Member State report / Art18 / 2018 / D10 / Malta / Mediterranean: Ionian Sea & Central Mediterranean Sea

Report type Member State report to Commission
MSFD Article Art. 18 Interim report on programme of measures
Report due 2018-10-15
GES Descriptor D10 Litter
Member State Malta
Region/subregion Mediterranean: Ionian Sea & Central Mediterranean Sea
Reported by Environment and Resources Authority
Report date 2020-04-09
Report access MSFD_Art18_Progress_on_POMs_MT.xml
Marine reporting units
Measure code
Measure name
Continue to strengthen the relationship between environmental and planning regulatory processes (including MSFD concerns)
Establish a mercury management plan to enable the investigation of potential sources of mercury and potential mitigation measures
Characterise and quantify hydrological input of land-based contaminants (including litter) to coastal waters from major subcatchments
Investigate the role of transboundary contaminants through hydrographic pathways and the extent of their contribution to marine contamination
Publish guidelines for disposal of dredged material
Develop a system to encourage adequate litter management and control in coastal areas
Targeted awareness campaign on impacts of marine litter
Identification and mapping of areas with accumulated litter on the seabed or in the water column and potential removal of such litter
Establish formal collaboration with NGOs for participation in Mediterranean coastal clean-up day
Education campaign for seafarers on marine litter
Identify options for re-designing fishing gear or practices to reduce discarded or lost fishing gear
Implementation of ‘Fishing for Litter’ scheme
Measure category (type)
1b (related to WFD)
1b (related to WFD)
1b (related to WFD)
1b (related to WFD)
1b (related to WFD)
1b (related to WFD)
1b (related to WFD)
Progress in implementation
Implementation not started
Implementation not started
Measure implemented
Measure implemented
Measure implemented
Measure withdrawn
Reason for withdrawal
Data or information
Year of implementation (Temporal coverage - timeline for implementation)
Reasons for delay
Other obstacles (Obstacles to implementation)
Type of obstacle
Further information on obstacle (Description)
Brief description of progress (measurement of effectiveness of measure)
Procurement procedures for implementation of this measure are in progress. In parallel, data on accumulated litter on the seabed as observed through the LIFE BaHAR for N2K project (LIFE12 NAT/MT/000845) surveys was classified and mapped. This data will be contributing to the implementation of the tender once this is awarded.
The change in measure was triggered In view of the increasing number of initiatives organised by NGOs and local organisations for clean-ups. The need to develop a mechanism that would ensure coordination of such initiatives was identified in order to channel such initiatives to priority areas, ensure adoption of environmentally friendly practices and avoid duplication of efforts. Through this mechanism, requests for clean-ups will be assessed and guided in a consistent manner and on the basis of the available data/information. For the purpose of this new measure, work is currently ongoing to set up two parallel systems that will feed into each other: one system involving mechanism for collection of data on accumulated litter using citizen science and another system whereby NGOs/local organisations would be directed to undertake clean-ups in priority areas in accordance with the data available. Work is expected to the finalised within the reported timeframes.
In the summer of 2018 and 2019, the Authority for Transport in Malta launched their annual "Be Safe at Sea" Campaign including messages to seafarers to avoid the introduction of litter into the marine environment. In collaboration with the Authority for Transport in Malta, the Environment and Resources Authority participated in TV interviews as part of the 2018 campaign. The focus of these interviews was in relation to the impacts of marine litter. Work is currently ongoing to develop information on marine litter to be included as part of the nautical courses and also to develop more awareness raising material to form part of the annual "Be Safe at Sea" campaign. In addition to the above, through LIFE BaHAR for N2K project (LIFE12 NAT/MT/000845) a video clip on marine litter was developed and is available online:
A study has been undertaken by the Department of Fisheries and Aquaculture as part of the implementation of this measure. Seventeen fishing aggregated devices (FADs) were deployed utilizing Sisal rope as opposed to the typically used nylon at a variety of depths ranging from 300 to 1000 meters throughout Maltese waters. The overall results of this study indicated that most of the FADs deployed with the trialed Sisal setup remained functional for half the dolphinfish fishing season. The dolphinfish fishing season lasts five months, meaning that a different setup will have to be utilized in order to extend the operational life of biodegradable FADs. The measure will be revisited as part of the upcoming Programme of Measures.
A pilot project scheme was launched in December 2018 by the Department of Fisheries and Aquaculture. This scheme aims at providing financial support to eligible and interested applicants/boat owners who have a trawler with a valid trawling license with an authorisation for bottom otter trawls. Through this scheme applicants are provided with a jumbo bag to collect plastic waste that is brought aboard by trawling activities. These are used by the selected applicants to collect plastic litter that is recovered incidentally from the sea during normal bottom trawling fishing activities. Once such a Jumbo Bag has been filled with marine plastic litter, the Department of Fisheries and Aquaculture is notified accordingly. This scheme is in the implementation phase and discussions on its effectiveness are ongoing.