Member State report / Art8 / 2018 / D6 / Lithuania / Baltic Sea
Report type | Member State report to Commission |
MSFD Article | Art. 8 Initial assessment (and Art. 17 updates) |
Report due | 2018-10-15 |
GES Descriptor | D6 Sea-floor integrity/D1 Benthic habitats |
Member State | Lithuania |
Region/subregion | Baltic Sea |
Reported by | Environmental Protection Agency |
Report date | 2020-06-09 |
Report access | msfd2018-ART8_GES_04-07-corrected_06-04.xml |
Coastal waters (including transitional waters regarding descriptors and associated indicators that is not covered by WFD) (BAL-LT-AA-01)
GES component |
Feature |
Benthic broad habitats
Benthic broad habitats
Benthic broad habitats
Benthic broad habitats
Benthic broad habitats
Element |
Infralittoral coarse sediment |
Infralittoral mixed sediment |
Infralittoral mud |
Infralittoral rock and biogenic reef |
Infralittoral sand |
Element code |
HabBenInfralitCoarSed |
HabBenInfralitMxdSed |
HabBenInfralitMud |
HabBenInfralitRock |
HabBenInfralitSand |
Element code source |
Habitats (D1-D6)
Habitats (D1-D6)
Habitats (D1-D6)
Habitats (D1-D6)
Habitats (D1-D6)
Element 2 |
Element 2 code |
Element 2 code source |
Element source |
EU |
EU |
EU |
EU |
EU |
Criterion |
Parameter |
Parameter other |
Extent of sand excavation/dumping
Extent of sand excavation/dumping
Extent of sand excavation/dumping
Extent of sand excavation/dumping
Extent of sand excavation/dumping
Threshold value upper |
1.0 |
1.0 |
1.0 |
1.0 |
1.0 |
Threshold value lower |
Threshold qualitative |
Threshold value source |
Threshold value source other |
Value achieved upper |
0.04 |
0.2 |
Value achieved lower |
Value unit |
Value unit other |
Percentage of habitat area
Percentage of habitat area
Percentage of habitat area
Percentage of habitat area
Percentage of habitat area
Proportion threshold value |
Proportion value achieved |
Proportion threshold value unit |
Trend |
Stable |
Stable |
Stable |
Stable |
Stable |
Parameter achieved |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Description parameter |
Related indicator |
Criteria status |
Good |
Good |
Good |
Good |
Good |
Description criteria |
Element status |
Good |
Good |
Good |
Good |
Good |
Description element |
According to data for the period 2012-2017, the area of the soil dumping (sanding) and sand excavation area in the habitat “Infralitoral coarse sediments” accounted for 0% of the habitat area, the condition of the habitat and districts (BAL-LT-AA-01 and BAL-LT-AA-02) according to the indicator - good.
According to data for the period 2012-2017, the area of the soil dumping (sanding) and sand excavation area in the habitat “Infralitoral mixed sediments” was 0% of the habitat area, the condition of the habitat and districts (BAL-LT-AA-01 and BAL-LT-AA-02) according to the indicator - good.r.
According to data for the period 2012-2017, the area of the soil dumping (sanding) and sand excavation territory in the habitat “Infralittoral mud” was 0% of the habitat area, the condition of the habitat and districts (BAL-LT-AA-01 and BAL-LT-AA-02) according to the indicator - good .
According to data for the period 2012-2017, the area of the soil dumping (sanding) and sand excavation territory in the habitat "Infralittoral rock and biogenic reef” accounted for 0.04% of the habitat area, habitat and district (BAL-LT-AA-01 and BAL-LT-AA-02) environment condition according to the indicator - good.
According to data for the period 2012-2017, the area of the soil dumping (sanding) and sand excavation territory in the habitat “Infralittoral sand” accounted for 0.2% of the habitat area, the condition of the habitat and districts (BAL-LT-AA-01 and BAL-LT-AA-02) according to the indicator - Good.
Integration rule type parameter |
Integration rule description parameter |
Integration rule type criteria |
Integration rule description criteria |
GES extent threshold |
100.00 |
100.00 |
100.00 |
100.00 |
100.00 |
GES extent achieved |
100.00 |
100.00 |
100.00 |
100.00 |
100.00 |
GES extent unit |
Proportion of habitats in good status |
Proportion of habitats in good status |
Proportion of habitats in good status |
Proportion of habitats in good status |
Proportion of habitats in good status |
GES achieved |
GES achieved |
GES achieved |
GES achieved |
GES achieved |
GES achieved |
Description overall status |
The state of the marine environment according to the D6 descriptor was assessed according to the D6C3 criterion and its two indicators: 1) Area of soil dumping (sanding) and sand excavation in the habitat (GES <1% of the habitat area), 2) Size of bottom trawling area in the habitat (GES <10% habitat area). According to the indicator “Area of soil dumping (sanding) and sand excavation area in the habitat”, the state of the environment in intermediate and coastal waters (BAL-LT-AA-01 and BAL-LT-AA-02) in 2012-2017. was good for all habitat types during the assessment period. In the high seas (BAL-LT-AA-03), a poor environmental condition was recorded in the sand habitat of the circalittoral. Dumping (District III) and sand excavations were carried out here, covering an area of 23.2 and 2.5 km2 respectively, representing 1.09% of the total habitat area and exceeding the GES threshold. The impact of trawling was assessed in different habitats of BAL-LT-AA-03 district. The GES value (<10% of the habitat area) of the indicator “Size of bottom trawling area in the habitat” was exceeded in the habitats of circalittoral sand (14.5%) and circalittoral mud (21.8%). The integrated assessment results show that in BAL-LT-AA-03 district habitats (circalittoral sand and circalittoral mud) the environmental condition is not good, BAL-LT-AA-01 and BAL-LT-AA-02 environmental condition is good. After applying the OOAO rule, the general state of the environment of the Lithuanian sea area in 2012-2017 according to the D6 descriptor is not good.
The state of the marine environment according to the D6 descriptor was assessed according to the D6C3 criterion and its two indicators: 1) Area of soil dumping (sanding) and sand excavation in the habitat (GES <1% of the habitat area), 2) Size of bottom trawling area in the habitat (GES <10% habitat area). According to the indicator “Area of soil dumping (sanding) and sand excavation area in the habitat”, the state of the environment in intermediate and coastal waters (BAL-LT-AA-01 and BAL-LT-AA-02) in 2012-2017. was good for all habitat types during the assessment period. In the high seas (BAL-LT-AA-03), a poor environmental condition was recorded in the sand habitat of the circalittoral. Dumping (District III) and sand excavations were carried out here, covering an area of 23.2 and 2.5 km2 respectively, representing 1.09% of the total habitat area and exceeding the GES threshold. The impact of trawling was assessed in different habitats of BAL-LT-AA-03 district. The GES value (<10% of the habitat area) of the indicator “Size of bottom trawling area in the habitat” was exceeded in the habitats of circalittoral sand (14.5%) and circalittoral mud (21.8%). The integrated assessment results show that in BAL-LT-AA-03 district habitats (circalittoral sand and circalittoral mud) the environmental condition is not good, BAL-LT-AA-01 and BAL-LT-AA-02 environmental condition is good. After applying the OOAO rule, the general state of the environment of the Lithuanian sea area in 2012-2017 according to the D6 descriptor is not good.
The state of the marine environment according to the D6 descriptor was assessed according to the D6C3 criterion and its two indicators: 1) Area of soil dumping (sanding) and sand excavation in the habitat (GES <1% of the habitat area), 2) Size of bottom trawling area in the habitat (GES <10% habitat area). According to the indicator “Area of soil dumping (sanding) and sand excavation area in the habitat”, the state of the environment in intermediate and coastal waters (BAL-LT-AA-01 and BAL-LT-AA-02) in 2012-2017. was good for all habitat types during the assessment period. In the high seas (BAL-LT-AA-03), a poor environmental condition was recorded in the sand habitat of the circalittoral. Dumping (District III) and sand excavations were carried out here, covering an area of 23.2 and 2.5 km2 respectively, representing 1.09% of the total habitat area and exceeding the GES threshold. The impact of trawling was assessed in different habitats of BAL-LT-AA-03 district. The GES value (<10% of the habitat area) of the indicator “Size of bottom trawling area in the habitat” was exceeded in the habitats of circalittoral sand (14.5%) and circalittoral mud (21.8%). The integrated assessment results show that in BAL-LT-AA-03 district habitats (circalittoral sand and circalittoral mud) the environmental condition is not good, BAL-LT-AA-01 and BAL-LT-AA-02 environmental condition is good. After applying the OOAO rule, the general state of the environment of the Lithuanian sea area in 2012-2017 according to the D6 descriptor is not good.
The state of the marine environment according to the D6 descriptor was assessed according to the D6C3 criterion and its two indicators: 1) Area of soil dumping (sanding) and sand excavation in the habitat (GES <1% of the habitat area), 2) Size of bottom trawling area in the habitat (GES <10% habitat area). According to the indicator “Area of soil dumping (sanding) and sand excavation area in the habitat”, the state of the environment in intermediate and coastal waters (BAL-LT-AA-01 and BAL-LT-AA-02) in 2012-2017. was good for all habitat types during the assessment period. In the high seas (BAL-LT-AA-03), a poor environmental condition was recorded in the sand habitat of the circalittoral. Dumping (District III) and sand excavations were carried out here, covering an area of 23.2 and 2.5 km2 respectively, representing 1.09% of the total habitat area and exceeding the GES threshold. The impact of trawling was assessed in different habitats of BAL-LT-AA-03 district. The GES value (<10% of the habitat area) of the indicator “Size of bottom trawling area in the habitat” was exceeded in the habitats of circalittoral sand (14.5%) and circalittoral mud (21.8%). The integrated assessment results show that in BAL-LT-AA-03 district habitats (circalittoral sand and circalittoral mud) the environmental condition is not good, BAL-LT-AA-01 and BAL-LT-AA-02 environmental condition is good. After applying the OOAO rule, the general state of the environment of the Lithuanian sea area in 2012-2017 according to the D6 descriptor is not good.
The state of the marine environment according to the D6 descriptor was assessed according to the D6C3 criterion and its two indicators: 1) Area of soil dumping (sanding) and sand excavation in the habitat (GES <1% of the habitat area), 2) Size of bottom trawling area in the habitat (GES <10% habitat area). According to the indicator “Area of soil dumping (sanding) and sand excavation area in the habitat”, the state of the environment in intermediate and coastal waters (BAL-LT-AA-01 and BAL-LT-AA-02) in 2012-2017. was good for all habitat types during the assessment period. In the high seas (BAL-LT-AA-03), a poor environmental condition was recorded in the sand habitat of the circalittoral. Dumping (District III) and sand excavations were carried out here, covering an area of 23.2 and 2.5 km2 respectively, representing 1.09% of the total habitat area and exceeding the GES threshold. The impact of trawling was assessed in different habitats of BAL-LT-AA-03 district. The GES value (<10% of the habitat area) of the indicator “Size of bottom trawling area in the habitat” was exceeded in the habitats of circalittoral sand (14.5%) and circalittoral mud (21.8%). The integrated assessment results show that in BAL-LT-AA-03 district habitats (circalittoral sand and circalittoral mud) the environmental condition is not good, BAL-LT-AA-01 and BAL-LT-AA-02 environmental condition is good. After applying the OOAO rule, the general state of the environment of the Lithuanian sea area in 2012-2017 according to the D6 descriptor is not good.
Assessments period |
2012-2017 |
2012-2017 |
2012-2017 |
2012-2017 |
2012-2017 |
Related pressures |
Related targets |
Transitional waters (BAL-LT-AA-02)
GES component |
Feature |
Benthic broad habitats
Benthic broad habitats
Benthic broad habitats
Benthic broad habitats
Benthic broad habitats
Element |
Infralittoral coarse sediment |
Infralittoral mixed sediment |
Infralittoral mud |
Infralittoral rock and biogenic reef |
Infralittoral sand |
Element code |
HabBenInfralitCoarSed |
HabBenInfralitMxdSed |
HabBenInfralitMud |
HabBenInfralitRock |
HabBenInfralitSand |
Element code source |
Habitats (D1-D6)
Habitats (D1-D6)
Habitats (D1-D6)
Habitats (D1-D6)
Habitats (D1-D6)
Element 2 |
Element 2 code |
Element 2 code source |
Element source |
EU |
EU |
EU |
EU |
EU |
Criterion |
Parameter |
Parameter other |
Extent of sand excavation/dumping
Extent of sand excavation/dumping
Extent of sand excavation/dumping
Extent of sand excavation/dumping
Extent of sand excavation/dumping
Threshold value upper |
1.0 |
1.0 |
1.0 |
1.0 |
1.0 |
Threshold value lower |
Threshold qualitative |
Threshold value source |
Threshold value source other |
Value achieved upper |
0.04 |
0.2 |
Value achieved lower |
Value unit |
Value unit other |
Percentages in the habitat
Percentages in the habitat
Percentages in the habitat
Percentages in the habitat
Percentages in the habitat
Proportion threshold value |
Proportion value achieved |
Proportion threshold value unit |
Trend |
Stable |
Stable |
Stable |
Stable |
Stable |
Parameter achieved |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Description parameter |
According to data for the period 2012-2017, the surface area of the damping and sanding area in the Infralittoral coarse sediment habitat represented 0 % of the habitat area, habitat and districts (BAL-LT-AA-01 and BAL-LT-AA-02) with a good environmental status by indicator.
According to data for the period 2012-2017, the area of the soil dumping (sanding) and sand excavation area in the habitat “Infralitoral mixed sediments” was 0% of the habitat area, the condition of the habitat and districts (BAL-LT-AA-01 and BAL-LT-AA-02) according to the indicator - good.r.
According to data for the period 2012-2017, the damping and sanding area in the "Inflittoral mud" habitat represented 0 % of the habitat area, habitat and districts (BAL-LT-AA-01 and BAL-LT-AA-02) with a good environmental status by indicator.
According to data for the period 2012-2017, the damping and sanding area in the habitat "Infralittoral rock and biogenic reef" represented 0.04 per cent of the habitat area, habitat and districts (BAL-LT-AA-01 and BAL-LT-AA-02) with a good environmental status by indicator.
According to data for the period 2012-2017, the surface area of the damping and sanding area in the "Infralittoral sand" habitat was 0.2 % of the habitat area, habitat and districts (BAL-LT-AA-01 and BAL-LT-AA-02) with a good environmental status by indicator.
Related indicator |
Criteria status |
Good |
Good |
Good |
Good |
Good |
Description criteria |
According to data for the period 2012-2017, the area of the soil dumping (sanding) and sand excavation area in the habitat “Infralitoral coarse sediments” accounted for 0% of the habitat area, the condition of the habitat and districts (BAL-LT-AA-01 and BAL-LT-AA-02) according to the indicator - good.
According to data for the period 2012-2017, the damping and sanding area in the habitat “Infralitoral mixed sediments” represented 0 % of the habitat area, habitat and districts (BAL-LT-AA-01 and BAL-LT-AA-02) with a good environmental status by indicator.
According to data for the period 2012-2017, the area of the soil dumping (sanding) and sand excavation territory in the habitat “Infralittoral mud” was 0% of the habitat area, the condition of the habitat and districts (BAL-LT-AA-01 and BAL-LT-AA-02) according to the indicator - good .
According to data for the period 2012-2017, the damping and sanding area in the habitat "Infralittoral rock and biogenic reef" represented 0.04 per cent of the habitat area, habitat and districts (BAL-LT-AA-01 and BAL-LT-AA-02) with a good environmental status by indicator.
According to data for the period 2012-2017, the area of the soil dumping (sanding) and sand excavation territory in the habitat “Infralittoral sand” accounted for 0.2% of the habitat area, the condition of the habitat and districts (BAL-LT-AA-01 and BAL-LT-AA-02) according to the indicator - Good.
Element status |
Good |
Good |
Good |
Good |
Good |
Description element |
According to data for the period 2012-2017, the surface area of the damping and sanding area in the Infralittoral coarse sediment habitat represented 0 % of the habitat area, habitat and districts (BAL-LT-AA-01 and BAL-LT-AA-02) with a good environmental status by indicator.
According to data for the period 2012-2017, the damping and sanding area in the habitat “Infralitoral mixed sediments” represented 0 % of the habitat area, habitat and districts (BAL-LT-AA-01 and BAL-LT-AA-02) with a good environmental status by indicator.
According to data for the period 2012-2017, the area of the soil dumping (sanding) and sand excavation territory in the habitat “Infralittoral mud” was 0% of the habitat area, the condition of the habitat and districts (BAL-LT-AA-01 and BAL-LT-AA-02) according to the indicator - good .
According to data for the period 2012-2017, the damping and sanding area in the habitat "Infralittoral rock and biogenic reef" represented 0.04 per cent of the habitat area, habitat and districts (BAL-LT-AA-01 and BAL-LT-AA-02) with a good environmental status by indicator.
According to data for the period 2012-2017, the area of the soil dumping (sanding) and sand excavation territory in the habitat “Infralittoral sand” accounted for 0.2% of the habitat area, the condition of the habitat and districts (BAL-LT-AA-01 and BAL-LT-AA-02) according to the indicator - Good.
Integration rule type parameter |
Integration rule description parameter |
Integration rule type criteria |
Integration rule description criteria |
GES extent threshold |
100.00 |
100.00 |
100.00 |
100.00 |
100.00 |
GES extent achieved |
100.00 |
100.00 |
100.00 |
100.00 |
100.00 |
GES extent unit |
Proportion of habitats in good status |
Proportion of habitats in good status |
Proportion of habitats in good status |
Proportion of habitats in good status |
Proportion of habitats in good status |
GES achieved |
GES achieved |
GES achieved |
GES achieved |
GES achieved |
GES achieved |
Description overall status |
The state of the marine environment according to the D6 descriptor was assessed according to the D6C3 criterion and its two indicators: 1) Area of soil dumping (sanding) and sand excavation in the habitat (GES<1% of the habitat area), 2) Size of bottom trawling area in the habitat (target indicator, GES<10% of habitat area). According to the indicator “Area of soil dumping (sanding) and sand excavation area in the habitat”, the state of the environment in intermediate and coastal waters (BAL-LT-AA-01 and BAL-LT-AA-02) in 2012-2017. was good for all habitat types during the assessment period. In the high seas (BAL-LT-AA-03), a poor environmental condition was recorded in the sand habitat of the circalitoral. Dumping (District III) and sand excavations were carried out here, covering an area of 23.2 and 2.5 km2 respectively, representing 1.09% of the total habitat area and exceeding the GES threshold. The impact of trawling was assessed in different habitats of BAL-LT-AA-03 district. The GES value (<10% of the habitat area) of the indicator “Size of bottom trawling area in the habitat” was exceeded in the habitats of circalittoral sand (14.5%) and circalittoral mud(21.8%). The integrated assessment results show that in BAL-LT-AA-03 district habitats (circalittoral sand and circalittoral mud) the environmental condition is not good, BAL-LT-AA-01 and BAL-LT-AA-02 environmental condition is good. After applying the OOAO rule, the general state of the environment of the Lithuanian sea area in 2012-2017 according to the D6 descriptor is not good.
The state of the marine environment according to the D6 descriptor was assessed according to the D6C3 criterion and its two indicators: 1) Area of soil dumping (sanding) and sand excavation in the habitat (GES<1% of the habitat area), 2) Size of bottom trawling area in the habitat (target indicator, GES<10% of habitat area). According to the indicator “Area of soil dumping (sanding) and sand excavation area in the habitat”, the state of the environment in intermediate and coastal waters (BAL-LT-AA-01 and BAL-LT-AA-02) in 2012-2017. was good for all habitat types during the assessment period. In the high seas (BAL-LT-AA-03), a poor environmental condition was recorded in the sand habitat of the circalitoral. Dumping (District III) and sand excavations were carried out here, covering an area of 23.2 and 2.5 km2 respectively, representing 1.09% of the total habitat area and exceeding the GES threshold. The impact of trawling was assessed in different habitats of BAL-LT-AA-03 district. The GES value (<10% of the habitat area) of the indicator “Size of bottom trawling area in the habitat” was exceeded in the habitats of circalittoral sand (14.5%) and circalittoral mud(21.8%). The integrated assessment results show that in BAL-LT-AA-03 district habitats (circalittoral sand and circalittoral mud) the environmental condition is not good, BAL-LT-AA-01 and BAL-LT-AA-02 environmental condition is good. After applying the OOAO rule, the general state of the environment of the Lithuanian sea area in 2012-2017 according to the D6 descriptor is not good.
The state of the marine environment according to the D6 descriptor was assessed according to the D6C3 criterion and its two indicators: 1) Area of soil dumping (sanding) and sand excavation in the habitat (GES<1% of the habitat area), 2) Size of bottom trawling area in the habitat (target indicator, GES<10% of habitat area). According to the indicator “Area of soil dumping (sanding) and sand excavation area in the habitat”, the state of the environment in intermediate and coastal waters (BAL-LT-AA-01 and BAL-LT-AA-02) in 2012-2017. was good for all habitat types during the assessment period. In the high seas (BAL-LT-AA-03), a poor environmental condition was recorded in the sand habitat of the circalitoral. Dumping (District III) and sand excavations were carried out here, covering an area of 23.2 and 2.5 km2 respectively, representing 1.09% of the total habitat area and exceeding the GES threshold. The impact of trawling was assessed in different habitats of BAL-LT-AA-03 district. The GES value (<10% of the habitat area) of the indicator “Size of bottom trawling area in the habitat” was exceeded in the habitats of circalittoral sand (14.5%) and circalittoral mud(21.8%). The integrated assessment results show that in BAL-LT-AA-03 district habitats (circalittoral sand and circalittoral mud) the environmental condition is not good, BAL-LT-AA-01 and BAL-LT-AA-02 environmental condition is good. After applying the OOAO rule, the general state of the environment of the Lithuanian sea area in 2012-2017 according to the D6 descriptor is not good.
The state of the marine environment according to the D6 descriptor was assessed according to the D6C3 criterion and its two indicators: 1) Area of soil dumping (sanding) and sand excavation in the habitat (GES<1% of the habitat area), 2) Size of bottom trawling area in the habitat (target indicator, GES<10% of habitat area). According to the indicator “Area of soil dumping (sanding) and sand excavation area in the habitat”, the state of the environment in intermediate and coastal waters (BAL-LT-AA-01 and BAL-LT-AA-02) in 2012-2017. was good for all habitat types during the assessment period. In the high seas (BAL-LT-AA-03), a poor environmental condition was recorded in the sand habitat of the circalitoral. Dumping (District III) and sand excavations were carried out here, covering an area of 23.2 and 2.5 km2 respectively, representing 1.09% of the total habitat area and exceeding the GES threshold. The impact of trawling was assessed in different habitats of BAL-LT-AA-03 district. The GES value (<10% of the habitat area) of the indicator “Size of bottom trawling area in the habitat” was exceeded in the habitats of circalittoral sand (14.5%) and circalittoral mud(21.8%). The integrated assessment results show that in BAL-LT-AA-03 district habitats (circalittoral sand and circalittoral mud) the environmental condition is not good, BAL-LT-AA-01 and BAL-LT-AA-02 environmental condition is good. After applying the OOAO rule, the general state of the environment of the Lithuanian sea area in 2012-2017 according to the D6 descriptor is not good.
The state of the marine environment according to the D6 descriptor was assessed according to the D6C3 criterion and its two indicators: 1) Area of soil dumping (sanding) and sand excavation in the habitat (GES<1% of the habitat area), 2) Size of bottom trawling area in the habitat (target indicator, GES<10% of habitat area). According to the indicator “Area of soil dumping (sanding) and sand excavation area in the habitat”, the state of the environment in intermediate and coastal waters (BAL-LT-AA-01 and BAL-LT-AA-02) in 2012-2017. was good for all habitat types during the assessment period. In the high seas (BAL-LT-AA-03), a poor environmental condition was recorded in the sand habitat of the circalitoral. Dumping (District III) and sand excavations were carried out here, covering an area of 23.2 and 2.5 km2 respectively, representing 1.09% of the total habitat area and exceeding the GES threshold. The impact of trawling was assessed in different habitats of BAL-LT-AA-03 district. The GES value (<10% of the habitat area) of the indicator “Size of bottom trawling area in the habitat” was exceeded in the habitats of circalittoral sand (14.5%) and circalittoral mud(21.8%). The integrated assessment results show that in BAL-LT-AA-03 district habitats (circalittoral sand and circalittoral mud) the environmental condition is not good, BAL-LT-AA-01 and BAL-LT-AA-02 environmental condition is good. After applying the OOAO rule, the general state of the environment of the Lithuanian sea area in 2012-2017 according to the D6 descriptor is not good.
Assessments period |
2012-2017 |
2012-2017 |
2012-2017 |
2012-2017 |
2012-2017 |
Related pressures |
Related targets |
GES component |
Feature |
Benthic broad habitats
Benthic broad habitats
Benthic broad habitats
Benthic broad habitats
Benthic broad habitats
Benthic broad habitats
Benthic broad habitats
Benthic broad habitats
Benthic broad habitats
Benthic broad habitats
Benthic broad habitats
Benthic broad habitats
Benthic broad habitats
Benthic broad habitats
Benthic broad habitats
Benthic broad habitats
Element |
Circalittoral coarse sediment |
Circalittoral coarse sediment |
Circalittoral mixed sediment |
Circalittoral mixed sediment |
Circalittoral mud |
Circalittoral mud |
Circalittoral rock and biogenic reef |
Circalittoral rock and biogenic reef |
Circalittoral sand |
Circalittoral sand |
Offshore circalittoral mixed sediment |
Offshore circalittoral mixed sediment |
Offshore circalittoral mud |
Offshore circalittoral mud |
Offshore circalittoral sand |
Offshore circalittoral sand |
Element code |
HabBenCircalitCoarSed |
HabBenCircalitCoarSed |
HabBenCircalitMxdSed |
HabBenCircalitMxdSed |
HabBenCircalitMud |
HabBenCircalitMud |
HabBenCircalitRock |
HabBenCircalitRock |
HabBenCircalitSand |
HabBenCircalitSand |
HabBenOffshMxdSed |
HabBenOffshMxdSed |
HabBenOffshMud |
HabBenOffshMud |
HabBenOffshSand |
HabBenOffshSand |
Element code source |
Habitats (D1-D6)
Habitats (D1-D6)
Habitats (D1-D6)
Habitats (D1-D6)
Habitats (D1-D6)
Habitats (D1-D6)
Habitats (D1-D6)
Habitats (D1-D6)
Habitats (D1-D6)
Habitats (D1-D6)
Habitats (D1-D6)
Habitats (D1-D6)
Habitats (D1-D6)
Habitats (D1-D6)
Habitats (D1-D6)
Habitats (D1-D6)
Element 2 |
Element 2 code |
Element 2 code source |
Element source |
EU |
EU |
EU |
EU |
EU |
EU |
EU |
EU |
EU |
EU |
EU |
EU |
EU |
EU |
EU |
EU |
Criterion |
Parameter |
Parameter other |
Extent of bottom Trawling
Extent of sand excavation/dumping
Extent of bottom Trawling
Extent of sand excavation/dumping
Extent of bottom Trawling
Extent of sand excavation/dumping
Extent of bottom Trawling
Extent of sand excavation/dumping
Extent of bottom Trawling
Extent of sand excavation/dumping
Extent of bottom Trawling
Extent of sand excavation/dumping
Extent of bottom Trawling
Extent of sand excavation/dumping
Extent of bottom Trawling
Extent of sand excavation/dumping
Threshold value upper |
10.0 |
1.0 |
10.0 |
1.0 |
10.0 |
1.0 |
10.0 |
1.0 |
10.0 |
1.0 |
10.0 |
1.0 |
10.0 |
1.0 |
10.0 |
1.0 |
Threshold value lower |
Threshold qualitative |
Threshold value source |
Threshold value source other |
Value achieved upper |
0.7 |
0.4 |
21.8 |
0.2 |
14.5 |
1.09 |
0.9 |
9.5 |
1.3 |
Value achieved lower |
Value unit |
Value unit other |
Percentage of habitat area
Percentage of habitat area
Percentage of habitat area
Percentage of habitat area
Percentage of habitat area
Percentage of habitat area
Percentage of habitat area
Percentage of habitat area
Percentage of habitat area
Percentage of habitat area
Percentage of habitat area
Percentage of habitat area
Percentage of habitat area
Percentage of habitat area
Percentage of habitat area
Percentage of habitat area
Proportion threshold value |
Proportion value achieved |
Proportion threshold value unit |
Trend |
Unknown |
Stable |
Unknown |
Stable |
Unknown |
Stable |
Unknown |
Stable |
Unknown |
Deteriorating |
Unknown |
Stable |
Unknown |
Stable |
Unknown |
Stable |
Parameter achieved |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
No |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
No |
No |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Description parameter |
Related indicator |
Criteria status |
Good |
Good |
Good |
Good |
Not good |
Not good |
Good |
Good |
Not good |
Not good |
Good |
Good |
Good |
Good |
Good |
Good |
Description criteria |
Element status |
Good |
Good |
Good |
Good |
Not good |
Not good |
Good |
Good |
Not good |
Not good |
Good |
Good |
Good |
Good |
Good |
Good |
Description element |
According to data for the period 2012-2017, the damping and sanding area of the habitat represented 0 % of the habitat area and 0.7 % of the habitat area for trawling. The environmental status of the habitat and area (BAL-LT-AA-03) is good for both indicators.
According to data for the period 2012-2017, the damping and sanding area of the habitat represented 0 % of the habitat area and 0.7 % of the habitat area for trawling. The environmental status of the habitat and area (BAL-LT-AA-03) is good for both indicators.
According to data for the period from 2012 to 2017, the surface area of the damping and sanding area of the habitat was 0 %, while the surface area of the habitat was 0,4 % of the surface area of the habitat. The environmental status of the habitat and area (BAL-LT-AA-03) is good for both indicators.
According to data for the period from 2012 to 2017, the surface area of the damping and sanding area of the habitat was 0 %, while the surface area of the habitat was 0,4 % of the surface area of the habitat. The environmental status of the habitat and area (BAL-LT-AA-03) is good for both indicators.
According to data for the period 2012-2017, the damping and sanding area of the habitat covered 0 % of the habitat and the trawling area of 21.8 % of the habitat. The habitat is in good condition according to the punctual indicator and not in good condition according to the second. The environmental status of the area (BAL-LT-AA-03) is below good for both indicators.
According to data for the period 2012-2017, the damping and sanding area of the habitat covered 0 % of the habitat and the trawling area of 21.8 % of the habitat. The habitat is in good condition according to the punctual indicator and not in good condition according to the second. The environmental status of the area (BAL-LT-AA-03) is below good for both indicators.
According to data for the period 2012 to 2017, the damping and sanding area of the habitat was 0 % of the habitat and the trawling area of the habitat 0.2 % of the habitat. The environmental status of the habitat and area (BAL-LT-AA-03) is good for both indicators.
According to data for the period 2012 to 2017, the damping and sanding area of the habitat was 0 % of the habitat and the trawling area of the habitat 0.2 % of the habitat. The environmental status of the habitat and area (BAL-LT-AA-03) is good for both indicators.
According to data for the period 2012-2017, the area of damping and sanding in the habitat was 1.09 % of the habitat area and 14.5 % of the habitat area for trawling. The environmental status of the habitat and area (BAL-LT-AA-03) is below good for both indicators.
According to data for the period 2012-2017, the area of damping and sanding in the habitat was 1.09 % of the habitat area and 14.5 % of the habitat area for trawling. The environmental status of the habitat and area (BAL-LT-AA-03) is below good for both indicators.
According to the data for the period 2012-2017, the surface area of the "Offshore circalittoral mixed sediment habitat" was 0 % of the surface area of the habitat and 0.9 % of the surface area of the habitat. The environmental status of the habitat and area (BAL-LT-AA-03) is good for both indicators.
According to the data for the period 2012-2017, the surface area of the "Offshore circalittoral mixed sediment habitat" was 0 % of the surface area of the habitat and 0.9 % of the surface area of the habitat. The environmental status of the habitat and area (BAL-LT-AA-03) is good for both indicators.
According to data for the period from 2012 to 2017, the surface area of the damping and sanding area of the habitat was 0 %, while the surface area of the habitat was 9.5 % of the surface area of the habitat. The environmental status of the habitat and area (BAL-LT-AA-03) is good for both indicators.
According to data for the period from 2012 to 2017, the surface area of the damping and sanding area of the habitat was 0 %, while the surface area of the habitat was 9.5 % of the surface area of the habitat. The environmental status of the habitat and area (BAL-LT-AA-03) is good for both indicators.
According to data for the period from 2012 to 2017, the surface area of the damping and sanding area of the habitat was 0 %, while the surface area of the habitat was 1.3 % of the surface area of the habitat. The environmental status of the habitat and area (BAL-LT-AA-03) is good for both indicators.
According to data for the period from 2012 to 2017, the surface area of the damping and sanding area of the habitat was 0 %, while the surface area of the habitat was 1.3 % of the surface area of the habitat. The environmental status of the habitat and area (BAL-LT-AA-03) is good for both indicators.
Integration rule type parameter |
Integration rule description parameter |
Integration rule type criteria |
Integration rule description criteria |
GES extent threshold |
100.00 |
100.00 |
100.00 |
100.00 |
100.00 |
100.00 |
100.00 |
100.00 |
100.00 |
100.00 |
100.00 |
100.00 |
100.00 |
100.00 |
100.00 |
100.00 |
GES extent achieved |
75.00 |
75.00 |
75.00 |
75.00 |
75.00 |
75.00 |
75.00 |
75.00 |
75.00 |
75.00 |
75.00 |
75.00 |
75.00 |
75.00 |
75.00 |
75.00 |
GES extent unit |
Proportion of habitats in good status |
Proportion of habitats in good status |
Proportion of habitats in good status |
Proportion of habitats in good status |
Proportion of habitats in good status |
Proportion of habitats in good status |
Proportion of habitats in good status |
Proportion of habitats in good status |
Proportion of habitats in good status |
Proportion of habitats in good status |
Proportion of habitats in good status |
Proportion of habitats in good status |
Proportion of habitats in good status |
Proportion of habitats in good status |
Proportion of habitats in good status |
Proportion of habitats in good status |
GES achieved |
GES expected to be achieved later than 2020, no Article 14 exception reported |
GES expected to be achieved later than 2020, no Article 14 exception reported |
GES expected to be achieved later than 2020, no Article 14 exception reported |
GES expected to be achieved later than 2020, no Article 14 exception reported |
GES expected to be achieved later than 2020, no Article 14 exception reported |
GES expected to be achieved later than 2020, no Article 14 exception reported |
GES expected to be achieved later than 2020, no Article 14 exception reported |
GES expected to be achieved later than 2020, no Article 14 exception reported |
GES expected to be achieved later than 2020, no Article 14 exception reported |
GES expected to be achieved later than 2020, no Article 14 exception reported |
GES expected to be achieved later than 2020, no Article 14 exception reported |
GES expected to be achieved later than 2020, no Article 14 exception reported |
GES expected to be achieved later than 2020, no Article 14 exception reported |
GES expected to be achieved later than 2020, no Article 14 exception reported |
GES expected to be achieved later than 2020, no Article 14 exception reported |
GES expected to be achieved later than 2020, no Article 14 exception reported |
Description overall status |
The state of the marine environment according to the D6 descriptor was assessed according to the D6C3 criterion and its two indicators: 1) Area of soil dumping (sanding) and sand excavation in the habitat (GES<1% of the habitat area), 2) Size of bottom trawling area in the habitat (target indicator, GES<10% of habitat area). According to the indicator “Area of soil dumping (sanding) and sand excavation area in the habitat”, the state of the environment in intermediate and coastal waters (BAL-LT-AA-01 and BAL-LT-AA-02) in 2012-2017. was good for all habitat types during the assessment period. In the high seas (BAL-LT-AA-03), a poor environmental condition was recorded in the sand habitat of the circalitoral. Dumping (District III) and sand excavations were carried out here, covering an area of 23.2 and 2.5 km2 respectively, representing 1.09% of the total habitat area and exceeding the GES threshold. The impact of trawling was assessed in different habitats of BAL-LT-AA-03 district. The GES value (<10% of the habitat area) of the indicator “Size of bottom trawling area in the habitat” was exceeded in the habitats of circalittoral sand (14.5%) and circalittoral mud(21.8%). The integrated assessment results show that in BAL-LT-AA-03 district habitats (circalittoral sand and circalittoral mud) the environmental condition is not good, BAL-LT-AA-01 and BAL-LT-AA-02 environmental condition is good. After applying the OOAO rule, the general state of the environment of the Lithuanian sea area in 2012-2017 according to the D6 descriptor is not good.
The state of the marine environment according to the D6 descriptor was assessed according to the D6C3 criterion and its two indicators: 1) Area of soil dumping (sanding) and sand excavation in the habitat (GES<1% of the habitat area), 2) Size of bottom trawling area in the habitat (target indicator, GES<10% of habitat area). According to the indicator “Area of soil dumping (sanding) and sand excavation area in the habitat”, the state of the environment in intermediate and coastal waters (BAL-LT-AA-01 and BAL-LT-AA-02) in 2012-2017. was good for all habitat types during the assessment period. In the high seas (BAL-LT-AA-03), a poor environmental condition was recorded in the sand habitat of the circalitoral. Dumping (District III) and sand excavations were carried out here, covering an area of 23.2 and 2.5 km2 respectively, representing 1.09% of the total habitat area and exceeding the GES threshold. The impact of trawling was assessed in different habitats of BAL-LT-AA-03 district. The GES value (<10% of the habitat area) of the indicator “Size of bottom trawling area in the habitat” was exceeded in the habitats of circalittoral sand (14.5%) and circalittoral mud(21.8%). The integrated assessment results show that in BAL-LT-AA-03 district habitats (circalittoral sand and circalittoral mud) the environmental condition is not good, BAL-LT-AA-01 and BAL-LT-AA-02 environmental condition is good. After applying the OOAO rule, the general state of the environment of the Lithuanian sea area in 2012-2017 according to the D6 descriptor is not good.
The state of the marine environment according to the D6 descriptor was assessed according to the D6C3 criterion and its two indicators: 1) Area of soil dumping (sanding) and sand excavation in the habitat (GES<1% of the habitat area), 2) Size of bottom trawling area in the habitat (target indicator, GES<10% of habitat area). According to the indicator “Area of soil dumping (sanding) and sand excavation area in the habitat”, the state of the environment in intermediate and coastal waters (BAL-LT-AA-01 and BAL-LT-AA-02) in 2012-2017. was good for all habitat types during the assessment period. In the high seas (BAL-LT-AA-03), a poor environmental condition was recorded in the sand habitat of the circalitoral. Dumping (District III) and sand excavations were carried out here, covering an area of 23.2 and 2.5 km2 respectively, representing 1.09% of the total habitat area and exceeding the GES threshold. The impact of trawling was assessed in different habitats of BAL-LT-AA-03 district. The GES value (<10% of the habitat area) of the indicator “Size of bottom trawling area in the habitat” was exceeded in the habitats of circalittoral sand (14.5%) and circalittoral mud(21.8%). The integrated assessment results show that in BAL-LT-AA-03 district habitats (circalittoral sand and circalittoral mud) the environmental condition is not good, BAL-LT-AA-01 and BAL-LT-AA-02 environmental condition is good. After applying the OOAO rule, the general state of the environment of the Lithuanian sea area in 2012-2017 according to the D6 descriptor is not good.
The state of the marine environment according to the D6 descriptor was assessed according to the D6C3 criterion and its two indicators: 1) Area of soil dumping (sanding) and sand excavation in the habitat (GES<1% of the habitat area), 2) Size of bottom trawling area in the habitat (target indicator, GES<10% of habitat area). According to the indicator “Area of soil dumping (sanding) and sand excavation area in the habitat”, the state of the environment in intermediate and coastal waters (BAL-LT-AA-01 and BAL-LT-AA-02) in 2012-2017. was good for all habitat types during the assessment period. In the high seas (BAL-LT-AA-03), a poor environmental condition was recorded in the sand habitat of the circalitoral. Dumping (District III) and sand excavations were carried out here, covering an area of 23.2 and 2.5 km2 respectively, representing 1.09% of the total habitat area and exceeding the GES threshold. The impact of trawling was assessed in different habitats of BAL-LT-AA-03 district. The GES value (<10% of the habitat area) of the indicator “Size of bottom trawling area in the habitat” was exceeded in the habitats of circalittoral sand (14.5%) and circalittoral mud(21.8%). The integrated assessment results show that in BAL-LT-AA-03 district habitats (circalittoral sand and circalittoral mud) the environmental condition is not good, BAL-LT-AA-01 and BAL-LT-AA-02 environmental condition is good. After applying the OOAO rule, the general state of the environment of the Lithuanian sea area in 2012-2017 according to the D6 descriptor is not good.
The state of the marine environment according to the D6 descriptor was assessed according to the D6C3 criterion and its two indicators: 1) Area of soil dumping (sanding) and sand excavation in the habitat (GES<1% of the habitat area), 2) Size of bottom trawling area in the habitat (target indicator, GES<10% of habitat area). According to the indicator “Area of soil dumping (sanding) and sand excavation area in the habitat”, the state of the environment in intermediate and coastal waters (BAL-LT-AA-01 and BAL-LT-AA-02) in 2012-2017. was good for all habitat types during the assessment period. In the high seas (BAL-LT-AA-03), a poor environmental condition was recorded in the sand habitat of the circalitoral. Dumping (District III) and sand excavations were carried out here, covering an area of 23.2 and 2.5 km2 respectively, representing 1.09% of the total habitat area and exceeding the GES threshold. The impact of trawling was assessed in different habitats of BAL-LT-AA-03 district. The GES value (<10% of the habitat area) of the indicator “Size of bottom trawling area in the habitat” was exceeded in the habitats of circalittoral sand (14.5%) and circalittoral mud(21.8%). The integrated assessment results show that in BAL-LT-AA-03 district habitats (circalittoral sand and circalittoral mud) the environmental condition is not good, BAL-LT-AA-01 and BAL-LT-AA-02 environmental condition is good. After applying the OOAO rule, the general state of the environment of the Lithuanian sea area in 2012-2017 according to the D6 descriptor is not good.
The state of the marine environment according to the D6 descriptor was assessed according to the D6C3 criterion and its two indicators: 1) Area of soil dumping (sanding) and sand excavation in the habitat (GES<1% of the habitat area), 2) Size of bottom trawling area in the habitat (target indicator, GES<10% of habitat area). According to the indicator “Area of soil dumping (sanding) and sand excavation area in the habitat”, the state of the environment in intermediate and coastal waters (BAL-LT-AA-01 and BAL-LT-AA-02) in 2012-2017. was good for all habitat types during the assessment period. In the high seas (BAL-LT-AA-03), a poor environmental condition was recorded in the sand habitat of the circalitoral. Dumping (District III) and sand excavations were carried out here, covering an area of 23.2 and 2.5 km2 respectively, representing 1.09% of the total habitat area and exceeding the GES threshold. The impact of trawling was assessed in different habitats of BAL-LT-AA-03 district. The GES value (<10% of the habitat area) of the indicator “Size of bottom trawling area in the habitat” was exceeded in the habitats of circalittoral sand (14.5%) and circalittoral mud(21.8%). The integrated assessment results show that in BAL-LT-AA-03 district habitats (circalittoral sand and circalittoral mud) the environmental condition is not good, BAL-LT-AA-01 and BAL-LT-AA-02 environmental condition is good. After applying the OOAO rule, the general state of the environment of the Lithuanian sea area in 2012-2017 according to the D6 descriptor is not good.
The state of the marine environment according to the D6 descriptor was assessed according to the D6C3 criterion and its two indicators: 1) Area of soil dumping (sanding) and sand excavation in the habitat (GES<1% of the habitat area), 2) Size of bottom trawling area in the habitat (target indicator, GES<10% of habitat area). According to the indicator “Area of soil dumping (sanding) and sand excavation area in the habitat”, the state of the environment in intermediate and coastal waters (BAL-LT-AA-01 and BAL-LT-AA-02) in 2012-2017. was good for all habitat types during the assessment period. In the high seas (BAL-LT-AA-03), a poor environmental condition was recorded in the sand habitat of the circalitoral. Dumping (District III) and sand excavations were carried out here, covering an area of 23.2 and 2.5 km2 respectively, representing 1.09% of the total habitat area and exceeding the GES threshold. The impact of trawling was assessed in different habitats of BAL-LT-AA-03 district. The GES value (<10% of the habitat area) of the indicator “Size of bottom trawling area in the habitat” was exceeded in the habitats of circalittoral sand (14.5%) and circalittoral mud(21.8%). The integrated assessment results show that in BAL-LT-AA-03 district habitats (circalittoral sand and circalittoral mud) the environmental condition is not good, BAL-LT-AA-01 and BAL-LT-AA-02 environmental condition is good. After applying the OOAO rule, the general state of the environment of the Lithuanian sea area in 2012-2017 according to the D6 descriptor is not good.
The state of the marine environment according to the D6 descriptor was assessed according to the D6C3 criterion and its two indicators: 1) Area of soil dumping (sanding) and sand excavation in the habitat (GES<1% of the habitat area), 2) Size of bottom trawling area in the habitat (target indicator, GES<10% of habitat area). According to the indicator “Area of soil dumping (sanding) and sand excavation area in the habitat”, the state of the environment in intermediate and coastal waters (BAL-LT-AA-01 and BAL-LT-AA-02) in 2012-2017. was good for all habitat types during the assessment period. In the high seas (BAL-LT-AA-03), a poor environmental condition was recorded in the sand habitat of the circalitoral. Dumping (District III) and sand excavations were carried out here, covering an area of 23.2 and 2.5 km2 respectively, representing 1.09% of the total habitat area and exceeding the GES threshold. The impact of trawling was assessed in different habitats of BAL-LT-AA-03 district. The GES value (<10% of the habitat area) of the indicator “Size of bottom trawling area in the habitat” was exceeded in the habitats of circalittoral sand (14.5%) and circalittoral mud(21.8%). The integrated assessment results show that in BAL-LT-AA-03 district habitats (circalittoral sand and circalittoral mud) the environmental condition is not good, BAL-LT-AA-01 and BAL-LT-AA-02 environmental condition is good. After applying the OOAO rule, the general state of the environment of the Lithuanian sea area in 2012-2017 according to the D6 descriptor is not good.
The state of the marine environment according to the D6 descriptor was assessed according to the D6C3 criterion and its two indicators: 1) Area of soil dumping (sanding) and sand excavation in the habitat (GES<1% of the habitat area), 2) Size of bottom trawling area in the habitat (target indicator, GES<10% of habitat area). According to the indicator “Area of soil dumping (sanding) and sand excavation area in the habitat”, the state of the environment in intermediate and coastal waters (BAL-LT-AA-01 and BAL-LT-AA-02) in 2012-2017. was good for all habitat types during the assessment period. In the high seas (BAL-LT-AA-03), a poor environmental condition was recorded in the sand habitat of the circalitoral. Dumping (District III) and sand excavations were carried out here, covering an area of 23.2 and 2.5 km2 respectively, representing 1.09% of the total habitat area and exceeding the GES threshold. The impact of trawling was assessed in different habitats of BAL-LT-AA-03 district. The GES value (<10% of the habitat area) of the indicator “Size of bottom trawling area in the habitat” was exceeded in the habitats of circalittoral sand (14.5%) and circalittoral mud(21.8%). The integrated assessment results show that in BAL-LT-AA-03 district habitats (circalittoral sand and circalittoral mud) the environmental condition is not good, BAL-LT-AA-01 and BAL-LT-AA-02 environmental condition is good. After applying the OOAO rule, the general state of the environment of the Lithuanian sea area in 2012-2017 according to the D6 descriptor is not good.
The state of the marine environment according to the D6 descriptor was assessed according to the D6C3 criterion and its two indicators: 1) Area of soil dumping (sanding) and sand excavation in the habitat (GES<1% of the habitat area), 2) Size of bottom trawling area in the habitat (target indicator, GES<10% of habitat area). According to the indicator “Area of soil dumping (sanding) and sand excavation area in the habitat”, the state of the environment in intermediate and coastal waters (BAL-LT-AA-01 and BAL-LT-AA-02) in 2012-2017. was good for all habitat types during the assessment period. In the high seas (BAL-LT-AA-03), a poor environmental condition was recorded in the sand habitat of the circalitoral. Dumping (District III) and sand excavations were carried out here, covering an area of 23.2 and 2.5 km2 respectively, representing 1.09% of the total habitat area and exceeding the GES threshold. The impact of trawling was assessed in different habitats of BAL-LT-AA-03 district. The GES value (<10% of the habitat area) of the indicator “Size of bottom trawling area in the habitat” was exceeded in the habitats of circalittoral sand (14.5%) and circalittoral mud(21.8%). The integrated assessment results show that in BAL-LT-AA-03 district habitats (circalittoral sand and circalittoral mud) the environmental condition is not good, BAL-LT-AA-01 and BAL-LT-AA-02 environmental condition is good. After applying the OOAO rule, the general state of the environment of the Lithuanian sea area in 2012-2017 according to the D6 descriptor is not good.
The state of the marine environment according to the D6 descriptor was assessed according to the D6C3 criterion and its two indicators: 1) Area of soil dumping (sanding) and sand excavation in the habitat (GES<1% of the habitat area), 2) Size of bottom trawling area in the habitat (target indicator, GES<10% of habitat area). According to the indicator “Area of soil dumping (sanding) and sand excavation area in the habitat”, the state of the environment in intermediate and coastal waters (BAL-LT-AA-01 and BAL-LT-AA-02) in 2012-2017. was good for all habitat types during the assessment period. In the high seas (BAL-LT-AA-03), a poor environmental condition was recorded in the sand habitat of the circalitoral. Dumping (District III) and sand excavations were carried out here, covering an area of 23.2 and 2.5 km2 respectively, representing 1.09% of the total habitat area and exceeding the GES threshold. The impact of trawling was assessed in different habitats of BAL-LT-AA-03 district. The GES value (<10% of the habitat area) of the indicator “Size of bottom trawling area in the habitat” was exceeded in the habitats of circalittoral sand (14.5%) and circalittoral mud(21.8%). The integrated assessment results show that in BAL-LT-AA-03 district habitats (circalittoral sand and circalittoral mud) the environmental condition is not good, BAL-LT-AA-01 and BAL-LT-AA-02 environmental condition is good. After applying the OOAO rule, the general state of the environment of the Lithuanian sea area in 2012-2017 according to the D6 descriptor is not good.
The state of the marine environment according to the D6 descriptor was assessed according to the D6C3 criterion and its two indicators: 1) Area of soil dumping (sanding) and sand excavation in the habitat (GES<1% of the habitat area), 2) Size of bottom trawling area in the habitat (target indicator, GES<10% of habitat area). According to the indicator “Area of soil dumping (sanding) and sand excavation area in the habitat”, the state of the environment in intermediate and coastal waters (BAL-LT-AA-01 and BAL-LT-AA-02) in 2012-2017. was good for all habitat types during the assessment period. In the high seas (BAL-LT-AA-03), a poor environmental condition was recorded in the sand habitat of the circalitoral. Dumping (District III) and sand excavations were carried out here, covering an area of 23.2 and 2.5 km2 respectively, representing 1.09% of the total habitat area and exceeding the GES threshold. The impact of trawling was assessed in different habitats of BAL-LT-AA-03 district. The GES value (<10% of the habitat area) of the indicator “Size of bottom trawling area in the habitat” was exceeded in the habitats of circalittoral sand (14.5%) and circalittoral mud(21.8%). The integrated assessment results show that in BAL-LT-AA-03 district habitats (circalittoral sand and circalittoral mud) the environmental condition is not good, BAL-LT-AA-01 and BAL-LT-AA-02 environmental condition is good. After applying the OOAO rule, the general state of the environment of the Lithuanian sea area in 2012-2017 according to the D6 descriptor is not good.
The state of the marine environment according to the D6 descriptor was assessed according to the D6C3 criterion and its two indicators: 1) Area of soil dumping (sanding) and sand excavation in the habitat (GES<1% of the habitat area), 2) Size of bottom trawling area in the habitat (target indicator, GES<10% of habitat area). According to the indicator “Area of soil dumping (sanding) and sand excavation area in the habitat”, the state of the environment in intermediate and coastal waters (BAL-LT-AA-01 and BAL-LT-AA-02) in 2012-2017. was good for all habitat types during the assessment period. In the high seas (BAL-LT-AA-03), a poor environmental condition was recorded in the sand habitat of the circalitoral. Dumping (District III) and sand excavations were carried out here, covering an area of 23.2 and 2.5 km2 respectively, representing 1.09% of the total habitat area and exceeding the GES threshold. The impact of trawling was assessed in different habitats of BAL-LT-AA-03 district. The GES value (<10% of the habitat area) of the indicator “Size of bottom trawling area in the habitat” was exceeded in the habitats of circalittoral sand (14.5%) and circalittoral mud(21.8%). The integrated assessment results show that in BAL-LT-AA-03 district habitats (circalittoral sand and circalittoral mud) the environmental condition is not good, BAL-LT-AA-01 and BAL-LT-AA-02 environmental condition is good. After applying the OOAO rule, the general state of the environment of the Lithuanian sea area in 2012-2017 according to the D6 descriptor is not good.
The state of the marine environment according to the D6 descriptor was assessed according to the D6C3 criterion and its two indicators: 1) Area of soil dumping (sanding) and sand excavation in the habitat (GES<1% of the habitat area), 2) Size of bottom trawling area in the habitat (target indicator, GES<10% of habitat area). According to the indicator “Area of soil dumping (sanding) and sand excavation area in the habitat”, the state of the environment in intermediate and coastal waters (BAL-LT-AA-01 and BAL-LT-AA-02) in 2012-2017. was good for all habitat types during the assessment period. In the high seas (BAL-LT-AA-03), a poor environmental condition was recorded in the sand habitat of the circalitoral. Dumping (District III) and sand excavations were carried out here, covering an area of 23.2 and 2.5 km2 respectively, representing 1.09% of the total habitat area and exceeding the GES threshold. The impact of trawling was assessed in different habitats of BAL-LT-AA-03 district. The GES value (<10% of the habitat area) of the indicator “Size of bottom trawling area in the habitat” was exceeded in the habitats of circalittoral sand (14.5%) and circalittoral mud(21.8%). The integrated assessment results show that in BAL-LT-AA-03 district habitats (circalittoral sand and circalittoral mud) the environmental condition is not good, BAL-LT-AA-01 and BAL-LT-AA-02 environmental condition is good. After applying the OOAO rule, the general state of the environment of the Lithuanian sea area in 2012-2017 according to the D6 descriptor is not good.
The state of the marine environment according to the D6 descriptor was assessed according to the D6C3 criterion and its two indicators: 1) Area of soil dumping (sanding) and sand excavation in the habitat (GES<1% of the habitat area), 2) Size of bottom trawling area in the habitat (target indicator, GES<10% of habitat area). According to the indicator “Area of soil dumping (sanding) and sand excavation area in the habitat”, the state of the environment in intermediate and coastal waters (BAL-LT-AA-01 and BAL-LT-AA-02) in 2012-2017. was good for all habitat types during the assessment period. In the high seas (BAL-LT-AA-03), a poor environmental condition was recorded in the sand habitat of the circalitoral. Dumping (District III) and sand excavations were carried out here, covering an area of 23.2 and 2.5 km2 respectively, representing 1.09% of the total habitat area and exceeding the GES threshold. The impact of trawling was assessed in different habitats of BAL-LT-AA-03 district. The GES value (<10% of the habitat area) of the indicator “Size of bottom trawling area in the habitat” was exceeded in the habitats of circalittoral sand (14.5%) and circalittoral mud(21.8%). The integrated assessment results show that in BAL-LT-AA-03 district habitats (circalittoral sand and circalittoral mud) the environmental condition is not good, BAL-LT-AA-01 and BAL-LT-AA-02 environmental condition is good. After applying the OOAO rule, the general state of the environment of the Lithuanian sea area in 2012-2017 according to the D6 descriptor is not good.
The state of the marine environment according to the D6 descriptor was assessed according to the D6C3 criterion and its two indicators: 1) Area of soil dumping (sanding) and sand excavation in the habitat (GES<1% of the habitat area), 2) Size of bottom trawling area in the habitat (target indicator, GES<10% of habitat area). According to the indicator “Area of soil dumping (sanding) and sand excavation area in the habitat”, the state of the environment in intermediate and coastal waters (BAL-LT-AA-01 and BAL-LT-AA-02) in 2012-2017. was good for all habitat types during the assessment period. In the high seas (BAL-LT-AA-03), a poor environmental condition was recorded in the sand habitat of the circalitoral. Dumping (District III) and sand excavations were carried out here, covering an area of 23.2 and 2.5 km2 respectively, representing 1.09% of the total habitat area and exceeding the GES threshold. The impact of trawling was assessed in different habitats of BAL-LT-AA-03 district. The GES value (<10% of the habitat area) of the indicator “Size of bottom trawling area in the habitat” was exceeded in the habitats of circalittoral sand (14.5%) and circalittoral mud(21.8%). The integrated assessment results show that in BAL-LT-AA-03 district habitats (circalittoral sand and circalittoral mud) the environmental condition is not good, BAL-LT-AA-01 and BAL-LT-AA-02 environmental condition is good. After applying the OOAO rule, the general state of the environment of the Lithuanian sea area in 2012-2017 according to the D6 descriptor is not good.
Assessments period |
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2012-2017 |
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