Member State report / Art13 / 2022 / D4 / Portugal / NE Atlantic: Bay of Biscay & Iberian Coast

Report type Member State report to Commission
MSFD Article Art. 13 Programme of measures (and Art. 17 updates)
Report due 2022-10-15
GES Descriptor D4 Food webs/D1 Ecosystems
Member State Portugal
Region/subregion NE Atlantic: Bay of Biscay & Iberian Coast
Reported by Direção Geral de Recursos Naturais, Segurança e Serviços Marítimos (Sede) - Av. Brasília 1449-030 LISBOA - PORTUGAL
Report date 2023-01-06
Report access 363

Marine reporting units
NEA Bay of Biscay and the Iberian Coast; NEA Macaronesia
NEA Bay of Biscay and the Iberian Coast;NEA Macaronesia
NEA Bay of Biscay and the Iberian Coast
Measure code
Measure old code
Measure name
EduMaR – Educating and raising awareness of the marine environment
DesignAMP – Designate Marine Protected Areas in the Portuguese maritime space
RegPlat - Regulamentar o acesso aos recursos naturais da plataforma continental estendida
Measure description
The measure aims to raise the awareness of children and young people, as well as the rest of the educational community, of the knowledge and preservation of the oceans, contributing to the promotion of more informed, responsible and participatory citizens and more aware of the strategic importance of the sea for Portugal. This general objective will be implemented through national, regional and local initiatives, and in particular through the Blue School programme, an educational programme of the Ministry of Economy and Sea, whose mission is to promote Ocean Literacy in schools. This programme seeks to distinguish and guide Portuguese schools in promoting structured and transversal Ocean Literacy projects, creating an Ocean Literacy Community that integrates schools, the sea sector, municipalities, universities and other entities active in marine education, seeking to integrate the various marine education actions carried out in Portugal into a single integrated strategy that can involve all actors involved in promoting ocean literacy in Portugal. Efforts are being made to encourage schools to work on relevant issues in their communities and to strengthen the link between the sea sector and the educational community. Tasks: 1. Provision of interdisciplinary educational resources adapted to the different education cycles and framed in the curriculum guidelines; 2. Provide accredited training for teachers of all stages of education; 3. Integrate the various marine education actions carried out in Portugal into an integrated strategy that can involve all actors around the promotion of Ocean Literacy; 4. Create conditions for the Ocean to be included in the national curriculum.
The 2014 programme of measures included a measure to protect the natural heritage and economic activities that depend on the seabed of the Portuguese Sea, by creating new marine protected areas (MPAs) in deep and large oceanic areas, namely two areas delimited according to the most important complexes of seamounts in the Portuguese Sea: 1) in the geographical area of influence of mainland Portugal and Madeira, including the Madeira-Tore geological complex, including the Tore, Ashton, Ormonde and Gettysburg (Gorringe Bank), Josephine, Hirondelle II, Lion, Unicorn, Seine, Dragon Seine. (2) south of the Azores archipelago, in a wide area comprising Atlantis, Tyro, Plato, Cruiser, Irving, Hyeres, Plateau, Great MeCont and Small MeCont. In this context, the MPA Working Group was set up in 2017 with a view to setting up a national network of MPAs (RNAMP) that is ecosystemically coherent (Order 1/2017 of 6 March of the Minister for the Sea). This WG carried out an assessment of existing and potential MPAs in maritime areas under national sovereignty or jurisdiction (territorial sea, EEZ and extended continental shelf) and made a set of recommendations concerning the definition of new areas and the management and monitoring of RNAMP, which were approved by means of SmPC No 143/2019 of 29 August 2009. However, it has not been possible so far to complete the political and administrative process of setting up the RNAMP or the designation of all the areas identified in the WG’s working report. Thus, the 2014 measure is maintained, assuming in this cycle the designation of MPAs that enable the target of protecting 30 % of the national maritime area by 2030 to be met, in particular those provided for in SmPC No 143/2019 of 29 August. At the same time, consideration will be given to strengthening coordination work with Spain to define a common methodology, including guidelines for the management and monitoring of MPAs, notably through the possibility of establishing a cross-border MPAs (PT-ES) located in the north-west of the Iberian Peninsula. Tasks: 1. Development and publication of specific legislation for the establishment of RNAMP; 2. Designation of new MPAs under the Order referred to in 1; 3. Inclusion of the above-mentioned MPAs in the OSPAR list; 4. Preparation of MPAs Management Plans; 5. Coordination with Spain for the definition of a common methodology, including guidelines for the management and monitoring of MPAs, in particular through the possibility of establishing a cross-border MPAs (PT-ES) located in the north-west of the Iberian Peninsula.
Em complemento à Portaria n.º 114/2014, de 28 de maio, que estabelece condições destinadas à proteção dos fundos marinhos dos impactos adversos da atividade da pesca, Portugal irá solicitar à Comissão Europeia, nos termos do n.º 5 do artigo 13.º da DQEM, que sejam adotadas, para a mesma área, medidas idênticas para a frota da UE e para frotas de países terceiros através de ORP competentes (NEAFC). Relativamente aos demais recursos biogenéticos, prevê-se a elaboração de legislação específica no enquadramento do Protocolo de Nagoia. 1- Solicitação da regulamentação sobre o uso de artes de pesca de fundo, ao abrigo do n.º 5 do Artigo 13.º da DQEM, para embarcações de bandeira estrangeira; 2- Regulamentação de acesso e exploração de recursos biogenéticos.
Update type
Measure modified since 2015 PoM
Measure modified since 2015 PoM
2015 measure that was not reported electronically
Measure category
Category 1.b (non-WFD)
Category 2.b
Category 1.b (non-WFD)
Policy conventions
Policy national
Resolução do Conselho de Ministros 68/2021
Resolução do Conselho de Ministros 143/2019
Responsible competent authority
Direção-Geral de Recursos Naturais, Segurança e Serviços Marítimos; Direção Regional de Políticas Marítimas; Direção-Geral Regional do Mar
Direção Geral de Recursos Naturais Segurança e Serviços Marítimos; Direção Regional de Políticas Marítimas; Direção Regional do Mar
Direção-Geral de Recursos Naturais, Segurança e Serviços Marítimos
Responsible organisation
Direção-Geral de Política do Mar; Estrutura de Missão para a Extensão da Plataforma Continental; Direção Regional do Mar
Direção Geral de Recursos Naturais Segurança e Serviços Marítimos; Direção Regional de Políticas Marítimas, Direção Regional do Mar
Direção-Geral de Recursos Naturais, Segurança e Serviços Marítimos
Coordination level
  • National
  • National
  • Regional - OSPAR
  • Subregional
  • National
Regional cooperation countries
  • Spain
Not needed
Not needed
CEA reference
Category 1.b (non-WFD)
Análise Custo-benefício efetuada no Programa de Medidas do 1.º ciclo da DQEM
Category 1.b (non-WFD)
Not needed
Not needed
Not needed
CBA reference
Category 1.b (non-WFD)
Análise Custo-benefício efetuada no Programa de Medidas do 1.º ciclo da DQEM
Category 1.b (non-WFD)
  • Orçamento Regional
  • Orçamento do Estado
  • Outro
  • Orçamento do Estado. (assegurado)
Spatial scope
  • Terrestrial part of MS
  • Continental shelf (beyond EEZ)
  • EEZ (or similar)
  • Territorial waters
  • Continental shelf (beyond EEZ)
Measure purpose
Indirectly prevent further inputs of a pressure (e.g. by governance mechanisms, financial incentives, awareness campaigns)
Improve knowledge base (e.g. by research or one-off surveys);Indirectly prevent further inputs of a pressure (e.g. by governance mechanisms, financial incentives, awareness campaigns)
Directly prevent further inputs of a pressure (e.g. by managing the source activity)
  • Disturbance of species (e.g. where they breed, rest and feed) due to human presence
  • Extraction of, or mortality/injury to, wild species (by commercial and recreational fishing and other activities)
  • Physical disturbance to seabed
  • Physical loss of the seabed
  • PresEnvBycatch
  • PrevEnvAdvEffectsSppHab
  • Physical disturbance to seabed
Relevant KTMs
  • Measures to restore and conserve marine ecosystems
  • Measures to address the introduction of microbial pathogens
  • MSFD27
Relevant targets
  • No specific target adressed
  • ABIPT-T2-D6Cont
  • AMAPT-T007-D1MAD
  • AMAPT-T007-D6MAD
  • No specific target adressed
Related indicator
  • D1-B
  • D1-C
  • D1-F
  • D1-M
  • D1-P
  • D1-R
  • D10
  • D11
  • D2
  • D3
  • D4
  • D5
  • D6
  • D7
  • D8
  • D9
  • D1C1 Mortality rate from incidental by-catch
  • D1C2 Population abundance (1.2, 1.2.1)
  • D3
  • D4C1 Trophic guild species diversity (1.7, 1.7.1)
  • D4C2 Abundance across trophic guilds (1.7, 1.7.1, 4.3, 4.3.1)
  • D4
  • D6
  • Research, survey and educational activities
  • Baleen whales
  • Benthic broad habitats
  • Benthic-feeding birds
  • Coastal ecosystem
  • Coastal fish
  • Coastal/shelf cephalopods
  • Commercially exploited fish and shellfish
  • Deep-diving toothed cetaceans
  • Deep-sea cephalopods
  • Deep-sea fish
  • Demersal shelf fish
  • Oceanic/deep-sea ecosystem
  • Other benthic habitats
  • Pelagic broad habitats
  • Pelagic shelf fish
  • Pelagic-feeding birds
  • Shelf ecosystem
  • Small toothed cetaceans
  • Surface-feeding birds
  • Turtles
  • Benthic broad habitats
  • Oceanic/deep-sea ecosystem
  • Other benthic habitats
  • Physical disturbance to seabed
Temporal scope
Implementation status
Measure ongoing
Implementation started
Measure implemented
Implementation delay
Implementation reason
No obstacles to implementation
Mechanism for implementation - national
Mechanism for implementation - national
Progress description
Continente:Para implementação desta medida contribuiram os projetos: ""A ponte entre a escola e a ciência azul"" (2013-2016); e ""Kit do Mar"" (2008-2017). As tarefas 1, 3 e 4 da Ficha de Medidas encontram-se terminadas. As tarefas 2 e 5 encontram-se em execução. Madeira: Ações permanentes no âmbito das competências de variados departamentos governamentais da RAM. Açores: Implementada através de iniciativas, no âmbito de vários projetos: - Programa de “Divulgação e Sensibilização sobre o Ambiente Marinho” (PEAMA) - conceção, construção e colocação de placas informativas em Áreas Marinhas Protegidas (AMP), nomeadamente nas ilhas de Sta. Maria, Ilhéu de Vila Franca do Campo e Canal Faial-Pico, Graciosa. Em áreas marinhas protegidas da Rede Natura 2000 e outras áreas classificadas, a definir com a administração no início de cada ano de vigência do programa; Construção e colocação de placas informativas, em locais definidos, sobre códigos de conduta e normas em vigor para o exercício das atividades marítimo turísticas;divulgação,sensibilização e educação científica e ambiental marinha no âmbito de projetos de investigação e de monitorização em que a DRAM esteja envolvida; - Programa de “Monitorização de Lixo Marinho em Praias OSPAR e Campanha de Sensibilização Junto das Frotas de Pesca” (PEAMA) - campanha educacional e de sensibilização sobre o lixo marinho. - Projeto INTERREG MAC LuMinAves MAC/4.6d/157 – a DRAM organizou, em 2018, o workshop “Recuperação de Aves Selvagens” em parceria com os Centros de Reabilitação de Aves Selvagens (CERAS) dos Açores e o Centro de Ecologia, Recuperação e Vigilância de Animais Selvagens (CERVAS).- Projeto INTERREG MAC OCEANLIT MAC2/4.6d/302 – a decorrer, serão promovidas campanhas de sensibilização e de educação ambiental sobre a problemática do lixo marinho e difusão de boas práticas nos diferentes setores.A DRAM coordena ainda duas campanhas de sensibilização e conservação ambiental, nomeadamente, a campanha SOS Cagarro e a campanha Açores Entre-Mares, sendo que esta última consiste na dinamização de diversas atividades que têm como base a promoção do conhecimento e da utilização sustentável do Mar dos Açores. O Porjeto LIFE-IP Azores Natura tem uma componente importante de educação ambiental para o meio marinho com duração até 2027.
Reason description
Mecanismos nacionais para a implementação - a aguardar publicação diploma