Member State report / Art9 / 2012 / D8 / Italy / Mediterranean: Adriatic Sea
Report type | Member State report to Commission |
MSFD Article | Art. 9 Determination of GES (and Art. 17 updates) |
Report due | 2012-10-15 |
GES Descriptor | D8 Contaminants |
Member State | Italy |
Region/subregion | Mediterranean: Adriatic Sea |
Reported by | ISPRA - Italian National Institute for Environmental Protection and Research |
Report date | 2013-04-30 |
Report access | MSFD9GES_20130506_101834.xml |
GES component |
8.1 Concentration of contaminants |
8.1.1 Concentration of contaminants |
8.2 Effects of contaminants |
8.2.1 Level of pollution effects |
8.2.2 Occurrence and impact of acute pollution |
8.2.2 Occurrence and impact of acute pollution |
Method used |
IT-WMS-8A04-0002: The Marine Strategy Framework Directive requires that to determining good environmental status for D1 “Biological diversity is maintained. The quality and occurrence of habitats and the distribution and abundance of species are in line with prevailing physiographic, geographic and climatic conditionsâ€. In this regard, it is recalled that for the preparation of the determination of GES for Descriptor 1, the Directive requires to consider a set of criteria (7) and indicators, whose analysis and selection must be justified in relation to the information collected with the Initial Assessment and their direct relevance to the main causes of human pressure. It should be noted that, based on the ecosystem approach, the main consideration on which choose the indicators should be based on the fact that they are able to establish relationships between the impact of human activities and the functioning of the marine ecosystem. All this taking into account that there are still gaps of knowledge on the relationship between the values measured for the different activities / pressures considered and the effects they cause on ecosystems. The formulation of the targets was done taking into account commitments already signed by Italy in relation to international conventions and European legislation, on the assumption that the pursuit of these objectives is in itself a contribution to the achievement of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive targets. This is also because the Marine Strategy officially requires referring to other European Directives and to international conventions concerning the marine environment. Overall, should be noted that only 4 of the seven criteria of the Marine Strategy, based on the information gathered with the initial assessment and in relation to the characteristics of the Mediterranean Sea, were considered for the determination of GES for the descriptor 1: 1.2 Population size 1.3 Population condition 1.5 Habitat extent 1.6 Habitat condition Specifically, as regards the aspects relating to the criterion 1.7 "Ecosystem structure" it was considered better to tackle it within the descriptor 4 "Food webs". For each criterion were identified the indicators considered most appropriate, foreseeing that the individual GES is achieved with the positive response of all the composing elements, selected on the basis of the initial assessment, of the scientific knowledge and their future implementability (2014 or 2018 ). The overall proposal is therefore based on 4 criteria and 15 indicators proposed for the 3 sub regions of interest for Italy, for each of which a GES should be assessed. The explanations of the reasons leading to the formulation of the proposal are described in the single sheet of the element relating to a specific indicator. Overall it is expected that the majority of the proposed indicators can be operational from 2018, due to the need to acquire additional cognitive elements (specified on each sheet). Only for the avifauna is thought to be possible to arrive to operability for 2014. It follows the list of indicators taken into account per criterion with the indication of the year in which it is expected to be operational in brackets: Criterion 1.2 Population size – Indicator 1.2.1 Population abundance and /or biomass, as appropriate – considered elements: Fan mussel - Pinna nobilis (2018), coastal fish species (2018), Loggerhead - Caretta caretta (2018), marine mammals (2018), marine birds (2014). Criterion 1.3 Population condition – Indicator 1.3.1 Population demographic characteristics – considered elements: Ribbed Mediterranean Limpet Patella ferruginea (2018), coastal fish species (2018), marine birds (2014). Indicator 1.3.1 Population genetic structure, where appropriate – fish species (2018). Criterion 1.5 Habitat extent – Indicator 1.5.1 Habitat area – considered elements : benthic habitats Posidonia oceanica meadows, mäerl beds (2018). Criterion 1.6 Habitat condition – Indicator 1.6.1 Condition of the typical species and communities - considered elements : benthic habitats coralligenous and deep sea corals (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018), coastal fish (2018). Indicator 1.6.2 Relative abundance and/or biomass, as appropriate - considered elements : pelagic habitat (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018). IT-IMS-8A04-0001: The Marine Strategy Framework Directive requires that to determining good environmental status for D1 “Biological diversity is maintained. The quality and occurrence of habitats and the distribution and abundance of species are in line with prevailing physiographic, geographic and climatic conditionsâ€. In this regard, it is recalled that for the preparation of the determination of GES for Descriptor 1, the Directive requires to consider a set of criteria (7) and indicators, whose analysis and selection must be justified in relation to the information collected with the Initial Assessment and their direct relevance to the main causes of human pressure. It should be noted that, based on the ecosystem approach, the main consideration on which choose the indicators should be based on the fact that they are able to establish relationships between the impact of human activities and the functioning of the marine ecosystem. All this taking into account that there are still gaps of knowledge on the relationship between the values measured for the different activities / pressures considered and the effects they cause on ecosystems. The formulation of the targets was done taking into account commitments already signed by Italy in relation to international conventions and European legislation, on the assumption that the pursuit of these objectives is in itself a contribution to the achievement of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive targets. This is also because the Marine Strategy officially requires referring to other European Directives and to international conventions concerning the marine environment. Overall, should be noted that only 4 of the seven criteria of the Marine Strategy, based on the information gathered with the initial assessment and in relation to the characteristics of the Mediterranean Sea, were considered for the determination of GES for the descriptor 1: 1.2 Population size 1.3 Population condition 1.5 Habitat extent 1.6 Habitat condition Specifically, as regards the aspects relating to the criterion 1.7 "Ecosystem structure" it was considered better to tackle it within the descriptor 4 "Food webs". For each criterion were identified the indicators considered most appropriate, foreseeing that the individual GES is achieved with the positive response of all the composing elements, selected on the basis of the initial assessment, of the scientific knowledge and their future implementability (2014 or 2018 ). The overall proposal is therefore based on 4 criteria and 15 indicators proposed for the 3 sub regions of interest for Italy, for each of which a GES should be assessed. The explanations of the reasons leading to the formulation of the proposal are described in the single sheet of the element relating to a specific indicator. Overall it is expected that the majority of the proposed indicators can be operational from 2018, due to the need to acquire additional cognitive elements (specified on each sheet). Only for the avifauna is thought to be possible to arrive to operability for 2014. It follows the list of indicators taken into account per criterion with the indication of the year in which it is expected to be operational in brackets: Criterion 1.2 Population size – Indicator 1.2.1 Population abundance and /or biomass, as appropriate – considered elements: Fan mussel - Pinna nobilis (2018), coastal fish species (2018), Loggerhead - Caretta caretta (2018), marine mammals (2018), marine birds (2014). Criterion 1.3 Population condition – Indicator 1.3.1 Population demographic characteristics – considered elements: Ribbed Mediterranean Limpet Patella ferruginea (2018), coastal fish species (2018), marine birds (2014). Indicator 1.3.1 Population genetic structure, where appropriate – fish species (2018). Criterion 1.5 Habitat extent – Indicator 1.5.1 Habitat area – considered elements : benthic habitats Posidonia oceanica meadows, mäerl beds (2018). Criterion 1.6 Habitat condition – Indicator 1.6.1 Condition of the typical species and communities - considered elements : benthic habitats coralligenous and deep sea corals (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018), coastal fish (2018). Indicator 1.6.2 Relative abundance and/or biomass, as appropriate - considered elements : pelagic habitat (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018). IT-IMS-8A04-0002: The Marine Strategy Framework Directive requires that to determining good environmental status for D1 “Biological diversity is maintained. The quality and occurrence of habitats and the distribution and abundance of species are in line with prevailing physiographic, geographic and climatic conditionsâ€. In this regard, it is recalled that for the preparation of the determination of GES for Descriptor 1, the Directive requires to consider a set of criteria (7) and indicators, whose analysis and selection must be justified in relation to the information collected with the Initial Assessment and their direct relevance to the main causes of human pressure. It should be noted that, based on the ecosystem approach, the main consideration on which choose the indicators should be based on the fact that they are able to establish relationships between the impact of human activities and the functioning of the marine ecosystem. All this taking into account that there are still gaps of knowledge on the relationship between the values measured for the different activities / pressures considered and the effects they cause on ecosystems. The formulation of the targets was done taking into account commitments already signed by Italy in relation to international conventions and European legislation, on the assumption that the pursuit of these objectives is in itself a contribution to the achievement of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive targets. This is also because the Marine Strategy officially requires referring to other European Directives and to international conventions concerning the marine environment. Overall, should be noted that only 4 of the seven criteria of the Marine Strategy, based on the information gathered with the initial assessment and in relation to the characteristics of the Mediterranean Sea, were considered for the determination of GES for the descriptor 1: 1.2 Population size 1.3 Population condition 1.5 Habitat extent 1.6 Habitat condition Specifically, as regards the aspects relating to the criterion 1.7 "Ecosystem structure" it was considered better to tackle it within the descriptor 4 "Food webs". For each criterion were identified the indicators considered most appropriate, foreseeing that the individual GES is achieved with the positive response of all the composing elements, selected on the basis of the initial assessment, of the scientific knowledge and their future implementability (2014 or 2018 ). The overall proposal is therefore based on 4 criteria and 15 indicators proposed for the 3 sub regions of interest for Italy, for each of which a GES should be assessed. The explanations of the reasons leading to the formulation of the proposal are described in the single sheet of the element relating to a specific indicator. Overall it is expected that the majority of the proposed indicators can be operational from 2018, due to the need to acquire additional cognitive elements (specified on each sheet). Only for the avifauna is thought to be possible to arrive to operability for 2014. It follows the list of indicators taken into account per criterion with the indication of the year in which it is expected to be operational in brackets: Criterion 1.2 Population size – Indicator 1.2.1 Population abundance and /or biomass, as appropriate – considered elements: Fan mussel - Pinna nobilis (2018), coastal fish species (2018), Loggerhead - Caretta caretta (2018), marine mammals (2018), marine birds (2014). Criterion 1.3 Population condition – Indicator 1.3.1 Population demographic characteristics – considered elements: Ribbed Mediterranean Limpet Patella ferruginea (2018), coastal fish species (2018), marine birds (2014). Indicator 1.3.1 Population genetic structure, where appropriate – fish species (2018). Criterion 1.5 Habitat extent – Indicator 1.5.1 Habitat area – considered elements : benthic habitats Posidonia oceanica meadows, mäerl beds (2018). Criterion 1.6 Habitat condition – Indicator 1.6.1 Condition of the typical species and communities - considered elements : benthic habitats coralligenous and deep sea corals (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018), coastal fish (2018). Indicator 1.6.2 Relative abundance and/or biomass, as appropriate - considered elements : pelagic habitat (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018). IT-AMS-8A04-0001: The Marine Strategy Framework Directive requires that to determining good environmental status for D1 “Biological diversity is maintained. The quality and occurrence of habitats and the distribution and abundance of species are in line with prevailing physiographic, geographic and climatic conditionsâ€. In this regard, it is recalled that for the preparation of the determination of GES for Descriptor 1, the Directive requires to consider a set of criteria (7) and indicators, whose analysis and selection must be justified in relation to the information collected with the Initial Assessment and their direct relevance to the main causes of human pressure. It should be noted that, based on the ecosystem approach, the main consideration on which choose the indicators should be based on the fact that they are able to establish relationships between the impact of human activities and the functioning of the marine ecosystem. All this taking into account that there are still gaps of knowledge on the relationship between the values measured for the different activities / pressures considered and the effects they cause on ecosystems. The formulation of the targets was done taking into account commitments already signed by Italy in relation to international conventions and European legislation, on the assumption that the pursuit of these objectives is in itself a contribution to the achievement of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive targets. This is also because the Marine Strategy officially requires referring to other European Directives and to international conventions concerning the marine environment. Overall, should be noted that only 4 of the seven criteria of the Marine Strategy, based on the information gathered with the initial assessment and in relation to the characteristics of the Mediterranean Sea, were considered for the determination of GES for the descriptor 1: 1.2 Population size 1.3 Population condition 1.5 Habitat extent 1.6 Habitat condition Specifically, as regards the aspects relating to the criterion 1.7 "Ecosystem structure" it was considered better to tackle it within the descriptor 4 "Food webs". For each criterion were identified the indicators considered most appropriate, foreseeing that the individual GES is achieved with the positive response of all the composing elements, selected on the basis of the initial assessment, of the scientific knowledge and their future implementability (2014 or 2018 ). The overall proposal is therefore based on 4 criteria and 15 indicators proposed for the 3 sub regions of interest for Italy, for each of which a GES should be assessed. The explanations of the reasons leading to the formulation of the proposal are described in the single sheet of the element relating to a specific indicator. Overall it is expected that the majority of the proposed indicators can be operational from 2018, due to the need to acquire additional cognitive elements (specified on each sheet). Only for the avifauna is thought to be possible to arrive to operability for 2014. It follows the list of indicators taken into account per criterion with the indication of the year in which it is expected to be operational in brackets: Criterion 1.2 Population size – Indicator 1.2.1 Population abundance and /or biomass, as appropriate – considered elements: Fan mussel - Pinna nobilis (2018), coastal fish species (2018), Loggerhead - Caretta caretta (2018), marine mammals (2018), marine birds (2014). Criterion 1.3 Population condition – Indicator 1.3.1 Population demographic characteristics – considered elements: Ribbed Mediterranean Limpet Patella ferruginea (2018), coastal fish species (2018), marine birds (2014). Indicator 1.3.1 Population genetic structure, where appropriate – fish species (2018). Criterion 1.5 Habitat extent – Indicator 1.5.1 Habitat area – considered elements : benthic habitats Posidonia oceanica meadows, mäerl beds (2018). Criterion 1.6 Habitat condition – Indicator 1.6.1 Condition of the typical species and communities - considered elements : benthic habitats coralligenous and deep sea corals (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018), coastal fish (2018). Indicator 1.6.2 Relative abundance and/or biomass, as appropriate - considered elements : pelagic habitat (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018). IT-WMS-8A04-0002: The Marine Strategy Framework Directive requires that to determining good environmental status for D1 “Biological diversity is maintained. The quality and occurrence of habitats and the distribution and abundance of species are in line with prevailing physiographic, geographic and climatic conditionsâ€. In this regard, it is recalled that for the preparation of the determination of GES for Descriptor 1, the Directive requires to consider a set of criteria (7) and indicators, whose analysis and selection must be justified in relation to the information collected with the Initial Assessment and their direct relevance to the main causes of human pressure. It should be noted that, based on the ecosystem approach, the main consideration on which choose the indicators should be based on the fact that they are able to establish relationships between the impact of human activities and the functioning of the marine ecosystem. All this taking into account that there are still gaps of knowledge on the relationship between the values measured for the different activities / pressures considered and the effects they cause on ecosystems. The formulation of the targets was done taking into account commitments already signed by Italy in relation to international conventions and European legislation, on the assumption that the pursuit of these objectives is in itself a contribution to the achievement of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive targets. This is also because the Marine Strategy officially requires referring to other European Directives and to international conventions concerning the marine environment. Overall, should be noted that only 4 of the seven criteria of the Marine Strategy, based on the information gathered with the initial assessment and in relation to the characteristics of the Mediterranean Sea, were considered for the determination of GES for the descriptor 1: 1.2 Population size 1.3 Population condition 1.5 Habitat extent 1.6 Habitat condition Specifically, as regards the aspects relating to the criterion 1.7 "Ecosystem structure" it was considered better to tackle it within the descriptor 4 "Food webs". For each criterion were identified the indicators considered most appropriate, foreseeing that the individual GES is achieved with the positive response of all the composing elements, selected on the basis of the initial assessment, of the scientific knowledge and their future implementability (2014 or 2018 ). The overall proposal is therefore based on 4 criteria and 15 indicators proposed for the 3 sub regions of interest for Italy, for each of which a GES should be assessed. The explanations of the reasons leading to the formulation of the proposal are described in the single sheet of the element relating to a specific indicator. Overall it is expected that the majority of the proposed indicators can be operational from 2018, due to the need to acquire additional cognitive elements (specified on each sheet). Only for the avifauna is thought to be possible to arrive to operability for 2014. It follows the list of indicators taken into account per criterion with the indication of the year in which it is expected to be operational in brackets: Criterion 1.2 Population size – Indicator 1.2.1 Population abundance and /or biomass, as appropriate – considered elements: Fan mussel - Pinna nobilis (2018), coastal fish species (2018), Loggerhead - Caretta caretta (2018), marine mammals (2018), marine birds (2014). Criterion 1.3 Population condition – Indicator 1.3.1 Population demographic characteristics – considered elements: Ribbed Mediterranean Limpet Patella ferruginea (2018), coastal fish species (2018), marine birds (2014). Indicator 1.3.1 Population genetic structure, where appropriate – fish species (2018). Criterion 1.5 Habitat extent – Indicator 1.5.1 Habitat area – considered elements : benthic habitats Posidonia oceanica meadows, mäerl beds (2018). Criterion 1.6 Habitat condition – Indicator 1.6.1 Condition of the typical species and communities - considered elements : benthic habitats coralligenous and deep sea corals (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018), coastal fish (2018). Indicator 1.6.2 Relative abundance and/or biomass, as appropriate - considered elements : pelagic habitat (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018). IT-IMS-8A04-0001: The Marine Strategy Framework Directive requires that to determining good environmental status for D1 “Biological diversity is maintained. The quality and occurrence of habitats and the distribution and abundance of species are in line with prevailing physiographic, geographic and climatic conditionsâ€. In this regard, it is recalled that for the preparation of the determination of GES for Descriptor 1, the Directive requires to consider a set of criteria (7) and indicators, whose analysis and selection must be justified in relation to the information collected with the Initial Assessment and their direct relevance to the main causes of human pressure. It should be noted that, based on the ecosystem approach, the main consideration on which choose the indicators should be based on the fact that they are able to establish relationships between the impact of human activities and the functioning of the marine ecosystem. All this taking into account that there are still gaps of knowledge on the relationship between the values measured for the different activities / pressures considered and the effects they cause on ecosystems. The formulation of the targets was done taking into account commitments already signed by Italy in relation to international conventions and European legislation, on the assumption that the pursuit of these objectives is in itself a contribution to the achievement of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive targets. This is also because the Marine Strategy officially requires referring to other European Directives and to international conventions concerning the marine environment. Overall, should be noted that only 4 of the seven criteria of the Marine Strategy, based on the information gathered with the initial assessment and in relation to the characteristics of the Mediterranean Sea, were considered for the determination of GES for the descriptor 1: 1.2 Population size 1.3 Population condition 1.5 Habitat extent 1.6 Habitat condition Specifically, as regards the aspects relating to the criterion 1.7 "Ecosystem structure" it was considered better to tackle it within the descriptor 4 "Food webs". For each criterion were identified the indicators considered most appropriate, foreseeing that the individual GES is achieved with the positive response of all the composing elements, selected on the basis of the initial assessment, of the scientific knowledge and their future implementability (2014 or 2018 ). The overall proposal is therefore based on 4 criteria and 15 indicators proposed for the 3 sub regions of interest for Italy, for each of which a GES should be assessed. The explanations of the reasons leading to the formulation of the proposal are described in the single sheet of the element relating to a specific indicator. Overall it is expected that the majority of the proposed indicators can be operational from 2018, due to the need to acquire additional cognitive elements (specified on each sheet). Only for the avifauna is thought to be possible to arrive to operability for 2014. It follows the list of indicators taken into account per criterion with the indication of the year in which it is expected to be operational in brackets: Criterion 1.2 Population size – Indicator 1.2.1 Population abundance and /or biomass, as appropriate – considered elements: Fan mussel - Pinna nobilis (2018), coastal fish species (2018), Loggerhead - Caretta caretta (2018), marine mammals (2018), marine birds (2014). Criterion 1.3 Population condition – Indicator 1.3.1 Population demographic characteristics – considered elements: Ribbed Mediterranean Limpet Patella ferruginea (2018), coastal fish species (2018), marine birds (2014). Indicator 1.3.1 Population genetic structure, where appropriate – fish species (2018). Criterion 1.5 Habitat extent – Indicator 1.5.1 Habitat area – considered elements : benthic habitats Posidonia oceanica meadows, mäerl beds (2018). Criterion 1.6 Habitat condition – Indicator 1.6.1 Condition of the typical species and communities - considered elements : benthic habitats coralligenous and deep sea corals (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018), coastal fish (2018). Indicator 1.6.2 Relative abundance and/or biomass, as appropriate - considered elements : pelagic habitat (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018). IT-IMS-8A04-0002: The Marine Strategy Framework Directive requires that to determining good environmental status for D1 “Biological diversity is maintained. The quality and occurrence of habitats and the distribution and abundance of species are in line with prevailing physiographic, geographic and climatic conditionsâ€. In this regard, it is recalled that for the preparation of the determination of GES for Descriptor 1, the Directive requires to consider a set of criteria (7) and indicators, whose analysis and selection must be justified in relation to the information collected with the Initial Assessment and their direct relevance to the main causes of human pressure. It should be noted that, based on the ecosystem approach, the main consideration on which choose the indicators should be based on the fact that they are able to establish relationships between the impact of human activities and the functioning of the marine ecosystem. All this taking into account that there are still gaps of knowledge on the relationship between the values measured for the different activities / pressures considered and the effects they cause on ecosystems. The formulation of the targets was done taking into account commitments already signed by Italy in relation to international conventions and European legislation, on the assumption that the pursuit of these objectives is in itself a contribution to the achievement of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive targets. This is also because the Marine Strategy officially requires referring to other European Directives and to international conventions concerning the marine environment. Overall, should be noted that only 4 of the seven criteria of the Marine Strategy, based on the information gathered with the initial assessment and in relation to the characteristics of the Mediterranean Sea, were considered for the determination of GES for the descriptor 1: 1.2 Population size 1.3 Population condition 1.5 Habitat extent 1.6 Habitat condition Specifically, as regards the aspects relating to the criterion 1.7 "Ecosystem structure" it was considered better to tackle it within the descriptor 4 "Food webs". For each criterion were identified the indicators considered most appropriate, foreseeing that the individual GES is achieved with the positive response of all the composing elements, selected on the basis of the initial assessment, of the scientific knowledge and their future implementability (2014 or 2018 ). The overall proposal is therefore based on 4 criteria and 15 indicators proposed for the 3 sub regions of interest for Italy, for each of which a GES should be assessed. The explanations of the reasons leading to the formulation of the proposal are described in the single sheet of the element relating to a specific indicator. Overall it is expected that the majority of the proposed indicators can be operational from 2018, due to the need to acquire additional cognitive elements (specified on each sheet). Only for the avifauna is thought to be possible to arrive to operability for 2014. It follows the list of indicators taken into account per criterion with the indication of the year in which it is expected to be operational in brackets: Criterion 1.2 Population size – Indicator 1.2.1 Population abundance and /or biomass, as appropriate – considered elements: Fan mussel - Pinna nobilis (2018), coastal fish species (2018), Loggerhead - Caretta caretta (2018), marine mammals (2018), marine birds (2014). Criterion 1.3 Population condition – Indicator 1.3.1 Population demographic characteristics – considered elements: Ribbed Mediterranean Limpet Patella ferruginea (2018), coastal fish species (2018), marine birds (2014). Indicator 1.3.1 Population genetic structure, where appropriate – fish species (2018). Criterion 1.5 Habitat extent – Indicator 1.5.1 Habitat area – considered elements : benthic habitats Posidonia oceanica meadows, mäerl beds (2018). Criterion 1.6 Habitat condition – Indicator 1.6.1 Condition of the typical species and communities - considered elements : benthic habitats coralligenous and deep sea corals (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018), coastal fish (2018). Indicator 1.6.2 Relative abundance and/or biomass, as appropriate - considered elements : pelagic habitat (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018). IT-AMS-8A04-0001: The Marine Strategy Framework Directive requires that to determining good environmental status for D1 “Biological diversity is maintained. The quality and occurrence of habitats and the distribution and abundance of species are in line with prevailing physiographic, geographic and climatic conditionsâ€. In this regard, it is recalled that for the preparation of the determination of GES for Descriptor 1, the Directive requires to consider a set of criteria (7) and indicators, whose analysis and selection must be justified in relation to the information collected with the Initial Assessment and their direct relevance to the main causes of human pressure. It should be noted that, based on the ecosystem approach, the main consideration on which choose the indicators should be based on the fact that they are able to establish relationships between the impact of human activities and the functioning of the marine ecosystem. All this taking into account that there are still gaps of knowledge on the relationship between the values measured for the different activities / pressures considered and the effects they cause on ecosystems. The formulation of the targets was done taking into account commitments already signed by Italy in relation to international conventions and European legislation, on the assumption that the pursuit of these objectives is in itself a contribution to the achievement of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive targets. This is also because the Marine Strategy officially requires referring to other European Directives and to international conventions concerning the marine environment. Overall, should be noted that only 4 of the seven criteria of the Marine Strategy, based on the information gathered with the initial assessment and in relation to the characteristics of the Mediterranean Sea, were considered for the determination of GES for the descriptor 1: 1.2 Population size 1.3 Population condition 1.5 Habitat extent 1.6 Habitat condition Specifically, as regards the aspects relating to the criterion 1.7 "Ecosystem structure" it was considered better to tackle it within the descriptor 4 "Food webs". For each criterion were identified the indicators considered most appropriate, foreseeing that the individual GES is achieved with the positive response of all the composing elements, selected on the basis of the initial assessment, of the scientific knowledge and their future implementability (2014 or 2018 ). The overall proposal is therefore based on 4 criteria and 15 indicators proposed for the 3 sub regions of interest for Italy, for each of which a GES should be assessed. The explanations of the reasons leading to the formulation of the proposal are described in the single sheet of the element relating to a specific indicator. Overall it is expected that the majority of the proposed indicators can be operational from 2018, due to the need to acquire additional cognitive elements (specified on each sheet). Only for the avifauna is thought to be possible to arrive to operability for 2014. It follows the list of indicators taken into account per criterion with the indication of the year in which it is expected to be operational in brackets: Criterion 1.2 Population size – Indicator 1.2.1 Population abundance and /or biomass, as appropriate – considered elements: Fan mussel - Pinna nobilis (2018), coastal fish species (2018), Loggerhead - Caretta caretta (2018), marine mammals (2018), marine birds (2014). Criterion 1.3 Population condition – Indicator 1.3.1 Population demographic characteristics – considered elements: Ribbed Mediterranean Limpet Patella ferruginea (2018), coastal fish species (2018), marine birds (2014). Indicator 1.3.1 Population genetic structure, where appropriate – fish species (2018). Criterion 1.5 Habitat extent – Indicator 1.5.1 Habitat area – considered elements : benthic habitats Posidonia oceanica meadows, mäerl beds (2018). Criterion 1.6 Habitat condition – Indicator 1.6.1 Condition of the typical species and communities - considered elements : benthic habitats coralligenous and deep sea corals (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018), coastal fish (2018). Indicator 1.6.2 Relative abundance and/or biomass, as appropriate - considered elements : pelagic habitat (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018). IT-WMS-8A04-0002: The Marine Strategy Framework Directive requires that to determining good environmental status for D1 “Biological diversity is maintained. The quality and occurrence of habitats and the distribution and abundance of species are in line with prevailing physiographic, geographic and climatic conditionsâ€. In this regard, it is recalled that for the preparation of the determination of GES for Descriptor 1, the Directive requires to consider a set of criteria (7) and indicators, whose analysis and selection must be justified in relation to the information collected with the Initial Assessment and their direct relevance to the main causes of human pressure. It should be noted that, based on the ecosystem approach, the main consideration on which choose the indicators should be based on the fact that they are able to establish relationships between the impact of human activities and the functioning of the marine ecosystem. All this taking into account that there are still gaps of knowledge on the relationship between the values measured for the different activities / pressures considered and the effects they cause on ecosystems. The formulation of the targets was done taking into account commitments already signed by Italy in relation to international conventions and European legislation, on the assumption that the pursuit of these objectives is in itself a contribution to the achievement of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive targets. This is also because the Marine Strategy officially requires referring to other European Directives and to international conventions concerning the marine environment. Overall, should be noted that only 4 of the seven criteria of the Marine Strategy, based on the information gathered with the initial assessment and in relation to the characteristics of the Mediterranean Sea, were considered for the determination of GES for the descriptor 1: 1.2 Population size 1.3 Population condition 1.5 Habitat extent 1.6 Habitat condition Specifically, as regards the aspects relating to the criterion 1.7 "Ecosystem structure" it was considered better to tackle it within the descriptor 4 "Food webs". For each criterion were identified the indicators considered most appropriate, foreseeing that the individual GES is achieved with the positive response of all the composing elements, selected on the basis of the initial assessment, of the scientific knowledge and their future implementability (2014 or 2018 ). The overall proposal is therefore based on 4 criteria and 15 indicators proposed for the 3 sub regions of interest for Italy, for each of which a GES should be assessed. The explanations of the reasons leading to the formulation of the proposal are described in the single sheet of the element relating to a specific indicator. Overall it is expected that the majority of the proposed indicators can be operational from 2018, due to the need to acquire additional cognitive elements (specified on each sheet). Only for the avifauna is thought to be possible to arrive to operability for 2014. It follows the list of indicators taken into account per criterion with the indication of the year in which it is expected to be operational in brackets: Criterion 1.2 Population size – Indicator 1.2.1 Population abundance and /or biomass, as appropriate – considered elements: Fan mussel - Pinna nobilis (2018), coastal fish species (2018), Loggerhead - Caretta caretta (2018), marine mammals (2018), marine birds (2014). Criterion 1.3 Population condition – Indicator 1.3.1 Population demographic characteristics – considered elements: Ribbed Mediterranean Limpet Patella ferruginea (2018), coastal fish species (2018), marine birds (2014). Indicator 1.3.1 Population genetic structure, where appropriate – fish species (2018). Criterion 1.5 Habitat extent – Indicator 1.5.1 Habitat area – considered elements : benthic habitats Posidonia oceanica meadows, mäerl beds (2018). Criterion 1.6 Habitat condition – Indicator 1.6.1 Condition of the typical species and communities - considered elements : benthic habitats coralligenous and deep sea corals (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018), coastal fish (2018). Indicator 1.6.2 Relative abundance and/or biomass, as appropriate - considered elements : pelagic habitat (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018). IT-IMS-8A04-0001: The Marine Strategy Framework Directive requires that to determining good environmental status for D1 “Biological diversity is maintained. The quality and occurrence of habitats and the distribution and abundance of species are in line with prevailing physiographic, geographic and climatic conditionsâ€. In this regard, it is recalled that for the preparation of the determination of GES for Descriptor 1, the Directive requires to consider a set of criteria (7) and indicators, whose analysis and selection must be justified in relation to the information collected with the Initial Assessment and their direct relevance to the main causes of human pressure. It should be noted that, based on the ecosystem approach, the main consideration on which choose the indicators should be based on the fact that they are able to establish relationships between the impact of human activities and the functioning of the marine ecosystem. All this taking into account that there are still gaps of knowledge on the relationship between the values measured for the different activities / pressures considered and the effects they cause on ecosystems. The formulation of the targets was done taking into account commitments already signed by Italy in relation to international conventions and European legislation, on the assumption that the pursuit of these objectives is in itself a contribution to the achievement of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive targets. This is also because the Marine Strategy officially requires referring to other European Directives and to international conventions concerning the marine environment. Overall, should be noted that only 4 of the seven criteria of the Marine Strategy, based on the information gathered with the initial assessment and in relation to the characteristics of the Mediterranean Sea, were considered for the determination of GES for the descriptor 1: 1.2 Population size 1.3 Population condition 1.5 Habitat extent 1.6 Habitat condition Specifically, as regards the aspects relating to the criterion 1.7 "Ecosystem structure" it was considered better to tackle it within the descriptor 4 "Food webs". For each criterion were identified the indicators considered most appropriate, foreseeing that the individual GES is achieved with the positive response of all the composing elements, selected on the basis of the initial assessment, of the scientific knowledge and their future implementability (2014 or 2018 ). The overall proposal is therefore based on 4 criteria and 15 indicators proposed for the 3 sub regions of interest for Italy, for each of which a GES should be assessed. The explanations of the reasons leading to the formulation of the proposal are described in the single sheet of the element relating to a specific indicator. Overall it is expected that the majority of the proposed indicators can be operational from 2018, due to the need to acquire additional cognitive elements (specified on each sheet). Only for the avifauna is thought to be possible to arrive to operability for 2014. It follows the list of indicators taken into account per criterion with the indication of the year in which it is expected to be operational in brackets: Criterion 1.2 Population size – Indicator 1.2.1 Population abundance and /or biomass, as appropriate – considered elements: Fan mussel - Pinna nobilis (2018), coastal fish species (2018), Loggerhead - Caretta caretta (2018), marine mammals (2018), marine birds (2014). Criterion 1.3 Population condition – Indicator 1.3.1 Population demographic characteristics – considered elements: Ribbed Mediterranean Limpet Patella ferruginea (2018), coastal fish species (2018), marine birds (2014). Indicator 1.3.1 Population genetic structure, where appropriate – fish species (2018). Criterion 1.5 Habitat extent – Indicator 1.5.1 Habitat area – considered elements : benthic habitats Posidonia oceanica meadows, mäerl beds (2018). Criterion 1.6 Habitat condition – Indicator 1.6.1 Condition of the typical species and communities - considered elements : benthic habitats coralligenous and deep sea corals (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018), coastal fish (2018). Indicator 1.6.2 Relative abundance and/or biomass, as appropriate - considered elements : pelagic habitat (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018). IT-IMS-8A04-0002: The Marine Strategy Framework Directive requires that to determining good environmental status for D1 “Biological diversity is maintained. The quality and occurrence of habitats and the distribution and abundance of species are in line with prevailing physiographic, geographic and climatic conditionsâ€. In this regard, it is recalled that for the preparation of the determination of GES for Descriptor 1, the Directive requires to consider a set of criteria (7) and indicators, whose analysis and selection must be justified in relation to the information collected with the Initial Assessment and their direct relevance to the main causes of human pressure. It should be noted that, based on the ecosystem approach, the main consideration on which choose the indicators should be based on the fact that they are able to establish relationships between the impact of human activities and the functioning of the marine ecosystem. All this taking into account that there are still gaps of knowledge on the relationship between the values measured for the different activities / pressures considered and the effects they cause on ecosystems. The formulation of the targets was done taking into account commitments already signed by Italy in relation to international conventions and European legislation, on the assumption that the pursuit of these objectives is in itself a contribution to the achievement of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive targets. This is also because the Marine Strategy officially requires referring to other European Directives and to international conventions concerning the marine environment. Overall, should be noted that only 4 of the seven criteria of the Marine Strategy, based on the information gathered with the initial assessment and in relation to the characteristics of the Mediterranean Sea, were considered for the determination of GES for the descriptor 1: 1.2 Population size 1.3 Population condition 1.5 Habitat extent 1.6 Habitat condition Specifically, as regards the aspects relating to the criterion 1.7 "Ecosystem structure" it was considered better to tackle it within the descriptor 4 "Food webs". For each criterion were identified the indicators considered most appropriate, foreseeing that the individual GES is achieved with the positive response of all the composing elements, selected on the basis of the initial assessment, of the scientific knowledge and their future implementability (2014 or 2018 ). The overall proposal is therefore based on 4 criteria and 15 indicators proposed for the 3 sub regions of interest for Italy, for each of which a GES should be assessed. The explanations of the reasons leading to the formulation of the proposal are described in the single sheet of the element relating to a specific indicator. Overall it is expected that the majority of the proposed indicators can be operational from 2018, due to the need to acquire additional cognitive elements (specified on each sheet). Only for the avifauna is thought to be possible to arrive to operability for 2014. It follows the list of indicators taken into account per criterion with the indication of the year in which it is expected to be operational in brackets: Criterion 1.2 Population size – Indicator 1.2.1 Population abundance and /or biomass, as appropriate – considered elements: Fan mussel - Pinna nobilis (2018), coastal fish species (2018), Loggerhead - Caretta caretta (2018), marine mammals (2018), marine birds (2014). Criterion 1.3 Population condition – Indicator 1.3.1 Population demographic characteristics – considered elements: Ribbed Mediterranean Limpet Patella ferruginea (2018), coastal fish species (2018), marine birds (2014). Indicator 1.3.1 Population genetic structure, where appropriate – fish species (2018). Criterion 1.5 Habitat extent – Indicator 1.5.1 Habitat area – considered elements : benthic habitats Posidonia oceanica meadows, mäerl beds (2018). Criterion 1.6 Habitat condition – Indicator 1.6.1 Condition of the typical species and communities - considered elements : benthic habitats coralligenous and deep sea corals (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018), coastal fish (2018). Indicator 1.6.2 Relative abundance and/or biomass, as appropriate - considered elements : pelagic habitat (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018). IT-AMS-8A04-0001: The Marine Strategy Framework Directive requires that to determining good environmental status for D1 “Biological diversity is maintained. The quality and occurrence of habitats and the distribution and abundance of species are in line with prevailing physiographic, geographic and climatic conditionsâ€. In this regard, it is recalled that for the preparation of the determination of GES for Descriptor 1, the Directive requires to consider a set of criteria (7) and indicators, whose analysis and selection must be justified in relation to the information collected with the Initial Assessment and their direct relevance to the main causes of human pressure. It should be noted that, based on the ecosystem approach, the main consideration on which choose the indicators should be based on the fact that they are able to establish relationships between the impact of human activities and the functioning of the marine ecosystem. All this taking into account that there are still gaps of knowledge on the relationship between the values measured for the different activities / pressures considered and the effects they cause on ecosystems. The formulation of the targets was done taking into account commitments already signed by Italy in relation to international conventions and European legislation, on the assumption that the pursuit of these objectives is in itself a contribution to the achievement of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive targets. This is also because the Marine Strategy officially requires referring to other European Directives and to international conventions concerning the marine environment. Overall, should be noted that only 4 of the seven criteria of the Marine Strategy, based on the information gathered with the initial assessment and in relation to the characteristics of the Mediterranean Sea, were considered for the determination of GES for the descriptor 1: 1.2 Population size 1.3 Population condition 1.5 Habitat extent 1.6 Habitat condition Specifically, as regards the aspects relating to the criterion 1.7 "Ecosystem structure" it was considered better to tackle it within the descriptor 4 "Food webs". For each criterion were identified the indicators considered most appropriate, foreseeing that the individual GES is achieved with the positive response of all the composing elements, selected on the basis of the initial assessment, of the scientific knowledge and their future implementability (2014 or 2018 ). The overall proposal is therefore based on 4 criteria and 15 indicators proposed for the 3 sub regions of interest for Italy, for each of which a GES should be assessed. The explanations of the reasons leading to the formulation of the proposal are described in the single sheet of the element relating to a specific indicator. Overall it is expected that the majority of the proposed indicators can be operational from 2018, due to the need to acquire additional cognitive elements (specified on each sheet). Only for the avifauna is thought to be possible to arrive to operability for 2014. It follows the list of indicators taken into account per criterion with the indication of the year in which it is expected to be operational in brackets: Criterion 1.2 Population size – Indicator 1.2.1 Population abundance and /or biomass, as appropriate – considered elements: Fan mussel - Pinna nobilis (2018), coastal fish species (2018), Loggerhead - Caretta caretta (2018), marine mammals (2018), marine birds (2014). Criterion 1.3 Population condition – Indicator 1.3.1 Population demographic characteristics – considered elements: Ribbed Mediterranean Limpet Patella ferruginea (2018), coastal fish species (2018), marine birds (2014). Indicator 1.3.1 Population genetic structure, where appropriate – fish species (2018). Criterion 1.5 Habitat extent – Indicator 1.5.1 Habitat area – considered elements : benthic habitats Posidonia oceanica meadows, mäerl beds (2018). Criterion 1.6 Habitat condition – Indicator 1.6.1 Condition of the typical species and communities - considered elements : benthic habitats coralligenous and deep sea corals (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018), coastal fish (2018). Indicator 1.6.2 Relative abundance and/or biomass, as appropriate - considered elements : pelagic habitat (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018). IT-MS-8A04: The Marine Strategy Framework Directive requires that to determining good environmental status for D1 “Biological diversity is maintained. The quality and occurrence of habitats and the distribution and abundance of species are in line with prevailing physiographic, geographic and climatic conditionsâ€. In this regard, it is recalled that for the preparation of the determination of GES for Descriptor 1, the Directive requires to consider a set of criteria (7) and indicators, whose analysis and selection must be justified in relation to the information collected with the Initial Assessment and their direct relevance to the main causes of human pressure. It should be noted that, based on the ecosystem approach, the main consideration on which choose the indicators should be based on the fact that they are able to establish relationships between the impact of human activities and the functioning of the marine ecosystem. All this taking into account that there are still gaps of knowledge on the relationship between the values measured for the different activities / pressures considered and the effects they cause on ecosystems. The formulation of the targets was done taking into account commitments already signed by Italy in relation to international conventions and European legislation, on the assumption that the pursuit of these objectives is in itself a contribution to the achievement of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive targets. This is also because the Marine Strategy officially requires referring to other European Directives and to international conventions concerning the marine environment. Overall, should be noted that only 4 of the seven criteria of the Marine Strategy, based on the information gathered with the initial assessment and in relation to the characteristics of the Mediterranean Sea, were considered for the determination of GES for the descriptor 1: 1.2 Population size 1.3 Population condition 1.5 Habitat extent 1.6 Habitat condition Specifically, as regards the aspects relating to the criterion 1.7 "Ecosystem structure" it was considered better to tackle it within the descriptor 4 "Food webs". For each criterion were identified the indicators considered most appropriate, foreseeing that the individual GES is achieved with the positive response of all the composing elements, selected on the basis of the initial assessment, of the scientific knowledge and their future implementability (2014 or 2018 ). The overall proposal is therefore based on 4 criteria and 15 indicators proposed for the 3 sub regions of interest for Italy, for each of which a GES should be assessed. The explanations of the reasons leading to the formulation of the proposal are described in the single sheet of the element relating to a specific indicator. Overall it is expected that the majority of the proposed indicators can be operational from 2018, due to the need to acquire additional cognitive elements (specified on each sheet). Only for the avifauna is thought to be possible to arrive to operability for 2014. It follows the list of indicators taken into account per criterion with the indication of the year in which it is expected to be operational in brackets: Criterion 1.2 Population size – Indicator 1.2.1 Population abundance and /or biomass, as appropriate – considered elements: Fan mussel - Pinna nobilis (2018), coastal fish species (2018), Loggerhead - Caretta caretta (2018), marine mammals (2018), marine birds (2014). Criterion 1.3 Population condition – Indicator 1.3.1 Population demographic characteristics – considered elements: Ribbed Mediterranean Limpet Patella ferruginea (2018), coastal fish species (2018), marine birds (2014). Indicator 1.3.1 Population genetic structure, where appropriate – fish species (2018). Criterion 1.5 Habitat extent – Indicator 1.5.1 Habitat area – considered elements : benthic habitats Posidonia oceanica meadows, mäerl beds (2018). Criterion 1.6 Habitat condition – Indicator 1.6.1 Condition of the typical species and communities - considered elements : benthic habitats coralligenous and deep sea corals (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018), coastal fish (2018). Indicator 1.6.2 Relative abundance and/or biomass, as appropriate - considered elements : pelagic habitat (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018). IT-WMS-8A04-1000: The Marine Strategy Framework Directive requires that to determining good environmental status for D1 “Biological diversity is maintained. The quality and occurrence of habitats and the distribution and abundance of species are in line with prevailing physiographic, geographic and climatic conditionsâ€. In this regard, it is recalled that for the preparation of the determination of GES for Descriptor 1, the Directive requires to consider a set of criteria (7) and indicators, whose analysis and selection must be justified in relation to the information collected with the Initial Assessment and their direct relevance to the main causes of human pressure. It should be noted that, based on the ecosystem approach, the main consideration on which choose the indicators should be based on the fact that they are able to establish relationships between the impact of human activities and the functioning of the marine ecosystem. All this taking into account that there are still gaps of knowledge on the relationship between the values measured for the different activities / pressures considered and the effects they cause on ecosystems. The formulation of the targets was done taking into account commitments already signed by Italy in relation to international conventions and European legislation, on the assumption that the pursuit of these objectives is in itself a contribution to the achievement of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive targets. This is also because the Marine Strategy officially requires referring to other European Directives and to international conventions concerning the marine environment. Overall, should be noted that only 4 of the seven criteria of the Marine Strategy, based on the information gathered with the initial assessment and in relation to the characteristics of the Mediterranean Sea, were considered for the determination of GES for the descriptor 1: 1.2 Population size 1.3 Population condition 1.5 Habitat extent 1.6 Habitat condition Specifically, as regards the aspects relating to the criterion 1.7 "Ecosystem structure" it was considered better to tackle it within the descriptor 4 "Food webs". For each criterion were identified the indicators considered most appropriate, foreseeing that the individual GES is achieved with the positive response of all the composing elements, selected on the basis of the initial assessment, of the scientific knowledge and their future implementability (2014 or 2018 ). The overall proposal is therefore based on 4 criteria and 15 indicators proposed for the 3 sub regions of interest for Italy, for each of which a GES should be assessed. The explanations of the reasons leading to the formulation of the proposal are described in the single sheet of the element relating to a specific indicator. Overall it is expected that the majority of the proposed indicators can be operational from 2018, due to the need to acquire additional cognitive elements (specified on each sheet). Only for the avifauna is thought to be possible to arrive to operability for 2014. It follows the list of indicators taken into account per criterion with the indication of the year in which it is expected to be operational in brackets: Criterion 1.2 Population size – Indicator 1.2.1 Population abundance and /or biomass, as appropriate – considered elements: Fan mussel - Pinna nobilis (2018), coastal fish species (2018), Loggerhead - Caretta caretta (2018), marine mammals (2018), marine birds (2014). Criterion 1.3 Population condition – Indicator 1.3.1 Population demographic characteristics – considered elements: Ribbed Mediterranean Limpet Patella ferruginea (2018), coastal fish species (2018), marine birds (2014). Indicator 1.3.1 Population genetic structure, where appropriate – fish species (2018). Criterion 1.5 Habitat extent – Indicator 1.5.1 Habitat area – considered elements : benthic habitats Posidonia oceanica meadows, mäerl beds (2018). Criterion 1.6 Habitat condition – Indicator 1.6.1 Condition of the typical species and communities - considered elements : benthic habitats coralligenous and deep sea corals (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018), coastal fish (2018). Indicator 1.6.2 Relative abundance and/or biomass, as appropriate - considered elements : pelagic habitat (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018). IT-IMS-8A04-1000: The Marine Strategy Framework Directive requires that to determining good environmental status for D1 “Biological diversity is maintained. The quality and occurrence of habitats and the distribution and abundance of species are in line with prevailing physiographic, geographic and climatic conditionsâ€. In this regard, it is recalled that for the preparation of the determination of GES for Descriptor 1, the Directive requires to consider a set of criteria (7) and indicators, whose analysis and selection must be justified in relation to the information collected with the Initial Assessment and their direct relevance to the main causes of human pressure. It should be noted that, based on the ecosystem approach, the main consideration on which choose the indicators should be based on the fact that they are able to establish relationships between the impact of human activities and the functioning of the marine ecosystem. All this taking into account that there are still gaps of knowledge on the relationship between the values measured for the different activities / pressures considered and the effects they cause on ecosystems. The formulation of the targets was done taking into account commitments already signed by Italy in relation to international conventions and European legislation, on the assumption that the pursuit of these objectives is in itself a contribution to the achievement of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive targets. This is also because the Marine Strategy officially requires referring to other European Directives and to international conventions concerning the marine environment. Overall, should be noted that only 4 of the seven criteria of the Marine Strategy, based on the information gathered with the initial assessment and in relation to the characteristics of the Mediterranean Sea, were considered for the determination of GES for the descriptor 1: 1.2 Population size 1.3 Population condition 1.5 Habitat extent 1.6 Habitat condition Specifically, as regards the aspects relating to the criterion 1.7 "Ecosystem structure" it was considered better to tackle it within the descriptor 4 "Food webs". For each criterion were identified the indicators considered most appropriate, foreseeing that the individual GES is achieved with the positive response of all the composing elements, selected on the basis of the initial assessment, of the scientific knowledge and their future implementability (2014 or 2018 ). The overall proposal is therefore based on 4 criteria and 15 indicators proposed for the 3 sub regions of interest for Italy, for each of which a GES should be assessed. The explanations of the reasons leading to the formulation of the proposal are described in the single sheet of the element relating to a specific indicator. Overall it is expected that the majority of the proposed indicators can be operational from 2018, due to the need to acquire additional cognitive elements (specified on each sheet). Only for the avifauna is thought to be possible to arrive to operability for 2014. It follows the list of indicators taken into account per criterion with the indication of the year in which it is expected to be operational in brackets: Criterion 1.2 Population size – Indicator 1.2.1 Population abundance and /or biomass, as appropriate – considered elements: Fan mussel - Pinna nobilis (2018), coastal fish species (2018), Loggerhead - Caretta caretta (2018), marine mammals (2018), marine birds (2014). Criterion 1.3 Population condition – Indicator 1.3.1 Population demographic characteristics – considered elements: Ribbed Mediterranean Limpet Patella ferruginea (2018), coastal fish species (2018), marine birds (2014). Indicator 1.3.1 Population genetic structure, where appropriate – fish species (2018). Criterion 1.5 Habitat extent – Indicator 1.5.1 Habitat area – considered elements : benthic habitats Posidonia oceanica meadows, mäerl beds (2018). Criterion 1.6 Habitat condition – Indicator 1.6.1 Condition of the typical species and communities - considered elements : benthic habitats coralligenous and deep sea corals (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018), coastal fish (2018). Indicator 1.6.2 Relative abundance and/or biomass, as appropriate - considered elements : pelagic habitat (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018). IT-AMS-8A04-1000: The Marine Strategy Framework Directive requires that to determining good environmental status for D1 “Biological diversity is maintained. The quality and occurrence of habitats and the distribution and abundance of species are in line with prevailing physiographic, geographic and climatic conditionsâ€. In this regard, it is recalled that for the preparation of the determination of GES for Descriptor 1, the Directive requires to consider a set of criteria (7) and indicators, whose analysis and selection must be justified in relation to the information collected with the Initial Assessment and their direct relevance to the main causes of human pressure. It should be noted that, based on the ecosystem approach, the main consideration on which choose the indicators should be based on the fact that they are able to establish relationships between the impact of human activities and the functioning of the marine ecosystem. All this taking into account that there are still gaps of knowledge on the relationship between the values measured for the different activities / pressures considered and the effects they cause on ecosystems. The formulation of the targets was done taking into account commitments already signed by Italy in relation to international conventions and European legislation, on the assumption that the pursuit of these objectives is in itself a contribution to the achievement of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive targets. This is also because the Marine Strategy officially requires referring to other European Directives and to international conventions concerning the marine environment. Overall, should be noted that only 4 of the seven criteria of the Marine Strategy, based on the information gathered with the initial assessment and in relation to the characteristics of the Mediterranean Sea, were considered for the determination of GES for the descriptor 1: 1.2 Population size 1.3 Population condition 1.5 Habitat extent 1.6 Habitat condition Specifically, as regards the aspects relating to the criterion 1.7 "Ecosystem structure" it was considered better to tackle it within the descriptor 4 "Food webs". For each criterion were identified the indicators considered most appropriate, foreseeing that the individual GES is achieved with the positive response of all the composing elements, selected on the basis of the initial assessment, of the scientific knowledge and their future implementability (2014 or 2018 ). The overall proposal is therefore based on 4 criteria and 15 indicators proposed for the 3 sub regions of interest for Italy, for each of which a GES should be assessed. The explanations of the reasons leading to the formulation of the proposal are described in the single sheet of the element relating to a specific indicator. Overall it is expected that the majority of the proposed indicators can be operational from 2018, due to the need to acquire additional cognitive elements (specified on each sheet). Only for the avifauna is thought to be possible to arrive to operability for 2014. It follows the list of indicators taken into account per criterion with the indication of the year in which it is expected to be operational in brackets: Criterion 1.2 Population size – Indicator 1.2.1 Population abundance and /or biomass, as appropriate – considered elements: Fan mussel - Pinna nobilis (2018), coastal fish species (2018), Loggerhead - Caretta caretta (2018), marine mammals (2018), marine birds (2014). Criterion 1.3 Population condition – Indicator 1.3.1 Population demographic characteristics – considered elements: Ribbed Mediterranean Limpet Patella ferruginea (2018), coastal fish species (2018), marine birds (2014). Indicator 1.3.1 Population genetic structure, where appropriate – fish species (2018). Criterion 1.5 Habitat extent – Indicator 1.5.1 Habitat area – considered elements : benthic habitats Posidonia oceanica meadows, mäerl beds (2018). Criterion 1.6 Habitat condition – Indicator 1.6.1 Condition of the typical species and communities - considered elements : benthic habitats coralligenous and deep sea corals (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018), coastal fish (2018). Indicator 1.6.2 Relative abundance and/or biomass, as appropriate - considered elements : pelagic habitat (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018). IT-WMS-8A04-1000: The Marine Strategy Framework Directive requires that to determining good environmental status for D1 “Biological diversity is maintained. The quality and occurrence of habitats and the distribution and abundance of species are in line with prevailing physiographic, geographic and climatic conditionsâ€. In this regard, it is recalled that for the preparation of the determination of GES for Descriptor 1, the Directive requires to consider a set of criteria (7) and indicators, whose analysis and selection must be justified in relation to the information collected with the Initial Assessment and their direct relevance to the main causes of human pressure. It should be noted that, based on the ecosystem approach, the main consideration on which choose the indicators should be based on the fact that they are able to establish relationships between the impact of human activities and the functioning of the marine ecosystem. All this taking into account that there are still gaps of knowledge on the relationship between the values measured for the different activities / pressures considered and the effects they cause on ecosystems. The formulation of the targets was done taking into account commitments already signed by Italy in relation to international conventions and European legislation, on the assumption that the pursuit of these objectives is in itself a contribution to the achievement of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive targets. This is also because the Marine Strategy officially requires referring to other European Directives and to international conventions concerning the marine environment. Overall, should be noted that only 4 of the seven criteria of the Marine Strategy, based on the information gathered with the initial assessment and in relation to the characteristics of the Mediterranean Sea, were considered for the determination of GES for the descriptor 1: 1.2 Population size 1.3 Population condition 1.5 Habitat extent 1.6 Habitat condition Specifically, as regards the aspects relating to the criterion 1.7 "Ecosystem structure" it was considered better to tackle it within the descriptor 4 "Food webs". For each criterion were identified the indicators considered most appropriate, foreseeing that the individual GES is achieved with the positive response of all the composing elements, selected on the basis of the initial assessment, of the scientific knowledge and their future implementability (2014 or 2018 ). The overall proposal is therefore based on 4 criteria and 15 indicators proposed for the 3 sub regions of interest for Italy, for each of which a GES should be assessed. The explanations of the reasons leading to the formulation of the proposal are described in the single sheet of the element relating to a specific indicator. Overall it is expected that the majority of the proposed indicators can be operational from 2018, due to the need to acquire additional cognitive elements (specified on each sheet). Only for the avifauna is thought to be possible to arrive to operability for 2014. It follows the list of indicators taken into account per criterion with the indication of the year in which it is expected to be operational in brackets: Criterion 1.2 Population size – Indicator 1.2.1 Population abundance and /or biomass, as appropriate – considered elements: Fan mussel - Pinna nobilis (2018), coastal fish species (2018), Loggerhead - Caretta caretta (2018), marine mammals (2018), marine birds (2014). Criterion 1.3 Population condition – Indicator 1.3.1 Population demographic characteristics – considered elements: Ribbed Mediterranean Limpet Patella ferruginea (2018), coastal fish species (2018), marine birds (2014). Indicator 1.3.1 Population genetic structure, where appropriate – fish species (2018). Criterion 1.5 Habitat extent – Indicator 1.5.1 Habitat area – considered elements : benthic habitats Posidonia oceanica meadows, mäerl beds (2018). Criterion 1.6 Habitat condition – Indicator 1.6.1 Condition of the typical species and communities - considered elements : benthic habitats coralligenous and deep sea corals (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018), coastal fish (2018). Indicator 1.6.2 Relative abundance and/or biomass, as appropriate - considered elements : pelagic habitat (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018). IT-WMS-8A04-0301: The Marine Strategy Framework Directive requires that to determining good environmental status for D1 “Biological diversity is maintained. The quality and occurrence of habitats and the distribution and abundance of species are in line with prevailing physiographic, geographic and climatic conditionsâ€. In this regard, it is recalled that for the preparation of the determination of GES for Descriptor 1, the Directive requires to consider a set of criteria (7) and indicators, whose analysis and selection must be justified in relation to the information collected with the Initial Assessment and their direct relevance to the main causes of human pressure. It should be noted that, based on the ecosystem approach, the main consideration on which choose the indicators should be based on the fact that they are able to establish relationships between the impact of human activities and the functioning of the marine ecosystem. All this taking into account that there are still gaps of knowledge on the relationship between the values measured for the different activities / pressures considered and the effects they cause on ecosystems. The formulation of the targets was done taking into account commitments already signed by Italy in relation to international conventions and European legislation, on the assumption that the pursuit of these objectives is in itself a contribution to the achievement of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive targets. This is also because the Marine Strategy officially requires referring to other European Directives and to international conventions concerning the marine environment. Overall, should be noted that only 4 of the seven criteria of the Marine Strategy, based on the information gathered with the initial assessment and in relation to the characteristics of the Mediterranean Sea, were considered for the determination of GES for the descriptor 1: 1.2 Population size 1.3 Population condition 1.5 Habitat extent 1.6 Habitat condition Specifically, as regards the aspects relating to the criterion 1.7 "Ecosystem structure" it was considered better to tackle it within the descriptor 4 "Food webs". For each criterion were identified the indicators considered most appropriate, foreseeing that the individual GES is achieved with the positive response of all the composing elements, selected on the basis of the initial assessment, of the scientific knowledge and their future implementability (2014 or 2018 ). The overall proposal is therefore based on 4 criteria and 15 indicators proposed for the 3 sub regions of interest for Italy, for each of which a GES should be assessed. The explanations of the reasons leading to the formulation of the proposal are described in the single sheet of the element relating to a specific indicator. Overall it is expected that the majority of the proposed indicators can be operational from 2018, due to the need to acquire additional cognitive elements (specified on each sheet). Only for the avifauna is thought to be possible to arrive to operability for 2014. It follows the list of indicators taken into account per criterion with the indication of the year in which it is expected to be operational in brackets: Criterion 1.2 Population size – Indicator 1.2.1 Population abundance and /or biomass, as appropriate – considered elements: Fan mussel - Pinna nobilis (2018), coastal fish species (2018), Loggerhead - Caretta caretta (2018), marine mammals (2018), marine birds (2014). Criterion 1.3 Population condition – Indicator 1.3.1 Population demographic characteristics – considered elements: Ribbed Mediterranean Limpet Patella ferruginea (2018), coastal fish species (2018), marine birds (2014). Indicator 1.3.1 Population genetic structure, where appropriate – fish species (2018). Criterion 1.5 Habitat extent – Indicator 1.5.1 Habitat area – considered elements : benthic habitats Posidonia oceanica meadows, mäerl beds (2018). Criterion 1.6 Habitat condition – Indicator 1.6.1 Condition of the typical species and communities - considered elements : benthic habitats coralligenous and deep sea corals (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018), coastal fish (2018). Indicator 1.6.2 Relative abundance and/or biomass, as appropriate - considered elements : pelagic habitat (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018). IT-WMS-8A04-0302: The Marine Strategy Framework Directive requires that to determining good environmental status for D1 “Biological diversity is maintained. The quality and occurrence of habitats and the distribution and abundance of species are in line with prevailing physiographic, geographic and climatic conditionsâ€. In this regard, it is recalled that for the preparation of the determination of GES for Descriptor 1, the Directive requires to consider a set of criteria (7) and indicators, whose analysis and selection must be justified in relation to the information collected with the Initial Assessment and their direct relevance to the main causes of human pressure. It should be noted that, based on the ecosystem approach, the main consideration on which choose the indicators should be based on the fact that they are able to establish relationships between the impact of human activities and the functioning of the marine ecosystem. All this taking into account that there are still gaps of knowledge on the relationship between the values measured for the different activities / pressures considered and the effects they cause on ecosystems. The formulation of the targets was done taking into account commitments already signed by Italy in relation to international conventions and European legislation, on the assumption that the pursuit of these objectives is in itself a contribution to the achievement of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive targets. This is also because the Marine Strategy officially requires referring to other European Directives and to international conventions concerning the marine environment. Overall, should be noted that only 4 of the seven criteria of the Marine Strategy, based on the information gathered with the initial assessment and in relation to the characteristics of the Mediterranean Sea, were considered for the determination of GES for the descriptor 1: 1.2 Population size 1.3 Population condition 1.5 Habitat extent 1.6 Habitat condition Specifically, as regards the aspects relating to the criterion 1.7 "Ecosystem structure" it was considered better to tackle it within the descriptor 4 "Food webs". For each criterion were identified the indicators considered most appropriate, foreseeing that the individual GES is achieved with the positive response of all the composing elements, selected on the basis of the initial assessment, of the scientific knowledge and their future implementability (2014 or 2018 ). The overall proposal is therefore based on 4 criteria and 15 indicators proposed for the 3 sub regions of interest for Italy, for each of which a GES should be assessed. The explanations of the reasons leading to the formulation of the proposal are described in the single sheet of the element relating to a specific indicator. Overall it is expected that the majority of the proposed indicators can be operational from 2018, due to the need to acquire additional cognitive elements (specified on each sheet). Only for the avifauna is thought to be possible to arrive to operability for 2014. It follows the list of indicators taken into account per criterion with the indication of the year in which it is expected to be operational in brackets: Criterion 1.2 Population size – Indicator 1.2.1 Population abundance and /or biomass, as appropriate – considered elements: Fan mussel - Pinna nobilis (2018), coastal fish species (2018), Loggerhead - Caretta caretta (2018), marine mammals (2018), marine birds (2014). Criterion 1.3 Population condition – Indicator 1.3.1 Population demographic characteristics – considered elements: Ribbed Mediterranean Limpet Patella ferruginea (2018), coastal fish species (2018), marine birds (2014). Indicator 1.3.1 Population genetic structure, where appropriate – fish species (2018). Criterion 1.5 Habitat extent – Indicator 1.5.1 Habitat area – considered elements : benthic habitats Posidonia oceanica meadows, mäerl beds (2018). Criterion 1.6 Habitat condition – Indicator 1.6.1 Condition of the typical species and communities - considered elements : benthic habitats coralligenous and deep sea corals (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018), coastal fish (2018). Indicator 1.6.2 Relative abundance and/or biomass, as appropriate - considered elements : pelagic habitat (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018). IT-ISCMS-8A04-0303: The Marine Strategy Framework Directive requires that to determining good environmental status for D1 “Biological diversity is maintained. The quality and occurrence of habitats and the distribution and abundance of species are in line with prevailing physiographic, geographic and climatic conditionsâ€. In this regard, it is recalled that for the preparation of the determination of GES for Descriptor 1, the Directive requires to consider a set of criteria (7) and indicators, whose analysis and selection must be justified in relation to the information collected with the Initial Assessment and their direct relevance to the main causes of human pressure. It should be noted that, based on the ecosystem approach, the main consideration on which choose the indicators should be based on the fact that they are able to establish relationships between the impact of human activities and the functioning of the marine ecosystem. All this taking into account that there are still gaps of knowledge on the relationship between the values measured for the different activities / pressures considered and the effects they cause on ecosystems. The formulation of the targets was done taking into account commitments already signed by Italy in relation to international conventions and European legislation, on the assumption that the pursuit of these objectives is in itself a contribution to the achievement of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive targets. This is also because the Marine Strategy officially requires referring to other European Directives and to international conventions concerning the marine environment. Overall, should be noted that only 4 of the seven criteria of the Marine Strategy, based on the information gathered with the initial assessment and in relation to the characteristics of the Mediterranean Sea, were considered for the determination of GES for the descriptor 1: 1.2 Population size 1.3 Population condition 1.5 Habitat extent 1.6 Habitat condition Specifically, as regards the aspects relating to the criterion 1.7 "Ecosystem structure" it was considered better to tackle it within the descriptor 4 "Food webs". For each criterion were identified the indicators considered most appropriate, foreseeing that the individual GES is achieved with the positive response of all the composing elements, selected on the basis of the initial assessment, of the scientific knowledge and their future implementability (2014 or 2018 ). The overall proposal is therefore based on 4 criteria and 15 indicators proposed for the 3 sub regions of interest for Italy, for each of which a GES should be assessed. The explanations of the reasons leading to the formulation of the proposal are described in the single sheet of the element relating to a specific indicator. Overall it is expected that the majority of the proposed indicators can be operational from 2018, due to the need to acquire additional cognitive elements (specified on each sheet). Only for the avifauna is thought to be possible to arrive to operability for 2014. It follows the list of indicators taken into account per criterion with the indication of the year in which it is expected to be operational in brackets: Criterion 1.2 Population size – Indicator 1.2.1 Population abundance and /or biomass, as appropriate – considered elements: Fan mussel - Pinna nobilis (2018), coastal fish species (2018), Loggerhead - Caretta caretta (2018), marine mammals (2018), marine birds (2014). Criterion 1.3 Population condition – Indicator 1.3.1 Population demographic characteristics – considered elements: Ribbed Mediterranean Limpet Patella ferruginea (2018), coastal fish species (2018), marine birds (2014). Indicator 1.3.1 Population genetic structure, where appropriate – fish species (2018). Criterion 1.5 Habitat extent – Indicator 1.5.1 Habitat area – considered elements : benthic habitats Posidonia oceanica meadows, mäerl beds (2018). Criterion 1.6 Habitat condition – Indicator 1.6.1 Condition of the typical species and communities - considered elements : benthic habitats coralligenous and deep sea corals (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018), coastal fish (2018). Indicator 1.6.2 Relative abundance and/or biomass, as appropriate - considered elements : pelagic habitat (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018). IT-WMS-8A04-0300: The Marine Strategy Framework Directive requires that to determining good environmental status for D1 “Biological diversity is maintained. The quality and occurrence of habitats and the distribution and abundance of species are in line with prevailing physiographic, geographic and climatic conditionsâ€. In this regard, it is recalled that for the preparation of the determination of GES for Descriptor 1, the Directive requires to consider a set of criteria (7) and indicators, whose analysis and selection must be justified in relation to the information collected with the Initial Assessment and their direct relevance to the main causes of human pressure. It should be noted that, based on the ecosystem approach, the main consideration on which choose the indicators should be based on the fact that they are able to establish relationships between the impact of human activities and the functioning of the marine ecosystem. All this taking into account that there are still gaps of knowledge on the relationship between the values measured for the different activities / pressures considered and the effects they cause on ecosystems. The formulation of the targets was done taking into account commitments already signed by Italy in relation to international conventions and European legislation, on the assumption that the pursuit of these objectives is in itself a contribution to the achievement of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive targets. This is also because the Marine Strategy officially requires referring to other European Directives and to international conventions concerning the marine environment. Overall, should be noted that only 4 of the seven criteria of the Marine Strategy, based on the information gathered with the initial assessment and in relation to the characteristics of the Mediterranean Sea, were considered for the determination of GES for the descriptor 1: 1.2 Population size 1.3 Population condition 1.5 Habitat extent 1.6 Habitat condition Specifically, as regards the aspects relating to the criterion 1.7 "Ecosystem structure" it was considered better to tackle it within the descriptor 4 "Food webs". For each criterion were identified the indicators considered most appropriate, foreseeing that the individual GES is achieved with the positive response of all the composing elements, selected on the basis of the initial assessment, of the scientific knowledge and their future implementability (2014 or 2018 ). The overall proposal is therefore based on 4 criteria and 15 indicators proposed for the 3 sub regions of interest for Italy, for each of which a GES should be assessed. The explanations of the reasons leading to the formulation of the proposal are described in the single sheet of the element relating to a specific indicator. Overall it is expected that the majority of the proposed indicators can be operational from 2018, due to the need to acquire additional cognitive elements (specified on each sheet). Only for the avifauna is thought to be possible to arrive to operability for 2014. It follows the list of indicators taken into account per criterion with the indication of the year in which it is expected to be operational in brackets: Criterion 1.2 Population size – Indicator 1.2.1 Population abundance and /or biomass, as appropriate – considered elements: Fan mussel - Pinna nobilis (2018), coastal fish species (2018), Loggerhead - Caretta caretta (2018), marine mammals (2018), marine birds (2014). Criterion 1.3 Population condition – Indicator 1.3.1 Population demographic characteristics – considered elements: Ribbed Mediterranean Limpet Patella ferruginea (2018), coastal fish species (2018), marine birds (2014). Indicator 1.3.1 Population genetic structure, where appropriate – fish species (2018). Criterion 1.5 Habitat extent – Indicator 1.5.1 Habitat area – considered elements : benthic habitats Posidonia oceanica meadows, mäerl beds (2018). Criterion 1.6 Habitat condition – Indicator 1.6.1 Condition of the typical species and communities - considered elements : benthic habitats coralligenous and deep sea corals (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018), coastal fish (2018). Indicator 1.6.2 Relative abundance and/or biomass, as appropriate - considered elements : pelagic habitat (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018). IT-AS-8A04-0305: The Marine Strategy Framework Directive requires that to determining good environmental status for D1 “Biological diversity is maintained. The quality and occurrence of habitats and the distribution and abundance of species are in line with prevailing physiographic, geographic and climatic conditionsâ€. In this regard, it is recalled that for the preparation of the determination of GES for Descriptor 1, the Directive requires to consider a set of criteria (7) and indicators, whose analysis and selection must be justified in relation to the information collected with the Initial Assessment and their direct relevance to the main causes of human pressure. It should be noted that, based on the ecosystem approach, the main consideration on which choose the indicators should be based on the fact that they are able to establish relationships between the impact of human activities and the functioning of the marine ecosystem. All this taking into account that there are still gaps of knowledge on the relationship between the values measured for the different activities / pressures considered and the effects they cause on ecosystems. The formulation of the targets was done taking into account commitments already signed by Italy in relation to international conventions and European legislation, on the assumption that the pursuit of these objectives is in itself a contribution to the achievement of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive targets. This is also because the Marine Strategy officially requires referring to other European Directives and to international conventions concerning the marine environment. Overall, should be noted that only 4 of the seven criteria of the Marine Strategy, based on the information gathered with the initial assessment and in relation to the characteristics of the Mediterranean Sea, were considered for the determination of GES for the descriptor 1: 1.2 Population size 1.3 Population condition 1.5 Habitat extent 1.6 Habitat condition Specifically, as regards the aspects relating to the criterion 1.7 "Ecosystem structure" it was considered better to tackle it within the descriptor 4 "Food webs". For each criterion were identified the indicators considered most appropriate, foreseeing that the individual GES is achieved with the positive response of all the composing elements, selected on the basis of the initial assessment, of the scientific knowledge and their future implementability (2014 or 2018 ). The overall proposal is therefore based on 4 criteria and 15 indicators proposed for the 3 sub regions of interest for Italy, for each of which a GES should be assessed. The explanations of the reasons leading to the formulation of the proposal are described in the single sheet of the element relating to a specific indicator. Overall it is expected that the majority of the proposed indicators can be operational from 2018, due to the need to acquire additional cognitive elements (specified on each sheet). Only for the avifauna is thought to be possible to arrive to operability for 2014. It follows the list of indicators taken into account per criterion with the indication of the year in which it is expected to be operational in brackets: Criterion 1.2 Population size – Indicator 1.2.1 Population abundance and /or biomass, as appropriate – considered elements: Fan mussel - Pinna nobilis (2018), coastal fish species (2018), Loggerhead - Caretta caretta (2018), marine mammals (2018), marine birds (2014). Criterion 1.3 Population condition – Indicator 1.3.1 Population demographic characteristics – considered elements: Ribbed Mediterranean Limpet Patella ferruginea (2018), coastal fish species (2018), marine birds (2014). Indicator 1.3.1 Population genetic structure, where appropriate – fish species (2018). Criterion 1.5 Habitat extent – Indicator 1.5.1 Habitat area – considered elements : benthic habitats Posidonia oceanica meadows, mäerl beds (2018). Criterion 1.6 Habitat condition – Indicator 1.6.1 Condition of the typical species and communities - considered elements : benthic habitats coralligenous and deep sea corals (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018), coastal fish (2018). Indicator 1.6.2 Relative abundance and/or biomass, as appropriate - considered elements : pelagic habitat (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018). IT-ISCMS-8A04-0304: The Marine Strategy Framework Directive requires that to determining good environmental status for D1 “Biological diversity is maintained. The quality and occurrence of habitats and the distribution and abundance of species are in line with prevailing physiographic, geographic and climatic conditionsâ€. In this regard, it is recalled that for the preparation of the determination of GES for Descriptor 1, the Directive requires to consider a set of criteria (7) and indicators, whose analysis and selection must be justified in relation to the information collected with the Initial Assessment and their direct relevance to the main causes of human pressure. It should be noted that, based on the ecosystem approach, the main consideration on which choose the indicators should be based on the fact that they are able to establish relationships between the impact of human activities and the functioning of the marine ecosystem. All this taking into account that there are still gaps of knowledge on the relationship between the values measured for the different activities / pressures considered and the effects they cause on ecosystems. The formulation of the targets was done taking into account commitments already signed by Italy in relation to international conventions and European legislation, on the assumption that the pursuit of these objectives is in itself a contribution to the achievement of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive targets. This is also because the Marine Strategy officially requires referring to other European Directives and to international conventions concerning the marine environment. Overall, should be noted that only 4 of the seven criteria of the Marine Strategy, based on the information gathered with the initial assessment and in relation to the characteristics of the Mediterranean Sea, were considered for the determination of GES for the descriptor 1: 1.2 Population size 1.3 Population condition 1.5 Habitat extent 1.6 Habitat condition Specifically, as regards the aspects relating to the criterion 1.7 "Ecosystem structure" it was considered better to tackle it within the descriptor 4 "Food webs". For each criterion were identified the indicators considered most appropriate, foreseeing that the individual GES is achieved with the positive response of all the composing elements, selected on the basis of the initial assessment, of the scientific knowledge and their future implementability (2014 or 2018 ). The overall proposal is therefore based on 4 criteria and 15 indicators proposed for the 3 sub regions of interest for Italy, for each of which a GES should be assessed. The explanations of the reasons leading to the formulation of the proposal are described in the single sheet of the element relating to a specific indicator. Overall it is expected that the majority of the proposed indicators can be operational from 2018, due to the need to acquire additional cognitive elements (specified on each sheet). Only for the avifauna is thought to be possible to arrive to operability for 2014. It follows the list of indicators taken into account per criterion with the indication of the year in which it is expected to be operational in brackets: Criterion 1.2 Population size – Indicator 1.2.1 Population abundance and /or biomass, as appropriate – considered elements: Fan mussel - Pinna nobilis (2018), coastal fish species (2018), Loggerhead - Caretta caretta (2018), marine mammals (2018), marine birds (2014). Criterion 1.3 Population condition – Indicator 1.3.1 Population demographic characteristics – considered elements: Ribbed Mediterranean Limpet Patella ferruginea (2018), coastal fish species (2018), marine birds (2014). Indicator 1.3.1 Population genetic structure, where appropriate – fish species (2018). Criterion 1.5 Habitat extent – Indicator 1.5.1 Habitat area – considered elements : benthic habitats Posidonia oceanica meadows, mäerl beds (2018). Criterion 1.6 Habitat condition – Indicator 1.6.1 Condition of the typical species and communities - considered elements : benthic habitats coralligenous and deep sea corals (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018), coastal fish (2018). Indicator 1.6.2 Relative abundance and/or biomass, as appropriate - considered elements : pelagic habitat (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018). IT-AS-8A04-0306: The Marine Strategy Framework Directive requires that to determining good environmental status for D1 “Biological diversity is maintained. The quality and occurrence of habitats and the distribution and abundance of species are in line with prevailing physiographic, geographic and climatic conditionsâ€. In this regard, it is recalled that for the preparation of the determination of GES for Descriptor 1, the Directive requires to consider a set of criteria (7) and indicators, whose analysis and selection must be justified in relation to the information collected with the Initial Assessment and their direct relevance to the main causes of human pressure. It should be noted that, based on the ecosystem approach, the main consideration on which choose the indicators should be based on the fact that they are able to establish relationships between the impact of human activities and the functioning of the marine ecosystem. All this taking into account that there are still gaps of knowledge on the relationship between the values measured for the different activities / pressures considered and the effects they cause on ecosystems. The formulation of the targets was done taking into account commitments already signed by Italy in relation to international conventions and European legislation, on the assumption that the pursuit of these objectives is in itself a contribution to the achievement of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive targets. This is also because the Marine Strategy officially requires referring to other European Directives and to international conventions concerning the marine environment. Overall, should be noted that only 4 of the seven criteria of the Marine Strategy, based on the information gathered with the initial assessment and in relation to the characteristics of the Mediterranean Sea, were considered for the determination of GES for the descriptor 1: 1.2 Population size 1.3 Population condition 1.5 Habitat extent 1.6 Habitat condition Specifically, as regards the aspects relating to the criterion 1.7 "Ecosystem structure" it was considered better to tackle it within the descriptor 4 "Food webs". For each criterion were identified the indicators considered most appropriate, foreseeing that the individual GES is achieved with the positive response of all the composing elements, selected on the basis of the initial assessment, of the scientific knowledge and their future implementability (2014 or 2018 ). The overall proposal is therefore based on 4 criteria and 15 indicators proposed for the 3 sub regions of interest for Italy, for each of which a GES should be assessed. The explanations of the reasons leading to the formulation of the proposal are described in the single sheet of the element relating to a specific indicator. Overall it is expected that the majority of the proposed indicators can be operational from 2018, due to the need to acquire additional cognitive elements (specified on each sheet). Only for the avifauna is thought to be possible to arrive to operability for 2014. It follows the list of indicators taken into account per criterion with the indication of the year in which it is expected to be operational in brackets: Criterion 1.2 Population size – Indicator 1.2.1 Population abundance and /or biomass, as appropriate – considered elements: Fan mussel - Pinna nobilis (2018), coastal fish species (2018), Loggerhead - Caretta caretta (2018), marine mammals (2018), marine birds (2014). Criterion 1.3 Population condition – Indicator 1.3.1 Population demographic characteristics – considered elements: Ribbed Mediterranean Limpet Patella ferruginea (2018), coastal fish species (2018), marine birds (2014). Indicator 1.3.1 Population genetic structure, where appropriate – fish species (2018). Criterion 1.5 Habitat extent – Indicator 1.5.1 Habitat area – considered elements : benthic habitats Posidonia oceanica meadows, mäerl beds (2018). Criterion 1.6 Habitat condition – Indicator 1.6.1 Condition of the typical species and communities - considered elements : benthic habitats coralligenous and deep sea corals (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018), coastal fish (2018). Indicator 1.6.2 Relative abundance and/or biomass, as appropriate - considered elements : pelagic habitat (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018). IT-WMS-8A04-0307: The Marine Strategy Framework Directive requires that to determining good environmental status for D1 “Biological diversity is maintained. The quality and occurrence of habitats and the distribution and abundance of species are in line with prevailing physiographic, geographic and climatic conditionsâ€. In this regard, it is recalled that for the preparation of the determination of GES for Descriptor 1, the Directive requires to consider a set of criteria (7) and indicators, whose analysis and selection must be justified in relation to the information collected with the Initial Assessment and their direct relevance to the main causes of human pressure. It should be noted that, based on the ecosystem approach, the main consideration on which choose the indicators should be based on the fact that they are able to establish relationships between the impact of human activities and the functioning of the marine ecosystem. All this taking into account that there are still gaps of knowledge on the relationship between the values measured for the different activities / pressures considered and the effects they cause on ecosystems. The formulation of the targets was done taking into account commitments already signed by Italy in relation to international conventions and European legislation, on the assumption that the pursuit of these objectives is in itself a contribution to the achievement of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive targets. This is also because the Marine Strategy officially requires referring to other European Directives and to international conventions concerning the marine environment. Overall, should be noted that only 4 of the seven criteria of the Marine Strategy, based on the information gathered with the initial assessment and in relation to the characteristics of the Mediterranean Sea, were considered for the determination of GES for the descriptor 1: 1.2 Population size 1.3 Population condition 1.5 Habitat extent 1.6 Habitat condition Specifically, as regards the aspects relating to the criterion 1.7 "Ecosystem structure" it was considered better to tackle it within the descriptor 4 "Food webs". For each criterion were identified the indicators considered most appropriate, foreseeing that the individual GES is achieved with the positive response of all the composing elements, selected on the basis of the initial assessment, of the scientific knowledge and their future implementability (2014 or 2018 ). The overall proposal is therefore based on 4 criteria and 15 indicators proposed for the 3 sub regions of interest for Italy, for each of which a GES should be assessed. The explanations of the reasons leading to the formulation of the proposal are described in the single sheet of the element relating to a specific indicator. Overall it is expected that the majority of the proposed indicators can be operational from 2018, due to the need to acquire additional cognitive elements (specified on each sheet). Only for the avifauna is thought to be possible to arrive to operability for 2014. It follows the list of indicators taken into account per criterion with the indication of the year in which it is expected to be operational in brackets: Criterion 1.2 Population size – Indicator 1.2.1 Population abundance and /or biomass, as appropriate – considered elements: Fan mussel - Pinna nobilis (2018), coastal fish species (2018), Loggerhead - Caretta caretta (2018), marine mammals (2018), marine birds (2014). Criterion 1.3 Population condition – Indicator 1.3.1 Population demographic characteristics – considered elements: Ribbed Mediterranean Limpet Patella ferruginea (2018), coastal fish species (2018), marine birds (2014). Indicator 1.3.1 Population genetic structure, where appropriate – fish species (2018). Criterion 1.5 Habitat extent – Indicator 1.5.1 Habitat area – considered elements : benthic habitats Posidonia oceanica meadows, mäerl beds (2018). Criterion 1.6 Habitat condition – Indicator 1.6.1 Condition of the typical species and communities - considered elements : benthic habitats coralligenous and deep sea corals (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018), coastal fish (2018). Indicator 1.6.2 Relative abundance and/or biomass, as appropriate - considered elements : pelagic habitat (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018). IT-WMS-8A04-0301: The Marine Strategy Framework Directive requires that to determining good environmental status for D1 “Biological diversity is maintained. The quality and occurrence of habitats and the distribution and abundance of species are in line with prevailing physiographic, geographic and climatic conditionsâ€. In this regard, it is recalled that for the preparation of the determination of GES for Descriptor 1, the Directive requires to consider a set of criteria (7) and indicators, whose analysis and selection must be justified in relation to the information collected with the Initial Assessment and their direct relevance to the main causes of human pressure. It should be noted that, based on the ecosystem approach, the main consideration on which choose the indicators should be based on the fact that they are able to establish relationships between the impact of human activities and the functioning of the marine ecosystem. All this taking into account that there are still gaps of knowledge on the relationship between the values measured for the different activities / pressures considered and the effects they cause on ecosystems. The formulation of the targets was done taking into account commitments already signed by Italy in relation to international conventions and European legislation, on the assumption that the pursuit of these objectives is in itself a contribution to the achievement of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive targets. This is also because the Marine Strategy officially requires referring to other European Directives and to international conventions concerning the marine environment. Overall, should be noted that only 4 of the seven criteria of the Marine Strategy, based on the information gathered with the initial assessment and in relation to the characteristics of the Mediterranean Sea, were considered for the determination of GES for the descriptor 1: 1.2 Population size 1.3 Population condition 1.5 Habitat extent 1.6 Habitat condition Specifically, as regards the aspects relating to the criterion 1.7 "Ecosystem structure" it was considered better to tackle it within the descriptor 4 "Food webs". For each criterion were identified the indicators considered most appropriate, foreseeing that the individual GES is achieved with the positive response of all the composing elements, selected on the basis of the initial assessment, of the scientific knowledge and their future implementability (2014 or 2018 ). The overall proposal is therefore based on 4 criteria and 15 indicators proposed for the 3 sub regions of interest for Italy, for each of which a GES should be assessed. The explanations of the reasons leading to the formulation of the proposal are described in the single sheet of the element relating to a specific indicator. Overall it is expected that the majority of the proposed indicators can be operational from 2018, due to the need to acquire additional cognitive elements (specified on each sheet). Only for the avifauna is thought to be possible to arrive to operability for 2014. It follows the list of indicators taken into account per criterion with the indication of the year in which it is expected to be operational in brackets: Criterion 1.2 Population size – Indicator 1.2.1 Population abundance and /or biomass, as appropriate – considered elements: Fan mussel - Pinna nobilis (2018), coastal fish species (2018), Loggerhead - Caretta caretta (2018), marine mammals (2018), marine birds (2014). Criterion 1.3 Population condition – Indicator 1.3.1 Population demographic characteristics – considered elements: Ribbed Mediterranean Limpet Patella ferruginea (2018), coastal fish species (2018), marine birds (2014). Indicator 1.3.1 Population genetic structure, where appropriate – fish species (2018). Criterion 1.5 Habitat extent – Indicator 1.5.1 Habitat area – considered elements : benthic habitats Posidonia oceanica meadows, mäerl beds (2018). Criterion 1.6 Habitat condition – Indicator 1.6.1 Condition of the typical species and communities - considered elements : benthic habitats coralligenous and deep sea corals (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018), coastal fish (2018). Indicator 1.6.2 Relative abundance and/or biomass, as appropriate - considered elements : pelagic habitat (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018). IT-WMS-8A04-0302: The Marine Strategy Framework Directive requires that to determining good environmental status for D1 “Biological diversity is maintained. The quality and occurrence of habitats and the distribution and abundance of species are in line with prevailing physiographic, geographic and climatic conditionsâ€. In this regard, it is recalled that for the preparation of the determination of GES for Descriptor 1, the Directive requires to consider a set of criteria (7) and indicators, whose analysis and selection must be justified in relation to the information collected with the Initial Assessment and their direct relevance to the main causes of human pressure. It should be noted that, based on the ecosystem approach, the main consideration on which choose the indicators should be based on the fact that they are able to establish relationships between the impact of human activities and the functioning of the marine ecosystem. All this taking into account that there are still gaps of knowledge on the relationship between the values measured for the different activities / pressures considered and the effects they cause on ecosystems. The formulation of the targets was done taking into account commitments already signed by Italy in relation to international conventions and European legislation, on the assumption that the pursuit of these objectives is in itself a contribution to the achievement of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive targets. This is also because the Marine Strategy officially requires referring to other European Directives and to international conventions concerning the marine environment. Overall, should be noted that only 4 of the seven criteria of the Marine Strategy, based on the information gathered with the initial assessment and in relation to the characteristics of the Mediterranean Sea, were considered for the determination of GES for the descriptor 1: 1.2 Population size 1.3 Population condition 1.5 Habitat extent 1.6 Habitat condition Specifically, as regards the aspects relating to the criterion 1.7 "Ecosystem structure" it was considered better to tackle it within the descriptor 4 "Food webs". For each criterion were identified the indicators considered most appropriate, foreseeing that the individual GES is achieved with the positive response of all the composing elements, selected on the basis of the initial assessment, of the scientific knowledge and their future implementability (2014 or 2018 ). The overall proposal is therefore based on 4 criteria and 15 indicators proposed for the 3 sub regions of interest for Italy, for each of which a GES should be assessed. The explanations of the reasons leading to the formulation of the proposal are described in the single sheet of the element relating to a specific indicator. Overall it is expected that the majority of the proposed indicators can be operational from 2018, due to the need to acquire additional cognitive elements (specified on each sheet). Only for the avifauna is thought to be possible to arrive to operability for 2014. It follows the list of indicators taken into account per criterion with the indication of the year in which it is expected to be operational in brackets: Criterion 1.2 Population size – Indicator 1.2.1 Population abundance and /or biomass, as appropriate – considered elements: Fan mussel - Pinna nobilis (2018), coastal fish species (2018), Loggerhead - Caretta caretta (2018), marine mammals (2018), marine birds (2014). Criterion 1.3 Population condition – Indicator 1.3.1 Population demographic characteristics – considered elements: Ribbed Mediterranean Limpet Patella ferruginea (2018), coastal fish species (2018), marine birds (2014). Indicator 1.3.1 Population genetic structure, where appropriate – fish species (2018). Criterion 1.5 Habitat extent – Indicator 1.5.1 Habitat area – considered elements : benthic habitats Posidonia oceanica meadows, mäerl beds (2018). Criterion 1.6 Habitat condition – Indicator 1.6.1 Condition of the typical species and communities - considered elements : benthic habitats coralligenous and deep sea corals (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018), coastal fish (2018). Indicator 1.6.2 Relative abundance and/or biomass, as appropriate - considered elements : pelagic habitat (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018). IT-ISCMS-8A04-0303: The Marine Strategy Framework Directive requires that to determining good environmental status for D1 “Biological diversity is maintained. The quality and occurrence of habitats and the distribution and abundance of species are in line with prevailing physiographic, geographic and climatic conditionsâ€. In this regard, it is recalled that for the preparation of the determination of GES for Descriptor 1, the Directive requires to consider a set of criteria (7) and indicators, whose analysis and selection must be justified in relation to the information collected with the Initial Assessment and their direct relevance to the main causes of human pressure. It should be noted that, based on the ecosystem approach, the main consideration on which choose the indicators should be based on the fact that they are able to establish relationships between the impact of human activities and the functioning of the marine ecosystem. All this taking into account that there are still gaps of knowledge on the relationship between the values measured for the different activities / pressures considered and the effects they cause on ecosystems. The formulation of the targets was done taking into account commitments already signed by Italy in relation to international conventions and European legislation, on the assumption that the pursuit of these objectives is in itself a contribution to the achievement of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive targets. This is also because the Marine Strategy officially requires referring to other European Directives and to international conventions concerning the marine environment. Overall, should be noted that only 4 of the seven criteria of the Marine Strategy, based on the information gathered with the initial assessment and in relation to the characteristics of the Mediterranean Sea, were considered for the determination of GES for the descriptor 1: 1.2 Population size 1.3 Population condition 1.5 Habitat extent 1.6 Habitat condition Specifically, as regards the aspects relating to the criterion 1.7 "Ecosystem structure" it was considered better to tackle it within the descriptor 4 "Food webs". For each criterion were identified the indicators considered most appropriate, foreseeing that the individual GES is achieved with the positive response of all the composing elements, selected on the basis of the initial assessment, of the scientific knowledge and their future implementability (2014 or 2018 ). The overall proposal is therefore based on 4 criteria and 15 indicators proposed for the 3 sub regions of interest for Italy, for each of which a GES should be assessed. The explanations of the reasons leading to the formulation of the proposal are described in the single sheet of the element relating to a specific indicator. Overall it is expected that the majority of the proposed indicators can be operational from 2018, due to the need to acquire additional cognitive elements (specified on each sheet). Only for the avifauna is thought to be possible to arrive to operability for 2014. It follows the list of indicators taken into account per criterion with the indication of the year in which it is expected to be operational in brackets: Criterion 1.2 Population size – Indicator 1.2.1 Population abundance and /or biomass, as appropriate – considered elements: Fan mussel - Pinna nobilis (2018), coastal fish species (2018), Loggerhead - Caretta caretta (2018), marine mammals (2018), marine birds (2014). Criterion 1.3 Population condition – Indicator 1.3.1 Population demographic characteristics – considered elements: Ribbed Mediterranean Limpet Patella ferruginea (2018), coastal fish species (2018), marine birds (2014). Indicator 1.3.1 Population genetic structure, where appropriate – fish species (2018). Criterion 1.5 Habitat extent – Indicator 1.5.1 Habitat area – considered elements : benthic habitats Posidonia oceanica meadows, mäerl beds (2018). Criterion 1.6 Habitat condition – Indicator 1.6.1 Condition of the typical species and communities - considered elements : benthic habitats coralligenous and deep sea corals (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018), coastal fish (2018). Indicator 1.6.2 Relative abundance and/or biomass, as appropriate - considered elements : pelagic habitat (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018). IT-WMS-8A04-0300: The Marine Strategy Framework Directive requires that to determining good environmental status for D1 “Biological diversity is maintained. The quality and occurrence of habitats and the distribution and abundance of species are in line with prevailing physiographic, geographic and climatic conditionsâ€. In this regard, it is recalled that for the preparation of the determination of GES for Descriptor 1, the Directive requires to consider a set of criteria (7) and indicators, whose analysis and selection must be justified in relation to the information collected with the Initial Assessment and their direct relevance to the main causes of human pressure. It should be noted that, based on the ecosystem approach, the main consideration on which choose the indicators should be based on the fact that they are able to establish relationships between the impact of human activities and the functioning of the marine ecosystem. All this taking into account that there are still gaps of knowledge on the relationship between the values measured for the different activities / pressures considered and the effects they cause on ecosystems. The formulation of the targets was done taking into account commitments already signed by Italy in relation to international conventions and European legislation, on the assumption that the pursuit of these objectives is in itself a contribution to the achievement of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive targets. This is also because the Marine Strategy officially requires referring to other European Directives and to international conventions concerning the marine environment. Overall, should be noted that only 4 of the seven criteria of the Marine Strategy, based on the information gathered with the initial assessment and in relation to the characteristics of the Mediterranean Sea, were considered for the determination of GES for the descriptor 1: 1.2 Population size 1.3 Population condition 1.5 Habitat extent 1.6 Habitat condition Specifically, as regards the aspects relating to the criterion 1.7 "Ecosystem structure" it was considered better to tackle it within the descriptor 4 "Food webs". For each criterion were identified the indicators considered most appropriate, foreseeing that the individual GES is achieved with the positive response of all the composing elements, selected on the basis of the initial assessment, of the scientific knowledge and their future implementability (2014 or 2018 ). The overall proposal is therefore based on 4 criteria and 15 indicators proposed for the 3 sub regions of interest for Italy, for each of which a GES should be assessed. The explanations of the reasons leading to the formulation of the proposal are described in the single sheet of the element relating to a specific indicator. Overall it is expected that the majority of the proposed indicators can be operational from 2018, due to the need to acquire additional cognitive elements (specified on each sheet). Only for the avifauna is thought to be possible to arrive to operability for 2014. It follows the list of indicators taken into account per criterion with the indication of the year in which it is expected to be operational in brackets: Criterion 1.2 Population size – Indicator 1.2.1 Population abundance and /or biomass, as appropriate – considered elements: Fan mussel - Pinna nobilis (2018), coastal fish species (2018), Loggerhead - Caretta caretta (2018), marine mammals (2018), marine birds (2014). Criterion 1.3 Population condition – Indicator 1.3.1 Population demographic characteristics – considered elements: Ribbed Mediterranean Limpet Patella ferruginea (2018), coastal fish species (2018), marine birds (2014). Indicator 1.3.1 Population genetic structure, where appropriate – fish species (2018). Criterion 1.5 Habitat extent – Indicator 1.5.1 Habitat area – considered elements : benthic habitats Posidonia oceanica meadows, mäerl beds (2018). Criterion 1.6 Habitat condition – Indicator 1.6.1 Condition of the typical species and communities - considered elements : benthic habitats coralligenous and deep sea corals (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018), coastal fish (2018). Indicator 1.6.2 Relative abundance and/or biomass, as appropriate - considered elements : pelagic habitat (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018). IT-AS-8A04-0305: The Marine Strategy Framework Directive requires that to determining good environmental status for D1 “Biological diversity is maintained. The quality and occurrence of habitats and the distribution and abundance of species are in line with prevailing physiographic, geographic and climatic conditionsâ€. In this regard, it is recalled that for the preparation of the determination of GES for Descriptor 1, the Directive requires to consider a set of criteria (7) and indicators, whose analysis and selection must be justified in relation to the information collected with the Initial Assessment and their direct relevance to the main causes of human pressure. It should be noted that, based on the ecosystem approach, the main consideration on which choose the indicators should be based on the fact that they are able to establish relationships between the impact of human activities and the functioning of the marine ecosystem. All this taking into account that there are still gaps of knowledge on the relationship between the values measured for the different activities / pressures considered and the effects they cause on ecosystems. The formulation of the targets was done taking into account commitments already signed by Italy in relation to international conventions and European legislation, on the assumption that the pursuit of these objectives is in itself a contribution to the achievement of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive targets. This is also because the Marine Strategy officially requires referring to other European Directives and to international conventions concerning the marine environment. Overall, should be noted that only 4 of the seven criteria of the Marine Strategy, based on the information gathered with the initial assessment and in relation to the characteristics of the Mediterranean Sea, were considered for the determination of GES for the descriptor 1: 1.2 Population size 1.3 Population condition 1.5 Habitat extent 1.6 Habitat condition Specifically, as regards the aspects relating to the criterion 1.7 "Ecosystem structure" it was considered better to tackle it within the descriptor 4 "Food webs". For each criterion were identified the indicators considered most appropriate, foreseeing that the individual GES is achieved with the positive response of all the composing elements, selected on the basis of the initial assessment, of the scientific knowledge and their future implementability (2014 or 2018 ). The overall proposal is therefore based on 4 criteria and 15 indicators proposed for the 3 sub regions of interest for Italy, for each of which a GES should be assessed. The explanations of the reasons leading to the formulation of the proposal are described in the single sheet of the element relating to a specific indicator. Overall it is expected that the majority of the proposed indicators can be operational from 2018, due to the need to acquire additional cognitive elements (specified on each sheet). Only for the avifauna is thought to be possible to arrive to operability for 2014. It follows the list of indicators taken into account per criterion with the indication of the year in which it is expected to be operational in brackets: Criterion 1.2 Population size – Indicator 1.2.1 Population abundance and /or biomass, as appropriate – considered elements: Fan mussel - Pinna nobilis (2018), coastal fish species (2018), Loggerhead - Caretta caretta (2018), marine mammals (2018), marine birds (2014). Criterion 1.3 Population condition – Indicator 1.3.1 Population demographic characteristics – considered elements: Ribbed Mediterranean Limpet Patella ferruginea (2018), coastal fish species (2018), marine birds (2014). Indicator 1.3.1 Population genetic structure, where appropriate – fish species (2018). Criterion 1.5 Habitat extent – Indicator 1.5.1 Habitat area – considered elements : benthic habitats Posidonia oceanica meadows, mäerl beds (2018). Criterion 1.6 Habitat condition – Indicator 1.6.1 Condition of the typical species and communities - considered elements : benthic habitats coralligenous and deep sea corals (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018), coastal fish (2018). Indicator 1.6.2 Relative abundance and/or biomass, as appropriate - considered elements : pelagic habitat (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018). IT-ISCMS-8A04-0304: The Marine Strategy Framework Directive requires that to determining good environmental status for D1 “Biological diversity is maintained. The quality and occurrence of habitats and the distribution and abundance of species are in line with prevailing physiographic, geographic and climatic conditionsâ€. In this regard, it is recalled that for the preparation of the determination of GES for Descriptor 1, the Directive requires to consider a set of criteria (7) and indicators, whose analysis and selection must be justified in relation to the information collected with the Initial Assessment and their direct relevance to the main causes of human pressure. It should be noted that, based on the ecosystem approach, the main consideration on which choose the indicators should be based on the fact that they are able to establish relationships between the impact of human activities and the functioning of the marine ecosystem. All this taking into account that there are still gaps of knowledge on the relationship between the values measured for the different activities / pressures considered and the effects they cause on ecosystems. The formulation of the targets was done taking into account commitments already signed by Italy in relation to international conventions and European legislation, on the assumption that the pursuit of these objectives is in itself a contribution to the achievement of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive targets. This is also because the Marine Strategy officially requires referring to other European Directives and to international conventions concerning the marine environment. Overall, should be noted that only 4 of the seven criteria of the Marine Strategy, based on the information gathered with the initial assessment and in relation to the characteristics of the Mediterranean Sea, were considered for the determination of GES for the descriptor 1: 1.2 Population size 1.3 Population condition 1.5 Habitat extent 1.6 Habitat condition Specifically, as regards the aspects relating to the criterion 1.7 "Ecosystem structure" it was considered better to tackle it within the descriptor 4 "Food webs". For each criterion were identified the indicators considered most appropriate, foreseeing that the individual GES is achieved with the positive response of all the composing elements, selected on the basis of the initial assessment, of the scientific knowledge and their future implementability (2014 or 2018 ). The overall proposal is therefore based on 4 criteria and 15 indicators proposed for the 3 sub regions of interest for Italy, for each of which a GES should be assessed. The explanations of the reasons leading to the formulation of the proposal are described in the single sheet of the element relating to a specific indicator. Overall it is expected that the majority of the proposed indicators can be operational from 2018, due to the need to acquire additional cognitive elements (specified on each sheet). Only for the avifauna is thought to be possible to arrive to operability for 2014. It follows the list of indicators taken into account per criterion with the indication of the year in which it is expected to be operational in brackets: Criterion 1.2 Population size – Indicator 1.2.1 Population abundance and /or biomass, as appropriate – considered elements: Fan mussel - Pinna nobilis (2018), coastal fish species (2018), Loggerhead - Caretta caretta (2018), marine mammals (2018), marine birds (2014). Criterion 1.3 Population condition – Indicator 1.3.1 Population demographic characteristics – considered elements: Ribbed Mediterranean Limpet Patella ferruginea (2018), coastal fish species (2018), marine birds (2014). Indicator 1.3.1 Population genetic structure, where appropriate – fish species (2018). Criterion 1.5 Habitat extent – Indicator 1.5.1 Habitat area – considered elements : benthic habitats Posidonia oceanica meadows, mäerl beds (2018). Criterion 1.6 Habitat condition – Indicator 1.6.1 Condition of the typical species and communities - considered elements : benthic habitats coralligenous and deep sea corals (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018), coastal fish (2018). Indicator 1.6.2 Relative abundance and/or biomass, as appropriate - considered elements : pelagic habitat (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018). IT-WMS-8A03-1000: The Marine Strategy Framework Directive requires that to determining good environmental status for D1 “Biological diversity is maintained. The quality and occurrence of habitats and the distribution and abundance of species are in line with prevailing physiographic, geographic and climatic conditionsâ€. In this regard, it is recalled that for the preparation of the determination of GES for Descriptor 1, the Directive requires to consider a set of criteria (7) and indicators, whose analysis and selection must be justified in relation to the information collected with the Initial Assessment and their direct relevance to the main causes of human pressure. It should be noted that, based on the ecosystem approach, the main consideration on which choose the indicators should be based on the fact that they are able to establish relationships between the impact of human activities and the functioning of the marine ecosystem. All this taking into account that there are still gaps of knowledge on the relationship between the values measured for the different activities / pressures considered and the effects they cause on ecosystems. The formulation of the targets was done taking into account commitments already signed by Italy in relation to international conventions and European legislation, on the assumption that the pursuit of these objectives is in itself a contribution to the achievement of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive targets. This is also because the Marine Strategy officially requires referring to other European Directives and to international conventions concerning the marine environment. Overall, should be noted that only 4 of the seven criteria of the Marine Strategy, based on the information gathered with the initial assessment and in relation to the characteristics of the Mediterranean Sea, were considered for the determination of GES for the descriptor 1: 1.2 Population size 1.3 Population condition 1.5 Habitat extent 1.6 Habitat condition Specifically, as regards the aspects relating to the criterion 1.7 "Ecosystem structure" it was considered better to tackle it within the descriptor 4 "Food webs". For each criterion were identified the indicators considered most appropriate, foreseeing that the individual GES is achieved with the positive response of all the composing elements, selected on the basis of the initial assessment, of the scientific knowledge and their future implementability (2014 or 2018 ). The overall proposal is therefore based on 4 criteria and 15 indicators proposed for the 3 sub regions of interest for Italy, for each of which a GES should be assessed. The explanations of the reasons leading to the formulation of the proposal are described in the single sheet of the element relating to a specific indicator. Overall it is expected that the majority of the proposed indicators can be operational from 2018, due to the need to acquire additional cognitive elements (specified on each sheet). Only for the avifauna is thought to be possible to arrive to operability for 2014. It follows the list of indicators taken into account per criterion with the indication of the year in which it is expected to be operational in brackets: Criterion 1.2 Population size – Indicator 1.2.1 Population abundance and /or biomass, as appropriate – considered elements: Fan mussel - Pinna nobilis (2018), coastal fish species (2018), Loggerhead - Caretta caretta (2018), marine mammals (2018), marine birds (2014). Criterion 1.3 Population condition – Indicator 1.3.1 Population demographic characteristics – considered elements: Ribbed Mediterranean Limpet Patella ferruginea (2018), coastal fish species (2018), marine birds (2014). Indicator 1.3.1 Population genetic structure, where appropriate – fish species (2018). Criterion 1.5 Habitat extent – Indicator 1.5.1 Habitat area – considered elements : benthic habitats Posidonia oceanica meadows, mäerl beds (2018). Criterion 1.6 Habitat condition – Indicator 1.6.1 Condition of the typical species and communities - considered elements : benthic habitats coralligenous and deep sea corals (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018), coastal fish (2018). Indicator 1.6.2 Relative abundance and/or biomass, as appropriate - considered elements : pelagic habitat (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018). IT-IMS-8A03-1000: The Marine Strategy Framework Directive requires that to determining good environmental status for D1 “Biological diversity is maintained. The quality and occurrence of habitats and the distribution and abundance of species are in line with prevailing physiographic, geographic and climatic conditionsâ€. In this regard, it is recalled that for the preparation of the determination of GES for Descriptor 1, the Directive requires to consider a set of criteria (7) and indicators, whose analysis and selection must be justified in relation to the information collected with the Initial Assessment and their direct relevance to the main causes of human pressure. It should be noted that, based on the ecosystem approach, the main consideration on which choose the indicators should be based on the fact that they are able to establish relationships between the impact of human activities and the functioning of the marine ecosystem. All this taking into account that there are still gaps of knowledge on the relationship between the values measured for the different activities / pressures considered and the effects they cause on ecosystems. The formulation of the targets was done taking into account commitments already signed by Italy in relation to international conventions and European legislation, on the assumption that the pursuit of these objectives is in itself a contribution to the achievement of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive targets. This is also because the Marine Strategy officially requires referring to other European Directives and to international conventions concerning the marine environment. Overall, should be noted that only 4 of the seven criteria of the Marine Strategy, based on the information gathered with the initial assessment and in relation to the characteristics of the Mediterranean Sea, were considered for the determination of GES for the descriptor 1: 1.2 Population size 1.3 Population condition 1.5 Habitat extent 1.6 Habitat condition Specifically, as regards the aspects relating to the criterion 1.7 "Ecosystem structure" it was considered better to tackle it within the descriptor 4 "Food webs". For each criterion were identified the indicators considered most appropriate, foreseeing that the individual GES is achieved with the positive response of all the composing elements, selected on the basis of the initial assessment, of the scientific knowledge and their future implementability (2014 or 2018 ). The overall proposal is therefore based on 4 criteria and 15 indicators proposed for the 3 sub regions of interest for Italy, for each of which a GES should be assessed. The explanations of the reasons leading to the formulation of the proposal are described in the single sheet of the element relating to a specific indicator. Overall it is expected that the majority of the proposed indicators can be operational from 2018, due to the need to acquire additional cognitive elements (specified on each sheet). Only for the avifauna is thought to be possible to arrive to operability for 2014. It follows the list of indicators taken into account per criterion with the indication of the year in which it is expected to be operational in brackets: Criterion 1.2 Population size – Indicator 1.2.1 Population abundance and /or biomass, as appropriate – considered elements: Fan mussel - Pinna nobilis (2018), coastal fish species (2018), Loggerhead - Caretta caretta (2018), marine mammals (2018), marine birds (2014). Criterion 1.3 Population condition – Indicator 1.3.1 Population demographic characteristics – considered elements: Ribbed Mediterranean Limpet Patella ferruginea (2018), coastal fish species (2018), marine birds (2014). Indicator 1.3.1 Population genetic structure, where appropriate – fish species (2018). Criterion 1.5 Habitat extent – Indicator 1.5.1 Habitat area – considered elements : benthic habitats Posidonia oceanica meadows, mäerl beds (2018). Criterion 1.6 Habitat condition – Indicator 1.6.1 Condition of the typical species and communities - considered elements : benthic habitats coralligenous and deep sea corals (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018), coastal fish (2018). Indicator 1.6.2 Relative abundance and/or biomass, as appropriate - considered elements : pelagic habitat (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018). IT-AMS-8A03-1000: The Marine Strategy Framework Directive requires that to determining good environmental status for D1 “Biological diversity is maintained. The quality and occurrence of habitats and the distribution and abundance of species are in line with prevailing physiographic, geographic and climatic conditionsâ€. In this regard, it is recalled that for the preparation of the determination of GES for Descriptor 1, the Directive requires to consider a set of criteria (7) and indicators, whose analysis and selection must be justified in relation to the information collected with the Initial Assessment and their direct relevance to the main causes of human pressure. It should be noted that, based on the ecosystem approach, the main consideration on which choose the indicators should be based on the fact that they are able to establish relationships between the impact of human activities and the functioning of the marine ecosystem. All this taking into account that there are still gaps of knowledge on the relationship between the values measured for the different activities / pressures considered and the effects they cause on ecosystems. The formulation of the targets was done taking into account commitments already signed by Italy in relation to international conventions and European legislation, on the assumption that the pursuit of these objectives is in itself a contribution to the achievement of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive targets. This is also because the Marine Strategy officially requires referring to other European Directives and to international conventions concerning the marine environment. Overall, should be noted that only 4 of the seven criteria of the Marine Strategy, based on the information gathered with the initial assessment and in relation to the characteristics of the Mediterranean Sea, were considered for the determination of GES for the descriptor 1: 1.2 Population size 1.3 Population condition 1.5 Habitat extent 1.6 Habitat condition Specifically, as regards the aspects relating to the criterion 1.7 "Ecosystem structure" it was considered better to tackle it within the descriptor 4 "Food webs". For each criterion were identified the indicators considered most appropriate, foreseeing that the individual GES is achieved with the positive response of all the composing elements, selected on the basis of the initial assessment, of the scientific knowledge and their future implementability (2014 or 2018 ). The overall proposal is therefore based on 4 criteria and 15 indicators proposed for the 3 sub regions of interest for Italy, for each of which a GES should be assessed. The explanations of the reasons leading to the formulation of the proposal are described in the single sheet of the element relating to a specific indicator. Overall it is expected that the majority of the proposed indicators can be operational from 2018, due to the need to acquire additional cognitive elements (specified on each sheet). Only for the avifauna is thought to be possible to arrive to operability for 2014. It follows the list of indicators taken into account per criterion with the indication of the year in which it is expected to be operational in brackets: Criterion 1.2 Population size – Indicator 1.2.1 Population abundance and /or biomass, as appropriate – considered elements: Fan mussel - Pinna nobilis (2018), coastal fish species (2018), Loggerhead - Caretta caretta (2018), marine mammals (2018), marine birds (2014). Criterion 1.3 Population condition – Indicator 1.3.1 Population demographic characteristics – considered elements: Ribbed Mediterranean Limpet Patella ferruginea (2018), coastal fish species (2018), marine birds (2014). Indicator 1.3.1 Population genetic structure, where appropriate – fish species (2018). Criterion 1.5 Habitat extent – Indicator 1.5.1 Habitat area – considered elements : benthic habitats Posidonia oceanica meadows, mäerl beds (2018). Criterion 1.6 Habitat condition – Indicator 1.6.1 Condition of the typical species and communities - considered elements : benthic habitats coralligenous and deep sea corals (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018), coastal fish (2018). Indicator 1.6.2 Relative abundance and/or biomass, as appropriate - considered elements : pelagic habitat (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018). IT-WMS-8A03-1000: The Marine Strategy Framework Directive requires that to determining good environmental status for D1 “Biological diversity is maintained. The quality and occurrence of habitats and the distribution and abundance of species are in line with prevailing physiographic, geographic and climatic conditionsâ€. In this regard, it is recalled that for the preparation of the determination of GES for Descriptor 1, the Directive requires to consider a set of criteria (7) and indicators, whose analysis and selection must be justified in relation to the information collected with the Initial Assessment and their direct relevance to the main causes of human pressure. It should be noted that, based on the ecosystem approach, the main consideration on which choose the indicators should be based on the fact that they are able to establish relationships between the impact of human activities and the functioning of the marine ecosystem. All this taking into account that there are still gaps of knowledge on the relationship between the values measured for the different activities / pressures considered and the effects they cause on ecosystems. The formulation of the targets was done taking into account commitments already signed by Italy in relation to international conventions and European legislation, on the assumption that the pursuit of these objectives is in itself a contribution to the achievement of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive targets. This is also because the Marine Strategy officially requires referring to other European Directives and to international conventions concerning the marine environment. Overall, should be noted that only 4 of the seven criteria of the Marine Strategy, based on the information gathered with the initial assessment and in relation to the characteristics of the Mediterranean Sea, were considered for the determination of GES for the descriptor 1: 1.2 Population size 1.3 Population condition 1.5 Habitat extent 1.6 Habitat condition Specifically, as regards the aspects relating to the criterion 1.7 "Ecosystem structure" it was considered better to tackle it within the descriptor 4 "Food webs". For each criterion were identified the indicators considered most appropriate, foreseeing that the individual GES is achieved with the positive response of all the composing elements, selected on the basis of the initial assessment, of the scientific knowledge and their future implementability (2014 or 2018 ). The overall proposal is therefore based on 4 criteria and 15 indicators proposed for the 3 sub regions of interest for Italy, for each of which a GES should be assessed. The explanations of the reasons leading to the formulation of the proposal are described in the single sheet of the element relating to a specific indicator. Overall it is expected that the majority of the proposed indicators can be operational from 2018, due to the need to acquire additional cognitive elements (specified on each sheet). Only for the avifauna is thought to be possible to arrive to operability for 2014. It follows the list of indicators taken into account per criterion with the indication of the year in which it is expected to be operational in brackets: Criterion 1.2 Population size – Indicator 1.2.1 Population abundance and /or biomass, as appropriate – considered elements: Fan mussel - Pinna nobilis (2018), coastal fish species (2018), Loggerhead - Caretta caretta (2018), marine mammals (2018), marine birds (2014). Criterion 1.3 Population condition – Indicator 1.3.1 Population demographic characteristics – considered elements: Ribbed Mediterranean Limpet Patella ferruginea (2018), coastal fish species (2018), marine birds (2014). Indicator 1.3.1 Population genetic structure, where appropriate – fish species (2018). Criterion 1.5 Habitat extent – Indicator 1.5.1 Habitat area – considered elements : benthic habitats Posidonia oceanica meadows, mäerl beds (2018). Criterion 1.6 Habitat condition – Indicator 1.6.1 Condition of the typical species and communities - considered elements : benthic habitats coralligenous and deep sea corals (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018), coastal fish (2018). Indicator 1.6.2 Relative abundance and/or biomass, as appropriate - considered elements : pelagic habitat (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018). IT-IMS-8A03-1000: The Marine Strategy Framework Directive requires that to determining good environmental status for D1 “Biological diversity is maintained. The quality and occurrence of habitats and the distribution and abundance of species are in line with prevailing physiographic, geographic and climatic conditionsâ€. In this regard, it is recalled that for the preparation of the determination of GES for Descriptor 1, the Directive requires to consider a set of criteria (7) and indicators, whose analysis and selection must be justified in relation to the information collected with the Initial Assessment and their direct relevance to the main causes of human pressure. It should be noted that, based on the ecosystem approach, the main consideration on which choose the indicators should be based on the fact that they are able to establish relationships between the impact of human activities and the functioning of the marine ecosystem. All this taking into account that there are still gaps of knowledge on the relationship between the values measured for the different activities / pressures considered and the effects they cause on ecosystems. The formulation of the targets was done taking into account commitments already signed by Italy in relation to international conventions and European legislation, on the assumption that the pursuit of these objectives is in itself a contribution to the achievement of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive targets. This is also because the Marine Strategy officially requires referring to other European Directives and to international conventions concerning the marine environment. Overall, should be noted that only 4 of the seven criteria of the Marine Strategy, based on the information gathered with the initial assessment and in relation to the characteristics of the Mediterranean Sea, were considered for the determination of GES for the descriptor 1: 1.2 Population size 1.3 Population condition 1.5 Habitat extent 1.6 Habitat condition Specifically, as regards the aspects relating to the criterion 1.7 "Ecosystem structure" it was considered better to tackle it within the descriptor 4 "Food webs". For each criterion were identified the indicators considered most appropriate, foreseeing that the individual GES is achieved with the positive response of all the composing elements, selected on the basis of the initial assessment, of the scientific knowledge and their future implementability (2014 or 2018 ). The overall proposal is therefore based on 4 criteria and 15 indicators proposed for the 3 sub regions of interest for Italy, for each of which a GES should be assessed. The explanations of the reasons leading to the formulation of the proposal are described in the single sheet of the element relating to a specific indicator. Overall it is expected that the majority of the proposed indicators can be operational from 2018, due to the need to acquire additional cognitive elements (specified on each sheet). Only for the avifauna is thought to be possible to arrive to operability for 2014. It follows the list of indicators taken into account per criterion with the indication of the year in which it is expected to be operational in brackets: Criterion 1.2 Population size – Indicator 1.2.1 Population abundance and /or biomass, as appropriate – considered elements: Fan mussel - Pinna nobilis (2018), coastal fish species (2018), Loggerhead - Caretta caretta (2018), marine mammals (2018), marine birds (2014). Criterion 1.3 Population condition – Indicator 1.3.1 Population demographic characteristics – considered elements: Ribbed Mediterranean Limpet Patella ferruginea (2018), coastal fish species (2018), marine birds (2014). Indicator 1.3.1 Population genetic structure, where appropriate – fish species (2018). Criterion 1.5 Habitat extent – Indicator 1.5.1 Habitat area – considered elements : benthic habitats Posidonia oceanica meadows, mäerl beds (2018). Criterion 1.6 Habitat condition – Indicator 1.6.1 Condition of the typical species and communities - considered elements : benthic habitats coralligenous and deep sea corals (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018), coastal fish (2018). Indicator 1.6.2 Relative abundance and/or biomass, as appropriate - considered elements : pelagic habitat (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018). IT-AMS-8A03-1000: The Marine Strategy Framework Directive requires that to determining good environmental status for D1 “Biological diversity is maintained. The quality and occurrence of habitats and the distribution and abundance of species are in line with prevailing physiographic, geographic and climatic conditionsâ€. In this regard, it is recalled that for the preparation of the determination of GES for Descriptor 1, the Directive requires to consider a set of criteria (7) and indicators, whose analysis and selection must be justified in relation to the information collected with the Initial Assessment and their direct relevance to the main causes of human pressure. It should be noted that, based on the ecosystem approach, the main consideration on which choose the indicators should be based on the fact that they are able to establish relationships between the impact of human activities and the functioning of the marine ecosystem. All this taking into account that there are still gaps of knowledge on the relationship between the values measured for the different activities / pressures considered and the effects they cause on ecosystems. The formulation of the targets was done taking into account commitments already signed by Italy in relation to international conventions and European legislation, on the assumption that the pursuit of these objectives is in itself a contribution to the achievement of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive targets. This is also because the Marine Strategy officially requires referring to other European Directives and to international conventions concerning the marine environment. Overall, should be noted that only 4 of the seven criteria of the Marine Strategy, based on the information gathered with the initial assessment and in relation to the characteristics of the Mediterranean Sea, were considered for the determination of GES for the descriptor 1: 1.2 Population size 1.3 Population condition 1.5 Habitat extent 1.6 Habitat condition Specifically, as regards the aspects relating to the criterion 1.7 "Ecosystem structure" it was considered better to tackle it within the descriptor 4 "Food webs". For each criterion were identified the indicators considered most appropriate, foreseeing that the individual GES is achieved with the positive response of all the composing elements, selected on the basis of the initial assessment, of the scientific knowledge and their future implementability (2014 or 2018 ). The overall proposal is therefore based on 4 criteria and 15 indicators proposed for the 3 sub regions of interest for Italy, for each of which a GES should be assessed. The explanations of the reasons leading to the formulation of the proposal are described in the single sheet of the element relating to a specific indicator. Overall it is expected that the majority of the proposed indicators can be operational from 2018, due to the need to acquire additional cognitive elements (specified on each sheet). Only for the avifauna is thought to be possible to arrive to operability for 2014. It follows the list of indicators taken into account per criterion with the indication of the year in which it is expected to be operational in brackets: Criterion 1.2 Population size – Indicator 1.2.1 Population abundance and /or biomass, as appropriate – considered elements: Fan mussel - Pinna nobilis (2018), coastal fish species (2018), Loggerhead - Caretta caretta (2018), marine mammals (2018), marine birds (2014). Criterion 1.3 Population condition – Indicator 1.3.1 Population demographic characteristics – considered elements: Ribbed Mediterranean Limpet Patella ferruginea (2018), coastal fish species (2018), marine birds (2014). Indicator 1.3.1 Population genetic structure, where appropriate – fish species (2018). Criterion 1.5 Habitat extent – Indicator 1.5.1 Habitat area – considered elements : benthic habitats Posidonia oceanica meadows, mäerl beds (2018). Criterion 1.6 Habitat condition – Indicator 1.6.1 Condition of the typical species and communities - considered elements : benthic habitats coralligenous and deep sea corals (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018), coastal fish (2018). Indicator 1.6.2 Relative abundance and/or biomass, as appropriate - considered elements : pelagic habitat (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018). IT-WMS-8A04-1001: The Marine Strategy Framework Directive requires that to determining good environmental status for D1 “Biological diversity is maintained. The quality and occurrence of habitats and the distribution and abundance of species are in line with prevailing physiographic, geographic and climatic conditionsâ€. In this regard, it is recalled that for the preparation of the determination of GES for Descriptor 1, the Directive requires to consider a set of criteria (7) and indicators, whose analysis and selection must be justified in relation to the information collected with the Initial Assessment and their direct relevance to the main causes of human pressure. It should be noted that, based on the ecosystem approach, the main consideration on which choose the indicators should be based on the fact that they are able to establish relationships between the impact of human activities and the functioning of the marine ecosystem. All this taking into account that there are still gaps of knowledge on the relationship between the values measured for the different activities / pressures considered and the effects they cause on ecosystems. The formulation of the targets was done taking into account commitments already signed by Italy in relation to international conventions and European legislation, on the assumption that the pursuit of these objectives is in itself a contribution to the achievement of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive targets. This is also because the Marine Strategy officially requires referring to other European Directives and to international conventions concerning the marine environment. Overall, should be noted that only 4 of the seven criteria of the Marine Strategy, based on the information gathered with the initial assessment and in relation to the characteristics of the Mediterranean Sea, were considered for the determination of GES for the descriptor 1: 1.2 Population size 1.3 Population condition 1.5 Habitat extent 1.6 Habitat condition Specifically, as regards the aspects relating to the criterion 1.7 "Ecosystem structure" it was considered better to tackle it within the descriptor 4 "Food webs". For each criterion were identified the indicators considered most appropriate, foreseeing that the individual GES is achieved with the positive response of all the composing elements, selected on the basis of the initial assessment, of the scientific knowledge and their future implementability (2014 or 2018 ). The overall proposal is therefore based on 4 criteria and 15 indicators proposed for the 3 sub regions of interest for Italy, for each of which a GES should be assessed. The explanations of the reasons leading to the formulation of the proposal are described in the single sheet of the element relating to a specific indicator. Overall it is expected that the majority of the proposed indicators can be operational from 2018, due to the need to acquire additional cognitive elements (specified on each sheet). Only for the avifauna is thought to be possible to arrive to operability for 2014. It follows the list of indicators taken into account per criterion with the indication of the year in which it is expected to be operational in brackets: Criterion 1.2 Population size – Indicator 1.2.1 Population abundance and /or biomass, as appropriate – considered elements: Fan mussel - Pinna nobilis (2018), coastal fish species (2018), Loggerhead - Caretta caretta (2018), marine mammals (2018), marine birds (2014). Criterion 1.3 Population condition – Indicator 1.3.1 Population demographic characteristics – considered elements: Ribbed Mediterranean Limpet Patella ferruginea (2018), coastal fish species (2018), marine birds (2014). Indicator 1.3.1 Population genetic structure, where appropriate – fish species (2018). Criterion 1.5 Habitat extent – Indicator 1.5.1 Habitat area – considered elements : benthic habitats Posidonia oceanica meadows, mäerl beds (2018). Criterion 1.6 Habitat condition – Indicator 1.6.1 Condition of the typical species and communities - considered elements : benthic habitats coralligenous and deep sea corals (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018), coastal fish (2018). Indicator 1.6.2 Relative abundance and/or biomass, as appropriate - considered elements : pelagic habitat (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018). IT-IMS-8A04-1001: The Marine Strategy Framework Directive requires that to determining good environmental status for D1 “Biological diversity is maintained. The quality and occurrence of habitats and the distribution and abundance of species are in line with prevailing physiographic, geographic and climatic conditionsâ€. In this regard, it is recalled that for the preparation of the determination of GES for Descriptor 1, the Directive requires to consider a set of criteria (7) and indicators, whose analysis and selection must be justified in relation to the information collected with the Initial Assessment and their direct relevance to the main causes of human pressure. It should be noted that, based on the ecosystem approach, the main consideration on which choose the indicators should be based on the fact that they are able to establish relationships between the impact of human activities and the functioning of the marine ecosystem. All this taking into account that there are still gaps of knowledge on the relationship between the values measured for the different activities / pressures considered and the effects they cause on ecosystems. The formulation of the targets was done taking into account commitments already signed by Italy in relation to international conventions and European legislation, on the assumption that the pursuit of these objectives is in itself a contribution to the achievement of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive targets. This is also because the Marine Strategy officially requires referring to other European Directives and to international conventions concerning the marine environment. Overall, should be noted that only 4 of the seven criteria of the Marine Strategy, based on the information gathered with the initial assessment and in relation to the characteristics of the Mediterranean Sea, were considered for the determination of GES for the descriptor 1: 1.2 Population size 1.3 Population condition 1.5 Habitat extent 1.6 Habitat condition Specifically, as regards the aspects relating to the criterion 1.7 "Ecosystem structure" it was considered better to tackle it within the descriptor 4 "Food webs". For each criterion were identified the indicators considered most appropriate, foreseeing that the individual GES is achieved with the positive response of all the composing elements, selected on the basis of the initial assessment, of the scientific knowledge and their future implementability (2014 or 2018 ). The overall proposal is therefore based on 4 criteria and 15 indicators proposed for the 3 sub regions of interest for Italy, for each of which a GES should be assessed. The explanations of the reasons leading to the formulation of the proposal are described in the single sheet of the element relating to a specific indicator. Overall it is expected that the majority of the proposed indicators can be operational from 2018, due to the need to acquire additional cognitive elements (specified on each sheet). Only for the avifauna is thought to be possible to arrive to operability for 2014. It follows the list of indicators taken into account per criterion with the indication of the year in which it is expected to be operational in brackets: Criterion 1.2 Population size – Indicator 1.2.1 Population abundance and /or biomass, as appropriate – considered elements: Fan mussel - Pinna nobilis (2018), coastal fish species (2018), Loggerhead - Caretta caretta (2018), marine mammals (2018), marine birds (2014). Criterion 1.3 Population condition – Indicator 1.3.1 Population demographic characteristics – considered elements: Ribbed Mediterranean Limpet Patella ferruginea (2018), coastal fish species (2018), marine birds (2014). Indicator 1.3.1 Population genetic structure, where appropriate – fish species (2018). Criterion 1.5 Habitat extent – Indicator 1.5.1 Habitat area – considered elements : benthic habitats Posidonia oceanica meadows, mäerl beds (2018). Criterion 1.6 Habitat condition – Indicator 1.6.1 Condition of the typical species and communities - considered elements : benthic habitats coralligenous and deep sea corals (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018), coastal fish (2018). Indicator 1.6.2 Relative abundance and/or biomass, as appropriate - considered elements : pelagic habitat (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018). IT-AMS-8A04-1001: The Marine Strategy Framework Directive requires that to determining good environmental status for D1 “Biological diversity is maintained. The quality and occurrence of habitats and the distribution and abundance of species are in line with prevailing physiographic, geographic and climatic conditionsâ€. In this regard, it is recalled that for the preparation of the determination of GES for Descriptor 1, the Directive requires to consider a set of criteria (7) and indicators, whose analysis and selection must be justified in relation to the information collected with the Initial Assessment and their direct relevance to the main causes of human pressure. It should be noted that, based on the ecosystem approach, the main consideration on which choose the indicators should be based on the fact that they are able to establish relationships between the impact of human activities and the functioning of the marine ecosystem. All this taking into account that there are still gaps of knowledge on the relationship between the values measured for the different activities / pressures considered and the effects they cause on ecosystems. The formulation of the targets was done taking into account commitments already signed by Italy in relation to international conventions and European legislation, on the assumption that the pursuit of these objectives is in itself a contribution to the achievement of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive targets. This is also because the Marine Strategy officially requires referring to other European Directives and to international conventions concerning the marine environment. Overall, should be noted that only 4 of the seven criteria of the Marine Strategy, based on the information gathered with the initial assessment and in relation to the characteristics of the Mediterranean Sea, were considered for the determination of GES for the descriptor 1: 1.2 Population size 1.3 Population condition 1.5 Habitat extent 1.6 Habitat condition Specifically, as regards the aspects relating to the criterion 1.7 "Ecosystem structure" it was considered better to tackle it within the descriptor 4 "Food webs". For each criterion were identified the indicators considered most appropriate, foreseeing that the individual GES is achieved with the positive response of all the composing elements, selected on the basis of the initial assessment, of the scientific knowledge and their future implementability (2014 or 2018 ). The overall proposal is therefore based on 4 criteria and 15 indicators proposed for the 3 sub regions of interest for Italy, for each of which a GES should be assessed. The explanations of the reasons leading to the formulation of the proposal are described in the single sheet of the element relating to a specific indicator. Overall it is expected that the majority of the proposed indicators can be operational from 2018, due to the need to acquire additional cognitive elements (specified on each sheet). Only for the avifauna is thought to be possible to arrive to operability for 2014. It follows the list of indicators taken into account per criterion with the indication of the year in which it is expected to be operational in brackets: Criterion 1.2 Population size – Indicator 1.2.1 Population abundance and /or biomass, as appropriate – considered elements: Fan mussel - Pinna nobilis (2018), coastal fish species (2018), Loggerhead - Caretta caretta (2018), marine mammals (2018), marine birds (2014). Criterion 1.3 Population condition – Indicator 1.3.1 Population demographic characteristics – considered elements: Ribbed Mediterranean Limpet Patella ferruginea (2018), coastal fish species (2018), marine birds (2014). Indicator 1.3.1 Population genetic structure, where appropriate – fish species (2018). Criterion 1.5 Habitat extent – Indicator 1.5.1 Habitat area – considered elements : benthic habitats Posidonia oceanica meadows, mäerl beds (2018). Criterion 1.6 Habitat condition – Indicator 1.6.1 Condition of the typical species and communities - considered elements : benthic habitats coralligenous and deep sea corals (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018), coastal fish (2018). Indicator 1.6.2 Relative abundance and/or biomass, as appropriate - considered elements : pelagic habitat (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018). IT-WMS-8A02-0001: The Marine Strategy Framework Directive requires that to determining good environmental status for D1 “Biological diversity is maintained. The quality and occurrence of habitats and the distribution and abundance of species are in line with prevailing physiographic, geographic and climatic conditionsâ€. In this regard, it is recalled that for the preparation of the determination of GES for Descriptor 1, the Directive requires to consider a set of criteria (7) and indicators, whose analysis and selection must be justified in relation to the information collected with the Initial Assessment and their direct relevance to the main causes of human pressure. It should be noted that, based on the ecosystem approach, the main consideration on which choose the indicators should be based on the fact that they are able to establish relationships between the impact of human activities and the functioning of the marine ecosystem. All this taking into account that there are still gaps of knowledge on the relationship between the values measured for the different activities / pressures considered and the effects they cause on ecosystems. The formulation of the targets was done taking into account commitments already signed by Italy in relation to international conventions and European legislation, on the assumption that the pursuit of these objectives is in itself a contribution to the achievement of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive targets. This is also because the Marine Strategy officially requires referring to other European Directives and to international conventions concerning the marine environment. Overall, should be noted that only 4 of the seven criteria of the Marine Strategy, based on the information gathered with the initial assessment and in relation to the characteristics of the Mediterranean Sea, were considered for the determination of GES for the descriptor 1: 1.2 Population size 1.3 Population condition 1.5 Habitat extent 1.6 Habitat condition Specifically, as regards the aspects relating to the criterion 1.7 "Ecosystem structure" it was considered better to tackle it within the descriptor 4 "Food webs". For each criterion were identified the indicators considered most appropriate, foreseeing that the individual GES is achieved with the positive response of all the composing elements, selected on the basis of the initial assessment, of the scientific knowledge and their future implementability (2014 or 2018 ). The overall proposal is therefore based on 4 criteria and 15 indicators proposed for the 3 sub regions of interest for Italy, for each of which a GES should be assessed. The explanations of the reasons leading to the formulation of the proposal are described in the single sheet of the element relating to a specific indicator. Overall it is expected that the majority of the proposed indicators can be operational from 2018, due to the need to acquire additional cognitive elements (specified on each sheet). Only for the avifauna is thought to be possible to arrive to operability for 2014. It follows the list of indicators taken into account per criterion with the indication of the year in which it is expected to be operational in brackets: Criterion 1.2 Population size – Indicator 1.2.1 Population abundance and /or biomass, as appropriate – considered elements: Fan mussel - Pinna nobilis (2018), coastal fish species (2018), Loggerhead - Caretta caretta (2018), marine mammals (2018), marine birds (2014). Criterion 1.3 Population condition – Indicator 1.3.1 Population demographic characteristics – considered elements: Ribbed Mediterranean Limpet Patella ferruginea (2018), coastal fish species (2018), marine birds (2014). Indicator 1.3.1 Population genetic structure, where appropriate – fish species (2018). Criterion 1.5 Habitat extent – Indicator 1.5.1 Habitat area – considered elements : benthic habitats Posidonia oceanica meadows, mäerl beds (2018). Criterion 1.6 Habitat condition – Indicator 1.6.1 Condition of the typical species and communities - considered elements : benthic habitats coralligenous and deep sea corals (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018), coastal fish (2018). Indicator 1.6.2 Relative abundance and/or biomass, as appropriate - considered elements : pelagic habitat (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018). IT-WMS-8A02-0002: The Marine Strategy Framework Directive requires that to determining good environmental status for D1 “Biological diversity is maintained. The quality and occurrence of habitats and the distribution and abundance of species are in line with prevailing physiographic, geographic and climatic conditionsâ€. In this regard, it is recalled that for the preparation of the determination of GES for Descriptor 1, the Directive requires to consider a set of criteria (7) and indicators, whose analysis and selection must be justified in relation to the information collected with the Initial Assessment and their direct relevance to the main causes of human pressure. It should be noted that, based on the ecosystem approach, the main consideration on which choose the indicators should be based on the fact that they are able to establish relationships between the impact of human activities and the functioning of the marine ecosystem. All this taking into account that there are still gaps of knowledge on the relationship between the values measured for the different activities / pressures considered and the effects they cause on ecosystems. The formulation of the targets was done taking into account commitments already signed by Italy in relation to international conventions and European legislation, on the assumption that the pursuit of these objectives is in itself a contribution to the achievement of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive targets. This is also because the Marine Strategy officially requires referring to other European Directives and to international conventions concerning the marine environment. Overall, should be noted that only 4 of the seven criteria of the Marine Strategy, based on the information gathered with the initial assessment and in relation to the characteristics of the Mediterranean Sea, were considered for the determination of GES for the descriptor 1: 1.2 Population size 1.3 Population condition 1.5 Habitat extent 1.6 Habitat condition Specifically, as regards the aspects relating to the criterion 1.7 "Ecosystem structure" it was considered better to tackle it within the descriptor 4 "Food webs". For each criterion were identified the indicators considered most appropriate, foreseeing that the individual GES is achieved with the positive response of all the composing elements, selected on the basis of the initial assessment, of the scientific knowledge and their future implementability (2014 or 2018 ). The overall proposal is therefore based on 4 criteria and 15 indicators proposed for the 3 sub regions of interest for Italy, for each of which a GES should be assessed. The explanations of the reasons leading to the formulation of the proposal are described in the single sheet of the element relating to a specific indicator. Overall it is expected that the majority of the proposed indicators can be operational from 2018, due to the need to acquire additional cognitive elements (specified on each sheet). Only for the avifauna is thought to be possible to arrive to operability for 2014. It follows the list of indicators taken into account per criterion with the indication of the year in which it is expected to be operational in brackets: Criterion 1.2 Population size – Indicator 1.2.1 Population abundance and /or biomass, as appropriate – considered elements: Fan mussel - Pinna nobilis (2018), coastal fish species (2018), Loggerhead - Caretta caretta (2018), marine mammals (2018), marine birds (2014). Criterion 1.3 Population condition – Indicator 1.3.1 Population demographic characteristics – considered elements: Ribbed Mediterranean Limpet Patella ferruginea (2018), coastal fish species (2018), marine birds (2014). Indicator 1.3.1 Population genetic structure, where appropriate – fish species (2018). Criterion 1.5 Habitat extent – Indicator 1.5.1 Habitat area – considered elements : benthic habitats Posidonia oceanica meadows, mäerl beds (2018). Criterion 1.6 Habitat condition – Indicator 1.6.1 Condition of the typical species and communities - considered elements : benthic habitats coralligenous and deep sea corals (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018), coastal fish (2018). Indicator 1.6.2 Relative abundance and/or biomass, as appropriate - considered elements : pelagic habitat (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018). IT-WMS-8A02-0003: The Marine Strategy Framework Directive requires that to determining good environmental status for D1 “Biological diversity is maintained. The quality and occurrence of habitats and the distribution and abundance of species are in line with prevailing physiographic, geographic and climatic conditionsâ€. In this regard, it is recalled that for the preparation of the determination of GES for Descriptor 1, the Directive requires to consider a set of criteria (7) and indicators, whose analysis and selection must be justified in relation to the information collected with the Initial Assessment and their direct relevance to the main causes of human pressure. It should be noted that, based on the ecosystem approach, the main consideration on which choose the indicators should be based on the fact that they are able to establish relationships between the impact of human activities and the functioning of the marine ecosystem. All this taking into account that there are still gaps of knowledge on the relationship between the values measured for the different activities / pressures considered and the effects they cause on ecosystems. The formulation of the targets was done taking into account commitments already signed by Italy in relation to international conventions and European legislation, on the assumption that the pursuit of these objectives is in itself a contribution to the achievement of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive targets. This is also because the Marine Strategy officially requires referring to other European Directives and to international conventions concerning the marine environment. Overall, should be noted that only 4 of the seven criteria of the Marine Strategy, based on the information gathered with the initial assessment and in relation to the characteristics of the Mediterranean Sea, were considered for the determination of GES for the descriptor 1: 1.2 Population size 1.3 Population condition 1.5 Habitat extent 1.6 Habitat condition Specifically, as regards the aspects relating to the criterion 1.7 "Ecosystem structure" it was considered better to tackle it within the descriptor 4 "Food webs". For each criterion were identified the indicators considered most appropriate, foreseeing that the individual GES is achieved with the positive response of all the composing elements, selected on the basis of the initial assessment, of the scientific knowledge and their future implementability (2014 or 2018 ). The overall proposal is therefore based on 4 criteria and 15 indicators proposed for the 3 sub regions of interest for Italy, for each of which a GES should be assessed. The explanations of the reasons leading to the formulation of the proposal are described in the single sheet of the element relating to a specific indicator. Overall it is expected that the majority of the proposed indicators can be operational from 2018, due to the need to acquire additional cognitive elements (specified on each sheet). Only for the avifauna is thought to be possible to arrive to operability for 2014. It follows the list of indicators taken into account per criterion with the indication of the year in which it is expected to be operational in brackets: Criterion 1.2 Population size – Indicator 1.2.1 Population abundance and /or biomass, as appropriate – considered elements: Fan mussel - Pinna nobilis (2018), coastal fish species (2018), Loggerhead - Caretta caretta (2018), marine mammals (2018), marine birds (2014). Criterion 1.3 Population condition – Indicator 1.3.1 Population demographic characteristics – considered elements: Ribbed Mediterranean Limpet Patella ferruginea (2018), coastal fish species (2018), marine birds (2014). Indicator 1.3.1 Population genetic structure, where appropriate – fish species (2018). Criterion 1.5 Habitat extent – Indicator 1.5.1 Habitat area – considered elements : benthic habitats Posidonia oceanica meadows, mäerl beds (2018). Criterion 1.6 Habitat condition – Indicator 1.6.1 Condition of the typical species and communities - considered elements : benthic habitats coralligenous and deep sea corals (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018), coastal fish (2018). Indicator 1.6.2 Relative abundance and/or biomass, as appropriate - considered elements : pelagic habitat (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018). IT-WMS-8A02-0004: The Marine Strategy Framework Directive requires that to determining good environmental status for D1 “Biological diversity is maintained. The quality and occurrence of habitats and the distribution and abundance of species are in line with prevailing physiographic, geographic and climatic conditionsâ€. In this regard, it is recalled that for the preparation of the determination of GES for Descriptor 1, the Directive requires to consider a set of criteria (7) and indicators, whose analysis and selection must be justified in relation to the information collected with the Initial Assessment and their direct relevance to the main causes of human pressure. It should be noted that, based on the ecosystem approach, the main consideration on which choose the indicators should be based on the fact that they are able to establish relationships between the impact of human activities and the functioning of the marine ecosystem. All this taking into account that there are still gaps of knowledge on the relationship between the values measured for the different activities / pressures considered and the effects they cause on ecosystems. The formulation of the targets was done taking into account commitments already signed by Italy in relation to international conventions and European legislation, on the assumption that the pursuit of these objectives is in itself a contribution to the achievement of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive targets. This is also because the Marine Strategy officially requires referring to other European Directives and to international conventions concerning the marine environment. Overall, should be noted that only 4 of the seven criteria of the Marine Strategy, based on the information gathered with the initial assessment and in relation to the characteristics of the Mediterranean Sea, were considered for the determination of GES for the descriptor 1: 1.2 Population size 1.3 Population condition 1.5 Habitat extent 1.6 Habitat condition Specifically, as regards the aspects relating to the criterion 1.7 "Ecosystem structure" it was considered better to tackle it within the descriptor 4 "Food webs". For each criterion were identified the indicators considered most appropriate, foreseeing that the individual GES is achieved with the positive response of all the composing elements, selected on the basis of the initial assessment, of the scientific knowledge and their future implementability (2014 or 2018 ). The overall proposal is therefore based on 4 criteria and 15 indicators proposed for the 3 sub regions of interest for Italy, for each of which a GES should be assessed. The explanations of the reasons leading to the formulation of the proposal are described in the single sheet of the element relating to a specific indicator. Overall it is expected that the majority of the proposed indicators can be operational from 2018, due to the need to acquire additional cognitive elements (specified on each sheet). Only for the avifauna is thought to be possible to arrive to operability for 2014. It follows the list of indicators taken into account per criterion with the indication of the year in which it is expected to be operational in brackets: Criterion 1.2 Population size – Indicator 1.2.1 Population abundance and /or biomass, as appropriate – considered elements: Fan mussel - Pinna nobilis (2018), coastal fish species (2018), Loggerhead - Caretta caretta (2018), marine mammals (2018), marine birds (2014). Criterion 1.3 Population condition – Indicator 1.3.1 Population demographic characteristics – considered elements: Ribbed Mediterranean Limpet Patella ferruginea (2018), coastal fish species (2018), marine birds (2014). Indicator 1.3.1 Population genetic structure, where appropriate – fish species (2018). Criterion 1.5 Habitat extent – Indicator 1.5.1 Habitat area – considered elements : benthic habitats Posidonia oceanica meadows, mäerl beds (2018). Criterion 1.6 Habitat condition – Indicator 1.6.1 Condition of the typical species and communities - considered elements : benthic habitats coralligenous and deep sea corals (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018), coastal fish (2018). Indicator 1.6.2 Relative abundance and/or biomass, as appropriate - considered elements : pelagic habitat (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018). IT-WMS-8A02-0005: The Marine Strategy Framework Directive requires that to determining good environmental status for D1 “Biological diversity is maintained. The quality and occurrence of habitats and the distribution and abundance of species are in line with prevailing physiographic, geographic and climatic conditionsâ€. In this regard, it is recalled that for the preparation of the determination of GES for Descriptor 1, the Directive requires to consider a set of criteria (7) and indicators, whose analysis and selection must be justified in relation to the information collected with the Initial Assessment and their direct relevance to the main causes of human pressure. It should be noted that, based on the ecosystem approach, the main consideration on which choose the indicators should be based on the fact that they are able to establish relationships between the impact of human activities and the functioning of the marine ecosystem. All this taking into account that there are still gaps of knowledge on the relationship between the values measured for the different activities / pressures considered and the effects they cause on ecosystems. The formulation of the targets was done taking into account commitments already signed by Italy in relation to international conventions and European legislation, on the assumption that the pursuit of these objectives is in itself a contribution to the achievement of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive targets. This is also because the Marine Strategy officially requires referring to other European Directives and to international conventions concerning the marine environment. Overall, should be noted that only 4 of the seven criteria of the Marine Strategy, based on the information gathered with the initial assessment and in relation to the characteristics of the Mediterranean Sea, were considered for the determination of GES for the descriptor 1: 1.2 Population size 1.3 Population condition 1.5 Habitat extent 1.6 Habitat condition Specifically, as regards the aspects relating to the criterion 1.7 "Ecosystem structure" it was considered better to tackle it within the descriptor 4 "Food webs". For each criterion were identified the indicators considered most appropriate, foreseeing that the individual GES is achieved with the positive response of all the composing elements, selected on the basis of the initial assessment, of the scientific knowledge and their future implementability (2014 or 2018 ). The overall proposal is therefore based on 4 criteria and 15 indicators proposed for the 3 sub regions of interest for Italy, for each of which a GES should be assessed. The explanations of the reasons leading to the formulation of the proposal are described in the single sheet of the element relating to a specific indicator. Overall it is expected that the majority of the proposed indicators can be operational from 2018, due to the need to acquire additional cognitive elements (specified on each sheet). Only for the avifauna is thought to be possible to arrive to operability for 2014. It follows the list of indicators taken into account per criterion with the indication of the year in which it is expected to be operational in brackets: Criterion 1.2 Population size – Indicator 1.2.1 Population abundance and /or biomass, as appropriate – considered elements: Fan mussel - Pinna nobilis (2018), coastal fish species (2018), Loggerhead - Caretta caretta (2018), marine mammals (2018), marine birds (2014). Criterion 1.3 Population condition – Indicator 1.3.1 Population demographic characteristics – considered elements: Ribbed Mediterranean Limpet Patella ferruginea (2018), coastal fish species (2018), marine birds (2014). Indicator 1.3.1 Population genetic structure, where appropriate – fish species (2018). Criterion 1.5 Habitat extent – Indicator 1.5.1 Habitat area – considered elements : benthic habitats Posidonia oceanica meadows, mäerl beds (2018). Criterion 1.6 Habitat condition – Indicator 1.6.1 Condition of the typical species and communities - considered elements : benthic habitats coralligenous and deep sea corals (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018), coastal fish (2018). Indicator 1.6.2 Relative abundance and/or biomass, as appropriate - considered elements : pelagic habitat (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018). IT-WMS-8A02-0006: The Marine Strategy Framework Directive requires that to determining good environmental status for D1 “Biological diversity is maintained. The quality and occurrence of habitats and the distribution and abundance of species are in line with prevailing physiographic, geographic and climatic conditionsâ€. In this regard, it is recalled that for the preparation of the determination of GES for Descriptor 1, the Directive requires to consider a set of criteria (7) and indicators, whose analysis and selection must be justified in relation to the information collected with the Initial Assessment and their direct relevance to the main causes of human pressure. It should be noted that, based on the ecosystem approach, the main consideration on which choose the indicators should be based on the fact that they are able to establish relationships between the impact of human activities and the functioning of the marine ecosystem. All this taking into account that there are still gaps of knowledge on the relationship between the values measured for the different activities / pressures considered and the effects they cause on ecosystems. The formulation of the targets was done taking into account commitments already signed by Italy in relation to international conventions and European legislation, on the assumption that the pursuit of these objectives is in itself a contribution to the achievement of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive targets. This is also because the Marine Strategy officially requires referring to other European Directives and to international conventions concerning the marine environment. Overall, should be noted that only 4 of the seven criteria of the Marine Strategy, based on the information gathered with the initial assessment and in relation to the characteristics of the Mediterranean Sea, were considered for the determination of GES for the descriptor 1: 1.2 Population size 1.3 Population condition 1.5 Habitat extent 1.6 Habitat condition Specifically, as regards the aspects relating to the criterion 1.7 "Ecosystem structure" it was considered better to tackle it within the descriptor 4 "Food webs". For each criterion were identified the indicators considered most appropriate, foreseeing that the individual GES is achieved with the positive response of all the composing elements, selected on the basis of the initial assessment, of the scientific knowledge and their future implementability (2014 or 2018 ). The overall proposal is therefore based on 4 criteria and 15 indicators proposed for the 3 sub regions of interest for Italy, for each of which a GES should be assessed. The explanations of the reasons leading to the formulation of the proposal are described in the single sheet of the element relating to a specific indicator. Overall it is expected that the majority of the proposed indicators can be operational from 2018, due to the need to acquire additional cognitive elements (specified on each sheet). Only for the avifauna is thought to be possible to arrive to operability for 2014. It follows the list of indicators taken into account per criterion with the indication of the year in which it is expected to be operational in brackets: Criterion 1.2 Population size – Indicator 1.2.1 Population abundance and /or biomass, as appropriate – considered elements: Fan mussel - Pinna nobilis (2018), coastal fish species (2018), Loggerhead - Caretta caretta (2018), marine mammals (2018), marine birds (2014). Criterion 1.3 Population condition – Indicator 1.3.1 Population demographic characteristics – considered elements: Ribbed Mediterranean Limpet Patella ferruginea (2018), coastal fish species (2018), marine birds (2014). Indicator 1.3.1 Population genetic structure, where appropriate – fish species (2018). Criterion 1.5 Habitat extent – Indicator 1.5.1 Habitat area – considered elements : benthic habitats Posidonia oceanica meadows, mäerl beds (2018). Criterion 1.6 Habitat condition – Indicator 1.6.1 Condition of the typical species and communities - considered elements : benthic habitats coralligenous and deep sea corals (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018), coastal fish (2018). Indicator 1.6.2 Relative abundance and/or biomass, as appropriate - considered elements : pelagic habitat (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018). IT-WMS-8A02-0007: The Marine Strategy Framework Directive requires that to determining good environmental status for D1 “Biological diversity is maintained. The quality and occurrence of habitats and the distribution and abundance of species are in line with prevailing physiographic, geographic and climatic conditionsâ€. In this regard, it is recalled that for the preparation of the determination of GES for Descriptor 1, the Directive requires to consider a set of criteria (7) and indicators, whose analysis and selection must be justified in relation to the information collected with the Initial Assessment and their direct relevance to the main causes of human pressure. It should be noted that, based on the ecosystem approach, the main consideration on which choose the indicators should be based on the fact that they are able to establish relationships between the impact of human activities and the functioning of the marine ecosystem. All this taking into account that there are still gaps of knowledge on the relationship between the values measured for the different activities / pressures considered and the effects they cause on ecosystems. The formulation of the targets was done taking into account commitments already signed by Italy in relation to international conventions and European legislation, on the assumption that the pursuit of these objectives is in itself a contribution to the achievement of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive targets. This is also because the Marine Strategy officially requires referring to other European Directives and to international conventions concerning the marine environment. Overall, should be noted that only 4 of the seven criteria of the Marine Strategy, based on the information gathered with the initial assessment and in relation to the characteristics of the Mediterranean Sea, were considered for the determination of GES for the descriptor 1: 1.2 Population size 1.3 Population condition 1.5 Habitat extent 1.6 Habitat condition Specifically, as regards the aspects relating to the criterion 1.7 "Ecosystem structure" it was considered better to tackle it within the descriptor 4 "Food webs". For each criterion were identified the indicators considered most appropriate, foreseeing that the individual GES is achieved with the positive response of all the composing elements, selected on the basis of the initial assessment, of the scientific knowledge and their future implementability (2014 or 2018 ). The overall proposal is therefore based on 4 criteria and 15 indicators proposed for the 3 sub regions of interest for Italy, for each of which a GES should be assessed. The explanations of the reasons leading to the formulation of the proposal are described in the single sheet of the element relating to a specific indicator. Overall it is expected that the majority of the proposed indicators can be operational from 2018, due to the need to acquire additional cognitive elements (specified on each sheet). Only for the avifauna is thought to be possible to arrive to operability for 2014. It follows the list of indicators taken into account per criterion with the indication of the year in which it is expected to be operational in brackets: Criterion 1.2 Population size – Indicator 1.2.1 Population abundance and /or biomass, as appropriate – considered elements: Fan mussel - Pinna nobilis (2018), coastal fish species (2018), Loggerhead - Caretta caretta (2018), marine mammals (2018), marine birds (2014). Criterion 1.3 Population condition – Indicator 1.3.1 Population demographic characteristics – considered elements: Ribbed Mediterranean Limpet Patella ferruginea (2018), coastal fish species (2018), marine birds (2014). Indicator 1.3.1 Population genetic structure, where appropriate – fish species (2018). Criterion 1.5 Habitat extent – Indicator 1.5.1 Habitat area – considered elements : benthic habitats Posidonia oceanica meadows, mäerl beds (2018). Criterion 1.6 Habitat condition – Indicator 1.6.1 Condition of the typical species and communities - considered elements : benthic habitats coralligenous and deep sea corals (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018), coastal fish (2018). Indicator 1.6.2 Relative abundance and/or biomass, as appropriate - considered elements : pelagic habitat (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018). IT-AS-8A02-0001: The Marine Strategy Framework Directive requires that to determining good environmental status for D1 “Biological diversity is maintained. The quality and occurrence of habitats and the distribution and abundance of species are in line with prevailing physiographic, geographic and climatic conditionsâ€. In this regard, it is recalled that for the preparation of the determination of GES for Descriptor 1, the Directive requires to consider a set of criteria (7) and indicators, whose analysis and selection must be justified in relation to the information collected with the Initial Assessment and their direct relevance to the main causes of human pressure. It should be noted that, based on the ecosystem approach, the main consideration on which choose the indicators should be based on the fact that they are able to establish relationships between the impact of human activities and the functioning of the marine ecosystem. All this taking into account that there are still gaps of knowledge on the relationship between the values measured for the different activities / pressures considered and the effects they cause on ecosystems. The formulation of the targets was done taking into account commitments already signed by Italy in relation to international conventions and European legislation, on the assumption that the pursuit of these objectives is in itself a contribution to the achievement of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive targets. This is also because the Marine Strategy officially requires referring to other European Directives and to international conventions concerning the marine environment. Overall, should be noted that only 4 of the seven criteria of the Marine Strategy, based on the information gathered with the initial assessment and in relation to the characteristics of the Mediterranean Sea, were considered for the determination of GES for the descriptor 1: 1.2 Population size 1.3 Population condition 1.5 Habitat extent 1.6 Habitat condition Specifically, as regards the aspects relating to the criterion 1.7 "Ecosystem structure" it was considered better to tackle it within the descriptor 4 "Food webs". For each criterion were identified the indicators considered most appropriate, foreseeing that the individual GES is achieved with the positive response of all the composing elements, selected on the basis of the initial assessment, of the scientific knowledge and their future implementability (2014 or 2018 ). The overall proposal is therefore based on 4 criteria and 15 indicators proposed for the 3 sub regions of interest for Italy, for each of which a GES should be assessed. The explanations of the reasons leading to the formulation of the proposal are described in the single sheet of the element relating to a specific indicator. Overall it is expected that the majority of the proposed indicators can be operational from 2018, due to the need to acquire additional cognitive elements (specified on each sheet). Only for the avifauna is thought to be possible to arrive to operability for 2014. It follows the list of indicators taken into account per criterion with the indication of the year in which it is expected to be operational in brackets: Criterion 1.2 Population size – Indicator 1.2.1 Population abundance and /or biomass, as appropriate – considered elements: Fan mussel - Pinna nobilis (2018), coastal fish species (2018), Loggerhead - Caretta caretta (2018), marine mammals (2018), marine birds (2014). Criterion 1.3 Population condition – Indicator 1.3.1 Population demographic characteristics – considered elements: Ribbed Mediterranean Limpet Patella ferruginea (2018), coastal fish species (2018), marine birds (2014). Indicator 1.3.1 Population genetic structure, where appropriate – fish species (2018). Criterion 1.5 Habitat extent – Indicator 1.5.1 Habitat area – considered elements : benthic habitats Posidonia oceanica meadows, mäerl beds (2018). Criterion 1.6 Habitat condition – Indicator 1.6.1 Condition of the typical species and communities - considered elements : benthic habitats coralligenous and deep sea corals (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018), coastal fish (2018). Indicator 1.6.2 Relative abundance and/or biomass, as appropriate - considered elements : pelagic habitat (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018). IT-AS-8A02-0002: The Marine Strategy Framework Directive requires that to determining good environmental status for D1 “Biological diversity is maintained. The quality and occurrence of habitats and the distribution and abundance of species are in line with prevailing physiographic, geographic and climatic conditionsâ€. In this regard, it is recalled that for the preparation of the determination of GES for Descriptor 1, the Directive requires to consider a set of criteria (7) and indicators, whose analysis and selection must be justified in relation to the information collected with the Initial Assessment and their direct relevance to the main causes of human pressure. It should be noted that, based on the ecosystem approach, the main consideration on which choose the indicators should be based on the fact that they are able to establish relationships between the impact of human activities and the functioning of the marine ecosystem. All this taking into account that there are still gaps of knowledge on the relationship between the values measured for the different activities / pressures considered and the effects they cause on ecosystems. The formulation of the targets was done taking into account commitments already signed by Italy in relation to international conventions and European legislation, on the assumption that the pursuit of these objectives is in itself a contribution to the achievement of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive targets. This is also because the Marine Strategy officially requires referring to other European Directives and to international conventions concerning the marine environment. Overall, should be noted that only 4 of the seven criteria of the Marine Strategy, based on the information gathered with the initial assessment and in relation to the characteristics of the Mediterranean Sea, were considered for the determination of GES for the descriptor 1: 1.2 Population size 1.3 Population condition 1.5 Habitat extent 1.6 Habitat condition Specifically, as regards the aspects relating to the criterion 1.7 "Ecosystem structure" it was considered better to tackle it within the descriptor 4 "Food webs". For each criterion were identified the indicators considered most appropriate, foreseeing that the individual GES is achieved with the positive response of all the composing elements, selected on the basis of the initial assessment, of the scientific knowledge and their future implementability (2014 or 2018 ). The overall proposal is therefore based on 4 criteria and 15 indicators proposed for the 3 sub regions of interest for Italy, for each of which a GES should be assessed. The explanations of the reasons leading to the formulation of the proposal are described in the single sheet of the element relating to a specific indicator. Overall it is expected that the majority of the proposed indicators can be operational from 2018, due to the need to acquire additional cognitive elements (specified on each sheet). Only for the avifauna is thought to be possible to arrive to operability for 2014. It follows the list of indicators taken into account per criterion with the indication of the year in which it is expected to be operational in brackets: Criterion 1.2 Population size – Indicator 1.2.1 Population abundance and /or biomass, as appropriate – considered elements: Fan mussel - Pinna nobilis (2018), coastal fish species (2018), Loggerhead - Caretta caretta (2018), marine mammals (2018), marine birds (2014). Criterion 1.3 Population condition – Indicator 1.3.1 Population demographic characteristics – considered elements: Ribbed Mediterranean Limpet Patella ferruginea (2018), coastal fish species (2018), marine birds (2014). Indicator 1.3.1 Population genetic structure, where appropriate – fish species (2018). Criterion 1.5 Habitat extent – Indicator 1.5.1 Habitat area – considered elements : benthic habitats Posidonia oceanica meadows, mäerl beds (2018). Criterion 1.6 Habitat condition – Indicator 1.6.1 Condition of the typical species and communities - considered elements : benthic habitats coralligenous and deep sea corals (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018), coastal fish (2018). Indicator 1.6.2 Relative abundance and/or biomass, as appropriate - considered elements : pelagic habitat (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018). IT-ISCMS-8A02-0001: The Marine Strategy Framework Directive requires that to determining good environmental status for D1 “Biological diversity is maintained. The quality and occurrence of habitats and the distribution and abundance of species are in line with prevailing physiographic, geographic and climatic conditionsâ€. In this regard, it is recalled that for the preparation of the determination of GES for Descriptor 1, the Directive requires to consider a set of criteria (7) and indicators, whose analysis and selection must be justified in relation to the information collected with the Initial Assessment and their direct relevance to the main causes of human pressure. It should be noted that, based on the ecosystem approach, the main consideration on which choose the indicators should be based on the fact that they are able to establish relationships between the impact of human activities and the functioning of the marine ecosystem. All this taking into account that there are still gaps of knowledge on the relationship between the values measured for the different activities / pressures considered and the effects they cause on ecosystems. The formulation of the targets was done taking into account commitments already signed by Italy in relation to international conventions and European legislation, on the assumption that the pursuit of these objectives is in itself a contribution to the achievement of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive targets. This is also because the Marine Strategy officially requires referring to other European Directives and to international conventions concerning the marine environment. Overall, should be noted that only 4 of the seven criteria of the Marine Strategy, based on the information gathered with the initial assessment and in relation to the characteristics of the Mediterranean Sea, were considered for the determination of GES for the descriptor 1: 1.2 Population size 1.3 Population condition 1.5 Habitat extent 1.6 Habitat condition Specifically, as regards the aspects relating to the criterion 1.7 "Ecosystem structure" it was considered better to tackle it within the descriptor 4 "Food webs". For each criterion were identified the indicators considered most appropriate, foreseeing that the individual GES is achieved with the positive response of all the composing elements, selected on the basis of the initial assessment, of the scientific knowledge and their future implementability (2014 or 2018 ). The overall proposal is therefore based on 4 criteria and 15 indicators proposed for the 3 sub regions of interest for Italy, for each of which a GES should be assessed. The explanations of the reasons leading to the formulation of the proposal are described in the single sheet of the element relating to a specific indicator. Overall it is expected that the majority of the proposed indicators can be operational from 2018, due to the need to acquire additional cognitive elements (specified on each sheet). Only for the avifauna is thought to be possible to arrive to operability for 2014. It follows the list of indicators taken into account per criterion with the indication of the year in which it is expected to be operational in brackets: Criterion 1.2 Population size – Indicator 1.2.1 Population abundance and /or biomass, as appropriate – considered elements: Fan mussel - Pinna nobilis (2018), coastal fish species (2018), Loggerhead - Caretta caretta (2018), marine mammals (2018), marine birds (2014). Criterion 1.3 Population condition – Indicator 1.3.1 Population demographic characteristics – considered elements: Ribbed Mediterranean Limpet Patella ferruginea (2018), coastal fish species (2018), marine birds (2014). Indicator 1.3.1 Population genetic structure, where appropriate – fish species (2018). Criterion 1.5 Habitat extent – Indicator 1.5.1 Habitat area – considered elements : benthic habitats Posidonia oceanica meadows, mäerl beds (2018). Criterion 1.6 Habitat condition – Indicator 1.6.1 Condition of the typical species and communities - considered elements : benthic habitats coralligenous and deep sea corals (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018), coastal fish (2018). Indicator 1.6.2 Relative abundance and/or biomass, as appropriate - considered elements : pelagic habitat (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018). IT-ISCMS-8A02-0002: The Marine Strategy Framework Directive requires that to determining good environmental status for D1 “Biological diversity is maintained. The quality and occurrence of habitats and the distribution and abundance of species are in line with prevailing physiographic, geographic and climatic conditionsâ€. In this regard, it is recalled that for the preparation of the determination of GES for Descriptor 1, the Directive requires to consider a set of criteria (7) and indicators, whose analysis and selection must be justified in relation to the information collected with the Initial Assessment and their direct relevance to the main causes of human pressure. It should be noted that, based on the ecosystem approach, the main consideration on which choose the indicators should be based on the fact that they are able to establish relationships between the impact of human activities and the functioning of the marine ecosystem. All this taking into account that there are still gaps of knowledge on the relationship between the values measured for the different activities / pressures considered and the effects they cause on ecosystems. The formulation of the targets was done taking into account commitments already signed by Italy in relation to international conventions and European legislation, on the assumption that the pursuit of these objectives is in itself a contribution to the achievement of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive targets. This is also because the Marine Strategy officially requires referring to other European Directives and to international conventions concerning the marine environment. Overall, should be noted that only 4 of the seven criteria of the Marine Strategy, based on the information gathered with the initial assessment and in relation to the characteristics of the Mediterranean Sea, were considered for the determination of GES for the descriptor 1: 1.2 Population size 1.3 Population condition 1.5 Habitat extent 1.6 Habitat condition Specifically, as regards the aspects relating to the criterion 1.7 "Ecosystem structure" it was considered better to tackle it within the descriptor 4 "Food webs". For each criterion were identified the indicators considered most appropriate, foreseeing that the individual GES is achieved with the positive response of all the composing elements, selected on the basis of the initial assessment, of the scientific knowledge and their future implementability (2014 or 2018 ). The overall proposal is therefore based on 4 criteria and 15 indicators proposed for the 3 sub regions of interest for Italy, for each of which a GES should be assessed. The explanations of the reasons leading to the formulation of the proposal are described in the single sheet of the element relating to a specific indicator. Overall it is expected that the majority of the proposed indicators can be operational from 2018, due to the need to acquire additional cognitive elements (specified on each sheet). Only for the avifauna is thought to be possible to arrive to operability for 2014. It follows the list of indicators taken into account per criterion with the indication of the year in which it is expected to be operational in brackets: Criterion 1.2 Population size – Indicator 1.2.1 Population abundance and /or biomass, as appropriate – considered elements: Fan mussel - Pinna nobilis (2018), coastal fish species (2018), Loggerhead - Caretta caretta (2018), marine mammals (2018), marine birds (2014). Criterion 1.3 Population condition – Indicator 1.3.1 Population demographic characteristics – considered elements: Ribbed Mediterranean Limpet Patella ferruginea (2018), coastal fish species (2018), marine birds (2014). Indicator 1.3.1 Population genetic structure, where appropriate – fish species (2018). Criterion 1.5 Habitat extent – Indicator 1.5.1 Habitat area – considered elements : benthic habitats Posidonia oceanica meadows, mäerl beds (2018). Criterion 1.6 Habitat condition – Indicator 1.6.1 Condition of the typical species and communities - considered elements : benthic habitats coralligenous and deep sea corals (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018), coastal fish (2018). Indicator 1.6.2 Relative abundance and/or biomass, as appropriate - considered elements : pelagic habitat (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018). IT-WMS-8A02-0001: The Marine Strategy Framework Directive requires that to determining good environmental status for D1 “Biological diversity is maintained. The quality and occurrence of habitats and the distribution and abundance of species are in line with prevailing physiographic, geographic and climatic conditionsâ€. In this regard, it is recalled that for the preparation of the determination of GES for Descriptor 1, the Directive requires to consider a set of criteria (7) and indicators, whose analysis and selection must be justified in relation to the information collected with the Initial Assessment and their direct relevance to the main causes of human pressure. It should be noted that, based on the ecosystem approach, the main consideration on which choose the indicators should be based on the fact that they are able to establish relationships between the impact of human activities and the functioning of the marine ecosystem. All this taking into account that there are still gaps of knowledge on the relationship between the values measured for the different activities / pressures considered and the effects they cause on ecosystems. The formulation of the targets was done taking into account commitments already signed by Italy in relation to international conventions and European legislation, on the assumption that the pursuit of these objectives is in itself a contribution to the achievement of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive targets. This is also because the Marine Strategy officially requires referring to other European Directives and to international conventions concerning the marine environment. Overall, should be noted that only 4 of the seven criteria of the Marine Strategy, based on the information gathered with the initial assessment and in relation to the characteristics of the Mediterranean Sea, were considered for the determination of GES for the descriptor 1: 1.2 Population size 1.3 Population condition 1.5 Habitat extent 1.6 Habitat condition Specifically, as regards the aspects relating to the criterion 1.7 "Ecosystem structure" it was considered better to tackle it within the descriptor 4 "Food webs". For each criterion were identified the indicators considered most appropriate, foreseeing that the individual GES is achieved with the positive response of all the composing elements, selected on the basis of the initial assessment, of the scientific knowledge and their future implementability (2014 or 2018 ). The overall proposal is therefore based on 4 criteria and 15 indicators proposed for the 3 sub regions of interest for Italy, for each of which a GES should be assessed. The explanations of the reasons leading to the formulation of the proposal are described in the single sheet of the element relating to a specific indicator. Overall it is expected that the majority of the proposed indicators can be operational from 2018, due to the need to acquire additional cognitive elements (specified on each sheet). Only for the avifauna is thought to be possible to arrive to operability for 2014. It follows the list of indicators taken into account per criterion with the indication of the year in which it is expected to be operational in brackets: Criterion 1.2 Population size – Indicator 1.2.1 Population abundance and /or biomass, as appropriate – considered elements: Fan mussel - Pinna nobilis (2018), coastal fish species (2018), Loggerhead - Caretta caretta (2018), marine mammals (2018), marine birds (2014). Criterion 1.3 Population condition – Indicator 1.3.1 Population demographic characteristics – considered elements: Ribbed Mediterranean Limpet Patella ferruginea (2018), coastal fish species (2018), marine birds (2014). Indicator 1.3.1 Population genetic structure, where appropriate – fish species (2018). Criterion 1.5 Habitat extent – Indicator 1.5.1 Habitat area – considered elements : benthic habitats Posidonia oceanica meadows, mäerl beds (2018). Criterion 1.6 Habitat condition – Indicator 1.6.1 Condition of the typical species and communities - considered elements : benthic habitats coralligenous and deep sea corals (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018), coastal fish (2018). Indicator 1.6.2 Relative abundance and/or biomass, as appropriate - considered elements : pelagic habitat (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018). IT-WMS-8A02-0002: The Marine Strategy Framework Directive requires that to determining good environmental status for D1 “Biological diversity is maintained. The quality and occurrence of habitats and the distribution and abundance of species are in line with prevailing physiographic, geographic and climatic conditionsâ€. In this regard, it is recalled that for the preparation of the determination of GES for Descriptor 1, the Directive requires to consider a set of criteria (7) and indicators, whose analysis and selection must be justified in relation to the information collected with the Initial Assessment and their direct relevance to the main causes of human pressure. It should be noted that, based on the ecosystem approach, the main consideration on which choose the indicators should be based on the fact that they are able to establish relationships between the impact of human activities and the functioning of the marine ecosystem. All this taking into account that there are still gaps of knowledge on the relationship between the values measured for the different activities / pressures considered and the effects they cause on ecosystems. The formulation of the targets was done taking into account commitments already signed by Italy in relation to international conventions and European legislation, on the assumption that the pursuit of these objectives is in itself a contribution to the achievement of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive targets. This is also because the Marine Strategy officially requires referring to other European Directives and to international conventions concerning the marine environment. Overall, should be noted that only 4 of the seven criteria of the Marine Strategy, based on the information gathered with the initial assessment and in relation to the characteristics of the Mediterranean Sea, were considered for the determination of GES for the descriptor 1: 1.2 Population size 1.3 Population condition 1.5 Habitat extent 1.6 Habitat condition Specifically, as regards the aspects relating to the criterion 1.7 "Ecosystem structure" it was considered better to tackle it within the descriptor 4 "Food webs". For each criterion were identified the indicators considered most appropriate, foreseeing that the individual GES is achieved with the positive response of all the composing elements, selected on the basis of the initial assessment, of the scientific knowledge and their future implementability (2014 or 2018 ). The overall proposal is therefore based on 4 criteria and 15 indicators proposed for the 3 sub regions of interest for Italy, for each of which a GES should be assessed. The explanations of the reasons leading to the formulation of the proposal are described in the single sheet of the element relating to a specific indicator. Overall it is expected that the majority of the proposed indicators can be operational from 2018, due to the need to acquire additional cognitive elements (specified on each sheet). Only for the avifauna is thought to be possible to arrive to operability for 2014. It follows the list of indicators taken into account per criterion with the indication of the year in which it is expected to be operational in brackets: Criterion 1.2 Population size – Indicator 1.2.1 Population abundance and /or biomass, as appropriate – considered elements: Fan mussel - Pinna nobilis (2018), coastal fish species (2018), Loggerhead - Caretta caretta (2018), marine mammals (2018), marine birds (2014). Criterion 1.3 Population condition – Indicator 1.3.1 Population demographic characteristics – considered elements: Ribbed Mediterranean Limpet Patella ferruginea (2018), coastal fish species (2018), marine birds (2014). Indicator 1.3.1 Population genetic structure, where appropriate – fish species (2018). Criterion 1.5 Habitat extent – Indicator 1.5.1 Habitat area – considered elements : benthic habitats Posidonia oceanica meadows, mäerl beds (2018). Criterion 1.6 Habitat condition – Indicator 1.6.1 Condition of the typical species and communities - considered elements : benthic habitats coralligenous and deep sea corals (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018), coastal fish (2018). Indicator 1.6.2 Relative abundance and/or biomass, as appropriate - considered elements : pelagic habitat (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018). IT-WMS-8A02-0003: The Marine Strategy Framework Directive requires that to determining good environmental status for D1 “Biological diversity is maintained. The quality and occurrence of habitats and the distribution and abundance of species are in line with prevailing physiographic, geographic and climatic conditionsâ€. In this regard, it is recalled that for the preparation of the determination of GES for Descriptor 1, the Directive requires to consider a set of criteria (7) and indicators, whose analysis and selection must be justified in relation to the information collected with the Initial Assessment and their direct relevance to the main causes of human pressure. It should be noted that, based on the ecosystem approach, the main consideration on which choose the indicators should be based on the fact that they are able to establish relationships between the impact of human activities and the functioning of the marine ecosystem. All this taking into account that there are still gaps of knowledge on the relationship between the values measured for the different activities / pressures considered and the effects they cause on ecosystems. The formulation of the targets was done taking into account commitments already signed by Italy in relation to international conventions and European legislation, on the assumption that the pursuit of these objectives is in itself a contribution to the achievement of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive targets. This is also because the Marine Strategy officially requires referring to other European Directives and to international conventions concerning the marine environment. Overall, should be noted that only 4 of the seven criteria of the Marine Strategy, based on the information gathered with the initial assessment and in relation to the characteristics of the Mediterranean Sea, were considered for the determination of GES for the descriptor 1: 1.2 Population size 1.3 Population condition 1.5 Habitat extent 1.6 Habitat condition Specifically, as regards the aspects relating to the criterion 1.7 "Ecosystem structure" it was considered better to tackle it within the descriptor 4 "Food webs". For each criterion were identified the indicators considered most appropriate, foreseeing that the individual GES is achieved with the positive response of all the composing elements, selected on the basis of the initial assessment, of the scientific knowledge and their future implementability (2014 or 2018 ). The overall proposal is therefore based on 4 criteria and 15 indicators proposed for the 3 sub regions of interest for Italy, for each of which a GES should be assessed. The explanations of the reasons leading to the formulation of the proposal are described in the single sheet of the element relating to a specific indicator. Overall it is expected that the majority of the proposed indicators can be operational from 2018, due to the need to acquire additional cognitive elements (specified on each sheet). Only for the avifauna is thought to be possible to arrive to operability for 2014. It follows the list of indicators taken into account per criterion with the indication of the year in which it is expected to be operational in brackets: Criterion 1.2 Population size – Indicator 1.2.1 Population abundance and /or biomass, as appropriate – considered elements: Fan mussel - Pinna nobilis (2018), coastal fish species (2018), Loggerhead - Caretta caretta (2018), marine mammals (2018), marine birds (2014). Criterion 1.3 Population condition – Indicator 1.3.1 Population demographic characteristics – considered elements: Ribbed Mediterranean Limpet Patella ferruginea (2018), coastal fish species (2018), marine birds (2014). Indicator 1.3.1 Population genetic structure, where appropriate – fish species (2018). Criterion 1.5 Habitat extent – Indicator 1.5.1 Habitat area – considered elements : benthic habitats Posidonia oceanica meadows, mäerl beds (2018). Criterion 1.6 Habitat condition – Indicator 1.6.1 Condition of the typical species and communities - considered elements : benthic habitats coralligenous and deep sea corals (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018), coastal fish (2018). Indicator 1.6.2 Relative abundance and/or biomass, as appropriate - considered elements : pelagic habitat (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018). IT-WMS-8A02-0004: The Marine Strategy Framework Directive requires that to determining good environmental status for D1 “Biological diversity is maintained. The quality and occurrence of habitats and the distribution and abundance of species are in line with prevailing physiographic, geographic and climatic conditionsâ€. In this regard, it is recalled that for the preparation of the determination of GES for Descriptor 1, the Directive requires to consider a set of criteria (7) and indicators, whose analysis and selection must be justified in relation to the information collected with the Initial Assessment and their direct relevance to the main causes of human pressure. It should be noted that, based on the ecosystem approach, the main consideration on which choose the indicators should be based on the fact that they are able to establish relationships between the impact of human activities and the functioning of the marine ecosystem. All this taking into account that there are still gaps of knowledge on the relationship between the values measured for the different activities / pressures considered and the effects they cause on ecosystems. The formulation of the targets was done taking into account commitments already signed by Italy in relation to international conventions and European legislation, on the assumption that the pursuit of these objectives is in itself a contribution to the achievement of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive targets. This is also because the Marine Strategy officially requires referring to other European Directives and to international conventions concerning the marine environment. Overall, should be noted that only 4 of the seven criteria of the Marine Strategy, based on the information gathered with the initial assessment and in relation to the characteristics of the Mediterranean Sea, were considered for the determination of GES for the descriptor 1: 1.2 Population size 1.3 Population condition 1.5 Habitat extent 1.6 Habitat condition Specifically, as regards the aspects relating to the criterion 1.7 "Ecosystem structure" it was considered better to tackle it within the descriptor 4 "Food webs". For each criterion were identified the indicators considered most appropriate, foreseeing that the individual GES is achieved with the positive response of all the composing elements, selected on the basis of the initial assessment, of the scientific knowledge and their future implementability (2014 or 2018 ). The overall proposal is therefore based on 4 criteria and 15 indicators proposed for the 3 sub regions of interest for Italy, for each of which a GES should be assessed. The explanations of the reasons leading to the formulation of the proposal are described in the single sheet of the element relating to a specific indicator. Overall it is expected that the majority of the proposed indicators can be operational from 2018, due to the need to acquire additional cognitive elements (specified on each sheet). Only for the avifauna is thought to be possible to arrive to operability for 2014. It follows the list of indicators taken into account per criterion with the indication of the year in which it is expected to be operational in brackets: Criterion 1.2 Population size – Indicator 1.2.1 Population abundance and /or biomass, as appropriate – considered elements: Fan mussel - Pinna nobilis (2018), coastal fish species (2018), Loggerhead - Caretta caretta (2018), marine mammals (2018), marine birds (2014). Criterion 1.3 Population condition – Indicator 1.3.1 Population demographic characteristics – considered elements: Ribbed Mediterranean Limpet Patella ferruginea (2018), coastal fish species (2018), marine birds (2014). Indicator 1.3.1 Population genetic structure, where appropriate – fish species (2018). Criterion 1.5 Habitat extent – Indicator 1.5.1 Habitat area – considered elements : benthic habitats Posidonia oceanica meadows, mäerl beds (2018). Criterion 1.6 Habitat condition – Indicator 1.6.1 Condition of the typical species and communities - considered elements : benthic habitats coralligenous and deep sea corals (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018), coastal fish (2018). Indicator 1.6.2 Relative abundance and/or biomass, as appropriate - considered elements : pelagic habitat (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018). IT-WMS-8A02-0005: The Marine Strategy Framework Directive requires that to determining good environmental status for D1 “Biological diversity is maintained. The quality and occurrence of habitats and the distribution and abundance of species are in line with prevailing physiographic, geographic and climatic conditionsâ€. In this regard, it is recalled that for the preparation of the determination of GES for Descriptor 1, the Directive requires to consider a set of criteria (7) and indicators, whose analysis and selection must be justified in relation to the information collected with the Initial Assessment and their direct relevance to the main causes of human pressure. It should be noted that, based on the ecosystem approach, the main consideration on which choose the indicators should be based on the fact that they are able to establish relationships between the impact of human activities and the functioning of the marine ecosystem. All this taking into account that there are still gaps of knowledge on the relationship between the values measured for the different activities / pressures considered and the effects they cause on ecosystems. The formulation of the targets was done taking into account commitments already signed by Italy in relation to international conventions and European legislation, on the assumption that the pursuit of these objectives is in itself a contribution to the achievement of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive targets. This is also because the Marine Strategy officially requires referring to other European Directives and to international conventions concerning the marine environment. Overall, should be noted that only 4 of the seven criteria of the Marine Strategy, based on the information gathered with the initial assessment and in relation to the characteristics of the Mediterranean Sea, were considered for the determination of GES for the descriptor 1: 1.2 Population size 1.3 Population condition 1.5 Habitat extent 1.6 Habitat condition Specifically, as regards the aspects relating to the criterion 1.7 "Ecosystem structure" it was considered better to tackle it within the descriptor 4 "Food webs". For each criterion were identified the indicators considered most appropriate, foreseeing that the individual GES is achieved with the positive response of all the composing elements, selected on the basis of the initial assessment, of the scientific knowledge and their future implementability (2014 or 2018 ). The overall proposal is therefore based on 4 criteria and 15 indicators proposed for the 3 sub regions of interest for Italy, for each of which a GES should be assessed. The explanations of the reasons leading to the formulation of the proposal are described in the single sheet of the element relating to a specific indicator. Overall it is expected that the majority of the proposed indicators can be operational from 2018, due to the need to acquire additional cognitive elements (specified on each sheet). Only for the avifauna is thought to be possible to arrive to operability for 2014. It follows the list of indicators taken into account per criterion with the indication of the year in which it is expected to be operational in brackets: Criterion 1.2 Population size – Indicator 1.2.1 Population abundance and /or biomass, as appropriate – considered elements: Fan mussel - Pinna nobilis (2018), coastal fish species (2018), Loggerhead - Caretta caretta (2018), marine mammals (2018), marine birds (2014). Criterion 1.3 Population condition – Indicator 1.3.1 Population demographic characteristics – considered elements: Ribbed Mediterranean Limpet Patella ferruginea (2018), coastal fish species (2018), marine birds (2014). Indicator 1.3.1 Population genetic structure, where appropriate – fish species (2018). Criterion 1.5 Habitat extent – Indicator 1.5.1 Habitat area – considered elements : benthic habitats Posidonia oceanica meadows, mäerl beds (2018). Criterion 1.6 Habitat condition – Indicator 1.6.1 Condition of the typical species and communities - considered elements : benthic habitats coralligenous and deep sea corals (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018), coastal fish (2018). Indicator 1.6.2 Relative abundance and/or biomass, as appropriate - considered elements : pelagic habitat (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018). IT-WMS-8A02-0006: The Marine Strategy Framework Directive requires that to determining good environmental status for D1 “Biological diversity is maintained. The quality and occurrence of habitats and the distribution and abundance of species are in line with prevailing physiographic, geographic and climatic conditionsâ€. In this regard, it is recalled that for the preparation of the determination of GES for Descriptor 1, the Directive requires to consider a set of criteria (7) and indicators, whose analysis and selection must be justified in relation to the information collected with the Initial Assessment and their direct relevance to the main causes of human pressure. It should be noted that, based on the ecosystem approach, the main consideration on which choose the indicators should be based on the fact that they are able to establish relationships between the impact of human activities and the functioning of the marine ecosystem. All this taking into account that there are still gaps of knowledge on the relationship between the values measured for the different activities / pressures considered and the effects they cause on ecosystems. The formulation of the targets was done taking into account commitments already signed by Italy in relation to international conventions and European legislation, on the assumption that the pursuit of these objectives is in itself a contribution to the achievement of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive targets. This is also because the Marine Strategy officially requires referring to other European Directives and to international conventions concerning the marine environment. Overall, should be noted that only 4 of the seven criteria of the Marine Strategy, based on the information gathered with the initial assessment and in relation to the characteristics of the Mediterranean Sea, were considered for the determination of GES for the descriptor 1: 1.2 Population size 1.3 Population condition 1.5 Habitat extent 1.6 Habitat condition Specifically, as regards the aspects relating to the criterion 1.7 "Ecosystem structure" it was considered better to tackle it within the descriptor 4 "Food webs". For each criterion were identified the indicators considered most appropriate, foreseeing that the individual GES is achieved with the positive response of all the composing elements, selected on the basis of the initial assessment, of the scientific knowledge and their future implementability (2014 or 2018 ). The overall proposal is therefore based on 4 criteria and 15 indicators proposed for the 3 sub regions of interest for Italy, for each of which a GES should be assessed. The explanations of the reasons leading to the formulation of the proposal are described in the single sheet of the element relating to a specific indicator. Overall it is expected that the majority of the proposed indicators can be operational from 2018, due to the need to acquire additional cognitive elements (specified on each sheet). Only for the avifauna is thought to be possible to arrive to operability for 2014. It follows the list of indicators taken into account per criterion with the indication of the year in which it is expected to be operational in brackets: Criterion 1.2 Population size – Indicator 1.2.1 Population abundance and /or biomass, as appropriate – considered elements: Fan mussel - Pinna nobilis (2018), coastal fish species (2018), Loggerhead - Caretta caretta (2018), marine mammals (2018), marine birds (2014). Criterion 1.3 Population condition – Indicator 1.3.1 Population demographic characteristics – considered elements: Ribbed Mediterranean Limpet Patella ferruginea (2018), coastal fish species (2018), marine birds (2014). Indicator 1.3.1 Population genetic structure, where appropriate – fish species (2018). Criterion 1.5 Habitat extent – Indicator 1.5.1 Habitat area – considered elements : benthic habitats Posidonia oceanica meadows, mäerl beds (2018). Criterion 1.6 Habitat condition – Indicator 1.6.1 Condition of the typical species and communities - considered elements : benthic habitats coralligenous and deep sea corals (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018), coastal fish (2018). Indicator 1.6.2 Relative abundance and/or biomass, as appropriate - considered elements : pelagic habitat (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018). IT-WMS-8A02-0007: The Marine Strategy Framework Directive requires that to determining good environmental status for D1 “Biological diversity is maintained. The quality and occurrence of habitats and the distribution and abundance of species are in line with prevailing physiographic, geographic and climatic conditionsâ€. In this regard, it is recalled that for the preparation of the determination of GES for Descriptor 1, the Directive requires to consider a set of criteria (7) and indicators, whose analysis and selection must be justified in relation to the information collected with the Initial Assessment and their direct relevance to the main causes of human pressure. It should be noted that, based on the ecosystem approach, the main consideration on which choose the indicators should be based on the fact that they are able to establish relationships between the impact of human activities and the functioning of the marine ecosystem. All this taking into account that there are still gaps of knowledge on the relationship between the values measured for the different activities / pressures considered and the effects they cause on ecosystems. The formulation of the targets was done taking into account commitments already signed by Italy in relation to international conventions and European legislation, on the assumption that the pursuit of these objectives is in itself a contribution to the achievement of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive targets. This is also because the Marine Strategy officially requires referring to other European Directives and to international conventions concerning the marine environment. Overall, should be noted that only 4 of the seven criteria of the Marine Strategy, based on the information gathered with the initial assessment and in relation to the characteristics of the Mediterranean Sea, were considered for the determination of GES for the descriptor 1: 1.2 Population size 1.3 Population condition 1.5 Habitat extent 1.6 Habitat condition Specifically, as regards the aspects relating to the criterion 1.7 "Ecosystem structure" it was considered better to tackle it within the descriptor 4 "Food webs". For each criterion were identified the indicators considered most appropriate, foreseeing that the individual GES is achieved with the positive response of all the composing elements, selected on the basis of the initial assessment, of the scientific knowledge and their future implementability (2014 or 2018 ). The overall proposal is therefore based on 4 criteria and 15 indicators proposed for the 3 sub regions of interest for Italy, for each of which a GES should be assessed. The explanations of the reasons leading to the formulation of the proposal are described in the single sheet of the element relating to a specific indicator. Overall it is expected that the majority of the proposed indicators can be operational from 2018, due to the need to acquire additional cognitive elements (specified on each sheet). Only for the avifauna is thought to be possible to arrive to operability for 2014. It follows the list of indicators taken into account per criterion with the indication of the year in which it is expected to be operational in brackets: Criterion 1.2 Population size – Indicator 1.2.1 Population abundance and /or biomass, as appropriate – considered elements: Fan mussel - Pinna nobilis (2018), coastal fish species (2018), Loggerhead - Caretta caretta (2018), marine mammals (2018), marine birds (2014). Criterion 1.3 Population condition – Indicator 1.3.1 Population demographic characteristics – considered elements: Ribbed Mediterranean Limpet Patella ferruginea (2018), coastal fish species (2018), marine birds (2014). Indicator 1.3.1 Population genetic structure, where appropriate – fish species (2018). Criterion 1.5 Habitat extent – Indicator 1.5.1 Habitat area – considered elements : benthic habitats Posidonia oceanica meadows, mäerl beds (2018). Criterion 1.6 Habitat condition – Indicator 1.6.1 Condition of the typical species and communities - considered elements : benthic habitats coralligenous and deep sea corals (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018), coastal fish (2018). Indicator 1.6.2 Relative abundance and/or biomass, as appropriate - considered elements : pelagic habitat (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018). IT-AS-8A02-0001: The Marine Strategy Framework Directive requires that to determining good environmental status for D1 “Biological diversity is maintained. The quality and occurrence of habitats and the distribution and abundance of species are in line with prevailing physiographic, geographic and climatic conditionsâ€. In this regard, it is recalled that for the preparation of the determination of GES for Descriptor 1, the Directive requires to consider a set of criteria (7) and indicators, whose analysis and selection must be justified in relation to the information collected with the Initial Assessment and their direct relevance to the main causes of human pressure. It should be noted that, based on the ecosystem approach, the main consideration on which choose the indicators should be based on the fact that they are able to establish relationships between the impact of human activities and the functioning of the marine ecosystem. All this taking into account that there are still gaps of knowledge on the relationship between the values measured for the different activities / pressures considered and the effects they cause on ecosystems. The formulation of the targets was done taking into account commitments already signed by Italy in relation to international conventions and European legislation, on the assumption that the pursuit of these objectives is in itself a contribution to the achievement of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive targets. This is also because the Marine Strategy officially requires referring to other European Directives and to international conventions concerning the marine environment. Overall, should be noted that only 4 of the seven criteria of the Marine Strategy, based on the information gathered with the initial assessment and in relation to the characteristics of the Mediterranean Sea, were considered for the determination of GES for the descriptor 1: 1.2 Population size 1.3 Population condition 1.5 Habitat extent 1.6 Habitat condition Specifically, as regards the aspects relating to the criterion 1.7 "Ecosystem structure" it was considered better to tackle it within the descriptor 4 "Food webs". For each criterion were identified the indicators considered most appropriate, foreseeing that the individual GES is achieved with the positive response of all the composing elements, selected on the basis of the initial assessment, of the scientific knowledge and their future implementability (2014 or 2018 ). The overall proposal is therefore based on 4 criteria and 15 indicators proposed for the 3 sub regions of interest for Italy, for each of which a GES should be assessed. The explanations of the reasons leading to the formulation of the proposal are described in the single sheet of the element relating to a specific indicator. Overall it is expected that the majority of the proposed indicators can be operational from 2018, due to the need to acquire additional cognitive elements (specified on each sheet). Only for the avifauna is thought to be possible to arrive to operability for 2014. It follows the list of indicators taken into account per criterion with the indication of the year in which it is expected to be operational in brackets: Criterion 1.2 Population size – Indicator 1.2.1 Population abundance and /or biomass, as appropriate – considered elements: Fan mussel - Pinna nobilis (2018), coastal fish species (2018), Loggerhead - Caretta caretta (2018), marine mammals (2018), marine birds (2014). Criterion 1.3 Population condition – Indicator 1.3.1 Population demographic characteristics – considered elements: Ribbed Mediterranean Limpet Patella ferruginea (2018), coastal fish species (2018), marine birds (2014). Indicator 1.3.1 Population genetic structure, where appropriate – fish species (2018). Criterion 1.5 Habitat extent – Indicator 1.5.1 Habitat area – considered elements : benthic habitats Posidonia oceanica meadows, mäerl beds (2018). Criterion 1.6 Habitat condition – Indicator 1.6.1 Condition of the typical species and communities - considered elements : benthic habitats coralligenous and deep sea corals (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018), coastal fish (2018). Indicator 1.6.2 Relative abundance and/or biomass, as appropriate - considered elements : pelagic habitat (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018). IT-AS-8A02-0002: The Marine Strategy Framework Directive requires that to determining good environmental status for D1 “Biological diversity is maintained. The quality and occurrence of habitats and the distribution and abundance of species are in line with prevailing physiographic, geographic and climatic conditionsâ€. In this regard, it is recalled that for the preparation of the determination of GES for Descriptor 1, the Directive requires to consider a set of criteria (7) and indicators, whose analysis and selection must be justified in relation to the information collected with the Initial Assessment and their direct relevance to the main causes of human pressure. It should be noted that, based on the ecosystem approach, the main consideration on which choose the indicators should be based on the fact that they are able to establish relationships between the impact of human activities and the functioning of the marine ecosystem. All this taking into account that there are still gaps of knowledge on the relationship between the values measured for the different activities / pressures considered and the effects they cause on ecosystems. The formulation of the targets was done taking into account commitments already signed by Italy in relation to international conventions and European legislation, on the assumption that the pursuit of these objectives is in itself a contribution to the achievement of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive targets. This is also because the Marine Strategy officially requires referring to other European Directives and to international conventions concerning the marine environment. Overall, should be noted that only 4 of the seven criteria of the Marine Strategy, based on the information gathered with the initial assessment and in relation to the characteristics of the Mediterranean Sea, were considered for the determination of GES for the descriptor 1: 1.2 Population size 1.3 Population condition 1.5 Habitat extent 1.6 Habitat condition Specifically, as regards the aspects relating to the criterion 1.7 "Ecosystem structure" it was considered better to tackle it within the descriptor 4 "Food webs". For each criterion were identified the indicators considered most appropriate, foreseeing that the individual GES is achieved with the positive response of all the composing elements, selected on the basis of the initial assessment, of the scientific knowledge and their future implementability (2014 or 2018 ). The overall proposal is therefore based on 4 criteria and 15 indicators proposed for the 3 sub regions of interest for Italy, for each of which a GES should be assessed. The explanations of the reasons leading to the formulation of the proposal are described in the single sheet of the element relating to a specific indicator. Overall it is expected that the majority of the proposed indicators can be operational from 2018, due to the need to acquire additional cognitive elements (specified on each sheet). Only for the avifauna is thought to be possible to arrive to operability for 2014. It follows the list of indicators taken into account per criterion with the indication of the year in which it is expected to be operational in brackets: Criterion 1.2 Population size – Indicator 1.2.1 Population abundance and /or biomass, as appropriate – considered elements: Fan mussel - Pinna nobilis (2018), coastal fish species (2018), Loggerhead - Caretta caretta (2018), marine mammals (2018), marine birds (2014). Criterion 1.3 Population condition – Indicator 1.3.1 Population demographic characteristics – considered elements: Ribbed Mediterranean Limpet Patella ferruginea (2018), coastal fish species (2018), marine birds (2014). Indicator 1.3.1 Population genetic structure, where appropriate – fish species (2018). Criterion 1.5 Habitat extent – Indicator 1.5.1 Habitat area – considered elements : benthic habitats Posidonia oceanica meadows, mäerl beds (2018). Criterion 1.6 Habitat condition – Indicator 1.6.1 Condition of the typical species and communities - considered elements : benthic habitats coralligenous and deep sea corals (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018), coastal fish (2018). Indicator 1.6.2 Relative abundance and/or biomass, as appropriate - considered elements : pelagic habitat (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018). IT-ISCMS-8A02-0001: The Marine Strategy Framework Directive requires that to determining good environmental status for D1 “Biological diversity is maintained. The quality and occurrence of habitats and the distribution and abundance of species are in line with prevailing physiographic, geographic and climatic conditionsâ€. In this regard, it is recalled that for the preparation of the determination of GES for Descriptor 1, the Directive requires to consider a set of criteria (7) and indicators, whose analysis and selection must be justified in relation to the information collected with the Initial Assessment and their direct relevance to the main causes of human pressure. It should be noted that, based on the ecosystem approach, the main consideration on which choose the indicators should be based on the fact that they are able to establish relationships between the impact of human activities and the functioning of the marine ecosystem. All this taking into account that there are still gaps of knowledge on the relationship between the values measured for the different activities / pressures considered and the effects they cause on ecosystems. The formulation of the targets was done taking into account commitments already signed by Italy in relation to international conventions and European legislation, on the assumption that the pursuit of these objectives is in itself a contribution to the achievement of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive targets. This is also because the Marine Strategy officially requires referring to other European Directives and to international conventions concerning the marine environment. Overall, should be noted that only 4 of the seven criteria of the Marine Strategy, based on the information gathered with the initial assessment and in relation to the characteristics of the Mediterranean Sea, were considered for the determination of GES for the descriptor 1: 1.2 Population size 1.3 Population condition 1.5 Habitat extent 1.6 Habitat condition Specifically, as regards the aspects relating to the criterion 1.7 "Ecosystem structure" it was considered better to tackle it within the descriptor 4 "Food webs". For each criterion were identified the indicators considered most appropriate, foreseeing that the individual GES is achieved with the positive response of all the composing elements, selected on the basis of the initial assessment, of the scientific knowledge and their future implementability (2014 or 2018 ). The overall proposal is therefore based on 4 criteria and 15 indicators proposed for the 3 sub regions of interest for Italy, for each of which a GES should be assessed. The explanations of the reasons leading to the formulation of the proposal are described in the single sheet of the element relating to a specific indicator. Overall it is expected that the majority of the proposed indicators can be operational from 2018, due to the need to acquire additional cognitive elements (specified on each sheet). Only for the avifauna is thought to be possible to arrive to operability for 2014. It follows the list of indicators taken into account per criterion with the indication of the year in which it is expected to be operational in brackets: Criterion 1.2 Population size – Indicator 1.2.1 Population abundance and /or biomass, as appropriate – considered elements: Fan mussel - Pinna nobilis (2018), coastal fish species (2018), Loggerhead - Caretta caretta (2018), marine mammals (2018), marine birds (2014). Criterion 1.3 Population condition – Indicator 1.3.1 Population demographic characteristics – considered elements: Ribbed Mediterranean Limpet Patella ferruginea (2018), coastal fish species (2018), marine birds (2014). Indicator 1.3.1 Population genetic structure, where appropriate – fish species (2018). Criterion 1.5 Habitat extent – Indicator 1.5.1 Habitat area – considered elements : benthic habitats Posidonia oceanica meadows, mäerl beds (2018). Criterion 1.6 Habitat condition – Indicator 1.6.1 Condition of the typical species and communities - considered elements : benthic habitats coralligenous and deep sea corals (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018), coastal fish (2018). Indicator 1.6.2 Relative abundance and/or biomass, as appropriate - considered elements : pelagic habitat (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018). IT-ISCMS-8A02-0002: The Marine Strategy Framework Directive requires that to determining good environmental status for D1 “Biological diversity is maintained. The quality and occurrence of habitats and the distribution and abundance of species are in line with prevailing physiographic, geographic and climatic conditionsâ€. In this regard, it is recalled that for the preparation of the determination of GES for Descriptor 1, the Directive requires to consider a set of criteria (7) and indicators, whose analysis and selection must be justified in relation to the information collected with the Initial Assessment and their direct relevance to the main causes of human pressure. It should be noted that, based on the ecosystem approach, the main consideration on which choose the indicators should be based on the fact that they are able to establish relationships between the impact of human activities and the functioning of the marine ecosystem. All this taking into account that there are still gaps of knowledge on the relationship between the values measured for the different activities / pressures considered and the effects they cause on ecosystems. The formulation of the targets was done taking into account commitments already signed by Italy in relation to international conventions and European legislation, on the assumption that the pursuit of these objectives is in itself a contribution to the achievement of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive targets. This is also because the Marine Strategy officially requires referring to other European Directives and to international conventions concerning the marine environment. Overall, should be noted that only 4 of the seven criteria of the Marine Strategy, based on the information gathered with the initial assessment and in relation to the characteristics of the Mediterranean Sea, were considered for the determination of GES for the descriptor 1: 1.2 Population size 1.3 Population condition 1.5 Habitat extent 1.6 Habitat condition Specifically, as regards the aspects relating to the criterion 1.7 "Ecosystem structure" it was considered better to tackle it within the descriptor 4 "Food webs". For each criterion were identified the indicators considered most appropriate, foreseeing that the individual GES is achieved with the positive response of all the composing elements, selected on the basis of the initial assessment, of the scientific knowledge and their future implementability (2014 or 2018 ). The overall proposal is therefore based on 4 criteria and 15 indicators proposed for the 3 sub regions of interest for Italy, for each of which a GES should be assessed. The explanations of the reasons leading to the formulation of the proposal are described in the single sheet of the element relating to a specific indicator. Overall it is expected that the majority of the proposed indicators can be operational from 2018, due to the need to acquire additional cognitive elements (specified on each sheet). Only for the avifauna is thought to be possible to arrive to operability for 2014. It follows the list of indicators taken into account per criterion with the indication of the year in which it is expected to be operational in brackets: Criterion 1.2 Population size – Indicator 1.2.1 Population abundance and /or biomass, as appropriate – considered elements: Fan mussel - Pinna nobilis (2018), coastal fish species (2018), Loggerhead - Caretta caretta (2018), marine mammals (2018), marine birds (2014). Criterion 1.3 Population condition – Indicator 1.3.1 Population demographic characteristics – considered elements: Ribbed Mediterranean Limpet Patella ferruginea (2018), coastal fish species (2018), marine birds (2014). Indicator 1.3.1 Population genetic structure, where appropriate – fish species (2018). Criterion 1.5 Habitat extent – Indicator 1.5.1 Habitat area – considered elements : benthic habitats Posidonia oceanica meadows, mäerl beds (2018). Criterion 1.6 Habitat condition – Indicator 1.6.1 Condition of the typical species and communities - considered elements : benthic habitats coralligenous and deep sea corals (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018), coastal fish (2018). Indicator 1.6.2 Relative abundance and/or biomass, as appropriate - considered elements : pelagic habitat (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018). IT-AS-8A02-0101: The Marine Strategy Framework Directive requires that to determining good environmental status for D1 “Biological diversity is maintained. The quality and occurrence of habitats and the distribution and abundance of species are in line with prevailing physiographic, geographic and climatic conditionsâ€. In this regard, it is recalled that for the preparation of the determination of GES for Descriptor 1, the Directive requires to consider a set of criteria (7) and indicators, whose analysis and selection must be justified in relation to the information collected with the Initial Assessment and their direct relevance to the main causes of human pressure. It should be noted that, based on the ecosystem approach, the main consideration on which choose the indicators should be based on the fact that they are able to establish relationships between the impact of human activities and the functioning of the marine ecosystem. All this taking into account that there are still gaps of knowledge on the relationship between the values measured for the different activities / pressures considered and the effects they cause on ecosystems. The formulation of the targets was done taking into account commitments already signed by Italy in relation to international conventions and European legislation, on the assumption that the pursuit of these objectives is in itself a contribution to the achievement of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive targets. This is also because the Marine Strategy officially requires referring to other European Directives and to international conventions concerning the marine environment. Overall, should be noted that only 4 of the seven criteria of the Marine Strategy, based on the information gathered with the initial assessment and in relation to the characteristics of the Mediterranean Sea, were considered for the determination of GES for the descriptor 1: 1.2 Population size 1.3 Population condition 1.5 Habitat extent 1.6 Habitat condition Specifically, as regards the aspects relating to the criterion 1.7 "Ecosystem structure" it was considered better to tackle it within the descriptor 4 "Food webs". For each criterion were identified the indicators considered most appropriate, foreseeing that the individual GES is achieved with the positive response of all the composing elements, selected on the basis of the initial assessment, of the scientific knowledge and their future implementability (2014 or 2018 ). The overall proposal is therefore based on 4 criteria and 15 indicators proposed for the 3 sub regions of interest for Italy, for each of which a GES should be assessed. The explanations of the reasons leading to the formulation of the proposal are described in the single sheet of the element relating to a specific indicator. Overall it is expected that the majority of the proposed indicators can be operational from 2018, due to the need to acquire additional cognitive elements (specified on each sheet). Only for the avifauna is thought to be possible to arrive to operability for 2014. It follows the list of indicators taken into account per criterion with the indication of the year in which it is expected to be operational in brackets: Criterion 1.2 Population size – Indicator 1.2.1 Population abundance and /or biomass, as appropriate – considered elements: Fan mussel - Pinna nobilis (2018), coastal fish species (2018), Loggerhead - Caretta caretta (2018), marine mammals (2018), marine birds (2014). Criterion 1.3 Population condition – Indicator 1.3.1 Population demographic characteristics – considered elements: Ribbed Mediterranean Limpet Patella ferruginea (2018), coastal fish species (2018), marine birds (2014). Indicator 1.3.1 Population genetic structure, where appropriate – fish species (2018). Criterion 1.5 Habitat extent – Indicator 1.5.1 Habitat area – considered elements : benthic habitats Posidonia oceanica meadows, mäerl beds (2018). Criterion 1.6 Habitat condition – Indicator 1.6.1 Condition of the typical species and communities - considered elements : benthic habitats coralligenous and deep sea corals (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018), coastal fish (2018). Indicator 1.6.2 Relative abundance and/or biomass, as appropriate - considered elements : pelagic habitat (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018). IT-AS-8A02-0202 : The Marine Strategy Framework Directive requires that to determining good environmental status for D1 “Biological diversity is maintained. The quality and occurrence of habitats and the distribution and abundance of species are in line with prevailing physiographic, geographic and climatic conditionsâ€. In this regard, it is recalled that for the preparation of the determination of GES for Descriptor 1, the Directive requires to consider a set of criteria (7) and indicators, whose analysis and selection must be justified in relation to the information collected with the Initial Assessment and their direct relevance to the main causes of human pressure. It should be noted that, based on the ecosystem approach, the main consideration on which choose the indicators should be based on the fact that they are able to establish relationships between the impact of human activities and the functioning of the marine ecosystem. All this taking into account that there are still gaps of knowledge on the relationship between the values measured for the different activities / pressures considered and the effects they cause on ecosystems. The formulation of the targets was done taking into account commitments already signed by Italy in relation to international conventions and European legislation, on the assumption that the pursuit of these objectives is in itself a contribution to the achievement of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive targets. This is also because the Marine Strategy officially requires referring to other European Directives and to international conventions concerning the marine environment. Overall, should be noted that only 4 of the seven criteria of the Marine Strategy, based on the information gathered with the initial assessment and in relation to the characteristics of the Mediterranean Sea, were considered for the determination of GES for the descriptor 1: 1.2 Population size 1.3 Population condition 1.5 Habitat extent 1.6 Habitat condition Specifically, as regards the aspects relating to the criterion 1.7 "Ecosystem structure" it was considered better to tackle it within the descriptor 4 "Food webs". For each criterion were identified the indicators considered most appropriate, foreseeing that the individual GES is achieved with the positive response of all the composing elements, selected on the basis of the initial assessment, of the scientific knowledge and their future implementability (2014 or 2018 ). The overall proposal is therefore based on 4 criteria and 15 indicators proposed for the 3 sub regions of interest for Italy, for each of which a GES should be assessed. The explanations of the reasons leading to the formulation of the proposal are described in the single sheet of the element relating to a specific indicator. Overall it is expected that the majority of the proposed indicators can be operational from 2018, due to the need to acquire additional cognitive elements (specified on each sheet). Only for the avifauna is thought to be possible to arrive to operability for 2014. It follows the list of indicators taken into account per criterion with the indication of the year in which it is expected to be operational in brackets: Criterion 1.2 Population size – Indicator 1.2.1 Population abundance and /or biomass, as appropriate – considered elements: Fan mussel - Pinna nobilis (2018), coastal fish species (2018), Loggerhead - Caretta caretta (2018), marine mammals (2018), marine birds (2014). Criterion 1.3 Population condition – Indicator 1.3.1 Population demographic characteristics – considered elements: Ribbed Mediterranean Limpet Patella ferruginea (2018), coastal fish species (2018), marine birds (2014). Indicator 1.3.1 Population genetic structure, where appropriate – fish species (2018). Criterion 1.5 Habitat extent – Indicator 1.5.1 Habitat area – considered elements : benthic habitats Posidonia oceanica meadows, mäerl beds (2018). Criterion 1.6 Habitat condition – Indicator 1.6.1 Condition of the typical species and communities - considered elements : benthic habitats coralligenous and deep sea corals (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018), coastal fish (2018). Indicator 1.6.2 Relative abundance and/or biomass, as appropriate - considered elements : pelagic habitat (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018). IT-AS-8A02-0202 : The Marine Strategy Framework Directive requires that to determining good environmental status for D1 “Biological diversity is maintained. The quality and occurrence of habitats and the distribution and abundance of species are in line with prevailing physiographic, geographic and climatic conditionsâ€. In this regard, it is recalled that for the preparation of the determination of GES for Descriptor 1, the Directive requires to consider a set of criteria (7) and indicators, whose analysis and selection must be justified in relation to the information collected with the Initial Assessment and their direct relevance to the main causes of human pressure. It should be noted that, based on the ecosystem approach, the main consideration on which choose the indicators should be based on the fact that they are able to establish relationships between the impact of human activities and the functioning of the marine ecosystem. All this taking into account that there are still gaps of knowledge on the relationship between the values measured for the different activities / pressures considered and the effects they cause on ecosystems. The formulation of the targets was done taking into account commitments already signed by Italy in relation to international conventions and European legislation, on the assumption that the pursuit of these objectives is in itself a contribution to the achievement of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive targets. This is also because the Marine Strategy officially requires referring to other European Directives and to international conventions concerning the marine environment. Overall, should be noted that only 4 of the seven criteria of the Marine Strategy, based on the information gathered with the initial assessment and in relation to the characteristics of the Mediterranean Sea, were considered for the determination of GES for the descriptor 1: 1.2 Population size 1.3 Population condition 1.5 Habitat extent 1.6 Habitat condition Specifically, as regards the aspects relating to the criterion 1.7 "Ecosystem structure" it was considered better to tackle it within the descriptor 4 "Food webs". For each criterion were identified the indicators considered most appropriate, foreseeing that the individual GES is achieved with the positive response of all the composing elements, selected on the basis of the initial assessment, of the scientific knowledge and their future implementability (2014 or 2018 ). The overall proposal is therefore based on 4 criteria and 15 indicators proposed for the 3 sub regions of interest for Italy, for each of which a GES should be assessed. The explanations of the reasons leading to the formulation of the proposal are described in the single sheet of the element relating to a specific indicator. Overall it is expected that the majority of the proposed indicators can be operational from 2018, due to the need to acquire additional cognitive elements (specified on each sheet). Only for the avifauna is thought to be possible to arrive to operability for 2014. It follows the list of indicators taken into account per criterion with the indication of the year in which it is expected to be operational in brackets: Criterion 1.2 Population size – Indicator 1.2.1 Population abundance and /or biomass, as appropriate – considered elements: Fan mussel - Pinna nobilis (2018), coastal fish species (2018), Loggerhead - Caretta caretta (2018), marine mammals (2018), marine birds (2014). Criterion 1.3 Population condition – Indicator 1.3.1 Population demographic characteristics – considered elements: Ribbed Mediterranean Limpet Patella ferruginea (2018), coastal fish species (2018), marine birds (2014). Indicator 1.3.1 Population genetic structure, where appropriate – fish species (2018). Criterion 1.5 Habitat extent – Indicator 1.5.1 Habitat area – considered elements : benthic habitats Posidonia oceanica meadows, mäerl beds (2018). Criterion 1.6 Habitat condition – Indicator 1.6.1 Condition of the typical species and communities - considered elements : benthic habitats coralligenous and deep sea corals (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018), coastal fish (2018). Indicator 1.6.2 Relative abundance and/or biomass, as appropriate - considered elements : pelagic habitat (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018). IT-AS-8A02-0202 : The Marine Strategy Framework Directive requires that to determining good environmental status for D1 “Biological diversity is maintained. The quality and occurrence of habitats and the distribution and abundance of species are in line with prevailing physiographic, geographic and climatic conditionsâ€. In this regard, it is recalled that for the preparation of the determination of GES for Descriptor 1, the Directive requires to consider a set of criteria (7) and indicators, whose analysis and selection must be justified in relation to the information collected with the Initial Assessment and their direct relevance to the main causes of human pressure. It should be noted that, based on the ecosystem approach, the main consideration on which choose the indicators should be based on the fact that they are able to establish relationships between the impact of human activities and the functioning of the marine ecosystem. All this taking into account that there are still gaps of knowledge on the relationship between the values measured for the different activities / pressures considered and the effects they cause on ecosystems. The formulation of the targets was done taking into account commitments already signed by Italy in relation to international conventions and European legislation, on the assumption that the pursuit of these objectives is in itself a contribution to the achievement of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive targets. This is also because the Marine Strategy officially requires referring to other European Directives and to international conventions concerning the marine environment. Overall, should be noted that only 4 of the seven criteria of the Marine Strategy, based on the information gathered with the initial assessment and in relation to the characteristics of the Mediterranean Sea, were considered for the determination of GES for the descriptor 1: 1.2 Population size 1.3 Population condition 1.5 Habitat extent 1.6 Habitat condition Specifically, as regards the aspects relating to the criterion 1.7 "Ecosystem structure" it was considered better to tackle it within the descriptor 4 "Food webs". For each criterion were identified the indicators considered most appropriate, foreseeing that the individual GES is achieved with the positive response of all the composing elements, selected on the basis of the initial assessment, of the scientific knowledge and their future implementability (2014 or 2018 ). The overall proposal is therefore based on 4 criteria and 15 indicators proposed for the 3 sub regions of interest for Italy, for each of which a GES should be assessed. The explanations of the reasons leading to the formulation of the proposal are described in the single sheet of the element relating to a specific indicator. Overall it is expected that the majority of the proposed indicators can be operational from 2018, due to the need to acquire additional cognitive elements (specified on each sheet). Only for the avifauna is thought to be possible to arrive to operability for 2014. It follows the list of indicators taken into account per criterion with the indication of the year in which it is expected to be operational in brackets: Criterion 1.2 Population size – Indicator 1.2.1 Population abundance and /or biomass, as appropriate – considered elements: Fan mussel - Pinna nobilis (2018), coastal fish species (2018), Loggerhead - Caretta caretta (2018), marine mammals (2018), marine birds (2014). Criterion 1.3 Population condition – Indicator 1.3.1 Population demographic characteristics – considered elements: Ribbed Mediterranean Limpet Patella ferruginea (2018), coastal fish species (2018), marine birds (2014). Indicator 1.3.1 Population genetic structure, where appropriate – fish species (2018). Criterion 1.5 Habitat extent – Indicator 1.5.1 Habitat area – considered elements : benthic habitats Posidonia oceanica meadows, mäerl beds (2018). Criterion 1.6 Habitat condition – Indicator 1.6.1 Condition of the typical species and communities - considered elements : benthic habitats coralligenous and deep sea corals (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018), coastal fish (2018). Indicator 1.6.2 Relative abundance and/or biomass, as appropriate - considered elements : pelagic habitat (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018). IT-AS-8A02-0202 : The Marine Strategy Framework Directive requires that to determining good environmental status for D1 “Biological diversity is maintained. The quality and occurrence of habitats and the distribution and abundance of species are in line with prevailing physiographic, geographic and climatic conditionsâ€. In this regard, it is recalled that for the preparation of the determination of GES for Descriptor 1, the Directive requires to consider a set of criteria (7) and indicators, whose analysis and selection must be justified in relation to the information collected with the Initial Assessment and their direct relevance to the main causes of human pressure. It should be noted that, based on the ecosystem approach, the main consideration on which choose the indicators should be based on the fact that they are able to establish relationships between the impact of human activities and the functioning of the marine ecosystem. All this taking into account that there are still gaps of knowledge on the relationship between the values measured for the different activities / pressures considered and the effects they cause on ecosystems. The formulation of the targets was done taking into account commitments already signed by Italy in relation to international conventions and European legislation, on the assumption that the pursuit of these objectives is in itself a contribution to the achievement of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive targets. This is also because the Marine Strategy officially requires referring to other European Directives and to international conventions concerning the marine environment. Overall, should be noted that only 4 of the seven criteria of the Marine Strategy, based on the information gathered with the initial assessment and in relation to the characteristics of the Mediterranean Sea, were considered for the determination of GES for the descriptor 1: 1.2 Population size 1.3 Population condition 1.5 Habitat extent 1.6 Habitat condition Specifically, as regards the aspects relating to the criterion 1.7 "Ecosystem structure" it was considered better to tackle it within the descriptor 4 "Food webs". For each criterion were identified the indicators considered most appropriate, foreseeing that the individual GES is achieved with the positive response of all the composing elements, selected on the basis of the initial assessment, of the scientific knowledge and their future implementability (2014 or 2018 ). The overall proposal is therefore based on 4 criteria and 15 indicators proposed for the 3 sub regions of interest for Italy, for each of which a GES should be assessed. The explanations of the reasons leading to the formulation of the proposal are described in the single sheet of the element relating to a specific indicator. Overall it is expected that the majority of the proposed indicators can be operational from 2018, due to the need to acquire additional cognitive elements (specified on each sheet). Only for the avifauna is thought to be possible to arrive to operability for 2014. It follows the list of indicators taken into account per criterion with the indication of the year in which it is expected to be operational in brackets: Criterion 1.2 Population size – Indicator 1.2.1 Population abundance and /or biomass, as appropriate – considered elements: Fan mussel - Pinna nobilis (2018), coastal fish species (2018), Loggerhead - Caretta caretta (2018), marine mammals (2018), marine birds (2014). Criterion 1.3 Population condition – Indicator 1.3.1 Population demographic characteristics – considered elements: Ribbed Mediterranean Limpet Patella ferruginea (2018), coastal fish species (2018), marine birds (2014). Indicator 1.3.1 Population genetic structure, where appropriate – fish species (2018). Criterion 1.5 Habitat extent – Indicator 1.5.1 Habitat area – considered elements : benthic habitats Posidonia oceanica meadows, mäerl beds (2018). Criterion 1.6 Habitat condition – Indicator 1.6.1 Condition of the typical species and communities - considered elements : benthic habitats coralligenous and deep sea corals (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018), coastal fish (2018). Indicator 1.6.2 Relative abundance and/or biomass, as appropriate - considered elements : pelagic habitat (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018). IT-AS-8A02-0202 : The Marine Strategy Framework Directive requires that to determining good environmental status for D1 “Biological diversity is maintained. The quality and occurrence of habitats and the distribution and abundance of species are in line with prevailing physiographic, geographic and climatic conditionsâ€. In this regard, it is recalled that for the preparation of the determination of GES for Descriptor 1, the Directive requires to consider a set of criteria (7) and indicators, whose analysis and selection must be justified in relation to the information collected with the Initial Assessment and their direct relevance to the main causes of human pressure. It should be noted that, based on the ecosystem approach, the main consideration on which choose the indicators should be based on the fact that they are able to establish relationships between the impact of human activities and the functioning of the marine ecosystem. All this taking into account that there are still gaps of knowledge on the relationship between the values measured for the different activities / pressures considered and the effects they cause on ecosystems. The formulation of the targets was done taking into account commitments already signed by Italy in relation to international conventions and European legislation, on the assumption that the pursuit of these objectives is in itself a contribution to the achievement of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive targets. This is also because the Marine Strategy officially requires referring to other European Directives and to international conventions concerning the marine environment. Overall, should be noted that only 4 of the seven criteria of the Marine Strategy, based on the information gathered with the initial assessment and in relation to the characteristics of the Mediterranean Sea, were considered for the determination of GES for the descriptor 1: 1.2 Population size 1.3 Population condition 1.5 Habitat extent 1.6 Habitat condition Specifically, as regards the aspects relating to the criterion 1.7 "Ecosystem structure" it was considered better to tackle it within the descriptor 4 "Food webs". For each criterion were identified the indicators considered most appropriate, foreseeing that the individual GES is achieved with the positive response of all the composing elements, selected on the basis of the initial assessment, of the scientific knowledge and their future implementability (2014 or 2018 ). The overall proposal is therefore based on 4 criteria and 15 indicators proposed for the 3 sub regions of interest for Italy, for each of which a GES should be assessed. The explanations of the reasons leading to the formulation of the proposal are described in the single sheet of the element relating to a specific indicator. Overall it is expected that the majority of the proposed indicators can be operational from 2018, due to the need to acquire additional cognitive elements (specified on each sheet). Only for the avifauna is thought to be possible to arrive to operability for 2014. It follows the list of indicators taken into account per criterion with the indication of the year in which it is expected to be operational in brackets: Criterion 1.2 Population size – Indicator 1.2.1 Population abundance and /or biomass, as appropriate – considered elements: Fan mussel - Pinna nobilis (2018), coastal fish species (2018), Loggerhead - Caretta caretta (2018), marine mammals (2018), marine birds (2014). Criterion 1.3 Population condition – Indicator 1.3.1 Population demographic characteristics – considered elements: Ribbed Mediterranean Limpet Patella ferruginea (2018), coastal fish species (2018), marine birds (2014). Indicator 1.3.1 Population genetic structure, where appropriate – fish species (2018). Criterion 1.5 Habitat extent – Indicator 1.5.1 Habitat area – considered elements : benthic habitats Posidonia oceanica meadows, mäerl beds (2018). Criterion 1.6 Habitat condition – Indicator 1.6.1 Condition of the typical species and communities - considered elements : benthic habitats coralligenous and deep sea corals (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018), coastal fish (2018). Indicator 1.6.2 Relative abundance and/or biomass, as appropriate - considered elements : pelagic habitat (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018). IT-WMS-8A02-0101: The Marine Strategy Framework Directive requires that to determining good environmental status for D1 “Biological diversity is maintained. The quality and occurrence of habitats and the distribution and abundance of species are in line with prevailing physiographic, geographic and climatic conditionsâ€. In this regard, it is recalled that for the preparation of the determination of GES for Descriptor 1, the Directive requires to consider a set of criteria (7) and indicators, whose analysis and selection must be justified in relation to the information collected with the Initial Assessment and their direct relevance to the main causes of human pressure. It should be noted that, based on the ecosystem approach, the main consideration on which choose the indicators should be based on the fact that they are able to establish relationships between the impact of human activities and the functioning of the marine ecosystem. All this taking into account that there are still gaps of knowledge on the relationship between the values measured for the different activities / pressures considered and the effects they cause on ecosystems. The formulation of the targets was done taking into account commitments already signed by Italy in relation to international conventions and European legislation, on the assumption that the pursuit of these objectives is in itself a contribution to the achievement of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive targets. This is also because the Marine Strategy officially requires referring to other European Directives and to international conventions concerning the marine environment. Overall, should be noted that only 4 of the seven criteria of the Marine Strategy, based on the information gathered with the initial assessment and in relation to the characteristics of the Mediterranean Sea, were considered for the determination of GES for the descriptor 1: 1.2 Population size 1.3 Population condition 1.5 Habitat extent 1.6 Habitat condition Specifically, as regards the aspects relating to the criterion 1.7 "Ecosystem structure" it was considered better to tackle it within the descriptor 4 "Food webs". For each criterion were identified the indicators considered most appropriate, foreseeing that the individual GES is achieved with the positive response of all the composing elements, selected on the basis of the initial assessment, of the scientific knowledge and their future implementability (2014 or 2018 ). The overall proposal is therefore based on 4 criteria and 15 indicators proposed for the 3 sub regions of interest for Italy, for each of which a GES should be assessed. The explanations of the reasons leading to the formulation of the proposal are described in the single sheet of the element relating to a specific indicator. Overall it is expected that the majority of the proposed indicators can be operational from 2018, due to the need to acquire additional cognitive elements (specified on each sheet). Only for the avifauna is thought to be possible to arrive to operability for 2014. It follows the list of indicators taken into account per criterion with the indication of the year in which it is expected to be operational in brackets: Criterion 1.2 Population size – Indicator 1.2.1 Population abundance and /or biomass, as appropriate – considered elements: Fan mussel - Pinna nobilis (2018), coastal fish species (2018), Loggerhead - Caretta caretta (2018), marine mammals (2018), marine birds (2014). Criterion 1.3 Population condition – Indicator 1.3.1 Population demographic characteristics – considered elements: Ribbed Mediterranean Limpet Patella ferruginea (2018), coastal fish species (2018), marine birds (2014). Indicator 1.3.1 Population genetic structure, where appropriate – fish species (2018). Criterion 1.5 Habitat extent – Indicator 1.5.1 Habitat area – considered elements : benthic habitats Posidonia oceanica meadows, mäerl beds (2018). Criterion 1.6 Habitat condition – Indicator 1.6.1 Condition of the typical species and communities - considered elements : benthic habitats coralligenous and deep sea corals (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018), coastal fish (2018). Indicator 1.6.2 Relative abundance and/or biomass, as appropriate - considered elements : pelagic habitat (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018). IT-WMS-8A02-0101: The Marine Strategy Framework Directive requires that to determining good environmental status for D1 “Biological diversity is maintained. The quality and occurrence of habitats and the distribution and abundance of species are in line with prevailing physiographic, geographic and climatic conditionsâ€. In this regard, it is recalled that for the preparation of the determination of GES for Descriptor 1, the Directive requires to consider a set of criteria (7) and indicators, whose analysis and selection must be justified in relation to the information collected with the Initial Assessment and their direct relevance to the main causes of human pressure. It should be noted that, based on the ecosystem approach, the main consideration on which choose the indicators should be based on the fact that they are able to establish relationships between the impact of human activities and the functioning of the marine ecosystem. All this taking into account that there are still gaps of knowledge on the relationship between the values measured for the different activities / pressures considered and the effects they cause on ecosystems. The formulation of the targets was done taking into account commitments already signed by Italy in relation to international conventions and European legislation, on the assumption that the pursuit of these objectives is in itself a contribution to the achievement of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive targets. This is also because the Marine Strategy officially requires referring to other European Directives and to international conventions concerning the marine environment. Overall, should be noted that only 4 of the seven criteria of the Marine Strategy, based on the information gathered with the initial assessment and in relation to the characteristics of the Mediterranean Sea, were considered for the determination of GES for the descriptor 1: 1.2 Population size 1.3 Population condition 1.5 Habitat extent 1.6 Habitat condition Specifically, as regards the aspects relating to the criterion 1.7 "Ecosystem structure" it was considered better to tackle it within the descriptor 4 "Food webs". For each criterion were identified the indicators considered most appropriate, foreseeing that the individual GES is achieved with the positive response of all the composing elements, selected on the basis of the initial assessment, of the scientific knowledge and their future implementability (2014 or 2018 ). The overall proposal is therefore based on 4 criteria and 15 indicators proposed for the 3 sub regions of interest for Italy, for each of which a GES should be assessed. The explanations of the reasons leading to the formulation of the proposal are described in the single sheet of the element relating to a specific indicator. Overall it is expected that the majority of the proposed indicators can be operational from 2018, due to the need to acquire additional cognitive elements (specified on each sheet). Only for the avifauna is thought to be possible to arrive to operability for 2014. It follows the list of indicators taken into account per criterion with the indication of the year in which it is expected to be operational in brackets: Criterion 1.2 Population size – Indicator 1.2.1 Population abundance and /or biomass, as appropriate – considered elements: Fan mussel - Pinna nobilis (2018), coastal fish species (2018), Loggerhead - Caretta caretta (2018), marine mammals (2018), marine birds (2014). Criterion 1.3 Population condition – Indicator 1.3.1 Population demographic characteristics – considered elements: Ribbed Mediterranean Limpet Patella ferruginea (2018), coastal fish species (2018), marine birds (2014). Indicator 1.3.1 Population genetic structure, where appropriate – fish species (2018). Criterion 1.5 Habitat extent – Indicator 1.5.1 Habitat area – considered elements : benthic habitats Posidonia oceanica meadows, mäerl beds (2018). Criterion 1.6 Habitat condition – Indicator 1.6.1 Condition of the typical species and communities - considered elements : benthic habitats coralligenous and deep sea corals (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018), coastal fish (2018). Indicator 1.6.2 Relative abundance and/or biomass, as appropriate - considered elements : pelagic habitat (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018). IT-WMS-8A02-0102: The Marine Strategy Framework Directive requires that to determining good environmental status for D1 “Biological diversity is maintained. The quality and occurrence of habitats and the distribution and abundance of species are in line with prevailing physiographic, geographic and climatic conditionsâ€. In this regard, it is recalled that for the preparation of the determination of GES for Descriptor 1, the Directive requires to consider a set of criteria (7) and indicators, whose analysis and selection must be justified in relation to the information collected with the Initial Assessment and their direct relevance to the main causes of human pressure. It should be noted that, based on the ecosystem approach, the main consideration on which choose the indicators should be based on the fact that they are able to establish relationships between the impact of human activities and the functioning of the marine ecosystem. All this taking into account that there are still gaps of knowledge on the relationship between the values measured for the different activities / pressures considered and the effects they cause on ecosystems. The formulation of the targets was done taking into account commitments already signed by Italy in relation to international conventions and European legislation, on the assumption that the pursuit of these objectives is in itself a contribution to the achievement of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive targets. This is also because the Marine Strategy officially requires referring to other European Directives and to international conventions concerning the marine environment. Overall, should be noted that only 4 of the seven criteria of the Marine Strategy, based on the information gathered with the initial assessment and in relation to the characteristics of the Mediterranean Sea, were considered for the determination of GES for the descriptor 1: 1.2 Population size 1.3 Population condition 1.5 Habitat extent 1.6 Habitat condition Specifically, as regards the aspects relating to the criterion 1.7 "Ecosystem structure" it was considered better to tackle it within the descriptor 4 "Food webs". For each criterion were identified the indicators considered most appropriate, foreseeing that the individual GES is achieved with the positive response of all the composing elements, selected on the basis of the initial assessment, of the scientific knowledge and their future implementability (2014 or 2018 ). The overall proposal is therefore based on 4 criteria and 15 indicators proposed for the 3 sub regions of interest for Italy, for each of which a GES should be assessed. The explanations of the reasons leading to the formulation of the proposal are described in the single sheet of the element relating to a specific indicator. Overall it is expected that the majority of the proposed indicators can be operational from 2018, due to the need to acquire additional cognitive elements (specified on each sheet). Only for the avifauna is thought to be possible to arrive to operability for 2014. It follows the list of indicators taken into account per criterion with the indication of the year in which it is expected to be operational in brackets: Criterion 1.2 Population size – Indicator 1.2.1 Population abundance and /or biomass, as appropriate – considered elements: Fan mussel - Pinna nobilis (2018), coastal fish species (2018), Loggerhead - Caretta caretta (2018), marine mammals (2018), marine birds (2014). Criterion 1.3 Population condition – Indicator 1.3.1 Population demographic characteristics – considered elements: Ribbed Mediterranean Limpet Patella ferruginea (2018), coastal fish species (2018), marine birds (2014). Indicator 1.3.1 Population genetic structure, where appropriate – fish species (2018). Criterion 1.5 Habitat extent – Indicator 1.5.1 Habitat area – considered elements : benthic habitats Posidonia oceanica meadows, mäerl beds (2018). Criterion 1.6 Habitat condition – Indicator 1.6.1 Condition of the typical species and communities - considered elements : benthic habitats coralligenous and deep sea corals (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018), coastal fish (2018). Indicator 1.6.2 Relative abundance and/or biomass, as appropriate - considered elements : pelagic habitat (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018). IT-WMS-8A02-0404: The Marine Strategy Framework Directive requires that to determining good environmental status for D1 “Biological diversity is maintained. The quality and occurrence of habitats and the distribution and abundance of species are in line with prevailing physiographic, geographic and climatic conditionsâ€. In this regard, it is recalled that for the preparation of the determination of GES for Descriptor 1, the Directive requires to consider a set of criteria (7) and indicators, whose analysis and selection must be justified in relation to the information collected with the Initial Assessment and their direct relevance to the main causes of human pressure. It should be noted that, based on the ecosystem approach, the main consideration on which choose the indicators should be based on the fact that they are able to establish relationships between the impact of human activities and the functioning of the marine ecosystem. All this taking into account that there are still gaps of knowledge on the relationship between the values measured for the different activities / pressures considered and the effects they cause on ecosystems. The formulation of the targets was done taking into account commitments already signed by Italy in relation to international conventions and European legislation, on the assumption that the pursuit of these objectives is in itself a contribution to the achievement of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive targets. This is also because the Marine Strategy officially requires referring to other European Directives and to international conventions concerning the marine environment. Overall, should be noted that only 4 of the seven criteria of the Marine Strategy, based on the information gathered with the initial assessment and in relation to the characteristics of the Mediterranean Sea, were considered for the determination of GES for the descriptor 1: 1.2 Population size 1.3 Population condition 1.5 Habitat extent 1.6 Habitat condition Specifically, as regards the aspects relating to the criterion 1.7 "Ecosystem structure" it was considered better to tackle it within the descriptor 4 "Food webs". For each criterion were identified the indicators considered most appropriate, foreseeing that the individual GES is achieved with the positive response of all the composing elements, selected on the basis of the initial assessment, of the scientific knowledge and their future implementability (2014 or 2018 ). The overall proposal is therefore based on 4 criteria and 15 indicators proposed for the 3 sub regions of interest for Italy, for each of which a GES should be assessed. The explanations of the reasons leading to the formulation of the proposal are described in the single sheet of the element relating to a specific indicator. Overall it is expected that the majority of the proposed indicators can be operational from 2018, due to the need to acquire additional cognitive elements (specified on each sheet). Only for the avifauna is thought to be possible to arrive to operability for 2014. It follows the list of indicators taken into account per criterion with the indication of the year in which it is expected to be operational in brackets: Criterion 1.2 Population size – Indicator 1.2.1 Population abundance and /or biomass, as appropriate – considered elements: Fan mussel - Pinna nobilis (2018), coastal fish species (2018), Loggerhead - Caretta caretta (2018), marine mammals (2018), marine birds (2014). Criterion 1.3 Population condition – Indicator 1.3.1 Population demographic characteristics – considered elements: Ribbed Mediterranean Limpet Patella ferruginea (2018), coastal fish species (2018), marine birds (2014). Indicator 1.3.1 Population genetic structure, where appropriate – fish species (2018). Criterion 1.5 Habitat extent – Indicator 1.5.1 Habitat area – considered elements : benthic habitats Posidonia oceanica meadows, mäerl beds (2018). Criterion 1.6 Habitat condition – Indicator 1.6.1 Condition of the typical species and communities - considered elements : benthic habitats coralligenous and deep sea corals (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018), coastal fish (2018). Indicator 1.6.2 Relative abundance and/or biomass, as appropriate - considered elements : pelagic habitat (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018). IT-WMS-8A02-0404: The Marine Strategy Framework Directive requires that to determining good environmental status for D1 “Biological diversity is maintained. The quality and occurrence of habitats and the distribution and abundance of species are in line with prevailing physiographic, geographic and climatic conditionsâ€. In this regard, it is recalled that for the preparation of the determination of GES for Descriptor 1, the Directive requires to consider a set of criteria (7) and indicators, whose analysis and selection must be justified in relation to the information collected with the Initial Assessment and their direct relevance to the main causes of human pressure. It should be noted that, based on the ecosystem approach, the main consideration on which choose the indicators should be based on the fact that they are able to establish relationships between the impact of human activities and the functioning of the marine ecosystem. All this taking into account that there are still gaps of knowledge on the relationship between the values measured for the different activities / pressures considered and the effects they cause on ecosystems. The formulation of the targets was done taking into account commitments already signed by Italy in relation to international conventions and European legislation, on the assumption that the pursuit of these objectives is in itself a contribution to the achievement of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive targets. This is also because the Marine Strategy officially requires referring to other European Directives and to international conventions concerning the marine environment. Overall, should be noted that only 4 of the seven criteria of the Marine Strategy, based on the information gathered with the initial assessment and in relation to the characteristics of the Mediterranean Sea, were considered for the determination of GES for the descriptor 1: 1.2 Population size 1.3 Population condition 1.5 Habitat extent 1.6 Habitat condition Specifically, as regards the aspects relating to the criterion 1.7 "Ecosystem structure" it was considered better to tackle it within the descriptor 4 "Food webs". For each criterion were identified the indicators considered most appropriate, foreseeing that the individual GES is achieved with the positive response of all the composing elements, selected on the basis of the initial assessment, of the scientific knowledge and their future implementability (2014 or 2018 ). The overall proposal is therefore based on 4 criteria and 15 indicators proposed for the 3 sub regions of interest for Italy, for each of which a GES should be assessed. The explanations of the reasons leading to the formulation of the proposal are described in the single sheet of the element relating to a specific indicator. Overall it is expected that the majority of the proposed indicators can be operational from 2018, due to the need to acquire additional cognitive elements (specified on each sheet). Only for the avifauna is thought to be possible to arrive to operability for 2014. It follows the list of indicators taken into account per criterion with the indication of the year in which it is expected to be operational in brackets: Criterion 1.2 Population size – Indicator 1.2.1 Population abundance and /or biomass, as appropriate – considered elements: Fan mussel - Pinna nobilis (2018), coastal fish species (2018), Loggerhead - Caretta caretta (2018), marine mammals (2018), marine birds (2014). Criterion 1.3 Population condition – Indicator 1.3.1 Population demographic characteristics – considered elements: Ribbed Mediterranean Limpet Patella ferruginea (2018), coastal fish species (2018), marine birds (2014). Indicator 1.3.1 Population genetic structure, where appropriate – fish species (2018). Criterion 1.5 Habitat extent – Indicator 1.5.1 Habitat area – considered elements : benthic habitats Posidonia oceanica meadows, mäerl beds (2018). Criterion 1.6 Habitat condition – Indicator 1.6.1 Condition of the typical species and communities - considered elements : benthic habitats coralligenous and deep sea corals (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018), coastal fish (2018). Indicator 1.6.2 Relative abundance and/or biomass, as appropriate - considered elements : pelagic habitat (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018). IT-ISCMS-8A02-0101 : The Marine Strategy Framework Directive requires that to determining good environmental status for D1 “Biological diversity is maintained. The quality and occurrence of habitats and the distribution and abundance of species are in line with prevailing physiographic, geographic and climatic conditionsâ€. In this regard, it is recalled that for the preparation of the determination of GES for Descriptor 1, the Directive requires to consider a set of criteria (7) and indicators, whose analysis and selection must be justified in relation to the information collected with the Initial Assessment and their direct relevance to the main causes of human pressure. It should be noted that, based on the ecosystem approach, the main consideration on which choose the indicators should be based on the fact that they are able to establish relationships between the impact of human activities and the functioning of the marine ecosystem. All this taking into account that there are still gaps of knowledge on the relationship between the values measured for the different activities / pressures considered and the effects they cause on ecosystems. The formulation of the targets was done taking into account commitments already signed by Italy in relation to international conventions and European legislation, on the assumption that the pursuit of these objectives is in itself a contribution to the achievement of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive targets. This is also because the Marine Strategy officially requires referring to other European Directives and to international conventions concerning the marine environment. Overall, should be noted that only 4 of the seven criteria of the Marine Strategy, based on the information gathered with the initial assessment and in relation to the characteristics of the Mediterranean Sea, were considered for the determination of GES for the descriptor 1: 1.2 Population size 1.3 Population condition 1.5 Habitat extent 1.6 Habitat condition Specifically, as regards the aspects relating to the criterion 1.7 "Ecosystem structure" it was considered better to tackle it within the descriptor 4 "Food webs". For each criterion were identified the indicators considered most appropriate, foreseeing that the individual GES is achieved with the positive response of all the composing elements, selected on the basis of the initial assessment, of the scientific knowledge and their future implementability (2014 or 2018 ). The overall proposal is therefore based on 4 criteria and 15 indicators proposed for the 3 sub regions of interest for Italy, for each of which a GES should be assessed. The explanations of the reasons leading to the formulation of the proposal are described in the single sheet of the element relating to a specific indicator. Overall it is expected that the majority of the proposed indicators can be operational from 2018, due to the need to acquire additional cognitive elements (specified on each sheet). Only for the avifauna is thought to be possible to arrive to operability for 2014. It follows the list of indicators taken into account per criterion with the indication of the year in which it is expected to be operational in brackets: Criterion 1.2 Population size – Indicator 1.2.1 Population abundance and /or biomass, as appropriate – considered elements: Fan mussel - Pinna nobilis (2018), coastal fish species (2018), Loggerhead - Caretta caretta (2018), marine mammals (2018), marine birds (2014). Criterion 1.3 Population condition – Indicator 1.3.1 Population demographic characteristics – considered elements: Ribbed Mediterranean Limpet Patella ferruginea (2018), coastal fish species (2018), marine birds (2014). Indicator 1.3.1 Population genetic structure, where appropriate – fish species (2018). Criterion 1.5 Habitat extent – Indicator 1.5.1 Habitat area – considered elements : benthic habitats Posidonia oceanica meadows, mäerl beds (2018). Criterion 1.6 Habitat condition – Indicator 1.6.1 Condition of the typical species and communities - considered elements : benthic habitats coralligenous and deep sea corals (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018), coastal fish (2018). Indicator 1.6.2 Relative abundance and/or biomass, as appropriate - considered elements : pelagic habitat (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018). IT-ISCMS-8A02-0101 : The Marine Strategy Framework Directive requires that to determining good environmental status for D1 “Biological diversity is maintained. The quality and occurrence of habitats and the distribution and abundance of species are in line with prevailing physiographic, geographic and climatic conditionsâ€. In this regard, it is recalled that for the preparation of the determination of GES for Descriptor 1, the Directive requires to consider a set of criteria (7) and indicators, whose analysis and selection must be justified in relation to the information collected with the Initial Assessment and their direct relevance to the main causes of human pressure. It should be noted that, based on the ecosystem approach, the main consideration on which choose the indicators should be based on the fact that they are able to establish relationships between the impact of human activities and the functioning of the marine ecosystem. All this taking into account that there are still gaps of knowledge on the relationship between the values measured for the different activities / pressures considered and the effects they cause on ecosystems. The formulation of the targets was done taking into account commitments already signed by Italy in relation to international conventions and European legislation, on the assumption that the pursuit of these objectives is in itself a contribution to the achievement of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive targets. This is also because the Marine Strategy officially requires referring to other European Directives and to international conventions concerning the marine environment. Overall, should be noted that only 4 of the seven criteria of the Marine Strategy, based on the information gathered with the initial assessment and in relation to the characteristics of the Mediterranean Sea, were considered for the determination of GES for the descriptor 1: 1.2 Population size 1.3 Population condition 1.5 Habitat extent 1.6 Habitat condition Specifically, as regards the aspects relating to the criterion 1.7 "Ecosystem structure" it was considered better to tackle it within the descriptor 4 "Food webs". For each criterion were identified the indicators considered most appropriate, foreseeing that the individual GES is achieved with the positive response of all the composing elements, selected on the basis of the initial assessment, of the scientific knowledge and their future implementability (2014 or 2018 ). The overall proposal is therefore based on 4 criteria and 15 indicators proposed for the 3 sub regions of interest for Italy, for each of which a GES should be assessed. The explanations of the reasons leading to the formulation of the proposal are described in the single sheet of the element relating to a specific indicator. Overall it is expected that the majority of the proposed indicators can be operational from 2018, due to the need to acquire additional cognitive elements (specified on each sheet). Only for the avifauna is thought to be possible to arrive to operability for 2014. It follows the list of indicators taken into account per criterion with the indication of the year in which it is expected to be operational in brackets: Criterion 1.2 Population size – Indicator 1.2.1 Population abundance and /or biomass, as appropriate – considered elements: Fan mussel - Pinna nobilis (2018), coastal fish species (2018), Loggerhead - Caretta caretta (2018), marine mammals (2018), marine birds (2014). Criterion 1.3 Population condition – Indicator 1.3.1 Population demographic characteristics – considered elements: Ribbed Mediterranean Limpet Patella ferruginea (2018), coastal fish species (2018), marine birds (2014). Indicator 1.3.1 Population genetic structure, where appropriate – fish species (2018). Criterion 1.5 Habitat extent – Indicator 1.5.1 Habitat area – considered elements : benthic habitats Posidonia oceanica meadows, mäerl beds (2018). Criterion 1.6 Habitat condition – Indicator 1.6.1 Condition of the typical species and communities - considered elements : benthic habitats coralligenous and deep sea corals (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018), coastal fish (2018). Indicator 1.6.2 Relative abundance and/or biomass, as appropriate - considered elements : pelagic habitat (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018). IT-ISCMS-8A02-0101 : The Marine Strategy Framework Directive requires that to determining good environmental status for D1 “Biological diversity is maintained. The quality and occurrence of habitats and the distribution and abundance of species are in line with prevailing physiographic, geographic and climatic conditionsâ€. In this regard, it is recalled that for the preparation of the determination of GES for Descriptor 1, the Directive requires to consider a set of criteria (7) and indicators, whose analysis and selection must be justified in relation to the information collected with the Initial Assessment and their direct relevance to the main causes of human pressure. It should be noted that, based on the ecosystem approach, the main consideration on which choose the indicators should be based on the fact that they are able to establish relationships between the impact of human activities and the functioning of the marine ecosystem. All this taking into account that there are still gaps of knowledge on the relationship between the values measured for the different activities / pressures considered and the effects they cause on ecosystems. The formulation of the targets was done taking into account commitments already signed by Italy in relation to international conventions and European legislation, on the assumption that the pursuit of these objectives is in itself a contribution to the achievement of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive targets. This is also because the Marine Strategy officially requires referring to other European Directives and to international conventions concerning the marine environment. Overall, should be noted that only 4 of the seven criteria of the Marine Strategy, based on the information gathered with the initial assessment and in relation to the characteristics of the Mediterranean Sea, were considered for the determination of GES for the descriptor 1: 1.2 Population size 1.3 Population condition 1.5 Habitat extent 1.6 Habitat condition Specifically, as regards the aspects relating to the criterion 1.7 "Ecosystem structure" it was considered better to tackle it within the descriptor 4 "Food webs". For each criterion were identified the indicators considered most appropriate, foreseeing that the individual GES is achieved with the positive response of all the composing elements, selected on the basis of the initial assessment, of the scientific knowledge and their future implementability (2014 or 2018 ). The overall proposal is therefore based on 4 criteria and 15 indicators proposed for the 3 sub regions of interest for Italy, for each of which a GES should be assessed. The explanations of the reasons leading to the formulation of the proposal are described in the single sheet of the element relating to a specific indicator. Overall it is expected that the majority of the proposed indicators can be operational from 2018, due to the need to acquire additional cognitive elements (specified on each sheet). Only for the avifauna is thought to be possible to arrive to operability for 2014. It follows the list of indicators taken into account per criterion with the indication of the year in which it is expected to be operational in brackets: Criterion 1.2 Population size – Indicator 1.2.1 Population abundance and /or biomass, as appropriate – considered elements: Fan mussel - Pinna nobilis (2018), coastal fish species (2018), Loggerhead - Caretta caretta (2018), marine mammals (2018), marine birds (2014). Criterion 1.3 Population condition – Indicator 1.3.1 Population demographic characteristics – considered elements: Ribbed Mediterranean Limpet Patella ferruginea (2018), coastal fish species (2018), marine birds (2014). Indicator 1.3.1 Population genetic structure, where appropriate – fish species (2018). Criterion 1.5 Habitat extent – Indicator 1.5.1 Habitat area – considered elements : benthic habitats Posidonia oceanica meadows, mäerl beds (2018). Criterion 1.6 Habitat condition – Indicator 1.6.1 Condition of the typical species and communities - considered elements : benthic habitats coralligenous and deep sea corals (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018), coastal fish (2018). Indicator 1.6.2 Relative abundance and/or biomass, as appropriate - considered elements : pelagic habitat (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018). IT-ISCMS-8A02-0101: The Marine Strategy Framework Directive requires that to determining good environmental status for D1 “Biological diversity is maintained. The quality and occurrence of habitats and the distribution and abundance of species are in line with prevailing physiographic, geographic and climatic conditionsâ€. In this regard, it is recalled that for the preparation of the determination of GES for Descriptor 1, the Directive requires to consider a set of criteria (7) and indicators, whose analysis and selection must be justified in relation to the information collected with the Initial Assessment and their direct relevance to the main causes of human pressure. It should be noted that, based on the ecosystem approach, the main consideration on which choose the indicators should be based on the fact that they are able to establish relationships between the impact of human activities and the functioning of the marine ecosystem. All this taking into account that there are still gaps of knowledge on the relationship between the values measured for the different activities / pressures considered and the effects they cause on ecosystems. The formulation of the targets was done taking into account commitments already signed by Italy in relation to international conventions and European legislation, on the assumption that the pursuit of these objectives is in itself a contribution to the achievement of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive targets. This is also because the Marine Strategy officially requires referring to other European Directives and to international conventions concerning the marine environment. Overall, should be noted that only 4 of the seven criteria of the Marine Strategy, based on the information gathered with the initial assessment and in relation to the characteristics of the Mediterranean Sea, were considered for the determination of GES for the descriptor 1: 1.2 Population size 1.3 Population condition 1.5 Habitat extent 1.6 Habitat condition Specifically, as regards the aspects relating to the criterion 1.7 "Ecosystem structure" it was considered better to tackle it within the descriptor 4 "Food webs". For each criterion were identified the indicators considered most appropriate, foreseeing that the individual GES is achieved with the positive response of all the composing elements, selected on the basis of the initial assessment, of the scientific knowledge and their future implementability (2014 or 2018 ). The overall proposal is therefore based on 4 criteria and 15 indicators proposed for the 3 sub regions of interest for Italy, for each of which a GES should be assessed. The explanations of the reasons leading to the formulation of the proposal are described in the single sheet of the element relating to a specific indicator. Overall it is expected that the majority of the proposed indicators can be operational from 2018, due to the need to acquire additional cognitive elements (specified on each sheet). Only for the avifauna is thought to be possible to arrive to operability for 2014. It follows the list of indicators taken into account per criterion with the indication of the year in which it is expected to be operational in brackets: Criterion 1.2 Population size – Indicator 1.2.1 Population abundance and /or biomass, as appropriate – considered elements: Fan mussel - Pinna nobilis (2018), coastal fish species (2018), Loggerhead - Caretta caretta (2018), marine mammals (2018), marine birds (2014). Criterion 1.3 Population condition – Indicator 1.3.1 Population demographic characteristics – considered elements: Ribbed Mediterranean Limpet Patella ferruginea (2018), coastal fish species (2018), marine birds (2014). Indicator 1.3.1 Population genetic structure, where appropriate – fish species (2018). Criterion 1.5 Habitat extent – Indicator 1.5.1 Habitat area – considered elements : benthic habitats Posidonia oceanica meadows, mäerl beds (2018). Criterion 1.6 Habitat condition – Indicator 1.6.1 Condition of the typical species and communities - considered elements : benthic habitats coralligenous and deep sea corals (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018), coastal fish (2018). Indicator 1.6.2 Relative abundance and/or biomass, as appropriate - considered elements : pelagic habitat (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018). IT-WMS-8A04-1000: The Marine Strategy Framework Directive requires that to determining good environmental status for D1 “Biological diversity is maintained. The quality and occurrence of habitats and the distribution and abundance of species are in line with prevailing physiographic, geographic and climatic conditionsâ€. In this regard, it is recalled that for the preparation of the determination of GES for Descriptor 1, the Directive requires to consider a set of criteria (7) and indicators, whose analysis and selection must be justified in relation to the information collected with the Initial Assessment and their direct relevance to the main causes of human pressure. It should be noted that, based on the ecosystem approach, the main consideration on which choose the indicators should be based on the fact that they are able to establish relationships between the impact of human activities and the functioning of the marine ecosystem. All this taking into account that there are still gaps of knowledge on the relationship between the values measured for the different activities / pressures considered and the effects they cause on ecosystems. The formulation of the targets was done taking into account commitments already signed by Italy in relation to international conventions and European legislation, on the assumption that the pursuit of these objectives is in itself a contribution to the achievement of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive targets. This is also because the Marine Strategy officially requires referring to other European Directives and to international conventions concerning the marine environment. Overall, should be noted that only 4 of the seven criteria of the Marine Strategy, based on the information gathered with the initial assessment and in relation to the characteristics of the Mediterranean Sea, were considered for the determination of GES for the descriptor 1: 1.2 Population size 1.3 Population condition 1.5 Habitat extent 1.6 Habitat condition Specifically, as regards the aspects relating to the criterion 1.7 "Ecosystem structure" it was considered better to tackle it within the descriptor 4 "Food webs". For each criterion were identified the indicators considered most appropriate, foreseeing that the individual GES is achieved with the positive response of all the composing elements, selected on the basis of the initial assessment, of the scientific knowledge and their future implementability (2014 or 2018 ). The overall proposal is therefore based on 4 criteria and 15 indicators proposed for the 3 sub regions of interest for Italy, for each of which a GES should be assessed. The explanations of the reasons leading to the formulation of the proposal are described in the single sheet of the element relating to a specific indicator. Overall it is expected that the majority of the proposed indicators can be operational from 2018, due to the need to acquire additional cognitive elements (specified on each sheet). Only for the avifauna is thought to be possible to arrive to operability for 2014. It follows the list of indicators taken into account per criterion with the indication of the year in which it is expected to be operational in brackets: Criterion 1.2 Population size – Indicator 1.2.1 Population abundance and /or biomass, as appropriate – considered elements: Fan mussel - Pinna nobilis (2018), coastal fish species (2018), Loggerhead - Caretta caretta (2018), marine mammals (2018), marine birds (2014). Criterion 1.3 Population condition – Indicator 1.3.1 Population demographic characteristics – considered elements: Ribbed Mediterranean Limpet Patella ferruginea (2018), coastal fish species (2018), marine birds (2014). Indicator 1.3.1 Population genetic structure, where appropriate – fish species (2018). Criterion 1.5 Habitat extent – Indicator 1.5.1 Habitat area – considered elements : benthic habitats Posidonia oceanica meadows, mäerl beds (2018). Criterion 1.6 Habitat condition – Indicator 1.6.1 Condition of the typical species and communities - considered elements : benthic habitats coralligenous and deep sea corals (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018), coastal fish (2018). Indicator 1.6.2 Relative abundance and/or biomass, as appropriate - considered elements : pelagic habitat (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018). IT-IMS-8A04-1000: The Marine Strategy Framework Directive requires that to determining good environmental status for D1 “Biological diversity is maintained. The quality and occurrence of habitats and the distribution and abundance of species are in line with prevailing physiographic, geographic and climatic conditionsâ€. In this regard, it is recalled that for the preparation of the determination of GES for Descriptor 1, the Directive requires to consider a set of criteria (7) and indicators, whose analysis and selection must be justified in relation to the information collected with the Initial Assessment and their direct relevance to the main causes of human pressure. It should be noted that, based on the ecosystem approach, the main consideration on which choose the indicators should be based on the fact that they are able to establish relationships between the impact of human activities and the functioning of the marine ecosystem. All this taking into account that there are still gaps of knowledge on the relationship between the values measured for the different activities / pressures considered and the effects they cause on ecosystems. The formulation of the targets was done taking into account commitments already signed by Italy in relation to international conventions and European legislation, on the assumption that the pursuit of these objectives is in itself a contribution to the achievement of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive targets. This is also because the Marine Strategy officially requires referring to other European Directives and to international conventions concerning the marine environment. Overall, should be noted that only 4 of the seven criteria of the Marine Strategy, based on the information gathered with the initial assessment and in relation to the characteristics of the Mediterranean Sea, were considered for the determination of GES for the descriptor 1: 1.2 Population size 1.3 Population condition 1.5 Habitat extent 1.6 Habitat condition Specifically, as regards the aspects relating to the criterion 1.7 "Ecosystem structure" it was considered better to tackle it within the descriptor 4 "Food webs". For each criterion were identified the indicators considered most appropriate, foreseeing that the individual GES is achieved with the positive response of all the composing elements, selected on the basis of the initial assessment, of the scientific knowledge and their future implementability (2014 or 2018 ). The overall proposal is therefore based on 4 criteria and 15 indicators proposed for the 3 sub regions of interest for Italy, for each of which a GES should be assessed. The explanations of the reasons leading to the formulation of the proposal are described in the single sheet of the element relating to a specific indicator. Overall it is expected that the majority of the proposed indicators can be operational from 2018, due to the need to acquire additional cognitive elements (specified on each sheet). Only for the avifauna is thought to be possible to arrive to operability for 2014. It follows the list of indicators taken into account per criterion with the indication of the year in which it is expected to be operational in brackets: Criterion 1.2 Population size – Indicator 1.2.1 Population abundance and /or biomass, as appropriate – considered elements: Fan mussel - Pinna nobilis (2018), coastal fish species (2018), Loggerhead - Caretta caretta (2018), marine mammals (2018), marine birds (2014). Criterion 1.3 Population condition – Indicator 1.3.1 Population demographic characteristics – considered elements: Ribbed Mediterranean Limpet Patella ferruginea (2018), coastal fish species (2018), marine birds (2014). Indicator 1.3.1 Population genetic structure, where appropriate – fish species (2018). Criterion 1.5 Habitat extent – Indicator 1.5.1 Habitat area – considered elements : benthic habitats Posidonia oceanica meadows, mäerl beds (2018). Criterion 1.6 Habitat condition – Indicator 1.6.1 Condition of the typical species and communities - considered elements : benthic habitats coralligenous and deep sea corals (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018), coastal fish (2018). Indicator 1.6.2 Relative abundance and/or biomass, as appropriate - considered elements : pelagic habitat (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018). IT-AMS-8A04-1000: The Marine Strategy Framework Directive requires that to determining good environmental status for D1 “Biological diversity is maintained. The quality and occurrence of habitats and the distribution and abundance of species are in line with prevailing physiographic, geographic and climatic conditionsâ€. In this regard, it is recalled that for the preparation of the determination of GES for Descriptor 1, the Directive requires to consider a set of criteria (7) and indicators, whose analysis and selection must be justified in relation to the information collected with the Initial Assessment and their direct relevance to the main causes of human pressure. It should be noted that, based on the ecosystem approach, the main consideration on which choose the indicators should be based on the fact that they are able to establish relationships between the impact of human activities and the functioning of the marine ecosystem. All this taking into account that there are still gaps of knowledge on the relationship between the values measured for the different activities / pressures considered and the effects they cause on ecosystems. The formulation of the targets was done taking into account commitments already signed by Italy in relation to international conventions and European legislation, on the assumption that the pursuit of these objectives is in itself a contribution to the achievement of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive targets. This is also because the Marine Strategy officially requires referring to other European Directives and to international conventions concerning the marine environment. Overall, should be noted that only 4 of the seven criteria of the Marine Strategy, based on the information gathered with the initial assessment and in relation to the characteristics of the Mediterranean Sea, were considered for the determination of GES for the descriptor 1: 1.2 Population size 1.3 Population condition 1.5 Habitat extent 1.6 Habitat condition Specifically, as regards the aspects relating to the criterion 1.7 "Ecosystem structure" it was considered better to tackle it within the descriptor 4 "Food webs". For each criterion were identified the indicators considered most appropriate, foreseeing that the individual GES is achieved with the positive response of all the composing elements, selected on the basis of the initial assessment, of the scientific knowledge and their future implementability (2014 or 2018 ). The overall proposal is therefore based on 4 criteria and 15 indicators proposed for the 3 sub regions of interest for Italy, for each of which a GES should be assessed. The explanations of the reasons leading to the formulation of the proposal are described in the single sheet of the element relating to a specific indicator. Overall it is expected that the majority of the proposed indicators can be operational from 2018, due to the need to acquire additional cognitive elements (specified on each sheet). Only for the avifauna is thought to be possible to arrive to operability for 2014. It follows the list of indicators taken into account per criterion with the indication of the year in which it is expected to be operational in brackets: Criterion 1.2 Population size – Indicator 1.2.1 Population abundance and /or biomass, as appropriate – considered elements: Fan mussel - Pinna nobilis (2018), coastal fish species (2018), Loggerhead - Caretta caretta (2018), marine mammals (2018), marine birds (2014). Criterion 1.3 Population condition – Indicator 1.3.1 Population demographic characteristics – considered elements: Ribbed Mediterranean Limpet Patella ferruginea (2018), coastal fish species (2018), marine birds (2014). Indicator 1.3.1 Population genetic structure, where appropriate – fish species (2018). Criterion 1.5 Habitat extent – Indicator 1.5.1 Habitat area – considered elements : benthic habitats Posidonia oceanica meadows, mäerl beds (2018). Criterion 1.6 Habitat condition – Indicator 1.6.1 Condition of the typical species and communities - considered elements : benthic habitats coralligenous and deep sea corals (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018), coastal fish (2018). Indicator 1.6.2 Relative abundance and/or biomass, as appropriate - considered elements : pelagic habitat (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018). IT-WMS-8B06-0001: CONTAMINANTS: The approach adopted to define the GES is finalized to assess and reach that the concentrations of contaminants are at levels not giving rise to pollution effects. Partcularly, the concentration of the contaminants, measured in biota (habitats and functional groups), sediment and water, is in comparability with the assessments under Directive 2000/60/EC (Environmental Quality Standard) and with National Regulatories and levels of pollution effects on the ecosystem components, where a cause/effect relationship has been established, need to be monitored. RADIONUCLIDES: The initial assessment showed that the input of anthropogenic radionuclides is presently generally low and their concentration, also close to potential point sources, is in the range of background levels reported for the Mediterranean Sea. The information on primordial radionuclides is scarce and it is difficult at present to define background values. The approach adopted to define the GES is the following: • The concentrations of anthropogenic radionuclides are close to background levels, calculated as mean values in areas with no point sources, and/or produce dose rates to organisms below the Predicted No Effect Dose Rate (EU-Erica 2005-2007). • The ecosystem are protected in their structure and function from chronic exposure to radionuclides. A screening dose rate for incremental exposure due to human activities has been fixed, based on the relevant literature (EU-Erica 2005-2007; UNSCEAR 2008). The proposed GES is considered partial because it is necessary to define the background values for NORM and artificial radionuclides in different marine matrices. The operation of the definition of GES is estimated for 2018. IT-WMS-8B06-0002: CONTAMINANTS: The approach adopted to define the GES is finalized to assess and reach that the concentrations of contaminants are at levels not giving rise to pollution effects. Partcularly, the concentration of the contaminants, measured in biota (habitats and functional groups), sediment and water, is in comparability with the assessments under Directive 2000/60/EC (Environmental Quality Standard) and with National Regulatories and levels of pollution effects on the ecosystem components, where a cause/effect relationship has been established, need to be monitored. RADIONUCLIDES: The initial assessment showed that the input of anthropogenic radionuclides is presently generally low and their concentration, also close to potential point sources, is in the range of background levels reported for the Mediterranean Sea. The information on primordial radionuclides is scarce and it is difficult at present to define background values. The approach adopted to define the GES is the following: • The concentrations of anthropogenic radionuclides are close to background levels, calculated as mean values in areas with no point sources, and/or produce dose rates to organisms below the Predicted No Effect Dose Rate (EU-Erica 2005-2007). • The ecosystem are protected in their structure and function from chronic exposure to radionuclides. A screening dose rate for incremental exposure due to human activities has been fixed, based on the relevant literature (EU-Erica 2005-2007; UNSCEAR 2008). The proposed GES is considered partial because it is necessary to define the background values for NORM and artificial radionuclides in different marine matrices. The operation of the definition of GES is estimated for 2018. IT-ISCMS-8B06-0001: CONTAMINANTS: The approach adopted to define the GES is finalized to assess and reach that the concentrations of contaminants are at levels not giving rise to pollution effects. Partcularly, the concentration of the contaminants, measured in biota (habitats and functional groups), sediment and water, is in comparability with the assessments under Directive 2000/60/EC (Environmental Quality Standard) and with National Regulatories and levels of pollution effects on the ecosystem components, where a cause/effect relationship has been established, need to be monitored. RADIONUCLIDES: The initial assessment showed that the input of anthropogenic radionuclides is presently generally low and their concentration, also close to potential point sources, is in the range of background levels reported for the Mediterranean Sea. The information on primordial radionuclides is scarce and it is difficult at present to define background values. The approach adopted to define the GES is the following: • The concentrations of anthropogenic radionuclides are close to background levels, calculated as mean values in areas with no point sources, and/or produce dose rates to organisms below the Predicted No Effect Dose Rate (EU-Erica 2005-2007). • The ecosystem are protected in their structure and function from chronic exposure to radionuclides. A screening dose rate for incremental exposure due to human activities has been fixed, based on the relevant literature (EU-Erica 2005-2007; UNSCEAR 2008). The proposed GES is considered partial because it is necessary to define the background values for NORM and artificial radionuclides in different marine matrices. The operation of the definition of GES is estimated for 2018. IT-AS-8B06-0003: CONTAMINANTS: The approach adopted to define the GES is finalized to assess and reach that the concentrations of contaminants are at levels not giving rise to pollution effects. Partcularly, the concentration of the contaminants, measured in biota (habitats and functional groups), sediment and water, is in comparability with the assessments under Directive 2000/60/EC (Environmental Quality Standard) and with National Regulatories and levels of pollution effects on the ecosystem components, where a cause/effect relationship has been established, need to be monitored. RADIONUCLIDES: The initial assessment showed that the input of anthropogenic radionuclides is presently generally low and their concentration, also close to potential point sources, is in the range of background levels reported for the Mediterranean Sea. The information on primordial radionuclides is scarce and it is difficult at present to define background values. The approach adopted to define the GES is the following: • The concentrations of anthropogenic radionuclides are close to background levels, calculated as mean values in areas with no point sources, and/or produce dose rates to organisms below the Predicted No Effect Dose Rate (EU-Erica 2005-2007). • The ecosystem are protected in their structure and function from chronic exposure to radionuclides. A screening dose rate for incremental exposure due to human activities has been fixed, based on the relevant literature (EU-Erica 2005-2007; UNSCEAR 2008). The proposed GES is considered partial because it is necessary to define the background values for NORM and artificial radionuclides in different marine matrices. The operation of the definition of GES is estimated for 2018. IT-AS-8B06-0002: CONTAMINANTS: The approach adopted to define the GES is finalized to assess and reach that the concentrations of contaminants are at levels not giving rise to pollution effects. Partcularly, the concentration of the contaminants, measured in biota (habitats and functional groups), sediment and water, is in comparability with the assessments under Directive 2000/60/EC (Environmental Quality Standard) and with National Regulatories and levels of pollution effects on the ecosystem components, where a cause/effect relationship has been established, need to be monitored. RADIONUCLIDES: The initial assessment showed that the input of anthropogenic radionuclides is presently generally low and their concentration, also close to potential point sources, is in the range of background levels reported for the Mediterranean Sea. The information on primordial radionuclides is scarce and it is difficult at present to define background values. The approach adopted to define the GES is the following: • The concentrations of anthropogenic radionuclides are close to background levels, calculated as mean values in areas with no point sources, and/or produce dose rates to organisms below the Predicted No Effect Dose Rate (EU-Erica 2005-2007). • The ecosystem are protected in their structure and function from chronic exposure to radionuclides. A screening dose rate for incremental exposure due to human activities has been fixed, based on the relevant literature (EU-Erica 2005-2007; UNSCEAR 2008). The proposed GES is considered partial because it is necessary to define the background values for NORM and artificial radionuclides in different marine matrices. The operation of the definition of GES is estimated for 2018. IT-AS-8B06-0001: CONTAMINANTS: The approach adopted to define the GES is finalized to assess and reach that the concentrations of contaminants are at levels not giving rise to pollution effects. Partcularly, the concentration of the contaminants, measured in biota (habitats and functional groups), sediment and water, is in comparability with the assessments under Directive 2000/60/EC (Environmental Quality Standard) and with National Regulatories and levels of pollution effects on the ecosystem components, where a cause/effect relationship has been established, need to be monitored. RADIONUCLIDES: The initial assessment showed that the input of anthropogenic radionuclides is presently generally low and their concentration, also close to potential point sources, is in the range of background levels reported for the Mediterranean Sea. The information on primordial radionuclides is scarce and it is difficult at present to define background values. The approach adopted to define the GES is the following: • The concentrations of anthropogenic radionuclides are close to background levels, calculated as mean values in areas with no point sources, and/or produce dose rates to organisms below the Predicted No Effect Dose Rate (EU-Erica 2005-2007). • The ecosystem are protected in their structure and function from chronic exposure to radionuclides. A screening dose rate for incremental exposure due to human activities has been fixed, based on the relevant literature (EU-Erica 2005-2007; UNSCEAR 2008). The proposed GES is considered partial because it is necessary to define the background values for NORM and artificial radionuclides in different marine matrices. The operation of the definition of GES is estimated for 2018. IT-ISCMS-8B06-0002: CONTAMINANTS: The approach adopted to define the GES is finalized to assess and reach that the concentrations of contaminants are at levels not giving rise to pollution effects. Partcularly, the concentration of the contaminants, measured in biota (habitats and functional groups), sediment and water, is in comparability with the assessments under Directive 2000/60/EC (Environmental Quality Standard) and with National Regulatories and levels of pollution effects on the ecosystem components, where a cause/effect relationship has been established, need to be monitored. RADIONUCLIDES: The initial assessment showed that the input of anthropogenic radionuclides is presently generally low and their concentration, also close to potential point sources, is in the range of background levels reported for the Mediterranean Sea. The information on primordial radionuclides is scarce and it is difficult at present to define background values. The approach adopted to define the GES is the following: • The concentrations of anthropogenic radionuclides are close to background levels, calculated as mean values in areas with no point sources, and/or produce dose rates to organisms below the Predicted No Effect Dose Rate (EU-Erica 2005-2007). • The ecosystem are protected in their structure and function from chronic exposure to radionuclides. A screening dose rate for incremental exposure due to human activities has been fixed, based on the relevant literature (EU-Erica 2005-2007; UNSCEAR 2008). The proposed GES is considered partial because it is necessary to define the background values for NORM and artificial radionuclides in different marine matrices. The operation of the definition of GES is estimated for 2018. IT-WMS-8B06-0003: CONTAMINANTS: The approach adopted to define the GES is finalized to assess and reach that the concentrations of contaminants are at levels not giving rise to pollution effects. Partcularly, the concentration of the contaminants, measured in biota (habitats and functional groups), sediment and water, is in comparability with the assessments under Directive 2000/60/EC (Environmental Quality Standard) and with National Regulatories and levels of pollution effects on the ecosystem components, where a cause/effect relationship has been established, need to be monitored. RADIONUCLIDES: The initial assessment showed that the input of anthropogenic radionuclides is presently generally low and their concentration, also close to potential point sources, is in the range of background levels reported for the Mediterranean Sea. The information on primordial radionuclides is scarce and it is difficult at present to define background values. The approach adopted to define the GES is the following: • The concentrations of anthropogenic radionuclides are close to background levels, calculated as mean values in areas with no point sources, and/or produce dose rates to organisms below the Predicted No Effect Dose Rate (EU-Erica 2005-2007). • The ecosystem are protected in their structure and function from chronic exposure to radionuclides. A screening dose rate for incremental exposure due to human activities has been fixed, based on the relevant literature (EU-Erica 2005-2007; UNSCEAR 2008). The proposed GES is considered partial because it is necessary to define the background values for NORM and artificial radionuclides in different marine matrices. The operation of the definition of GES is estimated for 2018. IT-AS-8B06-0011: CONTAMINANTS: The approach adopted to define the GES is finalized to assess and reach that the concentrations of contaminants are at levels not giving rise to pollution effects. Partcularly, the concentration of the contaminants, measured in biota (habitats and functional groups), sediment and water, is in comparability with the assessments under Directive 2000/60/EC (Environmental Quality Standard) and with National Regulatories and levels of pollution effects on the ecosystem components, where a cause/effect relationship has been established, need to be monitored. RADIONUCLIDES: The initial assessment showed that the input of anthropogenic radionuclides is presently generally low and their concentration, also close to potential point sources, is in the range of background levels reported for the Mediterranean Sea. The information on primordial radionuclides is scarce and it is difficult at present to define background values. The approach adopted to define the GES is the following: • The concentrations of anthropogenic radionuclides are close to background levels, calculated as mean values in areas with no point sources, and/or produce dose rates to organisms below the Predicted No Effect Dose Rate (EU-Erica 2005-2007). • The ecosystem are protected in their structure and function from chronic exposure to radionuclides. A screening dose rate for incremental exposure due to human activities has been fixed, based on the relevant literature (EU-Erica 2005-2007; UNSCEAR 2008). The proposed GES is considered partial because it is necessary to define the background values for NORM and artificial radionuclides in different marine matrices. The operation of the definition of GES is estimated for 2018. IT-WMS-8B06-0012: CONTAMINANTS: The approach adopted to define the GES is finalized to assess and reach that the concentrations of contaminants are at levels not giving rise to pollution effects. Partcularly, the concentration of the contaminants, measured in biota (habitats and functional groups), sediment and water, is in comparability with the assessments under Directive 2000/60/EC (Environmental Quality Standard) and with National Regulatories and levels of pollution effects on the ecosystem components, where a cause/effect relationship has been established, need to be monitored. RADIONUCLIDES: The initial assessment showed that the input of anthropogenic radionuclides is presently generally low and their concentration, also close to potential point sources, is in the range of background levels reported for the Mediterranean Sea. The information on primordial radionuclides is scarce and it is difficult at present to define background values. The approach adopted to define the GES is the following: • The concentrations of anthropogenic radionuclides are close to background levels, calculated as mean values in areas with no point sources, and/or produce dose rates to organisms below the Predicted No Effect Dose Rate (EU-Erica 2005-2007). • The ecosystem are protected in their structure and function from chronic exposure to radionuclides. A screening dose rate for incremental exposure due to human activities has been fixed, based on the relevant literature (EU-Erica 2005-2007; UNSCEAR 2008). The proposed GES is considered partial because it is necessary to define the background values for NORM and artificial radionuclides in different marine matrices. The operation of the definition of GES is estimated for 2018. IT-ISCMS-8B06-0013: CONTAMINANTS: The approach adopted to define the GES is finalized to assess and reach that the concentrations of contaminants are at levels not giving rise to pollution effects. Partcularly, the concentration of the contaminants, measured in biota (habitats and functional groups), sediment and water, is in comparability with the assessments under Directive 2000/60/EC (Environmental Quality Standard) and with National Regulatories and levels of pollution effects on the ecosystem components, where a cause/effect relationship has been established, need to be monitored. RADIONUCLIDES: The initial assessment showed that the input of anthropogenic radionuclides is presently generally low and their concentration, also close to potential point sources, is in the range of background levels reported for the Mediterranean Sea. The information on primordial radionuclides is scarce and it is difficult at present to define background values. The approach adopted to define the GES is the following: • The concentrations of anthropogenic radionuclides are close to background levels, calculated as mean values in areas with no point sources, and/or produce dose rates to organisms below the Predicted No Effect Dose Rate (EU-Erica 2005-2007). • The ecosystem are protected in their structure and function from chronic exposure to radionuclides. A screening dose rate for incremental exposure due to human activities has been fixed, based on the relevant literature (EU-Erica 2005-2007; UNSCEAR 2008). The proposed GES is considered partial because it is necessary to define the background values for NORM and artificial radionuclides in different marine matrices. The operation of the definition of GES is estimated for 2018. IT-WMS-8B06-0001: CONTAMINANTS: The approach adopted to define the GES is finalized to assess and reach that the concentrations of contaminants are at levels not giving rise to pollution effects. Partcularly, the concentration of the contaminants, measured in biota (habitats and functional groups), sediment and water, is in comparability with the assessments under Directive 2000/60/EC (Environmental Quality Standard) and with National Regulatories and levels of pollution effects on the ecosystem components, where a cause/effect relationship has been established, need to be monitored. RADIONUCLIDES: The initial assessment showed that the input of anthropogenic radionuclides is presently generally low and their concentration, also close to potential point sources, is in the range of background levels reported for the Mediterranean Sea. The information on primordial radionuclides is scarce and it is difficult at present to define background values. The approach adopted to define the GES is the following: • The concentrations of anthropogenic radionuclides are close to background levels, calculated as mean values in areas with no point sources, and/or produce dose rates to organisms below the Predicted No Effect Dose Rate (EU-Erica 2005-2007). • The ecosystem are protected in their structure and function from chronic exposure to radionuclides. A screening dose rate for incremental exposure due to human activities has been fixed, based on the relevant literature (EU-Erica 2005-2007; UNSCEAR 2008). The proposed GES is considered partial because it is necessary to define the background values for NORM and artificial radionuclides in different marine matrices. The operation of the definition of GES is estimated for 2018. IT-WMS-8B06-0002: CONTAMINANTS: The approach adopted to define the GES is finalized to assess and reach that the concentrations of contaminants are at levels not giving rise to pollution effects. Partcularly, the concentration of the contaminants, measured in biota (habitats and functional groups), sediment and water, is in comparability with the assessments under Directive 2000/60/EC (Environmental Quality Standard) and with National Regulatories and levels of pollution effects on the ecosystem components, where a cause/effect relationship has been established, need to be monitored. RADIONUCLIDES: The initial assessment showed that the input of anthropogenic radionuclides is presently generally low and their concentration, also close to potential point sources, is in the range of background levels reported for the Mediterranean Sea. The information on primordial radionuclides is scarce and it is difficult at present to define background values. The approach adopted to define the GES is the following: • The concentrations of anthropogenic radionuclides are close to background levels, calculated as mean values in areas with no point sources, and/or produce dose rates to organisms below the Predicted No Effect Dose Rate (EU-Erica 2005-2007). • The ecosystem are protected in their structure and function from chronic exposure to radionuclides. A screening dose rate for incremental exposure due to human activities has been fixed, based on the relevant literature (EU-Erica 2005-2007; UNSCEAR 2008). The proposed GES is considered partial because it is necessary to define the background values for NORM and artificial radionuclides in different marine matrices. The operation of the definition of GES is estimated for 2018. IT-ISCMS-8B06-0001: CONTAMINANTS: The approach adopted to define the GES is finalized to assess and reach that the concentrations of contaminants are at levels not giving rise to pollution effects. Partcularly, the concentration of the contaminants, measured in biota (habitats and functional groups), sediment and water, is in comparability with the assessments under Directive 2000/60/EC (Environmental Quality Standard) and with National Regulatories and levels of pollution effects on the ecosystem components, where a cause/effect relationship has been established, need to be monitored. RADIONUCLIDES: The initial assessment showed that the input of anthropogenic radionuclides is presently generally low and their concentration, also close to potential point sources, is in the range of background levels reported for the Mediterranean Sea. The information on primordial radionuclides is scarce and it is difficult at present to define background values. The approach adopted to define the GES is the following: • The concentrations of anthropogenic radionuclides are close to background levels, calculated as mean values in areas with no point sources, and/or produce dose rates to organisms below the Predicted No Effect Dose Rate (EU-Erica 2005-2007). • The ecosystem are protected in their structure and function from chronic exposure to radionuclides. A screening dose rate for incremental exposure due to human activities has been fixed, based on the relevant literature (EU-Erica 2005-2007; UNSCEAR 2008). The proposed GES is considered partial because it is necessary to define the background values for NORM and artificial radionuclides in different marine matrices. The operation of the definition of GES is estimated for 2018. IT-AS-8B06-0003: CONTAMINANTS: The approach adopted to define the GES is finalized to assess and reach that the concentrations of contaminants are at levels not giving rise to pollution effects. Partcularly, the concentration of the contaminants, measured in biota (habitats and functional groups), sediment and water, is in comparability with the assessments under Directive 2000/60/EC (Environmental Quality Standard) and with National Regulatories and levels of pollution effects on the ecosystem components, where a cause/effect relationship has been established, need to be monitored. RADIONUCLIDES: The initial assessment showed that the input of anthropogenic radionuclides is presently generally low and their concentration, also close to potential point sources, is in the range of background levels reported for the Mediterranean Sea. The information on primordial radionuclides is scarce and it is difficult at present to define background values. The approach adopted to define the GES is the following: • The concentrations of anthropogenic radionuclides are close to background levels, calculated as mean values in areas with no point sources, and/or produce dose rates to organisms below the Predicted No Effect Dose Rate (EU-Erica 2005-2007). • The ecosystem are protected in their structure and function from chronic exposure to radionuclides. A screening dose rate for incremental exposure due to human activities has been fixed, based on the relevant literature (EU-Erica 2005-2007; UNSCEAR 2008). The proposed GES is considered partial because it is necessary to define the background values for NORM and artificial radionuclides in different marine matrices. The operation of the definition of GES is estimated for 2018. IT-AS-8B06-0002: CONTAMINANTS: The approach adopted to define the GES is finalized to assess and reach that the concentrations of contaminants are at levels not giving rise to pollution effects. Partcularly, the concentration of the contaminants, measured in biota (habitats and functional groups), sediment and water, is in comparability with the assessments under Directive 2000/60/EC (Environmental Quality Standard) and with National Regulatories and levels of pollution effects on the ecosystem components, where a cause/effect relationship has been established, need to be monitored. RADIONUCLIDES: The initial assessment showed that the input of anthropogenic radionuclides is presently generally low and their concentration, also close to potential point sources, is in the range of background levels reported for the Mediterranean Sea. The information on primordial radionuclides is scarce and it is difficult at present to define background values. The approach adopted to define the GES is the following: • The concentrations of anthropogenic radionuclides are close to background levels, calculated as mean values in areas with no point sources, and/or produce dose rates to organisms below the Predicted No Effect Dose Rate (EU-Erica 2005-2007). • The ecosystem are protected in their structure and function from chronic exposure to radionuclides. A screening dose rate for incremental exposure due to human activities has been fixed, based on the relevant literature (EU-Erica 2005-2007; UNSCEAR 2008). The proposed GES is considered partial because it is necessary to define the background values for NORM and artificial radionuclides in different marine matrices. The operation of the definition of GES is estimated for 2018. IT-AS-8B06-0001: CONTAMINANTS: The approach adopted to define the GES is finalized to assess and reach that the concentrations of contaminants are at levels not giving rise to pollution effects. Partcularly, the concentration of the contaminants, measured in biota (habitats and functional groups), sediment and water, is in comparability with the assessments under Directive 2000/60/EC (Environmental Quality Standard) and with National Regulatories and levels of pollution effects on the ecosystem components, where a cause/effect relationship has been established, need to be monitored. RADIONUCLIDES: The initial assessment showed that the input of anthropogenic radionuclides is presently generally low and their concentration, also close to potential point sources, is in the range of background levels reported for the Mediterranean Sea. The information on primordial radionuclides is scarce and it is difficult at present to define background values. The approach adopted to define the GES is the following: • The concentrations of anthropogenic radionuclides are close to background levels, calculated as mean values in areas with no point sources, and/or produce dose rates to organisms below the Predicted No Effect Dose Rate (EU-Erica 2005-2007). • The ecosystem are protected in their structure and function from chronic exposure to radionuclides. A screening dose rate for incremental exposure due to human activities has been fixed, based on the relevant literature (EU-Erica 2005-2007; UNSCEAR 2008). The proposed GES is considered partial because it is necessary to define the background values for NORM and artificial radionuclides in different marine matrices. The operation of the definition of GES is estimated for 2018. IT-WMS-8B06-0003: CONTAMINANTS: The approach adopted to define the GES is finalized to assess and reach that the concentrations of contaminants are at levels not giving rise to pollution effects. Partcularly, the concentration of the contaminants, measured in biota (habitats and functional groups), sediment and water, is in comparability with the assessments under Directive 2000/60/EC (Environmental Quality Standard) and with National Regulatories and levels of pollution effects on the ecosystem components, where a cause/effect relationship has been established, need to be monitored. RADIONUCLIDES: The initial assessment showed that the input of anthropogenic radionuclides is presently generally low and their concentration, also close to potential point sources, is in the range of background levels reported for the Mediterranean Sea. The information on primordial radionuclides is scarce and it is difficult at present to define background values. The approach adopted to define the GES is the following: • The concentrations of anthropogenic radionuclides are close to background levels, calculated as mean values in areas with no point sources, and/or produce dose rates to organisms below the Predicted No Effect Dose Rate (EU-Erica 2005-2007). • The ecosystem are protected in their structure and function from chronic exposure to radionuclides. A screening dose rate for incremental exposure due to human activities has been fixed, based on the relevant literature (EU-Erica 2005-2007; UNSCEAR 2008). The proposed GES is considered partial because it is necessary to define the background values for NORM and artificial radionuclides in different marine matrices. The operation of the definition of GES is estimated for 2018. IT-ISCMS-8B06-0002: CONTAMINANTS: The approach adopted to define the GES is finalized to assess and reach that the concentrations of contaminants are at levels not giving rise to pollution effects. Partcularly, the concentration of the contaminants, measured in biota (habitats and functional groups), sediment and water, is in comparability with the assessments under Directive 2000/60/EC (Environmental Quality Standard) and with National Regulatories and levels of pollution effects on the ecosystem components, where a cause/effect relationship has been established, need to be monitored. RADIONUCLIDES: The initial assessment showed that the input of anthropogenic radionuclides is presently generally low and their concentration, also close to potential point sources, is in the range of background levels reported for the Mediterranean Sea. The information on primordial radionuclides is scarce and it is difficult at present to define background values. The approach adopted to define the GES is the following: • The concentrations of anthropogenic radionuclides are close to background levels, calculated as mean values in areas with no point sources, and/or produce dose rates to organisms below the Predicted No Effect Dose Rate (EU-Erica 2005-2007). • The ecosystem are protected in their structure and function from chronic exposure to radionuclides. A screening dose rate for incremental exposure due to human activities has been fixed, based on the relevant literature (EU-Erica 2005-2007; UNSCEAR 2008). The proposed GES is considered partial because it is necessary to define the background values for NORM and artificial radionuclides in different marine matrices. The operation of the definition of GES is estimated for 2018. IT-AS-8B06-0011: CONTAMINANTS: The approach adopted to define the GES is finalized to assess and reach that the concentrations of contaminants are at levels not giving rise to pollution effects. Partcularly, the concentration of the contaminants, measured in biota (habitats and functional groups), sediment and water, is in comparability with the assessments under Directive 2000/60/EC (Environmental Quality Standard) and with National Regulatories and levels of pollution effects on the ecosystem components, where a cause/effect relationship has been established, need to be monitored. RADIONUCLIDES: The initial assessment showed that the input of anthropogenic radionuclides is presently generally low and their concentration, also close to potential point sources, is in the range of background levels reported for the Mediterranean Sea. The information on primordial radionuclides is scarce and it is difficult at present to define background values. The approach adopted to define the GES is the following: • The concentrations of anthropogenic radionuclides are close to background levels, calculated as mean values in areas with no point sources, and/or produce dose rates to organisms below the Predicted No Effect Dose Rate (EU-Erica 2005-2007). • The ecosystem are protected in their structure and function from chronic exposure to radionuclides. A screening dose rate for incremental exposure due to human activities has been fixed, based on the relevant literature (EU-Erica 2005-2007; UNSCEAR 2008). The proposed GES is considered partial because it is necessary to define the background values for NORM and artificial radionuclides in different marine matrices. The operation of the definition of GES is estimated for 2018. IT-WMS-8B06-0012: CONTAMINANTS: The approach adopted to define the GES is finalized to assess and reach that the concentrations of contaminants are at levels not giving rise to pollution effects. Partcularly, the concentration of the contaminants, measured in biota (habitats and functional groups), sediment and water, is in comparability with the assessments under Directive 2000/60/EC (Environmental Quality Standard) and with National Regulatories and levels of pollution effects on the ecosystem components, where a cause/effect relationship has been established, need to be monitored. RADIONUCLIDES: The initial assessment showed that the input of anthropogenic radionuclides is presently generally low and their concentration, also close to potential point sources, is in the range of background levels reported for the Mediterranean Sea. The information on primordial radionuclides is scarce and it is difficult at present to define background values. The approach adopted to define the GES is the following: • The concentrations of anthropogenic radionuclides are close to background levels, calculated as mean values in areas with no point sources, and/or produce dose rates to organisms below the Predicted No Effect Dose Rate (EU-Erica 2005-2007). • The ecosystem are protected in their structure and function from chronic exposure to radionuclides. A screening dose rate for incremental exposure due to human activities has been fixed, based on the relevant literature (EU-Erica 2005-2007; UNSCEAR 2008). The proposed GES is considered partial because it is necessary to define the background values for NORM and artificial radionuclides in different marine matrices. The operation of the definition of GES is estimated for 2018. IT-ISCMS-8B06-0013: CONTAMINANTS: The approach adopted to define the GES is finalized to assess and reach that the concentrations of contaminants are at levels not giving rise to pollution effects. Partcularly, the concentration of the contaminants, measured in biota (habitats and functional groups), sediment and water, is in comparability with the assessments under Directive 2000/60/EC (Environmental Quality Standard) and with National Regulatories and levels of pollution effects on the ecosystem components, where a cause/effect relationship has been established, need to be monitored. RADIONUCLIDES: The initial assessment showed that the input of anthropogenic radionuclides is presently generally low and their concentration, also close to potential point sources, is in the range of background levels reported for the Mediterranean Sea. The information on primordial radionuclides is scarce and it is difficult at present to define background values. The approach adopted to define the GES is the following: • The concentrations of anthropogenic radionuclides are close to background levels, calculated as mean values in areas with no point sources, and/or produce dose rates to organisms below the Predicted No Effect Dose Rate (EU-Erica 2005-2007). • The ecosystem are protected in their structure and function from chronic exposure to radionuclides. A screening dose rate for incremental exposure due to human activities has been fixed, based on the relevant literature (EU-Erica 2005-2007; UNSCEAR 2008). The proposed GES is considered partial because it is necessary to define the background values for NORM and artificial radionuclides in different marine matrices. The operation of the definition of GES is estimated for 2018. IT-WMS-8B06-0001: CONTAMINANTS in seafood: The approach adopted to define the GES is finalized to verify that contaminants in fish and other seafood for human consumption do not exceed levels established by Community legislation or other relevant standards. Partcularly, it has been monitored actual levels of contaminants and number of contaminants which have exceeded maximum regulatory levels of Reg. 1881/2006. IT-AS-8B06-0001: CONTAMINANTS in seafood: The approach adopted to define the GES is finalized to verify that contaminants in fish and other seafood for human consumption do not exceed levels established by Community legislation or other relevant standards. Partcularly, it has been monitored actual levels of contaminants and number of contaminants which have exceeded maximum regulatory levels of Reg. 1881/2006. IT-ISCMS-8B06-0002: CONTAMINANTS in seafood: The approach adopted to define the GES is finalized to verify that contaminants in fish and other seafood for human consumption do not exceed levels established by Community legislation or other relevant standards. Partcularly, it has been monitored actual levels of contaminants and number of contaminants which have exceeded maximum regulatory levels of Reg. 1881/2006. IT-AS-8B10-0001: Determination of GES for D2 will be based on ad hoc monitoring activities carried out in selected areas with a high probability of introduction (e.g. close to ports or aquaculture farms) and in areas of ecological interests. The GES will be determined by two indicators, the first one based on abundance and distribution of selected IAS, and the second one based on Biopollution Index. The monitored species should belong to taxonomic groups which can be subject to systematic monitoring and species for which the most probable introduction vector can be potentially controlled; consequently lessepsian species are not taken into consideration for GES determination IT-ISCMS-8B10-0001: Determination of GES for D2 will be based on ad hoc monitoring activities carried out in selected areas with a high probability of introduction (e.g. close to ports or aquaculture farms) and in areas of ecological interests. The GES will be determined by two indicators, the first one based on abundance and distribution of selected IAS, and the second one based on Biopollution Index. The monitored species should belong to taxonomic groups which can be subject to systematic monitoring and species for which the most probable introduction vector can be potentially controlled; consequently lessepsian species are not taken into consideration for GES determination IT-WMS-8B10-0001: Determination of GES for D2 will be based on ad hoc monitoring activities carried out in selected areas with a high probability of introduction (e.g. close to ports or aquaculture farms) and in areas of ecological interests. The GES will be determined by two indicators, the first one based on abundance and distribution of selected IAS, and the second one based on Biopollution Index. The monitored species should belong to taxonomic groups which can be subject to systematic monitoring and species for which the most probable introduction vector can be potentially controlled; consequently lessepsian species are not taken into consideration for GES determination IT-AS-8B10-0001: Determination of GES for D2 will be based on ad hoc monitoring activities carried out in selected areas with a high probability of introduction (e.g. close to ports or aquaculture farms) and in areas of ecological interests. The GES will be determined by two indicators, the first one based on abundance and distribution of selected IAS, and the second one based on Biopollution Index. The monitored species should belong to taxonomic groups which can be subject to systematic monitoring and species for which the most probable introduction vector can be potentially controlled; consequently lessepsian species are not taken into consideration for GES determination IT-ISCMS-8B10-0001: Determination of GES for D2 will be based on ad hoc monitoring activities carried out in selected areas with a high probability of introduction (e.g. close to ports or aquaculture farms) and in areas of ecological interests. The GES will be determined by two indicators, the first one based on abundance and distribution of selected IAS, and the second one based on Biopollution Index. The monitored species should belong to taxonomic groups which can be subject to systematic monitoring and species for which the most probable introduction vector can be potentially controlled; consequently lessepsian species are not taken into consideration for GES determination IT-WMS-8B10-0001: Determination of GES for D2 will be based on ad hoc monitoring activities carried out in selected areas with a high probability of introduction (e.g. close to ports or aquaculture farms) and in areas of ecological interests. The GES will be determined by two indicators, the first one based on abundance and distribution of selected IAS, and the second one based on Biopollution Index. The monitored species should belong to taxonomic groups which can be subject to systematic monitoring and species for which the most probable introduction vector can be potentially controlled; consequently lessepsian species are not taken into consideration for GES determination IT-WMS-8A05-0001: Determination of GES in the context of the food-web is not a straightforward process. As already stated in the Commission Decision on criteria and methodological standard GES indicators needs further theoretical and technical development for the food-web descriptors. Info gaps affect such assessment, considering two different issues: i) lack of data/information to properly describe the food-web components status and trend; ii) lack of scientific knowledge that allows to ascertain from the structural properties of the ecosystem the inherent functional consequences (and status) of the food web. All these limitations allows only to set up a general framework for the establishment of GES and its determination in Italian marine food web that will need a general revision and improvement by 2018 in order to set up a quantitative approach. In particular a first screening of the indicators/criteria proposed by the MSFD was carried out, along with the analysis of the Task 4 Group considerations. Accordingly it was decided not to adopt the criteria 4.1.1 since it is considered not to be suitable for application in Italian waters, according to the lack of established long term time series. Pertaining the other indicators, we attempted to adopt and define GES for the indicators 1.7.1, 4.2.1, 4.3.1.However, the final definition of GES as well as the methods/indicators to address them will be future development by 2018. IT-AS-8A05-0001: Determination of GES in the context of the food-web is not a straightforward process. As already stated in the Commission Decision on criteria and methodological standard GES indicators needs further theoretical and technical development for the food-web descriptors. Info gaps affect such assessment, considering two different issues: i) lack of data/information to properly describe the food-web components status and trend; ii) lack of scientific knowledge that allows to ascertain from the structural properties of the ecosystem the inherent functional consequences (and status) of the food web. All these limitations allows only to set up a general framework for the establishment of GES and its determination in Italian marine food web that will need a general revision and improvement by 2018 in order to set up a quantitative approach. In particular a first screening of the indicators/criteria proposed by the MSFD was carried out, along with the analysis of the Task 4 Group considerations. Accordingly it was decided not to adopt the criteria 4.1.1 since it is considered not to be suitable for application in Italian waters, according to the lack of established long term time series. Pertaining the other indicators, we attempted to adopt and define GES for the indicators 1.7.1, 4.2.1, 4.3.1.However, the final definition of GES as well as the methods/indicators to address them will be future development by 2018. IT-ISCMS-8A05-0001: Determination of GES in the context of the food-web is not a straightforward process. As already stated in the Commission Decision on criteria and methodological standard GES indicators needs further theoretical and technical development for the food-web descriptors. Info gaps affect such assessment, considering two different issues: i) lack of data/information to properly describe the food-web components status and trend; ii) lack of scientific knowledge that allows to ascertain from the structural properties of the ecosystem the inherent functional consequences (and status) of the food web. All these limitations allows only to set up a general framework for the establishment of GES and its determination in Italian marine food web that will need a general revision and improvement by 2018 in order to set up a quantitative approach. In particular a first screening of the indicators/criteria proposed by the MSFD was carried out, along with the analysis of the Task 4 Group considerations. Accordingly it was decided not to adopt the criteria 4.1.1 since it is considered not to be suitable for application in Italian waters, according to the lack of established long term time series. Pertaining the other indicators, we attempted to adopt and define GES for the indicators 1.7.1, 4.2.1, 4.3.1.However, the final definition of GES as well as the methods/indicators to address them will be future development by 2018. IT-WMS-8A05-0001: Determination of GES in the context of the food-web is not a straightforward process. As already stated in the Commission Decision on criteria and methodological standard GES indicators needs further theoretical and technical development for the food-web descriptors. Info gaps affect such assessment, considering two different issues: i) lack of data/information to properly describe the food-web components status and trend; ii) lack of scientific knowledge that allows to ascertain from the structural properties of the ecosystem the inherent functional consequences (and status) of the food web. All these limitations allows only to set up a general framework for the establishment of GES and its determination in Italian marine food web that will need a general revision and improvement by 2018 in order to set up a quantitative approach. In particular a first screening of the indicators/criteria proposed by the MSFD was carried out, along with the analysis of the Task 4 Group considerations. Accordingly it was decided not to adopt the criteria 4.1.1 since it is considered not to be suitable for application in Italian waters, according to the lack of established long term time series. Pertaining the other indicators, we attempted to adopt and define GES for the indicators 1.7.1, 4.2.1, 4.3.1.However, the final definition of GES as well as the methods/indicators to address them will be future development by 2018. IT-AS-8A05-0001: Determination of GES in the context of the food-web is not a straightforward process. As already stated in the Commission Decision on criteria and methodological standard GES indicators needs further theoretical and technical development for the food-web descriptors. Info gaps affect such assessment, considering two different issues: i) lack of data/information to properly describe the food-web components status and trend; ii) lack of scientific knowledge that allows to ascertain from the structural properties of the ecosystem the inherent functional consequences (and status) of the food web. All these limitations allows only to set up a general framework for the establishment of GES and its determination in Italian marine food web that will need a general revision and improvement by 2018 in order to set up a quantitative approach. In particular a first screening of the indicators/criteria proposed by the MSFD was carried out, along with the analysis of the Task 4 Group considerations. Accordingly it was decided not to adopt the criteria 4.1.1 since it is considered not to be suitable for application in Italian waters, according to the lack of established long term time series. Pertaining the other indicators, we attempted to adopt and define GES for the indicators 1.7.1, 4.2.1, 4.3.1.However, the final definition of GES as well as the methods/indicators to address them will be future development by 2018. IT-ISCMS-8A05-0001: Determination of GES in the context of the food-web is not a straightforward process. As already stated in the Commission Decision on criteria and methodological standard GES indicators needs further theoretical and technical development for the food-web descriptors. Info gaps affect such assessment, considering two different issues: i) lack of data/information to properly describe the food-web components status and trend; ii) lack of scientific knowledge that allows to ascertain from the structural properties of the ecosystem the inherent functional consequences (and status) of the food web. All these limitations allows only to set up a general framework for the establishment of GES and its determination in Italian marine food web that will need a general revision and improvement by 2018 in order to set up a quantitative approach. In particular a first screening of the indicators/criteria proposed by the MSFD was carried out, along with the analysis of the Task 4 Group considerations. Accordingly it was decided not to adopt the criteria 4.1.1 since it is considered not to be suitable for application in Italian waters, according to the lack of established long term time series. Pertaining the other indicators, we attempted to adopt and define GES for the indicators 1.7.1, 4.2.1, 4.3.1.However, the final definition of GES as well as the methods/indicators to address them will be future development by 2018. IT-WMS-8A05-0001: Determination of GES in the context of the food-web is not a straightforward process. As already stated in the Commission Decision on criteria and methodological standard GES indicators needs further theoretical and technical development for the food-web descriptors. Info gaps affect such assessment, considering two different issues: i) lack of data/information to properly describe the food-web components status and trend; ii) lack of scientific knowledge that allows to ascertain from the structural properties of the ecosystem the inherent functional consequences (and status) of the food web. All these limitations allows only to set up a general framework for the establishment of GES and its determination in Italian marine food web that will need a general revision and improvement by 2018 in order to set up a quantitative approach. In particular a first screening of the indicators/criteria proposed by the MSFD was carried out, along with the analysis of the Task 4 Group considerations. Accordingly it was decided not to adopt the criteria 4.1.1 since it is considered not to be suitable for application in Italian waters, according to the lack of established long term time series. Pertaining the other indicators, we attempted to adopt and define GES for the indicators 1.7.1, 4.2.1, 4.3.1.However, the final definition of GES as well as the methods/indicators to address them will be future development by 2018. IT-AS-8A05-0001: Determination of GES in the context of the food-web is not a straightforward process. As already stated in the Commission Decision on criteria and methodological standard GES indicators needs further theoretical and technical development for the food-web descriptors. Info gaps affect such assessment, considering two different issues: i) lack of data/information to properly describe the food-web components status and trend; ii) lack of scientific knowledge that allows to ascertain from the structural properties of the ecosystem the inherent functional consequences (and status) of the food web. All these limitations allows only to set up a general framework for the establishment of GES and its determination in Italian marine food web that will need a general revision and improvement by 2018 in order to set up a quantitative approach. In particular a first screening of the indicators/criteria proposed by the MSFD was carried out, along with the analysis of the Task 4 Group considerations. Accordingly it was decided not to adopt the criteria 4.1.1 since it is considered not to be suitable for application in Italian waters, according to the lack of established long term time series. Pertaining the other indicators, we attempted to adopt and define GES for the indicators 1.7.1, 4.2.1, 4.3.1.However, the final definition of GES as well as the methods/indicators to address them will be future development by 2018. IT-ISCMS-8A05-0001: Determination of GES in the context of the food-web is not a straightforward process. As already stated in the Commission Decision on criteria and methodological standard GES indicators needs further theoretical and technical development for the food-web descriptors. Info gaps affect such assessment, considering two different issues: i) lack of data/information to properly describe the food-web components status and trend; ii) lack of scientific knowledge that allows to ascertain from the structural properties of the ecosystem the inherent functional consequences (and status) of the food web. All these limitations allows only to set up a general framework for the establishment of GES and its determination in Italian marine food web that will need a general revision and improvement by 2018 in order to set up a quantitative approach. In particular a first screening of the indicators/criteria proposed by the MSFD was carried out, along with the analysis of the Task 4 Group considerations. Accordingly it was decided not to adopt the criteria 4.1.1 since it is considered not to be suitable for application in Italian waters, according to the lack of established long term time series. Pertaining the other indicators, we attempted to adopt and define GES for the indicators 1.7.1, 4.2.1, 4.3.1.However, the final definition of GES as well as the methods/indicators to address them will be future development by 2018. ITAS8B05001: Indicator used for the definition of the GES is 7.1.1. - Extension of water bodies under the WFD, affected by the impact of type due to change in the thermal regime and salinity regime. The GES is considered achieved if at the sub-region scale: no more than 5% of the extension of coastal marine water bodies as defined in the WFD, presents impacts (Article 5 WFD) with type due to change in the thermal regime and salinity regime. ITISCM8B05001: Indicator used for the definition of the GES is 7.1.1. - Extension of water bodies under the WFD, affected by the impact of type due to change in the thermal regime and salinity regime. The GES is considered achieved if at the sub-region scale: no more than 5% of the extension of coastal marine water bodies as defined in the WFD, presents impacts (Article 5 WFD) with type due to change in the thermal regime and salinity regime. ITWMS8B05001: Indicator used for the definition of the GES is 7.1.1. - Extension of water bodies under the WFD, affected by the impact of type due to change in the thermal regime and salinity regime. The GES is considered achieved if at the sub-region scale: no more than 5% of the extension of coastal marine water bodies as defined in the WFD, presents impacts (Article 5 WFD) with type due to change in the thermal regime and salinity regime. IT-AS-8B03-0001: The descriptor 11 deals with the effects due to the introduction of energy into marine environment as continuous and impulsive sounds. The European Commission Decision of 1 September 2010 has introduced two indicators: the first is related to impulsive sounds, considered as the number of days in the calendar year when sound levels that potentially may cause harm to marine biota are exceeded; the second, regarding continuous sounds, is expressed as the trend of year-to-year changes in ambient noise levels. Both indicators can be expressed only in a qualitative way and, therefore, it is not possible defining measurement units and threshold values. IT-CMS-8B03-0001: The descriptor 11 deals with the effects due to the introduction of energy into marine environment as continuous and impulsive sounds. The European Commission Decision of 1 September 2010 has introduced two indicators: the first is related to impulsive sounds, considered as the number of days in the calendar year when sound levels that potentially may cause harm to marine biota are exceeded; the second, regarding continuous sounds, is expressed as the trend of year-to-year changes in ambient noise levels. Both indicators can be expressed only in a qualitative way and, therefore, it is not possible defining measurement units and threshold values. IT-WMS-8B03-0001: The descriptor 11 deals with the effects due to the introduction of energy into marine environment as continuous and impulsive sounds. The European Commission Decision of 1 September 2010 has introduced two indicators: the first is related to impulsive sounds, considered as the number of days in the calendar year when sound levels that potentially may cause harm to marine biota are exceeded; the second, regarding continuous sounds, is expressed as the trend of year-to-year changes in ambient noise levels. Both indicators can be expressed only in a qualitative way and, therefore, it is not possible defining measurement units and threshold values. IT-CMS-8B03-0001: The descriptor 11 deals with the effects due to the introduction of energy into marine environment as continuous and impulsive sounds. The European Commission Decision of 1 September 2010 has introduced two indicators: the first is related to impulsive sounds, considered as the number of days in the calendar year when sound levels that potentially may cause harm to marine biota are exceeded; the second, regarding continuous sounds, is expressed as the trend of year-to-year changes in ambient noise levels. Both indicators can be expressed only in a qualitative way and, therefore, it is not possible defining measurement units and threshold values. IT-WMS-8B02-0001: Results of the Initial Assessment (I.A.) of the Physical Damage and Physical Loss RS clearly showed that the main pressure on seafloor is “abrasionâ€, in particular due to fishing activities operating on the sea bottom (trawl, rapido trawl and hydraulic dredge) in all 3 subregions. The “sealing†pressure is present mainly near the coast in all 3 subregions. In this zone generally protected habitats and/or sensitive are present. For this reason, despite this pressure is always present in very low percentages (< 1%), it was nevertheless considered for the GES. Regarding the other pressures (“selective extraction†and “change in siltationâ€), in the Initial Assessment of the "Physical damage†RS is reported the following: - “selective extraction†show a limited distribution, on a very local scale. For this reason it was considered not significant at the subregional scale (GES scale). - for “change in siltation†currently there is no data available allowing us to understand whether this pressure can be significant for GES purposes. Therefore it was not considered for GES. For all the above reasons, it was considered appropriate to define GES, taking into account the abrasion pressure on biogenic (sensu Marine Strategy) and not-biogenic substrates and the sealing pressure on biogenic substrates. Biogenic substrates, for the particular composition and ecological role they perform, are very sensitive to pressures. IT-WMS-8B02-0002: Results of the Initial Assessment (I.A.) of the Physical Damage and Physical Loss RS clearly showed that the main pressure on seafloor is “abrasionâ€, in particular due to fishing activities operating on the sea bottom (trawl, rapido trawl and hydraulic dredge) in all 3 subregions. The “sealing†pressure is present mainly near the coast in all 3 subregions. In this zone generally protected habitats and/or sensitive are present. For this reason, despite this pressure is always present in very low percentages (< 1%), it was nevertheless considered for the GES. Regarding the other pressures (“selective extraction†and “change in siltationâ€), in the Initial Assessment of the "Physical damage†RS is reported the following: - “selective extraction†show a limited distribution, on a very local scale. For this reason it was considered not significant at the subregional scale (GES scale). - for “change in siltation†currently there is no data available allowing us to understand whether this pressure can be significant for GES purposes. Therefore it was not considered for GES. For all the above reasons, it was considered appropriate to define GES, taking into account the abrasion pressure on biogenic (sensu Marine Strategy) and not-biogenic substrates and the sealing pressure on biogenic substrates. Biogenic substrates, for the particular composition and ecological role they perform, are very sensitive to pressures. IT-WMS-8B02-0003: Results of the Initial Assessment (I.A.) of the Physical Damage and Physical Loss RS clearly showed that the main pressure on seafloor is “abrasionâ€, in particular due to fishing activities operating on the sea bottom (trawl, rapido trawl and hydraulic dredge) in all 3 subregions. The “sealing†pressure is present mainly near the coast in all 3 subregions. In this zone generally protected habitats and/or sensitive are present. For this reason, despite this pressure is always present in very low percentages (< 1%), it was nevertheless considered for the GES. Regarding the other pressures (“selective extraction†and “change in siltationâ€), in the Initial Assessment of the "Physical damage†RS is reported the following: - “selective extraction†show a limited distribution, on a very local scale. For this reason it was considered not significant at the subregional scale (GES scale). - for “change in siltation†currently there is no data available allowing us to understand whether this pressure can be significant for GES purposes. Therefore it was not considered for GES. For all the above reasons, it was considered appropriate to define GES, taking into account the abrasion pressure on biogenic (sensu Marine Strategy) and not-biogenic substrates and the sealing pressure on biogenic substrates. Biogenic substrates, for the particular composition and ecological role they perform, are very sensitive to pressures. IT-ISCMS-8B02-0001: Results of the Initial Assessment (I.A.) of the Physical Damage and Physical Loss RS clearly showed that the main pressure on seafloor is “abrasionâ€, in particular due to fishing activities operating on the sea bottom (trawl, rapido trawl and hydraulic dredge) in all 3 subregions. The “sealing†pressure is present mainly near the coast in all 3 subregions. In this zone generally protected habitats and/or sensitive are present. For this reason, despite this pressure is always present in very low percentages (< 1%), it was nevertheless considered for the GES. Regarding the other pressures (“selective extraction†and “change in siltationâ€), in the Initial Assessment of the "Physical damage†RS is reported the following: - “selective extraction†show a limited distribution, on a very local scale. For this reason it was considered not significant at the subregional scale (GES scale). - for “change in siltation†currently there is no data available allowing us to understand whether this pressure can be significant for GES purposes. Therefore it was not considered for GES. For all the above reasons, it was considered appropriate to define GES, taking into account the abrasion pressure on biogenic (sensu Marine Strategy) and not-biogenic substrates and the sealing pressure on biogenic substrates. Biogenic substrates, for the particular composition and ecological role they perform, are very sensitive to pressures. IT-ISCMS-8B02-0002: Results of the Initial Assessment (I.A.) of the Physical Damage and Physical Loss RS clearly showed that the main pressure on seafloor is “abrasionâ€, in particular due to fishing activities operating on the sea bottom (trawl, rapido trawl and hydraulic dredge) in all 3 subregions. The “sealing†pressure is present mainly near the coast in all 3 subregions. In this zone generally protected habitats and/or sensitive are present. For this reason, despite this pressure is always present in very low percentages (< 1%), it was nevertheless considered for the GES. Regarding the other pressures (“selective extraction†and “change in siltationâ€), in the Initial Assessment of the "Physical damage†RS is reported the following: - “selective extraction†show a limited distribution, on a very local scale. For this reason it was considered not significant at the subregional scale (GES scale). - for “change in siltation†currently there is no data available allowing us to understand whether this pressure can be significant for GES purposes. Therefore it was not considered for GES. For all the above reasons, it was considered appropriate to define GES, taking into account the abrasion pressure on biogenic (sensu Marine Strategy) and not-biogenic substrates and the sealing pressure on biogenic substrates. Biogenic substrates, for the particular composition and ecological role they perform, are very sensitive to pressures. IT-AS-8B02-0001: Results of the Initial Assessment (I.A.) of the Physical Damage and Physical Loss RS clearly showed that the main pressure on seafloor is “abrasionâ€, in particular due to fishing activities operating on the sea bottom (trawl, rapido trawl and hydraulic dredge) in all 3 subregions. The “sealing†pressure is present mainly near the coast in all 3 subregions. In this zone generally protected habitats and/or sensitive are present. For this reason, despite this pressure is always present in very low percentages (< 1%), it was nevertheless considered for the GES. Regarding the other pressures (“selective extraction†and “change in siltationâ€), in the Initial Assessment of the "Physical damage†RS is reported the following: - “selective extraction†show a limited distribution, on a very local scale. For this reason it was considered not significant at the subregional scale (GES scale). - for “change in siltation†currently there is no data available allowing us to understand whether this pressure can be significant for GES purposes. Therefore it was not considered for GES. For all the above reasons, it was considered appropriate to define GES, taking into account the abrasion pressure on biogenic (sensu Marine Strategy) and not-biogenic substrates and the sealing pressure on biogenic substrates. Biogenic substrates, for the particular composition and ecological role they perform, are very sensitive to pressures. IT-AS-8B02-0002: Results of the Initial Assessment (I.A.) of the Physical Damage and Physical Loss RS clearly showed that the main pressure on seafloor is “abrasionâ€, in particular due to fishing activities operating on the sea bottom (trawl, rapido trawl and hydraulic dredge) in all 3 subregions. The “sealing†pressure is present mainly near the coast in all 3 subregions. In this zone generally protected habitats and/or sensitive are present. For this reason, despite this pressure is always present in very low percentages (< 1%), it was nevertheless considered for the GES. Regarding the other pressures (“selective extraction†and “change in siltationâ€), in the Initial Assessment of the "Physical damage†RS is reported the following: - “selective extraction†show a limited distribution, on a very local scale. For this reason it was considered not significant at the subregional scale (GES scale). - for “change in siltation†currently there is no data available allowing us to understand whether this pressure can be significant for GES purposes. Therefore it was not considered for GES. For all the above reasons, it was considered appropriate to define GES, taking into account the abrasion pressure on biogenic (sensu Marine Strategy) and not-biogenic substrates and the sealing pressure on biogenic substrates. Biogenic substrates, for the particular composition and ecological role they perform, are very sensitive to pressures. IT-WMS-8B04-0001: Theoretically, Good Environmental Status is represented by unpolluted marine ecosystems free from marine litter. This GES is clearly not achievable in 2020 because scientific data show that also remote marine environment are in a worldwide framework interested by anthropogenic debris. GES is, otherwise, defined as quantity of marine litter that don’t causes damages to marine fauna or ecosystems, human health as well as economic loss to human activities. Available data are not sufficient to establish a threshold of quantity of marine litter under which marine litter is no more harmful. Then it is possible to define only a qualitative GES definition: Quantities of marine litter and their degradation products in marine environment are decreasing and their level don’t determine any significant risk to marine environment, both through direct mortality, e.g. entanglement, as well as through indirect impacts coming from ingestion and adsorption in biota of related contaminants IT-WMS-8B04-0002: Theoretically, Good Environmental Status is represented by unpolluted marine ecosystems free from marine litter. This GES is clearly not achievable in 2020 because scientific data show that also remote marine environment are in a worldwide framework interested by anthropogenic debris. GES is, otherwise, defined as quantity of marine litter that don’t causes damages to marine fauna or ecosystems, human health as well as economic loss to human activities. Available data are not sufficient to establish a threshold of quantity of marine litter under which marine litter is no more harmful. Then it is possible to define only a qualitative GES definition: Quantities of marine litter and their degradation products in marine environment are decreasing and their level don’t determine any significant risk to marine environment, both through direct mortality, e.g. entanglement, as well as through indirect impacts coming from ingestion and adsorption in biota of related contaminants IT-WMS-8B04-0003: Theoretically, Good Environmental Status is represented by unpolluted marine ecosystems free from marine litter. This GES is clearly not achievable in 2020 because scientific data show that also remote marine environment are in a worldwide framework interested by anthropogenic debris. GES is, otherwise, defined as quantity of marine litter that don’t causes damages to marine fauna or ecosystems, human health as well as economic loss to human activities. Available data are not sufficient to establish a threshold of quantity of marine litter under which marine litter is no more harmful. Then it is possible to define only a qualitative GES definition: Quantities of marine litter and their degradation products in marine environment are decreasing and their level don’t determine any significant risk to marine environment, both through direct mortality, e.g. entanglement, as well as through indirect impacts coming from ingestion and adsorption in biota of related contaminants IT-ISCMS-8B04-0001 : Theoretically, Good Environmental Status is represented by unpolluted marine ecosystems free from marine litter. This GES is clearly not achievable in 2020 because scientific data show that also remote marine environment are in a worldwide framework interested by anthropogenic debris. GES is, otherwise, defined as quantity of marine litter that don’t causes damages to marine fauna or ecosystems, human health as well as economic loss to human activities. Available data are not sufficient to establish a threshold of quantity of marine litter under which marine litter is no more harmful. Then it is possible to define only a qualitative GES definition: Quantities of marine litter and their degradation products in marine environment are decreasing and their level don’t determine any significant risk to marine environment, both through direct mortality, e.g. entanglement, as well as through indirect impacts coming from ingestion and adsorption in biota of related contaminants IT- ISCMS -8B04-0002 : Theoretically, Good Environmental Status is represented by unpolluted marine ecosystems free from marine litter. This GES is clearly not achievable in 2020 because scientific data show that also remote marine environment are in a worldwide framework interested by anthropogenic debris. GES is, otherwise, defined as quantity of marine litter that don’t causes damages to marine fauna or ecosystems, human health as well as economic loss to human activities. Available data are not sufficient to establish a threshold of quantity of marine litter under which marine litter is no more harmful. Then it is possible to define only a qualitative GES definition: Quantities of marine litter and their degradation products in marine environment are decreasing and their level don’t determine any significant risk to marine environment, both through direct mortality, e.g. entanglement, as well as through indirect impacts coming from ingestion and adsorption in biota of related contaminants IT-AS-8B04-0001 : Theoretically, Good Environmental Status is represented by unpolluted marine ecosystems free from marine litter. This GES is clearly not achievable in 2020 because scientific data show that also remote marine environment are in a worldwide framework interested by anthropogenic debris. GES is, otherwise, defined as quantity of marine litter that don’t causes damages to marine fauna or ecosystems, human health as well as economic loss to human activities. Available data are not sufficient to establish a threshold of quantity of marine litter under which marine litter is no more harmful. Then it is possible to define only a qualitative GES definition: Quantities of marine litter and their degradation products in marine environment are decreasing and their level don’t determine any significant risk to marine environment, both through direct mortality, e.g. entanglement, as well as through indirect impacts coming from ingestion and adsorption in biota of related contaminants IT-AS-8B04-0002: Theoretically, Good Environmental Status is represented by unpolluted marine ecosystems free from marine litter. This GES is clearly not achievable in 2020 because scientific data show that also remote marine environment are in a worldwide framework interested by anthropogenic debris. GES is, otherwise, defined as quantity of marine litter that don’t causes damages to marine fauna or ecosystems, human health as well as economic loss to human activities. Available data are not sufficient to establish a threshold of quantity of marine litter under which marine litter is no more harmful. Then it is possible to define only a qualitative GES definition: Quantities of marine litter and their degradation products in marine environment are decreasing and their level don’t determine any significant risk to marine environment, both through direct mortality, e.g. entanglement, as well as through indirect impacts coming from ingestion and adsorption in biota of related contaminants IT-WMS-8B04-0001: Theoretically, Good Environmental Status is represented by unpolluted marine ecosystems free from marine litter. This GES is clearly not achievable in 2020 because scientific data show that also remote marine environment are in a worldwide framework interested by anthropogenic debris. GES is, otherwise, defined as quantity of marine litter that don’t causes damages to marine fauna or ecosystems, human health as well as economic loss to human activities. Available data are not sufficient to establish a threshold of quantity of marine litter under which marine litter is no more harmful. Then it is possible to define only a qualitative GES definition: Quantities of marine litter and their degradation products in marine environment are decreasing and their level don’t determine any significant risk to marine environment, both through direct mortality, e.g. entanglement, as well as through indirect impacts coming from ingestion and adsorption in biota of related contaminants IT-WMS-8B04-0002: Theoretically, Good Environmental Status is represented by unpolluted marine ecosystems free from marine litter. This GES is clearly not achievable in 2020 because scientific data show that also remote marine environment are in a worldwide framework interested by anthropogenic debris. GES is, otherwise, defined as quantity of marine litter that don’t causes damages to marine fauna or ecosystems, human health as well as economic loss to human activities. Available data are not sufficient to establish a threshold of quantity of marine litter under which marine litter is no more harmful. Then it is possible to define only a qualitative GES definition: Quantities of marine litter and their degradation products in marine environment are decreasing and their level don’t determine any significant risk to marine environment, both through direct mortality, e.g. entanglement, as well as through indirect impacts coming from ingestion and adsorption in biota of related contaminants IT-WMS-8B04-0003: Theoretically, Good Environmental Status is represented by unpolluted marine ecosystems free from marine litter. This GES is clearly not achievable in 2020 because scientific data show that also remote marine environment are in a worldwide framework interested by anthropogenic debris. GES is, otherwise, defined as quantity of marine litter that don’t causes damages to marine fauna or ecosystems, human health as well as economic loss to human activities. Available data are not sufficient to establish a threshold of quantity of marine litter under which marine litter is no more harmful. Then it is possible to define only a qualitative GES definition: Quantities of marine litter and their degradation products in marine environment are decreasing and their level don’t determine any significant risk to marine environment, both through direct mortality, e.g. entanglement, as well as through indirect impacts coming from ingestion and adsorption in biota of related contaminants IT-ISCMS-8B04-0001 : Theoretically, Good Environmental Status is represented by unpolluted marine ecosystems free from marine litter. This GES is clearly not achievable in 2020 because scientific data show that also remote marine environment are in a worldwide framework interested by anthropogenic debris. GES is, otherwise, defined as quantity of marine litter that don’t causes damages to marine fauna or ecosystems, human health as well as economic loss to human activities. Available data are not sufficient to establish a threshold of quantity of marine litter under which marine litter is no more harmful. Then it is possible to define only a qualitative GES definition: Quantities of marine litter and their degradation products in marine environment are decreasing and their level don’t determine any significant risk to marine environment, both through direct mortality, e.g. entanglement, as well as through indirect impacts coming from ingestion and adsorption in biota of related contaminants IT- ISCMS -8B04-0002 : Theoretically, Good Environmental Status is represented by unpolluted marine ecosystems free from marine litter. This GES is clearly not achievable in 2020 because scientific data show that also remote marine environment are in a worldwide framework interested by anthropogenic debris. GES is, otherwise, defined as quantity of marine litter that don’t causes damages to marine fauna or ecosystems, human health as well as economic loss to human activities. Available data are not sufficient to establish a threshold of quantity of marine litter under which marine litter is no more harmful. Then it is possible to define only a qualitative GES definition: Quantities of marine litter and their degradation products in marine environment are decreasing and their level don’t determine any significant risk to marine environment, both through direct mortality, e.g. entanglement, as well as through indirect impacts coming from ingestion and adsorption in biota of related contaminants IT-AS-8B04-0001 : Theoretically, Good Environmental Status is represented by unpolluted marine ecosystems free from marine litter. This GES is clearly not achievable in 2020 because scientific data show that also remote marine environment are in a worldwide framework interested by anthropogenic debris. GES is, otherwise, defined as quantity of marine litter that don’t causes damages to marine fauna or ecosystems, human health as well as economic loss to human activities. Available data are not sufficient to establish a threshold of quantity of marine litter under which marine litter is no more harmful. Then it is possible to define only a qualitative GES definition: Quantities of marine litter and their degradation products in marine environment are decreasing and their level don’t determine any significant risk to marine environment, both through direct mortality, e.g. entanglement, as well as through indirect impacts coming from ingestion and adsorption in biota of related contaminants IT-AS-8B04-0002: Theoretically, Good Environmental Status is represented by unpolluted marine ecosystems free from marine litter. This GES is clearly not achievable in 2020 because scientific data show that also remote marine environment are in a worldwide framework interested by anthropogenic debris. GES is, otherwise, defined as quantity of marine litter that don’t causes damages to marine fauna or ecosystems, human health as well as economic loss to human activities. Available data are not sufficient to establish a threshold of quantity of marine litter under which marine litter is no more harmful. Then it is possible to define only a qualitative GES definition: Quantities of marine litter and their degradation products in marine environment are decreasing and their level don’t determine any significant risk to marine environment, both through direct mortality, e.g. entanglement, as well as through indirect impacts coming from ingestion and adsorption in biota of related contaminants IT-WMS-8B04-0001: Theoretically, Good Environmental Status is represented by unpolluted marine ecosystems free from marine litter. This GES is clearly not achievable in 2020 because scientific data show that also remote marine environment are in a worldwide framework interested by anthropogenic debris. GES is, otherwise, defined as quantity of marine litter that don’t causes damages to marine fauna or ecosystems, human health as well as economic loss to human activities. Available data are not sufficient to establish a threshold of quantity of marine litter under which marine litter is no more harmful. Then it is possible to define only a qualitative GES definition: Quantities of marine litter and their degradation products in marine environment are decreasing and their level don’t determine any significant risk to marine environment, both through direct mortality, e.g. entanglement, as well as through indirect impacts coming from ingestion and adsorption in biota of related contaminants IT-WMS-8B04-0002: Theoretically, Good Environmental Status is represented by unpolluted marine ecosystems free from marine litter. This GES is clearly not achievable in 2020 because scientific data show that also remote marine environment are in a worldwide framework interested by anthropogenic debris. GES is, otherwise, defined as quantity of marine litter that don’t causes damages to marine fauna or ecosystems, human health as well as economic loss to human activities. Available data are not sufficient to establish a threshold of quantity of marine litter under which marine litter is no more harmful. Then it is possible to define only a qualitative GES definition: Quantities of marine litter and their degradation products in marine environment are decreasing and their level don’t determine any significant risk to marine environment, both through direct mortality, e.g. entanglement, as well as through indirect impacts coming from ingestion and adsorption in biota of related contaminants IT-WMS-8B04-0003: Theoretically, Good Environmental Status is represented by unpolluted marine ecosystems free from marine litter. This GES is clearly not achievable in 2020 because scientific data show that also remote marine environment are in a worldwide framework interested by anthropogenic debris. GES is, otherwise, defined as quantity of marine litter that don’t causes damages to marine fauna or ecosystems, human health as well as economic loss to human activities. Available data are not sufficient to establish a threshold of quantity of marine litter under which marine litter is no more harmful. Then it is possible to define only a qualitative GES definition: Quantities of marine litter and their degradation products in marine environment are decreasing and their level don’t determine any significant risk to marine environment, both through direct mortality, e.g. entanglement, as well as through indirect impacts coming from ingestion and adsorption in biota of related contaminants IT-ISCMS-8B04-0001 : Theoretically, Good Environmental Status is represented by unpolluted marine ecosystems free from marine litter. This GES is clearly not achievable in 2020 because scientific data show that also remote marine environment are in a worldwide framework interested by anthropogenic debris. GES is, otherwise, defined as quantity of marine litter that don’t causes damages to marine fauna or ecosystems, human health as well as economic loss to human activities. Available data are not sufficient to establish a threshold of quantity of marine litter under which marine litter is no more harmful. Then it is possible to define only a qualitative GES definition: Quantities of marine litter and their degradation products in marine environment are decreasing and their level don’t determine any significant risk to marine environment, both through direct mortality, e.g. entanglement, as well as through indirect impacts coming from ingestion and adsorption in biota of related contaminants IT- ISCMS -8B04-0002 : Theoretically, Good Environmental Status is represented by unpolluted marine ecosystems free from marine litter. This GES is clearly not achievable in 2020 because scientific data show that also remote marine environment are in a worldwide framework interested by anthropogenic debris. GES is, otherwise, defined as quantity of marine litter that don’t causes damages to marine fauna or ecosystems, human health as well as economic loss to human activities. Available data are not sufficient to establish a threshold of quantity of marine litter under which marine litter is no more harmful. Then it is possible to define only a qualitative GES definition: Quantities of marine litter and their degradation products in marine environment are decreasing and their level don’t determine any significant risk to marine environment, both through direct mortality, e.g. entanglement, as well as through indirect impacts coming from ingestion and adsorption in biota of related contaminants IT-AS-8B04-0001 : Theoretically, Good Environmental Status is represented by unpolluted marine ecosystems free from marine litter. This GES is clearly not achievable in 2020 because scientific data show that also remote marine environment are in a worldwide framework interested by anthropogenic debris. GES is, otherwise, defined as quantity of marine litter that don’t causes damages to marine fauna or ecosystems, human health as well as economic loss to human activities. Available data are not sufficient to establish a threshold of quantity of marine litter under which marine litter is no more harmful. Then it is possible to define only a qualitative GES definition: Quantities of marine litter and their degradation products in marine environment are decreasing and their level don’t determine any significant risk to marine environment, both through direct mortality, e.g. entanglement, as well as through indirect impacts coming from ingestion and adsorption in biota of related contaminants IT-AS-8B04-0002: Theoretically, Good Environmental Status is represented by unpolluted marine ecosystems free from marine litter. This GES is clearly not achievable in 2020 because scientific data show that also remote marine environment are in a worldwide framework interested by anthropogenic debris. GES is, otherwise, defined as quantity of marine litter that don’t causes damages to marine fauna or ecosystems, human health as well as economic loss to human activities. Available data are not sufficient to establish a threshold of quantity of marine litter under which marine litter is no more harmful. Then it is possible to define only a qualitative GES definition: Quantities of marine litter and their degradation products in marine environment are decreasing and their level don’t determine any significant risk to marine environment, both through direct mortality, e.g. entanglement, as well as through indirect impacts coming from ingestion and adsorption in biota of related contaminants IT-WMS-8B04-0001: Theoretically, Good Environmental Status is represented by unpolluted marine ecosystems free from marine litter. This GES is clearly not achievable in 2020 because scientific data show that also remote marine environment are in a worldwide framework interested by anthropogenic debris. GES is, otherwise, defined as quantity of marine litter that don’t causes damages to marine fauna or ecosystems, human health as well as economic loss to human activities. Available data are not sufficient to establish a threshold of quantity of marine litter under which marine litter is no more harmful. Then it is possible to define only a qualitative GES definition: Quantities of marine litter and their degradation products in marine environment are decreasing and their level don’t determine any significant risk to marine environment, both through direct mortality, e.g. entanglement, as well as through indirect impacts coming from ingestion and adsorption in biota of related contaminants IT-WMS-8B04-0002: Theoretically, Good Environmental Status is represented by unpolluted marine ecosystems free from marine litter. This GES is clearly not achievable in 2020 because scientific data show that also remote marine environment are in a worldwide framework interested by anthropogenic debris. GES is, otherwise, defined as quantity of marine litter that don’t causes damages to marine fauna or ecosystems, human health as well as economic loss to human activities. Available data are not sufficient to establish a threshold of quantity of marine litter under which marine litter is no more harmful. Then it is possible to define only a qualitative GES definition: Quantities of marine litter and their degradation products in marine environment are decreasing and their level don’t determine any significant risk to marine environment, both through direct mortality, e.g. entanglement, as well as through indirect impacts coming from ingestion and adsorption in biota of related contaminants IT-WMS-8B04-0003: Theoretically, Good Environmental Status is represented by unpolluted marine ecosystems free from marine litter. This GES is clearly not achievable in 2020 because scientific data show that also remote marine environment are in a worldwide framework interested by anthropogenic debris. GES is, otherwise, defined as quantity of marine litter that don’t causes damages to marine fauna or ecosystems, human health as well as economic loss to human activities. Available data are not sufficient to establish a threshold of quantity of marine litter under which marine litter is no more harmful. Then it is possible to define only a qualitative GES definition: Quantities of marine litter and their degradation products in marine environment are decreasing and their level don’t determine any significant risk to marine environment, both through direct mortality, e.g. entanglement, as well as through indirect impacts coming from ingestion and adsorption in biota of related contaminants IT-ISCMS-8B04-0001 : Theoretically, Good Environmental Status is represented by unpolluted marine ecosystems free from marine litter. This GES is clearly not achievable in 2020 because scientific data show that also remote marine environment are in a worldwide framework interested by anthropogenic debris. GES is, otherwise, defined as quantity of marine litter that don’t causes damages to marine fauna or ecosystems, human health as well as economic loss to human activities. Available data are not sufficient to establish a threshold of quantity of marine litter under which marine litter is no more harmful. Then it is possible to define only a qualitative GES definition: Quantities of marine litter and their degradation products in marine environment are decreasing and their level don’t determine any significant risk to marine environment, both through direct mortality, e.g. entanglement, as well as through indirect impacts coming from ingestion and adsorption in biota of related contaminants IT- ISCMS -8B04-0002 : Theoretically, Good Environmental Status is represented by unpolluted marine ecosystems free from marine litter. This GES is clearly not achievable in 2020 because scientific data show that also remote marine environment are in a worldwide framework interested by anthropogenic debris. GES is, otherwise, defined as quantity of marine litter that don’t causes damages to marine fauna or ecosystems, human health as well as economic loss to human activities. Available data are not sufficient to establish a threshold of quantity of marine litter under which marine litter is no more harmful. Then it is possible to define only a qualitative GES definition: Quantities of marine litter and their degradation products in marine environment are decreasing and their level don’t determine any significant risk to marine environment, both through direct mortality, e.g. entanglement, as well as through indirect impacts coming from ingestion and adsorption in biota of related contaminants IT-AS-8B04-0001 : Theoretically, Good Environmental Status is represented by unpolluted marine ecosystems free from marine litter. This GES is clearly not achievable in 2020 because scientific data show that also remote marine environment are in a worldwide framework interested by anthropogenic debris. GES is, otherwise, defined as quantity of marine litter that don’t causes damages to marine fauna or ecosystems, human health as well as economic loss to human activities. Available data are not sufficient to establish a threshold of quantity of marine litter under which marine litter is no more harmful. Then it is possible to define only a qualitative GES definition: Quantities of marine litter and their degradation products in marine environment are decreasing and their level don’t determine any significant risk to marine environment, both through direct mortality, e.g. entanglement, as well as through indirect impacts coming from ingestion and adsorption in biota of related contaminants IT-AS-8B04-0002: Theoretically, Good Environmental Status is represented by unpolluted marine ecosystems free from marine litter. This GES is clearly not achievable in 2020 because scientific data show that also remote marine environment are in a worldwide framework interested by anthropogenic debris. GES is, otherwise, defined as quantity of marine litter that don’t causes damages to marine fauna or ecosystems, human health as well as economic loss to human activities. Available data are not sufficient to establish a threshold of quantity of marine litter under which marine litter is no more harmful. Then it is possible to define only a qualitative GES definition: Quantities of marine litter and their degradation products in marine environment are decreasing and their level don’t determine any significant risk to marine environment, both through direct mortality, e.g. entanglement, as well as through indirect impacts coming from ingestion and adsorption in biota of related contaminants IT-WMS-8B11-0001: COMMERCIAL SPECIES: In the context of the Initial Assessment, GES was defined by applying primary indicators 3.1.1 and 3.2.1, or using trend based proxies indicators 3.1.2 and 3.2.2 as well as indicators 3.3.1 and 3.3.3. However, the overall practical evaluation of the applied process in the Italian seas highlighted that this kind of preliminary threshold might need to be revised, taking into account several issues, including, among the others, the outcome of the still ongoing process on CFP reform. All these aspects, therefore, should be duly considered to assess, as appropriate, the preliminary threshold to be used for GES (see details according to each indicator in the GES-Descriptor sheet). For instance multispecific interactions as well as environmental drivers or regime shifts, the uncertainty associated to reference points, the lack in the establishment of precautionary limits in the Mediterranean Sea and uncertainty in the estimation of trend based indicators should be acknowledged. The goal of achieving MSY for all commercial species might be not achievable owing to the need of considering the multispecific nature of Mediterranean fisheries as well as the multi-trophic interactions among species and environmental drivers.Therefore, the threshold values still needs to be assessed before a confirmation of GES. FUNCTIONAL GROUPS: In the Initial Assessment the final determination of GES for functional goups addressed in D3 was not conclusive, due to the lack of data on some functional groups that impeded to test methods in order to integrate information to indentify the most suited indicator to define GES. However a preliminary definition that will need to be revised according to the availability of new data and the conclusive establishment of methods to address it of GES is provided. BENTHIC HABITAT AND ASSOCIATED COMMUNITIES: Pertaining the impact of fishing on benthic communities and habitats, the GES as well as the Initial Assessment were addressed in synergy with the approach developed in the framework of Descriptor 6 in the context of abrasion pressure. Therefore, the definition of GES reported in this sheet is aligned to the definition put forward in D6 and will need further revision by 2018 in particular in order to set up thresholds of acceptable disturbance on non biogenic habitats as well as testing/improving methods to assess potential interaction with biogenic habitats. IT-WMS-8B11-0002: COMMERCIAL SPECIES: In the context of the Initial Assessment, GES was defined by applying primary indicators 3.1.1 and 3.2.1, or using trend based proxies indicators 3.1.2 and 3.2.2 as well as indicators 3.3.1 and 3.3.3. However, the overall practical evaluation of the applied process in the Italian seas highlighted that this kind of preliminary threshold might need to be revised, taking into account several issues, including, among the others, the outcome of the still ongoing process on CFP reform. All these aspects, therefore, should be duly considered to assess, as appropriate, the preliminary threshold to be used for GES (see details according to each indicator in the GES-Descriptor sheet). For instance multispecific interactions as well as environmental drivers or regime shifts, the uncertainty associated to reference points, the lack in the establishment of precautionary limits in the Mediterranean Sea and uncertainty in the estimation of trend based indicators should be acknowledged. The goal of achieving MSY for all commercial species might be not achievable owing to the need of considering the multispecific nature of Mediterranean fisheries as well as the multi-trophic interactions among species and environmental drivers.Therefore, the threshold values still needs to be assessed before a confirmation of GES. FUNCTIONAL GROUPS: In the Initial Assessment the final determination of GES for functional goups addressed in D3 was not conclusive, due to the lack of data on some functional groups that impeded to test methods in order to integrate information to indentify the most suited indicator to define GES. However a preliminary definition that will need to be revised according to the availability of new data and the conclusive establishment of methods to address it of GES is provided. BENTHIC HABITAT AND ASSOCIATED COMMUNITIES: Pertaining the impact of fishing on benthic communities and habitats, the GES as well as the Initial Assessment were addressed in synergy with the approach developed in the framework of Descriptor 6 in the context of abrasion pressure. Therefore, the definition of GES reported in this sheet is aligned to the definition put forward in D6 and will need further revision by 2018 in particular in order to set up thresholds of acceptable disturbance on non biogenic habitats as well as testing/improving methods to assess potential interaction with biogenic habitats. IT-WMS-8B11-0003: COMMERCIAL SPECIES: In the context of the Initial Assessment, GES was defined by applying primary indicators 3.1.1 and 3.2.1, or using trend based proxies indicators 3.1.2 and 3.2.2 as well as indicators 3.3.1 and 3.3.3. However, the overall practical evaluation of the applied process in the Italian seas highlighted that this kind of preliminary threshold might need to be revised, taking into account several issues, including, among the others, the outcome of the still ongoing process on CFP reform. All these aspects, therefore, should be duly considered to assess, as appropriate, the preliminary threshold to be used for GES (see details according to each indicator in the GES-Descriptor sheet). For instance multispecific interactions as well as environmental drivers or regime shifts, the uncertainty associated to reference points, the lack in the establishment of precautionary limits in the Mediterranean Sea and uncertainty in the estimation of trend based indicators should be acknowledged. The goal of achieving MSY for all commercial species might be not achievable owing to the need of considering the multispecific nature of Mediterranean fisheries as well as the multi-trophic interactions among species and environmental drivers.Therefore, the threshold values still needs to be assessed before a confirmation of GES. FUNCTIONAL GROUPS: In the Initial Assessment the final determination of GES for functional goups addressed in D3 was not conclusive, due to the lack of data on some functional groups that impeded to test methods in order to integrate information to indentify the most suited indicator to define GES. However a preliminary definition that will need to be revised according to the availability of new data and the conclusive establishment of methods to address it of GES is provided. BENTHIC HABITAT AND ASSOCIATED COMMUNITIES: Pertaining the impact of fishing on benthic communities and habitats, the GES as well as the Initial Assessment were addressed in synergy with the approach developed in the framework of Descriptor 6 in the context of abrasion pressure. Therefore, the definition of GES reported in this sheet is aligned to the definition put forward in D6 and will need further revision by 2018 in particular in order to set up thresholds of acceptable disturbance on non biogenic habitats as well as testing/improving methods to assess potential interaction with biogenic habitats. IT-AS-8B11-0001: COMMERCIAL SPECIES: In the context of the Initial Assessment, GES was defined by applying primary indicators 3.1.1 and 3.2.1, or using trend based proxies indicators 3.1.2 and 3.2.2 as well as indicators 3.3.1 and 3.3.3. However, the overall practical evaluation of the applied process in the Italian seas highlighted that this kind of preliminary threshold might need to be revised, taking into account several issues, including, among the others, the outcome of the still ongoing process on CFP reform. All these aspects, therefore, should be duly considered to assess, as appropriate, the preliminary threshold to be used for GES (see details according to each indicator in the GES-Descriptor sheet). For instance multispecific interactions as well as environmental drivers or regime shifts, the uncertainty associated to reference points, the lack in the establishment of precautionary limits in the Mediterranean Sea and uncertainty in the estimation of trend based indicators should be acknowledged. The goal of achieving MSY for all commercial species might be not achievable owing to the need of considering the multispecific nature of Mediterranean fisheries as well as the multi-trophic interactions among species and environmental drivers.Therefore, the threshold values still needs to be assessed before a confirmation of GES. FUNCTIONAL GROUPS: In the Initial Assessment the final determination of GES for functional goups addressed in D3 was not conclusive, due to the lack of data on some functional groups that impeded to test methods in order to integrate information to indentify the most suited indicator to define GES. However a preliminary definition that will need to be revised according to the availability of new data and the conclusive establishment of methods to address it of GES is provided. BENTHIC HABITAT AND ASSOCIATED COMMUNITIES: Pertaining the impact of fishing on benthic communities and habitats, the GES as well as the Initial Assessment were addressed in synergy with the approach developed in the framework of Descriptor 6 in the context of abrasion pressure. Therefore, the definition of GES reported in this sheet is aligned to the definition put forward in D6 and will need further revision by 2018 in particular in order to set up thresholds of acceptable disturbance on non biogenic habitats as well as testing/improving methods to assess potential interaction with biogenic habitats. IT-AS-8B11-0002: COMMERCIAL SPECIES: In the context of the Initial Assessment, GES was defined by applying primary indicators 3.1.1 and 3.2.1, or using trend based proxies indicators 3.1.2 and 3.2.2 as well as indicators 3.3.1 and 3.3.3. However, the overall practical evaluation of the applied process in the Italian seas highlighted that this kind of preliminary threshold might need to be revised, taking into account several issues, including, among the others, the outcome of the still ongoing process on CFP reform. All these aspects, therefore, should be duly considered to assess, as appropriate, the preliminary threshold to be used for GES (see details according to each indicator in the GES-Descriptor sheet). For instance multispecific interactions as well as environmental drivers or regime shifts, the uncertainty associated to reference points, the lack in the establishment of precautionary limits in the Mediterranean Sea and uncertainty in the estimation of trend based indicators should be acknowledged. The goal of achieving MSY for all commercial species might be not achievable owing to the need of considering the multispecific nature of Mediterranean fisheries as well as the multi-trophic interactions among species and environmental drivers.Therefore, the threshold values still needs to be assessed before a confirmation of GES. FUNCTIONAL GROUPS: In the Initial Assessment the final determination of GES for functional goups addressed in D3 was not conclusive, due to the lack of data on some functional groups that impeded to test methods in order to integrate information to indentify the most suited indicator to define GES. However a preliminary definition that will need to be revised according to the availability of new data and the conclusive establishment of methods to address it of GES is provided. BENTHIC HABITAT AND ASSOCIATED COMMUNITIES: Pertaining the impact of fishing on benthic communities and habitats, the GES as well as the Initial Assessment were addressed in synergy with the approach developed in the framework of Descriptor 6 in the context of abrasion pressure. Therefore, the definition of GES reported in this sheet is aligned to the definition put forward in D6 and will need further revision by 2018 in particular in order to set up thresholds of acceptable disturbance on non biogenic habitats as well as testing/improving methods to assess potential interaction with biogenic habitats. IT-ISCMS-8B11-0001: COMMERCIAL SPECIES: In the context of the Initial Assessment, GES was defined by applying primary indicators 3.1.1 and 3.2.1, or using trend based proxies indicators 3.1.2 and 3.2.2 as well as indicators 3.3.1 and 3.3.3. However, the overall practical evaluation of the applied process in the Italian seas highlighted that this kind of preliminary threshold might need to be revised, taking into account several issues, including, among the others, the outcome of the still ongoing process on CFP reform. All these aspects, therefore, should be duly considered to assess, as appropriate, the preliminary threshold to be used for GES (see details according to each indicator in the GES-Descriptor sheet). For instance multispecific interactions as well as environmental drivers or regime shifts, the uncertainty associated to reference points, the lack in the establishment of precautionary limits in the Mediterranean Sea and uncertainty in the estimation of trend based indicators should be acknowledged. The goal of achieving MSY for all commercial species might be not achievable owing to the need of considering the multispecific nature of Mediterranean fisheries as well as the multi-trophic interactions among species and environmental drivers.Therefore, the threshold values still needs to be assessed before a confirmation of GES. FUNCTIONAL GROUPS: In the Initial Assessment the final determination of GES for functional goups addressed in D3 was not conclusive, due to the lack of data on some functional groups that impeded to test methods in order to integrate information to indentify the most suited indicator to define GES. However a preliminary definition that will need to be revised according to the availability of new data and the conclusive establishment of methods to address it of GES is provided. BENTHIC HABITAT AND ASSOCIATED COMMUNITIES: Pertaining the impact of fishing on benthic communities and habitats, the GES as well as the Initial Assessment were addressed in synergy with the approach developed in the framework of Descriptor 6 in the context of abrasion pressure. Therefore, the definition of GES reported in this sheet is aligned to the definition put forward in D6 and will need further revision by 2018 in particular in order to set up thresholds of acceptable disturbance on non biogenic habitats as well as testing/improving methods to assess potential interaction with biogenic habitats. IT-ISCMS-8B11-0002: COMMERCIAL SPECIES: In the context of the Initial Assessment, GES was defined by applying primary indicators 3.1.1 and 3.2.1, or using trend based proxies indicators 3.1.2 and 3.2.2 as well as indicators 3.3.1 and 3.3.3. However, the overall practical evaluation of the applied process in the Italian seas highlighted that this kind of preliminary threshold might need to be revised, taking into account several issues, including, among the others, the outcome of the still ongoing process on CFP reform. All these aspects, therefore, should be duly considered to assess, as appropriate, the preliminary threshold to be used for GES (see details according to each indicator in the GES-Descriptor sheet). For instance multispecific interactions as well as environmental drivers or regime shifts, the uncertainty associated to reference points, the lack in the establishment of precautionary limits in the Mediterranean Sea and uncertainty in the estimation of trend based indicators should be acknowledged. The goal of achieving MSY for all commercial species might be not achievable owing to the need of considering the multispecific nature of Mediterranean fisheries as well as the multi-trophic interactions among species and environmental drivers.Therefore, the threshold values still needs to be assessed before a confirmation of GES. FUNCTIONAL GROUPS: In the Initial Assessment the final determination of GES for functional goups addressed in D3 was not conclusive, due to the lack of data on some functional groups that impeded to test methods in order to integrate information to indentify the most suited indicator to define GES. However a preliminary definition that will need to be revised according to the availability of new data and the conclusive establishment of methods to address it of GES is provided. BENTHIC HABITAT AND ASSOCIATED COMMUNITIES: Pertaining the impact of fishing on benthic communities and habitats, the GES as well as the Initial Assessment were addressed in synergy with the approach developed in the framework of Descriptor 6 in the context of abrasion pressure. Therefore, the definition of GES reported in this sheet is aligned to the definition put forward in D6 and will need further revision by 2018 in particular in order to set up thresholds of acceptable disturbance on non biogenic habitats as well as testing/improving methods to assess potential interaction with biogenic habitats. IT-WMS-8B11-0001: COMMERCIAL SPECIES: In the context of the Initial Assessment, GES was defined by applying primary indicators 3.1.1 and 3.2.1, or using trend based proxies indicators 3.1.2 and 3.2.2 as well as indicators 3.3.1 and 3.3.3. However, the overall practical evaluation of the applied process in the Italian seas highlighted that this kind of preliminary threshold might need to be revised, taking into account several issues, including, among the others, the outcome of the still ongoing process on CFP reform. All these aspects, therefore, should be duly considered to assess, as appropriate, the preliminary threshold to be used for GES (see details according to each indicator in the GES-Descriptor sheet). For instance multispecific interactions as well as environmental drivers or regime shifts, the uncertainty associated to reference points, the lack in the establishment of precautionary limits in the Mediterranean Sea and uncertainty in the estimation of trend based indicators should be acknowledged. The goal of achieving MSY for all commercial species might be not achievable owing to the need of considering the multispecific nature of Mediterranean fisheries as well as the multi-trophic interactions among species and environmental drivers.Therefore, the threshold values still needs to be assessed before a confirmation of GES. FUNCTIONAL GROUPS: In the Initial Assessment the final determination of GES for functional goups addressed in D3 was not conclusive, due to the lack of data on some functional groups that impeded to test methods in order to integrate information to indentify the most suited indicator to define GES. However a preliminary definition that will need to be revised according to the availability of new data and the conclusive establishment of methods to address it of GES is provided. BENTHIC HABITAT AND ASSOCIATED COMMUNITIES: Pertaining the impact of fishing on benthic communities and habitats, the GES as well as the Initial Assessment were addressed in synergy with the approach developed in the framework of Descriptor 6 in the context of abrasion pressure. Therefore, the definition of GES reported in this sheet is aligned to the definition put forward in D6 and will need further revision by 2018 in particular in order to set up thresholds of acceptable disturbance on non biogenic habitats as well as testing/improving methods to assess potential interaction with biogenic habitats. IT-WMS-8B11-0002: COMMERCIAL SPECIES: In the context of the Initial Assessment, GES was defined by applying primary indicators 3.1.1 and 3.2.1, or using trend based proxies indicators 3.1.2 and 3.2.2 as well as indicators 3.3.1 and 3.3.3. However, the overall practical evaluation of the applied process in the Italian seas highlighted that this kind of preliminary threshold might need to be revised, taking into account several issues, including, among the others, the outcome of the still ongoing process on CFP reform. All these aspects, therefore, should be duly considered to assess, as appropriate, the preliminary threshold to be used for GES (see details according to each indicator in the GES-Descriptor sheet). For instance multispecific interactions as well as environmental drivers or regime shifts, the uncertainty associated to reference points, the lack in the establishment of precautionary limits in the Mediterranean Sea and uncertainty in the estimation of trend based indicators should be acknowledged. The goal of achieving MSY for all commercial species might be not achievable owing to the need of considering the multispecific nature of Mediterranean fisheries as well as the multi-trophic interactions among species and environmental drivers.Therefore, the threshold values still needs to be assessed before a confirmation of GES. FUNCTIONAL GROUPS: In the Initial Assessment the final determination of GES for functional goups addressed in D3 was not conclusive, due to the lack of data on some functional groups that impeded to test methods in order to integrate information to indentify the most suited indicator to define GES. However a preliminary definition that will need to be revised according to the availability of new data and the conclusive establishment of methods to address it of GES is provided. BENTHIC HABITAT AND ASSOCIATED COMMUNITIES: Pertaining the impact of fishing on benthic communities and habitats, the GES as well as the Initial Assessment were addressed in synergy with the approach developed in the framework of Descriptor 6 in the context of abrasion pressure. Therefore, the definition of GES reported in this sheet is aligned to the definition put forward in D6 and will need further revision by 2018 in particular in order to set up thresholds of acceptable disturbance on non biogenic habitats as well as testing/improving methods to assess potential interaction with biogenic habitats. IT-WMS-8B11-0003: COMMERCIAL SPECIES: In the context of the Initial Assessment, GES was defined by applying primary indicators 3.1.1 and 3.2.1, or using trend based proxies indicators 3.1.2 and 3.2.2 as well as indicators 3.3.1 and 3.3.3. However, the overall practical evaluation of the applied process in the Italian seas highlighted that this kind of preliminary threshold might need to be revised, taking into account several issues, including, among the others, the outcome of the still ongoing process on CFP reform. All these aspects, therefore, should be duly considered to assess, as appropriate, the preliminary threshold to be used for GES (see details according to each indicator in the GES-Descriptor sheet). For instance multispecific interactions as well as environmental drivers or regime shifts, the uncertainty associated to reference points, the lack in the establishment of precautionary limits in the Mediterranean Sea and uncertainty in the estimation of trend based indicators should be acknowledged. The goal of achieving MSY for all commercial species might be not achievable owing to the need of considering the multispecific nature of Mediterranean fisheries as well as the multi-trophic interactions among species and environmental drivers.Therefore, the threshold values still needs to be assessed before a confirmation of GES. FUNCTIONAL GROUPS: In the Initial Assessment the final determination of GES for functional goups addressed in D3 was not conclusive, due to the lack of data on some functional groups that impeded to test methods in order to integrate information to indentify the most suited indicator to define GES. However a preliminary definition that will need to be revised according to the availability of new data and the conclusive establishment of methods to address it of GES is provided. BENTHIC HABITAT AND ASSOCIATED COMMUNITIES: Pertaining the impact of fishing on benthic communities and habitats, the GES as well as the Initial Assessment were addressed in synergy with the approach developed in the framework of Descriptor 6 in the context of abrasion pressure. Therefore, the definition of GES reported in this sheet is aligned to the definition put forward in D6 and will need further revision by 2018 in particular in order to set up thresholds of acceptable disturbance on non biogenic habitats as well as testing/improving methods to assess potential interaction with biogenic habitats. IT-AS-8B11-0001: COMMERCIAL SPECIES: In the context of the Initial Assessment, GES was defined by applying primary indicators 3.1.1 and 3.2.1, or using trend based proxies indicators 3.1.2 and 3.2.2 as well as indicators 3.3.1 and 3.3.3. However, the overall practical evaluation of the applied process in the Italian seas highlighted that this kind of preliminary threshold might need to be revised, taking into account several issues, including, among the others, the outcome of the still ongoing process on CFP reform. All these aspects, therefore, should be duly considered to assess, as appropriate, the preliminary threshold to be used for GES (see details according to each indicator in the GES-Descriptor sheet). For instance multispecific interactions as well as environmental drivers or regime shifts, the uncertainty associated to reference points, the lack in the establishment of precautionary limits in the Mediterranean Sea and uncertainty in the estimation of trend based indicators should be acknowledged. The goal of achieving MSY for all commercial species might be not achievable owing to the need of considering the multispecific nature of Mediterranean fisheries as well as the multi-trophic interactions among species and environmental drivers.Therefore, the threshold values still needs to be assessed before a confirmation of GES. FUNCTIONAL GROUPS: In the Initial Assessment the final determination of GES for functional goups addressed in D3 was not conclusive, due to the lack of data on some functional groups that impeded to test methods in order to integrate information to indentify the most suited indicator to define GES. However a preliminary definition that will need to be revised according to the availability of new data and the conclusive establishment of methods to address it of GES is provided. BENTHIC HABITAT AND ASSOCIATED COMMUNITIES: Pertaining the impact of fishing on benthic communities and habitats, the GES as well as the Initial Assessment were addressed in synergy with the approach developed in the framework of Descriptor 6 in the context of abrasion pressure. Therefore, the definition of GES reported in this sheet is aligned to the definition put forward in D6 and will need further revision by 2018 in particular in order to set up thresholds of acceptable disturbance on non biogenic habitats as well as testing/improving methods to assess potential interaction with biogenic habitats. IT-AS-8B11-0002: COMMERCIAL SPECIES: In the context of the Initial Assessment, GES was defined by applying primary indicators 3.1.1 and 3.2.1, or using trend based proxies indicators 3.1.2 and 3.2.2 as well as indicators 3.3.1 and 3.3.3. However, the overall practical evaluation of the applied process in the Italian seas highlighted that this kind of preliminary threshold might need to be revised, taking into account several issues, including, among the others, the outcome of the still ongoing process on CFP reform. All these aspects, therefore, should be duly considered to assess, as appropriate, the preliminary threshold to be used for GES (see details according to each indicator in the GES-Descriptor sheet). For instance multispecific interactions as well as environmental drivers or regime shifts, the uncertainty associated to reference points, the lack in the establishment of precautionary limits in the Mediterranean Sea and uncertainty in the estimation of trend based indicators should be acknowledged. The goal of achieving MSY for all commercial species might be not achievable owing to the need of considering the multispecific nature of Mediterranean fisheries as well as the multi-trophic interactions among species and environmental drivers.Therefore, the threshold values still needs to be assessed before a confirmation of GES. FUNCTIONAL GROUPS: In the Initial Assessment the final determination of GES for functional goups addressed in D3 was not conclusive, due to the lack of data on some functional groups that impeded to test methods in order to integrate information to indentify the most suited indicator to define GES. However a preliminary definition that will need to be revised according to the availability of new data and the conclusive establishment of methods to address it of GES is provided. BENTHIC HABITAT AND ASSOCIATED COMMUNITIES: Pertaining the impact of fishing on benthic communities and habitats, the GES as well as the Initial Assessment were addressed in synergy with the approach developed in the framework of Descriptor 6 in the context of abrasion pressure. Therefore, the definition of GES reported in this sheet is aligned to the definition put forward in D6 and will need further revision by 2018 in particular in order to set up thresholds of acceptable disturbance on non biogenic habitats as well as testing/improving methods to assess potential interaction with biogenic habitats. IT-ISCMS-8B11-0001: COMMERCIAL SPECIES: In the context of the Initial Assessment, GES was defined by applying primary indicators 3.1.1 and 3.2.1, or using trend based proxies indicators 3.1.2 and 3.2.2 as well as indicators 3.3.1 and 3.3.3. However, the overall practical evaluation of the applied process in the Italian seas highlighted that this kind of preliminary threshold might need to be revised, taking into account several issues, including, among the others, the outcome of the still ongoing process on CFP reform. All these aspects, therefore, should be duly considered to assess, as appropriate, the preliminary threshold to be used for GES (see details according to each indicator in the GES-Descriptor sheet). For instance multispecific interactions as well as environmental drivers or regime shifts, the uncertainty associated to reference points, the lack in the establishment of precautionary limits in the Mediterranean Sea and uncertainty in the estimation of trend based indicators should be acknowledged. The goal of achieving MSY for all commercial species might be not achievable owing to the need of considering the multispecific nature of Mediterranean fisheries as well as the multi-trophic interactions among species and environmental drivers.Therefore, the threshold values still needs to be assessed before a confirmation of GES. FUNCTIONAL GROUPS: In the Initial Assessment the final determination of GES for functional goups addressed in D3 was not conclusive, due to the lack of data on some functional groups that impeded to test methods in order to integrate information to indentify the most suited indicator to define GES. However a preliminary definition that will need to be revised according to the availability of new data and the conclusive establishment of methods to address it of GES is provided. BENTHIC HABITAT AND ASSOCIATED COMMUNITIES: Pertaining the impact of fishing on benthic communities and habitats, the GES as well as the Initial Assessment were addressed in synergy with the approach developed in the framework of Descriptor 6 in the context of abrasion pressure. Therefore, the definition of GES reported in this sheet is aligned to the definition put forward in D6 and will need further revision by 2018 in particular in order to set up thresholds of acceptable disturbance on non biogenic habitats as well as testing/improving methods to assess potential interaction with biogenic habitats. IT-ISCMS-8B11-0002: COMMERCIAL SPECIES: In the context of the Initial Assessment, GES was defined by applying primary indicators 3.1.1 and 3.2.1, or using trend based proxies indicators 3.1.2 and 3.2.2 as well as indicators 3.3.1 and 3.3.3. However, the overall practical evaluation of the applied process in the Italian seas highlighted that this kind of preliminary threshold might need to be revised, taking into account several issues, including, among the others, the outcome of the still ongoing process on CFP reform. All these aspects, therefore, should be duly considered to assess, as appropriate, the preliminary threshold to be used for GES (see details according to each indicator in the GES-Descriptor sheet). For instance multispecific interactions as well as environmental drivers or regime shifts, the uncertainty associated to reference points, the lack in the establishment of precautionary limits in the Mediterranean Sea and uncertainty in the estimation of trend based indicators should be acknowledged. The goal of achieving MSY for all commercial species might be not achievable owing to the need of considering the multispecific nature of Mediterranean fisheries as well as the multi-trophic interactions among species and environmental drivers.Therefore, the threshold values still needs to be assessed before a confirmation of GES. FUNCTIONAL GROUPS: In the Initial Assessment the final determination of GES for functional goups addressed in D3 was not conclusive, due to the lack of data on some functional groups that impeded to test methods in order to integrate information to indentify the most suited indicator to define GES. However a preliminary definition that will need to be revised according to the availability of new data and the conclusive establishment of methods to address it of GES is provided. BENTHIC HABITAT AND ASSOCIATED COMMUNITIES: Pertaining the impact of fishing on benthic communities and habitats, the GES as well as the Initial Assessment were addressed in synergy with the approach developed in the framework of Descriptor 6 in the context of abrasion pressure. Therefore, the definition of GES reported in this sheet is aligned to the definition put forward in D6 and will need further revision by 2018 in particular in order to set up thresholds of acceptable disturbance on non biogenic habitats as well as testing/improving methods to assess potential interaction with biogenic habitats. IT-WMS-8B11-0001: COMMERCIAL SPECIES: In the context of the Initial Assessment, GES was defined by applying primary indicators 3.1.1 and 3.2.1, or using trend based proxies indicators 3.1.2 and 3.2.2 as well as indicators 3.3.1 and 3.3.3. However, the overall practical evaluation of the applied process in the Italian seas highlighted that this kind of preliminary threshold might need to be revised, taking into account several issues, including, among the others, the outcome of the still ongoing process on CFP reform. All these aspects, therefore, should be duly considered to assess, as appropriate, the preliminary threshold to be used for GES (see details according to each indicator in the GES-Descriptor sheet). For instance multispecific interactions as well as environmental drivers or regime shifts, the uncertainty associated to reference points, the lack in the establishment of precautionary limits in the Mediterranean Sea and uncertainty in the estimation of trend based indicators should be acknowledged. The goal of achieving MSY for all commercial species might be not achievable owing to the need of considering the multispecific nature of Mediterranean fisheries as well as the multi-trophic interactions among species and environmental drivers.Therefore, the threshold values still needs to be assessed before a confirmation of GES. FUNCTIONAL GROUPS: In the Initial Assessment the final determination of GES for functional goups addressed in D3 was not conclusive, due to the lack of data on some functional groups that impeded to test methods in order to integrate information to indentify the most suited indicator to define GES. However a preliminary definition that will need to be revised according to the availability of new data and the conclusive establishment of methods to address it of GES is provided. BENTHIC HABITAT AND ASSOCIATED COMMUNITIES: Pertaining the impact of fishing on benthic communities and habitats, the GES as well as the Initial Assessment were addressed in synergy with the approach developed in the framework of Descriptor 6 in the context of abrasion pressure. Therefore, the definition of GES reported in this sheet is aligned to the definition put forward in D6 and will need further revision by 2018 in particular in order to set up thresholds of acceptable disturbance on non biogenic habitats as well as testing/improving methods to assess potential interaction with biogenic habitats. IT-WMS-8B11-0002: COMMERCIAL SPECIES: In the context of the Initial Assessment, GES was defined by applying primary indicators 3.1.1 and 3.2.1, or using trend based proxies indicators 3.1.2 and 3.2.2 as well as indicators 3.3.1 and 3.3.3. However, the overall practical evaluation of the applied process in the Italian seas highlighted that this kind of preliminary threshold might need to be revised, taking into account several issues, including, among the others, the outcome of the still ongoing process on CFP reform. All these aspects, therefore, should be duly considered to assess, as appropriate, the preliminary threshold to be used for GES (see details according to each indicator in the GES-Descriptor sheet). For instance multispecific interactions as well as environmental drivers or regime shifts, the uncertainty associated to reference points, the lack in the establishment of precautionary limits in the Mediterranean Sea and uncertainty in the estimation of trend based indicators should be acknowledged. The goal of achieving MSY for all commercial species might be not achievable owing to the need of considering the multispecific nature of Mediterranean fisheries as well as the multi-trophic interactions among species and environmental drivers.Therefore, the threshold values still needs to be assessed before a confirmation of GES. FUNCTIONAL GROUPS: In the Initial Assessment the final determination of GES for functional goups addressed in D3 was not conclusive, due to the lack of data on some functional groups that impeded to test methods in order to integrate information to indentify the most suited indicator to define GES. However a preliminary definition that will need to be revised according to the availability of new data and the conclusive establishment of methods to address it of GES is provided. BENTHIC HABITAT AND ASSOCIATED COMMUNITIES: Pertaining the impact of fishing on benthic communities and habitats, the GES as well as the Initial Assessment were addressed in synergy with the approach developed in the framework of Descriptor 6 in the context of abrasion pressure. Therefore, the definition of GES reported in this sheet is aligned to the definition put forward in D6 and will need further revision by 2018 in particular in order to set up thresholds of acceptable disturbance on non biogenic habitats as well as testing/improving methods to assess potential interaction with biogenic habitats. IT-WMS-8B11-0003: COMMERCIAL SPECIES: In the context of the Initial Assessment, GES was defined by applying primary indicators 3.1.1 and 3.2.1, or using trend based proxies indicators 3.1.2 and 3.2.2 as well as indicators 3.3.1 and 3.3.3. However, the overall practical evaluation of the applied process in the Italian seas highlighted that this kind of preliminary threshold might need to be revised, taking into account several issues, including, among the others, the outcome of the still ongoing process on CFP reform. All these aspects, therefore, should be duly considered to assess, as appropriate, the preliminary threshold to be used for GES (see details according to each indicator in the GES-Descriptor sheet). For instance multispecific interactions as well as environmental drivers or regime shifts, the uncertainty associated to reference points, the lack in the establishment of precautionary limits in the Mediterranean Sea and uncertainty in the estimation of trend based indicators should be acknowledged. The goal of achieving MSY for all commercial species might be not achievable owing to the need of considering the multispecific nature of Mediterranean fisheries as well as the multi-trophic interactions among species and environmental drivers.Therefore, the threshold values still needs to be assessed before a confirmation of GES. FUNCTIONAL GROUPS: In the Initial Assessment the final determination of GES for functional goups addressed in D3 was not conclusive, due to the lack of data on some functional groups that impeded to test methods in order to integrate information to indentify the most suited indicator to define GES. However a preliminary definition that will need to be revised according to the availability of new data and the conclusive establishment of methods to address it of GES is provided. BENTHIC HABITAT AND ASSOCIATED COMMUNITIES: Pertaining the impact of fishing on benthic communities and habitats, the GES as well as the Initial Assessment were addressed in synergy with the approach developed in the framework of Descriptor 6 in the context of abrasion pressure. Therefore, the definition of GES reported in this sheet is aligned to the definition put forward in D6 and will need further revision by 2018 in particular in order to set up thresholds of acceptable disturbance on non biogenic habitats as well as testing/improving methods to assess potential interaction with biogenic habitats. IT-AS-8B11-0001: COMMERCIAL SPECIES: In the context of the Initial Assessment, GES was defined by applying primary indicators 3.1.1 and 3.2.1, or using trend based proxies indicators 3.1.2 and 3.2.2 as well as indicators 3.3.1 and 3.3.3. However, the overall practical evaluation of the applied process in the Italian seas highlighted that this kind of preliminary threshold might need to be revised, taking into account several issues, including, among the others, the outcome of the still ongoing process on CFP reform. All these aspects, therefore, should be duly considered to assess, as appropriate, the preliminary threshold to be used for GES (see details according to each indicator in the GES-Descriptor sheet). For instance multispecific interactions as well as environmental drivers or regime shifts, the uncertainty associated to reference points, the lack in the establishment of precautionary limits in the Mediterranean Sea and uncertainty in the estimation of trend based indicators should be acknowledged. The goal of achieving MSY for all commercial species might be not achievable owing to the need of considering the multispecific nature of Mediterranean fisheries as well as the multi-trophic interactions among species and environmental drivers.Therefore, the threshold values still needs to be assessed before a confirmation of GES. FUNCTIONAL GROUPS: In the Initial Assessment the final determination of GES for functional goups addressed in D3 was not conclusive, due to the lack of data on some functional groups that impeded to test methods in order to integrate information to indentify the most suited indicator to define GES. However a preliminary definition that will need to be revised according to the availability of new data and the conclusive establishment of methods to address it of GES is provided. BENTHIC HABITAT AND ASSOCIATED COMMUNITIES: Pertaining the impact of fishing on benthic communities and habitats, the GES as well as the Initial Assessment were addressed in synergy with the approach developed in the framework of Descriptor 6 in the context of abrasion pressure. Therefore, the definition of GES reported in this sheet is aligned to the definition put forward in D6 and will need further revision by 2018 in particular in order to set up thresholds of acceptable disturbance on non biogenic habitats as well as testing/improving methods to assess potential interaction with biogenic habitats. IT-AS-8B11-0002: COMMERCIAL SPECIES: In the context of the Initial Assessment, GES was defined by applying primary indicators 3.1.1 and 3.2.1, or using trend based proxies indicators 3.1.2 and 3.2.2 as well as indicators 3.3.1 and 3.3.3. However, the overall practical evaluation of the applied process in the Italian seas highlighted that this kind of preliminary threshold might need to be revised, taking into account several issues, including, among the others, the outcome of the still ongoing process on CFP reform. All these aspects, therefore, should be duly considered to assess, as appropriate, the preliminary threshold to be used for GES (see details according to each indicator in the GES-Descriptor sheet). For instance multispecific interactions as well as environmental drivers or regime shifts, the uncertainty associated to reference points, the lack in the establishment of precautionary limits in the Mediterranean Sea and uncertainty in the estimation of trend based indicators should be acknowledged. The goal of achieving MSY for all commercial species might be not achievable owing to the need of considering the multispecific nature of Mediterranean fisheries as well as the multi-trophic interactions among species and environmental drivers.Therefore, the threshold values still needs to be assessed before a confirmation of GES. FUNCTIONAL GROUPS: In the Initial Assessment the final determination of GES for functional goups addressed in D3 was not conclusive, due to the lack of data on some functional groups that impeded to test methods in order to integrate information to indentify the most suited indicator to define GES. However a preliminary definition that will need to be revised according to the availability of new data and the conclusive establishment of methods to address it of GES is provided. BENTHIC HABITAT AND ASSOCIATED COMMUNITIES: Pertaining the impact of fishing on benthic communities and habitats, the GES as well as the Initial Assessment were addressed in synergy with the approach developed in the framework of Descriptor 6 in the context of abrasion pressure. Therefore, the definition of GES reported in this sheet is aligned to the definition put forward in D6 and will need further revision by 2018 in particular in order to set up thresholds of acceptable disturbance on non biogenic habitats as well as testing/improving methods to assess potential interaction with biogenic habitats. IT-ISCMS-8B11-0001: COMMERCIAL SPECIES: In the context of the Initial Assessment, GES was defined by applying primary indicators 3.1.1 and 3.2.1, or using trend based proxies indicators 3.1.2 and 3.2.2 as well as indicators 3.3.1 and 3.3.3. However, the overall practical evaluation of the applied process in the Italian seas highlighted that this kind of preliminary threshold might need to be revised, taking into account several issues, including, among the others, the outcome of the still ongoing process on CFP reform. All these aspects, therefore, should be duly considered to assess, as appropriate, the preliminary threshold to be used for GES (see details according to each indicator in the GES-Descriptor sheet). For instance multispecific interactions as well as environmental drivers or regime shifts, the uncertainty associated to reference points, the lack in the establishment of precautionary limits in the Mediterranean Sea and uncertainty in the estimation of trend based indicators should be acknowledged. The goal of achieving MSY for all commercial species might be not achievable owing to the need of considering the multispecific nature of Mediterranean fisheries as well as the multi-trophic interactions among species and environmental drivers.Therefore, the threshold values still needs to be assessed before a confirmation of GES. FUNCTIONAL GROUPS: In the Initial Assessment the final determination of GES for functional goups addressed in D3 was not conclusive, due to the lack of data on some functional groups that impeded to test methods in order to integrate information to indentify the most suited indicator to define GES. However a preliminary definition that will need to be revised according to the availability of new data and the conclusive establishment of methods to address it of GES is provided. BENTHIC HABITAT AND ASSOCIATED COMMUNITIES: Pertaining the impact of fishing on benthic communities and habitats, the GES as well as the Initial Assessment were addressed in synergy with the approach developed in the framework of Descriptor 6 in the context of abrasion pressure. Therefore, the definition of GES reported in this sheet is aligned to the definition put forward in D6 and will need further revision by 2018 in particular in order to set up thresholds of acceptable disturbance on non biogenic habitats as well as testing/improving methods to assess potential interaction with biogenic habitats. IT-ISCMS-8B11-0002: COMMERCIAL SPECIES: In the context of the Initial Assessment, GES was defined by applying primary indicators 3.1.1 and 3.2.1, or using trend based proxies indicators 3.1.2 and 3.2.2 as well as indicators 3.3.1 and 3.3.3. However, the overall practical evaluation of the applied process in the Italian seas highlighted that this kind of preliminary threshold might need to be revised, taking into account several issues, including, among the others, the outcome of the still ongoing process on CFP reform. All these aspects, therefore, should be duly considered to assess, as appropriate, the preliminary threshold to be used for GES (see details according to each indicator in the GES-Descriptor sheet). For instance multispecific interactions as well as environmental drivers or regime shifts, the uncertainty associated to reference points, the lack in the establishment of precautionary limits in the Mediterranean Sea and uncertainty in the estimation of trend based indicators should be acknowledged. The goal of achieving MSY for all commercial species might be not achievable owing to the need of considering the multispecific nature of Mediterranean fisheries as well as the multi-trophic interactions among species and environmental drivers.Therefore, the threshold values still needs to be assessed before a confirmation of GES. FUNCTIONAL GROUPS: In the Initial Assessment the final determination of GES for functional goups addressed in D3 was not conclusive, due to the lack of data on some functional groups that impeded to test methods in order to integrate information to indentify the most suited indicator to define GES. However a preliminary definition that will need to be revised according to the availability of new data and the conclusive establishment of methods to address it of GES is provided. BENTHIC HABITAT AND ASSOCIATED COMMUNITIES: Pertaining the impact of fishing on benthic communities and habitats, the GES as well as the Initial Assessment were addressed in synergy with the approach developed in the framework of Descriptor 6 in the context of abrasion pressure. Therefore, the definition of GES reported in this sheet is aligned to the definition put forward in D6 and will need further revision by 2018 in particular in order to set up thresholds of acceptable disturbance on non biogenic habitats as well as testing/improving methods to assess potential interaction with biogenic habitats. IT-WMS-8B11-0001: COMMERCIAL SPECIES: In the context of the Initial Assessment, GES was defined by applying primary indicators 3.1.1 and 3.2.1, or using trend based proxies indicators 3.1.2 and 3.2.2 as well as indicators 3.3.1 and 3.3.3. However, the overall practical evaluation of the applied process in the Italian seas highlighted that this kind of preliminary threshold might need to be revised, taking into account several issues, including, among the others, the outcome of the still ongoing process on CFP reform. All these aspects, therefore, should be duly considered to assess, as appropriate, the preliminary threshold to be used for GES (see details according to each indicator in the GES-Descriptor sheet). For instance multispecific interactions as well as environmental drivers or regime shifts, the uncertainty associated to reference points, the lack in the establishment of precautionary limits in the Mediterranean Sea and uncertainty in the estimation of trend based indicators should be acknowledged. The goal of achieving MSY for all commercial species might be not achievable owing to the need of considering the multispecific nature of Mediterranean fisheries as well as the multi-trophic interactions among species and environmental drivers.Therefore, the threshold values still needs to be assessed before a confirmation of GES. FUNCTIONAL GROUPS: In the Initial Assessment the final determination of GES for functional goups addressed in D3 was not conclusive, due to the lack of data on some functional groups that impeded to test methods in order to integrate information to indentify the most suited indicator to define GES. However a preliminary definition that will need to be revised according to the availability of new data and the conclusive establishment of methods to address it of GES is provided. BENTHIC HABITAT AND ASSOCIATED COMMUNITIES: Pertaining the impact of fishing on benthic communities and habitats, the GES as well as the Initial Assessment were addressed in synergy with the approach developed in the framework of Descriptor 6 in the context of abrasion pressure. Therefore, the definition of GES reported in this sheet is aligned to the definition put forward in D6 and will need further revision by 2018 in particular in order to set up thresholds of acceptable disturbance on non biogenic habitats as well as testing/improving methods to assess potential interaction with biogenic habitats. IT-WMS-8B11-0002: COMMERCIAL SPECIES: In the context of the Initial Assessment, GES was defined by applying primary indicators 3.1.1 and 3.2.1, or using trend based proxies indicators 3.1.2 and 3.2.2 as well as indicators 3.3.1 and 3.3.3. However, the overall practical evaluation of the applied process in the Italian seas highlighted that this kind of preliminary threshold might need to be revised, taking into account several issues, including, among the others, the outcome of the still ongoing process on CFP reform. All these aspects, therefore, should be duly considered to assess, as appropriate, the preliminary threshold to be used for GES (see details according to each indicator in the GES-Descriptor sheet). For instance multispecific interactions as well as environmental drivers or regime shifts, the uncertainty associated to reference points, the lack in the establishment of precautionary limits in the Mediterranean Sea and uncertainty in the estimation of trend based indicators should be acknowledged. The goal of achieving MSY for all commercial species might be not achievable owing to the need of considering the multispecific nature of Mediterranean fisheries as well as the multi-trophic interactions among species and environmental drivers.Therefore, the threshold values still needs to be assessed before a confirmation of GES. FUNCTIONAL GROUPS: In the Initial Assessment the final determination of GES for functional goups addressed in D3 was not conclusive, due to the lack of data on some functional groups that impeded to test methods in order to integrate information to indentify the most suited indicator to define GES. However a preliminary definition that will need to be revised according to the availability of new data and the conclusive establishment of methods to address it of GES is provided. BENTHIC HABITAT AND ASSOCIATED COMMUNITIES: Pertaining the impact of fishing on benthic communities and habitats, the GES as well as the Initial Assessment were addressed in synergy with the approach developed in the framework of Descriptor 6 in the context of abrasion pressure. Therefore, the definition of GES reported in this sheet is aligned to the definition put forward in D6 and will need further revision by 2018 in particular in order to set up thresholds of acceptable disturbance on non biogenic habitats as well as testing/improving methods to assess potential interaction with biogenic habitats. IT-WMS-8B11-0003: COMMERCIAL SPECIES: In the context of the Initial Assessment, GES was defined by applying primary indicators 3.1.1 and 3.2.1, or using trend based proxies indicators 3.1.2 and 3.2.2 as well as indicators 3.3.1 and 3.3.3. However, the overall practical evaluation of the applied process in the Italian seas highlighted that this kind of preliminary threshold might need to be revised, taking into account several issues, including, among the others, the outcome of the still ongoing process on CFP reform. All these aspects, therefore, should be duly considered to assess, as appropriate, the preliminary threshold to be used for GES (see details according to each indicator in the GES-Descriptor sheet). For instance multispecific interactions as well as environmental drivers or regime shifts, the uncertainty associated to reference points, the lack in the establishment of precautionary limits in the Mediterranean Sea and uncertainty in the estimation of trend based indicators should be acknowledged. The goal of achieving MSY for all commercial species might be not achievable owing to the need of considering the multispecific nature of Mediterranean fisheries as well as the multi-trophic interactions among species and environmental drivers.Therefore, the threshold values still needs to be assessed before a confirmation of GES. FUNCTIONAL GROUPS: In the Initial Assessment the final determination of GES for functional goups addressed in D3 was not conclusive, due to the lack of data on some functional groups that impeded to test methods in order to integrate information to indentify the most suited indicator to define GES. However a preliminary definition that will need to be revised according to the availability of new data and the conclusive establishment of methods to address it of GES is provided. BENTHIC HABITAT AND ASSOCIATED COMMUNITIES: Pertaining the impact of fishing on benthic communities and habitats, the GES as well as the Initial Assessment were addressed in synergy with the approach developed in the framework of Descriptor 6 in the context of abrasion pressure. Therefore, the definition of GES reported in this sheet is aligned to the definition put forward in D6 and will need further revision by 2018 in particular in order to set up thresholds of acceptable disturbance on non biogenic habitats as well as testing/improving methods to assess potential interaction with biogenic habitats. IT-AS-8B11-0001: COMMERCIAL SPECIES: In the context of the Initial Assessment, GES was defined by applying primary indicators 3.1.1 and 3.2.1, or using trend based proxies indicators 3.1.2 and 3.2.2 as well as indicators 3.3.1 and 3.3.3. However, the overall practical evaluation of the applied process in the Italian seas highlighted that this kind of preliminary threshold might need to be revised, taking into account several issues, including, among the others, the outcome of the still ongoing process on CFP reform. All these aspects, therefore, should be duly considered to assess, as appropriate, the preliminary threshold to be used for GES (see details according to each indicator in the GES-Descriptor sheet). For instance multispecific interactions as well as environmental drivers or regime shifts, the uncertainty associated to reference points, the lack in the establishment of precautionary limits in the Mediterranean Sea and uncertainty in the estimation of trend based indicators should be acknowledged. The goal of achieving MSY for all commercial species might be not achievable owing to the need of considering the multispecific nature of Mediterranean fisheries as well as the multi-trophic interactions among species and environmental drivers.Therefore, the threshold values still needs to be assessed before a confirmation of GES. FUNCTIONAL GROUPS: In the Initial Assessment the final determination of GES for functional goups addressed in D3 was not conclusive, due to the lack of data on some functional groups that impeded to test methods in order to integrate information to indentify the most suited indicator to define GES. However a preliminary definition that will need to be revised according to the availability of new data and the conclusive establishment of methods to address it of GES is provided. BENTHIC HABITAT AND ASSOCIATED COMMUNITIES: Pertaining the impact of fishing on benthic communities and habitats, the GES as well as the Initial Assessment were addressed in synergy with the approach developed in the framework of Descriptor 6 in the context of abrasion pressure. Therefore, the definition of GES reported in this sheet is aligned to the definition put forward in D6 and will need further revision by 2018 in particular in order to set up thresholds of acceptable disturbance on non biogenic habitats as well as testing/improving methods to assess potential interaction with biogenic habitats. IT-AS-8B11-0002: COMMERCIAL SPECIES: In the context of the Initial Assessment, GES was defined by applying primary indicators 3.1.1 and 3.2.1, or using trend based proxies indicators 3.1.2 and 3.2.2 as well as indicators 3.3.1 and 3.3.3. However, the overall practical evaluation of the applied process in the Italian seas highlighted that this kind of preliminary threshold might need to be revised, taking into account several issues, including, among the others, the outcome of the still ongoing process on CFP reform. All these aspects, therefore, should be duly considered to assess, as appropriate, the preliminary threshold to be used for GES (see details according to each indicator in the GES-Descriptor sheet). For instance multispecific interactions as well as environmental drivers or regime shifts, the uncertainty associated to reference points, the lack in the establishment of precautionary limits in the Mediterranean Sea and uncertainty in the estimation of trend based indicators should be acknowledged. The goal of achieving MSY for all commercial species might be not achievable owing to the need of considering the multispecific nature of Mediterranean fisheries as well as the multi-trophic interactions among species and environmental drivers.Therefore, the threshold values still needs to be assessed before a confirmation of GES. FUNCTIONAL GROUPS: In the Initial Assessment the final determination of GES for functional goups addressed in D3 was not conclusive, due to the lack of data on some functional groups that impeded to test methods in order to integrate information to indentify the most suited indicator to define GES. However a preliminary definition that will need to be revised according to the availability of new data and the conclusive establishment of methods to address it of GES is provided. BENTHIC HABITAT AND ASSOCIATED COMMUNITIES: Pertaining the impact of fishing on benthic communities and habitats, the GES as well as the Initial Assessment were addressed in synergy with the approach developed in the framework of Descriptor 6 in the context of abrasion pressure. Therefore, the definition of GES reported in this sheet is aligned to the definition put forward in D6 and will need further revision by 2018 in particular in order to set up thresholds of acceptable disturbance on non biogenic habitats as well as testing/improving methods to assess potential interaction with biogenic habitats. IT-ISCMS-8B11-0001: COMMERCIAL SPECIES: In the context of the Initial Assessment, GES was defined by applying primary indicators 3.1.1 and 3.2.1, or using trend based proxies indicators 3.1.2 and 3.2.2 as well as indicators 3.3.1 and 3.3.3. However, the overall practical evaluation of the applied process in the Italian seas highlighted that this kind of preliminary threshold might need to be revised, taking into account several issues, including, among the others, the outcome of the still ongoing process on CFP reform. All these aspects, therefore, should be duly considered to assess, as appropriate, the preliminary threshold to be used for GES (see details according to each indicator in the GES-Descriptor sheet). For instance multispecific interactions as well as environmental drivers or regime shifts, the uncertainty associated to reference points, the lack in the establishment of precautionary limits in the Mediterranean Sea and uncertainty in the estimation of trend based indicators should be acknowledged. The goal of achieving MSY for all commercial species might be not achievable owing to the need of considering the multispecific nature of Mediterranean fisheries as well as the multi-trophic interactions among species and environmental drivers.Therefore, the threshold values still needs to be assessed before a confirmation of GES. FUNCTIONAL GROUPS: In the Initial Assessment the final determination of GES for functional goups addressed in D3 was not conclusive, due to the lack of data on some functional groups that impeded to test methods in order to integrate information to indentify the most suited indicator to define GES. However a preliminary definition that will need to be revised according to the availability of new data and the conclusive establishment of methods to address it of GES is provided. BENTHIC HABITAT AND ASSOCIATED COMMUNITIES: Pertaining the impact of fishing on benthic communities and habitats, the GES as well as the Initial Assessment were addressed in synergy with the approach developed in the framework of Descriptor 6 in the context of abrasion pressure. Therefore, the definition of GES reported in this sheet is aligned to the definition put forward in D6 and will need further revision by 2018 in particular in order to set up thresholds of acceptable disturbance on non biogenic habitats as well as testing/improving methods to assess potential interaction with biogenic habitats. IT-ISCMS-8B11-0002: COMMERCIAL SPECIES: In the context of the Initial Assessment, GES was defined by applying primary indicators 3.1.1 and 3.2.1, or using trend based proxies indicators 3.1.2 and 3.2.2 as well as indicators 3.3.1 and 3.3.3. However, the overall practical evaluation of the applied process in the Italian seas highlighted that this kind of preliminary threshold might need to be revised, taking into account several issues, including, among the others, the outcome of the still ongoing process on CFP reform. All these aspects, therefore, should be duly considered to assess, as appropriate, the preliminary threshold to be used for GES (see details according to each indicator in the GES-Descriptor sheet). For instance multispecific interactions as well as environmental drivers or regime shifts, the uncertainty associated to reference points, the lack in the establishment of precautionary limits in the Mediterranean Sea and uncertainty in the estimation of trend based indicators should be acknowledged. The goal of achieving MSY for all commercial species might be not achievable owing to the need of considering the multispecific nature of Mediterranean fisheries as well as the multi-trophic interactions among species and environmental drivers.Therefore, the threshold values still needs to be assessed before a confirmation of GES. FUNCTIONAL GROUPS: In the Initial Assessment the final determination of GES for functional goups addressed in D3 was not conclusive, due to the lack of data on some functional groups that impeded to test methods in order to integrate information to indentify the most suited indicator to define GES. However a preliminary definition that will need to be revised according to the availability of new data and the conclusive establishment of methods to address it of GES is provided. BENTHIC HABITAT AND ASSOCIATED COMMUNITIES: Pertaining the impact of fishing on benthic communities and habitats, the GES as well as the Initial Assessment were addressed in synergy with the approach developed in the framework of Descriptor 6 in the context of abrasion pressure. Therefore, the definition of GES reported in this sheet is aligned to the definition put forward in D6 and will need further revision by 2018 in particular in order to set up thresholds of acceptable disturbance on non biogenic habitats as well as testing/improving methods to assess potential interaction with biogenic habitats. IT-WMS-8B11-0001: COMMERCIAL SPECIES: In the context of the Initial Assessment, GES was defined by applying primary indicators 3.1.1 and 3.2.1, or using trend based proxies indicators 3.1.2 and 3.2.2 as well as indicators 3.3.1 and 3.3.3. However, the overall practical evaluation of the applied process in the Italian seas highlighted that this kind of preliminary threshold might need to be revised, taking into account several issues, including, among the others, the outcome of the still ongoing process on CFP reform. All these aspects, therefore, should be duly considered to assess, as appropriate, the preliminary threshold to be used for GES (see details according to each indicator in the GES-Descriptor sheet). For instance multispecific interactions as well as environmental drivers or regime shifts, the uncertainty associated to reference points, the lack in the establishment of precautionary limits in the Mediterranean Sea and uncertainty in the estimation of trend based indicators should be acknowledged. The goal of achieving MSY for all commercial species might be not achievable owing to the need of considering the multispecific nature of Mediterranean fisheries as well as the multi-trophic interactions among species and environmental drivers.Therefore, the threshold values still needs to be assessed before a confirmation of GES. FUNCTIONAL GROUPS: In the Initial Assessment the final determination of GES for functional goups addressed in D3 was not conclusive, due to the lack of data on some functional groups that impeded to test methods in order to integrate information to indentify the most suited indicator to define GES. However a preliminary definition that will need to be revised according to the availability of new data and the conclusive establishment of methods to address it of GES is provided. BENTHIC HABITAT AND ASSOCIATED COMMUNITIES: Pertaining the impact of fishing on benthic communities and habitats, the GES as well as the Initial Assessment were addressed in synergy with the approach developed in the framework of Descriptor 6 in the context of abrasion pressure. Therefore, the definition of GES reported in this sheet is aligned to the definition put forward in D6 and will need further revision by 2018 in particular in order to set up thresholds of acceptable disturbance on non biogenic habitats as well as testing/improving methods to assess potential interaction with biogenic habitats. IT-WMS-8B11-0002: COMMERCIAL SPECIES: In the context of the Initial Assessment, GES was defined by applying primary indicators 3.1.1 and 3.2.1, or using trend based proxies indicators 3.1.2 and 3.2.2 as well as indicators 3.3.1 and 3.3.3. However, the overall practical evaluation of the applied process in the Italian seas highlighted that this kind of preliminary threshold might need to be revised, taking into account several issues, including, among the others, the outcome of the still ongoing process on CFP reform. All these aspects, therefore, should be duly considered to assess, as appropriate, the preliminary threshold to be used for GES (see details according to each indicator in the GES-Descriptor sheet). For instance multispecific interactions as well as environmental drivers or regime shifts, the uncertainty associated to reference points, the lack in the establishment of precautionary limits in the Mediterranean Sea and uncertainty in the estimation of trend based indicators should be acknowledged. The goal of achieving MSY for all commercial species might be not achievable owing to the need of considering the multispecific nature of Mediterranean fisheries as well as the multi-trophic interactions among species and environmental drivers.Therefore, the threshold values still needs to be assessed before a confirmation of GES. FUNCTIONAL GROUPS: In the Initial Assessment the final determination of GES for functional goups addressed in D3 was not conclusive, due to the lack of data on some functional groups that impeded to test methods in order to integrate information to indentify the most suited indicator to define GES. However a preliminary definition that will need to be revised according to the availability of new data and the conclusive establishment of methods to address it of GES is provided. BENTHIC HABITAT AND ASSOCIATED COMMUNITIES: Pertaining the impact of fishing on benthic communities and habitats, the GES as well as the Initial Assessment were addressed in synergy with the approach developed in the framework of Descriptor 6 in the context of abrasion pressure. Therefore, the definition of GES reported in this sheet is aligned to the definition put forward in D6 and will need further revision by 2018 in particular in order to set up thresholds of acceptable disturbance on non biogenic habitats as well as testing/improving methods to assess potential interaction with biogenic habitats. IT-WMS-8B11-0003: COMMERCIAL SPECIES: In the context of the Initial Assessment, GES was defined by applying primary indicators 3.1.1 and 3.2.1, or using trend based proxies indicators 3.1.2 and 3.2.2 as well as indicators 3.3.1 and 3.3.3. However, the overall practical evaluation of the applied process in the Italian seas highlighted that this kind of preliminary threshold might need to be revised, taking into account several issues, including, among the others, the outcome of the still ongoing process on CFP reform. All these aspects, therefore, should be duly considered to assess, as appropriate, the preliminary threshold to be used for GES (see details according to each indicator in the GES-Descriptor sheet). For instance multispecific interactions as well as environmental drivers or regime shifts, the uncertainty associated to reference points, the lack in the establishment of precautionary limits in the Mediterranean Sea and uncertainty in the estimation of trend based indicators should be acknowledged. The goal of achieving MSY for all commercial species might be not achievable owing to the need of considering the multispecific nature of Mediterranean fisheries as well as the multi-trophic interactions among species and environmental drivers.Therefore, the threshold values still needs to be assessed before a confirmation of GES. FUNCTIONAL GROUPS: In the Initial Assessment the final determination of GES for functional goups addressed in D3 was not conclusive, due to the lack of data on some functional groups that impeded to test methods in order to integrate information to indentify the most suited indicator to define GES. However a preliminary definition that will need to be revised according to the availability of new data and the conclusive establishment of methods to address it of GES is provided. BENTHIC HABITAT AND ASSOCIATED COMMUNITIES: Pertaining the impact of fishing on benthic communities and habitats, the GES as well as the Initial Assessment were addressed in synergy with the approach developed in the framework of Descriptor 6 in the context of abrasion pressure. Therefore, the definition of GES reported in this sheet is aligned to the definition put forward in D6 and will need further revision by 2018 in particular in order to set up thresholds of acceptable disturbance on non biogenic habitats as well as testing/improving methods to assess potential interaction with biogenic habitats. IT-AS-8B11-0001: COMMERCIAL SPECIES: In the context of the Initial Assessment, GES was defined by applying primary indicators 3.1.1 and 3.2.1, or using trend based proxies indicators 3.1.2 and 3.2.2 as well as indicators 3.3.1 and 3.3.3. However, the overall practical evaluation of the applied process in the Italian seas highlighted that this kind of preliminary threshold might need to be revised, taking into account several issues, including, among the others, the outcome of the still ongoing process on CFP reform. All these aspects, therefore, should be duly considered to assess, as appropriate, the preliminary threshold to be used for GES (see details according to each indicator in the GES-Descriptor sheet). For instance multispecific interactions as well as environmental drivers or regime shifts, the uncertainty associated to reference points, the lack in the establishment of precautionary limits in the Mediterranean Sea and uncertainty in the estimation of trend based indicators should be acknowledged. The goal of achieving MSY for all commercial species might be not achievable owing to the need of considering the multispecific nature of Mediterranean fisheries as well as the multi-trophic interactions among species and environmental drivers.Therefore, the threshold values still needs to be assessed before a confirmation of GES. FUNCTIONAL GROUPS: In the Initial Assessment the final determination of GES for functional goups addressed in D3 was not conclusive, due to the lack of data on some functional groups that impeded to test methods in order to integrate information to indentify the most suited indicator to define GES. However a preliminary definition that will need to be revised according to the availability of new data and the conclusive establishment of methods to address it of GES is provided. BENTHIC HABITAT AND ASSOCIATED COMMUNITIES: Pertaining the impact of fishing on benthic communities and habitats, the GES as well as the Initial Assessment were addressed in synergy with the approach developed in the framework of Descriptor 6 in the context of abrasion pressure. Therefore, the definition of GES reported in this sheet is aligned to the definition put forward in D6 and will need further revision by 2018 in particular in order to set up thresholds of acceptable disturbance on non biogenic habitats as well as testing/improving methods to assess potential interaction with biogenic habitats. IT-AS-8B11-0002: COMMERCIAL SPECIES: In the context of the Initial Assessment, GES was defined by applying primary indicators 3.1.1 and 3.2.1, or using trend based proxies indicators 3.1.2 and 3.2.2 as well as indicators 3.3.1 and 3.3.3. However, the overall practical evaluation of the applied process in the Italian seas highlighted that this kind of preliminary threshold might need to be revised, taking into account several issues, including, among the others, the outcome of the still ongoing process on CFP reform. All these aspects, therefore, should be duly considered to assess, as appropriate, the preliminary threshold to be used for GES (see details according to each indicator in the GES-Descriptor sheet). For instance multispecific interactions as well as environmental drivers or regime shifts, the uncertainty associated to reference points, the lack in the establishment of precautionary limits in the Mediterranean Sea and uncertainty in the estimation of trend based indicators should be acknowledged. The goal of achieving MSY for all commercial species might be not achievable owing to the need of considering the multispecific nature of Mediterranean fisheries as well as the multi-trophic interactions among species and environmental drivers.Therefore, the threshold values still needs to be assessed before a confirmation of GES. FUNCTIONAL GROUPS: In the Initial Assessment the final determination of GES for functional goups addressed in D3 was not conclusive, due to the lack of data on some functional groups that impeded to test methods in order to integrate information to indentify the most suited indicator to define GES. However a preliminary definition that will need to be revised according to the availability of new data and the conclusive establishment of methods to address it of GES is provided. BENTHIC HABITAT AND ASSOCIATED COMMUNITIES: Pertaining the impact of fishing on benthic communities and habitats, the GES as well as the Initial Assessment were addressed in synergy with the approach developed in the framework of Descriptor 6 in the context of abrasion pressure. Therefore, the definition of GES reported in this sheet is aligned to the definition put forward in D6 and will need further revision by 2018 in particular in order to set up thresholds of acceptable disturbance on non biogenic habitats as well as testing/improving methods to assess potential interaction with biogenic habitats. IT-ISCMS-8B11-0001: COMMERCIAL SPECIES: In the context of the Initial Assessment, GES was defined by applying primary indicators 3.1.1 and 3.2.1, or using trend based proxies indicators 3.1.2 and 3.2.2 as well as indicators 3.3.1 and 3.3.3. However, the overall practical evaluation of the applied process in the Italian seas highlighted that this kind of preliminary threshold might need to be revised, taking into account several issues, including, among the others, the outcome of the still ongoing process on CFP reform. All these aspects, therefore, should be duly considered to assess, as appropriate, the preliminary threshold to be used for GES (see details according to each indicator in the GES-Descriptor sheet). For instance multispecific interactions as well as environmental drivers or regime shifts, the uncertainty associated to reference points, the lack in the establishment of precautionary limits in the Mediterranean Sea and uncertainty in the estimation of trend based indicators should be acknowledged. The goal of achieving MSY for all commercial species might be not achievable owing to the need of considering the multispecific nature of Mediterranean fisheries as well as the multi-trophic interactions among species and environmental drivers.Therefore, the threshold values still needs to be assessed before a confirmation of GES. FUNCTIONAL GROUPS: In the Initial Assessment the final determination of GES for functional goups addressed in D3 was not conclusive, due to the lack of data on some functional groups that impeded to test methods in order to integrate information to indentify the most suited indicator to define GES. However a preliminary definition that will need to be revised according to the availability of new data and the conclusive establishment of methods to address it of GES is provided. BENTHIC HABITAT AND ASSOCIATED COMMUNITIES: Pertaining the impact of fishing on benthic communities and habitats, the GES as well as the Initial Assessment were addressed in synergy with the approach developed in the framework of Descriptor 6 in the context of abrasion pressure. Therefore, the definition of GES reported in this sheet is aligned to the definition put forward in D6 and will need further revision by 2018 in particular in order to set up thresholds of acceptable disturbance on non biogenic habitats as well as testing/improving methods to assess potential interaction with biogenic habitats. IT-ISCMS-8B11-0002: COMMERCIAL SPECIES: In the context of the Initial Assessment, GES was defined by applying primary indicators 3.1.1 and 3.2.1, or using trend based proxies indicators 3.1.2 and 3.2.2 as well as indicators 3.3.1 and 3.3.3. However, the overall practical evaluation of the applied process in the Italian seas highlighted that this kind of preliminary threshold might need to be revised, taking into account several issues, including, among the others, the outcome of the still ongoing process on CFP reform. All these aspects, therefore, should be duly considered to assess, as appropriate, the preliminary threshold to be used for GES (see details according to each indicator in the GES-Descriptor sheet). For instance multispecific interactions as well as environmental drivers or regime shifts, the uncertainty associated to reference points, the lack in the establishment of precautionary limits in the Mediterranean Sea and uncertainty in the estimation of trend based indicators should be acknowledged. The goal of achieving MSY for all commercial species might be not achievable owing to the need of considering the multispecific nature of Mediterranean fisheries as well as the multi-trophic interactions among species and environmental drivers.Therefore, the threshold values still needs to be assessed before a confirmation of GES. FUNCTIONAL GROUPS: In the Initial Assessment the final determination of GES for functional goups addressed in D3 was not conclusive, due to the lack of data on some functional groups that impeded to test methods in order to integrate information to indentify the most suited indicator to define GES. However a preliminary definition that will need to be revised according to the availability of new data and the conclusive establishment of methods to address it of GES is provided. BENTHIC HABITAT AND ASSOCIATED COMMUNITIES: Pertaining the impact of fishing on benthic communities and habitats, the GES as well as the Initial Assessment were addressed in synergy with the approach developed in the framework of Descriptor 6 in the context of abrasion pressure. Therefore, the definition of GES reported in this sheet is aligned to the definition put forward in D6 and will need further revision by 2018 in particular in order to set up thresholds of acceptable disturbance on non biogenic habitats as well as testing/improving methods to assess potential interaction with biogenic habitats. IT-WMS-8B11-0001: COMMERCIAL SPECIES: In the context of the Initial Assessment, GES was defined by applying primary indicators 3.1.1 and 3.2.1, or using trend based proxies indicators 3.1.2 and 3.2.2 as well as indicators 3.3.1 and 3.3.3. However, the overall practical evaluation of the applied process in the Italian seas highlighted that this kind of preliminary threshold might need to be revised, taking into account several issues, including, among the others, the outcome of the still ongoing process on CFP reform. All these aspects, therefore, should be duly considered to assess, as appropriate, the preliminary threshold to be used for GES (see details according to each indicator in the GES-Descriptor sheet). For instance multispecific interactions as well as environmental drivers or regime shifts, the uncertainty associated to reference points, the lack in the establishment of precautionary limits in the Mediterranean Sea and uncertainty in the estimation of trend based indicators should be acknowledged. The goal of achieving MSY for all commercial species might be not achievable owing to the need of considering the multispecific nature of Mediterranean fisheries as well as the multi-trophic interactions among species and environmental drivers.Therefore, the threshold values still needs to be assessed before a confirmation of GES. FUNCTIONAL GROUPS: In the Initial Assessment the final determination of GES for functional goups addressed in D3 was not conclusive, due to the lack of data on some functional groups that impeded to test methods in order to integrate information to indentify the most suited indicator to define GES. However a preliminary definition that will need to be revised according to the availability of new data and the conclusive establishment of methods to address it of GES is provided. BENTHIC HABITAT AND ASSOCIATED COMMUNITIES: Pertaining the impact of fishing on benthic communities and habitats, the GES as well as the Initial Assessment were addressed in synergy with the approach developed in the framework of Descriptor 6 in the context of abrasion pressure. Therefore, the definition of GES reported in this sheet is aligned to the definition put forward in D6 and will need further revision by 2018 in particular in order to set up thresholds of acceptable disturbance on non biogenic habitats as well as testing/improving methods to assess potential interaction with biogenic habitats. IT-WMS-8B11-0002: COMMERCIAL SPECIES: In the context of the Initial Assessment, GES was defined by applying primary indicators 3.1.1 and 3.2.1, or using trend based proxies indicators 3.1.2 and 3.2.2 as well as indicators 3.3.1 and 3.3.3. However, the overall practical evaluation of the applied process in the Italian seas highlighted that this kind of preliminary threshold might need to be revised, taking into account several issues, including, among the others, the outcome of the still ongoing process on CFP reform. All these aspects, therefore, should be duly considered to assess, as appropriate, the preliminary threshold to be used for GES (see details according to each indicator in the GES-Descriptor sheet). For instance multispecific interactions as well as environmental drivers or regime shifts, the uncertainty associated to reference points, the lack in the establishment of precautionary limits in the Mediterranean Sea and uncertainty in the estimation of trend based indicators should be acknowledged. The goal of achieving MSY for all commercial species might be not achievable owing to the need of considering the multispecific nature of Mediterranean fisheries as well as the multi-trophic interactions among species and environmental drivers.Therefore, the threshold values still needs to be assessed before a confirmation of GES. FUNCTIONAL GROUPS: In the Initial Assessment the final determination of GES for functional goups addressed in D3 was not conclusive, due to the lack of data on some functional groups that impeded to test methods in order to integrate information to indentify the most suited indicator to define GES. However a preliminary definition that will need to be revised according to the availability of new data and the conclusive establishment of methods to address it of GES is provided. BENTHIC HABITAT AND ASSOCIATED COMMUNITIES: Pertaining the impact of fishing on benthic communities and habitats, the GES as well as the Initial Assessment were addressed in synergy with the approach developed in the framework of Descriptor 6 in the context of abrasion pressure. Therefore, the definition of GES reported in this sheet is aligned to the definition put forward in D6 and will need further revision by 2018 in particular in order to set up thresholds of acceptable disturbance on non biogenic habitats as well as testing/improving methods to assess potential interaction with biogenic habitats. IT-WMS-8B11-0003: COMMERCIAL SPECIES: In the context of the Initial Assessment, GES was defined by applying primary indicators 3.1.1 and 3.2.1, or using trend based proxies indicators 3.1.2 and 3.2.2 as well as indicators 3.3.1 and 3.3.3. However, the overall practical evaluation of the applied process in the Italian seas highlighted that this kind of preliminary threshold might need to be revised, taking into account several issues, including, among the others, the outcome of the still ongoing process on CFP reform. All these aspects, therefore, should be duly considered to assess, as appropriate, the preliminary threshold to be used for GES (see details according to each indicator in the GES-Descriptor sheet). For instance multispecific interactions as well as environmental drivers or regime shifts, the uncertainty associated to reference points, the lack in the establishment of precautionary limits in the Mediterranean Sea and uncertainty in the estimation of trend based indicators should be acknowledged. The goal of achieving MSY for all commercial species might be not achievable owing to the need of considering the multispecific nature of Mediterranean fisheries as well as the multi-trophic interactions among species and environmental drivers.Therefore, the threshold values still needs to be assessed before a confirmation of GES. FUNCTIONAL GROUPS: In the Initial Assessment the final determination of GES for functional goups addressed in D3 was not conclusive, due to the lack of data on some functional groups that impeded to test methods in order to integrate information to indentify the most suited indicator to define GES. However a preliminary definition that will need to be revised according to the availability of new data and the conclusive establishment of methods to address it of GES is provided. BENTHIC HABITAT AND ASSOCIATED COMMUNITIES: Pertaining the impact of fishing on benthic communities and habitats, the GES as well as the Initial Assessment were addressed in synergy with the approach developed in the framework of Descriptor 6 in the context of abrasion pressure. Therefore, the definition of GES reported in this sheet is aligned to the definition put forward in D6 and will need further revision by 2018 in particular in order to set up thresholds of acceptable disturbance on non biogenic habitats as well as testing/improving methods to assess potential interaction with biogenic habitats. IT-AS-8B11-0001: COMMERCIAL SPECIES: In the context of the Initial Assessment, GES was defined by applying primary indicators 3.1.1 and 3.2.1, or using trend based proxies indicators 3.1.2 and 3.2.2 as well as indicators 3.3.1 and 3.3.3. However, the overall practical evaluation of the applied process in the Italian seas highlighted that this kind of preliminary threshold might need to be revised, taking into account several issues, including, among the others, the outcome of the still ongoing process on CFP reform. All these aspects, therefore, should be duly considered to assess, as appropriate, the preliminary threshold to be used for GES (see details according to each indicator in the GES-Descriptor sheet). For instance multispecific interactions as well as environmental drivers or regime shifts, the uncertainty associated to reference points, the lack in the establishment of precautionary limits in the Mediterranean Sea and uncertainty in the estimation of trend based indicators should be acknowledged. The goal of achieving MSY for all commercial species might be not achievable owing to the need of considering the multispecific nature of Mediterranean fisheries as well as the multi-trophic interactions among species and environmental drivers.Therefore, the threshold values still needs to be assessed before a confirmation of GES. FUNCTIONAL GROUPS: In the Initial Assessment the final determination of GES for functional goups addressed in D3 was not conclusive, due to the lack of data on some functional groups that impeded to test methods in order to integrate information to indentify the most suited indicator to define GES. However a preliminary definition that will need to be revised according to the availability of new data and the conclusive establishment of methods to address it of GES is provided. BENTHIC HABITAT AND ASSOCIATED COMMUNITIES: Pertaining the impact of fishing on benthic communities and habitats, the GES as well as the Initial Assessment were addressed in synergy with the approach developed in the framework of Descriptor 6 in the context of abrasion pressure. Therefore, the definition of GES reported in this sheet is aligned to the definition put forward in D6 and will need further revision by 2018 in particular in order to set up thresholds of acceptable disturbance on non biogenic habitats as well as testing/improving methods to assess potential interaction with biogenic habitats. IT-AS-8B11-0002: COMMERCIAL SPECIES: In the context of the Initial Assessment, GES was defined by applying primary indicators 3.1.1 and 3.2.1, or using trend based proxies indicators 3.1.2 and 3.2.2 as well as indicators 3.3.1 and 3.3.3. However, the overall practical evaluation of the applied process in the Italian seas highlighted that this kind of preliminary threshold might need to be revised, taking into account several issues, including, among the others, the outcome of the still ongoing process on CFP reform. All these aspects, therefore, should be duly considered to assess, as appropriate, the preliminary threshold to be used for GES (see details according to each indicator in the GES-Descriptor sheet). For instance multispecific interactions as well as environmental drivers or regime shifts, the uncertainty associated to reference points, the lack in the establishment of precautionary limits in the Mediterranean Sea and uncertainty in the estimation of trend based indicators should be acknowledged. The goal of achieving MSY for all commercial species might be not achievable owing to the need of considering the multispecific nature of Mediterranean fisheries as well as the multi-trophic interactions among species and environmental drivers.Therefore, the threshold values still needs to be assessed before a confirmation of GES. FUNCTIONAL GROUPS: In the Initial Assessment the final determination of GES for functional goups addressed in D3 was not conclusive, due to the lack of data on some functional groups that impeded to test methods in order to integrate information to indentify the most suited indicator to define GES. However a preliminary definition that will need to be revised according to the availability of new data and the conclusive establishment of methods to address it of GES is provided. BENTHIC HABITAT AND ASSOCIATED COMMUNITIES: Pertaining the impact of fishing on benthic communities and habitats, the GES as well as the Initial Assessment were addressed in synergy with the approach developed in the framework of Descriptor 6 in the context of abrasion pressure. Therefore, the definition of GES reported in this sheet is aligned to the definition put forward in D6 and will need further revision by 2018 in particular in order to set up thresholds of acceptable disturbance on non biogenic habitats as well as testing/improving methods to assess potential interaction with biogenic habitats. IT-ISCMS-8B11-0001: COMMERCIAL SPECIES: In the context of the Initial Assessment, GES was defined by applying primary indicators 3.1.1 and 3.2.1, or using trend based proxies indicators 3.1.2 and 3.2.2 as well as indicators 3.3.1 and 3.3.3. However, the overall practical evaluation of the applied process in the Italian seas highlighted that this kind of preliminary threshold might need to be revised, taking into account several issues, including, among the others, the outcome of the still ongoing process on CFP reform. All these aspects, therefore, should be duly considered to assess, as appropriate, the preliminary threshold to be used for GES (see details according to each indicator in the GES-Descriptor sheet). For instance multispecific interactions as well as environmental drivers or regime shifts, the uncertainty associated to reference points, the lack in the establishment of precautionary limits in the Mediterranean Sea and uncertainty in the estimation of trend based indicators should be acknowledged. The goal of achieving MSY for all commercial species might be not achievable owing to the need of considering the multispecific nature of Mediterranean fisheries as well as the multi-trophic interactions among species and environmental drivers.Therefore, the threshold values still needs to be assessed before a confirmation of GES. FUNCTIONAL GROUPS: In the Initial Assessment the final determination of GES for functional goups addressed in D3 was not conclusive, due to the lack of data on some functional groups that impeded to test methods in order to integrate information to indentify the most suited indicator to define GES. However a preliminary definition that will need to be revised according to the availability of new data and the conclusive establishment of methods to address it of GES is provided. BENTHIC HABITAT AND ASSOCIATED COMMUNITIES: Pertaining the impact of fishing on benthic communities and habitats, the GES as well as the Initial Assessment were addressed in synergy with the approach developed in the framework of Descriptor 6 in the context of abrasion pressure. Therefore, the definition of GES reported in this sheet is aligned to the definition put forward in D6 and will need further revision by 2018 in particular in order to set up thresholds of acceptable disturbance on non biogenic habitats as well as testing/improving methods to assess potential interaction with biogenic habitats. IT-ISCMS-8B11-0002: COMMERCIAL SPECIES: In the context of the Initial Assessment, GES was defined by applying primary indicators 3.1.1 and 3.2.1, or using trend based proxies indicators 3.1.2 and 3.2.2 as well as indicators 3.3.1 and 3.3.3. However, the overall practical evaluation of the applied process in the Italian seas highlighted that this kind of preliminary threshold might need to be revised, taking into account several issues, including, among the others, the outcome of the still ongoing process on CFP reform. All these aspects, therefore, should be duly considered to assess, as appropriate, the preliminary threshold to be used for GES (see details according to each indicator in the GES-Descriptor sheet). For instance multispecific interactions as well as environmental drivers or regime shifts, the uncertainty associated to reference points, the lack in the establishment of precautionary limits in the Mediterranean Sea and uncertainty in the estimation of trend based indicators should be acknowledged. The goal of achieving MSY for all commercial species might be not achievable owing to the need of considering the multispecific nature of Mediterranean fisheries as well as the multi-trophic interactions among species and environmental drivers.Therefore, the threshold values still needs to be assessed before a confirmation of GES. FUNCTIONAL GROUPS: In the Initial Assessment the final determination of GES for functional goups addressed in D3 was not conclusive, due to the lack of data on some functional groups that impeded to test methods in order to integrate information to indentify the most suited indicator to define GES. However a preliminary definition that will need to be revised according to the availability of new data and the conclusive establishment of methods to address it of GES is provided. BENTHIC HABITAT AND ASSOCIATED COMMUNITIES: Pertaining the impact of fishing on benthic communities and habitats, the GES as well as the Initial Assessment were addressed in synergy with the approach developed in the framework of Descriptor 6 in the context of abrasion pressure. Therefore, the definition of GES reported in this sheet is aligned to the definition put forward in D6 and will need further revision by 2018 in particular in order to set up thresholds of acceptable disturbance on non biogenic habitats as well as testing/improving methods to assess potential interaction with biogenic habitats. IT-WMS-8B11-0001: COMMERCIAL SPECIES: In the context of the Initial Assessment, GES was defined by applying primary indicators 3.1.1 and 3.2.1, or using trend based proxies indicators 3.1.2 and 3.2.2 as well as indicators 3.3.1 and 3.3.3. However, the overall practical evaluation of the applied process in the Italian seas highlighted that this kind of preliminary threshold might need to be revised, taking into account several issues, including, among the others, the outcome of the still ongoing process on CFP reform. All these aspects, therefore, should be duly considered to assess, as appropriate, the preliminary threshold to be used for GES (see details according to each indicator in the GES-Descriptor sheet). For instance multispecific interactions as well as environmental drivers or regime shifts, the uncertainty associated to reference points, the lack in the establishment of precautionary limits in the Mediterranean Sea and uncertainty in the estimation of trend based indicators should be acknowledged. The goal of achieving MSY for all commercial species might be not achievable owing to the need of considering the multispecific nature of Mediterranean fisheries as well as the multi-trophic interactions among species and environmental drivers.Therefore, the threshold values still needs to be assessed before a confirmation of GES. FUNCTIONAL GROUPS: In the Initial Assessment the final determination of GES for functional goups addressed in D3 was not conclusive, due to the lack of data on some functional groups that impeded to test methods in order to integrate information to indentify the most suited indicator to define GES. However a preliminary definition that will need to be revised according to the availability of new data and the conclusive establishment of methods to address it of GES is provided. BENTHIC HABITAT AND ASSOCIATED COMMUNITIES: Pertaining the impact of fishing on benthic communities and habitats, the GES as well as the Initial Assessment were addressed in synergy with the approach developed in the framework of Descriptor 6 in the context of abrasion pressure. Therefore, the definition of GES reported in this sheet is aligned to the definition put forward in D6 and will need further revision by 2018 in particular in order to set up thresholds of acceptable disturbance on non biogenic habitats as well as testing/improving methods to assess potential interaction with biogenic habitats. IT-WMS-8B11-0002: COMMERCIAL SPECIES: In the context of the Initial Assessment, GES was defined by applying primary indicators 3.1.1 and 3.2.1, or using trend based proxies indicators 3.1.2 and 3.2.2 as well as indicators 3.3.1 and 3.3.3. However, the overall practical evaluation of the applied process in the Italian seas highlighted that this kind of preliminary threshold might need to be revised, taking into account several issues, including, among the others, the outcome of the still ongoing process on CFP reform. All these aspects, therefore, should be duly considered to assess, as appropriate, the preliminary threshold to be used for GES (see details according to each indicator in the GES-Descriptor sheet). For instance multispecific interactions as well as environmental drivers or regime shifts, the uncertainty associated to reference points, the lack in the establishment of precautionary limits in the Mediterranean Sea and uncertainty in the estimation of trend based indicators should be acknowledged. The goal of achieving MSY for all commercial species might be not achievable owing to the need of considering the multispecific nature of Mediterranean fisheries as well as the multi-trophic interactions among species and environmental drivers.Therefore, the threshold values still needs to be assessed before a confirmation of GES. FUNCTIONAL GROUPS: In the Initial Assessment the final determination of GES for functional goups addressed in D3 was not conclusive, due to the lack of data on some functional groups that impeded to test methods in order to integrate information to indentify the most suited indicator to define GES. However a preliminary definition that will need to be revised according to the availability of new data and the conclusive establishment of methods to address it of GES is provided. BENTHIC HABITAT AND ASSOCIATED COMMUNITIES: Pertaining the impact of fishing on benthic communities and habitats, the GES as well as the Initial Assessment were addressed in synergy with the approach developed in the framework of Descriptor 6 in the context of abrasion pressure. Therefore, the definition of GES reported in this sheet is aligned to the definition put forward in D6 and will need further revision by 2018 in particular in order to set up thresholds of acceptable disturbance on non biogenic habitats as well as testing/improving methods to assess potential interaction with biogenic habitats. IT-WMS-8B11-0003: COMMERCIAL SPECIES: In the context of the Initial Assessment, GES was defined by applying primary indicators 3.1.1 and 3.2.1, or using trend based proxies indicators 3.1.2 and 3.2.2 as well as indicators 3.3.1 and 3.3.3. However, the overall practical evaluation of the applied process in the Italian seas highlighted that this kind of preliminary threshold might need to be revised, taking into account several issues, including, among the others, the outcome of the still ongoing process on CFP reform. All these aspects, therefore, should be duly considered to assess, as appropriate, the preliminary threshold to be used for GES (see details according to each indicator in the GES-Descriptor sheet). For instance multispecific interactions as well as environmental drivers or regime shifts, the uncertainty associated to reference points, the lack in the establishment of precautionary limits in the Mediterranean Sea and uncertainty in the estimation of trend based indicators should be acknowledged. The goal of achieving MSY for all commercial species might be not achievable owing to the need of considering the multispecific nature of Mediterranean fisheries as well as the multi-trophic interactions among species and environmental drivers.Therefore, the threshold values still needs to be assessed before a confirmation of GES. FUNCTIONAL GROUPS: In the Initial Assessment the final determination of GES for functional goups addressed in D3 was not conclusive, due to the lack of data on some functional groups that impeded to test methods in order to integrate information to indentify the most suited indicator to define GES. However a preliminary definition that will need to be revised according to the availability of new data and the conclusive establishment of methods to address it of GES is provided. BENTHIC HABITAT AND ASSOCIATED COMMUNITIES: Pertaining the impact of fishing on benthic communities and habitats, the GES as well as the Initial Assessment were addressed in synergy with the approach developed in the framework of Descriptor 6 in the context of abrasion pressure. Therefore, the definition of GES reported in this sheet is aligned to the definition put forward in D6 and will need further revision by 2018 in particular in order to set up thresholds of acceptable disturbance on non biogenic habitats as well as testing/improving methods to assess potential interaction with biogenic habitats. IT-AS-8B11-0001: COMMERCIAL SPECIES: In the context of the Initial Assessment, GES was defined by applying primary indicators 3.1.1 and 3.2.1, or using trend based proxies indicators 3.1.2 and 3.2.2 as well as indicators 3.3.1 and 3.3.3. However, the overall practical evaluation of the applied process in the Italian seas highlighted that this kind of preliminary threshold might need to be revised, taking into account several issues, including, among the others, the outcome of the still ongoing process on CFP reform. All these aspects, therefore, should be duly considered to assess, as appropriate, the preliminary threshold to be used for GES (see details according to each indicator in the GES-Descriptor sheet). For instance multispecific interactions as well as environmental drivers or regime shifts, the uncertainty associated to reference points, the lack in the establishment of precautionary limits in the Mediterranean Sea and uncertainty in the estimation of trend based indicators should be acknowledged. The goal of achieving MSY for all commercial species might be not achievable owing to the need of considering the multispecific nature of Mediterranean fisheries as well as the multi-trophic interactions among species and environmental drivers.Therefore, the threshold values still needs to be assessed before a confirmation of GES. FUNCTIONAL GROUPS: In the Initial Assessment the final determination of GES for functional goups addressed in D3 was not conclusive, due to the lack of data on some functional groups that impeded to test methods in order to integrate information to indentify the most suited indicator to define GES. However a preliminary definition that will need to be revised according to the availability of new data and the conclusive establishment of methods to address it of GES is provided. BENTHIC HABITAT AND ASSOCIATED COMMUNITIES: Pertaining the impact of fishing on benthic communities and habitats, the GES as well as the Initial Assessment were addressed in synergy with the approach developed in the framework of Descriptor 6 in the context of abrasion pressure. Therefore, the definition of GES reported in this sheet is aligned to the definition put forward in D6 and will need further revision by 2018 in particular in order to set up thresholds of acceptable disturbance on non biogenic habitats as well as testing/improving methods to assess potential interaction with biogenic habitats. IT-AS-8B11-0002: COMMERCIAL SPECIES: In the context of the Initial Assessment, GES was defined by applying primary indicators 3.1.1 and 3.2.1, or using trend based proxies indicators 3.1.2 and 3.2.2 as well as indicators 3.3.1 and 3.3.3. However, the overall practical evaluation of the applied process in the Italian seas highlighted that this kind of preliminary threshold might need to be revised, taking into account several issues, including, among the others, the outcome of the still ongoing process on CFP reform. All these aspects, therefore, should be duly considered to assess, as appropriate, the preliminary threshold to be used for GES (see details according to each indicator in the GES-Descriptor sheet). For instance multispecific interactions as well as environmental drivers or regime shifts, the uncertainty associated to reference points, the lack in the establishment of precautionary limits in the Mediterranean Sea and uncertainty in the estimation of trend based indicators should be acknowledged. The goal of achieving MSY for all commercial species might be not achievable owing to the need of considering the multispecific nature of Mediterranean fisheries as well as the multi-trophic interactions among species and environmental drivers.Therefore, the threshold values still needs to be assessed before a confirmation of GES. FUNCTIONAL GROUPS: In the Initial Assessment the final determination of GES for functional goups addressed in D3 was not conclusive, due to the lack of data on some functional groups that impeded to test methods in order to integrate information to indentify the most suited indicator to define GES. However a preliminary definition that will need to be revised according to the availability of new data and the conclusive establishment of methods to address it of GES is provided. BENTHIC HABITAT AND ASSOCIATED COMMUNITIES: Pertaining the impact of fishing on benthic communities and habitats, the GES as well as the Initial Assessment were addressed in synergy with the approach developed in the framework of Descriptor 6 in the context of abrasion pressure. Therefore, the definition of GES reported in this sheet is aligned to the definition put forward in D6 and will need further revision by 2018 in particular in order to set up thresholds of acceptable disturbance on non biogenic habitats as well as testing/improving methods to assess potential interaction with biogenic habitats. IT-ISCMS-8B11-0001: COMMERCIAL SPECIES: In the context of the Initial Assessment, GES was defined by applying primary indicators 3.1.1 and 3.2.1, or using trend based proxies indicators 3.1.2 and 3.2.2 as well as indicators 3.3.1 and 3.3.3. However, the overall practical evaluation of the applied process in the Italian seas highlighted that this kind of preliminary threshold might need to be revised, taking into account several issues, including, among the others, the outcome of the still ongoing process on CFP reform. All these aspects, therefore, should be duly considered to assess, as appropriate, the preliminary threshold to be used for GES (see details according to each indicator in the GES-Descriptor sheet). For instance multispecific interactions as well as environmental drivers or regime shifts, the uncertainty associated to reference points, the lack in the establishment of precautionary limits in the Mediterranean Sea and uncertainty in the estimation of trend based indicators should be acknowledged. The goal of achieving MSY for all commercial species might be not achievable owing to the need of considering the multispecific nature of Mediterranean fisheries as well as the multi-trophic interactions among species and environmental drivers.Therefore, the threshold values still needs to be assessed before a confirmation of GES. FUNCTIONAL GROUPS: In the Initial Assessment the final determination of GES for functional goups addressed in D3 was not conclusive, due to the lack of data on some functional groups that impeded to test methods in order to integrate information to indentify the most suited indicator to define GES. However a preliminary definition that will need to be revised according to the availability of new data and the conclusive establishment of methods to address it of GES is provided. BENTHIC HABITAT AND ASSOCIATED COMMUNITIES: Pertaining the impact of fishing on benthic communities and habitats, the GES as well as the Initial Assessment were addressed in synergy with the approach developed in the framework of Descriptor 6 in the context of abrasion pressure. Therefore, the definition of GES reported in this sheet is aligned to the definition put forward in D6 and will need further revision by 2018 in particular in order to set up thresholds of acceptable disturbance on non biogenic habitats as well as testing/improving methods to assess potential interaction with biogenic habitats. IT-ISCMS-8B11-0002: COMMERCIAL SPECIES: In the context of the Initial Assessment, GES was defined by applying primary indicators 3.1.1 and 3.2.1, or using trend based proxies indicators 3.1.2 and 3.2.2 as well as indicators 3.3.1 and 3.3.3. However, the overall practical evaluation of the applied process in the Italian seas highlighted that this kind of preliminary threshold might need to be revised, taking into account several issues, including, among the others, the outcome of the still ongoing process on CFP reform. All these aspects, therefore, should be duly considered to assess, as appropriate, the preliminary threshold to be used for GES (see details according to each indicator in the GES-Descriptor sheet). For instance multispecific interactions as well as environmental drivers or regime shifts, the uncertainty associated to reference points, the lack in the establishment of precautionary limits in the Mediterranean Sea and uncertainty in the estimation of trend based indicators should be acknowledged. The goal of achieving MSY for all commercial species might be not achievable owing to the need of considering the multispecific nature of Mediterranean fisheries as well as the multi-trophic interactions among species and environmental drivers.Therefore, the threshold values still needs to be assessed before a confirmation of GES. FUNCTIONAL GROUPS: In the Initial Assessment the final determination of GES for functional goups addressed in D3 was not conclusive, due to the lack of data on some functional groups that impeded to test methods in order to integrate information to indentify the most suited indicator to define GES. However a preliminary definition that will need to be revised according to the availability of new data and the conclusive establishment of methods to address it of GES is provided. BENTHIC HABITAT AND ASSOCIATED COMMUNITIES: Pertaining the impact of fishing on benthic communities and habitats, the GES as well as the Initial Assessment were addressed in synergy with the approach developed in the framework of Descriptor 6 in the context of abrasion pressure. Therefore, the definition of GES reported in this sheet is aligned to the definition put forward in D6 and will need further revision by 2018 in particular in order to set up thresholds of acceptable disturbance on non biogenic habitats as well as testing/improving methods to assess potential interaction with biogenic habitats. IT-WMS-8B11-0001: COMMERCIAL SPECIES: In the context of the Initial Assessment, GES was defined by applying primary indicators 3.1.1 and 3.2.1, or using trend based proxies indicators 3.1.2 and 3.2.2 as well as indicators 3.3.1 and 3.3.3. However, the overall practical evaluation of the applied process in the Italian seas highlighted that this kind of preliminary threshold might need to be revised, taking into account several issues, including, among the others, the outcome of the still ongoing process on CFP reform. All these aspects, therefore, should be duly considered to assess, as appropriate, the preliminary threshold to be used for GES (see details according to each indicator in the GES-Descriptor sheet). For instance multispecific interactions as well as environmental drivers or regime shifts, the uncertainty associated to reference points, the lack in the establishment of precautionary limits in the Mediterranean Sea and uncertainty in the estimation of trend based indicators should be acknowledged. The goal of achieving MSY for all commercial species might be not achievable owing to the need of considering the multispecific nature of Mediterranean fisheries as well as the multi-trophic interactions among species and environmental drivers.Therefore, the threshold values still needs to be assessed before a confirmation of GES. FUNCTIONAL GROUPS: In the Initial Assessment the final determination of GES for functional goups addressed in D3 was not conclusive, due to the lack of data on some functional groups that impeded to test methods in order to integrate information to indentify the most suited indicator to define GES. However a preliminary definition that will need to be revised according to the availability of new data and the conclusive establishment of methods to address it of GES is provided. BENTHIC HABITAT AND ASSOCIATED COMMUNITIES: Pertaining the impact of fishing on benthic communities and habitats, the GES as well as the Initial Assessment were addressed in synergy with the approach developed in the framework of Descriptor 6 in the context of abrasion pressure. Therefore, the definition of GES reported in this sheet is aligned to the definition put forward in D6 and will need further revision by 2018 in particular in order to set up thresholds of acceptable disturbance on non biogenic habitats as well as testing/improving methods to assess potential interaction with biogenic habitats. IT-WMS-8B11-0002: COMMERCIAL SPECIES: In the context of the Initial Assessment, GES was defined by applying primary indicators 3.1.1 and 3.2.1, or using trend based proxies indicators 3.1.2 and 3.2.2 as well as indicators 3.3.1 and 3.3.3. However, the overall practical evaluation of the applied process in the Italian seas highlighted that this kind of preliminary threshold might need to be revised, taking into account several issues, including, among the others, the outcome of the still ongoing process on CFP reform. All these aspects, therefore, should be duly considered to assess, as appropriate, the preliminary threshold to be used for GES (see details according to each indicator in the GES-Descriptor sheet). For instance multispecific interactions as well as environmental drivers or regime shifts, the uncertainty associated to reference points, the lack in the establishment of precautionary limits in the Mediterranean Sea and uncertainty in the estimation of trend based indicators should be acknowledged. The goal of achieving MSY for all commercial species might be not achievable owing to the need of considering the multispecific nature of Mediterranean fisheries as well as the multi-trophic interactions among species and environmental drivers.Therefore, the threshold values still needs to be assessed before a confirmation of GES. FUNCTIONAL GROUPS: In the Initial Assessment the final determination of GES for functional goups addressed in D3 was not conclusive, due to the lack of data on some functional groups that impeded to test methods in order to integrate information to indentify the most suited indicator to define GES. However a preliminary definition that will need to be revised according to the availability of new data and the conclusive establishment of methods to address it of GES is provided. BENTHIC HABITAT AND ASSOCIATED COMMUNITIES: Pertaining the impact of fishing on benthic communities and habitats, the GES as well as the Initial Assessment were addressed in synergy with the approach developed in the framework of Descriptor 6 in the context of abrasion pressure. Therefore, the definition of GES reported in this sheet is aligned to the definition put forward in D6 and will need further revision by 2018 in particular in order to set up thresholds of acceptable disturbance on non biogenic habitats as well as testing/improving methods to assess potential interaction with biogenic habitats. IT-WMS-8B11-0003: COMMERCIAL SPECIES: In the context of the Initial Assessment, GES was defined by applying primary indicators 3.1.1 and 3.2.1, or using trend based proxies indicators 3.1.2 and 3.2.2 as well as indicators 3.3.1 and 3.3.3. However, the overall practical evaluation of the applied process in the Italian seas highlighted that this kind of preliminary threshold might need to be revised, taking into account several issues, including, among the others, the outcome of the still ongoing process on CFP reform. All these aspects, therefore, should be duly considered to assess, as appropriate, the preliminary threshold to be used for GES (see details according to each indicator in the GES-Descriptor sheet). For instance multispecific interactions as well as environmental drivers or regime shifts, the uncertainty associated to reference points, the lack in the establishment of precautionary limits in the Mediterranean Sea and uncertainty in the estimation of trend based indicators should be acknowledged. The goal of achieving MSY for all commercial species might be not achievable owing to the need of considering the multispecific nature of Mediterranean fisheries as well as the multi-trophic interactions among species and environmental drivers.Therefore, the threshold values still needs to be assessed before a confirmation of GES. FUNCTIONAL GROUPS: In the Initial Assessment the final determination of GES for functional goups addressed in D3 was not conclusive, due to the lack of data on some functional groups that impeded to test methods in order to integrate information to indentify the most suited indicator to define GES. However a preliminary definition that will need to be revised according to the availability of new data and the conclusive establishment of methods to address it of GES is provided. BENTHIC HABITAT AND ASSOCIATED COMMUNITIES: Pertaining the impact of fishing on benthic communities and habitats, the GES as well as the Initial Assessment were addressed in synergy with the approach developed in the framework of Descriptor 6 in the context of abrasion pressure. Therefore, the definition of GES reported in this sheet is aligned to the definition put forward in D6 and will need further revision by 2018 in particular in order to set up thresholds of acceptable disturbance on non biogenic habitats as well as testing/improving methods to assess potential interaction with biogenic habitats. IT-AS-8B11-0001: COMMERCIAL SPECIES: In the context of the Initial Assessment, GES was defined by applying primary indicators 3.1.1 and 3.2.1, or using trend based proxies indicators 3.1.2 and 3.2.2 as well as indicators 3.3.1 and 3.3.3. However, the overall practical evaluation of the applied process in the Italian seas highlighted that this kind of preliminary threshold might need to be revised, taking into account several issues, including, among the others, the outcome of the still ongoing process on CFP reform. All these aspects, therefore, should be duly considered to assess, as appropriate, the preliminary threshold to be used for GES (see details according to each indicator in the GES-Descriptor sheet). For instance multispecific interactions as well as environmental drivers or regime shifts, the uncertainty associated to reference points, the lack in the establishment of precautionary limits in the Mediterranean Sea and uncertainty in the estimation of trend based indicators should be acknowledged. The goal of achieving MSY for all commercial species might be not achievable owing to the need of considering the multispecific nature of Mediterranean fisheries as well as the multi-trophic interactions among species and environmental drivers.Therefore, the threshold values still needs to be assessed before a confirmation of GES. FUNCTIONAL GROUPS: In the Initial Assessment the final determination of GES for functional goups addressed in D3 was not conclusive, due to the lack of data on some functional groups that impeded to test methods in order to integrate information to indentify the most suited indicator to define GES. However a preliminary definition that will need to be revised according to the availability of new data and the conclusive establishment of methods to address it of GES is provided. BENTHIC HABITAT AND ASSOCIATED COMMUNITIES: Pertaining the impact of fishing on benthic communities and habitats, the GES as well as the Initial Assessment were addressed in synergy with the approach developed in the framework of Descriptor 6 in the context of abrasion pressure. Therefore, the definition of GES reported in this sheet is aligned to the definition put forward in D6 and will need further revision by 2018 in particular in order to set up thresholds of acceptable disturbance on non biogenic habitats as well as testing/improving methods to assess potential interaction with biogenic habitats. IT-AS-8B11-0002: COMMERCIAL SPECIES: In the context of the Initial Assessment, GES was defined by applying primary indicators 3.1.1 and 3.2.1, or using trend based proxies indicators 3.1.2 and 3.2.2 as well as indicators 3.3.1 and 3.3.3. However, the overall practical evaluation of the applied process in the Italian seas highlighted that this kind of preliminary threshold might need to be revised, taking into account several issues, including, among the others, the outcome of the still ongoing process on CFP reform. All these aspects, therefore, should be duly considered to assess, as appropriate, the preliminary threshold to be used for GES (see details according to each indicator in the GES-Descriptor sheet). For instance multispecific interactions as well as environmental drivers or regime shifts, the uncertainty associated to reference points, the lack in the establishment of precautionary limits in the Mediterranean Sea and uncertainty in the estimation of trend based indicators should be acknowledged. The goal of achieving MSY for all commercial species might be not achievable owing to the need of considering the multispecific nature of Mediterranean fisheries as well as the multi-trophic interactions among species and environmental drivers.Therefore, the threshold values still needs to be assessed before a confirmation of GES. FUNCTIONAL GROUPS: In the Initial Assessment the final determination of GES for functional goups addressed in D3 was not conclusive, due to the lack of data on some functional groups that impeded to test methods in order to integrate information to indentify the most suited indicator to define GES. However a preliminary definition that will need to be revised according to the availability of new data and the conclusive establishment of methods to address it of GES is provided. BENTHIC HABITAT AND ASSOCIATED COMMUNITIES: Pertaining the impact of fishing on benthic communities and habitats, the GES as well as the Initial Assessment were addressed in synergy with the approach developed in the framework of Descriptor 6 in the context of abrasion pressure. Therefore, the definition of GES reported in this sheet is aligned to the definition put forward in D6 and will need further revision by 2018 in particular in order to set up thresholds of acceptable disturbance on non biogenic habitats as well as testing/improving methods to assess potential interaction with biogenic habitats. IT-ISCMS-8B11-0001: COMMERCIAL SPECIES: In the context of the Initial Assessment, GES was defined by applying primary indicators 3.1.1 and 3.2.1, or using trend based proxies indicators 3.1.2 and 3.2.2 as well as indicators 3.3.1 and 3.3.3. However, the overall practical evaluation of the applied process in the Italian seas highlighted that this kind of preliminary threshold might need to be revised, taking into account several issues, including, among the others, the outcome of the still ongoing process on CFP reform. All these aspects, therefore, should be duly considered to assess, as appropriate, the preliminary threshold to be used for GES (see details according to each indicator in the GES-Descriptor sheet). For instance multispecific interactions as well as environmental drivers or regime shifts, the uncertainty associated to reference points, the lack in the establishment of precautionary limits in the Mediterranean Sea and uncertainty in the estimation of trend based indicators should be acknowledged. The goal of achieving MSY for all commercial species might be not achievable owing to the need of considering the multispecific nature of Mediterranean fisheries as well as the multi-trophic interactions among species and environmental drivers.Therefore, the threshold values still needs to be assessed before a confirmation of GES. FUNCTIONAL GROUPS: In the Initial Assessment the final determination of GES for functional goups addressed in D3 was not conclusive, due to the lack of data on some functional groups that impeded to test methods in order to integrate information to indentify the most suited indicator to define GES. However a preliminary definition that will need to be revised according to the availability of new data and the conclusive establishment of methods to address it of GES is provided. BENTHIC HABITAT AND ASSOCIATED COMMUNITIES: Pertaining the impact of fishing on benthic communities and habitats, the GES as well as the Initial Assessment were addressed in synergy with the approach developed in the framework of Descriptor 6 in the context of abrasion pressure. Therefore, the definition of GES reported in this sheet is aligned to the definition put forward in D6 and will need further revision by 2018 in particular in order to set up thresholds of acceptable disturbance on non biogenic habitats as well as testing/improving methods to assess potential interaction with biogenic habitats. IT-ISCMS-8B11-0002: COMMERCIAL SPECIES: In the context of the Initial Assessment, GES was defined by applying primary indicators 3.1.1 and 3.2.1, or using trend based proxies indicators 3.1.2 and 3.2.2 as well as indicators 3.3.1 and 3.3.3. However, the overall practical evaluation of the applied process in the Italian seas highlighted that this kind of preliminary threshold might need to be revised, taking into account several issues, including, among the others, the outcome of the still ongoing process on CFP reform. All these aspects, therefore, should be duly considered to assess, as appropriate, the preliminary threshold to be used for GES (see details according to each indicator in the GES-Descriptor sheet). For instance multispecific interactions as well as environmental drivers or regime shifts, the uncertainty associated to reference points, the lack in the establishment of precautionary limits in the Mediterranean Sea and uncertainty in the estimation of trend based indicators should be acknowledged. The goal of achieving MSY for all commercial species might be not achievable owing to the need of considering the multispecific nature of Mediterranean fisheries as well as the multi-trophic interactions among species and environmental drivers.Therefore, the threshold values still needs to be assessed before a confirmation of GES. FUNCTIONAL GROUPS: In the Initial Assessment the final determination of GES for functional goups addressed in D3 was not conclusive, due to the lack of data on some functional groups that impeded to test methods in order to integrate information to indentify the most suited indicator to define GES. However a preliminary definition that will need to be revised according to the availability of new data and the conclusive establishment of methods to address it of GES is provided. BENTHIC HABITAT AND ASSOCIATED COMMUNITIES: Pertaining the impact of fishing on benthic communities and habitats, the GES as well as the Initial Assessment were addressed in synergy with the approach developed in the framework of Descriptor 6 in the context of abrasion pressure. Therefore, the definition of GES reported in this sheet is aligned to the definition put forward in D6 and will need further revision by 2018 in particular in order to set up thresholds of acceptable disturbance on non biogenic habitats as well as testing/improving methods to assess potential interaction with biogenic habitats. |
IT-WMS-8A04-0002: The Marine Strategy Framework Directive requires that to determining good environmental status for D1 “Biological diversity is maintained. The quality and occurrence of habitats and the distribution and abundance of species are in line with prevailing physiographic, geographic and climatic conditionsâ€. In this regard, it is recalled that for the preparation of the determination of GES for Descriptor 1, the Directive requires to consider a set of criteria (7) and indicators, whose analysis and selection must be justified in relation to the information collected with the Initial Assessment and their direct relevance to the main causes of human pressure. It should be noted that, based on the ecosystem approach, the main consideration on which choose the indicators should be based on the fact that they are able to establish relationships between the impact of human activities and the functioning of the marine ecosystem. All this taking into account that there are still gaps of knowledge on the relationship between the values measured for the different activities / pressures considered and the effects they cause on ecosystems. The formulation of the targets was done taking into account commitments already signed by Italy in relation to international conventions and European legislation, on the assumption that the pursuit of these objectives is in itself a contribution to the achievement of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive targets. This is also because the Marine Strategy officially requires referring to other European Directives and to international conventions concerning the marine environment. Overall, should be noted that only 4 of the seven criteria of the Marine Strategy, based on the information gathered with the initial assessment and in relation to the characteristics of the Mediterranean Sea, were considered for the determination of GES for the descriptor 1: 1.2 Population size 1.3 Population condition 1.5 Habitat extent 1.6 Habitat condition Specifically, as regards the aspects relating to the criterion 1.7 "Ecosystem structure" it was considered better to tackle it within the descriptor 4 "Food webs". For each criterion were identified the indicators considered most appropriate, foreseeing that the individual GES is achieved with the positive response of all the composing elements, selected on the basis of the initial assessment, of the scientific knowledge and their future implementability (2014 or 2018 ). The overall proposal is therefore based on 4 criteria and 15 indicators proposed for the 3 sub regions of interest for Italy, for each of which a GES should be assessed. The explanations of the reasons leading to the formulation of the proposal are described in the single sheet of the element relating to a specific indicator. Overall it is expected that the majority of the proposed indicators can be operational from 2018, due to the need to acquire additional cognitive elements (specified on each sheet). Only for the avifauna is thought to be possible to arrive to operability for 2014. It follows the list of indicators taken into account per criterion with the indication of the year in which it is expected to be operational in brackets: Criterion 1.2 Population size – Indicator 1.2.1 Population abundance and /or biomass, as appropriate – considered elements: Fan mussel - Pinna nobilis (2018), coastal fish species (2018), Loggerhead - Caretta caretta (2018), marine mammals (2018), marine birds (2014). Criterion 1.3 Population condition – Indicator 1.3.1 Population demographic characteristics – considered elements: Ribbed Mediterranean Limpet Patella ferruginea (2018), coastal fish species (2018), marine birds (2014). Indicator 1.3.1 Population genetic structure, where appropriate – fish species (2018). Criterion 1.5 Habitat extent – Indicator 1.5.1 Habitat area – considered elements : benthic habitats Posidonia oceanica meadows, mäerl beds (2018). Criterion 1.6 Habitat condition – Indicator 1.6.1 Condition of the typical species and communities - considered elements : benthic habitats coralligenous and deep sea corals (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018), coastal fish (2018). Indicator 1.6.2 Relative abundance and/or biomass, as appropriate - considered elements : pelagic habitat (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018). IT-IMS-8A04-0001: The Marine Strategy Framework Directive requires that to determining good environmental status for D1 “Biological diversity is maintained. The quality and occurrence of habitats and the distribution and abundance of species are in line with prevailing physiographic, geographic and climatic conditionsâ€. In this regard, it is recalled that for the preparation of the determination of GES for Descriptor 1, the Directive requires to consider a set of criteria (7) and indicators, whose analysis and selection must be justified in relation to the information collected with the Initial Assessment and their direct relevance to the main causes of human pressure. It should be noted that, based on the ecosystem approach, the main consideration on which choose the indicators should be based on the fact that they are able to establish relationships between the impact of human activities and the functioning of the marine ecosystem. All this taking into account that there are still gaps of knowledge on the relationship between the values measured for the different activities / pressures considered and the effects they cause on ecosystems. The formulation of the targets was done taking into account commitments already signed by Italy in relation to international conventions and European legislation, on the assumption that the pursuit of these objectives is in itself a contribution to the achievement of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive targets. This is also because the Marine Strategy officially requires referring to other European Directives and to international conventions concerning the marine environment. Overall, should be noted that only 4 of the seven criteria of the Marine Strategy, based on the information gathered with the initial assessment and in relation to the characteristics of the Mediterranean Sea, were considered for the determination of GES for the descriptor 1: 1.2 Population size 1.3 Population condition 1.5 Habitat extent 1.6 Habitat condition Specifically, as regards the aspects relating to the criterion 1.7 "Ecosystem structure" it was considered better to tackle it within the descriptor 4 "Food webs". For each criterion were identified the indicators considered most appropriate, foreseeing that the individual GES is achieved with the positive response of all the composing elements, selected on the basis of the initial assessment, of the scientific knowledge and their future implementability (2014 or 2018 ). The overall proposal is therefore based on 4 criteria and 15 indicators proposed for the 3 sub regions of interest for Italy, for each of which a GES should be assessed. The explanations of the reasons leading to the formulation of the proposal are described in the single sheet of the element relating to a specific indicator. Overall it is expected that the majority of the proposed indicators can be operational from 2018, due to the need to acquire additional cognitive elements (specified on each sheet). Only for the avifauna is thought to be possible to arrive to operability for 2014. It follows the list of indicators taken into account per criterion with the indication of the year in which it is expected to be operational in brackets: Criterion 1.2 Population size – Indicator 1.2.1 Population abundance and /or biomass, as appropriate – considered elements: Fan mussel - Pinna nobilis (2018), coastal fish species (2018), Loggerhead - Caretta caretta (2018), marine mammals (2018), marine birds (2014). Criterion 1.3 Population condition – Indicator 1.3.1 Population demographic characteristics – considered elements: Ribbed Mediterranean Limpet Patella ferruginea (2018), coastal fish species (2018), marine birds (2014). Indicator 1.3.1 Population genetic structure, where appropriate – fish species (2018). Criterion 1.5 Habitat extent – Indicator 1.5.1 Habitat area – considered elements : benthic habitats Posidonia oceanica meadows, mäerl beds (2018). Criterion 1.6 Habitat condition – Indicator 1.6.1 Condition of the typical species and communities - considered elements : benthic habitats coralligenous and deep sea corals (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018), coastal fish (2018). Indicator 1.6.2 Relative abundance and/or biomass, as appropriate - considered elements : pelagic habitat (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018). IT-IMS-8A04-0002: The Marine Strategy Framework Directive requires that to determining good environmental status for D1 “Biological diversity is maintained. The quality and occurrence of habitats and the distribution and abundance of species are in line with prevailing physiographic, geographic and climatic conditionsâ€. In this regard, it is recalled that for the preparation of the determination of GES for Descriptor 1, the Directive requires to consider a set of criteria (7) and indicators, whose analysis and selection must be justified in relation to the information collected with the Initial Assessment and their direct relevance to the main causes of human pressure. It should be noted that, based on the ecosystem approach, the main consideration on which choose the indicators should be based on the fact that they are able to establish relationships between the impact of human activities and the functioning of the marine ecosystem. All this taking into account that there are still gaps of knowledge on the relationship between the values measured for the different activities / pressures considered and the effects they cause on ecosystems. The formulation of the targets was done taking into account commitments already signed by Italy in relation to international conventions and European legislation, on the assumption that the pursuit of these objectives is in itself a contribution to the achievement of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive targets. This is also because the Marine Strategy officially requires referring to other European Directives and to international conventions concerning the marine environment. Overall, should be noted that only 4 of the seven criteria of the Marine Strategy, based on the information gathered with the initial assessment and in relation to the characteristics of the Mediterranean Sea, were considered for the determination of GES for the descriptor 1: 1.2 Population size 1.3 Population condition 1.5 Habitat extent 1.6 Habitat condition Specifically, as regards the aspects relating to the criterion 1.7 "Ecosystem structure" it was considered better to tackle it within the descriptor 4 "Food webs". For each criterion were identified the indicators considered most appropriate, foreseeing that the individual GES is achieved with the positive response of all the composing elements, selected on the basis of the initial assessment, of the scientific knowledge and their future implementability (2014 or 2018 ). The overall proposal is therefore based on 4 criteria and 15 indicators proposed for the 3 sub regions of interest for Italy, for each of which a GES should be assessed. The explanations of the reasons leading to the formulation of the proposal are described in the single sheet of the element relating to a specific indicator. Overall it is expected that the majority of the proposed indicators can be operational from 2018, due to the need to acquire additional cognitive elements (specified on each sheet). Only for the avifauna is thought to be possible to arrive to operability for 2014. It follows the list of indicators taken into account per criterion with the indication of the year in which it is expected to be operational in brackets: Criterion 1.2 Population size – Indicator 1.2.1 Population abundance and /or biomass, as appropriate – considered elements: Fan mussel - Pinna nobilis (2018), coastal fish species (2018), Loggerhead - Caretta caretta (2018), marine mammals (2018), marine birds (2014). Criterion 1.3 Population condition – Indicator 1.3.1 Population demographic characteristics – considered elements: Ribbed Mediterranean Limpet Patella ferruginea (2018), coastal fish species (2018), marine birds (2014). Indicator 1.3.1 Population genetic structure, where appropriate – fish species (2018). Criterion 1.5 Habitat extent – Indicator 1.5.1 Habitat area – considered elements : benthic habitats Posidonia oceanica meadows, mäerl beds (2018). Criterion 1.6 Habitat condition – Indicator 1.6.1 Condition of the typical species and communities - considered elements : benthic habitats coralligenous and deep sea corals (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018), coastal fish (2018). Indicator 1.6.2 Relative abundance and/or biomass, as appropriate - considered elements : pelagic habitat (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018). IT-AMS-8A04-0001: The Marine Strategy Framework Directive requires that to determining good environmental status for D1 “Biological diversity is maintained. The quality and occurrence of habitats and the distribution and abundance of species are in line with prevailing physiographic, geographic and climatic conditionsâ€. In this regard, it is recalled that for the preparation of the determination of GES for Descriptor 1, the Directive requires to consider a set of criteria (7) and indicators, whose analysis and selection must be justified in relation to the information collected with the Initial Assessment and their direct relevance to the main causes of human pressure. It should be noted that, based on the ecosystem approach, the main consideration on which choose the indicators should be based on the fact that they are able to establish relationships between the impact of human activities and the functioning of the marine ecosystem. All this taking into account that there are still gaps of knowledge on the relationship between the values measured for the different activities / pressures considered and the effects they cause on ecosystems. The formulation of the targets was done taking into account commitments already signed by Italy in relation to international conventions and European legislation, on the assumption that the pursuit of these objectives is in itself a contribution to the achievement of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive targets. This is also because the Marine Strategy officially requires referring to other European Directives and to international conventions concerning the marine environment. Overall, should be noted that only 4 of the seven criteria of the Marine Strategy, based on the information gathered with the initial assessment and in relation to the characteristics of the Mediterranean Sea, were considered for the determination of GES for the descriptor 1: 1.2 Population size 1.3 Population condition 1.5 Habitat extent 1.6 Habitat condition Specifically, as regards the aspects relating to the criterion 1.7 "Ecosystem structure" it was considered better to tackle it within the descriptor 4 "Food webs". For each criterion were identified the indicators considered most appropriate, foreseeing that the individual GES is achieved with the positive response of all the composing elements, selected on the basis of the initial assessment, of the scientific knowledge and their future implementability (2014 or 2018 ). The overall proposal is therefore based on 4 criteria and 15 indicators proposed for the 3 sub regions of interest for Italy, for each of which a GES should be assessed. The explanations of the reasons leading to the formulation of the proposal are described in the single sheet of the element relating to a specific indicator. Overall it is expected that the majority of the proposed indicators can be operational from 2018, due to the need to acquire additional cognitive elements (specified on each sheet). Only for the avifauna is thought to be possible to arrive to operability for 2014. It follows the list of indicators taken into account per criterion with the indication of the year in which it is expected to be operational in brackets: Criterion 1.2 Population size – Indicator 1.2.1 Population abundance and /or biomass, as appropriate – considered elements: Fan mussel - Pinna nobilis (2018), coastal fish species (2018), Loggerhead - Caretta caretta (2018), marine mammals (2018), marine birds (2014). Criterion 1.3 Population condition – Indicator 1.3.1 Population demographic characteristics – considered elements: Ribbed Mediterranean Limpet Patella ferruginea (2018), coastal fish species (2018), marine birds (2014). Indicator 1.3.1 Population genetic structure, where appropriate – fish species (2018). Criterion 1.5 Habitat extent – Indicator 1.5.1 Habitat area – considered elements : benthic habitats Posidonia oceanica meadows, mäerl beds (2018). Criterion 1.6 Habitat condition – Indicator 1.6.1 Condition of the typical species and communities - considered elements : benthic habitats coralligenous and deep sea corals (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018), coastal fish (2018). Indicator 1.6.2 Relative abundance and/or biomass, as appropriate - considered elements : pelagic habitat (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018). IT-WMS-8A04-0002: The Marine Strategy Framework Directive requires that to determining good environmental status for D1 “Biological diversity is maintained. The quality and occurrence of habitats and the distribution and abundance of species are in line with prevailing physiographic, geographic and climatic conditionsâ€. In this regard, it is recalled that for the preparation of the determination of GES for Descriptor 1, the Directive requires to consider a set of criteria (7) and indicators, whose analysis and selection must be justified in relation to the information collected with the Initial Assessment and their direct relevance to the main causes of human pressure. It should be noted that, based on the ecosystem approach, the main consideration on which choose the indicators should be based on the fact that they are able to establish relationships between the impact of human activities and the functioning of the marine ecosystem. All this taking into account that there are still gaps of knowledge on the relationship between the values measured for the different activities / pressures considered and the effects they cause on ecosystems. The formulation of the targets was done taking into account commitments already signed by Italy in relation to international conventions and European legislation, on the assumption that the pursuit of these objectives is in itself a contribution to the achievement of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive targets. This is also because the Marine Strategy officially requires referring to other European Directives and to international conventions concerning the marine environment. Overall, should be noted that only 4 of the seven criteria of the Marine Strategy, based on the information gathered with the initial assessment and in relation to the characteristics of the Mediterranean Sea, were considered for the determination of GES for the descriptor 1: 1.2 Population size 1.3 Population condition 1.5 Habitat extent 1.6 Habitat condition Specifically, as regards the aspects relating to the criterion 1.7 "Ecosystem structure" it was considered better to tackle it within the descriptor 4 "Food webs". For each criterion were identified the indicators considered most appropriate, foreseeing that the individual GES is achieved with the positive response of all the composing elements, selected on the basis of the initial assessment, of the scientific knowledge and their future implementability (2014 or 2018 ). The overall proposal is therefore based on 4 criteria and 15 indicators proposed for the 3 sub regions of interest for Italy, for each of which a GES should be assessed. The explanations of the reasons leading to the formulation of the proposal are described in the single sheet of the element relating to a specific indicator. Overall it is expected that the majority of the proposed indicators can be operational from 2018, due to the need to acquire additional cognitive elements (specified on each sheet). Only for the avifauna is thought to be possible to arrive to operability for 2014. It follows the list of indicators taken into account per criterion with the indication of the year in which it is expected to be operational in brackets: Criterion 1.2 Population size – Indicator 1.2.1 Population abundance and /or biomass, as appropriate – considered elements: Fan mussel - Pinna nobilis (2018), coastal fish species (2018), Loggerhead - Caretta caretta (2018), marine mammals (2018), marine birds (2014). Criterion 1.3 Population condition – Indicator 1.3.1 Population demographic characteristics – considered elements: Ribbed Mediterranean Limpet Patella ferruginea (2018), coastal fish species (2018), marine birds (2014). Indicator 1.3.1 Population genetic structure, where appropriate – fish species (2018). Criterion 1.5 Habitat extent – Indicator 1.5.1 Habitat area – considered elements : benthic habitats Posidonia oceanica meadows, mäerl beds (2018). Criterion 1.6 Habitat condition – Indicator 1.6.1 Condition of the typical species and communities - considered elements : benthic habitats coralligenous and deep sea corals (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018), coastal fish (2018). Indicator 1.6.2 Relative abundance and/or biomass, as appropriate - considered elements : pelagic habitat (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018). IT-IMS-8A04-0001: The Marine Strategy Framework Directive requires that to determining good environmental status for D1 “Biological diversity is maintained. The quality and occurrence of habitats and the distribution and abundance of species are in line with prevailing physiographic, geographic and climatic conditionsâ€. In this regard, it is recalled that for the preparation of the determination of GES for Descriptor 1, the Directive requires to consider a set of criteria (7) and indicators, whose analysis and selection must be justified in relation to the information collected with the Initial Assessment and their direct relevance to the main causes of human pressure. It should be noted that, based on the ecosystem approach, the main consideration on which choose the indicators should be based on the fact that they are able to establish relationships between the impact of human activities and the functioning of the marine ecosystem. All this taking into account that there are still gaps of knowledge on the relationship between the values measured for the different activities / pressures considered and the effects they cause on ecosystems. The formulation of the targets was done taking into account commitments already signed by Italy in relation to international conventions and European legislation, on the assumption that the pursuit of these objectives is in itself a contribution to the achievement of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive targets. This is also because the Marine Strategy officially requires referring to other European Directives and to international conventions concerning the marine environment. Overall, should be noted that only 4 of the seven criteria of the Marine Strategy, based on the information gathered with the initial assessment and in relation to the characteristics of the Mediterranean Sea, were considered for the determination of GES for the descriptor 1: 1.2 Population size 1.3 Population condition 1.5 Habitat extent 1.6 Habitat condition Specifically, as regards the aspects relating to the criterion 1.7 "Ecosystem structure" it was considered better to tackle it within the descriptor 4 "Food webs". For each criterion were identified the indicators considered most appropriate, foreseeing that the individual GES is achieved with the positive response of all the composing elements, selected on the basis of the initial assessment, of the scientific knowledge and their future implementability (2014 or 2018 ). The overall proposal is therefore based on 4 criteria and 15 indicators proposed for the 3 sub regions of interest for Italy, for each of which a GES should be assessed. The explanations of the reasons leading to the formulation of the proposal are described in the single sheet of the element relating to a specific indicator. Overall it is expected that the majority of the proposed indicators can be operational from 2018, due to the need to acquire additional cognitive elements (specified on each sheet). Only for the avifauna is thought to be possible to arrive to operability for 2014. It follows the list of indicators taken into account per criterion with the indication of the year in which it is expected to be operational in brackets: Criterion 1.2 Population size – Indicator 1.2.1 Population abundance and /or biomass, as appropriate – considered elements: Fan mussel - Pinna nobilis (2018), coastal fish species (2018), Loggerhead - Caretta caretta (2018), marine mammals (2018), marine birds (2014). Criterion 1.3 Population condition – Indicator 1.3.1 Population demographic characteristics – considered elements: Ribbed Mediterranean Limpet Patella ferruginea (2018), coastal fish species (2018), marine birds (2014). Indicator 1.3.1 Population genetic structure, where appropriate – fish species (2018). Criterion 1.5 Habitat extent – Indicator 1.5.1 Habitat area – considered elements : benthic habitats Posidonia oceanica meadows, mäerl beds (2018). Criterion 1.6 Habitat condition – Indicator 1.6.1 Condition of the typical species and communities - considered elements : benthic habitats coralligenous and deep sea corals (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018), coastal fish (2018). Indicator 1.6.2 Relative abundance and/or biomass, as appropriate - considered elements : pelagic habitat (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018). IT-IMS-8A04-0002: The Marine Strategy Framework Directive requires that to determining good environmental status for D1 “Biological diversity is maintained. The quality and occurrence of habitats and the distribution and abundance of species are in line with prevailing physiographic, geographic and climatic conditionsâ€. In this regard, it is recalled that for the preparation of the determination of GES for Descriptor 1, the Directive requires to consider a set of criteria (7) and indicators, whose analysis and selection must be justified in relation to the information collected with the Initial Assessment and their direct relevance to the main causes of human pressure. It should be noted that, based on the ecosystem approach, the main consideration on which choose the indicators should be based on the fact that they are able to establish relationships between the impact of human activities and the functioning of the marine ecosystem. All this taking into account that there are still gaps of knowledge on the relationship between the values measured for the different activities / pressures considered and the effects they cause on ecosystems. The formulation of the targets was done taking into account commitments already signed by Italy in relation to international conventions and European legislation, on the assumption that the pursuit of these objectives is in itself a contribution to the achievement of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive targets. This is also because the Marine Strategy officially requires referring to other European Directives and to international conventions concerning the marine environment. Overall, should be noted that only 4 of the seven criteria of the Marine Strategy, based on the information gathered with the initial assessment and in relation to the characteristics of the Mediterranean Sea, were considered for the determination of GES for the descriptor 1: 1.2 Population size 1.3 Population condition 1.5 Habitat extent 1.6 Habitat condition Specifically, as regards the aspects relating to the criterion 1.7 "Ecosystem structure" it was considered better to tackle it within the descriptor 4 "Food webs". For each criterion were identified the indicators considered most appropriate, foreseeing that the individual GES is achieved with the positive response of all the composing elements, selected on the basis of the initial assessment, of the scientific knowledge and their future implementability (2014 or 2018 ). The overall proposal is therefore based on 4 criteria and 15 indicators proposed for the 3 sub regions of interest for Italy, for each of which a GES should be assessed. The explanations of the reasons leading to the formulation of the proposal are described in the single sheet of the element relating to a specific indicator. Overall it is expected that the majority of the proposed indicators can be operational from 2018, due to the need to acquire additional cognitive elements (specified on each sheet). Only for the avifauna is thought to be possible to arrive to operability for 2014. It follows the list of indicators taken into account per criterion with the indication of the year in which it is expected to be operational in brackets: Criterion 1.2 Population size – Indicator 1.2.1 Population abundance and /or biomass, as appropriate – considered elements: Fan mussel - Pinna nobilis (2018), coastal fish species (2018), Loggerhead - Caretta caretta (2018), marine mammals (2018), marine birds (2014). Criterion 1.3 Population condition – Indicator 1.3.1 Population demographic characteristics – considered elements: Ribbed Mediterranean Limpet Patella ferruginea (2018), coastal fish species (2018), marine birds (2014). Indicator 1.3.1 Population genetic structure, where appropriate – fish species (2018). Criterion 1.5 Habitat extent – Indicator 1.5.1 Habitat area – considered elements : benthic habitats Posidonia oceanica meadows, mäerl beds (2018). Criterion 1.6 Habitat condition – Indicator 1.6.1 Condition of the typical species and communities - considered elements : benthic habitats coralligenous and deep sea corals (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018), coastal fish (2018). Indicator 1.6.2 Relative abundance and/or biomass, as appropriate - considered elements : pelagic habitat (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018). IT-AMS-8A04-0001: The Marine Strategy Framework Directive requires that to determining good environmental status for D1 “Biological diversity is maintained. The quality and occurrence of habitats and the distribution and abundance of species are in line with prevailing physiographic, geographic and climatic conditionsâ€. In this regard, it is recalled that for the preparation of the determination of GES for Descriptor 1, the Directive requires to consider a set of criteria (7) and indicators, whose analysis and selection must be justified in relation to the information collected with the Initial Assessment and their direct relevance to the main causes of human pressure. It should be noted that, based on the ecosystem approach, the main consideration on which choose the indicators should be based on the fact that they are able to establish relationships between the impact of human activities and the functioning of the marine ecosystem. All this taking into account that there are still gaps of knowledge on the relationship between the values measured for the different activities / pressures considered and the effects they cause on ecosystems. The formulation of the targets was done taking into account commitments already signed by Italy in relation to international conventions and European legislation, on the assumption that the pursuit of these objectives is in itself a contribution to the achievement of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive targets. This is also because the Marine Strategy officially requires referring to other European Directives and to international conventions concerning the marine environment. Overall, should be noted that only 4 of the seven criteria of the Marine Strategy, based on the information gathered with the initial assessment and in relation to the characteristics of the Mediterranean Sea, were considered for the determination of GES for the descriptor 1: 1.2 Population size 1.3 Population condition 1.5 Habitat extent 1.6 Habitat condition Specifically, as regards the aspects relating to the criterion 1.7 "Ecosystem structure" it was considered better to tackle it within the descriptor 4 "Food webs". For each criterion were identified the indicators considered most appropriate, foreseeing that the individual GES is achieved with the positive response of all the composing elements, selected on the basis of the initial assessment, of the scientific knowledge and their future implementability (2014 or 2018 ). The overall proposal is therefore based on 4 criteria and 15 indicators proposed for the 3 sub regions of interest for Italy, for each of which a GES should be assessed. The explanations of the reasons leading to the formulation of the proposal are described in the single sheet of the element relating to a specific indicator. Overall it is expected that the majority of the proposed indicators can be operational from 2018, due to the need to acquire additional cognitive elements (specified on each sheet). Only for the avifauna is thought to be possible to arrive to operability for 2014. It follows the list of indicators taken into account per criterion with the indication of the year in which it is expected to be operational in brackets: Criterion 1.2 Population size – Indicator 1.2.1 Population abundance and /or biomass, as appropriate – considered elements: Fan mussel - Pinna nobilis (2018), coastal fish species (2018), Loggerhead - Caretta caretta (2018), marine mammals (2018), marine birds (2014). Criterion 1.3 Population condition – Indicator 1.3.1 Population demographic characteristics – considered elements: Ribbed Mediterranean Limpet Patella ferruginea (2018), coastal fish species (2018), marine birds (2014). Indicator 1.3.1 Population genetic structure, where appropriate – fish species (2018). Criterion 1.5 Habitat extent – Indicator 1.5.1 Habitat area – considered elements : benthic habitats Posidonia oceanica meadows, mäerl beds (2018). Criterion 1.6 Habitat condition – Indicator 1.6.1 Condition of the typical species and communities - considered elements : benthic habitats coralligenous and deep sea corals (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018), coastal fish (2018). Indicator 1.6.2 Relative abundance and/or biomass, as appropriate - considered elements : pelagic habitat (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018). IT-WMS-8A04-0002: The Marine Strategy Framework Directive requires that to determining good environmental status for D1 “Biological diversity is maintained. The quality and occurrence of habitats and the distribution and abundance of species are in line with prevailing physiographic, geographic and climatic conditionsâ€. In this regard, it is recalled that for the preparation of the determination of GES for Descriptor 1, the Directive requires to consider a set of criteria (7) and indicators, whose analysis and selection must be justified in relation to the information collected with the Initial Assessment and their direct relevance to the main causes of human pressure. It should be noted that, based on the ecosystem approach, the main consideration on which choose the indicators should be based on the fact that they are able to establish relationships between the impact of human activities and the functioning of the marine ecosystem. All this taking into account that there are still gaps of knowledge on the relationship between the values measured for the different activities / pressures considered and the effects they cause on ecosystems. The formulation of the targets was done taking into account commitments already signed by Italy in relation to international conventions and European legislation, on the assumption that the pursuit of these objectives is in itself a contribution to the achievement of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive targets. This is also because the Marine Strategy officially requires referring to other European Directives and to international conventions concerning the marine environment. Overall, should be noted that only 4 of the seven criteria of the Marine Strategy, based on the information gathered with the initial assessment and in relation to the characteristics of the Mediterranean Sea, were considered for the determination of GES for the descriptor 1: 1.2 Population size 1.3 Population condition 1.5 Habitat extent 1.6 Habitat condition Specifically, as regards the aspects relating to the criterion 1.7 "Ecosystem structure" it was considered better to tackle it within the descriptor 4 "Food webs". For each criterion were identified the indicators considered most appropriate, foreseeing that the individual GES is achieved with the positive response of all the composing elements, selected on the basis of the initial assessment, of the scientific knowledge and their future implementability (2014 or 2018 ). The overall proposal is therefore based on 4 criteria and 15 indicators proposed for the 3 sub regions of interest for Italy, for each of which a GES should be assessed. The explanations of the reasons leading to the formulation of the proposal are described in the single sheet of the element relating to a specific indicator. Overall it is expected that the majority of the proposed indicators can be operational from 2018, due to the need to acquire additional cognitive elements (specified on each sheet). Only for the avifauna is thought to be possible to arrive to operability for 2014. It follows the list of indicators taken into account per criterion with the indication of the year in which it is expected to be operational in brackets: Criterion 1.2 Population size – Indicator 1.2.1 Population abundance and /or biomass, as appropriate – considered elements: Fan mussel - Pinna nobilis (2018), coastal fish species (2018), Loggerhead - Caretta caretta (2018), marine mammals (2018), marine birds (2014). Criterion 1.3 Population condition – Indicator 1.3.1 Population demographic characteristics – considered elements: Ribbed Mediterranean Limpet Patella ferruginea (2018), coastal fish species (2018), marine birds (2014). Indicator 1.3.1 Population genetic structure, where appropriate – fish species (2018). Criterion 1.5 Habitat extent – Indicator 1.5.1 Habitat area – considered elements : benthic habitats Posidonia oceanica meadows, mäerl beds (2018). Criterion 1.6 Habitat condition – Indicator 1.6.1 Condition of the typical species and communities - considered elements : benthic habitats coralligenous and deep sea corals (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018), coastal fish (2018). Indicator 1.6.2 Relative abundance and/or biomass, as appropriate - considered elements : pelagic habitat (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018). IT-IMS-8A04-0001: The Marine Strategy Framework Directive requires that to determining good environmental status for D1 “Biological diversity is maintained. The quality and occurrence of habitats and the distribution and abundance of species are in line with prevailing physiographic, geographic and climatic conditionsâ€. In this regard, it is recalled that for the preparation of the determination of GES for Descriptor 1, the Directive requires to consider a set of criteria (7) and indicators, whose analysis and selection must be justified in relation to the information collected with the Initial Assessment and their direct relevance to the main causes of human pressure. It should be noted that, based on the ecosystem approach, the main consideration on which choose the indicators should be based on the fact that they are able to establish relationships between the impact of human activities and the functioning of the marine ecosystem. All this taking into account that there are still gaps of knowledge on the relationship between the values measured for the different activities / pressures considered and the effects they cause on ecosystems. The formulation of the targets was done taking into account commitments already signed by Italy in relation to international conventions and European legislation, on the assumption that the pursuit of these objectives is in itself a contribution to the achievement of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive targets. This is also because the Marine Strategy officially requires referring to other European Directives and to international conventions concerning the marine environment. Overall, should be noted that only 4 of the seven criteria of the Marine Strategy, based on the information gathered with the initial assessment and in relation to the characteristics of the Mediterranean Sea, were considered for the determination of GES for the descriptor 1: 1.2 Population size 1.3 Population condition 1.5 Habitat extent 1.6 Habitat condition Specifically, as regards the aspects relating to the criterion 1.7 "Ecosystem structure" it was considered better to tackle it within the descriptor 4 "Food webs". For each criterion were identified the indicators considered most appropriate, foreseeing that the individual GES is achieved with the positive response of all the composing elements, selected on the basis of the initial assessment, of the scientific knowledge and their future implementability (2014 or 2018 ). The overall proposal is therefore based on 4 criteria and 15 indicators proposed for the 3 sub regions of interest for Italy, for each of which a GES should be assessed. The explanations of the reasons leading to the formulation of the proposal are described in the single sheet of the element relating to a specific indicator. Overall it is expected that the majority of the proposed indicators can be operational from 2018, due to the need to acquire additional cognitive elements (specified on each sheet). Only for the avifauna is thought to be possible to arrive to operability for 2014. It follows the list of indicators taken into account per criterion with the indication of the year in which it is expected to be operational in brackets: Criterion 1.2 Population size – Indicator 1.2.1 Population abundance and /or biomass, as appropriate – considered elements: Fan mussel - Pinna nobilis (2018), coastal fish species (2018), Loggerhead - Caretta caretta (2018), marine mammals (2018), marine birds (2014). Criterion 1.3 Population condition – Indicator 1.3.1 Population demographic characteristics – considered elements: Ribbed Mediterranean Limpet Patella ferruginea (2018), coastal fish species (2018), marine birds (2014). Indicator 1.3.1 Population genetic structure, where appropriate – fish species (2018). Criterion 1.5 Habitat extent – Indicator 1.5.1 Habitat area – considered elements : benthic habitats Posidonia oceanica meadows, mäerl beds (2018). Criterion 1.6 Habitat condition – Indicator 1.6.1 Condition of the typical species and communities - considered elements : benthic habitats coralligenous and deep sea corals (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018), coastal fish (2018). Indicator 1.6.2 Relative abundance and/or biomass, as appropriate - considered elements : pelagic habitat (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018). IT-IMS-8A04-0002: The Marine Strategy Framework Directive requires that to determining good environmental status for D1 “Biological diversity is maintained. The quality and occurrence of habitats and the distribution and abundance of species are in line with prevailing physiographic, geographic and climatic conditionsâ€. In this regard, it is recalled that for the preparation of the determination of GES for Descriptor 1, the Directive requires to consider a set of criteria (7) and indicators, whose analysis and selection must be justified in relation to the information collected with the Initial Assessment and their direct relevance to the main causes of human pressure. It should be noted that, based on the ecosystem approach, the main consideration on which choose the indicators should be based on the fact that they are able to establish relationships between the impact of human activities and the functioning of the marine ecosystem. All this taking into account that there are still gaps of knowledge on the relationship between the values measured for the different activities / pressures considered and the effects they cause on ecosystems. The formulation of the targets was done taking into account commitments already signed by Italy in relation to international conventions and European legislation, on the assumption that the pursuit of these objectives is in itself a contribution to the achievement of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive targets. This is also because the Marine Strategy officially requires referring to other European Directives and to international conventions concerning the marine environment. Overall, should be noted that only 4 of the seven criteria of the Marine Strategy, based on the information gathered with the initial assessment and in relation to the characteristics of the Mediterranean Sea, were considered for the determination of GES for the descriptor 1: 1.2 Population size 1.3 Population condition 1.5 Habitat extent 1.6 Habitat condition Specifically, as regards the aspects relating to the criterion 1.7 "Ecosystem structure" it was considered better to tackle it within the descriptor 4 "Food webs". For each criterion were identified the indicators considered most appropriate, foreseeing that the individual GES is achieved with the positive response of all the composing elements, selected on the basis of the initial assessment, of the scientific knowledge and their future implementability (2014 or 2018 ). The overall proposal is therefore based on 4 criteria and 15 indicators proposed for the 3 sub regions of interest for Italy, for each of which a GES should be assessed. The explanations of the reasons leading to the formulation of the proposal are described in the single sheet of the element relating to a specific indicator. Overall it is expected that the majority of the proposed indicators can be operational from 2018, due to the need to acquire additional cognitive elements (specified on each sheet). Only for the avifauna is thought to be possible to arrive to operability for 2014. It follows the list of indicators taken into account per criterion with the indication of the year in which it is expected to be operational in brackets: Criterion 1.2 Population size – Indicator 1.2.1 Population abundance and /or biomass, as appropriate – considered elements: Fan mussel - Pinna nobilis (2018), coastal fish species (2018), Loggerhead - Caretta caretta (2018), marine mammals (2018), marine birds (2014). Criterion 1.3 Population condition – Indicator 1.3.1 Population demographic characteristics – considered elements: Ribbed Mediterranean Limpet Patella ferruginea (2018), coastal fish species (2018), marine birds (2014). Indicator 1.3.1 Population genetic structure, where appropriate – fish species (2018). Criterion 1.5 Habitat extent – Indicator 1.5.1 Habitat area – considered elements : benthic habitats Posidonia oceanica meadows, mäerl beds (2018). Criterion 1.6 Habitat condition – Indicator 1.6.1 Condition of the typical species and communities - considered elements : benthic habitats coralligenous and deep sea corals (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018), coastal fish (2018). Indicator 1.6.2 Relative abundance and/or biomass, as appropriate - considered elements : pelagic habitat (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018). IT-AMS-8A04-0001: The Marine Strategy Framework Directive requires that to determining good environmental status for D1 “Biological diversity is maintained. The quality and occurrence of habitats and the distribution and abundance of species are in line with prevailing physiographic, geographic and climatic conditionsâ€. In this regard, it is recalled that for the preparation of the determination of GES for Descriptor 1, the Directive requires to consider a set of criteria (7) and indicators, whose analysis and selection must be justified in relation to the information collected with the Initial Assessment and their direct relevance to the main causes of human pressure. It should be noted that, based on the ecosystem approach, the main consideration on which choose the indicators should be based on the fact that they are able to establish relationships between the impact of human activities and the functioning of the marine ecosystem. All this taking into account that there are still gaps of knowledge on the relationship between the values measured for the different activities / pressures considered and the effects they cause on ecosystems. The formulation of the targets was done taking into account commitments already signed by Italy in relation to international conventions and European legislation, on the assumption that the pursuit of these objectives is in itself a contribution to the achievement of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive targets. This is also because the Marine Strategy officially requires referring to other European Directives and to international conventions concerning the marine environment. Overall, should be noted that only 4 of the seven criteria of the Marine Strategy, based on the information gathered with the initial assessment and in relation to the characteristics of the Mediterranean Sea, were considered for the determination of GES for the descriptor 1: 1.2 Population size 1.3 Population condition 1.5 Habitat extent 1.6 Habitat condition Specifically, as regards the aspects relating to the criterion 1.7 "Ecosystem structure" it was considered better to tackle it within the descriptor 4 "Food webs". For each criterion were identified the indicators considered most appropriate, foreseeing that the individual GES is achieved with the positive response of all the composing elements, selected on the basis of the initial assessment, of the scientific knowledge and their future implementability (2014 or 2018 ). The overall proposal is therefore based on 4 criteria and 15 indicators proposed for the 3 sub regions of interest for Italy, for each of which a GES should be assessed. The explanations of the reasons leading to the formulation of the proposal are described in the single sheet of the element relating to a specific indicator. Overall it is expected that the majority of the proposed indicators can be operational from 2018, due to the need to acquire additional cognitive elements (specified on each sheet). Only for the avifauna is thought to be possible to arrive to operability for 2014. It follows the list of indicators taken into account per criterion with the indication of the year in which it is expected to be operational in brackets: Criterion 1.2 Population size – Indicator 1.2.1 Population abundance and /or biomass, as appropriate – considered elements: Fan mussel - Pinna nobilis (2018), coastal fish species (2018), Loggerhead - Caretta caretta (2018), marine mammals (2018), marine birds (2014). Criterion 1.3 Population condition – Indicator 1.3.1 Population demographic characteristics – considered elements: Ribbed Mediterranean Limpet Patella ferruginea (2018), coastal fish species (2018), marine birds (2014). Indicator 1.3.1 Population genetic structure, where appropriate – fish species (2018). Criterion 1.5 Habitat extent – Indicator 1.5.1 Habitat area – considered elements : benthic habitats Posidonia oceanica meadows, mäerl beds (2018). Criterion 1.6 Habitat condition – Indicator 1.6.1 Condition of the typical species and communities - considered elements : benthic habitats coralligenous and deep sea corals (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018), coastal fish (2018). Indicator 1.6.2 Relative abundance and/or biomass, as appropriate - considered elements : pelagic habitat (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018). IT-MS-8A04: The Marine Strategy Framework Directive requires that to determining good environmental status for D1 “Biological diversity is maintained. The quality and occurrence of habitats and the distribution and abundance of species are in line with prevailing physiographic, geographic and climatic conditionsâ€. In this regard, it is recalled that for the preparation of the determination of GES for Descriptor 1, the Directive requires to consider a set of criteria (7) and indicators, whose analysis and selection must be justified in relation to the information collected with the Initial Assessment and their direct relevance to the main causes of human pressure. It should be noted that, based on the ecosystem approach, the main consideration on which choose the indicators should be based on the fact that they are able to establish relationships between the impact of human activities and the functioning of the marine ecosystem. All this taking into account that there are still gaps of knowledge on the relationship between the values measured for the different activities / pressures considered and the effects they cause on ecosystems. The formulation of the targets was done taking into account commitments already signed by Italy in relation to international conventions and European legislation, on the assumption that the pursuit of these objectives is in itself a contribution to the achievement of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive targets. This is also because the Marine Strategy officially requires referring to other European Directives and to international conventions concerning the marine environment. Overall, should be noted that only 4 of the seven criteria of the Marine Strategy, based on the information gathered with the initial assessment and in relation to the characteristics of the Mediterranean Sea, were considered for the determination of GES for the descriptor 1: 1.2 Population size 1.3 Population condition 1.5 Habitat extent 1.6 Habitat condition Specifically, as regards the aspects relating to the criterion 1.7 "Ecosystem structure" it was considered better to tackle it within the descriptor 4 "Food webs". For each criterion were identified the indicators considered most appropriate, foreseeing that the individual GES is achieved with the positive response of all the composing elements, selected on the basis of the initial assessment, of the scientific knowledge and their future implementability (2014 or 2018 ). The overall proposal is therefore based on 4 criteria and 15 indicators proposed for the 3 sub regions of interest for Italy, for each of which a GES should be assessed. The explanations of the reasons leading to the formulation of the proposal are described in the single sheet of the element relating to a specific indicator. Overall it is expected that the majority of the proposed indicators can be operational from 2018, due to the need to acquire additional cognitive elements (specified on each sheet). Only for the avifauna is thought to be possible to arrive to operability for 2014. It follows the list of indicators taken into account per criterion with the indication of the year in which it is expected to be operational in brackets: Criterion 1.2 Population size – Indicator 1.2.1 Population abundance and /or biomass, as appropriate – considered elements: Fan mussel - Pinna nobilis (2018), coastal fish species (2018), Loggerhead - Caretta caretta (2018), marine mammals (2018), marine birds (2014). Criterion 1.3 Population condition – Indicator 1.3.1 Population demographic characteristics – considered elements: Ribbed Mediterranean Limpet Patella ferruginea (2018), coastal fish species (2018), marine birds (2014). Indicator 1.3.1 Population genetic structure, where appropriate – fish species (2018). Criterion 1.5 Habitat extent – Indicator 1.5.1 Habitat area – considered elements : benthic habitats Posidonia oceanica meadows, mäerl beds (2018). Criterion 1.6 Habitat condition – Indicator 1.6.1 Condition of the typical species and communities - considered elements : benthic habitats coralligenous and deep sea corals (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018), coastal fish (2018). Indicator 1.6.2 Relative abundance and/or biomass, as appropriate - considered elements : pelagic habitat (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018). IT-WMS-8A04-1000: The Marine Strategy Framework Directive requires that to determining good environmental status for D1 “Biological diversity is maintained. The quality and occurrence of habitats and the distribution and abundance of species are in line with prevailing physiographic, geographic and climatic conditionsâ€. In this regard, it is recalled that for the preparation of the determination of GES for Descriptor 1, the Directive requires to consider a set of criteria (7) and indicators, whose analysis and selection must be justified in relation to the information collected with the Initial Assessment and their direct relevance to the main causes of human pressure. It should be noted that, based on the ecosystem approach, the main consideration on which choose the indicators should be based on the fact that they are able to establish relationships between the impact of human activities and the functioning of the marine ecosystem. All this taking into account that there are still gaps of knowledge on the relationship between the values measured for the different activities / pressures considered and the effects they cause on ecosystems. The formulation of the targets was done taking into account commitments already signed by Italy in relation to international conventions and European legislation, on the assumption that the pursuit of these objectives is in itself a contribution to the achievement of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive targets. This is also because the Marine Strategy officially requires referring to other European Directives and to international conventions concerning the marine environment. Overall, should be noted that only 4 of the seven criteria of the Marine Strategy, based on the information gathered with the initial assessment and in relation to the characteristics of the Mediterranean Sea, were considered for the determination of GES for the descriptor 1: 1.2 Population size 1.3 Population condition 1.5 Habitat extent 1.6 Habitat condition Specifically, as regards the aspects relating to the criterion 1.7 "Ecosystem structure" it was considered better to tackle it within the descriptor 4 "Food webs". For each criterion were identified the indicators considered most appropriate, foreseeing that the individual GES is achieved with the positive response of all the composing elements, selected on the basis of the initial assessment, of the scientific knowledge and their future implementability (2014 or 2018 ). The overall proposal is therefore based on 4 criteria and 15 indicators proposed for the 3 sub regions of interest for Italy, for each of which a GES should be assessed. The explanations of the reasons leading to the formulation of the proposal are described in the single sheet of the element relating to a specific indicator. Overall it is expected that the majority of the proposed indicators can be operational from 2018, due to the need to acquire additional cognitive elements (specified on each sheet). Only for the avifauna is thought to be possible to arrive to operability for 2014. It follows the list of indicators taken into account per criterion with the indication of the year in which it is expected to be operational in brackets: Criterion 1.2 Population size – Indicator 1.2.1 Population abundance and /or biomass, as appropriate – considered elements: Fan mussel - Pinna nobilis (2018), coastal fish species (2018), Loggerhead - Caretta caretta (2018), marine mammals (2018), marine birds (2014). Criterion 1.3 Population condition – Indicator 1.3.1 Population demographic characteristics – considered elements: Ribbed Mediterranean Limpet Patella ferruginea (2018), coastal fish species (2018), marine birds (2014). Indicator 1.3.1 Population genetic structure, where appropriate – fish species (2018). Criterion 1.5 Habitat extent – Indicator 1.5.1 Habitat area – considered elements : benthic habitats Posidonia oceanica meadows, mäerl beds (2018). Criterion 1.6 Habitat condition – Indicator 1.6.1 Condition of the typical species and communities - considered elements : benthic habitats coralligenous and deep sea corals (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018), coastal fish (2018). Indicator 1.6.2 Relative abundance and/or biomass, as appropriate - considered elements : pelagic habitat (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018). IT-IMS-8A04-1000: The Marine Strategy Framework Directive requires that to determining good environmental status for D1 “Biological diversity is maintained. The quality and occurrence of habitats and the distribution and abundance of species are in line with prevailing physiographic, geographic and climatic conditionsâ€. In this regard, it is recalled that for the preparation of the determination of GES for Descriptor 1, the Directive requires to consider a set of criteria (7) and indicators, whose analysis and selection must be justified in relation to the information collected with the Initial Assessment and their direct relevance to the main causes of human pressure. It should be noted that, based on the ecosystem approach, the main consideration on which choose the indicators should be based on the fact that they are able to establish relationships between the impact of human activities and the functioning of the marine ecosystem. All this taking into account that there are still gaps of knowledge on the relationship between the values measured for the different activities / pressures considered and the effects they cause on ecosystems. The formulation of the targets was done taking into account commitments already signed by Italy in relation to international conventions and European legislation, on the assumption that the pursuit of these objectives is in itself a contribution to the achievement of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive targets. This is also because the Marine Strategy officially requires referring to other European Directives and to international conventions concerning the marine environment. Overall, should be noted that only 4 of the seven criteria of the Marine Strategy, based on the information gathered with the initial assessment and in relation to the characteristics of the Mediterranean Sea, were considered for the determination of GES for the descriptor 1: 1.2 Population size 1.3 Population condition 1.5 Habitat extent 1.6 Habitat condition Specifically, as regards the aspects relating to the criterion 1.7 "Ecosystem structure" it was considered better to tackle it within the descriptor 4 "Food webs". For each criterion were identified the indicators considered most appropriate, foreseeing that the individual GES is achieved with the positive response of all the composing elements, selected on the basis of the initial assessment, of the scientific knowledge and their future implementability (2014 or 2018 ). The overall proposal is therefore based on 4 criteria and 15 indicators proposed for the 3 sub regions of interest for Italy, for each of which a GES should be assessed. The explanations of the reasons leading to the formulation of the proposal are described in the single sheet of the element relating to a specific indicator. Overall it is expected that the majority of the proposed indicators can be operational from 2018, due to the need to acquire additional cognitive elements (specified on each sheet). Only for the avifauna is thought to be possible to arrive to operability for 2014. It follows the list of indicators taken into account per criterion with the indication of the year in which it is expected to be operational in brackets: Criterion 1.2 Population size – Indicator 1.2.1 Population abundance and /or biomass, as appropriate – considered elements: Fan mussel - Pinna nobilis (2018), coastal fish species (2018), Loggerhead - Caretta caretta (2018), marine mammals (2018), marine birds (2014). Criterion 1.3 Population condition – Indicator 1.3.1 Population demographic characteristics – considered elements: Ribbed Mediterranean Limpet Patella ferruginea (2018), coastal fish species (2018), marine birds (2014). Indicator 1.3.1 Population genetic structure, where appropriate – fish species (2018). Criterion 1.5 Habitat extent – Indicator 1.5.1 Habitat area – considered elements : benthic habitats Posidonia oceanica meadows, mäerl beds (2018). Criterion 1.6 Habitat condition – Indicator 1.6.1 Condition of the typical species and communities - considered elements : benthic habitats coralligenous and deep sea corals (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018), coastal fish (2018). Indicator 1.6.2 Relative abundance and/or biomass, as appropriate - considered elements : pelagic habitat (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018). IT-AMS-8A04-1000: The Marine Strategy Framework Directive requires that to determining good environmental status for D1 “Biological diversity is maintained. The quality and occurrence of habitats and the distribution and abundance of species are in line with prevailing physiographic, geographic and climatic conditionsâ€. In this regard, it is recalled that for the preparation of the determination of GES for Descriptor 1, the Directive requires to consider a set of criteria (7) and indicators, whose analysis and selection must be justified in relation to the information collected with the Initial Assessment and their direct relevance to the main causes of human pressure. It should be noted that, based on the ecosystem approach, the main consideration on which choose the indicators should be based on the fact that they are able to establish relationships between the impact of human activities and the functioning of the marine ecosystem. All this taking into account that there are still gaps of knowledge on the relationship between the values measured for the different activities / pressures considered and the effects they cause on ecosystems. The formulation of the targets was done taking into account commitments already signed by Italy in relation to international conventions and European legislation, on the assumption that the pursuit of these objectives is in itself a contribution to the achievement of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive targets. This is also because the Marine Strategy officially requires referring to other European Directives and to international conventions concerning the marine environment. Overall, should be noted that only 4 of the seven criteria of the Marine Strategy, based on the information gathered with the initial assessment and in relation to the characteristics of the Mediterranean Sea, were considered for the determination of GES for the descriptor 1: 1.2 Population size 1.3 Population condition 1.5 Habitat extent 1.6 Habitat condition Specifically, as regards the aspects relating to the criterion 1.7 "Ecosystem structure" it was considered better to tackle it within the descriptor 4 "Food webs". For each criterion were identified the indicators considered most appropriate, foreseeing that the individual GES is achieved with the positive response of all the composing elements, selected on the basis of the initial assessment, of the scientific knowledge and their future implementability (2014 or 2018 ). The overall proposal is therefore based on 4 criteria and 15 indicators proposed for the 3 sub regions of interest for Italy, for each of which a GES should be assessed. The explanations of the reasons leading to the formulation of the proposal are described in the single sheet of the element relating to a specific indicator. Overall it is expected that the majority of the proposed indicators can be operational from 2018, due to the need to acquire additional cognitive elements (specified on each sheet). Only for the avifauna is thought to be possible to arrive to operability for 2014. It follows the list of indicators taken into account per criterion with the indication of the year in which it is expected to be operational in brackets: Criterion 1.2 Population size – Indicator 1.2.1 Population abundance and /or biomass, as appropriate – considered elements: Fan mussel - Pinna nobilis (2018), coastal fish species (2018), Loggerhead - Caretta caretta (2018), marine mammals (2018), marine birds (2014). Criterion 1.3 Population condition – Indicator 1.3.1 Population demographic characteristics – considered elements: Ribbed Mediterranean Limpet Patella ferruginea (2018), coastal fish species (2018), marine birds (2014). Indicator 1.3.1 Population genetic structure, where appropriate – fish species (2018). Criterion 1.5 Habitat extent – Indicator 1.5.1 Habitat area – considered elements : benthic habitats Posidonia oceanica meadows, mäerl beds (2018). Criterion 1.6 Habitat condition – Indicator 1.6.1 Condition of the typical species and communities - considered elements : benthic habitats coralligenous and deep sea corals (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018), coastal fish (2018). Indicator 1.6.2 Relative abundance and/or biomass, as appropriate - considered elements : pelagic habitat (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018). IT-WMS-8A04-1000: The Marine Strategy Framework Directive requires that to determining good environmental status for D1 “Biological diversity is maintained. The quality and occurrence of habitats and the distribution and abundance of species are in line with prevailing physiographic, geographic and climatic conditionsâ€. In this regard, it is recalled that for the preparation of the determination of GES for Descriptor 1, the Directive requires to consider a set of criteria (7) and indicators, whose analysis and selection must be justified in relation to the information collected with the Initial Assessment and their direct relevance to the main causes of human pressure. It should be noted that, based on the ecosystem approach, the main consideration on which choose the indicators should be based on the fact that they are able to establish relationships between the impact of human activities and the functioning of the marine ecosystem. All this taking into account that there are still gaps of knowledge on the relationship between the values measured for the different activities / pressures considered and the effects they cause on ecosystems. The formulation of the targets was done taking into account commitments already signed by Italy in relation to international conventions and European legislation, on the assumption that the pursuit of these objectives is in itself a contribution to the achievement of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive targets. This is also because the Marine Strategy officially requires referring to other European Directives and to international conventions concerning the marine environment. Overall, should be noted that only 4 of the seven criteria of the Marine Strategy, based on the information gathered with the initial assessment and in relation to the characteristics of the Mediterranean Sea, were considered for the determination of GES for the descriptor 1: 1.2 Population size 1.3 Population condition 1.5 Habitat extent 1.6 Habitat condition Specifically, as regards the aspects relating to the criterion 1.7 "Ecosystem structure" it was considered better to tackle it within the descriptor 4 "Food webs". For each criterion were identified the indicators considered most appropriate, foreseeing that the individual GES is achieved with the positive response of all the composing elements, selected on the basis of the initial assessment, of the scientific knowledge and their future implementability (2014 or 2018 ). The overall proposal is therefore based on 4 criteria and 15 indicators proposed for the 3 sub regions of interest for Italy, for each of which a GES should be assessed. The explanations of the reasons leading to the formulation of the proposal are described in the single sheet of the element relating to a specific indicator. Overall it is expected that the majority of the proposed indicators can be operational from 2018, due to the need to acquire additional cognitive elements (specified on each sheet). Only for the avifauna is thought to be possible to arrive to operability for 2014. It follows the list of indicators taken into account per criterion with the indication of the year in which it is expected to be operational in brackets: Criterion 1.2 Population size – Indicator 1.2.1 Population abundance and /or biomass, as appropriate – considered elements: Fan mussel - Pinna nobilis (2018), coastal fish species (2018), Loggerhead - Caretta caretta (2018), marine mammals (2018), marine birds (2014). Criterion 1.3 Population condition – Indicator 1.3.1 Population demographic characteristics – considered elements: Ribbed Mediterranean Limpet Patella ferruginea (2018), coastal fish species (2018), marine birds (2014). Indicator 1.3.1 Population genetic structure, where appropriate – fish species (2018). Criterion 1.5 Habitat extent – Indicator 1.5.1 Habitat area – considered elements : benthic habitats Posidonia oceanica meadows, mäerl beds (2018). Criterion 1.6 Habitat condition – Indicator 1.6.1 Condition of the typical species and communities - considered elements : benthic habitats coralligenous and deep sea corals (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018), coastal fish (2018). Indicator 1.6.2 Relative abundance and/or biomass, as appropriate - considered elements : pelagic habitat (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018). IT-WMS-8A04-0301: The Marine Strategy Framework Directive requires that to determining good environmental status for D1 “Biological diversity is maintained. The quality and occurrence of habitats and the distribution and abundance of species are in line with prevailing physiographic, geographic and climatic conditionsâ€. In this regard, it is recalled that for the preparation of the determination of GES for Descriptor 1, the Directive requires to consider a set of criteria (7) and indicators, whose analysis and selection must be justified in relation to the information collected with the Initial Assessment and their direct relevance to the main causes of human pressure. It should be noted that, based on the ecosystem approach, the main consideration on which choose the indicators should be based on the fact that they are able to establish relationships between the impact of human activities and the functioning of the marine ecosystem. All this taking into account that there are still gaps of knowledge on the relationship between the values measured for the different activities / pressures considered and the effects they cause on ecosystems. The formulation of the targets was done taking into account commitments already signed by Italy in relation to international conventions and European legislation, on the assumption that the pursuit of these objectives is in itself a contribution to the achievement of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive targets. This is also because the Marine Strategy officially requires referring to other European Directives and to international conventions concerning the marine environment. Overall, should be noted that only 4 of the seven criteria of the Marine Strategy, based on the information gathered with the initial assessment and in relation to the characteristics of the Mediterranean Sea, were considered for the determination of GES for the descriptor 1: 1.2 Population size 1.3 Population condition 1.5 Habitat extent 1.6 Habitat condition Specifically, as regards the aspects relating to the criterion 1.7 "Ecosystem structure" it was considered better to tackle it within the descriptor 4 "Food webs". For each criterion were identified the indicators considered most appropriate, foreseeing that the individual GES is achieved with the positive response of all the composing elements, selected on the basis of the initial assessment, of the scientific knowledge and their future implementability (2014 or 2018 ). The overall proposal is therefore based on 4 criteria and 15 indicators proposed for the 3 sub regions of interest for Italy, for each of which a GES should be assessed. The explanations of the reasons leading to the formulation of the proposal are described in the single sheet of the element relating to a specific indicator. Overall it is expected that the majority of the proposed indicators can be operational from 2018, due to the need to acquire additional cognitive elements (specified on each sheet). Only for the avifauna is thought to be possible to arrive to operability for 2014. It follows the list of indicators taken into account per criterion with the indication of the year in which it is expected to be operational in brackets: Criterion 1.2 Population size – Indicator 1.2.1 Population abundance and /or biomass, as appropriate – considered elements: Fan mussel - Pinna nobilis (2018), coastal fish species (2018), Loggerhead - Caretta caretta (2018), marine mammals (2018), marine birds (2014). Criterion 1.3 Population condition – Indicator 1.3.1 Population demographic characteristics – considered elements: Ribbed Mediterranean Limpet Patella ferruginea (2018), coastal fish species (2018), marine birds (2014). Indicator 1.3.1 Population genetic structure, where appropriate – fish species (2018). Criterion 1.5 Habitat extent – Indicator 1.5.1 Habitat area – considered elements : benthic habitats Posidonia oceanica meadows, mäerl beds (2018). Criterion 1.6 Habitat condition – Indicator 1.6.1 Condition of the typical species and communities - considered elements : benthic habitats coralligenous and deep sea corals (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018), coastal fish (2018). Indicator 1.6.2 Relative abundance and/or biomass, as appropriate - considered elements : pelagic habitat (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018). IT-WMS-8A04-0302: The Marine Strategy Framework Directive requires that to determining good environmental status for D1 “Biological diversity is maintained. The quality and occurrence of habitats and the distribution and abundance of species are in line with prevailing physiographic, geographic and climatic conditionsâ€. In this regard, it is recalled that for the preparation of the determination of GES for Descriptor 1, the Directive requires to consider a set of criteria (7) and indicators, whose analysis and selection must be justified in relation to the information collected with the Initial Assessment and their direct relevance to the main causes of human pressure. It should be noted that, based on the ecosystem approach, the main consideration on which choose the indicators should be based on the fact that they are able to establish relationships between the impact of human activities and the functioning of the marine ecosystem. All this taking into account that there are still gaps of knowledge on the relationship between the values measured for the different activities / pressures considered and the effects they cause on ecosystems. The formulation of the targets was done taking into account commitments already signed by Italy in relation to international conventions and European legislation, on the assumption that the pursuit of these objectives is in itself a contribution to the achievement of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive targets. This is also because the Marine Strategy officially requires referring to other European Directives and to international conventions concerning the marine environment. Overall, should be noted that only 4 of the seven criteria of the Marine Strategy, based on the information gathered with the initial assessment and in relation to the characteristics of the Mediterranean Sea, were considered for the determination of GES for the descriptor 1: 1.2 Population size 1.3 Population condition 1.5 Habitat extent 1.6 Habitat condition Specifically, as regards the aspects relating to the criterion 1.7 "Ecosystem structure" it was considered better to tackle it within the descriptor 4 "Food webs". For each criterion were identified the indicators considered most appropriate, foreseeing that the individual GES is achieved with the positive response of all the composing elements, selected on the basis of the initial assessment, of the scientific knowledge and their future implementability (2014 or 2018 ). The overall proposal is therefore based on 4 criteria and 15 indicators proposed for the 3 sub regions of interest for Italy, for each of which a GES should be assessed. The explanations of the reasons leading to the formulation of the proposal are described in the single sheet of the element relating to a specific indicator. Overall it is expected that the majority of the proposed indicators can be operational from 2018, due to the need to acquire additional cognitive elements (specified on each sheet). Only for the avifauna is thought to be possible to arrive to operability for 2014. It follows the list of indicators taken into account per criterion with the indication of the year in which it is expected to be operational in brackets: Criterion 1.2 Population size – Indicator 1.2.1 Population abundance and /or biomass, as appropriate – considered elements: Fan mussel - Pinna nobilis (2018), coastal fish species (2018), Loggerhead - Caretta caretta (2018), marine mammals (2018), marine birds (2014). Criterion 1.3 Population condition – Indicator 1.3.1 Population demographic characteristics – considered elements: Ribbed Mediterranean Limpet Patella ferruginea (2018), coastal fish species (2018), marine birds (2014). Indicator 1.3.1 Population genetic structure, where appropriate – fish species (2018). Criterion 1.5 Habitat extent – Indicator 1.5.1 Habitat area – considered elements : benthic habitats Posidonia oceanica meadows, mäerl beds (2018). Criterion 1.6 Habitat condition – Indicator 1.6.1 Condition of the typical species and communities - considered elements : benthic habitats coralligenous and deep sea corals (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018), coastal fish (2018). Indicator 1.6.2 Relative abundance and/or biomass, as appropriate - considered elements : pelagic habitat (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018). IT-ISCMS-8A04-0303: The Marine Strategy Framework Directive requires that to determining good environmental status for D1 “Biological diversity is maintained. The quality and occurrence of habitats and the distribution and abundance of species are in line with prevailing physiographic, geographic and climatic conditionsâ€. In this regard, it is recalled that for the preparation of the determination of GES for Descriptor 1, the Directive requires to consider a set of criteria (7) and indicators, whose analysis and selection must be justified in relation to the information collected with the Initial Assessment and their direct relevance to the main causes of human pressure. It should be noted that, based on the ecosystem approach, the main consideration on which choose the indicators should be based on the fact that they are able to establish relationships between the impact of human activities and the functioning of the marine ecosystem. All this taking into account that there are still gaps of knowledge on the relationship between the values measured for the different activities / pressures considered and the effects they cause on ecosystems. The formulation of the targets was done taking into account commitments already signed by Italy in relation to international conventions and European legislation, on the assumption that the pursuit of these objectives is in itself a contribution to the achievement of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive targets. This is also because the Marine Strategy officially requires referring to other European Directives and to international conventions concerning the marine environment. Overall, should be noted that only 4 of the seven criteria of the Marine Strategy, based on the information gathered with the initial assessment and in relation to the characteristics of the Mediterranean Sea, were considered for the determination of GES for the descriptor 1: 1.2 Population size 1.3 Population condition 1.5 Habitat extent 1.6 Habitat condition Specifically, as regards the aspects relating to the criterion 1.7 "Ecosystem structure" it was considered better to tackle it within the descriptor 4 "Food webs". For each criterion were identified the indicators considered most appropriate, foreseeing that the individual GES is achieved with the positive response of all the composing elements, selected on the basis of the initial assessment, of the scientific knowledge and their future implementability (2014 or 2018 ). The overall proposal is therefore based on 4 criteria and 15 indicators proposed for the 3 sub regions of interest for Italy, for each of which a GES should be assessed. The explanations of the reasons leading to the formulation of the proposal are described in the single sheet of the element relating to a specific indicator. Overall it is expected that the majority of the proposed indicators can be operational from 2018, due to the need to acquire additional cognitive elements (specified on each sheet). Only for the avifauna is thought to be possible to arrive to operability for 2014. It follows the list of indicators taken into account per criterion with the indication of the year in which it is expected to be operational in brackets: Criterion 1.2 Population size – Indicator 1.2.1 Population abundance and /or biomass, as appropriate – considered elements: Fan mussel - Pinna nobilis (2018), coastal fish species (2018), Loggerhead - Caretta caretta (2018), marine mammals (2018), marine birds (2014). Criterion 1.3 Population condition – Indicator 1.3.1 Population demographic characteristics – considered elements: Ribbed Mediterranean Limpet Patella ferruginea (2018), coastal fish species (2018), marine birds (2014). Indicator 1.3.1 Population genetic structure, where appropriate – fish species (2018). Criterion 1.5 Habitat extent – Indicator 1.5.1 Habitat area – considered elements : benthic habitats Posidonia oceanica meadows, mäerl beds (2018). Criterion 1.6 Habitat condition – Indicator 1.6.1 Condition of the typical species and communities - considered elements : benthic habitats coralligenous and deep sea corals (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018), coastal fish (2018). Indicator 1.6.2 Relative abundance and/or biomass, as appropriate - considered elements : pelagic habitat (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018). IT-WMS-8A04-0300: The Marine Strategy Framework Directive requires that to determining good environmental status for D1 “Biological diversity is maintained. The quality and occurrence of habitats and the distribution and abundance of species are in line with prevailing physiographic, geographic and climatic conditionsâ€. In this regard, it is recalled that for the preparation of the determination of GES for Descriptor 1, the Directive requires to consider a set of criteria (7) and indicators, whose analysis and selection must be justified in relation to the information collected with the Initial Assessment and their direct relevance to the main causes of human pressure. It should be noted that, based on the ecosystem approach, the main consideration on which choose the indicators should be based on the fact that they are able to establish relationships between the impact of human activities and the functioning of the marine ecosystem. All this taking into account that there are still gaps of knowledge on the relationship between the values measured for the different activities / pressures considered and the effects they cause on ecosystems. The formulation of the targets was done taking into account commitments already signed by Italy in relation to international conventions and European legislation, on the assumption that the pursuit of these objectives is in itself a contribution to the achievement of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive targets. This is also because the Marine Strategy officially requires referring to other European Directives and to international conventions concerning the marine environment. Overall, should be noted that only 4 of the seven criteria of the Marine Strategy, based on the information gathered with the initial assessment and in relation to the characteristics of the Mediterranean Sea, were considered for the determination of GES for the descriptor 1: 1.2 Population size 1.3 Population condition 1.5 Habitat extent 1.6 Habitat condition Specifically, as regards the aspects relating to the criterion 1.7 "Ecosystem structure" it was considered better to tackle it within the descriptor 4 "Food webs". For each criterion were identified the indicators considered most appropriate, foreseeing that the individual GES is achieved with the positive response of all the composing elements, selected on the basis of the initial assessment, of the scientific knowledge and their future implementability (2014 or 2018 ). The overall proposal is therefore based on 4 criteria and 15 indicators proposed for the 3 sub regions of interest for Italy, for each of which a GES should be assessed. The explanations of the reasons leading to the formulation of the proposal are described in the single sheet of the element relating to a specific indicator. Overall it is expected that the majority of the proposed indicators can be operational from 2018, due to the need to acquire additional cognitive elements (specified on each sheet). Only for the avifauna is thought to be possible to arrive to operability for 2014. It follows the list of indicators taken into account per criterion with the indication of the year in which it is expected to be operational in brackets: Criterion 1.2 Population size – Indicator 1.2.1 Population abundance and /or biomass, as appropriate – considered elements: Fan mussel - Pinna nobilis (2018), coastal fish species (2018), Loggerhead - Caretta caretta (2018), marine mammals (2018), marine birds (2014). Criterion 1.3 Population condition – Indicator 1.3.1 Population demographic characteristics – considered elements: Ribbed Mediterranean Limpet Patella ferruginea (2018), coastal fish species (2018), marine birds (2014). Indicator 1.3.1 Population genetic structure, where appropriate – fish species (2018). Criterion 1.5 Habitat extent – Indicator 1.5.1 Habitat area – considered elements : benthic habitats Posidonia oceanica meadows, mäerl beds (2018). Criterion 1.6 Habitat condition – Indicator 1.6.1 Condition of the typical species and communities - considered elements : benthic habitats coralligenous and deep sea corals (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018), coastal fish (2018). Indicator 1.6.2 Relative abundance and/or biomass, as appropriate - considered elements : pelagic habitat (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018). IT-AS-8A04-0305: The Marine Strategy Framework Directive requires that to determining good environmental status for D1 “Biological diversity is maintained. The quality and occurrence of habitats and the distribution and abundance of species are in line with prevailing physiographic, geographic and climatic conditionsâ€. In this regard, it is recalled that for the preparation of the determination of GES for Descriptor 1, the Directive requires to consider a set of criteria (7) and indicators, whose analysis and selection must be justified in relation to the information collected with the Initial Assessment and their direct relevance to the main causes of human pressure. It should be noted that, based on the ecosystem approach, the main consideration on which choose the indicators should be based on the fact that they are able to establish relationships between the impact of human activities and the functioning of the marine ecosystem. All this taking into account that there are still gaps of knowledge on the relationship between the values measured for the different activities / pressures considered and the effects they cause on ecosystems. The formulation of the targets was done taking into account commitments already signed by Italy in relation to international conventions and European legislation, on the assumption that the pursuit of these objectives is in itself a contribution to the achievement of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive targets. This is also because the Marine Strategy officially requires referring to other European Directives and to international conventions concerning the marine environment. Overall, should be noted that only 4 of the seven criteria of the Marine Strategy, based on the information gathered with the initial assessment and in relation to the characteristics of the Mediterranean Sea, were considered for the determination of GES for the descriptor 1: 1.2 Population size 1.3 Population condition 1.5 Habitat extent 1.6 Habitat condition Specifically, as regards the aspects relating to the criterion 1.7 "Ecosystem structure" it was considered better to tackle it within the descriptor 4 "Food webs". For each criterion were identified the indicators considered most appropriate, foreseeing that the individual GES is achieved with the positive response of all the composing elements, selected on the basis of the initial assessment, of the scientific knowledge and their future implementability (2014 or 2018 ). The overall proposal is therefore based on 4 criteria and 15 indicators proposed for the 3 sub regions of interest for Italy, for each of which a GES should be assessed. The explanations of the reasons leading to the formulation of the proposal are described in the single sheet of the element relating to a specific indicator. Overall it is expected that the majority of the proposed indicators can be operational from 2018, due to the need to acquire additional cognitive elements (specified on each sheet). Only for the avifauna is thought to be possible to arrive to operability for 2014. It follows the list of indicators taken into account per criterion with the indication of the year in which it is expected to be operational in brackets: Criterion 1.2 Population size – Indicator 1.2.1 Population abundance and /or biomass, as appropriate – considered elements: Fan mussel - Pinna nobilis (2018), coastal fish species (2018), Loggerhead - Caretta caretta (2018), marine mammals (2018), marine birds (2014). Criterion 1.3 Population condition – Indicator 1.3.1 Population demographic characteristics – considered elements: Ribbed Mediterranean Limpet Patella ferruginea (2018), coastal fish species (2018), marine birds (2014). Indicator 1.3.1 Population genetic structure, where appropriate – fish species (2018). Criterion 1.5 Habitat extent – Indicator 1.5.1 Habitat area – considered elements : benthic habitats Posidonia oceanica meadows, mäerl beds (2018). Criterion 1.6 Habitat condition – Indicator 1.6.1 Condition of the typical species and communities - considered elements : benthic habitats coralligenous and deep sea corals (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018), coastal fish (2018). Indicator 1.6.2 Relative abundance and/or biomass, as appropriate - considered elements : pelagic habitat (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018). IT-ISCMS-8A04-0304: The Marine Strategy Framework Directive requires that to determining good environmental status for D1 “Biological diversity is maintained. The quality and occurrence of habitats and the distribution and abundance of species are in line with prevailing physiographic, geographic and climatic conditionsâ€. In this regard, it is recalled that for the preparation of the determination of GES for Descriptor 1, the Directive requires to consider a set of criteria (7) and indicators, whose analysis and selection must be justified in relation to the information collected with the Initial Assessment and their direct relevance to the main causes of human pressure. It should be noted that, based on the ecosystem approach, the main consideration on which choose the indicators should be based on the fact that they are able to establish relationships between the impact of human activities and the functioning of the marine ecosystem. All this taking into account that there are still gaps of knowledge on the relationship between the values measured for the different activities / pressures considered and the effects they cause on ecosystems. The formulation of the targets was done taking into account commitments already signed by Italy in relation to international conventions and European legislation, on the assumption that the pursuit of these objectives is in itself a contribution to the achievement of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive targets. This is also because the Marine Strategy officially requires referring to other European Directives and to international conventions concerning the marine environment. Overall, should be noted that only 4 of the seven criteria of the Marine Strategy, based on the information gathered with the initial assessment and in relation to the characteristics of the Mediterranean Sea, were considered for the determination of GES for the descriptor 1: 1.2 Population size 1.3 Population condition 1.5 Habitat extent 1.6 Habitat condition Specifically, as regards the aspects relating to the criterion 1.7 "Ecosystem structure" it was considered better to tackle it within the descriptor 4 "Food webs". For each criterion were identified the indicators considered most appropriate, foreseeing that the individual GES is achieved with the positive response of all the composing elements, selected on the basis of the initial assessment, of the scientific knowledge and their future implementability (2014 or 2018 ). The overall proposal is therefore based on 4 criteria and 15 indicators proposed for the 3 sub regions of interest for Italy, for each of which a GES should be assessed. The explanations of the reasons leading to the formulation of the proposal are described in the single sheet of the element relating to a specific indicator. Overall it is expected that the majority of the proposed indicators can be operational from 2018, due to the need to acquire additional cognitive elements (specified on each sheet). Only for the avifauna is thought to be possible to arrive to operability for 2014. It follows the list of indicators taken into account per criterion with the indication of the year in which it is expected to be operational in brackets: Criterion 1.2 Population size – Indicator 1.2.1 Population abundance and /or biomass, as appropriate – considered elements: Fan mussel - Pinna nobilis (2018), coastal fish species (2018), Loggerhead - Caretta caretta (2018), marine mammals (2018), marine birds (2014). Criterion 1.3 Population condition – Indicator 1.3.1 Population demographic characteristics – considered elements: Ribbed Mediterranean Limpet Patella ferruginea (2018), coastal fish species (2018), marine birds (2014). Indicator 1.3.1 Population genetic structure, where appropriate – fish species (2018). Criterion 1.5 Habitat extent – Indicator 1.5.1 Habitat area – considered elements : benthic habitats Posidonia oceanica meadows, mäerl beds (2018). Criterion 1.6 Habitat condition – Indicator 1.6.1 Condition of the typical species and communities - considered elements : benthic habitats coralligenous and deep sea corals (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018), coastal fish (2018). Indicator 1.6.2 Relative abundance and/or biomass, as appropriate - considered elements : pelagic habitat (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018). IT-AS-8A04-0306: The Marine Strategy Framework Directive requires that to determining good environmental status for D1 “Biological diversity is maintained. The quality and occurrence of habitats and the distribution and abundance of species are in line with prevailing physiographic, geographic and climatic conditionsâ€. In this regard, it is recalled that for the preparation of the determination of GES for Descriptor 1, the Directive requires to consider a set of criteria (7) and indicators, whose analysis and selection must be justified in relation to the information collected with the Initial Assessment and their direct relevance to the main causes of human pressure. It should be noted that, based on the ecosystem approach, the main consideration on which choose the indicators should be based on the fact that they are able to establish relationships between the impact of human activities and the functioning of the marine ecosystem. All this taking into account that there are still gaps of knowledge on the relationship between the values measured for the different activities / pressures considered and the effects they cause on ecosystems. The formulation of the targets was done taking into account commitments already signed by Italy in relation to international conventions and European legislation, on the assumption that the pursuit of these objectives is in itself a contribution to the achievement of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive targets. This is also because the Marine Strategy officially requires referring to other European Directives and to international conventions concerning the marine environment. Overall, should be noted that only 4 of the seven criteria of the Marine Strategy, based on the information gathered with the initial assessment and in relation to the characteristics of the Mediterranean Sea, were considered for the determination of GES for the descriptor 1: 1.2 Population size 1.3 Population condition 1.5 Habitat extent 1.6 Habitat condition Specifically, as regards the aspects relating to the criterion 1.7 "Ecosystem structure" it was considered better to tackle it within the descriptor 4 "Food webs". For each criterion were identified the indicators considered most appropriate, foreseeing that the individual GES is achieved with the positive response of all the composing elements, selected on the basis of the initial assessment, of the scientific knowledge and their future implementability (2014 or 2018 ). The overall proposal is therefore based on 4 criteria and 15 indicators proposed for the 3 sub regions of interest for Italy, for each of which a GES should be assessed. The explanations of the reasons leading to the formulation of the proposal are described in the single sheet of the element relating to a specific indicator. Overall it is expected that the majority of the proposed indicators can be operational from 2018, due to the need to acquire additional cognitive elements (specified on each sheet). Only for the avifauna is thought to be possible to arrive to operability for 2014. It follows the list of indicators taken into account per criterion with the indication of the year in which it is expected to be operational in brackets: Criterion 1.2 Population size – Indicator 1.2.1 Population abundance and /or biomass, as appropriate – considered elements: Fan mussel - Pinna nobilis (2018), coastal fish species (2018), Loggerhead - Caretta caretta (2018), marine mammals (2018), marine birds (2014). Criterion 1.3 Population condition – Indicator 1.3.1 Population demographic characteristics – considered elements: Ribbed Mediterranean Limpet Patella ferruginea (2018), coastal fish species (2018), marine birds (2014). Indicator 1.3.1 Population genetic structure, where appropriate – fish species (2018). Criterion 1.5 Habitat extent – Indicator 1.5.1 Habitat area – considered elements : benthic habitats Posidonia oceanica meadows, mäerl beds (2018). Criterion 1.6 Habitat condition – Indicator 1.6.1 Condition of the typical species and communities - considered elements : benthic habitats coralligenous and deep sea corals (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018), coastal fish (2018). Indicator 1.6.2 Relative abundance and/or biomass, as appropriate - considered elements : pelagic habitat (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018). IT-WMS-8A04-0307: The Marine Strategy Framework Directive requires that to determining good environmental status for D1 “Biological diversity is maintained. The quality and occurrence of habitats and the distribution and abundance of species are in line with prevailing physiographic, geographic and climatic conditionsâ€. In this regard, it is recalled that for the preparation of the determination of GES for Descriptor 1, the Directive requires to consider a set of criteria (7) and indicators, whose analysis and selection must be justified in relation to the information collected with the Initial Assessment and their direct relevance to the main causes of human pressure. It should be noted that, based on the ecosystem approach, the main consideration on which choose the indicators should be based on the fact that they are able to establish relationships between the impact of human activities and the functioning of the marine ecosystem. All this taking into account that there are still gaps of knowledge on the relationship between the values measured for the different activities / pressures considered and the effects they cause on ecosystems. The formulation of the targets was done taking into account commitments already signed by Italy in relation to international conventions and European legislation, on the assumption that the pursuit of these objectives is in itself a contribution to the achievement of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive targets. This is also because the Marine Strategy officially requires referring to other European Directives and to international conventions concerning the marine environment. Overall, should be noted that only 4 of the seven criteria of the Marine Strategy, based on the information gathered with the initial assessment and in relation to the characteristics of the Mediterranean Sea, were considered for the determination of GES for the descriptor 1: 1.2 Population size 1.3 Population condition 1.5 Habitat extent 1.6 Habitat condition Specifically, as regards the aspects relating to the criterion 1.7 "Ecosystem structure" it was considered better to tackle it within the descriptor 4 "Food webs". For each criterion were identified the indicators considered most appropriate, foreseeing that the individual GES is achieved with the positive response of all the composing elements, selected on the basis of the initial assessment, of the scientific knowledge and their future implementability (2014 or 2018 ). The overall proposal is therefore based on 4 criteria and 15 indicators proposed for the 3 sub regions of interest for Italy, for each of which a GES should be assessed. The explanations of the reasons leading to the formulation of the proposal are described in the single sheet of the element relating to a specific indicator. Overall it is expected that the majority of the proposed indicators can be operational from 2018, due to the need to acquire additional cognitive elements (specified on each sheet). Only for the avifauna is thought to be possible to arrive to operability for 2014. It follows the list of indicators taken into account per criterion with the indication of the year in which it is expected to be operational in brackets: Criterion 1.2 Population size – Indicator 1.2.1 Population abundance and /or biomass, as appropriate – considered elements: Fan mussel - Pinna nobilis (2018), coastal fish species (2018), Loggerhead - Caretta caretta (2018), marine mammals (2018), marine birds (2014). Criterion 1.3 Population condition – Indicator 1.3.1 Population demographic characteristics – considered elements: Ribbed Mediterranean Limpet Patella ferruginea (2018), coastal fish species (2018), marine birds (2014). Indicator 1.3.1 Population genetic structure, where appropriate – fish species (2018). Criterion 1.5 Habitat extent – Indicator 1.5.1 Habitat area – considered elements : benthic habitats Posidonia oceanica meadows, mäerl beds (2018). Criterion 1.6 Habitat condition – Indicator 1.6.1 Condition of the typical species and communities - considered elements : benthic habitats coralligenous and deep sea corals (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018), coastal fish (2018). Indicator 1.6.2 Relative abundance and/or biomass, as appropriate - considered elements : pelagic habitat (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018). IT-WMS-8A04-0301: The Marine Strategy Framework Directive requires that to determining good environmental status for D1 “Biological diversity is maintained. The quality and occurrence of habitats and the distribution and abundance of species are in line with prevailing physiographic, geographic and climatic conditionsâ€. In this regard, it is recalled that for the preparation of the determination of GES for Descriptor 1, the Directive requires to consider a set of criteria (7) and indicators, whose analysis and selection must be justified in relation to the information collected with the Initial Assessment and their direct relevance to the main causes of human pressure. It should be noted that, based on the ecosystem approach, the main consideration on which choose the indicators should be based on the fact that they are able to establish relationships between the impact of human activities and the functioning of the marine ecosystem. All this taking into account that there are still gaps of knowledge on the relationship between the values measured for the different activities / pressures considered and the effects they cause on ecosystems. The formulation of the targets was done taking into account commitments already signed by Italy in relation to international conventions and European legislation, on the assumption that the pursuit of these objectives is in itself a contribution to the achievement of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive targets. This is also because the Marine Strategy officially requires referring to other European Directives and to international conventions concerning the marine environment. Overall, should be noted that only 4 of the seven criteria of the Marine Strategy, based on the information gathered with the initial assessment and in relation to the characteristics of the Mediterranean Sea, were considered for the determination of GES for the descriptor 1: 1.2 Population size 1.3 Population condition 1.5 Habitat extent 1.6 Habitat condition Specifically, as regards the aspects relating to the criterion 1.7 "Ecosystem structure" it was considered better to tackle it within the descriptor 4 "Food webs". For each criterion were identified the indicators considered most appropriate, foreseeing that the individual GES is achieved with the positive response of all the composing elements, selected on the basis of the initial assessment, of the scientific knowledge and their future implementability (2014 or 2018 ). The overall proposal is therefore based on 4 criteria and 15 indicators proposed for the 3 sub regions of interest for Italy, for each of which a GES should be assessed. The explanations of the reasons leading to the formulation of the proposal are described in the single sheet of the element relating to a specific indicator. Overall it is expected that the majority of the proposed indicators can be operational from 2018, due to the need to acquire additional cognitive elements (specified on each sheet). Only for the avifauna is thought to be possible to arrive to operability for 2014. It follows the list of indicators taken into account per criterion with the indication of the year in which it is expected to be operational in brackets: Criterion 1.2 Population size – Indicator 1.2.1 Population abundance and /or biomass, as appropriate – considered elements: Fan mussel - Pinna nobilis (2018), coastal fish species (2018), Loggerhead - Caretta caretta (2018), marine mammals (2018), marine birds (2014). Criterion 1.3 Population condition – Indicator 1.3.1 Population demographic characteristics – considered elements: Ribbed Mediterranean Limpet Patella ferruginea (2018), coastal fish species (2018), marine birds (2014). Indicator 1.3.1 Population genetic structure, where appropriate – fish species (2018). Criterion 1.5 Habitat extent – Indicator 1.5.1 Habitat area – considered elements : benthic habitats Posidonia oceanica meadows, mäerl beds (2018). Criterion 1.6 Habitat condition – Indicator 1.6.1 Condition of the typical species and communities - considered elements : benthic habitats coralligenous and deep sea corals (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018), coastal fish (2018). Indicator 1.6.2 Relative abundance and/or biomass, as appropriate - considered elements : pelagic habitat (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018). IT-WMS-8A04-0302: The Marine Strategy Framework Directive requires that to determining good environmental status for D1 “Biological diversity is maintained. The quality and occurrence of habitats and the distribution and abundance of species are in line with prevailing physiographic, geographic and climatic conditionsâ€. In this regard, it is recalled that for the preparation of the determination of GES for Descriptor 1, the Directive requires to consider a set of criteria (7) and indicators, whose analysis and selection must be justified in relation to the information collected with the Initial Assessment and their direct relevance to the main causes of human pressure. It should be noted that, based on the ecosystem approach, the main consideration on which choose the indicators should be based on the fact that they are able to establish relationships between the impact of human activities and the functioning of the marine ecosystem. All this taking into account that there are still gaps of knowledge on the relationship between the values measured for the different activities / pressures considered and the effects they cause on ecosystems. The formulation of the targets was done taking into account commitments already signed by Italy in relation to international conventions and European legislation, on the assumption that the pursuit of these objectives is in itself a contribution to the achievement of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive targets. This is also because the Marine Strategy officially requires referring to other European Directives and to international conventions concerning the marine environment. Overall, should be noted that only 4 of the seven criteria of the Marine Strategy, based on the information gathered with the initial assessment and in relation to the characteristics of the Mediterranean Sea, were considered for the determination of GES for the descriptor 1: 1.2 Population size 1.3 Population condition 1.5 Habitat extent 1.6 Habitat condition Specifically, as regards the aspects relating to the criterion 1.7 "Ecosystem structure" it was considered better to tackle it within the descriptor 4 "Food webs". For each criterion were identified the indicators considered most appropriate, foreseeing that the individual GES is achieved with the positive response of all the composing elements, selected on the basis of the initial assessment, of the scientific knowledge and their future implementability (2014 or 2018 ). The overall proposal is therefore based on 4 criteria and 15 indicators proposed for the 3 sub regions of interest for Italy, for each of which a GES should be assessed. The explanations of the reasons leading to the formulation of the proposal are described in the single sheet of the element relating to a specific indicator. Overall it is expected that the majority of the proposed indicators can be operational from 2018, due to the need to acquire additional cognitive elements (specified on each sheet). Only for the avifauna is thought to be possible to arrive to operability for 2014. It follows the list of indicators taken into account per criterion with the indication of the year in which it is expected to be operational in brackets: Criterion 1.2 Population size – Indicator 1.2.1 Population abundance and /or biomass, as appropriate – considered elements: Fan mussel - Pinna nobilis (2018), coastal fish species (2018), Loggerhead - Caretta caretta (2018), marine mammals (2018), marine birds (2014). Criterion 1.3 Population condition – Indicator 1.3.1 Population demographic characteristics – considered elements: Ribbed Mediterranean Limpet Patella ferruginea (2018), coastal fish species (2018), marine birds (2014). Indicator 1.3.1 Population genetic structure, where appropriate – fish species (2018). Criterion 1.5 Habitat extent – Indicator 1.5.1 Habitat area – considered elements : benthic habitats Posidonia oceanica meadows, mäerl beds (2018). Criterion 1.6 Habitat condition – Indicator 1.6.1 Condition of the typical species and communities - considered elements : benthic habitats coralligenous and deep sea corals (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018), coastal fish (2018). Indicator 1.6.2 Relative abundance and/or biomass, as appropriate - considered elements : pelagic habitat (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018). IT-ISCMS-8A04-0303: The Marine Strategy Framework Directive requires that to determining good environmental status for D1 “Biological diversity is maintained. The quality and occurrence of habitats and the distribution and abundance of species are in line with prevailing physiographic, geographic and climatic conditionsâ€. In this regard, it is recalled that for the preparation of the determination of GES for Descriptor 1, the Directive requires to consider a set of criteria (7) and indicators, whose analysis and selection must be justified in relation to the information collected with the Initial Assessment and their direct relevance to the main causes of human pressure. It should be noted that, based on the ecosystem approach, the main consideration on which choose the indicators should be based on the fact that they are able to establish relationships between the impact of human activities and the functioning of the marine ecosystem. All this taking into account that there are still gaps of knowledge on the relationship between the values measured for the different activities / pressures considered and the effects they cause on ecosystems. The formulation of the targets was done taking into account commitments already signed by Italy in relation to international conventions and European legislation, on the assumption that the pursuit of these objectives is in itself a contribution to the achievement of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive targets. This is also because the Marine Strategy officially requires referring to other European Directives and to international conventions concerning the marine environment. Overall, should be noted that only 4 of the seven criteria of the Marine Strategy, based on the information gathered with the initial assessment and in relation to the characteristics of the Mediterranean Sea, were considered for the determination of GES for the descriptor 1: 1.2 Population size 1.3 Population condition 1.5 Habitat extent 1.6 Habitat condition Specifically, as regards the aspects relating to the criterion 1.7 "Ecosystem structure" it was considered better to tackle it within the descriptor 4 "Food webs". For each criterion were identified the indicators considered most appropriate, foreseeing that the individual GES is achieved with the positive response of all the composing elements, selected on the basis of the initial assessment, of the scientific knowledge and their future implementability (2014 or 2018 ). The overall proposal is therefore based on 4 criteria and 15 indicators proposed for the 3 sub regions of interest for Italy, for each of which a GES should be assessed. The explanations of the reasons leading to the formulation of the proposal are described in the single sheet of the element relating to a specific indicator. Overall it is expected that the majority of the proposed indicators can be operational from 2018, due to the need to acquire additional cognitive elements (specified on each sheet). Only for the avifauna is thought to be possible to arrive to operability for 2014. It follows the list of indicators taken into account per criterion with the indication of the year in which it is expected to be operational in brackets: Criterion 1.2 Population size – Indicator 1.2.1 Population abundance and /or biomass, as appropriate – considered elements: Fan mussel - Pinna nobilis (2018), coastal fish species (2018), Loggerhead - Caretta caretta (2018), marine mammals (2018), marine birds (2014). Criterion 1.3 Population condition – Indicator 1.3.1 Population demographic characteristics – considered elements: Ribbed Mediterranean Limpet Patella ferruginea (2018), coastal fish species (2018), marine birds (2014). Indicator 1.3.1 Population genetic structure, where appropriate – fish species (2018). Criterion 1.5 Habitat extent – Indicator 1.5.1 Habitat area – considered elements : benthic habitats Posidonia oceanica meadows, mäerl beds (2018). Criterion 1.6 Habitat condition – Indicator 1.6.1 Condition of the typical species and communities - considered elements : benthic habitats coralligenous and deep sea corals (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018), coastal fish (2018). Indicator 1.6.2 Relative abundance and/or biomass, as appropriate - considered elements : pelagic habitat (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018). IT-WMS-8A04-0300: The Marine Strategy Framework Directive requires that to determining good environmental status for D1 “Biological diversity is maintained. The quality and occurrence of habitats and the distribution and abundance of species are in line with prevailing physiographic, geographic and climatic conditionsâ€. In this regard, it is recalled that for the preparation of the determination of GES for Descriptor 1, the Directive requires to consider a set of criteria (7) and indicators, whose analysis and selection must be justified in relation to the information collected with the Initial Assessment and their direct relevance to the main causes of human pressure. It should be noted that, based on the ecosystem approach, the main consideration on which choose the indicators should be based on the fact that they are able to establish relationships between the impact of human activities and the functioning of the marine ecosystem. All this taking into account that there are still gaps of knowledge on the relationship between the values measured for the different activities / pressures considered and the effects they cause on ecosystems. The formulation of the targets was done taking into account commitments already signed by Italy in relation to international conventions and European legislation, on the assumption that the pursuit of these objectives is in itself a contribution to the achievement of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive targets. This is also because the Marine Strategy officially requires referring to other European Directives and to international conventions concerning the marine environment. Overall, should be noted that only 4 of the seven criteria of the Marine Strategy, based on the information gathered with the initial assessment and in relation to the characteristics of the Mediterranean Sea, were considered for the determination of GES for the descriptor 1: 1.2 Population size 1.3 Population condition 1.5 Habitat extent 1.6 Habitat condition Specifically, as regards the aspects relating to the criterion 1.7 "Ecosystem structure" it was considered better to tackle it within the descriptor 4 "Food webs". For each criterion were identified the indicators considered most appropriate, foreseeing that the individual GES is achieved with the positive response of all the composing elements, selected on the basis of the initial assessment, of the scientific knowledge and their future implementability (2014 or 2018 ). The overall proposal is therefore based on 4 criteria and 15 indicators proposed for the 3 sub regions of interest for Italy, for each of which a GES should be assessed. The explanations of the reasons leading to the formulation of the proposal are described in the single sheet of the element relating to a specific indicator. Overall it is expected that the majority of the proposed indicators can be operational from 2018, due to the need to acquire additional cognitive elements (specified on each sheet). Only for the avifauna is thought to be possible to arrive to operability for 2014. It follows the list of indicators taken into account per criterion with the indication of the year in which it is expected to be operational in brackets: Criterion 1.2 Population size – Indicator 1.2.1 Population abundance and /or biomass, as appropriate – considered elements: Fan mussel - Pinna nobilis (2018), coastal fish species (2018), Loggerhead - Caretta caretta (2018), marine mammals (2018), marine birds (2014). Criterion 1.3 Population condition – Indicator 1.3.1 Population demographic characteristics – considered elements: Ribbed Mediterranean Limpet Patella ferruginea (2018), coastal fish species (2018), marine birds (2014). Indicator 1.3.1 Population genetic structure, where appropriate – fish species (2018). Criterion 1.5 Habitat extent – Indicator 1.5.1 Habitat area – considered elements : benthic habitats Posidonia oceanica meadows, mäerl beds (2018). Criterion 1.6 Habitat condition – Indicator 1.6.1 Condition of the typical species and communities - considered elements : benthic habitats coralligenous and deep sea corals (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018), coastal fish (2018). Indicator 1.6.2 Relative abundance and/or biomass, as appropriate - considered elements : pelagic habitat (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018). IT-AS-8A04-0305: The Marine Strategy Framework Directive requires that to determining good environmental status for D1 “Biological diversity is maintained. The quality and occurrence of habitats and the distribution and abundance of species are in line with prevailing physiographic, geographic and climatic conditionsâ€. In this regard, it is recalled that for the preparation of the determination of GES for Descriptor 1, the Directive requires to consider a set of criteria (7) and indicators, whose analysis and selection must be justified in relation to the information collected with the Initial Assessment and their direct relevance to the main causes of human pressure. It should be noted that, based on the ecosystem approach, the main consideration on which choose the indicators should be based on the fact that they are able to establish relationships between the impact of human activities and the functioning of the marine ecosystem. All this taking into account that there are still gaps of knowledge on the relationship between the values measured for the different activities / pressures considered and the effects they cause on ecosystems. The formulation of the targets was done taking into account commitments already signed by Italy in relation to international conventions and European legislation, on the assumption that the pursuit of these objectives is in itself a contribution to the achievement of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive targets. This is also because the Marine Strategy officially requires referring to other European Directives and to international conventions concerning the marine environment. Overall, should be noted that only 4 of the seven criteria of the Marine Strategy, based on the information gathered with the initial assessment and in relation to the characteristics of the Mediterranean Sea, were considered for the determination of GES for the descriptor 1: 1.2 Population size 1.3 Population condition 1.5 Habitat extent 1.6 Habitat condition Specifically, as regards the aspects relating to the criterion 1.7 "Ecosystem structure" it was considered better to tackle it within the descriptor 4 "Food webs". For each criterion were identified the indicators considered most appropriate, foreseeing that the individual GES is achieved with the positive response of all the composing elements, selected on the basis of the initial assessment, of the scientific knowledge and their future implementability (2014 or 2018 ). The overall proposal is therefore based on 4 criteria and 15 indicators proposed for the 3 sub regions of interest for Italy, for each of which a GES should be assessed. The explanations of the reasons leading to the formulation of the proposal are described in the single sheet of the element relating to a specific indicator. Overall it is expected that the majority of the proposed indicators can be operational from 2018, due to the need to acquire additional cognitive elements (specified on each sheet). Only for the avifauna is thought to be possible to arrive to operability for 2014. It follows the list of indicators taken into account per criterion with the indication of the year in which it is expected to be operational in brackets: Criterion 1.2 Population size – Indicator 1.2.1 Population abundance and /or biomass, as appropriate – considered elements: Fan mussel - Pinna nobilis (2018), coastal fish species (2018), Loggerhead - Caretta caretta (2018), marine mammals (2018), marine birds (2014). Criterion 1.3 Population condition – Indicator 1.3.1 Population demographic characteristics – considered elements: Ribbed Mediterranean Limpet Patella ferruginea (2018), coastal fish species (2018), marine birds (2014). Indicator 1.3.1 Population genetic structure, where appropriate – fish species (2018). Criterion 1.5 Habitat extent – Indicator 1.5.1 Habitat area – considered elements : benthic habitats Posidonia oceanica meadows, mäerl beds (2018). Criterion 1.6 Habitat condition – Indicator 1.6.1 Condition of the typical species and communities - considered elements : benthic habitats coralligenous and deep sea corals (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018), coastal fish (2018). Indicator 1.6.2 Relative abundance and/or biomass, as appropriate - considered elements : pelagic habitat (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018). IT-ISCMS-8A04-0304: The Marine Strategy Framework Directive requires that to determining good environmental status for D1 “Biological diversity is maintained. The quality and occurrence of habitats and the distribution and abundance of species are in line with prevailing physiographic, geographic and climatic conditionsâ€. In this regard, it is recalled that for the preparation of the determination of GES for Descriptor 1, the Directive requires to consider a set of criteria (7) and indicators, whose analysis and selection must be justified in relation to the information collected with the Initial Assessment and their direct relevance to the main causes of human pressure. It should be noted that, based on the ecosystem approach, the main consideration on which choose the indicators should be based on the fact that they are able to establish relationships between the impact of human activities and the functioning of the marine ecosystem. All this taking into account that there are still gaps of knowledge on the relationship between the values measured for the different activities / pressures considered and the effects they cause on ecosystems. The formulation of the targets was done taking into account commitments already signed by Italy in relation to international conventions and European legislation, on the assumption that the pursuit of these objectives is in itself a contribution to the achievement of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive targets. This is also because the Marine Strategy officially requires referring to other European Directives and to international conventions concerning the marine environment. Overall, should be noted that only 4 of the seven criteria of the Marine Strategy, based on the information gathered with the initial assessment and in relation to the characteristics of the Mediterranean Sea, were considered for the determination of GES for the descriptor 1: 1.2 Population size 1.3 Population condition 1.5 Habitat extent 1.6 Habitat condition Specifically, as regards the aspects relating to the criterion 1.7 "Ecosystem structure" it was considered better to tackle it within the descriptor 4 "Food webs". For each criterion were identified the indicators considered most appropriate, foreseeing that the individual GES is achieved with the positive response of all the composing elements, selected on the basis of the initial assessment, of the scientific knowledge and their future implementability (2014 or 2018 ). The overall proposal is therefore based on 4 criteria and 15 indicators proposed for the 3 sub regions of interest for Italy, for each of which a GES should be assessed. The explanations of the reasons leading to the formulation of the proposal are described in the single sheet of the element relating to a specific indicator. Overall it is expected that the majority of the proposed indicators can be operational from 2018, due to the need to acquire additional cognitive elements (specified on each sheet). Only for the avifauna is thought to be possible to arrive to operability for 2014. It follows the list of indicators taken into account per criterion with the indication of the year in which it is expected to be operational in brackets: Criterion 1.2 Population size – Indicator 1.2.1 Population abundance and /or biomass, as appropriate – considered elements: Fan mussel - Pinna nobilis (2018), coastal fish species (2018), Loggerhead - Caretta caretta (2018), marine mammals (2018), marine birds (2014). Criterion 1.3 Population condition – Indicator 1.3.1 Population demographic characteristics – considered elements: Ribbed Mediterranean Limpet Patella ferruginea (2018), coastal fish species (2018), marine birds (2014). Indicator 1.3.1 Population genetic structure, where appropriate – fish species (2018). Criterion 1.5 Habitat extent – Indicator 1.5.1 Habitat area – considered elements : benthic habitats Posidonia oceanica meadows, mäerl beds (2018). Criterion 1.6 Habitat condition – Indicator 1.6.1 Condition of the typical species and communities - considered elements : benthic habitats coralligenous and deep sea corals (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018), coastal fish (2018). Indicator 1.6.2 Relative abundance and/or biomass, as appropriate - considered elements : pelagic habitat (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018). IT-WMS-8A03-1000: The Marine Strategy Framework Directive requires that to determining good environmental status for D1 “Biological diversity is maintained. The quality and occurrence of habitats and the distribution and abundance of species are in line with prevailing physiographic, geographic and climatic conditionsâ€. In this regard, it is recalled that for the preparation of the determination of GES for Descriptor 1, the Directive requires to consider a set of criteria (7) and indicators, whose analysis and selection must be justified in relation to the information collected with the Initial Assessment and their direct relevance to the main causes of human pressure. It should be noted that, based on the ecosystem approach, the main consideration on which choose the indicators should be based on the fact that they are able to establish relationships between the impact of human activities and the functioning of the marine ecosystem. All this taking into account that there are still gaps of knowledge on the relationship between the values measured for the different activities / pressures considered and the effects they cause on ecosystems. The formulation of the targets was done taking into account commitments already signed by Italy in relation to international conventions and European legislation, on the assumption that the pursuit of these objectives is in itself a contribution to the achievement of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive targets. This is also because the Marine Strategy officially requires referring to other European Directives and to international conventions concerning the marine environment. Overall, should be noted that only 4 of the seven criteria of the Marine Strategy, based on the information gathered with the initial assessment and in relation to the characteristics of the Mediterranean Sea, were considered for the determination of GES for the descriptor 1: 1.2 Population size 1.3 Population condition 1.5 Habitat extent 1.6 Habitat condition Specifically, as regards the aspects relating to the criterion 1.7 "Ecosystem structure" it was considered better to tackle it within the descriptor 4 "Food webs". For each criterion were identified the indicators considered most appropriate, foreseeing that the individual GES is achieved with the positive response of all the composing elements, selected on the basis of the initial assessment, of the scientific knowledge and their future implementability (2014 or 2018 ). The overall proposal is therefore based on 4 criteria and 15 indicators proposed for the 3 sub regions of interest for Italy, for each of which a GES should be assessed. The explanations of the reasons leading to the formulation of the proposal are described in the single sheet of the element relating to a specific indicator. Overall it is expected that the majority of the proposed indicators can be operational from 2018, due to the need to acquire additional cognitive elements (specified on each sheet). Only for the avifauna is thought to be possible to arrive to operability for 2014. It follows the list of indicators taken into account per criterion with the indication of the year in which it is expected to be operational in brackets: Criterion 1.2 Population size – Indicator 1.2.1 Population abundance and /or biomass, as appropriate – considered elements: Fan mussel - Pinna nobilis (2018), coastal fish species (2018), Loggerhead - Caretta caretta (2018), marine mammals (2018), marine birds (2014). Criterion 1.3 Population condition – Indicator 1.3.1 Population demographic characteristics – considered elements: Ribbed Mediterranean Limpet Patella ferruginea (2018), coastal fish species (2018), marine birds (2014). Indicator 1.3.1 Population genetic structure, where appropriate – fish species (2018). Criterion 1.5 Habitat extent – Indicator 1.5.1 Habitat area – considered elements : benthic habitats Posidonia oceanica meadows, mäerl beds (2018). Criterion 1.6 Habitat condition – Indicator 1.6.1 Condition of the typical species and communities - considered elements : benthic habitats coralligenous and deep sea corals (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018), coastal fish (2018). Indicator 1.6.2 Relative abundance and/or biomass, as appropriate - considered elements : pelagic habitat (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018). IT-IMS-8A03-1000: The Marine Strategy Framework Directive requires that to determining good environmental status for D1 “Biological diversity is maintained. The quality and occurrence of habitats and the distribution and abundance of species are in line with prevailing physiographic, geographic and climatic conditionsâ€. In this regard, it is recalled that for the preparation of the determination of GES for Descriptor 1, the Directive requires to consider a set of criteria (7) and indicators, whose analysis and selection must be justified in relation to the information collected with the Initial Assessment and their direct relevance to the main causes of human pressure. It should be noted that, based on the ecosystem approach, the main consideration on which choose the indicators should be based on the fact that they are able to establish relationships between the impact of human activities and the functioning of the marine ecosystem. All this taking into account that there are still gaps of knowledge on the relationship between the values measured for the different activities / pressures considered and the effects they cause on ecosystems. The formulation of the targets was done taking into account commitments already signed by Italy in relation to international conventions and European legislation, on the assumption that the pursuit of these objectives is in itself a contribution to the achievement of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive targets. This is also because the Marine Strategy officially requires referring to other European Directives and to international conventions concerning the marine environment. Overall, should be noted that only 4 of the seven criteria of the Marine Strategy, based on the information gathered with the initial assessment and in relation to the characteristics of the Mediterranean Sea, were considered for the determination of GES for the descriptor 1: 1.2 Population size 1.3 Population condition 1.5 Habitat extent 1.6 Habitat condition Specifically, as regards the aspects relating to the criterion 1.7 "Ecosystem structure" it was considered better to tackle it within the descriptor 4 "Food webs". For each criterion were identified the indicators considered most appropriate, foreseeing that the individual GES is achieved with the positive response of all the composing elements, selected on the basis of the initial assessment, of the scientific knowledge and their future implementability (2014 or 2018 ). The overall proposal is therefore based on 4 criteria and 15 indicators proposed for the 3 sub regions of interest for Italy, for each of which a GES should be assessed. The explanations of the reasons leading to the formulation of the proposal are described in the single sheet of the element relating to a specific indicator. Overall it is expected that the majority of the proposed indicators can be operational from 2018, due to the need to acquire additional cognitive elements (specified on each sheet). Only for the avifauna is thought to be possible to arrive to operability for 2014. It follows the list of indicators taken into account per criterion with the indication of the year in which it is expected to be operational in brackets: Criterion 1.2 Population size – Indicator 1.2.1 Population abundance and /or biomass, as appropriate – considered elements: Fan mussel - Pinna nobilis (2018), coastal fish species (2018), Loggerhead - Caretta caretta (2018), marine mammals (2018), marine birds (2014). Criterion 1.3 Population condition – Indicator 1.3.1 Population demographic characteristics – considered elements: Ribbed Mediterranean Limpet Patella ferruginea (2018), coastal fish species (2018), marine birds (2014). Indicator 1.3.1 Population genetic structure, where appropriate – fish species (2018). Criterion 1.5 Habitat extent – Indicator 1.5.1 Habitat area – considered elements : benthic habitats Posidonia oceanica meadows, mäerl beds (2018). Criterion 1.6 Habitat condition – Indicator 1.6.1 Condition of the typical species and communities - considered elements : benthic habitats coralligenous and deep sea corals (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018), coastal fish (2018). Indicator 1.6.2 Relative abundance and/or biomass, as appropriate - considered elements : pelagic habitat (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018). IT-AMS-8A03-1000: The Marine Strategy Framework Directive requires that to determining good environmental status for D1 “Biological diversity is maintained. The quality and occurrence of habitats and the distribution and abundance of species are in line with prevailing physiographic, geographic and climatic conditionsâ€. In this regard, it is recalled that for the preparation of the determination of GES for Descriptor 1, the Directive requires to consider a set of criteria (7) and indicators, whose analysis and selection must be justified in relation to the information collected with the Initial Assessment and their direct relevance to the main causes of human pressure. It should be noted that, based on the ecosystem approach, the main consideration on which choose the indicators should be based on the fact that they are able to establish relationships between the impact of human activities and the functioning of the marine ecosystem. All this taking into account that there are still gaps of knowledge on the relationship between the values measured for the different activities / pressures considered and the effects they cause on ecosystems. The formulation of the targets was done taking into account commitments already signed by Italy in relation to international conventions and European legislation, on the assumption that the pursuit of these objectives is in itself a contribution to the achievement of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive targets. This is also because the Marine Strategy officially requires referring to other European Directives and to international conventions concerning the marine environment. Overall, should be noted that only 4 of the seven criteria of the Marine Strategy, based on the information gathered with the initial assessment and in relation to the characteristics of the Mediterranean Sea, were considered for the determination of GES for the descriptor 1: 1.2 Population size 1.3 Population condition 1.5 Habitat extent 1.6 Habitat condition Specifically, as regards the aspects relating to the criterion 1.7 "Ecosystem structure" it was considered better to tackle it within the descriptor 4 "Food webs". For each criterion were identified the indicators considered most appropriate, foreseeing that the individual GES is achieved with the positive response of all the composing elements, selected on the basis of the initial assessment, of the scientific knowledge and their future implementability (2014 or 2018 ). The overall proposal is therefore based on 4 criteria and 15 indicators proposed for the 3 sub regions of interest for Italy, for each of which a GES should be assessed. The explanations of the reasons leading to the formulation of the proposal are described in the single sheet of the element relating to a specific indicator. Overall it is expected that the majority of the proposed indicators can be operational from 2018, due to the need to acquire additional cognitive elements (specified on each sheet). Only for the avifauna is thought to be possible to arrive to operability for 2014. It follows the list of indicators taken into account per criterion with the indication of the year in which it is expected to be operational in brackets: Criterion 1.2 Population size – Indicator 1.2.1 Population abundance and /or biomass, as appropriate – considered elements: Fan mussel - Pinna nobilis (2018), coastal fish species (2018), Loggerhead - Caretta caretta (2018), marine mammals (2018), marine birds (2014). Criterion 1.3 Population condition – Indicator 1.3.1 Population demographic characteristics – considered elements: Ribbed Mediterranean Limpet Patella ferruginea (2018), coastal fish species (2018), marine birds (2014). Indicator 1.3.1 Population genetic structure, where appropriate – fish species (2018). Criterion 1.5 Habitat extent – Indicator 1.5.1 Habitat area – considered elements : benthic habitats Posidonia oceanica meadows, mäerl beds (2018). Criterion 1.6 Habitat condition – Indicator 1.6.1 Condition of the typical species and communities - considered elements : benthic habitats coralligenous and deep sea corals (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018), coastal fish (2018). Indicator 1.6.2 Relative abundance and/or biomass, as appropriate - considered elements : pelagic habitat (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018). IT-WMS-8A03-1000: The Marine Strategy Framework Directive requires that to determining good environmental status for D1 “Biological diversity is maintained. The quality and occurrence of habitats and the distribution and abundance of species are in line with prevailing physiographic, geographic and climatic conditionsâ€. In this regard, it is recalled that for the preparation of the determination of GES for Descriptor 1, the Directive requires to consider a set of criteria (7) and indicators, whose analysis and selection must be justified in relation to the information collected with the Initial Assessment and their direct relevance to the main causes of human pressure. It should be noted that, based on the ecosystem approach, the main consideration on which choose the indicators should be based on the fact that they are able to establish relationships between the impact of human activities and the functioning of the marine ecosystem. All this taking into account that there are still gaps of knowledge on the relationship between the values measured for the different activities / pressures considered and the effects they cause on ecosystems. The formulation of the targets was done taking into account commitments already signed by Italy in relation to international conventions and European legislation, on the assumption that the pursuit of these objectives is in itself a contribution to the achievement of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive targets. This is also because the Marine Strategy officially requires referring to other European Directives and to international conventions concerning the marine environment. Overall, should be noted that only 4 of the seven criteria of the Marine Strategy, based on the information gathered with the initial assessment and in relation to the characteristics of the Mediterranean Sea, were considered for the determination of GES for the descriptor 1: 1.2 Population size 1.3 Population condition 1.5 Habitat extent 1.6 Habitat condition Specifically, as regards the aspects relating to the criterion 1.7 "Ecosystem structure" it was considered better to tackle it within the descriptor 4 "Food webs". For each criterion were identified the indicators considered most appropriate, foreseeing that the individual GES is achieved with the positive response of all the composing elements, selected on the basis of the initial assessment, of the scientific knowledge and their future implementability (2014 or 2018 ). The overall proposal is therefore based on 4 criteria and 15 indicators proposed for the 3 sub regions of interest for Italy, for each of which a GES should be assessed. The explanations of the reasons leading to the formulation of the proposal are described in the single sheet of the element relating to a specific indicator. Overall it is expected that the majority of the proposed indicators can be operational from 2018, due to the need to acquire additional cognitive elements (specified on each sheet). Only for the avifauna is thought to be possible to arrive to operability for 2014. It follows the list of indicators taken into account per criterion with the indication of the year in which it is expected to be operational in brackets: Criterion 1.2 Population size – Indicator 1.2.1 Population abundance and /or biomass, as appropriate – considered elements: Fan mussel - Pinna nobilis (2018), coastal fish species (2018), Loggerhead - Caretta caretta (2018), marine mammals (2018), marine birds (2014). Criterion 1.3 Population condition – Indicator 1.3.1 Population demographic characteristics – considered elements: Ribbed Mediterranean Limpet Patella ferruginea (2018), coastal fish species (2018), marine birds (2014). Indicator 1.3.1 Population genetic structure, where appropriate – fish species (2018). Criterion 1.5 Habitat extent – Indicator 1.5.1 Habitat area – considered elements : benthic habitats Posidonia oceanica meadows, mäerl beds (2018). Criterion 1.6 Habitat condition – Indicator 1.6.1 Condition of the typical species and communities - considered elements : benthic habitats coralligenous and deep sea corals (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018), coastal fish (2018). Indicator 1.6.2 Relative abundance and/or biomass, as appropriate - considered elements : pelagic habitat (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018). IT-IMS-8A03-1000: The Marine Strategy Framework Directive requires that to determining good environmental status for D1 “Biological diversity is maintained. The quality and occurrence of habitats and the distribution and abundance of species are in line with prevailing physiographic, geographic and climatic conditionsâ€. In this regard, it is recalled that for the preparation of the determination of GES for Descriptor 1, the Directive requires to consider a set of criteria (7) and indicators, whose analysis and selection must be justified in relation to the information collected with the Initial Assessment and their direct relevance to the main causes of human pressure. It should be noted that, based on the ecosystem approach, the main consideration on which choose the indicators should be based on the fact that they are able to establish relationships between the impact of human activities and the functioning of the marine ecosystem. All this taking into account that there are still gaps of knowledge on the relationship between the values measured for the different activities / pressures considered and the effects they cause on ecosystems. The formulation of the targets was done taking into account commitments already signed by Italy in relation to international conventions and European legislation, on the assumption that the pursuit of these objectives is in itself a contribution to the achievement of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive targets. This is also because the Marine Strategy officially requires referring to other European Directives and to international conventions concerning the marine environment. Overall, should be noted that only 4 of the seven criteria of the Marine Strategy, based on the information gathered with the initial assessment and in relation to the characteristics of the Mediterranean Sea, were considered for the determination of GES for the descriptor 1: 1.2 Population size 1.3 Population condition 1.5 Habitat extent 1.6 Habitat condition Specifically, as regards the aspects relating to the criterion 1.7 "Ecosystem structure" it was considered better to tackle it within the descriptor 4 "Food webs". For each criterion were identified the indicators considered most appropriate, foreseeing that the individual GES is achieved with the positive response of all the composing elements, selected on the basis of the initial assessment, of the scientific knowledge and their future implementability (2014 or 2018 ). The overall proposal is therefore based on 4 criteria and 15 indicators proposed for the 3 sub regions of interest for Italy, for each of which a GES should be assessed. The explanations of the reasons leading to the formulation of the proposal are described in the single sheet of the element relating to a specific indicator. Overall it is expected that the majority of the proposed indicators can be operational from 2018, due to the need to acquire additional cognitive elements (specified on each sheet). Only for the avifauna is thought to be possible to arrive to operability for 2014. It follows the list of indicators taken into account per criterion with the indication of the year in which it is expected to be operational in brackets: Criterion 1.2 Population size – Indicator 1.2.1 Population abundance and /or biomass, as appropriate – considered elements: Fan mussel - Pinna nobilis (2018), coastal fish species (2018), Loggerhead - Caretta caretta (2018), marine mammals (2018), marine birds (2014). Criterion 1.3 Population condition – Indicator 1.3.1 Population demographic characteristics – considered elements: Ribbed Mediterranean Limpet Patella ferruginea (2018), coastal fish species (2018), marine birds (2014). Indicator 1.3.1 Population genetic structure, where appropriate – fish species (2018). Criterion 1.5 Habitat extent – Indicator 1.5.1 Habitat area – considered elements : benthic habitats Posidonia oceanica meadows, mäerl beds (2018). Criterion 1.6 Habitat condition – Indicator 1.6.1 Condition of the typical species and communities - considered elements : benthic habitats coralligenous and deep sea corals (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018), coastal fish (2018). Indicator 1.6.2 Relative abundance and/or biomass, as appropriate - considered elements : pelagic habitat (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018). IT-AMS-8A03-1000: The Marine Strategy Framework Directive requires that to determining good environmental status for D1 “Biological diversity is maintained. The quality and occurrence of habitats and the distribution and abundance of species are in line with prevailing physiographic, geographic and climatic conditionsâ€. In this regard, it is recalled that for the preparation of the determination of GES for Descriptor 1, the Directive requires to consider a set of criteria (7) and indicators, whose analysis and selection must be justified in relation to the information collected with the Initial Assessment and their direct relevance to the main causes of human pressure. It should be noted that, based on the ecosystem approach, the main consideration on which choose the indicators should be based on the fact that they are able to establish relationships between the impact of human activities and the functioning of the marine ecosystem. All this taking into account that there are still gaps of knowledge on the relationship between the values measured for the different activities / pressures considered and the effects they cause on ecosystems. The formulation of the targets was done taking into account commitments already signed by Italy in relation to international conventions and European legislation, on the assumption that the pursuit of these objectives is in itself a contribution to the achievement of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive targets. This is also because the Marine Strategy officially requires referring to other European Directives and to international conventions concerning the marine environment. Overall, should be noted that only 4 of the seven criteria of the Marine Strategy, based on the information gathered with the initial assessment and in relation to the characteristics of the Mediterranean Sea, were considered for the determination of GES for the descriptor 1: 1.2 Population size 1.3 Population condition 1.5 Habitat extent 1.6 Habitat condition Specifically, as regards the aspects relating to the criterion 1.7 "Ecosystem structure" it was considered better to tackle it within the descriptor 4 "Food webs". For each criterion were identified the indicators considered most appropriate, foreseeing that the individual GES is achieved with the positive response of all the composing elements, selected on the basis of the initial assessment, of the scientific knowledge and their future implementability (2014 or 2018 ). The overall proposal is therefore based on 4 criteria and 15 indicators proposed for the 3 sub regions of interest for Italy, for each of which a GES should be assessed. The explanations of the reasons leading to the formulation of the proposal are described in the single sheet of the element relating to a specific indicator. Overall it is expected that the majority of the proposed indicators can be operational from 2018, due to the need to acquire additional cognitive elements (specified on each sheet). Only for the avifauna is thought to be possible to arrive to operability for 2014. It follows the list of indicators taken into account per criterion with the indication of the year in which it is expected to be operational in brackets: Criterion 1.2 Population size – Indicator 1.2.1 Population abundance and /or biomass, as appropriate – considered elements: Fan mussel - Pinna nobilis (2018), coastal fish species (2018), Loggerhead - Caretta caretta (2018), marine mammals (2018), marine birds (2014). Criterion 1.3 Population condition – Indicator 1.3.1 Population demographic characteristics – considered elements: Ribbed Mediterranean Limpet Patella ferruginea (2018), coastal fish species (2018), marine birds (2014). Indicator 1.3.1 Population genetic structure, where appropriate – fish species (2018). Criterion 1.5 Habitat extent – Indicator 1.5.1 Habitat area – considered elements : benthic habitats Posidonia oceanica meadows, mäerl beds (2018). Criterion 1.6 Habitat condition – Indicator 1.6.1 Condition of the typical species and communities - considered elements : benthic habitats coralligenous and deep sea corals (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018), coastal fish (2018). Indicator 1.6.2 Relative abundance and/or biomass, as appropriate - considered elements : pelagic habitat (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018). IT-WMS-8A04-1001: The Marine Strategy Framework Directive requires that to determining good environmental status for D1 “Biological diversity is maintained. The quality and occurrence of habitats and the distribution and abundance of species are in line with prevailing physiographic, geographic and climatic conditionsâ€. In this regard, it is recalled that for the preparation of the determination of GES for Descriptor 1, the Directive requires to consider a set of criteria (7) and indicators, whose analysis and selection must be justified in relation to the information collected with the Initial Assessment and their direct relevance to the main causes of human pressure. It should be noted that, based on the ecosystem approach, the main consideration on which choose the indicators should be based on the fact that they are able to establish relationships between the impact of human activities and the functioning of the marine ecosystem. All this taking into account that there are still gaps of knowledge on the relationship between the values measured for the different activities / pressures considered and the effects they cause on ecosystems. The formulation of the targets was done taking into account commitments already signed by Italy in relation to international conventions and European legislation, on the assumption that the pursuit of these objectives is in itself a contribution to the achievement of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive targets. This is also because the Marine Strategy officially requires referring to other European Directives and to international conventions concerning the marine environment. Overall, should be noted that only 4 of the seven criteria of the Marine Strategy, based on the information gathered with the initial assessment and in relation to the characteristics of the Mediterranean Sea, were considered for the determination of GES for the descriptor 1: 1.2 Population size 1.3 Population condition 1.5 Habitat extent 1.6 Habitat condition Specifically, as regards the aspects relating to the criterion 1.7 "Ecosystem structure" it was considered better to tackle it within the descriptor 4 "Food webs". For each criterion were identified the indicators considered most appropriate, foreseeing that the individual GES is achieved with the positive response of all the composing elements, selected on the basis of the initial assessment, of the scientific knowledge and their future implementability (2014 or 2018 ). The overall proposal is therefore based on 4 criteria and 15 indicators proposed for the 3 sub regions of interest for Italy, for each of which a GES should be assessed. The explanations of the reasons leading to the formulation of the proposal are described in the single sheet of the element relating to a specific indicator. Overall it is expected that the majority of the proposed indicators can be operational from 2018, due to the need to acquire additional cognitive elements (specified on each sheet). Only for the avifauna is thought to be possible to arrive to operability for 2014. It follows the list of indicators taken into account per criterion with the indication of the year in which it is expected to be operational in brackets: Criterion 1.2 Population size – Indicator 1.2.1 Population abundance and /or biomass, as appropriate – considered elements: Fan mussel - Pinna nobilis (2018), coastal fish species (2018), Loggerhead - Caretta caretta (2018), marine mammals (2018), marine birds (2014). Criterion 1.3 Population condition – Indicator 1.3.1 Population demographic characteristics – considered elements: Ribbed Mediterranean Limpet Patella ferruginea (2018), coastal fish species (2018), marine birds (2014). Indicator 1.3.1 Population genetic structure, where appropriate – fish species (2018). Criterion 1.5 Habitat extent – Indicator 1.5.1 Habitat area – considered elements : benthic habitats Posidonia oceanica meadows, mäerl beds (2018). Criterion 1.6 Habitat condition – Indicator 1.6.1 Condition of the typical species and communities - considered elements : benthic habitats coralligenous and deep sea corals (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018), coastal fish (2018). Indicator 1.6.2 Relative abundance and/or biomass, as appropriate - considered elements : pelagic habitat (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018). IT-IMS-8A04-1001: The Marine Strategy Framework Directive requires that to determining good environmental status for D1 “Biological diversity is maintained. The quality and occurrence of habitats and the distribution and abundance of species are in line with prevailing physiographic, geographic and climatic conditionsâ€. In this regard, it is recalled that for the preparation of the determination of GES for Descriptor 1, the Directive requires to consider a set of criteria (7) and indicators, whose analysis and selection must be justified in relation to the information collected with the Initial Assessment and their direct relevance to the main causes of human pressure. It should be noted that, based on the ecosystem approach, the main consideration on which choose the indicators should be based on the fact that they are able to establish relationships between the impact of human activities and the functioning of the marine ecosystem. All this taking into account that there are still gaps of knowledge on the relationship between the values measured for the different activities / pressures considered and the effects they cause on ecosystems. The formulation of the targets was done taking into account commitments already signed by Italy in relation to international conventions and European legislation, on the assumption that the pursuit of these objectives is in itself a contribution to the achievement of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive targets. This is also because the Marine Strategy officially requires referring to other European Directives and to international conventions concerning the marine environment. Overall, should be noted that only 4 of the seven criteria of the Marine Strategy, based on the information gathered with the initial assessment and in relation to the characteristics of the Mediterranean Sea, were considered for the determination of GES for the descriptor 1: 1.2 Population size 1.3 Population condition 1.5 Habitat extent 1.6 Habitat condition Specifically, as regards the aspects relating to the criterion 1.7 "Ecosystem structure" it was considered better to tackle it within the descriptor 4 "Food webs". For each criterion were identified the indicators considered most appropriate, foreseeing that the individual GES is achieved with the positive response of all the composing elements, selected on the basis of the initial assessment, of the scientific knowledge and their future implementability (2014 or 2018 ). The overall proposal is therefore based on 4 criteria and 15 indicators proposed for the 3 sub regions of interest for Italy, for each of which a GES should be assessed. The explanations of the reasons leading to the formulation of the proposal are described in the single sheet of the element relating to a specific indicator. Overall it is expected that the majority of the proposed indicators can be operational from 2018, due to the need to acquire additional cognitive elements (specified on each sheet). Only for the avifauna is thought to be possible to arrive to operability for 2014. It follows the list of indicators taken into account per criterion with the indication of the year in which it is expected to be operational in brackets: Criterion 1.2 Population size – Indicator 1.2.1 Population abundance and /or biomass, as appropriate – considered elements: Fan mussel - Pinna nobilis (2018), coastal fish species (2018), Loggerhead - Caretta caretta (2018), marine mammals (2018), marine birds (2014). Criterion 1.3 Population condition – Indicator 1.3.1 Population demographic characteristics – considered elements: Ribbed Mediterranean Limpet Patella ferruginea (2018), coastal fish species (2018), marine birds (2014). Indicator 1.3.1 Population genetic structure, where appropriate – fish species (2018). Criterion 1.5 Habitat extent – Indicator 1.5.1 Habitat area – considered elements : benthic habitats Posidonia oceanica meadows, mäerl beds (2018). Criterion 1.6 Habitat condition – Indicator 1.6.1 Condition of the typical species and communities - considered elements : benthic habitats coralligenous and deep sea corals (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018), coastal fish (2018). Indicator 1.6.2 Relative abundance and/or biomass, as appropriate - considered elements : pelagic habitat (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018). IT-AMS-8A04-1001: The Marine Strategy Framework Directive requires that to determining good environmental status for D1 “Biological diversity is maintained. The quality and occurrence of habitats and the distribution and abundance of species are in line with prevailing physiographic, geographic and climatic conditionsâ€. In this regard, it is recalled that for the preparation of the determination of GES for Descriptor 1, the Directive requires to consider a set of criteria (7) and indicators, whose analysis and selection must be justified in relation to the information collected with the Initial Assessment and their direct relevance to the main causes of human pressure. It should be noted that, based on the ecosystem approach, the main consideration on which choose the indicators should be based on the fact that they are able to establish relationships between the impact of human activities and the functioning of the marine ecosystem. All this taking into account that there are still gaps of knowledge on the relationship between the values measured for the different activities / pressures considered and the effects they cause on ecosystems. The formulation of the targets was done taking into account commitments already signed by Italy in relation to international conventions and European legislation, on the assumption that the pursuit of these objectives is in itself a contribution to the achievement of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive targets. This is also because the Marine Strategy officially requires referring to other European Directives and to international conventions concerning the marine environment. Overall, should be noted that only 4 of the seven criteria of the Marine Strategy, based on the information gathered with the initial assessment and in relation to the characteristics of the Mediterranean Sea, were considered for the determination of GES for the descriptor 1: 1.2 Population size 1.3 Population condition 1.5 Habitat extent 1.6 Habitat condition Specifically, as regards the aspects relating to the criterion 1.7 "Ecosystem structure" it was considered better to tackle it within the descriptor 4 "Food webs". For each criterion were identified the indicators considered most appropriate, foreseeing that the individual GES is achieved with the positive response of all the composing elements, selected on the basis of the initial assessment, of the scientific knowledge and their future implementability (2014 or 2018 ). The overall proposal is therefore based on 4 criteria and 15 indicators proposed for the 3 sub regions of interest for Italy, for each of which a GES should be assessed. The explanations of the reasons leading to the formulation of the proposal are described in the single sheet of the element relating to a specific indicator. Overall it is expected that the majority of the proposed indicators can be operational from 2018, due to the need to acquire additional cognitive elements (specified on each sheet). Only for the avifauna is thought to be possible to arrive to operability for 2014. It follows the list of indicators taken into account per criterion with the indication of the year in which it is expected to be operational in brackets: Criterion 1.2 Population size – Indicator 1.2.1 Population abundance and /or biomass, as appropriate – considered elements: Fan mussel - Pinna nobilis (2018), coastal fish species (2018), Loggerhead - Caretta caretta (2018), marine mammals (2018), marine birds (2014). Criterion 1.3 Population condition – Indicator 1.3.1 Population demographic characteristics – considered elements: Ribbed Mediterranean Limpet Patella ferruginea (2018), coastal fish species (2018), marine birds (2014). Indicator 1.3.1 Population genetic structure, where appropriate – fish species (2018). Criterion 1.5 Habitat extent – Indicator 1.5.1 Habitat area – considered elements : benthic habitats Posidonia oceanica meadows, mäerl beds (2018). Criterion 1.6 Habitat condition – Indicator 1.6.1 Condition of the typical species and communities - considered elements : benthic habitats coralligenous and deep sea corals (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018), coastal fish (2018). Indicator 1.6.2 Relative abundance and/or biomass, as appropriate - considered elements : pelagic habitat (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018). IT-WMS-8A02-0001: The Marine Strategy Framework Directive requires that to determining good environmental status for D1 “Biological diversity is maintained. The quality and occurrence of habitats and the distribution and abundance of species are in line with prevailing physiographic, geographic and climatic conditionsâ€. In this regard, it is recalled that for the preparation of the determination of GES for Descriptor 1, the Directive requires to consider a set of criteria (7) and indicators, whose analysis and selection must be justified in relation to the information collected with the Initial Assessment and their direct relevance to the main causes of human pressure. It should be noted that, based on the ecosystem approach, the main consideration on which choose the indicators should be based on the fact that they are able to establish relationships between the impact of human activities and the functioning of the marine ecosystem. All this taking into account that there are still gaps of knowledge on the relationship between the values measured for the different activities / pressures considered and the effects they cause on ecosystems. The formulation of the targets was done taking into account commitments already signed by Italy in relation to international conventions and European legislation, on the assumption that the pursuit of these objectives is in itself a contribution to the achievement of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive targets. This is also because the Marine Strategy officially requires referring to other European Directives and to international conventions concerning the marine environment. Overall, should be noted that only 4 of the seven criteria of the Marine Strategy, based on the information gathered with the initial assessment and in relation to the characteristics of the Mediterranean Sea, were considered for the determination of GES for the descriptor 1: 1.2 Population size 1.3 Population condition 1.5 Habitat extent 1.6 Habitat condition Specifically, as regards the aspects relating to the criterion 1.7 "Ecosystem structure" it was considered better to tackle it within the descriptor 4 "Food webs". For each criterion were identified the indicators considered most appropriate, foreseeing that the individual GES is achieved with the positive response of all the composing elements, selected on the basis of the initial assessment, of the scientific knowledge and their future implementability (2014 or 2018 ). The overall proposal is therefore based on 4 criteria and 15 indicators proposed for the 3 sub regions of interest for Italy, for each of which a GES should be assessed. The explanations of the reasons leading to the formulation of the proposal are described in the single sheet of the element relating to a specific indicator. Overall it is expected that the majority of the proposed indicators can be operational from 2018, due to the need to acquire additional cognitive elements (specified on each sheet). Only for the avifauna is thought to be possible to arrive to operability for 2014. It follows the list of indicators taken into account per criterion with the indication of the year in which it is expected to be operational in brackets: Criterion 1.2 Population size – Indicator 1.2.1 Population abundance and /or biomass, as appropriate – considered elements: Fan mussel - Pinna nobilis (2018), coastal fish species (2018), Loggerhead - Caretta caretta (2018), marine mammals (2018), marine birds (2014). Criterion 1.3 Population condition – Indicator 1.3.1 Population demographic characteristics – considered elements: Ribbed Mediterranean Limpet Patella ferruginea (2018), coastal fish species (2018), marine birds (2014). Indicator 1.3.1 Population genetic structure, where appropriate – fish species (2018). Criterion 1.5 Habitat extent – Indicator 1.5.1 Habitat area – considered elements : benthic habitats Posidonia oceanica meadows, mäerl beds (2018). Criterion 1.6 Habitat condition – Indicator 1.6.1 Condition of the typical species and communities - considered elements : benthic habitats coralligenous and deep sea corals (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018), coastal fish (2018). Indicator 1.6.2 Relative abundance and/or biomass, as appropriate - considered elements : pelagic habitat (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018). IT-WMS-8A02-0002: The Marine Strategy Framework Directive requires that to determining good environmental status for D1 “Biological diversity is maintained. The quality and occurrence of habitats and the distribution and abundance of species are in line with prevailing physiographic, geographic and climatic conditionsâ€. In this regard, it is recalled that for the preparation of the determination of GES for Descriptor 1, the Directive requires to consider a set of criteria (7) and indicators, whose analysis and selection must be justified in relation to the information collected with the Initial Assessment and their direct relevance to the main causes of human pressure. It should be noted that, based on the ecosystem approach, the main consideration on which choose the indicators should be based on the fact that they are able to establish relationships between the impact of human activities and the functioning of the marine ecosystem. All this taking into account that there are still gaps of knowledge on the relationship between the values measured for the different activities / pressures considered and the effects they cause on ecosystems. The formulation of the targets was done taking into account commitments already signed by Italy in relation to international conventions and European legislation, on the assumption that the pursuit of these objectives is in itself a contribution to the achievement of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive targets. This is also because the Marine Strategy officially requires referring to other European Directives and to international conventions concerning the marine environment. Overall, should be noted that only 4 of the seven criteria of the Marine Strategy, based on the information gathered with the initial assessment and in relation to the characteristics of the Mediterranean Sea, were considered for the determination of GES for the descriptor 1: 1.2 Population size 1.3 Population condition 1.5 Habitat extent 1.6 Habitat condition Specifically, as regards the aspects relating to the criterion 1.7 "Ecosystem structure" it was considered better to tackle it within the descriptor 4 "Food webs". For each criterion were identified the indicators considered most appropriate, foreseeing that the individual GES is achieved with the positive response of all the composing elements, selected on the basis of the initial assessment, of the scientific knowledge and their future implementability (2014 or 2018 ). The overall proposal is therefore based on 4 criteria and 15 indicators proposed for the 3 sub regions of interest for Italy, for each of which a GES should be assessed. The explanations of the reasons leading to the formulation of the proposal are described in the single sheet of the element relating to a specific indicator. Overall it is expected that the majority of the proposed indicators can be operational from 2018, due to the need to acquire additional cognitive elements (specified on each sheet). Only for the avifauna is thought to be possible to arrive to operability for 2014. It follows the list of indicators taken into account per criterion with the indication of the year in which it is expected to be operational in brackets: Criterion 1.2 Population size – Indicator 1.2.1 Population abundance and /or biomass, as appropriate – considered elements: Fan mussel - Pinna nobilis (2018), coastal fish species (2018), Loggerhead - Caretta caretta (2018), marine mammals (2018), marine birds (2014). Criterion 1.3 Population condition – Indicator 1.3.1 Population demographic characteristics – considered elements: Ribbed Mediterranean Limpet Patella ferruginea (2018), coastal fish species (2018), marine birds (2014). Indicator 1.3.1 Population genetic structure, where appropriate – fish species (2018). Criterion 1.5 Habitat extent – Indicator 1.5.1 Habitat area – considered elements : benthic habitats Posidonia oceanica meadows, mäerl beds (2018). Criterion 1.6 Habitat condition – Indicator 1.6.1 Condition of the typical species and communities - considered elements : benthic habitats coralligenous and deep sea corals (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018), coastal fish (2018). Indicator 1.6.2 Relative abundance and/or biomass, as appropriate - considered elements : pelagic habitat (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018). IT-WMS-8A02-0003: The Marine Strategy Framework Directive requires that to determining good environmental status for D1 “Biological diversity is maintained. The quality and occurrence of habitats and the distribution and abundance of species are in line with prevailing physiographic, geographic and climatic conditionsâ€. In this regard, it is recalled that for the preparation of the determination of GES for Descriptor 1, the Directive requires to consider a set of criteria (7) and indicators, whose analysis and selection must be justified in relation to the information collected with the Initial Assessment and their direct relevance to the main causes of human pressure. It should be noted that, based on the ecosystem approach, the main consideration on which choose the indicators should be based on the fact that they are able to establish relationships between the impact of human activities and the functioning of the marine ecosystem. All this taking into account that there are still gaps of knowledge on the relationship between the values measured for the different activities / pressures considered and the effects they cause on ecosystems. The formulation of the targets was done taking into account commitments already signed by Italy in relation to international conventions and European legislation, on the assumption that the pursuit of these objectives is in itself a contribution to the achievement of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive targets. This is also because the Marine Strategy officially requires referring to other European Directives and to international conventions concerning the marine environment. Overall, should be noted that only 4 of the seven criteria of the Marine Strategy, based on the information gathered with the initial assessment and in relation to the characteristics of the Mediterranean Sea, were considered for the determination of GES for the descriptor 1: 1.2 Population size 1.3 Population condition 1.5 Habitat extent 1.6 Habitat condition Specifically, as regards the aspects relating to the criterion 1.7 "Ecosystem structure" it was considered better to tackle it within the descriptor 4 "Food webs". For each criterion were identified the indicators considered most appropriate, foreseeing that the individual GES is achieved with the positive response of all the composing elements, selected on the basis of the initial assessment, of the scientific knowledge and their future implementability (2014 or 2018 ). The overall proposal is therefore based on 4 criteria and 15 indicators proposed for the 3 sub regions of interest for Italy, for each of which a GES should be assessed. The explanations of the reasons leading to the formulation of the proposal are described in the single sheet of the element relating to a specific indicator. Overall it is expected that the majority of the proposed indicators can be operational from 2018, due to the need to acquire additional cognitive elements (specified on each sheet). Only for the avifauna is thought to be possible to arrive to operability for 2014. It follows the list of indicators taken into account per criterion with the indication of the year in which it is expected to be operational in brackets: Criterion 1.2 Population size – Indicator 1.2.1 Population abundance and /or biomass, as appropriate – considered elements: Fan mussel - Pinna nobilis (2018), coastal fish species (2018), Loggerhead - Caretta caretta (2018), marine mammals (2018), marine birds (2014). Criterion 1.3 Population condition – Indicator 1.3.1 Population demographic characteristics – considered elements: Ribbed Mediterranean Limpet Patella ferruginea (2018), coastal fish species (2018), marine birds (2014). Indicator 1.3.1 Population genetic structure, where appropriate – fish species (2018). Criterion 1.5 Habitat extent – Indicator 1.5.1 Habitat area – considered elements : benthic habitats Posidonia oceanica meadows, mäerl beds (2018). Criterion 1.6 Habitat condition – Indicator 1.6.1 Condition of the typical species and communities - considered elements : benthic habitats coralligenous and deep sea corals (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018), coastal fish (2018). Indicator 1.6.2 Relative abundance and/or biomass, as appropriate - considered elements : pelagic habitat (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018). IT-WMS-8A02-0004: The Marine Strategy Framework Directive requires that to determining good environmental status for D1 “Biological diversity is maintained. The quality and occurrence of habitats and the distribution and abundance of species are in line with prevailing physiographic, geographic and climatic conditionsâ€. In this regard, it is recalled that for the preparation of the determination of GES for Descriptor 1, the Directive requires to consider a set of criteria (7) and indicators, whose analysis and selection must be justified in relation to the information collected with the Initial Assessment and their direct relevance to the main causes of human pressure. It should be noted that, based on the ecosystem approach, the main consideration on which choose the indicators should be based on the fact that they are able to establish relationships between the impact of human activities and the functioning of the marine ecosystem. All this taking into account that there are still gaps of knowledge on the relationship between the values measured for the different activities / pressures considered and the effects they cause on ecosystems. The formulation of the targets was done taking into account commitments already signed by Italy in relation to international conventions and European legislation, on the assumption that the pursuit of these objectives is in itself a contribution to the achievement of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive targets. This is also because the Marine Strategy officially requires referring to other European Directives and to international conventions concerning the marine environment. Overall, should be noted that only 4 of the seven criteria of the Marine Strategy, based on the information gathered with the initial assessment and in relation to the characteristics of the Mediterranean Sea, were considered for the determination of GES for the descriptor 1: 1.2 Population size 1.3 Population condition 1.5 Habitat extent 1.6 Habitat condition Specifically, as regards the aspects relating to the criterion 1.7 "Ecosystem structure" it was considered better to tackle it within the descriptor 4 "Food webs". For each criterion were identified the indicators considered most appropriate, foreseeing that the individual GES is achieved with the positive response of all the composing elements, selected on the basis of the initial assessment, of the scientific knowledge and their future implementability (2014 or 2018 ). The overall proposal is therefore based on 4 criteria and 15 indicators proposed for the 3 sub regions of interest for Italy, for each of which a GES should be assessed. The explanations of the reasons leading to the formulation of the proposal are described in the single sheet of the element relating to a specific indicator. Overall it is expected that the majority of the proposed indicators can be operational from 2018, due to the need to acquire additional cognitive elements (specified on each sheet). Only for the avifauna is thought to be possible to arrive to operability for 2014. It follows the list of indicators taken into account per criterion with the indication of the year in which it is expected to be operational in brackets: Criterion 1.2 Population size – Indicator 1.2.1 Population abundance and /or biomass, as appropriate – considered elements: Fan mussel - Pinna nobilis (2018), coastal fish species (2018), Loggerhead - Caretta caretta (2018), marine mammals (2018), marine birds (2014). Criterion 1.3 Population condition – Indicator 1.3.1 Population demographic characteristics – considered elements: Ribbed Mediterranean Limpet Patella ferruginea (2018), coastal fish species (2018), marine birds (2014). Indicator 1.3.1 Population genetic structure, where appropriate – fish species (2018). Criterion 1.5 Habitat extent – Indicator 1.5.1 Habitat area – considered elements : benthic habitats Posidonia oceanica meadows, mäerl beds (2018). Criterion 1.6 Habitat condition – Indicator 1.6.1 Condition of the typical species and communities - considered elements : benthic habitats coralligenous and deep sea corals (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018), coastal fish (2018). Indicator 1.6.2 Relative abundance and/or biomass, as appropriate - considered elements : pelagic habitat (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018). IT-WMS-8A02-0005: The Marine Strategy Framework Directive requires that to determining good environmental status for D1 “Biological diversity is maintained. The quality and occurrence of habitats and the distribution and abundance of species are in line with prevailing physiographic, geographic and climatic conditionsâ€. In this regard, it is recalled that for the preparation of the determination of GES for Descriptor 1, the Directive requires to consider a set of criteria (7) and indicators, whose analysis and selection must be justified in relation to the information collected with the Initial Assessment and their direct relevance to the main causes of human pressure. It should be noted that, based on the ecosystem approach, the main consideration on which choose the indicators should be based on the fact that they are able to establish relationships between the impact of human activities and the functioning of the marine ecosystem. All this taking into account that there are still gaps of knowledge on the relationship between the values measured for the different activities / pressures considered and the effects they cause on ecosystems. The formulation of the targets was done taking into account commitments already signed by Italy in relation to international conventions and European legislation, on the assumption that the pursuit of these objectives is in itself a contribution to the achievement of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive targets. This is also because the Marine Strategy officially requires referring to other European Directives and to international conventions concerning the marine environment. Overall, should be noted that only 4 of the seven criteria of the Marine Strategy, based on the information gathered with the initial assessment and in relation to the characteristics of the Mediterranean Sea, were considered for the determination of GES for the descriptor 1: 1.2 Population size 1.3 Population condition 1.5 Habitat extent 1.6 Habitat condition Specifically, as regards the aspects relating to the criterion 1.7 "Ecosystem structure" it was considered better to tackle it within the descriptor 4 "Food webs". For each criterion were identified the indicators considered most appropriate, foreseeing that the individual GES is achieved with the positive response of all the composing elements, selected on the basis of the initial assessment, of the scientific knowledge and their future implementability (2014 or 2018 ). The overall proposal is therefore based on 4 criteria and 15 indicators proposed for the 3 sub regions of interest for Italy, for each of which a GES should be assessed. The explanations of the reasons leading to the formulation of the proposal are described in the single sheet of the element relating to a specific indicator. Overall it is expected that the majority of the proposed indicators can be operational from 2018, due to the need to acquire additional cognitive elements (specified on each sheet). Only for the avifauna is thought to be possible to arrive to operability for 2014. It follows the list of indicators taken into account per criterion with the indication of the year in which it is expected to be operational in brackets: Criterion 1.2 Population size – Indicator 1.2.1 Population abundance and /or biomass, as appropriate – considered elements: Fan mussel - Pinna nobilis (2018), coastal fish species (2018), Loggerhead - Caretta caretta (2018), marine mammals (2018), marine birds (2014). Criterion 1.3 Population condition – Indicator 1.3.1 Population demographic characteristics – considered elements: Ribbed Mediterranean Limpet Patella ferruginea (2018), coastal fish species (2018), marine birds (2014). Indicator 1.3.1 Population genetic structure, where appropriate – fish species (2018). Criterion 1.5 Habitat extent – Indicator 1.5.1 Habitat area – considered elements : benthic habitats Posidonia oceanica meadows, mäerl beds (2018). Criterion 1.6 Habitat condition – Indicator 1.6.1 Condition of the typical species and communities - considered elements : benthic habitats coralligenous and deep sea corals (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018), coastal fish (2018). Indicator 1.6.2 Relative abundance and/or biomass, as appropriate - considered elements : pelagic habitat (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018). IT-WMS-8A02-0006: The Marine Strategy Framework Directive requires that to determining good environmental status for D1 “Biological diversity is maintained. The quality and occurrence of habitats and the distribution and abundance of species are in line with prevailing physiographic, geographic and climatic conditionsâ€. In this regard, it is recalled that for the preparation of the determination of GES for Descriptor 1, the Directive requires to consider a set of criteria (7) and indicators, whose analysis and selection must be justified in relation to the information collected with the Initial Assessment and their direct relevance to the main causes of human pressure. It should be noted that, based on the ecosystem approach, the main consideration on which choose the indicators should be based on the fact that they are able to establish relationships between the impact of human activities and the functioning of the marine ecosystem. All this taking into account that there are still gaps of knowledge on the relationship between the values measured for the different activities / pressures considered and the effects they cause on ecosystems. The formulation of the targets was done taking into account commitments already signed by Italy in relation to international conventions and European legislation, on the assumption that the pursuit of these objectives is in itself a contribution to the achievement of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive targets. This is also because the Marine Strategy officially requires referring to other European Directives and to international conventions concerning the marine environment. Overall, should be noted that only 4 of the seven criteria of the Marine Strategy, based on the information gathered with the initial assessment and in relation to the characteristics of the Mediterranean Sea, were considered for the determination of GES for the descriptor 1: 1.2 Population size 1.3 Population condition 1.5 Habitat extent 1.6 Habitat condition Specifically, as regards the aspects relating to the criterion 1.7 "Ecosystem structure" it was considered better to tackle it within the descriptor 4 "Food webs". For each criterion were identified the indicators considered most appropriate, foreseeing that the individual GES is achieved with the positive response of all the composing elements, selected on the basis of the initial assessment, of the scientific knowledge and their future implementability (2014 or 2018 ). The overall proposal is therefore based on 4 criteria and 15 indicators proposed for the 3 sub regions of interest for Italy, for each of which a GES should be assessed. The explanations of the reasons leading to the formulation of the proposal are described in the single sheet of the element relating to a specific indicator. Overall it is expected that the majority of the proposed indicators can be operational from 2018, due to the need to acquire additional cognitive elements (specified on each sheet). Only for the avifauna is thought to be possible to arrive to operability for 2014. It follows the list of indicators taken into account per criterion with the indication of the year in which it is expected to be operational in brackets: Criterion 1.2 Population size – Indicator 1.2.1 Population abundance and /or biomass, as appropriate – considered elements: Fan mussel - Pinna nobilis (2018), coastal fish species (2018), Loggerhead - Caretta caretta (2018), marine mammals (2018), marine birds (2014). Criterion 1.3 Population condition – Indicator 1.3.1 Population demographic characteristics – considered elements: Ribbed Mediterranean Limpet Patella ferruginea (2018), coastal fish species (2018), marine birds (2014). Indicator 1.3.1 Population genetic structure, where appropriate – fish species (2018). Criterion 1.5 Habitat extent – Indicator 1.5.1 Habitat area – considered elements : benthic habitats Posidonia oceanica meadows, mäerl beds (2018). Criterion 1.6 Habitat condition – Indicator 1.6.1 Condition of the typical species and communities - considered elements : benthic habitats coralligenous and deep sea corals (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018), coastal fish (2018). Indicator 1.6.2 Relative abundance and/or biomass, as appropriate - considered elements : pelagic habitat (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018). IT-WMS-8A02-0007: The Marine Strategy Framework Directive requires that to determining good environmental status for D1 “Biological diversity is maintained. The quality and occurrence of habitats and the distribution and abundance of species are in line with prevailing physiographic, geographic and climatic conditionsâ€. In this regard, it is recalled that for the preparation of the determination of GES for Descriptor 1, the Directive requires to consider a set of criteria (7) and indicators, whose analysis and selection must be justified in relation to the information collected with the Initial Assessment and their direct relevance to the main causes of human pressure. It should be noted that, based on the ecosystem approach, the main consideration on which choose the indicators should be based on the fact that they are able to establish relationships between the impact of human activities and the functioning of the marine ecosystem. All this taking into account that there are still gaps of knowledge on the relationship between the values measured for the different activities / pressures considered and the effects they cause on ecosystems. The formulation of the targets was done taking into account commitments already signed by Italy in relation to international conventions and European legislation, on the assumption that the pursuit of these objectives is in itself a contribution to the achievement of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive targets. This is also because the Marine Strategy officially requires referring to other European Directives and to international conventions concerning the marine environment. Overall, should be noted that only 4 of the seven criteria of the Marine Strategy, based on the information gathered with the initial assessment and in relation to the characteristics of the Mediterranean Sea, were considered for the determination of GES for the descriptor 1: 1.2 Population size 1.3 Population condition 1.5 Habitat extent 1.6 Habitat condition Specifically, as regards the aspects relating to the criterion 1.7 "Ecosystem structure" it was considered better to tackle it within the descriptor 4 "Food webs". For each criterion were identified the indicators considered most appropriate, foreseeing that the individual GES is achieved with the positive response of all the composing elements, selected on the basis of the initial assessment, of the scientific knowledge and their future implementability (2014 or 2018 ). The overall proposal is therefore based on 4 criteria and 15 indicators proposed for the 3 sub regions of interest for Italy, for each of which a GES should be assessed. The explanations of the reasons leading to the formulation of the proposal are described in the single sheet of the element relating to a specific indicator. Overall it is expected that the majority of the proposed indicators can be operational from 2018, due to the need to acquire additional cognitive elements (specified on each sheet). Only for the avifauna is thought to be possible to arrive to operability for 2014. It follows the list of indicators taken into account per criterion with the indication of the year in which it is expected to be operational in brackets: Criterion 1.2 Population size – Indicator 1.2.1 Population abundance and /or biomass, as appropriate – considered elements: Fan mussel - Pinna nobilis (2018), coastal fish species (2018), Loggerhead - Caretta caretta (2018), marine mammals (2018), marine birds (2014). Criterion 1.3 Population condition – Indicator 1.3.1 Population demographic characteristics – considered elements: Ribbed Mediterranean Limpet Patella ferruginea (2018), coastal fish species (2018), marine birds (2014). Indicator 1.3.1 Population genetic structure, where appropriate – fish species (2018). Criterion 1.5 Habitat extent – Indicator 1.5.1 Habitat area – considered elements : benthic habitats Posidonia oceanica meadows, mäerl beds (2018). Criterion 1.6 Habitat condition – Indicator 1.6.1 Condition of the typical species and communities - considered elements : benthic habitats coralligenous and deep sea corals (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018), coastal fish (2018). Indicator 1.6.2 Relative abundance and/or biomass, as appropriate - considered elements : pelagic habitat (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018). IT-AS-8A02-0001: The Marine Strategy Framework Directive requires that to determining good environmental status for D1 “Biological diversity is maintained. The quality and occurrence of habitats and the distribution and abundance of species are in line with prevailing physiographic, geographic and climatic conditionsâ€. In this regard, it is recalled that for the preparation of the determination of GES for Descriptor 1, the Directive requires to consider a set of criteria (7) and indicators, whose analysis and selection must be justified in relation to the information collected with the Initial Assessment and their direct relevance to the main causes of human pressure. It should be noted that, based on the ecosystem approach, the main consideration on which choose the indicators should be based on the fact that they are able to establish relationships between the impact of human activities and the functioning of the marine ecosystem. All this taking into account that there are still gaps of knowledge on the relationship between the values measured for the different activities / pressures considered and the effects they cause on ecosystems. The formulation of the targets was done taking into account commitments already signed by Italy in relation to international conventions and European legislation, on the assumption that the pursuit of these objectives is in itself a contribution to the achievement of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive targets. This is also because the Marine Strategy officially requires referring to other European Directives and to international conventions concerning the marine environment. Overall, should be noted that only 4 of the seven criteria of the Marine Strategy, based on the information gathered with the initial assessment and in relation to the characteristics of the Mediterranean Sea, were considered for the determination of GES for the descriptor 1: 1.2 Population size 1.3 Population condition 1.5 Habitat extent 1.6 Habitat condition Specifically, as regards the aspects relating to the criterion 1.7 "Ecosystem structure" it was considered better to tackle it within the descriptor 4 "Food webs". For each criterion were identified the indicators considered most appropriate, foreseeing that the individual GES is achieved with the positive response of all the composing elements, selected on the basis of the initial assessment, of the scientific knowledge and their future implementability (2014 or 2018 ). The overall proposal is therefore based on 4 criteria and 15 indicators proposed for the 3 sub regions of interest for Italy, for each of which a GES should be assessed. The explanations of the reasons leading to the formulation of the proposal are described in the single sheet of the element relating to a specific indicator. Overall it is expected that the majority of the proposed indicators can be operational from 2018, due to the need to acquire additional cognitive elements (specified on each sheet). Only for the avifauna is thought to be possible to arrive to operability for 2014. It follows the list of indicators taken into account per criterion with the indication of the year in which it is expected to be operational in brackets: Criterion 1.2 Population size – Indicator 1.2.1 Population abundance and /or biomass, as appropriate – considered elements: Fan mussel - Pinna nobilis (2018), coastal fish species (2018), Loggerhead - Caretta caretta (2018), marine mammals (2018), marine birds (2014). Criterion 1.3 Population condition – Indicator 1.3.1 Population demographic characteristics – considered elements: Ribbed Mediterranean Limpet Patella ferruginea (2018), coastal fish species (2018), marine birds (2014). Indicator 1.3.1 Population genetic structure, where appropriate – fish species (2018). Criterion 1.5 Habitat extent – Indicator 1.5.1 Habitat area – considered elements : benthic habitats Posidonia oceanica meadows, mäerl beds (2018). Criterion 1.6 Habitat condition – Indicator 1.6.1 Condition of the typical species and communities - considered elements : benthic habitats coralligenous and deep sea corals (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018), coastal fish (2018). Indicator 1.6.2 Relative abundance and/or biomass, as appropriate - considered elements : pelagic habitat (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018). IT-AS-8A02-0002: The Marine Strategy Framework Directive requires that to determining good environmental status for D1 “Biological diversity is maintained. The quality and occurrence of habitats and the distribution and abundance of species are in line with prevailing physiographic, geographic and climatic conditionsâ€. In this regard, it is recalled that for the preparation of the determination of GES for Descriptor 1, the Directive requires to consider a set of criteria (7) and indicators, whose analysis and selection must be justified in relation to the information collected with the Initial Assessment and their direct relevance to the main causes of human pressure. It should be noted that, based on the ecosystem approach, the main consideration on which choose the indicators should be based on the fact that they are able to establish relationships between the impact of human activities and the functioning of the marine ecosystem. All this taking into account that there are still gaps of knowledge on the relationship between the values measured for the different activities / pressures considered and the effects they cause on ecosystems. The formulation of the targets was done taking into account commitments already signed by Italy in relation to international conventions and European legislation, on the assumption that the pursuit of these objectives is in itself a contribution to the achievement of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive targets. This is also because the Marine Strategy officially requires referring to other European Directives and to international conventions concerning the marine environment. Overall, should be noted that only 4 of the seven criteria of the Marine Strategy, based on the information gathered with the initial assessment and in relation to the characteristics of the Mediterranean Sea, were considered for the determination of GES for the descriptor 1: 1.2 Population size 1.3 Population condition 1.5 Habitat extent 1.6 Habitat condition Specifically, as regards the aspects relating to the criterion 1.7 "Ecosystem structure" it was considered better to tackle it within the descriptor 4 "Food webs". For each criterion were identified the indicators considered most appropriate, foreseeing that the individual GES is achieved with the positive response of all the composing elements, selected on the basis of the initial assessment, of the scientific knowledge and their future implementability (2014 or 2018 ). The overall proposal is therefore based on 4 criteria and 15 indicators proposed for the 3 sub regions of interest for Italy, for each of which a GES should be assessed. The explanations of the reasons leading to the formulation of the proposal are described in the single sheet of the element relating to a specific indicator. Overall it is expected that the majority of the proposed indicators can be operational from 2018, due to the need to acquire additional cognitive elements (specified on each sheet). Only for the avifauna is thought to be possible to arrive to operability for 2014. It follows the list of indicators taken into account per criterion with the indication of the year in which it is expected to be operational in brackets: Criterion 1.2 Population size – Indicator 1.2.1 Population abundance and /or biomass, as appropriate – considered elements: Fan mussel - Pinna nobilis (2018), coastal fish species (2018), Loggerhead - Caretta caretta (2018), marine mammals (2018), marine birds (2014). Criterion 1.3 Population condition – Indicator 1.3.1 Population demographic characteristics – considered elements: Ribbed Mediterranean Limpet Patella ferruginea (2018), coastal fish species (2018), marine birds (2014). Indicator 1.3.1 Population genetic structure, where appropriate – fish species (2018). Criterion 1.5 Habitat extent – Indicator 1.5.1 Habitat area – considered elements : benthic habitats Posidonia oceanica meadows, mäerl beds (2018). Criterion 1.6 Habitat condition – Indicator 1.6.1 Condition of the typical species and communities - considered elements : benthic habitats coralligenous and deep sea corals (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018), coastal fish (2018). Indicator 1.6.2 Relative abundance and/or biomass, as appropriate - considered elements : pelagic habitat (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018). IT-ISCMS-8A02-0001: The Marine Strategy Framework Directive requires that to determining good environmental status for D1 “Biological diversity is maintained. The quality and occurrence of habitats and the distribution and abundance of species are in line with prevailing physiographic, geographic and climatic conditionsâ€. In this regard, it is recalled that for the preparation of the determination of GES for Descriptor 1, the Directive requires to consider a set of criteria (7) and indicators, whose analysis and selection must be justified in relation to the information collected with the Initial Assessment and their direct relevance to the main causes of human pressure. It should be noted that, based on the ecosystem approach, the main consideration on which choose the indicators should be based on the fact that they are able to establish relationships between the impact of human activities and the functioning of the marine ecosystem. All this taking into account that there are still gaps of knowledge on the relationship between the values measured for the different activities / pressures considered and the effects they cause on ecosystems. The formulation of the targets was done taking into account commitments already signed by Italy in relation to international conventions and European legislation, on the assumption that the pursuit of these objectives is in itself a contribution to the achievement of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive targets. This is also because the Marine Strategy officially requires referring to other European Directives and to international conventions concerning the marine environment. Overall, should be noted that only 4 of the seven criteria of the Marine Strategy, based on the information gathered with the initial assessment and in relation to the characteristics of the Mediterranean Sea, were considered for the determination of GES for the descriptor 1: 1.2 Population size 1.3 Population condition 1.5 Habitat extent 1.6 Habitat condition Specifically, as regards the aspects relating to the criterion 1.7 "Ecosystem structure" it was considered better to tackle it within the descriptor 4 "Food webs". For each criterion were identified the indicators considered most appropriate, foreseeing that the individual GES is achieved with the positive response of all the composing elements, selected on the basis of the initial assessment, of the scientific knowledge and their future implementability (2014 or 2018 ). The overall proposal is therefore based on 4 criteria and 15 indicators proposed for the 3 sub regions of interest for Italy, for each of which a GES should be assessed. The explanations of the reasons leading to the formulation of the proposal are described in the single sheet of the element relating to a specific indicator. Overall it is expected that the majority of the proposed indicators can be operational from 2018, due to the need to acquire additional cognitive elements (specified on each sheet). Only for the avifauna is thought to be possible to arrive to operability for 2014. It follows the list of indicators taken into account per criterion with the indication of the year in which it is expected to be operational in brackets: Criterion 1.2 Population size – Indicator 1.2.1 Population abundance and /or biomass, as appropriate – considered elements: Fan mussel - Pinna nobilis (2018), coastal fish species (2018), Loggerhead - Caretta caretta (2018), marine mammals (2018), marine birds (2014). Criterion 1.3 Population condition – Indicator 1.3.1 Population demographic characteristics – considered elements: Ribbed Mediterranean Limpet Patella ferruginea (2018), coastal fish species (2018), marine birds (2014). Indicator 1.3.1 Population genetic structure, where appropriate – fish species (2018). Criterion 1.5 Habitat extent – Indicator 1.5.1 Habitat area – considered elements : benthic habitats Posidonia oceanica meadows, mäerl beds (2018). Criterion 1.6 Habitat condition – Indicator 1.6.1 Condition of the typical species and communities - considered elements : benthic habitats coralligenous and deep sea corals (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018), coastal fish (2018). Indicator 1.6.2 Relative abundance and/or biomass, as appropriate - considered elements : pelagic habitat (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018). IT-ISCMS-8A02-0002: The Marine Strategy Framework Directive requires that to determining good environmental status for D1 “Biological diversity is maintained. The quality and occurrence of habitats and the distribution and abundance of species are in line with prevailing physiographic, geographic and climatic conditionsâ€. In this regard, it is recalled that for the preparation of the determination of GES for Descriptor 1, the Directive requires to consider a set of criteria (7) and indicators, whose analysis and selection must be justified in relation to the information collected with the Initial Assessment and their direct relevance to the main causes of human pressure. It should be noted that, based on the ecosystem approach, the main consideration on which choose the indicators should be based on the fact that they are able to establish relationships between the impact of human activities and the functioning of the marine ecosystem. All this taking into account that there are still gaps of knowledge on the relationship between the values measured for the different activities / pressures considered and the effects they cause on ecosystems. The formulation of the targets was done taking into account commitments already signed by Italy in relation to international conventions and European legislation, on the assumption that the pursuit of these objectives is in itself a contribution to the achievement of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive targets. This is also because the Marine Strategy officially requires referring to other European Directives and to international conventions concerning the marine environment. Overall, should be noted that only 4 of the seven criteria of the Marine Strategy, based on the information gathered with the initial assessment and in relation to the characteristics of the Mediterranean Sea, were considered for the determination of GES for the descriptor 1: 1.2 Population size 1.3 Population condition 1.5 Habitat extent 1.6 Habitat condition Specifically, as regards the aspects relating to the criterion 1.7 "Ecosystem structure" it was considered better to tackle it within the descriptor 4 "Food webs". For each criterion were identified the indicators considered most appropriate, foreseeing that the individual GES is achieved with the positive response of all the composing elements, selected on the basis of the initial assessment, of the scientific knowledge and their future implementability (2014 or 2018 ). The overall proposal is therefore based on 4 criteria and 15 indicators proposed for the 3 sub regions of interest for Italy, for each of which a GES should be assessed. The explanations of the reasons leading to the formulation of the proposal are described in the single sheet of the element relating to a specific indicator. Overall it is expected that the majority of the proposed indicators can be operational from 2018, due to the need to acquire additional cognitive elements (specified on each sheet). Only for the avifauna is thought to be possible to arrive to operability for 2014. It follows the list of indicators taken into account per criterion with the indication of the year in which it is expected to be operational in brackets: Criterion 1.2 Population size – Indicator 1.2.1 Population abundance and /or biomass, as appropriate – considered elements: Fan mussel - Pinna nobilis (2018), coastal fish species (2018), Loggerhead - Caretta caretta (2018), marine mammals (2018), marine birds (2014). Criterion 1.3 Population condition – Indicator 1.3.1 Population demographic characteristics – considered elements: Ribbed Mediterranean Limpet Patella ferruginea (2018), coastal fish species (2018), marine birds (2014). Indicator 1.3.1 Population genetic structure, where appropriate – fish species (2018). Criterion 1.5 Habitat extent – Indicator 1.5.1 Habitat area – considered elements : benthic habitats Posidonia oceanica meadows, mäerl beds (2018). Criterion 1.6 Habitat condition – Indicator 1.6.1 Condition of the typical species and communities - considered elements : benthic habitats coralligenous and deep sea corals (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018), coastal fish (2018). Indicator 1.6.2 Relative abundance and/or biomass, as appropriate - considered elements : pelagic habitat (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018). IT-WMS-8A02-0001: The Marine Strategy Framework Directive requires that to determining good environmental status for D1 “Biological diversity is maintained. The quality and occurrence of habitats and the distribution and abundance of species are in line with prevailing physiographic, geographic and climatic conditionsâ€. In this regard, it is recalled that for the preparation of the determination of GES for Descriptor 1, the Directive requires to consider a set of criteria (7) and indicators, whose analysis and selection must be justified in relation to the information collected with the Initial Assessment and their direct relevance to the main causes of human pressure. It should be noted that, based on the ecosystem approach, the main consideration on which choose the indicators should be based on the fact that they are able to establish relationships between the impact of human activities and the functioning of the marine ecosystem. All this taking into account that there are still gaps of knowledge on the relationship between the values measured for the different activities / pressures considered and the effects they cause on ecosystems. The formulation of the targets was done taking into account commitments already signed by Italy in relation to international conventions and European legislation, on the assumption that the pursuit of these objectives is in itself a contribution to the achievement of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive targets. This is also because the Marine Strategy officially requires referring to other European Directives and to international conventions concerning the marine environment. Overall, should be noted that only 4 of the seven criteria of the Marine Strategy, based on the information gathered with the initial assessment and in relation to the characteristics of the Mediterranean Sea, were considered for the determination of GES for the descriptor 1: 1.2 Population size 1.3 Population condition 1.5 Habitat extent 1.6 Habitat condition Specifically, as regards the aspects relating to the criterion 1.7 "Ecosystem structure" it was considered better to tackle it within the descriptor 4 "Food webs". For each criterion were identified the indicators considered most appropriate, foreseeing that the individual GES is achieved with the positive response of all the composing elements, selected on the basis of the initial assessment, of the scientific knowledge and their future implementability (2014 or 2018 ). The overall proposal is therefore based on 4 criteria and 15 indicators proposed for the 3 sub regions of interest for Italy, for each of which a GES should be assessed. The explanations of the reasons leading to the formulation of the proposal are described in the single sheet of the element relating to a specific indicator. Overall it is expected that the majority of the proposed indicators can be operational from 2018, due to the need to acquire additional cognitive elements (specified on each sheet). Only for the avifauna is thought to be possible to arrive to operability for 2014. It follows the list of indicators taken into account per criterion with the indication of the year in which it is expected to be operational in brackets: Criterion 1.2 Population size – Indicator 1.2.1 Population abundance and /or biomass, as appropriate – considered elements: Fan mussel - Pinna nobilis (2018), coastal fish species (2018), Loggerhead - Caretta caretta (2018), marine mammals (2018), marine birds (2014). Criterion 1.3 Population condition – Indicator 1.3.1 Population demographic characteristics – considered elements: Ribbed Mediterranean Limpet Patella ferruginea (2018), coastal fish species (2018), marine birds (2014). Indicator 1.3.1 Population genetic structure, where appropriate – fish species (2018). Criterion 1.5 Habitat extent – Indicator 1.5.1 Habitat area – considered elements : benthic habitats Posidonia oceanica meadows, mäerl beds (2018). Criterion 1.6 Habitat condition – Indicator 1.6.1 Condition of the typical species and communities - considered elements : benthic habitats coralligenous and deep sea corals (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018), coastal fish (2018). Indicator 1.6.2 Relative abundance and/or biomass, as appropriate - considered elements : pelagic habitat (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018). IT-WMS-8A02-0002: The Marine Strategy Framework Directive requires that to determining good environmental status for D1 “Biological diversity is maintained. The quality and occurrence of habitats and the distribution and abundance of species are in line with prevailing physiographic, geographic and climatic conditionsâ€. In this regard, it is recalled that for the preparation of the determination of GES for Descriptor 1, the Directive requires to consider a set of criteria (7) and indicators, whose analysis and selection must be justified in relation to the information collected with the Initial Assessment and their direct relevance to the main causes of human pressure. It should be noted that, based on the ecosystem approach, the main consideration on which choose the indicators should be based on the fact that they are able to establish relationships between the impact of human activities and the functioning of the marine ecosystem. All this taking into account that there are still gaps of knowledge on the relationship between the values measured for the different activities / pressures considered and the effects they cause on ecosystems. The formulation of the targets was done taking into account commitments already signed by Italy in relation to international conventions and European legislation, on the assumption that the pursuit of these objectives is in itself a contribution to the achievement of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive targets. This is also because the Marine Strategy officially requires referring to other European Directives and to international conventions concerning the marine environment. Overall, should be noted that only 4 of the seven criteria of the Marine Strategy, based on the information gathered with the initial assessment and in relation to the characteristics of the Mediterranean Sea, were considered for the determination of GES for the descriptor 1: 1.2 Population size 1.3 Population condition 1.5 Habitat extent 1.6 Habitat condition Specifically, as regards the aspects relating to the criterion 1.7 "Ecosystem structure" it was considered better to tackle it within the descriptor 4 "Food webs". For each criterion were identified the indicators considered most appropriate, foreseeing that the individual GES is achieved with the positive response of all the composing elements, selected on the basis of the initial assessment, of the scientific knowledge and their future implementability (2014 or 2018 ). The overall proposal is therefore based on 4 criteria and 15 indicators proposed for the 3 sub regions of interest for Italy, for each of which a GES should be assessed. The explanations of the reasons leading to the formulation of the proposal are described in the single sheet of the element relating to a specific indicator. Overall it is expected that the majority of the proposed indicators can be operational from 2018, due to the need to acquire additional cognitive elements (specified on each sheet). Only for the avifauna is thought to be possible to arrive to operability for 2014. It follows the list of indicators taken into account per criterion with the indication of the year in which it is expected to be operational in brackets: Criterion 1.2 Population size – Indicator 1.2.1 Population abundance and /or biomass, as appropriate – considered elements: Fan mussel - Pinna nobilis (2018), coastal fish species (2018), Loggerhead - Caretta caretta (2018), marine mammals (2018), marine birds (2014). Criterion 1.3 Population condition – Indicator 1.3.1 Population demographic characteristics – considered elements: Ribbed Mediterranean Limpet Patella ferruginea (2018), coastal fish species (2018), marine birds (2014). Indicator 1.3.1 Population genetic structure, where appropriate – fish species (2018). Criterion 1.5 Habitat extent – Indicator 1.5.1 Habitat area – considered elements : benthic habitats Posidonia oceanica meadows, mäerl beds (2018). Criterion 1.6 Habitat condition – Indicator 1.6.1 Condition of the typical species and communities - considered elements : benthic habitats coralligenous and deep sea corals (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018), coastal fish (2018). Indicator 1.6.2 Relative abundance and/or biomass, as appropriate - considered elements : pelagic habitat (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018). IT-WMS-8A02-0003: The Marine Strategy Framework Directive requires that to determining good environmental status for D1 “Biological diversity is maintained. The quality and occurrence of habitats and the distribution and abundance of species are in line with prevailing physiographic, geographic and climatic conditionsâ€. In this regard, it is recalled that for the preparation of the determination of GES for Descriptor 1, the Directive requires to consider a set of criteria (7) and indicators, whose analysis and selection must be justified in relation to the information collected with the Initial Assessment and their direct relevance to the main causes of human pressure. It should be noted that, based on the ecosystem approach, the main consideration on which choose the indicators should be based on the fact that they are able to establish relationships between the impact of human activities and the functioning of the marine ecosystem. All this taking into account that there are still gaps of knowledge on the relationship between the values measured for the different activities / pressures considered and the effects they cause on ecosystems. The formulation of the targets was done taking into account commitments already signed by Italy in relation to international conventions and European legislation, on the assumption that the pursuit of these objectives is in itself a contribution to the achievement of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive targets. This is also because the Marine Strategy officially requires referring to other European Directives and to international conventions concerning the marine environment. Overall, should be noted that only 4 of the seven criteria of the Marine Strategy, based on the information gathered with the initial assessment and in relation to the characteristics of the Mediterranean Sea, were considered for the determination of GES for the descriptor 1: 1.2 Population size 1.3 Population condition 1.5 Habitat extent 1.6 Habitat condition Specifically, as regards the aspects relating to the criterion 1.7 "Ecosystem structure" it was considered better to tackle it within the descriptor 4 "Food webs". For each criterion were identified the indicators considered most appropriate, foreseeing that the individual GES is achieved with the positive response of all the composing elements, selected on the basis of the initial assessment, of the scientific knowledge and their future implementability (2014 or 2018 ). The overall proposal is therefore based on 4 criteria and 15 indicators proposed for the 3 sub regions of interest for Italy, for each of which a GES should be assessed. The explanations of the reasons leading to the formulation of the proposal are described in the single sheet of the element relating to a specific indicator. Overall it is expected that the majority of the proposed indicators can be operational from 2018, due to the need to acquire additional cognitive elements (specified on each sheet). Only for the avifauna is thought to be possible to arrive to operability for 2014. It follows the list of indicators taken into account per criterion with the indication of the year in which it is expected to be operational in brackets: Criterion 1.2 Population size – Indicator 1.2.1 Population abundance and /or biomass, as appropriate – considered elements: Fan mussel - Pinna nobilis (2018), coastal fish species (2018), Loggerhead - Caretta caretta (2018), marine mammals (2018), marine birds (2014). Criterion 1.3 Population condition – Indicator 1.3.1 Population demographic characteristics – considered elements: Ribbed Mediterranean Limpet Patella ferruginea (2018), coastal fish species (2018), marine birds (2014). Indicator 1.3.1 Population genetic structure, where appropriate – fish species (2018). Criterion 1.5 Habitat extent – Indicator 1.5.1 Habitat area – considered elements : benthic habitats Posidonia oceanica meadows, mäerl beds (2018). Criterion 1.6 Habitat condition – Indicator 1.6.1 Condition of the typical species and communities - considered elements : benthic habitats coralligenous and deep sea corals (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018), coastal fish (2018). Indicator 1.6.2 Relative abundance and/or biomass, as appropriate - considered elements : pelagic habitat (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018). IT-WMS-8A02-0004: The Marine Strategy Framework Directive requires that to determining good environmental status for D1 “Biological diversity is maintained. The quality and occurrence of habitats and the distribution and abundance of species are in line with prevailing physiographic, geographic and climatic conditionsâ€. In this regard, it is recalled that for the preparation of the determination of GES for Descriptor 1, the Directive requires to consider a set of criteria (7) and indicators, whose analysis and selection must be justified in relation to the information collected with the Initial Assessment and their direct relevance to the main causes of human pressure. It should be noted that, based on the ecosystem approach, the main consideration on which choose the indicators should be based on the fact that they are able to establish relationships between the impact of human activities and the functioning of the marine ecosystem. All this taking into account that there are still gaps of knowledge on the relationship between the values measured for the different activities / pressures considered and the effects they cause on ecosystems. The formulation of the targets was done taking into account commitments already signed by Italy in relation to international conventions and European legislation, on the assumption that the pursuit of these objectives is in itself a contribution to the achievement of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive targets. This is also because the Marine Strategy officially requires referring to other European Directives and to international conventions concerning the marine environment. Overall, should be noted that only 4 of the seven criteria of the Marine Strategy, based on the information gathered with the initial assessment and in relation to the characteristics of the Mediterranean Sea, were considered for the determination of GES for the descriptor 1: 1.2 Population size 1.3 Population condition 1.5 Habitat extent 1.6 Habitat condition Specifically, as regards the aspects relating to the criterion 1.7 "Ecosystem structure" it was considered better to tackle it within the descriptor 4 "Food webs". For each criterion were identified the indicators considered most appropriate, foreseeing that the individual GES is achieved with the positive response of all the composing elements, selected on the basis of the initial assessment, of the scientific knowledge and their future implementability (2014 or 2018 ). The overall proposal is therefore based on 4 criteria and 15 indicators proposed for the 3 sub regions of interest for Italy, for each of which a GES should be assessed. The explanations of the reasons leading to the formulation of the proposal are described in the single sheet of the element relating to a specific indicator. Overall it is expected that the majority of the proposed indicators can be operational from 2018, due to the need to acquire additional cognitive elements (specified on each sheet). Only for the avifauna is thought to be possible to arrive to operability for 2014. It follows the list of indicators taken into account per criterion with the indication of the year in which it is expected to be operational in brackets: Criterion 1.2 Population size – Indicator 1.2.1 Population abundance and /or biomass, as appropriate – considered elements: Fan mussel - Pinna nobilis (2018), coastal fish species (2018), Loggerhead - Caretta caretta (2018), marine mammals (2018), marine birds (2014). Criterion 1.3 Population condition – Indicator 1.3.1 Population demographic characteristics – considered elements: Ribbed Mediterranean Limpet Patella ferruginea (2018), coastal fish species (2018), marine birds (2014). Indicator 1.3.1 Population genetic structure, where appropriate – fish species (2018). Criterion 1.5 Habitat extent – Indicator 1.5.1 Habitat area – considered elements : benthic habitats Posidonia oceanica meadows, mäerl beds (2018). Criterion 1.6 Habitat condition – Indicator 1.6.1 Condition of the typical species and communities - considered elements : benthic habitats coralligenous and deep sea corals (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018), coastal fish (2018). Indicator 1.6.2 Relative abundance and/or biomass, as appropriate - considered elements : pelagic habitat (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018). IT-WMS-8A02-0005: The Marine Strategy Framework Directive requires that to determining good environmental status for D1 “Biological diversity is maintained. The quality and occurrence of habitats and the distribution and abundance of species are in line with prevailing physiographic, geographic and climatic conditionsâ€. In this regard, it is recalled that for the preparation of the determination of GES for Descriptor 1, the Directive requires to consider a set of criteria (7) and indicators, whose analysis and selection must be justified in relation to the information collected with the Initial Assessment and their direct relevance to the main causes of human pressure. It should be noted that, based on the ecosystem approach, the main consideration on which choose the indicators should be based on the fact that they are able to establish relationships between the impact of human activities and the functioning of the marine ecosystem. All this taking into account that there are still gaps of knowledge on the relationship between the values measured for the different activities / pressures considered and the effects they cause on ecosystems. The formulation of the targets was done taking into account commitments already signed by Italy in relation to international conventions and European legislation, on the assumption that the pursuit of these objectives is in itself a contribution to the achievement of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive targets. This is also because the Marine Strategy officially requires referring to other European Directives and to international conventions concerning the marine environment. Overall, should be noted that only 4 of the seven criteria of the Marine Strategy, based on the information gathered with the initial assessment and in relation to the characteristics of the Mediterranean Sea, were considered for the determination of GES for the descriptor 1: 1.2 Population size 1.3 Population condition 1.5 Habitat extent 1.6 Habitat condition Specifically, as regards the aspects relating to the criterion 1.7 "Ecosystem structure" it was considered better to tackle it within the descriptor 4 "Food webs". For each criterion were identified the indicators considered most appropriate, foreseeing that the individual GES is achieved with the positive response of all the composing elements, selected on the basis of the initial assessment, of the scientific knowledge and their future implementability (2014 or 2018 ). The overall proposal is therefore based on 4 criteria and 15 indicators proposed for the 3 sub regions of interest for Italy, for each of which a GES should be assessed. The explanations of the reasons leading to the formulation of the proposal are described in the single sheet of the element relating to a specific indicator. Overall it is expected that the majority of the proposed indicators can be operational from 2018, due to the need to acquire additional cognitive elements (specified on each sheet). Only for the avifauna is thought to be possible to arrive to operability for 2014. It follows the list of indicators taken into account per criterion with the indication of the year in which it is expected to be operational in brackets: Criterion 1.2 Population size – Indicator 1.2.1 Population abundance and /or biomass, as appropriate – considered elements: Fan mussel - Pinna nobilis (2018), coastal fish species (2018), Loggerhead - Caretta caretta (2018), marine mammals (2018), marine birds (2014). Criterion 1.3 Population condition – Indicator 1.3.1 Population demographic characteristics – considered elements: Ribbed Mediterranean Limpet Patella ferruginea (2018), coastal fish species (2018), marine birds (2014). Indicator 1.3.1 Population genetic structure, where appropriate – fish species (2018). Criterion 1.5 Habitat extent – Indicator 1.5.1 Habitat area – considered elements : benthic habitats Posidonia oceanica meadows, mäerl beds (2018). Criterion 1.6 Habitat condition – Indicator 1.6.1 Condition of the typical species and communities - considered elements : benthic habitats coralligenous and deep sea corals (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018), coastal fish (2018). Indicator 1.6.2 Relative abundance and/or biomass, as appropriate - considered elements : pelagic habitat (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018). IT-WMS-8A02-0006: The Marine Strategy Framework Directive requires that to determining good environmental status for D1 “Biological diversity is maintained. The quality and occurrence of habitats and the distribution and abundance of species are in line with prevailing physiographic, geographic and climatic conditionsâ€. In this regard, it is recalled that for the preparation of the determination of GES for Descriptor 1, the Directive requires to consider a set of criteria (7) and indicators, whose analysis and selection must be justified in relation to the information collected with the Initial Assessment and their direct relevance to the main causes of human pressure. It should be noted that, based on the ecosystem approach, the main consideration on which choose the indicators should be based on the fact that they are able to establish relationships between the impact of human activities and the functioning of the marine ecosystem. All this taking into account that there are still gaps of knowledge on the relationship between the values measured for the different activities / pressures considered and the effects they cause on ecosystems. The formulation of the targets was done taking into account commitments already signed by Italy in relation to international conventions and European legislation, on the assumption that the pursuit of these objectives is in itself a contribution to the achievement of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive targets. This is also because the Marine Strategy officially requires referring to other European Directives and to international conventions concerning the marine environment. Overall, should be noted that only 4 of the seven criteria of the Marine Strategy, based on the information gathered with the initial assessment and in relation to the characteristics of the Mediterranean Sea, were considered for the determination of GES for the descriptor 1: 1.2 Population size 1.3 Population condition 1.5 Habitat extent 1.6 Habitat condition Specifically, as regards the aspects relating to the criterion 1.7 "Ecosystem structure" it was considered better to tackle it within the descriptor 4 "Food webs". For each criterion were identified the indicators considered most appropriate, foreseeing that the individual GES is achieved with the positive response of all the composing elements, selected on the basis of the initial assessment, of the scientific knowledge and their future implementability (2014 or 2018 ). The overall proposal is therefore based on 4 criteria and 15 indicators proposed for the 3 sub regions of interest for Italy, for each of which a GES should be assessed. The explanations of the reasons leading to the formulation of the proposal are described in the single sheet of the element relating to a specific indicator. Overall it is expected that the majority of the proposed indicators can be operational from 2018, due to the need to acquire additional cognitive elements (specified on each sheet). Only for the avifauna is thought to be possible to arrive to operability for 2014. It follows the list of indicators taken into account per criterion with the indication of the year in which it is expected to be operational in brackets: Criterion 1.2 Population size – Indicator 1.2.1 Population abundance and /or biomass, as appropriate – considered elements: Fan mussel - Pinna nobilis (2018), coastal fish species (2018), Loggerhead - Caretta caretta (2018), marine mammals (2018), marine birds (2014). Criterion 1.3 Population condition – Indicator 1.3.1 Population demographic characteristics – considered elements: Ribbed Mediterranean Limpet Patella ferruginea (2018), coastal fish species (2018), marine birds (2014). Indicator 1.3.1 Population genetic structure, where appropriate – fish species (2018). Criterion 1.5 Habitat extent – Indicator 1.5.1 Habitat area – considered elements : benthic habitats Posidonia oceanica meadows, mäerl beds (2018). Criterion 1.6 Habitat condition – Indicator 1.6.1 Condition of the typical species and communities - considered elements : benthic habitats coralligenous and deep sea corals (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018), coastal fish (2018). Indicator 1.6.2 Relative abundance and/or biomass, as appropriate - considered elements : pelagic habitat (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018). IT-WMS-8A02-0007: The Marine Strategy Framework Directive requires that to determining good environmental status for D1 “Biological diversity is maintained. The quality and occurrence of habitats and the distribution and abundance of species are in line with prevailing physiographic, geographic and climatic conditionsâ€. In this regard, it is recalled that for the preparation of the determination of GES for Descriptor 1, the Directive requires to consider a set of criteria (7) and indicators, whose analysis and selection must be justified in relation to the information collected with the Initial Assessment and their direct relevance to the main causes of human pressure. It should be noted that, based on the ecosystem approach, the main consideration on which choose the indicators should be based on the fact that they are able to establish relationships between the impact of human activities and the functioning of the marine ecosystem. All this taking into account that there are still gaps of knowledge on the relationship between the values measured for the different activities / pressures considered and the effects they cause on ecosystems. The formulation of the targets was done taking into account commitments already signed by Italy in relation to international conventions and European legislation, on the assumption that the pursuit of these objectives is in itself a contribution to the achievement of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive targets. This is also because the Marine Strategy officially requires referring to other European Directives and to international conventions concerning the marine environment. Overall, should be noted that only 4 of the seven criteria of the Marine Strategy, based on the information gathered with the initial assessment and in relation to the characteristics of the Mediterranean Sea, were considered for the determination of GES for the descriptor 1: 1.2 Population size 1.3 Population condition 1.5 Habitat extent 1.6 Habitat condition Specifically, as regards the aspects relating to the criterion 1.7 "Ecosystem structure" it was considered better to tackle it within the descriptor 4 "Food webs". For each criterion were identified the indicators considered most appropriate, foreseeing that the individual GES is achieved with the positive response of all the composing elements, selected on the basis of the initial assessment, of the scientific knowledge and their future implementability (2014 or 2018 ). The overall proposal is therefore based on 4 criteria and 15 indicators proposed for the 3 sub regions of interest for Italy, for each of which a GES should be assessed. The explanations of the reasons leading to the formulation of the proposal are described in the single sheet of the element relating to a specific indicator. Overall it is expected that the majority of the proposed indicators can be operational from 2018, due to the need to acquire additional cognitive elements (specified on each sheet). Only for the avifauna is thought to be possible to arrive to operability for 2014. It follows the list of indicators taken into account per criterion with the indication of the year in which it is expected to be operational in brackets: Criterion 1.2 Population size – Indicator 1.2.1 Population abundance and /or biomass, as appropriate – considered elements: Fan mussel - Pinna nobilis (2018), coastal fish species (2018), Loggerhead - Caretta caretta (2018), marine mammals (2018), marine birds (2014). Criterion 1.3 Population condition – Indicator 1.3.1 Population demographic characteristics – considered elements: Ribbed Mediterranean Limpet Patella ferruginea (2018), coastal fish species (2018), marine birds (2014). Indicator 1.3.1 Population genetic structure, where appropriate – fish species (2018). Criterion 1.5 Habitat extent – Indicator 1.5.1 Habitat area – considered elements : benthic habitats Posidonia oceanica meadows, mäerl beds (2018). Criterion 1.6 Habitat condition – Indicator 1.6.1 Condition of the typical species and communities - considered elements : benthic habitats coralligenous and deep sea corals (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018), coastal fish (2018). Indicator 1.6.2 Relative abundance and/or biomass, as appropriate - considered elements : pelagic habitat (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018). IT-AS-8A02-0001: The Marine Strategy Framework Directive requires that to determining good environmental status for D1 “Biological diversity is maintained. The quality and occurrence of habitats and the distribution and abundance of species are in line with prevailing physiographic, geographic and climatic conditionsâ€. In this regard, it is recalled that for the preparation of the determination of GES for Descriptor 1, the Directive requires to consider a set of criteria (7) and indicators, whose analysis and selection must be justified in relation to the information collected with the Initial Assessment and their direct relevance to the main causes of human pressure. It should be noted that, based on the ecosystem approach, the main consideration on which choose the indicators should be based on the fact that they are able to establish relationships between the impact of human activities and the functioning of the marine ecosystem. All this taking into account that there are still gaps of knowledge on the relationship between the values measured for the different activities / pressures considered and the effects they cause on ecosystems. The formulation of the targets was done taking into account commitments already signed by Italy in relation to international conventions and European legislation, on the assumption that the pursuit of these objectives is in itself a contribution to the achievement of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive targets. This is also because the Marine Strategy officially requires referring to other European Directives and to international conventions concerning the marine environment. Overall, should be noted that only 4 of the seven criteria of the Marine Strategy, based on the information gathered with the initial assessment and in relation to the characteristics of the Mediterranean Sea, were considered for the determination of GES for the descriptor 1: 1.2 Population size 1.3 Population condition 1.5 Habitat extent 1.6 Habitat condition Specifically, as regards the aspects relating to the criterion 1.7 "Ecosystem structure" it was considered better to tackle it within the descriptor 4 "Food webs". For each criterion were identified the indicators considered most appropriate, foreseeing that the individual GES is achieved with the positive response of all the composing elements, selected on the basis of the initial assessment, of the scientific knowledge and their future implementability (2014 or 2018 ). The overall proposal is therefore based on 4 criteria and 15 indicators proposed for the 3 sub regions of interest for Italy, for each of which a GES should be assessed. The explanations of the reasons leading to the formulation of the proposal are described in the single sheet of the element relating to a specific indicator. Overall it is expected that the majority of the proposed indicators can be operational from 2018, due to the need to acquire additional cognitive elements (specified on each sheet). Only for the avifauna is thought to be possible to arrive to operability for 2014. It follows the list of indicators taken into account per criterion with the indication of the year in which it is expected to be operational in brackets: Criterion 1.2 Population size – Indicator 1.2.1 Population abundance and /or biomass, as appropriate – considered elements: Fan mussel - Pinna nobilis (2018), coastal fish species (2018), Loggerhead - Caretta caretta (2018), marine mammals (2018), marine birds (2014). Criterion 1.3 Population condition – Indicator 1.3.1 Population demographic characteristics – considered elements: Ribbed Mediterranean Limpet Patella ferruginea (2018), coastal fish species (2018), marine birds (2014). Indicator 1.3.1 Population genetic structure, where appropriate – fish species (2018). Criterion 1.5 Habitat extent – Indicator 1.5.1 Habitat area – considered elements : benthic habitats Posidonia oceanica meadows, mäerl beds (2018). Criterion 1.6 Habitat condition – Indicator 1.6.1 Condition of the typical species and communities - considered elements : benthic habitats coralligenous and deep sea corals (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018), coastal fish (2018). Indicator 1.6.2 Relative abundance and/or biomass, as appropriate - considered elements : pelagic habitat (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018). IT-AS-8A02-0002: The Marine Strategy Framework Directive requires that to determining good environmental status for D1 “Biological diversity is maintained. The quality and occurrence of habitats and the distribution and abundance of species are in line with prevailing physiographic, geographic and climatic conditionsâ€. In this regard, it is recalled that for the preparation of the determination of GES for Descriptor 1, the Directive requires to consider a set of criteria (7) and indicators, whose analysis and selection must be justified in relation to the information collected with the Initial Assessment and their direct relevance to the main causes of human pressure. It should be noted that, based on the ecosystem approach, the main consideration on which choose the indicators should be based on the fact that they are able to establish relationships between the impact of human activities and the functioning of the marine ecosystem. All this taking into account that there are still gaps of knowledge on the relationship between the values measured for the different activities / pressures considered and the effects they cause on ecosystems. The formulation of the targets was done taking into account commitments already signed by Italy in relation to international conventions and European legislation, on the assumption that the pursuit of these objectives is in itself a contribution to the achievement of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive targets. This is also because the Marine Strategy officially requires referring to other European Directives and to international conventions concerning the marine environment. Overall, should be noted that only 4 of the seven criteria of the Marine Strategy, based on the information gathered with the initial assessment and in relation to the characteristics of the Mediterranean Sea, were considered for the determination of GES for the descriptor 1: 1.2 Population size 1.3 Population condition 1.5 Habitat extent 1.6 Habitat condition Specifically, as regards the aspects relating to the criterion 1.7 "Ecosystem structure" it was considered better to tackle it within the descriptor 4 "Food webs". For each criterion were identified the indicators considered most appropriate, foreseeing that the individual GES is achieved with the positive response of all the composing elements, selected on the basis of the initial assessment, of the scientific knowledge and their future implementability (2014 or 2018 ). The overall proposal is therefore based on 4 criteria and 15 indicators proposed for the 3 sub regions of interest for Italy, for each of which a GES should be assessed. The explanations of the reasons leading to the formulation of the proposal are described in the single sheet of the element relating to a specific indicator. Overall it is expected that the majority of the proposed indicators can be operational from 2018, due to the need to acquire additional cognitive elements (specified on each sheet). Only for the avifauna is thought to be possible to arrive to operability for 2014. It follows the list of indicators taken into account per criterion with the indication of the year in which it is expected to be operational in brackets: Criterion 1.2 Population size – Indicator 1.2.1 Population abundance and /or biomass, as appropriate – considered elements: Fan mussel - Pinna nobilis (2018), coastal fish species (2018), Loggerhead - Caretta caretta (2018), marine mammals (2018), marine birds (2014). Criterion 1.3 Population condition – Indicator 1.3.1 Population demographic characteristics – considered elements: Ribbed Mediterranean Limpet Patella ferruginea (2018), coastal fish species (2018), marine birds (2014). Indicator 1.3.1 Population genetic structure, where appropriate – fish species (2018). Criterion 1.5 Habitat extent – Indicator 1.5.1 Habitat area – considered elements : benthic habitats Posidonia oceanica meadows, mäerl beds (2018). Criterion 1.6 Habitat condition – Indicator 1.6.1 Condition of the typical species and communities - considered elements : benthic habitats coralligenous and deep sea corals (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018), coastal fish (2018). Indicator 1.6.2 Relative abundance and/or biomass, as appropriate - considered elements : pelagic habitat (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018). IT-ISCMS-8A02-0001: The Marine Strategy Framework Directive requires that to determining good environmental status for D1 “Biological diversity is maintained. The quality and occurrence of habitats and the distribution and abundance of species are in line with prevailing physiographic, geographic and climatic conditionsâ€. In this regard, it is recalled that for the preparation of the determination of GES for Descriptor 1, the Directive requires to consider a set of criteria (7) and indicators, whose analysis and selection must be justified in relation to the information collected with the Initial Assessment and their direct relevance to the main causes of human pressure. It should be noted that, based on the ecosystem approach, the main consideration on which choose the indicators should be based on the fact that they are able to establish relationships between the impact of human activities and the functioning of the marine ecosystem. All this taking into account that there are still gaps of knowledge on the relationship between the values measured for the different activities / pressures considered and the effects they cause on ecosystems. The formulation of the targets was done taking into account commitments already signed by Italy in relation to international conventions and European legislation, on the assumption that the pursuit of these objectives is in itself a contribution to the achievement of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive targets. This is also because the Marine Strategy officially requires referring to other European Directives and to international conventions concerning the marine environment. Overall, should be noted that only 4 of the seven criteria of the Marine Strategy, based on the information gathered with the initial assessment and in relation to the characteristics of the Mediterranean Sea, were considered for the determination of GES for the descriptor 1: 1.2 Population size 1.3 Population condition 1.5 Habitat extent 1.6 Habitat condition Specifically, as regards the aspects relating to the criterion 1.7 "Ecosystem structure" it was considered better to tackle it within the descriptor 4 "Food webs". For each criterion were identified the indicators considered most appropriate, foreseeing that the individual GES is achieved with the positive response of all the composing elements, selected on the basis of the initial assessment, of the scientific knowledge and their future implementability (2014 or 2018 ). The overall proposal is therefore based on 4 criteria and 15 indicators proposed for the 3 sub regions of interest for Italy, for each of which a GES should be assessed. The explanations of the reasons leading to the formulation of the proposal are described in the single sheet of the element relating to a specific indicator. Overall it is expected that the majority of the proposed indicators can be operational from 2018, due to the need to acquire additional cognitive elements (specified on each sheet). Only for the avifauna is thought to be possible to arrive to operability for 2014. It follows the list of indicators taken into account per criterion with the indication of the year in which it is expected to be operational in brackets: Criterion 1.2 Population size – Indicator 1.2.1 Population abundance and /or biomass, as appropriate – considered elements: Fan mussel - Pinna nobilis (2018), coastal fish species (2018), Loggerhead - Caretta caretta (2018), marine mammals (2018), marine birds (2014). Criterion 1.3 Population condition – Indicator 1.3.1 Population demographic characteristics – considered elements: Ribbed Mediterranean Limpet Patella ferruginea (2018), coastal fish species (2018), marine birds (2014). Indicator 1.3.1 Population genetic structure, where appropriate – fish species (2018). Criterion 1.5 Habitat extent – Indicator 1.5.1 Habitat area – considered elements : benthic habitats Posidonia oceanica meadows, mäerl beds (2018). Criterion 1.6 Habitat condition – Indicator 1.6.1 Condition of the typical species and communities - considered elements : benthic habitats coralligenous and deep sea corals (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018), coastal fish (2018). Indicator 1.6.2 Relative abundance and/or biomass, as appropriate - considered elements : pelagic habitat (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018). IT-ISCMS-8A02-0002: The Marine Strategy Framework Directive requires that to determining good environmental status for D1 “Biological diversity is maintained. The quality and occurrence of habitats and the distribution and abundance of species are in line with prevailing physiographic, geographic and climatic conditionsâ€. In this regard, it is recalled that for the preparation of the determination of GES for Descriptor 1, the Directive requires to consider a set of criteria (7) and indicators, whose analysis and selection must be justified in relation to the information collected with the Initial Assessment and their direct relevance to the main causes of human pressure. It should be noted that, based on the ecosystem approach, the main consideration on which choose the indicators should be based on the fact that they are able to establish relationships between the impact of human activities and the functioning of the marine ecosystem. All this taking into account that there are still gaps of knowledge on the relationship between the values measured for the different activities / pressures considered and the effects they cause on ecosystems. The formulation of the targets was done taking into account commitments already signed by Italy in relation to international conventions and European legislation, on the assumption that the pursuit of these objectives is in itself a contribution to the achievement of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive targets. This is also because the Marine Strategy officially requires referring to other European Directives and to international conventions concerning the marine environment. Overall, should be noted that only 4 of the seven criteria of the Marine Strategy, based on the information gathered with the initial assessment and in relation to the characteristics of the Mediterranean Sea, were considered for the determination of GES for the descriptor 1: 1.2 Population size 1.3 Population condition 1.5 Habitat extent 1.6 Habitat condition Specifically, as regards the aspects relating to the criterion 1.7 "Ecosystem structure" it was considered better to tackle it within the descriptor 4 "Food webs". For each criterion were identified the indicators considered most appropriate, foreseeing that the individual GES is achieved with the positive response of all the composing elements, selected on the basis of the initial assessment, of the scientific knowledge and their future implementability (2014 or 2018 ). The overall proposal is therefore based on 4 criteria and 15 indicators proposed for the 3 sub regions of interest for Italy, for each of which a GES should be assessed. The explanations of the reasons leading to the formulation of the proposal are described in the single sheet of the element relating to a specific indicator. Overall it is expected that the majority of the proposed indicators can be operational from 2018, due to the need to acquire additional cognitive elements (specified on each sheet). Only for the avifauna is thought to be possible to arrive to operability for 2014. It follows the list of indicators taken into account per criterion with the indication of the year in which it is expected to be operational in brackets: Criterion 1.2 Population size – Indicator 1.2.1 Population abundance and /or biomass, as appropriate – considered elements: Fan mussel - Pinna nobilis (2018), coastal fish species (2018), Loggerhead - Caretta caretta (2018), marine mammals (2018), marine birds (2014). Criterion 1.3 Population condition – Indicator 1.3.1 Population demographic characteristics – considered elements: Ribbed Mediterranean Limpet Patella ferruginea (2018), coastal fish species (2018), marine birds (2014). Indicator 1.3.1 Population genetic structure, where appropriate – fish species (2018). Criterion 1.5 Habitat extent – Indicator 1.5.1 Habitat area – considered elements : benthic habitats Posidonia oceanica meadows, mäerl beds (2018). Criterion 1.6 Habitat condition – Indicator 1.6.1 Condition of the typical species and communities - considered elements : benthic habitats coralligenous and deep sea corals (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018), coastal fish (2018). Indicator 1.6.2 Relative abundance and/or biomass, as appropriate - considered elements : pelagic habitat (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018). IT-AS-8A02-0101: The Marine Strategy Framework Directive requires that to determining good environmental status for D1 “Biological diversity is maintained. The quality and occurrence of habitats and the distribution and abundance of species are in line with prevailing physiographic, geographic and climatic conditionsâ€. In this regard, it is recalled that for the preparation of the determination of GES for Descriptor 1, the Directive requires to consider a set of criteria (7) and indicators, whose analysis and selection must be justified in relation to the information collected with the Initial Assessment and their direct relevance to the main causes of human pressure. It should be noted that, based on the ecosystem approach, the main consideration on which choose the indicators should be based on the fact that they are able to establish relationships between the impact of human activities and the functioning of the marine ecosystem. All this taking into account that there are still gaps of knowledge on the relationship between the values measured for the different activities / pressures considered and the effects they cause on ecosystems. The formulation of the targets was done taking into account commitments already signed by Italy in relation to international conventions and European legislation, on the assumption that the pursuit of these objectives is in itself a contribution to the achievement of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive targets. This is also because the Marine Strategy officially requires referring to other European Directives and to international conventions concerning the marine environment. Overall, should be noted that only 4 of the seven criteria of the Marine Strategy, based on the information gathered with the initial assessment and in relation to the characteristics of the Mediterranean Sea, were considered for the determination of GES for the descriptor 1: 1.2 Population size 1.3 Population condition 1.5 Habitat extent 1.6 Habitat condition Specifically, as regards the aspects relating to the criterion 1.7 "Ecosystem structure" it was considered better to tackle it within the descriptor 4 "Food webs". For each criterion were identified the indicators considered most appropriate, foreseeing that the individual GES is achieved with the positive response of all the composing elements, selected on the basis of the initial assessment, of the scientific knowledge and their future implementability (2014 or 2018 ). The overall proposal is therefore based on 4 criteria and 15 indicators proposed for the 3 sub regions of interest for Italy, for each of which a GES should be assessed. The explanations of the reasons leading to the formulation of the proposal are described in the single sheet of the element relating to a specific indicator. Overall it is expected that the majority of the proposed indicators can be operational from 2018, due to the need to acquire additional cognitive elements (specified on each sheet). Only for the avifauna is thought to be possible to arrive to operability for 2014. It follows the list of indicators taken into account per criterion with the indication of the year in which it is expected to be operational in brackets: Criterion 1.2 Population size – Indicator 1.2.1 Population abundance and /or biomass, as appropriate – considered elements: Fan mussel - Pinna nobilis (2018), coastal fish species (2018), Loggerhead - Caretta caretta (2018), marine mammals (2018), marine birds (2014). Criterion 1.3 Population condition – Indicator 1.3.1 Population demographic characteristics – considered elements: Ribbed Mediterranean Limpet Patella ferruginea (2018), coastal fish species (2018), marine birds (2014). Indicator 1.3.1 Population genetic structure, where appropriate – fish species (2018). Criterion 1.5 Habitat extent – Indicator 1.5.1 Habitat area – considered elements : benthic habitats Posidonia oceanica meadows, mäerl beds (2018). Criterion 1.6 Habitat condition – Indicator 1.6.1 Condition of the typical species and communities - considered elements : benthic habitats coralligenous and deep sea corals (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018), coastal fish (2018). Indicator 1.6.2 Relative abundance and/or biomass, as appropriate - considered elements : pelagic habitat (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018). IT-AS-8A02-0202 : The Marine Strategy Framework Directive requires that to determining good environmental status for D1 “Biological diversity is maintained. The quality and occurrence of habitats and the distribution and abundance of species are in line with prevailing physiographic, geographic and climatic conditionsâ€. In this regard, it is recalled that for the preparation of the determination of GES for Descriptor 1, the Directive requires to consider a set of criteria (7) and indicators, whose analysis and selection must be justified in relation to the information collected with the Initial Assessment and their direct relevance to the main causes of human pressure. It should be noted that, based on the ecosystem approach, the main consideration on which choose the indicators should be based on the fact that they are able to establish relationships between the impact of human activities and the functioning of the marine ecosystem. All this taking into account that there are still gaps of knowledge on the relationship between the values measured for the different activities / pressures considered and the effects they cause on ecosystems. The formulation of the targets was done taking into account commitments already signed by Italy in relation to international conventions and European legislation, on the assumption that the pursuit of these objectives is in itself a contribution to the achievement of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive targets. This is also because the Marine Strategy officially requires referring to other European Directives and to international conventions concerning the marine environment. Overall, should be noted that only 4 of the seven criteria of the Marine Strategy, based on the information gathered with the initial assessment and in relation to the characteristics of the Mediterranean Sea, were considered for the determination of GES for the descriptor 1: 1.2 Population size 1.3 Population condition 1.5 Habitat extent 1.6 Habitat condition Specifically, as regards the aspects relating to the criterion 1.7 "Ecosystem structure" it was considered better to tackle it within the descriptor 4 "Food webs". For each criterion were identified the indicators considered most appropriate, foreseeing that the individual GES is achieved with the positive response of all the composing elements, selected on the basis of the initial assessment, of the scientific knowledge and their future implementability (2014 or 2018 ). The overall proposal is therefore based on 4 criteria and 15 indicators proposed for the 3 sub regions of interest for Italy, for each of which a GES should be assessed. The explanations of the reasons leading to the formulation of the proposal are described in the single sheet of the element relating to a specific indicator. Overall it is expected that the majority of the proposed indicators can be operational from 2018, due to the need to acquire additional cognitive elements (specified on each sheet). Only for the avifauna is thought to be possible to arrive to operability for 2014. It follows the list of indicators taken into account per criterion with the indication of the year in which it is expected to be operational in brackets: Criterion 1.2 Population size – Indicator 1.2.1 Population abundance and /or biomass, as appropriate – considered elements: Fan mussel - Pinna nobilis (2018), coastal fish species (2018), Loggerhead - Caretta caretta (2018), marine mammals (2018), marine birds (2014). Criterion 1.3 Population condition – Indicator 1.3.1 Population demographic characteristics – considered elements: Ribbed Mediterranean Limpet Patella ferruginea (2018), coastal fish species (2018), marine birds (2014). Indicator 1.3.1 Population genetic structure, where appropriate – fish species (2018). Criterion 1.5 Habitat extent – Indicator 1.5.1 Habitat area – considered elements : benthic habitats Posidonia oceanica meadows, mäerl beds (2018). Criterion 1.6 Habitat condition – Indicator 1.6.1 Condition of the typical species and communities - considered elements : benthic habitats coralligenous and deep sea corals (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018), coastal fish (2018). Indicator 1.6.2 Relative abundance and/or biomass, as appropriate - considered elements : pelagic habitat (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018). IT-AS-8A02-0202 : The Marine Strategy Framework Directive requires that to determining good environmental status for D1 “Biological diversity is maintained. The quality and occurrence of habitats and the distribution and abundance of species are in line with prevailing physiographic, geographic and climatic conditionsâ€. In this regard, it is recalled that for the preparation of the determination of GES for Descriptor 1, the Directive requires to consider a set of criteria (7) and indicators, whose analysis and selection must be justified in relation to the information collected with the Initial Assessment and their direct relevance to the main causes of human pressure. It should be noted that, based on the ecosystem approach, the main consideration on which choose the indicators should be based on the fact that they are able to establish relationships between the impact of human activities and the functioning of the marine ecosystem. All this taking into account that there are still gaps of knowledge on the relationship between the values measured for the different activities / pressures considered and the effects they cause on ecosystems. The formulation of the targets was done taking into account commitments already signed by Italy in relation to international conventions and European legislation, on the assumption that the pursuit of these objectives is in itself a contribution to the achievement of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive targets. This is also because the Marine Strategy officially requires referring to other European Directives and to international conventions concerning the marine environment. Overall, should be noted that only 4 of the seven criteria of the Marine Strategy, based on the information gathered with the initial assessment and in relation to the characteristics of the Mediterranean Sea, were considered for the determination of GES for the descriptor 1: 1.2 Population size 1.3 Population condition 1.5 Habitat extent 1.6 Habitat condition Specifically, as regards the aspects relating to the criterion 1.7 "Ecosystem structure" it was considered better to tackle it within the descriptor 4 "Food webs". For each criterion were identified the indicators considered most appropriate, foreseeing that the individual GES is achieved with the positive response of all the composing elements, selected on the basis of the initial assessment, of the scientific knowledge and their future implementability (2014 or 2018 ). The overall proposal is therefore based on 4 criteria and 15 indicators proposed for the 3 sub regions of interest for Italy, for each of which a GES should be assessed. The explanations of the reasons leading to the formulation of the proposal are described in the single sheet of the element relating to a specific indicator. Overall it is expected that the majority of the proposed indicators can be operational from 2018, due to the need to acquire additional cognitive elements (specified on each sheet). Only for the avifauna is thought to be possible to arrive to operability for 2014. It follows the list of indicators taken into account per criterion with the indication of the year in which it is expected to be operational in brackets: Criterion 1.2 Population size – Indicator 1.2.1 Population abundance and /or biomass, as appropriate – considered elements: Fan mussel - Pinna nobilis (2018), coastal fish species (2018), Loggerhead - Caretta caretta (2018), marine mammals (2018), marine birds (2014). Criterion 1.3 Population condition – Indicator 1.3.1 Population demographic characteristics – considered elements: Ribbed Mediterranean Limpet Patella ferruginea (2018), coastal fish species (2018), marine birds (2014). Indicator 1.3.1 Population genetic structure, where appropriate – fish species (2018). Criterion 1.5 Habitat extent – Indicator 1.5.1 Habitat area – considered elements : benthic habitats Posidonia oceanica meadows, mäerl beds (2018). Criterion 1.6 Habitat condition – Indicator 1.6.1 Condition of the typical species and communities - considered elements : benthic habitats coralligenous and deep sea corals (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018), coastal fish (2018). Indicator 1.6.2 Relative abundance and/or biomass, as appropriate - considered elements : pelagic habitat (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018). IT-AS-8A02-0202 : The Marine Strategy Framework Directive requires that to determining good environmental status for D1 “Biological diversity is maintained. The quality and occurrence of habitats and the distribution and abundance of species are in line with prevailing physiographic, geographic and climatic conditionsâ€. In this regard, it is recalled that for the preparation of the determination of GES for Descriptor 1, the Directive requires to consider a set of criteria (7) and indicators, whose analysis and selection must be justified in relation to the information collected with the Initial Assessment and their direct relevance to the main causes of human pressure. It should be noted that, based on the ecosystem approach, the main consideration on which choose the indicators should be based on the fact that they are able to establish relationships between the impact of human activities and the functioning of the marine ecosystem. All this taking into account that there are still gaps of knowledge on the relationship between the values measured for the different activities / pressures considered and the effects they cause on ecosystems. The formulation of the targets was done taking into account commitments already signed by Italy in relation to international conventions and European legislation, on the assumption that the pursuit of these objectives is in itself a contribution to the achievement of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive targets. This is also because the Marine Strategy officially requires referring to other European Directives and to international conventions concerning the marine environment. Overall, should be noted that only 4 of the seven criteria of the Marine Strategy, based on the information gathered with the initial assessment and in relation to the characteristics of the Mediterranean Sea, were considered for the determination of GES for the descriptor 1: 1.2 Population size 1.3 Population condition 1.5 Habitat extent 1.6 Habitat condition Specifically, as regards the aspects relating to the criterion 1.7 "Ecosystem structure" it was considered better to tackle it within the descriptor 4 "Food webs". For each criterion were identified the indicators considered most appropriate, foreseeing that the individual GES is achieved with the positive response of all the composing elements, selected on the basis of the initial assessment, of the scientific knowledge and their future implementability (2014 or 2018 ). The overall proposal is therefore based on 4 criteria and 15 indicators proposed for the 3 sub regions of interest for Italy, for each of which a GES should be assessed. The explanations of the reasons leading to the formulation of the proposal are described in the single sheet of the element relating to a specific indicator. Overall it is expected that the majority of the proposed indicators can be operational from 2018, due to the need to acquire additional cognitive elements (specified on each sheet). Only for the avifauna is thought to be possible to arrive to operability for 2014. It follows the list of indicators taken into account per criterion with the indication of the year in which it is expected to be operational in brackets: Criterion 1.2 Population size – Indicator 1.2.1 Population abundance and /or biomass, as appropriate – considered elements: Fan mussel - Pinna nobilis (2018), coastal fish species (2018), Loggerhead - Caretta caretta (2018), marine mammals (2018), marine birds (2014). Criterion 1.3 Population condition – Indicator 1.3.1 Population demographic characteristics – considered elements: Ribbed Mediterranean Limpet Patella ferruginea (2018), coastal fish species (2018), marine birds (2014). Indicator 1.3.1 Population genetic structure, where appropriate – fish species (2018). Criterion 1.5 Habitat extent – Indicator 1.5.1 Habitat area – considered elements : benthic habitats Posidonia oceanica meadows, mäerl beds (2018). Criterion 1.6 Habitat condition – Indicator 1.6.1 Condition of the typical species and communities - considered elements : benthic habitats coralligenous and deep sea corals (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018), coastal fish (2018). Indicator 1.6.2 Relative abundance and/or biomass, as appropriate - considered elements : pelagic habitat (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018). IT-AS-8A02-0202 : The Marine Strategy Framework Directive requires that to determining good environmental status for D1 “Biological diversity is maintained. The quality and occurrence of habitats and the distribution and abundance of species are in line with prevailing physiographic, geographic and climatic conditionsâ€. In this regard, it is recalled that for the preparation of the determination of GES for Descriptor 1, the Directive requires to consider a set of criteria (7) and indicators, whose analysis and selection must be justified in relation to the information collected with the Initial Assessment and their direct relevance to the main causes of human pressure. It should be noted that, based on the ecosystem approach, the main consideration on which choose the indicators should be based on the fact that they are able to establish relationships between the impact of human activities and the functioning of the marine ecosystem. All this taking into account that there are still gaps of knowledge on the relationship between the values measured for the different activities / pressures considered and the effects they cause on ecosystems. The formulation of the targets was done taking into account commitments already signed by Italy in relation to international conventions and European legislation, on the assumption that the pursuit of these objectives is in itself a contribution to the achievement of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive targets. This is also because the Marine Strategy officially requires referring to other European Directives and to international conventions concerning the marine environment. Overall, should be noted that only 4 of the seven criteria of the Marine Strategy, based on the information gathered with the initial assessment and in relation to the characteristics of the Mediterranean Sea, were considered for the determination of GES for the descriptor 1: 1.2 Population size 1.3 Population condition 1.5 Habitat extent 1.6 Habitat condition Specifically, as regards the aspects relating to the criterion 1.7 "Ecosystem structure" it was considered better to tackle it within the descriptor 4 "Food webs". For each criterion were identified the indicators considered most appropriate, foreseeing that the individual GES is achieved with the positive response of all the composing elements, selected on the basis of the initial assessment, of the scientific knowledge and their future implementability (2014 or 2018 ). The overall proposal is therefore based on 4 criteria and 15 indicators proposed for the 3 sub regions of interest for Italy, for each of which a GES should be assessed. The explanations of the reasons leading to the formulation of the proposal are described in the single sheet of the element relating to a specific indicator. Overall it is expected that the majority of the proposed indicators can be operational from 2018, due to the need to acquire additional cognitive elements (specified on each sheet). Only for the avifauna is thought to be possible to arrive to operability for 2014. It follows the list of indicators taken into account per criterion with the indication of the year in which it is expected to be operational in brackets: Criterion 1.2 Population size – Indicator 1.2.1 Population abundance and /or biomass, as appropriate – considered elements: Fan mussel - Pinna nobilis (2018), coastal fish species (2018), Loggerhead - Caretta caretta (2018), marine mammals (2018), marine birds (2014). Criterion 1.3 Population condition – Indicator 1.3.1 Population demographic characteristics – considered elements: Ribbed Mediterranean Limpet Patella ferruginea (2018), coastal fish species (2018), marine birds (2014). Indicator 1.3.1 Population genetic structure, where appropriate – fish species (2018). Criterion 1.5 Habitat extent – Indicator 1.5.1 Habitat area – considered elements : benthic habitats Posidonia oceanica meadows, mäerl beds (2018). Criterion 1.6 Habitat condition – Indicator 1.6.1 Condition of the typical species and communities - considered elements : benthic habitats coralligenous and deep sea corals (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018), coastal fish (2018). Indicator 1.6.2 Relative abundance and/or biomass, as appropriate - considered elements : pelagic habitat (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018). IT-AS-8A02-0202 : The Marine Strategy Framework Directive requires that to determining good environmental status for D1 “Biological diversity is maintained. The quality and occurrence of habitats and the distribution and abundance of species are in line with prevailing physiographic, geographic and climatic conditionsâ€. In this regard, it is recalled that for the preparation of the determination of GES for Descriptor 1, the Directive requires to consider a set of criteria (7) and indicators, whose analysis and selection must be justified in relation to the information collected with the Initial Assessment and their direct relevance to the main causes of human pressure. It should be noted that, based on the ecosystem approach, the main consideration on which choose the indicators should be based on the fact that they are able to establish relationships between the impact of human activities and the functioning of the marine ecosystem. All this taking into account that there are still gaps of knowledge on the relationship between the values measured for the different activities / pressures considered and the effects they cause on ecosystems. The formulation of the targets was done taking into account commitments already signed by Italy in relation to international conventions and European legislation, on the assumption that the pursuit of these objectives is in itself a contribution to the achievement of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive targets. This is also because the Marine Strategy officially requires referring to other European Directives and to international conventions concerning the marine environment. Overall, should be noted that only 4 of the seven criteria of the Marine Strategy, based on the information gathered with the initial assessment and in relation to the characteristics of the Mediterranean Sea, were considered for the determination of GES for the descriptor 1: 1.2 Population size 1.3 Population condition 1.5 Habitat extent 1.6 Habitat condition Specifically, as regards the aspects relating to the criterion 1.7 "Ecosystem structure" it was considered better to tackle it within the descriptor 4 "Food webs". For each criterion were identified the indicators considered most appropriate, foreseeing that the individual GES is achieved with the positive response of all the composing elements, selected on the basis of the initial assessment, of the scientific knowledge and their future implementability (2014 or 2018 ). The overall proposal is therefore based on 4 criteria and 15 indicators proposed for the 3 sub regions of interest for Italy, for each of which a GES should be assessed. The explanations of the reasons leading to the formulation of the proposal are described in the single sheet of the element relating to a specific indicator. Overall it is expected that the majority of the proposed indicators can be operational from 2018, due to the need to acquire additional cognitive elements (specified on each sheet). Only for the avifauna is thought to be possible to arrive to operability for 2014. It follows the list of indicators taken into account per criterion with the indication of the year in which it is expected to be operational in brackets: Criterion 1.2 Population size – Indicator 1.2.1 Population abundance and /or biomass, as appropriate – considered elements: Fan mussel - Pinna nobilis (2018), coastal fish species (2018), Loggerhead - Caretta caretta (2018), marine mammals (2018), marine birds (2014). Criterion 1.3 Population condition – Indicator 1.3.1 Population demographic characteristics – considered elements: Ribbed Mediterranean Limpet Patella ferruginea (2018), coastal fish species (2018), marine birds (2014). Indicator 1.3.1 Population genetic structure, where appropriate – fish species (2018). Criterion 1.5 Habitat extent – Indicator 1.5.1 Habitat area – considered elements : benthic habitats Posidonia oceanica meadows, mäerl beds (2018). Criterion 1.6 Habitat condition – Indicator 1.6.1 Condition of the typical species and communities - considered elements : benthic habitats coralligenous and deep sea corals (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018), coastal fish (2018). Indicator 1.6.2 Relative abundance and/or biomass, as appropriate - considered elements : pelagic habitat (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018). IT-WMS-8A02-0101: The Marine Strategy Framework Directive requires that to determining good environmental status for D1 “Biological diversity is maintained. The quality and occurrence of habitats and the distribution and abundance of species are in line with prevailing physiographic, geographic and climatic conditionsâ€. In this regard, it is recalled that for the preparation of the determination of GES for Descriptor 1, the Directive requires to consider a set of criteria (7) and indicators, whose analysis and selection must be justified in relation to the information collected with the Initial Assessment and their direct relevance to the main causes of human pressure. It should be noted that, based on the ecosystem approach, the main consideration on which choose the indicators should be based on the fact that they are able to establish relationships between the impact of human activities and the functioning of the marine ecosystem. All this taking into account that there are still gaps of knowledge on the relationship between the values measured for the different activities / pressures considered and the effects they cause on ecosystems. The formulation of the targets was done taking into account commitments already signed by Italy in relation to international conventions and European legislation, on the assumption that the pursuit of these objectives is in itself a contribution to the achievement of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive targets. This is also because the Marine Strategy officially requires referring to other European Directives and to international conventions concerning the marine environment. Overall, should be noted that only 4 of the seven criteria of the Marine Strategy, based on the information gathered with the initial assessment and in relation to the characteristics of the Mediterranean Sea, were considered for the determination of GES for the descriptor 1: 1.2 Population size 1.3 Population condition 1.5 Habitat extent 1.6 Habitat condition Specifically, as regards the aspects relating to the criterion 1.7 "Ecosystem structure" it was considered better to tackle it within the descriptor 4 "Food webs". For each criterion were identified the indicators considered most appropriate, foreseeing that the individual GES is achieved with the positive response of all the composing elements, selected on the basis of the initial assessment, of the scientific knowledge and their future implementability (2014 or 2018 ). The overall proposal is therefore based on 4 criteria and 15 indicators proposed for the 3 sub regions of interest for Italy, for each of which a GES should be assessed. The explanations of the reasons leading to the formulation of the proposal are described in the single sheet of the element relating to a specific indicator. Overall it is expected that the majority of the proposed indicators can be operational from 2018, due to the need to acquire additional cognitive elements (specified on each sheet). Only for the avifauna is thought to be possible to arrive to operability for 2014. It follows the list of indicators taken into account per criterion with the indication of the year in which it is expected to be operational in brackets: Criterion 1.2 Population size – Indicator 1.2.1 Population abundance and /or biomass, as appropriate – considered elements: Fan mussel - Pinna nobilis (2018), coastal fish species (2018), Loggerhead - Caretta caretta (2018), marine mammals (2018), marine birds (2014). Criterion 1.3 Population condition – Indicator 1.3.1 Population demographic characteristics – considered elements: Ribbed Mediterranean Limpet Patella ferruginea (2018), coastal fish species (2018), marine birds (2014). Indicator 1.3.1 Population genetic structure, where appropriate – fish species (2018). Criterion 1.5 Habitat extent – Indicator 1.5.1 Habitat area – considered elements : benthic habitats Posidonia oceanica meadows, mäerl beds (2018). Criterion 1.6 Habitat condition – Indicator 1.6.1 Condition of the typical species and communities - considered elements : benthic habitats coralligenous and deep sea corals (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018), coastal fish (2018). Indicator 1.6.2 Relative abundance and/or biomass, as appropriate - considered elements : pelagic habitat (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018). IT-WMS-8A02-0101: The Marine Strategy Framework Directive requires that to determining good environmental status for D1 “Biological diversity is maintained. The quality and occurrence of habitats and the distribution and abundance of species are in line with prevailing physiographic, geographic and climatic conditionsâ€. In this regard, it is recalled that for the preparation of the determination of GES for Descriptor 1, the Directive requires to consider a set of criteria (7) and indicators, whose analysis and selection must be justified in relation to the information collected with the Initial Assessment and their direct relevance to the main causes of human pressure. It should be noted that, based on the ecosystem approach, the main consideration on which choose the indicators should be based on the fact that they are able to establish relationships between the impact of human activities and the functioning of the marine ecosystem. All this taking into account that there are still gaps of knowledge on the relationship between the values measured for the different activities / pressures considered and the effects they cause on ecosystems. The formulation of the targets was done taking into account commitments already signed by Italy in relation to international conventions and European legislation, on the assumption that the pursuit of these objectives is in itself a contribution to the achievement of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive targets. This is also because the Marine Strategy officially requires referring to other European Directives and to international conventions concerning the marine environment. Overall, should be noted that only 4 of the seven criteria of the Marine Strategy, based on the information gathered with the initial assessment and in relation to the characteristics of the Mediterranean Sea, were considered for the determination of GES for the descriptor 1: 1.2 Population size 1.3 Population condition 1.5 Habitat extent 1.6 Habitat condition Specifically, as regards the aspects relating to the criterion 1.7 "Ecosystem structure" it was considered better to tackle it within the descriptor 4 "Food webs". For each criterion were identified the indicators considered most appropriate, foreseeing that the individual GES is achieved with the positive response of all the composing elements, selected on the basis of the initial assessment, of the scientific knowledge and their future implementability (2014 or 2018 ). The overall proposal is therefore based on 4 criteria and 15 indicators proposed for the 3 sub regions of interest for Italy, for each of which a GES should be assessed. The explanations of the reasons leading to the formulation of the proposal are described in the single sheet of the element relating to a specific indicator. Overall it is expected that the majority of the proposed indicators can be operational from 2018, due to the need to acquire additional cognitive elements (specified on each sheet). Only for the avifauna is thought to be possible to arrive to operability for 2014. It follows the list of indicators taken into account per criterion with the indication of the year in which it is expected to be operational in brackets: Criterion 1.2 Population size – Indicator 1.2.1 Population abundance and /or biomass, as appropriate – considered elements: Fan mussel - Pinna nobilis (2018), coastal fish species (2018), Loggerhead - Caretta caretta (2018), marine mammals (2018), marine birds (2014). Criterion 1.3 Population condition – Indicator 1.3.1 Population demographic characteristics – considered elements: Ribbed Mediterranean Limpet Patella ferruginea (2018), coastal fish species (2018), marine birds (2014). Indicator 1.3.1 Population genetic structure, where appropriate – fish species (2018). Criterion 1.5 Habitat extent – Indicator 1.5.1 Habitat area – considered elements : benthic habitats Posidonia oceanica meadows, mäerl beds (2018). Criterion 1.6 Habitat condition – Indicator 1.6.1 Condition of the typical species and communities - considered elements : benthic habitats coralligenous and deep sea corals (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018), coastal fish (2018). Indicator 1.6.2 Relative abundance and/or biomass, as appropriate - considered elements : pelagic habitat (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018). IT-WMS-8A02-0102: The Marine Strategy Framework Directive requires that to determining good environmental status for D1 “Biological diversity is maintained. The quality and occurrence of habitats and the distribution and abundance of species are in line with prevailing physiographic, geographic and climatic conditionsâ€. In this regard, it is recalled that for the preparation of the determination of GES for Descriptor 1, the Directive requires to consider a set of criteria (7) and indicators, whose analysis and selection must be justified in relation to the information collected with the Initial Assessment and their direct relevance to the main causes of human pressure. It should be noted that, based on the ecosystem approach, the main consideration on which choose the indicators should be based on the fact that they are able to establish relationships between the impact of human activities and the functioning of the marine ecosystem. All this taking into account that there are still gaps of knowledge on the relationship between the values measured for the different activities / pressures considered and the effects they cause on ecosystems. The formulation of the targets was done taking into account commitments already signed by Italy in relation to international conventions and European legislation, on the assumption that the pursuit of these objectives is in itself a contribution to the achievement of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive targets. This is also because the Marine Strategy officially requires referring to other European Directives and to international conventions concerning the marine environment. Overall, should be noted that only 4 of the seven criteria of the Marine Strategy, based on the information gathered with the initial assessment and in relation to the characteristics of the Mediterranean Sea, were considered for the determination of GES for the descriptor 1: 1.2 Population size 1.3 Population condition 1.5 Habitat extent 1.6 Habitat condition Specifically, as regards the aspects relating to the criterion 1.7 "Ecosystem structure" it was considered better to tackle it within the descriptor 4 "Food webs". For each criterion were identified the indicators considered most appropriate, foreseeing that the individual GES is achieved with the positive response of all the composing elements, selected on the basis of the initial assessment, of the scientific knowledge and their future implementability (2014 or 2018 ). The overall proposal is therefore based on 4 criteria and 15 indicators proposed for the 3 sub regions of interest for Italy, for each of which a GES should be assessed. The explanations of the reasons leading to the formulation of the proposal are described in the single sheet of the element relating to a specific indicator. Overall it is expected that the majority of the proposed indicators can be operational from 2018, due to the need to acquire additional cognitive elements (specified on each sheet). Only for the avifauna is thought to be possible to arrive to operability for 2014. It follows the list of indicators taken into account per criterion with the indication of the year in which it is expected to be operational in brackets: Criterion 1.2 Population size – Indicator 1.2.1 Population abundance and /or biomass, as appropriate – considered elements: Fan mussel - Pinna nobilis (2018), coastal fish species (2018), Loggerhead - Caretta caretta (2018), marine mammals (2018), marine birds (2014). Criterion 1.3 Population condition – Indicator 1.3.1 Population demographic characteristics – considered elements: Ribbed Mediterranean Limpet Patella ferruginea (2018), coastal fish species (2018), marine birds (2014). Indicator 1.3.1 Population genetic structure, where appropriate – fish species (2018). Criterion 1.5 Habitat extent – Indicator 1.5.1 Habitat area – considered elements : benthic habitats Posidonia oceanica meadows, mäerl beds (2018). Criterion 1.6 Habitat condition – Indicator 1.6.1 Condition of the typical species and communities - considered elements : benthic habitats coralligenous and deep sea corals (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018), coastal fish (2018). Indicator 1.6.2 Relative abundance and/or biomass, as appropriate - considered elements : pelagic habitat (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018). IT-WMS-8A02-0404: The Marine Strategy Framework Directive requires that to determining good environmental status for D1 “Biological diversity is maintained. The quality and occurrence of habitats and the distribution and abundance of species are in line with prevailing physiographic, geographic and climatic conditionsâ€. In this regard, it is recalled that for the preparation of the determination of GES for Descriptor 1, the Directive requires to consider a set of criteria (7) and indicators, whose analysis and selection must be justified in relation to the information collected with the Initial Assessment and their direct relevance to the main causes of human pressure. It should be noted that, based on the ecosystem approach, the main consideration on which choose the indicators should be based on the fact that they are able to establish relationships between the impact of human activities and the functioning of the marine ecosystem. All this taking into account that there are still gaps of knowledge on the relationship between the values measured for the different activities / pressures considered and the effects they cause on ecosystems. The formulation of the targets was done taking into account commitments already signed by Italy in relation to international conventions and European legislation, on the assumption that the pursuit of these objectives is in itself a contribution to the achievement of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive targets. This is also because the Marine Strategy officially requires referring to other European Directives and to international conventions concerning the marine environment. Overall, should be noted that only 4 of the seven criteria of the Marine Strategy, based on the information gathered with the initial assessment and in relation to the characteristics of the Mediterranean Sea, were considered for the determination of GES for the descriptor 1: 1.2 Population size 1.3 Population condition 1.5 Habitat extent 1.6 Habitat condition Specifically, as regards the aspects relating to the criterion 1.7 "Ecosystem structure" it was considered better to tackle it within the descriptor 4 "Food webs". For each criterion were identified the indicators considered most appropriate, foreseeing that the individual GES is achieved with the positive response of all the composing elements, selected on the basis of the initial assessment, of the scientific knowledge and their future implementability (2014 or 2018 ). The overall proposal is therefore based on 4 criteria and 15 indicators proposed for the 3 sub regions of interest for Italy, for each of which a GES should be assessed. The explanations of the reasons leading to the formulation of the proposal are described in the single sheet of the element relating to a specific indicator. Overall it is expected that the majority of the proposed indicators can be operational from 2018, due to the need to acquire additional cognitive elements (specified on each sheet). Only for the avifauna is thought to be possible to arrive to operability for 2014. It follows the list of indicators taken into account per criterion with the indication of the year in which it is expected to be operational in brackets: Criterion 1.2 Population size – Indicator 1.2.1 Population abundance and /or biomass, as appropriate – considered elements: Fan mussel - Pinna nobilis (2018), coastal fish species (2018), Loggerhead - Caretta caretta (2018), marine mammals (2018), marine birds (2014). Criterion 1.3 Population condition – Indicator 1.3.1 Population demographic characteristics – considered elements: Ribbed Mediterranean Limpet Patella ferruginea (2018), coastal fish species (2018), marine birds (2014). Indicator 1.3.1 Population genetic structure, where appropriate – fish species (2018). Criterion 1.5 Habitat extent – Indicator 1.5.1 Habitat area – considered elements : benthic habitats Posidonia oceanica meadows, mäerl beds (2018). Criterion 1.6 Habitat condition – Indicator 1.6.1 Condition of the typical species and communities - considered elements : benthic habitats coralligenous and deep sea corals (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018), coastal fish (2018). Indicator 1.6.2 Relative abundance and/or biomass, as appropriate - considered elements : pelagic habitat (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018). IT-WMS-8A02-0404: The Marine Strategy Framework Directive requires that to determining good environmental status for D1 “Biological diversity is maintained. The quality and occurrence of habitats and the distribution and abundance of species are in line with prevailing physiographic, geographic and climatic conditionsâ€. In this regard, it is recalled that for the preparation of the determination of GES for Descriptor 1, the Directive requires to consider a set of criteria (7) and indicators, whose analysis and selection must be justified in relation to the information collected with the Initial Assessment and their direct relevance to the main causes of human pressure. It should be noted that, based on the ecosystem approach, the main consideration on which choose the indicators should be based on the fact that they are able to establish relationships between the impact of human activities and the functioning of the marine ecosystem. All this taking into account that there are still gaps of knowledge on the relationship between the values measured for the different activities / pressures considered and the effects they cause on ecosystems. The formulation of the targets was done taking into account commitments already signed by Italy in relation to international conventions and European legislation, on the assumption that the pursuit of these objectives is in itself a contribution to the achievement of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive targets. This is also because the Marine Strategy officially requires referring to other European Directives and to international conventions concerning the marine environment. Overall, should be noted that only 4 of the seven criteria of the Marine Strategy, based on the information gathered with the initial assessment and in relation to the characteristics of the Mediterranean Sea, were considered for the determination of GES for the descriptor 1: 1.2 Population size 1.3 Population condition 1.5 Habitat extent 1.6 Habitat condition Specifically, as regards the aspects relating to the criterion 1.7 "Ecosystem structure" it was considered better to tackle it within the descriptor 4 "Food webs". For each criterion were identified the indicators considered most appropriate, foreseeing that the individual GES is achieved with the positive response of all the composing elements, selected on the basis of the initial assessment, of the scientific knowledge and their future implementability (2014 or 2018 ). The overall proposal is therefore based on 4 criteria and 15 indicators proposed for the 3 sub regions of interest for Italy, for each of which a GES should be assessed. The explanations of the reasons leading to the formulation of the proposal are described in the single sheet of the element relating to a specific indicator. Overall it is expected that the majority of the proposed indicators can be operational from 2018, due to the need to acquire additional cognitive elements (specified on each sheet). Only for the avifauna is thought to be possible to arrive to operability for 2014. It follows the list of indicators taken into account per criterion with the indication of the year in which it is expected to be operational in brackets: Criterion 1.2 Population size – Indicator 1.2.1 Population abundance and /or biomass, as appropriate – considered elements: Fan mussel - Pinna nobilis (2018), coastal fish species (2018), Loggerhead - Caretta caretta (2018), marine mammals (2018), marine birds (2014). Criterion 1.3 Population condition – Indicator 1.3.1 Population demographic characteristics – considered elements: Ribbed Mediterranean Limpet Patella ferruginea (2018), coastal fish species (2018), marine birds (2014). Indicator 1.3.1 Population genetic structure, where appropriate – fish species (2018). Criterion 1.5 Habitat extent – Indicator 1.5.1 Habitat area – considered elements : benthic habitats Posidonia oceanica meadows, mäerl beds (2018). Criterion 1.6 Habitat condition – Indicator 1.6.1 Condition of the typical species and communities - considered elements : benthic habitats coralligenous and deep sea corals (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018), coastal fish (2018). Indicator 1.6.2 Relative abundance and/or biomass, as appropriate - considered elements : pelagic habitat (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018). IT-ISCMS-8A02-0101 : The Marine Strategy Framework Directive requires that to determining good environmental status for D1 “Biological diversity is maintained. The quality and occurrence of habitats and the distribution and abundance of species are in line with prevailing physiographic, geographic and climatic conditionsâ€. In this regard, it is recalled that for the preparation of the determination of GES for Descriptor 1, the Directive requires to consider a set of criteria (7) and indicators, whose analysis and selection must be justified in relation to the information collected with the Initial Assessment and their direct relevance to the main causes of human pressure. It should be noted that, based on the ecosystem approach, the main consideration on which choose the indicators should be based on the fact that they are able to establish relationships between the impact of human activities and the functioning of the marine ecosystem. All this taking into account that there are still gaps of knowledge on the relationship between the values measured for the different activities / pressures considered and the effects they cause on ecosystems. The formulation of the targets was done taking into account commitments already signed by Italy in relation to international conventions and European legislation, on the assumption that the pursuit of these objectives is in itself a contribution to the achievement of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive targets. This is also because the Marine Strategy officially requires referring to other European Directives and to international conventions concerning the marine environment. Overall, should be noted that only 4 of the seven criteria of the Marine Strategy, based on the information gathered with the initial assessment and in relation to the characteristics of the Mediterranean Sea, were considered for the determination of GES for the descriptor 1: 1.2 Population size 1.3 Population condition 1.5 Habitat extent 1.6 Habitat condition Specifically, as regards the aspects relating to the criterion 1.7 "Ecosystem structure" it was considered better to tackle it within the descriptor 4 "Food webs". For each criterion were identified the indicators considered most appropriate, foreseeing that the individual GES is achieved with the positive response of all the composing elements, selected on the basis of the initial assessment, of the scientific knowledge and their future implementability (2014 or 2018 ). The overall proposal is therefore based on 4 criteria and 15 indicators proposed for the 3 sub regions of interest for Italy, for each of which a GES should be assessed. The explanations of the reasons leading to the formulation of the proposal are described in the single sheet of the element relating to a specific indicator. Overall it is expected that the majority of the proposed indicators can be operational from 2018, due to the need to acquire additional cognitive elements (specified on each sheet). Only for the avifauna is thought to be possible to arrive to operability for 2014. It follows the list of indicators taken into account per criterion with the indication of the year in which it is expected to be operational in brackets: Criterion 1.2 Population size – Indicator 1.2.1 Population abundance and /or biomass, as appropriate – considered elements: Fan mussel - Pinna nobilis (2018), coastal fish species (2018), Loggerhead - Caretta caretta (2018), marine mammals (2018), marine birds (2014). Criterion 1.3 Population condition – Indicator 1.3.1 Population demographic characteristics – considered elements: Ribbed Mediterranean Limpet Patella ferruginea (2018), coastal fish species (2018), marine birds (2014). Indicator 1.3.1 Population genetic structure, where appropriate – fish species (2018). Criterion 1.5 Habitat extent – Indicator 1.5.1 Habitat area – considered elements : benthic habitats Posidonia oceanica meadows, mäerl beds (2018). Criterion 1.6 Habitat condition – Indicator 1.6.1 Condition of the typical species and communities - considered elements : benthic habitats coralligenous and deep sea corals (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018), coastal fish (2018). Indicator 1.6.2 Relative abundance and/or biomass, as appropriate - considered elements : pelagic habitat (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018). IT-ISCMS-8A02-0101 : The Marine Strategy Framework Directive requires that to determining good environmental status for D1 “Biological diversity is maintained. The quality and occurrence of habitats and the distribution and abundance of species are in line with prevailing physiographic, geographic and climatic conditionsâ€. In this regard, it is recalled that for the preparation of the determination of GES for Descriptor 1, the Directive requires to consider a set of criteria (7) and indicators, whose analysis and selection must be justified in relation to the information collected with the Initial Assessment and their direct relevance to the main causes of human pressure. It should be noted that, based on the ecosystem approach, the main consideration on which choose the indicators should be based on the fact that they are able to establish relationships between the impact of human activities and the functioning of the marine ecosystem. All this taking into account that there are still gaps of knowledge on the relationship between the values measured for the different activities / pressures considered and the effects they cause on ecosystems. The formulation of the targets was done taking into account commitments already signed by Italy in relation to international conventions and European legislation, on the assumption that the pursuit of these objectives is in itself a contribution to the achievement of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive targets. This is also because the Marine Strategy officially requires referring to other European Directives and to international conventions concerning the marine environment. Overall, should be noted that only 4 of the seven criteria of the Marine Strategy, based on the information gathered with the initial assessment and in relation to the characteristics of the Mediterranean Sea, were considered for the determination of GES for the descriptor 1: 1.2 Population size 1.3 Population condition 1.5 Habitat extent 1.6 Habitat condition Specifically, as regards the aspects relating to the criterion 1.7 "Ecosystem structure" it was considered better to tackle it within the descriptor 4 "Food webs". For each criterion were identified the indicators considered most appropriate, foreseeing that the individual GES is achieved with the positive response of all the composing elements, selected on the basis of the initial assessment, of the scientific knowledge and their future implementability (2014 or 2018 ). The overall proposal is therefore based on 4 criteria and 15 indicators proposed for the 3 sub regions of interest for Italy, for each of which a GES should be assessed. The explanations of the reasons leading to the formulation of the proposal are described in the single sheet of the element relating to a specific indicator. Overall it is expected that the majority of the proposed indicators can be operational from 2018, due to the need to acquire additional cognitive elements (specified on each sheet). Only for the avifauna is thought to be possible to arrive to operability for 2014. It follows the list of indicators taken into account per criterion with the indication of the year in which it is expected to be operational in brackets: Criterion 1.2 Population size – Indicator 1.2.1 Population abundance and /or biomass, as appropriate – considered elements: Fan mussel - Pinna nobilis (2018), coastal fish species (2018), Loggerhead - Caretta caretta (2018), marine mammals (2018), marine birds (2014). Criterion 1.3 Population condition – Indicator 1.3.1 Population demographic characteristics – considered elements: Ribbed Mediterranean Limpet Patella ferruginea (2018), coastal fish species (2018), marine birds (2014). Indicator 1.3.1 Population genetic structure, where appropriate – fish species (2018). Criterion 1.5 Habitat extent – Indicator 1.5.1 Habitat area – considered elements : benthic habitats Posidonia oceanica meadows, mäerl beds (2018). Criterion 1.6 Habitat condition – Indicator 1.6.1 Condition of the typical species and communities - considered elements : benthic habitats coralligenous and deep sea corals (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018), coastal fish (2018). Indicator 1.6.2 Relative abundance and/or biomass, as appropriate - considered elements : pelagic habitat (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018). IT-ISCMS-8A02-0101 : The Marine Strategy Framework Directive requires that to determining good environmental status for D1 “Biological diversity is maintained. The quality and occurrence of habitats and the distribution and abundance of species are in line with prevailing physiographic, geographic and climatic conditionsâ€. In this regard, it is recalled that for the preparation of the determination of GES for Descriptor 1, the Directive requires to consider a set of criteria (7) and indicators, whose analysis and selection must be justified in relation to the information collected with the Initial Assessment and their direct relevance to the main causes of human pressure. It should be noted that, based on the ecosystem approach, the main consideration on which choose the indicators should be based on the fact that they are able to establish relationships between the impact of human activities and the functioning of the marine ecosystem. All this taking into account that there are still gaps of knowledge on the relationship between the values measured for the different activities / pressures considered and the effects they cause on ecosystems. The formulation of the targets was done taking into account commitments already signed by Italy in relation to international conventions and European legislation, on the assumption that the pursuit of these objectives is in itself a contribution to the achievement of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive targets. This is also because the Marine Strategy officially requires referring to other European Directives and to international conventions concerning the marine environment. Overall, should be noted that only 4 of the seven criteria of the Marine Strategy, based on the information gathered with the initial assessment and in relation to the characteristics of the Mediterranean Sea, were considered for the determination of GES for the descriptor 1: 1.2 Population size 1.3 Population condition 1.5 Habitat extent 1.6 Habitat condition Specifically, as regards the aspects relating to the criterion 1.7 "Ecosystem structure" it was considered better to tackle it within the descriptor 4 "Food webs". For each criterion were identified the indicators considered most appropriate, foreseeing that the individual GES is achieved with the positive response of all the composing elements, selected on the basis of the initial assessment, of the scientific knowledge and their future implementability (2014 or 2018 ). The overall proposal is therefore based on 4 criteria and 15 indicators proposed for the 3 sub regions of interest for Italy, for each of which a GES should be assessed. The explanations of the reasons leading to the formulation of the proposal are described in the single sheet of the element relating to a specific indicator. Overall it is expected that the majority of the proposed indicators can be operational from 2018, due to the need to acquire additional cognitive elements (specified on each sheet). Only for the avifauna is thought to be possible to arrive to operability for 2014. It follows the list of indicators taken into account per criterion with the indication of the year in which it is expected to be operational in brackets: Criterion 1.2 Population size – Indicator 1.2.1 Population abundance and /or biomass, as appropriate – considered elements: Fan mussel - Pinna nobilis (2018), coastal fish species (2018), Loggerhead - Caretta caretta (2018), marine mammals (2018), marine birds (2014). Criterion 1.3 Population condition – Indicator 1.3.1 Population demographic characteristics – considered elements: Ribbed Mediterranean Limpet Patella ferruginea (2018), coastal fish species (2018), marine birds (2014). Indicator 1.3.1 Population genetic structure, where appropriate – fish species (2018). Criterion 1.5 Habitat extent – Indicator 1.5.1 Habitat area – considered elements : benthic habitats Posidonia oceanica meadows, mäerl beds (2018). Criterion 1.6 Habitat condition – Indicator 1.6.1 Condition of the typical species and communities - considered elements : benthic habitats coralligenous and deep sea corals (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018), coastal fish (2018). Indicator 1.6.2 Relative abundance and/or biomass, as appropriate - considered elements : pelagic habitat (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018). IT-ISCMS-8A02-0101: The Marine Strategy Framework Directive requires that to determining good environmental status for D1 “Biological diversity is maintained. The quality and occurrence of habitats and the distribution and abundance of species are in line with prevailing physiographic, geographic and climatic conditionsâ€. In this regard, it is recalled that for the preparation of the determination of GES for Descriptor 1, the Directive requires to consider a set of criteria (7) and indicators, whose analysis and selection must be justified in relation to the information collected with the Initial Assessment and their direct relevance to the main causes of human pressure. It should be noted that, based on the ecosystem approach, the main consideration on which choose the indicators should be based on the fact that they are able to establish relationships between the impact of human activities and the functioning of the marine ecosystem. All this taking into account that there are still gaps of knowledge on the relationship between the values measured for the different activities / pressures considered and the effects they cause on ecosystems. The formulation of the targets was done taking into account commitments already signed by Italy in relation to international conventions and European legislation, on the assumption that the pursuit of these objectives is in itself a contribution to the achievement of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive targets. This is also because the Marine Strategy officially requires referring to other European Directives and to international conventions concerning the marine environment. Overall, should be noted that only 4 of the seven criteria of the Marine Strategy, based on the information gathered with the initial assessment and in relation to the characteristics of the Mediterranean Sea, were considered for the determination of GES for the descriptor 1: 1.2 Population size 1.3 Population condition 1.5 Habitat extent 1.6 Habitat condition Specifically, as regards the aspects relating to the criterion 1.7 "Ecosystem structure" it was considered better to tackle it within the descriptor 4 "Food webs". For each criterion were identified the indicators considered most appropriate, foreseeing that the individual GES is achieved with the positive response of all the composing elements, selected on the basis of the initial assessment, of the scientific knowledge and their future implementability (2014 or 2018 ). The overall proposal is therefore based on 4 criteria and 15 indicators proposed for the 3 sub regions of interest for Italy, for each of which a GES should be assessed. The explanations of the reasons leading to the formulation of the proposal are described in the single sheet of the element relating to a specific indicator. Overall it is expected that the majority of the proposed indicators can be operational from 2018, due to the need to acquire additional cognitive elements (specified on each sheet). Only for the avifauna is thought to be possible to arrive to operability for 2014. It follows the list of indicators taken into account per criterion with the indication of the year in which it is expected to be operational in brackets: Criterion 1.2 Population size – Indicator 1.2.1 Population abundance and /or biomass, as appropriate – considered elements: Fan mussel - Pinna nobilis (2018), coastal fish species (2018), Loggerhead - Caretta caretta (2018), marine mammals (2018), marine birds (2014). Criterion 1.3 Population condition – Indicator 1.3.1 Population demographic characteristics – considered elements: Ribbed Mediterranean Limpet Patella ferruginea (2018), coastal fish species (2018), marine birds (2014). Indicator 1.3.1 Population genetic structure, where appropriate – fish species (2018). Criterion 1.5 Habitat extent – Indicator 1.5.1 Habitat area – considered elements : benthic habitats Posidonia oceanica meadows, mäerl beds (2018). Criterion 1.6 Habitat condition – Indicator 1.6.1 Condition of the typical species and communities - considered elements : benthic habitats coralligenous and deep sea corals (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018), coastal fish (2018). Indicator 1.6.2 Relative abundance and/or biomass, as appropriate - considered elements : pelagic habitat (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018). IT-WMS-8A04-1000: The Marine Strategy Framework Directive requires that to determining good environmental status for D1 “Biological diversity is maintained. The quality and occurrence of habitats and the distribution and abundance of species are in line with prevailing physiographic, geographic and climatic conditionsâ€. In this regard, it is recalled that for the preparation of the determination of GES for Descriptor 1, the Directive requires to consider a set of criteria (7) and indicators, whose analysis and selection must be justified in relation to the information collected with the Initial Assessment and their direct relevance to the main causes of human pressure. It should be noted that, based on the ecosystem approach, the main consideration on which choose the indicators should be based on the fact that they are able to establish relationships between the impact of human activities and the functioning of the marine ecosystem. All this taking into account that there are still gaps of knowledge on the relationship between the values measured for the different activities / pressures considered and the effects they cause on ecosystems. The formulation of the targets was done taking into account commitments already signed by Italy in relation to international conventions and European legislation, on the assumption that the pursuit of these objectives is in itself a contribution to the achievement of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive targets. This is also because the Marine Strategy officially requires referring to other European Directives and to international conventions concerning the marine environment. Overall, should be noted that only 4 of the seven criteria of the Marine Strategy, based on the information gathered with the initial assessment and in relation to the characteristics of the Mediterranean Sea, were considered for the determination of GES for the descriptor 1: 1.2 Population size 1.3 Population condition 1.5 Habitat extent 1.6 Habitat condition Specifically, as regards the aspects relating to the criterion 1.7 "Ecosystem structure" it was considered better to tackle it within the descriptor 4 "Food webs". For each criterion were identified the indicators considered most appropriate, foreseeing that the individual GES is achieved with the positive response of all the composing elements, selected on the basis of the initial assessment, of the scientific knowledge and their future implementability (2014 or 2018 ). The overall proposal is therefore based on 4 criteria and 15 indicators proposed for the 3 sub regions of interest for Italy, for each of which a GES should be assessed. The explanations of the reasons leading to the formulation of the proposal are described in the single sheet of the element relating to a specific indicator. Overall it is expected that the majority of the proposed indicators can be operational from 2018, due to the need to acquire additional cognitive elements (specified on each sheet). Only for the avifauna is thought to be possible to arrive to operability for 2014. It follows the list of indicators taken into account per criterion with the indication of the year in which it is expected to be operational in brackets: Criterion 1.2 Population size – Indicator 1.2.1 Population abundance and /or biomass, as appropriate – considered elements: Fan mussel - Pinna nobilis (2018), coastal fish species (2018), Loggerhead - Caretta caretta (2018), marine mammals (2018), marine birds (2014). Criterion 1.3 Population condition – Indicator 1.3.1 Population demographic characteristics – considered elements: Ribbed Mediterranean Limpet Patella ferruginea (2018), coastal fish species (2018), marine birds (2014). Indicator 1.3.1 Population genetic structure, where appropriate – fish species (2018). Criterion 1.5 Habitat extent – Indicator 1.5.1 Habitat area – considered elements : benthic habitats Posidonia oceanica meadows, mäerl beds (2018). Criterion 1.6 Habitat condition – Indicator 1.6.1 Condition of the typical species and communities - considered elements : benthic habitats coralligenous and deep sea corals (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018), coastal fish (2018). Indicator 1.6.2 Relative abundance and/or biomass, as appropriate - considered elements : pelagic habitat (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018). IT-IMS-8A04-1000: The Marine Strategy Framework Directive requires that to determining good environmental status for D1 “Biological diversity is maintained. The quality and occurrence of habitats and the distribution and abundance of species are in line with prevailing physiographic, geographic and climatic conditionsâ€. In this regard, it is recalled that for the preparation of the determination of GES for Descriptor 1, the Directive requires to consider a set of criteria (7) and indicators, whose analysis and selection must be justified in relation to the information collected with the Initial Assessment and their direct relevance to the main causes of human pressure. It should be noted that, based on the ecosystem approach, the main consideration on which choose the indicators should be based on the fact that they are able to establish relationships between the impact of human activities and the functioning of the marine ecosystem. All this taking into account that there are still gaps of knowledge on the relationship between the values measured for the different activities / pressures considered and the effects they cause on ecosystems. The formulation of the targets was done taking into account commitments already signed by Italy in relation to international conventions and European legislation, on the assumption that the pursuit of these objectives is in itself a contribution to the achievement of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive targets. This is also because the Marine Strategy officially requires referring to other European Directives and to international conventions concerning the marine environment. Overall, should be noted that only 4 of the seven criteria of the Marine Strategy, based on the information gathered with the initial assessment and in relation to the characteristics of the Mediterranean Sea, were considered for the determination of GES for the descriptor 1: 1.2 Population size 1.3 Population condition 1.5 Habitat extent 1.6 Habitat condition Specifically, as regards the aspects relating to the criterion 1.7 "Ecosystem structure" it was considered better to tackle it within the descriptor 4 "Food webs". For each criterion were identified the indicators considered most appropriate, foreseeing that the individual GES is achieved with the positive response of all the composing elements, selected on the basis of the initial assessment, of the scientific knowledge and their future implementability (2014 or 2018 ). The overall proposal is therefore based on 4 criteria and 15 indicators proposed for the 3 sub regions of interest for Italy, for each of which a GES should be assessed. The explanations of the reasons leading to the formulation of the proposal are described in the single sheet of the element relating to a specific indicator. Overall it is expected that the majority of the proposed indicators can be operational from 2018, due to the need to acquire additional cognitive elements (specified on each sheet). Only for the avifauna is thought to be possible to arrive to operability for 2014. It follows the list of indicators taken into account per criterion with the indication of the year in which it is expected to be operational in brackets: Criterion 1.2 Population size – Indicator 1.2.1 Population abundance and /or biomass, as appropriate – considered elements: Fan mussel - Pinna nobilis (2018), coastal fish species (2018), Loggerhead - Caretta caretta (2018), marine mammals (2018), marine birds (2014). Criterion 1.3 Population condition – Indicator 1.3.1 Population demographic characteristics – considered elements: Ribbed Mediterranean Limpet Patella ferruginea (2018), coastal fish species (2018), marine birds (2014). Indicator 1.3.1 Population genetic structure, where appropriate – fish species (2018). Criterion 1.5 Habitat extent – Indicator 1.5.1 Habitat area – considered elements : benthic habitats Posidonia oceanica meadows, mäerl beds (2018). Criterion 1.6 Habitat condition – Indicator 1.6.1 Condition of the typical species and communities - considered elements : benthic habitats coralligenous and deep sea corals (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018), coastal fish (2018). Indicator 1.6.2 Relative abundance and/or biomass, as appropriate - considered elements : pelagic habitat (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018). IT-AMS-8A04-1000: The Marine Strategy Framework Directive requires that to determining good environmental status for D1 “Biological diversity is maintained. The quality and occurrence of habitats and the distribution and abundance of species are in line with prevailing physiographic, geographic and climatic conditionsâ€. In this regard, it is recalled that for the preparation of the determination of GES for Descriptor 1, the Directive requires to consider a set of criteria (7) and indicators, whose analysis and selection must be justified in relation to the information collected with the Initial Assessment and their direct relevance to the main causes of human pressure. It should be noted that, based on the ecosystem approach, the main consideration on which choose the indicators should be based on the fact that they are able to establish relationships between the impact of human activities and the functioning of the marine ecosystem. All this taking into account that there are still gaps of knowledge on the relationship between the values measured for the different activities / pressures considered and the effects they cause on ecosystems. The formulation of the targets was done taking into account commitments already signed by Italy in relation to international conventions and European legislation, on the assumption that the pursuit of these objectives is in itself a contribution to the achievement of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive targets. This is also because the Marine Strategy officially requires referring to other European Directives and to international conventions concerning the marine environment. Overall, should be noted that only 4 of the seven criteria of the Marine Strategy, based on the information gathered with the initial assessment and in relation to the characteristics of the Mediterranean Sea, were considered for the determination of GES for the descriptor 1: 1.2 Population size 1.3 Population condition 1.5 Habitat extent 1.6 Habitat condition Specifically, as regards the aspects relating to the criterion 1.7 "Ecosystem structure" it was considered better to tackle it within the descriptor 4 "Food webs". For each criterion were identified the indicators considered most appropriate, foreseeing that the individual GES is achieved with the positive response of all the composing elements, selected on the basis of the initial assessment, of the scientific knowledge and their future implementability (2014 or 2018 ). The overall proposal is therefore based on 4 criteria and 15 indicators proposed for the 3 sub regions of interest for Italy, for each of which a GES should be assessed. The explanations of the reasons leading to the formulation of the proposal are described in the single sheet of the element relating to a specific indicator. Overall it is expected that the majority of the proposed indicators can be operational from 2018, due to the need to acquire additional cognitive elements (specified on each sheet). Only for the avifauna is thought to be possible to arrive to operability for 2014. It follows the list of indicators taken into account per criterion with the indication of the year in which it is expected to be operational in brackets: Criterion 1.2 Population size – Indicator 1.2.1 Population abundance and /or biomass, as appropriate – considered elements: Fan mussel - Pinna nobilis (2018), coastal fish species (2018), Loggerhead - Caretta caretta (2018), marine mammals (2018), marine birds (2014). Criterion 1.3 Population condition – Indicator 1.3.1 Population demographic characteristics – considered elements: Ribbed Mediterranean Limpet Patella ferruginea (2018), coastal fish species (2018), marine birds (2014). Indicator 1.3.1 Population genetic structure, where appropriate – fish species (2018). Criterion 1.5 Habitat extent – Indicator 1.5.1 Habitat area – considered elements : benthic habitats Posidonia oceanica meadows, mäerl beds (2018). Criterion 1.6 Habitat condition – Indicator 1.6.1 Condition of the typical species and communities - considered elements : benthic habitats coralligenous and deep sea corals (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018), coastal fish (2018). Indicator 1.6.2 Relative abundance and/or biomass, as appropriate - considered elements : pelagic habitat (2018), demersal elasmobranchs (2018). IT-WMS-8B06-0001: CONTAMINANTS: The approach adopted to define the GES is finalized to assess and reach that the concentrations of contaminants are at levels not giving rise to pollution effects. Partcularly, the concentration of the contaminants, measured in biota (habitats and functional groups), sediment and water, is in comparability with the assessments under Directive 2000/60/EC (Environmental Quality Standard) and with National Regulatories and levels of pollution effects on the ecosystem components, where a cause/effect relationship has been established, need to be monitored. RADIONUCLIDES: The initial assessment showed that the input of anthropogenic radionuclides is presently generally low and their concentration, also close to potential point sources, is in the range of background levels reported for the Mediterranean Sea. The information on primordial radionuclides is scarce and it is difficult at present to define background values. The approach adopted to define the GES is the following: • The concentrations of anthropogenic radionuclides are close to background levels, calculated as mean values in areas with no point sources, and/or produce dose rates to organisms below the Predicted No Effect Dose Rate (EU-Erica 2005-2007). • The ecosystem are protected in their structure and function from chronic exposure to radionuclides. A screening dose rate for incremental exposure due to human activities has been fixed, based on the relevant literature (EU-Erica 2005-2007; UNSCEAR 2008). The proposed GES is considered partial because it is necessary to define the background values for NORM and artificial radionuclides in different marine matrices. The operation of the definition of GES is estimated for 2018. IT-WMS-8B06-0002: CONTAMINANTS: The approach adopted to define the GES is finalized to assess and reach that the concentrations of contaminants are at levels not giving rise to pollution effects. Partcularly, the concentration of the contaminants, measured in biota (habitats and functional groups), sediment and water, is in comparability with the assessments under Directive 2000/60/EC (Environmental Quality Standard) and with National Regulatories and levels of pollution effects on the ecosystem components, where a cause/effect relationship has been established, need to be monitored. RADIONUCLIDES: The initial assessment showed that the input of anthropogenic radionuclides is presently generally low and their concentration, also close to potential point sources, is in the range of background levels reported for the Mediterranean Sea. The information on primordial radionuclides is scarce and it is difficult at present to define background values. The approach adopted to define the GES is the following: • The concentrations of anthropogenic radionuclides are close to background levels, calculated as mean values in areas with no point sources, and/or produce dose rates to organisms below the Predicted No Effect Dose Rate (EU-Erica 2005-2007). • The ecosystem are protected in their structure and function from chronic exposure to radionuclides. A screening dose rate for incremental exposure due to human activities has been fixed, based on the relevant literature (EU-Erica 2005-2007; UNSCEAR 2008). The proposed GES is considered partial because it is necessary to define the background values for NORM and artificial radionuclides in different marine matrices. The operation of the definition of GES is estimated for 2018. IT-ISCMS-8B06-0001: CONTAMINANTS: The approach adopted to define the GES is finalized to assess and reach that the concentrations of contaminants are at levels not giving rise to pollution effects. Partcularly, the concentration of the contaminants, measured in biota (habitats and functional groups), sediment and water, is in comparability with the assessments under Directive 2000/60/EC (Environmental Quality Standard) and with National Regulatories and levels of pollution effects on the ecosystem components, where a cause/effect relationship has been established, need to be monitored. RADIONUCLIDES: The initial assessment showed that the input of anthropogenic radionuclides is presently generally low and their concentration, also close to potential point sources, is in the range of background levels reported for the Mediterranean Sea. The information on primordial radionuclides is scarce and it is difficult at present to define background values. The approach adopted to define the GES is the following: • The concentrations of anthropogenic radionuclides are close to background levels, calculated as mean values in areas with no point sources, and/or produce dose rates to organisms below the Predicted No Effect Dose Rate (EU-Erica 2005-2007). • The ecosystem are protected in their structure and function from chronic exposure to radionuclides. A screening dose rate for incremental exposure due to human activities has been fixed, based on the relevant literature (EU-Erica 2005-2007; UNSCEAR 2008). The proposed GES is considered partial because it is necessary to define the background values for NORM and artificial radionuclides in different marine matrices. The operation of the definition of GES is estimated for 2018. IT-AS-8B06-0003: CONTAMINANTS: The approach adopted to define the GES is finalized to assess and reach that the concentrations of contaminants are at levels not giving rise to pollution effects. Partcularly, the concentration of the contaminants, measured in biota (habitats and functional groups), sediment and water, is in comparability with the assessments under Directive 2000/60/EC (Environmental Quality Standard) and with National Regulatories and levels of pollution effects on the ecosystem components, where a cause/effect relationship has been established, need to be monitored. RADIONUCLIDES: The initial assessment showed that the input of anthropogenic radionuclides is presently generally low and their concentration, also close to potential point sources, is in the range of background levels reported for the Mediterranean Sea. The information on primordial radionuclides is scarce and it is difficult at present to define background values. The approach adopted to define the GES is the following: • The concentrations of anthropogenic radionuclides are close to background levels, calculated as mean values in areas with no point sources, and/or produce dose rates to organisms below the Predicted No Effect Dose Rate (EU-Erica 2005-2007). • The ecosystem are protected in their structure and function from chronic exposure to radionuclides. A screening dose rate for incremental exposure due to human activities has been fixed, based on the relevant literature (EU-Erica 2005-2007; UNSCEAR 2008). The proposed GES is considered partial because it is necessary to define the background values for NORM and artificial radionuclides in different marine matrices. The operation of the definition of GES is estimated for 2018. IT-AS-8B06-0002: CONTAMINANTS: The approach adopted to define the GES is finalized to assess and reach that the concentrations of contaminants are at levels not giving rise to pollution effects. Partcularly, the concentration of the contaminants, measured in biota (habitats and functional groups), sediment and water, is in comparability with the assessments under Directive 2000/60/EC (Environmental Quality Standard) and with National Regulatories and levels of pollution effects on the ecosystem components, where a cause/effect relationship has been established, need to be monitored. RADIONUCLIDES: The initial assessment showed that the input of anthropogenic radionuclides is presently generally low and their concentration, also close to potential point sources, is in the range of background levels reported for the Mediterranean Sea. The information on primordial radionuclides is scarce and it is difficult at present to define background values. The approach adopted to define the GES is the following: • The concentrations of anthropogenic radionuclides are close to background levels, calculated as mean values in areas with no point sources, and/or produce dose rates to organisms below the Predicted No Effect Dose Rate (EU-Erica 2005-2007). • The ecosystem are protected in their structure and function from chronic exposure to radionuclides. A screening dose rate for incremental exposure due to human activities has been fixed, based on the relevant literature (EU-Erica 2005-2007; UNSCEAR 2008). The proposed GES is considered partial because it is necessary to define the background values for NORM and artificial radionuclides in different marine matrices. The operation of the definition of GES is estimated for 2018. IT-AS-8B06-0001: CONTAMINANTS: The approach adopted to define the GES is finalized to assess and reach that the concentrations of contaminants are at levels not giving rise to pollution effects. Partcularly, the concentration of the contaminants, measured in biota (habitats and functional groups), sediment and water, is in comparability with the assessments under Directive 2000/60/EC (Environmental Quality Standard) and with National Regulatories and levels of pollution effects on the ecosystem components, where a cause/effect relationship has been established, need to be monitored. RADIONUCLIDES: The initial assessment showed that the input of anthropogenic radionuclides is presently generally low and their concentration, also close to potential point sources, is in the range of background levels reported for the Mediterranean Sea. The information on primordial radionuclides is scarce and it is difficult at present to define background values. The approach adopted to define the GES is the following: • The concentrations of anthropogenic radionuclides are close to background levels, calculated as mean values in areas with no point sources, and/or produce dose rates to organisms below the Predicted No Effect Dose Rate (EU-Erica 2005-2007). • The ecosystem are protected in their structure and function from chronic exposure to radionuclides. A screening dose rate for incremental exposure due to human activities has been fixed, based on the relevant literature (EU-Erica 2005-2007; UNSCEAR 2008). The proposed GES is considered partial because it is necessary to define the background values for NORM and artificial radionuclides in different marine matrices. The operation of the definition of GES is estimated for 2018. IT-ISCMS-8B06-0002: CONTAMINANTS: The approach adopted to define the GES is finalized to assess and reach that the concentrations of contaminants are at levels not giving rise to pollution effects. Partcularly, the concentration of the contaminants, measured in biota (habitats and functional groups), sediment and water, is in comparability with the assessments under Directive 2000/60/EC (Environmental Quality Standard) and with National Regulatories and levels of pollution effects on the ecosystem components, where a cause/effect relationship has been established, need to be monitored. RADIONUCLIDES: The initial assessment showed that the input of anthropogenic radionuclides is presently generally low and their concentration, also close to potential point sources, is in the range of background levels reported for the Mediterranean Sea. The information on primordial radionuclides is scarce and it is difficult at present to define background values. The approach adopted to define the GES is the following: • The concentrations of anthropogenic radionuclides are close to background levels, calculated as mean values in areas with no point sources, and/or produce dose rates to organisms below the Predicted No Effect Dose Rate (EU-Erica 2005-2007). • The ecosystem are protected in their structure and function from chronic exposure to radionuclides. A screening dose rate for incremental exposure due to human activities has been fixed, based on the relevant literature (EU-Erica 2005-2007; UNSCEAR 2008). The proposed GES is considered partial because it is necessary to define the background values for NORM and artificial radionuclides in different marine matrices. The operation of the definition of GES is estimated for 2018. IT-WMS-8B06-0003: CONTAMINANTS: The approach adopted to define the GES is finalized to assess and reach that the concentrations of contaminants are at levels not giving rise to pollution effects. Partcularly, the concentration of the contaminants, measured in biota (habitats and functional groups), sediment and water, is in comparability with the assessments under Directive 2000/60/EC (Environmental Quality Standard) and with National Regulatories and levels of pollution effects on the ecosystem components, where a cause/effect relationship has been established, need to be monitored. RADIONUCLIDES: The initial assessment showed that the input of anthropogenic radionuclides is presently generally low and their concentration, also close to potential point sources, is in the range of background levels reported for the Mediterranean Sea. The information on primordial radionuclides is scarce and it is difficult at present to define background values. The approach adopted to define the GES is the following: • The concentrations of anthropogenic radionuclides are close to background levels, calculated as mean values in areas with no point sources, and/or produce dose rates to organisms below the Predicted No Effect Dose Rate (EU-Erica 2005-2007). • The ecosystem are protected in their structure and function from chronic exposure to radionuclides. A screening dose rate for incremental exposure due to human activities has been fixed, based on the relevant literature (EU-Erica 2005-2007; UNSCEAR 2008). The proposed GES is considered partial because it is necessary to define the background values for NORM and artificial radionuclides in different marine matrices. The operation of the definition of GES is estimated for 2018. IT-AS-8B06-0011: CONTAMINANTS: The approach adopted to define the GES is finalized to assess and reach that the concentrations of contaminants are at levels not giving rise to pollution effects. Partcularly, the concentration of the contaminants, measured in biota (habitats and functional groups), sediment and water, is in comparability with the assessments under Directive 2000/60/EC (Environmental Quality Standard) and with National Regulatories and levels of pollution effects on the ecosystem components, where a cause/effect relationship has been established, need to be monitored. RADIONUCLIDES: The initial assessment showed that the input of anthropogenic radionuclides is presently generally low and their concentration, also close to potential point sources, is in the range of background levels reported for the Mediterranean Sea. The information on primordial radionuclides is scarce and it is difficult at present to define background values. The approach adopted to define the GES is the following: • The concentrations of anthropogenic radionuclides are close to background levels, calculated as mean values in areas with no point sources, and/or produce dose rates to organisms below the Predicted No Effect Dose Rate (EU-Erica 2005-2007). • The ecosystem are protected in their structure and function from chronic exposure to radionuclides. A screening dose rate for incremental exposure due to human activities has been fixed, based on the relevant literature (EU-Erica 2005-2007; UNSCEAR 2008). The proposed GES is considered partial because it is necessary to define the background values for NORM and artificial radionuclides in different marine matrices. The operation of the definition of GES is estimated for 2018. IT-WMS-8B06-0012: CONTAMINANTS: The approach adopted to define the GES is finalized to assess and reach that the concentrations of contaminants are at levels not giving rise to pollution effects. Partcularly, the concentration of the contaminants, measured in biota (habitats and functional groups), sediment and water, is in comparability with the assessments under Directive 2000/60/EC (Environmental Quality Standard) and with National Regulatories and levels of pollution effects on the ecosystem components, where a cause/effect relationship has been established, need to be monitored. RADIONUCLIDES: The initial assessment showed that the input of anthropogenic radionuclides is presently generally low and their concentration, also close to potential point sources, is in the range of background levels reported for the Mediterranean Sea. The information on primordial radionuclides is scarce and it is difficult at present to define background values. The approach adopted to define the GES is the following: • The concentrations of anthropogenic radionuclides are close to background levels, calculated as mean values in areas with no point sources, and/or produce dose rates to organisms below the Predicted No Effect Dose Rate (EU-Erica 2005-2007). • The ecosystem are protected in their structure and function from chronic exposure to radionuclides. A screening dose rate for incremental exposure due to human activities has been fixed, based on the relevant literature (EU-Erica 2005-2007; UNSCEAR 2008). The proposed GES is considered partial because it is necessary to define the background values for NORM and artificial radionuclides in different marine matrices. The operation of the definition of GES is estimated for 2018. IT-ISCMS-8B06-0013: CONTAMINANTS: The approach adopted to define the GES is finalized to assess and reach that the concentrations of contaminants are at levels not giving rise to pollution effects. Partcularly, the concentration of the contaminants, measured in biota (habitats and functional groups), sediment and water, is in comparability with the assessments under Directive 2000/60/EC (Environmental Quality Standard) and with National Regulatories and levels of pollution effects on the ecosystem components, where a cause/effect relationship has been established, need to be monitored. RADIONUCLIDES: The initial assessment showed that the input of anthropogenic radionuclides is presently generally low and their concentration, also close to potential point sources, is in the range of background levels reported for the Mediterranean Sea. The information on primordial radionuclides is scarce and it is difficult at present to define background values. The approach adopted to define the GES is the following: • The concentrations of anthropogenic radionuclides are close to background levels, calculated as mean values in areas with no point sources, and/or produce dose rates to organisms below the Predicted No Effect Dose Rate (EU-Erica 2005-2007). • The ecosystem are protected in their structure and function from chronic exposure to radionuclides. A screening dose rate for incremental exposure due to human activities has been fixed, based on the relevant literature (EU-Erica 2005-2007; UNSCEAR 2008). The proposed GES is considered partial because it is necessary to define the background values for NORM and artificial radionuclides in different marine matrices. The operation of the definition of GES is estimated for 2018. IT-WMS-8B06-0001: CONTAMINANTS: The approach adopted to define the GES is finalized to assess and reach that the concentrations of contaminants are at levels not giving rise to pollution effects. Partcularly, the concentration of the contaminants, measured in biota (habitats and functional groups), sediment and water, is in comparability with the assessments under Directive 2000/60/EC (Environmental Quality Standard) and with National Regulatories and levels of pollution effects on the ecosystem components, where a cause/effect relationship has been established, need to be monitored. RADIONUCLIDES: The initial assessment showed that the input of anthropogenic radionuclides is presently generally low and their concentration, also close to potential point sources, is in the range of background levels reported for the Mediterranean Sea. The information on primordial radionuclides is scarce and it is difficult at present to define background values. The approach adopted to define the GES is the following: • The concentrations of anthropogenic radionuclides are close to background levels, calculated as mean values in areas with no point sources, and/or produce dose rates to organisms below the Predicted No Effect Dose Rate (EU-Erica 2005-2007). • The ecosystem are protected in their structure and function from chronic exposure to radionuclides. A screening dose rate for incremental exposure due to human activities has been fixed, based on the relevant literature (EU-Erica 2005-2007; UNSCEAR 2008). The proposed GES is considered partial because it is necessary to define the background values for NORM and artificial radionuclides in different marine matrices. The operation of the definition of GES is estimated for 2018. IT-WMS-8B06-0002: CONTAMINANTS: The approach adopted to define the GES is finalized to assess and reach that the concentrations of contaminants are at levels not giving rise to pollution effects. Partcularly, the concentration of the contaminants, measured in biota (habitats and functional groups), sediment and water, is in comparability with the assessments under Directive 2000/60/EC (Environmental Quality Standard) and with National Regulatories and levels of pollution effects on the ecosystem components, where a cause/effect relationship has been established, need to be monitored. RADIONUCLIDES: The initial assessment showed that the input of anthropogenic radionuclides is presently generally low and their concentration, also close to potential point sources, is in the range of background levels reported for the Mediterranean Sea. The information on primordial radionuclides is scarce and it is difficult at present to define background values. The approach adopted to define the GES is the following: • The concentrations of anthropogenic radionuclides are close to background levels, calculated as mean values in areas with no point sources, and/or produce dose rates to organisms below the Predicted No Effect Dose Rate (EU-Erica 2005-2007). • The ecosystem are protected in their structure and function from chronic exposure to radionuclides. A screening dose rate for incremental exposure due to human activities has been fixed, based on the relevant literature (EU-Erica 2005-2007; UNSCEAR 2008). The proposed GES is considered partial because it is necessary to define the background values for NORM and artificial radionuclides in different marine matrices. The operation of the definition of GES is estimated for 2018. IT-ISCMS-8B06-0001: CONTAMINANTS: The approach adopted to define the GES is finalized to assess and reach that the concentrations of contaminants are at levels not giving rise to pollution effects. Partcularly, the concentration of the contaminants, measured in biota (habitats and functional groups), sediment and water, is in comparability with the assessments under Directive 2000/60/EC (Environmental Quality Standard) and with National Regulatories and levels of pollution effects on the ecosystem components, where a cause/effect relationship has been established, need to be monitored. RADIONUCLIDES: The initial assessment showed that the input of anthropogenic radionuclides is presently generally low and their concentration, also close to potential point sources, is in the range of background levels reported for the Mediterranean Sea. The information on primordial radionuclides is scarce and it is difficult at present to define background values. The approach adopted to define the GES is the following: • The concentrations of anthropogenic radionuclides are close to background levels, calculated as mean values in areas with no point sources, and/or produce dose rates to organisms below the Predicted No Effect Dose Rate (EU-Erica 2005-2007). • The ecosystem are protected in their structure and function from chronic exposure to radionuclides. A screening dose rate for incremental exposure due to human activities has been fixed, based on the relevant literature (EU-Erica 2005-2007; UNSCEAR 2008). The proposed GES is considered partial because it is necessary to define the background values for NORM and artificial radionuclides in different marine matrices. The operation of the definition of GES is estimated for 2018. IT-AS-8B06-0003: CONTAMINANTS: The approach adopted to define the GES is finalized to assess and reach that the concentrations of contaminants are at levels not giving rise to pollution effects. Partcularly, the concentration of the contaminants, measured in biota (habitats and functional groups), sediment and water, is in comparability with the assessments under Directive 2000/60/EC (Environmental Quality Standard) and with National Regulatories and levels of pollution effects on the ecosystem components, where a cause/effect relationship has been established, need to be monitored. RADIONUCLIDES: The initial assessment showed that the input of anthropogenic radionuclides is presently generally low and their concentration, also close to potential point sources, is in the range of background levels reported for the Mediterranean Sea. The information on primordial radionuclides is scarce and it is difficult at present to define background values. The approach adopted to define the GES is the following: • The concentrations of anthropogenic radionuclides are close to background levels, calculated as mean values in areas with no point sources, and/or produce dose rates to organisms below the Predicted No Effect Dose Rate (EU-Erica 2005-2007). • The ecosystem are protected in their structure and function from chronic exposure to radionuclides. A screening dose rate for incremental exposure due to human activities has been fixed, based on the relevant literature (EU-Erica 2005-2007; UNSCEAR 2008). The proposed GES is considered partial because it is necessary to define the background values for NORM and artificial radionuclides in different marine matrices. The operation of the definition of GES is estimated for 2018. IT-AS-8B06-0002: CONTAMINANTS: The approach adopted to define the GES is finalized to assess and reach that the concentrations of contaminants are at levels not giving rise to pollution effects. Partcularly, the concentration of the contaminants, measured in biota (habitats and functional groups), sediment and water, is in comparability with the assessments under Directive 2000/60/EC (Environmental Quality Standard) and with National Regulatories and levels of pollution effects on the ecosystem components, where a cause/effect relationship has been established, need to be monitored. RADIONUCLIDES: The initial assessment showed that the input of anthropogenic radionuclides is presently generally low and their concentration, also close to potential point sources, is in the range of background levels reported for the Mediterranean Sea. The information on primordial radionuclides is scarce and it is difficult at present to define background values. The approach adopted to define the GES is the following: • The concentrations of anthropogenic radionuclides are close to background levels, calculated as mean values in areas with no point sources, and/or produce dose rates to organisms below the Predicted No Effect Dose Rate (EU-Erica 2005-2007). • The ecosystem are protected in their structure and function from chronic exposure to radionuclides. A screening dose rate for incremental exposure due to human activities has been fixed, based on the relevant literature (EU-Erica 2005-2007; UNSCEAR 2008). The proposed GES is considered partial because it is necessary to define the background values for NORM and artificial radionuclides in different marine matrices. The operation of the definition of GES is estimated for 2018. IT-AS-8B06-0001: CONTAMINANTS: The approach adopted to define the GES is finalized to assess and reach that the concentrations of contaminants are at levels not giving rise to pollution effects. Partcularly, the concentration of the contaminants, measured in biota (habitats and functional groups), sediment and water, is in comparability with the assessments under Directive 2000/60/EC (Environmental Quality Standard) and with National Regulatories and levels of pollution effects on the ecosystem components, where a cause/effect relationship has been established, need to be monitored. RADIONUCLIDES: The initial assessment showed that the input of anthropogenic radionuclides is presently generally low and their concentration, also close to potential point sources, is in the range of background levels reported for the Mediterranean Sea. The information on primordial radionuclides is scarce and it is difficult at present to define background values. The approach adopted to define the GES is the following: • The concentrations of anthropogenic radionuclides are close to background levels, calculated as mean values in areas with no point sources, and/or produce dose rates to organisms below the Predicted No Effect Dose Rate (EU-Erica 2005-2007). • The ecosystem are protected in their structure and function from chronic exposure to radionuclides. A screening dose rate for incremental exposure due to human activities has been fixed, based on the relevant literature (EU-Erica 2005-2007; UNSCEAR 2008). The proposed GES is considered partial because it is necessary to define the background values for NORM and artificial radionuclides in different marine matrices. The operation of the definition of GES is estimated for 2018. IT-WMS-8B06-0003: CONTAMINANTS: The approach adopted to define the GES is finalized to assess and reach that the concentrations of contaminants are at levels not giving rise to pollution effects. Partcularly, the concentration of the contaminants, measured in biota (habitats and functional groups), sediment and water, is in comparability with the assessments under Directive 2000/60/EC (Environmental Quality Standard) and with National Regulatories and levels of pollution effects on the ecosystem components, where a cause/effect relationship has been established, need to be monitored. RADIONUCLIDES: The initial assessment showed that the input of anthropogenic radionuclides is presently generally low and their concentration, also close to potential point sources, is in the range of background levels reported for the Mediterranean Sea. The information on primordial radionuclides is scarce and it is difficult at present to define background values. The approach adopted to define the GES is the following: • The concentrations of anthropogenic radionuclides are close to background levels, calculated as mean values in areas with no point sources, and/or produce dose rates to organisms below the Predicted No Effect Dose Rate (EU-Erica 2005-2007). • The ecosystem are protected in their structure and function from chronic exposure to radionuclides. A screening dose rate for incremental exposure due to human activities has been fixed, based on the relevant literature (EU-Erica 2005-2007; UNSCEAR 2008). The proposed GES is considered partial because it is necessary to define the background values for NORM and artificial radionuclides in different marine matrices. The operation of the definition of GES is estimated for 2018. IT-ISCMS-8B06-0002: CONTAMINANTS: The approach adopted to define the GES is finalized to assess and reach that the concentrations of contaminants are at levels not giving rise to pollution effects. Partcularly, the concentration of the contaminants, measured in biota (habitats and functional groups), sediment and water, is in comparability with the assessments under Directive 2000/60/EC (Environmental Quality Standard) and with National Regulatories and levels of pollution effects on the ecosystem components, where a cause/effect relationship has been established, need to be monitored. RADIONUCLIDES: The initial assessment showed that the input of anthropogenic radionuclides is presently generally low and their concentration, also close to potential point sources, is in the range of background levels reported for the Mediterranean Sea. The information on primordial radionuclides is scarce and it is difficult at present to define background values. The approach adopted to define the GES is the following: • The concentrations of anthropogenic radionuclides are close to background levels, calculated as mean values in areas with no point sources, and/or produce dose rates to organisms below the Predicted No Effect Dose Rate (EU-Erica 2005-2007). • The ecosystem are protected in their structure and function from chronic exposure to radionuclides. A screening dose rate for incremental exposure due to human activities has been fixed, based on the relevant literature (EU-Erica 2005-2007; UNSCEAR 2008). The proposed GES is considered partial because it is necessary to define the background values for NORM and artificial radionuclides in different marine matrices. The operation of the definition of GES is estimated for 2018. IT-AS-8B06-0011: CONTAMINANTS: The approach adopted to define the GES is finalized to assess and reach that the concentrations of contaminants are at levels not giving rise to pollution effects. Partcularly, the concentration of the contaminants, measured in biota (habitats and functional groups), sediment and water, is in comparability with the assessments under Directive 2000/60/EC (Environmental Quality Standard) and with National Regulatories and levels of pollution effects on the ecosystem components, where a cause/effect relationship has been established, need to be monitored. RADIONUCLIDES: The initial assessment showed that the input of anthropogenic radionuclides is presently generally low and their concentration, also close to potential point sources, is in the range of background levels reported for the Mediterranean Sea. The information on primordial radionuclides is scarce and it is difficult at present to define background values. The approach adopted to define the GES is the following: • The concentrations of anthropogenic radionuclides are close to background levels, calculated as mean values in areas with no point sources, and/or produce dose rates to organisms below the Predicted No Effect Dose Rate (EU-Erica 2005-2007). • The ecosystem are protected in their structure and function from chronic exposure to radionuclides. A screening dose rate for incremental exposure due to human activities has been fixed, based on the relevant literature (EU-Erica 2005-2007; UNSCEAR 2008). The proposed GES is considered partial because it is necessary to define the background values for NORM and artificial radionuclides in different marine matrices. The operation of the definition of GES is estimated for 2018. IT-WMS-8B06-0012: CONTAMINANTS: The approach adopted to define the GES is finalized to assess and reach that the concentrations of contaminants are at levels not giving rise to pollution effects. Partcularly, the concentration of the contaminants, measured in biota (habitats and functional groups), sediment and water, is in comparability with the assessments under Directive 2000/60/EC (Environmental Quality Standard) and with National Regulatories and levels of pollution effects on the ecosystem components, where a cause/effect relationship has been established, need to be monitored. RADIONUCLIDES: The initial assessment showed that the input of anthropogenic radionuclides is presently generally low and their concentration, also close to potential point sources, is in the range of background levels reported for the Mediterranean Sea. The information on primordial radionuclides is scarce and it is difficult at present to define background values. The approach adopted to define the GES is the following: • The concentrations of anthropogenic radionuclides are close to background levels, calculated as mean values in areas with no point sources, and/or produce dose rates to organisms below the Predicted No Effect Dose Rate (EU-Erica 2005-2007). • The ecosystem are protected in their structure and function from chronic exposure to radionuclides. A screening dose rate for incremental exposure due to human activities has been fixed, based on the relevant literature (EU-Erica 2005-2007; UNSCEAR 2008). The proposed GES is considered partial because it is necessary to define the background values for NORM and artificial radionuclides in different marine matrices. The operation of the definition of GES is estimated for 2018. IT-ISCMS-8B06-0013: CONTAMINANTS: The approach adopted to define the GES is finalized to assess and reach that the concentrations of contaminants are at levels not giving rise to pollution effects. Partcularly, the concentration of the contaminants, measured in biota (habitats and functional groups), sediment and water, is in comparability with the assessments under Directive 2000/60/EC (Environmental Quality Standard) and with National Regulatories and levels of pollution effects on the ecosystem components, where a cause/effect relationship has been established, need to be monitored. RADIONUCLIDES: The initial assessment showed that the input of anthropogenic radionuclides is presently generally low and their concentration, also close to potential point sources, is in the range of background levels reported for the Mediterranean Sea. The information on primordial radionuclides is scarce and it is difficult at present to define background values. The approach adopted to define the GES is the following: • The concentrations of anthropogenic radionuclides are close to background levels, calculated as mean values in areas with no point sources, and/or produce dose rates to organisms below the Predicted No Effect Dose Rate (EU-Erica 2005-2007). • The ecosystem are protected in their structure and function from chronic exposure to radionuclides. A screening dose rate for incremental exposure due to human activities has been fixed, based on the relevant literature (EU-Erica 2005-2007; UNSCEAR 2008). The proposed GES is considered partial because it is necessary to define the background values for NORM and artificial radionuclides in different marine matrices. The operation of the definition of GES is estimated for 2018. IT-WMS-8B06-0001: CONTAMINANTS in seafood: The approach adopted to define the GES is finalized to verify that contaminants in fish and other seafood for human consumption do not exceed levels established by Community legislation or other relevant standards. Partcularly, it has been monitored actual levels of contaminants and number of contaminants which have exceeded maximum regulatory levels of Reg. 1881/2006. IT-AS-8B06-0001: CONTAMINANTS in seafood: The approach adopted to define the GES is finalized to verify that contaminants in fish and other seafood for human consumption do not exceed levels established by Community legislation or other relevant standards. Partcularly, it has been monitored actual levels of contaminants and number of contaminants which have exceeded maximum regulatory levels of Reg. 1881/2006. IT-ISCMS-8B06-0002: CONTAMINANTS in seafood: The approach adopted to define the GES is finalized to verify that contaminants in fish and other seafood for human consumption do not exceed levels established by Community legislation or other relevant standards. Partcularly, it has been monitored actual levels of contaminants and number of contaminants which have exceeded maximum regulatory levels of Reg. 1881/2006. IT-AS-8B10-0001: Determination of GES for D2 will be based on ad hoc monitoring activities carried out in selected areas with a high probability of introduction (e.g. close to ports or aquaculture farms) and in areas of ecological interests. The GES will be determined by two indicators, the first one based on abundance and distribution of selected IAS, and the second one based on Biopollution Index. The monitored species should belong to taxonomic groups which can be subject to systematic monitoring and species for which the most probable introduction vector can be potentially controlled; consequently lessepsian species are not taken into consideration for GES determination IT-ISCMS-8B10-0001: Determination of GES for D2 will be based on ad hoc monitoring activities carried out in selected areas with a high probability of introduction (e.g. close to ports or aquaculture farms) and in areas of ecological interests. The GES will be determined by two indicators, the first one based on abundance and distribution of selected IAS, and the second one based on Biopollution Index. The monitored species should belong to taxonomic groups which can be subject to systematic monitoring and species for which the most probable introduction vector can be potentially controlled; consequently lessepsian species are not taken into consideration for GES determination IT-WMS-8B10-0001: Determination of GES for D2 will be based on ad hoc monitoring activities carried out in selected areas with a high probability of introduction (e.g. close to ports or aquaculture farms) and in areas of ecological interests. The GES will be determined by two indicators, the first one based on abundance and distribution of selected IAS, and the second one based on Biopollution Index. The monitored species should belong to taxonomic groups which can be subject to systematic monitoring and species for which the most probable introduction vector can be potentially controlled; consequently lessepsian species are not taken into consideration for GES determination IT-AS-8B10-0001: Determination of GES for D2 will be based on ad hoc monitoring activities carried out in selected areas with a high probability of introduction (e.g. close to ports or aquaculture farms) and in areas of ecological interests. The GES will be determined by two indicators, the first one based on abundance and distribution of selected IAS, and the second one based on Biopollution Index. The monitored species should belong to taxonomic groups which can be subject to systematic monitoring and species for which the most probable introduction vector can be potentially controlled; consequently lessepsian species are not taken into consideration for GES determination IT-ISCMS-8B10-0001: Determination of GES for D2 will be based on ad hoc monitoring activities carried out in selected areas with a high probability of introduction (e.g. close to ports or aquaculture farms) and in areas of ecological interests. The GES will be determined by two indicators, the first one based on abundance and distribution of selected IAS, and the second one based on Biopollution Index. The monitored species should belong to taxonomic groups which can be subject to systematic monitoring and species for which the most probable introduction vector can be potentially controlled; consequently lessepsian species are not taken into consideration for GES determination IT-WMS-8B10-0001: Determination of GES for D2 will be based on ad hoc monitoring activities carried out in selected areas with a high probability of introduction (e.g. close to ports or aquaculture farms) and in areas of ecological interests. The GES will be determined by two indicators, the first one based on abundance and distribution of selected IAS, and the second one based on Biopollution Index. The monitored species should belong to taxonomic groups which can be subject to systematic monitoring and species for which the most probable introduction vector can be potentially controlled; consequently lessepsian species are not taken into consideration for GES determination IT-WMS-8A05-0001: Determination of GES in the context of the food-web is not a straightforward process. As already stated in the Commission Decision on criteria and methodological standard GES indicators needs further theoretical and technical development for the food-web descriptors. Info gaps affect such assessment, considering two different issues: i) lack of data/information to properly describe the food-web components status and trend; ii) lack of scientific knowledge that allows to ascertain from the structural properties of the ecosystem the inherent functional consequences (and status) of the food web. All these limitations allows only to set up a general framework for the establishment of GES and its determination in Italian marine food web that will need a general revision and improvement by 2018 in order to set up a quantitative approach. In particular a first screening of the indicators/criteria proposed by the MSFD was carried out, along with the analysis of the Task 4 Group considerations. Accordingly it was decided not to adopt the criteria 4.1.1 since it is considered not to be suitable for application in Italian waters, according to the lack of established long term time series. Pertaining the other indicators, we attempted to adopt and define GES for the indicators 1.7.1, 4.2.1, 4.3.1.However, the final definition of GES as well as the methods/indicators to address them will be future development by 2018. IT-AS-8A05-0001: Determination of GES in the context of the food-web is not a straightforward process. As already stated in the Commission Decision on criteria and methodological standard GES indicators needs further theoretical and technical development for the food-web descriptors. Info gaps affect such assessment, considering two different issues: i) lack of data/information to properly describe the food-web components status and trend; ii) lack of scientific knowledge that allows to ascertain from the structural properties of the ecosystem the inherent functional consequences (and status) of the food web. All these limitations allows only to set up a general framework for the establishment of GES and its determination in Italian marine food web that will need a general revision and improvement by 2018 in order to set up a quantitative approach. In particular a first screening of the indicators/criteria proposed by the MSFD was carried out, along with the analysis of the Task 4 Group considerations. Accordingly it was decided not to adopt the criteria 4.1.1 since it is considered not to be suitable for application in Italian waters, according to the lack of established long term time series. Pertaining the other indicators, we attempted to adopt and define GES for the indicators 1.7.1, 4.2.1, 4.3.1.However, the final definition of GES as well as the methods/indicators to address them will be future development by 2018. IT-ISCMS-8A05-0001: Determination of GES in the context of the food-web is not a straightforward process. As already stated in the Commission Decision on criteria and methodological standard GES indicators needs further theoretical and technical development for the food-web descriptors. Info gaps affect such assessment, considering two different issues: i) lack of data/information to properly describe the food-web components status and trend; ii) lack of scientific knowledge that allows to ascertain from the structural properties of the ecosystem the inherent functional consequences (and status) of the food web. All these limitations allows only to set up a general framework for the establishment of GES and its determination in Italian marine food web that will need a general revision and improvement by 2018 in order to set up a quantitative approach. In particular a first screening of the indicators/criteria proposed by the MSFD was carried out, along with the analysis of the Task 4 Group considerations. Accordingly it was decided not to adopt the criteria 4.1.1 since it is considered not to be suitable for application in Italian waters, according to the lack of established long term time series. Pertaining the other indicators, we attempted to adopt and define GES for the indicators 1.7.1, 4.2.1, 4.3.1.However, the final definition of GES as well as the methods/indicators to address them will be future development by 2018. IT-WMS-8A05-0001: Determination of GES in the context of the food-web is not a straightforward process. As already stated in the Commission Decision on criteria and methodological standard GES indicators needs further theoretical and technical development for the food-web descriptors. Info gaps affect such assessment, considering two different issues: i) lack of data/information to properly describe the food-web components status and trend; ii) lack of scientific knowledge that allows to ascertain from the structural properties of the ecosystem the inherent functional consequences (and status) of the food web. All these limitations allows only to set up a general framework for the establishment of GES and its determination in Italian marine food web that will need a general revision and improvement by 2018 in order to set up a quantitative approach. In particular a first screening of the indicators/criteria proposed by the MSFD was carried out, along with the analysis of the Task 4 Group considerations. Accordingly it was decided not to adopt the criteria 4.1.1 since it is considered not to be suitable for application in Italian waters, according to the lack of established long term time series. Pertaining the other indicators, we attempted to adopt and define GES for the indicators 1.7.1, 4.2.1, 4.3.1.However, the final definition of GES as well as the methods/indicators to address them will be future development by 2018. IT-AS-8A05-0001: Determination of GES in the context of the food-web is not a straightforward process. As already stated in the Commission Decision on criteria and methodological standard GES indicators needs further theoretical and technical development for the food-web descriptors. Info gaps affect such assessment, considering two different issues: i) lack of data/information to properly describe the food-web components status and trend; ii) lack of scientific knowledge that allows to ascertain from the structural properties of the ecosystem the inherent functional consequences (and status) of the food web. All these limitations allows only to set up a general framework for the establishment of GES and its determination in Italian marine food web that will need a general revision and improvement by 2018 in order to set up a quantitative approach. In particular a first screening of the indicators/criteria proposed by the MSFD was carried out, along with the analysis of the Task 4 Group considerations. Accordingly it was decided not to adopt the criteria 4.1.1 since it is considered not to be suitable for application in Italian waters, according to the lack of established long term time series. Pertaining the other indicators, we attempted to adopt and define GES for the indicators 1.7.1, 4.2.1, 4.3.1.However, the final definition of GES as well as the methods/indicators to address them will be future development by 2018. IT-ISCMS-8A05-0001: Determination of GES in the context of the food-web is not a straightforward process. As already stated in the Commission Decision on criteria and methodological standard GES indicators needs further theoretical and technical development for the food-web descriptors. Info gaps affect such assessment, considering two different issues: i) lack of data/information to properly describe the food-web components status and trend; ii) lack of scientific knowledge that allows to ascertain from the structural properties of the ecosystem the inherent functional consequences (and status) of the food web. All these limitations allows only to set up a general framework for the establishment of GES and its determination in Italian marine food web that will need a general revision and improvement by 2018 in order to set up a quantitative approach. In particular a first screening of the indicators/criteria proposed by the MSFD was carried out, along with the analysis of the Task 4 Group considerations. Accordingly it was decided not to adopt the criteria 4.1.1 since it is considered not to be suitable for application in Italian waters, according to the lack of established long term time series. Pertaining the other indicators, we attempted to adopt and define GES for the indicators 1.7.1, 4.2.1, 4.3.1.However, the final definition of GES as well as the methods/indicators to address them will be future development by 2018. IT-WMS-8A05-0001: Determination of GES in the context of the food-web is not a straightforward process. As already stated in the Commission Decision on criteria and methodological standard GES indicators needs further theoretical and technical development for the food-web descriptors. Info gaps affect such assessment, considering two different issues: i) lack of data/information to properly describe the food-web components status and trend; ii) lack of scientific knowledge that allows to ascertain from the structural properties of the ecosystem the inherent functional consequences (and status) of the food web. All these limitations allows only to set up a general framework for the establishment of GES and its determination in Italian marine food web that will need a general revision and improvement by 2018 in order to set up a quantitative approach. In particular a first screening of the indicators/criteria proposed by the MSFD was carried out, along with the analysis of the Task 4 Group considerations. Accordingly it was decided not to adopt the criteria 4.1.1 since it is considered not to be suitable for application in Italian waters, according to the lack of established long term time series. Pertaining the other indicators, we attempted to adopt and define GES for the indicators 1.7.1, 4.2.1, 4.3.1.However, the final definition of GES as well as the methods/indicators to address them will be future development by 2018. IT-AS-8A05-0001: Determination of GES in the context of the food-web is not a straightforward process. As already stated in the Commission Decision on criteria and methodological standard GES indicators needs further theoretical and technical development for the food-web descriptors. Info gaps affect such assessment, considering two different issues: i) lack of data/information to properly describe the food-web components status and trend; ii) lack of scientific knowledge that allows to ascertain from the structural properties of the ecosystem the inherent functional consequences (and status) of the food web. All these limitations allows only to set up a general framework for the establishment of GES and its determination in Italian marine food web that will need a general revision and improvement by 2018 in order to set up a quantitative approach. In particular a first screening of the indicators/criteria proposed by the MSFD was carried out, along with the analysis of the Task 4 Group considerations. Accordingly it was decided not to adopt the criteria 4.1.1 since it is considered not to be suitable for application in Italian waters, according to the lack of established long term time series. Pertaining the other indicators, we attempted to adopt and define GES for the indicators 1.7.1, 4.2.1, 4.3.1.However, the final definition of GES as well as the methods/indicators to address them will be future development by 2018. IT-ISCMS-8A05-0001: Determination of GES in the context of the food-web is not a straightforward process. As already stated in the Commission Decision on criteria and methodological standard GES indicators needs further theoretical and technical development for the food-web descriptors. Info gaps affect such assessment, considering two different issues: i) lack of data/information to properly describe the food-web components status and trend; ii) lack of scientific knowledge that allows to ascertain from the structural properties of the ecosystem the inherent functional consequences (and status) of the food web. All these limitations allows only to set up a general framework for the establishment of GES and its determination in Italian marine food web that will need a general revision and improvement by 2018 in order to set up a quantitative approach. In particular a first screening of the indicators/criteria proposed by the MSFD was carried out, along with the analysis of the Task 4 Group considerations. Accordingly it was decided not to adopt the criteria 4.1.1 since it is considered not to be suitable for application in Italian waters, according to the lack of established long term time series. Pertaining the other indicators, we attempted to adopt and define GES for the indicators 1.7.1, 4.2.1, 4.3.1.However, the final definition of GES as well as the methods/indicators to address them will be future development by 2018. ITAS8B05001: Indicator used for the definition of the GES is 7.1.1. - Extension of water bodies under the WFD, affected by the impact of type due to change in the thermal regime and salinity regime. The GES is considered achieved if at the sub-region scale: no more than 5% of the extension of coastal marine water bodies as defined in the WFD, presents impacts (Article 5 WFD) with type due to change in the thermal regime and salinity regime. ITISCM8B05001: Indicator used for the definition of the GES is 7.1.1. - Extension of water bodies under the WFD, affected by the impact of type due to change in the thermal regime and salinity regime. The GES is considered achieved if at the sub-region scale: no more than 5% of the extension of coastal marine water bodies as defined in the WFD, presents impacts (Article 5 WFD) with type due to change in the thermal regime and salinity regime. ITWMS8B05001: Indicator used for the definition of the GES is 7.1.1. - Extension of water bodies under the WFD, affected by the impact of type due to change in the thermal regime and salinity regime. The GES is considered achieved if at the sub-region scale: no more than 5% of the extension of coastal marine water bodies as defined in the WFD, presents impacts (Article 5 WFD) with type due to change in the thermal regime and salinity regime. IT-AS-8B03-0001: The descriptor 11 deals with the effects due to the introduction of energy into marine environment as continuous and impulsive sounds. The European Commission Decision of 1 September 2010 has introduced two indicators: the first is related to impulsive sounds, considered as the number of days in the calendar year when sound levels that potentially may cause harm to marine biota are exceeded; the second, regarding continuous sounds, is expressed as the trend of year-to-year changes in ambient noise levels. Both indicators can be expressed only in a qualitative way and, therefore, it is not possible defining measurement units and threshold values. IT-CMS-8B03-0001: The descriptor 11 deals with the effects due to the introduction of energy into marine environment as continuous and impulsive sounds. The European Commission Decision of 1 September 2010 has introduced two indicators: the first is related to impulsive sounds, considered as the number of days in the calendar year when sound levels that potentially may cause harm to marine biota are exceeded; the second, regarding continuous sounds, is expressed as the trend of year-to-year changes in ambient noise levels. Both indicators can be expressed only in a qualitative way and, therefore, it is not possible defining measurement units and threshold values. IT-WMS-8B03-0001: The descriptor 11 deals with the effects due to the introduction of energy into marine environment as continuous and impulsive sounds. The European Commission Decision of 1 September 2010 has introduced two indicators: the first is related to impulsive sounds, considered as the number of days in the calendar year when sound levels that potentially may cause harm to marine biota are exceeded; the second, regarding continuous sounds, is expressed as the trend of year-to-year changes in ambient noise levels. Both indicators can be expressed only in a qualitative way and, therefore, it is not possible defining measurement units and threshold values. IT-CMS-8B03-0001: The descriptor 11 deals with the effects due to the introduction of energy into marine environment as continuous and impulsive sounds. The European Commission Decision of 1 September 2010 has introduced two indicators: the first is related to impulsive sounds, considered as the number of days in the calendar year when sound levels that potentially may cause harm to marine biota are exceeded; the second, regarding continuous sounds, is expressed as the trend of year-to-year changes in ambient noise levels. Both indicators can be expressed only in a qualitative way and, therefore, it is not possible defining measurement units and threshold values. IT-WMS-8B02-0001: Results of the Initial Assessment (I.A.) of the Physical Damage and Physical Loss RS clearly showed that the main pressure on seafloor is “abrasionâ€, in particular due to fishing activities operating on the sea bottom (trawl, rapido trawl and hydraulic dredge) in all 3 subregions. The “sealing†pressure is present mainly near the coast in all 3 subregions. In this zone generally protected habitats and/or sensitive are present. For this reason, despite this pressure is always present in very low percentages (< 1%), it was nevertheless considered for the GES. Regarding the other pressures (“selective extraction†and “change in siltationâ€), in the Initial Assessment of the "Physical damage†RS is reported the following: - “selective extraction†show a limited distribution, on a very local scale. For this reason it was considered not significant at the subregional scale (GES scale). - for “change in siltation†currently there is no data available allowing us to understand whether this pressure can be significant for GES purposes. Therefore it was not considered for GES. For all the above reasons, it was considered appropriate to define GES, taking into account the abrasion pressure on biogenic (sensu Marine Strategy) and not-biogenic substrates and the sealing pressure on biogenic substrates. Biogenic substrates, for the particular composition and ecological role they perform, are very sensitive to pressures. IT-WMS-8B02-0002: Results of the Initial Assessment (I.A.) of the Physical Damage and Physical Loss RS clearly showed that the main pressure on seafloor is “abrasionâ€, in particular due to fishing activities operating on the sea bottom (trawl, rapido trawl and hydraulic dredge) in all 3 subregions. The “sealing†pressure is present mainly near the coast in all 3 subregions. In this zone generally protected habitats and/or sensitive are present. For this reason, despite this pressure is always present in very low percentages (< 1%), it was nevertheless considered for the GES. Regarding the other pressures (“selective extraction†and “change in siltationâ€), in the Initial Assessment of the "Physical damage†RS is reported the following: - “selective extraction†show a limited distribution, on a very local scale. For this reason it was considered not significant at the subregional scale (GES scale). - for “change in siltation†currently there is no data available allowing us to understand whether this pressure can be significant for GES purposes. Therefore it was not considered for GES. For all the above reasons, it was considered appropriate to define GES, taking into account the abrasion pressure on biogenic (sensu Marine Strategy) and not-biogenic substrates and the sealing pressure on biogenic substrates. Biogenic substrates, for the particular composition and ecological role they perform, are very sensitive to pressures. IT-WMS-8B02-0003: Results of the Initial Assessment (I.A.) of the Physical Damage and Physical Loss RS clearly showed that the main pressure on seafloor is “abrasionâ€, in particular due to fishing activities operating on the sea bottom (trawl, rapido trawl and hydraulic dredge) in all 3 subregions. The “sealing†pressure is present mainly near the coast in all 3 subregions. In this zone generally protected habitats and/or sensitive are present. For this reason, despite this pressure is always present in very low percentages (< 1%), it was nevertheless considered for the GES. Regarding the other pressures (“selective extraction†and “change in siltationâ€), in the Initial Assessment of the "Physical damage†RS is reported the following: - “selective extraction†show a limited distribution, on a very local scale. For this reason it was considered not significant at the subregional scale (GES scale). - for “change in siltation†currently there is no data available allowing us to understand whether this pressure can be significant for GES purposes. Therefore it was not considered for GES. For all the above reasons, it was considered appropriate to define GES, taking into account the abrasion pressure on biogenic (sensu Marine Strategy) and not-biogenic substrates and the sealing pressure on biogenic substrates. Biogenic substrates, for the particular composition and ecological role they perform, are very sensitive to pressures. IT-ISCMS-8B02-0001: Results of the Initial Assessment (I.A.) of the Physical Damage and Physical Loss RS clearly showed that the main pressure on seafloor is “abrasionâ€, in particular due to fishing activities operating on the sea bottom (trawl, rapido trawl and hydraulic dredge) in all 3 subregions. The “sealing†pressure is present mainly near the coast in all 3 subregions. In this zone generally protected habitats and/or sensitive are present. For this reason, despite this pressure is always present in very low percentages (< 1%), it was nevertheless considered for the GES. Regarding the other pressures (“selective extraction†and “change in siltationâ€), in the Initial Assessment of the "Physical damage†RS is reported the following: - “selective extraction†show a limited distribution, on a very local scale. For this reason it was considered not significant at the subregional scale (GES scale). - for “change in siltation†currently there is no data available allowing us to understand whether this pressure can be significant for GES purposes. Therefore it was not considered for GES. For all the above reasons, it was considered appropriate to define GES, taking into account the abrasion pressure on biogenic (sensu Marine Strategy) and not-biogenic substrates and the sealing pressure on biogenic substrates. Biogenic substrates, for the particular composition and ecological role they perform, are very sensitive to pressures. IT-ISCMS-8B02-0002: Results of the Initial Assessment (I.A.) of the Physical Damage and Physical Loss RS clearly showed that the main pressure on seafloor is “abrasionâ€, in particular due to fishing activities operating on the sea bottom (trawl, rapido trawl and hydraulic dredge) in all 3 subregions. The “sealing†pressure is present mainly near the coast in all 3 subregions. In this zone generally protected habitats and/or sensitive are present. For this reason, despite this pressure is always present in very low percentages (< 1%), it was nevertheless considered for the GES. Regarding the other pressures (“selective extraction†and “change in siltationâ€), in the Initial Assessment of the "Physical damage†RS is reported the following: - “selective extraction†show a limited distribution, on a very local scale. For this reason it was considered not significant at the subregional scale (GES scale). - for “change in siltation†currently there is no data available allowing us to understand whether this pressure can be significant for GES purposes. Therefore it was not considered for GES. For all the above reasons, it was considered appropriate to define GES, taking into account the abrasion pressure on biogenic (sensu Marine Strategy) and not-biogenic substrates and the sealing pressure on biogenic substrates. Biogenic substrates, for the particular composition and ecological role they perform, are very sensitive to pressures. IT-AS-8B02-0001: Results of the Initial Assessment (I.A.) of the Physical Damage and Physical Loss RS clearly showed that the main pressure on seafloor is “abrasionâ€, in particular due to fishing activities operating on the sea bottom (trawl, rapido trawl and hydraulic dredge) in all 3 subregions. The “sealing†pressure is present mainly near the coast in all 3 subregions. In this zone generally protected habitats and/or sensitive are present. For this reason, despite this pressure is always present in very low percentages (< 1%), it was nevertheless considered for the GES. Regarding the other pressures (“selective extraction†and “change in siltationâ€), in the Initial Assessment of the "Physical damage†RS is reported the following: - “selective extraction†show a limited distribution, on a very local scale. For this reason it was considered not significant at the subregional scale (GES scale). - for “change in siltation†currently there is no data available allowing us to understand whether this pressure can be significant for GES purposes. Therefore it was not considered for GES. For all the above reasons, it was considered appropriate to define GES, taking into account the abrasion pressure on biogenic (sensu Marine Strategy) and not-biogenic substrates and the sealing pressure on biogenic substrates. Biogenic substrates, for the particular composition and ecological role they perform, are very sensitive to pressures. IT-AS-8B02-0002: Results of the Initial Assessment (I.A.) of the Physical Damage and Physical Loss RS clearly showed that the main pressure on seafloor is “abrasionâ€, in particular due to fishing activities operating on the sea bottom (trawl, rapido trawl and hydraulic dredge) in all 3 subregions. The “sealing†pressure is present mainly near the coast in all 3 subregions. In this zone generally protected habitats and/or sensitive are present. For this reason, despite this pressure is always present in very low percentages (< 1%), it was nevertheless considered for the GES. Regarding the other pressures (“selective extraction†and “change in siltationâ€), in the Initial Assessment of the "Physical damage†RS is reported the following: - “selective extraction†show a limited distribution, on a very local scale. For this reason it was considered not significant at the subregional scale (GES scale). - for “change in siltation†currently there is no data available allowing us to understand whether this pressure can be significant for GES purposes. Therefore it was not considered for GES. For all the above reasons, it was considered appropriate to define GES, taking into account the abrasion pressure on biogenic (sensu Marine Strategy) and not-biogenic substrates and the sealing pressure on biogenic substrates. Biogenic substrates, for the particular composition and ecological role they perform, are very sensitive to pressures. IT-WMS-8B04-0001: Theoretically, Good Environmental Status is represented by unpolluted marine ecosystems free from marine litter. This GES is clearly not achievable in 2020 because scientific data show that also remote marine environment are in a worldwide framework interested by anthropogenic debris. GES is, otherwise, defined as quantity of marine litter that don’t causes damages to marine fauna or ecosystems, human health as well as economic loss to human activities. Available data are not sufficient to establish a threshold of quantity of marine litter under which marine litter is no more harmful. Then it is possible to define only a qualitative GES definition: Quantities of marine litter and their degradation products in marine environment are decreasing and their level don’t determine any significant risk to marine environment, both through direct mortality, e.g. entanglement, as well as through indirect impacts coming from ingestion and adsorption in biota of related contaminants IT-WMS-8B04-0002: Theoretically, Good Environmental Status is represented by unpolluted marine ecosystems free from marine litter. This GES is clearly not achievable in 2020 because scientific data show that also remote marine environment are in a worldwide framework interested by anthropogenic debris. GES is, otherwise, defined as quantity of marine litter that don’t causes damages to marine fauna or ecosystems, human health as well as economic loss to human activities. Available data are not sufficient to establish a threshold of quantity of marine litter under which marine litter is no more harmful. Then it is possible to define only a qualitative GES definition: Quantities of marine litter and their degradation products in marine environment are decreasing and their level don’t determine any significant risk to marine environment, both through direct mortality, e.g. entanglement, as well as through indirect impacts coming from ingestion and adsorption in biota of related contaminants IT-WMS-8B04-0003: Theoretically, Good Environmental Status is represented by unpolluted marine ecosystems free from marine litter. This GES is clearly not achievable in 2020 because scientific data show that also remote marine environment are in a worldwide framework interested by anthropogenic debris. GES is, otherwise, defined as quantity of marine litter that don’t causes damages to marine fauna or ecosystems, human health as well as economic loss to human activities. Available data are not sufficient to establish a threshold of quantity of marine litter under which marine litter is no more harmful. Then it is possible to define only a qualitative GES definition: Quantities of marine litter and their degradation products in marine environment are decreasing and their level don’t determine any significant risk to marine environment, both through direct mortality, e.g. entanglement, as well as through indirect impacts coming from ingestion and adsorption in biota of related contaminants IT-ISCMS-8B04-0001 : Theoretically, Good Environmental Status is represented by unpolluted marine ecosystems free from marine litter. This GES is clearly not achievable in 2020 because scientific data show that also remote marine environment are in a worldwide framework interested by anthropogenic debris. GES is, otherwise, defined as quantity of marine litter that don’t causes damages to marine fauna or ecosystems, human health as well as economic loss to human activities. Available data are not sufficient to establish a threshold of quantity of marine litter under which marine litter is no more harmful. Then it is possible to define only a qualitative GES definition: Quantities of marine litter and their degradation products in marine environment are decreasing and their level don’t determine any significant risk to marine environment, both through direct mortality, e.g. entanglement, as well as through indirect impacts coming from ingestion and adsorption in biota of related contaminants IT- ISCMS -8B04-0002 : Theoretically, Good Environmental Status is represented by unpolluted marine ecosystems free from marine litter. This GES is clearly not achievable in 2020 because scientific data show that also remote marine environment are in a worldwide framework interested by anthropogenic debris. GES is, otherwise, defined as quantity of marine litter that don’t causes damages to marine fauna or ecosystems, human health as well as economic loss to human activities. Available data are not sufficient to establish a threshold of quantity of marine litter under which marine litter is no more harmful. Then it is possible to define only a qualitative GES definition: Quantities of marine litter and their degradation products in marine environment are decreasing and their level don’t determine any significant risk to marine environment, both through direct mortality, e.g. entanglement, as well as through indirect impacts coming from ingestion and adsorption in biota of related contaminants IT-AS-8B04-0001 : Theoretically, Good Environmental Status is represented by unpolluted marine ecosystems free from marine litter. This GES is clearly not achievable in 2020 because scientific data show that also remote marine environment are in a worldwide framework interested by anthropogenic debris. GES is, otherwise, defined as quantity of marine litter that don’t causes damages to marine fauna or ecosystems, human health as well as economic loss to human activities. Available data are not sufficient to establish a threshold of quantity of marine litter under which marine litter is no more harmful. Then it is possible to define only a qualitative GES definition: Quantities of marine litter and their degradation products in marine environment are decreasing and their level don’t determine any significant risk to marine environment, both through direct mortality, e.g. entanglement, as well as through indirect impacts coming from ingestion and adsorption in biota of related contaminants IT-AS-8B04-0002: Theoretically, Good Environmental Status is represented by unpolluted marine ecosystems free from marine litter. This GES is clearly not achievable in 2020 because scientific data show that also remote marine environment are in a worldwide framework interested by anthropogenic debris. GES is, otherwise, defined as quantity of marine litter that don’t causes damages to marine fauna or ecosystems, human health as well as economic loss to human activities. Available data are not sufficient to establish a threshold of quantity of marine litter under which marine litter is no more harmful. Then it is possible to define only a qualitative GES definition: Quantities of marine litter and their degradation products in marine environment are decreasing and their level don’t determine any significant risk to marine environment, both through direct mortality, e.g. entanglement, as well as through indirect impacts coming from ingestion and adsorption in biota of related contaminants IT-WMS-8B04-0001: Theoretically, Good Environmental Status is represented by unpolluted marine ecosystems free from marine litter. This GES is clearly not achievable in 2020 because scientific data show that also remote marine environment are in a worldwide framework interested by anthropogenic debris. GES is, otherwise, defined as quantity of marine litter that don’t causes damages to marine fauna or ecosystems, human health as well as economic loss to human activities. Available data are not sufficient to establish a threshold of quantity of marine litter under which marine litter is no more harmful. Then it is possible to define only a qualitative GES definition: Quantities of marine litter and their degradation products in marine environment are decreasing and their level don’t determine any significant risk to marine environment, both through direct mortality, e.g. entanglement, as well as through indirect impacts coming from ingestion and adsorption in biota of related contaminants IT-WMS-8B04-0002: Theoretically, Good Environmental Status is represented by unpolluted marine ecosystems free from marine litter. This GES is clearly not achievable in 2020 because scientific data show that also remote marine environment are in a worldwide framework interested by anthropogenic debris. GES is, otherwise, defined as quantity of marine litter that don’t causes damages to marine fauna or ecosystems, human health as well as economic loss to human activities. Available data are not sufficient to establish a threshold of quantity of marine litter under which marine litter is no more harmful. Then it is possible to define only a qualitative GES definition: Quantities of marine litter and their degradation products in marine environment are decreasing and their level don’t determine any significant risk to marine environment, both through direct mortality, e.g. entanglement, as well as through indirect impacts coming from ingestion and adsorption in biota of related contaminants IT-WMS-8B04-0003: Theoretically, Good Environmental Status is represented by unpolluted marine ecosystems free from marine litter. This GES is clearly not achievable in 2020 because scientific data show that also remote marine environment are in a worldwide framework interested by anthropogenic debris. GES is, otherwise, defined as quantity of marine litter that don’t causes damages to marine fauna or ecosystems, human health as well as economic loss to human activities. Available data are not sufficient to establish a threshold of quantity of marine litter under which marine litter is no more harmful. Then it is possible to define only a qualitative GES definition: Quantities of marine litter and their degradation products in marine environment are decreasing and their level don’t determine any significant risk to marine environment, both through direct mortality, e.g. entanglement, as well as through indirect impacts coming from ingestion and adsorption in biota of related contaminants IT-ISCMS-8B04-0001 : Theoretically, Good Environmental Status is represented by unpolluted marine ecosystems free from marine litter. This GES is clearly not achievable in 2020 because scientific data show that also remote marine environment are in a worldwide framework interested by anthropogenic debris. GES is, otherwise, defined as quantity of marine litter that don’t causes damages to marine fauna or ecosystems, human health as well as economic loss to human activities. Available data are not sufficient to establish a threshold of quantity of marine litter under which marine litter is no more harmful. Then it is possible to define only a qualitative GES definition: Quantities of marine litter and their degradation products in marine environment are decreasing and their level don’t determine any significant risk to marine environment, both through direct mortality, e.g. entanglement, as well as through indirect impacts coming from ingestion and adsorption in biota of related contaminants IT- ISCMS -8B04-0002 : Theoretically, Good Environmental Status is represented by unpolluted marine ecosystems free from marine litter. This GES is clearly not achievable in 2020 because scientific data show that also remote marine environment are in a worldwide framework interested by anthropogenic debris. GES is, otherwise, defined as quantity of marine litter that don’t causes damages to marine fauna or ecosystems, human health as well as economic loss to human activities. Available data are not sufficient to establish a threshold of quantity of marine litter under which marine litter is no more harmful. Then it is possible to define only a qualitative GES definition: Quantities of marine litter and their degradation products in marine environment are decreasing and their level don’t determine any significant risk to marine environment, both through direct mortality, e.g. entanglement, as well as through indirect impacts coming from ingestion and adsorption in biota of related contaminants IT-AS-8B04-0001 : Theoretically, Good Environmental Status is represented by unpolluted marine ecosystems free from marine litter. This GES is clearly not achievable in 2020 because scientific data show that also remote marine environment are in a worldwide framework interested by anthropogenic debris. GES is, otherwise, defined as quantity of marine litter that don’t causes damages to marine fauna or ecosystems, human health as well as economic loss to human activities. Available data are not sufficient to establish a threshold of quantity of marine litter under which marine litter is no more harmful. Then it is possible to define only a qualitative GES definition: Quantities of marine litter and their degradation products in marine environment are decreasing and their level don’t determine any significant risk to marine environment, both through direct mortality, e.g. entanglement, as well as through indirect impacts coming from ingestion and adsorption in biota of related contaminants IT-AS-8B04-0002: Theoretically, Good Environmental Status is represented by unpolluted marine ecosystems free from marine litter. This GES is clearly not achievable in 2020 because scientific data show that also remote marine environment are in a worldwide framework interested by anthropogenic debris. GES is, otherwise, defined as quantity of marine litter that don’t causes damages to marine fauna or ecosystems, human health as well as economic loss to human activities. Available data are not sufficient to establish a threshold of quantity of marine litter under which marine litter is no more harmful. Then it is possible to define only a qualitative GES definition: Quantities of marine litter and their degradation products in marine environment are decreasing and their level don’t determine any significant risk to marine environment, both through direct mortality, e.g. entanglement, as well as through indirect impacts coming from ingestion and adsorption in biota of related contaminants IT-WMS-8B04-0001: Theoretically, Good Environmental Status is represented by unpolluted marine ecosystems free from marine litter. This GES is clearly not achievable in 2020 because scientific data show that also remote marine environment are in a worldwide framework interested by anthropogenic debris. GES is, otherwise, defined as quantity of marine litter that don’t causes damages to marine fauna or ecosystems, human health as well as economic loss to human activities. Available data are not sufficient to establish a threshold of quantity of marine litter under which marine litter is no more harmful. Then it is possible to define only a qualitative GES definition: Quantities of marine litter and their degradation products in marine environment are decreasing and their level don’t determine any significant risk to marine environment, both through direct mortality, e.g. entanglement, as well as through indirect impacts coming from ingestion and adsorption in biota of related contaminants IT-WMS-8B04-0002: Theoretically, Good Environmental Status is represented by unpolluted marine ecosystems free from marine litter. This GES is clearly not achievable in 2020 because scientific data show that also remote marine environment are in a worldwide framework interested by anthropogenic debris. GES is, otherwise, defined as quantity of marine litter that don’t causes damages to marine fauna or ecosystems, human health as well as economic loss to human activities. Available data are not sufficient to establish a threshold of quantity of marine litter under which marine litter is no more harmful. Then it is possible to define only a qualitative GES definition: Quantities of marine litter and their degradation products in marine environment are decreasing and their level don’t determine any significant risk to marine environment, both through direct mortality, e.g. entanglement, as well as through indirect impacts coming from ingestion and adsorption in biota of related contaminants IT-WMS-8B04-0003: Theoretically, Good Environmental Status is represented by unpolluted marine ecosystems free from marine litter. This GES is clearly not achievable in 2020 because scientific data show that also remote marine environment are in a worldwide framework interested by anthropogenic debris. GES is, otherwise, defined as quantity of marine litter that don’t causes damages to marine fauna or ecosystems, human health as well as economic loss to human activities. Available data are not sufficient to establish a threshold of quantity of marine litter under which marine litter is no more harmful. Then it is possible to define only a qualitative GES definition: Quantities of marine litter and their degradation products in marine environment are decreasing and their level don’t determine any significant risk to marine environment, both through direct mortality, e.g. entanglement, as well as through indirect impacts coming from ingestion and adsorption in biota of related contaminants IT-ISCMS-8B04-0001 : Theoretically, Good Environmental Status is represented by unpolluted marine ecosystems free from marine litter. This GES is clearly not achievable in 2020 because scientific data show that also remote marine environment are in a worldwide framework interested by anthropogenic debris. GES is, otherwise, defined as quantity of marine litter that don’t causes damages to marine fauna or ecosystems, human health as well as economic loss to human activities. Available data are not sufficient to establish a threshold of quantity of marine litter under which marine litter is no more harmful. Then it is possible to define only a qualitative GES definition: Quantities of marine litter and their degradation products in marine environment are decreasing and their level don’t determine any significant risk to marine environment, both through direct mortality, e.g. entanglement, as well as through indirect impacts coming from ingestion and adsorption in biota of related contaminants IT- ISCMS -8B04-0002 : Theoretically, Good Environmental Status is represented by unpolluted marine ecosystems free from marine litter. This GES is clearly not achievable in 2020 because scientific data show that also remote marine environment are in a worldwide framework interested by anthropogenic debris. GES is, otherwise, defined as quantity of marine litter that don’t causes damages to marine fauna or ecosystems, human health as well as economic loss to human activities. Available data are not sufficient to establish a threshold of quantity of marine litter under which marine litter is no more harmful. Then it is possible to define only a qualitative GES definition: Quantities of marine litter and their degradation products in marine environment are decreasing and their level don’t determine any significant risk to marine environment, both through direct mortality, e.g. entanglement, as well as through indirect impacts coming from ingestion and adsorption in biota of related contaminants IT-AS-8B04-0001 : Theoretically, Good Environmental Status is represented by unpolluted marine ecosystems free from marine litter. This GES is clearly not achievable in 2020 because scientific data show that also remote marine environment are in a worldwide framework interested by anthropogenic debris. GES is, otherwise, defined as quantity of marine litter that don’t causes damages to marine fauna or ecosystems, human health as well as economic loss to human activities. Available data are not sufficient to establish a threshold of quantity of marine litter under which marine litter is no more harmful. Then it is possible to define only a qualitative GES definition: Quantities of marine litter and their degradation products in marine environment are decreasing and their level don’t determine any significant risk to marine environment, both through direct mortality, e.g. entanglement, as well as through indirect impacts coming from ingestion and adsorption in biota of related contaminants IT-AS-8B04-0002: Theoretically, Good Environmental Status is represented by unpolluted marine ecosystems free from marine litter. This GES is clearly not achievable in 2020 because scientific data show that also remote marine environment are in a worldwide framework interested by anthropogenic debris. GES is, otherwise, defined as quantity of marine litter that don’t causes damages to marine fauna or ecosystems, human health as well as economic loss to human activities. Available data are not sufficient to establish a threshold of quantity of marine litter under which marine litter is no more harmful. Then it is possible to define only a qualitative GES definition: Quantities of marine litter and their degradation products in marine environment are decreasing and their level don’t determine any significant risk to marine environment, both through direct mortality, e.g. entanglement, as well as through indirect impacts coming from ingestion and adsorption in biota of related contaminants IT-WMS-8B04-0001: Theoretically, Good Environmental Status is represented by unpolluted marine ecosystems free from marine litter. This GES is clearly not achievable in 2020 because scientific data show that also remote marine environment are in a worldwide framework interested by anthropogenic debris. GES is, otherwise, defined as quantity of marine litter that don’t causes damages to marine fauna or ecosystems, human health as well as economic loss to human activities. Available data are not sufficient to establish a threshold of quantity of marine litter under which marine litter is no more harmful. Then it is possible to define only a qualitative GES definition: Quantities of marine litter and their degradation products in marine environment are decreasing and their level don’t determine any significant risk to marine environment, both through direct mortality, e.g. entanglement, as well as through indirect impacts coming from ingestion and adsorption in biota of related contaminants IT-WMS-8B04-0002: Theoretically, Good Environmental Status is represented by unpolluted marine ecosystems free from marine litter. This GES is clearly not achievable in 2020 because scientific data show that also remote marine environment are in a worldwide framework interested by anthropogenic debris. GES is, otherwise, defined as quantity of marine litter that don’t causes damages to marine fauna or ecosystems, human health as well as economic loss to human activities. Available data are not sufficient to establish a threshold of quantity of marine litter under which marine litter is no more harmful. Then it is possible to define only a qualitative GES definition: Quantities of marine litter and their degradation products in marine environment are decreasing and their level don’t determine any significant risk to marine environment, both through direct mortality, e.g. entanglement, as well as through indirect impacts coming from ingestion and adsorption in biota of related contaminants IT-WMS-8B04-0003: Theoretically, Good Environmental Status is represented by unpolluted marine ecosystems free from marine litter. This GES is clearly not achievable in 2020 because scientific data show that also remote marine environment are in a worldwide framework interested by anthropogenic debris. GES is, otherwise, defined as quantity of marine litter that don’t causes damages to marine fauna or ecosystems, human health as well as economic loss to human activities. Available data are not sufficient to establish a threshold of quantity of marine litter under which marine litter is no more harmful. Then it is possible to define only a qualitative GES definition: Quantities of marine litter and their degradation products in marine environment are decreasing and their level don’t determine any significant risk to marine environment, both through direct mortality, e.g. entanglement, as well as through indirect impacts coming from ingestion and adsorption in biota of related contaminants IT-ISCMS-8B04-0001 : Theoretically, Good Environmental Status is represented by unpolluted marine ecosystems free from marine litter. This GES is clearly not achievable in 2020 because scientific data show that also remote marine environment are in a worldwide framework interested by anthropogenic debris. GES is, otherwise, defined as quantity of marine litter that don’t causes damages to marine fauna or ecosystems, human health as well as economic loss to human activities. Available data are not sufficient to establish a threshold of quantity of marine litter under which marine litter is no more harmful. Then it is possible to define only a qualitative GES definition: Quantities of marine litter and their degradation products in marine environment are decreasing and their level don’t determine any significant risk to marine environment, both through direct mortality, e.g. entanglement, as well as through indirect impacts coming from ingestion and adsorption in biota of related contaminants IT- ISCMS -8B04-0002 : Theoretically, Good Environmental Status is represented by unpolluted marine ecosystems free from marine litter. This GES is clearly not achievable in 2020 because scientific data show that also remote marine environment are in a worldwide framework interested by anthropogenic debris. GES is, otherwise, defined as quantity of marine litter that don’t causes damages to marine fauna or ecosystems, human health as well as economic loss to human activities. Available data are not sufficient to establish a threshold of quantity of marine litter under which marine litter is no more harmful. Then it is possible to define only a qualitative GES definition: Quantities of marine litter and their degradation products in marine environment are decreasing and their level don’t determine any significant risk to marine environment, both through direct mortality, e.g. entanglement, as well as through indirect impacts coming from ingestion and adsorption in biota of related contaminants IT-AS-8B04-0001 : Theoretically, Good Environmental Status is represented by unpolluted marine ecosystems free from marine litter. This GES is clearly not achievable in 2020 because scientific data show that also remote marine environment are in a worldwide framework interested by anthropogenic debris. GES is, otherwise, defined as quantity of marine litter that don’t causes damages to marine fauna or ecosystems, human health as well as economic loss to human activities. Available data are not sufficient to establish a threshold of quantity of marine litter under which marine litter is no more harmful. Then it is possible to define only a qualitative GES definition: Quantities of marine litter and their degradation products in marine environment are decreasing and their level don’t determine any significant risk to marine environment, both through direct mortality, e.g. entanglement, as well as through indirect impacts coming from ingestion and adsorption in biota of related contaminants IT-AS-8B04-0002: Theoretically, Good Environmental Status is represented by unpolluted marine ecosystems free from marine litter. This GES is clearly not achievable in 2020 because scientific data show that also remote marine environment are in a worldwide framework interested by anthropogenic debris. GES is, otherwise, defined as quantity of marine litter that don’t causes damages to marine fauna or ecosystems, human health as well as economic loss to human activities. Available data are not sufficient to establish a threshold of quantity of marine litter under which marine litter is no more harmful. Then it is possible to define only a qualitative GES definition: Quantities of marine litter and their degradation products in marine environment are decreasing and their level don’t determine any significant risk to marine environment, both through direct mortality, e.g. entanglement, as well as through indirect impacts coming from ingestion and adsorption in biota of related contaminants IT-WMS-8B11-0001: COMMERCIAL SPECIES: In the context of the Initial Assessment, GES was defined by applying primary indicators 3.1.1 and 3.2.1, or using trend based proxies indicators 3.1.2 and 3.2.2 as well as indicators 3.3.1 and 3.3.3. However, the overall practical evaluation of the applied process in the Italian seas highlighted that this kind of preliminary threshold might need to be revised, taking into account several issues, including, among the others, the outcome of the still ongoing process on CFP reform. All these aspects, therefore, should be duly considered to assess, as appropriate, the preliminary threshold to be used for GES (see details according to each indicator in the GES-Descriptor sheet). For instance multispecific interactions as well as environmental drivers or regime shifts, the uncertainty associated to reference points, the lack in the establishment of precautionary limits in the Mediterranean Sea and uncertainty in the estimation of trend based indicators should be acknowledged. The goal of achieving MSY for all commercial species might be not achievable owing to the need of considering the multispecific nature of Mediterranean fisheries as well as the multi-trophic interactions among species and environmental drivers.Therefore, the threshold values still needs to be assessed before a confirmation of GES. FUNCTIONAL GROUPS: In the Initial Assessment the final determination of GES for functional goups addressed in D3 was not conclusive, due to the lack of data on some functional groups that impeded to test methods in order to integrate information to indentify the most suited indicator to define GES. However a preliminary definition that will need to be revised according to the availability of new data and the conclusive establishment of methods to address it of GES is provided. BENTHIC HABITAT AND ASSOCIATED COMMUNITIES: Pertaining the impact of fishing on benthic communities and habitats, the GES as well as the Initial Assessment were addressed in synergy with the approach developed in the framework of Descriptor 6 in the context of abrasion pressure. Therefore, the definition of GES reported in this sheet is aligned to the definition put forward in D6 and will need further revision by 2018 in particular in order to set up thresholds of acceptable disturbance on non biogenic habitats as well as testing/improving methods to assess potential interaction with biogenic habitats. IT-WMS-8B11-0002: COMMERCIAL SPECIES: In the context of the Initial Assessment, GES was defined by applying primary indicators 3.1.1 and 3.2.1, or using trend based proxies indicators 3.1.2 and 3.2.2 as well as indicators 3.3.1 and 3.3.3. However, the overall practical evaluation of the applied process in the Italian seas highlighted that this kind of preliminary threshold might need to be revised, taking into account several issues, including, among the others, the outcome of the still ongoing process on CFP reform. All these aspects, therefore, should be duly considered to assess, as appropriate, the preliminary threshold to be used for GES (see details according to each indicator in the GES-Descriptor sheet). For instance multispecific interactions as well as environmental drivers or regime shifts, the uncertainty associated to reference points, the lack in the establishment of precautionary limits in the Mediterranean Sea and uncertainty in the estimation of trend based indicators should be acknowledged. The goal of achieving MSY for all commercial species might be not achievable owing to the need of considering the multispecific nature of Mediterranean fisheries as well as the multi-trophic interactions among species and environmental drivers.Therefore, the threshold values still needs to be assessed before a confirmation of GES. FUNCTIONAL GROUPS: In the Initial Assessment the final determination of GES for functional goups addressed in D3 was not conclusive, due to the lack of data on some functional groups that impeded to test methods in order to integrate information to indentify the most suited indicator to define GES. However a preliminary definition that will need to be revised according to the availability of new data and the conclusive establishment of methods to address it of GES is provided. BENTHIC HABITAT AND ASSOCIATED COMMUNITIES: Pertaining the impact of fishing on benthic communities and habitats, the GES as well as the Initial Assessment were addressed in synergy with the approach developed in the framework of Descriptor 6 in the context of abrasion pressure. Therefore, the definition of GES reported in this sheet is aligned to the definition put forward in D6 and will need further revision by 2018 in particular in order to set up thresholds of acceptable disturbance on non biogenic habitats as well as testing/improving methods to assess potential interaction with biogenic habitats. IT-WMS-8B11-0003: COMMERCIAL SPECIES: In the context of the Initial Assessment, GES was defined by applying primary indicators 3.1.1 and 3.2.1, or using trend based proxies indicators 3.1.2 and 3.2.2 as well as indicators 3.3.1 and 3.3.3. However, the overall practical evaluation of the applied process in the Italian seas highlighted that this kind of preliminary threshold might need to be revised, taking into account several issues, including, among the others, the outcome of the still ongoing process on CFP reform. All these aspects, therefore, should be duly considered to assess, as appropriate, the preliminary threshold to be used for GES (see details according to each indicator in the GES-Descriptor sheet). For instance multispecific interactions as well as environmental drivers or regime shifts, the uncertainty associated to reference points, the lack in the establishment of precautionary limits in the Mediterranean Sea and uncertainty in the estimation of trend based indicators should be acknowledged. The goal of achieving MSY for all commercial species might be not achievable owing to the need of considering the multispecific nature of Mediterranean fisheries as well as the multi-trophic interactions among species and environmental drivers.Therefore, the threshold values still needs to be assessed before a confirmation of GES. FUNCTIONAL GROUPS: In the Initial Assessment the final determination of GES for functional goups addressed in D3 was not conclusive, due to the lack of data on some functional groups that impeded to test methods in order to integrate information to indentify the most suited indicator to define GES. However a preliminary definition that will need to be revised according to the availability of new data and the conclusive establishment of methods to address it of GES is provided. BENTHIC HABITAT AND ASSOCIATED COMMUNITIES: Pertaining the impact of fishing on benthic communities and habitats, the GES as well as the Initial Assessment were addressed in synergy with the approach developed in the framework of Descriptor 6 in the context of abrasion pressure. Therefore, the definition of GES reported in this sheet is aligned to the definition put forward in D6 and will need further revision by 2018 in particular in order to set up thresholds of acceptable disturbance on non biogenic habitats as well as testing/improving methods to assess potential interaction with biogenic habitats. IT-AS-8B11-0001: COMMERCIAL SPECIES: In the context of the Initial Assessment, GES was defined by applying primary indicators 3.1.1 and 3.2.1, or using trend based proxies indicators 3.1.2 and 3.2.2 as well as indicators 3.3.1 and 3.3.3. However, the overall practical evaluation of the applied process in the Italian seas highlighted that this kind of preliminary threshold might need to be revised, taking into account several issues, including, among the others, the outcome of the still ongoing process on CFP reform. All these aspects, therefore, should be duly considered to assess, as appropriate, the preliminary threshold to be used for GES (see details according to each indicator in the GES-Descriptor sheet). For instance multispecific interactions as well as environmental drivers or regime shifts, the uncertainty associated to reference points, the lack in the establishment of precautionary limits in the Mediterranean Sea and uncertainty in the estimation of trend based indicators should be acknowledged. The goal of achieving MSY for all commercial species might be not achievable owing to the need of considering the multispecific nature of Mediterranean fisheries as well as the multi-trophic interactions among species and environmental drivers.Therefore, the threshold values still needs to be assessed before a confirmation of GES. FUNCTIONAL GROUPS: In the Initial Assessment the final determination of GES for functional goups addressed in D3 was not conclusive, due to the lack of data on some functional groups that impeded to test methods in order to integrate information to indentify the most suited indicator to define GES. However a preliminary definition that will need to be revised according to the availability of new data and the conclusive establishment of methods to address it of GES is provided. BENTHIC HABITAT AND ASSOCIATED COMMUNITIES: Pertaining the impact of fishing on benthic communities and habitats, the GES as well as the Initial Assessment were addressed in synergy with the approach developed in the framework of Descriptor 6 in the context of abrasion pressure. Therefore, the definition of GES reported in this sheet is aligned to the definition put forward in D6 and will need further revision by 2018 in particular in order to set up thresholds of acceptable disturbance on non biogenic habitats as well as testing/improving methods to assess potential interaction with biogenic habitats. IT-AS-8B11-0002: COMMERCIAL SPECIES: In the context of the Initial Assessment, GES was defined by applying primary indicators 3.1.1 and 3.2.1, or using trend based proxies indicators 3.1.2 and 3.2.2 as well as indicators 3.3.1 and 3.3.3. However, the overall practical evaluation of the applied process in the Italian seas highlighted that this kind of preliminary threshold might need to be revised, taking into account several issues, including, among the others, the outcome of the still ongoing process on CFP reform. All these aspects, therefore, should be duly considered to assess, as appropriate, the preliminary threshold to be used for GES (see details according to each indicator in the GES-Descriptor sheet). For instance multispecific interactions as well as environmental drivers or regime shifts, the uncertainty associated to reference points, the lack in the establishment of precautionary limits in the Mediterranean Sea and uncertainty in the estimation of trend based indicators should be acknowledged. The goal of achieving MSY for all commercial species might be not achievable owing to the need of considering the multispecific nature of Mediterranean fisheries as well as the multi-trophic interactions among species and environmental drivers.Therefore, the threshold values still needs to be assessed before a confirmation of GES. FUNCTIONAL GROUPS: In the Initial Assessment the final determination of GES for functional goups addressed in D3 was not conclusive, due to the lack of data on some functional groups that impeded to test methods in order to integrate information to indentify the most suited indicator to define GES. However a preliminary definition that will need to be revised according to the availability of new data and the conclusive establishment of methods to address it of GES is provided. BENTHIC HABITAT AND ASSOCIATED COMMUNITIES: Pertaining the impact of fishing on benthic communities and habitats, the GES as well as the Initial Assessment were addressed in synergy with the approach developed in the framework of Descriptor 6 in the context of abrasion pressure. Therefore, the definition of GES reported in this sheet is aligned to the definition put forward in D6 and will need further revision by 2018 in particular in order to set up thresholds of acceptable disturbance on non biogenic habitats as well as testing/improving methods to assess potential interaction with biogenic habitats. IT-ISCMS-8B11-0001: COMMERCIAL SPECIES: In the context of the Initial Assessment, GES was defined by applying primary indicators 3.1.1 and 3.2.1, or using trend based proxies indicators 3.1.2 and 3.2.2 as well as indicators 3.3.1 and 3.3.3. However, the overall practical evaluation of the applied process in the Italian seas highlighted that this kind of preliminary threshold might need to be revised, taking into account several issues, including, among the others, the outcome of the still ongoing process on CFP reform. All these aspects, therefore, should be duly considered to assess, as appropriate, the preliminary threshold to be used for GES (see details according to each indicator in the GES-Descriptor sheet). For instance multispecific interactions as well as environmental drivers or regime shifts, the uncertainty associated to reference points, the lack in the establishment of precautionary limits in the Mediterranean Sea and uncertainty in the estimation of trend based indicators should be acknowledged. The goal of achieving MSY for all commercial species might be not achievable owing to the need of considering the multispecific nature of Mediterranean fisheries as well as the multi-trophic interactions among species and environmental drivers.Therefore, the threshold values still needs to be assessed before a confirmation of GES. FUNCTIONAL GROUPS: In the Initial Assessment the final determination of GES for functional goups addressed in D3 was not conclusive, due to the lack of data on some functional groups that impeded to test methods in order to integrate information to indentify the most suited indicator to define GES. However a preliminary definition that will need to be revised according to the availability of new data and the conclusive establishment of methods to address it of GES is provided. BENTHIC HABITAT AND ASSOCIATED COMMUNITIES: Pertaining the impact of fishing on benthic communities and habitats, the GES as well as the Initial Assessment were addressed in synergy with the approach developed in the framework of Descriptor 6 in the context of abrasion pressure. Therefore, the definition of GES reported in this sheet is aligned to the definition put forward in D6 and will need further revision by 2018 in particular in order to set up thresholds of acceptable disturbance on non biogenic habitats as well as testing/improving methods to assess potential interaction with biogenic habitats. IT-ISCMS-8B11-0002: COMMERCIAL SPECIES: In the context of the Initial Assessment, GES was defined by applying primary indicators 3.1.1 and 3.2.1, or using trend based proxies indicators 3.1.2 and 3.2.2 as well as indicators 3.3.1 and 3.3.3. However, the overall practical evaluation of the applied process in the Italian seas highlighted that this kind of preliminary threshold might need to be revised, taking into account several issues, including, among the others, the outcome of the still ongoing process on CFP reform. All these aspects, therefore, should be duly considered to assess, as appropriate, the preliminary threshold to be used for GES (see details according to each indicator in the GES-Descriptor sheet). For instance multispecific interactions as well as environmental drivers or regime shifts, the uncertainty associated to reference points, the lack in the establishment of precautionary limits in the Mediterranean Sea and uncertainty in the estimation of trend based indicators should be acknowledged. The goal of achieving MSY for all commercial species might be not achievable owing to the need of considering the multispecific nature of Mediterranean fisheries as well as the multi-trophic interactions among species and environmental drivers.Therefore, the threshold values still needs to be assessed before a confirmation of GES. FUNCTIONAL GROUPS: In the Initial Assessment the final determination of GES for functional goups addressed in D3 was not conclusive, due to the lack of data on some functional groups that impeded to test methods in order to integrate information to indentify the most suited indicator to define GES. However a preliminary definition that will need to be revised according to the availability of new data and the conclusive establishment of methods to address it of GES is provided. BENTHIC HABITAT AND ASSOCIATED COMMUNITIES: Pertaining the impact of fishing on benthic communities and habitats, the GES as well as the Initial Assessment were addressed in synergy with the approach developed in the framework of Descriptor 6 in the context of abrasion pressure. Therefore, the definition of GES reported in this sheet is aligned to the definition put forward in D6 and will need further revision by 2018 in particular in order to set up thresholds of acceptable disturbance on non biogenic habitats as well as testing/improving methods to assess potential interaction with biogenic habitats. IT-WMS-8B11-0001: COMMERCIAL SPECIES: In the context of the Initial Assessment, GES was defined by applying primary indicators 3.1.1 and 3.2.1, or using trend based proxies indicators 3.1.2 and 3.2.2 as well as indicators 3.3.1 and 3.3.3. However, the overall practical evaluation of the applied process in the Italian seas highlighted that this kind of preliminary threshold might need to be revised, taking into account several issues, including, among the others, the outcome of the still ongoing process on CFP reform. All these aspects, therefore, should be duly considered to assess, as appropriate, the preliminary threshold to be used for GES (see details according to each indicator in the GES-Descriptor sheet). For instance multispecific interactions as well as environmental drivers or regime shifts, the uncertainty associated to reference points, the lack in the establishment of precautionary limits in the Mediterranean Sea and uncertainty in the estimation of trend based indicators should be acknowledged. The goal of achieving MSY for all commercial species might be not achievable owing to the need of considering the multispecific nature of Mediterranean fisheries as well as the multi-trophic interactions among species and environmental drivers.Therefore, the threshold values still needs to be assessed before a confirmation of GES. FUNCTIONAL GROUPS: In the Initial Assessment the final determination of GES for functional goups addressed in D3 was not conclusive, due to the lack of data on some functional groups that impeded to test methods in order to integrate information to indentify the most suited indicator to define GES. However a preliminary definition that will need to be revised according to the availability of new data and the conclusive establishment of methods to address it of GES is provided. BENTHIC HABITAT AND ASSOCIATED COMMUNITIES: Pertaining the impact of fishing on benthic communities and habitats, the GES as well as the Initial Assessment were addressed in synergy with the approach developed in the framework of Descriptor 6 in the context of abrasion pressure. Therefore, the definition of GES reported in this sheet is aligned to the definition put forward in D6 and will need further revision by 2018 in particular in order to set up thresholds of acceptable disturbance on non biogenic habitats as well as testing/improving methods to assess potential interaction with biogenic habitats. IT-WMS-8B11-0002: COMMERCIAL SPECIES: In the context of the Initial Assessment, GES was defined by applying primary indicators 3.1.1 and 3.2.1, or using trend based proxies indicators 3.1.2 and 3.2.2 as well as indicators 3.3.1 and 3.3.3. However, the overall practical evaluation of the applied process in the Italian seas highlighted that this kind of preliminary threshold might need to be revised, taking into account several issues, including, among the others, the outcome of the still ongoing process on CFP reform. All these aspects, therefore, should be duly considered to assess, as appropriate, the preliminary threshold to be used for GES (see details according to each indicator in the GES-Descriptor sheet). For instance multispecific interactions as well as environmental drivers or regime shifts, the uncertainty associated to reference points, the lack in the establishment of precautionary limits in the Mediterranean Sea and uncertainty in the estimation of trend based indicators should be acknowledged. The goal of achieving MSY for all commercial species might be not achievable owing to the need of considering the multispecific nature of Mediterranean fisheries as well as the multi-trophic interactions among species and environmental drivers.Therefore, the threshold values still needs to be assessed before a confirmation of GES. FUNCTIONAL GROUPS: In the Initial Assessment the final determination of GES for functional goups addressed in D3 was not conclusive, due to the lack of data on some functional groups that impeded to test methods in order to integrate information to indentify the most suited indicator to define GES. However a preliminary definition that will need to be revised according to the availability of new data and the conclusive establishment of methods to address it of GES is provided. BENTHIC HABITAT AND ASSOCIATED COMMUNITIES: Pertaining the impact of fishing on benthic communities and habitats, the GES as well as the Initial Assessment were addressed in synergy with the approach developed in the framework of Descriptor 6 in the context of abrasion pressure. Therefore, the definition of GES reported in this sheet is aligned to the definition put forward in D6 and will need further revision by 2018 in particular in order to set up thresholds of acceptable disturbance on non biogenic habitats as well as testing/improving methods to assess potential interaction with biogenic habitats. IT-WMS-8B11-0003: COMMERCIAL SPECIES: In the context of the Initial Assessment, GES was defined by applying primary indicators 3.1.1 and 3.2.1, or using trend based proxies indicators 3.1.2 and 3.2.2 as well as indicators 3.3.1 and 3.3.3. However, the overall practical evaluation of the applied process in the Italian seas highlighted that this kind of preliminary threshold might need to be revised, taking into account several issues, including, among the others, the outcome of the still ongoing process on CFP reform. All these aspects, therefore, should be duly considered to assess, as appropriate, the preliminary threshold to be used for GES (see details according to each indicator in the GES-Descriptor sheet). For instance multispecific interactions as well as environmental drivers or regime shifts, the uncertainty associated to reference points, the lack in the establishment of precautionary limits in the Mediterranean Sea and uncertainty in the estimation of trend based indicators should be acknowledged. The goal of achieving MSY for all commercial species might be not achievable owing to the need of considering the multispecific nature of Mediterranean fisheries as well as the multi-trophic interactions among species and environmental drivers.Therefore, the threshold values still needs to be assessed before a confirmation of GES. FUNCTIONAL GROUPS: In the Initial Assessment the final determination of GES for functional goups addressed in D3 was not conclusive, due to the lack of data on some functional groups that impeded to test methods in order to integrate information to indentify the most suited indicator to define GES. However a preliminary definition that will need to be revised according to the availability of new data and the conclusive establishment of methods to address it of GES is provided. BENTHIC HABITAT AND ASSOCIATED COMMUNITIES: Pertaining the impact of fishing on benthic communities and habitats, the GES as well as the Initial Assessment were addressed in synergy with the approach developed in the framework of Descriptor 6 in the context of abrasion pressure. Therefore, the definition of GES reported in this sheet is aligned to the definition put forward in D6 and will need further revision by 2018 in particular in order to set up thresholds of acceptable disturbance on non biogenic habitats as well as testing/improving methods to assess potential interaction with biogenic habitats. IT-AS-8B11-0001: COMMERCIAL SPECIES: In the context of the Initial Assessment, GES was defined by applying primary indicators 3.1.1 and 3.2.1, or using trend based proxies indicators 3.1.2 and 3.2.2 as well as indicators 3.3.1 and 3.3.3. However, the overall practical evaluation of the applied process in the Italian seas highlighted that this kind of preliminary threshold might need to be revised, taking into account several issues, including, among the others, the outcome of the still ongoing process on CFP reform. All these aspects, therefore, should be duly considered to assess, as appropriate, the preliminary threshold to be used for GES (see details according to each indicator in the GES-Descriptor sheet). For instance multispecific interactions as well as environmental drivers or regime shifts, the uncertainty associated to reference points, the lack in the establishment of precautionary limits in the Mediterranean Sea and uncertainty in the estimation of trend based indicators should be acknowledged. The goal of achieving MSY for all commercial species might be not achievable owing to the need of considering the multispecific nature of Mediterranean fisheries as well as the multi-trophic interactions among species and environmental drivers.Therefore, the threshold values still needs to be assessed before a confirmation of GES. FUNCTIONAL GROUPS: In the Initial Assessment the final determination of GES for functional goups addressed in D3 was not conclusive, due to the lack of data on some functional groups that impeded to test methods in order to integrate information to indentify the most suited indicator to define GES. However a preliminary definition that will need to be revised according to the availability of new data and the conclusive establishment of methods to address it of GES is provided. BENTHIC HABITAT AND ASSOCIATED COMMUNITIES: Pertaining the impact of fishing on benthic communities and habitats, the GES as well as the Initial Assessment were addressed in synergy with the approach developed in the framework of Descriptor 6 in the context of abrasion pressure. Therefore, the definition of GES reported in this sheet is aligned to the definition put forward in D6 and will need further revision by 2018 in particular in order to set up thresholds of acceptable disturbance on non biogenic habitats as well as testing/improving methods to assess potential interaction with biogenic habitats. IT-AS-8B11-0002: COMMERCIAL SPECIES: In the context of the Initial Assessment, GES was defined by applying primary indicators 3.1.1 and 3.2.1, or using trend based proxies indicators 3.1.2 and 3.2.2 as well as indicators 3.3.1 and 3.3.3. However, the overall practical evaluation of the applied process in the Italian seas highlighted that this kind of preliminary threshold might need to be revised, taking into account several issues, including, among the others, the outcome of the still ongoing process on CFP reform. All these aspects, therefore, should be duly considered to assess, as appropriate, the preliminary threshold to be used for GES (see details according to each indicator in the GES-Descriptor sheet). For instance multispecific interactions as well as environmental drivers or regime shifts, the uncertainty associated to reference points, the lack in the establishment of precautionary limits in the Mediterranean Sea and uncertainty in the estimation of trend based indicators should be acknowledged. The goal of achieving MSY for all commercial species might be not achievable owing to the need of considering the multispecific nature of Mediterranean fisheries as well as the multi-trophic interactions among species and environmental drivers.Therefore, the threshold values still needs to be assessed before a confirmation of GES. FUNCTIONAL GROUPS: In the Initial Assessment the final determination of GES for functional goups addressed in D3 was not conclusive, due to the lack of data on some functional groups that impeded to test methods in order to integrate information to indentify the most suited indicator to define GES. However a preliminary definition that will need to be revised according to the availability of new data and the conclusive establishment of methods to address it of GES is provided. BENTHIC HABITAT AND ASSOCIATED COMMUNITIES: Pertaining the impact of fishing on benthic communities and habitats, the GES as well as the Initial Assessment were addressed in synergy with the approach developed in the framework of Descriptor 6 in the context of abrasion pressure. Therefore, the definition of GES reported in this sheet is aligned to the definition put forward in D6 and will need further revision by 2018 in particular in order to set up thresholds of acceptable disturbance on non biogenic habitats as well as testing/improving methods to assess potential interaction with biogenic habitats. IT-ISCMS-8B11-0001: COMMERCIAL SPECIES: In the context of the Initial Assessment, GES was defined by applying primary indicators 3.1.1 and 3.2.1, or using trend based proxies indicators 3.1.2 and 3.2.2 as well as indicators 3.3.1 and 3.3.3. However, the overall practical evaluation of the applied process in the Italian seas highlighted that this kind of preliminary threshold might need to be revised, taking into account several issues, including, among the others, the outcome of the still ongoing process on CFP reform. All these aspects, therefore, should be duly considered to assess, as appropriate, the preliminary threshold to be used for GES (see details according to each indicator in the GES-Descriptor sheet). For instance multispecific interactions as well as environmental drivers or regime shifts, the uncertainty associated to reference points, the lack in the establishment of precautionary limits in the Mediterranean Sea and uncertainty in the estimation of trend based indicators should be acknowledged. The goal of achieving MSY for all commercial species might be not achievable owing to the need of considering the multispecific nature of Mediterranean fisheries as well as the multi-trophic interactions among species and environmental drivers.Therefore, the threshold values still needs to be assessed before a confirmation of GES. FUNCTIONAL GROUPS: In the Initial Assessment the final determination of GES for functional goups addressed in D3 was not conclusive, due to the lack of data on some functional groups that impeded to test methods in order to integrate information to indentify the most suited indicator to define GES. However a preliminary definition that will need to be revised according to the availability of new data and the conclusive establishment of methods to address it of GES is provided. BENTHIC HABITAT AND ASSOCIATED COMMUNITIES: Pertaining the impact of fishing on benthic communities and habitats, the GES as well as the Initial Assessment were addressed in synergy with the approach developed in the framework of Descriptor 6 in the context of abrasion pressure. Therefore, the definition of GES reported in this sheet is aligned to the definition put forward in D6 and will need further revision by 2018 in particular in order to set up thresholds of acceptable disturbance on non biogenic habitats as well as testing/improving methods to assess potential interaction with biogenic habitats. IT-ISCMS-8B11-0002: COMMERCIAL SPECIES: In the context of the Initial Assessment, GES was defined by applying primary indicators 3.1.1 and 3.2.1, or using trend based proxies indicators 3.1.2 and 3.2.2 as well as indicators 3.3.1 and 3.3.3. However, the overall practical evaluation of the applied process in the Italian seas highlighted that this kind of preliminary threshold might need to be revised, taking into account several issues, including, among the others, the outcome of the still ongoing process on CFP reform. All these aspects, therefore, should be duly considered to assess, as appropriate, the preliminary threshold to be used for GES (see details according to each indicator in the GES-Descriptor sheet). For instance multispecific interactions as well as environmental drivers or regime shifts, the uncertainty associated to reference points, the lack in the establishment of precautionary limits in the Mediterranean Sea and uncertainty in the estimation of trend based indicators should be acknowledged. The goal of achieving MSY for all commercial species might be not achievable owing to the need of considering the multispecific nature of Mediterranean fisheries as well as the multi-trophic interactions among species and environmental drivers.Therefore, the threshold values still needs to be assessed before a confirmation of GES. FUNCTIONAL GROUPS: In the Initial Assessment the final determination of GES for functional goups addressed in D3 was not conclusive, due to the lack of data on some functional groups that impeded to test methods in order to integrate information to indentify the most suited indicator to define GES. However a preliminary definition that will need to be revised according to the availability of new data and the conclusive establishment of methods to address it of GES is provided. BENTHIC HABITAT AND ASSOCIATED COMMUNITIES: Pertaining the impact of fishing on benthic communities and habitats, the GES as well as the Initial Assessment were addressed in synergy with the approach developed in the framework of Descriptor 6 in the context of abrasion pressure. Therefore, the definition of GES reported in this sheet is aligned to the definition put forward in D6 and will need further revision by 2018 in particular in order to set up thresholds of acceptable disturbance on non biogenic habitats as well as testing/improving methods to assess potential interaction with biogenic habitats. IT-WMS-8B11-0001: COMMERCIAL SPECIES: In the context of the Initial Assessment, GES was defined by applying primary indicators 3.1.1 and 3.2.1, or using trend based proxies indicators 3.1.2 and 3.2.2 as well as indicators 3.3.1 and 3.3.3. However, the overall practical evaluation of the applied process in the Italian seas highlighted that this kind of preliminary threshold might need to be revised, taking into account several issues, including, among the others, the outcome of the still ongoing process on CFP reform. All these aspects, therefore, should be duly considered to assess, as appropriate, the preliminary threshold to be used for GES (see details according to each indicator in the GES-Descriptor sheet). For instance multispecific interactions as well as environmental drivers or regime shifts, the uncertainty associated to reference points, the lack in the establishment of precautionary limits in the Mediterranean Sea and uncertainty in the estimation of trend based indicators should be acknowledged. The goal of achieving MSY for all commercial species might be not achievable owing to the need of considering the multispecific nature of Mediterranean fisheries as well as the multi-trophic interactions among species and environmental drivers.Therefore, the threshold values still needs to be assessed before a confirmation of GES. FUNCTIONAL GROUPS: In the Initial Assessment the final determination of GES for functional goups addressed in D3 was not conclusive, due to the lack of data on some functional groups that impeded to test methods in order to integrate information to indentify the most suited indicator to define GES. However a preliminary definition that will need to be revised according to the availability of new data and the conclusive establishment of methods to address it of GES is provided. BENTHIC HABITAT AND ASSOCIATED COMMUNITIES: Pertaining the impact of fishing on benthic communities and habitats, the GES as well as the Initial Assessment were addressed in synergy with the approach developed in the framework of Descriptor 6 in the context of abrasion pressure. Therefore, the definition of GES reported in this sheet is aligned to the definition put forward in D6 and will need further revision by 2018 in particular in order to set up thresholds of acceptable disturbance on non biogenic habitats as well as testing/improving methods to assess potential interaction with biogenic habitats. IT-WMS-8B11-0002: COMMERCIAL SPECIES: In the context of the Initial Assessment, GES was defined by applying primary indicators 3.1.1 and 3.2.1, or using trend based proxies indicators 3.1.2 and 3.2.2 as well as indicators 3.3.1 and 3.3.3. However, the overall practical evaluation of the applied process in the Italian seas highlighted that this kind of preliminary threshold might need to be revised, taking into account several issues, including, among the others, the outcome of the still ongoing process on CFP reform. All these aspects, therefore, should be duly considered to assess, as appropriate, the preliminary threshold to be used for GES (see details according to each indicator in the GES-Descriptor sheet). For instance multispecific interactions as well as environmental drivers or regime shifts, the uncertainty associated to reference points, the lack in the establishment of precautionary limits in the Mediterranean Sea and uncertainty in the estimation of trend based indicators should be acknowledged. The goal of achieving MSY for all commercial species might be not achievable owing to the need of considering the multispecific nature of Mediterranean fisheries as well as the multi-trophic interactions among species and environmental drivers.Therefore, the threshold values still needs to be assessed before a confirmation of GES. FUNCTIONAL GROUPS: In the Initial Assessment the final determination of GES for functional goups addressed in D3 was not conclusive, due to the lack of data on some functional groups that impeded to test methods in order to integrate information to indentify the most suited indicator to define GES. However a preliminary definition that will need to be revised according to the availability of new data and the conclusive establishment of methods to address it of GES is provided. BENTHIC HABITAT AND ASSOCIATED COMMUNITIES: Pertaining the impact of fishing on benthic communities and habitats, the GES as well as the Initial Assessment were addressed in synergy with the approach developed in the framework of Descriptor 6 in the context of abrasion pressure. Therefore, the definition of GES reported in this sheet is aligned to the definition put forward in D6 and will need further revision by 2018 in particular in order to set up thresholds of acceptable disturbance on non biogenic habitats as well as testing/improving methods to assess potential interaction with biogenic habitats. IT-WMS-8B11-0003: COMMERCIAL SPECIES: In the context of the Initial Assessment, GES was defined by applying primary indicators 3.1.1 and 3.2.1, or using trend based proxies indicators 3.1.2 and 3.2.2 as well as indicators 3.3.1 and 3.3.3. However, the overall practical evaluation of the applied process in the Italian seas highlighted that this kind of preliminary threshold might need to be revised, taking into account several issues, including, among the others, the outcome of the still ongoing process on CFP reform. All these aspects, therefore, should be duly considered to assess, as appropriate, the preliminary threshold to be used for GES (see details according to each indicator in the GES-Descriptor sheet). For instance multispecific interactions as well as environmental drivers or regime shifts, the uncertainty associated to reference points, the lack in the establishment of precautionary limits in the Mediterranean Sea and uncertainty in the estimation of trend based indicators should be acknowledged. The goal of achieving MSY for all commercial species might be not achievable owing to the need of considering the multispecific nature of Mediterranean fisheries as well as the multi-trophic interactions among species and environmental drivers.Therefore, the threshold values still needs to be assessed before a confirmation of GES. FUNCTIONAL GROUPS: In the Initial Assessment the final determination of GES for functional goups addressed in D3 was not conclusive, due to the lack of data on some functional groups that impeded to test methods in order to integrate information to indentify the most suited indicator to define GES. However a preliminary definition that will need to be revised according to the availability of new data and the conclusive establishment of methods to address it of GES is provided. BENTHIC HABITAT AND ASSOCIATED COMMUNITIES: Pertaining the impact of fishing on benthic communities and habitats, the GES as well as the Initial Assessment were addressed in synergy with the approach developed in the framework of Descriptor 6 in the context of abrasion pressure. Therefore, the definition of GES reported in this sheet is aligned to the definition put forward in D6 and will need further revision by 2018 in particular in order to set up thresholds of acceptable disturbance on non biogenic habitats as well as testing/improving methods to assess potential interaction with biogenic habitats. IT-AS-8B11-0001: COMMERCIAL SPECIES: In the context of the Initial Assessment, GES was defined by applying primary indicators 3.1.1 and 3.2.1, or using trend based proxies indicators 3.1.2 and 3.2.2 as well as indicators 3.3.1 and 3.3.3. However, the overall practical evaluation of the applied process in the Italian seas highlighted that this kind of preliminary threshold might need to be revised, taking into account several issues, including, among the others, the outcome of the still ongoing process on CFP reform. All these aspects, therefore, should be duly considered to assess, as appropriate, the preliminary threshold to be used for GES (see details according to each indicator in the GES-Descriptor sheet). For instance multispecific interactions as well as environmental drivers or regime shifts, the uncertainty associated to reference points, the lack in the establishment of precautionary limits in the Mediterranean Sea and uncertainty in the estimation of trend based indicators should be acknowledged. The goal of achieving MSY for all commercial species might be not achievable owing to the need of considering the multispecific nature of Mediterranean fisheries as well as the multi-trophic interactions among species and environmental drivers.Therefore, the threshold values still needs to be assessed before a confirmation of GES. FUNCTIONAL GROUPS: In the Initial Assessment the final determination of GES for functional goups addressed in D3 was not conclusive, due to the lack of data on some functional groups that impeded to test methods in order to integrate information to indentify the most suited indicator to define GES. However a preliminary definition that will need to be revised according to the availability of new data and the conclusive establishment of methods to address it of GES is provided. BENTHIC HABITAT AND ASSOCIATED COMMUNITIES: Pertaining the impact of fishing on benthic communities and habitats, the GES as well as the Initial Assessment were addressed in synergy with the approach developed in the framework of Descriptor 6 in the context of abrasion pressure. Therefore, the definition of GES reported in this sheet is aligned to the definition put forward in D6 and will need further revision by 2018 in particular in order to set up thresholds of acceptable disturbance on non biogenic habitats as well as testing/improving methods to assess potential interaction with biogenic habitats. IT-AS-8B11-0002: COMMERCIAL SPECIES: In the context of the Initial Assessment, GES was defined by applying primary indicators 3.1.1 and 3.2.1, or using trend based proxies indicators 3.1.2 and 3.2.2 as well as indicators 3.3.1 and 3.3.3. However, the overall practical evaluation of the applied process in the Italian seas highlighted that this kind of preliminary threshold might need to be revised, taking into account several issues, including, among the others, the outcome of the still ongoing process on CFP reform. All these aspects, therefore, should be duly considered to assess, as appropriate, the preliminary threshold to be used for GES (see details according to each indicator in the GES-Descriptor sheet). For instance multispecific interactions as well as environmental drivers or regime shifts, the uncertainty associated to reference points, the lack in the establishment of precautionary limits in the Mediterranean Sea and uncertainty in the estimation of trend based indicators should be acknowledged. The goal of achieving MSY for all commercial species might be not achievable owing to the need of considering the multispecific nature of Mediterranean fisheries as well as the multi-trophic interactions among species and environmental drivers.Therefore, the threshold values still needs to be assessed before a confirmation of GES. FUNCTIONAL GROUPS: In the Initial Assessment the final determination of GES for functional goups addressed in D3 was not conclusive, due to the lack of data on some functional groups that impeded to test methods in order to integrate information to indentify the most suited indicator to define GES. However a preliminary definition that will need to be revised according to the availability of new data and the conclusive establishment of methods to address it of GES is provided. BENTHIC HABITAT AND ASSOCIATED COMMUNITIES: Pertaining the impact of fishing on benthic communities and habitats, the GES as well as the Initial Assessment were addressed in synergy with the approach developed in the framework of Descriptor 6 in the context of abrasion pressure. Therefore, the definition of GES reported in this sheet is aligned to the definition put forward in D6 and will need further revision by 2018 in particular in order to set up thresholds of acceptable disturbance on non biogenic habitats as well as testing/improving methods to assess potential interaction with biogenic habitats. IT-ISCMS-8B11-0001: COMMERCIAL SPECIES: In the context of the Initial Assessment, GES was defined by applying primary indicators 3.1.1 and 3.2.1, or using trend based proxies indicators 3.1.2 and 3.2.2 as well as indicators 3.3.1 and 3.3.3. However, the overall practical evaluation of the applied process in the Italian seas highlighted that this kind of preliminary threshold might need to be revised, taking into account several issues, including, among the others, the outcome of the still ongoing process on CFP reform. All these aspects, therefore, should be duly considered to assess, as appropriate, the preliminary threshold to be used for GES (see details according to each indicator in the GES-Descriptor sheet). For instance multispecific interactions as well as environmental drivers or regime shifts, the uncertainty associated to reference points, the lack in the establishment of precautionary limits in the Mediterranean Sea and uncertainty in the estimation of trend based indicators should be acknowledged. The goal of achieving MSY for all commercial species might be not achievable owing to the need of considering the multispecific nature of Mediterranean fisheries as well as the multi-trophic interactions among species and environmental drivers.Therefore, the threshold values still needs to be assessed before a confirmation of GES. FUNCTIONAL GROUPS: In the Initial Assessment the final determination of GES for functional goups addressed in D3 was not conclusive, due to the lack of data on some functional groups that impeded to test methods in order to integrate information to indentify the most suited indicator to define GES. However a preliminary definition that will need to be revised according to the availability of new data and the conclusive establishment of methods to address it of GES is provided. BENTHIC HABITAT AND ASSOCIATED COMMUNITIES: Pertaining the impact of fishing on benthic communities and habitats, the GES as well as the Initial Assessment were addressed in synergy with the approach developed in the framework of Descriptor 6 in the context of abrasion pressure. Therefore, the definition of GES reported in this sheet is aligned to the definition put forward in D6 and will need further revision by 2018 in particular in order to set up thresholds of acceptable disturbance on non biogenic habitats as well as testing/improving methods to assess potential interaction with biogenic habitats. IT-ISCMS-8B11-0002: COMMERCIAL SPECIES: In the context of the Initial Assessment, GES was defined by applying primary indicators 3.1.1 and 3.2.1, or using trend based proxies indicators 3.1.2 and 3.2.2 as well as indicators 3.3.1 and 3.3.3. However, the overall practical evaluation of the applied process in the Italian seas highlighted that this kind of preliminary threshold might need to be revised, taking into account several issues, including, among the others, the outcome of the still ongoing process on CFP reform. All these aspects, therefore, should be duly considered to assess, as appropriate, the preliminary threshold to be used for GES (see details according to each indicator in the GES-Descriptor sheet). For instance multispecific interactions as well as environmental drivers or regime shifts, the uncertainty associated to reference points, the lack in the establishment of precautionary limits in the Mediterranean Sea and uncertainty in the estimation of trend based indicators should be acknowledged. The goal of achieving MSY for all commercial species might be not achievable owing to the need of considering the multispecific nature of Mediterranean fisheries as well as the multi-trophic interactions among species and environmental drivers.Therefore, the threshold values still needs to be assessed before a confirmation of GES. FUNCTIONAL GROUPS: In the Initial Assessment the final determination of GES for functional goups addressed in D3 was not conclusive, due to the lack of data on some functional groups that impeded to test methods in order to integrate information to indentify the most suited indicator to define GES. However a preliminary definition that will need to be revised according to the availability of new data and the conclusive establishment of methods to address it of GES is provided. BENTHIC HABITAT AND ASSOCIATED COMMUNITIES: Pertaining the impact of fishing on benthic communities and habitats, the GES as well as the Initial Assessment were addressed in synergy with the approach developed in the framework of Descriptor 6 in the context of abrasion pressure. Therefore, the definition of GES reported in this sheet is aligned to the definition put forward in D6 and will need further revision by 2018 in particular in order to set up thresholds of acceptable disturbance on non biogenic habitats as well as testing/improving methods to assess potential interaction with biogenic habitats. IT-WMS-8B11-0001: COMMERCIAL SPECIES: In the context of the Initial Assessment, GES was defined by applying primary indicators 3.1.1 and 3.2.1, or using trend based proxies indicators 3.1.2 and 3.2.2 as well as indicators 3.3.1 and 3.3.3. However, the overall practical evaluation of the applied process in the Italian seas highlighted that this kind of preliminary threshold might need to be revised, taking into account several issues, including, among the others, the outcome of the still ongoing process on CFP reform. All these aspects, therefore, should be duly considered to assess, as appropriate, the preliminary threshold to be used for GES (see details according to each indicator in the GES-Descriptor sheet). For instance multispecific interactions as well as environmental drivers or regime shifts, the uncertainty associated to reference points, the lack in the establishment of precautionary limits in the Mediterranean Sea and uncertainty in the estimation of trend based indicators should be acknowledged. The goal of achieving MSY for all commercial species might be not achievable owing to the need of considering the multispecific nature of Mediterranean fisheries as well as the multi-trophic interactions among species and environmental drivers.Therefore, the threshold values still needs to be assessed before a confirmation of GES. FUNCTIONAL GROUPS: In the Initial Assessment the final determination of GES for functional goups addressed in D3 was not conclusive, due to the lack of data on some functional groups that impeded to test methods in order to integrate information to indentify the most suited indicator to define GES. However a preliminary definition that will need to be revised according to the availability of new data and the conclusive establishment of methods to address it of GES is provided. BENTHIC HABITAT AND ASSOCIATED COMMUNITIES: Pertaining the impact of fishing on benthic communities and habitats, the GES as well as the Initial Assessment were addressed in synergy with the approach developed in the framework of Descriptor 6 in the context of abrasion pressure. Therefore, the definition of GES reported in this sheet is aligned to the definition put forward in D6 and will need further revision by 2018 in particular in order to set up thresholds of acceptable disturbance on non biogenic habitats as well as testing/improving methods to assess potential interaction with biogenic habitats. IT-WMS-8B11-0002: COMMERCIAL SPECIES: In the context of the Initial Assessment, GES was defined by applying primary indicators 3.1.1 and 3.2.1, or using trend based proxies indicators 3.1.2 and 3.2.2 as well as indicators 3.3.1 and 3.3.3. However, the overall practical evaluation of the applied process in the Italian seas highlighted that this kind of preliminary threshold might need to be revised, taking into account several issues, including, among the others, the outcome of the still ongoing process on CFP reform. All these aspects, therefore, should be duly considered to assess, as appropriate, the preliminary threshold to be used for GES (see details according to each indicator in the GES-Descriptor sheet). For instance multispecific interactions as well as environmental drivers or regime shifts, the uncertainty associated to reference points, the lack in the establishment of precautionary limits in the Mediterranean Sea and uncertainty in the estimation of trend based indicators should be acknowledged. The goal of achieving MSY for all commercial species might be not achievable owing to the need of considering the multispecific nature of Mediterranean fisheries as well as the multi-trophic interactions among species and environmental drivers.Therefore, the threshold values still needs to be assessed before a confirmation of GES. FUNCTIONAL GROUPS: In the Initial Assessment the final determination of GES for functional goups addressed in D3 was not conclusive, due to the lack of data on some functional groups that impeded to test methods in order to integrate information to indentify the most suited indicator to define GES. However a preliminary definition that will need to be revised according to the availability of new data and the conclusive establishment of methods to address it of GES is provided. BENTHIC HABITAT AND ASSOCIATED COMMUNITIES: Pertaining the impact of fishing on benthic communities and habitats, the GES as well as the Initial Assessment were addressed in synergy with the approach developed in the framework of Descriptor 6 in the context of abrasion pressure. Therefore, the definition of GES reported in this sheet is aligned to the definition put forward in D6 and will need further revision by 2018 in particular in order to set up thresholds of acceptable disturbance on non biogenic habitats as well as testing/improving methods to assess potential interaction with biogenic habitats. IT-WMS-8B11-0003: COMMERCIAL SPECIES: In the context of the Initial Assessment, GES was defined by applying primary indicators 3.1.1 and 3.2.1, or using trend based proxies indicators 3.1.2 and 3.2.2 as well as indicators 3.3.1 and 3.3.3. However, the overall practical evaluation of the applied process in the Italian seas highlighted that this kind of preliminary threshold might need to be revised, taking into account several issues, including, among the others, the outcome of the still ongoing process on CFP reform. All these aspects, therefore, should be duly considered to assess, as appropriate, the preliminary threshold to be used for GES (see details according to each indicator in the GES-Descriptor sheet). For instance multispecific interactions as well as environmental drivers or regime shifts, the uncertainty associated to reference points, the lack in the establishment of precautionary limits in the Mediterranean Sea and uncertainty in the estimation of trend based indicators should be acknowledged. The goal of achieving MSY for all commercial species might be not achievable owing to the need of considering the multispecific nature of Mediterranean fisheries as well as the multi-trophic interactions among species and environmental drivers.Therefore, the threshold values still needs to be assessed before a confirmation of GES. FUNCTIONAL GROUPS: In the Initial Assessment the final determination of GES for functional goups addressed in D3 was not conclusive, due to the lack of data on some functional groups that impeded to test methods in order to integrate information to indentify the most suited indicator to define GES. However a preliminary definition that will need to be revised according to the availability of new data and the conclusive establishment of methods to address it of GES is provided. BENTHIC HABITAT AND ASSOCIATED COMMUNITIES: Pertaining the impact of fishing on benthic communities and habitats, the GES as well as the Initial Assessment were addressed in synergy with the approach developed in the framework of Descriptor 6 in the context of abrasion pressure. Therefore, the definition of GES reported in this sheet is aligned to the definition put forward in D6 and will need further revision by 2018 in particular in order to set up thresholds of acceptable disturbance on non biogenic habitats as well as testing/improving methods to assess potential interaction with biogenic habitats. IT-AS-8B11-0001: COMMERCIAL SPECIES: In the context of the Initial Assessment, GES was defined by applying primary indicators 3.1.1 and 3.2.1, or using trend based proxies indicators 3.1.2 and 3.2.2 as well as indicators 3.3.1 and 3.3.3. However, the overall practical evaluation of the applied process in the Italian seas highlighted that this kind of preliminary threshold might need to be revised, taking into account several issues, including, among the others, the outcome of the still ongoing process on CFP reform. All these aspects, therefore, should be duly considered to assess, as appropriate, the preliminary threshold to be used for GES (see details according to each indicator in the GES-Descriptor sheet). For instance multispecific interactions as well as environmental drivers or regime shifts, the uncertainty associated to reference points, the lack in the establishment of precautionary limits in the Mediterranean Sea and uncertainty in the estimation of trend based indicators should be acknowledged. The goal of achieving MSY for all commercial species might be not achievable owing to the need of considering the multispecific nature of Mediterranean fisheries as well as the multi-trophic interactions among species and environmental drivers.Therefore, the threshold values still needs to be assessed before a confirmation of GES. FUNCTIONAL GROUPS: In the Initial Assessment the final determination of GES for functional goups addressed in D3 was not conclusive, due to the lack of data on some functional groups that impeded to test methods in order to integrate information to indentify the most suited indicator to define GES. However a preliminary definition that will need to be revised according to the availability of new data and the conclusive establishment of methods to address it of GES is provided. BENTHIC HABITAT AND ASSOCIATED COMMUNITIES: Pertaining the impact of fishing on benthic communities and habitats, the GES as well as the Initial Assessment were addressed in synergy with the approach developed in the framework of Descriptor 6 in the context of abrasion pressure. Therefore, the definition of GES reported in this sheet is aligned to the definition put forward in D6 and will need further revision by 2018 in particular in order to set up thresholds of acceptable disturbance on non biogenic habitats as well as testing/improving methods to assess potential interaction with biogenic habitats. IT-AS-8B11-0002: COMMERCIAL SPECIES: In the context of the Initial Assessment, GES was defined by applying primary indicators 3.1.1 and 3.2.1, or using trend based proxies indicators 3.1.2 and 3.2.2 as well as indicators 3.3.1 and 3.3.3. However, the overall practical evaluation of the applied process in the Italian seas highlighted that this kind of preliminary threshold might need to be revised, taking into account several issues, including, among the others, the outcome of the still ongoing process on CFP reform. All these aspects, therefore, should be duly considered to assess, as appropriate, the preliminary threshold to be used for GES (see details according to each indicator in the GES-Descriptor sheet). For instance multispecific interactions as well as environmental drivers or regime shifts, the uncertainty associated to reference points, the lack in the establishment of precautionary limits in the Mediterranean Sea and uncertainty in the estimation of trend based indicators should be acknowledged. The goal of achieving MSY for all commercial species might be not achievable owing to the need of considering the multispecific nature of Mediterranean fisheries as well as the multi-trophic interactions among species and environmental drivers.Therefore, the threshold values still needs to be assessed before a confirmation of GES. FUNCTIONAL GROUPS: In the Initial Assessment the final determination of GES for functional goups addressed in D3 was not conclusive, due to the lack of data on some functional groups that impeded to test methods in order to integrate information to indentify the most suited indicator to define GES. However a preliminary definition that will need to be revised according to the availability of new data and the conclusive establishment of methods to address it of GES is provided. BENTHIC HABITAT AND ASSOCIATED COMMUNITIES: Pertaining the impact of fishing on benthic communities and habitats, the GES as well as the Initial Assessment were addressed in synergy with the approach developed in the framework of Descriptor 6 in the context of abrasion pressure. Therefore, the definition of GES reported in this sheet is aligned to the definition put forward in D6 and will need further revision by 2018 in particular in order to set up thresholds of acceptable disturbance on non biogenic habitats as well as testing/improving methods to assess potential interaction with biogenic habitats. IT-ISCMS-8B11-0001: COMMERCIAL SPECIES: In the context of the Initial Assessment, GES was defined by applying primary indicators 3.1.1 and 3.2.1, or using trend based proxies indicators 3.1.2 and 3.2.2 as well as indicators 3.3.1 and 3.3.3. However, the overall practical evaluation of the applied process in the Italian seas highlighted that this kind of preliminary threshold might need to be revised, taking into account several issues, including, among the others, the outcome of the still ongoing process on CFP reform. All these aspects, therefore, should be duly considered to assess, as appropriate, the preliminary threshold to be used for GES (see details according to each indicator in the GES-Descriptor sheet). For instance multispecific interactions as well as environmental drivers or regime shifts, the uncertainty associated to reference points, the lack in the establishment of precautionary limits in the Mediterranean Sea and uncertainty in the estimation of trend based indicators should be acknowledged. The goal of achieving MSY for all commercial species might be not achievable owing to the need of considering the multispecific nature of Mediterranean fisheries as well as the multi-trophic interactions among species and environmental drivers.Therefore, the threshold values still needs to be assessed before a confirmation of GES. FUNCTIONAL GROUPS: In the Initial Assessment the final determination of GES for functional goups addressed in D3 was not conclusive, due to the lack of data on some functional groups that impeded to test methods in order to integrate information to indentify the most suited indicator to define GES. However a preliminary definition that will need to be revised according to the availability of new data and the conclusive establishment of methods to address it of GES is provided. BENTHIC HABITAT AND ASSOCIATED COMMUNITIES: Pertaining the impact of fishing on benthic communities and habitats, the GES as well as the Initial Assessment were addressed in synergy with the approach developed in the framework of Descriptor 6 in the context of abrasion pressure. Therefore, the definition of GES reported in this sheet is aligned to the definition put forward in D6 and will need further revision by 2018 in particular in order to set up thresholds of acceptable disturbance on non biogenic habitats as well as testing/improving methods to assess potential interaction with biogenic habitats. IT-ISCMS-8B11-0002: COMMERCIAL SPECIES: In the context of the Initial Assessment, GES was defined by applying primary indicators 3.1.1 and 3.2.1, or using trend based proxies indicators 3.1.2 and 3.2.2 as well as indicators 3.3.1 and 3.3.3. However, the overall practical evaluation of the applied process in the Italian seas highlighted that this kind of preliminary threshold might need to be revised, taking into account several issues, including, among the others, the outcome of the still ongoing process on CFP reform. All these aspects, therefore, should be duly considered to assess, as appropriate, the preliminary threshold to be used for GES (see details according to each indicator in the GES-Descriptor sheet). For instance multispecific interactions as well as environmental drivers or regime shifts, the uncertainty associated to reference points, the lack in the establishment of precautionary limits in the Mediterranean Sea and uncertainty in the estimation of trend based indicators should be acknowledged. The goal of achieving MSY for all commercial species might be not achievable owing to the need of considering the multispecific nature of Mediterranean fisheries as well as the multi-trophic interactions among species and environmental drivers.Therefore, the threshold values still needs to be assessed before a confirmation of GES. FUNCTIONAL GROUPS: In the Initial Assessment the final determination of GES for functional goups addressed in D3 was not conclusive, due to the lack of data on some functional groups that impeded to test methods in order to integrate information to indentify the most suited indicator to define GES. However a preliminary definition that will need to be revised according to the availability of new data and the conclusive establishment of methods to address it of GES is provided. BENTHIC HABITAT AND ASSOCIATED COMMUNITIES: Pertaining the impact of fishing on benthic communities and habitats, the GES as well as the Initial Assessment were addressed in synergy with the approach developed in the framework of Descriptor 6 in the context of abrasion pressure. Therefore, the definition of GES reported in this sheet is aligned to the definition put forward in D6 and will need further revision by 2018 in particular in order to set up thresholds of acceptable disturbance on non biogenic habitats as well as testing/improving methods to assess potential interaction with biogenic habitats. IT-WMS-8B11-0001: COMMERCIAL SPECIES: In the context of the Initial Assessment, GES was defined by applying primary indicators 3.1.1 and 3.2.1, or using trend based proxies indicators 3.1.2 and 3.2.2 as well as indicators 3.3.1 and 3.3.3. However, the overall practical evaluation of the applied process in the Italian seas highlighted that this kind of preliminary threshold might need to be revised, taking into account several issues, including, among the others, the outcome of the still ongoing process on CFP reform. All these aspects, therefore, should be duly considered to assess, as appropriate, the preliminary threshold to be used for GES (see details according to each indicator in the GES-Descriptor sheet). For instance multispecific interactions as well as environmental drivers or regime shifts, the uncertainty associated to reference points, the lack in the establishment of precautionary limits in the Mediterranean Sea and uncertainty in the estimation of trend based indicators should be acknowledged. The goal of achieving MSY for all commercial species might be not achievable owing to the need of considering the multispecific nature of Mediterranean fisheries as well as the multi-trophic interactions among species and environmental drivers.Therefore, the threshold values still needs to be assessed before a confirmation of GES. FUNCTIONAL GROUPS: In the Initial Assessment the final determination of GES for functional goups addressed in D3 was not conclusive, due to the lack of data on some functional groups that impeded to test methods in order to integrate information to indentify the most suited indicator to define GES. However a preliminary definition that will need to be revised according to the availability of new data and the conclusive establishment of methods to address it of GES is provided. BENTHIC HABITAT AND ASSOCIATED COMMUNITIES: Pertaining the impact of fishing on benthic communities and habitats, the GES as well as the Initial Assessment were addressed in synergy with the approach developed in the framework of Descriptor 6 in the context of abrasion pressure. Therefore, the definition of GES reported in this sheet is aligned to the definition put forward in D6 and will need further revision by 2018 in particular in order to set up thresholds of acceptable disturbance on non biogenic habitats as well as testing/improving methods to assess potential interaction with biogenic habitats. IT-WMS-8B11-0002: COMMERCIAL SPECIES: In the context of the Initial Assessment, GES was defined by applying primary indicators 3.1.1 and 3.2.1, or using trend based proxies indicators 3.1.2 and 3.2.2 as well as indicators 3.3.1 and 3.3.3. However, the overall practical evaluation of the applied process in the Italian seas highlighted that this kind of preliminary threshold might need to be revised, taking into account several issues, including, among the others, the outcome of the still ongoing process on CFP reform. All these aspects, therefore, should be duly considered to assess, as appropriate, the preliminary threshold to be used for GES (see details according to each indicator in the GES-Descriptor sheet). For instance multispecific interactions as well as environmental drivers or regime shifts, the uncertainty associated to reference points, the lack in the establishment of precautionary limits in the Mediterranean Sea and uncertainty in the estimation of trend based indicators should be acknowledged. The goal of achieving MSY for all commercial species might be not achievable owing to the need of considering the multispecific nature of Mediterranean fisheries as well as the multi-trophic interactions among species and environmental drivers.Therefore, the threshold values still needs to be assessed before a confirmation of GES. FUNCTIONAL GROUPS: In the Initial Assessment the final determination of GES for functional goups addressed in D3 was not conclusive, due to the lack of data on some functional groups that impeded to test methods in order to integrate information to indentify the most suited indicator to define GES. However a preliminary definition that will need to be revised according to the availability of new data and the conclusive establishment of methods to address it of GES is provided. BENTHIC HABITAT AND ASSOCIATED COMMUNITIES: Pertaining the impact of fishing on benthic communities and habitats, the GES as well as the Initial Assessment were addressed in synergy with the approach developed in the framework of Descriptor 6 in the context of abrasion pressure. Therefore, the definition of GES reported in this sheet is aligned to the definition put forward in D6 and will need further revision by 2018 in particular in order to set up thresholds of acceptable disturbance on non biogenic habitats as well as testing/improving methods to assess potential interaction with biogenic habitats. IT-WMS-8B11-0003: COMMERCIAL SPECIES: In the context of the Initial Assessment, GES was defined by applying primary indicators 3.1.1 and 3.2.1, or using trend based proxies indicators 3.1.2 and 3.2.2 as well as indicators 3.3.1 and 3.3.3. However, the overall practical evaluation of the applied process in the Italian seas highlighted that this kind of preliminary threshold might need to be revised, taking into account several issues, including, among the others, the outcome of the still ongoing process on CFP reform. All these aspects, therefore, should be duly considered to assess, as appropriate, the preliminary threshold to be used for GES (see details according to each indicator in the GES-Descriptor sheet). For instance multispecific interactions as well as environmental drivers or regime shifts, the uncertainty associated to reference points, the lack in the establishment of precautionary limits in the Mediterranean Sea and uncertainty in the estimation of trend based indicators should be acknowledged. The goal of achieving MSY for all commercial species might be not achievable owing to the need of considering the multispecific nature of Mediterranean fisheries as well as the multi-trophic interactions among species and environmental drivers.Therefore, the threshold values still needs to be assessed before a confirmation of GES. FUNCTIONAL GROUPS: In the Initial Assessment the final determination of GES for functional goups addressed in D3 was not conclusive, due to the lack of data on some functional groups that impeded to test methods in order to integrate information to indentify the most suited indicator to define GES. However a preliminary definition that will need to be revised according to the availability of new data and the conclusive establishment of methods to address it of GES is provided. BENTHIC HABITAT AND ASSOCIATED COMMUNITIES: Pertaining the impact of fishing on benthic communities and habitats, the GES as well as the Initial Assessment were addressed in synergy with the approach developed in the framework of Descriptor 6 in the context of abrasion pressure. Therefore, the definition of GES reported in this sheet is aligned to the definition put forward in D6 and will need further revision by 2018 in particular in order to set up thresholds of acceptable disturbance on non biogenic habitats as well as testing/improving methods to assess potential interaction with biogenic habitats. IT-AS-8B11-0001: COMMERCIAL SPECIES: In the context of the Initial Assessment, GES was defined by applying primary indicators 3.1.1 and 3.2.1, or using trend based proxies indicators 3.1.2 and 3.2.2 as well as indicators 3.3.1 and 3.3.3. However, the overall practical evaluation of the applied process in the Italian seas highlighted that this kind of preliminary threshold might need to be revised, taking into account several issues, including, among the others, the outcome of the still ongoing process on CFP reform. All these aspects, therefore, should be duly considered to assess, as appropriate, the preliminary threshold to be used for GES (see details according to each indicator in the GES-Descriptor sheet). For instance multispecific interactions as well as environmental drivers or regime shifts, the uncertainty associated to reference points, the lack in the establishment of precautionary limits in the Mediterranean Sea and uncertainty in the estimation of trend based indicators should be acknowledged. The goal of achieving MSY for all commercial species might be not achievable owing to the need of considering the multispecific nature of Mediterranean fisheries as well as the multi-trophic interactions among species and environmental drivers.Therefore, the threshold values still needs to be assessed before a confirmation of GES. FUNCTIONAL GROUPS: In the Initial Assessment the final determination of GES for functional goups addressed in D3 was not conclusive, due to the lack of data on some functional groups that impeded to test methods in order to integrate information to indentify the most suited indicator to define GES. However a preliminary definition that will need to be revised according to the availability of new data and the conclusive establishment of methods to address it of GES is provided. BENTHIC HABITAT AND ASSOCIATED COMMUNITIES: Pertaining the impact of fishing on benthic communities and habitats, the GES as well as the Initial Assessment were addressed in synergy with the approach developed in the framework of Descriptor 6 in the context of abrasion pressure. Therefore, the definition of GES reported in this sheet is aligned to the definition put forward in D6 and will need further revision by 2018 in particular in order to set up thresholds of acceptable disturbance on non biogenic habitats as well as testing/improving methods to assess potential interaction with biogenic habitats. IT-AS-8B11-0002: COMMERCIAL SPECIES: In the context of the Initial Assessment, GES was defined by applying primary indicators 3.1.1 and 3.2.1, or using trend based proxies indicators 3.1.2 and 3.2.2 as well as indicators 3.3.1 and 3.3.3. However, the overall practical evaluation of the applied process in the Italian seas highlighted that this kind of preliminary threshold might need to be revised, taking into account several issues, including, among the others, the outcome of the still ongoing process on CFP reform. All these aspects, therefore, should be duly considered to assess, as appropriate, the preliminary threshold to be used for GES (see details according to each indicator in the GES-Descriptor sheet). For instance multispecific interactions as well as environmental drivers or regime shifts, the uncertainty associated to reference points, the lack in the establishment of precautionary limits in the Mediterranean Sea and uncertainty in the estimation of trend based indicators should be acknowledged. The goal of achieving MSY for all commercial species might be not achievable owing to the need of considering the multispecific nature of Mediterranean fisheries as well as the multi-trophic interactions among species and environmental drivers.Therefore, the threshold values still needs to be assessed before a confirmation of GES. FUNCTIONAL GROUPS: In the Initial Assessment the final determination of GES for functional goups addressed in D3 was not conclusive, due to the lack of data on some functional groups that impeded to test methods in order to integrate information to indentify the most suited indicator to define GES. However a preliminary definition that will need to be revised according to the availability of new data and the conclusive establishment of methods to address it of GES is provided. BENTHIC HABITAT AND ASSOCIATED COMMUNITIES: Pertaining the impact of fishing on benthic communities and habitats, the GES as well as the Initial Assessment were addressed in synergy with the approach developed in the framework of Descriptor 6 in the context of abrasion pressure. Therefore, the definition of GES reported in this sheet is aligned to the definition put forward in D6 and will need further revision by 2018 in particular in order to set up thresholds of acceptable disturbance on non biogenic habitats as well as testing/improving methods to assess potential interaction with biogenic habitats. IT-ISCMS-8B11-0001: COMMERCIAL SPECIES: In the context of the Initial Assessment, GES was defined by applying primary indicators 3.1.1 and 3.2.1, or using trend based proxies indicators 3.1.2 and 3.2.2 as well as indicators 3.3.1 and 3.3.3. However, the overall practical evaluation of the applied process in the Italian seas highlighted that this kind of preliminary threshold might need to be revised, taking into account several issues, including, among the others, the outcome of the still ongoing process on CFP reform. All these aspects, therefore, should be duly considered to assess, as appropriate, the preliminary threshold to be used for GES (see details according to each indicator in the GES-Descriptor sheet). For instance multispecific interactions as well as environmental drivers or regime shifts, the uncertainty associated to reference points, the lack in the establishment of precautionary limits in the Mediterranean Sea and uncertainty in the estimation of trend based indicators should be acknowledged. The goal of achieving MSY for all commercial species might be not achievable owing to the need of considering the multispecific nature of Mediterranean fisheries as well as the multi-trophic interactions among species and environmental drivers.Therefore, the threshold values still needs to be assessed before a confirmation of GES. FUNCTIONAL GROUPS: In the Initial Assessment the final determination of GES for functional goups addressed in D3 was not conclusive, due to the lack of data on some functional groups that impeded to test methods in order to integrate information to indentify the most suited indicator to define GES. However a preliminary definition that will need to be revised according to the availability of new data and the conclusive establishment of methods to address it of GES is provided. BENTHIC HABITAT AND ASSOCIATED COMMUNITIES: Pertaining the impact of fishing on benthic communities and habitats, the GES as well as the Initial Assessment were addressed in synergy with the approach developed in the framework of Descriptor 6 in the context of abrasion pressure. Therefore, the definition of GES reported in this sheet is aligned to the definition put forward in D6 and will need further revision by 2018 in particular in order to set up thresholds of acceptable disturbance on non biogenic habitats as well as testing/improving methods to assess potential interaction with biogenic habitats. IT-ISCMS-8B11-0002: COMMERCIAL SPECIES: In the context of the Initial Assessment, GES was defined by applying primary indicators 3.1.1 and 3.2.1, or using trend based proxies indicators 3.1.2 and 3.2.2 as well as indicators 3.3.1 and 3.3.3. However, the overall practical evaluation of the applied process in the Italian seas highlighted that this kind of preliminary threshold might need to be revised, taking into account several issues, including, among the others, the outcome of the still ongoing process on CFP reform. All these aspects, therefore, should be duly considered to assess, as appropriate, the preliminary threshold to be used for GES (see details according to each indicator in the GES-Descriptor sheet). For instance multispecific interactions as well as environmental drivers or regime shifts, the uncertainty associated to reference points, the lack in the establishment of precautionary limits in the Mediterranean Sea and uncertainty in the estimation of trend based indicators should be acknowledged. The goal of achieving MSY for all commercial species might be not achievable owing to the need of considering the multispecific nature of Mediterranean fisheries as well as the multi-trophic interactions among species and environmental drivers.Therefore, the threshold values still needs to be assessed before a confirmation of GES. FUNCTIONAL GROUPS: In the Initial Assessment the final determination of GES for functional goups addressed in D3 was not conclusive, due to the lack of data on some functional groups that impeded to test methods in order to integrate information to indentify the most suited indicator to define GES. However a preliminary definition that will need to be revised according to the availability of new data and the conclusive establishment of methods to address it of GES is provided. BENTHIC HABITAT AND ASSOCIATED COMMUNITIES: Pertaining the impact of fishing on benthic communities and habitats, the GES as well as the Initial Assessment were addressed in synergy with the approach developed in the framework of Descriptor 6 in the context of abrasion pressure. Therefore, the definition of GES reported in this sheet is aligned to the definition put forward in D6 and will need further revision by 2018 in particular in order to set up thresholds of acceptable disturbance on non biogenic habitats as well as testing/improving methods to assess potential interaction with biogenic habitats. IT-WMS-8B11-0001: COMMERCIAL SPECIES: In the context of the Initial Assessment, GES was defined by applying primary indicators 3.1.1 and 3.2.1, or using trend based proxies indicators 3.1.2 and 3.2.2 as well as indicators 3.3.1 and 3.3.3. However, the overall practical evaluation of the applied process in the Italian seas highlighted that this kind of preliminary threshold might need to be revised, taking into account several issues, including, among the others, the outcome of the still ongoing process on CFP reform. All these aspects, therefore, should be duly considered to assess, as appropriate, the preliminary threshold to be used for GES (see details according to each indicator in the GES-Descriptor sheet). For instance multispecific interactions as well as environmental drivers or regime shifts, the uncertainty associated to reference points, the lack in the establishment of precautionary limits in the Mediterranean Sea and uncertainty in the estimation of trend based indicators should be acknowledged. The goal of achieving MSY for all commercial species might be not achievable owing to the need of considering the multispecific nature of Mediterranean fisheries as well as the multi-trophic interactions among species and environmental drivers.Therefore, the threshold values still needs to be assessed before a confirmation of GES. FUNCTIONAL GROUPS: In the Initial Assessment the final determination of GES for functional goups addressed in D3 was not conclusive, due to the lack of data on some functional groups that impeded to test methods in order to integrate information to indentify the most suited indicator to define GES. However a preliminary definition that will need to be revised according to the availability of new data and the conclusive establishment of methods to address it of GES is provided. BENTHIC HABITAT AND ASSOCIATED COMMUNITIES: Pertaining the impact of fishing on benthic communities and habitats, the GES as well as the Initial Assessment were addressed in synergy with the approach developed in the framework of Descriptor 6 in the context of abrasion pressure. Therefore, the definition of GES reported in this sheet is aligned to the definition put forward in D6 and will need further revision by 2018 in particular in order to set up thresholds of acceptable disturbance on non biogenic habitats as well as testing/improving methods to assess potential interaction with biogenic habitats. IT-WMS-8B11-0002: COMMERCIAL SPECIES: In the context of the Initial Assessment, GES was defined by applying primary indicators 3.1.1 and 3.2.1, or using trend based proxies indicators 3.1.2 and 3.2.2 as well as indicators 3.3.1 and 3.3.3. However, the overall practical evaluation of the applied process in the Italian seas highlighted that this kind of preliminary threshold might need to be revised, taking into account several issues, including, among the others, the outcome of the still ongoing process on CFP reform. All these aspects, therefore, should be duly considered to assess, as appropriate, the preliminary threshold to be used for GES (see details according to each indicator in the GES-Descriptor sheet). For instance multispecific interactions as well as environmental drivers or regime shifts, the uncertainty associated to reference points, the lack in the establishment of precautionary limits in the Mediterranean Sea and uncertainty in the estimation of trend based indicators should be acknowledged. The goal of achieving MSY for all commercial species might be not achievable owing to the need of considering the multispecific nature of Mediterranean fisheries as well as the multi-trophic interactions among species and environmental drivers.Therefore, the threshold values still needs to be assessed before a confirmation of GES. FUNCTIONAL GROUPS: In the Initial Assessment the final determination of GES for functional goups addressed in D3 was not conclusive, due to the lack of data on some functional groups that impeded to test methods in order to integrate information to indentify the most suited indicator to define GES. However a preliminary definition that will need to be revised according to the availability of new data and the conclusive establishment of methods to address it of GES is provided. BENTHIC HABITAT AND ASSOCIATED COMMUNITIES: Pertaining the impact of fishing on benthic communities and habitats, the GES as well as the Initial Assessment were addressed in synergy with the approach developed in the framework of Descriptor 6 in the context of abrasion pressure. Therefore, the definition of GES reported in this sheet is aligned to the definition put forward in D6 and will need further revision by 2018 in particular in order to set up thresholds of acceptable disturbance on non biogenic habitats as well as testing/improving methods to assess potential interaction with biogenic habitats. IT-WMS-8B11-0003: COMMERCIAL SPECIES: In the context of the Initial Assessment, GES was defined by applying primary indicators 3.1.1 and 3.2.1, or using trend based proxies indicators 3.1.2 and 3.2.2 as well as indicators 3.3.1 and 3.3.3. However, the overall practical evaluation of the applied process in the Italian seas highlighted that this kind of preliminary threshold might need to be revised, taking into account several issues, including, among the others, the outcome of the still ongoing process on CFP reform. All these aspects, therefore, should be duly considered to assess, as appropriate, the preliminary threshold to be used for GES (see details according to each indicator in the GES-Descriptor sheet). For instance multispecific interactions as well as environmental drivers or regime shifts, the uncertainty associated to reference points, the lack in the establishment of precautionary limits in the Mediterranean Sea and uncertainty in the estimation of trend based indicators should be acknowledged. The goal of achieving MSY for all commercial species might be not achievable owing to the need of considering the multispecific nature of Mediterranean fisheries as well as the multi-trophic interactions among species and environmental drivers.Therefore, the threshold values still needs to be assessed before a confirmation of GES. FUNCTIONAL GROUPS: In the Initial Assessment the final determination of GES for functional goups addressed in D3 was not conclusive, due to the lack of data on some functional groups that impeded to test methods in order to integrate information to indentify the most suited indicator to define GES. However a preliminary definition that will need to be revised according to the availability of new data and the conclusive establishment of methods to address it of GES is provided. BENTHIC HABITAT AND ASSOCIATED COMMUNITIES: Pertaining the impact of fishing on benthic communities and habitats, the GES as well as the Initial Assessment were addressed in synergy with the approach developed in the framework of Descriptor 6 in the context of abrasion pressure. Therefore, the definition of GES reported in this sheet is aligned to the definition put forward in D6 and will need further revision by 2018 in particular in order to set up thresholds of acceptable disturbance on non biogenic habitats as well as testing/improving methods to assess potential interaction with biogenic habitats. IT-AS-8B11-0001: COMMERCIAL SPECIES: In the context of the Initial Assessment, GES was defined by applying primary indicators 3.1.1 and 3.2.1, or using trend based proxies indicators 3.1.2 and 3.2.2 as well as indicators 3.3.1 and 3.3.3. However, the overall practical evaluation of the applied process in the Italian seas highlighted that this kind of preliminary threshold might need to be revised, taking into account several issues, including, among the others, the outcome of the still ongoing process on CFP reform. All these aspects, therefore, should be duly considered to assess, as appropriate, the preliminary threshold to be used for GES (see details according to each indicator in the GES-Descriptor sheet). For instance multispecific interactions as well as environmental drivers or regime shifts, the uncertainty associated to reference points, the lack in the establishment of precautionary limits in the Mediterranean Sea and uncertainty in the estimation of trend based indicators should be acknowledged. The goal of achieving MSY for all commercial species might be not achievable owing to the need of considering the multispecific nature of Mediterranean fisheries as well as the multi-trophic interactions among species and environmental drivers.Therefore, the threshold values still needs to be assessed before a confirmation of GES. FUNCTIONAL GROUPS: In the Initial Assessment the final determination of GES for functional goups addressed in D3 was not conclusive, due to the lack of data on some functional groups that impeded to test methods in order to integrate information to indentify the most suited indicator to define GES. However a preliminary definition that will need to be revised according to the availability of new data and the conclusive establishment of methods to address it of GES is provided. BENTHIC HABITAT AND ASSOCIATED COMMUNITIES: Pertaining the impact of fishing on benthic communities and habitats, the GES as well as the Initial Assessment were addressed in synergy with the approach developed in the framework of Descriptor 6 in the context of abrasion pressure. Therefore, the definition of GES reported in this sheet is aligned to the definition put forward in D6 and will need further revision by 2018 in particular in order to set up thresholds of acceptable disturbance on non biogenic habitats as well as testing/improving methods to assess potential interaction with biogenic habitats. IT-AS-8B11-0002: COMMERCIAL SPECIES: In the context of the Initial Assessment, GES was defined by applying primary indicators 3.1.1 and 3.2.1, or using trend based proxies indicators 3.1.2 and 3.2.2 as well as indicators 3.3.1 and 3.3.3. However, the overall practical evaluation of the applied process in the Italian seas highlighted that this kind of preliminary threshold might need to be revised, taking into account several issues, including, among the others, the outcome of the still ongoing process on CFP reform. All these aspects, therefore, should be duly considered to assess, as appropriate, the preliminary threshold to be used for GES (see details according to each indicator in the GES-Descriptor sheet). For instance multispecific interactions as well as environmental drivers or regime shifts, the uncertainty associated to reference points, the lack in the establishment of precautionary limits in the Mediterranean Sea and uncertainty in the estimation of trend based indicators should be acknowledged. The goal of achieving MSY for all commercial species might be not achievable owing to the need of considering the multispecific nature of Mediterranean fisheries as well as the multi-trophic interactions among species and environmental drivers.Therefore, the threshold values still needs to be assessed before a confirmation of GES. FUNCTIONAL GROUPS: In the Initial Assessment the final determination of GES for functional goups addressed in D3 was not conclusive, due to the lack of data on some functional groups that impeded to test methods in order to integrate information to indentify the most suited indicator to define GES. However a preliminary definition that will need to be revised according to the availability of new data and the conclusive establishment of methods to address it of GES is provided. BENTHIC HABITAT AND ASSOCIATED COMMUNITIES: Pertaining the impact of fishing on benthic communities and habitats, the GES as well as the Initial Assessment were addressed in synergy with the approach developed in the framework of Descriptor 6 in the context of abrasion pressure. Therefore, the definition of GES reported in this sheet is aligned to the definition put forward in D6 and will need further revision by 2018 in particular in order to set up thresholds of acceptable disturbance on non biogenic habitats as well as testing/improving methods to assess potential interaction with biogenic habitats. IT-ISCMS-8B11-0001: COMMERCIAL SPECIES: In the context of the Initial Assessment, GES was defined by applying primary indicators 3.1.1 and 3.2.1, or using trend based proxies indicators 3.1.2 and 3.2.2 as well as indicators 3.3.1 and 3.3.3. However, the overall practical evaluation of the applied process in the Italian seas highlighted that this kind of preliminary threshold might need to be revised, taking into account several issues, including, among the others, the outcome of the still ongoing process on CFP reform. All these aspects, therefore, should be duly considered to assess, as appropriate, the preliminary threshold to be used for GES (see details according to each indicator in the GES-Descriptor sheet). For instance multispecific interactions as well as environmental drivers or regime shifts, the uncertainty associated to reference points, the lack in the establishment of precautionary limits in the Mediterranean Sea and uncertainty in the estimation of trend based indicators should be acknowledged. The goal of achieving MSY for all commercial species might be not achievable owing to the need of considering the multispecific nature of Mediterranean fisheries as well as the multi-trophic interactions among species and environmental drivers.Therefore, the threshold values still needs to be assessed before a confirmation of GES. FUNCTIONAL GROUPS: In the Initial Assessment the final determination of GES for functional goups addressed in D3 was not conclusive, due to the lack of data on some functional groups that impeded to test methods in order to integrate information to indentify the most suited indicator to define GES. However a preliminary definition that will need to be revised according to the availability of new data and the conclusive establishment of methods to address it of GES is provided. BENTHIC HABITAT AND ASSOCIATED COMMUNITIES: Pertaining the impact of fishing on benthic communities and habitats, the GES as well as the Initial Assessment were addressed in synergy with the approach developed in the framework of Descriptor 6 in the context of abrasion pressure. Therefore, the definition of GES reported in this sheet is aligned to the definition put forward in D6 and will need further revision by 2018 in particular in order to set up thresholds of acceptable disturbance on non biogenic habitats as well as testing/improving methods to assess potential interaction with biogenic habitats. IT-ISCMS-8B11-0002: COMMERCIAL SPECIES: In the context of the Initial Assessment, GES was defined by applying primary indicators 3.1.1 and 3.2.1, or using trend based proxies indicators 3.1.2 and 3.2.2 as well as indicators 3.3.1 and 3.3.3. However, the overall practical evaluation of the applied process in the Italian seas highlighted that this kind of preliminary threshold might need to be revised, taking into account several issues, including, among the others, the outcome of the still ongoing process on CFP reform. All these aspects, therefore, should be duly considered to assess, as appropriate, the preliminary threshold to be used for GES (see details according to each indicator in the GES-Descriptor sheet). For instance multispecific interactions as well as environmental drivers or regime shifts, the uncertainty associated to reference points, the lack in the establishment of precautionary limits in the Mediterranean Sea and uncertainty in the estimation of trend based indicators should be acknowledged. The goal of achieving MSY for all commercial species might be not achievable owing to the need of considering the multispecific nature of Mediterranean fisheries as well as the multi-trophic interactions among species and environmental drivers.Therefore, the threshold values still needs to be assessed before a confirmation of GES. FUNCTIONAL GROUPS: In the Initial Assessment the final determination of GES for functional goups addressed in D3 was not conclusive, due to the lack of data on some functional groups that impeded to test methods in order to integrate information to indentify the most suited indicator to define GES. However a preliminary definition that will need to be revised according to the availability of new data and the conclusive establishment of methods to address it of GES is provided. BENTHIC HABITAT AND ASSOCIATED COMMUNITIES: Pertaining the impact of fishing on benthic communities and habitats, the GES as well as the Initial Assessment were addressed in synergy with the approach developed in the framework of Descriptor 6 in the context of abrasion pressure. Therefore, the definition of GES reported in this sheet is aligned to the definition put forward in D6 and will need further revision by 2018 in particular in order to set up thresholds of acceptable disturbance on non biogenic habitats as well as testing/improving methods to assess potential interaction with biogenic habitats. IT-WMS-8B11-0001: COMMERCIAL SPECIES: In the context of the Initial Assessment, GES was defined by applying primary indicators 3.1.1 and 3.2.1, or using trend based proxies indicators 3.1.2 and 3.2.2 as well as indicators 3.3.1 and 3.3.3. However, the overall practical evaluation of the applied process in the Italian seas highlighted that this kind of preliminary threshold might need to be revised, taking into account several issues, including, among the others, the outcome of the still ongoing process on CFP reform. All these aspects, therefore, should be duly considered to assess, as appropriate, the preliminary threshold to be used for GES (see details according to each indicator in the GES-Descriptor sheet). For instance multispecific interactions as well as environmental drivers or regime shifts, the uncertainty associated to reference points, the lack in the establishment of precautionary limits in the Mediterranean Sea and uncertainty in the estimation of trend based indicators should be acknowledged. The goal of achieving MSY for all commercial species might be not achievable owing to the need of considering the multispecific nature of Mediterranean fisheries as well as the multi-trophic interactions among species and environmental drivers.Therefore, the threshold values still needs to be assessed before a confirmation of GES. FUNCTIONAL GROUPS: In the Initial Assessment the final determination of GES for functional goups addressed in D3 was not conclusive, due to the lack of data on some functional groups that impeded to test methods in order to integrate information to indentify the most suited indicator to define GES. However a preliminary definition that will need to be revised according to the availability of new data and the conclusive establishment of methods to address it of GES is provided. BENTHIC HABITAT AND ASSOCIATED COMMUNITIES: Pertaining the impact of fishing on benthic communities and habitats, the GES as well as the Initial Assessment were addressed in synergy with the approach developed in the framework of Descriptor 6 in the context of abrasion pressure. Therefore, the definition of GES reported in this sheet is aligned to the definition put forward in D6 and will need further revision by 2018 in particular in order to set up thresholds of acceptable disturbance on non biogenic habitats as well as testing/improving methods to assess potential interaction with biogenic habitats. IT-WMS-8B11-0002: COMMERCIAL SPECIES: In the context of the Initial Assessment, GES was defined by applying primary indicators 3.1.1 and 3.2.1, or using trend based proxies indicators 3.1.2 and 3.2.2 as well as indicators 3.3.1 and 3.3.3. However, the overall practical evaluation of the applied process in the Italian seas highlighted that this kind of preliminary threshold might need to be revised, taking into account several issues, including, among the others, the outcome of the still ongoing process on CFP reform. All these aspects, therefore, should be duly considered to assess, as appropriate, the preliminary threshold to be used for GES (see details according to each indicator in the GES-Descriptor sheet). For instance multispecific interactions as well as environmental drivers or regime shifts, the uncertainty associated to reference points, the lack in the establishment of precautionary limits in the Mediterranean Sea and uncertainty in the estimation of trend based indicators should be acknowledged. The goal of achieving MSY for all commercial species might be not achievable owing to the need of considering the multispecific nature of Mediterranean fisheries as well as the multi-trophic interactions among species and environmental drivers.Therefore, the threshold values still needs to be assessed before a confirmation of GES. FUNCTIONAL GROUPS: In the Initial Assessment the final determination of GES for functional goups addressed in D3 was not conclusive, due to the lack of data on some functional groups that impeded to test methods in order to integrate information to indentify the most suited indicator to define GES. However a preliminary definition that will need to be revised according to the availability of new data and the conclusive establishment of methods to address it of GES is provided. BENTHIC HABITAT AND ASSOCIATED COMMUNITIES: Pertaining the impact of fishing on benthic communities and habitats, the GES as well as the Initial Assessment were addressed in synergy with the approach developed in the framework of Descriptor 6 in the context of abrasion pressure. Therefore, the definition of GES reported in this sheet is aligned to the definition put forward in D6 and will need further revision by 2018 in particular in order to set up thresholds of acceptable disturbance on non biogenic habitats as well as testing/improving methods to assess potential interaction with biogenic habitats. IT-WMS-8B11-0003: COMMERCIAL SPECIES: In the context of the Initial Assessment, GES was defined by applying primary indicators 3.1.1 and 3.2.1, or using trend based proxies indicators 3.1.2 and 3.2.2 as well as indicators 3.3.1 and 3.3.3. However, the overall practical evaluation of the applied process in the Italian seas highlighted that this kind of preliminary threshold might need to be revised, taking into account several issues, including, among the others, the outcome of the still ongoing process on CFP reform. All these aspects, therefore, should be duly considered to assess, as appropriate, the preliminary threshold to be used for GES (see details according to each indicator in the GES-Descriptor sheet). For instance multispecific interactions as well as environmental drivers or regime shifts, the uncertainty associated to reference points, the lack in the establishment of precautionary limits in the Mediterranean Sea and uncertainty in the estimation of trend based indicators should be acknowledged. The goal of achieving MSY for all commercial species might be not achievable owing to the need of considering the multispecific nature of Mediterranean fisheries as well as the multi-trophic interactions among species and environmental drivers.Therefore, the threshold values still needs to be assessed before a confirmation of GES. FUNCTIONAL GROUPS: In the Initial Assessment the final determination of GES for functional goups addressed in D3 was not conclusive, due to the lack of data on some functional groups that impeded to test methods in order to integrate information to indentify the most suited indicator to define GES. However a preliminary definition that will need to be revised according to the availability of new data and the conclusive establishment of methods to address it of GES is provided. BENTHIC HABITAT AND ASSOCIATED COMMUNITIES: Pertaining the impact of fishing on benthic communities and habitats, the GES as well as the Initial Assessment were addressed in synergy with the approach developed in the framework of Descriptor 6 in the context of abrasion pressure. Therefore, the definition of GES reported in this sheet is aligned to the definition put forward in D6 and will need further revision by 2018 in particular in order to set up thresholds of acceptable disturbance on non biogenic habitats as well as testing/improving methods to assess potential interaction with biogenic habitats. IT-AS-8B11-0001: COMMERCIAL SPECIES: In the context of the Initial Assessment, GES was defined by applying primary indicators 3.1.1 and 3.2.1, or using trend based proxies indicators 3.1.2 and 3.2.2 as well as indicators 3.3.1 and 3.3.3. However, the overall practical evaluation of the applied process in the Italian seas highlighted that this kind of preliminary threshold might need to be revised, taking into account several issues, including, among the others, the outcome of the still ongoing process on CFP reform. All these aspects, therefore, should be duly considered to assess, as appropriate, the preliminary threshold to be used for GES (see details according to each indicator in the GES-Descriptor sheet). For instance multispecific interactions as well as environmental drivers or regime shifts, the uncertainty associated to reference points, the lack in the establishment of precautionary limits in the Mediterranean Sea and uncertainty in the estimation of trend based indicators should be acknowledged. The goal of achieving MSY for all commercial species might be not achievable owing to the need of considering the multispecific nature of Mediterranean fisheries as well as the multi-trophic interactions among species and environmental drivers.Therefore, the threshold values still needs to be assessed before a confirmation of GES. FUNCTIONAL GROUPS: In the Initial Assessment the final determination of GES for functional goups addressed in D3 was not conclusive, due to the lack of data on some functional groups that impeded to test methods in order to integrate information to indentify the most suited indicator to define GES. However a preliminary definition that will need to be revised according to the availability of new data and the conclusive establishment of methods to address it of GES is provided. BENTHIC HABITAT AND ASSOCIATED COMMUNITIES: Pertaining the impact of fishing on benthic communities and habitats, the GES as well as the Initial Assessment were addressed in synergy with the approach developed in the framework of Descriptor 6 in the context of abrasion pressure. Therefore, the definition of GES reported in this sheet is aligned to the definition put forward in D6 and will need further revision by 2018 in particular in order to set up thresholds of acceptable disturbance on non biogenic habitats as well as testing/improving methods to assess potential interaction with biogenic habitats. IT-AS-8B11-0002: COMMERCIAL SPECIES: In the context of the Initial Assessment, GES was defined by applying primary indicators 3.1.1 and 3.2.1, or using trend based proxies indicators 3.1.2 and 3.2.2 as well as indicators 3.3.1 and 3.3.3. However, the overall practical evaluation of the applied process in the Italian seas highlighted that this kind of preliminary threshold might need to be revised, taking into account several issues, including, among the others, the outcome of the still ongoing process on CFP reform. All these aspects, therefore, should be duly considered to assess, as appropriate, the preliminary threshold to be used for GES (see details according to each indicator in the GES-Descriptor sheet). For instance multispecific interactions as well as environmental drivers or regime shifts, the uncertainty associated to reference points, the lack in the establishment of precautionary limits in the Mediterranean Sea and uncertainty in the estimation of trend based indicators should be acknowledged. The goal of achieving MSY for all commercial species might be not achievable owing to the need of considering the multispecific nature of Mediterranean fisheries as well as the multi-trophic interactions among species and environmental drivers.Therefore, the threshold values still needs to be assessed before a confirmation of GES. FUNCTIONAL GROUPS: In the Initial Assessment the final determination of GES for functional goups addressed in D3 was not conclusive, due to the lack of data on some functional groups that impeded to test methods in order to integrate information to indentify the most suited indicator to define GES. However a preliminary definition that will need to be revised according to the availability of new data and the conclusive establishment of methods to address it of GES is provided. BENTHIC HABITAT AND ASSOCIATED COMMUNITIES: Pertaining the impact of fishing on benthic communities and habitats, the GES as well as the Initial Assessment were addressed in synergy with the approach developed in the framework of Descriptor 6 in the context of abrasion pressure. Therefore, the definition of GES reported in this sheet is aligned to the definition put forward in D6 and will need further revision by 2018 in particular in order to set up thresholds of acceptable disturbance on non biogenic habitats as well as testing/improving methods to assess potential interaction with biogenic habitats. IT-ISCMS-8B11-0001: COMMERCIAL SPECIES: In the context of the Initial Assessment, GES was defined by applying primary indicators 3.1.1 and 3.2.1, or using trend based proxies indicators 3.1.2 and 3.2.2 as well as indicators 3.3.1 and 3.3.3. However, the overall practical evaluation of the applied process in the Italian seas highlighted that this kind of preliminary threshold might need to be revised, taking into account several issues, including, among the others, the outcome of the still ongoing process on CFP reform. All these aspects, therefore, should be duly considered to assess, as appropriate, the preliminary threshold to be used for GES (see details according to each indicator in the GES-Descriptor sheet). For instance multispecific interactions as well as environmental drivers or regime shifts, the uncertainty associated to reference points, the lack in the establishment of precautionary limits in the Mediterranean Sea and uncertainty in the estimation of trend based indicators should be acknowledged. The goal of achieving MSY for all commercial species might be not achievable owing to the need of considering the multispecific nature of Mediterranean fisheries as well as the multi-trophic interactions among species and environmental drivers.Therefore, the threshold values still needs to be assessed before a confirmation of GES. FUNCTIONAL GROUPS: In the Initial Assessment the final determination of GES for functional goups addressed in D3 was not conclusive, due to the lack of data on some functional groups that impeded to test methods in order to integrate information to indentify the most suited indicator to define GES. However a preliminary definition that will need to be revised according to the availability of new data and the conclusive establishment of methods to address it of GES is provided. BENTHIC HABITAT AND ASSOCIATED COMMUNITIES: Pertaining the impact of fishing on benthic communities and habitats, the GES as well as the Initial Assessment were addressed in synergy with the approach developed in the framework of Descriptor 6 in the context of abrasion pressure. Therefore, the definition of GES reported in this sheet is aligned to the definition put forward in D6 and will need further revision by 2018 in particular in order to set up thresholds of acceptable disturbance on non biogenic habitats as well as testing/improving methods to assess potential interaction with biogenic habitats. IT-ISCMS-8B11-0002: COMMERCIAL SPECIES: In the context of the Initial Assessment, GES was defined by applying primary indicators 3.1.1 and 3.2.1, or using trend based proxies indicators 3.1.2 and 3.2.2 as well as indicators 3.3.1 and 3.3.3. However, the overall practical evaluation of the applied process in the Italian seas highlighted that this kind of preliminary threshold might need to be revised, taking into account several issues, including, among the others, the outcome of the still ongoing process on CFP reform. All these aspects, therefore, should be duly considered to assess, as appropriate, the preliminary threshold to be used for GES (see details according to each indicator in the GES-Descriptor sheet). For instance multispecific interactions as well as environmental drivers or regime shifts, the uncertainty associated to reference points, the lack in the establishment of precautionary limits in the Mediterranean Sea and uncertainty in the estimation of trend based indicators should be acknowledged. The goal of achieving MSY for all commercial species might be not achievable owing to the need of considering the multispecific nature of Mediterranean fisheries as well as the multi-trophic interactions among species and environmental drivers.Therefore, the threshold values still needs to be assessed before a confirmation of GES. FUNCTIONAL GROUPS: In the Initial Assessment the final determination of GES for functional goups addressed in D3 was not conclusive, due to the lack of data on some functional groups that impeded to test methods in order to integrate information to indentify the most suited indicator to define GES. However a preliminary definition that will need to be revised according to the availability of new data and the conclusive establishment of methods to address it of GES is provided. BENTHIC HABITAT AND ASSOCIATED COMMUNITIES: Pertaining the impact of fishing on benthic communities and habitats, the GES as well as the Initial Assessment were addressed in synergy with the approach developed in the framework of Descriptor 6 in the context of abrasion pressure. Therefore, the definition of GES reported in this sheet is aligned to the definition put forward in D6 and will need further revision by 2018 in particular in order to set up thresholds of acceptable disturbance on non biogenic habitats as well as testing/improving methods to assess potential interaction with biogenic habitats. IT-WMS-8B11-0001: COMMERCIAL SPECIES: In the context of the Initial Assessment, GES was defined by applying primary indicators 3.1.1 and 3.2.1, or using trend based proxies indicators 3.1.2 and 3.2.2 as well as indicators 3.3.1 and 3.3.3. However, the overall practical evaluation of the applied process in the Italian seas highlighted that this kind of preliminary threshold might need to be revised, taking into account several issues, including, among the others, the outcome of the still ongoing process on CFP reform. All these aspects, therefore, should be duly considered to assess, as appropriate, the preliminary threshold to be used for GES (see details according to each indicator in the GES-Descriptor sheet). For instance multispecific interactions as well as environmental drivers or regime shifts, the uncertainty associated to reference points, the lack in the establishment of precautionary limits in the Mediterranean Sea and uncertainty in the estimation of trend based indicators should be acknowledged. The goal of achieving MSY for all commercial species might be not achievable owing to the need of considering the multispecific nature of Mediterranean fisheries as well as the multi-trophic interactions among species and environmental drivers.Therefore, the threshold values still needs to be assessed before a confirmation of GES. FUNCTIONAL GROUPS: In the Initial Assessment the final determination of GES for functional goups addressed in D3 was not conclusive, due to the lack of data on some functional groups that impeded to test methods in order to integrate information to indentify the most suited indicator to define GES. However a preliminary definition that will need to be revised according to the availability of new data and the conclusive establishment of methods to address it of GES is provided. BENTHIC HABITAT AND ASSOCIATED COMMUNITIES: Pertaining the impact of fishing on benthic communities and habitats, the GES as well as the Initial Assessment were addressed in synergy with the approach developed in the framework of Descriptor 6 in the context of abrasion pressure. Therefore, the definition of GES reported in this sheet is aligned to the definition put forward in D6 and will need further revision by 2018 in particular in order to set up thresholds of acceptable disturbance on non biogenic habitats as well as testing/improving methods to assess potential interaction with biogenic habitats. IT-WMS-8B11-0002: COMMERCIAL SPECIES: In the context of the Initial Assessment, GES was defined by applying primary indicators 3.1.1 and 3.2.1, or using trend based proxies indicators 3.1.2 and 3.2.2 as well as indicators 3.3.1 and 3.3.3. However, the overall practical evaluation of the applied process in the Italian seas highlighted that this kind of preliminary threshold might need to be revised, taking into account several issues, including, among the others, the outcome of the still ongoing process on CFP reform. All these aspects, therefore, should be duly considered to assess, as appropriate, the preliminary threshold to be used for GES (see details according to each indicator in the GES-Descriptor sheet). For instance multispecific interactions as well as environmental drivers or regime shifts, the uncertainty associated to reference points, the lack in the establishment of precautionary limits in the Mediterranean Sea and uncertainty in the estimation of trend based indicators should be acknowledged. The goal of achieving MSY for all commercial species might be not achievable owing to the need of considering the multispecific nature of Mediterranean fisheries as well as the multi-trophic interactions among species and environmental drivers.Therefore, the threshold values still needs to be assessed before a confirmation of GES. FUNCTIONAL GROUPS: In the Initial Assessment the final determination of GES for functional goups addressed in D3 was not conclusive, due to the lack of data on some functional groups that impeded to test methods in order to integrate information to indentify the most suited indicator to define GES. However a preliminary definition that will need to be revised according to the availability of new data and the conclusive establishment of methods to address it of GES is provided. BENTHIC HABITAT AND ASSOCIATED COMMUNITIES: Pertaining the impact of fishing on benthic communities and habitats, the GES as well as the Initial Assessment were addressed in synergy with the approach developed in the framework of Descriptor 6 in the context of abrasion pressure. Therefore, the definition of GES reported in this sheet is aligned to the definition put forward in D6 and will need further revision by 2018 in particular in order to set up thresholds of acceptable disturbance on non biogenic habitats as well as testing/improving methods to assess potential interaction with biogenic habitats. IT-WMS-8B11-0003: COMMERCIAL SPECIES: In the context of the Initial Assessment, GES was defined by applying primary indicators 3.1.1 and 3.2.1, or using trend based proxies indicators 3.1.2 and 3.2.2 as well as indicators 3.3.1 and 3.3.3. However, the overall practical evaluation of the applied process in the Italian seas highlighted that this kind of preliminary threshold might need to be revised, taking into account several issues, including, among the others, the outcome of the still ongoing process on CFP reform. All these aspects, therefore, should be duly considered to assess, as appropriate, the preliminary threshold to be used for GES (see details according to each indicator in the GES-Descriptor sheet). For instance multispecific interactions as well as environmental drivers or regime shifts, the uncertainty associated to reference points, the lack in the establishment of precautionary limits in the Mediterranean Sea and uncertainty in the estimation of trend based indicators should be acknowledged. The goal of achieving MSY for all commercial species might be not achievable owing to the need of considering the multispecific nature of Mediterranean fisheries as well as the multi-trophic interactions among species and environmental drivers.Therefore, the threshold values still needs to be assessed before a confirmation of GES. FUNCTIONAL GROUPS: In the Initial Assessment the final determination of GES for functional goups addressed in D3 was not conclusive, due to the lack of data on some functional groups that impeded to test methods in order to integrate information to indentify the most suited indicator to define GES. However a preliminary definition that will need to be revised according to the availability of new data and the conclusive establishment of methods to address it of GES is provided. BENTHIC HABITAT AND ASSOCIATED COMMUNITIES: Pertaining the impact of fishing on benthic communities and habitats, the GES as well as the Initial Assessment were addressed in synergy with the approach developed in the framework of Descriptor 6 in the context of abrasion pressure. Therefore, the definition of GES reported in this sheet is aligned to the definition put forward in D6 and will need further revision by 2018 in particular in order to set up thresholds of acceptable disturbance on non biogenic habitats as well as testing/improving methods to assess potential interaction with biogenic habitats. IT-AS-8B11-0001: COMMERCIAL SPECIES: In the context of the Initial Assessment, GES was defined by applying primary indicators 3.1.1 and 3.2.1, or using trend based proxies indicators 3.1.2 and 3.2.2 as well as indicators 3.3.1 and 3.3.3. However, the overall practical evaluation of the applied process in the Italian seas highlighted that this kind of preliminary threshold might need to be revised, taking into account several issues, including, among the others, the outcome of the still ongoing process on CFP reform. All these aspects, therefore, should be duly considered to assess, as appropriate, the preliminary threshold to be used for GES (see details according to each indicator in the GES-Descriptor sheet). For instance multispecific interactions as well as environmental drivers or regime shifts, the uncertainty associated to reference points, the lack in the establishment of precautionary limits in the Mediterranean Sea and uncertainty in the estimation of trend based indicators should be acknowledged. The goal of achieving MSY for all commercial species might be not achievable owing to the need of considering the multispecific nature of Mediterranean fisheries as well as the multi-trophic interactions among species and environmental drivers.Therefore, the threshold values still needs to be assessed before a confirmation of GES. FUNCTIONAL GROUPS: In the Initial Assessment the final determination of GES for functional goups addressed in D3 was not conclusive, due to the lack of data on some functional groups that impeded to test methods in order to integrate information to indentify the most suited indicator to define GES. However a preliminary definition that will need to be revised according to the availability of new data and the conclusive establishment of methods to address it of GES is provided. BENTHIC HABITAT AND ASSOCIATED COMMUNITIES: Pertaining the impact of fishing on benthic communities and habitats, the GES as well as the Initial Assessment were addressed in synergy with the approach developed in the framework of Descriptor 6 in the context of abrasion pressure. Therefore, the definition of GES reported in this sheet is aligned to the definition put forward in D6 and will need further revision by 2018 in particular in order to set up thresholds of acceptable disturbance on non biogenic habitats as well as testing/improving methods to assess potential interaction with biogenic habitats. IT-AS-8B11-0002: COMMERCIAL SPECIES: In the context of the Initial Assessment, GES was defined by applying primary indicators 3.1.1 and 3.2.1, or using trend based proxies indicators 3.1.2 and 3.2.2 as well as indicators 3.3.1 and 3.3.3. However, the overall practical evaluation of the applied process in the Italian seas highlighted that this kind of preliminary threshold might need to be revised, taking into account several issues, including, among the others, the outcome of the still ongoing process on CFP reform. All these aspects, therefore, should be duly considered to assess, as appropriate, the preliminary threshold to be used for GES (see details according to each indicator in the GES-Descriptor sheet). For instance multispecific interactions as well as environmental drivers or regime shifts, the uncertainty associated to reference points, the lack in the establishment of precautionary limits in the Mediterranean Sea and uncertainty in the estimation of trend based indicators should be acknowledged. The goal of achieving MSY for all commercial species might be not achievable owing to the need of considering the multispecific nature of Mediterranean fisheries as well as the multi-trophic interactions among species and environmental drivers.Therefore, the threshold values still needs to be assessed before a confirmation of GES. FUNCTIONAL GROUPS: In the Initial Assessment the final determination of GES for functional goups addressed in D3 was not conclusive, due to the lack of data on some functional groups that impeded to test methods in order to integrate information to indentify the most suited indicator to define GES. However a preliminary definition that will need to be revised according to the availability of new data and the conclusive establishment of methods to address it of GES is provided. BENTHIC HABITAT AND ASSOCIATED COMMUNITIES: Pertaining the impact of fishing on benthic communities and habitats, the GES as well as the Initial Assessment were addressed in synergy with the approach developed in the framework of Descriptor 6 in the context of abrasion pressure. Therefore, the definition of GES reported in this sheet is aligned to the definition put forward in D6 and will need further revision by 2018 in particular in order to set up thresholds of acceptable disturbance on non biogenic habitats as well as testing/improving methods to assess potential interaction with biogenic habitats. IT-ISCMS-8B11-0001: COMMERCIAL SPECIES: In the context of the Initial Assessment, GES was defined by applying primary indicators 3.1.1 and 3.2.1, or using trend based proxies indicators 3.1.2 and 3.2.2 as well as indicators 3.3.1 and 3.3.3. However, the overall practical evaluation of the applied process in the Italian seas highlighted that this kind of preliminary threshold might need to be revised, taking into account several issues, including, among the others, the outcome of the still ongoing process on CFP reform. All these aspects, therefore, should be duly considered to assess, as appropriate, the preliminary threshold to be used for GES (see details according to each indicator in the GES-Descriptor sheet). For instance multispecific interactions as well as environmental drivers or regime shifts, the uncertainty associated to reference points, the lack in the establishment of precautionary limits in the Mediterranean Sea and uncertainty in the estimation of trend based indicators should be acknowledged. The goal of achieving MSY for all commercial species might be not achievable owing to the need of considering the multispecific nature of Mediterranean fisheries as well as the multi-trophic interactions among species and environmental drivers.Therefore, the threshold values still needs to be assessed before a confirmation of GES. FUNCTIONAL GROUPS: In the Initial Assessment the final determination of GES for functional goups addressed in D3 was not conclusive, due to the lack of data on some functional groups that impeded to test methods in order to integrate information to indentify the most suited indicator to define GES. However a preliminary definition that will need to be revised according to the availability of new data and the conclusive establishment of methods to address it of GES is provided. BENTHIC HABITAT AND ASSOCIATED COMMUNITIES: Pertaining the impact of fishing on benthic communities and habitats, the GES as well as the Initial Assessment were addressed in synergy with the approach developed in the framework of Descriptor 6 in the context of abrasion pressure. Therefore, the definition of GES reported in this sheet is aligned to the definition put forward in D6 and will need further revision by 2018 in particular in order to set up thresholds of acceptable disturbance on non biogenic habitats as well as testing/improving methods to assess potential interaction with biogenic habitats. IT-ISCMS-8B11-0002: COMMERCIAL SPECIES: In the context of the Initial Assessment, GES was defined by applying primary indicators 3.1.1 and 3.2.1, or using trend based proxies indicators 3.1.2 and 3.2.2 as well as indicators 3.3.1 and 3.3.3. However, the overall practical evaluation of the applied process in the Italian seas highlighted that this kind of preliminary threshold might need to be revised, taking into account several issues, including, among the others, the outcome of the still ongoing process on CFP reform. All these aspects, therefore, should be duly considered to assess, as appropriate, the preliminary threshold to be used for GES (see details according to each indicator in the GES-Descriptor sheet). For instance multispecific interactions as well as environmental drivers or regime shifts, the uncertainty associated to reference points, the lack in the establishment of precautionary limits in the Mediterranean Sea and uncertainty in the estimation of trend based indicators should be acknowledged. The goal of achieving MSY for all commercial species might be not achievable owing to the need of considering the multispecific nature of Mediterranean fisheries as well as the multi-trophic interactions among species and environmental drivers.Therefore, the threshold values still needs to be assessed before a confirmation of GES. FUNCTIONAL GROUPS: In the Initial Assessment the final determination of GES for functional goups addressed in D3 was not conclusive, due to the lack of data on some functional groups that impeded to test methods in order to integrate information to indentify the most suited indicator to define GES. However a preliminary definition that will need to be revised according to the availability of new data and the conclusive establishment of methods to address it of GES is provided. BENTHIC HABITAT AND ASSOCIATED COMMUNITIES: Pertaining the impact of fishing on benthic communities and habitats, the GES as well as the Initial Assessment were addressed in synergy with the approach developed in the framework of Descriptor 6 in the context of abrasion pressure. Therefore, the definition of GES reported in this sheet is aligned to the definition put forward in D6 and will need further revision by 2018 in particular in order to set up thresholds of acceptable disturbance on non biogenic habitats as well as testing/improving methods to assess potential interaction with biogenic habitats. |
Marine reporting units |
Feature |
Criterion/indicator |
8.1 |
8.1.1 |
8.2 |
8.2.1 |
8.2.2 |
8.2.2 |
GES description |
Contaminants: Considering single samples, the GES is reached when, for each defined contaminant group (except radionuclides), the chemical concentrations (indexed and integrated for each contaminant group), according to the legislation and International references, are lower than the Environmental Quality Standards (EQS) applied under the WFD. Taking into account the whole Assessment Area (AA), the GES is reached when at least the 70% of the useful surface (for data coverage) complies with the conditions above. When these latter are satisfied for all the AAs of the subregion, the GES is reached in the whole subregion. RADIONUCLIDES: Concentrations of 137Cs and 210Po in water and sediment are below the levels producing an incremental dose rate to reference organisms equal or higher than the Predicted No Effect Dose Rate. Trends in concentrations of radionuclides in th relevant matrices are within acceptable limits and declining. |
Contaminants: Considering the single sample, for each defined contaminant group, the variations in terms of bioaccumulation and biological effects (biomarkers), compared to their respective controls and thresholds, are not significant. In addition, the control organisms must come from areas that comply with the GES in terms of chemical concentrations. Taking into account the Assessment Area (AA), the GES is reached when at least 50% of the surface covered by data complies with the conditions above. When this condition is fulfilled for all the AA of the subregion, the GES is reached in the whole subregion. RADIONUCLIDES: The marine ecosystem is protected from effects on its structure and function from chronic exposure to radionuclides. The incremental dose rate deriving from human activities to reference organisms (from external and internal irradiation) is below or equal to the Predicted No Effect Dose Rate (PNEDR). |
Threshold values |
Threshold value unit |
Contaminants: Dimensionless. Radionuclides: Bq L-1
Contaminants p: dimensionless; D: % . Radionuclides: µGy h-1 |
Proportion of area to achieve threshold value |
Reference point type |
LimitReferencePoint |
LimitReferencePoint |
Baseline |
Contaminants: The reference condition is represented by EQSs. It can be supposed that in each AA it is possible to individuate a reference condition. Radionuclides: Background levels of natural and anthropogenic radionuclides. |
Contaminants: The reference condition is represented by control organisms coming from areas that comply with the GES in terms of chemical concentration. Radionuclides: Dose rate to reference organisms deriving from background levels of natural and anthrop |
Assessment method |
Contaminants: The index chosen is applicable to each contaminant group for each environmental matrix (water, sediment, biota). It is built on the differences between the single concentration values and the respective EQS (reported in the national / international legislation), weighted by an appropriate coefficient of hazard/ priority based on the process of "prioritization" of the Decision 2455/2001, adopted by 105 / 2008/EC . To calculate the final index for each contaminant group, it was decided to use, within the assessment stage, the average of the individual indices determined for each contaminant. However, the index will be improved and/or integrated in the next years of monitoring under the MSFD; the results of which could also lead to a revision of the GES itself. Radionuclides: Comparison of measured levels to threshold limit values. |
Contaminants: For each contaminant group, the results of bioaccumulation and effects (biomarkers) are combined. Bioaccumulation is considered positive when the increase of concentration is significant (p <0.05, t-test for non homogeneous variance) compared to the control. Similarly, for biomarkers, both in vertebrates and in invertebrates, an effect threshold is defined for each biomarker; else, a minimum combination of biomarkers which in case of exceedance led to positive effect in the sample, has also been established. Radionuclides: Comparison of calculated dose rates to the components of the generic marine ecosystem to the threshold + background value in representative sites of the Subregion. |
Development status |
Contaminants: Operational; however, further adjustments are necessary . Radionuclides: Development2018 |
Contaminants: Operational; however, further adjustments are necessary, also using the data obtained from monitoring programs. Radionuclides: Development2018 |