Member State report / Art8 / 2012 / D3 / Malta / Mediterranean: Ionian Sea & Central Mediterranean Sea

Report type Member State report to Commission
MSFD Article Art. 8 Initial assessment (and Art. 17 updates)
Report due 2012-10-15
GES Descriptor D3 Commercial fish and shellfish
Member State Malta
Region/subregion Mediterranean: Ionian Sea & Central Mediterranean Sea
Reported by Malta Environment and Planning Authority
Report date 2013-08-02
Report access MSFD8bPressures_20140826_082900.xml


GES component
Assessment Topic
Element 2
ShelfSand, ShelfMud, ShelfMxdSed, UBathSed
FishDemersalElasmobranchs, ReptilesAll, BirdsAll
Threshold value/Value unit
Proportion threshold value
Status of criteria/indicator
Status trend
Status confidence
Description (status of criteria/indicator)
Assessment period
Input load
Load unit
Trends (recent)
Trends (future)
Description (activities)
The activities contributing to this pressure constitute the different types of fisheries used in Malta, which may result in the depletion of fish stocks and non-targeted species captured as by-catch. Pressures on the marine environment are particularly attributed to towed fishing gears, namely trawling which results in disruption of the seabed and changes to the benthic community structure. Surface longlining is also associated with a potentially significant level of by-catch of marine reptiles, although the extent of such impact still needs to be assessed.
The activities contributing to this pressure constitute the different types of fisheries used in Malta, which may result in the depletion of fish stocks and non-targeted species captured as by-catch. Pressures on the marine environment are particularly attributed to towed fishing gears, namely trawling which results in disruption of the seabed and changes to the benthic community structure. Surface longlining is also associated with a potentially significant level of by-catch of marine reptiles, although the extent of such impact still needs to be assessed.
The activities contributing to this pressure constitute the different types of fisheries used in Malta, which may result in the depletion of fish stocks and non-targeted species captured as by-catch. Pressures on the marine environment are particularly attributed to towed fishing gears, namely trawling which results in disruption of the seabed and changes to the benthic community structure. Surface longlining is also associated with a potentially significant level of by-catch of marine reptiles, although the extent of such impact still needs to be assessed.
The activities contributing to this pressure constitute the different types of fisheries used in Malta, which may result in the depletion of fish stocks and non-targeted species captured as by-catch. Pressures on the marine environment are particularly attributed to towed fishing gears, namely trawling which results in disruption of the seabed and changes to the benthic community structure. Surface longlining is also associated with a potentially significant level of by-catch of marine reptiles, although the extent of such impact still needs to be assessed.
The activities contributing to this pressure constitute the different types of fisheries used in Malta, which may result in the depletion of fish stocks and non-targeted species captured as by-catch. Pressures on the marine environment are particularly attributed to towed fishing gears, namely trawling which results in disruption of the seabed and changes to the benthic community structure. Surface longlining is also associated with a potentially significant level of by-catch of marine reptiles, although the extent of such impact still needs to be assessed.
The activities contributing to this pressure constitute the different types of fisheries used in Malta, which may result in the depletion of fish stocks and non-targeted species captured as by-catch. Pressures on the marine environment are particularly attributed to towed fishing gears, namely trawling which results in disruption of the seabed and changes to the benthic community structure. Surface longlining is also associated with a potentially significant level of by-catch of marine reptiles, although the extent of such impact still needs to be assessed.
The activities contributing to this pressure constitute the different types of fisheries used in Malta, which may result in the depletion of fish stocks and non-targeted species captured as by-catch. Pressures on the marine environment are particularly attributed to towed fishing gears, namely trawling which results in disruption of the seabed and changes to the benthic community structure. Surface longlining is also associated with a potentially significant level of by-catch of marine reptiles, although the extent of such impact still needs to be assessed.
The activities contributing to this pressure constitute the different types of fisheries used in Malta, which may result in the depletion of fish stocks and non-targeted species captured as by-catch. Pressures on the marine environment are particularly attributed to towed fishing gears, namely trawling which results in disruption of the seabed and changes to the benthic community structure. Surface longlining is also associated with a potentially significant level of by-catch of marine reptiles, although the extent of such impact still needs to be assessed.
Activity type
  • NotReported
  • NotReported
  • NotReported
  • NotReported
  • NotReported
  • NotReported
  • NotReported
  • NotReported
Information gaps
Stock assessment data is limited and is only available for a limited number of stocks. However given that the fish stocks targeted by Maltese fishers are shared with other countries, stock assessment should be carried out at a regional scale for such assessments to be meaningful. Malta will continue to collect data in line with the Data Collection Framework and further efforts will be made to make best use of the Fisheries independent data in the absence of stock assessments.
Stock assessment data is limited and is only available for a limited number of stocks. However given that the fish stocks targeted by Maltese fishers are shared with other countries, stock assessment should be carried out at a regional scale for such assessments to be meaningful. Malta will continue to collect data in line with the Data Collection Framework and further efforts will be made to make best use of the Fisheries independent data in the absence of stock assessments.
Stock assessment data is limited and is only available for a limited number of stocks. However given that the fish stocks targeted by Maltese fishers are shared with other countries, stock assessment should be carried out at a regional scale for such assessments to be meaningful. Malta will continue to collect data in line with the Data Collection Framework and further efforts will be made to make best use of the Fisheries independent data in the absence of stock assessments.
Stock assessment data is limited and is only available for a limited number of stocks. However given that the fish stocks targeted by Maltese fishers are shared with other countries, stock assessment should be carried out at a regional scale for such assessments to be meaningful. Malta will continue to collect data in line with the Data Collection Framework and further efforts will be made to make best use of the Fisheries independent data in the absence of stock assessments.
Stock assessment data is limited and is only available for a limited number of stocks. However given that the fish stocks targeted by Maltese fishers are shared with other countries, stock assessment should be carried out at a regional scale for such assessments to be meaningful. Malta will continue to collect data in line with the Data Collection Framework and further efforts will be made to make best use of the Fisheries independent data in the absence of stock assessments.
Stock assessment data is limited and is only available for a limited number of stocks. However given that the fish stocks targeted by Maltese fishers are shared with other countries, stock assessment should be carried out at a regional scale for such assessments to be meaningful. Malta will continue to collect data in line with the Data Collection Framework and further efforts will be made to make best use of the Fisheries independent data in the absence of stock assessments.
Stock assessment data is limited and is only available for a limited number of stocks. However given that the fish stocks targeted by Maltese fishers are shared with other countries, stock assessment should be carried out at a regional scale for such assessments to be meaningful. Malta will continue to collect data in line with the Data Collection Framework and further efforts will be made to make best use of the Fisheries independent data in the absence of stock assessments.
Stock assessment data is limited and is only available for a limited number of stocks. However given that the fish stocks targeted by Maltese fishers are shared with other countries, stock assessment should be carried out at a regional scale for such assessments to be meaningful. Malta will continue to collect data in line with the Data Collection Framework and further efforts will be made to make best use of the Fisheries independent data in the absence of stock assessments.