Member State report / Art10 / 2018 / D3 / Portugal / NE Atlantic: Bay of Biscay & Iberian Coast

Report type Member State report to Commission
MSFD Article Art. 10 Environmental targets (and Art. 17 updates)
Report due 2018-10-15
GES Descriptor D3 Commercial fish and shellfish
Member State Portugal
Region/subregion NE Atlantic: Bay of Biscay & Iberian Coast
Reported by DGRM
Report date 2021-03-03
Report access ART10_Targets_PT_setembro2020.xml

Target code
ABIPT-T6-D1Cont / ABIPT-T1-D3Cont
ABIPT-T6-D1Cont / ABIPT-T1-D3Cont
Cont. 2
Cont. 3
Cont. 4
Target description
Until 2020, to sustainably exploit the stock of shortfin mako (Isurus oxyrinchius) at MSY level.
Until 2020, to sustainably exploit the stock of shortfin mako (Isurus oxyrinchius) at MSY level.
By 2020, to sustainably exploit the stock of Espadim Azul (Makaira nigricans) at MSY level.
By 2020, to sustainably exploit the stock of Espadim Azul (Makaira nigricans) at MSY level.
By 2020, to sustainably exploit the stocks of white (Tetrapturus albidus) at MSY level.
By 2020, to sustainably exploit the stocks of white (Tetrapturus albidus) at MSY level.
By 2020, to operate sustainably from the stock of harvested tuna (Thunnus obesus) at MSY level.
By 2020, to operate sustainably from the stock of harvested tuna (Thunnus obesus) at MSY level.
Restore stock biomass levels of sardine (Sardina pilchardus) It is intended to maintain a precautionary approach towards the establishment of the sardine fishing limits in the waters of the subdivision of the continent, in order to restore the biomass levels of the stock and to alleviate the pressure on fishing, especially on female spawners. This target is laid down in the measures contained in the plan for the recovery and management of the Iberian Sardine, which is currently being assessed by ICES at the request of Portugal and Spain. The collaboration with the sector through the Monitoring Committee established by Ministerial Implementing Order No 251/2010 of 4 May, in its current wording, has been essential for the implementation of measures for the limitation of activities adopted. (target of 2012 ? Cont.1)
Restore stock biomass levels of sardine (Sardina pilchardus) It is intended to maintain a precautionary approach towards the establishment of the sardine fishing limits in the waters of the subdivision of the continent, in order to restore the biomass levels of the stock and to alleviate the pressure on fishing, especially on female spawners. This target is laid down in the measures contained in the plan for the recovery and management of the Iberian Sardine, which is currently being assessed by ICES at the request of Portugal and Spain. The collaboration with the sector through the Monitoring Committee established by Ministerial Implementing Order No 251/2010 of 4 May, in its current wording, has been essential for the implementation of measures for the limitation of activities adopted. (target of 2012 ? Cont.1)
By 2020, to sustainably exploit the stock of yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares) at MSY level.
By 2020, to sustainably exploit the stock of Atlantic sailfish (Istiophorus albicans) at MSY level.
To recover biomass stock levels of hake (Merluccius merluccius)
Sustainably exploiting the stock of white anglerfish (Lophius piscatorius) by 2020
Sustainably exploit stock of four-spot megrim (Lepidorhombus boscii) by 2020
  • Commercially exploited fish and shellfish
  • Commercially exploited fish and shellfish
  • Commercially exploited fish and shellfish
  • Commercially exploited fish and shellfish
  • Fish and shellfish harvesting (professional, recreational)
  • Fish and shellfish harvesting (professional, recreational)
  • Commercially exploited fish and shellfish
  • Commercially exploited fish and shellfish
  • Commercially exploited fish and shellfish
  • Pelagic shelf fish
  • Commercially exploited fish and shellfish
  • Pelagic shelf fish
  • Fish and shellfish harvesting (professional, recreational)
  • Fish and shellfish harvesting (professional, recreational)
  • Commercially exploited fish and shellfish
  • Commercially exploited fish and shellfish
  • Commercially exploited fish and shellfish
GES components
  • D3
  • D3
  • D3
  • D3
  • D3
  • D3
  • D3
  • D3
  • D1-F
  • D3
  • D1-F
  • D3
  • D3
  • D3
  • D3
  • D3
  • D3
Update date
Update type
Same as 2012 definition
Same as 2012 definition
New target
New target
New target
New target
New target
New target
Same as 2012 definition
Same as 2012 definition
New target
New target
Target no longer needed
Target no longer needed
Target no longer needed
Marine reporting unit
Isurus oxyrinchius
Isurus oxyrinchius
Makaira nigricans
Makaira nigricans
Tetrapturus albidus
Tetrapturus albidus
Thunnus obesus
Thunnus obesus
Sardina pilchardus
Sardina pilchardus
Thunnus albacares
Istiophorus albicans
Merluccius merluccius
Lophius piscatorius
Lepidorhombus boscii
Element 2
Biomass of Spawning Stock (SSB)
Mortality rate / Mortality rate from fishing (F)
Mortality rate / Mortality rate from fishing (F)
Mortality rate / Mortality rate from fishing (F)
Mortality rate / Mortality rate from fishing (F)
Mortality rate / Mortality rate from fishing (F)
Parameter - other
Target value
Value achieved - upper
Value achieved - lower
Value unit
Value unit - other
Target status
Target not yet achieved
Target not yet achieved
Target not yet achieved
Target not yet achieved
Target not yet achieved
Target not yet achieved
Target not yet achieved
Target achieved
Target achieved
Target achieved
Assessment period
Target assessment description
According to the evaluation carried out by the ICCAT Scientific Committee, the 2017 Standing Committee on Research and Statistics (SCRS), the northern of shortfin mako stock is at an unsustainable fishing mortality level (F), i.e. above MSY, and with a biomass (B) below MSY biomass, i.e. to recover biomass to sustainable levels. This led ICCAT to adopt Recommendation 17-08 in the same year, which contains a set of conservation, management and control measures to bring this stock back to sustainable levels of biomass and fishing mortality. Portuguese catches across the North Atlantic amounted to 276 tonnes in 2017, and these are mainly taken outside the national EEZ. The fleet which catches this species is made up of some 50 surface longliners, which are particularly directed to the catches of swordfish, and that catch this species incidentally and contribute to a return on this longliner fleet.
According to the evaluation carried out by the ICCAT Scientific Committee, the 2017 Standing Committee on Research and Statistics (SCRS), the northern of shortfin mako stock is at an unsustainable fishing mortality level (F), i.e. above MSY, and with a biomass (B) below MSY biomass, i.e. to recover biomass to sustainable levels. This led ICCAT to adopt Recommendation 17-08 in the same year, which contains a set of conservation, management and control measures to bring this stock back to sustainable levels of biomass and fishing mortality. Portuguese catches across the North Atlantic amounted to 276 tonnes in 2017, and these are mainly taken outside the national EEZ. The fleet which catches this species is made up of some 50 surface longliners, which are particularly directed to the catches of swordfish, and that catch this species incidentally and contribute to a return on this longliner fleet.
Blue marlin underwent a stock assessment in 2018 and the ICCAT SCRS concluded that this stock was overfished (F) and overfished (B). In terms of management measures established within ICCAT, Recommendation 18-04, adopted during the last annual meeting of that body (which is not yet in force) has maintained the current discharge limits, but introduces important elements to ensure sustainable management of the resource. Recommendation 18-05 was also adopted to improve and extend the reporting to ICCAT of a mandatory set of information related to this fishery by completing Annex I of the Recommendation. In addition to the establishment of an annual quota (in 2019 to be 1 750 t) in which Portugal, by applying the criterion of relative stability, benefits from 11.5 % of the EU quota ? in 2018 the share of blue marlin was 50.44 t, 5 tonnes less than the quota to which it would have been entitled had it not been overfished by the Spanish fleet and the consequent need to reflect the overfishing in the EU quota, as provided for in the ICCAT rules, and in 2019 the national quota is again 50.44 t, for the same reasons ? other management measures were laid down, in particular the obligation to discard all those arriving alive on deck (ICCAT Recommendation 18-04). Portuguese catches across the North Atlantic amounted to 57 tonnes in 2017, and these are mainly taken outside the national EEZ. The fleet which catches this species consists of some 50 surface longliners, which are particularly directed to the catches of swordfish, and that catch this species incidentally or as directed fishing.
Blue marlin underwent a stock assessment in 2018 and the ICCAT SCRS concluded that this stock was overfished (F) and overfished (B). In terms of management measures established within ICCAT, Recommendation 18-04, adopted during the last annual meeting of that body (which is not yet in force) has maintained the current discharge limits, but introduces important elements to ensure sustainable management of the resource. Recommendation 18-05 was also adopted to improve and extend the reporting to ICCAT of a mandatory set of information related to this fishery by completing Annex I of the Recommendation. In addition to the establishment of an annual quota (in 2019 to be 1 750 t) in which Portugal, by applying the criterion of relative stability, benefits from 11.5 % of the EU quota ? in 2018 the share of blue marlin was 50.44 t, 5 tonnes less than the quota to which it would have been entitled had it not been overfished by the Spanish fleet and the consequent need to reflect the overfishing in the EU quota, as provided for in the ICCAT rules, and in 2019 the national quota is again 50.44 t, for the same reasons ? other management measures were laid down, in particular the obligation to discard all those arriving alive on deck (ICCAT Recommendation 18-04). Portuguese catches across the North Atlantic amounted to 57 tonnes in 2017, and these are mainly taken outside the national EEZ. The fleet which catches this species consists of some 50 surface longliners, which are particularly directed to the catches of swordfish, and that catch this species incidentally or as directed fishing.
According to the 2012 report of the ICCAT Scientific Committee, the evaluation of white marlin was found to be overfished but not being overfished. An overall discharge limit of 355 t, 50 of which is therefore set for the EU. The national quota is 19.5 t, corresponding to 39 % of the EU quota. Recommendation 18-04 adopted during the last ICCAT annual meeting (which is not yet in force) has maintained these discharge limits by adding additional measures. Only white marlin can be caught when it is dead on board by extending the set of information to be transmitted to ICCAT on various aspects relating to the fishery (domestic legal framework, including monitoring and control measures, data collection, observer programme, etc.). The EU?s quota is reduced to zero in 2018 and 2019 as a result of the overfishing by the Spanish fleet. In national terms, it should be noted that catches of white marlin by the national longline fleet mainly result from incidental catches in the course of the swordfish fishery, thus not a real directed fishery. Portuguese catches across the North Atlantic amounted to 13 tonnes in 2017, and these are mainly taken outside the national EEZ. The fleet which catches this species is made up of some 50 surface longliners, which are particularly directed to swordfish catches, and that catch the species incidentally or as a directed fishery, so as to contribute to a return on this longliner fleet and to relieve fishing pressure on swordfish.
According to the 2012 report of the ICCAT Scientific Committee, the evaluation of white marlin was found to be overfished but not being overfished. An overall discharge limit of 355 t, 50 of which is therefore set for the EU. The national quota is 19.5 t, corresponding to 39 % of the EU quota. Recommendation 18-04 adopted during the last ICCAT annual meeting (which is not yet in force) has maintained these discharge limits by adding additional measures. Only white marlin can be caught when it is dead on board by extending the set of information to be transmitted to ICCAT on various aspects relating to the fishery (domestic legal framework, including monitoring and control measures, data collection, observer programme, etc.). The EU?s quota is reduced to zero in 2018 and 2019 as a result of the overfishing by the Spanish fleet. In national terms, it should be noted that catches of white marlin by the national longline fleet mainly result from incidental catches in the course of the swordfish fishery, thus not a real directed fishery. Portuguese catches across the North Atlantic amounted to 13 tonnes in 2017, and these are mainly taken outside the national EEZ. The fleet which catches this species is made up of some 50 surface longliners, which are particularly directed to swordfish catches, and that catch the species incidentally or as a directed fishery, so as to contribute to a return on this longliner fleet and to relieve fishing pressure on swordfish.
The latest review of the resource in 2018, resulting in a prospect of declining levels of Maximum Sustainable Yield (MSY), a direct consequence of the growing juvenile catch, although in recent years SCRS has taken the view that there has been a slight increase in biomass. At the last ICCAT meeting, the need to adopt more refined measures than those recommended by the Recommendation 16-01 was determined by a further reduction of the TAC. Gears that contributed most to the fishing effort were surface longline and purse seine. However, while the longline and the pole-and-line fleets (used by the Portuguese fleets registered in Madeira and the Azores) have recorded a decline in terms of catches, it was found that the purse seine (which Portugal does not use) had a 18 % increase in total catches, while fishing by the excessive use of fish-aggregating devices (?Fishing Aggregation Devices- FaSD?) will be responsible for the degraded position of bigeye tuna. Although they are different production models, the general trend that both reflect (2015/2018) is similar, highlighting an accelerated and continuing decline of the resource over the last few years. The national quota for bigeye tuna is not broken down per vessel, in the case of a global quota. In terms of capacity, the maximum number of national fishing vessels of at least 20 m in length, authorised to fish actively for bigeye tuna in the ICCAT Convention Area, is 79 vessels. In 2018, the national quota of this species was 3,717 tonnes, which is mainly caught by the vessels operating with the pole and line of the Azores and Madeira, as described above. The Portuguese catches in the whole of the North Atlantic in 2017 were at 3,146 tonnes, and they are mainly carried out outside the subdivision of the mainland, in the subdivisions of Madeira and the Azores, with the catch being taken mainly by vessels registered in those Autonomous Regions. In terms of management, the development of a new approach in the framework of ICCAT in terms of scientific evaluation for all tropical tunas, based on an ambitious RSM (Management Strategy Evaluation), seems ambitious given that this is a multi-species approach.
The latest review of the resource in 2018, resulting in a prospect of declining levels of Maximum Sustainable Yield (MSY), a direct consequence of the growing juvenile catch, although in recent years SCRS has taken the view that there has been a slight increase in biomass. At the last ICCAT meeting, the need to adopt more refined measures than those recommended by the Recommendation 16-01 was determined by a further reduction of the TAC. Gears that contributed most to the fishing effort were surface longline and purse seine. However, while the longline and the pole-and-line fleets (used by the Portuguese fleets registered in Madeira and the Azores) have recorded a decline in terms of catches, it was found that the purse seine (which Portugal does not use) had a 18 % increase in total catches, while fishing by the excessive use of fish-aggregating devices (?Fishing Aggregation Devices- FaSD?) will be responsible for the degraded position of bigeye tuna. Although they are different production models, the general trend that both reflect (2015/2018) is similar, highlighting an accelerated and continuing decline of the resource over the last few years. The national quota for bigeye tuna is not broken down per vessel, in the case of a global quota. In terms of capacity, the maximum number of national fishing vessels of at least 20 m in length, authorised to fish actively for bigeye tuna in the ICCAT Convention Area, is 79 vessels. In 2018, the national quota of this species was 3,717 tonnes, which is mainly caught by the vessels operating with the pole and line of the Azores and Madeira, as described above. The Portuguese catches in the whole of the North Atlantic in 2017 were at 3,146 tonnes, and they are mainly carried out outside the subdivision of the mainland, in the subdivisions of Madeira and the Azores, with the catch being taken mainly by vessels registered in those Autonomous Regions. In terms of management, the development of a new approach in the framework of ICCAT in terms of scientific evaluation for all tropical tunas, based on an ambitious RSM (Management Strategy Evaluation), seems ambitious given that this is a multi-species approach.
Restore stock biomass levels of sardine (Sardina pilchardus) Implementation indicators: ? Fishing mortality (F) ? spawning stock biomass (SSB) Status target.
Recovering the biomass levels of the sardine (Sardina pilchardus) stock Execution indicators: - Fishing mortality (F) - Biomass of the breeding stock (SSB) State target.
The last assessment of the appeal occurred in 2016 and the projections concluded that total catches of less than 120.000 t would allow the stock to be kept at biologically safe levels, applying ICCAT Recommendation 16-01. The gear that contributed most to the fishing effort was the surface longline and the purse seine, with purse-seine fishing using excessive fish-aggregating devices (?Fishing Cluster?) which could be responsible for the deterioration of the yellowfin tuna situation. For management measures, a quota of 111.000 t has been set for 2018, which is not broken down by contracting party, so that at national level it is not broken down by vessel, thus a global quota. In terms of capacity, the maximum number of national fishing vessels of at least 20 m length authorised to fish actively for yellowfin tuna in the ICCAT Convention area is 79 vessels. The Portuguese catches in the whole of the North Atlantic in 2017 were at the age of 67 tonnes, and they are mainly carried out outside the subdivision of the mainland, in the subdivisions of Madeira and the Azores, with the catch being taken mainly by vessels registered in those Autonomous Regions. In terms of management, the development of a new approach in the framework of ICCAT in terms of scientific evaluation for all tropical tunas (bigeye tuna, yellowfin tuna and albacore), based on an ambitious RSM (Management Strategy Evaluation), appears ambitious given that this is a multi-species approach.
According to the 2016 evaluation of the ICCAT Scientific Committee, this stock is superimposed (B) and there is uncertainty as to overfishing (F). The management of this stock is operationalised by ICCAT Recommendation 16-11, which sets the catch limits for the two distribution areas under consideration, 1.030 t for the west Atlantic stock and 1.271 t for the eastern Atlantic, corresponding to 67 % of the average MSY. This is a catch limit that is not shared by the Contracting Party, and there are therefore no allocated shares to the EU, and therefore to Portugal. In addition to these catch limits, measures have also been taken to promote the collection and reporting of information for this fishery, which is reported to ICCAT in accordance with ICCAT Recommendation 16-11. For Portugal, as is the case for marlins (blue and white), this is a peripheral and purely incidental fishery, resulting from directed fishing for swordfish and blue shark, having been recorded in 2017 catches of 27 tonnes by the Portuguese fleet. The catching fleet of this species is made up of some 50 surface longliners, which are particularly directed to the catches of swordfish, which also catch by-catches of swordfish.
The target has been reached. As in this assessment, hake is in a good environmental status, there was no need to maintain the target.
The target has been reached. As in this evaluation, white anglerfish is in a good environmental status, there was no need to maintain the target.
The target has been reached. As in this evaluation, white anglerfish is in a good environmental status, there was no need to maintain the target.
Related indicator
Related measures
  • não aplicável
  • não aplicável
  • não aplicável
  • não aplicável
  • não aplicável
  • não aplicável
  • nao aplicavel
  • nao aplicavel
  • Plano de Gestão para a Pesca da Sardinha
  • Plano de Gestão para a Pesca da Sardinha
  • não aplicável
  • não aplicável
  • Plano Plurianual da Politica Comum de Pescas
  • Plano de recuperação da pescada
  • Medidas de proteção do tamboril branco na fase de
  • Plano Plurianual Politica Comum de Pescas
  • Plano Plurianual Politica Comum de Pescas