Member State report / Art10 / 2018 / D5 / Italy / Mediterranean: Western Mediterranean Sea
Report type | Member State report to Commission |
MSFD Article | Art. 10 Environmental targets (and Art. 17 updates) |
Report due | 2018-10-15 |
GES Descriptor | D5 Eutrophication |
Member State | Italy |
Region/subregion | Mediterranean: Western Mediterranean Sea |
Reported by | ISPRA - Italian National Institute for Environmental Protection and Research |
Report date | 2020-10-01 |
Report access | MSFD_2018_ART10_TARGETS_IT_2020-05-20.xml |
Target code |
T 4.1 |
T 5.1 |
T 5.2 |
T 5.3 |
T 5.4 |
T 5.5 |
Target description |
The status of selected trophic components of ecosystems has improved or remains within a range of precautionary variation which indicates the absence of substantial structural and functional changes in marine ecosystems. The assessment shall be conducted with appropriate metrics and indicators with reference to at least the following trophic guilds:
Primary producers (phytoplankton)
100% of the agglomerations with generated load a) greater than 2,000 equivalent inhabitants and having discharge point in inland waters, b) greater than 10,000 equivalent inhabitants and having discharge point in marine waters, is provided by a secondary water treatment system wastewater (This go...
Urban waste water from agglomerations of more than 10.000 population equivalents discharging into
receiving waters identified as sensitive areas are subject to more stringent treatment than
in accordance with Article 105 (32) of Legislative Decree No 152/2006, in accordance with the specific cond...
Loads of nutrients from diffuse sources in the marine environment by means of contributions shall be reduced
river and run-off phenomena.
For coastal water bodies of macro types I and II (Ministerial Decree 260/2010): Decreasing trend
concentration of dissolved inorganic nitrogen and total phosphorus resulting from reduced inputs
anthropogenic anthropogenic of nutrients, calculated over a period of 6 years (geometric mean standar...
For coastal water bodies of macro types I and II (Ministerial Decree 260/2010): Decreasing trend
of the geometric mean standard error, calculated on an annual basis for a period of 6 years, of
concentration of chlorophyll a âaâ, linked to the reduction of anthropogenic nutrient inputs.
For ...
Feature(s) |
GES components |
Timescale |
202012 |
202012 |
202012 |
202012 |
202012 |
202012 |
Update date |
201812 |
201812 |
201812 |
201812 |
201812 |
201812 |
Update type |
Modified from 2012 definition |
Same as 2012 definition |
Same as 2012 definition |
Same as 2012 definition |
Same as 2012 definition |
Same as 2012 definition |
Marine reporting unit |
Element |
Chlorophyll a |
Element 2 |
Total Phosphorus |
Parameter |
Concentration in water
Concentration in water
Parameter - other |
Biodiversity indicators on specific trophic guilds |
Compliance to advance treatment
Riverin input load of N and P
Target value |
Value achieved - upper |
Value achieved - lower |
Value unit |
Value unit - other |
Target status |
Target not yet achieved |
Target not yet achieved |
Target not yet achieved |
Target not yet achieved |
Target not yet achieved |
Target not yet achieved |
Assessment period |
2012-2017 |
2012-2017 |
2012-2017 |
2012-2017 |
2012-2017 |
2012-2017 |
Target assessment description |
Related indicator |
Related measures |