Member State report / Art13 / 2016 / D1-P / Poland / Baltic Sea
Report type | Member State report to Commission |
MSFD Article | Art. 13 Programme of measures (and Art. 17 updates) |
Report due | 2016-10-15 |
GES Descriptor | D1 Pelagic habitats |
Member State | Poland |
Region/subregion | Baltic Sea |
Reported by | Magda Chreptowicz-Liszewska |
Report date | 2017-01-31 |
Report access | BALPL_measures_20170206.xml |
Marine reporting units | BAL-PL-MS-001 |
BAL-PL-MS-001 |
BAL-PL-MS-001 |
BAL-PL-MS-001 |
BAL-PL-MS-001 |
BAL-PL-MS-001 |
BAL-PL-MS-001 |
BAL-PL-MS-001 |
BAL-PL-MS-001 |
BAL-PL-MS-001 |
BAL-PL-MS-001 |
BAL-PL-MS-001 |
BAL-PL-MS-001 |
BAL-PL-MS-001 |
BAL-PL-MS-001 |
BAL-PL-MS-001 |
BAL-PL-MS-001 |
BAL-PL-MS-001 |
BAL-PL-MS-001 |
Measure code | BALPL-M001 |
BALPL-M002 |
BALPL-M003 |
BALPL-M004 |
BALPL-M005 |
BALPL-M006 |
BALPL-M007 |
BALPL-M018 |
BALPL-M029 |
BALPL-M037 |
BALPL-M038 |
BALPL-M045 |
BALPL-M048 |
BALPL-M050 |
BALPL-M051 |
BALPL-M052 |
BALPL-M053 |
BALPL-M054 |
BALPL-M055 |
Measure name | KTM37_3 Plan for rescuing animals affected by oil spills |
KTM20_2 Increase of availability of data on by-catch of protected marine species of birds and mammals |
KTM37_4 Research on the fish population in the Polish internal waters |
KTM38_1 Research and assesment of neccesity of enlargement areas where trawling is banned - including controlling measures |
KTM20_4 Setting limits for the use of certain fishing gears in the spatial development plan of marine areas and the testing and use of alternative fishing gear and equipment designed to reduce the incidental catch of protected species (birds and mammals) |
KTM38_2 Establishing areas excluded from development in spatial development plan for marine areas |
KTM38_3 Verification of compliance of provisions of administrative decisions with spatial development plan for marine areas |
KTM4_1 Reducing emissions of phosphorus from the heap of phosphogypsum in Wiślinka |
KTM27 The introduction of restrictions on bottom trawling in areas where there is a need to protect valuable communities of benthic organisms |
KTM31_5 Preparing and implementation of the plan to combat oil pollution on the sea shore |
KTM31_6 Increasing the effectiveness of the fight against pollution at sea |
KTM29_2 The introduction of the principle of 'no special fee' for collecting waste from ships in ports |
KTM29_4 Fishing for litter - cleaning of the sea
KTM29_7 Study on micro plastic in the marine environment |
KTM29_8 Marking of fishing gear - prevent ghost nets |
KTM29_9 Reducing the amount of packaging - action in the light of the Directive on packaging and packaging waste |
KTM28_2 Cooperation at the international level for the establishment of requirements relating to the limitation of underwater noise from shipping |
KTM28_4 The implementation of the registry of impulse noise sources |
KTM38_5 Development of seasonal noise maps
Link to existing policies |
Key type of measure (KTM) | MSFD37 |
WFD20 |
MSFD37 |
MSFD38 |
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MSFD38 |
MSFD38 |
WFD04 |
MSFD27 |
MSFD31 |
MSFD31 |
MSFD29 |
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MSFD28 |
MSFD28 |
MSFD38 |
Relevant environmental targets | |||||||||||||||||||
Relevant GES descriptors |
Relevant features |
SpatialScopeGeographicZones | Reported |
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WFD reporting areas | |||||||||||||||||||
Further information |