Member State report / Art8 / 2018 / D1-F / Malta / Mediterranean: Ionian Sea & Central Mediterranean Sea

Report type Member State report to Commission
MSFD Article Art. 8 Initial assessment (and Art. 17 updates)
Report due 2018-10-15
GES Descriptor D1 Fish
Member State Malta
Region/subregion Mediterranean: Ionian Sea & Central Mediterranean Sea
Reported by Environment and Resources Authority
Report date 2020-04-16
Report access ART8_GES.xml

Fisheries Management Zone (MIC-MT-MS-01)

GES component
Demersal shelf fish
Demersal shelf fish
Demersal shelf fish
Demersal shelf fish
Demersal shelf fish
Demersal shelf fish
Demersal shelf fish
Demersal shelf fish
Demersal shelf fish
Demersal shelf fish
Demersal shelf fish
Demersal shelf fish
Demersal shelf fish
Demersal shelf fish
Demersal shelf fish
Demersal shelf fish
Demersal shelf fish
Demersal shelf fish
Demersal shelf fish
Demersal shelf fish
Demersal shelf fish
Demersal shelf fish
Demersal shelf fish
Demersal shelf fish
Demersal shelf fish
Demersal shelf fish
Demersal shelf fish
Demersal shelf fish
Demersal shelf fish
Demersal shelf fish
Demersal shelf fish
Demersal shelf fish
Demersal shelf fish
Demersal shelf fish
Demersal shelf fish
Demersal shelf fish
Demersal shelf fish
Demersal shelf fish
Demersal shelf fish
Demersal shelf fish
Demersal shelf fish
Demersal shelf fish
Demersal shelf fish
Demersal shelf fish
Demersal shelf fish
Demersal shelf fish
Demersal shelf fish
Demersal shelf fish
Centrophorus granulosus
Centrophorus granulosus
Centrophorus granulosus
Centrophorus granulosus
Chimaera monstrosa
Chimaera monstrosa
Chimaera monstrosa
Chimaera monstrosa
Coelorinchus caelorhincus
Coelorinchus caelorhincus
Coelorinchus caelorhincus
Coelorinchus caelorhincus
Dasyatis pastinaca
Dasyatis pastinaca
Dasyatis pastinaca
Dasyatis pastinaca
Etmopterus spinax
Etmopterus spinax
Etmopterus spinax
Etmopterus spinax
Galeus melastomus
Galeus melastomus
Galeus melastomus
Galeus melastomus
Helicolenus dactylopterus
Helicolenus dactylopterus
Helicolenus dactylopterus
Helicolenus dactylopterus
Heptranchias perlo
Heptranchias perlo
Heptranchias perlo
Heptranchias perlo
Hexanchus griseus
Hexanchus griseus
Hexanchus griseus
Hexanchus griseus
Hymenocephalus italicus
Hymenocephalus italicus
Hymenocephalus italicus
Hymenocephalus italicus
Myliobatis aquila
Myliobatis aquila
Myliobatis aquila
Myliobatis aquila
Nezumia sclerorhynchus
Nezumia sclerorhynchus
Nezumia sclerorhynchus
Nezumia sclerorhynchus
Element code
Element code source
Species (D1)
Species (D1)
Species (D1)
Species (D1)
Species (D1)
Species (D1)
Species (D1)
Species (D1)
Species (D1)
Species (D1)
Species (D1)
Species (D1)
Species (D1)
Species (D1)
Species (D1)
Species (D1)
Species (D1)
Species (D1)
Species (D1)
Species (D1)
Species (D1)
Species (D1)
Species (D1)
Species (D1)
Species (D1)
Species (D1)
Species (D1)
Species (D1)
Species (D1)
Species (D1)
Species (D1)
Species (D1)
Species (D1)
Species (D1)
Species (D1)
Species (D1)
Species (D1)
Species (D1)
Species (D1)
Species (D1)
Species (D1)
Species (D1)
Species (D1)
Species (D1)
Species (D1)
Species (D1)
Species (D1)
Species (D1)
Element 2
Element 2 code
Element 2 code source
Element source
Parameter other
Biomass index or LPUE
95% percentile of the length distribution
Biomass Distribution
Biomass Index or LPUE
95% percentile of the length distribution
Biomass Distribution
Biomass Index or LPUE
95% percentile of the length distribution
Biomass Distribution
Biomass Index or LPUE
95% percentile of the length distribution
Biomass Distribution
Biomass Index or LPUE
95% percentile of the length distribution
Biomass Distribution
Biomass Index or LPUE
95% percentile of the length distribution
Biomass Distribution
Biomass Index or LPUE
95% percentile of the length distribution
Biomass Distribution
Biomass Index or LPUE
95% percentile of the length distribution
Biomass Distribution
Biomass Index or LPUE
95% percentile of the length distribution
Biomass Distribution
Biomass Index or LPUE
95% percentile of the length distribution
Biomass Distribution
Biomass Index or LPUE
95% percentile of the length distribution
Biomass Distribution
Biomass Index or LPUE
95% percentile of the length distribution
Biomass Distribution
Threshold value upper
Threshold value lower
Threshold qualitative
Declining trend in discards of non-commercially exploited species
Above the long-term average for the species
Above the long-term average for the species
Stable or increased in biomass distribution
Declining trend in discards of non-commercially exploited species
Above the long-term average for the species
Above the long-term average for the species
Stable or increased in biomass distribution
Declining trend in discards of non-commercially exploited species
Above the long-term average for the species
Above the long-term average for the species
Stable or increased in biomass distribution
Declining trend in discards of non-commercially exploited species
Above the long-term average for the species
Above the long-term average for the species
Stable or increased in biomass distribution
Declining trend in discards of non-commercially exploited species
Above the long-term average for the species
Above the long-term average for the species
Stable or increased in biomass distribution
Declining trend in discards of non-commercially exploited species
Above the long-term average for the species
Above the long-term average for the species
Stable or increased in biomass distribution
Declining trend in discards of non-commercially exploited species
Above the long-term average for the species
Above the long-term average for the species
Stable or increased in biomass distribution
Declining trend in discards of non-commercially exploited species
Above the long-term average for the species
Above the long-term average for the species
Stable or increased in biomass distribution
Declining trend in discards of non-commercially exploited species
Above the long-term average for the species
Above the long-term average for the species
Stable or increased in biomass distribution
Declining trend in discards of non-commercially exploited species
Above the long-term average for the species
Above the long-term average for the species
Stable or increased in biomass distribution
Declining trend in discards of non-commercially exploited species
Above the long-term average for the species
Above the long-term average for the species
Stable or increased in biomass distribution
Declining trend in discards of non-commercially exploited species
Above the long-term average for the species
Above the long-term average for the species
Stable or increased in biomass distribution
Threshold value source
Threshold value source other
Value achieved upper
Value achieved lower
Value unit
Value unit other
Proportion threshold value
Proportion value achieved
Proportion threshold value unit
Parameter achieved
Not assessed
Not assessed
Not assessed
Not assessed
Not assessed
Not assessed
Not assessed
Not assessed
Not assessed
Not assessed
Not assessed
Not assessed
Not assessed
Not assessed
Not assessed
Not assessed
Not assessed
Not assessed
Not assessed
Not assessed
Not assessed
Not assessed
Not assessed
Not assessed
Not assessed
Not assessed
Not assessed
Description parameter
If the biomass distribution of the species was constant throughout the analysed period, or the species increased its distributional range and biomass within the last three years, this was considered indicative of GES.
If two or more of the recent years were above the long-term historic average the species was considered to be in GES.
If two or more of the recent years were above the long-term historic average the species was considered to be in GES.
If the biomass distribution of the species was constant throughout the analysed period, or the species increased its distributional range and biomass within the last three years, this was considered indicative of GES.
If two or more of the recent years were above the long-term historic average the species was considered to be in GES.
If the biomass distribution of the species was constant throughout the analysed period, or the species increased its distributional range and biomass within the last three years, this was considered indicative of GES.
If two or more of the recent years were above the long-term historic average the species was considered to be in GES.
If two or more of the recent years were above the long-term historic average the species was considered to be in GES. Within the FMZ the 95% percentile of the length distribution was below in 2015 and above the long-term historical in 2016 for which data was available.Therefore, it is not clear if this is indicative of GES or not.
If the biomass distribution of the species was constant throughout the analysed period, or the species increased its distributional range and biomass within the last three years, this was considered indicative of GES.
If two or more of the recent years were above the long-term historic average the species was considered to be in GES.
If the biomass distribution of the species was constant throughout the analysed period, or the species increased its distributional range and biomass within the last three years, this was considered indicative of GES.
If two or more of the recent years were above the long-term historic average the species was considered to be in GES.
If two or more of the recent years were above the long-term historic average the species was considered to be in GES.
If the biomass distribution of the species was constant throughout the analysed period, or the species increased its distributional range and biomass within the last three years, this was considered indicative of GES.
If two or more of the recent years were above the long-term historic average the species was considered to be in GES.
If two or more of the recent years were above the long-term historic average the species was considered to be in GES.
If the biomass distribution of the species was constant throughout the analysed period, or the species increased its distributional range and biomass within the last three years, this was considered indicative of GES.
If two or more of the recent years were above the long-term historic average the species was considered to be in GES.
If the biomass distribution of the species was constant throughout the analysed period, or the species increased its distributional range and biomass within the last three years, this was considered indicative of GES.
If two or more of the recent years were above the long-term historic average the species was considered to be in GES.
If two or more of the recent years were above the long-term historic average the species was considered to be in GES.
If two or more of the recent years were above the long-term historic average the species was considered to be in GES.
If the biomass distribution of the species was constant throughout the analysed period, or the species increased its distributional range and biomass within the last three years, this was considered indicative of GES.
Related indicator
Criteria status
Not assessed
Not assessed
Not assessed
Not assessed
Not assessed
Not good
Not assessed
Not good
Not assessed
Not good
Not good
Not assessed
Not good
Not assessed
Not good
Not assessed
Not good
Not assessed
Not good
Not good
Not assessed
Not assessed
Not assessed
Not assessed
Not assessed
Not assessed
Not assessed
Not assessed
Not assessed
Not good
Not assessed
Not good
Not assessed
Not good
Not assessed
Not assessed
Not assessed
Description criteria
Assessment of status at a scale beyond the FMZ was Good
These results should be interpreted with caution noting that they are based on trends for a relatively short time period (2015-2017).
These results should be interpreted with caution noting that they are based on trends for a relatively short time period (2015-2017).
These results should be interpreted with caution noting that they are based on trends for a relatively short time period (2015-2017).
These results should be interpreted with caution noting that they are based on trends for a relatively short time period (2015-2017).
These results should be interpreted with caution noting that they are based on trends for a relatively short time period (2015- 2017).
Assessment of status at a scale beyond the FMZ was Good.
These results should be interpreted with caution noting that they are based on trends for a relatively short time period (2015-2017).
These results should be interpreted with caution noting that they are based on trends for a relatively short time period (2015-2017).
Assessment of status at a scale beyond the FMZ was Not Good.
Assessment of status at a scale beyond the FMZ was Good
These results should be interpreted with caution noting that they are based on trends for a relatively short time period (2015-2017).
These results should be interpreted with caution noting that they are based on trends for a relatively short time period (2015-2017).
Assessment of status at a scale beyond the FMZ was Good
These results should be interpreted with caution noting that they are based on trends for a relatively short time period (2015-2017).
These results should be interpreted with caution noting that they are based on trends for a relatively short time period (2015-2017).
Assessment of status at a scale beyond the FMZ was Good
Assessment of status at a scale beyond the FMZ was Not Good
Assessment of status at a scale beyond the FMZ was Not Good
These results should be interpreted with caution noting that they are based on trends for a relatively short time period (2015-2017).
These results should be interpreted with caution noting that they are based on trends for a relatively short time period (2015-2017).
These results should be interpreted with caution noting that they are based on trends for a relatively short time period (2015-2017).
These results should be interpreted with caution noting that they are based on trends for a relatively short time period (2015-2017).
These results should be interpreted with caution noting that they are based on trends for a relatively short time period (2015-2017).
These results should be interpreted with caution noting that they are based on trends for a relatively short time period (2015-2017).
Element status
Not assessed
Not assessed
Not assessed
Not assessed
Not good
Not good
Not good
Not good
Not assessed
Not assessed
Not assessed
Not assessed
Not good
Not good
Not good
Not good
Not assessed
Not assessed
Not assessed
Not assessed
Not assessed
Not assessed
Not assessed
Not assessed
Not assessed
Not assessed
Not assessed
Not assessed
Not assessed
Not assessed
Not assessed
Not assessed
Not good
Not good
Not good
Not good
Not assessed
Not assessed
Not assessed
Not assessed
Description element
Integration rule type parameter
Integration rule description parameter
Integration rule type criteria
Integration rule description criteria
The integration method used for the criteria was the following: If 2/3 criteria assessed were ‘good’, the overall status of the species was determined to be ‘good’; if two criteria were assessed and one was determined to be ‘good’ and the other as ‘not good’, the overall status of the species was determined to be as ‘not assessed’; if 2/3 criteria assessed were ‘not good’, the overall status of the species was determined to be ‘not good’. In accordance with the ‘Guidance for Assessments Under Article 8 of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive’ integration at species level shall be agreed at Union level taking into account regional or subregional specificities; however, since the majority of the species were found to be in ‘not good’ status, on the basis of expert judgement, GES for both fish and cephalopods is expected to be achieved later than 2020.
The integration method used for the criteria was the following: If 2/3 criteria assessed were ‘good’, the overall status of the species was determined to be ‘good’; if two criteria were assessed and one was determined to be ‘good’ and the other as ‘not good’, the overall status of the species was determined to be as ‘not assessed’; if 2/3 criteria assessed were ‘not good’, the overall status of the species was determined to be ‘not good’. In accordance with the ‘Guidance for Assessments Under Article 8 of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive’ integration at species level shall be agreed at Union level taking into account regional or subregional specificities; however, since the majority of the species were found to be in ‘not good’ status, on the basis of expert judgement, GES for both fish and cephalopods is expected to be achieved later than 2020.
The integration method used for the criteria was the following: If 2/3 criteria assessed were ‘good’, the overall status of the species was determined to be ‘good’; if two criteria were assessed and one was determined to be ‘good’ and the other as ‘not good’, the overall status of the species was determined to be as ‘not assessed’; if 2/3 criteria assessed were ‘not good’, the overall status of the species was determined to be ‘not good’. In accordance with the ‘Guidance for Assessments Under Article 8 of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive’ integration at species level shall be agreed at Union level taking into account regional or subregional specificities; however, since the majority of the species were found to be in ‘not good’ status, on the basis of expert judgement, GES for both fish and cephalopods is expected to be achieved later than 2020.
The integration method used for the criteria was the following: If 2/3 criteria assessed were ‘good’, the overall status of the species was determined to be ‘good’; if two criteria were assessed and one was determined to be ‘good’ and the other as ‘not good’, the overall status of the species was determined to be as ‘not assessed’; if 2/3 criteria assessed were ‘not good’, the overall status of the species was determined to be ‘not good’. In accordance with the ‘Guidance for Assessments Under Article 8 of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive’ integration at species level shall be agreed at Union level taking into account regional or subregional specificities; however, since the majority of the species were found to be in ‘not good’ status, on the basis of expert judgement, GES for both fish and cephalopods is expected to be achieved later than 2020.
The integration method used for the criteria was the following: If 2/3 criteria assessed were ‘good’, the overall status of the species was determined to be ‘good’; if two criteria were assessed and one was determined to be ‘good’ and the other as ‘not good’, the overall status of the species was determined to be as ‘not assessed’; if 2/3 criteria assessed were ‘not good’, the overall status of the species was determined to be ‘not good’. In accordance with the ‘Guidance for Assessments Under Article 8 of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive’ integration at species level shall be agreed at Union level taking into account regional or subregional specificities; however, since the majority of the species were found to be in ‘not good’ status, on the basis of expert judgement, GES for both fish and cephalopods is expected to be achieved later than 2020.
The integration method used for the criteria was the following: If 2/3 criteria assessed were ‘good’, the overall status of the species was determined to be ‘good’; if two criteria were assessed and one was determined to be ‘good’ and the other as ‘not good’, the overall status of the species was determined to be as ‘not assessed’; if 2/3 criteria assessed were ‘not good’, the overall status of the species was determined to be ‘not good’. In accordance with the ‘Guidance for Assessments Under Article 8 of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive’ integration at species level shall be agreed at Union level taking into account regional or subregional specificities; however, since the majority of the species were found to be in ‘not good’ status, on the basis of expert judgement, GES for both fish and cephalopods is expected to be achieved later than 2020.
The integration method used for the criteria was the following: If 2/3 criteria assessed were ‘good’, the overall status of the species was determined to be ‘good’; if two criteria were assessed and one was determined to be ‘good’ and the other as ‘not good’, the overall status of the species was determined to be as ‘not assessed’; if 2/3 criteria assessed were ‘not good’, the overall status of the species was determined to be ‘not good’. In accordance with the ‘Guidance for Assessments Under Article 8 of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive’ integration at species level shall be agreed at Union level taking into account regional or subregional specificities; however, since the majority of the species were found to be in ‘not good’ status, on the basis of expert judgement, GES for both fish and cephalopods is expected to be achieved later than 2020.
The integration method used for the criteria was the following: If 2/3 criteria assessed were ‘good’, the overall status of the species was determined to be ‘good’; if two criteria were assessed and one was determined to be ‘good’ and the other as ‘not good’, the overall status of the species was determined to be as ‘not assessed’; if 2/3 criteria assessed were ‘not good’, the overall status of the species was determined to be ‘not good’. In accordance with the ‘Guidance for Assessments Under Article 8 of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive’ integration at species level shall be agreed at Union level taking into account regional or subregional specificities; however, since the majority of the species were found to be in ‘not good’ status, on the basis of expert judgement, GES for both fish and cephalopods is expected to be achieved later than 2020.
The integration method used for the criteria was the following: If 2/3 criteria assessed were ‘good’, the overall status of the species was determined to be ‘good’; if two criteria were assessed and one was determined to be ‘good’ and the other as ‘not good’, the overall status of the species was determined to be as ‘not assessed’; if 2/3 criteria assessed were ‘not good’, the overall status of the species was determined to be ‘not good’. In accordance with the ‘Guidance for Assessments Under Article 8 of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive’ integration at species level shall be agreed at Union level taking into account regional or subregional specificities; however, since the majority of the species were found to be in ‘not good’ status, on the basis of expert judgement, GES for both fish and cephalopods is expected to be achieved later than 2020.
The integration method used for the criteria was the following: If 2/3 criteria assessed were ‘good’, the overall status of the species was determined to be ‘good’; if two criteria were assessed and one was determined to be ‘good’ and the other as ‘not good’, the overall status of the species was determined to be as ‘not assessed’; if 2/3 criteria assessed were ‘not good’, the overall status of the species was determined to be ‘not good’. In accordance with the ‘Guidance for Assessments Under Article 8 of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive’ integration at species level shall be agreed at Union level taking into account regional or subregional specificities; however, since the majority of the species were found to be in ‘not good’ status, on the basis of expert judgement, GES for both fish and cephalopods is expected to be achieved later than 2020.
The integration method used for the criteria was the following: If 2/3 criteria assessed were ‘good’, the overall status of the species was determined to be ‘good’; if two criteria were assessed and one was determined to be ‘good’ and the other as ‘not good’, the overall status of the species was determined to be as ‘not assessed’; if 2/3 criteria assessed were ‘not good’, the overall status of the species was determined to be ‘not good’. In accordance with the ‘Guidance for Assessments Under Article 8 of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive’ integration at species level shall be agreed at Union level taking into account regional or subregional specificities; however, since the majority of the species were found to be in ‘not good’ status, on the basis of expert judgement, GES for both fish and cephalopods is expected to be achieved later than 2020.
The integration method used for the criteria was the following: If 2/3 criteria assessed were ‘good’, the overall status of the species was determined to be ‘good’; if two criteria were assessed and one was determined to be ‘good’ and the other as ‘not good’, the overall status of the species was determined to be as ‘not assessed’; if 2/3 criteria assessed were ‘not good’, the overall status of the species was determined to be ‘not good’. In accordance with the ‘Guidance for Assessments Under Article 8 of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive’ integration at species level shall be agreed at Union level taking into account regional or subregional specificities; however, since the majority of the species were found to be in ‘not good’ status, on the basis of expert judgement, GES for both fish and cephalopods is expected to be achieved later than 2020.
The integration method used for the criteria was the following: If 2/3 criteria assessed were ‘good’, the overall status of the species was determined to be ‘good’; if two criteria were assessed and one was determined to be ‘good’ and the other as ‘not good’, the overall status of the species was determined to be as ‘not assessed’; if 2/3 criteria assessed were ‘not good’, the overall status of the species was determined to be ‘not good’. In accordance with the ‘Guidance for Assessments Under Article 8 of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive’ integration at species level shall be agreed at Union level taking into account regional or subregional specificities; however, since the majority of the species were found to be in ‘not good’ status, on the basis of expert judgement, GES for both fish and cephalopods is expected to be achieved later than 2020.
The integration method used for the criteria was the following: If 2/3 criteria assessed were ‘good’, the overall status of the species was determined to be ‘good’; if two criteria were assessed and one was determined to be ‘good’ and the other as ‘not good’, the overall status of the species was determined to be as ‘not assessed’; if 2/3 criteria assessed were ‘not good’, the overall status of the species was determined to be ‘not good’. In accordance with the ‘Guidance for Assessments Under Article 8 of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive’ integration at species level shall be agreed at Union level taking into account regional or subregional specificities; however, since the majority of the species were found to be in ‘not good’ status, on the basis of expert judgement, GES for both fish and cephalopods is expected to be achieved later than 2020.
The integration method used for the criteria was the following: If 2/3 criteria assessed were ‘good’, the overall status of the species was determined to be ‘good’; if two criteria were assessed and one was determined to be ‘good’ and the other as ‘not good’, the overall status of the species was determined to be as ‘not assessed’; if 2/3 criteria assessed were ‘not good’, the overall status of the species was determined to be ‘not good’. In accordance with the ‘Guidance for Assessments Under Article 8 of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive’ integration at species level shall be agreed at Union level taking into account regional or subregional specificities; however, since the majority of the species were found to be in ‘not good’ status, on the basis of expert judgement, GES for both fish and cephalopods is expected to be achieved later than 2020.
The integration method used for the criteria was the following: If 2/3 criteria assessed were ‘good’, the overall status of the species was determined to be ‘good’; if two criteria were assessed and one was determined to be ‘good’ and the other as ‘not good’, the overall status of the species was determined to be as ‘not assessed’; if 2/3 criteria assessed were ‘not good’, the overall status of the species was determined to be ‘not good’. In accordance with the ‘Guidance for Assessments Under Article 8 of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive’ integration at species level shall be agreed at Union level taking into account regional or subregional specificities; however, since the majority of the species were found to be in ‘not good’ status, on the basis of expert judgement, GES for both fish and cephalopods is expected to be achieved later than 2020.
The integration method used for the criteria was the following: If 2/3 criteria assessed were ‘good’, the overall status of the species was determined to be ‘good’; if two criteria were assessed and one was determined to be ‘good’ and the other as ‘not good’, the overall status of the species was determined to be as ‘not assessed’; if 2/3 criteria assessed were ‘not good’, the overall status of the species was determined to be ‘not good’. In accordance with the ‘Guidance for Assessments Under Article 8 of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive’ integration at species level shall be agreed at Union level taking into account regional or subregional specificities; however, since the majority of the species were found to be in ‘not good’ status, on the basis of expert judgement, GES for both fish and cephalopods is expected to be achieved later than 2020.
The integration method used for the criteria was the following: If 2/3 criteria assessed were ‘good’, the overall status of the species was determined to be ‘good’; if two criteria were assessed and one was determined to be ‘good’ and the other as ‘not good’, the overall status of the species was determined to be as ‘not assessed’; if 2/3 criteria assessed were ‘not good’, the overall status of the species was determined to be ‘not good’. In accordance with the ‘Guidance for Assessments Under Article 8 of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive’ integration at species level shall be agreed at Union level taking into account regional or subregional specificities; however, since the majority of the species were found to be in ‘not good’ status, on the basis of expert judgement, GES for both fish and cephalopods is expected to be achieved later than 2020.
The integration method used for the criteria was the following: If 2/3 criteria assessed were ‘good’, the overall status of the species was determined to be ‘good’; if two criteria were assessed and one was determined to be ‘good’ and the other as ‘not good’, the overall status of the species was determined to be as ‘not assessed’; if 2/3 criteria assessed were ‘not good’, the overall status of the species was determined to be ‘not good’. In accordance with the ‘Guidance for Assessments Under Article 8 of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive’ integration at species level shall be agreed at Union level taking into account regional or subregional specificities; however, since the majority of the species were found to be in ‘not good’ status, on the basis of expert judgement, GES for both fish and cephalopods is expected to be achieved later than 2020.
The integration method used for the criteria was the following: If 2/3 criteria assessed were ‘good’, the overall status of the species was determined to be ‘good’; if two criteria were assessed and one was determined to be ‘good’ and the other as ‘not good’, the overall status of the species was determined to be as ‘not assessed’; if 2/3 criteria assessed were ‘not good’, the overall status of the species was determined to be ‘not good’. In accordance with the ‘Guidance for Assessments Under Article 8 of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive’ integration at species level shall be agreed at Union level taking into account regional or subregional specificities; however, since the majority of the species were found to be in ‘not good’ status, on the basis of expert judgement, GES for both fish and cephalopods is expected to be achieved later than 2020.
The integration method used for the criteria was the following: If 2/3 criteria assessed were ‘good’, the overall status of the species was determined to be ‘good’; if two criteria were assessed and one was determined to be ‘good’ and the other as ‘not good’, the overall status of the species was determined to be as ‘not assessed’; if 2/3 criteria assessed were ‘not good’, the overall status of the species was determined to be ‘not good’. In accordance with the ‘Guidance for Assessments Under Article 8 of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive’ integration at species level shall be agreed at Union level taking into account regional or subregional specificities; however, since the majority of the species were found to be in ‘not good’ status, on the basis of expert judgement, GES for both fish and cephalopods is expected to be achieved later than 2020.
The integration method used for the criteria was the following: If 2/3 criteria assessed were ‘good’, the overall status of the species was determined to be ‘good’; if two criteria were assessed and one was determined to be ‘good’ and the other as ‘not good’, the overall status of the species was determined to be as ‘not assessed’; if 2/3 criteria assessed were ‘not good’, the overall status of the species was determined to be ‘not good’. In accordance with the ‘Guidance for Assessments Under Article 8 of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive’ integration at species level shall be agreed at Union level taking into account regional or subregional specificities; however, since the majority of the species were found to be in ‘not good’ status, on the basis of expert judgement, GES for both fish and cephalopods is expected to be achieved later than 2020.
The integration method used for the criteria was the following: If 2/3 criteria assessed were ‘good’, the overall status of the species was determined to be ‘good’; if two criteria were assessed and one was determined to be ‘good’ and the other as ‘not good’, the overall status of the species was determined to be as ‘not assessed’; if 2/3 criteria assessed were ‘not good’, the overall status of the species was determined to be ‘not good’. In accordance with the ‘Guidance for Assessments Under Article 8 of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive’ integration at species level shall be agreed at Union level taking into account regional or subregional specificities; however, since the majority of the species were found to be in ‘not good’ status, on the basis of expert judgement, GES for both fish and cephalopods is expected to be achieved later than 2020.
The integration method used for the criteria was the following: If 2/3 criteria assessed were ‘good’, the overall status of the species was determined to be ‘good’; if two criteria were assessed and one was determined to be ‘good’ and the other as ‘not good’, the overall status of the species was determined to be as ‘not assessed’; if 2/3 criteria assessed were ‘not good’, the overall status of the species was determined to be ‘not good’. In accordance with the ‘Guidance for Assessments Under Article 8 of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive’ integration at species level shall be agreed at Union level taking into account regional or subregional specificities; however, since the majority of the species were found to be in ‘not good’ status, on the basis of expert judgement, GES for both fish and cephalopods is expected to be achieved later than 2020.
The integration method used for the criteria was the following: If 2/3 criteria assessed were ‘good’, the overall status of the species was determined to be ‘good’; if two criteria were assessed and one was determined to be ‘good’ and the other as ‘not good’, the overall status of the species was determined to be as ‘not assessed’; if 2/3 criteria assessed were ‘not good’, the overall status of the species was determined to be ‘not good’. In accordance with the ‘Guidance for Assessments Under Article 8 of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive’ integration at species level shall be agreed at Union level taking into account regional or subregional specificities; however, since the majority of the species were found to be in ‘not good’ status, on the basis of expert judgement, GES for both fish and cephalopods is expected to be achieved later than 2020.
The integration method used for the criteria was the following: If 2/3 criteria assessed were ‘good’, the overall status of the species was determined to be ‘good’; if two criteria were assessed and one was determined to be ‘good’ and the other as ‘not good’, the overall status of the species was determined to be as ‘not assessed’; if 2/3 criteria assessed were ‘not good’, the overall status of the species was determined to be ‘not good’. In accordance with the ‘Guidance for Assessments Under Article 8 of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive’ integration at species level shall be agreed at Union level taking into account regional or subregional specificities; however, since the majority of the species were found to be in ‘not good’ status, on the basis of expert judgement, GES for both fish and cephalopods is expected to be achieved later than 2020.
The integration method used for the criteria was the following: If 2/3 criteria assessed were ‘good’, the overall status of the species was determined to be ‘good’; if two criteria were assessed and one was determined to be ‘good’ and the other as ‘not good’, the overall status of the species was determined to be as ‘not assessed’; if 2/3 criteria assessed were ‘not good’, the overall status of the species was determined to be ‘not good’. In accordance with the ‘Guidance for Assessments Under Article 8 of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive’ integration at species level shall be agreed at Union level taking into account regional or subregional specificities; however, since the majority of the species were found to be in ‘not good’ status, on the basis of expert judgement, GES for both fish and cephalopods is expected to be achieved later than 2020.
The integration method used for the criteria was the following: If 2/3 criteria assessed were ‘good’, the overall status of the species was determined to be ‘good’; if two criteria were assessed and one was determined to be ‘good’ and the other as ‘not good’, the overall status of the species was determined to be as ‘not assessed’; if 2/3 criteria assessed were ‘not good’, the overall status of the species was determined to be ‘not good’. In accordance with the ‘Guidance for Assessments Under Article 8 of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive’ integration at species level shall be agreed at Union level taking into account regional or subregional specificities; however, since the majority of the species were found to be in ‘not good’ status, on the basis of expert judgement, GES for both fish and cephalopods is expected to be achieved later than 2020.
The integration method used for the criteria was the following: If 2/3 criteria assessed were ‘good’, the overall status of the species was determined to be ‘good’; if two criteria were assessed and one was determined to be ‘good’ and the other as ‘not good’, the overall status of the species was determined to be as ‘not assessed’; if 2/3 criteria assessed were ‘not good’, the overall status of the species was determined to be ‘not good’. In accordance with the ‘Guidance for Assessments Under Article 8 of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive’ integration at species level shall be agreed at Union level taking into account regional or subregional specificities; however, since the majority of the species were found to be in ‘not good’ status, on the basis of expert judgement, GES for both fish and cephalopods is expected to be achieved later than 2020.
The integration method used for the criteria was the following: If 2/3 criteria assessed were ‘good’, the overall status of the species was determined to be ‘good’; if two criteria were assessed and one was determined to be ‘good’ and the other as ‘not good’, the overall status of the species was determined to be as ‘not assessed’; if 2/3 criteria assessed were ‘not good’, the overall status of the species was determined to be ‘not good’. In accordance with the ‘Guidance for Assessments Under Article 8 of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive’ integration at species level shall be agreed at Union level taking into account regional or subregional specificities; however, since the majority of the species were found to be in ‘not good’ status, on the basis of expert judgement, GES for both fish and cephalopods is expected to be achieved later than 2020.
The integration method used for the criteria was the following: If 2/3 criteria assessed were ‘good’, the overall status of the species was determined to be ‘good’; if two criteria were assessed and one was determined to be ‘good’ and the other as ‘not good’, the overall status of the species was determined to be as ‘not assessed’; if 2/3 criteria assessed were ‘not good’, the overall status of the species was determined to be ‘not good’. In accordance with the ‘Guidance for Assessments Under Article 8 of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive’ integration at species level shall be agreed at Union level taking into account regional or subregional specificities; however, since the majority of the species were found to be in ‘not good’ status, on the basis of expert judgement, GES for both fish and cephalopods is expected to be achieved later than 2020.
The integration method used for the criteria was the following: If 2/3 criteria assessed were ‘good’, the overall status of the species was determined to be ‘good’; if two criteria were assessed and one was determined to be ‘good’ and the other as ‘not good’, the overall status of the species was determined to be as ‘not assessed’; if 2/3 criteria assessed were ‘not good’, the overall status of the species was determined to be ‘not good’. In accordance with the ‘Guidance for Assessments Under Article 8 of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive’ integration at species level shall be agreed at Union level taking into account regional or subregional specificities; however, since the majority of the species were found to be in ‘not good’ status, on the basis of expert judgement, GES for both fish and cephalopods is expected to be achieved later than 2020.
The integration method used for the criteria was the following: If 2/3 criteria assessed were ‘good’, the overall status of the species was determined to be ‘good’; if two criteria were assessed and one was determined to be ‘good’ and the other as ‘not good’, the overall status of the species was determined to be as ‘not assessed’; if 2/3 criteria assessed were ‘not good’, the overall status of the species was determined to be ‘not good’. In accordance with the ‘Guidance for Assessments Under Article 8 of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive’ integration at species level shall be agreed at Union level taking into account regional or subregional specificities; however, since the majority of the species were found to be in ‘not good’ status, on the basis of expert judgement, GES for both fish and cephalopods is expected to be achieved later than 2020.
The integration method used for the criteria was the following: If 2/3 criteria assessed were ‘good’, the overall status of the species was determined to be ‘good’; if two criteria were assessed and one was determined to be ‘good’ and the other as ‘not good’, the overall status of the species was determined to be as ‘not assessed’; if 2/3 criteria assessed were ‘not good’, the overall status of the species was determined to be ‘not good’. In accordance with the ‘Guidance for Assessments Under Article 8 of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive’ integration at species level shall be agreed at Union level taking into account regional or subregional specificities; however, since the majority of the species were found to be in ‘not good’ status, on the basis of expert judgement, GES for both fish and cephalopods is expected to be achieved later than 2020.
The integration method used for the criteria was the following: If 2/3 criteria assessed were ‘good’, the overall status of the species was determined to be ‘good’; if two criteria were assessed and one was determined to be ‘good’ and the other as ‘not good’, the overall status of the species was determined to be as ‘not assessed’; if 2/3 criteria assessed were ‘not good’, the overall status of the species was determined to be ‘not good’. In accordance with the ‘Guidance for Assessments Under Article 8 of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive’ integration at species level shall be agreed at Union level taking into account regional or subregional specificities; however, since the majority of the species were found to be in ‘not good’ status, on the basis of expert judgement, GES for both fish and cephalopods is expected to be achieved later than 2020.
The integration method used for the criteria was the following: If 2/3 criteria assessed were ‘good’, the overall status of the species was determined to be ‘good’; if two criteria were assessed and one was determined to be ‘good’ and the other as ‘not good’, the overall status of the species was determined to be as ‘not assessed’; if 2/3 criteria assessed were ‘not good’, the overall status of the species was determined to be ‘not good’. In accordance with the ‘Guidance for Assessments Under Article 8 of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive’ integration at species level shall be agreed at Union level taking into account regional or subregional specificities; however, since the majority of the species were found to be in ‘not good’ status, on the basis of expert judgement, GES for both fish and cephalopods is expected to be achieved later than 2020.
The integration method used for the criteria was the following: If 2/3 criteria assessed were ‘good’, the overall status of the species was determined to be ‘good’; if two criteria were assessed and one was determined to be ‘good’ and the other as ‘not good’, the overall status of the species was determined to be as ‘not assessed’; if 2/3 criteria assessed were ‘not good’, the overall status of the species was determined to be ‘not good’. In accordance with the ‘Guidance for Assessments Under Article 8 of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive’ integration at species level shall be agreed at Union level taking into account regional or subregional specificities; however, since the majority of the species were found to be in ‘not good’ status, on the basis of expert judgement, GES for both fish and cephalopods is expected to be achieved later than 2020.
The integration method used for the criteria was the following: If 2/3 criteria assessed were ‘good’, the overall status of the species was determined to be ‘good’; if two criteria were assessed and one was determined to be ‘good’ and the other as ‘not good’, the overall status of the species was determined to be as ‘not assessed’; if 2/3 criteria assessed were ‘not good’, the overall status of the species was determined to be ‘not good’. In accordance with the ‘Guidance for Assessments Under Article 8 of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive’ integration at species level shall be agreed at Union level taking into account regional or subregional specificities; however, since the majority of the species were found to be in ‘not good’ status, on the basis of expert judgement, GES for both fish and cephalopods is expected to be achieved later than 2020.
The integration method used for the criteria was the following: If 2/3 criteria assessed were ‘good’, the overall status of the species was determined to be ‘good’; if two criteria were assessed and one was determined to be ‘good’ and the other as ‘not good’, the overall status of the species was determined to be as ‘not assessed’; if 2/3 criteria assessed were ‘not good’, the overall status of the species was determined to be ‘not good’. In accordance with the ‘Guidance for Assessments Under Article 8 of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive’ integration at species level shall be agreed at Union level taking into account regional or subregional specificities; however, since the majority of the species were found to be in ‘not good’ status, on the basis of expert judgement, GES for both fish and cephalopods is expected to be achieved later than 2020.
The integration method used for the criteria was the following: If 2/3 criteria assessed were ‘good’, the overall status of the species was determined to be ‘good’; if two criteria were assessed and one was determined to be ‘good’ and the other as ‘not good’, the overall status of the species was determined to be as ‘not assessed’; if 2/3 criteria assessed were ‘not good’, the overall status of the species was determined to be ‘not good’. In accordance with the ‘Guidance for Assessments Under Article 8 of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive’ integration at species level shall be agreed at Union level taking into account regional or subregional specificities; however, since the majority of the species were found to be in ‘not good’ status, on the basis of expert judgement, GES for both fish and cephalopods is expected to be achieved later than 2020.
The integration method used for the criteria was the following: If 2/3 criteria assessed were ‘good’, the overall status of the species was determined to be ‘good’; if two criteria were assessed and one was determined to be ‘good’ and the other as ‘not good’, the overall status of the species was determined to be as ‘not assessed’; if 2/3 criteria assessed were ‘not good’, the overall status of the species was determined to be ‘not good’. In accordance with the ‘Guidance for Assessments Under Article 8 of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive’ integration at species level shall be agreed at Union level taking into account regional or subregional specificities; however, since the majority of the species were found to be in ‘not good’ status, on the basis of expert judgement, GES for both fish and cephalopods is expected to be achieved later than 2020.
The integration method used for the criteria was the following: If 2/3 criteria assessed were ‘good’, the overall status of the species was determined to be ‘good’; if two criteria were assessed and one was determined to be ‘good’ and the other as ‘not good’, the overall status of the species was determined to be as ‘not assessed’; if 2/3 criteria assessed were ‘not good’, the overall status of the species was determined to be ‘not good’. In accordance with the ‘Guidance for Assessments Under Article 8 of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive’ integration at species level shall be agreed at Union level taking into account regional or subregional specificities; however, since the majority of the species were found to be in ‘not good’ status, on the basis of expert judgement, GES for both fish and cephalopods is expected to be achieved later than 2020.
The integration method used for the criteria was the following: If 2/3 criteria assessed were ‘good’, the overall status of the species was determined to be ‘good’; if two criteria were assessed and one was determined to be ‘good’ and the other as ‘not good’, the overall status of the species was determined to be as ‘not assessed’; if 2/3 criteria assessed were ‘not good’, the overall status of the species was determined to be ‘not good’. In accordance with the ‘Guidance for Assessments Under Article 8 of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive’ integration at species level shall be agreed at Union level taking into account regional or subregional specificities; however, since the majority of the species were found to be in ‘not good’ status, on the basis of expert judgement, GES for both fish and cephalopods is expected to be achieved later than 2020.
The integration method used for the criteria was the following: If 2/3 criteria assessed were ‘good’, the overall status of the species was determined to be ‘good’; if two criteria were assessed and one was determined to be ‘good’ and the other as ‘not good’, the overall status of the species was determined to be as ‘not assessed’; if 2/3 criteria assessed were ‘not good’, the overall status of the species was determined to be ‘not good’. In accordance with the ‘Guidance for Assessments Under Article 8 of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive’ integration at species level shall be agreed at Union level taking into account regional or subregional specificities; however, since the majority of the species were found to be in ‘not good’ status, on the basis of expert judgement, GES for both fish and cephalopods is expected to be achieved later than 2020.
The integration method used for the criteria was the following: If 2/3 criteria assessed were ‘good’, the overall status of the species was determined to be ‘good’; if two criteria were assessed and one was determined to be ‘good’ and the other as ‘not good’, the overall status of the species was determined to be as ‘not assessed’; if 2/3 criteria assessed were ‘not good’, the overall status of the species was determined to be ‘not good’. In accordance with the ‘Guidance for Assessments Under Article 8 of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive’ integration at species level shall be agreed at Union level taking into account regional or subregional specificities; however, since the majority of the species were found to be in ‘not good’ status, on the basis of expert judgement, GES for both fish and cephalopods is expected to be achieved later than 2020.
The integration method used for the criteria was the following: If 2/3 criteria assessed were ‘good’, the overall status of the species was determined to be ‘good’; if two criteria were assessed and one was determined to be ‘good’ and the other as ‘not good’, the overall status of the species was determined to be as ‘not assessed’; if 2/3 criteria assessed were ‘not good’, the overall status of the species was determined to be ‘not good’. In accordance with the ‘Guidance for Assessments Under Article 8 of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive’ integration at species level shall be agreed at Union level taking into account regional or subregional specificities; however, since the majority of the species were found to be in ‘not good’ status, on the basis of expert judgement, GES for both fish and cephalopods is expected to be achieved later than 2020.
The integration method used for the criteria was the following: If 2/3 criteria assessed were ‘good’, the overall status of the species was determined to be ‘good’; if two criteria were assessed and one was determined to be ‘good’ and the other as ‘not good’, the overall status of the species was determined to be as ‘not assessed’; if 2/3 criteria assessed were ‘not good’, the overall status of the species was determined to be ‘not good’. In accordance with the ‘Guidance for Assessments Under Article 8 of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive’ integration at species level shall be agreed at Union level taking into account regional or subregional specificities; however, since the majority of the species were found to be in ‘not good’ status, on the basis of expert judgement, GES for both fish and cephalopods is expected to be achieved later than 2020.
The integration method used for the criteria was the following: If 2/3 criteria assessed were ‘good’, the overall status of the species was determined to be ‘good’; if two criteria were assessed and one was determined to be ‘good’ and the other as ‘not good’, the overall status of the species was determined to be as ‘not assessed’; if 2/3 criteria assessed were ‘not good’, the overall status of the species was determined to be ‘not good’. In accordance with the ‘Guidance for Assessments Under Article 8 of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive’ integration at species level shall be agreed at Union level taking into account regional or subregional specificities; however, since the majority of the species were found to be in ‘not good’ status, on the basis of expert judgement, GES for both fish and cephalopods is expected to be achieved later than 2020.
GES extent threshold
GES extent achieved
GES extent unit
GES achieved
GES expected to be achieved later than 2020, Article 14 exception reported
GES expected to be achieved later than 2020, Article 14 exception reported
GES expected to be achieved later than 2020, Article 14 exception reported
GES expected to be achieved later than 2020, Article 14 exception reported
GES expected to be achieved later than 2020, Article 14 exception reported
GES expected to be achieved later than 2020, Article 14 exception reported
GES expected to be achieved later than 2020, Article 14 exception reported
GES expected to be achieved later than 2020, Article 14 exception reported
GES expected to be achieved later than 2020, Article 14 exception reported
GES expected to be achieved later than 2020, Article 14 exception reported
GES expected to be achieved later than 2020, Article 14 exception reported
GES expected to be achieved later than 2020, Article 14 exception reported
GES expected to be achieved later than 2020, Article 14 exception reported
GES expected to be achieved later than 2020, Article 14 exception reported
GES expected to be achieved later than 2020, Article 14 exception reported
GES expected to be achieved later than 2020, Article 14 exception reported
GES expected to be achieved later than 2020, Article 14 exception reported
GES expected to be achieved later than 2020, Article 14 exception reported
GES expected to be achieved later than 2020, Article 14 exception reported
GES expected to be achieved later than 2020, Article 14 exception reported
GES expected to be achieved later than 2020, Article 14 exception reported
GES expected to be achieved later than 2020, Article 14 exception reported
GES expected to be achieved later than 2020, Article 14 exception reported
GES expected to be achieved later than 2020, Article 14 exception reported
GES expected to be achieved later than 2020, Article 14 exception reported
GES expected to be achieved later than 2020, Article 14 exception reported
GES expected to be achieved later than 2020, Article 14 exception reported
GES expected to be achieved later than 2020, Article 14 exception reported
GES expected to be achieved later than 2020, Article 14 exception reported
GES expected to be achieved later than 2020, Article 14 exception reported
GES expected to be achieved later than 2020, Article 14 exception reported
GES expected to be achieved later than 2020, Article 14 exception reported
GES expected to be achieved later than 2020, Article 14 exception reported
GES expected to be achieved later than 2020, Article 14 exception reported
GES expected to be achieved later than 2020, Article 14 exception reported
GES expected to be achieved later than 2020, Article 14 exception reported
GES expected to be achieved later than 2020, Article 14 exception reported
GES expected to be achieved later than 2020, Article 14 exception reported
GES expected to be achieved later than 2020, Article 14 exception reported
GES expected to be achieved later than 2020, Article 14 exception reported
GES expected to be achieved later than 2020, Article 14 exception reported
GES expected to be achieved later than 2020, Article 14 exception reported
GES expected to be achieved later than 2020, Article 14 exception reported
GES expected to be achieved later than 2020, Article 14 exception reported
GES expected to be achieved later than 2020, Article 14 exception reported
GES expected to be achieved later than 2020, Article 14 exception reported
GES expected to be achieved later than 2020, Article 14 exception reported
GES expected to be achieved later than 2020, Article 14 exception reported
Description overall status
Assessments period
Related pressures
  • Extraction of, or mortality/injury to, wild species (by commercial and recreational fishing and other activities)
  • Extraction of, or mortality/injury to, wild species (by commercial and recreational fishing and other activities)
  • Extraction of, or mortality/injury to, wild species (by commercial and recreational fishing and other activities)
  • Extraction of, or mortality/injury to, wild species (by commercial and recreational fishing and other activities)
  • Extraction of, or mortality/injury to, wild species (by commercial and recreational fishing and other activities)
  • Extraction of, or mortality/injury to, wild species (by commercial and recreational fishing and other activities)
  • Extraction of, or mortality/injury to, wild species (by commercial and recreational fishing and other activities)
  • Extraction of, or mortality/injury to, wild species (by commercial and recreational fishing and other activities)
  • Extraction of, or mortality/injury to, wild species (by commercial and recreational fishing and other activities)
  • Extraction of, or mortality/injury to, wild species (by commercial and recreational fishing and other activities)
  • Extraction of, or mortality/injury to, wild species (by commercial and recreational fishing and other activities)
  • Extraction of, or mortality/injury to, wild species (by commercial and recreational fishing and other activities)
  • Extraction of, or mortality/injury to, wild species (by commercial and recreational fishing and other activities)
  • Extraction of, or mortality/injury to, wild species (by commercial and recreational fishing and other activities)
  • Extraction of, or mortality/injury to, wild species (by commercial and recreational fishing and other activities)
  • Extraction of, or mortality/injury to, wild species (by commercial and recreational fishing and other activities)
  • Extraction of, or mortality/injury to, wild species (by commercial and recreational fishing and other activities)
  • Extraction of, or mortality/injury to, wild species (by commercial and recreational fishing and other activities)
  • Extraction of, or mortality/injury to, wild species (by commercial and recreational fishing and other activities)
  • Extraction of, or mortality/injury to, wild species (by commercial and recreational fishing and other activities)
  • Extraction of, or mortality/injury to, wild species (by commercial and recreational fishing and other activities)
  • Extraction of, or mortality/injury to, wild species (by commercial and recreational fishing and other activities)
  • Extraction of, or mortality/injury to, wild species (by commercial and recreational fishing and other activities)
  • Extraction of, or mortality/injury to, wild species (by commercial and recreational fishing and other activities)
  • Extraction of, or mortality/injury to, wild species (by commercial and recreational fishing and other activities)
  • Extraction of, or mortality/injury to, wild species (by commercial and recreational fishing and other activities)
  • Extraction of, or mortality/injury to, wild species (by commercial and recreational fishing and other activities)
  • Extraction of, or mortality/injury to, wild species (by commercial and recreational fishing and other activities)
  • Extraction of, or mortality/injury to, wild species (by commercial and recreational fishing and other activities)
  • Extraction of, or mortality/injury to, wild species (by commercial and recreational fishing and other activities)
  • Extraction of, or mortality/injury to, wild species (by commercial and recreational fishing and other activities)
  • Extraction of, or mortality/injury to, wild species (by commercial and recreational fishing and other activities)
  • Extraction of, or mortality/injury to, wild species (by commercial and recreational fishing and other activities)
  • Extraction of, or mortality/injury to, wild species (by commercial and recreational fishing and other activities)
  • Extraction of, or mortality/injury to, wild species (by commercial and recreational fishing and other activities)
  • Extraction of, or mortality/injury to, wild species (by commercial and recreational fishing and other activities)
  • Extraction of, or mortality/injury to, wild species (by commercial and recreational fishing and other activities)
  • Extraction of, or mortality/injury to, wild species (by commercial and recreational fishing and other activities)
  • Extraction of, or mortality/injury to, wild species (by commercial and recreational fishing and other activities)
  • Extraction of, or mortality/injury to, wild species (by commercial and recreational fishing and other activities)
  • Extraction of, or mortality/injury to, wild species (by commercial and recreational fishing and other activities)
  • Extraction of, or mortality/injury to, wild species (by commercial and recreational fishing and other activities)
  • Extraction of, or mortality/injury to, wild species (by commercial and recreational fishing and other activities)
  • Extraction of, or mortality/injury to, wild species (by commercial and recreational fishing and other activities)
  • Extraction of, or mortality/injury to, wild species (by commercial and recreational fishing and other activities)
  • Extraction of, or mortality/injury to, wild species (by commercial and recreational fishing and other activities)
  • Extraction of, or mortality/injury to, wild species (by commercial and recreational fishing and other activities)
  • Extraction of, or mortality/injury to, wild species (by commercial and recreational fishing and other activities)
Related targets
  • MT_Target_2019_D1C1
  • MT_Target_2019_D1C1
  • MT_Target_2019_D1C1
  • MT_Target_2019_D1C1
  • MT_Target_2019_D1C1
  • MT_Target_2019_D1C1
  • MT_Target_2019_D1C1
  • MT_Target_2019_D1C1
  • MT_Target_2019_D1C1
  • MT_Target_2019_D1C1
  • MT_Target_2019_D1C1
  • MT_Target_2019_D1C1
  • MT_Target_2019_D1C1
  • MT_Target_2019_D1C1
  • MT_Target_2019_D1C1
  • MT_Target_2019_D1C1
  • MT_Target_2019_D1C1
  • MT_Target_2019_D1C1
  • MT_Target_2019_D1C1
  • MT_Target_2019_D1C1
  • MT_Target_2019_D1C1
  • MT_Target_2019_D1C1
  • MT_Target_2019_D1C1
  • MT_Target_2019_D1C1
  • MT_Target_2019_D1C1
  • MT_Target_2019_D1C1
  • MT_Target_2019_D1C1
  • MT_Target_2019_D1C1
  • MT_Target_2019_D1C1
  • MT_Target_2019_D1C1
  • MT_Target_2019_D1C1
  • MT_Target_2019_D1C1
  • MT_Target_2019_D1C1
  • MT_Target_2019_D1C1
  • MT_Target_2019_D1C1
  • MT_Target_2019_D1C1
  • MT_Target_2019_D1C1
  • MT_Target_2019_D1C1
  • MT_Target_2019_D1C1
  • MT_Target_2019_D1C1
  • MT_Target_2019_D1C1
  • MT_Target_2019_D1C1
  • MT_Target_2019_D1C1
  • MT_Target_2019_D1C1
  • MT_Target_2019_D1C1
  • MT_Target_2019_D1C1
  • MT_Target_2019_D1C1
  • MT_Target_2019_D1C1