Member State report / Art11 / 2014 / D6 / Lithuania / Baltic Sea
Report type | Member State report to Commission |
MSFD Article | Art. 11 Monitoring programmes (and Art. 17 updates) |
Report due | 2014-10-15 |
GES Descriptor | D6 Sea-floor integrity/D1 Benthic habitats |
Member State | Lithuania |
Region/subregion | Baltic Sea |
Reported by | Reporter not found |
Report date | Date not found |
Report access |
Monitoring programme | Monitoring programme name | MP_D1_4_6_Fish |
MP_D1_4_6_Fish |
MP_D1_4_6_SeabedHabitats |
MP_D5 |
MP_D5 |
MP_D5 |
MP_D5 |
Monitoring programme | Reference existing programme | |||||||
Monitoring programme | Marine Unit ID | |||||||
Q4e - Programme ID | BALLT-D01234-2 |
BALLT-D01234-2 |
BALLT-D012567-8 |
BALLT-D02457-1 |
BALLT-D02457-1 |
BALLT-D02457-1 |
BALLT-D02457-1 |
Q4f - Programme description |
The aim is to make a reliable assessment of the state and composition of Lithuanian coastal fish communities, taking into account the diversity of communities, age structure of the main fish species, population parameters of abundance and biomass, as well as changes in populations and communities. Indicators calculated using monitoring data are sufficiently sensitive and changes in population status are observed over the course of several years. The indicatorâs dependence on commercial fishing is sufficiently demonstrated in various marine regions and freshwaters. Fishing intensity as one of the main factors affecting coastal fish communities is monitored and regulated by legislation. The monitoring of fish communities reflects the effectiveness of these fisheries regulatory measures.
In order to provide a reliable assessment of the status and composition of the Lithuanian coastal fish communities, monitoring is foreseen on an annual basis in different areas of the Baltic Sea.
The aim is to make a reliable assessment of the state and composition of Lithuanian coastal fish communities, taking into account the diversity of communities, age structure of the main fish species, population parameters of abundance and biomass, as well as changes in populations and communities. Indicators calculated using monitoring data are sufficiently sensitive and changes in population status are observed over the course of several years. The indicatorâs dependence on commercial fishing is sufficiently demonstrated in various marine regions and freshwaters. Fishing intensity as one of the main factors affecting coastal fish communities is monitored and regulated by legislation. The monitoring of fish communities reflects the effectiveness of these fisheries regulatory measures.
In order to provide a reliable assessment of the status and composition of the Lithuanian coastal fish communities, monitoring is foreseen on an annual basis in different areas of the Baltic Sea.
The monitoring of benthic habitats is intended to assess the status of important marine habitats and their changes under the Habitats Directive, the WFD and the Marine Strategy Framework Directive. On the Lithuanian coast there are valuable hard and soft bottom habitats that function as spawning grounds, grazing areas for fish and birds, juvenile shelters or maintaining a high species diversity. Habitat monitoring shall consist of parts of the qualitative and quantitative assessment of habitats, typical species. Soft soil monitoring based on point studies (qualitative evaluation) is currently being carried out. The monitoring results shall be used to assess the status of the sea on the basis of the BQI index. This index measures benthic quality in terms of abundance of invertebrate benthic fauna, number of species and sensitivity of taxonomic groups. Macrophytobenthos is also monitored in the coastal boundaries of protected areas (raphs) to assess the species composition, abundance/coating, biomass, depth of growth of macrophyte communities.
The results of the monitoring shall be used to assess effects (e.g. watering of port-based ground, sand feeding of beaches, bottom trawling) or to monitor the consequences of eutrophication.
According to eutrophication descriptor‘s aproach and targets it can be stated that environmental monitoring program fulfills all requirements and indicators.
The overall approach of Lithuanian monitoring program is described in the Marine Strategy of Lithuania. The programe mainly addresses criteria and indicators which relates with eutrophication processes, like concentrations of nutrients, chlorophyll „a“, oxygen concentrations, macrophytes and macroalgae, water transparency. Considering DSPIR framework monitoring program coherent only with pressure on the sea environment. The programme is focussed on pressures, but also includes state/impacts. |
According to eutrophication descriptor‘s aproach and targets it can be stated that environmental monitoring program fulfills all requirements and indicators.
The overall approach of Lithuanian monitoring program is described in the Marine Strategy of Lithuania. The programe mainly addresses criteria and indicators which relates with eutrophication processes, like concentrations of nutrients, chlorophyll „a“, oxygen concentrations, macrophytes and macroalgae, water transparency. Considering DSPIR framework monitoring program coherent only with pressure on the sea environment. The programme is focussed on pressures, but also includes state/impacts. |
According to eutrophication descriptor‘s aproach and targets it can be stated that environmental monitoring program fulfills all requirements and indicators.
The overall approach of Lithuanian monitoring program is described in the Marine Strategy of Lithuania. The programe mainly addresses criteria and indicators which relates with eutrophication processes, like concentrations of nutrients, chlorophyll „a“, oxygen concentrations, macrophytes and macroalgae, water transparency. Considering DSPIR framework monitoring program coherent only with pressure on the sea environment. The programme is focussed on pressures, but also includes state/impacts. |
According to eutrophication descriptor‘s aproach and targets it can be stated that environmental monitoring program fulfills all requirements and indicators.
The overall approach of Lithuanian monitoring program is described in the Marine Strategy of Lithuania. The programe mainly addresses criteria and indicators which relates with eutrophication processes, like concentrations of nutrients, chlorophyll „a“, oxygen concentrations, macrophytes and macroalgae, water transparency. Considering DSPIR framework monitoring program coherent only with pressure on the sea environment. The programme is focussed on pressures, but also includes state/impacts. |
Q5e - Natural variability |
Q5d - Adequacy for assessment of GES | Q5d - Adequate data | Y |
Y |
N |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Q5d - Adequacy for assessment of GES | Q5d - Established methods | Y |
Y |
N |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Q5d - Adequacy for assessment of GES | Q5d - Adequate understanding of GES | Y |
Y |
N |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Q5d - Adequacy for assessment of GES | Q5d - Adequate capacity | Y |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Q5f - Description of programme for GES assessment |
The status of the Baltic Sea Coastal Fish Community is assessed on the basis of HELCOM recommendations using 4 key indicators reflecting the state of the fish communities: the Community Diversity Index (Shannon Index) (Indicator 1.6.1.), the Community Size Index (high fish abundance) (indicator 1.7.1), the Community abundance index (predators) and the Community trophic index (indicators 4.2.1.). Methodological recommendations for the calculation of these indicators and data collection have been developed by HELCOM experts. For calculation purposes, the data shall be collected as part of the monitoring programme.
The use of standardised studies over a number of years makes it possible to assess natural variations and to determine (expertly) the extent of anthropogenic exposure (variation of indicators and status depending on the intensity of known factors).
The status of the Baltic Sea Coastal Fish Community is assessed on the basis of HELCOM recommendations using 4 key indicators reflecting the state of the fish communities: the Community Diversity Index (Shannon Index) (Indicator 1.6.1.), the Community Size Index (high fish abundance) (indicator 1.7.1), the Community abundance index (predators) and the Community trophic index (indicators 4.2.1.). Methodological recommendations for the calculation of these indicators and data collection have been developed by HELCOM experts. For calculation purposes, the data shall be collected as part of the monitoring programme.
The use of standardised studies over a number of years makes it possible to assess natural variations and to determine (expertly) the extent of anthropogenic exposure (variation of indicators and status depending on the intensity of known factors).
The results of the monitoring (covering the monitoring of the species composition, abundance and biomass of macrozoobenthos, point studies) will be sufficient for their use to assess the state of the marine environment on the basis of the HPI (minimum quality index) index. The index is suitable for soft soil habitats. The collection of long-term zoobenthos data will allow the monitoring of long-term developments and progress towards GES. This will contribute to the status assessment under Descriptor D6. The objectives and associated indicators under Descriptors D1,4,6 will be reviewed and updated by the end of 2015, which will allow for an assessment of the data needs and appropriate monitoring planning. The results of macrophytobenthos monitoring can still be used to assess the status of shallow solid soil habitats. However, so far, monitoring provides point-specific data on the status of individual elements of the ecosystem and information on the distribution, distributional characteristics, etc. of habitats is not available. However, in order to assess D1 status 4 it is necessary to plan for the monitoring of solid soil habitats.
Insufficient data to assess whether changes in habitat status due to natural factors and climate change impacts or anthropogenic effects are insufficient. This requires an in-depth analysis of existing data in order to assess changes and their nature, and there is no evidence so far.
Climate change baseline indicators (temperatures, salinity) are monitored and their assessment is based on analysis of long-term data. There are no standard methods to distinguish climate effects from anthropogenic effects, and therefore most often rely on a case-by-case assessment of the status according to a specific indicator. It is almost impossible to distinguish between anthropogenic and natural change: E.g. in the flue-water dispersion zone, where the effects of increased food and organic substances (anthropogenic) and salinity (climate) are combined. In such cases, the sensitivity of the indicators to the impact in those areas is limited and abandoned.
e. Do not responds to risks of not achieving GES.
For more information in the pdf report.
e. Do not responds to risks of not achieving GES.
For more information in the pdf report.
e. Do not responds to risks of not achieving GES.
For more information in the pdf report.
e. Do not responds to risks of not achieving GES.
For more information in the pdf report.
Q5g - Gap-filling date for GES assessment | By2018 |
By2018 |
After2020 |
By2020 |
By2020 |
By2020 |
By2020 |
Q5h - Plans to implement monitoring for GES assessment |
Monitoring is scheduled to take place annually instead of 1 times every 3 years. The planned research sites will sufficiently cover the diversity of natural conditions in the area under assessment and the potential impact of human activities. Lithuanian experts participate in the regional (Baltic) working group (HELCOM FISH-PRO II) where indicators on the status of fish communities are developed, data analysis is carried out at regional level and gaps are identified. Where appropriate, consideration shall be given to shortcomings and possible solutions.
For more information in the pdf report, pages 16-20.
Monitoring is scheduled to take place annually instead of 1 times every 3 years. The planned research sites will sufficiently cover the diversity of natural conditions in the area under assessment and the potential impact of human activities. Lithuanian experts participate in the regional (Baltic) working group (HELCOM FISH-PRO II) where indicators on the status of fish communities are developed, data analysis is carried out at regional level and gaps are identified. Where appropriate, consideration shall be given to shortcomings and possible solutions.
For more information in the pdf report, pages 16-20.
The monitoring programme is not yet adequate. Monitoring of solid benthic habitats, including an assessment of the distribution, size and status of habitats, must be planned. Lithuanian experts participate in the regional working group preparing recommendations/methodology for habitat monitoring. So far, the methodologies are being tested by scientific institutions. Once the methodology has been agreed at regional level, it is planned to include it in the national monitoring programme. For the time being, the methodology for assessing the status of habitats is also at the development stage. Lithuanian experts participate in the regional working group (HELCOM CORESET II, HELCOM Balsam) which develops the evaluation methodology according to the âExtent, pattern and distribution of benthic biotopesâ indicator (1.4
In order to fill gaps in the distribution of nutrient flows, it is proposed to establish comprehensive seasonal observation programmes in the KlaipÄda Strait in order to assess nutrient flows, taking into account the specific results of current direction and velocity, meteorological conditions and precipitation, and using modern modelling tools.
The frequency of studies on macroalgae, including the maximum depth of red algae distribution, has been increased instead of once every 3 years, with annual surveys.
An assessment of the impact on coastal waters and nutrient balances of secondary pollution (nutrients accumulated in existing sediments) is envisaged.
In order to fill gaps in the distribution of nutrient flows, it is proposed to establish comprehensive seasonal observation programmes in the KlaipÄda Strait in order to assess nutrient flows, taking into account the specific results of current direction and velocity, meteorological conditions and precipitation, and using modern modelling tools.
The frequency of studies on macroalgae, including the maximum depth of red algae distribution, has been increased instead of once every 3 years, with annual surveys.
An assessment of the impact on coastal waters and nutrient balances of secondary pollution (nutrients accumulated in existing sediments) is envisaged.
In order to fill gaps in the distribution of nutrient flows, it is proposed to establish comprehensive seasonal observation programmes in the KlaipÄda Strait in order to assess nutrient flows, taking into account the specific results of current direction and velocity, meteorological conditions and precipitation, and using modern modelling tools.
The frequency of studies on macroalgae, including the maximum depth of red algae distribution, has been increased instead of once every 3 years, with annual surveys.
An assessment of the impact on coastal waters and nutrient balances of secondary pollution (nutrients accumulated in existing sediments) is envisaged.
In order to fill gaps in the distribution of nutrient flows, it is proposed to establish comprehensive seasonal observation programmes in the KlaipÄda Strait in order to assess nutrient flows, taking into account the specific results of current direction and velocity, meteorological conditions and precipitation, and using modern modelling tools.
The frequency of studies on macroalgae, including the maximum depth of red algae distribution, has been increased instead of once every 3 years, with annual surveys.
An assessment of the impact on coastal waters and nutrient balances of secondary pollution (nutrients accumulated in existing sediments) is envisaged.
Q6a -Relevant targets | Q6a - Environmental target | 4 |
4 |
4 |
5 |
5 |
5 |
5 |
Q6a -Relevant targets | Q6a - Associated indicator | 1.6.1 1.7.1 4.2.1 a 4.2.1 b 4.3.1 a 4.3.1 b 4.3.1 c 4.3.1 d 4.3.1 e 4.3.1 f |
1.6.1 1.7.1 4.2.1 a 4.2.1 b 4.3.1 a 4.3.1 b 4.3.1 c 4.3.1 d 4.3.1 e 4.3.1 f |
6.2.2 a 6.2.2 b |
5.1.1 a 5.1.1 b 5.1.1 d 5.1.1 e 5.1.1 f 5.1.1 g 5.1.1 h 5.2.1 a 5.2.1 b 5.2.2 5.3.1 |
5.1.1 a 5.1.1 b 5.1.1 d 5.1.1 e 5.1.1 f 5.1.1 g 5.1.1 h 5.2.1 a 5.2.1 b 5.2.2 5.3.1 |
5.1.1 a 5.1.1 b 5.1.1 d 5.1.1 e 5.1.1 f 5.1.1 g 5.1.1 h 5.2.1 a 5.2.1 b 5.2.2 5.3.1 |
5.1.1 a 5.1.1 b 5.1.1 d 5.1.1 e 5.1.1 f 5.1.1 g 5.1.1 h 5.2.1 a 5.2.1 b 5.2.2 5.3.1 |
Q6b - Adequacy for assessment of targets | Q6b_SuitableData | Y |
Y |
N |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Q6b - Adequacy for assessment of targets | Q6b_EstablishedMethods | Y |
Y |
N |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Q6b - Adequacy for assessment of targets | Q6d_AdequateCapacity | Y |
Y |
N |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Q6c - Target updating | Y |
Y |
N |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Q6d - Description of programme for targets assessment |
The status shall be assessed annually using monitoring data on the basis of indicators of good environmental status.
A revision of the objectives and related indicators is foreseen for 2015. The adequacy and adequacy of monitoring will then be assessed in order to assess progress towards objectives.
The status shall be assessed annually using monitoring data on the basis of indicators of good environmental status.
A revision of the objectives and related indicators is foreseen for 2015. The adequacy and adequacy of monitoring will then be assessed in order to assess progress towards objectives.
The monitoring programme will allow further assessment of the status of habitats on the basis of the benthic quality index (BQI). The targets will also be reviewed and revised in the first half of 2015, which will then assess the adequacy of the monitoring and its adequacy in assessing progress towards targets. The programme will be improved as necessary.
The main measures to achieve GES status for eutrophication indicators in the Baltic Sea are also broadly in line with the requirements of other Directives as foreseen in the EC Water Framework Directive and already implemented. However, as indicated (Lithuanian measures to improve the status of water bodies, 2011), only two of them will have a more significant impact on pollution loads and efforts to improve their status, namely the implementation of the requirements of the Urban Waste Water Treatment (UWW) and Nitrates (ND) Directives.
More information see page 245 in
The main measures to achieve GES status for eutrophication indicators in the Baltic Sea are also broadly in line with the requirements of other Directives as foreseen in the EC Water Framework Directive and already implemented. However, as indicated (Lithuanian measures to improve the status of water bodies, 2011), only two of them will have a more significant impact on pollution loads and efforts to improve their status, namely the implementation of the requirements of the Urban Waste Water Treatment (UWW) and Nitrates (ND) Directives.
More information see page 245 in
The main measures to achieve GES status for eutrophication indicators in the Baltic Sea are also broadly in line with the requirements of other Directives as foreseen in the EC Water Framework Directive and already implemented. However, as indicated (Lithuanian measures to improve the status of water bodies, 2011), only two of them will have a more significant impact on pollution loads and efforts to improve their status, namely the implementation of the requirements of the Urban Waste Water Treatment (UWW) and Nitrates (ND) Directives.
More information see page 245 in
The main measures to achieve GES status for eutrophication indicators in the Baltic Sea are also broadly in line with the requirements of other Directives as foreseen in the EC Water Framework Directive and already implemented. However, as indicated (Lithuanian measures to improve the status of water bodies, 2011), only two of them will have a more significant impact on pollution loads and efforts to improve their status, namely the implementation of the requirements of the Urban Waste Water Treatment (UWW) and Nitrates (ND) Directives.
More information see page 245 in
Q6e - Gap-filling date for targets assessment | By2018 |
By2018 |
After2020 |
By2020 |
By2020 |
By2020 |
By2020 |
Q6f - Plans to implement monitoring for targets assessment |
See 5h answer.
See 5h answer.
See 5h answer
Lithuaniaâs obligations to collect and properly treat waste water from certain agglomerations are fulfilled in accordance with the deadlines and conditions laid down in the Treaty of Accession to the EU. The main measures of the UWWTD provide for the improvement of waste water collection infrastructure, the installation of water treatment plants and their rehabilitation in settlements. Accordingly, according to pollution loads, in order to ensure that the quality of the waste water discharged is consistent with the requirements for discharges to surface water bodies. In order to fill gaps in the distribution of nutrient flows, it is proposed to establish a comprehensive programme of nutrient flows in the KlaipÄda Strait.
Lithuaniaâs obligations to collect and properly treat waste water from certain agglomerations are fulfilled in accordance with the deadlines and conditions laid down in the Treaty of Accession to the EU. The main measures of the UWWTD provide for the improvement of waste water collection infrastructure, the installation of water treatment plants and their rehabilitation in settlements. Accordingly, according to pollution loads, in order to ensure that the quality of the waste water discharged is consistent with the requirements for discharges to surface water bodies. In order to fill gaps in the distribution of nutrient flows, it is proposed to establish a comprehensive programme of nutrient flows in the KlaipÄda Strait.
Lithuaniaâs obligations to collect and properly treat waste water from certain agglomerations are fulfilled in accordance with the deadlines and conditions laid down in the Treaty of Accession to the EU. The main measures of the UWWTD provide for the improvement of waste water collection infrastructure, the installation of water treatment plants and their rehabilitation in settlements. Accordingly, according to pollution loads, in order to ensure that the quality of the waste water discharged is consistent with the requirements for discharges to surface water bodies. In order to fill gaps in the distribution of nutrient flows, it is proposed to establish a comprehensive programme of nutrient flows in the KlaipÄda Strait.
Lithuaniaâs obligations to collect and properly treat waste water from certain agglomerations are fulfilled in accordance with the deadlines and conditions laid down in the Treaty of Accession to the EU. The main measures of the UWWTD provide for the improvement of waste water collection infrastructure, the installation of water treatment plants and their rehabilitation in settlements. Accordingly, according to pollution loads, in order to ensure that the quality of the waste water discharged is consistent with the requirements for discharges to surface water bodies. In order to fill gaps in the distribution of nutrient flows, it is proposed to establish a comprehensive programme of nutrient flows in the KlaipÄda Strait.
Q7a - Relevant activities |
Q7b - Description of monitoring of activities |
The location of the sites will sufficiently cover the diversity of natural conditions in the area under assessment and the potential impact of human activities.
The location of the sites will sufficiently cover the diversity of natural conditions in the area under assessment and the potential impact of human activities.
National monitoring is an assessment of the status on the basis of macrozoobenthos. Monitoring sites are allocated according to the areas of economic activity and their potential impact. Monitoring shall also be carried out in areas where port excavation is carried out at sea. In addition, specific monitoring shall be carried out in the following areas to assess the impact of port economic activities on the state of the marine environment: The state of the damping area itself and its exposure zone shall be assessed. The effects of replenishing beach sands are also assessed.
Monitoring program is not able to identify which pressures that are causing environmental changes, only indicates levels of nutrients in water body. |
Monitoring program is not able to identify which pressures that are causing environmental changes, only indicates levels of nutrients in water body. |
Monitoring program is not able to identify which pressures that are causing environmental changes, only indicates levels of nutrients in water body. |
Monitoring program is not able to identify which pressures that are causing environmental changes, only indicates levels of nutrients in water body. |
Q7c - Relevant measures | ||||||||
Q7e - Adequacy for assessment of measures | Q7d - Adequate data | Y |
Y |
N |
N |
N |
N |
N |
Q7e - Adequacy for assessment of measures | Q7d - Established methods | Y |
Y |
N |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Q7e - Adequacy for assessment of measures | Q7d - Adequate understanding of GES | Y |
Y |
N |
N |
N |
N |
N |
Q7e - Adequacy for assessment of measures | Q7d - Adequate capacity | Y |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Q7e - Adequacy for assessment of measures | Q7d - Addresses activities and pressures | Y |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Q7e - Adequacy for assessment of measures | Q7d - Addresses effectiveness of measures | Y |
Y |
N |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Q7d - Description of monitoring for measures |
A programme of measures is under preparation. Priority should be given to the effects and risks for which measures are needed. In the light of the proposed measures, it is envisaged to specify the objectives and related indicators and to assess the impact of the measures (individually for each measure and integrated impact). The adequacy of the monitoring programme will be assessed accordingly. At the same time, common measures are planned at regional level for the whole region. The proposed measures will be considered and, where appropriate, planned to be implemented.
A programme of measures is under preparation. Priority should be given to the effects and risks for which measures are needed. In the light of the proposed measures, it is envisaged to specify the objectives and related indicators and to assess the impact of the measures (individually for each measure and integrated impact). The adequacy of the monitoring programme will be assessed accordingly. At the same time, common measures are planned at regional level for the whole region. The proposed measures will be considered and, where appropriate, planned to be implemented.
Q7f - Gap-filling date for activities and measures | By2018 |
By2018 |
After2020 |
By2020 |
By2020 |
By2020 |
By2020 |
Q8a - Links to existing Monitoring Programmes |
Reference sub-programme | Sub-programme ID | BALLT-D01234_FishCoastal |
BALLT-D01234_FishCoastal |
BALLT-D01256_Macrozoobenthos |
BALLT-D025_Phyto |
BALLT-D05_ChlA |
BALLT-D05_Nutrients |
BALLT-D05_WaterChem |
Reference sub-programme | Sub-programme name | Mobile species - abundance and/or biomass |
Mobile species - population characteristics |
Benthic species - abundance and/or biomass |
Plankton blooms (biomass, frequency) |
Pelagic habitats - community characteristics |
Nutrient levels - in water column |
Water column - chemical characteristics |
Q4g - Sub-programmes | Sub-programme ID | BALLT-D01234_FishCoastal |
BALLT-D01234_FishCoastal |
BALLT-D01256_Macrozoobenthos |
BALLT-D025_Phyto |
BALLT-D05_ChlA |
BALLT-D05_Nutrients |
BALLT-D05_WaterChem |
Q4g - Sub-programmes | Sub-programme name | Mobile species - abundance and/or biomass |
Mobile species - population characteristics |
Benthic species - abundance and/or biomass |
Plankton blooms (biomass, frequency) |
Pelagic habitats - community characteristics |
Nutrient levels - in water column |
Water column - chemical characteristics |
Q4k - Monitoring purpose | StateImpact Pressurse Activities Measures |
StateImpact Pressurse Activities Measures |
StateImpact |
StateImpact |
StateImpact |
StateImpact |
StateImpact |
Q4l - Links of monitoring programmes of other Directives and Conventions | Water Framework directive, Habitats directive; Monitoring incorporated into present programme and described in Monitoring programme description, paper report. |
Water Framework directive, Habitats directive; Monitoring incorporated into present programme and described in Monitoring programme description, paper report. |
Water Framework Policy directive, Helsinki convention (HELCOM COMBINE). Monitoring incorporated into present programme. |
Water Framework Directive; Monitoring incorporated into present programme. |
Water Framework Directive. Monitoring incorporated into present programme and described in Monitoring programme paper report |
Water Framework Directive. Monitoring incorporated into present programme and described in Monitoring programme |
Water Framework Directive. Monitoring incorporated into present programme and described in Monitoring programme paper report. |
Q5c - Features | Q5c - Habitats |
Q5c - Features | Q5c - Species list |
Q5c - Features | Q5c - Physical/Chemical features |
Q5c - Features | Q5c - Pressures |
Q9a - Elements |
Q5a - GES criteria | Relevant GES criteria |
Q5b - GES indicators | Relevant GES indicators |
Q9b - Parameters monitored (state/impact) | Species distribution | |||||||
Q9b - Parameters monitored (state/impact) | Species population size |
Q9b - Parameters monitored (state/impact) | Species population characteristics |
Q9b - Parameters monitored (state/impact) | Species impacts | |||||||
Q9b - Parameters monitored (state/impact) | Habitat distribution | |||||||
Q9b - Parameters monitored (state/impact) | Habitat extent | |||||||
Q9b - Parameters monitored (state/impact) | Habitat condition (physical-chemical) |
Q9b - Parameters monitored (state/impact) | Habitat condition (biological) |
Q9b - Parameters monitored (state/impact) | Habitat impacts | |||||||
Q9b - Parameters monitored (pressures) | Pressure input | |||||||
Q9b - Parameters monitored (pressures) | Pressure output |
Q9b - Parameters monitored (activity) | Activity | |||||||
Q9b Parameters monitored (other) | Other | |||||||
Q41 Spatial scope | WFD_TW WFD_CW |
WFD_TW WFD_CW TerritorialWaters EEZ |
WFD_TW WFD_CW TerritorialWaters EEZ |
WFD_TW WFD_CW TerritorialWaters EEZ |
WFD_TW WFD_CW TerritorialWaters EEZ |
WFD_TW WFD_CW TerritorialWaters EEZ |
Q4j - Description of spatial scope | Monitoring is carried out in accordance to the HELCOM methods, described in Monitoring programme description, paper report, 16-17 pages |
Monitoring is carried out in accordance to the HELCOM methods, described in Monitoring programme description, paper report, 16-17 pages |
Soft bottom macrozoobenthos monitoring is carried out in coastal waters and off-shore areas (coordinated within HELCOM; see HELCOM Monitoring Manual; |
Monitoring is carried out in all coastal water bodies and off-shore areas (coordinated within HELCOM; see HELCOM Monitoring Manual; |
Monitoring is carried out in all coastal water bodies and off-shore areas (coordinated within HELCOM; see HELCOM Monitoring Manual;, described in Monitoring programme paper report, 52-57 pages |
Monitoring is carried out in all coastal water bodies and off-shore areas (coordinated within HELCOM; see HELCOM Monitoring Manual;, described in Monitoring programme description, paper report, 44-51 pages |
Monitoring is carried out in all coastal water bodies and off-shore areas (coordinated within HELCOM; see HELCOM Monitoring Manual;, described in Monitoring programme paper report, 44-52 pages |
Marine Unit IDs |
Q4h - Temporal scope | Start date- End date | 1992-9999 |
1992-9999 |
1981-9999 |
1980-9999 |
1980-9999 |
1972-9999 |
1972-9999 |
Q9h - Temporal resolution of sampling |
Q9c - Monitoring method | Method described in Monitoring programme, text-based paper report. |
Method described in Monitoring programme, text-based paper report. |
Monitoring is carried out according to the HELCOM guidelines (see HELCOM Monitoring Manual: |
Monitoring is carried out according to the HELCOM guidelines (see HELCOM Monitoring Manual: |
Monitoring is carried out according to the HELCOM guidelines (see HELCOM Monitoring Manual: |
Monitoring is carried out according to the HELCOM guidelines (see HELCOM Monitoring Manual: |
Monitoring is carried out according to the HELCOM guidelines (see HELCOM Monitoring Manual: |
Q9d - Description of alteration to method | ||||||||
Q9e - Quality assurance |
Q9f - Quality control | DelayedValidation |
DelayedValidation |
DelayedValidation |
DelayedValidation |
DelayedValidation |
DelayedValidation |
DelayedValidation |
Q9g - Spatial resolution of sampling | Q9g - Proportion of area covered % | |||||||
Q9g - Spatial resolution of sampling | Q9g - No. of samples | |||||||
Q9i - Description of sample representivity | Data is collected every year, in approx 17 sites |
In coastal water bodies sampling is carried out 7 times a year, every year; in other coastal stations, territorial waters 3-4 times a year; in the off-shore areas 1-2 times a year (research vessel based monitoring) |
Research vessel based data are collected; |
Research vessel based data are collected |
Research vessel based data are collected; |
Q10a - Scale for aggregation of data |
Q10b - Other scale for aggregation of data | ||||||||
Q10c - Access to monitoring data | Q10c - Data type | UnprocessedData ProcessedData |
UnprocessedData ProcessedData |
ProcessedData |
ProcessedData |
ProcessedData |
UnprocessedData ProcessedData |
ProcessedData |
Q10c - Access to monitoring data | Q10c - Data access mechanism | URLdownload |
URLdownload |
LocationInternationalDC |
LocationNationalDC |
LocationNationalDC |
LocationNationalDC |
LocationInternationalDC |
Q10c - Access to monitoring data | Q10c - Data access rights | Open |
Open |
Open |
Open |
Open |
Open |
Open |
Q10c - Access to monitoring data | Q10c - INSPIRE standard | ManagementZonesReportingUnits |
ManagementZonesReportingUnits |
SpeciesDistribution |
SpeciesDistribution |
OceanographicFeatures |
OceanographicFeatures |
OceanographicFeatures |
Q10c - Access to monitoring data | Q10c Date data are available | 2014-12 |
2014-12 |
1982-01 |
1980-12 |
1980-12 |
2011-06 |
1972-12 |
Q10c - Access to monitoring data | Q10c - Data update frequency | Yearly |
Yearly |
Yearly |
Yearly |
Yearly |
Yearly |
Yearly |
Q10d - Description of data access | Gathered monitoring data is stored in databases at Environmental Protection Agency and Nature Research Centre ( |
Gathered monitoring data is stored in databases at Environmental Protection Agency and Nature Research Centre ( |
Gathered data can be accessed at Environmental Protection Agency |
Gathered data can be accessed at Environmental Protection Agency |
Gathered data can be accessed at Environmental Protection Agency |
Gathered data can be accessed at Environmental Protection Agency |
Gathered data can be accessed at Environmental Protection Agency |