Member State report / Art13 / 2016 / D4 / Poland / Baltic Sea
Report type | Member State report to Commission |
MSFD Article | Art. 13 Programme of measures (and Art. 17 updates) |
Report due | 2016-10-15 |
GES Descriptor | D4 Food webs/D1 Ecosystems |
Member State | Poland |
Region/subregion | Baltic Sea |
Reported by | Magda Chreptowicz-Liszewska |
Report date | 2017-01-31 |
Report access | BALPL_measures_20170206.xml |
Marine reporting units | BAL-PL-MS-001 |
BAL-PL-MS-001 |
BAL-PL-MS-001 |
BAL-PL-MS-001 |
BAL-PL-MS-001 |
BAL-PL-MS-001 |
BAL-PL-MS-001 |
BAL-PL-MS-001 |
BAL-PL-MS-001 |
BAL-PL-MS-001 |
BAL-PL-MS-001 |
BAL-PL-MS-001 |
BAL-PL-MS-001 |
BAL-PL-MS-001 |
BAL-PL-MS-001 |
BAL-PL-MS-001 |
BAL-PL-MS-001 |
Measure code | BALPL-M001 |
BALPL-M002 |
BALPL-M003 |
BALPL-M006 |
BALPL-M007 |
BALPL-M013 |
BALPL-M014 |
BALPL-M015 |
BALPL-M016 |
BALPL-M017 |
BALPL-M018 |
BALPL-M019 |
BALPL-M020 |
BALPL-M021 |
BALPL-M028 |
BALPL-M037 |
BALPL-M038 |
Measure name | KTM37_3 Plan for rescuing animals affected by oil spills |
KTM20_2 Increase of availability of data on by-catch of protected marine species of birds and mammals |
KTM37_4 Research on the fish population in the Polish internal waters |
KTM38_2 Establishing areas excluded from development in spatial development plan for marine areas |
KTM38_3 Verification of compliance of provisions of administrative decisions with spatial development plan for marine areas |
KTM14_3 Promoting the Code of Good Fishing Practice |
KTM33_1 The development and promotion of the use of LNG as fuel for ships |
KTM33_2 The development of port infrastructure used for supplying electricity from the quay to ships |
KTM33_3 Supporting further action taken in the IMO concerning the establishment of areas of control of emissions of nitrogen oxides (NECA -NOx emission control area) |
KTM33_4 The introduction of a ban on discharge of untreated sanitary sewage from passenger ships in Baltic Sea |
KTM4_1 Reducing emissions of phosphorus from the heap of phosphogypsum in Wiślinka |
KTM1_1 Increasing requirements for phosphorus removal in wastewater discharged from wastewater treatment plants |
KTM2_2 Increasing the amount of land covered by fertilization plans |
KTM2_3 Ensuring the conditions for the safe storage of natural fertilizers |
KTM2_4 Countering surface water erosion at the interface between fields and inland waters |
KTM31_5 Preparing and implementation of the plan to combat oil pollution on the sea shore |
KTM31_6 Increasing the effectiveness of the fight against pollution at sea |
Link to existing policies |
Key type of measure (KTM) | MSFD37 |
WFD20 |
MSFD37 |
MSFD38 |
MSFD38 |
WFD14 |
MSFD33 |
MSFD33 |
MSFD33 |
MSFD33 |
WFD04 |
WFD01 |
WFD02 |
WFD02 |
WFD02 |
MSFD31 |
MSFD31 |
Relevant environmental targets | |||||||||||||||||
Relevant GES descriptors |
Relevant features |
SpatialScopeGeographicZones | Reported |
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WFD reporting areas | |||||||||||||||||
Further information |