Member State report / Art10 / 2018 / D4 / Lithuania / Baltic Sea

Report type Member State report to Commission
MSFD Article Art. 10 Environmental targets (and Art. 17 updates)
Report due 2018-10-15
GES Descriptor D4 Food webs/D1 Ecosystems
Member State Lithuania
Region/subregion Baltic Sea
Reported by Environmental Protection Agency
Report date 2020-06-09
Report access ART10_Targets_LT-03-31-corrected_06-04.xml

Target code
Target description
Ensure that the exploitation intensity of commercially exploited fish populations does not exceed safe biological limits and preserves the structure of the Baltic Sea food web. In the paper report “NATIONAL PROGRAMME OF MEASURES FOR 2017-2023 TO ACHIEVE AND / OR MAINTAIN THE GOOD STATUS OF THE BALTIC SEA ENVIRONMENT” (2017), this objective is divided into two separate objectives: No. 1: Ensure that the exploitation intensities of commercially exploited fish populations do not exceed safe biological limits; No. 2: Preserve the structure of the Baltic Sea food web (optimal diversity, size and abundance of organisms) so as not to disrupt the transmission of nutrients in the food chain.
Ensure that the exploitation intensity of commercially exploited fish populations does not exceed safe biological limits and preserves the structure of the Baltic Sea food web. In the paper report “NATIONAL PROGRAMME OF MEASURES FOR 2017-2023 TO ACHIEVE AND / OR MAINTAIN THE GOOD STATUS OF THE BALTIC SEA ENVIRONMENT” (2017), this objective is divided into two separate objectives: No. 1: Ensure that the exploitation intensities of commercially exploited fish populations do not exceed safe biological limits; No. 2: Preserve the structure of the Baltic Sea food web (optimal diversity, size and abundance of organisms) so as not to disrupt the transmission of nutrients in the food chain.
Ensure that the exploitation intensity of commercially exploited fish populations does not exceed safe biological limits and preserves the structure of the Baltic Sea food web. In the paper report “NATIONAL PROGRAMME OF MEASURES FOR 2017-2023 TO ACHIEVE AND / OR MAINTAIN THE GOOD STATUS OF THE BALTIC SEA ENVIRONMENT” (2017), this objective is divided into two separate objectives: No. 1: Ensure that the exploitation intensities of commercially exploited fish populations do not exceed safe biological limits; No. 2: Preserve the structure of the Baltic Sea food web (optimal diversity, size and abundance of organisms) so as not to disrupt the transmission of nutrients in the food chain.
Ensure that the exploitation intensity of commercially exploited fish populations does not exceed safe biological limits and preserves the structure of the Baltic Sea food web. In the paper report “NATIONAL PROGRAMME OF MEASURES FOR 2017-2023 TO ACHIEVE AND / OR MAINTAIN THE GOOD STATUS OF THE BALTIC SEA ENVIRONMENT” (2017), this objective is divided into two separate objectives: No. 1: Ensure that the exploitation intensities of commercially exploited fish populations do not exceed safe biological limits; No. 2: Preserve the structure of the Baltic Sea food web (optimal diversity, size and abundance of organisms) so as not to disrupt the transmission of nutrients in the food chain.
  • Coastal ecosystem
  • Coastal fish
  • Commercially exploited fish and shellfish
  • Shelf ecosystem
  • Commercially exploited fish and shellfish
  • Shelf ecosystem
  • Commercially exploited fish and shellfish
  • Shelf ecosystem
GES components
  • D1-F
  • D4
  • D3
  • D4
  • D3
  • D4
  • D3
  • D4
Update date
Update type
Modified from 2012 definition
Modified from 2012 definition
Modified from 2012 definition
Modified from 2012 definition
Marine reporting unit
  • BAL-LT-AA-01
  • BAL-LT-AA-03
  • BAL-LT-AA-03
  • BAL-LT-AA-03
Clupea harengus
Gadus morhua
Sprattus sprattus
Element 2
Size distribution
Mortality rate / Mortality rate from fishing (F)
Mortality rate / Mortality rate from fishing (F)
Mortality rate / Mortality rate from fishing (F)
Parameter - other
Target value
Value achieved - upper
Value achieved - lower
Value unit
Value unit - other
median annual CPUE medians for the period under assessment, corresponding to GEC
Target status
Target not yet achieved
Target achieved
Target not yet achieved
Target achieved
Assessment period
Target assessment description
The fish community size index (D4C3 / D1C3) reflects the overall size structure of the fish community and is based on all fish larger than 30 cm caught per standardized fishing effort (CPUE, 17-21.5-25-30-45-50-70 mm porosity), number of nets per net with a length of 30 m). If the values of the indicator are high, it indicates good environmental status of the coastal community. On the Lithuanian coast, the value of this indicator indicating good environmental status is > 1.09. Status of the fish community according to this indicator in 2009-2017 does not comply with the GES over the period 2007-2013 and has remained stable compared to the results of the MSFD cycle I (2007-2011). The target has not been reached.
According to the values of the indicator “Fishing Mortality Rate” calculated from the data for the period 2009-2017, the environmental condition of the marine area was not good in terms of cod (Gadus morhua) species, and good in terms of herring (Clupea harengus) and sprat (Sprattus sprattus).
According to the values of the indicator “Fishing Mortality Rate” calculated from the data for the period 2009-2017, the environmental condition of the marine area was not good in terms of cod (Gadus morhua) species, and good in terms of herring (Clupea harengus) and sprat (Sprattus sprattus).
According to the values of the indicator “Fishing Mortality Rate” calculated from the data for the period 2009-2017, the environmental condition of the marine area was not good in terms of cod (Gadus morhua) species, and good in terms of herring (Clupea harengus) and sprat (Sprattus sprattus).
Related indicator
Related measures
  • BALLT-M001-T1PR1
  • BALLT-M002-T1PR2
  • BALLT-M001-T1PR1
  • BALLT-M002-T1PR2
  • BALLT-M001-T1PR1
  • BALLT-M002-T1PR2
  • BALLT-M001-T1PR1
  • BALLT-M002-T1PR2