Member State report / Art8 / 2018 / D8 / Portugal / NE Atlantic: Bay of Biscay & Iberian Coast

Report type Member State report to Commission
MSFD Article Art. 8 Initial assessment (and Art. 17 updates)
Report due 2018-10-15
GES Descriptor D8 Contaminants
Member State Portugal
Region/subregion NE Atlantic: Bay of Biscay & Iberian Coast
Reported by DGRM
Report date 2021-03-03
Report access ART8_GES_PT_setembro2020.xml

Part of territorial continental waters (ABI-PT-AA-CONT_AT)

GES component
Contaminants - non UPBT substances
Contaminants - non UPBT substances
Contaminants - non UPBT substances
Contaminants - non UPBT substances
Contaminants - non UPBT substances
Contaminants - UPBT substances
Contaminants - UPBT substances
Contaminants - UPBT substances
Contaminants - UPBT substances
Contaminants - UPBT substances
Cadmium and its compounds
Cadmium and its compounds
Lead and its compounds
Lead and its compounds
Nickel and its compounds
Mercury and its compounds
Element code
Element code source
Eutrophication (D5) and contaminants (D8-D9)
Eutrophication (D5) and contaminants (D8-D9)
Eutrophication (D5) and contaminants (D8-D9)
Eutrophication (D5) and contaminants (D8-D9)
Eutrophication (D5) and contaminants (D8-D9)
Eutrophication (D5) and contaminants (D8-D9)
Eutrophication (D5) and contaminants (D8-D9)
Eutrophication (D5) and contaminants (D8-D9)
Eutrophication (D5) and contaminants (D8-D9)
Eutrophication (D5) and contaminants (D8-D9)
Element 2
Element 2 code
Element 2 code source
Element source
Concentration in biota
Concentration in water
Concentration in biota
Concentration in water
Concentration in water
Concentration in biota
Concentration in water
Concentration in water
Concentration in water
Concentration in biota
Parameter other
Threshold value upper
Threshold value lower
Threshold qualitative
Threshold value source
Regulation on contaminants in foodstuffs (EC 1881/2006)
Other (specify)
Regulation on contaminants in foodstuffs (EC 1881/2006)
Other (specify)
Other (specify)
Regulation on contaminants in foodstuffs (EC 1881/2006)
Other (specify)
Other (specify)
Other (specify)
Regulation on contaminants in foodstuffs (EC 1881/2006)
Threshold value source other
Reference values defined in 2012 in the assessment of good initial environmental status
Reference values defined in 2012 in the assessment of good initial environmental status
Reference values defined in 2012 in the assessment of good initial environmental status
Reference values defined in 2012 in the assessment of good initial environmental status
Reference values defined in 2012 in the assessment of good initial environmental status
Reference values defined in 2012 in the assessment of good initial environmental status
Value achieved upper
Value achieved lower
Value unit
microgram per kilogram of wet weight
Value unit other
milligram wet weight per kram
milligram wet weight per kram
Proportion threshold value
Proportion value achieved
Proportion threshold value unit
Parameter achieved
Not assessed
Not assessed
Not assessed
Not assessed
Not assessed
Not assessed
Not assessed
Not assessed
Not assessed
Not assessed
Description parameter
As concentrações de Pb obtidas no Sistema Nacional de Monitorização de Bivalves (SNMB) na matriz biota (Spisula solida e Mytilus sp.) são sempre inferiores às condições de referência As concentrações de Pb obtidas no Sistema Nacional de Monitorização Biológica na matriz biota (Spisula solida e Mytilus sp.) são sempre inferiores às condições de referência (1.0 mg kg-1, peso húmido). Spisula solida= 0.12 mg kg-1 (peso húmido). Mytilus sp.= 0.18 mg kg-1 (peso húmido).
The sampling points were chosen on the basis of the criterion of the largest proximity to the production areas of bivalve molluscs within the AQUICO project (Assessment of the Chemical Quality of Litoals, 31-03-01-FEP-0177), and 5 sampling points were taken into account. Water sampling has always been carried out under the same tidal conditions as defined in Directive 2006/113/EC. The analysis of Cd in the dissolved fraction was carried out using passive samplers (diffintensive in thin filter (GTs)). The Cd values obtained in the analysed samples were always lower than the reference conditions
As concentrações de Pb obtidas no Sistema Nacional de Monitorização de Bivalves (SNMB) na matriz biota (Spisula solida e Mytilus sp.) são sempre inferiores às condições de referência As concentrações de Pb obtidas no Sistema Nacional de Monitorização Biológica na matriz biota (Spisula solida e Mytilus sp.) são sempre inferiores às condições de referência (1.5 mg kg-1, peso húmido). Spisula solida= 0.17 mg kg-1 (peso húmido). Mytilus sp.= 0.17 mg kg-1 (peso húmido).
The sampling points were chosen on the basis of the criterion of the largest proximity to the production areas of bivalve molluscs within the AQUICO project (Assessment of the Chemical Quality of Litoals, 31-03-01-FEP-0177), and 5 sampling points were taken into account. Water sampling has always been carried out under the same tidal conditions as defined in Directive 2006/113/EC. The Pb analysis of the dissolved fraction was carried out using passive samplers (diffsive gravity in times thin film (GDTs)). The Pb content obtained from the samples analysed was always lower than the reference conditions
Five samples of mussels (Mytilus sp.) collected under the POSEUR project (APA, 2017) show that fluoranthene concentrations vary between 2 and 3 µg kg-1 and that of benzo (a) pyrene are smaller than 1 µg kg-1. APA 2017. Determination of priority substances in mussels (mussels) in coastal waters ? Results of 2016. Technical Report on Project POEUR-03-2013-FC-000001 ? Improving the assessment of status of water bodies, Component Development and implementation of innovative methods for assessing priority substances, monitoring substances and emerging compounds in water bodies and priority substances in biota to improve chemical status assessment. Water resources department/water quality division, Portuguese Environment Agency, I.P., Ministry of Environment.
Na matriz água, Rocha et al. (2017) determinou as concentrações de PAHs em duas amostras de água do mar recolhidas em duas praias atlânticas, ambas localizadas perto da refinaria de petróleo de Perafita e do importante porto marítimo de Leixões. Os valores do somatório dos 16 PAHs foram de 49 ngL-1 (valores médios de benzo-a-pireno=2.9; benzo-b-fluoranteno=10.2, benzo-k-fluoranteno=6.8) e de 60 ngL-1 (valores médios de antraceno=6.5, benzo-a-pireno=2.3, benzo-b-fluoranteno=10.0, benzo-k-fluoranteno=6.6). Estes valores são inferiores aos valores de referência para as substâncias prioritárias na água definidos em 2012 no relatório de avaliação inicial. Rocha, M.J., Dores-Sousa, J.L., Cruzeiro, C., Rocha, E., 2017. PAHs in water and surface sediments from Douro River estuary and Porto Atlantic coast (Portugal)—impacts on human health. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment; 189: 425-439.
Na matriz água, Rocha et al. (2017) determinou as concentrações de PAHs em duas amostras de água do mar recolhidas em duas praias atlânticas, ambas localizadas perto da refinaria de petróleo de Perafita e do importante porto marítimo de Leixões. Os valores do somatório dos 16 PAHs foram de 49 ngL-1 (valores médios de benzo-a-pireno=2.9; benzo-b-fluoranteno=10.2, benzo-k-fluoranteno=6.8) e de 60 ngL-1 (valores médios de antraceno=6.5, benzo-a-pireno=2.3, benzo-b-fluoranteno=10.0, benzo-k-fluoranteno=6.6). Estes valores são inferiores aos valores de referência para as substâncias prioritárias na água definidos em 2012 no relatório de avaliação inicial. Rocha, M.J., Dores-Sousa, J.L., Cruzeiro, C., Rocha, E., 2017. PAHs in water and surface sediments from Douro River estuary and Porto Atlantic coast (Portugal)—impacts on human health. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment; 189: 425-439.
Na matriz água, Rocha et al. (2017) determinou as concentrações de PAHs em duas amostras de água do mar recolhidas em duas praias atlânticas, ambas localizadas perto da refinaria de petróleo de Perafita e do importante porto marítimo de Leixões. Os valores do somatório dos 16 PAHs foram de 49 ngL-1 (valores médios de benzo-a-pireno=2.9; benzo-b-fluoranteno=10.2, benzo-k-fluoranteno=6.8) e de 60 ngL-1 (valores médios de antraceno=6.5, benzo-a-pireno=2.3, benzo-b-fluoranteno=10.0, benzo-k-fluoranteno=6.6). Estes valores são inferiores aos valores de referência para as substâncias prioritárias na água definidos em 2012 no relatório de avaliação inicial. Rocha, M.J., Dores-Sousa, J.L., Cruzeiro, C., Rocha, E., 2017. PAHs in water and surface sediments from Douro River estuary and Porto Atlantic coast (Portugal)—impacts on human health. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment; 189: 425-439.
The concentrations of Hg obtained in the National Biological Monitoring System in the biota matrix (Spisa solide and Mytilus sp.) are always lower than the reference conditions (1 mg kg-1 wet weight). Spisula solide
Related indicator
Criteria status
Good, based on low risk
Good, based on low risk
Good, based on low risk
Good, based on low risk
Good, based on low risk
Good, based on low risk
Good, based on low risk
Good, based on low risk
Good, based on low risk
Good, based on low risk
Description criteria
Element status
Good, based on low risk
Good, based on low risk
Good, based on low risk
Good, based on low risk
Good, based on low risk
Good, based on low risk
Good, based on low risk
Good, based on low risk
Good, based on low risk
Good, based on low risk
Description element
Integration rule type parameter
Integration rule description parameter
Integration rule type criteria
Integration rule description criteria
GES extent threshold
GES extent achieved
GES extent unit
GES achieved
GES achieved
GES achieved
GES achieved
GES achieved
GES achieved
GES achieved
GES achieved
GES achieved
GES achieved
GES achieved
Description overall status
Assessments period
Related pressures
  • Contaminants - UPBT substances
  • Contaminants - in seafood
  • Contaminants - UPBT substances
  • Contaminants - in seafood
  • Contaminants - UPBT substances
  • Contaminants - in seafood
  • Contaminants - UPBT substances
  • Contaminants - in seafood
  • Contaminants - UPBT substances
  • Contaminants - in seafood
Related targets

Sub Part of territorial continental waters (ABI-PT-AA-CONT_BT1.1)

GES component
Contaminants - non UPBT substances
Contaminants - non UPBT substances
Contaminants - UPBT substances
Cadmium and its compounds
Lead and its compounds
Mercury and its compounds
Element code
Element code source
Eutrophication (D5) and contaminants (D8-D9)
Eutrophication (D5) and contaminants (D8-D9)
Eutrophication (D5) and contaminants (D8-D9)
Element 2
Element 2 code
Element 2 code source
Element source
Concentration in biota
Concentration in biota
Concentration in biota
Parameter other
Threshold value upper
Threshold value lower
Threshold qualitative
Threshold value source
Regulation on contaminants in foodstuffs (EC 1881/2006)
Regulation on contaminants in foodstuffs (EC 1881/2006)
Regulation on contaminants in foodstuffs (EC 1881/2006)
Threshold value source other
Value achieved upper
Value achieved lower
Value unit
Value unit other
milligram wet weight per kram
milligram wet weight per kram
mg/kg wet weight
Proportion threshold value
Proportion value achieved
Proportion threshold value unit
Parameter achieved
Not assessed
Not assessed
Not assessed
Description parameter
In this area there are only two samples of Mytilus sp., which have Cd lower than the reference conditions.
The concentrations of Pb obtained in the National Monitoring System for Bivalves (SNMB) in the biota matrix (Spisa solide and Mytilus sp.) are always lower than the reference conditions
Nesta área apenas existem duas amostras de Mytilus sp., que apresentaram teores de Hg inferiores às condições de referência.
Related indicator
Criteria status
Good, based on low risk
Good, based on low risk
Good, based on low risk
Description criteria
Element status
Good, based on low risk
Good, based on low risk
Good, based on low risk
Description element
Integration rule type parameter
Integration rule description parameter
Integration rule type criteria
Integration rule description criteria
GES extent threshold
GES extent achieved
GES extent unit
GES achieved
GES achieved
GES achieved
GES achieved
Description overall status
Assessments period
Related pressures
Related targets

Sub Part of territorial continental waters (ABI-PT-AA-CONT_BT1.2)

GES component
Contaminants - non UPBT substances
Contaminants - non UPBT substances
Contaminants - non UPBT substances
Contaminants - non UPBT substances
Contaminants - non UPBT substances
Contaminants - UPBT substances
Contaminants - UPBT substances
Cadmium and its compounds
Cadmium and its compounds
Lead and its compounds
Lead and its compounds
Nickel and its compounds
Mercury and its compounds
Element code
Element code source
Eutrophication (D5) and contaminants (D8-D9)
Eutrophication (D5) and contaminants (D8-D9)
Eutrophication (D5) and contaminants (D8-D9)
Eutrophication (D5) and contaminants (D8-D9)
Eutrophication (D5) and contaminants (D8-D9)
Eutrophication (D5) and contaminants (D8-D9)
Eutrophication (D5) and contaminants (D8-D9)
Element 2
Element 2 code
Element 2 code source
Element source
Concentration in biota
Concentration in water
Concentration in biota
Concentration in water
Concentration in water
Concentration in biota
Concentration in biota
Parameter other
Threshold value upper
Threshold value lower
Threshold qualitative
Threshold value source
Regulation on contaminants in foodstuffs (EC 1881/2006)
Other (specify)
Regulation on contaminants in foodstuffs (EC 1881/2006)
Other (specify)
Other (specify)
Regulation on contaminants in foodstuffs (EC 1881/2006)
Regulation on contaminants in foodstuffs (EC 1881/2006)
Threshold value source other
Reference values defined in 2012 in the assessment of good initial environmental status
Reference values defined in 2012 in the assessment of good initial environmental status
Reference values defined in 2012 in the assessment of good initial environmental status
Value achieved upper
Value achieved lower
Value unit
microgram per kilogram of wet weight
Value unit other
milligram wet weight per kram
milligram wet weight per kram
nanogram per litre
Proportion threshold value
Proportion value achieved
Proportion threshold value unit
Parameter achieved
Not assessed
Not assessed
Not assessed
Not assessed
Not assessed
Not assessed
Not assessed
Description parameter
The Cd from the National Biological Monitoring System concentrations in the biota matrix (Spisa solide, Donax truncus, Solen marginatus, Mytilus sp.) are always below the reference conditions (1 mg kg-1 wet weight). Spisula solide
The sampling points were chosen on the basis of the criterion of the largest proximity to the production areas of bivalve molluscs within the AQUICO project (Assessment of the Chemical Quality of Litoals, 31-03-01-FEP-0177), and 4 sampling points were taken into account. Water sampling has always been carried out under the same tidal conditions as defined in Directive 2006/113/EC. The analysis of Cd in the dissolved fraction was carried out using passive samplers (diffintensive in thin filter (GTs)). Water samples were taken for the determination of Cd in the dissolved fraction using passive samplers in the framework of the dredged control work carried out in the BT1.2 area. The Cd values obtained in the analysed samples were always lower than the reference conditions
The concentrations of Pb obtained in the National Biological Monitoring System in biota matrix (Spisa solidide, Donax truncus, Solen marginatus, Mytilus sp.) are always below the reference conditions (1 mg kg-1 wet weight). Spisula solide
The sampling points were chosen on the basis of the criterion of the largest proximity to the production areas of bivalve molluscs within the AQUICO project (Assessment of the Chemical Quality of Litoals, 31-03-01-FEP-0177), and 4 sampling points were taken into account. Water sampling has always been carried out under the same tidal conditions as defined in Directive 2006/113/EC. The Pb analysis of the dissolved fraction was carried out using passive samplers (diffsive gravity in times thin film (GDTs)). Water samples for the determination of Pb in the dissolved fraction using passive samplers have been taken as part of the dredged control work carried out in the BT1.2 area. The Pb content obtained from the samples analysed was always lower than the reference conditions
The sampling points were chosen on the basis of the criterion of the largest proximity to the production areas of bivalve molluscs within the AQUICO project (Assessment of the Chemical Quality of Litoals, 31-03-01-FEP-0177), and 4 sampling points were taken into account. Water sampling has always been carried out under the same tidal conditions as defined in Directive 2006/113/EC. The analysis of Ni in the dissolved fraction was carried out using passive samplers (diffsive gravity in times thin film (DGTs)). Water samples for the determination of Ni in the dissolved fraction using passive samplers were taken as part of the dredged control work carried out in the BT1.2 area. The concentration of the Ni obtained from the analysed samples was always lower than the reference conditions
The mussel sample collected under the POSEUR project shows concentrations of fluoranthene of 2 µg kg-1 and from benzo (a) pyrene lower than 1 µg kg-1. APA 2017. Determination of priority substances in mussels (mussels) in coastal waters ? Results of 2016. Technical Report on Project POEUR-03-2013-FC-000001 ? Improving the assessment of status of water bodies, Component Development and implementation of innovative methods for assessing priority substances, monitoring substances and emerging compounds in water bodies and priority substances in biota to improve chemical status assessment. Water resources department/water quality division, Portuguese Environment Agency, I.P., Ministry of Environment.
The concentrations of Hg obtained in the National Biological Monitoring System in biota matrix (Spisa solidide, Donax truncus, Solen marginatus, Mytilus sp.) are always below the reference conditions (1 mg kg-1 wet weight). Spisula solide
Related indicator
Criteria status
Good, based on low risk
Good, based on low risk
Good, based on low risk
Good, based on low risk
Good, based on low risk
Good, based on low risk
Good, based on low risk
Description criteria
Element status
Good, based on low risk
Good, based on low risk
Good, based on low risk
Good, based on low risk
Good, based on low risk
Good, based on low risk
Good, based on low risk
Description element
Integration rule type parameter
Integration rule description parameter
Integration rule type criteria
Integration rule description criteria
GES extent threshold
GES extent achieved
GES extent unit
GES achieved
GES achieved
GES achieved
GES achieved
GES achieved
GES achieved
GES achieved
GES achieved
Description overall status
Assessments period
Related pressures
Related targets

Sub Part of territorial continental waters (ABI-PT-AA-CONT_BT1.3)

GES component
Contaminants - non UPBT substances
Contaminants - non UPBT substances
Contaminants - non UPBT substances
Contaminants - non UPBT substances
Contaminants - non UPBT substances
Contaminants - UPBT substances
Contaminants - UPBT substances
Cadmium and its compounds
Cadmium and its compounds
Lead and its compounds
Lead and its compounds
Nickel and its compounds
Mercury and its compounds
Element code
Element code source
Eutrophication (D5) and contaminants (D8-D9)
Eutrophication (D5) and contaminants (D8-D9)
Eutrophication (D5) and contaminants (D8-D9)
Eutrophication (D5) and contaminants (D8-D9)
Eutrophication (D5) and contaminants (D8-D9)
Eutrophication (D5) and contaminants (D8-D9)
Eutrophication (D5) and contaminants (D8-D9)
Element 2
Element 2 code
Element 2 code source
Element source
Concentration in biota
Concentration in water
Concentration in biota
Concentration in water
Concentration in water
Concentration in biota
Concentration in biota
Parameter other
Threshold value upper
Threshold value lower
Threshold qualitative
Threshold value source
Regulation on contaminants in foodstuffs (EC 1881/2006)
Other (specify)
Regulation on contaminants in foodstuffs (EC 1881/2006)
Other (specify)
Other (specify)
Regulation on contaminants in foodstuffs (EC 1881/2006)
Regulation on contaminants in foodstuffs (EC 1881/2006)
Threshold value source other
Reference values defined in 2012 in the assessment of good initial environmental status
Reference values defined in 2012 in the assessment of good initial environmental status
Reference values defined in 2012 in the assessment of good initial environmental status
Value achieved upper
Value achieved lower
Value unit
microgram per kilogram of wet weight
Value unit other
milligram wet weight per kram
nanogram per litre
milligram wet weight per kram
nanogram per litre
nanogram per litre
Proportion threshold value
Proportion value achieved
Proportion threshold value unit
Parameter achieved
Not assessed
Not assessed
Not assessed
Not assessed
Not assessed
Not assessed
Not assessed
Description parameter
The Cd from the National Biological Monitoring System concentrations in the biota matrix (Mytilus sp.) are always lower than the reference conditions (1 mg kg-1 wet weight). Mytilus sp.
The sampling points were chosen on the basis of the criterion of the largest proximity to the production areas of bivalve molluscs within the AQUICO project (Assessment of the Chemical Quality of Litoals, 31-03-01-FEP-0177), and 4 sampling points were taken into account. Water sampling has always been carried out under the same tidal conditions as defined in Directive 2006/113/EC. The analysis of Cd in the dissolved fraction was carried out using passive samplers (diffintensive in thin filter (GTs)). The Cd values obtained in the analysed samples were always lower than the reference conditions
The concentrations of Pb obtained in the National Biological Monitoring System in the biota matrix (Mytilus sp.) are always below the reference conditions (1 mg kg-1 wet weight). Mytilus sp.
The sampling points were chosen on the basis of the criterion of the largest proximity to the production areas of bivalve molluscs within the AQUICO project (Assessment of the Chemical Quality of Litoals, 31-03-01-FEP-0177), and 4 sampling points were taken into account. Water sampling has always been carried out under the same tidal conditions as defined in Directive 2006/113/EC. The Pb analysis of the dissolved fraction was carried out using passive samplers (diffsive gravity in times thin film (GDTs)). The Pb content obtained from the samples analysed was always lower than the reference conditions
The sampling points were chosen on the basis of the criterion of the largest proximity to the production areas of bivalve molluscs within the AQUICO project (Assessment of the Chemical Quality of Litoals, 31-03-01-FEP-0177), and 4 sampling points were taken into account. Water sampling has always been carried out under the same tidal conditions as defined in Directive 2006/113/EC. The analysis of Ni in the dissolved fraction was carried out using passive samplers (diffsive gravity in times thin film (DGTs)). The concentration of the Ni obtained from the analysed samples was always lower than the reference conditions
The two mussels samples collected under the POSEUR Project have received concentrations of fluoranthene of 2 µg kg-1 and from benzo (a) pyrene lower than 1 µg kg-1. APA 2017. Determination of priority substances in mussels (mussels) in coastal waters ? Results of 2016. Technical Report on Project POEUR-03-2013-FC-000001 ? Improving the assessment of status of water bodies, Component Development and implementation of innovative methods for assessing priority substances, monitoring substances and emerging compounds in water bodies and priority substances in biota to improve chemical status assessment. Water resources department/water quality division, Portuguese Environment Agency, I.P., Ministry of Environment.
Hg concentrations obtained in the National Biological Monitoring System in the biota matrix (Mytilus sp.) are always below the reference conditions (1 mg kg-1 wet weight). Mytilus sp.
Related indicator
Criteria status
Good, based on low risk
Good, based on low risk
Good, based on low risk
Good, based on low risk
Good, based on low risk
Good, based on low risk
Good, based on low risk
Description criteria
Element status
Good, based on low risk
Good, based on low risk
Good, based on low risk
Good, based on low risk
Good, based on low risk
Good, based on low risk
Good, based on low risk
Description element
Integration rule type parameter
Integration rule description parameter
Integration rule type criteria
Integration rule description criteria
GES extent threshold
GES extent achieved
GES extent unit
GES achieved
GES achieved
GES achieved
GES achieved
GES achieved
GES achieved
GES achieved
GES achieved
Description overall status
Assessments period
Related pressures
Related targets

Part of territorial continental waters (ABI-PT-AA-CONT_CT)

GES component
Contaminants - non UPBT substances
Contaminants - non UPBT substances
Contaminants - non UPBT substances
Contaminants - non UPBT substances
Contaminants - non UPBT substances
Contaminants - non UPBT substances
Contaminants - non UPBT substances
Contaminants - non UPBT substances
Contaminants - non UPBT substances
Contaminants - non UPBT substances
Contaminants - UPBT substances
Contaminants - UPBT substances
Arsenic and its compounds
Cadmium and its compounds
Cadmium and its compounds
Cadmium and its compounds
Chromium and its compounds
Copper and its compounds
Lead and its compounds
Lead and its compounds
Lead and its compounds
Zinc and its compounds
Mercury and its compounds
Element code
Element code source
Eutrophication (D5) and contaminants (D8-D9)
Eutrophication (D5) and contaminants (D8-D9)
Eutrophication (D5) and contaminants (D8-D9)
Eutrophication (D5) and contaminants (D8-D9)
Eutrophication (D5) and contaminants (D8-D9)
Eutrophication (D5) and contaminants (D8-D9)
Eutrophication (D5) and contaminants (D8-D9)
Eutrophication (D5) and contaminants (D8-D9)
Eutrophication (D5) and contaminants (D8-D9)
Eutrophication (D5) and contaminants (D8-D9)
Eutrophication (D5) and contaminants (D8-D9)
Eutrophication (D5) and contaminants (D8-D9)
Element 2
Element 2 code
Element 2 code source
Element source
Concentration in sediment
Concentration in biota
Concentration in sediment
Concentration in water
Concentration in sediment
Concentration in sediment
Concentration in biota
Concentration in sediment
Concentration in water
Concentration in sediment
Concentration in biota
Concentration in biota
Parameter other
Threshold value upper
Threshold value lower
Threshold qualitative
Threshold value source
Other (specify)
Regulation on contaminants in foodstuffs (EC 1881/2006)
Other (specify)
Other (specify)
Other (specify)
Other (specify)
Regulation on contaminants in foodstuffs (EC 1881/2006)
Other (specify)
Other (specify)
Other (specify)
Regulation on contaminants in foodstuffs (EC 1881/2006)
Regulation on contaminants in foodstuffs (EC 1881/2006)
Threshold value source other
Reference values defined in 2012 in the assessment of good initial environmental status
Reference values defined in 2012 in the assessment of good initial environmental status
Reference values defined in 2012 in the assessment of good initial environmental status
Reference values defined in 2012 in the assessment of good initial environmental status
Reference values defined in 2012 in the assessment of good initial environmental status
Reference values defined in 2012 in the assessment of good initial environmental status
Reference values defined in 2012 in the assessment of good initial environmental status
Reference values defined in 2012 in the assessment of good initial environmental status
Value achieved upper
Value achieved lower
Value unit
microgram per kilogram of wet weight
Value unit other
([the]/[al] X10-4
milligram wet weight per kram
([CD]/[Al] X10-4
([CR]/[al] X10-4
([CU]/[al] X10-4
milligram wet weight per kram
([Pb]/[al] X10-4
nanogram per litre
([Zn]/[al] X10-4
Proportion threshold value
Proportion value achieved
Proportion threshold value unit
Parameter achieved
Not assessed
Not assessed
Not assessed
Not assessed
Not assessed
Not assessed
Not assessed
Not assessed
Not assessed
Not assessed
Not assessed
Not assessed
Description parameter
The information available for the sediment matrix refers only to the CT area where twelve samples of surface sediment were taken into account in September 2014 as part of the Armona Production Area Impact Assessment (IAAP) project (South of Portugal). The median A/Al ratio has been above the reference value as defined in the initial assessment (MAMAOT, 2012). However, the proportion of the affected area under 10 % of the total assessment area. In terms of methodology, the limit of 10 % of the assessment area subject to impacts and threats to the ecosystem as high for the Good Environmental State (MAMOAT, 2012) has been used. MAMAOT, 2012. Marine strategy for the subdivision of the continent. The Marine Strategy Framework Directive. Ministry of Agriculture, Sea, Environment and Spatial Planning. October 2012, 906 p.
The Cd from the National Biological Monitoring System concentrations in the biota matrix (Donax truncus, Mytilus sp., Magallana gigas) are always lower than the reference conditions (1 mg kg-1 wet weight). Donax truncus
The information available for the sediment matrix refers only to area C1 where twelve samples of surface sediment were taken into account in September 2014 as part of the Armona Production Area Impact Assessment (IAAP) project (South of Portugal). The median Cd/Al ratio has been above the reference value as defined in the initial assessment (MAMAOT, 2012). However, the proportion of the affected area under 10 % of the total assessment area. In terms of methodology, the limit of 10 % of the assessment area subject to impacts and threats to the ecosystem as high for the Good Environmental State (MAMOAT, 2012) has been used. MAMAOT, 2012. Marine strategy for the subdivision of the continent. The Marine Strategy Framework Directive. Ministry of Agriculture, Sea, Environment and Spatial Planning. October 2012, 906 p.
The sampling points were chosen on the basis of the criterion of the largest proximity to the production areas of bivalve molluscs within the AQUICO project (Assessment of the Chemical Quality of Litoals, 31-03-01-FEP-0177), and 3 sampling points were taken into account. Water sampling has always been carried out under the same tidal conditions as defined in Directive 2006/113/EC. The analysis of Cd in the dissolved fraction was carried out using passive samplers (diffintensive in thin filter (GTs)). The Cd values obtained in the analysed samples were always lower than the reference conditions
The information available for the sediment matrix refers only to area C1 where twelve samples of surface sediment were taken into account in September 2014 as part of the Armona Production Area Impact Assessment (IAAP) project (South of Portugal). The median Cr/Al ratio has been above the reference value as defined in the initial assessment (MAMAOT, 2012). However, the proportion of the affected area under 10 % of the total assessment area. In terms of methodology, the limit of 10 % of the assessment area subject to impacts and threats to the ecosystem as high for the Good Environmental State (MAMOAT, 2012) has been used. MAMAOT, 2012. Marine strategy for the subdivision of the continent. The Marine Strategy Framework Directive. Ministry of Agriculture, Sea, Environment and Spatial Planning. October 2012, 906 p.
The information available for the sediment matrix refers only to area C1 where twelve samples of surface sediment were taken into account in September 2014 as part of the Armona Production Area Impact Assessment (IAAP) project (South of Portugal). The median value of the Cu/Al ratio has been above the reference value as defined in the initial assessment (MAMAOT, 2012). However, the proportion of the affected area under 10 % of the total assessment area. In terms of methodology, the limit of 10 % of the assessment area subject to impacts and threats to the ecosystem as high for the Good Environmental State (MAMOAT, 2012) has been used. MAMAOT, 2012. Marine strategy for the subdivision of the continent. The Marine Strategy Framework Directive. Ministry of Agriculture, Sea, Environment and Spatial Planning. October 2012, 906 p.
The concentrations of Pb obtained in the National Biological Monitoring System in the biota matrix (Donax truncus, Mytilus sp., Magallana gigas) are always lower than the reference conditions (1.5 mg kg-1 wet weight). Donax truncus
The information available for the sediment matrix refers only to area C1 where twelve samples of surface sediment were taken into account in September 2014 as part of the Armona Production Area Impact Assessment (IAAP) project (South of Portugal). The median value of the Pb/Al ratio has been above the reference value as defined in the initial assessment (MAMAOT, 2012). However, the proportion of the affected area under 10 % of the total assessment area. In terms of methodology, the limit of 10 % of the assessment area subject to impacts and threats to the ecosystem as high for the Good Environmental State (MAMOAT, 2012) has been used. MAMAOT, 2012. Marine strategy for the subdivision of the continent. The Marine Strategy Framework Directive. Ministry of Agriculture, Sea, Environment and Spatial Planning. October 2012, 906 p.
The sampling points were chosen on the basis of the criterion of the largest proximity to the production areas of bivalve molluscs within the AQUICO project (Assessment of the Chemical Quality of Litoals, 31-03-01-FEP-0177), and 3 sampling points were taken into account. Water sampling has always been carried out under the same tidal conditions as defined in Directive 2006/113/EC. The Pb analysis of the dissolved fraction was carried out using passive samplers (diffsive gravity in times thin film (GDTs)). The Pb content obtained from the samples analysed was always lower than the reference conditions
The information available for the sediment matrix refers only to area C1 where twelve samples of surface sediment were taken into account in September 2014 as part of the Armona Production Area Impact Assessment (IAAP) project (South of Portugal). The median Zn/Al ratio has been above the reference value as defined in the initial assessment (MAMAOT, 2012). However, the proportion of the affected area under 10 % of the total assessment area. In terms of methodology, the limit of 10 % of the assessment area subject to impacts and threats to the ecosystem as high for the Good Environmental State (MAMOAT, 2012) has been used. MAMAOT, 2012. Marine strategy for the subdivision of the continent. The Marine Strategy Framework Directive. Ministry of Agriculture, Sea, Environment and Spatial Planning. October 2012, 906 p.
The sample of mussels collected under the POSEUR Draft presented concentrations of fluoranthene of 2 µg kg-1 and from benzo (a) pyrene lower than 1 µg kg-1. APA 2017. Determination of priority substances in mussels (mussels) in coastal waters ? Results of 2016. Technical Report on Project POEUR-03-2013-FC-000001 ? Improving the assessment of status of water bodies, Component Development and implementation of innovative methods for assessing priority substances, monitoring substances and emerging compounds in water bodies and priority substances in biota to improve chemical status assessment. Water resources department/water quality division, Portuguese Environment Agency, I.P., Ministry of Environment.
The concentrations of Hg obtained in the National Biological Monitoring System in the biota matrix (Donax truncus, Mytilus sp., Magallana gigas) are always lower than the reference conditions (1 mg kg-1 wet weight). Donax truncus
Related indicator
Criteria status
Good, based on low risk
Good, based on low risk
Good, based on low risk
Good, based on low risk
Good, based on low risk
Good, based on low risk
Good, based on low risk
Good, based on low risk
Good, based on low risk
Good, based on low risk
Good, based on low risk
Good, based on low risk
Description criteria
Element status
Good, based on low risk
Good, based on low risk
Good, based on low risk
Good, based on low risk
Good, based on low risk
Good, based on low risk
Good, based on low risk
Good, based on low risk
Good, based on low risk
Good, based on low risk
Good, based on low risk
Good, based on low risk
Description element
Integration rule type parameter
Integration rule description parameter
Integration rule type criteria
Integration rule description criteria
GES extent threshold
GES extent achieved
GES extent unit
GES achieved
GES achieved
GES achieved
GES achieved
GES achieved
GES achieved
GES achieved
GES achieved
GES achieved
GES achieved
GES achieved
GES achieved
GES achieved
Description overall status
Assessments period
Related pressures
Related targets

National part of EEZ continental waters (ABI-PT-AA-CONT_ZEEA2)

GES component
Contaminants - non UPBT substances
Contaminants - non UPBT substances
Contaminants - non UPBT substances
Contaminants - UPBT substances
Contaminants - UPBT substances
Contaminants - UPBT substances
Contaminants - non UPBT substances
Contaminants - UPBT substances
Contaminants - non UPBT substances
Contaminants - UPBT substances
All Contaminants
All Contaminants
All Contaminants
All Contaminants
All Contaminants
All Contaminants
All Contaminants
All Contaminants
Element code
Element code source
Element 2
Element 2 code
Element 2 code source
Element source
Concentration in biota
Concentration in sediment
Concentration in water
Concentration in biota
Concentration in sediment
Concentration in water
Parameter other
Threshold value upper
Threshold value lower
Threshold qualitative
risk of contamination due to anthropogenic pressures is low
risk of contamination due to anthropogenic pressures is low
risk of contamination due to anthropogenic pressures is low
risk of contamination due to anthropogenic pressures is low
risk of contamination due to anthropogenic pressures is low
risk of contamination due to anthropogenic pressures is low
Threshold value source
Not applicable
Not applicable
Not applicable
Not applicable
Not applicable
Not applicable
Threshold value source other
Value achieved upper
Value achieved lower
Value unit
Value unit other
Proportion threshold value
Proportion value achieved
Proportion threshold value unit
Not relevant
Not relevant
Not relevant
Not relevant
Not relevant
Not relevant
Parameter achieved
Not assessed
Not assessed
Not assessed
Not assessed
Not assessed
Not assessed
Description parameter
GES assessment (good environmental status) was based on expert judgment. The lack of samples from water, sediment and biota matrices means that the degree of confidence in the assessment is extremely low. However, the contiguity of the A2 area with MRU AT under BEA supports the occurrence of GES in the A2. In addition, the widest distance to possible sources of contamination on the mainland and the dilution of non-contaminated particulate matter marine material supports the fact that the area reaches GES.
GES assessment (good environmental status) was based on expert judgment. The lack of samples from water, sediment and biota matrices means that the degree of confidence in the assessment is extremely low. However, the contiguity of the A2 area with MRU AT under BEA supports the occurrence of GES in the A2. In addition, the widest distance to possible sources of contamination on the mainland and the dilution of non-contaminated particulate matter marine material supports the fact that the area reaches GES.
GES assessment (good environmental status) was based on expert judgment. The lack of samples from water, sediment and biota matrices means that the degree of confidence in the assessment is extremely low. However, the contiguity of the A2 area with MRU AT under BEA supports the occurrence of GES in the A2. In addition, the widest distance to possible sources of contamination on the mainland and the dilution of non-contaminated particulate matter marine material supports the fact that the area reaches GES.
GES assessment (good environmental status) was based on expert judgment. The lack of samples from water, sediment and biota matrices means that the degree of confidence in the assessment is extremely low. However, the contiguity of the A2 area with MRU AT under BEA supports the occurrence of GES in the A2. In addition, the widest distance to possible sources of contamination on the mainland and the dilution of non-contaminated particulate matter marine material supports the fact that the area reaches GES.
GES assessment (good environmental status) was based on expert judgment. The lack of samples from water, sediment and biota matrices means that the degree of confidence in the assessment is extremely low. However, the contiguity of the A2 area with MRU AT under BEA supports the occurrence of GES in the A2. In addition, the widest distance to possible sources of contamination on the mainland and the dilution of non-contaminated particulate matter marine material supports the fact that the area reaches GES.
GES assessment (good environmental status) was based on expert judgment. The lack of samples from water, sediment and biota matrices means that the degree of confidence in the assessment is extremely low. However, the contiguity of the A2 area with MRU AT under BEA supports the occurrence of GES in the A2. In addition, the widest distance to possible sources of contamination on the mainland and the dilution of non-contaminated particulate matter marine material supports the fact that the area reaches GES.
Related indicator
Criteria status
Good, based on low risk
Good, based on low risk
Good, based on low risk
Good, based on low risk
Good, based on low risk
Good, based on low risk
Not assessed
Not assessed
Not assessed
Not assessed
Description criteria
The lack of samples from the water, sediments and biota matrices makes the degree of confidence of the evaluation low. Despite this, the contiguity of area A2 with area AT, suggests the occurrence of Good Environmental Status.
The lack of samples from the water, sediments and biota matrices makes the degree of confidence of the evaluation low. Despite this, the contiguity of area A2 with area AT, suggests the occurrence of Good Environmental Status.
The lack of samples from the water, sediments and biota matrices makes the degree of confidence of the evaluation low. Despite this, the contiguity of area A2 with area AT, suggests the occurrence of Good Environmental Status.
The lack of samples from the water, sediments and biota matrices makes the degree of confidence of the evaluation low. Despite this, the contiguity of area A2 with area AT, suggests the occurrence of Good Environmental Status.
The lack of samples from the water, sediments and biota matrices makes the degree of confidence of the evaluation low. Despite this, the contiguity of area A2 with area AT, suggests the occurrence of Good Environmental Status.
The lack of samples from the water, sediments and biota matrices makes the degree of confidence of the evaluation low. Despite this, the contiguity of area A2 with area AT, suggests the occurrence of Good Environmental Status.
The absence of biota samples does not allow for an assessment of Good Environmental Status. However, the contiguity of the area A2 with the area AT suggests the occurrence of Good Environmental State with a degree of confidence in the low assessment.
The absence of biota samples does not allow for an assessment of Good Environmental Status. However, the contiguity of the area A2 with the area AT suggests the occurrence of Good Environmental State with a degree of confidence in the low assessment.
Significant acute pollution incidents have not been detected, although incidents have been identified with sporadic spills of hydrocarbons and/or other substances.
Significant acute pollution incidents have not been detected, although incidents have been identified with sporadic spills of hydrocarbons and/or other substances.
Element status
Good, based on low risk
Good, based on low risk
Good, based on low risk
Good, based on low risk
Good, based on low risk
Good, based on low risk
Good, based on low risk
Good, based on low risk
Description element
GES assessment (good environmental status) was based on expert judgment. The lack of samples from water, sediment and biota matrices means that the degree of confidence in the assessment is extremely low. However, the contiguity of the A2 area with MRU AT under BEA supports the occurrence of GES in the A2. In addition, the widest distance to possible sources of contamination on the mainland and the dilution of non-contaminated particulate matter marine material supports the fact that the area reaches GES.
GES assessment (good environmental status) was based on expert judgment. The lack of samples from water, sediment and biota matrices means that the degree of confidence in the assessment is extremely low. However, the contiguity of the A2 area with MRU AT under BEA supports the occurrence of GES in the A2. In addition, the widest distance to possible sources of contamination on the mainland and the dilution of non-contaminated particulate matter marine material supports the fact that the area reaches GES.
GES assessment (good environmental status) was based on expert judgment. The lack of samples from water, sediment and biota matrices means that the degree of confidence in the assessment is extremely low. However, the contiguity of the A2 area with MRU AT under BEA supports the occurrence of GES in the A2. In addition, the widest distance to possible sources of contamination on the mainland and the dilution of non-contaminated particulate matter marine material supports the fact that the area reaches GES.
GES assessment (good environmental status) was based on expert judgment. The lack of samples from water, sediment and biota matrices means that the degree of confidence in the assessment is extremely low. However, the contiguity of the A2 area with MRU AT under BEA supports the occurrence of GES in the A2. In addition, the widest distance to possible sources of contamination on the mainland and the dilution of non-contaminated particulate matter marine material supports the fact that the area reaches GES.
Integration rule type parameter
Not relevant
Not relevant
Not relevant
Not relevant
Not relevant
Not relevant
Not relevant
Not relevant
Not relevant
Not relevant
Integration rule description parameter
This area maintains good environmental status, as it is contiguous to areas that are not subject to direct anthropogenic pressures (e.g., submarine outfalls, river discharges). The high hydrodynamics (oceanographic currents; waves) existing on the Portuguese continental shelf is responsible for the dispersion and dilution of contaminated water and sediments. It should be noted, however, that the greatest existing environmental pressure is that exerted by maritime transport and associated actions (discharges of pollutants, waste water or waste). Its large extent and the lack of data led to a low degree of confidence in this assessment.
This area maintains good environmental status, as it is contiguous to areas that are not subject to direct anthropogenic pressures (e.g., submarine outfalls, river discharges). The high hydrodynamics (oceanographic currents; waves) existing on the Portuguese continental shelf is responsible for the dispersion and dilution of contaminated water and sediments. It should be noted, however, that the greatest existing environmental pressure is that exerted by maritime transport and associated actions (discharges of pollutants, waste water or waste). Its large extent and the lack of data led to a low degree of confidence in this assessment.
This area maintains good environmental status, as it is contiguous to areas that are not subject to direct anthropogenic pressures (e.g., submarine outfalls, river discharges). The high hydrodynamics (oceanographic currents; waves) existing on the Portuguese continental shelf is responsible for the dispersion and dilution of contaminated water and sediments. It should be noted, however, that the greatest existing environmental pressure is that exerted by maritime transport and associated actions (discharges of pollutants, waste water or waste). Its large extent and the lack of data led to a low degree of confidence in this assessment.
This area maintains good environmental status, as it is contiguous to areas that are not subject to direct anthropogenic pressures (e.g., submarine outfalls, river discharges). The high hydrodynamics (oceanographic currents; waves) existing on the Portuguese continental shelf is responsible for the dispersion and dilution of contaminated water and sediments. It should be noted, however, that the greatest existing environmental pressure is that exerted by maritime transport and associated actions (discharges of pollutants, waste water or waste). Its large extent and the lack of data led to a low degree of confidence in this assessment.
This area maintains good environmental status, as it is contiguous to areas that are not subject to direct anthropogenic pressures (e.g., submarine outfalls, river discharges). The high hydrodynamics (oceanographic currents; waves) existing on the Portuguese continental shelf is responsible for the dispersion and dilution of contaminated water and sediments. It should be noted, however, that the greatest existing environmental pressure is that exerted by maritime transport and associated actions (discharges of pollutants, waste water or waste). Its large extent and the lack of data led to a low degree of confidence in this assessment.
This area maintains good environmental status, as it is contiguous to areas that are not subject to direct anthropogenic pressures (e.g., submarine outfalls, river discharges). The high hydrodynamics (oceanographic currents; waves) existing on the Portuguese continental shelf is responsible for the dispersion and dilution of contaminated water and sediments. It should be noted, however, that the greatest existing environmental pressure is that exerted by maritime transport and associated actions (discharges of pollutants, waste water or waste). Its large extent and the lack of data led to a low degree of confidence in this assessment.
This area maintains good environmental status, as it is contiguous to areas that are not subject to direct anthropogenic pressures (e.g., submarine outfalls, river discharges). The high hydrodynamics (oceanographic currents; waves) existing on the Portuguese continental shelf is responsible for the dispersion and dilution of contaminated water and sediments. It should be noted, however, that the greatest existing environmental pressure is that exerted by maritime transport and associated actions (discharges of pollutants, waste water or waste). Its large extent and the lack of data led to a low degree of confidence in this assessment.
This area maintains good environmental status, as it is contiguous to areas that are not subject to direct anthropogenic pressures (e.g., submarine outfalls, river discharges). The high hydrodynamics (oceanographic currents; waves) existing on the Portuguese continental shelf is responsible for the dispersion and dilution of contaminated water and sediments. It should be noted, however, that the greatest existing environmental pressure is that exerted by maritime transport and associated actions (discharges of pollutants, waste water or waste). Its large extent and the lack of data led to a low degree of confidence in this assessment.
This area maintains good environmental status, as it is contiguous to areas that are not subject to direct anthropogenic pressures (e.g., submarine outfalls, river discharges). The high hydrodynamics (oceanographic currents; waves) existing on the Portuguese continental shelf is responsible for the dispersion and dilution of contaminated water and sediments. It should be noted, however, that the greatest existing environmental pressure is that exerted by maritime transport and associated actions (discharges of pollutants, waste water or waste). Its large extent and the lack of data led to a low degree of confidence in this assessment.
This area maintains good environmental status, as it is contiguous to areas that are not subject to direct anthropogenic pressures (e.g., submarine outfalls, river discharges). The high hydrodynamics (oceanographic currents; waves) existing on the Portuguese continental shelf is responsible for the dispersion and dilution of contaminated water and sediments. It should be noted, however, that the greatest existing environmental pressure is that exerted by maritime transport and associated actions (discharges of pollutants, waste water or waste). Its large extent and the lack of data led to a low degree of confidence in this assessment.
Integration rule type criteria
Not relevant
Not relevant
Not relevant
Not relevant
Not relevant
Not relevant
Not relevant
Not relevant
Not relevant
Not relevant
Integration rule description criteria
GES extent threshold
GES extent achieved
GES extent unit
GES achieved
GES achieved
GES achieved
GES achieved
GES achieved
GES achieved
GES achieved
GES achieved
GES achieved
GES achieved
GES achieved
Description overall status
This area maintains good environmental status, as it is contiguous to areas that are not subject to direct anthropogenic pressures (e.g., submarine outfalls, river discharges). The high hydrodynamics (oceanographic currents; waves) existing on the Portuguese continental shelf is responsible for the dispersion and dilution of contaminated water and sediments. It should be noted, however, that the greatest existing environmental pressure is that exerted by maritime transport and associated actions (discharges of pollutants, waste water or waste). Its large extent and the lack of data led to a low degree of confidence in this assessment.
This area maintains good environmental status, as it is contiguous to areas that are not subject to direct anthropogenic pressures (e.g., submarine outfalls, river discharges). The high hydrodynamics (oceanographic currents; waves) existing on the Portuguese continental shelf is responsible for the dispersion and dilution of contaminated water and sediments. It should be noted, however, that the greatest existing environmental pressure is that exerted by maritime transport and associated actions (discharges of pollutants, waste water or waste). Its large extent and the lack of data led to a low degree of confidence in this assessment.
This area maintains good environmental status, as it is contiguous to areas that are not subject to direct anthropogenic pressures (e.g., submarine outfalls, river discharges). The high hydrodynamics (oceanographic currents; waves) existing on the Portuguese continental shelf is responsible for the dispersion and dilution of contaminated water and sediments. It should be noted, however, that the greatest existing environmental pressure is that exerted by maritime transport and associated actions (discharges of pollutants, waste water or waste). Its large extent and the lack of data led to a low degree of confidence in this assessment.
This area maintains good environmental status, as it is contiguous to areas that are not subject to direct anthropogenic pressures (e.g., submarine outfalls, river discharges). The high hydrodynamics (oceanographic currents; waves) existing on the Portuguese continental shelf is responsible for the dispersion and dilution of contaminated water and sediments. It should be noted, however, that the greatest existing environmental pressure is that exerted by maritime transport and associated actions (discharges of pollutants, waste water or waste). Its large extent and the lack of data led to a low degree of confidence in this assessment.
This area maintains good environmental status, as it is contiguous to areas that are not subject to direct anthropogenic pressures (e.g., submarine outfalls, river discharges). The high hydrodynamics (oceanographic currents; waves) existing on the Portuguese continental shelf is responsible for the dispersion and dilution of contaminated water and sediments. It should be noted, however, that the greatest existing environmental pressure is that exerted by maritime transport and associated actions (discharges of pollutants, waste water or waste). Its large extent and the lack of data led to a low degree of confidence in this assessment.
This area maintains good environmental status, as it is contiguous to areas that are not subject to direct anthropogenic pressures (e.g., submarine outfalls, river discharges). The high hydrodynamics (oceanographic currents; waves) existing on the Portuguese continental shelf is responsible for the dispersion and dilution of contaminated water and sediments. It should be noted, however, that the greatest existing environmental pressure is that exerted by maritime transport and associated actions (discharges of pollutants, waste water or waste). Its large extent and the lack of data led to a low degree of confidence in this assessment.
This area maintains good environmental status, as it is contiguous to areas that are not subject to direct anthropogenic pressures (e.g., submarine outfalls, river discharges). The high hydrodynamics (oceanographic currents; waves) existing on the Portuguese continental shelf is responsible for the dispersion and dilution of contaminated water and sediments. It should be noted, however, that the greatest existing environmental pressure is that exerted by maritime transport and associated actions (discharges of pollutants, waste water or waste). Its large extent and the lack of data led to a low degree of confidence in this assessment.
This area maintains good environmental status, as it is contiguous to areas that are not subject to direct anthropogenic pressures (e.g., submarine outfalls, river discharges). The high hydrodynamics (oceanographic currents; waves) existing on the Portuguese continental shelf is responsible for the dispersion and dilution of contaminated water and sediments. It should be noted, however, that the greatest existing environmental pressure is that exerted by maritime transport and associated actions (discharges of pollutants, waste water or waste). Its large extent and the lack of data led to a low degree of confidence in this assessment.
This area maintains good environmental status, as it is contiguous to areas that are not subject to direct anthropogenic pressures (e.g., submarine outfalls, river discharges). The high hydrodynamics (oceanographic currents; waves) existing on the Portuguese continental shelf is responsible for the dispersion and dilution of contaminated water and sediments. It should be noted, however, that the greatest existing environmental pressure is that exerted by maritime transport and associated actions (discharges of pollutants, waste water or waste). Its large extent and the lack of data led to a low degree of confidence in this assessment.
This area maintains good environmental status, as it is contiguous to areas that are not subject to direct anthropogenic pressures (e.g., submarine outfalls, river discharges). The high hydrodynamics (oceanographic currents; waves) existing on the Portuguese continental shelf is responsible for the dispersion and dilution of contaminated water and sediments. It should be noted, however, that the greatest existing environmental pressure is that exerted by maritime transport and associated actions (discharges of pollutants, waste water or waste). Its large extent and the lack of data led to a low degree of confidence in this assessment.
Assessments period
Related pressures
Related targets

National part of EEZ continental waters (ABI-PT-AA-CONT_ZEEB2)

GES component
Contaminants - non UPBT substances
Contaminants - non UPBT substances
Contaminants - non UPBT substances
Contaminants - UPBT substances
Contaminants - UPBT substances
Contaminants - UPBT substances
Contaminants - non UPBT substances
Contaminants - UPBT substances
Contaminants - non UPBT substances
Contaminants - UPBT substances
All Contaminants
All Contaminants
All Contaminants
All Contaminants
All Contaminants
All Contaminants
All Contaminants
All Contaminants
Element code
Element code source
Element 2
Element 2 code
Element 2 code source
Element source
Concentration in biota
Concentration in sediment
Concentration in water
Concentration in biota
Concentration in sediment
Concentration in water
Parameter other
Threshold value upper
Threshold value lower
Threshold qualitative
risk of contamination due to anthropogenic pressures is low
risk of contamination due to anthropogenic pressures is low
risk of contamination due to anthropogenic pressures is low
risk of contamination due to anthropogenic pressures is low
risk of contamination due to anthropogenic pressures is low
risk of contamination due to anthropogenic pressures is low
Threshold value source
Not applicable
Not applicable
Not applicable
Not applicable
Not applicable
Threshold value source other
Value achieved upper
Value achieved lower
Value unit
Value unit other
Proportion threshold value
Proportion value achieved
Proportion threshold value unit
Not relevant
Not relevant
Not relevant
Parameter achieved
Not assessed
Not assessed
Not assessed
Not assessed
Not assessed
Not assessed
Description parameter
GES assessment (good environmental status) was based on expert judgment. The lack of samples from water, sediment and biota matrices means that the degree of confidence in the assessment is extremely low. However, the contiguity of B2 with MRU BT on BEA supports GES in B2. In addition, the widest distance to possible sources of contamination on the mainland and the dilution of non-contaminated particulate matter marine material supports the fact that the area reaches GES.
GES assessment (good environmental status) was based on expert judgment. The lack of samples from water, sediment and biota matrices means that the degree of confidence in the assessment is extremely low. However, the contiguity of B2 with MRU BT on BEA supports GES in B2. In addition, the widest distance to possible sources of contamination on the mainland and the dilution of non-contaminated particulate matter marine material supports the fact that the area reaches GES.
GES assessment (good environmental status) was based on expert judgment. The lack of samples from water, sediment and biota matrices means that the degree of confidence in the assessment is extremely low. However, the contiguity of B2 with MRU BT on BEA supports GES in B2. In addition, the widest distance to possible sources of contamination on the mainland and the dilution of non-contaminated particulate matter marine material supports the fact that the area reaches GES.
GES assessment (good environmental status) was based on expert judgment. The lack of samples from water, sediment and biota matrices means that the degree of confidence in the assessment is extremely low. However, the contiguity of B2 with MRU BT on BEA supports GES in B2. In addition, the widest distance to possible sources of contamination on the mainland and the dilution of non-contaminated particulate matter marine material supports the fact that the area reaches GES.
GES assessment (good environmental status) was based on expert judgment. The lack of samples from water, sediment and biota matrices means that the degree of confidence in the assessment is extremely low. However, the contiguity of B2 with MRU BT on BEA supports GES in B2. In addition, the widest distance to possible sources of contamination on the mainland and the dilution of non-contaminated particulate matter marine material supports the fact that the area reaches GES.
GES assessment (good environmental status) was based on expert judgment. The lack of samples from water, sediment and biota matrices means that the degree of confidence in the assessment is extremely low. However, the contiguity of B2 with MRU BT on BEA supports GES in B2. In addition, the widest distance to possible sources of contamination on the mainland and the dilution of non-contaminated particulate matter marine material supports the fact that the area reaches GES.
Related indicator
Criteria status
Good, based on low risk
Good, based on low risk
Good, based on low risk
Good, based on low risk
Good, based on low risk
Good, based on low risk
Not assessed
Not assessed
Not assessed
Not assessed
Description criteria
Existing anthropogenic pressures are mainly associated with atmospheric and maritime transport. Also the transport of contaminated particulate matter from estuarine and coastal areas into the deep sea areas of the ocean, combined with sediment dynamics, background morphology (e.g. the existence of underwater guns), and oceanographic and climate processes, may also constitute anthropogenic pressure. The absence of samples from the water, sediment and biota matrices means that the degree of confidence of the valuation is low. In the case of Area B2, although part of it is contiguous to an area where GES was not reached (BT1.2), areas located along the axis and in the rearmost part of the underwater guns may suffer from some contribution of contaminated sediment. These potentially contaminated areas account for less than 10 % of the assessment area. It should be noted, however, that the effect of these anthropogenic pressures is significantly lower than in subarea BT1.2 as a result of greater distance to contamination and dilution by particulate matter contaminated marine material.
Existing anthropogenic pressures are mainly associated with atmospheric and maritime transport. Also the transport of contaminated particulate matter from estuarine and coastal areas into the deep sea areas of the ocean, combined with sediment dynamics, background morphology (e.g. the existence of underwater guns), and oceanographic and climate processes, may also constitute anthropogenic pressure. The absence of samples from the water, sediment and biota matrices means that the degree of confidence of the valuation is low. In the case of Area B2, although part of it is contiguous to an area where GES was not reached (BT1.2), areas located along the axis and in the rearmost part of the underwater guns may suffer from some contribution of contaminated sediment. These potentially contaminated areas account for less than 10 % of the assessment area. It should be noted, however, that the effect of these anthropogenic pressures is significantly lower than in subarea BT1.2 as a result of greater distance to contamination and dilution by particulate matter contaminated marine material.
Existing anthropogenic pressures are mainly associated with atmospheric and maritime transport. Also the transport of contaminated particulate matter from estuarine and coastal areas into the deep sea areas of the ocean, combined with sediment dynamics, background morphology (e.g. the existence of underwater guns), and oceanographic and climate processes, may also constitute anthropogenic pressure. The absence of samples from the water, sediment and biota matrices means that the degree of confidence of the valuation is low. In the case of Area B2, although part of it is contiguous to an area where GES was not reached (BT1.2), areas located along the axis and in the rearmost part of the underwater guns may suffer from some contribution of contaminated sediment. These potentially contaminated areas account for less than 10 % of the assessment area. It should be noted, however, that the effect of these anthropogenic pressures is significantly lower than in subarea BT1.2 as a result of greater distance to contamination and dilution by particulate matter contaminated marine material.
Existing anthropogenic pressures are mainly associated with atmospheric and maritime transport. Also the transport of contaminated particulate matter from estuarine and coastal areas into the deep sea areas of the ocean, combined with sediment dynamics, background morphology (e.g. the existence of underwater guns), and oceanographic and climate processes, may also constitute anthropogenic pressure. The absence of samples from the water, sediment and biota matrices means that the degree of confidence of the valuation is low. In the case of Area B2, although part of it is contiguous to an area where GES was not reached (BT1.2), areas located along the axis and in the rearmost part of the underwater guns may suffer from some contribution of contaminated sediment. These potentially contaminated areas account for less than 10 % of the assessment area. It should be noted, however, that the effect of these anthropogenic pressures is significantly lower than in subarea BT1.2 as a result of greater distance to contamination and dilution by particulate matter contaminated marine material.
Existing anthropogenic pressures are mainly associated with atmospheric and maritime transport. Also the transport of contaminated particulate matter from estuarine and coastal areas into the deep sea areas of the ocean, combined with sediment dynamics, background morphology (e.g. the existence of underwater guns), and oceanographic and climate processes, may also constitute anthropogenic pressure. The absence of samples from the water, sediment and biota matrices means that the degree of confidence of the valuation is low. In the case of Area B2, although part of it is contiguous to an area where GES was not reached (BT1.2), areas located along the axis and in the rearmost part of the underwater guns may suffer from some contribution of contaminated sediment. These potentially contaminated areas account for less than 10 % of the assessment area. It should be noted, however, that the effect of these anthropogenic pressures is significantly lower than in subarea BT1.2 as a result of greater distance to contamination and dilution by particulate matter contaminated marine material.
Existing anthropogenic pressures are mainly associated with atmospheric and maritime transport. Also the transport of contaminated particulate matter from estuarine and coastal areas into the deep sea areas of the ocean, combined with sediment dynamics, background morphology (e.g. the existence of underwater guns), and oceanographic and climate processes, may also constitute anthropogenic pressure. The absence of samples from the water, sediment and biota matrices means that the degree of confidence of the valuation is low. In the case of Area B2, although part of it is contiguous to an area where GES was not reached (BT1.2), areas located along the axis and in the rearmost part of the underwater guns may suffer from some contribution of contaminated sediment. These potentially contaminated areas account for less than 10 % of the assessment area. It should be noted, however, that the effect of these anthropogenic pressures is significantly lower than in subarea BT1.2 as a result of greater distance to contamination and dilution by particulate matter contaminated marine material.
Existing anthropogenic pressures are mainly associated with atmospheric and maritime transport. Also the transport of contaminated particulate matter from estuarine and coastal areas into the deep sea areas of the ocean, combined with sediment dynamics, background morphology (e.g. the existence of underwater guns), and oceanographic and climate processes, may also constitute anthropogenic pressure. In the case of Area B2, although part of it is contiguous to an area where GES was not reached (B1.2), areas located along the axis and in the rearmost part of the underwater cannons may suffer from some contribution of contaminated sediment. These potentially contaminated areas account for less than 10 % of the assessment area. It should be noted, however, that the effect of these anthropogenic pressures is significantly lower than in subarea B1.2 as a result of greater distance to contamination and dilution by particulate matter contaminated marine material. The absence of biota samples does not allow for an assessment of Good Environmental Status. However, the contiguity of the B2 area with the area AT suggests the occurrence of Good Environmental State with a degree of confidence in the low assessment.
Existing anthropogenic pressures are mainly associated with atmospheric and maritime transport. Also the transport of contaminated particulate matter from estuarine and coastal areas into the deep sea areas of the ocean, combined with sediment dynamics, background morphology (e.g. the existence of underwater guns), and oceanographic and climate processes, may also constitute anthropogenic pressure. In the case of Area B2, although part of it is contiguous to an area where GES was not reached (BT1.2), areas located along the axis and in the rearmost part of the underwater guns may suffer from some contribution of contaminated sediment. These potentially contaminated areas account for less than 10 % of the assessment area. It should be noted, however, that the effect of these anthropogenic pressures is significantly lower than in subarea BT1.2 as a result of greater distance to contamination and dilution by particulate matter contaminated marine material.
Significant acute pollution incidents have not been detected, although incidents have been identified with sporadic spills of hydrocarbons and/or other substances.
Significant acute pollution incidents have not been detected, although incidents have been identified with sporadic spills of hydrocarbons and/or other substances.
Element status
Good, based on low risk
Good, based on low risk
Good, based on low risk
Good, based on low risk
Good, based on low risk
Good, based on low risk
Good, based on low risk
Good, based on low risk
Description element
Integration rule type parameter
Not relevant
Not relevant
Not relevant
Not relevant
Not relevant
Not relevant
Not relevant
Not relevant
Not relevant
Not relevant
Integration rule description parameter
This area maintains good environmental status, as it is contiguous to areas that are not subject to direct anthropogenic pressures (e.g., submarine outfalls, river discharges). The high hydrodynamics (oceanographic currents; waves) existing on the Portuguese continental shelf is responsible for the dispersion and dilution of contaminated water and sediments. It should be noted, however, that the greatest existing environmental pressure is that exerted by maritime transport and associated actions (discharges of pollutants, waste water or waste). Its large extent and the lack of data led to a low degree of confidence in this assessment.
This area maintains good environmental status, as it is contiguous to areas that are not subject to direct anthropogenic pressures (e.g., submarine outfalls, river discharges). The high hydrodynamics (oceanographic currents; waves) existing on the Portuguese continental shelf is responsible for the dispersion and dilution of contaminated water and sediments. It should be noted, however, that the greatest existing environmental pressure is that exerted by maritime transport and associated actions (discharges of pollutants, waste water or waste). Its large extent and the lack of data led to a low degree of confidence in this assessment.
This area maintains good environmental status, as it is contiguous to areas that are not subject to direct anthropogenic pressures (e.g., submarine outfalls, river discharges). The high hydrodynamics (oceanographic currents; waves) existing on the Portuguese continental shelf is responsible for the dispersion and dilution of contaminated water and sediments. It should be noted, however, that the greatest existing environmental pressure is that exerted by maritime transport and associated actions (discharges of pollutants, waste water or waste). Its large extent and the lack of data led to a low degree of confidence in this assessment.
This area maintains good environmental status, as it is contiguous to areas that are not subject to direct anthropogenic pressures (e.g., submarine outfalls, river discharges). The high hydrodynamics (oceanographic currents; waves) existing on the Portuguese continental shelf is responsible for the dispersion and dilution of contaminated water and sediments. It should be noted, however, that the greatest existing environmental pressure is that exerted by maritime transport and associated actions (discharges of pollutants, waste water or waste). Its large extent and the lack of data led to a low degree of confidence in this assessment.
This area maintains good environmental status, as it is contiguous to areas that are not subject to direct anthropogenic pressures (e.g., submarine outfalls, river discharges). The high hydrodynamics (oceanographic currents; waves) existing on the Portuguese continental shelf is responsible for the dispersion and dilution of contaminated water and sediments. It should be noted, however, that the greatest existing environmental pressure is that exerted by maritime transport and associated actions (discharges of pollutants, waste water or waste). Its large extent and the lack of data led to a low degree of confidence in this assessment.
This area maintains good environmental status, as it is contiguous to areas that are not subject to direct anthropogenic pressures (e.g., submarine outfalls, river discharges). The high hydrodynamics (oceanographic currents; waves) existing on the Portuguese continental shelf is responsible for the dispersion and dilution of contaminated water and sediments. It should be noted, however, that the greatest existing environmental pressure is that exerted by maritime transport and associated actions (discharges of pollutants, waste water or waste). Its large extent and the lack of data led to a low degree of confidence in this assessment.
This area maintains good environmental status, as it is contiguous to areas that are not subject to direct anthropogenic pressures (e.g., submarine outfalls, river discharges). The high hydrodynamics (oceanographic currents; waves) existing on the Portuguese continental shelf is responsible for the dispersion and dilution of contaminated water and sediments. It should be noted, however, that the greatest existing environmental pressure is that exerted by maritime transport and associated actions (discharges of pollutants, waste water or waste). Its large extent and the lack of data led to a low degree of confidence in this assessment.
This area maintains good environmental status, as it is contiguous to areas that are not subject to direct anthropogenic pressures (e.g., submarine outfalls, river discharges). The high hydrodynamics (oceanographic currents; waves) existing on the Portuguese continental shelf is responsible for the dispersion and dilution of contaminated water and sediments. It should be noted, however, that the greatest existing environmental pressure is that exerted by maritime transport and associated actions (discharges of pollutants, waste water or waste). Its large extent and the lack of data led to a low degree of confidence in this assessment.
This area maintains good environmental status, as it is contiguous to areas that are not subject to direct anthropogenic pressures (e.g., submarine outfalls, river discharges). The high hydrodynamics (oceanographic currents; waves) existing on the Portuguese continental shelf is responsible for the dispersion and dilution of contaminated water and sediments. It should be noted, however, that the greatest existing environmental pressure is that exerted by maritime transport and associated actions (discharges of pollutants, waste water or waste). Its large extent and the lack of data led to a low degree of confidence in this assessment.
This area maintains good environmental status, as it is contiguous to areas that are not subject to direct anthropogenic pressures (e.g., submarine outfalls, river discharges). The high hydrodynamics (oceanographic currents; waves) existing on the Portuguese continental shelf is responsible for the dispersion and dilution of contaminated water and sediments. It should be noted, however, that the greatest existing environmental pressure is that exerted by maritime transport and associated actions (discharges of pollutants, waste water or waste). Its large extent and the lack of data led to a low degree of confidence in this assessment.
Integration rule type criteria
Not relevant
Not relevant
Not relevant
Not relevant
Not relevant
Not relevant
Not relevant
Not relevant
Not relevant
Not relevant
Integration rule description criteria
GES extent threshold
GES extent achieved
GES extent unit
GES achieved
GES achieved
GES achieved
GES achieved
GES achieved
GES achieved
GES achieved
GES achieved
GES achieved
GES achieved
GES achieved
Description overall status
This area maintains good environmental status, as it is contiguous to areas that are not subject to direct anthropogenic pressures (e.g., submarine outfalls, river discharges). The high hydrodynamics (oceanographic currents; waves) existing on the Portuguese continental shelf is responsible for the dispersion and dilution of contaminated water and sediments. It should be noted, however, that the greatest existing environmental pressure is that exerted by maritime transport and associated actions (discharges of pollutants, waste water or waste). Its large extent and the lack of data led to a low degree of confidence in this assessment.
This area maintains good environmental status, as it is contiguous to areas that are not subject to direct anthropogenic pressures (e.g., submarine outfalls, river discharges). The high hydrodynamics (oceanographic currents; waves) existing on the Portuguese continental shelf is responsible for the dispersion and dilution of contaminated water and sediments. It should be noted, however, that the greatest existing environmental pressure is that exerted by maritime transport and associated actions (discharges of pollutants, waste water or waste). Its large extent and the lack of data led to a low degree of confidence in this assessment.
This area maintains good environmental status, as it is contiguous to areas that are not subject to direct anthropogenic pressures (e.g., submarine outfalls, river discharges). The high hydrodynamics (oceanographic currents; waves) existing on the Portuguese continental shelf is responsible for the dispersion and dilution of contaminated water and sediments. It should be noted, however, that the greatest existing environmental pressure is that exerted by maritime transport and associated actions (discharges of pollutants, waste water or waste). Its large extent and the lack of data led to a low degree of confidence in this assessment.
This area maintains good environmental status, as it is contiguous to areas that are not subject to direct anthropogenic pressures (e.g., submarine outfalls, river discharges). The high hydrodynamics (oceanographic currents; waves) existing on the Portuguese continental shelf is responsible for the dispersion and dilution of contaminated water and sediments. It should be noted, however, that the greatest existing environmental pressure is that exerted by maritime transport and associated actions (discharges of pollutants, waste water or waste). Its large extent and the lack of data led to a low degree of confidence in this assessment.
This area maintains good environmental status, as it is contiguous to areas that are not subject to direct anthropogenic pressures (e.g., submarine outfalls, river discharges). The high hydrodynamics (oceanographic currents; waves) existing on the Portuguese continental shelf is responsible for the dispersion and dilution of contaminated water and sediments. It should be noted, however, that the greatest existing environmental pressure is that exerted by maritime transport and associated actions (discharges of pollutants, waste water or waste). Its large extent and the lack of data led to a low degree of confidence in this assessment.
This area maintains good environmental status, as it is contiguous to areas that are not subject to direct anthropogenic pressures (e.g., submarine outfalls, river discharges). The high hydrodynamics (oceanographic currents; waves) existing on the Portuguese continental shelf is responsible for the dispersion and dilution of contaminated water and sediments. It should be noted, however, that the greatest existing environmental pressure is that exerted by maritime transport and associated actions (discharges of pollutants, waste water or waste). Its large extent and the lack of data led to a low degree of confidence in this assessment.
This area maintains good environmental status, as it is contiguous to areas that are not subject to direct anthropogenic pressures (e.g., submarine outfalls, river discharges). The high hydrodynamics (oceanographic currents; waves) existing on the Portuguese continental shelf is responsible for the dispersion and dilution of contaminated water and sediments. It should be noted, however, that the greatest existing environmental pressure is that exerted by maritime transport and associated actions (discharges of pollutants, waste water or waste). Its large extent and the lack of data led to a low degree of confidence in this assessment.
This area maintains good environmental status, as it is contiguous to areas that are not subject to direct anthropogenic pressures (e.g., submarine outfalls, river discharges). The high hydrodynamics (oceanographic currents; waves) existing on the Portuguese continental shelf is responsible for the dispersion and dilution of contaminated water and sediments. It should be noted, however, that the greatest existing environmental pressure is that exerted by maritime transport and associated actions (discharges of pollutants, waste water or waste). Its large extent and the lack of data led to a low degree of confidence in this assessment.
This area maintains good environmental status, as it is contiguous to areas that are not subject to direct anthropogenic pressures (e.g., submarine outfalls, river discharges). The high hydrodynamics (oceanographic currents; waves) existing on the Portuguese continental shelf is responsible for the dispersion and dilution of contaminated water and sediments. It should be noted, however, that the greatest existing environmental pressure is that exerted by maritime transport and associated actions (discharges of pollutants, waste water or waste). Its large extent and the lack of data led to a low degree of confidence in this assessment.
This area maintains good environmental status, as it is contiguous to areas that are not subject to direct anthropogenic pressures (e.g., submarine outfalls, river discharges). The high hydrodynamics (oceanographic currents; waves) existing on the Portuguese continental shelf is responsible for the dispersion and dilution of contaminated water and sediments. It should be noted, however, that the greatest existing environmental pressure is that exerted by maritime transport and associated actions (discharges of pollutants, waste water or waste). Its large extent and the lack of data led to a low degree of confidence in this assessment.
Assessments period
Related pressures
Related targets

National part of EEZ continental waters (ABI-PT-AA-CONT_ZEEC2)

GES component
Contaminants - non UPBT substances
Contaminants - non UPBT substances
Contaminants - non UPBT substances
Contaminants - UPBT substances
Contaminants - UPBT substances
Contaminants - UPBT substances
Contaminants - non UPBT substances
Contaminants - UPBT substances
Contaminants - non UPBT substances
Contaminants - UPBT substances
All Contaminants
All Contaminants
All Contaminants
All Contaminants
All Contaminants
All Contaminants
All Contaminants
All Contaminants
Element code
Element code source
Element 2
Element 2 code
Element 2 code source
Element source
Concentration in biota
Concentration in sediment
Concentration in water
Concentration in biota
Concentration in sediment
Concentration in water
Parameter other
Threshold value upper
Threshold value lower
Threshold qualitative
risk of contamination due to anthropogenic pressures is low
risk of contamination due to anthropogenic pressures is low
risk of contamination due to anthropogenic pressures is low
Threshold value source
Not applicable
Not applicable
Not applicable
Threshold value source other
Value achieved upper
Value achieved lower
Value unit
Value unit other
Proportion threshold value
Proportion value achieved
Proportion threshold value unit
Not relevant
Not relevant
Not relevant
Not relevant
Not relevant
Not relevant
Parameter achieved
Not assessed
Not assessed
Not assessed
Not assessed
Not assessed
Not assessed
Description parameter
GES assessment (good environmental status) was based on expert judgment. The lack of samples from water, sediment and biota matrices means that the degree of confidence in the assessment is extremely low. Nevertheless, the contiguity of C2 with MRRU CT in BEA supports the occurrence of GES in C2. In addition, the widest distance to possible sources of contamination on the mainland and the dilution of non-contaminated particulate matter marine material supports the fact that the area reaches GES.
GES assessment (good environmental status) was based on expert judgment. The lack of samples from water, sediment and biota matrices means that the degree of confidence in the assessment is extremely low. Nevertheless, the contiguity of C2 with MRRU CT in BEA supports the occurrence of GES in C2. In addition, the widest distance to possible sources of contamination on the mainland and the dilution of non-contaminated particulate matter marine material supports the fact that the area reaches GES.
GES assessment (good environmental status) was based on expert judgment. The lack of samples from water, sediment and biota matrices means that the degree of confidence in the assessment is extremely low. Nevertheless, the contiguity of C2 with MRRU CT in BEA supports the occurrence of GES in C2. In addition, the widest distance to possible sources of contamination on the mainland and the dilution of non-contaminated particulate matter marine material supports the fact that the area reaches GES.
GES assessment (good environmental status) was based on expert judgment. The lack of samples from water, sediment and biota matrices means that the degree of confidence in the assessment is extremely low. Nevertheless, the contiguity of C2 with MRRU CT in BEA supports the occurrence of GES in C2. In addition, the widest distance to possible sources of contamination on the mainland and the dilution of non-contaminated particulate matter marine material supports the fact that the area reaches GES.
GES assessment (good environmental status) was based on expert judgment. The lack of samples from water, sediment and biota matrices means that the degree of confidence in the assessment is extremely low. Nevertheless, the contiguity of C2 with MRRU CT in BEA supports the occurrence of GES in C2. In addition, the widest distance to possible sources of contamination on the mainland and the dilution of non-contaminated particulate matter marine material supports the fact that the area reaches GES.
GES assessment (good environmental status) was based on expert judgment. The lack of samples from water, sediment and biota matrices means that the degree of confidence in the assessment is extremely low. Nevertheless, the contiguity of C2 with MRRU CT in BEA supports the occurrence of GES in C2. In addition, the widest distance to possible sources of contamination on the mainland and the dilution of non-contaminated particulate matter marine material supports the fact that the area reaches GES.
Related indicator
Criteria status
Good, based on low risk
Good, based on low risk
Good, based on low risk
Good, based on low risk
Good, based on low risk
Good, based on low risk
Not assessed
Not assessed
Not assessed
Not assessed
Description criteria
The absence of samples from the water, sediment and biota matrices means that the degree of confidence of the valuation is low. Despite this, the contiguity of C2 with area C1 suggests the occurrence of Good Environmental State.
The absence of samples from the water, sediment and biota matrices means that the degree of confidence of the valuation is low. Despite this, the contiguity of C2 with area C1 suggests the occurrence of Good Environmental State.
The absence of samples from the water, sediment and biota matrices means that the degree of confidence of the valuation is low. Despite this, the contiguity of C2 with area C1 suggests the occurrence of Good Environmental State.
The absence of samples from the water, sediment and biota matrices means that the degree of confidence of the valuation is low. Despite this, the contiguity of C2 with area C1 suggests the occurrence of Good Environmental State.
The absence of samples from the water, sediment and biota matrices means that the degree of confidence of the valuation is low. Despite this, the contiguity of C2 with area C1 suggests the occurrence of Good Environmental State.
The absence of samples from the water, sediment and biota matrices means that the degree of confidence of the valuation is low. Despite this, the contiguity of C2 with area C1 suggests the occurrence of Good Environmental State.
The absence of biota samples does not allow for an assessment of Good Environmental Status. However, the contiguity of C2 with the CT area suggests the occurrence of Good Environmental State with a degree of confidence in the low assessment.
The absence of biota samples does not allow for an assessment of Good Environmental Status. However, the contiguity of C2 with the CT area suggests the occurrence of Good Environmental State with a degree of confidence in the low assessment.
Significant acute pollution incidents have not been detected, although incidents have been identified with sporadic spills of hydrocarbons and/or other substances.
Significant acute pollution incidents have not been detected, although incidents have been identified with sporadic spills of hydrocarbons and/or other substances.
Element status
Good, based on low risk
Good, based on low risk
Good, based on low risk
Good, based on low risk
Good, based on low risk
Good, based on low risk
Good, based on low risk
Good, based on low risk
Description element
GES assessment (good environmental status) was based on expert judgment. The lack of samples from water, sediment and biota matrices means that the degree of confidence in the assessment is extremely low. Nevertheless, the contiguity of C2 with MRRU CT in BEA supports the occurrence of GES in C2. In addition, the widest distance to possible sources of contamination on the mainland and the dilution of non-contaminated particulate matter marine material supports the fact that the area reaches GES.
GES assessment (good environmental status) was based on expert judgment. The lack of samples from water, sediment and biota matrices means that the degree of confidence in the assessment is extremely low. Nevertheless, the contiguity of C2 with MRRU CT in BEA supports the occurrence of GES in C2. In addition, the widest distance to possible sources of contamination on the mainland and the dilution of non-contaminated particulate matter marine material supports the fact that the area reaches GES.
GES assessment (good environmental status) was based on expert judgment. The lack of samples from water, sediment and biota matrices means that the degree of confidence in the assessment is extremely low. Nevertheless, the contiguity of C2 with MRRU CT in BEA supports the occurrence of GES in C2. In addition, the widest distance to possible sources of contamination on the mainland and the dilution of non-contaminated particulate matter marine material supports the fact that the area reaches GES.
GES assessment (good environmental status) was based on expert judgment. The lack of samples from water, sediment and biota matrices means that the degree of confidence in the assessment is extremely low. Nevertheless, the contiguity of C2 with MRRU CT in BEA supports the occurrence of GES in C2. In addition, the widest distance to possible sources of contamination on the mainland and the dilution of non-contaminated particulate matter marine material supports the fact that the area reaches GES.
GES assessment (good environmental status) was based on expert judgment. The lack of samples from water, sediment and biota matrices means that the degree of confidence in the assessment is extremely low. Nevertheless, the contiguity of C2 with MRRU CT in BEA supports the occurrence of GES in C2. In addition, the widest distance to possible sources of contamination on the mainland and the dilution of non-contaminated particulate matter marine material supports the fact that the area reaches GES.
GES assessment (good environmental status) was based on expert judgment. The lack of samples from water, sediment and biota matrices means that the degree of confidence in the assessment is extremely low. Nevertheless, the contiguity of C2 with MRRU CT in BEA supports the occurrence of GES in C2. In addition, the widest distance to possible sources of contamination on the mainland and the dilution of non-contaminated particulate matter marine material supports the fact that the area reaches GES.
GES assessment (good environmental status) was based on expert judgment. The lack of samples from water, sediment and biota matrices means that the degree of confidence in the assessment is extremely low. Nevertheless, the contiguity of C2 with MRRU CT in BEA supports the occurrence of GES in C2. In addition, the widest distance to possible sources of contamination on the mainland and the dilution of non-contaminated particulate matter marine material supports the fact that the area reaches GES.
GES assessment (good environmental status) was based on expert judgment. The lack of samples from water, sediment and biota matrices means that the degree of confidence in the assessment is extremely low. Nevertheless, the contiguity of C2 with MRRU CT in BEA supports the occurrence of GES in C2. In addition, the widest distance to possible sources of contamination on the mainland and the dilution of non-contaminated particulate matter marine material supports the fact that the area reaches GES.
Integration rule type parameter
Not relevant
Not relevant
Not relevant
Not relevant
Not relevant
Not relevant
Not relevant
Not relevant
Not relevant
Not relevant
Integration rule description parameter
This area maintains good environmental status, as it is contiguous to areas that are not subject to direct anthropogenic pressures (e.g., submarine outfalls, river discharges). The high hydrodynamics (oceanographic currents; waves) existing on the Portuguese continental shelf is responsible for the dispersion and dilution of contaminated water and sediments. It should be noted, however, that the greatest existing environmental pressure is that exerted by maritime transport and associated actions (discharges of pollutants, waste water or waste). Its large extent and the lack of data led to a low degree of confidence in this assessment.
This area maintains good environmental status, as it is contiguous to areas that are not subject to direct anthropogenic pressures (e.g., submarine outfalls, river discharges). The high hydrodynamics (oceanographic currents; waves) existing on the Portuguese continental shelf is responsible for the dispersion and dilution of contaminated water and sediments. It should be noted, however, that the greatest existing environmental pressure is that exerted by maritime transport and associated actions (discharges of pollutants, waste water or waste). Its large extent and the lack of data led to a low degree of confidence in this assessment.
This area maintains good environmental status, as it is contiguous to areas that are not subject to direct anthropogenic pressures (e.g., submarine outfalls, river discharges). The high hydrodynamics (oceanographic currents; waves) existing on the Portuguese continental shelf is responsible for the dispersion and dilution of contaminated water and sediments. It should be noted, however, that the greatest existing environmental pressure is that exerted by maritime transport and associated actions (discharges of pollutants, waste water or waste). Its large extent and the lack of data led to a low degree of confidence in this assessment.
This area maintains good environmental status, as it is contiguous to areas that are not subject to direct anthropogenic pressures (e.g., submarine outfalls, river discharges). The high hydrodynamics (oceanographic currents; waves) existing on the Portuguese continental shelf is responsible for the dispersion and dilution of contaminated water and sediments. It should be noted, however, that the greatest existing environmental pressure is that exerted by maritime transport and associated actions (discharges of pollutants, waste water or waste). Its large extent and the lack of data led to a low degree of confidence in this assessment.
This area maintains good environmental status, as it is contiguous to areas that are not subject to direct anthropogenic pressures (e.g., submarine outfalls, river discharges). The high hydrodynamics (oceanographic currents; waves) existing on the Portuguese continental shelf is responsible for the dispersion and dilution of contaminated water and sediments. It should be noted, however, that the greatest existing environmental pressure is that exerted by maritime transport and associated actions (discharges of pollutants, waste water or waste). Its large extent and the lack of data led to a low degree of confidence in this assessment.
This area maintains good environmental status, as it is contiguous to areas that are not subject to direct anthropogenic pressures (e.g., submarine outfalls, river discharges). The high hydrodynamics (oceanographic currents; waves) existing on the Portuguese continental shelf is responsible for the dispersion and dilution of contaminated water and sediments. It should be noted, however, that the greatest existing environmental pressure is that exerted by maritime transport and associated actions (discharges of pollutants, waste water or waste). Its large extent and the lack of data led to a low degree of confidence in this assessment.
This area maintains good environmental status, as it is contiguous to areas that are not subject to direct anthropogenic pressures (e.g., submarine outfalls, river discharges). The high hydrodynamics (oceanographic currents; waves) existing on the Portuguese continental shelf is responsible for the dispersion and dilution of contaminated water and sediments. It should be noted, however, that the greatest existing environmental pressure is that exerted by maritime transport and associated actions (discharges of pollutants, waste water or waste). Its large extent and the lack of data led to a low degree of confidence in this assessment.
This area maintains good environmental status, as it is contiguous to areas that are not subject to direct anthropogenic pressures (e.g., submarine outfalls, river discharges). The high hydrodynamics (oceanographic currents; waves) existing on the Portuguese continental shelf is responsible for the dispersion and dilution of contaminated water and sediments. It should be noted, however, that the greatest existing environmental pressure is that exerted by maritime transport and associated actions (discharges of pollutants, waste water or waste). Its large extent and the lack of data led to a low degree of confidence in this assessment.
This area maintains good environmental status, as it is contiguous to areas that are not subject to direct anthropogenic pressures (e.g., submarine outfalls, river discharges). The high hydrodynamics (oceanographic currents; waves) existing on the Portuguese continental shelf is responsible for the dispersion and dilution of contaminated water and sediments. It should be noted, however, that the greatest existing environmental pressure is that exerted by maritime transport and associated actions (discharges of pollutants, waste water or waste). Its large extent and the lack of data led to a low degree of confidence in this assessment.
This area maintains good environmental status, as it is contiguous to areas that are not subject to direct anthropogenic pressures (e.g., submarine outfalls, river discharges). The high hydrodynamics (oceanographic currents; waves) existing on the Portuguese continental shelf is responsible for the dispersion and dilution of contaminated water and sediments. It should be noted, however, that the greatest existing environmental pressure is that exerted by maritime transport and associated actions (discharges of pollutants, waste water or waste). Its large extent and the lack of data led to a low degree of confidence in this assessment.
Integration rule type criteria
Not relevant
Not relevant
Not relevant
Not relevant
Not relevant
Not relevant
Not relevant
Not relevant
Not relevant
Not relevant
Integration rule description criteria
GES extent threshold
GES extent achieved
GES extent unit
GES achieved
GES achieved
GES achieved
GES achieved
GES achieved
GES achieved
GES achieved
GES achieved
GES achieved
GES achieved
GES achieved
Description overall status
This area maintains good environmental status, as it is contiguous to areas that are not subject to direct anthropogenic pressures (e.g., submarine outfalls, river discharges). The high hydrodynamics (oceanographic currents; waves) existing on the Portuguese continental shelf is responsible for the dispersion and dilution of contaminated water and sediments. It should be noted, however, that the greatest existing environmental pressure is that exerted by maritime transport and associated actions (discharges of pollutants, waste water or waste). Its large extent and the lack of data led to a low degree of confidence in this assessment.
This area maintains good environmental status, as it is contiguous to areas that are not subject to direct anthropogenic pressures (e.g., submarine outfalls, river discharges). The high hydrodynamics (oceanographic currents; waves) existing on the Portuguese continental shelf is responsible for the dispersion and dilution of contaminated water and sediments. It should be noted, however, that the greatest existing environmental pressure is that exerted by maritime transport and associated actions (discharges of pollutants, waste water or waste). Its large extent and the lack of data led to a low degree of confidence in this assessment.
This area maintains good environmental status, as it is contiguous to areas that are not subject to direct anthropogenic pressures (e.g., submarine outfalls, river discharges). The high hydrodynamics (oceanographic currents; waves) existing on the Portuguese continental shelf is responsible for the dispersion and dilution of contaminated water and sediments. It should be noted, however, that the greatest existing environmental pressure is that exerted by maritime transport and associated actions (discharges of pollutants, waste water or waste). Its large extent and the lack of data led to a low degree of confidence in this assessment.
This area maintains good environmental status, as it is contiguous to areas that are not subject to direct anthropogenic pressures (e.g., submarine outfalls, river discharges). The high hydrodynamics (oceanographic currents; waves) existing on the Portuguese continental shelf is responsible for the dispersion and dilution of contaminated water and sediments. It should be noted, however, that the greatest existing environmental pressure is that exerted by maritime transport and associated actions (discharges of pollutants, waste water or waste). Its large extent and the lack of data led to a low degree of confidence in this assessment.
This area maintains good environmental status, as it is contiguous to areas that are not subject to direct anthropogenic pressures (e.g., submarine outfalls, river discharges). The high hydrodynamics (oceanographic currents; waves) existing on the Portuguese continental shelf is responsible for the dispersion and dilution of contaminated water and sediments. It should be noted, however, that the greatest existing environmental pressure is that exerted by maritime transport and associated actions (discharges of pollutants, waste water or waste). Its large extent and the lack of data led to a low degree of confidence in this assessment.
This area maintains good environmental status, as it is contiguous to areas that are not subject to direct anthropogenic pressures (e.g., submarine outfalls, river discharges). The high hydrodynamics (oceanographic currents; waves) existing on the Portuguese continental shelf is responsible for the dispersion and dilution of contaminated water and sediments. It should be noted, however, that the greatest existing environmental pressure is that exerted by maritime transport and associated actions (discharges of pollutants, waste water or waste). Its large extent and the lack of data led to a low degree of confidence in this assessment.
This area maintains good environmental status, as it is contiguous to areas that are not subject to direct anthropogenic pressures (e.g., submarine outfalls, river discharges). The high hydrodynamics (oceanographic currents; waves) existing on the Portuguese continental shelf is responsible for the dispersion and dilution of contaminated water and sediments. It should be noted, however, that the greatest existing environmental pressure is that exerted by maritime transport and associated actions (discharges of pollutants, waste water or waste). Its large extent and the lack of data led to a low degree of confidence in this assessment.
This area maintains good environmental status, as it is contiguous to areas that are not subject to direct anthropogenic pressures (e.g., submarine outfalls, river discharges). The high hydrodynamics (oceanographic currents; waves) existing on the Portuguese continental shelf is responsible for the dispersion and dilution of contaminated water and sediments. It should be noted, however, that the greatest existing environmental pressure is that exerted by maritime transport and associated actions (discharges of pollutants, waste water or waste). Its large extent and the lack of data led to a low degree of confidence in this assessment.
This area maintains good environmental status, as it is contiguous to areas that are not subject to direct anthropogenic pressures (e.g., submarine outfalls, river discharges). The high hydrodynamics (oceanographic currents; waves) existing on the Portuguese continental shelf is responsible for the dispersion and dilution of contaminated water and sediments. It should be noted, however, that the greatest existing environmental pressure is that exerted by maritime transport and associated actions (discharges of pollutants, waste water or waste). Its large extent and the lack of data led to a low degree of confidence in this assessment.
This area maintains good environmental status, as it is contiguous to areas that are not subject to direct anthropogenic pressures (e.g., submarine outfalls, river discharges). The high hydrodynamics (oceanographic currents; waves) existing on the Portuguese continental shelf is responsible for the dispersion and dilution of contaminated water and sediments. It should be noted, however, that the greatest existing environmental pressure is that exerted by maritime transport and associated actions (discharges of pollutants, waste water or waste). Its large extent and the lack of data led to a low degree of confidence in this assessment.
Assessments period
Related pressures
Related targets