Member State report / Art9 / 2018 / D4 / Sweden / Baltic Sea
Report type | Member State report to Commission |
MSFD Article | Art. 9 Determination of GES (and Art. 17 updates) |
Report due | 2018-10-15 |
GES Descriptor | D4 Food webs/D1 Ecosystems |
Member State | Sweden |
Region/subregion | Baltic Sea |
Reported by | Havs- och vattenmyndigheten |
Report date | 2020-07-06 |
Report access | msfd2018-ART9_GES_SE.xml |
GES component |
Marine reporting units |
Features |
GES description |
D4C1 The diversity of the trophic guild (species composition and their relative abundance) is not adversely affected due to anthropogenic pressures. GES: Definition of GES at criteria level is not yet available.
D4C2 The balance of total abundance between the trophic groups is not adversely affected by human stress. Good environmental status: See D4C1
D4C3 The size distribution of individuals across the trophic guild is not adversely affected due to anthropogenic pressures. GES:See under D4C1
D4C4 Productivity in the trophic group is not adversely affected by human stress. Good environmental status: See D4C1 GES: See under D4C1
Determination date |
201812 |
201812 |
201812 |
201812 |
Update type |
Modified from reported determination |
Modified from reported determination |
Modified from reported determination |
Modified from reported determination |
Justification for non-use of criterion |
Justification for delay in setting EU/regional requirements |
Under this criterion, we have used proxies from other descriptors (D1) for the assessement. Both coastal and offshore part of the basins are covered. The reason for using proxies is that the concept of trophic guilds is new, and it has not been possible to establish indicators following the trophic guilds yet. More research and development of indicators is needed.
We do not have a definition of GES at criteria level yet.
The assessments under article 8 are thus semi-quantitative and descriptive for the different species groups and habitats. |
Under this criterion, we have only one fish-indicator for coastal fish and only for The Baltic Sea. The reason is that the concept of trophic guilds is new, and it has not yet been possible to establish indicators following the trophic guilds. More research and development of indicators is needed.
We do not have a definition of GES at criteria level yet.
The assessments under article 8 are mostly qualitative. |
Under this criterion, we have used proxies from other descriptors (D1) for the assessement. In the North Sea only coastal parts of basins are covered and in The Baltic Sea only the offshore parts. The reason for using proxies is that the concept of trophic guilds is new, and it has not been possible to establish indicators following the trophic guilds yet. More research and development of indicators is needed.
We do not have a definition of GES at criteria level yet.
The assessments under article 8 are thus semi-quantitative and descriptive for the different species groups and habitats. |
Under this criterion, we have used proxies from other descriptors (D1) for the assessement. Both coastal and offshore part of the basins are covered. The reason for using proxies is that the concept of trophic guilds is new, and it has not been possible to establish indicators following the trophic guilds yet. More research and development of indicators is needed.
We do not have a definition of GES at criteria level yet.
The assessments under article 8 are thus semi-quantitative and descriptive only for Mammals. |