Member State report / Art10 / 2018 / D1-P / Romania / Black Sea
Report type | Member State report to Commission |
MSFD Article | Art. 10 Environmental targets (and Art. 17 updates) |
Report due | 2018-10-15 |
GES Descriptor | D1 Pelagic habitats |
Member State | Romania |
Region/subregion | Black Sea |
Reported by | Ministerul Apelor si Padurilor |
Report date | 2020-04-06 |
Report access | 3.msfd2018-ART10_Targets_18_12_03_05.xml |
Target code |
1.6.1 |
1.6.1 |
1.6.1 |
1.6.2 |
1.6.2 |
1.6.2 |
1.6.2 |
1.6.2 |
1.6.2 |
1.6.2 |
1.6.2 |
1.6.2 |
1.6.2 |
1.6.2 |
1.6.2 |
Target description |
90 percentile of phytoplankton biomass from warm season does not exceed the threshold value, 950mg/m3. |
90 percentile of phytoplankton biomass from warm season does not exceed the threshold value, 800mg/m3. |
90 percentile of phytoplankton biomass from warm season does not exceed the threshold value, 3000mg/m3. |
At least 50% of Zooplankton biomass values do not decrease below the threshold values:
-cold season - 30mg/m3
-warm season - 210mg/m3
-cold season - 15mg/m3
-warm season - 65mg/m3 |
At least 50% of Zooplankton biomass values do not decrease below the threshold values:
-cold season - 30mg/m3
-warm season - 210mg/m3
-cold season - 15mg/m3
-warm season - 65mg/m3 |
At least 50% of Zooplankton biomass values do not decrease below the threshold values:
-cold season - 15mg/m3
-warm season - 70mg/m3
-cold season - 13mg/m3
-warm season - 45mg/m3 |
At least 50% of Zooplankton biomass values do not decrease below the threshold values:
-cold season - 15mg/m3
-warm season - 70mg/m3
-cold season - 13mg/m3
-warm season - 45mg/m3 |
At least 50% of Zooplankton biomass values do not decrease below the threshold values:
-cold season - 15mg/m3
-warm season - 240mg/m3
-cold season - 10mg/m3
-warm season - 45mg/m3 |
At least 50% of Zooplankton biomass values do not decrease below the threshold values:
-cold season - 15mg/m3
-warm season - 240mg/m3
-cold season - 10mg/m3
-warm season - 45mg/m3 |
At least 50% of Zooplankton biomass values do not decrease below the threshold values:
-cold season - 30mg/m3
-warm season - 210mg/m3
-cold season - 15mg/m3
-warm season - 65mg/m3 |
At least 50% of Zooplankton biomass values do not decrease below the threshold values:
-cold season - 30mg/m3
-warm season - 210mg/m3
-cold season - 15mg/m3
-warm season - 65mg/m3 |
At least 50% of Zooplankton biomass values do not decrease below the threshold values:
-cold season - 15mg/m3
-warm season - 70mg/m3
-cold season - 13mg/m3
-warm season - 45mg/m3 |
At least 50% of Zooplankton biomass values do not decrease below the threshold values:
-cold season - 15mg/m3
-warm season - 70mg/m3
-cold season - 13mg/m3
-warm season - 45mg/m3 |
At least 50% of Zooplankton biomass values do not decrease below the threshold values:
-cold season - 15mg/m3
-warm season - 240mg/m3
-cold season - 10mg/m3
-warm season - 45mg/m3 |
At least 50% of Zooplankton biomass values do not decrease below the threshold values:
-cold season - 15mg/m3
-warm season - 240mg/m3
-cold season - 10mg/m3
-warm season - 45mg/m3 |
Feature(s) |
GES components |
Timescale |
202012 |
202012 |
202012 |
202012 |
202012 |
202012 |
202012 |
202012 |
202012 |
202012 |
202012 |
202012 |
202012 |
202012 |
202012 |
Update date |
201406 |
201406 |
201406 |
201812 |
201812 |
201812 |
201812 |
201812 |
201812 |
201812 |
201812 |
201812 |
201812 |
201812 |
201812 |
Update type |
Modified from 2012 definition |
Modified from 2012 definition |
Modified from 2012 definition |
New target |
New target |
New target |
New target |
New target |
New target |
New target |
New target |
New target |
New target |
New target |
New target |
Marine reporting unit |
Element |
Phytoplankton |
Phytoplankton |
Phytoplankton |
Copepoda |
Copepoda |
Copepoda |
Copepoda |
Copepoda |
Copepoda |
Mesozooplankton |
Mesozooplankton |
Mesozooplankton |
Mesozooplankton |
Mesozooplankton |
Mesozooplankton |
Element 2 |
Cold season |
Warm season |
cold season |
warm season |
Cold season |
Warm season |
Cold season |
Warm season |
cold season |
warm season |
Cold season |
Warm season |
Parameter |
Parameter - other |
Phytoplankton biomass
Phytoplankton biomass
Phytoplankton biomass
Copepoda biomass
Copepoda biomass
Copepoda biomass
Copepoda biomass
Copepoda biomass
Copepoda biomass
Mesozooplankton biomass
Mesozooplankton biomass
Mesozooplankton biomass
Mesozooplankton biomass
Mesozooplankton biomass
Mesozooplankton biomass
Target value |
950.0 |
800.0 |
3000.0 |
15.0 |
65.0 |
13.0 |
45.0 |
10.0 |
45.0 |
30.0 |
210.0 |
15.0 |
70.0 |
15.0 |
240.0 |
Value achieved - upper |
2940.0 |
7830.0 |
1316.0 |
1059.0 |
128.0 |
366.0 |
162.0 |
367.0 |
599.0 |
1235.0 |
830.0 |
387.0 |
491.0 |
779.0 |
909.0 |
Value achieved - lower |
13.0 |
1.0 |
1.0 |
8.0 |
3.0 |
2.0 |
1.0 |
3.0 |
5.0 |
9.0 |
4.0 |
2.0 |
1.0 |
Value unit |
microgram per litre
microgram per litre
microgram per litre
microgram per litre
microgram per litre
microgram per litre
microgram per litre
microgram per litre
microgram per litre
microgram per litre
microgram per litre
microgram per litre
microgram per litre
microgram per litre
microgram per litre
Value unit - other |
Target status |
Target not yet achieved |
Target achieved |
Target achieved |
Target not yet achieved |
Target achieved |
Target not yet achieved |
Target achieved |
Target not yet achieved |
Target achieved |
Target not yet achieved |
Target achieved |
Target not yet achieved |
Target achieved |
Target not yet achieved |
Assessment period |
2012-2017 |
2012-2017 |
2012-2017 |
2012-2017 |
2012-2017 |
2012-2017 |
2012-2017 |
2012-2017 |
2012-2017 |
2012-2017 |
2012-2017 |
2012-2017 |
2012-2017 |
2012-2017 |
2012-2017 |
Target assessment description |
Percentile 90 was 2940µg/L, higher than 950µg/L
Percentile 90 was 3155µg/L, higher than 800µg/L
Percentile 90 was 1316µg/L, lower than 3000µg/L
77% from samples achieved the threshold value
19% from samples achieved the threshold value
91% from samples achieved the threshold value
31% from samples achieved the threshold value
96% from samples achieved the threshold value
30% from samples achieved the threshold value
77% from samples achieved the threshold value
38% from samples achieved the threshold value
96% from samples achieved the threshold value
41% from samples achieved the threshold value
86% from samples achieved the threshold value
20% from samples achieved the threshold value
Related indicator |
Related measures |