Member State report / Art13 / 2022 / D2 / Italy / Mediterranean: Ionian Sea & Central Mediterranean Sea

Report type Member State report to Commission
MSFD Article Art. 13 Programme of measures (and Art. 17 updates)
Report due 2022-10-15
GES Descriptor D2 Non-indigenous species
Member State Italy
Region/subregion Mediterranean: Ionian Sea & Central Mediterranean Sea
Reported by ISPRA
Report date 2022-03-31
Report access 363

Marine reporting units
  • IT-ISCMS-0001
  • IT-ISCMS-0001
  • IT-ISCMS-0001
  • IT-ISCMS-0001
  • IT-ISCMS-0001
  • IT-ISCMS-0001
  • IT-ISCMS-0001
  • IT-ISCMS-0001
MED Ionian Sea and Central Mediterranean Sea
MED Ionian Sea and Central Mediterranean Sea
MED Ionian Sea and Central Mediterranean Sea
MED Ionian Sea and Central Mediterranean Sea
MED Ionian Sea and Central Mediterranean Sea
MED Ionian Sea and Central Mediterranean Sea
MED Ionian Sea and Central Mediterranean Sea
MED Ionian Sea and Central Mediterranean Sea
Measure code
Measure old code
Measure name
Misure per la protezione degli habitat acquatici dai rischi derivanti dall’impiego di specie alloctone in acquacoltura
Misure per la mitigazione degli effetti negativi sulla biodiversità causati dall’introduzione e dalla diffusione delle specie invasive non autoctone
Misure per il controllo delle specie aliene invasive
Misure per il controllo e la gestione delle introduzioni e traslocazioni di specie aliene ai fini di acquacoltura
Individuazione delle specie non indigene commestibili (ad es. granchio blu, pesce coniglio, ecc.) per le quali, previa valutazione sanitaria, può essere proposto l’inserimento al fine della commercializzazione nelle liste di cui al Regolamento n. 1379 del 2013 con l’intento di contrastarne la diffusione
Implementazione della misura già prevista sul National Focal Point nazionale
Molluschicoltura - la molluschicoltura è un’importante via di introduzione (involontaria) di specie non indigene che rientra nel TRANSPORT- CONTAMINANT secondo la classificazione adottata dal JRC. Si propone una misura per rendere tracciabili e disponibili i dati relativi a tutte le movimentazioni dei lotti di molluschi bivalvi
Adozione di linee guida per il controllo e la gestione del biofouling di imbarcazioni per minimizzare il trasferimento di specie acquatiche invasive sulla base del documento IMO Resolution MEPC.207(62) 2012
Measure description
Update type
Measure same as in 2015 PoM
Measure same as in 2015 PoM
Measure same as in 2015 PoM
Measure same as in 2015 PoM
Measure new in 2021 PoM
Measure new in 2021 PoM
Measure new in 2021 PoM
Measure new in 2021 PoM
Measure category
Category 1.b (non-WFD)
Category 1.a
Category 1.b (non-WFD)
Category 1.a
Category 2.a
Category 2.a
Category 2.a
Category 2.a
Policy conventions
Policy national
Responsible competent authority
Ministry of Ecological Transition
Ministry of Ecological Transition
Ministry of Ecological Transition
Ministry of Ecological Transition
Ministry of Ecological Transition
Ministry of Ecological Transition
Ministry of Ecological Transition
Ministry of Ecological Transition
Responsible organisation
Ministry of Ecological Transition
Ministry of Ecological Transition
Ministry of Ecological Transition
Ministry of Ecological Transition
Ministry of Ecological Transition
Ministry of Ecological Transition
Ministry of Ecological Transition
Ministry of Ecological Transition
Coordination level
  • National
  • National
  • National
  • National
  • National
  • National
  • National
  • National
Regional cooperation countries
CEA reference
National report
National report
National report
National report
National report
CBA reference
National report
National report
National report
National report
National report
National report
National report
  • State national budget
  • State national budget
  • State national budget
  • State national budget
  • State national budget
  • State national budget
  • State national budget
  • State national budget
Spatial scope
  • Territorial waters
  • Territorial waters
  • Territorial waters
  • Territorial waters
  • Beyond MS Marine Waters
  • Territorial waters
  • Beyond MS Marine Waters
  • Territorial waters
  • Territorial waters
  • Beyond MS Marine Waters
  • Territorial waters
Measure purpose
Directly reduce existing levels of the pressure in the marine environment (e.g. removal of litter or oil spill clean-up)
Directly reduce existing levels of the pressure in the marine environment (e.g. removal of litter or oil spill clean-up)
Directly reduce existing levels of the pressure in the marine environment (e.g. removal of litter or oil spill clean-up)
Directly reduce existing levels of the pressure in the marine environment (e.g. removal of litter or oil spill clean-up)
Directly reduce existing levels of the pressure in the marine environment (e.g. removal of litter or oil spill clean-up)
Improve knowledge base (e.g. by research or one-off surveys)
Establish monitoring programmes (of relevant activities, pressures or impacts)
Directly reduce existing levels of the pressure in the marine environment (e.g. removal of litter or oil spill clean-up)
  • Disturbance of species (e.g. where they breed, rest and feed) due to human presence
  • Extraction of, or mortality/injury to, wild species (by commercial and recreational fishing and other activities)
  • Loss of, or change to, natural biological communities due to cultivation of animal or plant species
  • Disturbance of species (e.g. where they breed, rest and feed) due to human presence
  • Extraction of, or mortality/injury to, wild species (by commercial and recreational fishing and other activities)
  • Loss of, or change to, natural biological communities due to cultivation of animal or plant species
  • Disturbance of species (e.g. where they breed, rest and feed) due to human presence
  • Extraction of, or mortality/injury to, wild species (by commercial and recreational fishing and other activities)
  • Loss of, or change to, natural biological communities due to cultivation of animal or plant species
  • Input of litter (solid waste matter, including micro-sized litter)
  • Input of other substances (e.g. synthetic substances, non-synthetic substances, radionuclides) - diffuse sources, point sources, atmospheric deposition, acute events
  • Input or spread of non-indigenous species
  • Input or spread of non-indigenous species
  • Input or spread of non-indigenous species
  • Input or spread of non-indigenous species
Relevant KTMs
  • Measures to adapt to climate change impacts on the marine environment
  • Measures to adapt to climate change impacts on the marine environment
  • Measures to adapt to climate change impacts on the marine environment
  • Measures to adapt to climate change impacts on the marine environment
  • Measures to adapt to climate change impacts on the marine environment
  • Measures to adapt to climate change impacts on the marine environment
  • Measures to adapt to climate change impacts on the marine environment
  • Measures to adapt to climate change impacts on the marine environment
Relevant targets
  • T 2.2
  • T 2.3
  • T 2.1
  • T 2.2
  • T 2.3
  • T 2.4
  • T 2.2
  • T 2.3
  • T 2.4
  • T 2.1
  • T 2.1
  • T 2.3
  • T 2.1
  • T 2.3
  • T 2.1
  • T 2.3
  • T 2.1
  • T 2.3
Related indicator
  • No indicator
  • No indicator
  • No indicator
  • No indicator
  • No indicator
  • No indicator
  • No indicator
  • No indicator
  • D2
  • D2
  • D2
  • D2
  • D2
  • D2
  • D2
  • D2
  • Coastal fish
  • Coastal fish
  • Coastal fish
  • Coastal fish
  • Newly-introduced non-indigenous species
  • Newly-introduced non-indigenous species
  • Newly-introduced non-indigenous species
  • Newly-introduced non-indigenous species
Temporal scope
Implementation status
Measure implemented
Measure implemented
Measure implemented
Measure implemented
Measure implemented
Measure implemented
Measure implemented
Measure implemented
Implementation delay
Implementation reason
Progress description
Reason description