Member State report / Art9 / 2018 / D2 / Portugal / NE Atlantic: Macaronesia

Report type Member State report to Commission
MSFD Article Art. 9 Determination of GES (and Art. 17 updates)
Report due 2018-10-15
GES Descriptor D2 Non-indigenous species
Member State Portugal
Region/subregion NE Atlantic: Macaronesia
Reported by DGRM
Report date 2021-03-03
Report access ART9_GES_PT_setembro2020.xml

GES component
Marine reporting units
  • Input or spread of non-indigenous species
  • Newly-introduced non-indigenous species
  • Newly-introduced non-indigenous species
  • Established non-indigenous species
  • Established non-indigenous species
  • Marine species
GES description
In the present assessment, the list of non-indigenous species present has increased significantly, currently the list for the Azores has 85 species, a higher number than initially reporting, however, this increase does not represent the real rate of new introductions during this cycle, but a greater effort for monitoring is why it has been chosen not to define or assess GES at Descriptor level.
Good environmental status of the descriptor is achieved if the introduction of new non- indigenous species is minimal and if possible close to zero in the next assessment cycle, ensuring that thresholds have not yet been set at sub-regional level. Thresholds not defined for sub-regions
The number of non-indigenous species recently introduced into the natural environment by human activity, per assessment period (6 years), is minimised and, where possible, reduced to zero.
In the present assessment, the list of non-indigenous species present has increased significantly, currently the list for the Azores has 85 species, a higher number than initially reporting, however, this increase does not represent the real rate of new introductions during this cycle, but a greater effort for monitoring is why it has been chosen not to define or assess GES at Descriptor level.
Abundance and spatial distribution of established non-indigenous species, in particular of invasive species, which contribute significantly to the negative effects on selected species groups or habitat types
Abundance and spatial distribution of established non-indigenous species, in particular of invasive species, which contribute significantly to the negative effects on certain species groups or habitat types
Determination date
Update type
Modified from reported determination
Modified from reported determination
Modified from reported determination
Modified from reported determination
New determination
New determination
Justification for non-use of criterion
Justification for delay in setting EU/regional requirements
Participation in MSFD expert network on Non-Indigenous Species. Under the ongoing coordination with Spain and France, in particular in the framework of the RAGES project, the objective of which is to establish thresholds, targets, action programmes and monitoring, and to make regional recommendations for the harmonised implementation of MSFD in the North-East Atlantic region.
Thresholds for subregion.Participation in the MSFD expert network on Non-Indigenous Species and RAGES project, the objective of which is to establish thresholds, targets, action programmes and monitoring, and to make regional recommendations for the harmonised implementation of MSFD in the North-East Atlantic region.
Thresholds for subregion.Participation in the MSFD expert network on Non-Indigenous Species and RAGES project, the objective of which is to establish thresholds, targets, action programmes and monitoring, and to make regional recommendations for the harmonised implementation of MSFD in the North-East Atlantic region.
No information available.
No information available.
No information available.