Member State report / Art11 / 2014 / D3 / Sweden / Baltic Sea
Report type | Member State report to Commission |
MSFD Article | Art. 11 Monitoring programmes (and Art. 17 updates) |
Report due | 2014-10-15 |
GES Descriptor | D3 Commercial fish and shellfish |
Member State | Sweden |
Region/subregion | Baltic Sea |
Reported by | Swedish Agency for Marine and Water Management |
Report date | 2014-10-31 |
Report access |
Monitoring programme | Monitoring programme name | MP_D3 |
Reference existing programme | |||||||||||
Marine Unit ID | |||||||||||
Q4e - Programme ID | BALSE-COMFISH-D3 |
Q4f - Programme description |
See programme Biologisk mångfald - Kommersiellt nyttjade fiskar och skaldjur (D3), chapter Programmets generella ansats
Q5e - Natural variability |
Q5d - Adequacy for assessment of GES | Q5d - Adequate data | N |
Q5d - Established methods | Y |
Q5d - Adequate understanding of GES | Y |
Q5d - Adequate capacity | Y |
Q5f - Description of programme for GES assessment |
a. See programme Biologisk mångfald - Kommersiellt nyttjade fiskar och skaldjur (D3), chapter Bedömning av tillräcklighet
b. See programme Biologisk mångfald - Kommersiellt nyttjade fiskar och skaldjur (D3), chapter Bedömning av tillräcklighet
c. See programme Biologisk mångfald - Kommersiellt ny...
Q5g - Gap-filling date for GES assessment | By2014 |
After2020 |
Q5h - Plans to implement monitoring for GES assessment |
See programme Biologisk mångfald - Kommersiellt nyttjade fiskar och skaldjur (D3), chapter Slutsatser
Q6a -Relevant targets | Q6a - Environmental target | C.3 C.4 |
Q6a - Associated indicator | |||||||||||
Q6b - Adequacy for assessment of targets | Q6b_SuitableData | Y |
Q6b_EstablishedMethods | Y |
Q6d_AdequateCapacity | Y |
Q6c - Target updating | Y |
Q6d - Description of programme for targets assessment |
See programme Biologisk mångfald - Kommersiellt nyttjade fiskar och skaldjur (D3), chapter Bedömning av tillräcklighet, section Miljökvalitetsnormer
Q6e - Gap-filling date for targets assessment | By2014 |
Q6f - Plans to implement monitoring for targets assessment |
See programme Biologisk mångfald - Kommersiellt nyttjade fiskar och skaldjur (D3), chapter Slutsatser
Q7a - Relevant activities |
Q7b - Description of monitoring of activities |
See programme Biologisk mångfald - Kommersiellt nyttjade fiskar och skaldjur (D3), chapter Programmets generella ansats
Q7c - Relevant measures | |||||||||||
Q7e - Adequacy for assessment of measures | Q7d - Adequate data | ||||||||||
Q7d - Established methods | |||||||||||
Q7d - Adequate understanding of GES | |||||||||||
Q7d - Adequate capacity | |||||||||||
Q7d - Addresses activities and pressures | |||||||||||
Q7d - Addresses effectiveness of measures | |||||||||||
Q7d - Description of monitoring for measures | |||||||||||
Q7f - Gap-filling date for activities and measures | By2014 |
Q8a - Links to existing Monitoring Programmes |
Reference sub-programme | Sub-programme ID | ||||||||||
Sub-programme name | Benthic species - abundance and/or biomass |
Mobile species - abundance and/or biomass |
Mobile species - mortality/injury rates from fisheries (targeted and/or incidental) |
Mobile species - abundance and/or biomass |
Benthic species - abundance and/or biomass |
Mobile species - abundance and/or biomass |
Mobile species - mortality/injury rates from fisheries (targeted and/or incidental) |
Mobile species - abundance and/or biomass |
Q4g - Sub-programmes | Sub-programme ID | ||||||||||
Sub-programme name | Benthic species - abundance and/or biomass |
Mobile species - abundance and/or biomass |
Mobile species - mortality/injury rates from fisheries (targeted and/or incidental) |
Mobile species - abundance and/or biomass |
Benthic species - abundance and/or biomass |
Mobile species - abundance and/or biomass |
Mobile species - mortality/injury rates from fisheries (targeted and/or incidental) |
Mobile species - abundance and/or biomass |
Q4k - Monitoring purpose | |||||||||||
Q4l - Links of monitoring programmes of other Directives and Conventions | |||||||||||
Q5c - Features | Q5c - Habitats | ||||||||||
Q5c - Species list | |||||||||||
Q5c - Physical/Chemical features | |||||||||||
Q5c - Pressures |
Q9a - Elements | |||||||||||
Q5a - GES criteria | Relevant GES criteria |
Q5b - GES indicators | Relevant GES indicators |
Q9b - Parameters monitored (state/impact) | Species distribution | ||||||||||
Species population size | |||||||||||
Species population characteristics | |||||||||||
Species impacts | |||||||||||
Habitat distribution | |||||||||||
Habitat extent | |||||||||||
Habitat condition (physical-chemical) | |||||||||||
Habitat condition (biological) | |||||||||||
Habitat impacts | |||||||||||
Q9b - Parameters monitored (pressures) | Pressure input | ||||||||||
Pressure output | |||||||||||
Q9b - Parameters monitored (activity) | Activity | ||||||||||
Q9b Parameters monitored (other) | Other | ||||||||||
Q41 Spatial scope | |||||||||||
Q4j - Description of spatial scope | |||||||||||
Marine Unit IDs |
Q4h - Temporal scope | Start date- End date | - |
Q9h - Temporal resolution of sampling | |||||||||||
Q9c - Monitoring method | |||||||||||
Q9d - Description of alteration to method | |||||||||||
Q9e - Quality assurance | |||||||||||
Q9f - Quality control | |||||||||||
Q9g - Spatial resolution of sampling | Q9g - Proportion of area covered % | ||||||||||
Q9g - No. of samples | |||||||||||
Q9i - Description of sample representivity | |||||||||||
Q10a - Scale for aggregation of data | |||||||||||
Q10b - Other scale for aggregation of data | |||||||||||
Q10c - Access to monitoring data | Q10c - Data type | ||||||||||
Q10c - Data access mechanism | |||||||||||
Q10c - Data access rights | |||||||||||
Q10c - INSPIRE standard | |||||||||||
Q10c Date data are available | |||||||||||
Q10c - Data update frequency | |||||||||||
Q10d - Description of data access |