Member State report / Art13 / 2022 / D7 / Sweden / Baltic Sea
Report type | Member State report to Commission |
MSFD Article | Art. 13 Programme of measures (and Art. 17 updates) |
Report due | 2022-10-15 |
GES Descriptor | D7 Hydrographical changes |
Member State | Sweden |
Region/subregion | Baltic Sea |
Reported by | Havs- och vattenmyndigheten/Swedish Agency for Marine and Water Management |
Report date | 2022-03-25 |
Report access | 363 |
Marine reporting units |
RegionSubregion |
Baltic Sea; NEA Greater North Sea |
Measure code |
SE-M013 |
SE-M032 |
SE-M1021 |
SE-M1024 |
SE-M1059 |
SE-M1061 |
SE-M1062 |
SE-M1063 |
SE-M1064 |
SE-M1066 |
Measure old code |
ANSE-M035; BALSE-M035 |
ANSE-M036; BALSE-M036 |
ANSSE-M034; BALSE-M034 |
ANSE-M033; BALSE-M033 |
ANSE-M036; BALSE-M036 |
Measure name |
ÅPH 13 - att ta fram vägledning kring hur förändrade hydrografiska förhållanden påverkar biologisk mångfald och ekosystem
ÅPH 13 - provide guidance on how changes in hydrographic conditions affect biodiversity and ecosystems
ÅPH 32 – Authorities and municipalities working on the programme of measures for the marine environment need to report on the measures implemented.
ÅPH 32 – Authorities and municipalities working on the MSFD Programme of Measures need to report on the measures implemented.
Havsplaneringsförordning (2015:400)
Marine Planning Ordinance (2015:400)
Plan- och bygglagen (2010:900)
Planning and building act (2010:900) |
Ordinance on Environmental Assessments (2017: 966)
Environmental Assessment Regulation (2017: 966)
National environmental targets.
Miljöbalken (1998:808).
Swedish Environmental Code (1998:808). |
Europaparlamentets och rådets direktiv 2000/60/EG av den 23 oktober 2000 om upprättande av en ram för gemenskapens åtgärder på vattenpolitikens område.
Directive 2000/60/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 October 2000 establishing a framework for Community action in the field of water policy.
HELCOM Baltic Sea Environment Action Plan
HELCOM’s Baltic Sea Action Plan (BSAP)
Helcom Joint documentation
Measure description |
The purpose of the measure is to provide guidance on how changes in hydrographic conditions affect biodiversity and ecosystems, this will contributes to a better basis for decision-making when examining activities or large scale projects that may lead to large-scale hydrographic effects. Today, there is little guidance on how the hydrographic impact of activities / projects should be described in an environmental impact statement (EIA). A good description enables an assessment of the impact and reduces the risk of permits being granted to activities that may give rise to large-scale hydrographic impacts that may affect e.g. biodiversity and ecosystems negatively.
An interim guidance have been produced, but since there is deemed to be more potential to the measure, the work go continues to also develop a more rigorous guidance. The measure is therefore not yet fully implemented. |
All authorities and municipalities with implementation responsibilities for measures in the Swedish MSFD Programme of Measures, need to annually report on the progress of implementation of measures to the Swedish Agency for Marine and Water Management. The reporting mainly relates to the status of the implementation of the measures (activity follow-up), cost follow-up and if relevant, the effect of the measure.
The measure has been modified since Sweden’s programme of measure 2015. The modification implies that information on reporting process is clarified and includes follow-up dialogues but also that implementation plans are going to be developed under each measure in the Swedish programmes of measure. |
National implementation of EU's Maritime Spatial Planning Directive. The Ordinance made under section 10 of Chapter 4 of the Swedish Environmental Code, concerns sea plans. Sea plans shall be prepared for specified areas and a proposal for a plan shall contain 1. a map that accounts a) the basic features of the use of the sea area; b) the areas within the marine area that are of national interest according to Chapter 3 of the Environmental Code, and c) other general interests of major importance; and 2. a plan description that should a) indicate the direction of use of the marine area; b) state and describe the areas within the marine area that are of national interest according to Chapter 3 of the Environmental Code c) account for other general interests of significant importance, the current use of the marine area and the planning conditions in general that the plan takes into account, d) account for the considerations underlying the plan; e) indicate how issues of incompatible purposes should be resolved, and f) clearly present the meaning and consequences of the use of the marine area according to the plan.
The plans have been prepared by the Swedish Agency for Marine and Water Management in collaboration with specified public bodies. In its work on proposals for sea plans, the Agency shall apply an ecosystem approach. The plans were adopted by the Swedish Government in February 2022. |
This Act contains provisions on the planning of land, water and construction. The purpose of these provisions is to promote community development and sustainable living environment. The Act regulates urban and rural landscape planning in municipalities, safeguarding cultural sites, management of energy, water, climate, waste, transport and hygiene conditions. Land Reserve and public places: zoning municipalities may determine land reserves allocated for road (traffic and transport) and energy (network and cabling) activities. It may also revoke coastlines by implementing provisions set by the Environmental Code and Environmental Act. |
This Regulation concerns environmental impact assessment as prescribed by Chapter 6 of the Environmental Code. A significant environmental impact assessment shall be carried out in accordance with section 3 of the Code. The implementation of plans, programmes or amendments of those may include an activity or measure that requires authorization pursuant to Chapter 7 § 28 of the Code.
It applies to public planning and measures and private sector projects. A plan, programme or amendment indicates the conditions for conducting such activities or taking such measures as are specified in section 6 or the Annex to this Regulation. These include for example: an action programme (according to Chapter 5, Section 8 of the Environmental Code), a waste plan (according to Chapter 15, Section 41 of the Environmental Code), an overview plan (according to the Planning and Building Act 2010: 900), a marine plan according to the Marine Planning Regulation (2015:400), or another plan or program relating to agriculture, forestry, fishing, energy, industry, transport, regional development, waste management, water management, telecommunications, tourism, land-use planning or land use in accordance with Regulation (2018: 2105).
The Regulation sets out the criteria for judging whether an activity shall be subject to an environmental impact procedure by county administrative boards and specifies rules for such procedure (including public consultation). It further elaborates if and how an EIA must be carried out. EIA shall be carried out for projects involving water resources. It also provides for assessment of transboundary effects. |
The environmental quality objectives describe the quality of the environment that Sweden wishes to achieve. There are 16 of objectives covering different areas – from unpolluted air and lakes free from eutrophication and acidification, to functioning forest and farmland ecosystems. For each objective there are a number of 'specifications', clarifying the state of the environment to be attained.
The objectives are: Reduced Climate Impact, Clean Air, Natural Acidification Only, A Non-Toxic Environment, A Protective Ozone Layer, A Safe Radiation Environment, Zero Eutrophication, Flourishing Lakes and Streams, Good-Quality Groundwater, A Balanced Marine Environment, Flourishing Coastal Areas and Archipelagos, Thriving Wetlands, Sustainable Forests, A Varied Agricultural Landscape, A Magnificent Mountain Landscape, A Good Built Environment, A Rich Diversity of Plant and Animal Life. |
The Swedish Environmental Code was adopted in 1998 and entered into force 1 January 1999. The rules contained within 15 acts have been amalgamated in this comprehensive and fundamental code on environment. The Code is divided into seven Parts and each Part is divided into Chapters (33 in total).
Part 1 contains provisions of general character. Chapter 1 defines objectives and area of application of the Code. Chapter 2 defines general environmental obligations and requirements. Chapter 3 contains basic provisions concerning the management of land and water areas, whereas Chapter 4 contains special provisions concerning land and water management in certain areas in Sweden. Chapter 5 concerns the publication of environmental quality standards and compliance with such standards. Chapter 6 concerns environmental impact statements. Part 2 makes provision for the protection of nature. Chapter 7 provides principally for the protection of areas, i.e. designation of national parks, nature reserves, culture reserves, habitat protection areas, wildlife and plant sanctuaries, shore protection areas, environmental protection areas, water protection areas, and special protection areas and special areas of conservation. Chapter 8 contains special provisions concerning the protection of animal and plant species. Part 3 provides rules that apply to certain activities that may harm the environment. Chapter 9 concerns environmentally hazardous activities and health protection. Chapter 10 deals with to land and water areas, buildings and structures that are so polluted that they may cause damage human health or the environment and provides in particular for responsibility for investigation and after-treatment. Chapter 11 contains provisions relating to specified waterworks and other operations regarding water. Chapter 12 contains rules relative to quarries, agriculture and other activities. Provisions of Chapter 13 shall be applicable to contained use and deliberate release of genetically modified organisms. Chapter 14 concerns chemical products and biotechnical organisms and Chapter 15 waste and producer responsibility in respect of waste. Other provisions of the Code concern valuation and assessment of environmental activities in relation with authorization, legal proceedings, court's decisions, etc. (Part 4), supervision (Part 5), offences, penalties and enforcement (Part 6) and compensation in connection with public interventions and permit application procedures relating to water operation etc, compensation for certain kinds of environmental damage and other private claims, environmental damage insurance and environmental clean-up insurance (Part 7). |
The Water Framework Directive (WFD) sets out rules to halt deterioration in the status of European Union (EU) water bodies and achieve ‘good status’ for Europe’s rivers, lakes and groundwater by 2015. It specifically includes: protecting all forms of water (surface, ground, inland and transitional); restoring the ecosystems in and around these bodies of water; reducing pollution in water bodies; guaranteeing sustainable water usage by individuals and businesses. The WFD addresses many land-based preassures and activities that also affect the marine environment.
Related are also OSPAR recommendations 89/4 and 92/7 but as the purpose of these recommendations have been addressed by the Nitrates Directive, the Waste Framework Directive and the Water Framework Directive, the recommendations have currently been set-aside. |
The HELCOM Contracting Parties have decided on a joint action plan for the Baltic Sea environment, the Baltic Sea Action Plan (BSAP), adopted in 2007 and updated in 2021. BSAP is HELCOM’s strategic programme of measures and actions for achieving good environmental status of the sea, ultimately leading to a Baltic Sea in a healthy state.
The updated plan includes more theme areas and the objectives for the work have also been updated. The updated BSAP is divided into four segments with specific goals:
-Biodiversity, with its goal of a “Baltic Sea ecosystem is healthy and resilient”,
-Eutrophication, with its goal of a “Baltic Sea unaffected by eutrophication”
-Hazardous substances and litter, with its goal of a “Baltic Sea unaffected by hazardous substances and litter”, and
-Sea-based activities, with its goal of “Environmentally sustainable sea-based activities”. |
The document provides an overview of HELCOM and its contribution to achieving good environmental status in the Baltic Sea Region, e.g. by describing the process and results of the regional coordination of measures and identifies opportunities for improved regional coherence of national measures and for additional joint regional actions. Thus, the document does not include direct measures. Hence, the response “not known” chosen for the field Measure Purpose. |
Update type |
Measure same as in 2015 PoM |
Measure modified since 2015 PoM |
Measure same as in 2015 PoM |
Measure same as in 2015 PoM |
2015 measure that was not reported electronically |
Measure same as in 2015 PoM |
Measure same as in 2015 PoM |
Measure same as in 2015 PoM |
Measure modified since 2015 PoM |
Measure same as in 2015 PoM |
Measure category |
Category 2.b |
Category 2.b |
Category 1.a |
Category 1.a |
Category 1.a |
Category 1.a |
Category 1.a |
Category 1.a |
Category 1.b (non-WFD) |
Category 1.a |
Policy conventions |
Policy national |
Plan- och bygglagen (2010:900)
Planning and building act (2010:900) |
National environmental targets |
Miljöbalken (1998:808)
Swedish Environmental Code (1998:808) |
Vattenförvaltningsförordningen 2004:660 med tillhörande föreskrifter och vägledningar
Water Management Regulation 2004: 660 |
Governmental assignment to the Swedish Agency for Marine and Water Magament to coordinate relevant Swedish authorities' implementation of HELCOM's updated action plan for the Baltic Sea (BSAP) and OSPAR's environmental strategy for the Northeast Atlantic (NEAES). (M2021/01249) |
Responsible competent authority |
Swedish Agency for Marine and Water Management |
Swedish Agency for Marine and Water Management |
Responsible organisation |
All responsible organisations (agencies and municipalities) covered by the Programme of Measures are involved in implementing this measure through report on the measures. |
Coordination level |
Regional cooperation countries |
Yes |
Not needed |
CEA reference |
Yes |
Not needed |
CBA reference |
Financing |
Spatial scope |
Measure purpose |
Directly prevent further inputs of a pressure (e.g. by managing the source activity); Improve knowledge base (e.g. by research or one-off surveys) |
Assess effectiveness of the measures (through assessing changes in state/impact/pressure in the marine environment) |
Directly prevent further inputs of a pressure (e.g. by managing the source activity) |
Directly prevent further inputs of a pressure (e.g. by managing the source activity) |
Indirectly prevent further inputs of a pressure (e.g. by governance mechanisms, financial incentives, awareness campaigns) |
Directly prevent further inputs of a pressure (e.g. by managing the source activity); Directly reduce existing levels of the pressure in the marine environment (e.g. removal of litter or oil spill clean-up); Indirectly prevent further inputs of a pressure (e.g. by governance mechanisms, financial incentives, awareness campaigns); Directly restores a species or habitat(s) |
Directly prevent further inputs of a pressure (e.g. by managing the source activity); Directly reduce existing levels of the pressure in the marine environment (e.g. removal of litter or oil spill clean-up); Directly restores a species or habitat(s); Indirectly prevent further inputs of a pressure (e.g. by governance mechanisms, financial incentives, awareness campaigns) |
Assess effectiveness of the measures (through assessing changes in state/impact/pressure in the marine environment); Directly prevent further inputs of a pressure (e.g. by managing the source activity); Directly reduce existing levels of the pressure in the marine environment (e.g. removal of litter or oil spill clean-up); Indirectly prevent further inputs of a pressure (e.g. by governance mechanisms, financial incentives, awareness campaigns); Directly restores a species or habitat(s); Establish monitoring programmes (of relevant activities, pressures or impacts) |
Directly prevent further inputs of a pressure (e.g. by managing the source activity); Directly reduce existing levels of the pressure in the marine environment (e.g. removal of litter or oil spill clean-up); Indirectly prevent further inputs of a pressure (e.g. by governance mechanisms, financial incentives, awareness campaigns); Directly restores a species or habitat(s); Improve knowledge base (e.g. by research or one-off surveys); Establish monitoring programmes (of relevant activities, pressures or impacts); Assess effectiveness of the measures (through assessing changes in state/impact/pressure in the marine environment) |
Not known |
Pressures |
Relevant KTMs |
Relevant targets |
Related indicator |
GEScomponent |
Feature |
Element |
Temporal scope |
2016-2027 |
2016-9999 |
Implementation status |
Implementation started |
Measure ongoing |
Measure implemented |
Measure implemented |
Measure implemented |
Measure implemented |
Measure implemented |
Measure implemented |
Implementation started |
Measure implemented |
Implementation delay |
0 |
0 |
0 |
Implementation reason |
No obstacles to implementation |
No obstacles to implementation |
No obstacles to implementation |
Progress description |
Reason description |