Member State report / Art9 / 2018 / D10 / Portugal / NE Atlantic: Macaronesia

Report type Member State report to Commission
MSFD Article Art. 9 Determination of GES (and Art. 17 updates)
Report due 2018-10-15
GES Descriptor D10 Litter
Member State Portugal
Region/subregion NE Atlantic: Macaronesia
Reported by DGRM
Report date 2021-03-03
Report access ART9_GES_PT_setembro2020.xml

GES component
Marine reporting units
  • Litter and micro-litter in species
  • Litter in the environment
  • Micro-litter in the environment
  • Litter and micro-litter in species
  • Litter in the environment
  • Micro-litter in the environment
  • Litter in the environment
GES description
The Good Environmental State (GES) for Descriptor 10, in the Azores subdivision ?will be reached if the amount of marine litter, and the resulting disaggregated and degraded products do not present risks for marine ecosystems and biota.? The absence of defined limit values for each OSPAR region make it impossible to assess GES for each criterion of Descriptor 10 as set out in Article 3 (5) (b) of the MSFD. However, in the Article 8 report, the assessment carried out for each criterion is described in more detail, according to the available information, which contributed to a preliminary quantitative assessment of good environmental status. It is expected that when the limit values are set for each of the parameters of Descriptor 10, the GES definition is updated, integrating existing criteria and indicators.
D10C1 ? Composition, quantity and spatial distribution of litter along the coastline, in the surface layer of water column and seabed, levels are at levels they do not endanger the coastal and marine environment. D10C2 ? spatial composition, quantity and distribution of micro-litter along the coastline, in the layer surface of the water column and bottom sediments of the sea are at levels that do not endanger the coastal and marine environment. D10C3 ? The amount of litter and micro-litter (classified as ?artificial polymer? and ?other? categories) ingested by marine animals is at a level that does not adversely affect the health of the species concerned. D10C4 ? The number of individuals of each species that are negatively affected by litter (e.g. by entanglement or undergoing other types of injury or death or health effects).
GES not determined at sub-regional level as laid down in Article 3 (5) (b) of the MSFD. The assessment under Article 8 was based on the level of risk, considering that if the level of risk is low, as the pressure resulting from human activities is low, GES is achieved.
Determination date
Update type
New determination
New determination
Modified from reported determination
Justification for non-use of criterion
Thresholds at EU level, taking into account subregional specificities, in discussion in OSPAR working groups TG-Litter and ICG-ML, where PT participates
Thresholds at EU level, taking into account subregional specificities, in discussion in OSPAR working groups TG-Litter and ICG-ML, where PT participates
Thresholds at EU level, taking into account subregional specificities, in discussion in OSPAR working groups TG-Litter and ICG-ML, where PT participates
Justification for delay in setting EU/regional requirements
thresholds not established: Insufficient data on pressure and effects on the marine environment
thresholds not established: Insufficient data on pressure and effects on the marine environment
thresholds not established: Insufficient data on pressure and effects on the marine environment