenza. L'integrazione delle informazioni provenienti dai due sistemi può quindi permettere di rappresentare il pattern spaziale generale e di dettaglio della distribuzione della pressione di pesca.
Al fine di poter quantificare la pressione da abrasione sul fondo marino da pressione pesca è necessario indagare almeno due aree per MRU: a) una interessata da perturbazioni fisiche dovute ad attività di pesca con mezzi che interagiscono in modo attivo sul fondo (area di elevato impatto); b) una caratterizzata da una assente o minore perturbazione fisica dovuta ad attività di pesca con mezzi che interagiscono in modo attivo sul fondo (area di riferimento). Le due aree con tali caratteristiche devono essere individuate sia entro i 100m di profondità sia oltre i 100m di profondità e/o 12 mn, e devono avere caratteristiche granulometriche e di profondità confrontabili. In ciascuna area d’indagine devono essere acquisiti dati morfologici del fondale, mediante indagini con sonar a scansione laterale (Side Scan Sonar – SSS) o ecoscandaglio multifascio (multibeam echosounder) in grado di acquisire dati di backscatter su aree di dimensioni pari a 25 km2 (eventualmente frazionabili). Inoltre per ciascuna area è necessario acquisire dati di granulometria del sedimento superficiale in alcune stazioni ritenute significative per validare i dati di backscatter. Lo studio dello sforzo di pesca prende in considerazione anche l’analisi dei dati provenienti dai sistemi VMS e AIS. Il primo è un sistema satellitare adottato a livello UE al fine della sicurezza e controllo sulla pesca fa uso di tecnologie d'avanguardia per garantire un monitoraggio efficiente delle flotte di pescherecci. Esso invia periodicamente (circa ogni due ore) alle autorità nazionali responsabili della pesca dati riguardo alla posizione, alla rotta e alla velocità dei pescherecci. È obbligatorio per i pescherecci di lunghezza superiore a 15 m e dal 1° gennaio 2012 per quelli al di sopra di 12 m (sebbene siano presenti con alcune deroghe al suo utilizzo). Il sistema AIS si basa su utilizzo di radiosegnali che permettono di caratterizzare la distribuzione delle imbarcazioni di LFT superiore ai 15m con frequenza di circa 5 minuti, è adottato da tutti natanti inclusi i pescherecci. Il sistema VMS ha maggiore copertura e non risente di eventuali disturbi nel segnale, mentre il sistema AIS presenta maggiore frequenza. L'integrazione delle informazioni provenienti dai due sistemi può quindi permettere di rappresentare il pattern spaziale generale e di dettaglio della distribuzione della pressione di pesca.
Al fine di poter quantificare la pressione da abrasione sul fondo marino da pressione pesca è necessario indagare almeno due aree per MRU: a) una interessata da perturbazioni fisiche dovute ad attività di pesca con mezzi che interagiscono in modo attivo sul fondo (area di elevato impatto); b) una caratterizzata da una assente o minore perturbazione fisica dovuta ad attività di pesca con mezzi che interagiscono in modo attivo sul fondo (area di riferimento). Le due aree con tali caratteristiche devono essere individuate sia entro i 100m di profondità sia oltre i 100m di profondità e/o 12 mn, e devono avere caratteristiche granulometriche e di profondità confrontabili. In ciascuna area d’indagine devono essere acquisiti dati morfologici del fondale, mediante indagini con sonar a scansione laterale (Side Scan Sonar – SSS) o ecoscandaglio multifascio (multibeam echosounder) in grado di acquisire dati di backscatter su aree di dimensioni pari a 25 km2 (eventualmente frazionabili). Inoltre per ciascuna area è necessario acquisire dati di granulometria del sedimento superficiale in alcune stazioni ritenute significative per validare i dati di backscatter. Lo studio dello sforzo di pesca prende in considerazione anche l’analisi dei dati provenienti dai sistemi VMS e AIS. Il primo è un sistema satellitare adottato a livello UE al fine della sicurezza e controllo sulla pesca fa uso di tecnologie d'avanguardia per garantire un monitoraggio efficiente delle flotte di pescherecci. Esso invia periodicamente (circa ogni due ore) alle autorità nazionali responsabili della pesca dati riguardo alla posizione, alla rotta e alla velocità dei pescherecci. È obbligatorio per i pescherecci di lunghezza superiore a 15 m e dal 1° gennaio 2012 per quelli al di sopra di 12 m (sebbene siano presenti con alcune deroghe al suo utilizzo). Il sistema AIS si basa su utilizzo di radiosegnali che permettono di caratterizzare la distribuzione delle imbarcazioni di LFT superiore ai 15m con frequenza di circa 5 minuti, è adottato da tutti natanti inclusi i pescherecci. Il sistema VMS ha maggiore copertura e non risente di eventuali disturbi nel segnale, mentre il sistema AIS presenta maggiore frequenza. L'integrazione delle informazioni provenienti dai due sistemi può quindi permettere di rappresentare il pattern spaziale generale e di dettaglio della distribuzione della pressione di pesca.
Al fine di poter quantificare la pressione da abrasione sul fondo marino da pressione pesca è necessario indagare almeno due aree per MRU: a) una interessata da perturbazioni fisiche dovute ad attività di pesca con mezzi che interagiscono in modo attivo sul fondo (area di elevato impatto); b) una caratterizzata da una assente o minore perturbazione fisica dovuta ad attività di pesca con mezzi che interagiscono in modo attivo sul fondo (area di riferimento). Le due aree con tali caratteristiche devono essere individuate sia entro i 100m di profondità sia oltre i 100m di profondità e/o 12 mn, e devono avere caratteristiche granulometriche e di profondità confrontabili. In ciascuna area d’indagine devono essere acquisiti dati morfologici del fondale, mediante indagini con sonar a scansione laterale (Side Scan Sonar – SSS) o ecoscandaglio multifascio (multibeam echosounder) in grado di acquisire dati di backscatter su aree di dimensioni pari a 25 km2 (eventualmente frazionabili). Inoltre per ciascuna area è necessario acquisire dati di granulometria del sedimento superficiale in alcune stazioni ritenute significative per validare i dati di backscatter. Lo studio dello sforzo di pesca prende in considerazione anche l’analisi dei dati provenienti dai sistemi VMS e AIS. Il primo è un sistema satellitare adottato a livello UE al fine della sicurezza e controllo sulla pesca fa uso di tecnologie d'avanguardia per garantire un monitoraggio efficiente delle flotte di pescherecci. Esso invia periodicamente (circa ogni due ore) alle autorità nazionali responsabili della pesca dati riguardo alla posizione, alla rotta e alla velocità dei pescherecci. È obbligatorio per i pescherecci di lunghezza superiore a 15 m e dal 1° gennaio 2012 per quelli al di sopra di 12 m (sebbene siano presenti con alcune deroghe al suo utilizzo). Il sistema AIS si basa su utilizzo di radiosegnali che permettono di caratterizzare la distribuzione delle imbarcazioni di LFT superiore ai 15m con frequenza di circa 5 minuti, è adottato da tutti natanti inclusi i pescherecci. Il sistema VMS ha maggiore copertura e non risente di eventuali disturbi nel segnale, mentre il sistema AIS presenta maggiore frequenza. L'integrazione delle informazioni provenienti dai due sistemi può quindi permettere di rappresentare il pattern spaziale generale e di dettaglio della distribuzione della pressione di pesca.
Al fine di poter quantificare l’effetto delle perturbazioni fisiche sul fondo marino (vedere programma di monitoraggio D6-02) verrà indagato il popolamento epimegabentonico caratteristico dei diversi habitat, e ne verrà valutata la sensibilità/tolleranza di alcune specie caratteristiche. Il monitoraggio sarà condotto nelle medesime aree indagate nel programma di monitoraggio D6-02 ovvero in almeno 2 aree entro i 100m di profondità e almeno 2 aree oltre i 100m di profondità e/o 12 mn, per MRU (per un totale di almeno 4 aree per MRU). All’interno di ogni area individuata verranno indagati 3 siti nell’ambito dei quali effettuare almeno 3 cale di pesca a strascico (per un totale di 9 cale ad area). Ai fini della determinazione dell’habitat, verrà inoltre raccolto 1 campione di sedimento superficiale associato a ogni cala (sul quale effettuare le analisi granulometriche), per un totale di 9 campioni.
Al fine di poter quantificare l’effetto delle perturbazioni fisiche sul fondo marino (vedere programma di monitoraggio D6-02) verrà indagato il popolamento epimegabentonico caratteristico dei diversi habitat, e ne verrà valutata la sensibilità/tolleranza di alcune specie caratteristiche. Il monitoraggio sarà condotto nelle medesime aree indagate nel programma di monitoraggio D6-02 ovvero in almeno 2 aree entro i 100m di profondità e almeno 2 aree oltre i 100m di profondità e/o 12 mn, per MRU (per un totale di almeno 4 aree per MRU). All’interno di ogni area individuata verranno indagati 3 siti nell’ambito dei quali effettuare almeno 3 cale di pesca a strascico (per un totale di 9 cale ad area). Ai fini della determinazione dell’habitat, verrà inoltre raccolto 1 campione di sedimento superficiale associato a ogni cala (sul quale effettuare le analisi granulometriche), per un totale di 9 campioni.
Al fine di poter quantificare l’effetto delle perturbazioni fisiche sul fondo marino (vedere programma di monitoraggio D6-02) verrà indagato il popolamento epimegabentonico caratteristico dei diversi habitat, e ne verrà valutata la sensibilità/tolleranza di alcune specie caratteristiche. Il monitoraggio sarà condotto nelle medesime aree indagate nel programma di monitoraggio D6-02 ovvero in almeno 2 aree entro i 100m di profondità e almeno 2 aree oltre i 100m di profondità e/o 12 mn, per MRU (per un totale di almeno 4 aree per MRU). All’interno di ogni area individuata verranno indagati 3 siti nell’ambito dei quali effettuare almeno 3 cale di pesca a strascico (per un totale di 9 cale ad area). Ai fini della determinazione dell’habitat, verrà inoltre raccolto 1 campione di sedimento superficiale associato a ogni cala (sul quale effettuare le analisi granulometriche), per un totale di 9 campioni.
Monitoring purpose
  • Effectiveness of measures
  • Environmental state and impacts
  • Effectiveness of measures
  • Environmental state and impacts
  • Effectiveness of measures
  • Environmental state and impacts
  • Effectiveness of measures
  • Environmental state and impacts
  • Effectiveness of measures
  • Environmental state and impacts
  • Effectiveness of measures
  • Environmental state and impacts
  • Effectiveness of measures
  • Environmental state and impacts
  • Effectiveness of measures
  • Environmental state and impacts
  • Effectiveness of measures
  • Human activities causing the pressures
  • Pressures in the marine environment
  • Effectiveness of measures
  • Human activities causing the pressures
  • Pressures in the marine environment
  • Effectiveness of measures
  • Human activities causing the pressures
  • Pressures in the marine environment
  • Effectiveness of measures
  • Human activities causing the pressures
  • Pressures in the marine environment
  • Effectiveness of measures
  • Human activities causing the pressures
  • Pressures in the marine environment
  • Effectiveness of measures
  • Human activities causing the pressures
  • Pressures in the marine environment
  • Effectiveness of measures
  • Human activities causing the pressures
  • Pressures in the marine environment
  • Effectiveness of measures
  • Environmental state and impacts
  • Human activities causing the pressures
  • Pressures in the marine environment
  • Effectiveness of measures
  • Environmental state and impacts
  • Human activities causing the pressures
  • Pressures in the marine environment
  • Effectiveness of measures
  • Environmental state and impacts
  • Human activities causing the pressures
  • Pressures in the marine environment
  • Effectiveness of measures
  • Environmental state and impacts
  • Human activities causing the pressures
  • Pressures in the marine environment
  • Effectiveness of measures
  • Environmental state and impacts
  • Effectiveness of measures
  • Environmental state and impacts
  • Effectiveness of measures
  • Environmental state and impacts
  • Effectiveness of measures
  • Environmental state and impacts
  • Effectiveness of measures
  • Environmental state and impacts
  • Effectiveness of measures
  • Environmental state and impacts
  • Effectiveness of measures
  • Environmental state and impacts
  • Effectiveness of measures
  • Environmental state and impacts
  • Effectiveness of measures
  • Environmental state and impacts
  • Effectiveness of measures
  • Environmental state and impacts
  • Effectiveness of measures
  • Environmental state and impacts
  • Effectiveness of measures
  • Human activities causing the pressures
  • Pressures in the marine environment
  • Effectiveness of measures
  • Human activities causing the pressures
  • Pressures in the marine environment
  • Effectiveness of measures
  • Human activities causing the pressures
  • Pressures in the marine environment
  • Effectiveness of measures
  • Human activities causing the pressures
  • Pressures in the marine environment
  • Effectiveness of measures
  • Human activities causing the pressures
  • Pressures in the marine environment
  • Effectiveness of measures
  • Human activities causing the pressures
  • Pressures in the marine environment
  • Effectiveness of measures
  • Human activities causing the pressures
  • Pressures in the marine environment
  • Effectiveness of measures
  • Environmental state and impacts
  • Human activities causing the pressures
  • Pressures in the marine environment
  • Effectiveness of measures
  • Environmental state and impacts
  • Human activities causing the pressures
  • Pressures in the marine environment
  • Effectiveness of measures
  • Environmental state and impacts
  • Human activities causing the pressures
  • Pressures in the marine environment
  • Effectiveness of measures
  • Environmental state and impacts
  • Human activities causing the pressures
  • Pressures in the marine environment
  • Effectiveness of measures
  • Environmental state and impacts
  • Effectiveness of measures
  • Environmental state and impacts
  • Effectiveness of measures
  • Environmental state and impacts
  • Effectiveness of measures
  • Environmental state and impacts
  • Effectiveness of measures
  • Environmental state and impacts
  • Effectiveness of measures
  • Environmental state and impacts
  • Effectiveness of measures
  • Environmental state and impacts
  • Effectiveness of measures
  • Environmental state and impacts
  • Effectiveness of measures
  • Environmental state and impacts
  • Effectiveness of measures
  • Environmental state and impacts
  • Effectiveness of measures
  • Environmental state and impacts
  • Effectiveness of measures
  • Human activities causing the pressures
  • Pressures in the marine environment
  • Effectiveness of measures
  • Human activities causing the pressures
  • Pressures in the marine environment
  • Effectiveness of measures
  • Human activities causing the pressures
  • Pressures in the marine environment
  • Effectiveness of measures
  • Human activities causing the pressures
  • Pressures in the marine environment
  • Effectiveness of measures
  • Human activities causing the pressures
  • Pressures in the marine environment
  • Effectiveness of measures
  • Human activities causing the pressures
  • Pressures in the marine environment
  • Effectiveness of measures
  • Human activities causing the pressures
  • Pressures in the marine environment
  • Effectiveness of measures
  • Environmental state and impacts
  • Human activities causing the pressures
  • Pressures in the marine environment
  • Effectiveness of measures
  • Environmental state and impacts
  • Human activities causing the pressures
  • Pressures in the marine environment
  • Effectiveness of measures
  • Environmental state and impacts
  • Human activities causing the pressures
  • Pressures in the marine environment
  • Effectiveness of measures
  • Environmental state and impacts
  • Human activities causing the pressures
  • Pressures in the marine environment
  • Effectiveness of measures
  • Environmental state and impacts
  • Effectiveness of measures
  • Environmental state and impacts
  • Effectiveness of measures
  • Environmental state and impacts
Other policies and conventions
  • Habitats Directive
  • Water Framework Directive
  • Habitats Directive
  • Water Framework Directive
  • Habitats Directive
  • UNEP-MAP Integrated Monitoring and Assessment Programme
  • Habitats Directive
  • UNEP-MAP Integrated Monitoring and Assessment Programme
  • Habitats Directive
  • UNEP-MAP Integrated Monitoring and Assessment Programme
  • Habitats Directive
  • UNEP-MAP Integrated Monitoring and Assessment Programme
  • Habitats Directive
  • Maritime Spatial Planning Directive
  • Water Framework Directive
  • Habitats Directive
  • Maritime Spatial Planning Directive
  • Water Framework Directive
  • Habitats Directive
  • Maritime Spatial Planning Directive
  • Water Framework Directive
  • Habitats Directive
  • Maritime Spatial Planning Directive
  • Water Framework Directive
  • Habitats Directive
  • Maritime Spatial Planning Directive
  • Water Framework Directive
  • Habitats Directive
  • Maritime Spatial Planning Directive
  • Water Framework Directive
  • Habitats Directive
  • Maritime Spatial Planning Directive
  • Water Framework Directive
  • Data Collection Framework Multi-Annual Plan (Common Fisheries Policy)
  • Data Collection Framework Multi-Annual Plan (Common Fisheries Policy)
  • Data Collection Framework Multi-Annual Plan (Common Fisheries Policy)
  • Data Collection Framework Multi-Annual Plan (Common Fisheries Policy)
  • UNEP-MAP Integrated Monitoring and Assessment Programme
  • UNEP-MAP Integrated Monitoring and Assessment Programme
  • UNEP-MAP Integrated Monitoring and Assessment Programme
  • Habitats Directive
  • Water Framework Directive
  • Habitats Directive
  • Water Framework Directive
  • Habitats Directive
  • UNEP-MAP Integrated Monitoring and Assessment Programme
  • Habitats Directive
  • UNEP-MAP Integrated Monitoring and Assessment Programme
  • Habitats Directive
  • UNEP-MAP Integrated Monitoring and Assessment Programme
  • Habitats Directive
  • UNEP-MAP Integrated Monitoring and Assessment Programme
  • Habitats Directive
  • Maritime Spatial Planning Directive
  • Water Framework Directive
  • Habitats Directive
  • Maritime Spatial Planning Directive
  • Water Framework Directive
  • Habitats Directive
  • Maritime Spatial Planning Directive
  • Water Framework Directive
  • Habitats Directive
  • Maritime Spatial Planning Directive
  • Water Framework Directive
  • Habitats Directive
  • Maritime Spatial Planning Directive
  • Water Framework Directive
  • Habitats Directive
  • Maritime Spatial Planning Directive
  • Water Framework Directive
  • Habitats Directive
  • Maritime Spatial Planning Directive
  • Water Framework Directive
  • Data Collection Framework Multi-Annual Plan (Common Fisheries Policy)
  • Data Collection Framework Multi-Annual Plan (Common Fisheries Policy)
  • Data Collection Framework Multi-Annual Plan (Common Fisheries Policy)
  • Data Collection Framework Multi-Annual Plan (Common Fisheries Policy)
  • UNEP-MAP Integrated Monitoring and Assessment Programme
  • UNEP-MAP Integrated Monitoring and Assessment Programme
  • UNEP-MAP Integrated Monitoring and Assessment Programme
  • Habitats Directive
  • Water Framework Directive
  • Habitats Directive
  • Water Framework Directive
  • Habitats Directive
  • UNEP-MAP Integrated Monitoring and Assessment Programme
  • Habitats Directive
  • UNEP-MAP Integrated Monitoring and Assessment Programme
  • Habitats Directive
  • UNEP-MAP Integrated Monitoring and Assessment Programme
  • Habitats Directive
  • UNEP-MAP Integrated Monitoring and Assessment Programme
  • Habitats Directive
  • Maritime Spatial Planning Directive
  • Water Framework Directive
  • Habitats Directive
  • Maritime Spatial Planning Directive
  • Water Framework Directive
  • Habitats Directive
  • Maritime Spatial Planning Directive
  • Water Framework Directive
  • Habitats Directive
  • Maritime Spatial Planning Directive
  • Water Framework Directive
  • Habitats Directive
  • Maritime Spatial Planning Directive
  • Water Framework Directive
  • Habitats Directive
  • Maritime Spatial Planning Directive
  • Water Framework Directive
  • Habitats Directive
  • Maritime Spatial Planning Directive
  • Water Framework Directive
  • Data Collection Framework Multi-Annual Plan (Common Fisheries Policy)
  • Data Collection Framework Multi-Annual Plan (Common Fisheries Policy)
  • Data Collection Framework Multi-Annual Plan (Common Fisheries Policy)
  • Data Collection Framework Multi-Annual Plan (Common Fisheries Policy)
  • UNEP-MAP Integrated Monitoring and Assessment Programme
  • UNEP-MAP Integrated Monitoring and Assessment Programme
  • UNEP-MAP Integrated Monitoring and Assessment Programme
Regional cooperation - coordinating body
  • Other
  • Other
  • Other
  • Other
  • Other
  • Other
  • Other
  • Other
  • Other
  • Other
  • Other
  • Other
  • Other
  • Other
  • Other
  • Other
  • Other
  • Other
  • Other
  • Other
  • Other
  • Other
  • Other
  • Other
  • Other
  • Other
  • Other
  • Other
  • Other
  • Other
  • Other
  • Other
  • Other
Regional cooperation - countries involved
Regional cooperation - implementation level
Monitoring details
Elemento monitorato: Habitat (D6C4, D6C5) Parametri monitorati: Stime visive e misure in mare Mediante operatore subacqueo: - continuità della prateria - tipo di substrato - composizione prateria - presenza alghe alloctone - copertura (percentuale di matte morta, percentuale di P. oceanica viva, percentuale di C. nodosa, percentuale di C. prolifera, percentuale di C. taxifolia, percentuale di C. cylindracea), - densità dei fasci fogliari - scalzamento dei rizomi - Portamento rizomi - presenza di fioritura - tipo di limite inferiore - profondità del limite inferiore - fonti di disturbo evidenti Mediante sonda multiparametrica: - parametri chimico-fisici in colonna (%O2; trasparenza Disco Secchi m; pH; salinità psu; temperatura °C; Chla μg/l; O2 disciolto μmol O2/l; conducibilità S/cm) Analisi di laboratorio sui fasci ortotropi campionati in situ Parametri lepidocronologici: - Produzione annuale rizoma - allungamento annuale del rizoma - numero foglie fascio anno - lunghezza intera rizoma - lunghezza scaglie - Età rizoma - Paleofioritura Parametri fenologici: - Larghezza foglie intermedie - Lunghezza foglie intermedie - Lunghezza tessuto bruno foglie intermedie - Lunghezza foglia intermedia più lunga - Larghezza foglie adulte - Lunghezza totale foglie adulte - Lunghezza tessuto bruno foglie adulte - Lunghezza della base foglie adulte - Numero foglie giovanili - Numero foglie intermedie - Numero foglie adulte - Coefficiente A foglie adulte - Coefficiente A foglie intermedie - Superficie fogliare fascio (adulte + intermedie) - Densità foglie integre più vecchie (per lepidocronologia) Parametri di biomassa: - Biomassa fogliare fascio (adulte + intermedie) - Biomassa epifiti (adulte + intermedie) Indici: - Calcolo del PREI (Posidonia Rapid Easy Index) Parametri ambientali: - Granulometria del sedimento - Carbonio Organico Totale (TOC) del sedimento Specifiche multibeam acquisizione Velocità max acquisizione 5 kn Apertura max swath 120° Frequenza min 400Hz Sovrapposizione linee almeno 20% Correzione differenziale per dati GPS Dati mareografici (mareografo 100km dall’area di indagine) Esecuzione di almeno 3 profili SVP al giorno Altezza d’onda max nella fase di acquisizione 20 cm (per imbarcazioni sotto i 10 metri 10 cm). Frequenza di monitoraggio: Ogni 3 anni.
Elemento monitorato: Habitat (D6C4, D6C5) Parametri monitorati: Stime visive e misure in mare Mediante operatore subacqueo: - continuità della prateria - tipo di substrato - composizione prateria - presenza alghe alloctone - copertura (percentuale di matte morta, percentuale di P. oceanica viva, percentuale di C. nodosa, percentuale di C. prolifera, percentuale di C. taxifolia, percentuale di C. cylindracea), - densità dei fasci fogliari - scalzamento dei rizomi - Portamento rizomi - presenza di fioritura - tipo di limite inferiore - profondità del limite inferiore - fonti di disturbo evidenti Mediante sonda multiparametrica: - parametri chimico-fisici in colonna (%O2; trasparenza Disco Secchi m; pH; salinità psu; temperatura °C; Chla μg/l; O2 disciolto μmol O2/l; conducibilità S/cm) Analisi di laboratorio sui fasci ortotropi campionati in situ Parametri lepidocronologici: - Produzione annuale rizoma - allungamento annuale del rizoma - numero foglie fascio anno - lunghezza intera rizoma - lunghezza scaglie - Età rizoma - Paleofioritura Parametri fenologici: - Larghezza foglie intermedie - Lunghezza foglie intermedie - Lunghezza tessuto bruno foglie intermedie - Lunghezza foglia intermedia più lunga - Larghezza foglie adulte - Lunghezza totale foglie adulte - Lunghezza tessuto bruno foglie adulte - Lunghezza della base foglie adulte - Numero foglie giovanili - Numero foglie intermedie - Numero foglie adulte - Coefficiente A foglie adulte - Coefficiente A foglie intermedie - Superficie fogliare fascio (adulte + intermedie) - Densità foglie integre più vecchie (per lepidocronologia) Parametri di biomassa: - Biomassa fogliare fascio (adulte + intermedie) - Biomassa epifiti (adulte + intermedie) Indici: - Calcolo del PREI (Posidonia Rapid Easy Index) Parametri ambientali: - Granulometria del sedimento - Carbonio Organico Totale (TOC) del sedimento Specifiche multibeam acquisizione Velocità max acquisizione 5 kn Apertura max swath 120° Frequenza min 400Hz Sovrapposizione linee almeno 20% Correzione differenziale per dati GPS Dati mareografici (mareografo 100km dall’area di indagine) Esecuzione di almeno 3 profili SVP al giorno Altezza d’onda max nella fase di acquisizione 20 cm (per imbarcazioni sotto i 10 metri 10 cm). Frequenza di monitoraggio: Ogni 3 anni.
Elemento monitorato: Habitat (D6C4, D6C5) Parametri monitorati: - Localizzazione ed estensione dell’habitat. - Condizione dell’habitat mediante: a) Valutazione della Ricchezza specifica e/o tassonomica, ovvero numero totale di tutti i taxa megabentonici sessili e sedentari di fondo duro identificati al maggior dettaglio tassonomico possibile, rinvenuti lungo il transetto e loro lista, con l’indicazione di quelli che, con la loro presenza/abbondanza, arrivino a strutturare l’habitat; b) Per le sole specie strutturanti epi-megazoobentoniche indicate nello Standard Informativo e nell’Allegato alla presente scheda è richiesto il calcolo dei seguenti parametri: i. abbondanza specifica, di ogni singola specie strutturante, espressa in numero di colonie/individui per m2 (densità relativa all’area standard del transetto di 100m2, ottenuta considerando 200 m di transetto per un’ampiezza del campo visivo pari a circa 50 cm). Nel caso in cui il transetto non si sviluppi solo su fondo duro, bisognerà calcolare la densità facendo riferimento al solo fondo duro; ii. stato di salute, calcolato come percentuale di epibiosi e/o necrosi e intrappolamento; iii. struttura dei popolamenti (morfometria delle specie strutturanti), come calcolo dell’altezza delle colonie/individui, presenti lungo il transetto, che risultano colpite dai led (misurando, se presenti, un minimo di 30 ed un massimo di 100 colonie/individui per ciascuna specie). Protocollo di monitoraggio: Indagini acustiche, rilievi ROV e campionamenti in situ. Frequenza biennale per l’acquisizione dati mediante ROV e sessennale per l’acquisizione dati Multibeam limitati ai siti di indagine scelti per il monitoraggio.
Elemento monitorato: Habitat (D6C4, D6C5) Parametri monitorati: - Localizzazione ed estensione dell’habitat. - Condizione dell’habitat mediante: a) Valutazione della Ricchezza specifica e/o tassonomica, ovvero numero totale di tutti i taxa megabentonici sessili e sedentari di fondo duro identificati al maggior dettaglio tassonomico possibile, rinvenuti lungo il transetto e loro lista, con l’indicazione di quelli che, con la loro presenza/abbondanza, arrivino a strutturare l’habitat; b) Per le sole specie strutturanti epi-megazoobentoniche indicate nello Standard Informativo e nell’Allegato alla presente scheda è richiesto il calcolo dei seguenti parametri: i. abbondanza specifica, di ogni singola specie strutturante, espressa in numero di colonie/individui per m2 (densità relativa all’area standard del transetto di 100m2, ottenuta considerando 200 m di transetto per un’ampiezza del campo visivo pari a circa 50 cm). Nel caso in cui il transetto non si sviluppi solo su fondo duro, bisognerà calcolare la densità facendo riferimento al solo fondo duro; ii. stato di salute, calcolato come percentuale di epibiosi e/o necrosi e intrappolamento; iii. struttura dei popolamenti (morfometria delle specie strutturanti), come calcolo dell’altezza delle colonie/individui, presenti lungo il transetto, che risultano colpite dai led (misurando, se presenti, un minimo di 30 ed un massimo di 100 colonie/individui per ciascuna specie). Protocollo di monitoraggio: Indagini acustiche, rilievi ROV e campionamenti in situ. Frequenza biennale per l’acquisizione dati mediante ROV e sessennale per l’acquisizione dati Multibeam limitati ai siti di indagine scelti per il monitoraggio.
Elemento monitorato: Habitat (D6C4, D6C5) Parametri monitorati: - Localizzazione ed estensione dell’habitat. - Condizione dell’habitat mediante: a) Valutazione della Ricchezza specifica e/o tassonomica, ovvero numero totale di tutti i taxa megabentonici sessili e sedentari di fondo duro identificati al maggior dettaglio tassonomico possibile, rinvenuti lungo il transetto e loro lista, con l’indicazione di quelli che, con la loro presenza/abbondanza, arrivino a strutturare l’habitat; b) Per le sole specie strutturanti epi-megazoobentoniche indicate nello Standard Informativo e nell’Allegato alla presente scheda è richiesto il calcolo dei seguenti parametri: i. abbondanza specifica, di ogni singola specie strutturante, espressa in numero di colonie/individui per m2 (densità relativa all’area standard del transetto di 100m2, ottenuta considerando 200 m di transetto per un’ampiezza del campo visivo pari a circa 50 cm). Nel caso in cui il transetto non si sviluppi solo su fondo duro, bisognerà calcolare la densità facendo riferimento al solo fondo duro; ii. stato di salute, calcolato come percentuale di epibiosi e/o necrosi e intrappolamento; iii. struttura dei popolamenti (morfometria delle specie strutturanti), come calcolo dell’altezza delle colonie/individui, presenti lungo il transetto, che risultano colpite dai led (misurando, se presenti, un minimo di 30 ed un massimo di 100 colonie/individui per ciascuna specie). Protocollo di monitoraggio: Indagini acustiche, rilievi ROV e campionamenti in situ. Frequenza biennale per l’acquisizione dati mediante ROV e sessennale per l’acquisizione dati Multibeam limitati ai siti di indagine scelti per il monitoraggio.
Elemento monitorato: Habitat (D6C4, D6C5) Parametri monitorati: - Localizzazione ed estensione dell’habitat. - Condizione dell’habitat mediante: a) Valutazione della Ricchezza specifica e/o tassonomica, ovvero numero totale di tutti i taxa megabentonici sessili e sedentari di fondo duro identificati al maggior dettaglio tassonomico possibile, rinvenuti lungo il transetto e loro lista, con l’indicazione di quelli che, con la loro presenza/abbondanza, arrivino a strutturare l’habitat; b) Per le sole specie strutturanti epi-megazoobentoniche indicate nello Standard Informativo e nell’Allegato alla presente scheda è richiesto il calcolo dei seguenti parametri: i. abbondanza specifica, di ogni singola specie strutturante, espressa in numero di colonie/individui per m2 (densità relativa all’area standard del transetto di 100m2, ottenuta considerando 200 m di transetto per un’ampiezza del campo visivo pari a circa 50 cm). Nel caso in cui il transetto non si sviluppi solo su fondo duro, bisognerà calcolare la densità facendo riferimento al solo fondo duro; ii. stato di salute, calcolato come percentuale di epibiosi e/o necrosi e intrappolamento; iii. struttura dei popolamenti (morfometria delle specie strutturanti), come calcolo dell’altezza delle colonie/individui, presenti lungo il transetto, che risultano colpite dai led (misurando, se presenti, un minimo di 30 ed un massimo di 100 colonie/individui per ciascuna specie). Protocollo di monitoraggio: Indagini acustiche, rilievi ROV e campionamenti in situ. Frequenza biennale per l’acquisizione dati mediante ROV e sessennale per l’acquisizione dati Multibeam limitati ai siti di indagine scelti per il monitoraggio.
Elemento monitorato: Habitat (D6C4, D6C5). Parametri monitorati: Valutazione dell’estensione dell’habitat. Valutazione della condizione attraverso la stima dello spessore vitale del letto e della percentuale di copertura talli vivi / talli morti. Protocollo di monitoraggio: Il monitoraggio si basa su indagini acustiche, rilievi ROV e campionamenti in situ. Le campagne di acquisizione dati avrà frequenza triennale.
Elemento monitorato: Habitat (D6C4, D6C5). Parametri monitorati: Valutazione dell’estensione dell’habitat. Valutazione della condizione attraverso la stima dello spessore vitale del letto e della percentuale di copertura talli vivi / talli morti. Protocollo di monitoraggio: Il monitoraggio si basa su indagini acustiche, rilievi ROV e campionamenti in situ. Le campagne di acquisizione dati avrà frequenza triennale.
strati informativi forniti da fonti ufficiali e/o istituzionali (quali ad esempio quelli forniti da Istituto Idrografico della Marina, DG-UNIMG ecc.) e/o provenienti dai db/GIS web comunitari, quali ad es. l’elemento che viene monitorato esempio: - habitat (D6C3-C5) - Perdita fisica sul fondo parametro monitorato: ELENCO DEI PARAMETRI - Estensione (EXT) - Distribuzione (spaziale) (DIST-S)
strati informativi forniti da fonti ufficiali e/o istituzionali (quali ad esempio quelli forniti da Istituto Idrografico della Marina, DG-UNIMG ecc.) e/o provenienti dai db/GIS web comunitari, quali ad es. l’elemento che viene monitorato esempio: - habitat (D6C3-C5) - Perdita fisica sul fondo parametro monitorato: ELENCO DEI PARAMETRI - Estensione (EXT) - Distribuzione (spaziale) (DIST-S)
strati informativi forniti da fonti ufficiali e/o istituzionali (quali ad esempio quelli forniti da Istituto Idrografico della Marina, DG-UNIMG ecc.) e/o provenienti dai db/GIS web comunitari, quali ad es. l’elemento che viene monitorato esempio: - habitat (D6C3-C5) - Perdita fisica sul fondo parametro monitorato: ELENCO DEI PARAMETRI - Estensione (EXT) - Distribuzione (spaziale) (DIST-S)
strati informativi forniti da fonti ufficiali e/o istituzionali (quali ad esempio quelli forniti da Istituto Idrografico della Marina, DG-UNIMG ecc.) e/o provenienti dai db/GIS web comunitari, quali ad es. l’elemento che viene monitorato esempio: - habitat (D6C3-C5) - Perdita fisica sul fondo parametro monitorato: ELENCO DEI PARAMETRI - Estensione (EXT) - Distribuzione (spaziale) (DIST-S)
strati informativi forniti da fonti ufficiali e/o istituzionali (quali ad esempio quelli forniti da Istituto Idrografico della Marina, DG-UNIMG ecc.) e/o provenienti dai db/GIS web comunitari, quali ad es. l’elemento che viene monitorato esempio: - habitat (D6C3-C5) - Perdita fisica sul fondo parametro monitorato: ELENCO DEI PARAMETRI - Estensione (EXT) - Distribuzione (spaziale) (DIST-S)
strati informativi forniti da fonti ufficiali e/o istituzionali (quali ad esempio quelli forniti da Istituto Idrografico della Marina, DG-UNIMG ecc.) e/o provenienti dai db/GIS web comunitari, quali ad es. l’elemento che viene monitorato esempio: - habitat (D6C3-C5) - Perdita fisica sul fondo parametro monitorato: ELENCO DEI PARAMETRI - Estensione (EXT) - Distribuzione (spaziale) (DIST-S)
strati informativi forniti da fonti ufficiali e/o istituzionali (quali ad esempio quelli forniti da Istituto Idrografico della Marina, DG-UNIMG ecc.) e/o provenienti dai db/GIS web comunitari, quali ad es. l’elemento che viene monitorato esempio: - habitat (D6C3-C5) - Perdita fisica sul fondo parametro monitorato: ELENCO DEI PARAMETRI - Estensione (EXT) - Distribuzione (spaziale) (DIST-S)
Elemento che viene monitorato esempio: - habitat (D6C3-C5,) - Pressione (D6C2) Parametro monitorato: 1. Morfologia del fondo file formato geotif del mosaico (SSS) o raw file e relativa restituzione del segnale di backscatter (multibeam echosounder) 2. Granulometria del sedimento superficiale con individuazione delle seguenti 4 classi: ghiaia, sabbia, silt e argilla. 3. Dati di AIS e VMS al fine della caratterizzazione della pressione D6C2 METODO DI ANALISI 1. Elaborazione dei dati geofisici (morfologici e di backscatter) mediante software specifici. SSS: mosaico di backscatter in file formato geotif del mosaico; Mbeam: mappa della morfobatimetria dell’area in formato geotif e mosaica tura del relativo segnale di backscatter sempre in formato geotif. 2. Distribuzione granulometrica del sedimento, con individuazione delle seguenti 4 classi: ghiaia, sabbia, silt e argilla. Le analisi granulometriche dovranno essere eseguite in accordo a quanto riportato nel Manuale: Romano E., Ausili A., Bergamin L., Celia Magno M., Pierfranceschi G., Venti F., 2018. Analisi granulometriche dei sedimenti marini. Linee Guida SNPA 18/2018. ISBN 978-88-448-0925-6 © LINEE GUIDA SNPA, 18/2018. 3. elaborazione dati VMS e AIS al fine della rappresentazione della distribuzione della pressione di pesca su vasta scala (su celle di 1 km*1 km) ed a elevata risoluzione spaziale, pressione espressa come Swept Area Ration.
Elemento che viene monitorato esempio: - habitat (D6C3-C5,) - Pressione (D6C2) Parametro monitorato: 1. Morfologia del fondo file formato geotif del mosaico (SSS) o raw file e relativa restituzione del segnale di backscatter (multibeam echosounder) 2. Granulometria del sedimento superficiale con individuazione delle seguenti 4 classi: ghiaia, sabbia, silt e argilla. 3. Dati di AIS e VMS al fine della caratterizzazione della pressione D6C2 METODO DI ANALISI 1. Elaborazione dei dati geofisici (morfologici e di backscatter) mediante software specifici. SSS: mosaico di backscatter in file formato geotif del mosaico; Mbeam: mappa della morfobatimetria dell’area in formato geotif e mosaica tura del relativo segnale di backscatter sempre in formato geotif. 2. Distribuzione granulometrica del sedimento, con individuazione delle seguenti 4 classi: ghiaia, sabbia, silt e argilla. Le analisi granulometriche dovranno essere eseguite in accordo a quanto riportato nel Manuale: Romano E., Ausili A., Bergamin L., Celia Magno M., Pierfranceschi G., Venti F., 2018. Analisi granulometriche dei sedimenti marini. Linee Guida SNPA 18/2018. ISBN 978-88-448-0925-6 © LINEE GUIDA SNPA, 18/2018. 3. elaborazione dati VMS e AIS al fine della rappresentazione della distribuzione della pressione di pesca su vasta scala (su celle di 1 km*1 km) ed a elevata risoluzione spaziale, pressione espressa come Swept Area Ration.
Elemento che viene monitorato esempio: - habitat (D6C3-C5,) - Pressione (D6C2) Parametro monitorato: 1. Morfologia del fondo file formato geotif del mosaico (SSS) o raw file e relativa restituzione del segnale di backscatter (multibeam echosounder) 2. Granulometria del sedimento superficiale con individuazione delle seguenti 4 classi: ghiaia, sabbia, silt e argilla. 3. Dati di AIS e VMS al fine della caratterizzazione della pressione D6C2 METODO DI ANALISI 1. Elaborazione dei dati geofisici (morfologici e di backscatter) mediante software specifici. SSS: mosaico di backscatter in file formato geotif del mosaico; Mbeam: mappa della morfobatimetria dell’area in formato geotif e mosaica tura del relativo segnale di backscatter sempre in formato geotif. 2. Distribuzione granulometrica del sedimento, con individuazione delle seguenti 4 classi: ghiaia, sabbia, silt e argilla. Le analisi granulometriche dovranno essere eseguite in accordo a quanto riportato nel Manuale: Romano E., Ausili A., Bergamin L., Celia Magno M., Pierfranceschi G., Venti F., 2018. Analisi granulometriche dei sedimenti marini. Linee Guida SNPA 18/2018. ISBN 978-88-448-0925-6 © LINEE GUIDA SNPA, 18/2018. 3. elaborazione dati VMS e AIS al fine della rappresentazione della distribuzione della pressione di pesca su vasta scala (su celle di 1 km*1 km) ed a elevata risoluzione spaziale, pressione espressa come Swept Area Ration.
Elemento che viene monitorato esempio: - habitat (D6C3-C5,) - Pressione (D6C2) Parametro monitorato: 1. Morfologia del fondo file formato geotif del mosaico (SSS) o raw file e relativa restituzione del segnale di backscatter (multibeam echosounder) 2. Granulometria del sedimento superficiale con individuazione delle seguenti 4 classi: ghiaia, sabbia, silt e argilla. 3. Dati di AIS e VMS al fine della caratterizzazione della pressione D6C2 METODO DI ANALISI 1. Elaborazione dei dati geofisici (morfologici e di backscatter) mediante software specifici. SSS: mosaico di backscatter in file formato geotif del mosaico; Mbeam: mappa della morfobatimetria dell’area in formato geotif e mosaica tura del relativo segnale di backscatter sempre in formato geotif. 2. Distribuzione granulometrica del sedimento, con individuazione delle seguenti 4 classi: ghiaia, sabbia, silt e argilla. Le analisi granulometriche dovranno essere eseguite in accordo a quanto riportato nel Manuale: Romano E., Ausili A., Bergamin L., Celia Magno M., Pierfranceschi G., Venti F., 2018. Analisi granulometriche dei sedimenti marini. Linee Guida SNPA 18/2018. ISBN 978-88-448-0925-6 © LINEE GUIDA SNPA, 18/2018. 3. elaborazione dati VMS e AIS al fine della rappresentazione della distribuzione della pressione di pesca su vasta scala (su celle di 1 km*1 km) ed a elevata risoluzione spaziale, pressione espressa come Swept Area Ration.
Elemento che viene monitorato esempio: - habitat (D6C3-C5,) Parametro monitorato. ELENCO DEI PARAMETRI e informazioni da restituire 1. Lista di specie del popolamento epimegabentonico (totale o subcampionato); 2. Peso della cattura totale; 3. Peso del campione totale di epimegabenthos o peso del subcampione prelevato; 4. Stime della taglia per specie e per individuo dell’epimegabenthos secondo 3 classi (Piccolo<5cm; Medio 5-20cm; Grande>20cm); 5. Peso umido e abbondanza misurati per specie; per le specie coloniali solo peso umido; 6. Granulometria del sedimento superficiale con individuazione delle seguenti 4 classi: ghiaia, sabbia, silt e argilla; coordinate e profondità di ogni stazione; 7. Caratteristiche tecniche relative all’imbarcazione da pesca utilizzata: LFT; TSL; HP; lunghezza lima da sugheri; lunghezza lima da piombi; peso catena; dimensione maglia; 8. Coordinate ed orario di inizio e fine cala e profondità.
Elemento che viene monitorato esempio: - habitat (D6C3-C5,) Parametro monitorato. ELENCO DEI PARAMETRI e informazioni da restituire 1. Lista di specie del popolamento epimegabentonico (totale o subcampionato); 2. Peso della cattura totale; 3. Peso del campione totale di epimegabenthos o peso del subcampione prelevato; 4. Stime della taglia per specie e per individuo dell’epimegabenthos secondo 3 classi (Piccolo<5cm; Medio 5-20cm; Grande>20cm); 5. Peso umido e abbondanza misurati per specie; per le specie coloniali solo peso umido; 6. Granulometria del sedimento superficiale con individuazione delle seguenti 4 classi: ghiaia, sabbia, silt e argilla; coordinate e profondità di ogni stazione; 7. Caratteristiche tecniche relative all’imbarcazione da pesca utilizzata: LFT; TSL; HP; lunghezza lima da sugheri; lunghezza lima da piombi; peso catena; dimensione maglia; 8. Coordinate ed orario di inizio e fine cala e profondità.
Elemento che viene monitorato esempio: - habitat (D6C3-C5,) Parametro monitorato. ELENCO DEI PARAMETRI e informazioni da restituire 1. Lista di specie del popolamento epimegabentonico (totale o subcampionato); 2. Peso della cattura totale; 3. Peso del campione totale di epimegabenthos o peso del subcampione prelevato; 4. Stime della taglia per specie e per individuo dell’epimegabenthos secondo 3 classi (Piccolo<5cm; Medio 5-20cm; Grande>20cm); 5. Peso umido e abbondanza misurati per specie; per le specie coloniali solo peso umido; 6. Granulometria del sedimento superficiale con individuazione delle seguenti 4 classi: ghiaia, sabbia, silt e argilla; coordinate e profondità di ogni stazione; 7. Caratteristiche tecniche relative all’imbarcazione da pesca utilizzata: LFT; TSL; HP; lunghezza lima da sugheri; lunghezza lima da piombi; peso catena; dimensione maglia; 8. Coordinate ed orario di inizio e fine cala e profondità.
Elemento monitorato: Habitat (D6C4, D6C5) Parametri monitorati: Stime visive e misure in mare Mediante operatore subacqueo: - continuità della prateria - tipo di substrato - composizione prateria - presenza alghe alloctone - copertura (percentuale di matte morta, percentuale di P. oceanica viva, percentuale di C. nodosa, percentuale di C. prolifera, percentuale di C. taxifolia, percentuale di C. cylindracea), - densità dei fasci fogliari - scalzamento dei rizomi - Portamento rizomi - presenza di fioritura - tipo di limite inferiore - profondità del limite inferiore - fonti di disturbo evidenti Mediante sonda multiparametrica: - parametri chimico-fisici in colonna (%O2; trasparenza Disco Secchi m; pH; salinità psu; temperatura °C; Chla μg/l; O2 disciolto μmol O2/l; conducibilità S/cm) Analisi di laboratorio sui fasci ortotropi campionati in situ Parametri lepidocronologici: - Produzione annuale rizoma - allungamento annuale del rizoma - numero foglie fascio anno - lunghezza intera rizoma - lunghezza scaglie - Età rizoma - Paleofioritura Parametri fenologici: - Larghezza foglie intermedie - Lunghezza foglie intermedie - Lunghezza tessuto bruno foglie intermedie - Lunghezza foglia intermedia più lunga - Larghezza foglie adulte - Lunghezza totale foglie adulte - Lunghezza tessuto bruno foglie adulte - Lunghezza della base foglie adulte - Numero foglie giovanili - Numero foglie intermedie - Numero foglie adulte - Coefficiente A foglie adulte - Coefficiente A foglie intermedie - Superficie fogliare fascio (adulte + intermedie) - Densità foglie integre più vecchie (per lepidocronologia) Parametri di biomassa: - Biomassa fogliare fascio (adulte + intermedie) - Biomassa epifiti (adulte + intermedie) Indici: - Calcolo del PREI (Posidonia Rapid Easy Index) Parametri ambientali: - Granulometria del sedimento - Carbonio Organico Totale (TOC) del sedimento Specifiche multibeam acquisizione Velocità max acquisizione 5 kn Apertura max swath 120° Frequenza min 400Hz Sovrapposizione linee almeno 20% Correzione differenziale per dati GPS Dati mareografici (mareografo 100km dall’area di indagine) Esecuzione di almeno 3 profili SVP al giorno Altezza d’onda max nella fase di acquisizione 20 cm (per imbarcazioni sotto i 10 metri 10 cm). Frequenza di monitoraggio: Ogni 3 anni.
Elemento monitorato: Habitat (D6C4, D6C5) Parametri monitorati: Stime visive e misure in mare Mediante operatore subacqueo: - continuità della prateria - tipo di substrato - composizione prateria - presenza alghe alloctone - copertura (percentuale di matte morta, percentuale di P. oceanica viva, percentuale di C. nodosa, percentuale di C. prolifera, percentuale di C. taxifolia, percentuale di C. cylindracea), - densità dei fasci fogliari - scalzamento dei rizomi - Portamento rizomi - presenza di fioritura - tipo di limite inferiore - profondità del limite inferiore - fonti di disturbo evidenti Mediante sonda multiparametrica: - parametri chimico-fisici in colonna (%O2; trasparenza Disco Secchi m; pH; salinità psu; temperatura °C; Chla μg/l; O2 disciolto μmol O2/l; conducibilità S/cm) Analisi di laboratorio sui fasci ortotropi campionati in situ Parametri lepidocronologici: - Produzione annuale rizoma - allungamento annuale del rizoma - numero foglie fascio anno - lunghezza intera rizoma - lunghezza scaglie - Età rizoma - Paleofioritura Parametri fenologici: - Larghezza foglie intermedie - Lunghezza foglie intermedie - Lunghezza tessuto bruno foglie intermedie - Lunghezza foglia intermedia più lunga - Larghezza foglie adulte - Lunghezza totale foglie adulte - Lunghezza tessuto bruno foglie adulte - Lunghezza della base foglie adulte - Numero foglie giovanili - Numero foglie intermedie - Numero foglie adulte - Coefficiente A foglie adulte - Coefficiente A foglie intermedie - Superficie fogliare fascio (adulte + intermedie) - Densità foglie integre più vecchie (per lepidocronologia) Parametri di biomassa: - Biomassa fogliare fascio (adulte + intermedie) - Biomassa epifiti (adulte + intermedie) Indici: - Calcolo del PREI (Posidonia Rapid Easy Index) Parametri ambientali: - Granulometria del sedimento - Carbonio Organico Totale (TOC) del sedimento Specifiche multibeam acquisizione Velocità max acquisizione 5 kn Apertura max swath 120° Frequenza min 400Hz Sovrapposizione linee almeno 20% Correzione differenziale per dati GPS Dati mareografici (mareografo 100km dall’area di indagine) Esecuzione di almeno 3 profili SVP al giorno Altezza d’onda max nella fase di acquisizione 20 cm (per imbarcazioni sotto i 10 metri 10 cm). Frequenza di monitoraggio: Ogni 3 anni.
Elemento monitorato: Habitat (D6C4, D6C5) Parametri monitorati: - Localizzazione ed estensione dell’habitat. - Condizione dell’habitat mediante: a) Valutazione della Ricchezza specifica e/o tassonomica, ovvero numero totale di tutti i taxa megabentonici sessili e sedentari di fondo duro identificati al maggior dettaglio tassonomico possibile, rinvenuti lungo il transetto e loro lista, con l’indicazione di quelli che, con la loro presenza/abbondanza, arrivino a strutturare l’habitat; b) Per le sole specie strutturanti epi-megazoobentoniche indicate nello Standard Informativo e nell’Allegato alla presente scheda è richiesto il calcolo dei seguenti parametri: i. abbondanza specifica, di ogni singola specie strutturante, espressa in numero di colonie/individui per m2 (densità relativa all’area standard del transetto di 100m2, ottenuta considerando 200 m di transetto per un’ampiezza del campo visivo pari a circa 50 cm). Nel caso in cui il transetto non si sviluppi solo su fondo duro, bisognerà calcolare la densità facendo riferimento al solo fondo duro; ii. stato di salute, calcolato come percentuale di epibiosi e/o necrosi e intrappolamento; iii. struttura dei popolamenti (morfometria delle specie strutturanti), come calcolo dell’altezza delle colonie/individui, presenti lungo il transetto, che risultano colpite dai led (misurando, se presenti, un minimo di 30 ed un massimo di 100 colonie/individui per ciascuna specie). Protocollo di monitoraggio: Indagini acustiche, rilievi ROV e campionamenti in situ. Frequenza biennale per l’acquisizione dati mediante ROV e sessennale per l’acquisizione dati Multibeam limitati ai siti di indagine scelti per il monitoraggio.
Elemento monitorato: Habitat (D6C4, D6C5) Parametri monitorati: - Localizzazione ed estensione dell’habitat. - Condizione dell’habitat mediante: a) Valutazione della Ricchezza specifica e/o tassonomica, ovvero numero totale di tutti i taxa megabentonici sessili e sedentari di fondo duro identificati al maggior dettaglio tassonomico possibile, rinvenuti lungo il transetto e loro lista, con l’indicazione di quelli che, con la loro presenza/abbondanza, arrivino a strutturare l’habitat; b) Per le sole specie strutturanti epi-megazoobentoniche indicate nello Standard Informativo e nell’Allegato alla presente scheda è richiesto il calcolo dei seguenti parametri: i. abbondanza specifica, di ogni singola specie strutturante, espressa in numero di colonie/individui per m2 (densità relativa all’area standard del transetto di 100m2, ottenuta considerando 200 m di transetto per un’ampiezza del campo visivo pari a circa 50 cm). Nel caso in cui il transetto non si sviluppi solo su fondo duro, bisognerà calcolare la densità facendo riferimento al solo fondo duro; ii. stato di salute, calcolato come percentuale di epibiosi e/o necrosi e intrappolamento; iii. struttura dei popolamenti (morfometria delle specie strutturanti), come calcolo dell’altezza delle colonie/individui, presenti lungo il transetto, che risultano colpite dai led (misurando, se presenti, un minimo di 30 ed un massimo di 100 colonie/individui per ciascuna specie). Protocollo di monitoraggio: Indagini acustiche, rilievi ROV e campionamenti in situ. Frequenza biennale per l’acquisizione dati mediante ROV e sessennale per l’acquisizione dati Multibeam limitati ai siti di indagine scelti per il monitoraggio.
Elemento monitorato: Habitat (D6C4, D6C5) Parametri monitorati: - Localizzazione ed estensione dell’habitat. - Condizione dell’habitat mediante: a) Valutazione della Ricchezza specifica e/o tassonomica, ovvero numero totale di tutti i taxa megabentonici sessili e sedentari di fondo duro identificati al maggior dettaglio tassonomico possibile, rinvenuti lungo il transetto e loro lista, con l’indicazione di quelli che, con la loro presenza/abbondanza, arrivino a strutturare l’habitat; b) Per le sole specie strutturanti epi-megazoobentoniche indicate nello Standard Informativo e nell’Allegato alla presente scheda è richiesto il calcolo dei seguenti parametri: i. abbondanza specifica, di ogni singola specie strutturante, espressa in numero di colonie/individui per m2 (densità relativa all’area standard del transetto di 100m2, ottenuta considerando 200 m di transetto per un’ampiezza del campo visivo pari a circa 50 cm). Nel caso in cui il transetto non si sviluppi solo su fondo duro, bisognerà calcolare la densità facendo riferimento al solo fondo duro; ii. stato di salute, calcolato come percentuale di epibiosi e/o necrosi e intrappolamento; iii. struttura dei popolamenti (morfometria delle specie strutturanti), come calcolo dell’altezza delle colonie/individui, presenti lungo il transetto, che risultano colpite dai led (misurando, se presenti, un minimo di 30 ed un massimo di 100 colonie/individui per ciascuna specie). Protocollo di monitoraggio: Indagini acustiche, rilievi ROV e campionamenti in situ. Frequenza biennale per l’acquisizione dati mediante ROV e sessennale per l’acquisizione dati Multibeam limitati ai siti di indagine scelti per il monitoraggio.
Elemento monitorato: Habitat (D6C4, D6C5) Parametri monitorati: - Localizzazione ed estensione dell’habitat. - Condizione dell’habitat mediante: a) Valutazione della Ricchezza specifica e/o tassonomica, ovvero numero totale di tutti i taxa megabentonici sessili e sedentari di fondo duro identificati al maggior dettaglio tassonomico possibile, rinvenuti lungo il transetto e loro lista, con l’indicazione di quelli che, con la loro presenza/abbondanza, arrivino a strutturare l’habitat; b) Per le sole specie strutturanti epi-megazoobentoniche indicate nello Standard Informativo e nell’Allegato alla presente scheda è richiesto il calcolo dei seguenti parametri: i. abbondanza specifica, di ogni singola specie strutturante, espressa in numero di colonie/individui per m2 (densità relativa all’area standard del transetto di 100m2, ottenuta considerando 200 m di transetto per un’ampiezza del campo visivo pari a circa 50 cm). Nel caso in cui il transetto non si sviluppi solo su fondo duro, bisognerà calcolare la densità facendo riferimento al solo fondo duro; ii. stato di salute, calcolato come percentuale di epibiosi e/o necrosi e intrappolamento; iii. struttura dei popolamenti (morfometria delle specie strutturanti), come calcolo dell’altezza delle colonie/individui, presenti lungo il transetto, che risultano colpite dai led (misurando, se presenti, un minimo di 30 ed un massimo di 100 colonie/individui per ciascuna specie). Protocollo di monitoraggio: Indagini acustiche, rilievi ROV e campionamenti in situ. Frequenza biennale per l’acquisizione dati mediante ROV e sessennale per l’acquisizione dati Multibeam limitati ai siti di indagine scelti per il monitoraggio.
Elemento monitorato: Habitat (D6C4, D6C5). Parametri monitorati: Valutazione dell’estensione dell’habitat. Valutazione della condizione attraverso la stima dello spessore vitale del letto e della percentuale di copertura talli vivi / talli morti. Protocollo di monitoraggio: Il monitoraggio si basa su indagini acustiche, rilievi ROV e campionamenti in situ. Le campagne di acquisizione dati avrà frequenza triennale.
Elemento monitorato: Habitat (D6C4, D6C5). Parametri monitorati: Valutazione dell’estensione dell’habitat. Valutazione della condizione attraverso la stima dello spessore vitale del letto e della percentuale di copertura talli vivi / talli morti. Protocollo di monitoraggio: Il monitoraggio si basa su indagini acustiche, rilievi ROV e campionamenti in situ. Le campagne di acquisizione dati avrà frequenza triennale.
strati informativi forniti da fonti ufficiali e/o istituzionali (quali ad esempio quelli forniti da Istituto Idrografico della Marina, DG-UNIMG ecc.) e/o provenienti dai db/GIS web comunitari, quali ad es. l’elemento che viene monitorato esempio: - habitat (D6C3-C5) - Perdita fisica sul fondo parametro monitorato: ELENCO DEI PARAMETRI - Estensione (EXT) - Distribuzione (spaziale) (DIST-S)
strati informativi forniti da fonti ufficiali e/o istituzionali (quali ad esempio quelli forniti da Istituto Idrografico della Marina, DG-UNIMG ecc.) e/o provenienti dai db/GIS web comunitari, quali ad es. l’elemento che viene monitorato esempio: - habitat (D6C3-C5) - Perdita fisica sul fondo parametro monitorato: ELENCO DEI PARAMETRI - Estensione (EXT) - Distribuzione (spaziale) (DIST-S)
strati informativi forniti da fonti ufficiali e/o istituzionali (quali ad esempio quelli forniti da Istituto Idrografico della Marina, DG-UNIMG ecc.) e/o provenienti dai db/GIS web comunitari, quali ad es. l’elemento che viene monitorato esempio: - habitat (D6C3-C5) - Perdita fisica sul fondo parametro monitorato: ELENCO DEI PARAMETRI - Estensione (EXT) - Distribuzione (spaziale) (DIST-S)
strati informativi forniti da fonti ufficiali e/o istituzionali (quali ad esempio quelli forniti da Istituto Idrografico della Marina, DG-UNIMG ecc.) e/o provenienti dai db/GIS web comunitari, quali ad es. l’elemento che viene monitorato esempio: - habitat (D6C3-C5) - Perdita fisica sul fondo parametro monitorato: ELENCO DEI PARAMETRI - Estensione (EXT) - Distribuzione (spaziale) (DIST-S)
strati informativi forniti da fonti ufficiali e/o istituzionali (quali ad esempio quelli forniti da Istituto Idrografico della Marina, DG-UNIMG ecc.) e/o provenienti dai db/GIS web comunitari, quali ad es. l’elemento che viene monitorato esempio: - habitat (D6C3-C5) - Perdita fisica sul fondo parametro monitorato: ELENCO DEI PARAMETRI - Estensione (EXT) - Distribuzione (spaziale) (DIST-S)
strati informativi forniti da fonti ufficiali e/o istituzionali (quali ad esempio quelli forniti da Istituto Idrografico della Marina, DG-UNIMG ecc.) e/o provenienti dai db/GIS web comunitari, quali ad es. l’elemento che viene monitorato esempio: - habitat (D6C3-C5) - Perdita fisica sul fondo parametro monitorato: ELENCO DEI PARAMETRI - Estensione (EXT) - Distribuzione (spaziale) (DIST-S)
strati informativi forniti da fonti ufficiali e/o istituzionali (quali ad esempio quelli forniti da Istituto Idrografico della Marina, DG-UNIMG ecc.) e/o provenienti dai db/GIS web comunitari, quali ad es. l’elemento che viene monitorato esempio: - habitat (D6C3-C5) - Perdita fisica sul fondo parametro monitorato: ELENCO DEI PARAMETRI - Estensione (EXT) - Distribuzione (spaziale) (DIST-S)
Elemento che viene monitorato esempio: - habitat (D6C3-C5,) - Pressione (D6C2) Parametro monitorato: 1. Morfologia del fondo file formato geotif del mosaico (SSS) o raw file e relativa restituzione del segnale di backscatter (multibeam echosounder) 2. Granulometria del sedimento superficiale con individuazione delle seguenti 4 classi: ghiaia, sabbia, silt e argilla. 3. Dati di AIS e VMS al fine della caratterizzazione della pressione D6C2 METODO DI ANALISI 1. Elaborazione dei dati geofisici (morfologici e di backscatter) mediante software specifici. SSS: mosaico di backscatter in file formato geotif del mosaico; Mbeam: mappa della morfobatimetria dell’area in formato geotif e mosaica tura del relativo segnale di backscatter sempre in formato geotif. 2. Distribuzione granulometrica del sedimento, con individuazione delle seguenti 4 classi: ghiaia, sabbia, silt e argilla. Le analisi granulometriche dovranno essere eseguite in accordo a quanto riportato nel Manuale: Romano E., Ausili A., Bergamin L., Celia Magno M., Pierfranceschi G., Venti F., 2018. Analisi granulometriche dei sedimenti marini. Linee Guida SNPA 18/2018. ISBN 978-88-448-0925-6 © LINEE GUIDA SNPA, 18/2018. 3. elaborazione dati VMS e AIS al fine della rappresentazione della distribuzione della pressione di pesca su vasta scala (su celle di 1 km*1 km) ed a elevata risoluzione spaziale, pressione espressa come Swept Area Ration.
Elemento che viene monitorato esempio: - habitat (D6C3-C5,) - Pressione (D6C2) Parametro monitorato: 1. Morfologia del fondo file formato geotif del mosaico (SSS) o raw file e relativa restituzione del segnale di backscatter (multibeam echosounder) 2. Granulometria del sedimento superficiale con individuazione delle seguenti 4 classi: ghiaia, sabbia, silt e argilla. 3. Dati di AIS e VMS al fine della caratterizzazione della pressione D6C2 METODO DI ANALISI 1. Elaborazione dei dati geofisici (morfologici e di backscatter) mediante software specifici. SSS: mosaico di backscatter in file formato geotif del mosaico; Mbeam: mappa della morfobatimetria dell’area in formato geotif e mosaica tura del relativo segnale di backscatter sempre in formato geotif. 2. Distribuzione granulometrica del sedimento, con individuazione delle seguenti 4 classi: ghiaia, sabbia, silt e argilla. Le analisi granulometriche dovranno essere eseguite in accordo a quanto riportato nel Manuale: Romano E., Ausili A., Bergamin L., Celia Magno M., Pierfranceschi G., Venti F., 2018. Analisi granulometriche dei sedimenti marini. Linee Guida SNPA 18/2018. ISBN 978-88-448-0925-6 © LINEE GUIDA SNPA, 18/2018. 3. elaborazione dati VMS e AIS al fine della rappresentazione della distribuzione della pressione di pesca su vasta scala (su celle di 1 km*1 km) ed a elevata risoluzione spaziale, pressione espressa come Swept Area Ration.
Elemento che viene monitorato esempio: - habitat (D6C3-C5,) - Pressione (D6C2) Parametro monitorato: 1. Morfologia del fondo file formato geotif del mosaico (SSS) o raw file e relativa restituzione del segnale di backscatter (multibeam echosounder) 2. Granulometria del sedimento superficiale con individuazione delle seguenti 4 classi: ghiaia, sabbia, silt e argilla. 3. Dati di AIS e VMS al fine della caratterizzazione della pressione D6C2 METODO DI ANALISI 1. Elaborazione dei dati geofisici (morfologici e di backscatter) mediante software specifici. SSS: mosaico di backscatter in file formato geotif del mosaico; Mbeam: mappa della morfobatimetria dell’area in formato geotif e mosaica tura del relativo segnale di backscatter sempre in formato geotif. 2. Distribuzione granulometrica del sedimento, con individuazione delle seguenti 4 classi: ghiaia, sabbia, silt e argilla. Le analisi granulometriche dovranno essere eseguite in accordo a quanto riportato nel Manuale: Romano E., Ausili A., Bergamin L., Celia Magno M., Pierfranceschi G., Venti F., 2018. Analisi granulometriche dei sedimenti marini. Linee Guida SNPA 18/2018. ISBN 978-88-448-0925-6 © LINEE GUIDA SNPA, 18/2018. 3. elaborazione dati VMS e AIS al fine della rappresentazione della distribuzione della pressione di pesca su vasta scala (su celle di 1 km*1 km) ed a elevata risoluzione spaziale, pressione espressa come Swept Area Ration.
Elemento che viene monitorato esempio: - habitat (D6C3-C5,) - Pressione (D6C2) Parametro monitorato: 1. Morfologia del fondo file formato geotif del mosaico (SSS) o raw file e relativa restituzione del segnale di backscatter (multibeam echosounder) 2. Granulometria del sedimento superficiale con individuazione delle seguenti 4 classi: ghiaia, sabbia, silt e argilla. 3. Dati di AIS e VMS al fine della caratterizzazione della pressione D6C2 METODO DI ANALISI 1. Elaborazione dei dati geofisici (morfologici e di backscatter) mediante software specifici. SSS: mosaico di backscatter in file formato geotif del mosaico; Mbeam: mappa della morfobatimetria dell’area in formato geotif e mosaica tura del relativo segnale di backscatter sempre in formato geotif. 2. Distribuzione granulometrica del sedimento, con individuazione delle seguenti 4 classi: ghiaia, sabbia, silt e argilla. Le analisi granulometriche dovranno essere eseguite in accordo a quanto riportato nel Manuale: Romano E., Ausili A., Bergamin L., Celia Magno M., Pierfranceschi G., Venti F., 2018. Analisi granulometriche dei sedimenti marini. Linee Guida SNPA 18/2018. ISBN 978-88-448-0925-6 © LINEE GUIDA SNPA, 18/2018. 3. elaborazione dati VMS e AIS al fine della rappresentazione della distribuzione della pressione di pesca su vasta scala (su celle di 1 km*1 km) ed a elevata risoluzione spaziale, pressione espressa come Swept Area Ration.
Elemento che viene monitorato esempio: - habitat (D6C3-C5,) Parametro monitorato. ELENCO DEI PARAMETRI e informazioni da restituire 1. Lista di specie del popolamento epimegabentonico (totale o subcampionato); 2. Peso della cattura totale; 3. Peso del campione totale di epimegabenthos o peso del subcampione prelevato; 4. Stime della taglia per specie e per individuo dell’epimegabenthos secondo 3 classi (Piccolo<5cm; Medio 5-20cm; Grande>20cm); 5. Peso umido e abbondanza misurati per specie; per le specie coloniali solo peso umido; 6. Granulometria del sedimento superficiale con individuazione delle seguenti 4 classi: ghiaia, sabbia, silt e argilla; coordinate e profondità di ogni stazione; 7. Caratteristiche tecniche relative all’imbarcazione da pesca utilizzata: LFT; TSL; HP; lunghezza lima da sugheri; lunghezza lima da piombi; peso catena; dimensione maglia; 8. Coordinate ed orario di inizio e fine cala e profondità.
Elemento che viene monitorato esempio: - habitat (D6C3-C5,) Parametro monitorato. ELENCO DEI PARAMETRI e informazioni da restituire 1. Lista di specie del popolamento epimegabentonico (totale o subcampionato); 2. Peso della cattura totale; 3. Peso del campione totale di epimegabenthos o peso del subcampione prelevato; 4. Stime della taglia per specie e per individuo dell’epimegabenthos secondo 3 classi (Piccolo<5cm; Medio 5-20cm; Grande>20cm); 5. Peso umido e abbondanza misurati per specie; per le specie coloniali solo peso umido; 6. Granulometria del sedimento superficiale con individuazione delle seguenti 4 classi: ghiaia, sabbia, silt e argilla; coordinate e profondità di ogni stazione; 7. Caratteristiche tecniche relative all’imbarcazione da pesca utilizzata: LFT; TSL; HP; lunghezza lima da sugheri; lunghezza lima da piombi; peso catena; dimensione maglia; 8. Coordinate ed orario di inizio e fine cala e profondità.
Elemento che viene monitorato esempio: - habitat (D6C3-C5,) Parametro monitorato. ELENCO DEI PARAMETRI e informazioni da restituire 1. Lista di specie del popolamento epimegabentonico (totale o subcampionato); 2. Peso della cattura totale; 3. Peso del campione totale di epimegabenthos o peso del subcampione prelevato; 4. Stime della taglia per specie e per individuo dell’epimegabenthos secondo 3 classi (Piccolo<5cm; Medio 5-20cm; Grande>20cm); 5. Peso umido e abbondanza misurati per specie; per le specie coloniali solo peso umido; 6. Granulometria del sedimento superficiale con individuazione delle seguenti 4 classi: ghiaia, sabbia, silt e argilla; coordinate e profondità di ogni stazione; 7. Caratteristiche tecniche relative all’imbarcazione da pesca utilizzata: LFT; TSL; HP; lunghezza lima da sugheri; lunghezza lima da piombi; peso catena; dimensione maglia; 8. Coordinate ed orario di inizio e fine cala e profondità.
Elemento monitorato: Habitat (D6C4, D6C5) Parametri monitorati: Stime visive e misure in mare Mediante operatore subacqueo: - continuità della prateria - tipo di substrato - composizione prateria - presenza alghe alloctone - copertura (percentuale di matte morta, percentuale di P. oceanica viva, percentuale di C. nodosa, percentuale di C. prolifera, percentuale di C. taxifolia, percentuale di C. cylindracea), - densità dei fasci fogliari - scalzamento dei rizomi - Portamento rizomi - presenza di fioritura - tipo di limite inferiore - profondità del limite inferiore - fonti di disturbo evidenti Mediante sonda multiparametrica: - parametri chimico-fisici in colonna (%O2; trasparenza Disco Secchi m; pH; salinità psu; temperatura °C; Chla μg/l; O2 disciolto μmol O2/l; conducibilità S/cm) Analisi di laboratorio sui fasci ortotropi campionati in situ Parametri lepidocronologici: - Produzione annuale rizoma - allungamento annuale del rizoma - numero foglie fascio anno - lunghezza intera rizoma - lunghezza scaglie - Età rizoma - Paleofioritura Parametri fenologici: - Larghezza foglie intermedie - Lunghezza foglie intermedie - Lunghezza tessuto bruno foglie intermedie - Lunghezza foglia intermedia più lunga - Larghezza foglie adulte - Lunghezza totale foglie adulte - Lunghezza tessuto bruno foglie adulte - Lunghezza della base foglie adulte - Numero foglie giovanili - Numero foglie intermedie - Numero foglie adulte - Coefficiente A foglie adulte - Coefficiente A foglie intermedie - Superficie fogliare fascio (adulte + intermedie) - Densità foglie integre più vecchie (per lepidocronologia) Parametri di biomassa: - Biomassa fogliare fascio (adulte + intermedie) - Biomassa epifiti (adulte + intermedie) Indici: - Calcolo del PREI (Posidonia Rapid Easy Index) Parametri ambientali: - Granulometria del sedimento - Carbonio Organico Totale (TOC) del sedimento Specifiche multibeam acquisizione Velocità max acquisizione 5 kn Apertura max swath 120° Frequenza min 400Hz Sovrapposizione linee almeno 20% Correzione differenziale per dati GPS Dati mareografici (mareografo 100km dall’area di indagine) Esecuzione di almeno 3 profili SVP al giorno Altezza d’onda max nella fase di acquisizione 20 cm (per imbarcazioni sotto i 10 metri 10 cm). Frequenza di monitoraggio: Ogni 3 anni.
Elemento monitorato: Habitat (D6C4, D6C5) Parametri monitorati: Stime visive e misure in mare Mediante operatore subacqueo: - continuità della prateria - tipo di substrato - composizione prateria - presenza alghe alloctone - copertura (percentuale di matte morta, percentuale di P. oceanica viva, percentuale di C. nodosa, percentuale di C. prolifera, percentuale di C. taxifolia, percentuale di C. cylindracea), - densità dei fasci fogliari - scalzamento dei rizomi - Portamento rizomi - presenza di fioritura - tipo di limite inferiore - profondità del limite inferiore - fonti di disturbo evidenti Mediante sonda multiparametrica: - parametri chimico-fisici in colonna (%O2; trasparenza Disco Secchi m; pH; salinità psu; temperatura °C; Chla μg/l; O2 disciolto μmol O2/l; conducibilità S/cm) Analisi di laboratorio sui fasci ortotropi campionati in situ Parametri lepidocronologici: - Produzione annuale rizoma - allungamento annuale del rizoma - numero foglie fascio anno - lunghezza intera rizoma - lunghezza scaglie - Età rizoma - Paleofioritura Parametri fenologici: - Larghezza foglie intermedie - Lunghezza foglie intermedie - Lunghezza tessuto bruno foglie intermedie - Lunghezza foglia intermedia più lunga - Larghezza foglie adulte - Lunghezza totale foglie adulte - Lunghezza tessuto bruno foglie adulte - Lunghezza della base foglie adulte - Numero foglie giovanili - Numero foglie intermedie - Numero foglie adulte - Coefficiente A foglie adulte - Coefficiente A foglie intermedie - Superficie fogliare fascio (adulte + intermedie) - Densità foglie integre più vecchie (per lepidocronologia) Parametri di biomassa: - Biomassa fogliare fascio (adulte + intermedie) - Biomassa epifiti (adulte + intermedie) Indici: - Calcolo del PREI (Posidonia Rapid Easy Index) Parametri ambientali: - Granulometria del sedimento - Carbonio Organico Totale (TOC) del sedimento Specifiche multibeam acquisizione Velocità max acquisizione 5 kn Apertura max swath 120° Frequenza min 400Hz Sovrapposizione linee almeno 20% Correzione differenziale per dati GPS Dati mareografici (mareografo 100km dall’area di indagine) Esecuzione di almeno 3 profili SVP al giorno Altezza d’onda max nella fase di acquisizione 20 cm (per imbarcazioni sotto i 10 metri 10 cm). Frequenza di monitoraggio: Ogni 3 anni.
Elemento monitorato: Habitat (D6C4, D6C5) Parametri monitorati: - Localizzazione ed estensione dell’habitat. - Condizione dell’habitat mediante: a) Valutazione della Ricchezza specifica e/o tassonomica, ovvero numero totale di tutti i taxa megabentonici sessili e sedentari di fondo duro identificati al maggior dettaglio tassonomico possibile, rinvenuti lungo il transetto e loro lista, con l’indicazione di quelli che, con la loro presenza/abbondanza, arrivino a strutturare l’habitat; b) Per le sole specie strutturanti epi-megazoobentoniche indicate nello Standard Informativo e nell’Allegato alla presente scheda è richiesto il calcolo dei seguenti parametri: i. abbondanza specifica, di ogni singola specie strutturante, espressa in numero di colonie/individui per m2 (densità relativa all’area standard del transetto di 100m2, ottenuta considerando 200 m di transetto per un’ampiezza del campo visivo pari a circa 50 cm). Nel caso in cui il transetto non si sviluppi solo su fondo duro, bisognerà calcolare la densità facendo riferimento al solo fondo duro; ii. stato di salute, calcolato come percentuale di epibiosi e/o necrosi e intrappolamento; iii. struttura dei popolamenti (morfometria delle specie strutturanti), come calcolo dell’altezza delle colonie/individui, presenti lungo il transetto, che risultano colpite dai led (misurando, se presenti, un minimo di 30 ed un massimo di 100 colonie/individui per ciascuna specie). Protocollo di monitoraggio: Indagini acustiche, rilievi ROV e campionamenti in situ. Frequenza biennale per l’acquisizione dati mediante ROV e sessennale per l’acquisizione dati Multibeam limitati ai siti di indagine scelti per il monitoraggio.
Elemento monitorato: Habitat (D6C4, D6C5) Parametri monitorati: - Localizzazione ed estensione dell’habitat. - Condizione dell’habitat mediante: a) Valutazione della Ricchezza specifica e/o tassonomica, ovvero numero totale di tutti i taxa megabentonici sessili e sedentari di fondo duro identificati al maggior dettaglio tassonomico possibile, rinvenuti lungo il transetto e loro lista, con l’indicazione di quelli che, con la loro presenza/abbondanza, arrivino a strutturare l’habitat; b) Per le sole specie strutturanti epi-megazoobentoniche indicate nello Standard Informativo e nell’Allegato alla presente scheda è richiesto il calcolo dei seguenti parametri: i. abbondanza specifica, di ogni singola specie strutturante, espressa in numero di colonie/individui per m2 (densità relativa all’area standard del transetto di 100m2, ottenuta considerando 200 m di transetto per un’ampiezza del campo visivo pari a circa 50 cm). Nel caso in cui il transetto non si sviluppi solo su fondo duro, bisognerà calcolare la densità facendo riferimento al solo fondo duro; ii. stato di salute, calcolato come percentuale di epibiosi e/o necrosi e intrappolamento; iii. struttura dei popolamenti (morfometria delle specie strutturanti), come calcolo dell’altezza delle colonie/individui, presenti lungo il transetto, che risultano colpite dai led (misurando, se presenti, un minimo di 30 ed un massimo di 100 colonie/individui per ciascuna specie). Protocollo di monitoraggio: Indagini acustiche, rilievi ROV e campionamenti in situ. Frequenza biennale per l’acquisizione dati mediante ROV e sessennale per l’acquisizione dati Multibeam limitati ai siti di indagine scelti per il monitoraggio.
Elemento monitorato: Habitat (D6C4, D6C5) Parametri monitorati: - Localizzazione ed estensione dell’habitat. - Condizione dell’habitat mediante: a) Valutazione della Ricchezza specifica e/o tassonomica, ovvero numero totale di tutti i taxa megabentonici sessili e sedentari di fondo duro identificati al maggior dettaglio tassonomico possibile, rinvenuti lungo il transetto e loro lista, con l’indicazione di quelli che, con la loro presenza/abbondanza, arrivino a strutturare l’habitat; b) Per le sole specie strutturanti epi-megazoobentoniche indicate nello Standard Informativo e nell’Allegato alla presente scheda è richiesto il calcolo dei seguenti parametri: i. abbondanza specifica, di ogni singola specie strutturante, espressa in numero di colonie/individui per m2 (densità relativa all’area standard del transetto di 100m2, ottenuta considerando 200 m di transetto per un’ampiezza del campo visivo pari a circa 50 cm). Nel caso in cui il transetto non si sviluppi solo su fondo duro, bisognerà calcolare la densità facendo riferimento al solo fondo duro; ii. stato di salute, calcolato come percentuale di epibiosi e/o necrosi e intrappolamento; iii. struttura dei popolamenti (morfometria delle specie strutturanti), come calcolo dell’altezza delle colonie/individui, presenti lungo il transetto, che risultano colpite dai led (misurando, se presenti, un minimo di 30 ed un massimo di 100 colonie/individui per ciascuna specie). Protocollo di monitoraggio: Indagini acustiche, rilievi ROV e campionamenti in situ. Frequenza biennale per l’acquisizione dati mediante ROV e sessennale per l’acquisizione dati Multibeam limitati ai siti di indagine scelti per il monitoraggio.
Elemento monitorato: Habitat (D6C4, D6C5) Parametri monitorati: - Localizzazione ed estensione dell’habitat. - Condizione dell’habitat mediante: a) Valutazione della Ricchezza specifica e/o tassonomica, ovvero numero totale di tutti i taxa megabentonici sessili e sedentari di fondo duro identificati al maggior dettaglio tassonomico possibile, rinvenuti lungo il transetto e loro lista, con l’indicazione di quelli che, con la loro presenza/abbondanza, arrivino a strutturare l’habitat; b) Per le sole specie strutturanti epi-megazoobentoniche indicate nello Standard Informativo e nell’Allegato alla presente scheda è richiesto il calcolo dei seguenti parametri: i. abbondanza specifica, di ogni singola specie strutturante, espressa in numero di colonie/individui per m2 (densità relativa all’area standard del transetto di 100m2, ottenuta considerando 200 m di transetto per un’ampiezza del campo visivo pari a circa 50 cm). Nel caso in cui il transetto non si sviluppi solo su fondo duro, bisognerà calcolare la densità facendo riferimento al solo fondo duro; ii. stato di salute, calcolato come percentuale di epibiosi e/o necrosi e intrappolamento; iii. struttura dei popolamenti (morfometria delle specie strutturanti), come calcolo dell’altezza delle colonie/individui, presenti lungo il transetto, che risultano colpite dai led (misurando, se presenti, un minimo di 30 ed un massimo di 100 colonie/individui per ciascuna specie). Protocollo di monitoraggio: Indagini acustiche, rilievi ROV e campionamenti in situ. Frequenza biennale per l’acquisizione dati mediante ROV e sessennale per l’acquisizione dati Multibeam limitati ai siti di indagine scelti per il monitoraggio.
Elemento monitorato: Habitat (D6C4, D6C5). Parametri monitorati: Valutazione dell’estensione dell’habitat. Valutazione della condizione attraverso la stima dello spessore vitale del letto e della percentuale di copertura talli vivi / talli morti. Protocollo di monitoraggio: Il monitoraggio si basa su indagini acustiche, rilievi ROV e campionamenti in situ. Le campagne di acquisizione dati avrà frequenza triennale.
Elemento monitorato: Habitat (D6C4, D6C5). Parametri monitorati: Valutazione dell’estensione dell’habitat. Valutazione della condizione attraverso la stima dello spessore vitale del letto e della percentuale di copertura talli vivi / talli morti. Protocollo di monitoraggio: Il monitoraggio si basa su indagini acustiche, rilievi ROV e campionamenti in situ. Le campagne di acquisizione dati avrà frequenza triennale.
strati informativi forniti da fonti ufficiali e/o istituzionali (quali ad esempio quelli forniti da Istituto Idrografico della Marina, DG-UNIMG ecc.) e/o provenienti dai db/GIS web comunitari, quali ad es. l’elemento che viene monitorato esempio: - habitat (D6C3-C5) - Perdita fisica sul fondo parametro monitorato: ELENCO DEI PARAMETRI - Estensione (EXT) - Distribuzione (spaziale) (DIST-S)
strati informativi forniti da fonti ufficiali e/o istituzionali (quali ad esempio quelli forniti da Istituto Idrografico della Marina, DG-UNIMG ecc.) e/o provenienti dai db/GIS web comunitari, quali ad es. l’elemento che viene monitorato esempio: - habitat (D6C3-C5) - Perdita fisica sul fondo parametro monitorato: ELENCO DEI PARAMETRI - Estensione (EXT) - Distribuzione (spaziale) (DIST-S)
strati informativi forniti da fonti ufficiali e/o istituzionali (quali ad esempio quelli forniti da Istituto Idrografico della Marina, DG-UNIMG ecc.) e/o provenienti dai db/GIS web comunitari, quali ad es. l’elemento che viene monitorato esempio: - habitat (D6C3-C5) - Perdita fisica sul fondo parametro monitorato: ELENCO DEI PARAMETRI - Estensione (EXT) - Distribuzione (spaziale) (DIST-S)
strati informativi forniti da fonti ufficiali e/o istituzionali (quali ad esempio quelli forniti da Istituto Idrografico della Marina, DG-UNIMG ecc.) e/o provenienti dai db/GIS web comunitari, quali ad es. l’elemento che viene monitorato esempio: - habitat (D6C3-C5) - Perdita fisica sul fondo parametro monitorato: ELENCO DEI PARAMETRI - Estensione (EXT) - Distribuzione (spaziale) (DIST-S)
strati informativi forniti da fonti ufficiali e/o istituzionali (quali ad esempio quelli forniti da Istituto Idrografico della Marina, DG-UNIMG ecc.) e/o provenienti dai db/GIS web comunitari, quali ad es. l’elemento che viene monitorato esempio: - habitat (D6C3-C5) - Perdita fisica sul fondo parametro monitorato: ELENCO DEI PARAMETRI - Estensione (EXT) - Distribuzione (spaziale) (DIST-S)
strati informativi forniti da fonti ufficiali e/o istituzionali (quali ad esempio quelli forniti da Istituto Idrografico della Marina, DG-UNIMG ecc.) e/o provenienti dai db/GIS web comunitari, quali ad es. l’elemento che viene monitorato esempio: - habitat (D6C3-C5) - Perdita fisica sul fondo parametro monitorato: ELENCO DEI PARAMETRI - Estensione (EXT) - Distribuzione (spaziale) (DIST-S)
strati informativi forniti da fonti ufficiali e/o istituzionali (quali ad esempio quelli forniti da Istituto Idrografico della Marina, DG-UNIMG ecc.) e/o provenienti dai db/GIS web comunitari, quali ad es. l’elemento che viene monitorato esempio: - habitat (D6C3-C5) - Perdita fisica sul fondo parametro monitorato: ELENCO DEI PARAMETRI - Estensione (EXT) - Distribuzione (spaziale) (DIST-S)
Elemento che viene monitorato esempio: - habitat (D6C3-C5,) - Pressione (D6C2) Parametro monitorato: 1. Morfologia del fondo file formato geotif del mosaico (SSS) o raw file e relativa restituzione del segnale di backscatter (multibeam echosounder) 2. Granulometria del sedimento superficiale con individuazione delle seguenti 4 classi: ghiaia, sabbia, silt e argilla. 3. Dati di AIS e VMS al fine della caratterizzazione della pressione D6C2 METODO DI ANALISI 1. Elaborazione dei dati geofisici (morfologici e di backscatter) mediante software specifici. SSS: mosaico di backscatter in file formato geotif del mosaico; Mbeam: mappa della morfobatimetria dell’area in formato geotif e mosaica tura del relativo segnale di backscatter sempre in formato geotif. 2. Distribuzione granulometrica del sedimento, con individuazione delle seguenti 4 classi: ghiaia, sabbia, silt e argilla. Le analisi granulometriche dovranno essere eseguite in accordo a quanto riportato nel Manuale: Romano E., Ausili A., Bergamin L., Celia Magno M., Pierfranceschi G., Venti F., 2018. Analisi granulometriche dei sedimenti marini. Linee Guida SNPA 18/2018. ISBN 978-88-448-0925-6 © LINEE GUIDA SNPA, 18/2018. 3. elaborazione dati VMS e AIS al fine della rappresentazione della distribuzione della pressione di pesca su vasta scala (su celle di 1 km*1 km) ed a elevata risoluzione spaziale, pressione espressa come Swept Area Ration.
Elemento che viene monitorato esempio: - habitat (D6C3-C5,) - Pressione (D6C2) Parametro monitorato: 1. Morfologia del fondo file formato geotif del mosaico (SSS) o raw file e relativa restituzione del segnale di backscatter (multibeam echosounder) 2. Granulometria del sedimento superficiale con individuazione delle seguenti 4 classi: ghiaia, sabbia, silt e argilla. 3. Dati di AIS e VMS al fine della caratterizzazione della pressione D6C2 METODO DI ANALISI 1. Elaborazione dei dati geofisici (morfologici e di backscatter) mediante software specifici. SSS: mosaico di backscatter in file formato geotif del mosaico; Mbeam: mappa della morfobatimetria dell’area in formato geotif e mosaica tura del relativo segnale di backscatter sempre in formato geotif. 2. Distribuzione granulometrica del sedimento, con individuazione delle seguenti 4 classi: ghiaia, sabbia, silt e argilla. Le analisi granulometriche dovranno essere eseguite in accordo a quanto riportato nel Manuale: Romano E., Ausili A., Bergamin L., Celia Magno M., Pierfranceschi G., Venti F., 2018. Analisi granulometriche dei sedimenti marini. Linee Guida SNPA 18/2018. ISBN 978-88-448-0925-6 © LINEE GUIDA SNPA, 18/2018. 3. elaborazione dati VMS e AIS al fine della rappresentazione della distribuzione della pressione di pesca su vasta scala (su celle di 1 km*1 km) ed a elevata risoluzione spaziale, pressione espressa come Swept Area Ration.
Elemento che viene monitorato esempio: - habitat (D6C3-C5,) - Pressione (D6C2) Parametro monitorato: 1. Morfologia del fondo file formato geotif del mosaico (SSS) o raw file e relativa restituzione del segnale di backscatter (multibeam echosounder) 2. Granulometria del sedimento superficiale con individuazione delle seguenti 4 classi: ghiaia, sabbia, silt e argilla. 3. Dati di AIS e VMS al fine della caratterizzazione della pressione D6C2 METODO DI ANALISI 1. Elaborazione dei dati geofisici (morfologici e di backscatter) mediante software specifici. SSS: mosaico di backscatter in file formato geotif del mosaico; Mbeam: mappa della morfobatimetria dell’area in formato geotif e mosaica tura del relativo segnale di backscatter sempre in formato geotif. 2. Distribuzione granulometrica del sedimento, con individuazione delle seguenti 4 classi: ghiaia, sabbia, silt e argilla. Le analisi granulometriche dovranno essere eseguite in accordo a quanto riportato nel Manuale: Romano E., Ausili A., Bergamin L., Celia Magno M., Pierfranceschi G., Venti F., 2018. Analisi granulometriche dei sedimenti marini. Linee Guida SNPA 18/2018. ISBN 978-88-448-0925-6 © LINEE GUIDA SNPA, 18/2018. 3. elaborazione dati VMS e AIS al fine della rappresentazione della distribuzione della pressione di pesca su vasta scala (su celle di 1 km*1 km) ed a elevata risoluzione spaziale, pressione espressa come Swept Area Ration.
Elemento che viene monitorato esempio: - habitat (D6C3-C5,) - Pressione (D6C2) Parametro monitorato: 1. Morfologia del fondo file formato geotif del mosaico (SSS) o raw file e relativa restituzione del segnale di backscatter (multibeam echosounder) 2. Granulometria del sedimento superficiale con individuazione delle seguenti 4 classi: ghiaia, sabbia, silt e argilla. 3. Dati di AIS e VMS al fine della caratterizzazione della pressione D6C2 METODO DI ANALISI 1. Elaborazione dei dati geofisici (morfologici e di backscatter) mediante software specifici. SSS: mosaico di backscatter in file formato geotif del mosaico; Mbeam: mappa della morfobatimetria dell’area in formato geotif e mosaica tura del relativo segnale di backscatter sempre in formato geotif. 2. Distribuzione granulometrica del sedimento, con individuazione delle seguenti 4 classi: ghiaia, sabbia, silt e argilla. Le analisi granulometriche dovranno essere eseguite in accordo a quanto riportato nel Manuale: Romano E., Ausili A., Bergamin L., Celia Magno M., Pierfranceschi G., Venti F., 2018. Analisi granulometriche dei sedimenti marini. Linee Guida SNPA 18/2018. ISBN 978-88-448-0925-6 © LINEE GUIDA SNPA, 18/2018. 3. elaborazione dati VMS e AIS al fine della rappresentazione della distribuzione della pressione di pesca su vasta scala (su celle di 1 km*1 km) ed a elevata risoluzione spaziale, pressione espressa come Swept Area Ration.
Elemento che viene monitorato esempio: - habitat (D6C3-C5,) Parametro monitorato. ELENCO DEI PARAMETRI e informazioni da restituire 1. Lista di specie del popolamento epimegabentonico (totale o subcampionato); 2. Peso della cattura totale; 3. Peso del campione totale di epimegabenthos o peso del subcampione prelevato; 4. Stime della taglia per specie e per individuo dell’epimegabenthos secondo 3 classi (Piccolo<5cm; Medio 5-20cm; Grande>20cm); 5. Peso umido e abbondanza misurati per specie; per le specie coloniali solo peso umido; 6. Granulometria del sedimento superficiale con individuazione delle seguenti 4 classi: ghiaia, sabbia, silt e argilla; coordinate e profondità di ogni stazione; 7. Caratteristiche tecniche relative all’imbarcazione da pesca utilizzata: LFT; TSL; HP; lunghezza lima da sugheri; lunghezza lima da piombi; peso catena; dimensione maglia; 8. Coordinate ed orario di inizio e fine cala e profondità.
Elemento che viene monitorato esempio: - habitat (D6C3-C5,) Parametro monitorato. ELENCO DEI PARAMETRI e informazioni da restituire 1. Lista di specie del popolamento epimegabentonico (totale o subcampionato); 2. Peso della cattura totale; 3. Peso del campione totale di epimegabenthos o peso del subcampione prelevato; 4. Stime della taglia per specie e per individuo dell’epimegabenthos secondo 3 classi (Piccolo<5cm; Medio 5-20cm; Grande>20cm); 5. Peso umido e abbondanza misurati per specie; per le specie coloniali solo peso umido; 6. Granulometria del sedimento superficiale con individuazione delle seguenti 4 classi: ghiaia, sabbia, silt e argilla; coordinate e profondità di ogni stazione; 7. Caratteristiche tecniche relative all’imbarcazione da pesca utilizzata: LFT; TSL; HP; lunghezza lima da sugheri; lunghezza lima da piombi; peso catena; dimensione maglia; 8. Coordinate ed orario di inizio e fine cala e profondità.
Elemento che viene monitorato esempio: - habitat (D6C3-C5,) Parametro monitorato. ELENCO DEI PARAMETRI e informazioni da restituire 1. Lista di specie del popolamento epimegabentonico (totale o subcampionato); 2. Peso della cattura totale; 3. Peso del campione totale di epimegabenthos o peso del subcampione prelevato; 4. Stime della taglia per specie e per individuo dell’epimegabenthos secondo 3 classi (Piccolo<5cm; Medio 5-20cm; Grande>20cm); 5. Peso umido e abbondanza misurati per specie; per le specie coloniali solo peso umido; 6. Granulometria del sedimento superficiale con individuazione delle seguenti 4 classi: ghiaia, sabbia, silt e argilla; coordinate e profondità di ogni stazione; 7. Caratteristiche tecniche relative all’imbarcazione da pesca utilizzata: LFT; TSL; HP; lunghezza lima da sugheri; lunghezza lima da piombi; peso catena; dimensione maglia; 8. Coordinate ed orario di inizio e fine cala e profondità.
Other benthic habitats
Other benthic habitats
Other benthic habitats
Other benthic habitats
Other benthic habitats
Other benthic habitats
Other benthic habitats
Other benthic habitats
Physical loss of the seabed
Benthic broad habitats
Other benthic habitats
Benthic broad habitats
Other benthic habitats
Benthic broad habitats
Other benthic habitats
Physical disturbance to seabed
Benthic broad habitats
Benthic broad habitats
Benthic broad habitats
Benthic broad habitats
Benthic broad habitats
Benthic broad habitats
Other benthic habitats
Other benthic habitats
Other benthic habitats
Other benthic habitats
Other benthic habitats
Other benthic habitats
Other benthic habitats
Other benthic habitats
Physical loss of the seabed
Benthic broad habitats
Other benthic habitats
Benthic broad habitats
Other benthic habitats
Benthic broad habitats
Other benthic habitats
Physical disturbance to seabed
Benthic broad habitats
Benthic broad habitats
Benthic broad habitats
Benthic broad habitats
Benthic broad habitats
Benthic broad habitats
Other benthic habitats
Other benthic habitats
Other benthic habitats
Other benthic habitats
Other benthic habitats
Other benthic habitats
Other benthic habitats
Other benthic habitats
Physical loss of the seabed
Benthic broad habitats
Other benthic habitats
Benthic broad habitats
Other benthic habitats
Benthic broad habitats
Other benthic habitats
Physical disturbance to seabed
Benthic broad habitats
Benthic broad habitats
Benthic broad habitats
Benthic broad habitats
Benthic broad habitats
Benthic broad habitats
  • Posidonia beds (Posidonion oceanicae)
  • Posidonia beds (Posidonion oceanicae)
  • Coralligenous habitat
  • Coralligenous habitat
  • Coralligenous habitat
  • Coralligenous habitat
  • Maerl beds
  • Maerl beds
  • Not Applicable
  • Circalittoral rock and biogenic reef
  • Coralligenous habitat
  • Maerl beds
  • Posidonia beds (Posidonion oceanicae)
  • Circalittoral rock and biogenic reef
  • Coralligenous habitat
  • Maerl beds
  • Posidonia beds (Posidonion oceanicae)
  • Circalittoral rock and biogenic reef
  • Coralligenous habitat
  • Maerl beds
  • Posidonia beds (Posidonion oceanicae)
  • Not Applicable
  • Circalittoral mud
  • Infralittoral mud
  • Circalittoral mud
  • Infralittoral mud
  • Circalittoral mud
  • Infralittoral mud
  • Circalittoral mud
  • Infralittoral mud
  • Circalittoral mud
  • Infralittoral mud
  • Circalittoral mud
  • Infralittoral mud
  • Posidonia beds (Posidonion oceanicae)
  • Posidonia beds (Posidonion oceanicae)
  • Coralligenous habitat
  • Coralligenous habitat
  • Coralligenous habitat
  • Coralligenous habitat
  • Maerl beds
  • Maerl beds
  • Not Applicable
  • Circalittoral rock and biogenic reef
  • Coralligenous habitat
  • Maerl beds
  • Posidonia beds (Posidonion oceanicae)
  • Circalittoral rock and biogenic reef
  • Coralligenous habitat
  • Maerl beds
  • Posidonia beds (Posidonion oceanicae)
  • Circalittoral rock and biogenic reef
  • Coralligenous habitat
  • Maerl beds
  • Posidonia beds (Posidonion oceanicae)
  • Not Applicable
  • Circalittoral mud
  • Infralittoral mud
  • Circalittoral mud
  • Infralittoral mud
  • Circalittoral mud
  • Infralittoral mud
  • Circalittoral mud
  • Infralittoral mud
  • Circalittoral mud
  • Infralittoral mud
  • Circalittoral mud
  • Infralittoral mud
  • Posidonia beds (Posidonion oceanicae)
  • Posidonia beds (Posidonion oceanicae)
  • Coralligenous habitat
  • Coralligenous habitat
  • Coralligenous habitat
  • Coralligenous habitat
  • Maerl beds
  • Maerl beds
  • Not Applicable
  • Circalittoral rock and biogenic reef
  • Coralligenous habitat
  • Maerl beds
  • Posidonia beds (Posidonion oceanicae)
  • Circalittoral rock and biogenic reef
  • Coralligenous habitat
  • Maerl beds
  • Posidonia beds (Posidonion oceanicae)
  • Circalittoral rock and biogenic reef
  • Coralligenous habitat
  • Maerl beds
  • Posidonia beds (Posidonion oceanicae)
  • Not Applicable
  • Circalittoral mud
  • Infralittoral mud
  • Circalittoral mud
  • Infralittoral mud
  • Circalittoral mud
  • Infralittoral mud
  • Circalittoral mud
  • Infralittoral mud
  • Circalittoral mud
  • Infralittoral mud
  • Circalittoral mud
  • Infralittoral mud
GES criteria
  • Extent
  • Extent
  • Extent
  • Other
  • Extent
  • Other
  • Extent
  • Other
  • Extent
  • Other
  • Extent
  • Other
  • Extent
  • Other
  • Extent
  • Other
  • Extent
  • Other
  • Extent
  • Other
  • Extent
  • Other
  • Other
  • Other
  • Other
  • Other
  • Other
  • Other
  • Other
  • Extent
  • Extent
  • Extent
  • Other
  • Extent
  • Other
  • Extent
  • Other
  • Extent
  • Other
  • Extent
  • Other
  • Extent
  • Other
  • Extent
  • Other
  • Extent
  • Other
  • Extent
  • Other
  • Extent
  • Other
  • Other
  • Other
  • Other
  • Other
  • Other
  • Other
  • Other
  • Extent
  • Extent
  • Extent
  • Other
  • Extent
  • Other
  • Extent
  • Other
  • Extent
  • Extent
  • Other
  • Extent
  • Other
  • Extent
  • Other
  • Extent
  • Other
  • Extent
  • Other
  • Extent
  • Other
  • Other
  • Other
  • Other
  • Other
  • Other
  • Other
  • Other
Parameter Other
Distribuzione (spaziale)
Distribuzione (spaziale)
Distribuzione (spaziale)
Distribuzione (spaziale)
Distribuzione (spaziale)
Distribuzione (spaziale)
Distribuzione (spaziale)
Dati di AIS e VMS
Morfologia del fondo e granulometria del sedimento
Morfologia del fondo e granulometria del sedimento
Morfologia del fondo e granulometria del sedimento
Lista specie, peso della cattura e del campione to
Lista specie, peso della cattura e del campione to
Lista specie, peso della cattura e del campione to
Distribuzione (spaziale)
Distribuzione (spaziale)
Distribuzione (spaziale)
Distribuzione (spaziale)
Distribuzione (spaziale)
Distribuzione (spaziale)
Distribuzione (spaziale)
Dati di AIS e VMS
Morfologia del fondo e granulometria del sedimento
Morfologia del fondo e granulometria del sedimento
Morfologia del fondo e granulometria del sedimento
Lista specie, peso della cattura e del campione to
Lista specie, peso della cattura e del campione to
Lista specie, peso della cattura e del campione to
Distribuzione (spaziale)
Distribuzione (spaziale)
Distribuzione (spaziale)
Distribuzione (spaziale)
Distribuzione (spaziale)
Distribuzione (spaziale)
Dati di AIS e VMS
Morfologia del fondo e granulometria del sedimento
Morfologia del fondo e granulometria del sedimento
Morfologia del fondo e granulometria del sedimento
Lista specie, peso della cattura e del campione to
Lista specie, peso della cattura e del campione to
Lista specie, peso della cattura e del campione to
Spatial scope
  • Coastal waters (WFD)
  • Coastal waters (WFD)
  • Continental shelf (beyond EEZ)
  • EEZ (or similar)
  • Territorial waters
  • Continental shelf (beyond EEZ)
  • EEZ (or similar)
  • Territorial waters
  • Continental shelf (beyond EEZ)
  • EEZ (or similar)
  • Territorial waters
  • Continental shelf (beyond EEZ)
  • EEZ (or similar)
  • Territorial waters
  • Territorial waters
  • Territorial waters
  • Coastal waters (WFD)
  • Continental shelf (beyond EEZ)
  • EEZ (or similar)
  • Territorial waters
  • Coastal waters (WFD)
  • Continental shelf (beyond EEZ)
  • EEZ (or similar)
  • Territorial waters
  • Coastal waters (WFD)
  • Continental shelf (beyond EEZ)
  • EEZ (or similar)
  • Territorial waters
  • Coastal waters (WFD)
  • Continental shelf (beyond EEZ)
  • EEZ (or similar)
  • Territorial waters
  • Coastal waters (WFD)
  • Continental shelf (beyond EEZ)
  • EEZ (or similar)
  • Territorial waters
  • Coastal waters (WFD)
  • Continental shelf (beyond EEZ)
  • EEZ (or similar)
  • Territorial waters
  • Coastal waters (WFD)
  • Continental shelf (beyond EEZ)
  • EEZ (or similar)
  • Territorial waters
  • Coastal waters (WFD)
  • Continental shelf (beyond EEZ)
  • EEZ (or similar)
  • Territorial waters
  • Coastal waters (WFD)
  • Continental shelf (beyond EEZ)
  • EEZ (or similar)
  • Territorial waters
  • Coastal waters (WFD)
  • Continental shelf (beyond EEZ)
  • EEZ (or similar)
  • Territorial waters
  • Coastal waters (WFD)
  • Continental shelf (beyond EEZ)
  • EEZ (or similar)
  • Territorial waters
  • Coastal waters (WFD)
  • Continental shelf (beyond EEZ)
  • EEZ (or similar)
  • Territorial waters
  • Coastal waters (WFD)
  • Continental shelf (beyond EEZ)
  • EEZ (or similar)
  • Territorial waters
  • Coastal waters (WFD)
  • Continental shelf (beyond EEZ)
  • EEZ (or similar)
  • Territorial waters
  • Coastal waters (WFD)
  • Coastal waters (WFD)
  • Continental shelf (beyond EEZ)
  • EEZ (or similar)
  • Territorial waters
  • Continental shelf (beyond EEZ)
  • EEZ (or similar)
  • Territorial waters
  • Continental shelf (beyond EEZ)
  • EEZ (or similar)
  • Territorial waters
  • Continental shelf (beyond EEZ)
  • EEZ (or similar)
  • Territorial waters
  • Territorial waters
  • Territorial waters
  • Coastal waters (WFD)
  • Continental shelf (beyond EEZ)
  • EEZ (or similar)
  • Territorial waters
  • Coastal waters (WFD)
  • Continental shelf (beyond EEZ)
  • EEZ (or similar)
  • Territorial waters
  • Coastal waters (WFD)
  • Continental shelf (beyond EEZ)
  • EEZ (or similar)
  • Territorial waters
  • Coastal waters (WFD)
  • Continental shelf (beyond EEZ)
  • EEZ (or similar)
  • Territorial waters
  • Coastal waters (WFD)
  • Continental shelf (beyond EEZ)
  • EEZ (or similar)
  • Territorial waters
  • Coastal waters (WFD)
  • Continental shelf (beyond EEZ)
  • EEZ (or similar)
  • Territorial waters
  • Coastal waters (WFD)
  • Continental shelf (beyond EEZ)
  • EEZ (or similar)
  • Territorial waters
  • Coastal waters (WFD)
  • Continental shelf (beyond EEZ)
  • EEZ (or similar)
  • Territorial waters
  • Coastal waters (WFD)
  • Continental shelf (beyond EEZ)
  • EEZ (or similar)
  • Territorial waters
  • Coastal waters (WFD)
  • Continental shelf (beyond EEZ)
  • EEZ (or similar)
  • Territorial waters
  • Coastal waters (WFD)
  • Continental shelf (beyond EEZ)
  • EEZ (or similar)
  • Territorial waters
  • Coastal waters (WFD)
  • Continental shelf (beyond EEZ)
  • EEZ (or similar)
  • Territorial waters
  • Coastal waters (WFD)
  • Continental shelf (beyond EEZ)
  • EEZ (or similar)
  • Territorial waters
  • Coastal waters (WFD)
  • Continental shelf (beyond EEZ)
  • EEZ (or similar)
  • Territorial waters
  • Coastal waters (WFD)
  • Coastal waters (WFD)
  • Continental shelf (beyond EEZ)
  • EEZ (or similar)
  • Territorial waters
  • Continental shelf (beyond EEZ)
  • EEZ (or similar)
  • Territorial waters
  • Continental shelf (beyond EEZ)
  • EEZ (or similar)
  • Territorial waters
  • Continental shelf (beyond EEZ)
  • EEZ (or similar)
  • Territorial waters
  • Territorial waters
  • Territorial waters
  • Coastal waters (WFD)
  • Continental shelf (beyond EEZ)
  • EEZ (or similar)
  • Territorial waters
  • Coastal waters (WFD)
  • Continental shelf (beyond EEZ)
  • EEZ (or similar)
  • Territorial waters
  • Coastal waters (WFD)
  • Continental shelf (beyond EEZ)
  • EEZ (or similar)
  • Territorial waters
  • Coastal waters (WFD)
  • Continental shelf (beyond EEZ)
  • EEZ (or similar)
  • Territorial waters
  • Coastal waters (WFD)
  • Continental shelf (beyond EEZ)
  • EEZ (or similar)
  • Territorial waters
  • Coastal waters (WFD)
  • Continental shelf (beyond EEZ)
  • EEZ (or similar)
  • Territorial waters
  • Coastal waters (WFD)
  • Continental shelf (beyond EEZ)
  • EEZ (or similar)
  • Territorial waters
  • Coastal waters (WFD)
  • Continental shelf (beyond EEZ)
  • EEZ (or similar)
  • Territorial waters
  • Coastal waters (WFD)
  • Continental shelf (beyond EEZ)
  • EEZ (or similar)
  • Territorial waters
  • Coastal waters (WFD)
  • Continental shelf (beyond EEZ)
  • EEZ (or similar)
  • Territorial waters
  • Coastal waters (WFD)
  • Continental shelf (beyond EEZ)
  • EEZ (or similar)
  • Territorial waters
  • Coastal waters (WFD)
  • Continental shelf (beyond EEZ)
  • EEZ (or similar)
  • Territorial waters
  • Coastal waters (WFD)
  • Continental shelf (beyond EEZ)
  • EEZ (or similar)
  • Territorial waters
  • Coastal waters (WFD)
  • Continental shelf (beyond EEZ)
  • EEZ (or similar)
  • Territorial waters
Marine reporting units
  • IT-AS-0001
  • IT-AS-0001
  • IT-AS-0001
  • IT-AS-0001
  • IT-AS-0001
  • IT-AS-0001
  • IT-AS-0001
  • IT-AS-0001
  • IT-AS-0001
  • IT-AS-0001
  • IT-AS-0001
  • IT-AS-0001
  • IT-AS-0001
  • IT-AS-0001
  • IT-AS-0001
  • IT-AS-0001
  • IT-AS-0001
  • IT-AS-0001
  • IT-AS-0001
  • IT-AS-0001
  • IT-AS-0001
  • IT-AS-0001
  • IT-ISCMS-0001
  • IT-ISCMS-0001
  • IT-ISCMS-0001
  • IT-ISCMS-0001
  • IT-ISCMS-0001
  • IT-ISCMS-0001
  • IT-ISCMS-0001
  • IT-ISCMS-0001
  • IT-ISCMS-0001
  • IT-ISCMS-0001
  • IT-ISCMS-0001
  • IT-ISCMS-0001
  • IT-ISCMS-0001
  • IT-ISCMS-0001
  • IT-ISCMS-0001
  • IT-ISCMS-0001
  • IT-ISCMS-0001
  • IT-ISCMS-0001
  • IT-ISCMS-0001
  • IT-ISCMS-0001
  • IT-ISCMS-0001
  • IT-ISCMS-0001
  • IT-WMS-0001
  • IT-WMS-0001
  • IT-WMS-0001
  • IT-WMS-0001
  • IT-WMS-0001
  • IT-WMS-0001
  • IT-WMS-0001
  • IT-WMS-0001
  • IT-WMS-0001
  • IT-WMS-0001
  • IT-WMS-0001
  • IT-WMS-0001
  • IT-WMS-0001
  • IT-WMS-0001
  • IT-WMS-0001
  • IT-WMS-0001
  • IT-WMS-0001
  • IT-WMS-0001
  • IT-WMS-0001
  • IT-WMS-0001
  • IT-WMS-0001
  • IT-WMS-0001
Temporal scope (start date - end date)
Monitoring frequency
Monitoring type
  • In-situ sampling coastal
  • Remote flight imagery
  • Remote satellite imagery
  • Remote surveillance
  • In-situ sampling coastal
  • Remote flight imagery
  • Remote satellite imagery
  • Remote surveillance
  • In-situ sampling coastal
  • In-situ sampling offshore
  • In-situ sampling coastal
  • In-situ sampling offshore
  • In-situ sampling coastal
  • In-situ sampling offshore
  • In-situ sampling coastal
  • In-situ sampling offshore
  • In-situ sampling coastal
  • In-situ sampling coastal
  • Other
  • Remote flight imagery
  • Remote satellite imagery
  • Other
  • Remote flight imagery
  • Remote satellite imagery
  • Other
  • Remote flight imagery
  • Remote satellite imagery
  • Other
  • Remote flight imagery
  • Remote satellite imagery
  • Other
  • Remote flight imagery
  • Remote satellite imagery
  • Other
  • Remote flight imagery
  • Remote satellite imagery
  • Other
  • Remote flight imagery
  • Remote satellite imagery
  • In-situ sampling coastal
  • In-situ sampling offshore
  • Remote satellite imagery
  • In-situ sampling coastal
  • In-situ sampling offshore
  • Remote satellite imagery
  • In-situ sampling coastal
  • In-situ sampling offshore
  • Remote satellite imagery
  • In-situ sampling coastal
  • In-situ sampling offshore
  • Remote satellite imagery
  • In-situ sampling coastal
  • In-situ sampling offshore
  • In-situ sampling coastal
  • In-situ sampling offshore
  • In-situ sampling coastal
  • In-situ sampling offshore
  • In-situ sampling coastal
  • Remote flight imagery
  • Remote satellite imagery
  • Remote surveillance
  • In-situ sampling coastal
  • Remote flight imagery
  • Remote satellite imagery
  • Remote surveillance
  • In-situ sampling coastal
  • In-situ sampling offshore
  • In-situ sampling coastal
  • In-situ sampling offshore
  • In-situ sampling coastal
  • In-situ sampling offshore
  • In-situ sampling coastal
  • In-situ sampling offshore
  • In-situ sampling coastal
  • In-situ sampling coastal
  • Other
  • Remote flight imagery
  • Remote satellite imagery
  • Other
  • Remote flight imagery
  • Remote satellite imagery
  • Other
  • Remote flight imagery
  • Remote satellite imagery
  • Other
  • Remote flight imagery
  • Remote satellite imagery
  • Other
  • Remote flight imagery
  • Remote satellite imagery
  • Other
  • Remote flight imagery
  • Remote satellite imagery
  • Other
  • Remote flight imagery
  • Remote satellite imagery
  • In-situ sampling coastal
  • In-situ sampling offshore
  • Remote satellite imagery
  • In-situ sampling coastal
  • In-situ sampling offshore
  • Remote satellite imagery
  • In-situ sampling coastal
  • In-situ sampling offshore
  • Remote satellite imagery
  • In-situ sampling coastal
  • In-situ sampling offshore
  • Remote satellite imagery
  • In-situ sampling coastal
  • In-situ sampling offshore
  • In-situ sampling coastal
  • In-situ sampling offshore
  • In-situ sampling coastal
  • In-situ sampling offshore
  • In-situ sampling coastal
  • Remote flight imagery
  • Remote satellite imagery
  • Remote surveillance
  • In-situ sampling coastal
  • Remote flight imagery
  • Remote satellite imagery
  • Remote surveillance
  • In-situ sampling coastal
  • In-situ sampling offshore
  • In-situ sampling coastal
  • In-situ sampling offshore
  • In-situ sampling coastal
  • In-situ sampling offshore
  • In-situ sampling coastal
  • In-situ sampling offshore
  • In-situ sampling coastal
  • In-situ sampling coastal
  • Other
  • Remote flight imagery
  • Remote satellite imagery
  • Other
  • Remote flight imagery
  • Remote satellite imagery
  • Other
  • Remote flight imagery
  • Remote satellite imagery
  • Other
  • Remote flight imagery
  • Remote satellite imagery
  • Other
  • Remote flight imagery
  • Remote satellite imagery
  • Other
  • Remote flight imagery
  • Remote satellite imagery
  • Other
  • Remote flight imagery
  • Remote satellite imagery
  • In-situ sampling coastal
  • In-situ sampling offshore
  • Remote satellite imagery
  • In-situ sampling coastal
  • In-situ sampling offshore
  • Remote satellite imagery
  • In-situ sampling coastal
  • In-situ sampling offshore
  • Remote satellite imagery
  • In-situ sampling coastal
  • In-situ sampling offshore
  • Remote satellite imagery
  • In-situ sampling coastal
  • In-situ sampling offshore
  • In-situ sampling coastal
  • In-situ sampling offshore
  • In-situ sampling coastal
  • In-situ sampling offshore
Monitoring method
  • Other monitoring method
  • Other monitoring method
  • Other monitoring method
  • Other monitoring method
  • Other monitoring method
  • Other monitoring method
  • Other monitoring method
  • Other monitoring method
  • Other monitoring method
  • Other monitoring method
  • Other monitoring method
  • Other monitoring method
  • Other monitoring method
  • Other monitoring method
  • Other monitoring method
  • Other monitoring method
  • Other monitoring method
  • Other monitoring method
  • Other monitoring method
  • Other monitoring method
  • Other monitoring method
  • Other monitoring method
  • Other monitoring method
  • Other monitoring method
  • Other monitoring method
  • Other monitoring method
  • Other monitoring method
  • Other monitoring method
  • Other monitoring method
  • Other monitoring method
  • Other monitoring method
  • Other monitoring method
  • Other monitoring method
  • Other monitoring method
  • Other monitoring method
  • Other monitoring method
  • Other monitoring method
  • Other monitoring method
  • Other monitoring method
  • Other monitoring method
  • Other monitoring method
  • Other monitoring method
  • Other monitoring method
  • Other monitoring method
  • Other monitoring method
  • Other monitoring method
  • Other monitoring method
  • Other monitoring method
  • Other monitoring method
  • Other monitoring method
  • Other monitoring method
  • Other monitoring method
  • Other monitoring method
  • Other monitoring method
  • Other monitoring method
  • Other monitoring method
  • Other monitoring method
  • Other monitoring method
  • Other monitoring method
  • Other monitoring method
  • Other monitoring method
  • Other monitoring method
  • Other monitoring method
  • Other monitoring method
  • Other monitoring method
  • Other monitoring method
Monitoring method other
L’acquisizione dei dati acustici di dettaglio deve essere eseguita utilizzando un multibeam echosounder, preferibilmente con installazione a scafo e in grado di acquisire dati di backscatter, al fine di restituire il dato come modello digitale del terreno (DTM), e con Side Scan Sonar sulla facies a Posidonia oceanica. La raccolta di documentazione video-fotografica ad alta definizione e georeferenziata deve essere eseguita mediante l’impiego di ROV (Remotely Operated Vehicle) con videocamera con sensore Full HD. L’acquisizione dei fotogrammi aerei deve essere eseguita utilizzando aeromobili a pilotaggio remoto (APR) equipaggiati con fotocamera RGB o Multispettrale.
L’acquisizione dei dati acustici di dettaglio deve essere eseguita utilizzando un multibeam echosounder, preferibilmente con installazione a scafo e in grado di acquisire dati di backscatter, al fine di restituire il dato come modello digitale del terreno (DTM), e con Side Scan Sonar sulla facies a Posidonia oceanica. La raccolta di documentazione video-fotografica ad alta definizione e georeferenziata deve essere eseguita mediante l’impiego di ROV (Remotely Operated Vehicle) con videocamera con sensore Full HD. L’acquisizione dei fotogrammi aerei deve essere eseguita utilizzando aeromobili a pilotaggio remoto (APR) equipaggiati con fotocamera RGB o Multispettrale.
Indagini acustiche, rilievi ROV e campionamenti in situ.
Indagini acustiche, rilievi ROV e campionamenti in situ.
Indagini acustiche, rilievi ROV e campionamenti in situ.
Indagini acustiche, rilievi ROV e campionamenti in situ.
Indagini acustiche, rilievi ROV e campionamenti in situ.
Indagini acustiche, rilievi ROV e campionamenti in situ.
Protocollo di monitoraggio definito nella Scheda del programma di monitoraggio per il descrittore D6
Protocollo di monitoraggio definito nella Scheda del programma di monitoraggio per il descrittore D6
Protocollo di monitoraggio definito nella Scheda del programma di monitoraggio per il descrittore D6
Protocollo di monitoraggio definito nella Scheda del programma di monitoraggio per il descrittore D6
Protocollo di monitoraggio definito nella Scheda del programma di monitoraggio per il descrittore D6
Protocollo di monitoraggio definito nella Scheda del programma di monitoraggio per il descrittore D6
Protocollo di monitoraggio definito nella Scheda del programma di monitoraggio per il descrittore D6
1. Acquisizione dati morfologici e di backscatter tramite sistemi idonei (S.S.S., Multibeam,). Nel caso di utilizzo di sistema S.S.S. il dato deve essere acquisito con range non superiore ai 150 metri. Nel caso di utilizzo del sistema multibeam, per quanto riguarda la risoluzione, le celle non devono essere più grandi di 1 x 1 m. 2. Prelievo di sedimento superficiale con benna “per sedimenti” (ovvero munita di sportelli superiori) e/o box corer per le analisi granulometriche. 3. Analisi e elaborazione dati AIS e VMS
1. Acquisizione dati morfologici e di backscatter tramite sistemi idonei (S.S.S., Multibeam,). Nel caso di utilizzo di sistema S.S.S. il dato deve essere acquisito con range non superiore ai 150 metri. Nel caso di utilizzo del sistema multibeam, per quanto riguarda la risoluzione, le celle non devono essere più grandi di 1 x 1 m. 2. Prelievo di sedimento superficiale con benna “per sedimenti” (ovvero munita di sportelli superiori) e/o box corer per le analisi granulometriche. 3. Analisi e elaborazione dati AIS e VMS
1. Acquisizione dati morfologici e di backscatter tramite sistemi idonei (S.S.S., Multibeam,). Nel caso di utilizzo di sistema S.S.S. il dato deve essere acquisito con range non superiore ai 150 metri. Nel caso di utilizzo del sistema multibeam, per quanto riguarda la risoluzione, le celle non devono essere più grandi di 1 x 1 m. 2. Prelievo di sedimento superficiale con benna “per sedimenti” (ovvero munita di sportelli superiori) e/o box corer per le analisi granulometriche. 3. Analisi e elaborazione dati AIS e VMS
1. Acquisizione dati morfologici e di backscatter tramite sistemi idonei (S.S.S., Multibeam,). Nel caso di utilizzo di sistema S.S.S. il dato deve essere acquisito con range non superiore ai 150 metri. Nel caso di utilizzo del sistema multibeam, per quanto riguarda la risoluzione, le celle non devono essere più grandi di 1 x 1 m. 2. Prelievo di sedimento superficiale con benna “per sedimenti” (ovvero munita di sportelli superiori) e/o box corer per le analisi granulometriche. 3. Analisi e elaborazione dati AIS e VMS
Metodologia AA.VV. 2013. MEDITS-Handbook. Version n. 7, 2013, MEDITS Working Group: 120 pp.
Metodologia AA.VV. 2013. MEDITS-Handbook. Version n. 7, 2013, MEDITS Working Group: 120 pp.
Metodologia AA.VV. 2013. MEDITS-Handbook. Version n. 7, 2013, MEDITS Working Group: 120 pp.
L’acquisizione dei dati acustici di dettaglio deve essere eseguita utilizzando un multibeam echosounder, preferibilmente con installazione a scafo e in grado di acquisire dati di backscatter, al fine di restituire il dato come modello digitale del terreno (DTM), e con Side Scan Sonar sulla facies a Posidonia oceanica. La raccolta di documentazione video-fotografica ad alta definizione e georeferenziata deve essere eseguita mediante l’impiego di ROV (Remotely Operated Vehicle) con videocamera con sensore Full HD. L’acquisizione dei fotogrammi aerei deve essere eseguita utilizzando aeromobili a pilotaggio remoto (APR) equipaggiati con fotocamera RGB o Multispettrale.
L’acquisizione dei dati acustici di dettaglio deve essere eseguita utilizzando un multibeam echosounder, preferibilmente con installazione a scafo e in grado di acquisire dati di backscatter, al fine di restituire il dato come modello digitale del terreno (DTM), e con Side Scan Sonar sulla facies a Posidonia oceanica. La raccolta di documentazione video-fotografica ad alta definizione e georeferenziata deve essere eseguita mediante l’impiego di ROV (Remotely Operated Vehicle) con videocamera con sensore Full HD. L’acquisizione dei fotogrammi aerei deve essere eseguita utilizzando aeromobili a pilotaggio remoto (APR) equipaggiati con fotocamera RGB o Multispettrale.
Indagini acustiche, rilievi ROV e campionamenti in situ.
Indagini acustiche, rilievi ROV e campionamenti in situ.
Indagini acustiche, rilievi ROV e campionamenti in situ.
Indagini acustiche, rilievi ROV e campionamenti in situ.
Indagini acustiche, rilievi ROV e campionamenti in situ.
Indagini acustiche, rilievi ROV e campionamenti in situ.
Protocollo di monitoraggio definito nella Scheda del programma di monitoraggio per il descrittore D6
Protocollo di monitoraggio definito nella Scheda del programma di monitoraggio per il descrittore D6
Protocollo di monitoraggio definito nella Scheda del programma di monitoraggio per il descrittore D6
Protocollo di monitoraggio definito nella Scheda del programma di monitoraggio per il descrittore D6
Protocollo di monitoraggio definito nella Scheda del programma di monitoraggio per il descrittore D6
Protocollo di monitoraggio definito nella Scheda del programma di monitoraggio per il descrittore D6
Protocollo di monitoraggio definito nella Scheda del programma di monitoraggio per il descrittore D6
1. Acquisizione dati morfologici e di backscatter tramite sistemi idonei (S.S.S., Multibeam,). Nel caso di utilizzo di sistema S.S.S. il dato deve essere acquisito con range non superiore ai 150 metri. Nel caso di utilizzo del sistema multibeam, per quanto riguarda la risoluzione, le celle non devono essere più grandi di 1 x 1 m. 2. Prelievo di sedimento superficiale con benna “per sedimenti” (ovvero munita di sportelli superiori) e/o box corer per le analisi granulometriche. 3. Analisi e elaborazione dati AIS e VMS
1. Acquisizione dati morfologici e di backscatter tramite sistemi idonei (S.S.S., Multibeam,). Nel caso di utilizzo di sistema S.S.S. il dato deve essere acquisito con range non superiore ai 150 metri. Nel caso di utilizzo del sistema multibeam, per quanto riguarda la risoluzione, le celle non devono essere più grandi di 1 x 1 m. 2. Prelievo di sedimento superficiale con benna “per sedimenti” (ovvero munita di sportelli superiori) e/o box corer per le analisi granulometriche. 3. Analisi e elaborazione dati AIS e VMS
1. Acquisizione dati morfologici e di backscatter tramite sistemi idonei (S.S.S., Multibeam,). Nel caso di utilizzo di sistema S.S.S. il dato deve essere acquisito con range non superiore ai 150 metri. Nel caso di utilizzo del sistema multibeam, per quanto riguarda la risoluzione, le celle non devono essere più grandi di 1 x 1 m. 2. Prelievo di sedimento superficiale con benna “per sedimenti” (ovvero munita di sportelli superiori) e/o box corer per le analisi granulometriche. 3. Analisi e elaborazione dati AIS e VMS
1. Acquisizione dati morfologici e di backscatter tramite sistemi idonei (S.S.S., Multibeam,). Nel caso di utilizzo di sistema S.S.S. il dato deve essere acquisito con range non superiore ai 150 metri. Nel caso di utilizzo del sistema multibeam, per quanto riguarda la risoluzione, le celle non devono essere più grandi di 1 x 1 m. 2. Prelievo di sedimento superficiale con benna “per sedimenti” (ovvero munita di sportelli superiori) e/o box corer per le analisi granulometriche. 3. Analisi e elaborazione dati AIS e VMS
Metodologia AA.VV. 2013. MEDITS-Handbook. Version n. 7, 2013, MEDITS Working Group: 120 pp.
Metodologia AA.VV. 2013. MEDITS-Handbook. Version n. 7, 2013, MEDITS Working Group: 120 pp.
Metodologia AA.VV. 2013. MEDITS-Handbook. Version n. 7, 2013, MEDITS Working Group: 120 pp.
L’acquisizione dei dati acustici di dettaglio deve essere eseguita utilizzando un multibeam echosounder, preferibilmente con installazione a scafo e in grado di acquisire dati di backscatter, al fine di restituire il dato come modello digitale del terreno (DTM), e con Side Scan Sonar sulla facies a Posidonia oceanica. La raccolta di documentazione video-fotografica ad alta definizione e georeferenziata deve essere eseguita mediante l’impiego di ROV (Remotely Operated Vehicle) con videocamera con sensore Full HD. L’acquisizione dei fotogrammi aerei deve essere eseguita utilizzando aeromobili a pilotaggio remoto (APR) equipaggiati con fotocamera RGB o Multispettrale.
L’acquisizione dei dati acustici di dettaglio deve essere eseguita utilizzando un multibeam echosounder, preferibilmente con installazione a scafo e in grado di acquisire dati di backscatter, al fine di restituire il dato come modello digitale del terreno (DTM), e con Side Scan Sonar sulla facies a Posidonia oceanica. La raccolta di documentazione video-fotografica ad alta definizione e georeferenziata deve essere eseguita mediante l’impiego di ROV (Remotely Operated Vehicle) con videocamera con sensore Full HD. L’acquisizione dei fotogrammi aerei deve essere eseguita utilizzando aeromobili a pilotaggio remoto (APR) equipaggiati con fotocamera RGB o Multispettrale.
Indagini acustiche, rilievi ROV e campionamenti in situ.
Indagini acustiche, rilievi ROV e campionamenti in situ.
Indagini acustiche, rilievi ROV e campionamenti in situ.
Indagini acustiche, rilievi ROV e campionamenti in situ.
Indagini acustiche, rilievi ROV e campionamenti in situ.
Indagini acustiche, rilievi ROV e campionamenti in situ.
Protocollo di monitoraggio definito nella Scheda del programma di monitoraggio per il descrittore D6
Protocollo di monitoraggio definito nella Scheda del programma di monitoraggio per il descrittore D6
Protocollo di monitoraggio definito nella Scheda del programma di monitoraggio per il descrittore D6
Protocollo di monitoraggio definito nella Scheda del programma di monitoraggio per il descrittore D6
Protocollo di monitoraggio definito nella Scheda del programma di monitoraggio per il descrittore D6
Protocollo di monitoraggio definito nella Scheda del programma di monitoraggio per il descrittore D6
Protocollo di monitoraggio definito nella Scheda del programma di monitoraggio per il descrittore D6
1. Acquisizione dati morfologici e di backscatter tramite sistemi idonei (S.S.S., Multibeam,). Nel caso di utilizzo di sistema S.S.S. il dato deve essere acquisito con range non superiore ai 150 metri. Nel caso di utilizzo del sistema multibeam, per quanto riguarda la risoluzione, le celle non devono essere più grandi di 1 x 1 m. 2. Prelievo di sedimento superficiale con benna “per sedimenti” (ovvero munita di sportelli superiori) e/o box corer per le analisi granulometriche. 3. Analisi e elaborazione dati AIS e VMS
1. Acquisizione dati morfologici e di backscatter tramite sistemi idonei (S.S.S., Multibeam,). Nel caso di utilizzo di sistema S.S.S. il dato deve essere acquisito con range non superiore ai 150 metri. Nel caso di utilizzo del sistema multibeam, per quanto riguarda la risoluzione, le celle non devono essere più grandi di 1 x 1 m. 2. Prelievo di sedimento superficiale con benna “per sedimenti” (ovvero munita di sportelli superiori) e/o box corer per le analisi granulometriche. 3. Analisi e elaborazione dati AIS e VMS
1. Acquisizione dati morfologici e di backscatter tramite sistemi idonei (S.S.S., Multibeam,). Nel caso di utilizzo di sistema S.S.S. il dato deve essere acquisito con range non superiore ai 150 metri. Nel caso di utilizzo del sistema multibeam, per quanto riguarda la risoluzione, le celle non devono essere più grandi di 1 x 1 m. 2. Prelievo di sedimento superficiale con benna “per sedimenti” (ovvero munita di sportelli superiori) e/o box corer per le analisi granulometriche. 3. Analisi e elaborazione dati AIS e VMS
1. Acquisizione dati morfologici e di backscatter tramite sistemi idonei (S.S.S., Multibeam,). Nel caso di utilizzo di sistema S.S.S. il dato deve essere acquisito con range non superiore ai 150 metri. Nel caso di utilizzo del sistema multibeam, per quanto riguarda la risoluzione, le celle non devono essere più grandi di 1 x 1 m. 2. Prelievo di sedimento superficiale con benna “per sedimenti” (ovvero munita di sportelli superiori) e/o box corer per le analisi granulometriche. 3. Analisi e elaborazione dati AIS e VMS
Metodologia AA.VV. 2013. MEDITS-Handbook. Version n. 7, 2013, MEDITS Working Group: 120 pp.
Metodologia AA.VV. 2013. MEDITS-Handbook. Version n. 7, 2013, MEDITS Working Group: 120 pp.
Metodologia AA.VV. 2013. MEDITS-Handbook. Version n. 7, 2013, MEDITS Working Group: 120 pp.
Quality control
I dati di monitoraggio sono raccolti secondo standard informativi elaborati e condivisi con i soggetti attuatori che definiscono le informazioni da trasmettere in termini di formato (testo, numerico, data, etc.), valori ammissibili secondo liste predefinite (liste di contaminanti, specie, habitat, etc.), univocità dei codici utilizzati e relazione tra oggetti (stazioni/campioni, area/sito/transetto, etc.). Un primo livello di controllo formale della qualità del dato viene effettuato in automatico sul SIC – Sistema Informativo Centralizzato rispetto alla conformità dei dati forniti e rispetto a quanto richiesto dallo standard informativo. Un secondo livello di controllo della qualità si avvale di strumenti di analisi statistica volti ad identificare eventuali valori anomali o fuori scala, rimettendo al giudizio esperto il controllo di qualità complessivo del dato. Nel secondo livello ci si avvale di criteri di valutazione condivisi con i soggetti attuatori.
I dati di monitoraggio sono raccolti secondo standard informativi elaborati e condivisi con i soggetti attuatori che definiscono le informazioni da trasmettere in termini di formato (testo, numerico, data, etc.), valori ammissibili secondo liste predefinite (liste di contaminanti, specie, habitat, etc.), univocità dei codici utilizzati e relazione tra oggetti (stazioni/campioni, area/sito/transetto, etc.). Un primo livello di controllo formale della qualità del dato viene effettuato in automatico sul SIC – Sistema Informativo Centralizzato rispetto alla conformità dei dati forniti e rispetto a quanto richiesto dallo standard informativo. Un secondo livello di controllo della qualità si avvale di strumenti di analisi statistica volti ad identificare eventuali valori anomali o fuori scala, rimettendo al giudizio esperto il controllo di qualità complessivo del dato. Nel secondo livello ci si avvale di criteri di valutazione condivisi con i soggetti attuatori.
I dati di monitoraggio sono raccolti secondo standard informativi elaborati e condivisi con i soggetti attuatori che definiscono le informazioni da trasmettere in termini di formato (testo, numerico, data, etc.), valori ammissibili secondo liste predefinite (liste di contaminanti, specie, habitat, etc.), univocità dei codici utilizzati e relazione tra oggetti (stazioni/campioni, area/sito/transetto, etc.). Un primo livello di controllo formale della qualità del dato viene effettuato in automatico sul SIC – Sistema Informativo Centralizzato rispetto alla conformità dei dati forniti e rispetto a quanto richiesto dallo standard informativo. Un secondo livello di controllo della qualità si avvale di strumenti di analisi statistica volti ad identificare eventuali valori anomali o fuori scala, rimettendo al giudizio esperto il controllo di qualità complessivo del dato. Nel secondo livello ci si avvale di criteri di valutazione condivisi con i soggetti attuatori.
I dati di monitoraggio sono raccolti secondo standard informativi elaborati e condivisi con i soggetti attuatori che definiscono le informazioni da trasmettere in termini di formato (testo, numerico, data, etc.), valori ammissibili secondo liste predefinite (liste di contaminanti, specie, habitat, etc.), univocità dei codici utilizzati e relazione tra oggetti (stazioni/campioni, area/sito/transetto, etc.). Un primo livello di controllo formale della qualità del dato viene effettuato in automatico sul SIC – Sistema Informativo Centralizzato rispetto alla conformità dei dati forniti e rispetto a quanto richiesto dallo standard informativo. Un secondo livello di controllo della qualità si avvale di strumenti di analisi statistica volti ad identificare eventuali valori anomali o fuori scala, rimettendo al giudizio esperto il controllo di qualità complessivo del dato. Nel secondo livello ci si avvale di criteri di valutazione condivisi con i soggetti attuatori.
I dati di monitoraggio sono raccolti secondo standard informativi elaborati e condivisi con i soggetti attuatori che definiscono le informazioni da trasmettere in termini di formato (testo, numerico, data, etc.), valori ammissibili secondo liste predefinite (liste di contaminanti, specie, habitat, etc.), univocità dei codici utilizzati e relazione tra oggetti (stazioni/campioni, area/sito/transetto, etc.). Un primo livello di controllo formale della qualità del dato viene effettuato in automatico sul SIC – Sistema Informativo Centralizzato rispetto alla conformità dei dati forniti e rispetto a quanto richiesto dallo standard informativo. Un secondo livello di controllo della qualità si avvale di strumenti di analisi statistica volti ad identificare eventuali valori anomali o fuori scala, rimettendo al giudizio esperto il controllo di qualità complessivo del dato. Nel secondo livello ci si avvale di criteri di valutazione condivisi con i soggetti attuatori.
I dati di monitoraggio sono raccolti secondo standard informativi elaborati e condivisi con i soggetti attuatori che definiscono le informazioni da trasmettere in termini di formato (testo, numerico, data, etc.), valori ammissibili secondo liste predefinite (liste di contaminanti, specie, habitat, etc.), univocità dei codici utilizzati e relazione tra oggetti (stazioni/campioni, area/sito/transetto, etc.). Un primo livello di controllo formale della qualità del dato viene effettuato in automatico sul SIC – Sistema Informativo Centralizzato rispetto alla conformità dei dati forniti e rispetto a quanto richiesto dallo standard informativo. Un secondo livello di controllo della qualità si avvale di strumenti di analisi statistica volti ad identificare eventuali valori anomali o fuori scala, rimettendo al giudizio esperto il controllo di qualità complessivo del dato. Nel secondo livello ci si avvale di criteri di valutazione condivisi con i soggetti attuatori.
I dati di monitoraggio sono raccolti secondo standard informativi elaborati e condivisi con i soggetti attuatori che definiscono le informazioni da trasmettere in termini di formato (testo, numerico, data, etc.), valori ammissibili secondo liste predefinite (liste di contaminanti, specie, habitat, etc.), univocità dei codici utilizzati e relazione tra oggetti (stazioni/campioni, area/sito/transetto, etc.). Un primo livello di controllo formale della qualità del dato viene effettuato in automatico sul SIC – Sistema Informativo Centralizzato rispetto alla conformità dei dati forniti e rispetto a quanto richiesto dallo standard informativo. Un secondo livello di controllo della qualità si avvale di strumenti di analisi statistica volti ad identificare eventuali valori anomali o fuori scala, rimettendo al giudizio esperto il controllo di qualità complessivo del dato. Nel secondo livello ci si avvale di criteri di valutazione condivisi con i soggetti attuatori.
I dati di monitoraggio sono raccolti secondo standard informativi elaborati e condivisi con i soggetti attuatori che definiscono le informazioni da trasmettere in termini di formato (testo, numerico, data, etc.), valori ammissibili secondo liste predefinite (liste di contaminanti, specie, habitat, etc.), univocità dei codici utilizzati e relazione tra oggetti (stazioni/campioni, area/sito/transetto, etc.). Un primo livello di controllo formale della qualità del dato viene effettuato in automatico sul SIC – Sistema Informativo Centralizzato rispetto alla conformità dei dati forniti e rispetto a quanto richiesto dallo standard informativo. Un secondo livello di controllo della qualità si avvale di strumenti di analisi statistica volti ad identificare eventuali valori anomali o fuori scala, rimettendo al giudizio esperto il controllo di qualità complessivo del dato. Nel secondo livello ci si avvale di criteri di valutazione condivisi con i soggetti attuatori.
I dati di monitoraggio sono raccolti secondo standard informativi elaborati e condivisi con i soggetti attuatori che definiscono le informazioni da trasmettere in termini di formato (testo, numerico, data,…), valori ammissibili secondo liste predefinite (liste di contaminanti, specie, habitat, etc…), univocità dei codici utilizzati e relazione tra oggetti (stazioni/campioni, area/sito/transetto, etc…). Un primo livello di controllo formale della qualità del dato viene effettuato in automatico sul SIC – Sistema Informativo Centralizzato rispetto alla conformità dei dati forniti rispetto a quanto richiesto dallo standard informativo. Un secondo livello di controllo della qualità si avvale di strumenti di analisi statistica volti ad identificare eventuali valori anomali o fuori scala, rimettendo al giudizio esperto il controllo di qualità complessivo del dato. Nel secondo livello ci si avvale di criteri di valutazione condivisi con i soggetti attuatori.
I dati di monitoraggio sono raccolti secondo standard informativi elaborati e condivisi con i soggetti attuatori che definiscono le informazioni da trasmettere in termini di formato (testo, numerico, data,…), valori ammissibili secondo liste predefinite (liste di contaminanti, specie, habitat, etc…), univocità dei codici utilizzati e relazione tra oggetti (stazioni/campioni, area/sito/transetto, etc…). Un primo livello di controllo formale della qualità del dato viene effettuato in automatico sul SIC – Sistema Informativo Centralizzato rispetto alla conformità dei dati forniti rispetto a quanto richiesto dallo standard informativo. Un secondo livello di controllo della qualità si avvale di strumenti di analisi statistica volti ad identificare eventuali valori anomali o fuori scala, rimettendo al giudizio esperto il controllo di qualità complessivo del dato. Nel secondo livello ci si avvale di criteri di valutazione condivisi con i soggetti attuatori.
I dati di monitoraggio sono raccolti secondo standard informativi elaborati e condivisi con i soggetti attuatori che definiscono le informazioni da trasmettere in termini di formato (testo, numerico, data,…), valori ammissibili secondo liste predefinite (liste di contaminanti, specie, habitat, etc…), univocità dei codici utilizzati e relazione tra oggetti (stazioni/campioni, area/sito/transetto, etc…). Un primo livello di controllo formale della qualità del dato viene effettuato in automatico sul SIC – Sistema Informativo Centralizzato rispetto alla conformità dei dati forniti rispetto a quanto richiesto dallo standard informativo. Un secondo livello di controllo della qualità si avvale di strumenti di analisi statistica volti ad identificare eventuali valori anomali o fuori scala, rimettendo al giudizio esperto il controllo di qualità complessivo del dato. Nel secondo livello ci si avvale di criteri di valutazione condivisi con i soggetti attuatori.
I dati di monitoraggio sono raccolti secondo standard informativi elaborati e condivisi con i soggetti attuatori che definiscono le informazioni da trasmettere in termini di formato (testo, numerico, data,…), valori ammissibili secondo liste predefinite (liste di contaminanti, specie, habitat, etc…), univocità dei codici utilizzati e relazione tra oggetti (stazioni/campioni, area/sito/transetto, etc…). Un primo livello di controllo formale della qualità del dato viene effettuato in automatico sul SIC – Sistema Informativo Centralizzato rispetto alla conformità dei dati forniti rispetto a quanto richiesto dallo standard informativo. Un secondo livello di controllo della qualità si avvale di strumenti di analisi statistica volti ad identificare eventuali valori anomali o fuori scala, rimettendo al giudizio esperto il controllo di qualità complessivo del dato. Nel secondo livello ci si avvale di criteri di valutazione condivisi con i soggetti attuatori.
I dati di monitoraggio sono raccolti secondo standard informativi elaborati e condivisi con i soggetti attuatori che definiscono le informazioni da trasmettere in termini di formato (testo, numerico, data,…), valori ammissibili secondo liste predefinite (liste di contaminanti, specie, habitat, etc…), univocità dei codici utilizzati e relazione tra oggetti (stazioni/campioni, area/sito/transetto, etc…). Un primo livello di controllo formale della qualità del dato viene effettuato in automatico sul SIC – Sistema Informativo Centralizzato rispetto alla conformità dei dati forniti rispetto a quanto richiesto dallo standard informativo. Un secondo livello di controllo della qualità si avvale di strumenti di analisi statistica volti ad identificare eventuali valori anomali o fuori scala, rimettendo al giudizio esperto il controllo di qualità complessivo del dato. Nel secondo livello ci si avvale di criteri di valutazione condivisi con i soggetti attuatori.
I dati di monitoraggio sono raccolti secondo standard informativi elaborati e condivisi con i soggetti attuatori che definiscono le informazioni da trasmettere in termini di formato (testo, numerico, data,…), valori ammissibili secondo liste predefinite (liste di contaminanti, specie, habitat, etc…), univocità dei codici utilizzati e relazione tra oggetti (stazioni/campioni, area/sito/transetto, etc…). Un primo livello di controllo formale della qualità del dato viene effettuato in automatico sul SIC – Sistema Informativo Centralizzato rispetto alla conformità dei dati forniti rispetto a quanto richiesto dallo standard informativo. Un secondo livello di controllo della qualità si avvale di strumenti di analisi statistica volti ad identificare eventuali valori anomali o fuori scala, rimettendo al giudizio esperto il controllo di qualità complessivo del dato. Nel secondo livello ci si avvale di criteri di valutazione condivisi con i soggetti attuatori.
I dati di monitoraggio sono raccolti secondo standard informativi elaborati e condivisi con i soggetti attuatori che definiscono le informazioni da trasmettere in termini di formato (testo, numerico, data,…), valori ammissibili secondo liste predefinite (liste di contaminanti, specie, habitat, etc…), univocità dei codici utilizzati e relazione tra oggetti (stazioni/campioni, area/sito/transetto, etc…). Un primo livello di controllo formale della qualità del dato viene effettuato in automatico sul SIC – Sistema Informativo Centralizzato rispetto alla conformità dei dati forniti rispetto a quanto richiesto dallo standard informativo. Un secondo livello di controllo della qualità si avvale di strumenti di analisi statistica volti ad identificare eventuali valori anomali o fuori scala, rimettendo al giudizio esperto il controllo di qualità complessivo del dato. Nel secondo livello ci si avvale di criteri di valutazione condivisi con i soggetti attuatori.
I dati di monitoraggio sono raccolti secondo standard informativi elaborati e condivisi con i soggetti attuatori che definiscono le informazioni da trasmettere in termini di formato (testo, numerico, data,…), valori ammissibili secondo liste predefinite (liste di contaminanti, specie, habitat, etc…), univocità dei codici utilizzati e relazione tra oggetti (stazioni/campioni, area/sito/transetto, etc…). Un primo livello di controllo formale della qualità del dato viene effettuato in automatico sul SIC – Sistema Informativo Centralizzato rispetto alla conformità dei dati forniti rispetto a quanto richiesto dallo standard informativo. Un secondo livello di controllo della qualità si avvale di strumenti di analisi statistica volti ad identificare eventuali valori anomali o fuori scala, rimettendo al giudizio esperto il controllo di qualità complessivo del dato. Nel secondo livello ci si avvale di criteri di valutazione condivisi con i soggetti attuatori.
I dati di monitoraggio sono raccolti secondo standard informativi elaborati e condivisi con i soggetti attuatori che definiscono le informazioni da trasmettere in termini di formato (testo, numerico, data,…), valori ammissibili secondo liste predefinite (liste di contaminanti, specie, habitat, etc…), univocità dei codici utilizzati e relazione tra oggetti (stazioni/campioni, area/sito/transetto, etc…). Un primo livello di controllo formale della qualità del dato viene effettuato in automatico sul SIC – Sistema Informativo Centralizzato rispetto alla conformità dei dati forniti rispetto a quanto richiesto dallo standard informativo. Un secondo livello di controllo della qualità si avvale di strumenti di analisi statistica volti ad identificare eventuali valori anomali o fuori scala, rimettendo al giudizio esperto il controllo di qualità complessivo del dato. Nel secondo livello ci si avvale di criteri di valutazione condivisi con i soggetti attuatori.
I dati di monitoraggio sono raccolti secondo standard informativi elaborati e condivisi con i soggetti attuatori che definiscono le informazioni da trasmettere in termini di formato (testo, numerico, data,…), valori ammissibili secondo liste predefinite (liste di contaminanti, specie, habitat, etc…), univocità dei codici utilizzati e relazione tra oggetti (stazioni/campioni, area/sito/transetto, etc…). Un primo livello di controllo formale della qualità del dato viene effettuato in automatico sul SIC – Sistema Informativo Centralizzato rispetto alla conformità dei dati forniti rispetto a quanto richiesto dallo standard informativo. Un secondo livello di controllo della qualità si avvale di strumenti di analisi statistica volti ad identificare eventuali valori anomali o fuori scala, rimettendo al giudizio esperto il controllo di qualità complessivo del dato. Nel secondo livello ci si avvale di criteri di valutazione condivisi con i soggetti attuatori.
I dati di monitoraggio sono raccolti secondo standard informativi elaborati e condivisi con i soggetti attuatori che definiscono le informazioni da trasmettere in termini di formato (testo, numerico, data,…), valori ammissibili secondo liste predefinite (liste di contaminanti, specie, habitat, etc…), univocità dei codici utilizzati e relazione tra oggetti (stazioni/campioni, area/sito/transetto, etc…). Un primo livello di controllo formale della qualità del dato viene effettuato in automatico sul SIC – Sistema Informativo Centralizzato rispetto alla conformità dei dati forniti rispetto a quanto richiesto dallo standard informativo. Un secondo livello di controllo della qualità si avvale di strumenti di analisi statistica volti ad identificare eventuali valori anomali o fuori scala, rimettendo al giudizio esperto il controllo di qualità complessivo del dato. Nel secondo livello ci si avvale di criteri di valutazione condivisi con i soggetti attuatori.
I dati di monitoraggio sono raccolti secondo standard informativi elaborati e condivisi con i soggetti attuatori che definiscono le informazioni da trasmettere in termini di formato (testo, numerico, data,…), valori ammissibili secondo liste predefinite (liste di contaminanti, specie, habitat, etc…), univocità dei codici utilizzati e relazione tra oggetti (stazioni/campioni, area/sito/transetto, etc…). Un primo livello di controllo formale della qualità del dato viene effettuato in automatico sul SIC – Sistema Informativo Centralizzato rispetto alla conformità dei dati forniti rispetto a quanto richiesto dallo standard informativo. Un secondo livello di controllo della qualità si avvale di strumenti di analisi statistica volti ad identificare eventuali valori anomali o fuori scala, rimettendo al giudizio esperto il controllo di qualità complessivo del dato. Nel secondo livello ci si avvale di criteri di valutazione condivisi con i soggetti attuatori.
I dati di monitoraggio sono raccolti secondo standard informativi elaborati e condivisi con i soggetti attuatori che definiscono le informazioni da trasmettere in termini di formato (testo, numerico, data,…), valori ammissibili secondo liste predefinite (liste di contaminanti, specie, habitat, etc…), univocità dei codici utilizzati e relazione tra oggetti (stazioni/campioni, area/sito/transetto, etc…). Un primo livello di controllo formale della qualità del dato viene effettuato in automatico sul SIC – Sistema Informativo Centralizzato rispetto alla conformità dei dati forniti rispetto a quanto richiesto dallo standard informativo. Un secondo livello di controllo della qualità si avvale di strumenti di analisi statistica volti ad identificare eventuali valori anomali o fuori scala, rimettendo al giudizio esperto il controllo di qualità complessivo del dato. Nel secondo livello ci si avvale di criteri di valutazione condivisi con i soggetti attuatori.
I dati di monitoraggio sono raccolti secondo standard informativi elaborati e condivisi con i soggetti attuatori che definiscono le informazioni da trasmettere in termini di formato (testo, numerico, data,…), valori ammissibili secondo liste predefinite (liste di contaminanti, specie, habitat, etc…), univocità dei codici utilizzati e relazione tra oggetti (stazioni/campioni, area/sito/transetto, etc…). Un primo livello di controllo formale della qualità del dato viene effettuato in automatico sul SIC – Sistema Informativo Centralizzato rispetto alla conformità dei dati forniti rispetto a quanto richiesto dallo standard informativo. Un secondo livello di controllo della qualità si avvale di strumenti di analisi statistica volti ad identificare eventuali valori anomali o fuori scala, rimettendo al giudizio esperto il controllo di qualità complessivo del dato. Nel secondo livello ci si avvale di criteri di valutazione condivisi con i soggetti attuatori.
I dati di monitoraggio sono raccolti secondo standard informativi elaborati e condivisi con i soggetti attuatori che definiscono le informazioni da trasmettere in termini di formato (testo, numerico, data, etc.), valori ammissibili secondo liste predefinite (liste di contaminanti, specie, habitat, etc.), univocità dei codici utilizzati e relazione tra oggetti (stazioni/campioni, area/sito/transetto, etc.). Un primo livello di controllo formale della qualità del dato viene effettuato in automatico sul SIC – Sistema Informativo Centralizzato rispetto alla conformità dei dati forniti e rispetto a quanto richiesto dallo standard informativo. Un secondo livello di controllo della qualità si avvale di strumenti di analisi statistica volti ad identificare eventuali valori anomali o fuori scala, rimettendo al giudizio esperto il controllo di qualità complessivo del dato. Nel secondo livello ci si avvale di criteri di valutazione condivisi con i soggetti attuatori.
I dati di monitoraggio sono raccolti secondo standard informativi elaborati e condivisi con i soggetti attuatori che definiscono le informazioni da trasmettere in termini di formato (testo, numerico, data, etc.), valori ammissibili secondo liste predefinite (liste di contaminanti, specie, habitat, etc.), univocità dei codici utilizzati e relazione tra oggetti (stazioni/campioni, area/sito/transetto, etc.). Un primo livello di controllo formale della qualità del dato viene effettuato in automatico sul SIC – Sistema Informativo Centralizzato rispetto alla conformità dei dati forniti e rispetto a quanto richiesto dallo standard informativo. Un secondo livello di controllo della qualità si avvale di strumenti di analisi statistica volti ad identificare eventuali valori anomali o fuori scala, rimettendo al giudizio esperto il controllo di qualità complessivo del dato. Nel secondo livello ci si avvale di criteri di valutazione condivisi con i soggetti attuatori.
I dati di monitoraggio sono raccolti secondo standard informativi elaborati e condivisi con i soggetti attuatori che definiscono le informazioni da trasmettere in termini di formato (testo, numerico, data, etc.), valori ammissibili secondo liste predefinite (liste di contaminanti, specie, habitat, etc.), univocità dei codici utilizzati e relazione tra oggetti (stazioni/campioni, area/sito/transetto, etc.). Un primo livello di controllo formale della qualità del dato viene effettuato in automatico sul SIC – Sistema Informativo Centralizzato rispetto alla conformità dei dati forniti e rispetto a quanto richiesto dallo standard informativo. Un secondo livello di controllo della qualità si avvale di strumenti di analisi statistica volti ad identificare eventuali valori anomali o fuori scala, rimettendo al giudizio esperto il controllo di qualità complessivo del dato. Nel secondo livello ci si avvale di criteri di valutazione condivisi con i soggetti attuatori.
I dati di monitoraggio sono raccolti secondo standard informativi elaborati e condivisi con i soggetti attuatori che definiscono le informazioni da trasmettere in termini di formato (testo, numerico, data, etc.), valori ammissibili secondo liste predefinite (liste di contaminanti, specie, habitat, etc.), univocità dei codici utilizzati e relazione tra oggetti (stazioni/campioni, area/sito/transetto, etc.). Un primo livello di controllo formale della qualità del dato viene effettuato in automatico sul SIC – Sistema Informativo Centralizzato rispetto alla conformità dei dati forniti e rispetto a quanto richiesto dallo standard informativo. Un secondo livello di controllo della qualità si avvale di strumenti di analisi statistica volti ad identificare eventuali valori anomali o fuori scala, rimettendo al giudizio esperto il controllo di qualità complessivo del dato. Nel secondo livello ci si avvale di criteri di valutazione condivisi con i soggetti attuatori.
I dati di monitoraggio sono raccolti secondo standard informativi elaborati e condivisi con i soggetti attuatori che definiscono le informazioni da trasmettere in termini di formato (testo, numerico, data, etc.), valori ammissibili secondo liste predefinite (liste di contaminanti, specie, habitat, etc.), univocità dei codici utilizzati e relazione tra oggetti (stazioni/campioni, area/sito/transetto, etc.). Un primo livello di controllo formale della qualità del dato viene effettuato in automatico sul SIC – Sistema Informativo Centralizzato rispetto alla conformità dei dati forniti e rispetto a quanto richiesto dallo standard informativo. Un secondo livello di controllo della qualità si avvale di strumenti di analisi statistica volti ad identificare eventuali valori anomali o fuori scala, rimettendo al giudizio esperto il controllo di qualità complessivo del dato. Nel secondo livello ci si avvale di criteri di valutazione condivisi con i soggetti attuatori.
I dati di monitoraggio sono raccolti secondo standard informativi elaborati e condivisi con i soggetti attuatori che definiscono le informazioni da trasmettere in termini di formato (testo, numerico, data, etc.), valori ammissibili secondo liste predefinite (liste di contaminanti, specie, habitat, etc.), univocità dei codici utilizzati e relazione tra oggetti (stazioni/campioni, area/sito/transetto, etc.). Un primo livello di controllo formale della qualità del dato viene effettuato in automatico sul SIC – Sistema Informativo Centralizzato rispetto alla conformità dei dati forniti e rispetto a quanto richiesto dallo standard informativo. Un secondo livello di controllo della qualità si avvale di strumenti di analisi statistica volti ad identificare eventuali valori anomali o fuori scala, rimettendo al giudizio esperto il controllo di qualità complessivo del dato. Nel secondo livello ci si avvale di criteri di valutazione condivisi con i soggetti attuatori.
I dati di monitoraggio sono raccolti secondo standard informativi elaborati e condivisi con i soggetti attuatori che definiscono le informazioni da trasmettere in termini di formato (testo, numerico, data, etc.), valori ammissibili secondo liste predefinite (liste di contaminanti, specie, habitat, etc.), univocità dei codici utilizzati e relazione tra oggetti (stazioni/campioni, area/sito/transetto, etc.). Un primo livello di controllo formale della qualità del dato viene effettuato in automatico sul SIC – Sistema Informativo Centralizzato rispetto alla conformità dei dati forniti e rispetto a quanto richiesto dallo standard informativo. Un secondo livello di controllo della qualità si avvale di strumenti di analisi statistica volti ad identificare eventuali valori anomali o fuori scala, rimettendo al giudizio esperto il controllo di qualità complessivo del dato. Nel secondo livello ci si avvale di criteri di valutazione condivisi con i soggetti attuatori.
I dati di monitoraggio sono raccolti secondo standard informativi elaborati e condivisi con i soggetti attuatori che definiscono le informazioni da trasmettere in termini di formato (testo, numerico, data, etc.), valori ammissibili secondo liste predefinite (liste di contaminanti, specie, habitat, etc.), univocità dei codici utilizzati e relazione tra oggetti (stazioni/campioni, area/sito/transetto, etc.). Un primo livello di controllo formale della qualità del dato viene effettuato in automatico sul SIC – Sistema Informativo Centralizzato rispetto alla conformità dei dati forniti e rispetto a quanto richiesto dallo standard informativo. Un secondo livello di controllo della qualità si avvale di strumenti di analisi statistica volti ad identificare eventuali valori anomali o fuori scala, rimettendo al giudizio esperto il controllo di qualità complessivo del dato. Nel secondo livello ci si avvale di criteri di valutazione condivisi con i soggetti attuatori.
I dati di monitoraggio sono raccolti secondo standard informativi elaborati e condivisi con i soggetti attuatori che definiscono le informazioni da trasmettere in termini di formato (testo, numerico, data,…), valori ammissibili secondo liste predefinite (liste di contaminanti, specie, habitat, etc…), univocità dei codici utilizzati e relazione tra oggetti (stazioni/campioni, area/sito/transetto, etc…). Un primo livello di controllo formale della qualità del dato viene effettuato in automatico sul SIC – Sistema Informativo Centralizzato rispetto alla conformità dei dati forniti rispetto a quanto richiesto dallo standard informativo. Un secondo livello di controllo della qualità si avvale di strumenti di analisi statistica volti ad identificare eventuali valori anomali o fuori scala, rimettendo al giudizio esperto il controllo di qualità complessivo del dato. Nel secondo livello ci si avvale di criteri di valutazione condivisi con i soggetti attuatori.
I dati di monitoraggio sono raccolti secondo standard informativi elaborati e condivisi con i soggetti attuatori che definiscono le informazioni da trasmettere in termini di formato (testo, numerico, data,…), valori ammissibili secondo liste predefinite (liste di contaminanti, specie, habitat, etc…), univocità dei codici utilizzati e relazione tra oggetti (stazioni/campioni, area/sito/transetto, etc…). Un primo livello di controllo formale della qualità del dato viene effettuato in automatico sul SIC – Sistema Informativo Centralizzato rispetto alla conformità dei dati forniti rispetto a quanto richiesto dallo standard informativo. Un secondo livello di controllo della qualità si avvale di strumenti di analisi statistica volti ad identificare eventuali valori anomali o fuori scala, rimettendo al giudizio esperto il controllo di qualità complessivo del dato. Nel secondo livello ci si avvale di criteri di valutazione condivisi con i soggetti attuatori.
I dati di monitoraggio sono raccolti secondo standard informativi elaborati e condivisi con i soggetti attuatori che definiscono le informazioni da trasmettere in termini di formato (testo, numerico, data,…), valori ammissibili secondo liste predefinite (liste di contaminanti, specie, habitat, etc…), univocità dei codici utilizzati e relazione tra oggetti (stazioni/campioni, area/sito/transetto, etc…). Un primo livello di controllo formale della qualità del dato viene effettuato in automatico sul SIC – Sistema Informativo Centralizzato rispetto alla conformità dei dati forniti rispetto a quanto richiesto dallo standard informativo. Un secondo livello di controllo della qualità si avvale di strumenti di analisi statistica volti ad identificare eventuali valori anomali o fuori scala, rimettendo al giudizio esperto il controllo di qualità complessivo del dato. Nel secondo livello ci si avvale di criteri di valutazione condivisi con i soggetti attuatori.
I dati di monitoraggio sono raccolti secondo standard informativi elaborati e condivisi con i soggetti attuatori che definiscono le informazioni da trasmettere in termini di formato (testo, numerico, data,…), valori ammissibili secondo liste predefinite (liste di contaminanti, specie, habitat, etc…), univocità dei codici utilizzati e relazione tra oggetti (stazioni/campioni, area/sito/transetto, etc…). Un primo livello di controllo formale della qualità del dato viene effettuato in automatico sul SIC – Sistema Informativo Centralizzato rispetto alla conformità dei dati forniti rispetto a quanto richiesto dallo standard informativo. Un secondo livello di controllo della qualità si avvale di strumenti di analisi statistica volti ad identificare eventuali valori anomali o fuori scala, rimettendo al giudizio esperto il controllo di qualità complessivo del dato. Nel secondo livello ci si avvale di criteri di valutazione condivisi con i soggetti attuatori.
I dati di monitoraggio sono raccolti secondo standard informativi elaborati e condivisi con i soggetti attuatori che definiscono le informazioni da trasmettere in termini di formato (testo, numerico, data,…), valori ammissibili secondo liste predefinite (liste di contaminanti, specie, habitat, etc…), univocità dei codici utilizzati e relazione tra oggetti (stazioni/campioni, area/sito/transetto, etc…). Un primo livello di controllo formale della qualità del dato viene effettuato in automatico sul SIC – Sistema Informativo Centralizzato rispetto alla conformità dei dati forniti rispetto a quanto richiesto dallo standard informativo. Un secondo livello di controllo della qualità si avvale di strumenti di analisi statistica volti ad identificare eventuali valori anomali o fuori scala, rimettendo al giudizio esperto il controllo di qualità complessivo del dato. Nel secondo livello ci si avvale di criteri di valutazione condivisi con i soggetti attuatori.
I dati di monitoraggio sono raccolti secondo standard informativi elaborati e condivisi con i soggetti attuatori che definiscono le informazioni da trasmettere in termini di formato (testo, numerico, data,…), valori ammissibili secondo liste predefinite (liste di contaminanti, specie, habitat, etc…), univocità dei codici utilizzati e relazione tra oggetti (stazioni/campioni, area/sito/transetto, etc…). Un primo livello di controllo formale della qualità del dato viene effettuato in automatico sul SIC – Sistema Informativo Centralizzato rispetto alla conformità dei dati forniti rispetto a quanto richiesto dallo standard informativo. Un secondo livello di controllo della qualità si avvale di strumenti di analisi statistica volti ad identificare eventuali valori anomali o fuori scala, rimettendo al giudizio esperto il controllo di qualità complessivo del dato. Nel secondo livello ci si avvale di criteri di valutazione condivisi con i soggetti attuatori.
I dati di monitoraggio sono raccolti secondo standard informativi elaborati e condivisi con i soggetti attuatori che definiscono le informazioni da trasmettere in termini di formato (testo, numerico, data,…), valori ammissibili secondo liste predefinite (liste di contaminanti, specie, habitat, etc…), univocità dei codici utilizzati e relazione tra oggetti (stazioni/campioni, area/sito/transetto, etc…). Un primo livello di controllo formale della qualità del dato viene effettuato in automatico sul SIC – Sistema Informativo Centralizzato rispetto alla conformità dei dati forniti rispetto a quanto richiesto dallo standard informativo. Un secondo livello di controllo della qualità si avvale di strumenti di analisi statistica volti ad identificare eventuali valori anomali o fuori scala, rimettendo al giudizio esperto il controllo di qualità complessivo del dato. Nel secondo livello ci si avvale di criteri di valutazione condivisi con i soggetti attuatori.
I dati di monitoraggio sono raccolti secondo standard informativi elaborati e condivisi con i soggetti attuatori che definiscono le informazioni da trasmettere in termini di formato (testo, numerico, data,…), valori ammissibili secondo liste predefinite (liste di contaminanti, specie, habitat, etc…), univocità dei codici utilizzati e relazione tra oggetti (stazioni/campioni, area/sito/transetto, etc…). Un primo livello di controllo formale della qualità del dato viene effettuato in automatico sul SIC – Sistema Informativo Centralizzato rispetto alla conformità dei dati forniti rispetto a quanto richiesto dallo standard informativo. Un secondo livello di controllo della qualità si avvale di strumenti di analisi statistica volti ad identificare eventuali valori anomali o fuori scala, rimettendo al giudizio esperto il controllo di qualità complessivo del dato. Nel secondo livello ci si avvale di criteri di valutazione condivisi con i soggetti attuatori.
I dati di monitoraggio sono raccolti secondo standard informativi elaborati e condivisi con i soggetti attuatori che definiscono le informazioni da trasmettere in termini di formato (testo, numerico, data,…), valori ammissibili secondo liste predefinite (liste di contaminanti, specie, habitat, etc…), univocità dei codici utilizzati e relazione tra oggetti (stazioni/campioni, area/sito/transetto, etc…). Un primo livello di controllo formale della qualità del dato viene effettuato in automatico sul SIC – Sistema Informativo Centralizzato rispetto alla conformità dei dati forniti rispetto a quanto richiesto dallo standard informativo. Un secondo livello di controllo della qualità si avvale di strumenti di analisi statistica volti ad identificare eventuali valori anomali o fuori scala, rimettendo al giudizio esperto il controllo di qualità complessivo del dato. Nel secondo livello ci si avvale di criteri di valutazione condivisi con i soggetti attuatori.
I dati di monitoraggio sono raccolti secondo standard informativi elaborati e condivisi con i soggetti attuatori che definiscono le informazioni da trasmettere in termini di formato (testo, numerico, data,…), valori ammissibili secondo liste predefinite (liste di contaminanti, specie, habitat, etc…), univocità dei codici utilizzati e relazione tra oggetti (stazioni/campioni, area/sito/transetto, etc…). Un primo livello di controllo formale della qualità del dato viene effettuato in automatico sul SIC – Sistema Informativo Centralizzato rispetto alla conformità dei dati forniti rispetto a quanto richiesto dallo standard informativo. Un secondo livello di controllo della qualità si avvale di strumenti di analisi statistica volti ad identificare eventuali valori anomali o fuori scala, rimettendo al giudizio esperto il controllo di qualità complessivo del dato. Nel secondo livello ci si avvale di criteri di valutazione condivisi con i soggetti attuatori.
I dati di monitoraggio sono raccolti secondo standard informativi elaborati e condivisi con i soggetti attuatori che definiscono le informazioni da trasmettere in termini di formato (testo, numerico, data,…), valori ammissibili secondo liste predefinite (liste di contaminanti, specie, habitat, etc…), univocità dei codici utilizzati e relazione tra oggetti (stazioni/campioni, area/sito/transetto, etc…). Un primo livello di controllo formale della qualità del dato viene effettuato in automatico sul SIC – Sistema Informativo Centralizzato rispetto alla conformità dei dati forniti rispetto a quanto richiesto dallo standard informativo. Un secondo livello di controllo della qualità si avvale di strumenti di analisi statistica volti ad identificare eventuali valori anomali o fuori scala, rimettendo al giudizio esperto il controllo di qualità complessivo del dato. Nel secondo livello ci si avvale di criteri di valutazione condivisi con i soggetti attuatori.
I dati di monitoraggio sono raccolti secondo standard informativi elaborati e condivisi con i soggetti attuatori che definiscono le informazioni da trasmettere in termini di formato (testo, numerico, data,…), valori ammissibili secondo liste predefinite (liste di contaminanti, specie, habitat, etc…), univocità dei codici utilizzati e relazione tra oggetti (stazioni/campioni, area/sito/transetto, etc…). Un primo livello di controllo formale della qualità del dato viene effettuato in automatico sul SIC – Sistema Informativo Centralizzato rispetto alla conformità dei dati forniti rispetto a quanto richiesto dallo standard informativo. Un secondo livello di controllo della qualità si avvale di strumenti di analisi statistica volti ad identificare eventuali valori anomali o fuori scala, rimettendo al giudizio esperto il controllo di qualità complessivo del dato. Nel secondo livello ci si avvale di criteri di valutazione condivisi con i soggetti attuatori.
I dati di monitoraggio sono raccolti secondo standard informativi elaborati e condivisi con i soggetti attuatori che definiscono le informazioni da trasmettere in termini di formato (testo, numerico, data,…), valori ammissibili secondo liste predefinite (liste di contaminanti, specie, habitat, etc…), univocità dei codici utilizzati e relazione tra oggetti (stazioni/campioni, area/sito/transetto, etc…). Un primo livello di controllo formale della qualità del dato viene effettuato in automatico sul SIC – Sistema Informativo Centralizzato rispetto alla conformità dei dati forniti rispetto a quanto richiesto dallo standard informativo. Un secondo livello di controllo della qualità si avvale di strumenti di analisi statistica volti ad identificare eventuali valori anomali o fuori scala, rimettendo al giudizio esperto il controllo di qualità complessivo del dato. Nel secondo livello ci si avvale di criteri di valutazione condivisi con i soggetti attuatori.
I dati di monitoraggio sono raccolti secondo standard informativi elaborati e condivisi con i soggetti attuatori che definiscono le informazioni da trasmettere in termini di formato (testo, numerico, data,…), valori ammissibili secondo liste predefinite (liste di contaminanti, specie, habitat, etc…), univocità dei codici utilizzati e relazione tra oggetti (stazioni/campioni, area/sito/transetto, etc…). Un primo livello di controllo formale della qualità del dato viene effettuato in automatico sul SIC – Sistema Informativo Centralizzato rispetto alla conformità dei dati forniti rispetto a quanto richiesto dallo standard informativo. Un secondo livello di controllo della qualità si avvale di strumenti di analisi statistica volti ad identificare eventuali valori anomali o fuori scala, rimettendo al giudizio esperto il controllo di qualità complessivo del dato. Nel secondo livello ci si avvale di criteri di valutazione condivisi con i soggetti attuatori.
I dati di monitoraggio sono raccolti secondo standard informativi elaborati e condivisi con i soggetti attuatori che definiscono le informazioni da trasmettere in termini di formato (testo, numerico, data, etc.), valori ammissibili secondo liste predefinite (liste di contaminanti, specie, habitat, etc.), univocità dei codici utilizzati e relazione tra oggetti (stazioni/campioni, area/sito/transetto, etc.). Un primo livello di controllo formale della qualità del dato viene effettuato in automatico sul SIC – Sistema Informativo Centralizzato rispetto alla conformità dei dati forniti e rispetto a quanto richiesto dallo standard informativo. Un secondo livello di controllo della qualità si avvale di strumenti di analisi statistica volti ad identificare eventuali valori anomali o fuori scala, rimettendo al giudizio esperto il controllo di qualità complessivo del dato. Nel secondo livello ci si avvale di criteri di valutazione condivisi con i soggetti attuatori.
I dati di monitoraggio sono raccolti secondo standard informativi elaborati e condivisi con i soggetti attuatori che definiscono le informazioni da trasmettere in termini di formato (testo, numerico, data, etc.), valori ammissibili secondo liste predefinite (liste di contaminanti, specie, habitat, etc.), univocità dei codici utilizzati e relazione tra oggetti (stazioni/campioni, area/sito/transetto, etc.). Un primo livello di controllo formale della qualità del dato viene effettuato in automatico sul SIC – Sistema Informativo Centralizzato rispetto alla conformità dei dati forniti e rispetto a quanto richiesto dallo standard informativo. Un secondo livello di controllo della qualità si avvale di strumenti di analisi statistica volti ad identificare eventuali valori anomali o fuori scala, rimettendo al giudizio esperto il controllo di qualità complessivo del dato. Nel secondo livello ci si avvale di criteri di valutazione condivisi con i soggetti attuatori.
I dati di monitoraggio sono raccolti secondo standard informativi elaborati e condivisi con i soggetti attuatori che definiscono le informazioni da trasmettere in termini di formato (testo, numerico, data, etc.), valori ammissibili secondo liste predefinite (liste di contaminanti, specie, habitat, etc.), univocità dei codici utilizzati e relazione tra oggetti (stazioni/campioni, area/sito/transetto, etc.). Un primo livello di controllo formale della qualità del dato viene effettuato in automatico sul SIC – Sistema Informativo Centralizzato rispetto alla conformità dei dati forniti e rispetto a quanto richiesto dallo standard informativo. Un secondo livello di controllo della qualità si avvale di strumenti di analisi statistica volti ad identificare eventuali valori anomali o fuori scala, rimettendo al giudizio esperto il controllo di qualità complessivo del dato. Nel secondo livello ci si avvale di criteri di valutazione condivisi con i soggetti attuatori.
I dati di monitoraggio sono raccolti secondo standard informativi elaborati e condivisi con i soggetti attuatori che definiscono le informazioni da trasmettere in termini di formato (testo, numerico, data, etc.), valori ammissibili secondo liste predefinite (liste di contaminanti, specie, habitat, etc.), univocità dei codici utilizzati e relazione tra oggetti (stazioni/campioni, area/sito/transetto, etc.). Un primo livello di controllo formale della qualità del dato viene effettuato in automatico sul SIC – Sistema Informativo Centralizzato rispetto alla conformità dei dati forniti e rispetto a quanto richiesto dallo standard informativo. Un secondo livello di controllo della qualità si avvale di strumenti di analisi statistica volti ad identificare eventuali valori anomali o fuori scala, rimettendo al giudizio esperto il controllo di qualità complessivo del dato. Nel secondo livello ci si avvale di criteri di valutazione condivisi con i soggetti attuatori.
I dati di monitoraggio sono raccolti secondo standard informativi elaborati e condivisi con i soggetti attuatori che definiscono le informazioni da trasmettere in termini di formato (testo, numerico, data, etc.), valori ammissibili secondo liste predefinite (liste di contaminanti, specie, habitat, etc.), univocità dei codici utilizzati e relazione tra oggetti (stazioni/campioni, area/sito/transetto, etc.). Un primo livello di controllo formale della qualità del dato viene effettuato in automatico sul SIC – Sistema Informativo Centralizzato rispetto alla conformità dei dati forniti e rispetto a quanto richiesto dallo standard informativo. Un secondo livello di controllo della qualità si avvale di strumenti di analisi statistica volti ad identificare eventuali valori anomali o fuori scala, rimettendo al giudizio esperto il controllo di qualità complessivo del dato. Nel secondo livello ci si avvale di criteri di valutazione condivisi con i soggetti attuatori.
I dati di monitoraggio sono raccolti secondo standard informativi elaborati e condivisi con i soggetti attuatori che definiscono le informazioni da trasmettere in termini di formato (testo, numerico, data, etc.), valori ammissibili secondo liste predefinite (liste di contaminanti, specie, habitat, etc.), univocità dei codici utilizzati e relazione tra oggetti (stazioni/campioni, area/sito/transetto, etc.). Un primo livello di controllo formale della qualità del dato viene effettuato in automatico sul SIC – Sistema Informativo Centralizzato rispetto alla conformità dei dati forniti e rispetto a quanto richiesto dallo standard informativo. Un secondo livello di controllo della qualità si avvale di strumenti di analisi statistica volti ad identificare eventuali valori anomali o fuori scala, rimettendo al giudizio esperto il controllo di qualità complessivo del dato. Nel secondo livello ci si avvale di criteri di valutazione condivisi con i soggetti attuatori.
I dati di monitoraggio sono raccolti secondo standard informativi elaborati e condivisi con i soggetti attuatori che definiscono le informazioni da trasmettere in termini di formato (testo, numerico, data, etc.), valori ammissibili secondo liste predefinite (liste di contaminanti, specie, habitat, etc.), univocità dei codici utilizzati e relazione tra oggetti (stazioni/campioni, area/sito/transetto, etc.). Un primo livello di controllo formale della qualità del dato viene effettuato in automatico sul SIC – Sistema Informativo Centralizzato rispetto alla conformità dei dati forniti e rispetto a quanto richiesto dallo standard informativo. Un secondo livello di controllo della qualità si avvale di strumenti di analisi statistica volti ad identificare eventuali valori anomali o fuori scala, rimettendo al giudizio esperto il controllo di qualità complessivo del dato. Nel secondo livello ci si avvale di criteri di valutazione condivisi con i soggetti attuatori.
I dati di monitoraggio sono raccolti secondo standard informativi elaborati e condivisi con i soggetti attuatori che definiscono le informazioni da trasmettere in termini di formato (testo, numerico, data, etc.), valori ammissibili secondo liste predefinite (liste di contaminanti, specie, habitat, etc.), univocità dei codici utilizzati e relazione tra oggetti (stazioni/campioni, area/sito/transetto, etc.). Un primo livello di controllo formale della qualità del dato viene effettuato in automatico sul SIC – Sistema Informativo Centralizzato rispetto alla conformità dei dati forniti e rispetto a quanto richiesto dallo standard informativo. Un secondo livello di controllo della qualità si avvale di strumenti di analisi statistica volti ad identificare eventuali valori anomali o fuori scala, rimettendo al giudizio esperto il controllo di qualità complessivo del dato. Nel secondo livello ci si avvale di criteri di valutazione condivisi con i soggetti attuatori.
I dati di monitoraggio sono raccolti secondo standard informativi elaborati e condivisi con i soggetti attuatori che definiscono le informazioni da trasmettere in termini di formato (testo, numerico, data,…), valori ammissibili secondo liste predefinite (liste di contaminanti, specie, habitat, etc…), univocità dei codici utilizzati e relazione tra oggetti (stazioni/campioni, area/sito/transetto, etc…). Un primo livello di controllo formale della qualità del dato viene effettuato in automatico sul SIC – Sistema Informativo Centralizzato rispetto alla conformità dei dati forniti rispetto a quanto richiesto dallo standard informativo. Un secondo livello di controllo della qualità si avvale di strumenti di analisi statistica volti ad identificare eventuali valori anomali o fuori scala, rimettendo al giudizio esperto il controllo di qualità complessivo del dato. Nel secondo livello ci si avvale di criteri di valutazione condivisi con i soggetti attuatori.
I dati di monitoraggio sono raccolti secondo standard informativi elaborati e condivisi con i soggetti attuatori che definiscono le informazioni da trasmettere in termini di formato (testo, numerico, data,…), valori ammissibili secondo liste predefinite (liste di contaminanti, specie, habitat, etc…), univocità dei codici utilizzati e relazione tra oggetti (stazioni/campioni, area/sito/transetto, etc…). Un primo livello di controllo formale della qualità del dato viene effettuato in automatico sul SIC – Sistema Informativo Centralizzato rispetto alla conformità dei dati forniti rispetto a quanto richiesto dallo standard informativo. Un secondo livello di controllo della qualità si avvale di strumenti di analisi statistica volti ad identificare eventuali valori anomali o fuori scala, rimettendo al giudizio esperto il controllo di qualità complessivo del dato. Nel secondo livello ci si avvale di criteri di valutazione condivisi con i soggetti attuatori.
I dati di monitoraggio sono raccolti secondo standard informativi elaborati e condivisi con i soggetti attuatori che definiscono le informazioni da trasmettere in termini di formato (testo, numerico, data,…), valori ammissibili secondo liste predefinite (liste di contaminanti, specie, habitat, etc…), univocità dei codici utilizzati e relazione tra oggetti (stazioni/campioni, area/sito/transetto, etc…). Un primo livello di controllo formale della qualità del dato viene effettuato in automatico sul SIC – Sistema Informativo Centralizzato rispetto alla conformità dei dati forniti rispetto a quanto richiesto dallo standard informativo. Un secondo livello di controllo della qualità si avvale di strumenti di analisi statistica volti ad identificare eventuali valori anomali o fuori scala, rimettendo al giudizio esperto il controllo di qualità complessivo del dato. Nel secondo livello ci si avvale di criteri di valutazione condivisi con i soggetti attuatori.
I dati di monitoraggio sono raccolti secondo standard informativi elaborati e condivisi con i soggetti attuatori che definiscono le informazioni da trasmettere in termini di formato (testo, numerico, data,…), valori ammissibili secondo liste predefinite (liste di contaminanti, specie, habitat, etc…), univocità dei codici utilizzati e relazione tra oggetti (stazioni/campioni, area/sito/transetto, etc…). Un primo livello di controllo formale della qualità del dato viene effettuato in automatico sul SIC – Sistema Informativo Centralizzato rispetto alla conformità dei dati forniti rispetto a quanto richiesto dallo standard informativo. Un secondo livello di controllo della qualità si avvale di strumenti di analisi statistica volti ad identificare eventuali valori anomali o fuori scala, rimettendo al giudizio esperto il controllo di qualità complessivo del dato. Nel secondo livello ci si avvale di criteri di valutazione condivisi con i soggetti attuatori.
I dati di monitoraggio sono raccolti secondo standard informativi elaborati e condivisi con i soggetti attuatori che definiscono le informazioni da trasmettere in termini di formato (testo, numerico, data,…), valori ammissibili secondo liste predefinite (liste di contaminanti, specie, habitat, etc…), univocità dei codici utilizzati e relazione tra oggetti (stazioni/campioni, area/sito/transetto, etc…). Un primo livello di controllo formale della qualità del dato viene effettuato in automatico sul SIC – Sistema Informativo Centralizzato rispetto alla conformità dei dati forniti rispetto a quanto richiesto dallo standard informativo. Un secondo livello di controllo della qualità si avvale di strumenti di analisi statistica volti ad identificare eventuali valori anomali o fuori scala, rimettendo al giudizio esperto il controllo di qualità complessivo del dato. Nel secondo livello ci si avvale di criteri di valutazione condivisi con i soggetti attuatori.
I dati di monitoraggio sono raccolti secondo standard informativi elaborati e condivisi con i soggetti attuatori che definiscono le informazioni da trasmettere in termini di formato (testo, numerico, data,…), valori ammissibili secondo liste predefinite (liste di contaminanti, specie, habitat, etc…), univocità dei codici utilizzati e relazione tra oggetti (stazioni/campioni, area/sito/transetto, etc…). Un primo livello di controllo formale della qualità del dato viene effettuato in automatico sul SIC – Sistema Informativo Centralizzato rispetto alla conformità dei dati forniti rispetto a quanto richiesto dallo standard informativo. Un secondo livello di controllo della qualità si avvale di strumenti di analisi statistica volti ad identificare eventuali valori anomali o fuori scala, rimettendo al giudizio esperto il controllo di qualità complessivo del dato. Nel secondo livello ci si avvale di criteri di valutazione condivisi con i soggetti attuatori.
I dati di monitoraggio sono raccolti secondo standard informativi elaborati e condivisi con i soggetti attuatori che definiscono le informazioni da trasmettere in termini di formato (testo, numerico, data,…), valori ammissibili secondo liste predefinite (liste di contaminanti, specie, habitat, etc…), univocità dei codici utilizzati e relazione tra oggetti (stazioni/campioni, area/sito/transetto, etc…). Un primo livello di controllo formale della qualità del dato viene effettuato in automatico sul SIC – Sistema Informativo Centralizzato rispetto alla conformità dei dati forniti rispetto a quanto richiesto dallo standard informativo. Un secondo livello di controllo della qualità si avvale di strumenti di analisi statistica volti ad identificare eventuali valori anomali o fuori scala, rimettendo al giudizio esperto il controllo di qualità complessivo del dato. Nel secondo livello ci si avvale di criteri di valutazione condivisi con i soggetti attuatori.
I dati di monitoraggio sono raccolti secondo standard informativi elaborati e condivisi con i soggetti attuatori che definiscono le informazioni da trasmettere in termini di formato (testo, numerico, data,…), valori ammissibili secondo liste predefinite (liste di contaminanti, specie, habitat, etc…), univocità dei codici utilizzati e relazione tra oggetti (stazioni/campioni, area/sito/transetto, etc…). Un primo livello di controllo formale della qualità del dato viene effettuato in automatico sul SIC – Sistema Informativo Centralizzato rispetto alla conformità dei dati forniti rispetto a quanto richiesto dallo standard informativo. Un secondo livello di controllo della qualità si avvale di strumenti di analisi statistica volti ad identificare eventuali valori anomali o fuori scala, rimettendo al giudizio esperto il controllo di qualità complessivo del dato. Nel secondo livello ci si avvale di criteri di valutazione condivisi con i soggetti attuatori.
I dati di monitoraggio sono raccolti secondo standard informativi elaborati e condivisi con i soggetti attuatori che definiscono le informazioni da trasmettere in termini di formato (testo, numerico, data,…), valori ammissibili secondo liste predefinite (liste di contaminanti, specie, habitat, etc…), univocità dei codici utilizzati e relazione tra oggetti (stazioni/campioni, area/sito/transetto, etc…). Un primo livello di controllo formale della qualità del dato viene effettuato in automatico sul SIC – Sistema Informativo Centralizzato rispetto alla conformità dei dati forniti rispetto a quanto richiesto dallo standard informativo. Un secondo livello di controllo della qualità si avvale di strumenti di analisi statistica volti ad identificare eventuali valori anomali o fuori scala, rimettendo al giudizio esperto il controllo di qualità complessivo del dato. Nel secondo livello ci si avvale di criteri di valutazione condivisi con i soggetti attuatori.
I dati di monitoraggio sono raccolti secondo standard informativi elaborati e condivisi con i soggetti attuatori che definiscono le informazioni da trasmettere in termini di formato (testo, numerico, data,…), valori ammissibili secondo liste predefinite (liste di contaminanti, specie, habitat, etc…), univocità dei codici utilizzati e relazione tra oggetti (stazioni/campioni, area/sito/transetto, etc…). Un primo livello di controllo formale della qualità del dato viene effettuato in automatico sul SIC – Sistema Informativo Centralizzato rispetto alla conformità dei dati forniti rispetto a quanto richiesto dallo standard informativo. Un secondo livello di controllo della qualità si avvale di strumenti di analisi statistica volti ad identificare eventuali valori anomali o fuori scala, rimettendo al giudizio esperto il controllo di qualità complessivo del dato. Nel secondo livello ci si avvale di criteri di valutazione condivisi con i soggetti attuatori.
I dati di monitoraggio sono raccolti secondo standard informativi elaborati e condivisi con i soggetti attuatori che definiscono le informazioni da trasmettere in termini di formato (testo, numerico, data,…), valori ammissibili secondo liste predefinite (liste di contaminanti, specie, habitat, etc…), univocità dei codici utilizzati e relazione tra oggetti (stazioni/campioni, area/sito/transetto, etc…). Un primo livello di controllo formale della qualità del dato viene effettuato in automatico sul SIC – Sistema Informativo Centralizzato rispetto alla conformità dei dati forniti rispetto a quanto richiesto dallo standard informativo. Un secondo livello di controllo della qualità si avvale di strumenti di analisi statistica volti ad identificare eventuali valori anomali o fuori scala, rimettendo al giudizio esperto il controllo di qualità complessivo del dato. Nel secondo livello ci si avvale di criteri di valutazione condivisi con i soggetti attuatori.
I dati di monitoraggio sono raccolti secondo standard informativi elaborati e condivisi con i soggetti attuatori che definiscono le informazioni da trasmettere in termini di formato (testo, numerico, data,…), valori ammissibili secondo liste predefinite (liste di contaminanti, specie, habitat, etc…), univocità dei codici utilizzati e relazione tra oggetti (stazioni/campioni, area/sito/transetto, etc…). Un primo livello di controllo formale della qualità del dato viene effettuato in automatico sul SIC – Sistema Informativo Centralizzato rispetto alla conformità dei dati forniti rispetto a quanto richiesto dallo standard informativo. Un secondo livello di controllo della qualità si avvale di strumenti di analisi statistica volti ad identificare eventuali valori anomali o fuori scala, rimettendo al giudizio esperto il controllo di qualità complessivo del dato. Nel secondo livello ci si avvale di criteri di valutazione condivisi con i soggetti attuatori.
I dati di monitoraggio sono raccolti secondo standard informativi elaborati e condivisi con i soggetti attuatori che definiscono le informazioni da trasmettere in termini di formato (testo, numerico, data,…), valori ammissibili secondo liste predefinite (liste di contaminanti, specie, habitat, etc…), univocità dei codici utilizzati e relazione tra oggetti (stazioni/campioni, area/sito/transetto, etc…). Un primo livello di controllo formale della qualità del dato viene effettuato in automatico sul SIC – Sistema Informativo Centralizzato rispetto alla conformità dei dati forniti rispetto a quanto richiesto dallo standard informativo. Un secondo livello di controllo della qualità si avvale di strumenti di analisi statistica volti ad identificare eventuali valori anomali o fuori scala, rimettendo al giudizio esperto il controllo di qualità complessivo del dato. Nel secondo livello ci si avvale di criteri di valutazione condivisi con i soggetti attuatori.
I dati di monitoraggio sono raccolti secondo standard informativi elaborati e condivisi con i soggetti attuatori che definiscono le informazioni da trasmettere in termini di formato (testo, numerico, data,…), valori ammissibili secondo liste predefinite (liste di contaminanti, specie, habitat, etc…), univocità dei codici utilizzati e relazione tra oggetti (stazioni/campioni, area/sito/transetto, etc…). Un primo livello di controllo formale della qualità del dato viene effettuato in automatico sul SIC – Sistema Informativo Centralizzato rispetto alla conformità dei dati forniti rispetto a quanto richiesto dallo standard informativo. Un secondo livello di controllo della qualità si avvale di strumenti di analisi statistica volti ad identificare eventuali valori anomali o fuori scala, rimettendo al giudizio esperto il controllo di qualità complessivo del dato. Nel secondo livello ci si avvale di criteri di valutazione condivisi con i soggetti attuatori.
Data management
Data access
Related indicator/name