Member State report / Art13 / 2022 / D10 / Sweden / NE Atlantic: Greater North Sea
Report type | Member State report to Commission |
MSFD Article | Art. 13 Programme of measures (and Art. 17 updates) |
Report due | 2022-10-15 |
GES Descriptor | D10 Litter |
Member State | Sweden |
Region/subregion | NE Atlantic: Greater North Sea |
Reported by | Havs- och vattenmyndigheten/Swedish Agency for Marine and Water Management |
Report date | 2022-03-25 |
Report access | 363 |
Marine reporting units |
RegionSubregion |
NEA Greater North Sea |
NEA Greater North Sea |
NEA Greater North Sea |
NEA Greater North Sea |
NEA Greater North Sea |
NEA Greater North Sea |
Baltic Sea; NEA Greater North Sea |
Baltic Sea; NEA Greater North Sea |
Baltic Sea; NEA Greater North Sea |
Baltic Sea; NEA Greater North Sea |
Baltic Sea; NEA Greater North Sea |
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Baltic Sea; NEA Greater North Sea |
Baltic Sea; NEA Greater North Sea |
Baltic Sea; NEA Greater North Sea |
Baltic Sea; NEA Greater North Sea |
Baltic Sea; NEA Greater North Sea |
Baltic Sea; NEA Greater North Sea |
Baltic Sea; NEA Greater North Sea |
Baltic Sea; NEA Greater North Sea |
Baltic Sea; NEA Greater North Sea |
Baltic Sea; NEA Greater North Sea |
Measure code |
SE-M1014 |
SE-M1051 |
SE-M1052 |
SE-M1053 |
SE-M1065 |
SE-M1067 |
SE-M019 |
SE-M020 |
SE-M021 |
SE-M022 |
SE-M023 |
SE-M032 |
SE-M034 |
SE-M042 |
SE-M1008 |
SE-M1011 |
SE-M1012 |
SE-M1037 |
SE-M1041 |
SE-M1042 |
SE-M1043 |
SE-M1044 |
SE-M1045 |
SE-M1046 |
SE-M1047 |
SE-M1048 |
SE-M1049 |
SE-M1050 |
SE-M1056 |
SE-M1059 |
SE-M1061 |
SE-M1062 |
SE-M1064 |
SE-M1066 |
Measure old code |
ANSSE-M045 |
ANSSE-M034; BALSE-M034 |
ANSE-M033; BALSE-M033 |
Measure name |
Fiskeriverkets föreskrifter (2000:1) om svenskt trålfiske efter nordhavsräka i Kattegatt, Skagerrak och Nordsjön.
Swedish National Board of Fisheries regulations (2000:1) on Swedish trawl fishing for North Sea shrimp in the Kattegat, Skagerrak and North Sea.
OSPAR: Regional Action Plan on marine litter in the North-East Atlantic (RAP-ML) measures against marine litter |
OSPAR Recommendation 2016/01 on the reduction of marine litter through the implementation of fishing for litter initiatives |
OSPAR recommendation 2019/01 on reduction of marine litter through implementing sustainability education programmes for fishers |
OSPAR:s miljöstrategi för Nordostatlanten
OSPAR's North East Atlantic Environmental Strategy (NEAES) |
OSPAR Joint Documentation on Coordination of Measures (MSFD) |
ÅPH 19 - Främja en effektiv och hållbar insamling och mottagning av förlorade fiskeredskap samt förebygga förlusten av nya
ÅPH 19 -Promote the efficient and sustainable collection and reception of lost fishing gear and prevent further losses of fishing gear to the marine environment
ÅPH 20 - att i samverkan med Naturvårdsverket ta fram en riktad nationell informationskampanj till allmänhet och konsumenter om vanligt förekommande skräpföremål i den marina miljön, dess negativa påverkan på miljön samt kopplingen till konsumenternas beteende.
ÅPH 20 - Targeted national information campaign about common debris in the marine environment, their negative impact on the environment and the link to consumer behaviour
ÅPH 21 - att stödja initiativ som främjar, organiserar och genomför strandstädning i särskilt drabbade områden.
ÅPH 21 - Supporting initiatives that promote, organise and carry out beach cleaning in badly affected areas
ÅPH 22 - att bedriva strategiskt arbete genom inkludering av marint skräp i relevanta avfallsplaner och program inklusive de kommunala avfallsplanerna, där avfallshanteringens betydelse för uppkomst av marint skräp belyses. Materialströmmar av plast behöver prioriteras och styrmedel utredas i syfte att minska förekomsten av plastföremål som skräp i den marina miljön.
ÅPH 22 - Conducting strategic work through the inclusion of marine debris in relevant waste management plans and programmes
ÅPH 23 - att vid revidering av de kommunala avfallsplanerna identifiera och belysa hur avfallshanteringen kan bidra till att minska uppkomsten av marint skräp samt sätta upp målsättningar för ett sådant arbete.
ÅPH 23 - The revision of the municipal waste management plans needs to identify and illustrate how waste management can help to reduce the occurrence of marine litter and set up goals for such work
ÅPH 32 – Authorities and municipalities working on the programme of measures for the marine environment need to report on the measures implemented.
ÅPH 32 – Authorities and municipalities working on the MSFD Programme of Measures need to report on the measures implemented.
ÅPH 34 -Stärkt tillsyn och förbättrad hantering av redskap inom fritidsfisket
ÅPH 34 - Strengthened enforcement and improved regulation of recreational fishing gears.
ÅPH 42 - Produkt-, material- och märkningsutveckling gällande fiskeredskap
ÅPH 42 - Product, material and marking developments regarding fishing gear
Den gemensamma fiskeripolitiken inklusive dess olika förordningar.
The Common Fisheries Policy, including its various regulations.
Förordningen (1994:1716) om fisket, vattenbruket och fiskerinäringen.
Ordinance (1994:1716) on fisheries, aquaculture and fishing industry.
Fiskeriverkets föreskrifter (FIFS 2004:36) om fiske i Skagerrak, Kattegatt och Östersjön.
Swedish National Board of Fisheries regulations (FIFS 2004:36) on fishing in the Skagerrak, Kattegatt and Baltic Sea.
Lag (1980:424) om åtgärder mot förorening från fartyg (fast avfall). Förordning (1980:789) om åtgärder mot förorening från fartyg.
Act relative to measures against pollution caused by ships (1980:424), Ordinance (1980:789) concerning measures for the prevention of pollution from ships.
Europaparlamentets och rådets direktiv 2008/98/EG av den 19 november 2008 om avfall och om upphävande av vissa direktiv (Text av betydelse för EES).
Directive 2008/98/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 19 November 2008 on waste and repealing certain Directives (Text with EEA relevance). |
Lag (1998:814) med särskilda bestämmelser om gaturenhållning och skyltning (ansvarsfördelning, städning).
Act (1998:814) with special rules concerning street cleaning and signages.
Förordning (2014:1073) om producentansvar för förpackningar.
Ordinance on producer responsibility for packaging (2014:1073).
Europaparlamentets och rådets direktiv (EU) 2019/904 av den 5 juni 2019 om minskning av vissa plastprodukters inverkan på miljön.
Directive (EU) 2019/904 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 5 June 2019 on the reduction of the impact of certain plastic products on the environment. |
Förordningen (2018:58) om bidrag till strandstädning.
Ordinance (2018:58) on grants for beach cleaning.
Förordningen (1994:1236) om producentansvar för däck.
Ordinance on producer responsibility for tires (1994:1236).
Förordning (2016:1041) om plastbärkassar. Lag (2020:32) om skatt på plastbärkassar.
Regulation (2016: 1041) on plastic bags. Law (2020: 32) on tax on plastic bags.
Transportstyrelsens föreskrifter och allmänna råd (TSFS 2010:96) om åtgärder mot förorening från fartyg. Sjöfartsverkets föreskrifter och allmänna råd (SJÖFS 2001:12) om mottagning av avfall från fartyg; Gäller kommersiella sjöfarten och fisket; fast avfall.
Swedish Transport Agency's Regulations and General Advice on Measures against Pollution from Ships (TSFS 2010: 96). Swedish Maritime Administration's regulations and general guidance on the reception of waste from vessels (SJÖFS 2001:12).
Fiskeriverkets föreskrifter (FIFS 1994:14) om märkning och utmärkning av fiskeredskap. Fiskeriverkets föreskrifter (FIFS 2004:25) om resurstillträde och kontroll på fiskets område.
Swedish National Board of Fisheries regulations on the labelling and marking of fishing gears and aquaculture facilities (1994:14). Swedish National Board of Fisheries regulations onaccess to resource and control in the area of fishing.
Jordbruksverkets Havs- och fiskeri- och vattenbruksprogrammet (EHFVF) 2021-2027.
The Swedish Board of Agriculture's national marine and fisheries programme 2021-2027.
Vägledning till kommuner om strategiskt arbete mot nedskräpning .
Guidance to municipalities on strategic work against littering.
Ordinance on Environmental Assessments (2017: 966)
Environmental Assessment Regulation (2017: 966)
National environmental targets.
Miljöbalken (1998:808).
Swedish Environmental Code (1998:808).
HELCOM Baltic Sea Environment Action Plan
HELCOM’s Baltic Sea Action Plan (BSAP)
Helcom Joint documentation
Measure description |
These regulations apply to Swedish trawl fishing for North Sea shrimp in the Kattegat, Skagerrak and North Sea. The regulations apply as a supplement to regulations on fishing in the EU regulations on the common fisheries policy and in the Swedish National Board of Fisheries' regulations (FIFS 1993:30) on fishing in the Kattegat and Skagerrak with adjacent freshwater areas. |
The OSPAR Regional Action Plan (RAP) sets out the policy context for OSPAR’s work on marine litter and describes the various types of actions that OSPAR will work on over the coming years. It also provides a timetable to guide the achievement of these actions. The overall OSPAR Regional Action Plan on Marine litter is implemented through Agreement 2014/1 |
The purpose of Recommendation 2016/01 is to promote the establishment of Fishing for Litter initiatives in fishing harbours of Contracting Parties (CPs) and through this, reduce litter in the marine environment from the fisheries sector and create conditions in the fishing industry to dispose of debris from other sectors. |
The purpose of the Recommendation is to reduce marine litter by promoting Contracting Parties to implement sustainability education programmes for fishers including addressing the social, economic and ecological impacts of marine litter. The ultimate goal is to offer basic sustainability training for all fishers, and, to implement sustainability as a structural element in the education of future fishers in the OSPAR region. This will enable fishers to protect fish stocks and the sea environment for future generations. |
The North-East Atlantic Environment Strategy (NEAES) 2030 was adopted in 2021 by OSPAR Contracting Parties. The strategy is the means by which OSPAR’s 16 Contracting Parties will implement the OSPAR Convention until 2030 and sets out collective objectives to tackle the challenges facing the ocean; The strategic objectives set out OSPAR’s overarching goals on eutrophication, hazardous substances, radioactive substances, marine litter, protection, conservation and restoration of species and habitats, sustainable use of the marine environment, underwater noise, protecting the seabed, and climate change and ocean acidification. The operational objectives set qualitative and quantitative targets to support achievement of the strategic objectives. |
OSPAR developed a Joint Documentation on Coordination of Measures (Marine Strategy Framework Directive) to highlight where there is existing or possible coherence, coordination and cooperation. Thus, the document does not include direct measures. Hence, the response “not known” chosen for the field Measure Purpose. |
The measure is based on the implementation of several components where different actors are involved. The activities with the measure aim to remove and collect lost gears but also to prevent further losses of fishing gears in order to limit input of marine litter.
The measure has been modified since Sweden’s programme of measure 2015. The modification implies that
new activities have been included such as developing a guide for handling applications for uptake initiatives within the Swedish national marine and fisheries programme, but also that targeted information will be provided to commercial and recreational fishing regarding the management of waste on boats in order prevent further losses of fishing gear to the marine environment.
Regional coordination: Both Helcom and Ospar have adopted regional action plans on marine litter, including actions related to this measure. Thus, coordination in implementation will be sought where relevant. |
The measure implies that targeted national information campaigns are produced in collaboration with the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency. The campaigns are e.g. targeting the general public and consumers about common litter objects in the marine environment, its negative impact on the environment and the link to consumer behaviour. |
The Swedish coast, especially the coastline bordering to the North Sea is annually affected by large amounts of litter debris from international sources. Cleaning efforts along the coast are effective and relatively simple and cost-effective measure compared to removing marine litter from the water column or seabed. By supporting initiatives that help individuals or actors to take responsibility for keeping the coast and beaches clean from marine litter, this measure contributes to complying with the environmental target and achieve good environmental status. |
The Swedish Environmental Protection Agency (SEPA) conducts strategic work by including marine litter in relevant waste plans and programs. Moreover, SEPA develops regulatory documents that, among other things, guide the municipalities' waste plans. There is a need to show in both national and municipal plans and programs that there is a link between waste management and marine litter. This is because a dominant part of the waste found in the marine environment comes from land-based sources, thus the impact of waste management on marine waste needs to be highlighted. |
The measure implies that Swedish local municipalities should, when revising the municipal waste plans, identify and shed light on how waste management can contribute to reducing the generation of marine litter and set goals for such work. As the waste plans are revised and updated at different times and at different time intervals in different municipalities, the measure is still under implementation. |
All authorities and municipalities with implementation responsibilities for measures in the Swedish MSFD Programme of Measures, need to annually report on the progress of implementation of measures to the Swedish Agency for Marine and Water Management. The reporting mainly relates to the status of the implementation of the measures (activity follow-up), cost follow-up and if relevant, the effect of the measure.
The measure has been modified since Sweden’s programme of measure 2015. The modification implies that information on reporting process is clarified and includes follow-up dialogues but also that implementation plans are going to be developed under each measure in the Swedish programmes of measure. |
The measure aims to improve regulation of recreational fishing gears through strengthened enforcement and to minimize the risk of loss of passive gear. This is performed through improved marking of gear, which also enables more efficient disposal of lost gear. The measure aims to reduce the input and impact of marine litter, ghost fishing, and improve the status of fish stocks in both the North Sea and the Baltic Sea. |
This measure aims to keep the marine environment as free of marine litter as possible. It aims specifically to promote increased product, material and marking developments regarding fishing gear, in order to prevent lost gear from becoming a contributing source of marine litter, and to contribute to a more circular economy. |
EU's Common Fisheries Policy (CFP), includes various regulations and is the mechanism and set of rules through which European fishing fleets and fish stocks are managed. It applies to all member states and is based on four policy areas: fisheries management, International policy and co-operation, market and trade policy and funding. It gives all European fishing fleets equal access to EU waters to create fair competition. It aims to ensure that European fishing is sustainable, balancing the desire to maximise catches with conserving fish stocks. The CFP largely only cover commercial fishing, consisting of various regulations e.g.:
Council Regulation (EC) No 1224/2009 of 20 November 2009 establishing a Community control system for ensuring compliance with the rules of the common fisheries policy, amending Regulations (EC) No 847/96, (EC) No 2371/2002, (EC) No 811/2004, (EC) No 768/2005, (EC) No 2115/2005, (EC) No 2166/2005, (EC) No 388/2006, (EC) No 509/2007, (EC) No 676/2007, (EC) No 1098/2007, (EC) No 1300/2008, (EC) No 1342/2008 and repealing Regulations (EEC) No 2847/93, (EC) No 1627/94 and (EC) No 1966/2006
Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No 404/2011 of 8 April 2011 laying down detailed rules for the implementation of Council Regulation (EC) No 1224/2009 establishing a Community control system for ensuring compliance with the rules of the Common Fisheries Policy
REGULATION (EU) No 1380/2013 OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 11 December 2013 on the Common Fisheries Policy, amending Council Regulations (EC) No 1954/2003 and (EC) No 1224/2009 and repealing Council Regulations (EC) No 2371/2002 and (EC) No 639/2004 and Council Decision 2004/585/EC
Council Regulation (EC) No 1005/2008 of 29 September 2008 establishing a Community system to prevent, deter and eliminate illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing, amending Regulations (EEC) No 2847/93, (EC) No 1936/2001 and (EC) No 601/2004 and repealing Regulations (EC) No 1093/94 and (EC) No 1447/1999
Regulation (EU) 2016/1139 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 6 July 2016 establishing a multiannual plan for the stocks of cod, herring and sprat in the Baltic Sea and the fisheries exploiting those stocks, amending Council Regulation (EC) No 2187/2005 and repealing Council Regulation (EC) No 1098/2007
Regulation (EU) 2018/973 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 4 July 2018 establishing a multiannual plan for demersal stocks in the North Sea and the fisheries exploiting those stocks, specifying details of the implementation of the landing obligation in the North Sea and repealing Council Regulations (EC) No 676/2007 and (EC) No 1342/2008 |
The ordinance includes e.g. regulations on marking of fishing gear and planting of fish. |
The regulations apply in addition to regulations related to EU common fisheries policy. They apply to both professional and non-professional fishing in the Skagerrak, Kattegat and the Baltic Sea within Sweden's maritime territory as well as Sweden's exclusive economic zone and fishing from Swedish vessels outside the economic zone. The regulations include for exmple measures to reduce the impact of bottom trawling within the Kosterfjord – Väderfjorden's Natura 2000 area (SE 0520170) |
An Act to prohibit the pollution of the marine environment by ships, regulate the discharge of polluted substances by ships, the construction of ships, and other matters for the prevention of pollution. The Act is divided into 11 Chapters: Introductory provisions (1); prohibition of pollution by ships (2); Acceptance of polluted ballast and tank water of ships and other matters (3); Construction of ships (4); Log books and other matters (5); Supervision (6); Particular provisions regarding pollution (7); Water pollution charge (8); Complaints (9); Liability (10); Miscellaneous (11). Section 2 of Chapter 2 concerns discharge of oil in the Swedish territorial sea, the EEZ and the Baltic. Oil shall be discharged in prescribed places (Chapter 3). The ordinance includes more details on these prohibitions, e.g. from ships' anti-fouling system, oil spills, emissions of chemicals and harmful liquid substances in bulk, discharges of harmful liquid substances, receipt of waste from ships. |
The Waste Framework Directive sets the basic concepts and definitions related to waste management, including definitions of waste, recycling and recovery. It also lays down some basic waste management principles. |
The Act states that in streets, squares, parks and other public places, the municipality is responsible for street maintenance and cleaning. In areas where the public can travel freely has been littered, the municipality is obliged to restore the place. |
Ordinance on producer responsibility for packaging stipulates for example that producers must take responsibility for packaging when they become waste. Sweden has statutory producer responsibility in eight areas: packaging, tires, recycled paper, electronics, batteries, pharmaceuticals, vehicles weighing less than 3.5 tonnes and radioactive sources. |
The directive aims to reduce the impact of certain plastic products on the environment. |
Municipalities can apply for grants for beach cleaning in areas where large amounts of marine litter float ashore on sea beaches. |
The purpose of the producer responsibility for tires is to take care of used tires in an environmentally acceptable manner. The Regulation applies, with a few exceptions, to anyone who professionally produces, imports or sells tires. |
This Regulation, made under section 13 of Chapter 15 of the Environmental Code, contains provisions on the obligation of those who provide plastic bags to the public to inform the consumer on such bags and their environmental impact in order to reduce the consumption of such bags and thereby reduce littering and promote more efficient resource utilization. Those who manufacture plastic bags shall report annually to the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency on the annual production of bags intended for the Swedish market. By the law (2020:32) a new tax on plastic bags was introduced in Sweden 2020. Both regulation aims to reduce rubbish (plastic bags) in nature and in the sea. |
These regulations contain provisions on emissions of harmful substances from ships and are in line with the Ordinance (1980: 789) on measures against emissions of pollutants from ships (which in turn is in line with the Act (1980: 424) on measures against emissions of pollutants from ships). |
Regulations which stipulates provisions on labelling and marking of fishing gear and the obligation to report lost fishing gears. |
Support for measures against lost fishing gear such as: collection, reception and recycling of lost fishing gear and communication campaigns. |
Several guidance documents for municipalities' strategic work to reduce littering. Some guidance are intended to support the municipalities' work and to reduce littering, others to spread knowledge about methods, tools and working methods in the field of littering. |
This Regulation concerns environmental impact assessment as prescribed by Chapter 6 of the Environmental Code. A significant environmental impact assessment shall be carried out in accordance with section 3 of the Code. The implementation of plans, programmes or amendments of those may include an activity or measure that requires authorization pursuant to Chapter 7 § 28 of the Code.
It applies to public planning and measures and private sector projects. A plan, programme or amendment indicates the conditions for conducting such activities or taking such measures as are specified in section 6 or the Annex to this Regulation. These include for example: an action programme (according to Chapter 5, Section 8 of the Environmental Code), a waste plan (according to Chapter 15, Section 41 of the Environmental Code), an overview plan (according to the Planning and Building Act 2010: 900), a marine plan according to the Marine Planning Regulation (2015:400), or another plan or program relating to agriculture, forestry, fishing, energy, industry, transport, regional development, waste management, water management, telecommunications, tourism, land-use planning or land use in accordance with Regulation (2018: 2105).
The Regulation sets out the criteria for judging whether an activity shall be subject to an environmental impact procedure by county administrative boards and specifies rules for such procedure (including public consultation). It further elaborates if and how an EIA must be carried out. EIA shall be carried out for projects involving water resources. It also provides for assessment of transboundary effects. |
The environmental quality objectives describe the quality of the environment that Sweden wishes to achieve. There are 16 of objectives covering different areas – from unpolluted air and lakes free from eutrophication and acidification, to functioning forest and farmland ecosystems. For each objective there are a number of 'specifications', clarifying the state of the environment to be attained.
The objectives are: Reduced Climate Impact, Clean Air, Natural Acidification Only, A Non-Toxic Environment, A Protective Ozone Layer, A Safe Radiation Environment, Zero Eutrophication, Flourishing Lakes and Streams, Good-Quality Groundwater, A Balanced Marine Environment, Flourishing Coastal Areas and Archipelagos, Thriving Wetlands, Sustainable Forests, A Varied Agricultural Landscape, A Magnificent Mountain Landscape, A Good Built Environment, A Rich Diversity of Plant and Animal Life. |
The Swedish Environmental Code was adopted in 1998 and entered into force 1 January 1999. The rules contained within 15 acts have been amalgamated in this comprehensive and fundamental code on environment. The Code is divided into seven Parts and each Part is divided into Chapters (33 in total).
Part 1 contains provisions of general character. Chapter 1 defines objectives and area of application of the Code. Chapter 2 defines general environmental obligations and requirements. Chapter 3 contains basic provisions concerning the management of land and water areas, whereas Chapter 4 contains special provisions concerning land and water management in certain areas in Sweden. Chapter 5 concerns the publication of environmental quality standards and compliance with such standards. Chapter 6 concerns environmental impact statements. Part 2 makes provision for the protection of nature. Chapter 7 provides principally for the protection of areas, i.e. designation of national parks, nature reserves, culture reserves, habitat protection areas, wildlife and plant sanctuaries, shore protection areas, environmental protection areas, water protection areas, and special protection areas and special areas of conservation. Chapter 8 contains special provisions concerning the protection of animal and plant species. Part 3 provides rules that apply to certain activities that may harm the environment. Chapter 9 concerns environmentally hazardous activities and health protection. Chapter 10 deals with to land and water areas, buildings and structures that are so polluted that they may cause damage human health or the environment and provides in particular for responsibility for investigation and after-treatment. Chapter 11 contains provisions relating to specified waterworks and other operations regarding water. Chapter 12 contains rules relative to quarries, agriculture and other activities. Provisions of Chapter 13 shall be applicable to contained use and deliberate release of genetically modified organisms. Chapter 14 concerns chemical products and biotechnical organisms and Chapter 15 waste and producer responsibility in respect of waste. Other provisions of the Code concern valuation and assessment of environmental activities in relation with authorization, legal proceedings, court's decisions, etc. (Part 4), supervision (Part 5), offences, penalties and enforcement (Part 6) and compensation in connection with public interventions and permit application procedures relating to water operation etc, compensation for certain kinds of environmental damage and other private claims, environmental damage insurance and environmental clean-up insurance (Part 7). |
The HELCOM Contracting Parties have decided on a joint action plan for the Baltic Sea environment, the Baltic Sea Action Plan (BSAP), adopted in 2007 and updated in 2021. BSAP is HELCOM’s strategic programme of measures and actions for achieving good environmental status of the sea, ultimately leading to a Baltic Sea in a healthy state.
The updated plan includes more theme areas and the objectives for the work have also been updated. The updated BSAP is divided into four segments with specific goals:
-Biodiversity, with its goal of a “Baltic Sea ecosystem is healthy and resilient”,
-Eutrophication, with its goal of a “Baltic Sea unaffected by eutrophication”
-Hazardous substances and litter, with its goal of a “Baltic Sea unaffected by hazardous substances and litter”, and
-Sea-based activities, with its goal of “Environmentally sustainable sea-based activities”. |
The document provides an overview of HELCOM and its contribution to achieving good environmental status in the Baltic Sea Region, e.g. by describing the process and results of the regional coordination of measures and identifies opportunities for improved regional coherence of national measures and for additional joint regional actions. Thus, the document does not include direct measures. Hence, the response “not known” chosen for the field Measure Purpose. |
Update type |
2015 measure that was not reported electronically |
2015 measure that was not reported electronically |
Measure new in 2021 PoM |
Measure new in 2021 PoM |
Measure modified since 2015 PoM |
Measure same as in 2015 PoM |
Measure modified since 2015 PoM |
Measure same as in 2015 PoM |
Measure same as in 2015 PoM |
Measure same as in 2015 PoM |
Measure same as in 2015 PoM |
Measure modified since 2015 PoM |
Measure new in 2021 PoM |
Measure new in 2021 PoM |
Measure same as in 2015 PoM |
2015 measure that was not reported electronically |
2015 measure that was not reported electronically |
2015 measure that was not reported electronically |
2015 measure that was not reported electronically |
2015 measure that was not reported electronically |
2015 measure that was not reported electronically |
Measure new in 2021 PoM |
Measure new in 2021 PoM |
2015 measure that was not reported electronically |
Measure new in 2021 PoM |
2015 measure that was not reported electronically |
2015 measure that was not reported electronically |
2015 measure that was not reported electronically |
2015 measure that was not reported electronically |
2015 measure that was not reported electronically |
Measure same as in 2015 PoM |
Measure same as in 2015 PoM |
Measure modified since 2015 PoM |
Measure same as in 2015 PoM |
Measure category |
Category 1.a |
Category 1.a |
Category 1.a |
Category 1.a |
Category 1.b (non-WFD) |
Category 1.a |
Category 2.b |
Category 2.b |
Category 2.b |
Category 2.b |
Category 2.a |
Category 2.b |
Category 2.b |
Category 2.b |
Category 1.a |
Category 1.a |
Category 1.a |
Category 1.a |
Category 1.a |
Category 1.a |
Category 1.a |
Category 1.a |
Category 1.a |
Category 1.a |
Category 1.a |
Category 1.a |
Category 1.a |
Category 1.a |
Category 1.a |
Category 1.a |
Category 1.a |
Category 1.a |
Category 1.b (non-WFD) |
Category 1.a |
Policy conventions |
Policy national |
Fiskeriverkets föreskrifter (2000:1) om svenskt trålfiske efter nordhavsräka i Kattegatt, Skagerrak och Nordsjön.
Swedish National Board of Fisheries regulations (2000:1) on Swedish trawl fishing for North Sea shrimp in the Kattegat, Skagerrak and North Sea. |
Governmental assignment to the Swedish Agency for Marine and Water Magament to coordinate relevant Swedish authorities' implementation of HELCOM's updated action plan for the Baltic Sea (BSAP) and OSPAR's environmental strategy for the Northeast Atlantic (NEAES). (M2021/01249) |
Förordningen (1994:1716) om fisket, vattenbruket och fiskerinäringen.
Ordinance (1994:1716) on fisheries, aquaculture and fishing industry. |
Fiskeriverkets föreskrifter (FIFS 2004:36) om fiske i Skagerrak, Kattegatt och Östersjön.
Swedish National Board of Fisheries regulations (FIFS 2004:36) on fishing in the Skagerrak, Kattegatt and Baltic Sea. |
Lag (1980:424) om åtgärder mot förorening från fartyg (fast avfall). Förordning (1980:789) om åtgärder mot förorening från fartyg.
Act relative to measures against pollution caused by ships (1980:424), Ordinance (1980:789) concerning measures for the prevention of pollution from ships. |
Avfallsförordning (2020:614). Förordning (2001:512) om deponering av avfall, ställer krav på lokalisering och utformning. Förordning (2005:220) om retursystem för plastflaskor och metallburkar. Miljöbalken (1998:808).
Waste Ordinance (2011:927). Ordinance (2001: 512) on landfilling of waste, places requirements on location and design. Ordinance (2005: 220) on return systems for plastic bottles and metal cans. Swedish Environmental Code (1998:808). |
Lag (1998:814) med särskilda bestämmelser om gaturenhållning och skyltning (ansvarsfördelning, städning).
Act (1998:814) with special rules concerning street cleaning and signages. |
Förordning (2014:1073) om producentansvar för förpackningar.
Ordinance on producer responsibility for packaging (2014:1073). |
New national regulations following the directive includes: Ordinance (2021: 996) on disposable products, Ordinance (2021: 998) on producer responsibility for certain tobacco products and filters, Ordinance (2021: 999) on producer responsibility for balloons, Ordinance (2021: 1001) on producer responsibility for fishing gear, Ordinance (2021: 1002) on litter fees. |
Förordningen (2018:58) om bidrag till strandstädning.
Ordinance (2018:58) on grants for beach cleaning. |
Förordningen (1994:1236) om producentansvar för däck.
Ordinance on producer responsibility for tires (1994:1236). |
The ordinance is based on the European Parliament and Council Directive 94/62/EC of 20 December 1994 on packaging and packaging waste. |
Transportstyrelsens föreskrifter och allmänna råd (TSFS 2010:96) om åtgärder mot förorening från fartyg. Sjöfartsverkets föreskrifter och allmänna råd (SJÖFS 2001:12) om mottagning av avfall från fartyg; Gäller kommersiella sjöfarten och fisket; fast avfall.
Swedish Transport Agency's Regulations and General Advice on Measures against Pollution from Ships (TSFS 2010: 96). Swedish Maritime Administration's regulations and general guidance on the reception of waste from vessels (SJÖFS 2001:12). |
Fiskeriverkets föreskrifter (FIFS 1994:14) om märkning och utmärkning av fiskeredskap. Fiskeriverkets föreskrifter (FIFS 2004:25) om resurstillträde och kontroll på fiskets område.
Swedish National Board of Fisheries regulations on the labelling and marking of fishing gears and aquaculture facilities (1994:14). Swedish National Board of Fisheries regulations onaccess to resource and control in the area of fishing. |
Regulation (EU) 2021/1139 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 7 July 2021 establishing the European Maritime, Fisheries and Aquaculture Fund and amending Regulation (EU) 2017/1004 |
Vägledning till kommuner om strategiskt arbete mot nedskräpning .
Guidance to municipalities on strategic work against littering. |
National environmental targets |
Miljöbalken (1998:808)
Swedish Environmental Code (1998:808) |
Governmental assignment to the Swedish Agency for Marine and Water Magament to coordinate relevant Swedish authorities' implementation of HELCOM's updated action plan for the Baltic Sea (BSAP) and OSPAR's environmental strategy for the Northeast Atlantic (NEAES). (M2021/01249) |
Responsible competent authority |
Swedish Agency for Marine and Water Management |
Swedish Agency for Marine and Water Management |
Swedish Agency for Marine and Water Management |
Swedish Agency for Marine and Water Management |
Swedish Agency for Marine and Water Management |
Swedish Agency for Marine and Water Management |
Swedish Agency for Marine and Water Management |
Swedish Agency for Marine and Water Management |
Responsible organisation |
The Swedish Environmental Protection Agency |
Municipalities |
All responsible organisations (agencies and municipalities) covered by the Programme of Measures are involved in implementing this measure through report on the measures. |
Coordination level |
Regional cooperation countries |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Not needed |
Yes |
Yes |
CEA reference |
Chapter 5 and Annex 4 in the Swedish update of the Programme of Measures according to the Marine Strategy Framework Directive;Background report: Impact assessment of the Programme of Measures for the marine environment 2022-2027 |
Chapter 5 and Annex 4 in the Swedish update of the Programme of Measures according to the Marine Strategy Framework Directive;Background report: Impact assessment of the Programme of Measures for the marine environment 2022-2027 |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Not needed |
Yes |
Yes |
CBA reference |
Chapter 5 and Annex 4 in the Swedish update of the Programme of Measures according to the Marine Strategy Framework Directive;Background report: Impact assessment of the Programme of Measures for the marine environment 2022-2027 |
Chapter 5 and Annex 4 in the Swedish update of the Programme of Measures according to the Marine Strategy Framework Directive;Background report: Impact assessment of the Programme of Measures for the marine environment 2022-2027 |
Financing |
Spatial scope |
Measure purpose |
Directly prevent further inputs of a pressure (e.g. by managing the source activity) |
Directly prevent further inputs of a pressure (e.g. by managing the source activity); Indirectly prevent further inputs of a pressure (e.g. by governance mechanisms, financial incentives, awareness campaigns); Directly reduce existing levels of the pressure in the marine environment (e.g. removal of litter or oil spill clean-up) |
Directly reduce existing levels of the pressure in the marine environment (e.g. removal of litter or oil spill clean-up) |
Indirectly prevent further inputs of a pressure (e.g. by governance mechanisms, financial incentives, awareness campaigns) |
Directly prevent further inputs of a pressure (e.g. by managing the source activity); Directly reduce existing levels of the pressure in the marine environment (e.g. removal of litter or oil spill clean-up); Indirectly prevent further inputs of a pressure (e.g. by governance mechanisms, financial incentives, awareness campaigns); Directly restores a species or habitat(s); Improve knowledge base (e.g. by research or one-off surveys); Establish monitoring programmes (of relevant activities, pressures or impacts); Assess effectiveness of the measures (through assessing changes in state/impact/pressure in the marine environment) |
Not known |
Directly reduce existing levels of the pressure in the marine environment (e.g. removal of litter or oil spill clean-up); Improve knowledge base (e.g. by research or one-off surveys) |
Indirectly prevent further inputs of a pressure (e.g. by governance mechanisms, financial incentives, awareness campaigns) |
Directly reduce existing levels of the pressure in the marine environment (e.g. removal of litter or oil spill clean-up) |
Directly prevent further inputs of a pressure (e.g. by managing the source activity) |
Indirectly prevent further inputs of a pressure (e.g. by governance mechanisms, financial incentives, awareness campaigns) |
Assess effectiveness of the measures (through assessing changes in state/impact/pressure in the marine environment) |
Directly prevent further inputs of a pressure (e.g. by managing the source activity) |
Directly prevent further inputs of a pressure (e.g. by managing the source activity); Indirectly prevent further inputs of a pressure (e.g. by governance mechanisms, financial incentives, awareness campaigns) |
Directly prevent further inputs of a pressure (e.g. by managing the source activity); Improve knowledge base (e.g. by research or one-off surveys); Indirectly prevent further inputs of a pressure (e.g. by governance mechanisms, financial incentives, awareness campaigns) |
Directly prevent further inputs of a pressure (e.g. by managing the source activity) |
Directly prevent further inputs of a pressure (e.g. by managing the source activity) |
Directly prevent further inputs of a pressure (e.g. by managing the source activity) |
Directly prevent further inputs of a pressure (e.g. by managing the source activity); Directly reduce existing levels of the pressure in the marine environment (e.g. removal of litter or oil spill clean-up) |
Directly reduce existing levels of the pressure in the marine environment (e.g. removal of litter or oil spill clean-up) |
Directly prevent further inputs of a pressure (e.g. by managing the source activity); Directly reduce existing levels of the pressure in the marine environment (e.g. removal of litter or oil spill clean-up) |
Directly prevent further inputs of a pressure (e.g. by managing the source activity); Directly reduce existing levels of the pressure in the marine environment (e.g. removal of litter or oil spill clean-up) |
Directly reduce existing levels of the pressure in the marine environment (e.g. removal of litter or oil spill clean-up) |
Directly prevent further inputs of a pressure (e.g. by managing the source activity); Directly reduce existing levels of the pressure in the marine environment (e.g. removal of litter or oil spill clean-up) |
Directly reduce existing levels of the pressure in the marine environment (e.g. removal of litter or oil spill clean-up); Indirectly prevent further inputs of a pressure (e.g. by governance mechanisms, financial incentives, awareness campaigns) |
Directly prevent further inputs of a pressure (e.g. by managing the source activity) |
Directly prevent further inputs of a pressure (e.g. by managing the source activity) |
Directly prevent further inputs of a pressure (e.g. by managing the source activity); Directly reduce existing levels of the pressure in the marine environment (e.g. removal of litter or oil spill clean-up) |
Directly prevent further inputs of a pressure (e.g. by managing the source activity) |
Indirectly prevent further inputs of a pressure (e.g. by governance mechanisms, financial incentives, awareness campaigns) |
Directly prevent further inputs of a pressure (e.g. by managing the source activity); Directly reduce existing levels of the pressure in the marine environment (e.g. removal of litter or oil spill clean-up); Indirectly prevent further inputs of a pressure (e.g. by governance mechanisms, financial incentives, awareness campaigns); Directly restores a species or habitat(s) |
Directly prevent further inputs of a pressure (e.g. by managing the source activity); Directly reduce existing levels of the pressure in the marine environment (e.g. removal of litter or oil spill clean-up); Directly restores a species or habitat(s); Indirectly prevent further inputs of a pressure (e.g. by governance mechanisms, financial incentives, awareness campaigns) |
Directly prevent further inputs of a pressure (e.g. by managing the source activity); Directly reduce existing levels of the pressure in the marine environment (e.g. removal of litter or oil spill clean-up); Indirectly prevent further inputs of a pressure (e.g. by governance mechanisms, financial incentives, awareness campaigns); Directly restores a species or habitat(s); Improve knowledge base (e.g. by research or one-off surveys); Establish monitoring programmes (of relevant activities, pressures or impacts); Assess effectiveness of the measures (through assessing changes in state/impact/pressure in the marine environment) |
Not known |
Pressures |
Relevant KTMs |
Relevant targets |
Related indicator |
GEScomponent |
Feature |
Element |
Temporal scope |
2016-2027 |
2016-9999 |
2016-9999 |
2016-9999 |
2016-2027 |
2016-9999 |
2022-9999 |
2022-9999 |
Implementation status |
Measure implemented |
Measure implemented |
Measure implemented |
Measure implemented |
Implementation started |
Measure implemented |
Implementation started |
Measure ongoing |
Measure ongoing |
Measure ongoing |
Implementation started |
Measure ongoing |
Implementation not started |
Implementation not started |
Measure implemented |
Measure implemented |
Measure implemented |
Measure implemented |
Measure implemented |
Measure implemented |
Measure implemented |
Measure implemented |
Measure implemented |
Measure implemented |
Measure implemented |
Measure implemented |
Measure implemented |
Measure implemented |
Measure implemented |
Measure implemented |
Measure implemented |
Measure implemented |
Implementation started |
Measure implemented |
Implementation delay |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
Implementation reason |
No obstacles to implementation |
No obstacles to implementation |
No obstacles to implementation |
No obstacles to implementation |
No obstacles to implementation |
No obstacles to implementation |
No obstacles to implementation |
No obstacles to implementation |
No obstacles to implementation |
No obstacles to implementation |
Progress description |
Reason description |