Member State report: Lithuania / Art3-4

Report type Member State report to Commission
MSFD Article Art. 3(1) Marine waters & Art. 4/2017 Decision: Marine regions, subregions, and subdivisions & Art. 5(2) & Art. 6 Regional cooperation
Member State Lithuania
Reported by Marine Environment Assessment Division
Report date 2020-04-02
Report access LT_MSFD4Geo.xml
Member state marine waters
No description.
Region / subregion description
No description.
No description.
MRUs description (AreaType)
No description.
Region or subregion Member state Area type Marine Reporting Unit MRU Name
BAL LT SD_Subdivision BAL-LT-AA-01
BAL LT SD_Subdivision BAL-LT-AA-02
BAL LT SD_Subdivision BAL-LT-AA-03
BAL LT SD_Subdivision BAL-LT-AA-04
BAL LT SD_Subdivision BAL-LT-MS-01
BAL LT SD_Subdivision BAL-LT-MS-02
Region/ subregion
Art. 8 countries involved
Art. 8 nature of coordination
Art. 8 regional coherence
Art. 8 regional coherence problems
Art. 9 countries involved
Art. 9 nature of coordination
Art. 9 regional coherence
Art. 9 regional coherence problems
Art. 10 countries involved
Art. 10 nature of coordination
Art. 10 regional coherence
Art. 10 regional coherence problems

Report type Member State report to Commission
MSFD Article Art. 3(1) Marine waters & Art. 4/2017 Decision: Marine regions, subregions, and subdivisions & Art. 5(2) & Art. 6 Regional cooperation
Member State Lithuania
Reported by Environmental Protection Agency
Report date 2013-04-23
Report access BALLT_MSFD4Geo_20130423.xml
Member state marine waters
Resolution No 1264 of the Government of the Republic of Lithuania of 25 August 2010 approving the Baltic Sea Environmental Protection Strategy (Official Gazette 2010, No 105-5431)
Region / subregion description
MRUs description (AreaType)
Assessmenta areas were defined according to reuse of WFD coastal water bodies and based on criteria in Art. 3.2 - atvira jūros dalis ( Teritroial Sea and Exclusive economic zone).
Region or subregion Member state Area type Marine Reporting Unit MRU Name
BAL LT AA_AssessmentArea BAL-LT-AA-01
Coastal waters (including transitional waters regarding descriptors and associated indicators that is not covered by WFD)
BAL LT AA_AssessmentArea BAL-LT-AA-02
Transitional waters
BAL LT MS_MarineWatersPartRegionSubregion BAL-LT-MS-01
LT Marine waters (all marine waters)
BAL LT MS_MarineWatersPartRegionSubregion BAL-LT-MS-02
Teritorial sea (excluding coastal and transitional waters) and Lithuanian Exclusive Economic Zone
Region/ subregion
Art. 8 countries involved
, EE, PL, LV, FI, DE, , SE, DK
Art. 8 nature of coordination
Regional coordination took place through scientific seminars and working groups organised by HELCOM for individual descriptors or groups of descriptors.
Art. 8 regional coherence
Art. 8 regional coherence problems
Coordination took place only for individual descriptors, not all Member States were involved, making it impossible to combine the Baltic region as a whole.
Art. 9 countries involved
, EE, PL, LV, FI, DE, , SE, DK
Art. 9 nature of coordination
Regional coordination took place through scientific seminars and working groups organised by HELCOM for individual descriptors or groups of descriptors.
Art. 9 regional coherence
Art. 9 regional coherence problems
Coordination took place only for individual descriptors, not all Member States were involved, making it impossible to combine the Baltic region as a whole.
Art. 10 countries involved
, EE, PL, LV, FI, DE, , SE, DK
Art. 10 nature of coordination
Regional coordination took place through scientific seminars and working groups organised by HELCOM for individual descriptors or groups of descriptors.
Art. 10 regional coherence
Art. 10 regional coherence problems
Coordination took place only for individual descriptors, not all Member States were involved, making it impossible to combine the Baltic region as a whole.

Report type Member State report to Commission
MSFD Article Art. 3(1) Marine waters & Art. 4/2017 Decision: Marine regions, subregions, and subdivisions & Art. 5(2) & Art. 6 Regional cooperation
Member State Lithuania
Reported by Environmental Protection Agency
Report date 2013-02-22
Report access BALLT_MSFD4Geo_20130222.xml
Member state marine waters
Resolution No 1264 of the Government of the Republic of Lithuania of 25 August 2010 approving the Baltic Sea Environmental Protection Strategy (Official Gazette 2010, No 105-5431)
Region / subregion description
MRUs description (AreaType)
Assessmenta areas were defined according to reuse of WFD coastal water bodies and based on criteria in Art. 3.2 - atvira jūros dalis ( Teritroial Sea and Exclusive economic zone).
Region or subregion Member state Area type Marine Reporting Unit MRU Name
BAL LT AA_AssessmentArea BAL-LT-AA-01
Coastal waters (including transitional waters)
BAL LT AA_AssessmentArea BAL-LT-AA-02
Transitional waters
BAL LT MS_MarineWatersPartRegionSubregion BAL-LT-MS-01
LT Marine waters (all marine waters)
BAL LT MS_MarineWatersPartRegionSubregion BAL-LT-MS-02
Teritorial sea (excluding coastal and transitional waters) and Lithuanian Exclusive Economic Zone
Region/ subregion
Art. 8 countries involved
, EE, PL, LV, FI, DE, , SE, DK
Art. 8 nature of coordination
Regional coordination took place through scientific seminars and working groups organised by HELCOM for individual descriptors or groups of descriptors.
Art. 8 regional coherence
Art. 8 regional coherence problems
Coordination took place only for individual descriptors, not all Member States were involved, making it impossible to combine the Baltic region as a whole.
Art. 9 countries involved
, EE, PL, LV, FI, DE, , SE, DK
Art. 9 nature of coordination
Regional coordination took place through scientific seminars and working groups organised by HELCOM for individual descriptors or groups of descriptors.
Art. 9 regional coherence
Art. 9 regional coherence problems
Coordination took place only for individual descriptors, not all Member States were involved, making it impossible to combine the Baltic region as a whole.
Art. 10 countries involved
, EE, PL, LV, FI, DE, , SE, DK
Art. 10 nature of coordination
Regional coordination took place through scientific seminars and working groups organised by HELCOM for individual descriptors or groups of descriptors.
Art. 10 regional coherence
Art. 10 regional coherence problems
Coordination took place only for individual descriptors, not all Member States were involved, making it impossible to combine the Baltic region as a whole.

Report type Member State report to Commission
MSFD Article Art. 3(1) Marine waters & Art. 4/2017 Decision: Marine regions, subregions, and subdivisions & Art. 5(2) & Art. 6 Regional cooperation
Member State Lithuania
Reported by Marine Environment Assessment Division
Report date 2020-03-30
Report access LT_MSFD4Geo.xml
Member state marine waters
No description.
Region / subregion description
No description.
No description.
MRUs description (AreaType)
No description.
Region or subregion Member state Area type Marine Reporting Unit MRU Name
BAL LT SD_Subdivision BAL-LT-AA-01
BAL LT SD_Subdivision BAL-LT-AA-02
BAL LT SD_Subdivision BAL-LT-AA-03
BAL LT SD_Subdivision BAL-LT-AA-04
BAL LT SD_Subdivision BAL-LT-MS-01
BAL LT SD_Subdivision BAL-LT-MS-02
Region/ subregion
Art. 8 countries involved
Art. 8 nature of coordination
Art. 8 regional coherence
Art. 8 regional coherence problems
Art. 9 countries involved
Art. 9 nature of coordination
Art. 9 regional coherence
Art. 9 regional coherence problems
Art. 10 countries involved
Art. 10 nature of coordination
Art. 10 regional coherence
Art. 10 regional coherence problems