Member State report / Art11 / 2020 / Netherlands / NE Atlantic: Greater North Sea - Overview

Report type Member State report to Commission
MSFD Article Art. 11 Monitoring programmes (and Art. 17 updates)
Report due 2020-10-15
Member State Netherlands
Reported by Rijkswaterstaat Water, Verkeer en Leefomgeving Zuiderwagenplein 2 8224 AD Lelystad Postbus 2232 3500
Report date 2020-11-17
Report access

Competent Authority responsible for monitoring
Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management
Responsible organisations
Relationship to CA
Public consultation dates
2020/04/03 - 2020/05/14
Public consultation site
Regional cooperation
The Netherlands is committed to maximising international cooperation and coordination in determining the information requirements and their implementation in monitoring programmes and the ultimate assessment. This approach generates efficiency gains and leads to a better understanding of the ecosystem and the factors threatening it. Furthermore, transnational mobile species groups such as seabirds, fish and marine mammals, but also pressures such as underwater noise and pollution, require such an approach. Accordingly, the elaboration of the Marine Strategy with indicators, monitoring, research programmes and measures corresponds to a large extent with agreements and developments at international level (EU, OSPAR, river basins). Guiding instruments for international coordination and cooperation are: 1. The European Commission’s Common Implementation Strategy (EU-CIS): a strategy established by the European Commission to promote cooperation between the member states and the Commission in the coherent implementation of the MSFD. The process is managed by the EU Water and Marine Directors meeting, assisted by the Marine Strategy Coordination Group (MSCG) and a number of working groups (on technical issues); 2. OSPAR’s Intersessional Correspondence Group for the Implementation of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (ICG-MSFD): this coordinating group of MSFD project managers in the OSPAR treaty area has the task of promoting synergy between the MSFD and OSPAR’s activities. This corresponds with the MSFD’s assignment of making the best possible use of regional sea conventions within the territory of Europe. For specific descriptors, the coordination is delegated to OSPAR working groups. The Netherlands values international coordination of the MSFD in regional sea conventions and therefore contributes to the OSPAR regional sea convention. Given the importance of sharing information and coordinating activities relating to MSFD, the Netherlands makes an active contribution to all of the relevant OSPAR groups. In addition, 20 countries in the Atlantic region have for years been collaborating effectively in the area of fisheries monitoring under the auspices of ICES. Wherever possible, the Netherlands seeks cooperation in monitoring at sea, as with the EU projects JMP EUNOSAT and JOMOPANS, JPI-Oceans, the international Dogger Bank, and with SCANS counts of marine mammals.