Member State report / Art14 / 2022 / D8 / Sweden / Baltic Sea

Report type Member State report to Commission
MSFD Article Art. 14 Exceptions (and Art. 17 updates)
Report due 2022-10-15
GES Descriptor D8 Contaminants
Member State Sweden
Region/subregion Baltic Sea
Reported by Havs- och vattenmyndigheten/Swedish Agency for Water and Marine Management
Report date 2022-03-25
Report access 363

Marine reporting units
  • ANS-SE-SR-Nordsjon
  • BAL-SE-RG-Ostersjon
  • ANS-SE-SR-Nordsjon
  • BAL-SE-RG-Ostersjon
  • ANS-SE-SR-Nordsjon
  • BAL-SE-AA-BG_Egentliga_Ostersjon
  • BAL-SE-AA-BG_Egentliga_Ostersjon
  • BAL-SE-AA-BG_Egentliga_Ostersjon
Region subregion
Baltic Sea; NEA Greater North Sea
Baltic Sea; NEA Greater North Sea
Baltic Sea; NEA Greater North Sea
Baltic Sea
Baltic Sea
Exception code
Exception old code
Exception name
U 7a. Undantag från att nå god miljöstatus för farliga ämnen, Bromerade difenyletrar (PBDE). E 07a. Exception from achieving good environmental status for hazardous substances, brominated diphenylethers.
U 7b. Undantag från att nå god miljöstatus för farliga ämnen, kvicksilver och kvicksilverföreningar. E 07b. Exception from achieving good environmental status for hazardous substances, Mercury and its compounds.
U 7c. Undantag från att nå god miljöstatus för farliga ämnen, tributyltenn (TBT). E 07c. Exception from achieving good environmental status hazardous substances.
U 7d. Undantag från att nå god miljöstatus för farliga ämnen, kadmium och kadmiumföreningar. E07d. Exception from achieving good environmental status for hazardous substances, Cadmium and its compounds.
U 7e. Undantag från att nå god miljöstatus för farliga ämnen, dioxin och dioxinlika föreningar. E 07e. Exception from achieving good environmental status for hazardous substances, Dioxins and dioxin-like compounds.
Exception type
Art. 14(1)(e)
Art. 14(1)(e)
Art. 14(1)(e)
Art. 14(1)(e)
Art. 14(1)(e)
Exception reason
GES achieved
Relevant pressures
  • Contaminants - UPBT substances
  • Input of other substances (e.g. synthetic substances, non-synthetic substances, radionuclides) - diffuse sources, point sources, atmospheric deposition, acute events
  • Contaminants - UPBT substances
  • Input of other substances (e.g. synthetic substances, non-synthetic substances, radionuclides) - diffuse sources, point sources, atmospheric deposition, acute events
  • Contaminants - UPBT substances
  • Input of other substances (e.g. synthetic substances, non-synthetic substances, radionuclides) - diffuse sources, point sources, atmospheric deposition, acute events
  • Contaminants - non UPBT substances
  • Input of other substances (e.g. synthetic substances, non-synthetic substances, radionuclides) - diffuse sources, point sources, atmospheric deposition, acute events
  • Contaminants - non UPBT substances
  • Input of other substances (e.g. synthetic substances, non-synthetic substances, radionuclides) - diffuse sources, point sources, atmospheric deposition, acute events
Relevant targets
GES component
  • D8
  • D8C1 Contaminants in environment (8.1, 8.1.1)
  • D8
  • D8C1 Contaminants in environment (8.1, 8.1.1)
  • D8
  • D8C1 Contaminants in environment (8.1, 8.1.1)
  • D8
  • D8C1 Contaminants in environment (8.1, 8.1.1)
  • D8
  • D8C1 Contaminants in environment (8.1, 8.1.1)
Relevant features
  • Contaminants - UPBT substances
  • Contaminants - UPBT substances
  • Contaminants - in seafood
  • Contaminants - UPBT substances
  • PrevEnvAdvEffectsSppHab
  • Contaminants - in seafood
  • Contaminants - non UPBT substances
  • Contaminants - in seafood
  • Contaminants - non UPBT substances
Justification description
Derogations for PBDE are applied in the North Sea and the Baltic Sea. Exemptions for hazardous substances were already provided for in the first action programme in 2015, but can now be further specified with regard to specific substances that do not meet their threshold values. Derogations are mainly justified by the fact that natural conditions do not allow for rapid improvement (Section 29 (4) of the Marine Environment Ordinance), but it is also relevant to take into account that Sweden is not itself responsible for all the measures that would need to be taken (Section 29 (1) of the Marine Environment Ordinance). In water management, there are also exemptions for a number of hazardous substances in the form of deadlines and less stringent requirements. PBDE: The substances are used as flame retardants and it has been decided to cease the production and use of some of them. The main source of emissions today is leakage from products in use and insufficient refuse handling. These are mainly land-based sources and are therefore not addressed in marine environmental management. Long-range atmospheric transport needs to be addressed through international work. In water management, the distribution of PBDE has been considered to be such that there is no technical basis for implementing measures, which means that even if concentrations are reduced, it is considered difficult to meet the thresholds in the foreseeable future. Exceptions for Brominated diphenylethers (congener numbers 28, 47, 99, 100, 153 and 154) apply in the Swedish part of Greater North Sea and the Baltic Sea. Exceptions for hazardous substances were provided for in the first programme of measures in 2015, but can now be specified further for specific substances that do not meet their temporary values. Exceptions are mainly justified by the fact that natural conditions do not allow for an early improvement (Article 14 (1) (e)) but is also relevant to take into account that Sweden is not responsible for all the measures that would need to be taken (Article 14 (1) (a)). These are also exceptions within the implementation of the Water Framework Directive for a number of hazardous substances in terms of time limits and less stringent objectives. PBDE: The substances are used as flame retardants and it has been reported to disconnect the production and use of some of the substances. The main source of emissions today is leakage from IN-USE products and insufficiently waste disposal. These are mainly Land-based sources and not addressed in the implementation of MSFD. Long Range atmospheric dispersion needs to be addressed through international work. Within the implementation of the Water Framework Directive, the dissemination of PBDEs has been considered to be satisfied that there is no technical Prerequisite for implementing measures, which means that even if concentrations are reduced, it is considered to meet the threats in a possible future.
Exemptions for mercury and mercury compounds are applied in the North Sea and the Baltic Sea. Exemptions for hazardous substances were already provided for in the first action programme in 2015, but can now be further specified with regard to specific substances that do not meet their threshold values. Derogations are mainly justified by the fact that natural conditions do not allow for rapid improvement (Section 29 (4) of the Marine Environment Ordinance), but it is also relevant to take into account that Sweden is not itself responsible for all the measures that would need to be taken (Section 29 (1) of the Marine Environment Ordinance). In water management, there are also exemptions for a number of hazardous substances in the form of deadlines and less stringent requirements. Mercury: Mercury is a naturally occurring metal historically used in many applications. Nowadays it is the combustion of fossil fuels that is the main source and its spread can be very long-range through the atmosphere. Mercury can also be leached out of the soil depending on land use and may also be introduced into the sea by waterways. Apart from long-distance transport, where sources need to be addressed through international work, land-based sources cannot be addressed in marine environmental management. In water management, the spread of mercury has been deemed to be such that there is no technical basis for implementing measures, which means that even if concentrations are reduced, it is considered difficult to meet the threshold values in the foreseeable future. Exceptions for mercury and its comments applying the Swedish party of Greater North Sea and the Baltic Sea. Exceptions for hazardous substances were provided for in the first programme of measures in 2015, but can now be specified further for specific substances that do not meet their temporary values. Exceptions are mainly justified by the fact that natural conditions do not allow for an early improvement (Article 14 (1) (e)) but is also relevant to take into account that Sweden is not responsible for all the measures that would need to be taken (Article 14 (1) (a)). These are also exceptions within the implementation of the Water Framework Directive for a number of hazardous substances in terms of time limits and less stringent objectives. Mercury: Mercury is a naturally rising metal that has historically been used in many applications. Today, the combination of fossil fuels is the main source and the dispersion can be very Long-Range through the atmosphere. Mercury can also be led out of the soil depending on the land use and is Transported to the sea via watercourses. In addition to the long-distance transports where sources need to be addressed through international work, Land-based sources not addressed in the implementation of MSFD. Within the implementation of the Water Framework Directive, the spread of mercury has been appointed to be satisfied that there is no technical Prerequisite for implementing measures, which means that even if concentrations are reduced, it is considered appropriate to meet the occasional values in the foreseeable future.
Undantag för TBT tillämpas i Västerhavet och Egentliga Östersjön Undantag för farliga ämnen gjordes redan i det första åtgärdsprogrammet 2015, men kan nu preciseras ytterligare med avseende på specifika ämnen som inte klarar sina tröskelvärden. Undantag motiveras främst av att naturliga förhållanden inte tillåter en snar förbättring (29 § 4 havsmiljöförordningen), men det är även relevant att ta hänsyn till att Sverige inte själv ansvarar för alla de åtgärder som skulle behöva vidtas (29 § 1 havsmiljöförordningen). Inom vattenförvaltningen förekommer också undantag när det gäller ett antal farliga ämnen dels i form av tidsfrist, dels som mindre strängt krav. TBT: Det är förbjudet att använda färg som innehåller TBT på båtskrov och även förbjudet att ha gammal färg på skrovet . Utöver att avlägsna gammal färg från skrovet kan, enligt AFS-förordningen, läckage förhindras med en s.k. spärrfärg. Effektiviteten hos spärrfärger är dock oklar. Trots förbudet finns det indikationer på att det fortfarande läcker TBT från skroven och därmed finns det fortfarande en tillförsel av TBT till havsmiljön. På grund av användning innan förbudet förekommer det också rester av TBT i förorenade områden (mark och sediment) som riskerar att spridas till vattenmiljön och som kan ha en stor påverkan lokalt. Ett arbete med denna tillförsel pågår inom ramen för åtgärderna 16 och 17 i det första åtgärdsprogrammet, samt inom ramen för regeringsuppdraget om förorenade sediment. Då TBT är en mycket långlivad förening är det svårt att avgöra när värdena kommer att ligga stabilt under tröskelvärden. Exceptions for tributyltin compounds (TBT) apply the Swedish part of Greater North Sea and the Baltic Sea. Exceptions for hazardous substances were already provided for in the first programme of measures in 2015, but can now be further specified for specific substances that do not meet their threshold values. Exceptions are mainly justified by the fact that natural conditions do not allow for an early improvement (Article 14(1)(e)) but it is also relevant to take into account that Sweden is not itself responsible for all the measures that would need to be taken (Article 14(1)(a)). There are also exceptions within the implementation of the Water Framework Directive for a number of hazardous substances in terms of time limits and less stringent objectives. TBT: It is prohibited to use paints containing TBT on boat hulls and also to have an old hull colour. In addition to removing old paint from the hull, according to the regulation on the prohibition of organotin compounds on ships, leakage can be prevented with a coating that forms a barrier. However, the effectiveness of such a barrier is unclear. Despite the ban, there are indications that TBT is still leaking from the hulls and therefore there is still a supply of TBT to the marine environment. Due to use before the ban, there are also residues of TBT in contaminated areas (land and sediment) that are at risk of spreading to the aquatic environment and which can have a significant impact locally. Work on this supply is under way under Measures 16 and 17 of the First Programme of Mesasures, as well as in the framework of the government mission on contaminated sediments. Since TBT is a very long-lived compound, it is difficult to determine when the values will remain stable below thresholds.
Exemptions apply to cadmium in the Baltic Proper. Exemptions for hazardous substances were already provided for in the first action programme in 2015, but can now be further specified with regard to specific substances that do not meet their threshold values. Derogations are mainly justified by the fact that natural conditions do not allow for rapid improvement (Section 29 (4) of the Marine Environment Ordinance), but it is also relevant to take into account that Sweden is not itself responsible for all the measures that would need to be taken (Section 29 (1) of the Marine Environment Ordinance). In water management, there are also exemptions for a number of hazardous substances in the form of deadlines and less stringent requirements. Cadmium: Cadmium is a naturally occurring metal historically used in industry and still used in batteries. Today, spreading takes place via the atmosphere, for example through the combustion of fossil fuels and via waterways through the use of chemical fertilisers containing cadmium. The largest input is from land-based sources and cannot be addressed in marine environmental management. Exceptions for cadmium and its inputs applicable in the Baltic Sea. Exceptions for hazardous substances were provided for in the first programme of measures in 2015, but can now be specified further for specific substances that do not meet their temporary values. Exceptions are mainly justified by the fact that natural conditions do not allow for an early improvement (Article 14 (1) (e)) but is also relevant to take into account that Sweden is not responsible for all the measures that would need to be taken (Article 14 (1) (a)). These are also exceptions within the implementation of the Water Framework Directive for a number of hazardous substances in terms of time limits and less stringent objectives. Cadmium: Cadmium is a naturally rising metal that has historically had different industrial uses and is still used in batteries. Today, Spreading through the atmosphere takes place through the combination of fossil fuels and via watercourses through the use of chemical fertilisers containing cadmium. The larger supply from Land-based sources not addressed in the implementation of MSFD but within the implementation of the Water Framework Directive.
Derogations apply to dioxins and dioxin-like compounds in the Baltic Proper. Exemptions for hazardous substances were already provided for in the first action programme in 2015, but can now be further specified with regard to specific substances that do not meet their threshold values. Derogations are mainly justified by the fact that natural conditions do not allow for rapid improvement (Section 29 (4) of the Marine Environment Ordinance), but it is also relevant to take into account that Sweden is not itself responsible for all the measures that would need to be taken (Section 29 (1) of the Marine Environment Ordinance). In water management, there are also exemptions for a number of hazardous substances in the form of deadlines and less stringent requirements. Dioxins and dioxin-like compounds: Dioxins are formed accidentally during the combustion of certain materials and in certain industrial processes including chlorine. PCBs have been produced as an industrial chemical for various purposes. Much of today’s input is via emissions to air from land-based sources, of which long-distance transport needs to be addressed through international work, and therefore cannot be addressed in the context of marine environmental management. Dioxins and dioxin-like compounds may also be present in and likely to spread from contaminated sites, such as fibre banks. Dissemination can take place through a variety of processes, such as physical disturbance, slides, or gas exits. ÅPH 16 is part of the continued national work needed to build knowledge and improve the management of contaminated sediments. Although there is a slow decrease in concentrations in biological material, no reductions in atmospheric inputs are observed and it is therefore difficult to determine when the values will remain stable below threshold values. Exceptions for dioxins and dioxin-like compounds (7 PCDDs  10 PCDFs  12 PCB-DLs) apply in the Swedish part of Greater North Sea and the Baltic Sea. Exceptions for hazardous substances were provided for in the first programme of measures in 2015, but can now be specified further for specific substances that do not meet their temporary values. Exceptions are mainly justified by the fact that natural conditions do not allow for an early improvement (Article 14 (1) (e)) but is also relevant to take into account that Sweden is not responsible for all the measures that would need to be taken (Article 14 (1) (a)). These are also exceptions within the implementation of the Water Framework Directive for a number of hazardous substances in terms of time limits and less stringent objectives. Dioxins and dioxin-like compositions: Dioxins are Unformed Unintentionally in the Incineration of certain materials and in certain industrial processes including chlorine. PCBs have been produced as an industrial chemical for variable purposes. A large party of today’s input is via emissions to air from Land-based sources, of which Long-Range transport needs to be addressed with international work, and is not addressed in the context of MSFD. Dioxins and dioxin-like composals may also occupate in and risk Spreading from affected areas, such as historical fibre banks. Dispersal can occupur through a variety of processes, such as physical Disturbance, slides, or gas evacuation. ÅPH 16 is part of the continuous national work required for knowledge building and for improving the management of contaminated sediments. Lifetime is a slow decrease in concentrations in biological materials, there are no reductions in atmospheric input and it is needed to determine when values will be stable below absolute values.
Spatial scope geographic zones
Coastal waters (WFD); EEZ (or similar)
Coastal waters (WFD); EEZ (or similar)
Coastal waters (WFD); EEZ (or similar)
Coastal waters (WFD); EEZ (or similar)
Coastal waters (WFD); EEZ (or similar)
Measures ad hoc
Further information
Section 4.7.5 in the Summary report
Section 4.7.5 in the Summary report
Section 4.7.5 in the Summary report
Section 4.7.5 in the Summary report
Section 4.7.5 in the Summary report