Member State report / Art13 / 2022 / D8 / Italy / Mediterranean: Ionian Sea & Central Mediterranean Sea
Report type | Member State report to Commission |
MSFD Article | Art. 13 Programme of measures (and Art. 17 updates) |
Report due | 2022-10-15 |
GES Descriptor | D8 Contaminants |
Member State | Italy |
Region/subregion | Mediterranean: Ionian Sea & Central Mediterranean Sea |
Reported by | ISPRA |
Report date | 2022-03-31 |
Report access | 363 |
Marine reporting units |
RegionSubregion |
MED Ionian Sea and Central Mediterranean Sea |
Measure code |
MICIT-M055 |
MICIT-M067 |
MICIT-M068 |
MICIT-M069 |
MICIT-M070 |
MICIT-M071 |
MICIT-M072 |
MICIT-M075 |
Measure old code |
MICIT-M055 |
MICIT-M067 |
MICIT-M068 |
MICIT-M069 |
MICIT-M070 |
MICIT-M071 |
MICIT-M072 |
MICIT-M075 |
Measure name |
WFD16 Miglioramento e adeguamento dei sistemi di trattamento delle acque reflue
WFD02 WFD03 Misure per riequilibrare il rapporto agricoltura-ambiente, inclusi pesticidi
WFD14 WFD15 Misure di gestione e monitoraggio dei corpi idrici superficiali, acque costiere e di balneazione
WFD04 Misure di campionamento e controllo di agenti contaminanti per le acque e per le specie marine
Misure di controllo e prevenzione inquinamento derivante da trasporto marittimo di merci pericolose e materie liquide
Misure operative, riferibili sia al quadro nazionale che internazionale, di diretta efficacia nella prevenzione degli inquinamenti acuti legati ad incidenti
Registrazione aziende di acquacultura destinate ad alimentazione umana e controlli e/o divieti di sostanze ormonali, farmacologiche e disinfettanti
Misure di campionamento e controllo di micro-organismi e agenti contaminanti – per consumo umano
Measure description |
Update type |
Measure same as in 2015 PoM |
Measure same as in 2015 PoM |
Measure same as in 2015 PoM |
Measure same as in 2015 PoM |
Measure same as in 2015 PoM |
Measure same as in 2015 PoM |
Measure same as in 2015 PoM |
Measure same as in 2015 PoM |
Measure category |
Category 1.b (WFD) |
Category 1.b (WFD) |
Category 1.b (WFD) |
Category 1.b (WFD) |
Category 1.a |
Category 1.a |
Category 1.a |
Category 1.a |
Policy conventions |
Policy national |
Responsible competent authority |
River Basin District Authorities |
River Basin District Authorities |
River Basin District Authorities |
River Basin District Authorities |
Ministry of Ecological Transition |
Ministry of Ecological Transition |
Ministry of Ecological Transition |
Ministry of Ecological Transition |
Responsible organisation |
River Basin District Authorities |
River Basin District Authorities |
River Basin District Authorities |
River Basin District Authorities |
Ministry of Ecological Transition |
Ministry of Ecological Transition |
Ministry of Ecological Transition |
Ministry of Ecological Transition |
Coordination level |
Regional cooperation countries |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
CEA reference |
National report |
National report |
National report |
National report |
National report |
National report |
National report |
National report |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
CBA reference |
National report |
National report |
National report |
National report |
National report |
National report |
National report |
National report |
Financing |
Spatial scope |
Measure purpose |
Directly reduce existing levels of the pressure in the marine environment (e.g. removal of litter or oil spill clean-up) |
Directly reduce existing levels of the pressure in the marine environment (e.g. removal of litter or oil spill clean-up) |
Directly reduce existing levels of the pressure in the marine environment (e.g. removal of litter or oil spill clean-up) |
Directly reduce existing levels of the pressure in the marine environment (e.g. removal of litter or oil spill clean-up) |
Directly reduce existing levels of the pressure in the marine environment (e.g. removal of litter or oil spill clean-up) |
Directly reduce existing levels of the pressure in the marine environment (e.g. removal of litter or oil spill clean-up) |
Directly reduce existing levels of the pressure in the marine environment (e.g. removal of litter or oil spill clean-up) |
Directly reduce existing levels of the pressure in the marine environment (e.g. removal of litter or oil spill clean-up) |
Pressures |
Relevant KTMs |
Relevant targets |
Related indicator |
GEScomponent |
Feature |
Element |
Temporal scope |
2017 |
2017 |
2017 |
2017 |
2017 |
2017 |
2017 |
2017 |
Implementation status |
Measure implemented |
Measure implemented |
Measure implemented |
Measure implemented |
Measure implemented |
Measure implemented |
Measure implemented |
Measure implemented |
Implementation delay |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
Implementation reason |
Progress description |
Reason description |