Member State report / Art8 / 2018 / D9 / Portugal / NE Atlantic: Macaronesia
Report type | Member State report to Commission |
MSFD Article | Art. 8 Initial assessment (and Art. 17 updates) |
Report due | 2018-10-15 |
GES Descriptor | D9 Contaminants in seafood |
Member State | Portugal |
Region/subregion | NE Atlantic: Macaronesia |
Reported by | DGRM |
Report date | 2021-03-03 |
Report access | ART8_GES_PT_setembro2020.xml |
Azores Subdivision (AMA-PT-SD-AZO)
GES component |
Feature |
Contaminants - in seafood
Contaminants - in seafood
Contaminants - in seafood
Contaminants - in seafood
Contaminants - in seafood
Contaminants - in seafood
Contaminants - in seafood
Contaminants - in seafood
Contaminants - in seafood
Contaminants - in seafood
Contaminants - in seafood
Contaminants - in seafood
Contaminants - in seafood
Contaminants - in seafood
Contaminants - in seafood
Contaminants - in seafood
Contaminants - in seafood
Contaminants - in seafood
Contaminants - in seafood
Contaminants - in seafood
Contaminants - in seafood
Contaminants - in seafood
Contaminants - in seafood
Contaminants - in seafood
Contaminants - in seafood
Contaminants - in seafood
Contaminants - in seafood
Element |
Cadmium and its compounds |
Cadmium and its compounds |
Cadmium and its compounds |
Cadmium and its compounds |
Cadmium and its compounds |
Cadmium and its compounds |
Cadmium and its compounds |
Cadmium and its compounds |
Cadmium and its compounds |
Cadmium and its compounds |
Cadmium and its compounds |
Cadmium and its compounds |
Lead and its compounds |
Lead and its compounds |
Lead and its compounds |
Lead and its compounds |
Lead and its compounds |
Lead and its compounds |
Lead and its compounds |
Lead and its compounds |
Lead and its compounds |
Lead and its compounds |
Mercury and its compounds |
Mercury and its compounds |
Mercury and its compounds |
Mercury and its compounds |
Non-dioxin like PCB (sum of 6 PCB: 28, 52, 101, 138, 153 and 180) |
Element code |
CAS_7440-43-9 |
CAS_7440-43-9 |
CAS_7440-43-9 |
CAS_7440-43-9 |
CAS_7440-43-9 |
CAS_7440-43-9 |
CAS_7440-43-9 |
CAS_7440-43-9 |
CAS_7440-43-9 |
CAS_7440-43-9 |
CAS_7440-43-9 |
CAS_7440-43-9 |
CAS_7439-92-1 |
CAS_7439-92-1 |
CAS_7439-92-1 |
CAS_7439-92-1 |
CAS_7439-92-1 |
CAS_7439-92-1 |
CAS_7439-92-1 |
CAS_7439-92-1 |
CAS_7439-92-1 |
CAS_7439-92-1 |
CAS_7439-97-6 |
CAS_7439-97-6 |
CAS_7439-97-6 |
CAS_7439-97-6 |
SCB6 |
Element code source |
Eutrophication (D5) and contaminants (D8-D9)
Eutrophication (D5) and contaminants (D8-D9)
Eutrophication (D5) and contaminants (D8-D9)
Eutrophication (D5) and contaminants (D8-D9)
Eutrophication (D5) and contaminants (D8-D9)
Eutrophication (D5) and contaminants (D8-D9)
Eutrophication (D5) and contaminants (D8-D9)
Eutrophication (D5) and contaminants (D8-D9)
Eutrophication (D5) and contaminants (D8-D9)
Eutrophication (D5) and contaminants (D8-D9)
Eutrophication (D5) and contaminants (D8-D9)
Eutrophication (D5) and contaminants (D8-D9)
Eutrophication (D5) and contaminants (D8-D9)
Eutrophication (D5) and contaminants (D8-D9)
Eutrophication (D5) and contaminants (D8-D9)
Eutrophication (D5) and contaminants (D8-D9)
Eutrophication (D5) and contaminants (D8-D9)
Eutrophication (D5) and contaminants (D8-D9)
Eutrophication (D5) and contaminants (D8-D9)
Eutrophication (D5) and contaminants (D8-D9)
Eutrophication (D5) and contaminants (D8-D9)
Eutrophication (D5) and contaminants (D8-D9)
Eutrophication (D5) and contaminants (D8-D9)
Eutrophication (D5) and contaminants (D8-D9)
Eutrophication (D5) and contaminants (D8-D9)
Eutrophication (D5) and contaminants (D8-D9)
Element 2 |
Deania Depledorum
Pollachius pollachius
Haliotis tuberculata
Helicolenus spp.
Thunnus thynnus
Megabalanus azoricus
Merluccius merluccius
Phycis phycis
Scomber colias
Thunnus Obesus
Deania Depledorum
Pollachius pollachius
Helicolenus dactilopterus
Thunnus thynnus
Merluccius merluccius
Phycis phycis
Scomber colias
Thunnus Obesus
Pollachius pollachius
Thunnus thynnus
Thunnus Obesus
Element 2 code |
Element 2 code source |
Species (D3)
Species (D3)
Species (D3)
Species (D3)
Species (D3)
Species (D3)
Species (D3)
Species (D3)
Species (D3)
Species (D3)
Species (D3)
Species (D3)
Species (D3)
Species (D3)
Species (D3)
Species (D3)
Species (D3)
Species (D3)
Species (D3)
Species (D3)
Species (D3)
Species (D3)
Species (D3)
Species (D3)
Species (D3)
Species (D3)
Species (D3)
Element source |
EU |
EU |
EU |
EU |
EU |
EU |
EU |
EU |
EU |
EU |
EU |
EU |
EU |
EU |
EU |
EU |
EU |
EU |
EU |
EU |
EU |
EU |
EU |
EU |
EU |
EU |
EU |
Criterion |
Parameter |
Parameter other |
Concentration in muscle part of fish
Concentration in muscle part of fish
Concentration on bivalve molluscs
Concentration in muscle part of fish
Concentration in muscle part of fish
Chrome concentration
Concentration in muscle part of fish
Concentration in muscle part of fish
Concentration in muscle part of fish
Concentration in muscle part of fish
Concentration in muscle part of fish
Concentration in muscle part of fish
Concentration in muscle part of fish
Concentration in muscle part of fish
Concentration in muscle part of fish
Concentration in muscle part of fish
Concentration in muscle part of fish
Concentration in muscle part of fish
Concentration in muscle part of fish
Concentration in muscle part of fish
Concentration in muscle part of fish
Concentration in muscle part of fish
Concentration in muscle part of fish
Concentration in muscle part of fish
Concentration in muscle part of fish
Concentration in muscle part of fish
Concentration in muscle part of fish
Threshold value upper |
0.05 |
0.05 |
1.0 |
0.05 |
0.1 |
0.5 |
0.05 |
0.05 |
0.05 |
0.05 |
0.1 |
0.1 |
0.3 |
0.3 |
0.03 |
0.3 |
0.3 |
0.3 |
0.3 |
0.3 |
0.3 |
0.3 |
1.0 |
1.0 |
1.0 |
1.0 |
Threshold value lower |
Threshold qualitative |
Threshold value source |
Regulation on contaminants in foodstuffs (EC 1881/2006)
Regulation on contaminants in foodstuffs (EC 1881/2006)
Regulation on contaminants in foodstuffs (EC 1881/2006)
Regulation on contaminants in foodstuffs (EC 1881/2006)
Regulation on contaminants in foodstuffs (EC 1881/2006)
Regulation on contaminants in foodstuffs (EC 1881/2006)
Regulation on contaminants in foodstuffs (EC 1881/2006)
Regulation on contaminants in foodstuffs (EC 1881/2006)
Regulation on contaminants in foodstuffs (EC 1881/2006)
Regulation on contaminants in foodstuffs (EC 1881/2006)
Other (specify)
Regulation on contaminants in foodstuffs (EC 1881/2006)
Regulation on contaminants in foodstuffs (EC 1881/2006)
Regulation on contaminants in foodstuffs (EC 1881/2006)
Regulation on contaminants in foodstuffs (EC 1881/2006)
Regulation on contaminants in foodstuffs (EC 1881/2006)
Regulation on contaminants in foodstuffs (EC 1881/2006)
Regulation on contaminants in foodstuffs (EC 1881/2006)
Regulation on contaminants in foodstuffs (EC 1881/2006)
Regulation on contaminants in foodstuffs (EC 1881/2006)
Regulation on contaminants in foodstuffs (EC 1881/2006)
Regulation on contaminants in foodstuffs (EC 1881/2006)
Regulation on contaminants in foodstuffs (EC 1881/2006)
Regulation on contaminants in foodstuffs (EC 1881/2006)
Regulation on contaminants in foodstuffs (EC 1881/2006)
Regulation on contaminants in foodstuffs (EC 1881/2006)
Regulation on contaminants in foodstuffs (EC 1881/2006)
Threshold value source other |
Commission Regulation (EC) No 629/2008 of 2 July
Value achieved upper |
0.0038 |
0.044 |
0.0021 |
0.017 |
0.00075 |
0.017 |
0.014 |
0.007 |
0.037 |
0.017 |
0.0072 |
0.043 |
Value achieved lower |
0.0004 |
0.00062 |
0.00045 |
0.0016 |
0.0004 |
0.0022 |
0.0008 |
0.004 |
0.0019 |
0.0032 |
0.0023 |
0.0022 |
Value unit |
milligram per kilogram of wet weight
milligram per kilogram of wet weight
milligram per kilogram of wet weight
milligram per kilogram of wet weight
milligram per kilogram of wet weight
milligram per kilogram of wet weight
milligram per kilogram of wet weight
milligram per kilogram of wet weight
milligram per kilogram of wet weight
milligram per kilogram of wet weight
milligram per kilogram of wet weight
milligram per kilogram of wet weight
milligram per kilogram of wet weight
milligram per kilogram of wet weight
milligram per kilogram of wet weight
milligram per kilogram of wet weight
milligram per kilogram of wet weight
milligram per kilogram of wet weight
milligram per kilogram of wet weight
milligram per kilogram of wet weight
milligram per kilogram of wet weight
milligram per kilogram of wet weight
milligram per kilogram of wet weight
milligram per kilogram of wet weight
milligram per kilogram of wet weight
milligram per kilogram of wet weight
milligram per kilogram of wet weight
Value unit other |
Proportion threshold value |
Proportion value achieved |
Proportion threshold value unit |
Trend |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Parameter achieved |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Not assessed |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Description parameter |
The minimum and maximum concentration of cadmium found in the muscle of the sapata, Deania Deania dorum, by Raimundo et al. (2013) in individuals caught in Banco Condor/Faial-Pico was lower than the regulatory value defined in Regulation (EC) No 1881/2006 of 19 December and Regulation (EC) No 629/2008 of 2 July. However, these data are not sufficient to assess the cadmium concentration in this fishing resource.
For more details on the re-evaluation of the environmental status of Descriptor 9 for the subdivision of the Azores, please refer to section D.9.6 Determination and assessment of GES of the re-assessment report on the environmental status of the 1th cycle of the MSFD for the subdivision of the Azores.
Raimundo, J., Vale, C., Caetano, M., GIACOMELLO, E., Anesa, B., Menezes, G. (2013). Natural trace element enrichment in fishes from a Volcanic and tectonically active region (Azores archipelago). Deep Sea Res Part 2 Trop Stud Oceanogr 98,137-147.
Towers et al. (2014) reported cadmium concentrations in cation muscle, Galeorhinus galeus, caught in Ecoregion ICES 27.10.a.2 ? Azores, below the regulatory value defined in Regulation No 1881/2006 of 19 December and Regulation (EC) No 629/2008 of 2 July. However, these data are not sufficient to assess the cadmium concentration in this fishing resource.
For more details on the re-evaluation of the environmental status of Descriptor 9 for the subdivision of the Azores, please refer to section D.9.6 Determination and assessment of GES of the re-assessment report on the environmental status of the 1th cycle of the MSFD for the subdivision of the Azores.
Towers, P., Tristan da Cunha, R., Maia, R., Rodrigues, A.S. (2014). Trophic ecology and bioindicator potential of the North Atlantic Tope shark. Science of the Total Environment. 481, 574-581.
Towers et al. (2020) reported an average cadmium concentration of 1.53 mg/kg wet weight in sandwich tissue caught in São Miguel in 2013. This value is higher than the regulatory value as defined in Regulation (EC) No 1881/2006 of 19 December and Regulation (EC) No 629/2008 of 2 July. However, these data are not sufficient to assess the cadmium concentration in this fishing resource.
For more details on the re-evaluation of the environmental status of Descriptor 9 for the subdivision of the Azores, please refer to section D.9.6 Determination and assessment of GES of the re-assessment report on the environmental status of the 1th cycle of the MSFD for the subdivision of the Azores.
Torres, P., Rodrigues, A., Prestes, A.C.L., Neto, A.I., Álvaro, N., Martins G. (2020). The Azorean edible abalone Haliotis tuberculata, an alternative heavy metal-free marine resource? Chemosphere, Volume 242, 125-177
Caetano, M. (2015). Elemental composition of two ecologically contrasting seasons, the bluemouth (Helicolenus dactylopterus) and blackspot seabream (Pagellus bogaraveo). Marine pollution bulletin, 100 (1), 112-121.
The mean concentration of cadmium found in bonito muscle Katsuwonus pelamis caught in the Ecoregion Azores (ICES 27.10.a.2) by Torres et al. (2016) was 0,155 ± 0,059. This value is higher than the regulatory value as defined in Regulation (EC) No 1881/2006 of 19 December and Regulation (EC) No 626/2008 of 2 July. However, these data are not sufficient to assess the cadmium concentration in this fishing resource.
For more details on the re-evaluation of the environmental status of Descriptor 9 for the subdivision of the Azores, please refer to section D.9.6 Determination and assessment of GES of the re-assessment report on the environmental status of the 1th cycle of the MSFD for the subdivision of the Azores.
Torres, P., Rodrigues, A., Soares, L., Garcia, P. (2016) Metal Concentrations in Two Commercial Tuna Species from an Active Volcanic Region in the Mid-Atlantic Ocean. Hydr. Microbiol. Toxicol. Toxicol.70: 341-347
The average concentration of cadmium found in edgeable giant crab tissue caught in São Miguel and Santa Maria in 2009 and reported by Dionísio et al. (2013) was 9.42 mg/kg wet weight. This value is higher than the regulatory value as defined in Regulation (EC) No 1881/2006 and Regulation (EC) No 629/2008 of 2 July 2009. However, these data are not sufficient to assess the cadmium concentration in this fishing resource.
For more details on the re-evaluation of the environmental status of Descriptor 9 for the subdivision of the Azores, please refer to section D.9.6 Determination and assessment of GES of the re-assessment report on the environmental status of the 1th cycle of the MSFD for the subdivision of the Azores.
Dionísio, M., Costa A., Rodrigues A. (2013) Heavy metal concentrates in edible barnacles exposed to natural contamination. Carbon dioxide recovery in ready biodegradability tests: mass transfer and kinetic constants, Chemosphere 91: 563-570.
The concentration values for cadmium (minimum and maximum) found in melga muscle in 2010 at Banque Condor/Faial-Pico reported (Mora moro) in Raimundo et al. (2013) are below the regulatory value defined in Regulation (EC) No 1881/2006 of 19 December and Regulation (EC) No 629/2008 of 2 July. However, these data are not sufficient to assess the cadmium concentration in this fishing resource.
For more details on the re-evaluation of the environmental status of Descriptor 9 for the subdivision of the Azores, please refer to section D.9.6 Determination and assessment of GES of the re-assessment report on the environmental status of the 1th cycle of the MSFD for the subdivision of the Azores.
Raimundo, J., Vale, C., Caetano, M., GIACOMELLO, E., Anesa, B., Menezes, G. (2013). Natural trace element enrichment in fishes from a Volcanic and tectonically active region (Azores archipelago). Deep Sea Res Part 2 Trop Stud Oceanogr 98,137-147.
The concentration values for cadmium (minimum and maximum) found in red seabream muscle in 2010 at Banco Condor/Faial-Pico reported by Raimundo et al. 2013 and in Bank Condor in 2011 by Raimundo et al. (2015) are below the regulatory value defined in Regulation (EC) No 1881/2006 of 19 December and Regulation (EC) No 629/2008 of 2 July. However, these data are not sufficient to assess the cadmium concentration in this fishing resource.
For more details on the re-evaluation of the environmental status of Descriptor 9 for the subdivision of the Azores, please refer to section D.9.6 Determination and assessment of GES of the re-assessment report on the environmental status of the 1th cycle of the MSFD for the subdivision of the Azores.
Raimundo, J., Vale, C., Caetano, M., GIACOMELLO, E., Anesa, B., Menezes, G. (2013). Natural trace element enrichment in fishes from a Volcanic and tectonically active region (Azores archipelago). Deep Sea Res Part 2 Trop Stud Oceanogr 98,137-147.
Raimundo, J., Vale, C., Martins, I., Fontes, J., Graça, G.,
The concentration values for cadmium (minimum and maximum) found in forkbeard muscle (Phycis phycis) in 2010 at Banco Condor/Faial-Pico reported by Raimundo et al. 2013 are below the regulatory value defined in Regulation (EC) No 1881/2006 of 19 December and Regulation (EC) No 629/2008 of 2 July. However, these data were considered insufficient to assess the concentration of cadmium in this fishing resource in the subdivision of the Açores.For more details on the re-evaluation of the environmental status of Descriptor 9 for the subdivision of the Azores, please refer to section D.9.6 Determination and assessment of the GES of the re-evaluation report on the environmental status of the 1th cycle of the MSFD for the subdivision of the Azores.
Raimundo, J., Vale, C., Caetano, M., GIACOMELLO, E., Anesa, B., Menezes, G. (2013). Natural trace element enrichment in fishes from a Volcanic and tectonically active region (Azores archipelago). Deep Sea Res Part 2 Trop Stud Oceanogr 98,137-147..
Towers et al. (2016) reported a cadmium concentration for skate, analysed in individuals caught in Ecoregion ICES 27.10.a.2 ? Azores, below the regulatory value defined in Regulation 1881/2006 and Regulation (EC) No 629/2008 of 2 July. However, these data are not sufficient to assess the cadmium concentration in this fishing resource.
For more details on the re-evaluation of the environmental status of Descriptor 9 for the subdivision of the Azores, please refer to section D.9.6 Determination and assessment of GES of the re-assessment report on the environmental status of the 1th cycle of the MSFD for the subdivision of the Azores.
Towers, P. Tristan da Cunha, R., Micaelo, C., Rodrigues, A.S. (2016). Bioaccumulation of metals and PCBs in Raja clavata, Science of the Total Environment, Volume 573, 1021-1030.
The concentration values for cadmium (minimum and maximum) found in mackerel muscle (Scomber colias (Scomber japonicus) in 2010 at Banco Condor/Faial-Pico reported by Raimundo et al. (2013) are below the regulatory value defined in Regulation (EC) No 1881/2006 of 19 December, as amended by Regulation (EC) No 629/2008 of 2 July. However, these data were considered insufficient to assess the concentration of cadmium in this fishing resource in the subdivision of the Azores. For more details on the re-evaluation of the environmental status of Descriptor 9 for the subdivision of the Azores, please refer to section D.9.6 Determination and assessment of GES of the re-assessment report on the environmental status of the 1th cycle of the MSFD for the subdivision of the Azores.
Raimundo, J., Vale, C., Caetano, M., GIACOMELLO, E., Anesa, B., Menezes, G. (2013). Natural trace element enrichment in fishes from a Volcanic and tectonically active region (Azores archipelago). Deep Sea Res Part 2 Trop Stud Oceanogr 98,137-147.
The mean concentration of cadmium found in bigeye muscle, Thunnus obesus, caught in the Ecoregion Azores (ICES 27.10.a.2) by Torres et al. (2016) was 0,186 ± 0,058. This value is higher than the regulatory value as defined in Regulation (EC) No 1881/2006 of 19 December and Regulation (EC) No 629/2008 of 2 July. However, these data are not sufficient to assess the cadmium concentration in this fishing resource.
For more details on the re-evaluation of the environmental status of Descriptor 9 for the subdivision of the Azores, please refer to section D.9.6 Determination and assessment of GES of the re-assessment report on the environmental status of the 1th cycle of the MSFD for the subdivision of the Azores.
Torres, P., Rodrigues, A., Soares, L., Garcia, P. (2016) Metal Concentrations in Two Commercial Tuna Species from an Active Volcanic Region in the Mid-Atlantic Ocean. Hydr. Microbiol. Toxicol. Toxicol.70: 341-347
The lead concentration (mean value) found for Sapata reported by Torres et al. (2016) is below the regulatory value as defined in Regulation (EC) No 1881/2006. However, these data are not sufficient to assess the concentration of lead in this fishing resource.
For more details please refer to section D.9.6 Determination and assessment of GES of the re-assessment report on the environmental status of the 1th cycle of the MSFD for the subdivision of the Azores.
Raimundo, J., Vale, C., Caetano, M., GIACOMELLO, E., Anesa, B., Menezes, G. (2013). Natural trace element enrichment in fishes from a Volcanic and tectonically active region (Azores archipelago). Deep Sea Res Part 2 Trop Stud Oceanogr 98,137-147.
Towers et al. (2014) reported lead concentrations in cation muscle, Galeorhinus galeus, caught in Ecoregion ICES 27.10.a.2 ? Azores, below the regulatory value defined in Regulation 1881/2006 of 19 December.However, these data are not sufficient to assess the lead concentration in this fishing resource.
For more details on the re-evaluation of the environmental status of Descriptor 9 for the subdivision of the Azores, please refer to section D.9.6 Determination and assessment of GES of the re-assessment report on the environmental status of the 1th cycle of the MSFD for the subdivision of the Azores.
Towers, P., Tristan da Cunha, R., Maia, R., Rodrigues, A.S. (2014). Trophic ecology and bioindicator potential of the North Atlantic Tope shark. Science of the Total Environment. 481, 574-581.
Caetano, M. (2015). Elemental composition of two ecologically contrasting seasons, the bluemouth (Helicolenus dactylopterus) and blackspot seabream (Pagellus bogaraveo). Marine pollution bulletin, 100 (1), 112-121.
The lead concentration (mean value) found for bonito (0,152 ± 0,028) as reported by Torres et al. (2016) is below the regulatory value as defined in Regulation (EC) No 1881/2006. However, these data are not sufficient to assess the concentration of lead in this fishing resource.
For more details please refer to section D.9.6 Determination and assessment of GES of the re-assessment report on the environmental status of the 1th cycle of the MSFD for the subdivision of the Azores.
Torres, P., Rodrigues, A., Soares, L., Garcia, P. Metal Concentrations in Two Commercial Tuna Species from an Active Volcanic Region in the Mid-Atlantic Ocean. (2016) Arch. Microbiol. Toxicol. Toxicol.70: 341-347
The lead concentration values (minimum and maximum) found for melga in Raimundo et al. (2013) are lower than the regulatory value defined in Regulation (EC) No 1881/2006. However, these data are not sufficient to assess the concentration of lead in this fishing resource.
For more details on the re-evaluation of the environmental status of Descriptor 9 for the subdivision of the Azores, please refer to section D.9.6 Determination and assessment of GES of the re-assessment report on the environmental status of the 1th cycle of the MSFD for the subdivision of the Azores.
Raimundo, J., Vale, C., Caetano, M., GIACOMELLO, E., Anesa, B., Menezes, G. (2013). Natural trace element enrichment in fishes from a Volcanic and tectonically active region (Azores archipelago). Deep Sea Res Part 2 Trop Stud Oceanogr 98,137-147.
The lead concentrations (maximum and minimum) found for red seabream in Raimundo et al. (2013) are lower than the regulatory value defined in Regulation (EC) No 1881/2006. However, these data are not sufficient to assess the concentration of lead in this fishing resource. for more details on the re-evaluation of the environmental status of Descriptor 9 for the subdivision of the Azores, please refer to section D.9.6 Determination and assessment of GES of the re-assessment report on the environmental status of the 1th cycle of the MSFD for the subdivision of the Azores.
Towers et al. (2016) reported a lead concentration for skate, analysed in individuals caught in Ecoregion ICES 27.10.a.2 ? Azores, below the regulatory value defined in Regulation 1881/2006 of 19 December. However, these data are not sufficient to assess the concentration of lead in this fishing resource.
For more details on the re-evaluation of the environmental status of Descriptor 9 for the subdivision of the Azores, please refer to section D.9.6 Determination and assessment of GES of the re-assessment report on the environmental status of the 1th cycle of the MSFD for the subdivision of the Azores.
Towers, P. Tristan da Cunha, R., Micaelo, C., Rodrigues, A.S. (2016). Bioaccumulation of metals and PCBs in Raja clavata, Science of the Total Environment, Volume 573, 1021-1030.
Lead concentrations (maximum and minimum) found for mackerel in Raimundo et al. (2013) are inferred from the regulatory value as defined in Regulation (EC) No 1881/2006. However, these data are not sufficient to assess the concentration of lead in this fishing resource.
For more details on the re-evaluation of the environmental status of Descriptor 9 for the subdivision of the Azores, please refer to section D.9.6 Determination and assessment of GES of the re-assessment report on the environmental status of the 1th cycle of the MSFD for the subdivision of the Azores.
Raimundo, J., Vale, C., Caetano, M., GIACOMELLO, E., Anesa, B., Menezes, G. (2013). Natural trace element enrichment in fishes from a Volcanic and tectonically active region (Azores archipelago). Deep Sea Res Part 2 Trop Stud Oceanogr 98,137-147.
The lead concentration (mean value) found for bigeye tuna (0,036 ± 0,001) reported by Torres et al. (2016) is below the regulatory value as defined in Regulation (EC) No 1881/2006. However, these data are not sufficient to assess the concentration of lead in this fishing resource.
For more details please refer to section D.9.6 Determination and assessment of GES of the re-assessment report on the environmental status of the 1th cycle of the MSFD for the subdivision of the Azores.
Torres, P., Rodrigues, A., Soares, L., Garcia, P. Metal Concentrations in Two Commercial Tuna Species from an Active Volcanic Region in the Mid-Atlantic Ocean. (2016) Arch. Microbiol. Toxicol. Toxicol.70: 341-347
Towers et al. (2016) reported a concentration of mercury found in the muscle of the cation, analysed in individuals caught in Ecoregion ICES 27.10.a.2 ? Azores, below the regulatory value defined in Regulation (EC) No 1881/2006 of 19 December and Regulation (EC) No 629/2008 of 2 July. However, these data are not sufficient to assess the concentration of mercury in this fishing resource.
For more details on the re-evaluation of the environmental status of Descriptor 9 for the subdivision of the Azores, please refer to section D.9.6 Determination and assessment of GES of the re-assessment report on the environmental status of the 1th cycle of the MSFD for the subdivision of the Azores.
Towers, P., Tristan da Cunha, R., Maia, R., Rodrigues, A.S. (2014). Trophic ecology and bioindicator potential of the North Atlantic Tope shark. Science of the Total Environment. 481, 574-581.
The mercury concentration (mean value) found for bonito (0,040 ± 0,012) as reported by Torres et al. (2016) is below the regulatory value defined in Regulation (EC) No 1881/2006 of 19 December and Regulation No 629/2008 of 2 July. However, these data are not sufficient to assess the concentration of mercury in this fishing resource.
For more details please refer to section D.9.6 Determination and assessment of GES of the re-assessment report on the environmental status of the 1th cycle of the MSFD for the subdivision of the Azores.
Torres, P., Rodrigues, A., Soares, L., Garcia, P. Metal Concentrations in Two Commercial Tuna Species from an Active Volcanic Region in the Mid-Atlantic Ocean. (2016) Arch. Microbiol. Toxicol. Toxicol.70: 341-347
Towers et al. (2016) reported a concentration of mercury for skate, analysed in individuals caught in Ecoregion ICES 27.10.a.2 ? Azores, below the regulatory value defined in Regulation (EC) No 1881/2006 of 19 December and Regulation (EC) No 629/2008 of 2 July. However, these data are not sufficient to assess the concentration of mercury in this fishing resource.
For more details on the re-evaluation of the environmental status of Descriptor 9 for the subdivision of the Azores, please refer to section D.9.6 Determination and assessment of GES of the re-assessment report on the environmental status of the 1th cycle of the MSFD for the subdivision of the Azores.
Towers, P. Tristan da Cunha, R., Micaelo, C., Rodrigues, A.S. (2016). Bioaccumulation of metals and PCBs in Raja clavata, Science of the Total Environment, Volume 573, 1021-1030.
The mean mercury concentration value found in bigeye muscle, Thunnus obesus, caught in the Ecoregion Azores (ICES 27.10.a.2) by Torres et al. (2016) was 0,139 ± 0,021. This value is lower than the regulatory value as defined in Regulation (EC) No 1881/2006 of 19 December and Regulation (EC) No 629/2008 of 2 July. However, these data are not sufficient to assess the concentration of mercury in this fishing resource.
For more details on the re-evaluation of the environmental status of Descriptor 9 for the subdivision of the Azores, please refer to section D.9.6 Determination and assessment of GES of the re-assessment report on the environmental status of the 1th cycle of the MSFD for the subdivision of the Azores.
Torres, P., Rodrigues, A., Soares, L., Garcia, P. (2016) Metal Concentrations in Two Commercial Tuna Species from an Active Volcanic Region in the Mid-Atlantic Ocean. Hydr. Microbiol. Toxicol. Toxicol.70: 341-347
Towers et al. (2016) reported that PCB?s contamination in the area assessed (Ecoregion ICES 27.10.a.2 ? Azores) in skates appears to be rather low and does not imply a risk to human consumption. However, these data are not sufficient to assess the concentration of PCBs in this fishing resource.
For more details on the re-evaluation of the environmental status of Descriptor 9 for the subdivision of the Azores, please refer to section D.9.6 Determination and assessment of GES of the re-assessment report on the environmental status of the 1th cycle of the MSFD for the subdivision of the Azores.
Towers, P. Tristan da Cunha, R., Micaelo, C., Rodrigues, A.S. (2016). Bioaccumulation of metals and PCBs in Raja clavata, Science of the Total Environment, Volume 573, 1021-1030.
Related indicator |
Criteria status |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Description criteria |
The data available in this re-evaluation cycle of the MSFD were considered insufficient to assess the concentration of cadmium in this fishing resource in the subdivision of the Azores. For more details on the re-evaluation of the environmental status of Descriptor 9 for the subdivision of the Azores, please refer to section D.9.6 Determination and assessment of GES of the re-assessment report on the environmental status of the 1th cycle of the MSFD for the subdivision of the Azores.
The data available in this re-evaluation cycle of the MSFD were considered insufficient to assess the concentration of cadmium in this fishing resource in the subdivision of the Azores. For more details on the re-evaluation of the environmental status of Descriptor 9 for the subdivision of the Azores, please refer to section D.9.6 Determination and assessment of GES of the re-assessment report on the environmental status of the 1th cycle of the MSFD for the subdivision of the Azores.
The data available in this re-evaluation cycle of the MSFD were considered insufficient to assess the concentration of cadmium in this fishing resource in the subdivision of the Azores. For more details on the re-evaluation of the environmental status of Descriptor 9 for the subdivision of the Azores, please refer to section D.9.6 Determination and assessment of GES of the re-assessment report on the environmental status of the 1th cycle of the MSFD for the subdivision of the Azores.
The data available in this re-evaluation cycle of the MSFD were considered insufficient to assess the concentration of cadmium in this fishing resource in the subdivision of the Azores.
For more details on the re-evaluation of the environmental status of Descriptor 9 for the subdivision of the Azores, please refer to section D.9.6 Determination and assessment of GES of the re-assessment report on the environmental status of the 1th cycle of the MSFD for the subdivision of the Azores.
The data available in this re-evaluation cycle of the MSFD were considered insufficient to assess the concentration of cadmium in this fishing resource in the subdivision of the Azores. For more details on the re-evaluation of the environmental status of Descriptor 9 for the subdivision of the Azores, please refer to section D.9.6 Determination and assessment of GES of the re-assessment report on the environmental status of the 1th cycle of the MSFD for the subdivision of the Azores.
The data available in this re-evaluation cycle of the MSFD were considered insufficient to assess the concentration of cadmium in this fishing resource in the subdivision of the Azores. For more details on the re-evaluation of the environmental status of Descriptor 9 for the subdivision of the Azores, please refer to section D.9.6 Determination and assessment of GES of the re-assessment report on the environmental status of the 1th cycle of the MSFD for the subdivision of the Azores.
The data available in this re-evaluation cycle of the MSFD were considered insufficient to assess the concentration of cadmium in this fishing resource in the subdivision of the Azores. For more details on the re-evaluation of the environmental status of Descriptor 9 for the subdivision of the Azores, please refer to section D.9.6 Determination and assessment of GES of the re-assessment report on the environmental status of the 1th cycle of the MSFD for the subdivision of the Azores.
The data available in this re-evaluation cycle of the MSFD were considered insufficient to assess the concentration of cadmium in this fishing resource in the subdivision of the Azores. For more details on the re-evaluation of the environmental status of Descriptor 9 for the subdivision of the Azores, please refer to section D.9.6 Determination and assessment of GES of the re-assessment report on the environmental status of the 1th cycle of the MSFD for the subdivision of the Azores.
The data available in this re-evaluation cycle of the MSFD were considered insufficient to assess the concentration of cadmium in this fishing resource in the subdivision of the Azores. For more details on the re-evaluation of the environmental status of Descriptor 9 for the subdivision of the Azores, please refer to section D.9.6 Determination and assessment of GES of the re-assessment report on the environmental status of the 1th cycle of the MSFD for the subdivision of the Azores.
The data available in this re-evaluation cycle of the MSFD were considered insufficient to assess the concentration of cadmium in this fishing resource in the subdivision of the Azores. For more details on the re-evaluation of the environmental status of Descriptor 9 for the subdivision of the Azores, please refer to section D.9.6 Determination and assessment of GES of the re-assessment report on the environmental status of the 1th cycle of the MSFD for the subdivision of the Azores.
The data available in this re-evaluation cycle of the MSFD were considered insufficient to assess the concentration of cadmium in this fishing resource in the subdivision of the Azores. For more details on the re-evaluation of the environmental status of Descriptor 9 for the subdivision of the Azores, please refer to section D.9.6 Determination and assessment of GES of the report of the 1th cycle of the MSFD for the subdivision of the Azores.
The data available in this re-evaluation cycle of the MSFD were considered insufficient to assess the concentration of cadmium in this fishing resource in the subdivision of the Azores. For more details on the re-evaluation of the environmental status of Descriptor 9 for the subdivision of the Azores, please refer to section D.9.6 Determination and assessment of GES of the re-assessment report on the environmental status of the 1th cycle of the MSFD for the subdivision of the Azores.
The available data are not sufficient to assess the concentration of lead in this fishing resource.
For more details please refer to section D.9.6 Determination and assessment of GES of the re-assessment report on the environmental status of the 1th cycle of the MSFD for the subdivision of the Azores.
The available data are not sufficient to assess the concentration of lead in this fishing resource.
For more details please refer to section D.9.6 Determination and assessment of GES of the re-assessment report on the environmental status of the 1th cycle of the MSFD for the subdivision of the Azores.
The available data are not sufficient to assess the concentration of lead in this fishing resource. for more details on the update of the environmental status of Descriptor 9 for the subdivision of the Azores, please refer to section 9.6 Determination and assessment of GES for Descriptor 9 of the assessment report of the 1th cycle of the MSFD.
The available data are not sufficient to assess the concentration of lead in this fishing resource.
For more details please refer to section D.9.6 Determination and assessment of GES of the re-assessment report on the environmental status of the 1th cycle of the MSFD for the subdivision of the Azores.
The available data are not sufficient to assess the concentration of lead in this fishing resource. for more details on the update of the environmental status of Descriptor 9 for the subdivision of the Azores, please refer to section D.9.6 Determination and assessment of GES for Descriptor 9 of the assessment report of the 1th cycle of the MSFD.
The available data are not sufficient to assess the concentration of lead in this fishing resource
.For more details on the update of the environmental status of Descriptor 9 for the subdivision of the Azores, please refer to the section Determination and Assessment of GES relating to Descriptor 9 of the MSFD 1th cycle environmental reassessment report.
The data available in this re-evaluation cycle of the MSFD were considered insufficient to assess the concentration of lead in this fishing resource in the subdivision of the Azores. For more details on the re-evaluation of the environmental status of Descriptor 9 for the subdivision of the Azores, please refer to section D.9.6 Determination and assessment of GES of the re-assessment report on the environmental status of the 1th cycle of the MSFD for the subdivision of the Azores.
The available data are not sufficient to assess the concentration of lead in this fishing resource.
For more details please refer to section D.9.6 Determination and assessment of GES of the re-assessment report on the environmental status of the 1th cycle of the MSFD for the subdivision of the Azores.
The available data are not sufficient to assess the concentration of lead in this fishing resource.
For more details on the re-evaluation of the environmental status of Descriptor 9 for the subdivision of the Azores, please refer to section D.9.6 Determination and assessment of GES of the re-assessment report on the environmental status of the 1th cycle of the MSFD for the subdivision of the Azores.
The available data are not sufficient to assess the concentration of lead in this fishing resource.
For more details please refer to section D.9.6 Determination and assessment of GES of the re-assessment report on the environmental status of the 1th cycle of the MSFD for the subdivision of the Azores.
The available data are not sufficient to assess the concentration of mercury in this fishing resource.
For more details please refer to section D.9.6 Determination and assessment of GES of the re-assessment report on the environmental status of the 1th cycle of the MSFD for the subdivision of the Azores.
The available data are not sufficient to assess the concentration of mercury in this fishing resource.
For more details please refer to section D.9.6 Determination and assessment of GES of the re-assessment report on the environmental status of the 1th cycle of the MSFD for the subdivision of the Azores.
The available data are not sufficient to assess the concentration of mercury in this fishing resource.
For more details please refer to section D.9.6 Determination and assessment of GES of the re-assessment report on the environmental status of the 1th cycle of the MSFD for the subdivision of the Azores.
The available data are not sufficient to assess the concentration of mercury in this fishing resource.
For more details please refer to section D.9.6 Determination and assessment of GES of the re-assessment report on the environmental status of the 1th cycle of the MSFD for the subdivision of the Azores.
The available data are not sufficient to assess the concentration of PCBs in this fishing resource.
For more details please refer to section D.9.6 Determination and assessment of GES of the re-assessment report on the environmental status of the 1th cycle of the MSFD for the subdivision of the Azores.
Element status |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Description element |
The data available in this evaluation cycle do not allow the assessment of cadmium levels in this fishing resource.
The data available in this evaluation cycle do not allow the assessment of cadmium levels in this fishing resource.
The data available in this evaluation cycle do not make it possible to assess the Good Environmental State of cadmium levels in this fishing resource.
The data available in this evaluation cycle do not allow the assessment of cadmium levels in this fishing resource.
The data available in this evaluation cycle do not allow the assessment of cadmium levels in this fishing resource.
The data available in this evaluation cycle do not allow the assessment of cadmium levels in this fishing resource.
The data available in this evaluation cycle do not allow the assessment of cadmium levels in this fishing resource.
The data available in this evaluation cycle do not allow the assessment of cadmium levels in this fishing resource.
The data available in this evaluation cycle for this species in the subdivision of the Azores do not allow the assessment of cadmium levels in this fishing resource.
The data available in this evaluation cycle do not allow the assessment of cadmium levels in this fishing resource.
The data available in this evaluation cycle do not allow the assessment of cadmium levels in this fishing resource.
The data available in this evaluation cycle do not allow the assessment of cadmium levels in this fishing resource.
The data available in this evaluation cycle do not allow the assessment of lead levels in this fishing resource, as a monitoring programme for contaminants in the edgeable resources has not yet been implemented for the subdivision of the Azores.
For more details please refer to section D.9.6 Determination and assessment of GES of the re-assessment report on the environmental status of the 1th cycle of the MSFD for the subdivision of the Azores.
The data available in this evaluation cycle do not allow the assessment of lead levels in this fishing resource, as a monitoring programme for contaminants in the edgeable resources has not yet been implemented for the subdivision of the Azores.
For more details please refer to section D.9.6 Determination and assessment of GES of the re-assessment report on the environmental status of the 1th cycle of the MSFD for the subdivision of the Azores.
The data available in this evaluation cycle do not allow the assessment of lead levels in this fishing resource.
The data available in this evaluation cycle do not allow the assessment of lead levels in this fishing resource.
For more details please refer to section D.9.6 Determination and assessment of GES of the re-assessment report on the environmental status of the 1th cycle of the MSFD for the subdivision of the Azores.
The data available in this evaluation cycle do not allow the assessment of lead levels in this fishing resource.
For more details on the re-evaluation of the environmental status of Descriptor 9 for the subdivision of the Azores, please refer to section D.9.6 Determination and assessment of GES of the re-assessment report on the environmental status of the 1th cycle of the MSFD for the subdivision of the Azores.
The data available in this evaluation cycle do not allow the assessment of lead levels in this fishing resource.
For more details on the re-evaluation of the environmental status of Descriptor 9 for the subdivision of the Azores, please refer to section D.9.6 Determination and assessment of GES of the re-assessment report on the environmental status of the 1th cycle of the MSFD for the subdivision of the Azores.
The data available in this evaluation cycle do not allow the assessment of lead levels in this fishing resource.
The data available in this evaluation cycle do not allow the assessment of lead levels in this fishing resource, as a monitoring programme for contaminants in the edgeable resources has not yet been implemented for the subdivision of the Azores.
For more details please refer to section D.9.6 Determination and assessment of GES of the re-assessment report on the environmental status of the 1th cycle of the MSFD for the subdivision of the Azores.
The data available in this evaluation cycle do not allow the assessment of lead levels in this fishing resource.
The data available in this evaluation cycle do not allow the assessment of lead levels in this fishing resource, as a monitoring programme for contaminants in the edgeable resources has not yet been implemented for the subdivision of the Azores.
For more details please refer to section D.9.6 Determination and assessment of GES of the re-assessment report on the environmental status of the 1th cycle of the MSFD for the subdivision of the Azores.
The data available in this evaluation cycle do not allow for the assessment of mercury levels in this fishing resource, as a monitoring programme for contaminants in the edgeable resources has not yet been implemented for the subdivision of the Azores.
For more details please refer to section D.9.6 Determination and assessment of GES of the re-assessment report on the environmental status of the 1th cycle of the MSFD for the subdivision of the Azores.
The data available in this evaluation cycle do not make it possible to assess the concentration of mercury in this fishing resource, as a contaminants monitoring programme has not yet been implemented in the edgeable resources for the subdivision of the Azores.
For more details please refer to section D.9.6 Determination and assessment of GES of the re-assessment report on the environmental status of the 1th cycle of the MSFD for the subdivision of the Azores.
The data available in this evaluation cycle do not allow for the assessment of mercury levels in this fishing resource, as a monitoring programme for contaminants in the edgeable resources has not yet been implemented for the subdivision of the Azores.
For more details please refer to section D.9.6 Determination and assessment of GES of the re-assessment report on the environmental status of the 1th cycle of the MSFD for the subdivision of the Azores.
The data available in this evaluation cycle do not make it possible to assess the concentration of mercury in this fishing resource, as a contaminants monitoring programme has not yet been implemented in the edgeable resources for the subdivision of the Azores.
For more details please refer to section D.9.6 Determination and assessment of GES of the re-assessment report on the environmental status of the 1th cycle of the MSFD for the subdivision of the Azores.
The data available in this evaluation cycle do not make it possible to assess the PCB levels in this fishing resource, as a contaminants monitoring programme has not yet been implemented in the edgeable resources for the subdivision of the Azores.
For more details please refer to section D.9.6 Determination and assessment of GES of the re-assessment report on the environmental status of the 1th cycle of the MSFD for the subdivision of the Azores.
Integration rule type parameter |
Integration rule description parameter |
Integration rule type criteria |
Integration rule description criteria |
GES extent threshold |
GES extent achieved |
GES extent unit |
Proportion of substances in good status |
Proportion of substances in good status |
Proportion of substances in good status |
Proportion of substances in good status |
Proportion of substances in good status |
Proportion of substances in good status |
Proportion of substances in good status |
Proportion of substances in good status |
Proportion of substances in good status |
Proportion of substances in good status |
Proportion of substances in good status |
Proportion of substances in good status |
Proportion of substances in good status |
Proportion of substances in good status |
Proportion of substances in good status |
Proportion of substances in good status |
Proportion of substances in good status |
Proportion of substances in good status |
Proportion of substances in good status |
Proportion of substances in good status |
Proportion of substances in good status |
Proportion of substances in good status |
Proportion of substances in good status |
Proportion of substances in good status |
Proportion of substances in good status |
Proportion of substances in good status |
Proportion of substances in good status |
GES achieved |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Description overall status |
Marine species of food interest and commercially relevant in the subdivision of the Azores have been considered for this descriptor. The values of concentrations of heavy metals found by species of food interest, in particular fish (concentration of contaminant analysed in muscle) crustaceans and molluscs are reported (for these 2 types of resources data were reported in which the concentration of contaminants in edable tissue was analysed) and a study analysing the presence of PCB?s. the values found in the literature consulted are compared with the regulatory values of Regulation (EC) No 1881/2006 of 19 December 2006 and No 629/2008 (EC) of 2 July 2008.
For the assessment of GES under this descriptor, the information available in scientific articles published during this evaluation cycle from 2013 to 2018, the study area of which falls within the assessment area of the subdivision of the Azores (AMA-SD-AZO), was used.
However, in this MSFD evaluation cycle, it was considered that the available data are not sufficient to assess the environmental status for the subdivision of the Azores in relation to contaminants present in the edgeable resources, as a contaminants monitoring programme for these resources has not yet been implemented in the subdivision and there is therefore no regular sampling and time series representative of this assessment cycle and spatial coverage is also limited.
It is therefore considered that the available information presented in this cycle allows only a preliminary snapshot as to the level of contaminants that the marine resources considered present at a given point in time. It is therefore considered that the existing data for the subdivision of the Azores on the level of contaminants in marine resources for human consumption are insufficient to assess the environmental status of this descriptor or even its elements. However, the information and results reported here for setting environmental targets under this descriptor and in guiding the development of the resulting programmes of measures and monitoring of this MSFD evaluation cycle were considered.
For more details on the re-evaluation of the environmental status of Descriptor 9 for the subdivision of the Azores, please refer to section D.9.6 Determination and assessment of GES of the report of the 1th cycle of the MSFD for the subdivision of the Azores.
Marine species of food interest and commercially relevant in the subdivision of the Azores have been considered for this descriptor. The values of concentrations of heavy metals found by species of food interest, in particular fish (concentration of contaminant analysed in muscle) crustaceans and molluscs are reported (for these 2 types of resources data were reported in which the concentration of contaminants in edable tissue was analysed) and a study analysing the presence of PCB?s. the values found in the literature consulted are compared with the regulatory values of Regulation (EC) No 1881/2006 of 19 December 2006 and No 629/2008 (EC) of 2 July 2008.
For the assessment of GES under this descriptor, the information available in scientific articles published during this evaluation cycle from 2013 to 2018, the study area of which falls within the assessment area of the subdivision of the Azores (AMA-SD-AZO), was used.
However, in this MSFD evaluation cycle, it was considered that the available data are not sufficient to assess the environmental status for the subdivision of the Azores in relation to contaminants present in the edgeable resources, as a contaminants monitoring programme for these resources has not yet been implemented in the subdivision and there is therefore no regular sampling and time series representative of this assessment cycle and spatial coverage is also limited.
It is therefore considered that the available information presented in this cycle allows only a preliminary snapshot as to the level of contaminants that the marine resources considered present at a given point in time. It is therefore considered that the existing data for the subdivision of the Azores on the level of contaminants in marine resources for human consumption are insufficient to assess the environmental status of this descriptor or even its elements. However, the information and results reported here for setting environmental targets under this descriptor and in guiding the development of the resulting programmes of measures and monitoring of this MSFD evaluation cycle were considered.
For more details on the re-evaluation of the environmental status of Descriptor 9 for the subdivision of the Azores, please refer to section D.9.6 Determination and assessment of GES of the report of the 1th cycle of the MSFD for the subdivision of the Azores.
Marine species of food interest and commercially relevant in the subdivision of the Azores have been considered for this descriptor. The values of concentrations of heavy metals found by species of food interest, in particular fish (concentration of contaminant analysed in muscle) crustaceans and molluscs are reported (for these 2 types of resources data were reported in which the concentration of contaminants in edable tissue was analysed) and a study analysing the presence of PCB?s. the values found in the literature consulted are compared with the regulatory values of Regulation (EC) No 1881/2006 of 19 December 2006 and No 629/2008 (EC) of 2 July 2008.
For the assessment of GES under this descriptor, the information available in scientific articles published during this evaluation cycle from 2013 to 2018, the study area of which falls within the assessment area of the subdivision of the Azores (AMA-SD-AZO), was used.
However, in this MSFD evaluation cycle, it was considered that the available data are not sufficient to assess the environmental status for the subdivision of the Azores in relation to contaminants present in the edgeable resources, as a contaminants monitoring programme for these resources has not yet been implemented in the subdivision and there is therefore no regular sampling and time series representative of this assessment cycle and spatial coverage is also limited.
It is therefore considered that the available information presented in this cycle allows only a preliminary snapshot as to the level of contaminants that the marine resources considered present at a given point in time. It is therefore considered that the existing data for the subdivision of the Azores on the level of contaminants in marine resources for human consumption are insufficient to assess the environmental status of this descriptor or even its elements. However, the information and results reported here for setting environmental targets under this descriptor and in guiding the development of the resulting programmes of measures and monitoring of this MSFD evaluation cycle were considered.
For more details on the re-evaluation of the environmental status of Descriptor 9 for the subdivision of the Azores, please refer to section D.9.6 Determination and assessment of GES of the report of the 1th cycle of the MSFD for the subdivision of the Azores.
Marine species of food interest and commercially relevant in the subdivision of the Azores have been considered for this descriptor. The values of concentrations of heavy metals found by species of food interest, in particular fish (concentration of contaminant analysed in muscle) crustaceans and molluscs are reported (for these 2 types of resources data were reported in which the concentration of contaminants in edable tissue was analysed) and a study analysing the presence of PCB?s. the values found in the literature consulted are compared with the regulatory values of Regulation (EC) No 1881/2006 of 19 December 2006 and No 629/2008 (EC) of 2 July 2008.
For the assessment of GES under this descriptor, the information available in scientific articles published during this evaluation cycle from 2013 to 2018, the study area of which falls within the assessment area of the subdivision of the Azores (AMA-SD-AZO), was used.
However, in this MSFD evaluation cycle, it was considered that the available data are not sufficient to assess the environmental status for the subdivision of the Azores in relation to contaminants present in the edgeable resources, as a contaminants monitoring programme for these resources has not yet been implemented in the subdivision and there is therefore no regular sampling and time series representative of this assessment cycle and spatial coverage is also limited.
It is therefore considered that the available information presented in this cycle allows only a preliminary snapshot as to the level of contaminants that the marine resources considered present at a given point in time. It is therefore considered that the existing data for the subdivision of the Azores on the level of contaminants in marine resources for human consumption are insufficient to assess the environmental status of this descriptor or even its elements. However, the information and results reported here for setting environmental targets under this descriptor and in guiding the development of the resulting programmes of measures and monitoring of this MSFD evaluation cycle were considered.
For more details on the re-evaluation of the environmental status of Descriptor 9 for the subdivision of the Azores, please refer to section D.9.6 Determination and assessment of GES of the report of the 1th cycle of the MSFD for the subdivision of the Azores.
Marine species of food interest and commercially relevant in the subdivision of the Azores have been considered for this descriptor. The values of concentrations of heavy metals found by species of food interest, in particular fish (concentration of contaminant analysed in muscle) crustaceans and molluscs are reported (for these 2 types of resources data were reported in which the concentration of contaminants in edable tissue was analysed) and a study analysing the presence of PCB?s. the values found in the literature consulted are compared with the regulatory values of Regulation (EC) No 1881/2006 of 19 December 2006 and No 629/2008 (EC) of 2 July 2008.
For the assessment of GES under this descriptor, the information available in scientific articles published during this evaluation cycle from 2013 to 2018, the study area of which falls within the assessment area of the subdivision of the Azores (AMA-SD-AZO), was used.
However, in this MSFD evaluation cycle, it was considered that the available data are not sufficient to assess the environmental status for the subdivision of the Azores in relation to contaminants present in the edgeable resources, as a contaminants monitoring programme for these resources has not yet been implemented in the subdivision and there is therefore no regular sampling and time series representative of this assessment cycle and spatial coverage is also limited.
It is therefore considered that the available information presented in this cycle allows only a preliminary snapshot as to the level of contaminants that the marine resources considered present at a given point in time. It is therefore considered that the existing data for the subdivision of the Azores on the level of contaminants in marine resources for human consumption are insufficient to assess the environmental status of this descriptor or even its elements. However, the information and results reported here for setting environmental targets under this descriptor and in guiding the development of the resulting programmes of measures and monitoring of this MSFD evaluation cycle were considered.
For more details on the re-evaluation of the environmental status of Descriptor 9 for the subdivision of the Azores, please refer to section D.9.6 Determination and assessment of GES of the report of the 1th cycle of the MSFD for the subdivision of the Azores.
Marine species of food interest and commercially relevant in the subdivision of the Azores have been considered for this descriptor. The values of concentrations of heavy metals found by species of food interest, in particular fish (concentration of contaminant analysed in muscle) crustaceans and molluscs are reported (for these 2 types of resources data were reported in which the concentration of contaminants in edable tissue was analysed) and a study analysing the presence of PCB?s. the values found in the literature consulted are compared with the regulatory values of Regulation (EC) No 1881/2006 of 19 December 2006 and No 629/2008 (EC) of 2 July 2008.
For the assessment of GES under this descriptor, the information available in scientific articles published during this evaluation cycle from 2013 to 2018, the study area of which falls within the assessment area of the subdivision of the Azores (AMA-SD-AZO), was used.
However, in this MSFD evaluation cycle, it was considered that the available data are not sufficient to assess the environmental status for the subdivision of the Azores in relation to contaminants present in the edgeable resources, as a contaminants monitoring programme for these resources has not yet been implemented in the subdivision and there is therefore no regular sampling and time series representative of this assessment cycle and spatial coverage is also limited.
It is therefore considered that the available information presented in this cycle allows only a preliminary snapshot as to the level of contaminants that the marine resources considered present at a given point in time. It is therefore considered that the existing data for the subdivision of the Azores on the level of contaminants in marine resources for human consumption are insufficient to assess the environmental status of this descriptor or even its elements. However, the information and results reported here for setting environmental targets under this descriptor and in guiding the development of the resulting programmes of measures and monitoring of this MSFD evaluation cycle were considered.
For more details on the re-evaluation of the environmental status of Descriptor 9 for the subdivision of the Azores, please refer to section D.9.6 Determination and assessment of GES of the report of the 1th cycle of the MSFD for the subdivision of the Azores.
Marine species of food interest and commercially relevant in the subdivision of the Azores have been considered for this descriptor. The values of concentrations of heavy metals found by species of food interest, in particular fish (concentration of contaminant analysed in muscle) crustaceans and molluscs are reported (for these 2 types of resources data were reported in which the concentration of contaminants in edable tissue was analysed) and a study analysing the presence of PCB?s. the values found in the literature consulted are compared with the regulatory values of Regulation (EC) No 1881/2006 of 19 December 2006 and No 629/2008 (EC) of 2 July 2008.
For the assessment of GES under this descriptor, the information available in scientific articles published during this evaluation cycle from 2013 to 2018, the study area of which falls within the assessment area of the subdivision of the Azores (AMA-SD-AZO), was used.
However, in this MSFD evaluation cycle, it was considered that the available data are not sufficient to assess the environmental status for the subdivision of the Azores in relation to contaminants present in the edgeable resources, as a contaminants monitoring programme for these resources has not yet been implemented in the subdivision and there is therefore no regular sampling and time series representative of this assessment cycle and spatial coverage is also limited.
It is therefore considered that the available information presented in this cycle allows only a preliminary snapshot as to the level of contaminants that the marine resources considered present at a given point in time. It is therefore considered that the existing data for the subdivision of the Azores on the level of contaminants in marine resources for human consumption are insufficient to assess the environmental status of this descriptor or even its elements. However, the information and results reported here for setting environmental targets under this descriptor and in guiding the development of the resulting programmes of measures and monitoring of this MSFD evaluation cycle were considered.
For more details on the re-evaluation of the environmental status of Descriptor 9 for the subdivision of the Azores, please refer to section D.9.6 Determination and assessment of GES of the report of the 1th cycle of the MSFD for the subdivision of the Azores.
Marine species of food interest and commercially relevant in the subdivision of the Azores have been considered for this descriptor. The values of concentrations of heavy metals found by species of food interest, in particular fish (concentration of contaminant analysed in muscle) crustaceans and molluscs are reported (for these 2 types of resources data were reported in which the concentration of contaminants in edable tissue was analysed) and a study analysing the presence of PCB?s. the values found in the literature consulted are compared with the regulatory values of Regulation (EC) No 1881/2006 of 19 December 2006 and No 629/2008 (EC) of 2 July 2008.
For the assessment of GES under this descriptor, the information available in scientific articles published during this evaluation cycle from 2013 to 2018, the study area of which falls within the assessment area of the subdivision of the Azores (AMA-SD-AZO), was used.
However, in this MSFD evaluation cycle, it was considered that the available data are not sufficient to assess the environmental status for the subdivision of the Azores in relation to contaminants present in the edgeable resources, as a contaminants monitoring programme for these resources has not yet been implemented in the subdivision and there is therefore no regular sampling and time series representative of this assessment cycle and spatial coverage is also limited.
It is therefore considered that the available information presented in this cycle allows only a preliminary snapshot as to the level of contaminants that the marine resources considered present at a given point in time. It is therefore considered that the existing data for the subdivision of the Azores on the level of contaminants in marine resources for human consumption are insufficient to assess the environmental status of this descriptor or even its elements. However, the information and results reported here for setting environmental targets under this descriptor and in guiding the development of the resulting programmes of measures and monitoring of this MSFD evaluation cycle were considered.
For more details on the re-evaluation of the environmental status of Descriptor 9 for the subdivision of the Azores, please refer to section D.9.6 Determination and assessment of GES of the report of the 1th cycle of the MSFD for the subdivision of the Azores.
Marine species of food interest and commercially relevant in the subdivision of the Azores have been considered for this descriptor. The values of concentrations of heavy metals found by species of food interest, in particular fish (concentration of contaminant analysed in muscle) crustaceans and molluscs are reported (for these 2 types of resources data were reported in which the concentration of contaminants in edable tissue was analysed) and a study analysing the presence of PCB?s. the values found in the literature consulted are compared with the regulatory values of Regulation (EC) No 1881/2006 of 19 December 2006 and No 629/2008 (EC) of 2 July 2008.
For the assessment of GES under this descriptor, the information available in scientific articles published during this evaluation cycle from 2013 to 2018, the study area of which falls within the assessment area of the subdivision of the Azores (AMA-SD-AZO), was used.
However, in this MSFD evaluation cycle, it was considered that the available data are not sufficient to assess the environmental status for the subdivision of the Azores in relation to contaminants present in the edgeable resources, as a contaminants monitoring programme for these resources has not yet been implemented in the subdivision and there is therefore no regular sampling and time series representative of this assessment cycle and spatial coverage is also limited.
It is therefore considered that the available information presented in this cycle allows only a preliminary snapshot as to the level of contaminants that the marine resources considered present at a given point in time. It is therefore considered that the existing data for the subdivision of the Azores on the level of contaminants in marine resources for human consumption are insufficient to assess the environmental status of this descriptor or even its elements. However, the information and results reported here for setting environmental targets under this descriptor and in guiding the development of the resulting programmes of measures and monitoring of this MSFD evaluation cycle were considered.
For more details on the re-evaluation of the environmental status of Descriptor 9 for the subdivision of the Azores, please refer to section D.9.6 Determination and assessment of GES of the report of the 1th cycle of the MSFD for the subdivision of the Azores.
Marine species of food interest and commercially relevant in the subdivision of the Azores have been considered for this descriptor. The values of concentrations of heavy metals found by species of food interest, in particular fish (concentration of contaminant analysed in muscle) crustaceans and molluscs are reported (for these 2 types of resources data were reported in which the concentration of contaminants in edable tissue was analysed) and a study analysing the presence of PCB?s. the values found in the literature consulted are compared with the regulatory values of Regulation (EC) No 1881/2006 of 19 December 2006 and No 629/2008 (EC) of 2 July 2008.
For the assessment of GES under this descriptor, the information available in scientific articles published during this evaluation cycle from 2013 to 2018, the study area of which falls within the assessment area of the subdivision of the Azores (AMA-SD-AZO), was used.
However, in this MSFD evaluation cycle, it was considered that the available data are not sufficient to assess the environmental status for the subdivision of the Azores in relation to contaminants present in the edgeable resources, as a contaminants monitoring programme for these resources has not yet been implemented in the subdivision and there is therefore no regular sampling and time series representative of this assessment cycle and spatial coverage is also limited.
It is therefore considered that the available information presented in this cycle allows only a preliminary snapshot as to the level of contaminants that the marine resources considered present at a given point in time. It is therefore considered that the existing data for the subdivision of the Azores on the level of contaminants in marine resources for human consumption are insufficient to assess the environmental status of this descriptor or even its elements. However, the information and results reported here for setting environmental targets under this descriptor and in guiding the development of the resulting programmes of measures and monitoring of this MSFD evaluation cycle were considered.
For more details on the re-evaluation of the environmental status of Descriptor 9 for the subdivision of the Azores, please refer to section D.9.6 Determination and assessment of GES of the report of the 1th cycle of the MSFD for the subdivision of the Azores.
Marine species of food interest and commercially relevant in the subdivision of the Azores have been considered for this descriptor. The values of concentrations of heavy metals found by species of food interest, in particular fish (concentration of contaminant analysed in muscle) crustaceans and molluscs are reported (for these 2 types of resources data were reported in which the concentration of contaminants in edable tissue was analysed) and a study analysing the presence of PCB?s. the values found in the literature consulted are compared with the regulatory values of Regulation (EC) No 1881/2006 of 19 December 2006 and No 629/2008 (EC) of 2 July 2008.
For the assessment of GES under this descriptor, the information available in scientific articles published during this evaluation cycle from 2013 to 2018, the study area of which falls within the assessment area of the subdivision of the Azores (AMA-SD-AZO), was used.
However, in this MSFD evaluation cycle, it was considered that the available data are not sufficient to assess the environmental status for the subdivision of the Azores in relation to contaminants present in the edgeable resources, as a contaminants monitoring programme for these resources has not yet been implemented in the subdivision and there is therefore no regular sampling and time series representative of this assessment cycle and spatial coverage is also limited.
It is therefore considered that the available information presented in this cycle allows only a preliminary snapshot as to the level of contaminants that the marine resources considered present at a given point in time. It is therefore considered that the existing data for the subdivision of the Azores on the level of contaminants in marine resources for human consumption are insufficient to assess the environmental status of this descriptor or even its elements. However, the information and results reported here for setting environmental targets under this descriptor and in guiding the development of the resulting programmes of measures and monitoring of this MSFD evaluation cycle were considered.
For more details on the re-evaluation of the environmental status of Descriptor 9 for the subdivision of the Azores, please refer to section D.9.6 Determination and assessment of GES of the report of the 1th cycle of the MSFD for the subdivision of the Azores.
Marine species of food interest and commercially relevant in the subdivision of the Azores have been considered for this descriptor. The values of concentrations of heavy metals found by species of food interest, in particular fish (concentration of contaminant analysed in muscle) crustaceans and molluscs are reported (for these 2 types of resources data were reported in which the concentration of contaminants in edable tissue was analysed) and a study analysing the presence of PCB?s. the values found in the literature consulted are compared with the regulatory values of Regulation (EC) No 1881/2006 of 19 December 2006 and No 629/2008 (EC) of 2 July 2008.
For the assessment of GES under this descriptor, the information available in scientific articles published during this evaluation cycle from 2013 to 2018, the study area of which falls within the assessment area of the subdivision of the Azores (AMA-SD-AZO), was used.
However, in this MSFD evaluation cycle, it was considered that the available data are not sufficient to assess the environmental status for the subdivision of the Azores in relation to contaminants present in the edgeable resources, as a contaminants monitoring programme for these resources has not yet been implemented in the subdivision and there is therefore no regular sampling and time series representative of this assessment cycle and spatial coverage is also limited.
It is therefore considered that the available information presented in this cycle allows only a preliminary snapshot as to the level of contaminants that the marine resources considered present at a given point in time. It is therefore considered that the existing data for the subdivision of the Azores on the level of contaminants in marine resources for human consumption are insufficient to assess the environmental status of this descriptor or even its elements. However, the information and results reported here for setting environmental targets under this descriptor and in guiding the development of the resulting programmes of measures and monitoring of this MSFD evaluation cycle were considered.
For more details on the re-evaluation of the environmental status of Descriptor 9 for the subdivision of the Azores, please refer to section D.9.6 Determination and assessment of GES of the report of the 1th cycle of the MSFD for the subdivision of the Azores.
Marine species of food interest and commercially relevant in the subdivision of the Azores have been considered for this descriptor. The values of concentrations of heavy metals found by species of food interest, in particular fish (concentration of contaminant analysed in muscle) crustaceans and molluscs are reported (for these 2 types of resources data were reported in which the concentration of contaminants in edable tissue was analysed) and a study analysing the presence of PCB?s. the values found in the literature consulted are compared with the regulatory values of Regulation (EC) No 1881/2006 of 19 December 2006 and No 629/2008 (EC) of 2 July 2008.
For the assessment of GES under this descriptor, the information available in scientific articles published during this evaluation cycle from 2013 to 2018, the study area of which falls within the assessment area of the subdivision of the Azores (AMA-SD-AZO), was used.
However, in this MSFD evaluation cycle, it was considered that the available data are not sufficient to assess the environmental status for the subdivision of the Azores in relation to contaminants present in the edgeable resources, as a contaminants monitoring programme for these resources has not yet been implemented in the subdivision and there is therefore no regular sampling and time series representative of this assessment cycle and spatial coverage is also limited.
It is therefore considered that the available information presented in this cycle allows only a preliminary snapshot as to the level of contaminants that the marine resources considered present at a given point in time. It is therefore considered that the existing data for the subdivision of the Azores on the level of contaminants in marine resources for human consumption are insufficient to assess the environmental status of this descriptor or even its elements. However, the information and results reported here for setting environmental targets under this descriptor and in guiding the development of the resulting programmes of measures and monitoring of this MSFD evaluation cycle were considered.
For more details on the re-evaluation of the environmental status of Descriptor 9 for the subdivision of the Azores, please refer to section D.9.6 Determination and assessment of GES of the report of the 1th cycle of the MSFD for the subdivision of the Azores.
Marine species of food interest and commercially relevant in the subdivision of the Azores have been considered for this descriptor. The values of concentrations of heavy metals found by species of food interest, in particular fish (concentration of contaminant analysed in muscle) crustaceans and molluscs are reported (for these 2 types of resources data were reported in which the concentration of contaminants in edable tissue was analysed) and a study analysing the presence of PCB?s. the values found in the literature consulted are compared with the regulatory values of Regulation (EC) No 1881/2006 of 19 December 2006 and No 629/2008 (EC) of 2 July 2008.
For the assessment of GES under this descriptor, the information available in scientific articles published during this evaluation cycle from 2013 to 2018, the study area of which falls within the assessment area of the subdivision of the Azores (AMA-SD-AZO), was used.
However, in this MSFD evaluation cycle, it was considered that the available data are not sufficient to assess the environmental status for the subdivision of the Azores in relation to contaminants present in the edgeable resources, as a contaminants monitoring programme for these resources has not yet been implemented in the subdivision and there is therefore no regular sampling and time series representative of this assessment cycle and spatial coverage is also limited.
It is therefore considered that the available information presented in this cycle allows only a preliminary snapshot as to the level of contaminants that the marine resources considered present at a given point in time. It is therefore considered that the existing data for the subdivision of the Azores on the level of contaminants in marine resources for human consumption are insufficient to assess the environmental status of this descriptor or even its elements. However, the information and results reported here for setting environmental targets under this descriptor and in guiding the development of the resulting programmes of measures and monitoring of this MSFD evaluation cycle were considered.
For more details on the re-evaluation of the environmental status of Descriptor 9 for the subdivision of the Azores, please refer to section D.9.6 Determination and assessment of GES of the report of the 1th cycle of the MSFD for the subdivision of the Azores.
Marine species of food interest and commercially relevant in the subdivision of the Azores have been considered for this descriptor. The values of concentrations of heavy metals found by species of food interest, in particular fish (concentration of contaminant analysed in muscle) crustaceans and molluscs are reported (for these 2 types of resources data were reported in which the concentration of contaminants in edable tissue was analysed) and a study analysing the presence of PCB?s. the values found in the literature consulted are compared with the regulatory values of Regulation (EC) No 1881/2006 of 19 December 2006 and No 629/2008 (EC) of 2 July 2008.
For the assessment of GES under this descriptor, the information available in scientific articles published during this evaluation cycle from 2013 to 2018, the study area of which falls within the assessment area of the subdivision of the Azores (AMA-SD-AZO), was used.
However, in this MSFD evaluation cycle, it was considered that the available data are not sufficient to assess the environmental status for the subdivision of the Azores in relation to contaminants present in the edgeable resources, as a contaminants monitoring programme for these resources has not yet been implemented in the subdivision and there is therefore no regular sampling and time series representative of this assessment cycle and spatial coverage is also limited.
It is therefore considered that the available information presented in this cycle allows only a preliminary snapshot as to the level of contaminants that the marine resources considered present at a given point in time. It is therefore considered that the existing data for the subdivision of the Azores on the level of contaminants in marine resources for human consumption are insufficient to assess the environmental status of this descriptor or even its elements. However, the information and results reported here for setting environmental targets under this descriptor and in guiding the development of the resulting programmes of measures and monitoring of this MSFD evaluation cycle were considered.
For more details on the re-evaluation of the environmental status of Descriptor 9 for the subdivision of the Azores, please refer to section D.9.6 Determination and assessment of GES of the report of the 1th cycle of the MSFD for the subdivision of the Azores.
Marine species of food interest and commercially relevant in the subdivision of the Azores have been considered for this descriptor. The values of concentrations of heavy metals found by species of food interest, in particular fish (concentration of contaminant analysed in muscle) crustaceans and molluscs are reported (for these 2 types of resources data were reported in which the concentration of contaminants in edable tissue was analysed) and a study analysing the presence of PCB?s. the values found in the literature consulted are compared with the regulatory values of Regulation (EC) No 1881/2006 of 19 December 2006 and No 629/2008 (EC) of 2 July 2008.
For the assessment of GES under this descriptor, the information available in scientific articles published during this evaluation cycle from 2013 to 2018, the study area of which falls within the assessment area of the subdivision of the Azores (AMA-SD-AZO), was used.
However, in this MSFD evaluation cycle, it was considered that the available data are not sufficient to assess the environmental status for the subdivision of the Azores in relation to contaminants present in the edgeable resources, as a contaminants monitoring programme for these resources has not yet been implemented in the subdivision and there is therefore no regular sampling and time series representative of this assessment cycle and spatial coverage is also limited.
It is therefore considered that the available information presented in this cycle allows only a preliminary snapshot as to the level of contaminants that the marine resources considered present at a given point in time. It is therefore considered that the existing data for the subdivision of the Azores on the level of contaminants in marine resources for human consumption are insufficient to assess the environmental status of this descriptor or even its elements. However, the information and results reported here for setting environmental targets under this descriptor and in guiding the development of the resulting programmes of measures and monitoring of this MSFD evaluation cycle were considered.
For more details on the re-evaluation of the environmental status of Descriptor 9 for the subdivision of the Azores, please refer to section D.9.6 Determination and assessment of GES of the report of the 1th cycle of the MSFD for the subdivision of the Azores.
Marine species of food interest and commercially relevant in the subdivision of the Azores have been considered for this descriptor. The values of concentrations of heavy metals found by species of food interest, in particular fish (concentration of contaminant analysed in muscle) crustaceans and molluscs are reported (for these 2 types of resources data were reported in which the concentration of contaminants in edable tissue was analysed) and a study analysing the presence of PCB?s. the values found in the literature consulted are compared with the regulatory values of Regulation (EC) No 1881/2006 of 19 December 2006 and No 629/2008 (EC) of 2 July 2008.
For the assessment of GES under this descriptor, the information available in scientific articles published during this evaluation cycle from 2013 to 2018, the study area of which falls within the assessment area of the subdivision of the Azores (AMA-SD-AZO), was used.
However, in this MSFD evaluation cycle, it was considered that the available data are not sufficient to assess the environmental status for the subdivision of the Azores in relation to contaminants present in the edgeable resources, as a contaminants monitoring programme for these resources has not yet been implemented in the subdivision and there is therefore no regular sampling and time series representative of this assessment cycle and spatial coverage is also limited.
It is therefore considered that the available information presented in this cycle allows only a preliminary snapshot as to the level of contaminants that the marine resources considered present at a given point in time. It is therefore considered that the existing data for the subdivision of the Azores on the level of contaminants in marine resources for human consumption are insufficient to assess the environmental status of this descriptor or even its elements. However, the information and results reported here for setting environmental targets under this descriptor and in guiding the development of the resulting programmes of measures and monitoring of this MSFD evaluation cycle were considered.
For more details on the re-evaluation of the environmental status of Descriptor 9 for the subdivision of the Azores, please refer to section D.9.6 Determination and assessment of GES of the report of the 1th cycle of the MSFD for the subdivision of the Azores.
Marine species of food interest and commercially relevant in the subdivision of the Azores have been considered for this descriptor. The values of concentrations of heavy metals found by species of food interest, in particular fish (concentration of contaminant analysed in muscle) crustaceans and molluscs are reported (for these 2 types of resources data were reported in which the concentration of contaminants in edable tissue was analysed) and a study analysing the presence of PCB?s. the values found in the literature consulted are compared with the regulatory values of Regulation (EC) No 1881/2006 of 19 December 2006 and No 629/2008 (EC) of 2 July 2008.
For the assessment of GES under this descriptor, the information available in scientific articles published during this evaluation cycle from 2013 to 2018, the study area of which falls within the assessment area of the subdivision of the Azores (AMA-SD-AZO), was used.
However, in this MSFD evaluation cycle, it was considered that the available data are not sufficient to assess the environmental status for the subdivision of the Azores in relation to contaminants present in the edgeable resources, as a contaminants monitoring programme for these resources has not yet been implemented in the subdivision and there is therefore no regular sampling and time series representative of this assessment cycle and spatial coverage is also limited.
It is therefore considered that the available information presented in this cycle allows only a preliminary snapshot as to the level of contaminants that the marine resources considered present at a given point in time. It is therefore considered that the existing data for the subdivision of the Azores on the level of contaminants in marine resources for human consumption are insufficient to assess the environmental status of this descriptor or even its elements. However, the information and results reported here for setting environmental targets under this descriptor and in guiding the development of the resulting programmes of measures and monitoring of this MSFD evaluation cycle were considered.
For more details on the re-evaluation of the environmental status of Descriptor 9 for the subdivision of the Azores, please refer to section D.9.6 Determination and assessment of GES of the report of the 1th cycle of the MSFD for the subdivision of the Azores.
Marine species of food interest and commercially relevant in the subdivision of the Azores have been considered for this descriptor. The values of concentrations of heavy metals found by species of food interest, in particular fish (concentration of contaminant analysed in muscle) crustaceans and molluscs are reported (for these 2 types of resources data were reported in which the concentration of contaminants in edable tissue was analysed) and a study analysing the presence of PCB?s. the values found in the literature consulted are compared with the regulatory values of Regulation (EC) No 1881/2006 of 19 December 2006 and No 629/2008 (EC) of 2 July 2008.
For the assessment of GES under this descriptor, the information available in scientific articles published during this evaluation cycle from 2013 to 2018, the study area of which falls within the assessment area of the subdivision of the Azores (AMA-SD-AZO), was used.
However, in this MSFD evaluation cycle, it was considered that the available data are not sufficient to assess the environmental status for the subdivision of the Azores in relation to contaminants present in the edgeable resources, as a contaminants monitoring programme for these resources has not yet been implemented in the subdivision and there is therefore no regular sampling and time series representative of this assessment cycle and spatial coverage is also limited.
It is therefore considered that the available information presented in this cycle allows only a preliminary snapshot as to the level of contaminants that the marine resources considered present at a given point in time. It is therefore considered that the existing data for the subdivision of the Azores on the level of contaminants in marine resources for human consumption are insufficient to assess the environmental status of this descriptor or even its elements. However, the information and results reported here for setting environmental targets under this descriptor and in guiding the development of the resulting programmes of measures and monitoring of this MSFD evaluation cycle were considered.
For more details on the re-evaluation of the environmental status of Descriptor 9 for the subdivision of the Azores, please refer to section D.9.6 Determination and assessment of GES of the report of the 1th cycle of the MSFD for the subdivision of the Azores.
Marine species of food interest and commercially relevant in the subdivision of the Azores have been considered for this descriptor. The values of concentrations of heavy metals found by species of food interest, in particular fish (concentration of contaminant analysed in muscle) crustaceans and molluscs are reported (for these 2 types of resources data were reported in which the concentration of contaminants in edable tissue was analysed) and a study analysing the presence of PCB?s. the values found in the literature consulted are compared with the regulatory values of Regulation (EC) No 1881/2006 of 19 December 2006 and No 629/2008 (EC) of 2 July 2008.
For the assessment of GES under this descriptor, the information available in scientific articles published during this evaluation cycle from 2013 to 2018, the study area of which falls within the assessment area of the subdivision of the Azores (AMA-SD-AZO), was used.
However, in this MSFD evaluation cycle, it was considered that the available data are not sufficient to assess the environmental status for the subdivision of the Azores in relation to contaminants present in the edgeable resources, as a contaminants monitoring programme for these resources has not yet been implemented in the subdivision and there is therefore no regular sampling and time series representative of this assessment cycle and spatial coverage is also limited.
It is therefore considered that the available information presented in this cycle allows only a preliminary snapshot as to the level of contaminants that the marine resources considered present at a given point in time. It is therefore considered that the existing data for the subdivision of the Azores on the level of contaminants in marine resources for human consumption are insufficient to assess the environmental status of this descriptor or even its elements. However, the information and results reported here for setting environmental targets under this descriptor and in guiding the development of the resulting programmes of measures and monitoring of this MSFD evaluation cycle were considered.
For more details on the re-evaluation of the environmental status of Descriptor 9 for the subdivision of the Azores, please refer to section D.9.6 Determination and assessment of GES of the report of the 1th cycle of the MSFD for the subdivision of the Azores.
Marine species of food interest and commercially relevant in the subdivision of the Azores have been considered for this descriptor. The values of concentrations of heavy metals found by species of food interest, in particular fish (concentration of contaminant analysed in muscle) crustaceans and molluscs are reported (for these 2 types of resources data were reported in which the concentration of contaminants in edable tissue was analysed) and a study analysing the presence of PCB?s. the values found in the literature consulted are compared with the regulatory values of Regulation (EC) No 1881/2006 of 19 December 2006 and No 629/2008 (EC) of 2 July 2008.
For the assessment of GES under this descriptor, the information available in scientific articles published during this evaluation cycle from 2013 to 2018, the study area of which falls within the assessment area of the subdivision of the Azores (AMA-SD-AZO), was used.
However, in this MSFD evaluation cycle, it was considered that the available data are not sufficient to assess the environmental status for the subdivision of the Azores in relation to contaminants present in the edgeable resources, as a contaminants monitoring programme for these resources has not yet been implemented in the subdivision and there is therefore no regular sampling and time series representative of this assessment cycle and spatial coverage is also limited.
It is therefore considered that the available information presented in this cycle allows only a preliminary snapshot as to the level of contaminants that the marine resources considered present at a given point in time. It is therefore considered that the existing data for the subdivision of the Azores on the level of contaminants in marine resources for human consumption are insufficient to assess the environmental status of this descriptor or even its elements. However, the information and results reported here for setting environmental targets under this descriptor and in guiding the development of the resulting programmes of measures and monitoring of this MSFD evaluation cycle were considered.
For more details on the re-evaluation of the environmental status of Descriptor 9 for the subdivision of the Azores, please refer to section D.9.6 Determination and assessment of GES of the report of the 1th cycle of the MSFD for the subdivision of the Azores.
Marine species of food interest and commercially relevant in the subdivision of the Azores have been considered for this descriptor. The values of concentrations of heavy metals found by species of food interest, in particular fish (concentration of contaminant analysed in muscle) crustaceans and molluscs are reported (for these 2 types of resources data were reported in which the concentration of contaminants in edable tissue was analysed) and a study analysing the presence of PCB?s. the values found in the literature consulted are compared with the regulatory values of Regulation (EC) No 1881/2006 of 19 December 2006 and No 629/2008 (EC) of 2 July 2008.
For the assessment of GES under this descriptor, the information available in scientific articles published during this evaluation cycle from 2013 to 2018, the study area of which falls within the assessment area of the subdivision of the Azores (AMA-SD-AZO), was used.
However, in this MSFD evaluation cycle, it was considered that the available data are not sufficient to assess the environmental status for the subdivision of the Azores in relation to contaminants present in the edgeable resources, as a contaminants monitoring programme for these resources has not yet been implemented in the subdivision and there is therefore no regular sampling and time series representative of this assessment cycle and spatial coverage is also limited.
It is therefore considered that the available information presented in this cycle allows only a preliminary snapshot as to the level of contaminants that the marine resources considered present at a given point in time. It is therefore considered that the existing data for the subdivision of the Azores on the level of contaminants in marine resources for human consumption are insufficient to assess the environmental status of this descriptor or even its elements. However, the information and results reported here for setting environmental targets under this descriptor and in guiding the development of the resulting programmes of measures and monitoring of this MSFD evaluation cycle were considered.
For more details on the re-evaluation of the environmental status of Descriptor 9 for the subdivision of the Azores, please refer to section D.9.6 Determination and assessment of GES of the report of the 1th cycle of the MSFD for the subdivision of the Azores.
Marine species of food interest and commercially relevant in the subdivision of the Azores have been considered for this descriptor. The values of concentrations of heavy metals found by species of food interest, in particular fish (concentration of contaminant analysed in muscle) crustaceans and molluscs are reported (for these 2 types of resources data were reported in which the concentration of contaminants in edable tissue was analysed) and a study analysing the presence of PCB?s. the values found in the literature consulted are compared with the regulatory values of Regulation (EC) No 1881/2006 of 19 December 2006 and No 629/2008 (EC) of 2 July 2008.
For the assessment of GES under this descriptor, the information available in scientific articles published during this evaluation cycle from 2013 to 2018, the study area of which falls within the assessment area of the subdivision of the Azores (AMA-SD-AZO), was used.
However, in this MSFD evaluation cycle, it was considered that the available data are not sufficient to assess the environmental status for the subdivision of the Azores in relation to contaminants present in the edgeable resources, as a contaminants monitoring programme for these resources has not yet been implemented in the subdivision and there is therefore no regular sampling and time series representative of this assessment cycle and spatial coverage is also limited.
It is therefore considered that the available information presented in this cycle allows only a preliminary snapshot as to the level of contaminants that the marine resources considered present at a given point in time. It is therefore considered that the existing data for the subdivision of the Azores on the level of contaminants in marine resources for human consumption are insufficient to assess the environmental status of this descriptor or even its elements. However, the information and results reported here for setting environmental targets under this descriptor and in guiding the development of the resulting programmes of measures and monitoring of this MSFD evaluation cycle were considered.
For more details on the re-evaluation of the environmental status of Descriptor 9 for the subdivision of the Azores, please refer to section D.9.6 Determination and assessment of GES of the report of the 1th cycle of the MSFD for the subdivision of the Azores.
Marine species of food interest and commercially relevant in the subdivision of the Azores have been considered for this descriptor. The values of concentrations of heavy metals found by species of food interest, in particular fish (concentration of contaminant analysed in muscle) crustaceans and molluscs are reported (for these 2 types of resources data were reported in which the concentration of contaminants in edable tissue was analysed) and a study analysing the presence of PCB?s. the values found in the literature consulted are compared with the regulatory values of Regulation (EC) No 1881/2006 of 19 December 2006 and No 629/2008 (EC) of 2 July 2008.
For the assessment of GES under this descriptor, the information available in scientific articles published during this evaluation cycle from 2013 to 2018, the study area of which falls within the assessment area of the subdivision of the Azores (AMA-SD-AZO), was used.
However, in this MSFD evaluation cycle, it was considered that the available data are not sufficient to assess the environmental status for the subdivision of the Azores in relation to contaminants present in the edgeable resources, as a contaminants monitoring programme for these resources has not yet been implemented in the subdivision and there is therefore no regular sampling and time series representative of this assessment cycle and spatial coverage is also limited.
It is therefore considered that the available information presented in this cycle allows only a preliminary snapshot as to the level of contaminants that the marine resources considered present at a given point in time. It is therefore considered that the existing data for the subdivision of the Azores on the level of contaminants in marine resources for human consumption are insufficient to assess the environmental status of this descriptor or even its elements. However, the information and results reported here for setting environmental targets under this descriptor and in guiding the development of the resulting programmes of measures and monitoring of this MSFD evaluation cycle were considered.
For more details on the re-evaluation of the environmental status of Descriptor 9 for the subdivision of the Azores, please refer to section D.9.6 Determination and assessment of GES of the report of the 1th cycle of the MSFD for the subdivision of the Azores.
Marine species of food interest and commercially relevant in the subdivision of the Azores have been considered for this descriptor. The values of concentrations of heavy metals found by species of food interest, in particular fish (concentration of contaminant analysed in muscle) crustaceans and molluscs are reported (for these 2 types of resources data were reported in which the concentration of contaminants in edable tissue was analysed) and a study analysing the presence of PCB?s. the values found in the literature consulted are compared with the regulatory values of Regulation (EC) No 1881/2006 of 19 December 2006 and No 629/2008 (EC) of 2 July 2008.
For the assessment of GES under this descriptor, the information available in scientific articles published during this evaluation cycle from 2013 to 2018, the study area of which falls within the assessment area of the subdivision of the Azores (AMA-SD-AZO), was used.
However, in this MSFD evaluation cycle, it was considered that the available data are not sufficient to assess the environmental status for the subdivision of the Azores in relation to contaminants present in the edgeable resources, as a contaminants monitoring programme for these resources has not yet been implemented in the subdivision and there is therefore no regular sampling and time series representative of this assessment cycle and spatial coverage is also limited.
It is therefore considered that the available information presented in this cycle allows only a preliminary snapshot as to the level of contaminants that the marine resources considered present at a given point in time. It is therefore considered that the existing data for the subdivision of the Azores on the level of contaminants in marine resources for human consumption are insufficient to assess the environmental status of this descriptor or even its elements. However, the information and results reported here for setting environmental targets under this descriptor and in guiding the development of the resulting programmes of measures and monitoring of this MSFD evaluation cycle were considered.
For more details on the re-evaluation of the environmental status of Descriptor 9 for the subdivision of the Azores, please refer to section D.9.6 Determination and assessment of GES of the report of the 1th cycle of the MSFD for the subdivision of the Azores.
Marine species of food interest and commercially relevant in the subdivision of the Azores have been considered for this descriptor. The values of concentrations of heavy metals found by species of food interest, in particular fish (concentration of contaminant analysed in muscle) crustaceans and molluscs are reported (for these 2 types of resources data were reported in which the concentration of contaminants in edable tissue was analysed) and a study analysing the presence of PCB?s. the values found in the literature consulted are compared with the regulatory values of Regulation (EC) No 1881/2006 of 19 December 2006 and No 629/2008 (EC) of 2 July 2008.
For the assessment of GES under this descriptor, the information available in scientific articles published during this evaluation cycle from 2013 to 2018, the study area of which falls within the assessment area of the subdivision of the Azores (AMA-SD-AZO), was used.
However, in this MSFD evaluation cycle, it was considered that the available data are not sufficient to assess the environmental status for the subdivision of the Azores in relation to contaminants present in the edgeable resources, as a contaminants monitoring programme for these resources has not yet been implemented in the subdivision and there is therefore no regular sampling and time series representative of this assessment cycle and spatial coverage is also limited.
It is therefore considered that the available information presented in this cycle allows only a preliminary snapshot as to the level of contaminants that the marine resources considered present at a given point in time. It is therefore considered that the existing data for the subdivision of the Azores on the level of contaminants in marine resources for human consumption are insufficient to assess the environmental status of this descriptor or even its elements. However, the information and results reported here for setting environmental targets under this descriptor and in guiding the development of the resulting programmes of measures and monitoring of this MSFD evaluation cycle were considered.
For more details on the re-evaluation of the environmental status of Descriptor 9 for the subdivision of the Azores, please refer to section D.9.6 Determination and assessment of GES of the report of the 1th cycle of the MSFD for the subdivision of the Azores.
Marine species of food interest and commercially relevant in the subdivision of the Azores have been considered for this descriptor. The values of concentrations of heavy metals found by species of food interest, in particular fish (concentration of contaminant analysed in muscle) crustaceans and molluscs are reported (for these 2 types of resources data were reported in which the concentration of contaminants in edable tissue was analysed) and a study analysing the presence of PCB?s. the values found in the literature consulted are compared with the regulatory values of Regulation (EC) No 1881/2006 of 19 December 2006 and No 629/2008 (EC) of 2 July 2008.
For the assessment of GES under this descriptor, the information available in scientific articles published during this evaluation cycle from 2013 to 2018, the study area of which falls within the assessment area of the subdivision of the Azores (AMA-SD-AZO), was used.
However, in this MSFD evaluation cycle, it was considered that the available data are not sufficient to assess the environmental status for the subdivision of the Azores in relation to contaminants present in the edgeable resources, as a contaminants monitoring programme for these resources has not yet been implemented in the subdivision and there is therefore no regular sampling and time series representative of this assessment cycle and spatial coverage is also limited.
It is therefore considered that the available information presented in this cycle allows only a preliminary snapshot as to the level of contaminants that the marine resources considered present at a given point in time. It is therefore considered that the existing data for the subdivision of the Azores on the level of contaminants in marine resources for human consumption are insufficient to assess the environmental status of this descriptor or even its elements. However, the information and results reported here for setting environmental targets under this descriptor and in guiding the development of the resulting programmes of measures and monitoring of this MSFD evaluation cycle were considered.
For more details on the re-evaluation of the environmental status of Descriptor 9 for the subdivision of the Azores, please refer to section D.9.6 Determination and assessment of GES of the report of the 1th cycle of the MSFD for the subdivision of the Azores.
Assessments period |
2013-2018 |
2013-2018 |
2013-2018 |
2013-2018 |
2013-2018 |
2013-2018 |
2013-2018 |
2013-2018 |
2013-2018 |
2013-2018 |
2013-2018 |
2013-2018 |
2013-2018 |
2013-2018 |
2013-2018 |
2013-2018 |
2013-2018 |
2013-2018 |
2013-2018 |
2013-2018 |
2013-2018 |
2013-2018 |
2013-2018 |
2013-2018 |
2013-2018 |
2013-2018 |
2013-2018 |
Related pressures |
Related targets |
Madeira subdivision (AMA-PT-SD-MAD)
GES component |
Feature |
Contaminants - in seafood
Contaminants - in seafood
Contaminants - in seafood
Contaminants - in seafood
Contaminants - in seafood
Contaminants - in seafood
Contaminants - in seafood
Contaminants - in seafood
Contaminants - in seafood
Contaminants - in seafood
Contaminants - in seafood
Contaminants - in seafood
Contaminants - in seafood
Contaminants - in seafood
Contaminants - in seafood
Contaminants - in seafood
Contaminants - in seafood
Contaminants - in seafood
Contaminants - in seafood
Contaminants - in seafood
Contaminants - in seafood
Contaminants - in seafood
Contaminants - in seafood
Contaminants - in seafood
Contaminants - in seafood
Contaminants - in seafood
Contaminants - in seafood
Contaminants - in seafood
Contaminants - in seafood
Contaminants - in seafood
Contaminants - in seafood
Contaminants - in seafood
Contaminants - in seafood
Element |
Cadmium and its compounds |
Cadmium and its compounds |
Cadmium and its compounds |
Cadmium and its compounds |
Cadmium and its compounds |
Cadmium and its compounds |
Cadmium and its compounds |
Dioxin-like polychlorinated biphenyls (12 PCB-DLs: 77,81,105,114,118,123,126,156,157,167,169,189) |
Dioxin-like polychlorinated biphenyls (12 PCB-DLs: 77,81,105,114,118,123,126,156,157,167,169,189) |
Dioxin-like polychlorinated biphenyls (12 PCB-DLs: 77,81,105,114,118,123,126,156,157,167,169,189) |
Dioxin-like polychlorinated biphenyls (12 PCB-DLs: 77,81,105,114,118,123,126,156,157,167,169,189) |
Lead and its compounds |
Lead and its compounds |
Lead and its compounds |
Lead and its compounds |
Lead and its compounds |
Lead and its compounds |
Lead and its compounds |
Mercury and its compounds |
Mercury and its compounds |
Mercury and its compounds |
Mercury and its compounds |
Mercury and its compounds |
Mercury and its compounds |
Mercury and its compounds |
Non-dioxin like PCB (sum of 6 PCB: 28, 52, 101, 138, 153 and 180) |
Non-dioxin like PCB (sum of 6 PCB: 28, 52, 101, 138, 153 and 180) |
Non-dioxin like PCB (sum of 6 PCB: 28, 52, 101, 138, 153 and 180) |
Non-dioxin like PCB (sum of 6 PCB: 28, 52, 101, 138, 153 and 180) |
Sum of dioxins (WHO-PCDD/F-TEQ) |
Sum of dioxins (WHO-PCDD/F-TEQ) |
Sum of dioxins (WHO-PCDD/F-TEQ) |
Sum of dioxins (WHO-PCDD/F-TEQ) |
Element code |
CAS_7440-43-9 |
CAS_7440-43-9 |
CAS_7440-43-9 |
CAS_7440-43-9 |
CAS_7440-43-9 |
CAS_7440-43-9 |
CAS_7440-43-9 |
EEA_33-54-5 |
EEA_33-54-5 |
EEA_33-54-5 |
EEA_33-54-5 |
CAS_7439-92-1 |
CAS_7439-92-1 |
CAS_7439-92-1 |
CAS_7439-92-1 |
CAS_7439-92-1 |
CAS_7439-92-1 |
CAS_7439-92-1 |
CAS_7439-97-6 |
CAS_7439-97-6 |
CAS_7439-97-6 |
CAS_7439-97-6 |
CAS_7439-97-6 |
CAS_7439-97-6 |
CAS_7439-97-6 |
SCB6 |
SCB6 |
SCB6 |
SCB6 |
SumDioxins |
SumDioxins |
SumDioxins |
SumDioxins |
Element code source |
Eutrophication (D5) and contaminants (D8-D9)
Eutrophication (D5) and contaminants (D8-D9)
Eutrophication (D5) and contaminants (D8-D9)
Eutrophication (D5) and contaminants (D8-D9)
Eutrophication (D5) and contaminants (D8-D9)
Eutrophication (D5) and contaminants (D8-D9)
Eutrophication (D5) and contaminants (D8-D9)
Eutrophication (D5) and contaminants (D8-D9)
Eutrophication (D5) and contaminants (D8-D9)
Eutrophication (D5) and contaminants (D8-D9)
Eutrophication (D5) and contaminants (D8-D9)
Eutrophication (D5) and contaminants (D8-D9)
Eutrophication (D5) and contaminants (D8-D9)
Eutrophication (D5) and contaminants (D8-D9)
Eutrophication (D5) and contaminants (D8-D9)
Eutrophication (D5) and contaminants (D8-D9)
Eutrophication (D5) and contaminants (D8-D9)
Eutrophication (D5) and contaminants (D8-D9)
Eutrophication (D5) and contaminants (D8-D9)
Eutrophication (D5) and contaminants (D8-D9)
Eutrophication (D5) and contaminants (D8-D9)
Eutrophication (D5) and contaminants (D8-D9)
Eutrophication (D5) and contaminants (D8-D9)
Eutrophication (D5) and contaminants (D8-D9)
Eutrophication (D5) and contaminants (D8-D9)
Element 2 |
Aphanopus sp.
Balistes capriscus
Thunnus thynnus
Patella aspera
Patella candei
Scomber colias
Thunnus Obesus
Aphanopus sp.
Thunnus thynnus
Patella sp.
Scomber colias
Aphanopus sp
Balistes capriscus
Thunnus thynnus
Patella aspera
Patella candei
Scomber colias
Thunnus Obesus
Aphanopus sp.
Balistes capriscus
Thunnus thynnus
Patella aspera
Patella candei
Scomber colias
Thunnus sp.
Aphanopus sp.
Thunnus thynnus
Patella sp.
Scomber colias
Aphanopus sp.
Thunnus thynnus
Patella sp.
Scomber colias
Element 2 code |
Element 2 code source |
Species (D1)
Species (D1)
Species (D1)
Species (D1)
Species (D1)
Species (D1)
Species (D1)
Species (D1)
Species (D1)
Species (D1)
Species (D1)
Species (D1)
Species (D1)
Species (D1)
Species (D1)
Species (D1)
Species (D1)
Species (D1)
Species (D1)
Species (D1)
Species (D1)
Species (D1)
Species (D1)
Species (D1)
Species (D1)
Species (D1)
Species (D1)
Species (D1)
Species (D1)
Species (D1)
Species (D1)
Species (D1)
Species (D1)
Element source |
MS in (sub)region |
MS in (sub)region |
MS in (sub)region |
MS in (sub)region |
MS in (sub)region |
MS in (sub)region |
MS in (sub)region |
MS in (sub)region |
MS in (sub)region |
MS in (sub)region |
MS in (sub)region |
MS in (sub)region |
MS in (sub)region |
MS in (sub)region |
MS in (sub)region |
MS in (sub)region |
MS in (sub)region |
MS in (sub)region |
MS in (sub)region |
MS in (sub)region |
MS in (sub)region |
MS in (sub)region |
MS in (sub)region |
MS in (sub)region |
MS in (sub)region |
MS in (sub)region |
MS in (sub)region |
MS in (sub)region |
MS in (sub)region |
MS in (sub)region |
MS in (sub)region |
MS in (sub)region |
MS in (sub)region |
Criterion |
Parameter |
Parameter other |
Threshold value upper |
0.05 |
0.05 |
0.1 |
1.0 |
1.0 |
1.0 |
0.1 |
6.5 |
6.5 |
6.5 |
6.5 |
0.3 |
0.3 |
0.3 |
1.5 |
1.5 |
0.3 |
0.3 |
1.0 |
0.5 |
1.0 |
0.5 |
0.5 |
0.5 |
0.5 |
75.0 |
75.0 |
75.0 |
75.0 |
3.5 |
3.5 |
3.5 |
3.5 |
Threshold value lower |
Threshold qualitative |
Threshold value source |
Regulation on contaminants in foodstuffs (EC 1881/2006)
Regulation on contaminants in foodstuffs (EC 1881/2006)
Regulation on contaminants in foodstuffs (EC 1881/2006)
Regulation on contaminants in foodstuffs (EC 1881/2006)
Regulation on contaminants in foodstuffs (EC 1881/2006)
Regulation on contaminants in foodstuffs (EC 1881/2006)
Regulation on contaminants in foodstuffs (EC 1881/2006)
Regulation on contaminants in foodstuffs (EC 1881/2006)
Regulation on contaminants in foodstuffs (EC 1881/2006)
Regulation on contaminants in foodstuffs (EC 1881/2006)
Regulation on contaminants in foodstuffs (EC 1881/2006)
Regulation on contaminants in foodstuffs (EC 1881/2006)
Regulation on contaminants in foodstuffs (EC 1881/2006)
Regulation on contaminants in foodstuffs (EC 1881/2006)
Regulation on contaminants in foodstuffs (EC 1881/2006)
Regulation on contaminants in foodstuffs (EC 1881/2006)
Regulation on contaminants in foodstuffs (EC 1881/2006)
Regulation on contaminants in foodstuffs (EC 1881/2006)
Regulation on contaminants in foodstuffs (EC 1881/2006)
Regulation on contaminants in foodstuffs (EC 1881/2006)
Regulation on contaminants in foodstuffs (EC 1881/2006)
Regulation on contaminants in foodstuffs (EC 1881/2006)
Regulation on contaminants in foodstuffs (EC 1881/2006)
Regulation on contaminants in foodstuffs (EC 1881/2006)
Regulation on contaminants in foodstuffs (EC 1881/2006)
Regulation on contaminants in foodstuffs (EC 1881/2006)
Regulation on contaminants in foodstuffs (EC 1881/2006)
Regulation on contaminants in foodstuffs (EC 1881/2006)
Regulation on contaminants in foodstuffs (EC 1881/2006)
Regulation on contaminants in foodstuffs (EC 1881/2006)
Regulation on contaminants in foodstuffs (EC 1881/2006)
Regulation on contaminants in foodstuffs (EC 1881/2006)
Regulation on contaminants in foodstuffs (EC 1881/2006)
Threshold value source other |
Value achieved upper |
0.01 |
0.02 |
0.02 |
1.4 |
0.7 |
0.01 |
0.05 |
0.176 |
0.245 |
0.086 |
0.254 |
0.03 |
0.1 |
0.1 |
0.11 |
0.12 |
0.01 |
0.05 |
0.56 |
0.13 |
0.24 |
0.1 |
0.1 |
0.01 |
0.23 |
1.38 |
1.08 |
0.026 |
1.08 |
0.079 |
0.082 |
0.079 |
0.082 |
Value achieved lower |
Value unit |
milligram per kilogram of wet weight
milligram per kilogram of wet weight
milligram per kilogram of wet weight
milligram per kilogram of wet weight
milligram per kilogram of wet weight
milligram per kilogram of wet weight
milligram per kilogram of wet weight
picogram per gram of wet weight
picogram per gram of wet weight
picogram per gram of wet weight
picogram per gram of wet weight
milligram per kilogram of wet weight
milligram per kilogram of wet weight
milligram per kilogram of wet weight
milligram per kilogram of wet weight
milligram per kilogram of wet weight
milligram per kilogram of wet weight
milligram per kilogram of wet weight
milligram per kilogram of wet weight
milligram per kilogram of wet weight
milligram per kilogram of wet weight
milligram per kilogram of wet weight
milligram per kilogram of wet weight
milligram per kilogram of wet weight
milligram per kilogram of wet weight
picogram per gram of wet weight
picogram per gram of wet weight
picogram per gram of wet weight
picogram per gram of wet weight
picogram per gram of wet weight
picogram per gram of wet weight
picogram per gram of wet weight
picogram per gram of wet weight
Value unit other |
Proportion threshold value |
90.0 |
90.0 |
90.0 |
90.0 |
90.0 |
90.0 |
90.0 |
90.0 |
90.0 |
90.0 |
90.0 |
90.0 |
90.0 |
90.0 |
90.0 |
90.0 |
90.0 |
90.0 |
90.0 |
90.0 |
90.0 |
90.0 |
90.0 |
90.0 |
90.0 |
90.0 |
90.0 |
90.0 |
90.0 |
90.0 |
90.0 |
90.0 |
90.0 |
Proportion value achieved |
98.0 |
100.0 |
100.0 |
45.0 |
60.0 |
100.0 |
100.0 |
100.0 |
100.0 |
100.0 |
100.0 |
1000.0 |
100.0 |
100.0 |
100.0 |
100.0 |
100.0 |
100.0 |
100.0 |
100.0 |
100.0 |
100.0 |
100.0 |
100.0 |
100.0 |
100.0 |
100.0 |
100.0 |
100.0 |
100.0 |
100.0 |
100.0 |
100.0 |
Proportion threshold value unit |
% of samples achieving threshold value |
% of samples achieving threshold value |
% of samples achieving threshold value |
% of samples achieving threshold value |
% of samples achieving threshold value |
% of samples achieving threshold value |
% of samples achieving threshold value |
% of samples achieving threshold value |
% of samples achieving threshold value |
% of samples achieving threshold value |
% of samples achieving threshold value |
% of samples achieving threshold value |
% of samples achieving threshold value |
% of samples achieving threshold value |
% of samples achieving threshold value |
% of samples achieving threshold value |
% of samples achieving threshold value |
% of samples achieving threshold value |
% of samples achieving threshold value |
% of samples achieving threshold value |
% of samples achieving threshold value |
% of samples achieving threshold value |
% of samples achieving threshold value |
% of samples achieving threshold value |
% of samples achieving threshold value |
% of samples achieving threshold value |
% of samples achieving threshold value |
% of samples achieving threshold value |
% of samples achieving threshold value |
% of samples achieving threshold value |
% of samples achieving threshold value |
% of samples achieving threshold value |
% of samples achieving threshold value |
Trend |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Improving |
Improving |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Parameter achieved |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
No |
No |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Description parameter |
Although cadmium contamination levels are not susceptible to mitigating action, there is a downward trend in average cadmium values over the last two years, with the mean value obtained in 2018 below the maximum regulatory levels (i.e.1mg/kg).
Although cadmium contamination levels are not susceptible to mitigating action, there is a downward trend in average cadmium values over the last two years, with the mean value obtained in 2018 below the maximum regulatory levels (i.e.1mg/kg).
Related indicator |
Criteria status |
Good |
Good |
Good |
Not good |
Not good |
Good |
Good |
Good |
Good |
Good |
Good |
Good |
Good |
Good |
Good |
Good |
Good |
Good |
Good |
Good |
Good |
Good |
Good |
Good |
Good |
Good |
Good |
Good |
Good |
Good |
Good |
Good |
Good |
Description criteria |
Element status |
Good |
Good |
Good |
Not good |
Not good |
Good |
Good |
Good |
Good |
Good |
Good |
Good |
Good |
Good |
Good |
Good |
Good |
Good |
Good |
Good |
Good |
Good |
Good |
Good |
Good |
Good |
Good |
Good |
Good |
Good |
Good |
Good |
Good |
Description element |
Integration rule type parameter |
Integration rule description parameter |
Integration rule type criteria |
Integration rule description criteria |
GES extent threshold |
GES extent achieved |
GES extent unit |
Proportion of substances in good status |
Proportion of substances in good status |
Proportion of substances in good status |
Proportion of substances in good status |
Proportion of substances in good status |
Proportion of substances in good status |
Proportion of substances in good status |
Proportion of substances in good status |
Proportion of substances in good status |
Proportion of substances in good status |
Proportion of substances in good status |
Proportion of substances in good status |
Proportion of substances in good status |
Proportion of substances in good status |
Proportion of substances in good status |
Proportion of substances in good status |
Proportion of substances in good status |
Proportion of substances in good status |
Proportion of substances in good status |
Proportion of substances in good status |
Proportion of substances in good status |
Proportion of substances in good status |
Proportion of substances in good status |
Proportion of substances in good status |
Proportion of substances in good status |
Proportion of substances in good status |
Proportion of substances in good status |
Proportion of substances in good status |
Proportion of substances in good status |
Proportion of substances in good status |
Proportion of substances in good status |
Proportion of substances in good status |
Proportion of substances in good status |
GES achieved |
Not assessed |
Not assessed |
Not assessed |
Not assessed |
Not assessed |
Not assessed |
Not assessed |
Not assessed |
Not assessed |
Not assessed |
Not assessed |
Not assessed |
Not assessed |
Not assessed |
Not assessed |
Not assessed |
Not assessed |
Not assessed |
Not assessed |
Not assessed |
Not assessed |
Not assessed |
Not assessed |
Not assessed |
Not assessed |
Not assessed |
Not assessed |
Not assessed |
Not assessed |
Not assessed |
Not assessed |
Not assessed |
Not assessed |
Description overall status |
Assessments period |
2014-2018 |
2014-2018 |
2014-2018 |
2014-2018 |
2014-2018 |
2014-2018 |
2014-2018 |
2014-2018 |
2014-2018 |
2014-2018 |
2014-2018 |
2014-2018 |
2014-2018 |
2014-2018 |
2014-2018 |
2014-2018 |
2014-2018 |
2014-2018 |
2014-2018 |
2014-2018 |
2014-2018 |
2014-2018 |
2014-2018 |
2014-2018 |
2014-2018 |
2014-2018 |
2014-2018 |
2014-2018 |
2014-2018 |
2014-2018 |
2014-2018 |
2014-2018 |
2014-2018 |
Related pressures |
Related targets |
Extendend Continental Shelf Subdivision (AMA-PT-SD-PCE)
GES component |
Feature |
Contaminants - in seafood
Contaminants - in seafood
Contaminants - in seafood
Element |
Cadmium and its compounds |
Lead and its compounds |
Mercury and its compounds |
Element code |
CAS_7440-43-9 |
CAS_7439-92-1 |
CAS_7439-97-6 |
Element code source |
Eutrophication (D5) and contaminants (D8-D9)
Eutrophication (D5) and contaminants (D8-D9)
Eutrophication (D5) and contaminants (D8-D9)
Element 2 |
Element 2 code |
Element 2 code source |
Element source |
EU |
EU |
EU |
Criterion |
Parameter |
Parameter other |
Threshold value upper |
Threshold value lower |
Threshold qualitative |
expert judgement
expert judgement
expert judgement
Threshold value source |
Threshold value source other |
Value achieved upper |
Value achieved lower |
Value unit |
Value unit other |
Proportion threshold value |
Proportion value achieved |
Proportion threshold value unit |
Trend |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Parameter achieved |
Yes, based on low risk |
Yes, based on low risk |
Yes, based on low risk |
Description parameter |
Related indicator |
Criteria status |
Good, based on low risk |
Good, based on low risk |
Good, based on low risk |
Description criteria |
Expert judgement assessment
Expert judgement assessment
Expert judgement assessment
Element status |
Good, based on low risk |
Good, based on low risk |
Good, based on low risk |
Description element |
Integration rule type parameter |
Integration rule description parameter |
Integration rule type criteria |
Integration rule description criteria |
GES extent threshold |
GES extent achieved |
GES extent unit |
Proportion of substances in good status |
Proportion of substances in good status |
Proportion of substances in good status |
GES achieved |
GES achieved |
GES achieved |
GES achieved |
Description overall status |
Only commercial species associated with the seabed were considered for the re-evaluation of GES. Despite the lack of information, this subdivision is considered to have reached the Good Environmental State as it is far from the potential sources of contamination of marine organisms.
Only commercial species associated with the seabed were considered for the re-evaluation of GES. Despite the lack of information, this subdivision is considered to have reached the Good Environmental State as it is far from the potential sources of contamination of marine organisms.
Only commercial species associated with the seabed were considered for the re-evaluation of GES. Despite the lack of information, this subdivision is considered to have reached the Good Environmental State as it is far from the potential sources of contamination of marine organisms.
Assessments period |
2013-2017 |
2013-2017 |
2013-2017 |
Related pressures |
Related targets |