Member State report / Art8 / 2012 / D8 / Lithuania / Baltic Sea
Report type | Member State report to Commission |
MSFD Article | Art. 8 Initial assessment (and Art. 17 updates) |
Report due | 2012-10-15 |
GES Descriptor | D8 Contaminants |
Member State | Lithuania |
Region/subregion | Baltic Sea |
Reported by | Environmental Protection Agency |
Report date | 2013-04-15 |
Report access | BALLT_MSFD8bPressures_20130423.xml |
Coastal waters (including transitional waters regarding descriptors and associated indicators that is not covered by WFD)
Transitional waters
LT marine waters (all marine waters)
GES component |
D8C3 Significant acute pollution events (8.2.2) |
D8C3 Significant acute pollution events (8.2.2) |
D8C3 Significant acute pollution events (8.2.2) |
Feature |
LevelPressure |
LevelPressureContaminant |
ImpactPressureSeabedHabitats |
ImpactPressureFunctionalGroup |
Assessment Topic |
Element |
HabitatsOther |
BirdsAll |
Element 2 |
Atviras bangoms smėlėtas dugnas su Macoma balthica |
ThresholdValue |
1 Policikliniai aromatiniai angliavandeniliai dugno nuosėdose ir 0,2 Naftos angliavandeniliai vandenyje
Threshold value/Value unit |
mg/kg Ir mg/l.
Proportion threshold value |
100 |
100 |
100 |
Status of criteria/indicator |
NotGood |
NotGood |
NotGood |
Status trend |
Stable |
Unknown_NotAssessed |
Declining |
Status confidence |
Moderate |
NotRelevant |
Low |
Description (status of criteria/indicator) |
Limitations |
Insufficient data analysis
Insufficient data
Insufficient data
Insufficient data
Assessment period |
Description |
Oill spills occurrence is very patchy and mostly found within harbour area and shipping lines or berth. |
The oil concentration in the water was negatively correltaed with biomass of redalga after the catastrophic crude oil spill
from the tanker „Globe Assimi” in 1981 (Korolev et al., 1993). |
seabird and fish mortality or oiled individuals.
Input load |
Load unit |
Confidence |
Non related GES component
Trends (recent) |
Unknown_NotAssessed |
Unknown_NotAssessed |
Trends (future) |
Unknown_NotAssessed |
Unknown_NotAssessed |
Description (activities) |
Main port activities, shipping, Būtingė oil terminal buoy
Main port activities, shipping, Būtingė oil terminal buoy
Main port activities, shipping, Būtingė oil terminal buoy
Main port activities, shipping, Būtingė oil terminal buoy
Activity type |
Information gaps |
insufficient data, data not analysed in required framework |
insufficient data, data not analysed in required framework |
insufficient data, data not analysed in required framework |
insufficient data, data not analysed in required framework |